Because somebody has to do it - Safety Employees Benefit
Because somebody has to do it - Safety Employees Benefit
S &S tar Celebrating 63 Years of Service April, 2010 hield The Official Publication of the Safety Employees’ Benefit Association Because somebody has to do it ... SAFETY EMPLOYEES’ BENEFIT ASSOCIATION 735 E. Carnegie Dr., Suite 125 San Bernardino, CA 92408 (909) 885-6074 • (800) 655-7322 FAX (909) 383-6600 • Office open Mon.-Fri., 7:30am - 5:30pm EXECUTIVE BOARD OF DIRECTORS William Abernathie, Jr., President (909) 885-6074; E-mail: [email protected] Ken Lutz, Vice-President (760) 947-1500; E-mail: [email protected] Kristen Riegel, Secretary (909) 386-8401 Colin McKenzie, Treasurer (909) 578-4423 STAFF Michael Eagleson, Chief of Labor Relations E-mail: [email protected] Nancy Tate, Senior Field Representative E-mail: [email protected] Mary Blanco, Senior Field Representative E-mail: [email protected] Ellen Monsalve, Executive Assistant E-mail: [email protected] Mary Hahn, Membership Secretary II E-mail: [email protected] Ruth Perez, Administrative Secretary II E-mail: [email protected] Esther Aguilar, Membership Secretary I E-mail: [email protected] Michael Tulisiak, Events/Fundraising Director E-mail: [email protected] STATION Directors Adelanto Detention Center...Richard Hagen Apple Valley...Marie Spain Aviation...Mike Ells Barstow...VACANT Big Bear...Joe Cottrell CDC...Phyllis Hudgins Central Station...Dean Swan Chino Hills...Ray Hilfer Colorado River...Darryl Weart Coroner...Andy Avery Ct Svcs Desert...Glenn Bonde Ct Svcs East...Jeri Caperton Ct Svcs West...Amy Kennedy D.A. Desert...Andrew Scott Taylor D.A. Valley...Paul Amicone GHRC...Thomas Czobakowski Hesperia...Ray Santa Cruz Highland...Laren Leichliter Morongo...Jeff Joling Narcotics...Henry Valencia Probation Corrections...William Forrester Probation Corrections WVJH...Ernestine McKinney Probation Corrections HDJDAC...Michael Minix Probation Supervisor...Stuart Osborne Rancho Cucamonga...VACANT Retired...Ken Gopperton Specialized Fire Services...Peter Saavedra Specialized Detectives...Roxanne Logan Specialized Enforcement...James Mahan Transportation..Marvin Morton Twin Peaks...Tracy Klinkhart Victor Valley...Kevin Jaquez Victorville...Robert Johnston Welfare Fraud...Kendall Taylor West Foothill...Charles Nichols WVDC...Wade Jackson Yucaipa...Vacant 2 SEBA Star&Shield Inside President’s Message.................................................3 Chief of labor negotiations corner.....................4 Field Representative assignments........................4 Labor relations.........................................................6-8 SEBA board minutes..................................................10 Promotions and transfers.....................................14 Retirements................................................................15 Welcome new members............................................15 Military matters.......................................................16 Fore the cops and kids.............................................17 Medical Emergency leave........................................18 Ticket prices...............................................................19 Memorials...................................................................20 Association financials.............................................22 know your legislator..............................................22-23 About the Cover: San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Detective Lance Stuart, Bomb Technician, is aiming a “PAN Disruptor,” a remotely fired gun, at the power source of an IED to render the device safe. Calendar APRIL Easter Sunday 4 Wednesday SEBA Board Meeting – Noon 7 Tuesday, Wednesday PORAC Symposium Palm Desert 13, 14 Thursday 15 • Inland Chapter PORAC Mtg., 6 p.m., Castaways, San Bernardino • Footprinter’s Meeting, Noon, Shandin Hills Restaurant Wednesday Administrative Professionals Day 21 The Star and Shield is the official publication of the Safety Employees’ Benefit Association published under the supervision of its Board of Directors. Opinions expressed by writers do not necessarily reflect those of SEBA or any members of the Board of Directors. The presence of paid advertising in this publication does not represent a guarantee, express or implied, by the Association, regarding the merchants or service providers advertising herein. Subscriptions for non-members are $6.00 per year. Entered as third class bulk mail, postage paid San Bernardino, CA usps 529. SEBA Mission Statement SEBA is dedicated to protect and promote the well-being and image of its members in the areas of: Collective bargaining; Protection of member rights; Political action to promote the goals of the Association; Services of benefit to the member; and Community involvement. President’s message Budget/Negotiation Talks By William Abernathie I am sure you are all aware the County has been experiencing significant financial difficulties due to the downturn in the economy. Things have not improved over the last few months and the original deficit figure of $80 million has grown to $90 million. This increase in the deficit is due in a large part to continued decline in County revenue sources from Sales Tax, Property Tax, Public Safety Sales Tax (Prop. 172), and Realignment Revenues. San Bernardino County is no different than many of the surrounding counties or cities facing similar or in some cases more severe budgetary problems. There does not appear to be any relief in the foreseeable future for the budget concerns to turn around and head into a more positive direction. What does all of this mean to the working employees of the County? As you recall, most bargaining group members voted to defer pay raises for the 2009-10 fiscal year. There have been no discussions about deferring upcoming pay raises, but I am sure this is something the County would like all groups to consider to help offset the budget deficit. In the two meetings your negotiating team has had with the County, they have shown costs associated with pay raises and other benefits over the course of the 2010-11 fiscal year for each of our five bargaining groups. We have asked the County to come back with some type of figure they believe is needed from our groups to help reduce the deficit and stabilize the budget. I have declined to make any offer to the County without having the appropriate information to formulate a fair and equitable response to their proposal. With that said, as you know the final decision about whether we do or do not assist the County in any way with this budget deficit rests solely on a full membership vote of each of our bargaining groups. I have scheduled meetings with the new CAO, Greg Devereaux and the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Gary Ovitt on April 5th. I will send out a SEBA FLASH and post what information I can about these two meetings on our website since our magazine will have just gone to print. Our next negotiations meeting is scheduled for April 13th. Again, I will provide an update if there is any new information to provide. Federal Healthcare Bill Congressional leaders of our country passed new legislation changing many aspects of how healthcare is administered. There were multiple bills that were passed to come up with the reform they were looking for. More than 2,000 pages were in the final versions and I am not sure if any of them actually read all of the pages associated with the bills. I am not going to go into detail about the legislation, but I have provided a link on our website that will give you a basic summary of some of the more critical components of the bill. Additional analysis is being conducted to determine additional repercussions from the passing of this legislation. Website Update At the urging of a SEBA member, I have reviewed our website and found we can do better in providing upto-date information to the membership via the website. SEBA staff members are in the process of researching new and improved ideas in the formatting of the site which will include additional information about upcoming contract negotiations, member benefits, past SEBA FLASH faxes, and a whole host of other important topics. We have already made some additions, which include the summary of the healthcare bill, a SEBA FLASH link, and updates on the current status of negotiations regarding the County budget deficit. Stay tuned for more information and visit us at And as always, last but not least, “Stay safe out there.” SEBA LEGAL DEFENSE FUND INCREASE NOTICE Effective pay period 8/10, the Legal Defense Fund (LDF) dues will increase by $0.38 to $13.87 per pay period for all Active members and Associate members with LDF. This increase is per the LDF Trustees raising their rates. Star&Shield 3 SEBA Chief of President’s Labor Relations message Corner SEBA Prevails in West FIELD REPRESENTATIVE ASSIGNMENTS Valley Grievance By Michael Eagleson O n March 22nd, SEBA received the Arbitrator’s award regarding the