QPix Systems - Labmate (Asia)
QPix Systems - Labmate (Asia)
QPix Systems An industry standard for microbial colony picking www.moleculardevices.com/genetix Genetix Now part of Molecular Devices Setting an industry standard Although an essential step in many different workflows, picking microbial colonies can be a time-consuming, errorprone task. Genetix systems replace tedious manual processes with proven, objective and accurate solutions. Imaging Genetix colony pickers are used worldwide with over 600 installations in research institutes, sequencing facilities, biotech and pharmaceutical companies. Ensure high level performance at any scale • High speed operation • Objective image analysis • Accurate colony picking Analysis Shorten timelines – increase productivity • Plate and spread samples • Accurately pick up to 30000 colonies/day • Cherry-pick wells of interest after off-line analysis • Replicate or re-array plates Picking Eliminate unnecessary work and expense downstream • Ensure clonality and high viability • Eliminate risk of double picks, blank wells, cross-contamination and manual picking errors • Track plates, wells and clone location 02 Dedicated solutions tailored to workload and applications QPExpression: The greatest flexibility in multi-application laboratories – fully automated from plating to picking. • Plates and spreads samples into bioassay QTrays • Images and picks up to 30000 microbial colonies per day • Cherry-picks selected clones after off-line analysis QPix2 XT: Ideal for clone management, including library screening • Images and picks up to 30000 microbial colonies per day • Cherry-picks selected clones after off-line analysis • Sets up screening assays on filters or agar 03 The essentials of accurate colony picking Since QPExpression offers the greatest flexibility in choice of application and experimental design, the system is used here to illustrate the many details that combine to ensure peak performance in colony picking. Destination plate when picking Transformation/ sample source plate for spreading 96 pipette tips for plating onto QTrays 48-sectored bioassay QTrays From plating to picking Plates and spreads samples evenly (QPExpression only) Overnight incubation 04 Images Normal view Imaged view nate Elimsik of ri over carry Pin sterilization process suitable for any organisms -proven through years of use in high throughput sequencing centers. Track identity of sample plates, wells and picked clones via bar-code reader Ensure adequate transfer of material using organism-specific pin heads Analyzes objectively – identifies and classifies colonies based on size, shape, color and proximity to neighbors Picks accurately - high precision robotics pick only single colonies User selection Pick Too small Select predefined number of colonies per region for picking Too close to neighbor 05 Reliably supporting a wide range of applications QPEx press ion Protein engineering, protein evolution, directed or enzyme evolution – shorten timelines Protein expression, transformation and sub-cloning management – maintain clonal integrity • Objectively identify colonies according to pre-defined • Automatically plate up to 96 transformations every criteria, facilitating selection of the best colonies • Control colony destination to optimize downstream processing • Accurately cherry-pick selected colonies and array into wells for screening assays 30min. • Automate and manage cloning and expression steps -P ick colonies into 96-well plates, duplicate as required - Accurately cherry-pick for further screening QPExpression ensures controlled management throughout screening and selection of large, diverse populations. • Improve handling efficiency e.g. only one manual pipette step after ligation set-up Successful screening and selection, requires maintenance of clonal integrity and minimal errors when handling serial reaction steps, multiple clones and Petri dishes over a multi-day workflow. ion press QPEx or XT QPix2 Phage display - increase productivity and efficiency • High capacity for larger screens • High flexibility in experimental design • Single colonies obtained by plating enriched library selections • Array on to filters for hybridization (QPix2 XT only) QPix solutions are recommended by library providers such as MorphoSys. They form an integral part of antibody fragment discovery programs of pharmaceutical suppliers. 