QPix 400 systems
QPix 400 systems
QPix 400 systems Unmatched performance and productivity from microbial colony pickers with Now ence esc Fluor ging Ima www.moleculardevices.com / genetix Genetix Now part of Molecular Devices QPix 400 systems - more than just colony pickers The QPix 400 series of microbial colony pickers offer scientists far more than just accurate picking. As hundreds to thousands of colonies are processed per day, significant advances in hardware and software ensure that the right colonies are picked every time. Samples are tracked from spreading to picking, replicating and re-arraying while the option to track fluorescent markers provides objective, quantitative information to facilitate colony selection. Destination plate when picking Stackers for destination plates Bar-code reader Agar height sensor Picking tool Transformation / source plate (1 x 96 wells) Applicationdriven software 96 pipette tips for spreading onto QTrays 48-sectored bioassay QTrays QPix 460 offers greatest flexibility in application and experimental design Now FLUORESCENCE offers unique information for colony selection when combined with white light pre-screening NEW! Multiple fluorescent filters ensures compatibility with a wide range of fluorescent cloning vectors and enables QPix 400 systems to reveal unique information about individual colonies when studying, for example, protein folding, enzyme evolution and protein localization, to look for transformation markers or when screening for mutations. Fluorescent imaging is available as an option on all systems. Raw image shows differences in expression (fluorescence) levels 02 Processed image of an entire plate in a bioassay QTray highlights fluorescent colonies Meeting application and workload requirements The QPix 400 series have been developed from proven, world-class QPix robotics used in major sequencing centers throughout the Human Genome Project. Routine applications such as phage display experiments and synthetic biology are readily supported with a QPix 400 system. From spreading to picking Fully automate sampling and spreading (from a 96-well source plate into bioassay QTrays) to grow colonies prior to imaging and picking, makes the QPix 460 the most flexible option in the QPix 400 range. Choose a QPix 460 system for applications such as protein engineering, protein evolution, directed or enzyme evolution, protein expression, transformation and sub-clone management. QPix 460 prepares up to 48 samples per QTray for overnight incubation From imaging to picking Capacity for a greater number of destination plates makes the QPix 450 well-suited for applications such as enzyme evolution, clone management, library screening and biofuel development. “QPix 450 outclasses rival systems, handling fluorescent picking with an unrivalled level of ease and accuracy.” Marc McCarthy, High Throughput Robotics Specialist, Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, University College Cork, Ireland 03 Pick the right colony every time – eliminate unnecessary work downstream Unmatched performance ensures data quality, clonality and high viability. Advanced imaging and analysis, together with precisely-controlled robotics, eliminate the risk of double picks or blank wells, manual picking errors and cross-contamination, to ensure that the right colony is picked every time. Image analysis software identifies individual colonies in white light Colonies selected according to user-defined parameters: compactness, axis ratio, size and proximity White light Yellow: Selected colonies Red: Non-selected colonies Optional pre-screening provides unique information to identify the best colonies NEW! White light Colonies selected according to user-defined parameters: compactness, axis ratio, size, proximity and fluorescent level Fluorescence Pre-defined number of colonies selected per region for picking Yellow: Colonies to be picked based on selection criteria Green: Desired number of colonies met Red: Desired number of colonies not met 04 Colonies picked with a typical efficiency >98% a A W ith a sensor to detect agar height, high precision robotics pick single colonies gently and accurately b B O rganism-specific pin heads ensure adequate transfer of material c C A proven pin sterilization process is suitable for any organism and specialist sequencing d D A bar-code reader tracks sample plates, wells and picked clones Entire samples history tracked Source Data Colony Data Destination data Process and Receptacle Annotation An entire history from sample spreading (QPix 460 only) to picking, replication and re-arraying is tracked. Important samples can be tagged to enhance visibility of history and location and sample-specific data added. 