grievance filed dealing with the implementation of a reduction of staffing levels at West Valley Detention Center. The facts of the case are as follows. In the Fall of 2007 SEBA discovered that the Sheriff’s Department implemented a reduction in the staffing levels of Deputy Sheriffs in Units 7,8,13, and 14 at West Valley Detention Center. SEBA believed that the reduction in staffing created an officer safety issue. These units house approximately 300 inmates each. Inmates housed in these units include individuals charged or convicted of violent crimes, as well as inmates with gang affiliations. In the Fall of 2007 the staffing level was unilaterally reduced to one deputy for each unit with a rover deputy split among the two units. It was undisputed that prior to the Fall of 2007, it was a long standing practice for at least five (5) years, that two deputies would be assigned to each unit. Once SEBA became aware of the reduction in staffing, a grievance was filed requesting to have the Department cease and desist the practice and bring the staffing levels back to the level of two deputies per unit. Initially this case went to arbitration on June 2, 2008 conducted by arbitrator Howard Black. At this arbitration a settlement was reached between SEBA and the County wherein the County agreed to restore the staffing levels until such time the parties met and conferred over impact of the matter. SEBA met and conferred as well as mediated the matter with the County in July of 2008, however were unable to reach an agreement. Therefore in accordance with the Employee Relations Ordinance, SEBA requested to have the matter go to arbitration. The hearing was held on October 8, 2009 before arbitrator Mark Burstein. In his award, Mr. Burstein recommended the Department not move forward with the proposed changes in staffing unless and until adequate safeguards are established to better ensure the safety of the Deputies assigned to those units. Additionally, he recommended that SEBA and the County meet to identify the potential safety concerns that need attention, and reduce to writing the safeguards necessary for the Deputies assigned to those units. Please see Grievance, p. 5 4 SEBA Star&Shield Your Association has instituted a procedure of dividing up representation based upon your duty station. Should the need arise for representation, or if you have any questions regarding your MOU or any other issues, please call the Association office at (909) 885-6074 or (800) 655-7322 and ask for your Field Representative listed below. Please note: If you have a legal emergency after hours or on weekends, call the Association office and you will be connected with our answering service. They will contact the on-call Field Representative immediately. Mike Eagleson Apple Valley Fire Big Bear Fire Supervisors MARY BLANCO Adelanto Detention Center Adelanto Apple Valley Barstow Chino Hills Communications – Desert Coroner Court Services – Victorville Court Services – Rancho District Attorney Hesperia PCO – HJDAC PCO – West Valley Rancho Cucamonga Victor Valley Victorville NANCY TATE Academy Aviation Big Bear Central Station CDC Colorado River/Needles Communications – Valley Court Services – Central Court Services – Redlands GHRC Highland IRNET Morongo Narcotics PCO – Central Specialized Detectives Specialized Enforcement Specialized Fire Services Transportation Twin Peaks Welfare Fraud West Foothill WVDC Yucaipa Grievance Get Pain off Your Specialized Fire Services Classification Appeal Held With SEBA’s New Chiropractic Benefit Continued from p. 4 BACK On March 24th a hearing was held before arbitrator Edna Francis regarding the creation of the new position of Environmental Specialist IV, Hazardous Materials Response Team, within the San Bernardino County Fire Protection District. SEBA brought forth the argument that the new classification specifically diminished the prevailing minimum qualifications of Hazardous Materials Specialist by eliminating the requirement of certification as a Registered Environmental Health Specialist with the State of California. This lowering of standards jeopardizes the health and safety of workers assigned to the Hazardous Materials Response Team, as well as compromises the safety of the general public. After Ms. Francis receives the briefs from the parties, she has thirty (30) days to provide her decision. I must state that this decision is only advisory. SEBA Available to active members only Now you have direct access to chiropractic care from more than 3,400 chiropractors throughout California. Visit for our online directory. Your chiropractic benefit is provided through American Specialty Health Plans of California, Inc. (ASH Plans). Questions? Call ASH Plans Member Services: 1.800.678.9133, (Monday-Friday, 5 a.m.-6 p.m.) Or contact SEBA: 909.885.6074, 800.655.7322, CA-XXXA Sheriff Rod Hoops… He’s One of Us In 1978 Sheriff Hoops started as a rookie Deputy Sheriff. During the ensuing thirty years he worked the jail and spent five years as a patrol deputy at the west end station in Ontario. He has promoted through the ranks as a detective, sergeant, lieutenant, captain/police chief of Rancho Cucamonga, and Assistant Sheriff. The Board of supervisors appointed him Sheriff for one simple reason... he’s qualified. Sheriff Rod Hoops 31-year veteran of the Sheriff’s department “I am honored that SEBA has endorsed my campaign for Sheriff. From my days as a rookie deputy, I have always respected SEBA and the work you do for law enforcement and the community. I hope we can build upon an already strong relationship in the future.” – Sheriff Rod Hoops ELECT SHERIFF ROD HOOPS • DEDICATED • LAW ENFORCEMENT’S CHOICE Paid for by Committee to Elect Rod Hoops San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner 2010 P.O. Box 1239 • San Bernardino, CA 92402-1239 • ID#1317829 Star&Shield 5 SEBA Labor Relations Probationary Employee Rights By Nancy Tate S ome people believe that if you are on probation, you have no right to SEBA representation. That is completely false. The Peace Officers’ Procedural Bill of Rights (POBR) gives you the same rights as everyone else. Whether you are on probation or you are an old timer, you have the right to SEBA representation for discipline and grievances. If you are the subject of an investigation or a party to a potential grievance, you can always call SEBA for representation. If you just aren’t sure, call us and we will advise you on what your options may be. Now remember, if you are on probation your department does not have to investigate or discipline you, they can terminate you at any time. Individuals terminated during their probationary period for not meeting expected standards have no entitlement to a hearing under Section 3304(b) of the POBR or the Due Process Clause. Individuals terminated during their probationary period for misconduct, that you deny, are entitled to a “Liberty Interest” hearing under the Due Process Clause. The purpose of a “Liberty Interest” hearing is to give you an opportunity to establish a formal record of the circumstances surrounding your termination. Each department shall have their own rules and procedures for how this hearing shall be conducted. In case you are unaware of your probationary period, below is the language as written in the separate MOU’s. The probationary period for positions in the Safety Unit is 2080 hours. The probationary period for positions in the Safety Management and Supervisory Unit is 1600 hours. The probationary period will be automatically extended for each hour during which the employee is on leave without pay, including absences while receiving disability payments, or on military We are pleased to offer Aflac’s supplemental insurance plans to all SEBA members at group rates. All benefits from Aflac are paid directly to you, separate and independent of any other medical or disability insurance you may have in place. Coverage is guaranteed renewable for life, and fully portable. Our Aflac Agent will be at the SEBA nd office every 2 Wednesday of the month from 11:00am to 1:00pm For more information please call our Aflac agent Debbie Sumpter (909) 213-7452 OR call the Aflac local Customer Service Office (888) 712-3522 (Aflac benefits are available to all active, retired and reserve members to age 64) 6 SEBA Star&Shield Labor Relations leave. In situations where the employee is on continuous paid sick leave or is using annual leave in lieu of paid sick leave for eighty (80) or more consecutive hours, or on modified duty for occupational or nonoccupational reasons, the probationary period may be extended at the discretion of the appointing authority. Such extension is in addition to the fifteen (15) pay period extension allowed by the Personnel Rules. The probationary period for positions in the Specialized Peace Officer Unit and Specialized Peace Officer Supervisory Unit is 1600 hours. The probationary period will be extended automatically for each hour during which the employee is on military leave or is