06 ion press QPEx or XT QPix2 DNA sequencing –increase productivity and reliability, facilitate colony retrieval • Eliminate risk of manual errors and DNA carryover • Track from sequence to well, • Check ambiguous sequences (match picker log data with sequencer output) • Track deep well plates used for colony outgrowth prior to sequencing. Used by major sequencing centers in the Human Genome Project. Today QPix solutions isolate clones derived from poor quality, degraded DNA, small nuclear-encoded regulatory RNA and for disease mapping. Clone Management –cost-effective DNA library generation and management QPix2 XT • Cherry-pick selected clones with high accuracy Unique gridding module of QPix2 XT arrays picked colonies onto filters for hybridization/screening. Extra stacker capacity for destination plates facilitates high throughput demands. - Eliminate risk of double sequences or no growth • Pick single colonies from sectored plates into deep well plates for DNA isolation and mammalian cell transfection • Create duplicate libraries and generate sub-libraries to maintain clone viability and remove redundancy • Replicate master libraries into working libraries • Screen and identify 10 positive clones in a library of 100,000 clones using sufficient probe to cover only 4 filters • Array up to 25000 duplicates on a single filter for hybridization QPix2 XT is the solution of choice when creating BAC and DNA libraries, especially when providing an efficient alternative to time-consuming, errorprone library screening techniques. 07 Unrivalled solutions based on excellent imaging and intelligent image analysis Products from Molecular Devices offer scientists unrivalled solutions that utilize imaging and intelligent image analysis to support basic research, pharmaceutical and biotherapeutic development. The company’s systems continue to establish industry standards in areas such as picking microbial colonies for genomic studies or screening and selection of mammalian cell lines. Other systems use imaging platforms to monitor cell growth, evaluate cellular responses and quantify protein production. Through its expertise in robotics, cell and molecular biology, image analysis and interpretation, supported by a strong IP portfolio, the company is committed to the continual development of innovative solutions for life science applications. For more information, visit www.moleculardevices.com/genetix Imaging Software Dedicated software pre-installed on high specification PC, Microsoft®Windows® XP (Professional SP2) White light imaging Trans-illumination Tracking 1 x barcode reader for tracking of source and destination plates Instrumentation Containment Optional Class 100-type HEPA filtration Source plate for sampling and spreading 1 x 96 well plate (QPExpression only) Destination plate when spreading 2 x 22 cm QTrays (QPExpression only) Picking destination plate type Various, 96 or 384 well, including deep well Picking source plate type/capacity 2 x 15 cm Petri Dish; 10 x 9 cm Petri Dishes; 4 x OmniTrays; 2 x 22 cm bioassay QTrays Destination plate capacity QPix2 XT: up to 210 low profile plates, 70 per stacker lane, maximum 3 stacker lanes QPExpression: up to 140 low profile plates, 70 per stacker lane, maximum 2 stacker lanes Picking head Fully pneumatic, 96 pin picking head. Interchangeable heads for other applications Picking pin size Range of organism-specific pins Picking capacity 30000 colonies per day Wash bath 3 x Static wash baths Picking system fluids Bath 1: 1% bleach; Bath 2: dH20; Bath 3: ethanol Pin drying Proprietary halogen pin drying station Gridding kit (optional) QPix2 XT: capacity 6 x 22 cm membranes. QPExpression: not available Plate replication (optional) Software license and additional head Re-arraying (optional) Software license and additional head Instrument dimensions 2850 mm (width incl. monitor arm x 730 (depth) x 2050 mm (height) Instrument weight 411.5 kg (including table and compressor) Compressor Compressor unit Clean, oil-free compressor with sub-micron filtration Weight: Min. operating pressure: Min. operating volume 60 kg: 6 bar: 80 L/min Regulatory approval CE marked Also available:QPix2 - a basic, low throughput system Source plate capacity 1 x 15 cm Petri Dish; 5 x 9 cm Petri Dishes; 2 x OmniTrays; 1 x 22 cm QTrays Destination plate capacity up to 15 plates Tracking optional hand-held; bar-code reader Other optional functions Gridding kit, plate replication, re-arraying For a listing of trademark owners, visit www.moleculardevices.com/genetix www.moleculardevices.com/genetix 08LBL1062.A1 ClonePix, CloneSelect, CellReporter are trademarks of Molecular Devices (New Milton) Ltd. All third party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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