05 Eliminate labor-intensive screening and picking in many different applications Fast track development of constructs or target proteins during protein expression All colonies detected in white light Colonies expressing required level of target protein identified in fluorescent channel Selected colonies ready for picking • Pre-screen to pick the right colonies • Identify colonies that fluoresce at specific intensities of interest • Automate and track entire workflow from spreading of transformed cells (QPix 460 only) to colony picking Confidently select candidate clones in synthetic biology • Automatically image and select clones of engineered micro-organisms • Pick with high accuracy • Track all experimental data White light imaging of an entire plate Efficiently screen phage display libraries to identify antibody candidates • Automatically select and pick Bind Amplify in E. coli Wash Elute Phage display cycle 06 phage-containing E. coli colonies Select colonies for analysis NEW! Efficiently manage large, diverse populations Use application-specific software modules to replicate, grid and re-array Cherry-pick wells of interest into new plates Replicate plates 1 2 3 4 Identical replicates (96 or 384 well) Compression (4 x 96 into 1 x 384) Expansion (1 x 384 into 4 x 96) Imaging Camera (white light only system) CCD Camera. Image resolution: 22 pixels / mm. Field of view: 62 x 46 mm Camera (white light and fluorescence system) CCD Camera. Image resolution 22 pixels / mm. Field of view: 32 x 24 mm White light imaging Trans-illumination. Fluorescent imaging (optional) Epi fluorescence illumination. Four standard wavelengths included: Ex / Em: 377 / 447 nm for DAPI / Hoechst Ex / Em: 457 / 536 nm for FITC / GFP / CFP Ex / Em: 520 / 624 nm for Cy3 / Texas Red Ex / Em: 628 / 692 nm for Cy5 Colony statistics Colonies selectable based on size, proximity, roundness. Selection performed on whole tray image. Tracking 1 x barcode reader for tracking of source and destination plates. Data tracked through all applications for plates with same I.D. Instrumentation Spreading capability (QPix 460 only) Sampling & spreading source plate: 1 x 96-well. Aspiration volume 10 -130 µL. Destination plate: 2 x 22 cm 48 region QTrays. Samples spread from pre-set or customizable pattern Destination plate capacity QPix 450: Up to 210 low profile plates, 70 per stacker lane, maximum 3 stackers QPix 460: Up to 140 low profile plates, 70 per stacker lane, maximum 2 stackers Source plate capacity Without manual intervention: 2 x 15 cm Petri dish; 10 x 9 cm Petri Dishes; 4 x OmniTrays; 2 x 22 cm QTrays Picking destination plate type Various, 96 or 384 well, including deep well Picking height Integrated ultrasonic agar height sensor to set agar height per plate for accurate picking Picking head Fully pneumatic, 96 pin picking head. Interchangeable heads for other applications Picking pin size Range of organism-specific pins Picking capacity 3000 colonies per hour in white light, 2000 colonies per hour in fluorescent light Fluorescent picking Colonies images in white light for location identification and fluorescence for data analysis. WL and FL image multiplexed Fluorescence data Multiple parameters available e.g. interior mean. Fluorescent intensity recorded for picked colonies Wash bath 3 x Static wash baths Pin drying Proprietary halogen pin drying station Plate replication (optional) Software license and additional head Re-arraying (optional) Software license and additional head Dimensions 2200 mm (width, excluding monitor arm) x 800 mm (depth) x 2140 mm (height on table) Contact your local Molecular Devices representative to discuss your exact requirements. 07 About Molecular Devices Molecular Devices is one of the world’s leading providers of high-performance bioanalytical measurement systems, software and consumables for life science research, pharmaceutical and biotherapeutic development. Included within a broad product portfolio are platforms for highthroughput screening, genomic and cellular analysis, colony selection and microplate detection.These leading-edge products enable scientists to improve productivity and effectiveness, ultimately accelerating research and the discovery of new therapeutics. Molecular Devices is committed to the continual development of innovative solutions for life science applications. The Company is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices around the globe. For more information about the complete product portfolio, visit www.moleculardevices.com / genetix ClonePix, CloneSelect, CellReporter are trademarks of Molecular Devices (New Milton) Ltd. All third party trademarks are the property of their respective owners. www.moleculardevices.com / genetix 08LBL1062.A2 For a listing of trademark owners, visit www.moleculardevices.com / genetix
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