on leave without pay. In situations where the employee is on modified duty or is continuously absent for eighty (80) or more consecutive hours because of occupational or non-occupational injury or illness, the probationary period may be extended at the discretion of the appointing authority. Such extension is in addition to the fifteen (15) pay period extension allowed by the Personnel Rules. The probationary period for positions in the Specialized Fire Services Unit is 1600 hours. The proba- tionary period will be automatically extended for each hour during which the employee is on leave without pay or on military leave, past thirty (30) days whether paid or unpaid. In situations where the employee is on continuous paid sick leave for eighty (80) or more consecutive hours, or on modified duty for occupational or non-occupational reasons, the probationary period may be extended at the discretion of the Appointing Authority. Such extension is in addition to the eighteen (18) pay period extension allowed by the Personnel Rules. This last paragraph applies to all Units. The probationary period ends at the end of the day in which you have completed the required number of service hours. Completed service hours are defined as regularly scheduled hours in a paid status up to eighty (80) hours per pay period. Overtime hours are not counted towards hours worked when calculating the end of your probationary period. The bottom line is that when you are on probation you need to be very careful. If you do have any problems or issues you DO have the right to representation through SEBA. SEBA “I want to thank SEBA for your endorsement of my re-election campaign. Over the years I have been privileged to work with you on projects like Shop With a Cop and your Children’s Charity Fund. For nearly eight years we have strengthened the relationship between the DA’s office and the Sheriff’s Department with innovative programs like our joint Gang Prevention and Prosecution Unit. I look forward to our partnership for many years to come.” – Mike Ramos Michael A. Ramos San Bernardino County District Attorney Paid for by Committee to Re Elect Mike Ramos San Bernardino County District Attorney – 2010 P.O. Box 7790 • Redlands, CA 92375 • ID#990932 • Star&Shield 7 SEBA President’s Labor Relations message Correction to the January 2010 Star & Shield article titled ‘Administrative Investigations of Alleged Misconduct’ By Mary Blanco I wrote this article in December which was a busy month because of the holidays. The rough draft was printed in the Star & Shield instead of the final document so I need to make a correction. In the article a deputy asked if he had any recourse to a citizen’s false allegations that the deputy had engaged in misconduct. I informed him there is a law that may assist him in this situation. California Civil Code Section 47.5 states “..a peace officer may bring an action for defamation against an individual who has filed a complaint with that officer’s employing agency alleging misconduct, criminal conduct, or incompetence, and if that complaint is false, the complaint was made with knowledge that it was false and that it was made with spite, hatred, or ill will. Knowledge that the complaint was false may be proved by a showing that the complainant had no reasonable grounds to believe the statement was true and that the complainant exhibited a reckless disregard for ascertaining the truth.” In order to be successful, an officer would have to prove that the individual who filed the complaint did so with knowledge that it was false and with hatred. In addition, the officer must have sustained sufficient damages to justify the filing of a complaint in Superior Court. In determining damages, the court will look at whether he or she has any emotional injuries, whether he or she lost any promotional opportunities, and whether he or she was inap- 8 SEBA Star&Shield propriately subjected to discipline by the Department for the complaint. Unless the officer can establish damages, our legal counsel would not recommend the filing of a complaint in superior court. If the officer chose to pursue, he or she would have to pay the legal costs incurred since the Legal Defense Fund would not apply. An officer may still desire to pursue this matter by filing a complaint in small claims court against the individual. The officer is not entitled to be represented by an attorney in small claims court but he or she may ask an attorney’s advice on how to handle the case. A claim cannot be made for more than $7,500.00. A person who files in small claims court must first make a demand on the defendant if possible. Finally, any claim in small claims court must be filed within the same time limit applicable to a cause of action pursuant to California Civil Code Section 47.5 in Superior Court which is one year from the filing of the personnel complaint. SEBA President’s message Star&Shield 9 SEBA SEBA Board Minutes Regular MEETING OF THE March 3, 2010 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order by President Abernathie at 1200 hours. Pledge of Allegiance Moment of Silence GUEST SPEAKERS James Ramos - James Ramos addressed the Board to thank the Board for supporting him in running for Community College Board Member. SECRETARY OF THE BOARD – K. RIEGEL Approve Minutes – February 3, 2010 - Motion by Dean Swan, second by Jeri Caperton, to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of February 3, 2010, as submitted. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03M-01. High Desert Juvenile Detention and Corrections Election - Motion by Ken Gopperton, second by William Forester, to ratify the election results for the High Desert Juvenile Detention and Corrections Director seat and destruction of ballots after 30 days. Michael Minix received the majority of the votes of the ballots that were returned. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03M-02. Swearing in of New Director - Michael Minix, HDJDAC was sworn in as Director. PRESIDENT’S REPORT– W. ABERNATHIE Non-LDF Scope Coverage - Current plan does not cover members who may need LDF Coverage for actions conducted while off duty. If coverage is offered, LDF rates could be increased depending upon usage. No action was taken. Sheriff Promotional Process - See enclosed letter. While promotional process was changed a couple of years ago, some individuals may have been placed on the promotion list without completing all required documentation. SEBA has asked that all documentation must be submitted in order to be placed on the promotional list. County Financial Status - Negotiations team to meet on Monday to discuss possible upcoming meeting with County Human Resources. Once County Human Resources makes a proposal to the team, the team will bring the proposal to all members for a vote. More details to come. 10SSEBA tar&Shield Lt. Al Stewart Memorial Highway – ACR127 is going through the process. Assessor’s Office Confidentiality Form - The confidentiality form for property owned in San Bernardino has been posted to our website. The purpose of this form is to keep portions of Assessor information confidential from the public. TREASURER’S REPORT– C. MCKENZIE Fund Balance Report Total Fund Balance $5,268,904.73 Budget Report Current Budget Target 64.58% Current Revenue Percent 62.40% Current Expense Percent 58.90% Motion by Lauren Leichliter, second by Ray Santa Cruz, to approve the Treasurer’s Report, as submitted. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03M-03. CORRESPONDENCE Thank you card – Retired Under Sheriff Beemer Thank you letter – Grand Terrace Soccer Club Thank you letter – “Gift of Love” Committee Thank you letter – Free Wheelchair Mission MEMBERSHIP REPORT – W. ABERNATHIE Membership Status: Safety – 1509; Safety Management – 200; Exempt – 22; Specialized – 421; Specialized Supervisory – 100; Specialized Fire Services – 62; Associate-General: 51; Associate-Firefighter – 57; Reserve – 19; Retired – 741. Total: 3182. P.O.R.A.C. REPORT – W. ABERNATHIE Election – Inland Chapter Director – Rich Lawhead from San Bernardino City Police Officer’s Association was elected to represent the Inland Chapter at PORAC. Abernathie represents SEBA as a Director at Large. PEACE OFFICER’S RELIEF FUND REPORT – K. LUTZ Meeting After Board Meeting. LABOR REPORT – M. EAGLESON Written Report - See enclosed report. SEBA Board Minutes HDJDAC - SEBA was told third shift staff was doing laundry as a result of no contract for laundry services. Once SEBA was made aware of the problem, a meeting was held and these individuals are no longer doing laundry; a laundry service has been placed under contract. Unfair Labor Practice - The Department has entered into a settlement and agreement with a member after an unfair labor practice was filed due to a discipline action. Specialized Fire Services - SEBA will be going to arbitration on March 24, 2010 due to a grievance filed on behalf of the unit due to hiring practices. OLD BUSINESS Bylaw Review - Updated bylaws have been included with this agenda. Directors have been asked to review. This will come back in April for approval by the Board. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items will be approved at one time unless removed for discussion by a member of the Board. All removed items will be taken up under Deferred Items. Donation Request – President – 34th Annual Law Enforcement Recognition Dinner - Motion by Dean Swan, second by Jim Mahan, to approve a donation request of $1,000 to the San Bernardino Area Chamber of Commerce 34th Annual Law Enforcement Recognition Dinner from the Charity Fund. Donation will serve as a Platinum Sponsor. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03M-04. Donation Request – President – Debbie Chisholm Memorial Fund - Motion by Dean Swan, second by Jim Mahan, to approve a donation request of $7,500 to the Debbie Chisholm Memorial Fund from the Charity Fund. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03M-05. Donation Request – Central Station – Special Olympics Torch Run - Motion by Dean Swan, second by Jim Mahan, to approve a donation request of $250 to the Special Olympics Torch Run from the Charity Fund. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03M-06. Donation Request – President – Sheriff’s Rodeo Golf Tournament - Motion by Dean Swan, second by Jim Mahan, to approve a donation request of $1,000 to the Sheriff’s Rodeo Golf Tournament from the Charity Fund. Donation will support the Sheriff’s PRCA Benefit Rodeo in September, and includes two-foursomes Please see Minutes, p. 12 Star&Shield 11 SEBA SEBA Board Minutes Minutes Continued from p. 11 and two tee sponsors. Motion carries. Motion 201003M-07. Donation Request – Victor Valley Station – Poker Run for Loma Linda Children’s Hospital - Motion by Dean Swan, second by Jim Mahan, to approve a donation request of $250 to the Blue Knights Cal XIII poker run to support Loma Linda Children’s Hospital to the Charity Fund. The donation will be used to purchase hospital items such as strollers, baby seats, blankets, baby wraps, and baby bouncers. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03M-08. Donation Request – District Attorney Central – Redlands Baseball for Youth - Motion by Dean Swan, second by Jim Mahan, to approve a donation request of $250 to the Redlands Baseball for Youth from the Charity Fund. Donation will be used towards uniforms, equipment, umpires, and score keepers. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03-09. Donation Request – President – Time For Change Foundation - Motion by Dean Swan, second by Jim Mahan, to approve a donation request of $250 to the Time for Change Foundation from the Charity Fund. Donation will be used towards stable housing, food, and clothing to over 450 women and 150 children. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03-10. Donation Request – Victor Valley Station – Victorville American Little League - Motion by Dean Swan, second by Jim Mahan, to approve a donation request of $250 to the Victorville American Little League from the Charity Fund. Donation will be used towards uniform upgrades, team sweatshirts, and trophies. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03-11. Donation Request – Colorado River Station – Kingman Little League - Motion by Dean Swan, second by Jim Mahan, to approve a donation request of $250 to the Kingman Little League from the Charity Fund. Donation will be used towards field improvements and serve as a team sponsor. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03-12. Donation Request – President - CNOA Survivors’ Memorial Fund - Motion by Dean Swan, second by Jim Mahan, to approve a donation request of $3,000 to the California Narcotics Officers’ Association Survivors’ Memorial Fund from the Charity Fund. Donation will be used to provide support for the families of all California law enforcement officers who are killed 12 SSEBA tar&Shield in the line of duty. Motion carries. Motion 2010-0313. The following donation requests were denied by the Executive Board of Directors: West Valley Search and Rescue. ADJOURN TO MEETING OF THE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE RECONVENE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ANNOUNCEMENTS Next Board Meeting – WEDNESDAY, APRIL7, 2010, NOON. ADJOURN MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Motion by Ray Hilfer, second by Tom Czobakowski to adjourn the meeting of the Board of Directors at 1427 hours. Motion carries. REGULAR MEETING OF THE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT – W. ABERNATHIE Approve Minutes – February 3, 2010 - Motion by Ray Santa Cruz, second by Jeri Caperton, to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Political Action Committee Meeting of February 3, 2010 as submitted. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03P-01. Guest Speakers - Community College Board Chairman James Ramos - Ramos addressed the Board to say Thank You for supporting his run for Community College Board Chairman. Robert Lemkau - Candidate for Superior Court Election Seat 11 - Judge Lemkau addressed the Board and asked for an endorsement for Seat 11. James Hoskings - Candidate for Superior Court Election Seat 11 - James addressed the Board and asked for an endorsement for Seat 11. New Business Superior Court Election Seat 11 - Motion by Robert Hards, second Ray Santa Cruz, to approve an endorsement for James Hoskings for Superior Court Please see Minutes, p. 13 SEBA Board Minutes Election Seat 11. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03P06. Motion by Hank Valencia, second by Joe Contrell, to approve a donation for James Hoskings for Superior Court Election Seat 11 for $15,000 from the Local PAC Fund. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03P-07. Motion by Andy Avery, second by Marvin Morton, to approve an in-kind advertisement in the Star and Shield for James Hoskings for Superior Court Election Seat 11 not to exceed $1,500. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03P-08. Assembly Bill 1987 - See packet. This bill would affect Exempt staff which may not allow spiking last year’s pay and could not be hired under contract until 6 months after retirement. COMMITTEES – W. ABERNATHIE Federal Political Action Committee Contribution Request – Congressman Joe Baca Request withdrawn. Local Political Action Committee Contribution Request – 1st District Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt – Motion by Damon Ward, second by Andrew Taylor, to approve a contribution of $5,000 to 1st District Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt from Local PAC. Contribution will serve as a Luncheon Chair for a luncheon to be held March 31, 2010. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03P-03. Endorsement / Contribution Request – Dawn Rowe, Candidate Yucca Valley Town Council – Motion by Jeff Joling, second by William Forester, to approve an endorsement and contribution of $1,500 to Dawn Rowe, candidate for Yucca Valley Town Council from Local PAC Fund. Motion carries. Motion 201003P-04. Contribution Request – Vic Stull, Candidate Superior Court Judge Seat 1 – Motion by Robert Johnston, second by Lauren Leichliter, to approve a contribution of $500 to Vic Stull, Candidate Superior Count Judge Seat 1 from Local PAC Fund. Motion carries. Motion 2010-03P-05. ADJOURN MEETING OF THE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE SEBA Your lifestyle. Our expertise. Perfect fit. When it comes to finding the best value in Auto and Home insurance, turn to a company that knows you and the challenges that public safety professionals face. Get a rate comparison today Call 1-888-744-9717 Protecting America's protectors for over 35 years SBCSEA -CA 2-10 Star&Shield 13 SEBA Promotions and Transfers The Sheriff has made the following Promotions effective March 27, 2010. Stephen Higgins from Information Services to Victor Valley Lindel Savage from Apple Valley to Adelanto Detention Center Jeff Rose from Training to Aviation Claudio Vela from Central Detention Center to Rancho Station Sergeant: Valerie Tanguay from Central Station to Training Phil Dupper from Rancho Cucamonga to GHRC Gerry Tesselaar from Glen Helen to Central Station John Gaffney from Specialized Investigations to Big Bear Lee Watkins from Victor Valley to Glen Helen Corporal/Detective: Sergeant: Sammy Galbraith from Colorado River to Rancho Station John Roe from Hesperia to Big Bear Jesse Venegas from Rancho Cucamonga to West Valley Detention Center Jon Billings from Adelanto Detention Center to Victorville City Tom Wiebelt from West Foothill to Rancho Station Kelly Craig from Adelanto Detention Center to Barstow Station Doris Stuart from Central to Rancho Station Detective: Horace Boatwright from Rancho to West Foothill Station Audomero Moreno from West Foothill to Central Station Bryan Lane from Big Bear to Twin Peaks Station Mark Bracco from Victorville City to Colorado River Station Casey Jiles from Victor Valley to Twin Peaks Station Christopher Hancock from Adelanto Detention Center to Victor Valley Station Gerald Davenport from West Foothill to Hesperia Dan Finneran from West Foothill to Highland Joseph McLaughlin from Victorville to Adelanto Detention Center Damon Ward from Barstow to Adelanto Detention Center Matthew Griffith from Yucaipa to West Foothill Pedro Ortiz from West Valley Detention Center to Victorville Station The Sheriff has approved the following transfers effective March 27, 2010. Captain: Larry Brown from Central Detention Center to Information Services Tony Nicassio from Twin Peaks to Central Detention Center Kathy Lubrant from Yucaipa to Court Services Paul Morrison from Rancho to Yucaipa Pat O’Brien from West Foothill to Chino Hills Station Robert O’Brine from Twin Peaks to Yucaipa Station Sarkis Ohannessian from West Valley Detention Center to West Foothill Porac LDF I.A. Rules: Always consult with an association representative/lawyer before responding to any report, letter, memo and/or questions concerning an investigation which could possibly lead to punitive action. If ordered to do so ask to have it recorded and read the following: 14 SSEBA tar&Shield Deputy: Osvaldo Hernandez from West Valley Detention Center to West Foothill Manuela Scott from GHRC to Barstow Station Ryan Smith from Barstow to Hesperia Station John Vega from West Valley Detention Center to Victorville David Alexander from Victor Valley to Barstow Station NON-WAIVER STATEMENT: “I have been refused the right to have a representative of my choice. I understand that I am being ordered to make a report or answer questions and that if I do not comply with the order, I may be disciplined for insubordination. Therefore, I have no alternative but to abide by the order. However, by so doing, I do not waive my Constitutional rights to remain silent under the 5th and 14th Amendments to the United States Constitution, under the protections afforded me under case law.” Retirements Kenneth Boyd Deputy Sheriff West Valley Detention Center 11 years Anthony Fiedler Sergeant Public Affairs 19 years Kenneth Hurley Deputy Sheriff Central Court Services 14 years Ceasar Reyes Deputy Sheriff Hesperia Station 28 years Brian Campbell Deputy Sheriff Yucaipa Station 6 years Steven Frazee Probation Supervisor Central Adult Services 11 years Dennis Florence Sergeant Chino Hills Station 20 years Dennis West Emergency Services Officer San Bernardino County Fire 2 years Rudy Bowling Deputy Sheriff Rancho Cucamonga 8 years Cynthia Brown-Drey Deputy Sheriff Central Ct. Services 21 years John Johnson Criminalist 2 Scientific Investigations 22 years Thomas Zito Deputy Sheriff Rancho Cucamonga 14 years Welcome New Members Rhett Austin Welfare Fraud Investigator HSS Program Integrity Jawanna Manning Custody Specialist Victor Valley Station Jeffry Lewison Deputy Coroner Investigator Coroner’s Office Jamal Warren Deputy Sheriff West Valley Detention Center Cathern Wirz Deputy Sheriff West Valley Detention Center Elect James Hosking Superior Court Judge “He practices law with integrity, honesty and deference to the public he serves. James Hosking is dedicated to the law.” - William Lee, Deputy District Attorney “I am proud to have the endorsement of SEBA.” • A veteran prosecutor • Expert in search & seizure law, privileged communications, narcotics investigations and prosecutions • Has served San Bernardino County for over a decade • A graduate of UC Santa Barbara, Loyola Marymont, and Chapman University Star&Shield 15 SEBA Military Matters Members on Military Leave Join SEBA’s “Family Pride” D Gregory Hanrahan Deputy Sheriff David Moyer Deputy Sheriff Darrick Moitoso Deputy Sheriff Anthony Vega Detective John Lett Deputy Sheriff o you have family members or loved ones serving in the War on Terrorism? If so, and you would like to recognize them in the Star and Shield, please fill out the questionnaire below and return it to SEBA. We will recognize your family member in the “Family Pride” section of the Star and Shield. Family Pride Honoring the military members of our extended SEBA family SPC. Anthony Alonzo U.S. Army, First Cavalry, stationed in Iraq, son of Deputy Daniel Alonzo, West Valley Detention Center. Garrett Davenport Private 1st Class U.S. Army Son of Dep. Sheriff Gerald Davenport, West Foothill Station MASN Troy Atkinson U.S. Navy at Autec-Andros Island, Bahamas. Son of Sgt. Don Atkinson, Rancho Station Austin Ellis Airman, U.S.A.F. Son of Deputy Greg Ellis, Sheriff’s Dept. Lt. Col. Robert T. Ault Army/Aviation - Baghdad Son of Robert E. Ault, Retired, Sheriff’s Dept. Ensign David Badman U.S. Navy, U.S. Essex, Sasebo, Japan Son-in-law of Sgt. Scott Schultz and Gee Schultz, San Bernardino Sheriff’s Office. Lance Corporal Justin Barrie US Marine Corps Son of Paul Barrie, Deputy Court Services Airman Trevor Beck US Air Force Son of Greg Beck, HSS Program Integrity, Welfare Fraud Spc. James Barnett US Army, 3rd Infantry Division Son of Helen Winters, Deputy Sheriff, Retired Pfc. Jasmine Beckum Military Intelligence U.S. Army - Ft. Huachuca, Arizona Daughter of Deputy Zach Beckum Public Affairs Division Nicole Beckum PFC US Army 1st Cavalry Camp Warhorse Iraq Daughter of Deputy Zach Beckum, Public Affairs Division Lt. Daniel J. Breeden U.S. Navy “Bagdad” Son of Lester Breeden, Retired Sheriff’s Dept. Spc. Nicholas “Nicko” Buscemi 25th Infantry, Stricker Brigade, Iraq. Son of Deputy Anthony Buscemi Victorville Station Sgt. Ryan Cardwell U.S. Army Exp. Ord. Disp. Iraq Son of Kim Cardwell MK1-lst Class Petty Officer Eugene R. Cavenaugh Coast Guard, San Diego Fleet Training Group, San Diego. Son of Sgt. Patrick Cavenaugh, Detectives Steven Cook Cragg PFC, U.S. Marine Corps Son of Karen Cragg, Sr. Inv. D.A. Office Staff Sgt. Anthony Crismon USMC 2/1, 13th MEU. Son-in-law of Sgt. Craig Edmunds, C/S Victorville 16 SSEBA tar&Shield Brian Ellis Sr. Airman, U.S.A.F. Son of Hank Valencia, Detective MAXN Rudy Faile Jr. E3 Harbor Patrol Unit U.S. Navy at NSA Bahrain Son of Deputy Rudy Faile GHRC Patrick Farrell US Army, Station in Iraq Newphew of Deputy Sheldon Himes, Barstow Station Cousin of Deputy Catherine Himes, Barstow Station Brenda Gaul, Dental Technician 2nd Class U.S. Navy. Daughter of Shelby Gaul, Detective Mark W. McDonald U.S. Army. Son of John McDonald, Welfare Fraud Sgt. Christopher B. Meals 58th Stryker Brigade, Iraq. Son of Retired Sheriff’s Dept. Lt. William (Bill) Meals Mitchell Moore SPC, US Army 3rd I.D. Stationed in Iraq Son of Detective Mike Moore, Sheriff’s Dept. 2nd Lt. Jeffrey Newman U.S. Marine Corps Son of Lt. Douglas D. Newman SBSD Retired Airman 1st Class (A1C) Alexander M. Holm U. S. A.F. Son of Deputy Peter Holm, Barstow Station Airman USAF Devin Rude Hill AFB, Utah Son of Detective Michael Rude, SBSD Master Chief Petty Officer Stephen Hughes US Navy Son of Jay Hughes, retired Deputy Sheriff Tech. Sgt. Robert Simendich USAF Elmondorf AFB Anchorage, AK Son of Lt. Bob Simendich, retired USAF Airman 1st Class TACP Michael A. Ilizaliturri Son of Sgt. Chris “Izzy” Ilizaliturri Chino Hills Station PFC Jay Spear U.S. Army 101st Airborne, Baghdad Son of Sergeant Steve Spear Court Services Joshua Tree Richard R. Jones III 1st Lt. U.S. Air Force, fighter pilot Son of retired Sheriff’s Sergeant Richard R. Jones. Staff Sergeant Mike Spear U.S. Army, 25th Infantry Division Son of Sergeant Steve Spear Court Services Joshua Tree Pvt. Rachael Kiehne U.S. Army Aviation/Ft. Eustis, VA Granddaughter of Sgt. Chuck Wideen Arson/Bomb Squad Deputy Sheriff/Retired AAE2 Chris Thomas U.S. Navy, USS Kitty Hawk Son of Mike Martinez, Probation Officer, West Valley Juvenile Hall Tyler Kurth Capt. U.S. Army Son of Delvin Wiedeman, Retired Sheriff’s Dept. SPC James L. Turton U.S. Army In Uzbekistan. Son-in-Law of Jim Dawson, Needles Station. U.S. Army Warrant Officer I Austin Martinez Son-in-law of Randy Gerwig, Deputy Sheriff, Sheriff’s Aviation Branch of Service Your Name 1st Lt. Kent Portue, Jr. USAF C-17 Pilot Son-in-law of Kevin Henry, Retired Deputy Sheriff, Aviation. Cpl Azarial Rainey US Marine Corps (In Iraq) Son of Vicki Rainey-Aubry Probation Officer Master Sergeant Damon D. Mann, USAF Son of David Mann, Probation Officer. Service Person’s Rank PFC Maxence Muller US Army Ft. Benning, GA Grandson of Gary B. Hobbs, Retired Deputy Michelle Gaul, Builder 3rd Class U.S. Navy Seebees. Daughter of Shelby Gaul, Detective Staff Sergeant Stephen Lacombe U.s. Army Iraq Son of Deputy Sheriff Julie Park Victorville Court Services Service Person’s Name Air Force Lt. Col. Richard Wickum Son of Tom Wickum, Assistant Sheriff, Retired Captain Jacques Wilson USAF Brother of Chantae Williams, Coroner’s Office Lance Corporal Joseph A. Wood, US Marine Corps Grandson of John J. Quinn, Coroner/retired. Your Department Your relationship to the Service Person Your daytime phone number (this will be kept confidential) Fax to SEBA at (909) 383-6600, or email this information to [email protected]. Free Dues While You Are Deployed! If you have orders for deployment in the fight against terrorism, please contact the Association office. With a copy of your orders, you may be eligible to have your basic Association dues waived during the time you are away. Just our way of saying “thank you” for taking the next step in defending our national freedoms. Care packages for members serving in the military Do you want to get involved in sending care packages to SEBA members who are currently serving our country in the military? Well, YOU CAN! Every other month, SEBA will be sending care packages directly to our members who are deployed either overseas or in the United States. You can get involved by bringing to SEBA or giving to your Station Director any of the following items: 1. Personal care/sundries 2. AT&T calling cards (MCI doesn’t work in some places) 3. Gift cards for WalMart, Sam’s Club or Costco 4. Disposable cameras 5. A letter from you! GOD BLESS AMERICA! 7th Annual San Bernardino County Safety Employees’ Benefit Association “FORE THE COPS AND KIDS” GOLF TOURNAMENT Presenting Sponsorship by: Morongo Band of Mission Indians 2010 Honorary Golf Committee The Honorable Rod Hoops, San Bernardino County Sheriff The Honorable Mike Ramos, San Bernardino County District Attorney The Honorable Robert Martin, Chairman Morongo Band of Mission Indians The Honorable James Ramos, Chairman San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Tournament Date: Monday, April 26, 2010 Registration: 9:00am Shot Gun Start: 10:00am Location: Country Club at Soboba Springs, 1020 Soboba Road, San Jacinto, CA Format: 18-hole, Four Man “SCRAMBLE” Proceeds Benefit: Safety Employees’ Benefit Association “SEBA” Charity Fund Over 80 non profit groups benefit from this golf tournament, a partial list includes the American Heart Association, California Peace Officers Memorial Fund, Indian Child and Family Services, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Pop Warner Football, American Youth Soccer Organization, Boy and Girl Scouts of America, Breast Cancer Research, For Kids Sake, 4H, Make A Wish, Explorer Scouts, Cystic Fibrosis, and numerous Youth Basketball and Little League programs. For sponsorship information, go to and click on Charitable Giving then click on Golf Tournament or call Michael Tulisiak at 909-386-7813 or email your questions to [email protected] Star&Shield 17 SEBA Medical emergency leave donation requests Aceves Patricia - Armc Calhoun, Theresa - Sheriff Safety employee Benefit aSSociation Dack, Karin - Sheriff FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2010 PARK HOURS: 10:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. PRIVATE PARTY HOURS: 6:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. (Closed to the public) Hall, Natalie - Hss TICKETS VALID ALL DAY – WRISTBAND REQUIRED Hernandez, Benjamin - Armc Marshall, Yolunda - Hss OTHER SELECTED COMPANIES WILL ATTEND • Season Passes not accepted PRIVATE PARTY Admission Only: Vessup, Vassar “Jean” - Hss BUFFET: 2300 $33 00* $ Admission with EACH GENERAL USE TICKET (REG. $54.99) Thompson, Cheryl - Armc PRIVATE PARTY EACH GENERAL USE TICKET (REG. $54.99) Children age 2 and under FREE!!! (BUFFET HOURS: 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.) *ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT MENU: Chicken, Chili Cheese Dogs, Baked Beans, Potato Chips, Tossed Green Salad, Twin Pop and Ice Cream Bar, and Unlimited Soft Drinks.. FROM: TICKETS CAN BE PURCHASED S.E.B.A OFFICE 909.885.6074 County employees wishing to donate vacation, holiday or compensatory time-off hours may do so in 8-hour increments. Please see your department payroll clerk for filling out a Medical Emergency Leave Donation Form. Due to maintenance and other circumstances certain rides and attractions, including new rides, may not be open to the public. BIG NEWS. BIG DEAL. BIG SAVINGS! This is a BIG deal! We’ve just made it easy for you to get the advantages of MetLife Auto & Home® insurance with big savings. Here’s what you could get: n n n n n A group discount of up to 15% for SEBA members Convenient payment options available, including payroll deduction Identity protection services† Personalized service from knowledgeable customer service representatives And more! And switching to MetLife Auto & Home is easy. Don’t pass up this BIG opportunity. Get free quotes from MetLife Auto & Home today! 1 800 GET-MET 8 (1-800-438-6388) † Identity protection services are not available in all states, such as NC nor to auto customers in NH, and is not available with all policy forms. MetLife Auto & Home is a brand of Metropolitan Property and Casualty Insurance Company and its affiliates: Economy Fire & Casualty Company, Economy Preferred Insurance Company, Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Company, Metropolitan Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Company (CA Certificate of Authority: 6730; Warwick, RI), Metropolitan General Insurance Company, Metropolitan Group Property and Casualty Insurance Company (CA COA: 6393; Warwick, RI), and Metropolitan Lloyds Insurance Company of Texas, all with administrative home offices in Warwick, RI. Coverage, rates, and discounts are available in most states to those who qualify. 1002-0589 L10082691(exp0911)(All States) © 2010 MetLife Auto & Home PEANUTS © United Feature Syndicate, Inc. 18SSEBA tar&Shield Ticket Prices • All Sales Final • Prices subject to change without notice •SEBA members only Aquarium of the Pacific Adult...................................................$17.95 Child (age 3-11) ................................$9.95 Legoland/Sea Life 2-Day Hopper Adult/Child.........................................$61.00 Castle Park Adult...................................................$17.00 Child (age 3-11).................................$12.00 San Diego Wild Animal Park Adult ..................................................$32.00 Child (age 3-11).................................$22.50 Disneyland or California Adventure 1 Day, 1 Park Adult...................................................$68.00 Child (age 3-9)...................................$60.00 (Includes Journey Into Africa Tour and Conservation Carousel.) Six Flags Magic Mountain Private Party Valid May 7, 2010 only - wrist band required Adult/Child.........................................$23.00 With buffet..........................................$33.00 Universal Studios 3 Day Pass (first visit by 5/31/10) Adult/Child.........................................$59.00 Pocket Saver Hi Desert ............................................................$20.00 San Diego Zoo Deluxe Adult......................................$32.00 Deluxe Child (age 3-11)...................$22.50 $8.50 benefits the SEBA Widows and Orphans Fund. Disneyland & California Adventure Hopper Adult...................................................$73.00 Child (age 3-9)...................................$65.00 (Includes bus tour, Express Bus, and Skyfari ride) Movie Theaters Scandia Amusement Park Unlimited Passport............................$12.50 K1 Speed Adult/Child (over 48” tall)................$16.00 (Includes all rides, raceway, Screamer, and golf). AMC Theatre General...............................................$6.00 Premier...............................................$7.50 Knott’s Berry Farm Adult...................................................$28.99 Child (age 3-11, under 48” tall) .......$19.99 Sea World (2nd day free) Adult...................................................$52.00 Child (age 3-9)...................................$49.00 Legoland Second day free. 2-Day Pass Adult/Child.........................................$50.00 Six Flags Magic Mountain Adult...................................................$26.00 Child (under 48” tall)...........................$16.00 Advertise in the Star &Shield Call (951) 686-7575 (Valid for opening engagements.) Edwards, Regal, United Artist General...............................................$6.50 Premier...............................................$7.50 (Valid for opening engagements.) Krikorian Theatres General...............................................$6.50 Dr. Vishteh has been serving the Inland Empire for the past 9 years, specializing in Laser Vision Correction and Comprehensive Ophthalmology. We offer personalized care in a private practice setting with state of the art equipment. Please inquire about our Law Enforcement Plans including Interest Free Financing and Medical Spending Accounts or Vision Benefit Plan. Voted Top Doctors 2008 & 2009 San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Magazine 7777 Milliken Avenue, Suite 125 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (Inside Rancho San Antonio Medical Plaza) Star&Shield 19 SEBA Memorials California Peace Officers Memorial In Memory Deputy Greg Hernandez Sergeant Steve May Tulare County Sheriff’s Department EOW: 2/6/2009 Modesto Police Department EOW: 7/23/ 2009 Sergeant Mark Dunakin Deputy Joel Wahlenmaier Oakland Police Department EOW: 3/21/2009 Fresno County Sheriff’s Department EOW: 2/25/2010 Sergeant Erv Romans Deputy Ken Collier Oakland Police Department EOW: 3/21/2009 Sergeant Dan Sakai Oakland Police Department EOW: 3/21/2009 Police Officer John Hege San Diego County Sheriff’s Department EOW: 2/28/2010 Officer Javier Bejar Reedley Police Department EOW: 3/1/2010 Oakland Police Department EOW: 3/22/2009 California Peace Officers’ Memorial Ceremony: May 7, 2010 10th Street & Capitol Mall, Sacramento National Police Week: May 9 - 15, 2010 Honoring Our Fallen Officers • [email protected] 20SSEBA tar&Shield MOUs Available on the Web The current MOUs for all of SEBA’s recognized bargaining units are now available on SEBA’s website. Go to and click on MOU’s Star&Shield 21 SEBA Association Financials 7/1/2009 - 3/3/2010 Know your Legislators KNOW YOUR LEGISLATURE 2009 FEDERAL Treasury Operating Accounts General Operating...................................................................$721,484.88 General Reserve.....................................................................$392,930.82 Holding Accounts Insurance Clearing..................................................................$207,511.40 Pager Deposit Fund................................................................$1,422.11 Restricted Accounts Charity Accounts....................................................................$227,403.85 Widow/Orphan Fund...............................................................$281,660.73 Legal Defense Fund................................................................$509,668.25 Star & Shield..........................................................................$32,342.52 Ticket Sales............................................................................$52,601.30 Political Accounts State Political Action Committee.............................................$296,021.11 Local Political Action Committee.............................................$531,578.18 Federal Political Action Committee..........................................$18,808.05 Trust Accounts Insurance Trust/Peace Officer’s Relief Fund............................$1,978,294.76 Beneficiary Accounts Minor CD Funds.....................................................................$17,176.77 Total Treasury...............................................................................$5,268,904.73 Operating budget Income Membership Income...............................................................$777,048.38 Administrative Income............................................................$193,850.21 Total Income.........................................................................$970,898.59 Expense Professional Services.............................................................$7,563.39 Office Insurance.....................................................................$19,298.00 Service Charges.....................................................................$6,145.69 Office Supplies.......................................................................$10,625.15 Media Relations......................................................................$0.00 Dues, Subscriptions, Filing Fees.............................................$2,016.55 Postage & Delivery.................................................................$28,636.92 Magazine Production & Delivery.............................................$36,713.72 Printing..................................................................................$16,550.02 Equipment/Furniture................................................................$14,010.79 Accounting.............................................................................$19,700.00 Executive Auto........................................................................$4,156.13 Ad Sales Expense...................................................................$1,200.00 Membership Expense.............................................................$9,415.40 Employee Health Benefits.......................................................$53,816.22 Employee Payroll Taxes..........................................................$17,099.53 Employee Retirement..............................................................$47,330.87 Employee Wages & Salaries...................................................$339,274.17 Employee Auto Allowance......................................................$19,384.80 Employer FSA Contributions...................................................$2,559.87 Employee Worker’s Comp Insurance......................................$2,582.52 Employer Education Assistance..............................................$370.00 Disability Insurance Expense...................................................$1,981.78 Employee Memberships.........................................................$0.00 Board of Directors..................................................................$3,843.83 Executive Board......................................................................$947.99 Training..................................................................................$3,247.15 Other......................................................................................$5,678.69 President................................................................................$501.39 Member Services...................................................................$3,343.17 Board Conference & Workshop...............................................$0.00 Donations...............................................................................$0.00 Building Repair & Maintenance...............................................$605.00 Communication & Data Processing.........................................$31,664.32 Utilities...................................................................................$1,044.91 Unsecured Property Tax.........................................................$3,761.18 Office Lease...........................................................................$85,982.59 Total Expense........................................................................$801,051.74 Net Operating Surplus..................................................................$169,846.85 22SSEBA tar&Shield President Barack H. Obama The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 Comments: (202)456-1111; Switchboard: (202)456-1414; FAX: (202)456-2461 [email protected] Senator Dianne Feinstein 331 Hart Senate Office Bldg, Washington, DC 20510-0504 (202) 224-3841; Fax: (202) 228-3954 Los Angeles Office 11111 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 915, Los Angeles, CA 90025 (310) 914-7300; FAX: (310) 914-7318 [email protected] Senator Barbara Boxer 112 Hart Senate Office Bldg., Washington, DC 20510-0501 (202) 224-3553 Inland Empire Office 201 North E Street, Suite 210, San Bernardino, CA 92401 (909) 888-8525; FAX: (909) 888-8613 [email protected]; Representative Buck McKeon 25th Congressional District Representing: Victorville, Barstow 2184 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-1956; FAX (202)226-083 District Office 1008 W. Ave M-14, Ste. E-1 Palmdale, CA 93551 (661) 274-9688; FAX (661) 274-8744 Representative David Dreier 26th Congressional District Representing: Upland, Montclair and Rancho Cucamonga 233 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-2305; FAX (202) 225-7018 District Office 510 East Foothill Blvd., Suite 201, San Dimas, CA 91773 (909) 575-6226; (888) 906-2626; FAX (909) 575-6266 Representative Jerry Lewis 41st Congressional District Representing: Apple Valley, Big Bear Lake, Hesperia, Highland, Joshua Tree, Lake Arrowhead, Loma Linda, Redlands, San Bernardino, Yucaipa Rev. 04/02/2010 2112 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-5861; FAX: (202) 225-6498 District Office 1150 Brookside Ave., Suite J-5, Redlands, CA 92373 (909) 862-6030; (800)233-1700 Representative Gary Miller 42nd Congressional District Representing: Chino, Chino Hills 2349 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 202-225-3201; FAX: 202-226-6962 District Office 1800 E. Lambert Rd., Suite 150, Brea, CA 92821 (714)257-1142; FAX: (714)257-9242 Representative Joe Baca 43rd Congressional District Representing: Bloomington, Colton, Fontana, Ontario, Rialto, San Bernardino 2245 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515-0542 (202)225-6161; FAX: (202)225-8671 District Office 201 North "E" Street, Suite 102, San Bernardino, CA 92401 (909)885-BACA (2222); FAX: (909)888-5959 STATE Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger State Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916)445-2841; FAX: (916)558-3160 Riverside Office 3737 Main Street #201, Riverside, CA 92501 (951)680-6860; FAX: (951)680-6863 Senator George Runner 17th Senatorial District Representing: Adelanto, Apple Valley, Hesperia, Victorville, Mountain View, Wrightwood State Capitol, Room 5097, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 651-4017; FAX: (916) 445-4662 Victorville Office Victorville City Hall, 14343 Civic Drive, First Floor, Victorville, CA 92392 (760) 843-8414; FAX: (760) 843-8348 [email protected]; Rev. 04/02/2010 Senator Roy Ashburn 18th Senatorial District Representing: Barstow, Big Bear City, Needles, 29 Palms State Capitol, Room 3060, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 651-4018; FAX (916) 322-3304 Bakersfield Office 5001 California Ave., Room 105, Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 323-0443; FAX: (661) 343-0446 [email protected]; Senator Robert Huff 29th Senatorial District Representing: Chino, Chino Hills State Capitol, Room 5097, Sacramento, CA 95814 Victorville Office Victorville City Hall, 14343 Civic Drive, First Floor, Victorville, CA 92392 (760) 843-8414; FAX: (760) 843-8348 [email protected]; To Find Senator Roy Ashburn 18th Senatorial District Representing: Barstow, Your Legislator, to Big to Bear City, Needles, 29 Palms State Capitol, Room 3060, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 651-4018; FAX (916) 322-3304 Bakersfield Office 5001 California Ave., Room 105, Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 323-0443; FAX: (661) 343-0446 [email protected]; Know your Legislators Assemblymember Bill Emmerson 63rd Assembly District Representing Fontana, Grand Terrace, Highland, Loma Linda, Rancho Cucamonga, Redlands, Upland, San Bernardino State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916)319-2063; FAX: (916)319-2163 Rancho Cucamonga Office 10681 Foothill Blvd., Ste. 325, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909)466-9096; FAX: (909)466-9892 [email protected]; STATE Governor ArnoldHuff Schwarzenegger Senator Robert State Capitol Building, 29th Senatorial DistrictSacramento, CA 95814 (916)445-2841; FAX: (916)558-3160 Representing: Chino, Chino Hills Riverside Office State Capitol, Room 5097, Sacramento, CA 95814 3737 StreetFAX: #201,(916) Riverside, CA 92501 (916) Main 651-4029; 324-0922 (951)680-6860; Glendora OfficeFAX: (951)680-6863 2605 East Foothill Boulevard, Suite A, Glendora, CA 91740 (626) 914-5046; FAX: (626) 914-8976 Senator George Runner [email protected]; 17th Senatorial District Representing: Senator Bob Adelanto, Dutton Apple Valley, Hesperia, Victorville, Mountain View, Wrightwood 31st Senatorial District State Capitol, Room 5097, Sacramento, CA 95814 Representing: Big Bear Lake, Colton, Grand Terrace, Highland, Loma Linda, (916) 651-4017; FAX: (916) 445-4662 Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino, Upland, Yucaipa, Yucca Valley, Crestline, Victorville Office Lake Arrowhead, Running Springs, AntonioCA Heights Victorville City Hall,Mentone, 14343 Civic Drive, First Floor,San Victorville, 92392 State Capitol, Room Sacramento, CA 95814 (760) 843-8414; FAX: 5094, (760) 843-8348 (916) 651-4031; FAX: (916) 327-2272 [email protected]; Assemblymember Paul Cook 65th Assembly District Representing: Big Bear City, Twentynine Palms, Yucaipa, Yucca Valley State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916)319-2065; FAX: (916)319-2165 Yucaipa Office 34932 Yucaipa Blvd., Yucaipa, CA 92399 (909)790-4196; FAX: (909)790-0479 [email protected]; Rancho Cucamonga Office 8577 Haven Senator Roy Avenue, AshburnSuite 210, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909) 466-4180; FAX: (909) 466-4185 18th Senatorial District Representing: Barstow, Big Bear City, Needles, 29 Palms [email protected]; SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY Rev. 04/02/2010 State Capitol, Room 3060, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 651-4018; (916) 322-3304 Senator GloriaFAX Negrete-McLeod Bakersfield Office 32nd Senatorial District 5001 California Ave., Room 105,Fontana, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Representing: Chino, Colton, Montclair, Ontario, Rialto, San Bernardino, (661) 323-0443; FAX: (661) 343-0446 Bloomington, Muscoy [email protected]; State Capitol, Room 2059, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 651-4032; FAX: (916) 445-0128 Senator Robert Huff San Office 29th Bernardino Senatorial District 357 West Second Street, Representing: Chino, ChinoSuite Hills 1, San Bernardino, CA 92401 (909) FAX: (909) 381-0739 CA 95814 State 381-3832; Capitol, Room 5097, Sacramento, [email protected]; (916) 651-4029; FAX: (916) 324-0922 Glendora Office 2605 East Foothill Boulevard, Suite A, Glendora, CA 91740 Assemblymember Connie Conway (626)Assembly 914-5046;District FAX: (626) 914-8976 34th [email protected]; Representing: Barstow, Needles, Twentynine Palms State Capitol, P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 319-2034; FAX: (916) 319-2134 Visalia Office 113 N. Church St., Suite 505, Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 636-3440; FAX: (559) 636-4484 [email protected]; Assemblymember Steve Knight 36th Assembly District Representing: Adelanto, Victorville State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 319-2036; FAX: (916) 319-2136 Rev. 04/02/2010 Palmdale Office 41319 12th Street W, Suite 105, Palmdale, CA 93551 (661) 267-7636; FAX: (661) 267-7736 [email protected]; Assemblymember Anthony Adams 59th Assembly District Representing: Apple Valley, Hesperia, San Bernardino State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 319-2059; FAX: (916) 319-2159 Claremont Office 540 W. Baseline Rd. Suite 16, Claremont, CA 91711 (909) 625-1038; FAX: (909) 625-1063 [email protected]; Assemblymember Curt Hagman Rev. 04/02/2010 60th Assembly District Representing: Chino Hills State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916)319-2060; FAX: (916)319-2160 Diamond Bar Office 23355 E. Golden Springs Dr., Diamond Bar, CA 91765 (909) 860-5560; FAX: (909) 860-5664 [email protected]; Assemblymember Norma Torres 61st Assembly District Representing: Chino, Guasti, Montclair, Ontario State Capitol, P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0061 (916) 319-2061; FAX: (916) 319-2161 District Office 822 North Euclid, Suite A, Ontario, CA 91762 (909) 984-7741; FAX: (909) 984-6695 [email protected] Assemblymember Wilmer Amina Carter 62nd Assembly District Representing: Bloomington, Fontana, Muscoy, Rialto, San Bernardino State Capitol, P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0062 (916) 319-2062; FAX: (916) 319-2162 District Office 335 N. Riverside Ave., Rialto, CA 92376 (909) 820-5008; FAX: (909) 820-5098 To find your Legislator, go to: 1st District Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt Representing: Adelanto, Apple Valley, Baker, Barstow, Hesperia, Lucerne Valley, Needles, Trona, Twentynine Palms, Victorville County Government Center, 385 N. Arrowhead Ave., 5th Fl., San Bernardino, CA 92415 (909)387-4830 Hesperia District Office 9329 Mariposa Road, Suite 205, Hesperia, CA 92392 (760)955-5400; (800)472-8597; Fax: (760)955-5410 Barstow Field Office: (760)256-4748; FAX: (760)256-4994 Twentynine Palms Field Office: (760)361-8577; FAX: (760)361-8579 Wrightwood Field Office: (760)249-1996 Needles Field Office: (800)472-8597 2nd District Supervisor Paul Biane Representing: Crestline, Devore, Fontana, Lake Gregory, Rancho Cucamonga, Upland County Government Center, 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue, 5th Fl., San Bernardino, CA 92415 (909)387-4833; FAX: (909)387-3265 Rancho Cucamonga District Office 8303 Haven Ave., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909)945-4297; FAX: (909)945-4037 Crestline/Lake Gregory Field Office: (909) 338-1251 3rd District Supervisor Neil Derry Representing: Colton, Grand Terrace, Highland, Loma Linda, Redlands, San Bernardino, Yucaipa, Big Bear, Yucca Valley Rev. 04/02/2010 County Government Center, 385 N. Arrowhead Ave., 5th Fl., San Bernardino, CA 92415 (909)387-4855; FAX: (909)387-3018 Big Bear Lake District Office 477 Summit Blvd, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 (909)866-0140; FAX: (909)866-0139 4th District Chairman Gary Ovitt Representing: Chino, Chino Hills, Montclair, Ontario County Government Center, 385 N. Arrowhead Ave., 5th Fl., San Bernardino, CA 92415 (909)387-4866 Chino District Office 13160 7th St., Chino, CA 91710 (909)465-1895 5th District Vice-Chair Josie Gonzales Representing: Bloomington, Colton, Fontana, Muscoy, Rialto, San Bernardino County Government Center, 385 N. Arrowhead Ave., 5th Fl., San Bernardino, CA 92415 (909)387-4565; FAX (909)387-5392 Rev. 04/02/2010 Attention Members with businesses If you have a license for a particular skill and want to get the word out to other SEBA members, then contact the SEBA office to advertise. You will have two free lines in the Star & Shield’s Classified Ads Section. Call (909) 885-6074 For SEBA members only Star&Shield23 SEBA Safety Employees’ Benefit Association 735 E. Carnegie Dr., Suite 125 San Bernardino, CA 92408 Bobby Williams Fleet Manager PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 529 SAN BERNARDINO, CA Special Law Enforcement Pricing Over 300 Super Duty Trucks Available! 10 Freeway @ Citrus Ave., in Fontana [email protected] Call Fleet Sales (909) 822-1085
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