star shield - Safety Employees Benefit Association
S &S TAR Celebrating 60 Years of Service May, 2007 HIELD The Official Publication of the Safety Employees’ Benefit Association Remembering Fallen Heroes SAFETY EMPLOYEES’ BENEFIT ASSOCIATION 735 E. Carnegie Dr., Suite 125 San Bernardino, CA 92408 (909) 885-6074 • (800) 655-7322 FAX (909) 383-6600 • Office open Mon.-Fri., 7:30am - 5:30pm EXECUTIVE BOARD OF DIRECTORS William Abernathie, Jr., President (909) 885-6074; E-mail: [email protected] Ken Lutz, Vice-President (909) 866-0100; E-mail: [email protected] Kristen Riegel, Secretary (909) 386-8401 Colin McKenzie, Treasurer (909) 578-4423 STAFF Michael Eagleson, Chief of Labor Relations E-mail: [email protected] Nancy Tate, Senior Field Representative E-mail: [email protected] Mary Blanco, Senior Field Representative E-mail: [email protected] Ellen Monsalve, Executive Assistant E-mail: [email protected] Mary Hahn, Membership Secretary II E-mail: [email protected] Ruth Perez, Administrative Secretary II E-mail: [email protected] Esther Aguilar, Membership Secretary I E-mail: [email protected] Michael Tulisiak, Events/Fundraising Director E-mail: [email protected] STATION DIRECTORS Sergeant at Arms...Stuart Osborne Adelanto...Jason Grantham Adelanto Detention Center...Paul Lopez Apple Valley...Joshua Moody Aviation...Mike Ells Barstow...Marie Spain Big Bear...Joe Cottrell CDC...Phyllis Hudgins Central Station...Daniel Armenta Chino Hills...Dan Babel Colorado River...Darryl Weart Coroner...Andy Avery Ct Svcs Desert...Jason Patrick Ct Svcs East...Jeri Caperton Ct Svcs West...Amy Kennedy D.A. Desert...Allen Maxwell D.A. Valley...Paul Amicone Fontana...Henry Sanchez GHRC...Paul Franklin Hazmat...Curtis Brundage Hesperia...Ray Santa Cruz Highland...Laren Leichliter Morongo...Richard Boswell Narcotics...Henry Valencia Probation East...Monica Yanez Probation Desert...Vacant Probation West...J.T. Reece Probation Corrections...William Forrester Probation Corrections WVJH...Ernestine McKinney Probation Corrections HDJDAC...Eugene Todd Rancho Cucamonga...Robert Hards Retired...Ken Gopperton Scientific Investigations...Hiram Evans Specialized Investigations...Roxanne East Logan Transportation..Marvin Morton Twin Peaks...Tracy Klinkhart Victor Valley...Vacant Victorville...Robert Johnson Welfare Fraud...Harry McLelland WVDC...Brian Fratt Yucaipa...D.J. McCarty 2 SEBA STAR &SHIELD INSIDE President’s Message ..................................................................................3 Peace Officers Memorial Ceremony .............................................................3 Chief of Labor Relations Corner ..................................................................4 Field Representative Assignments ...............................................................4 Labor Relations ..........................................................................................5, 6 They Died Helping Others ...........................................................................7 Military Matters ..........................................................................................8 Legal Defense Fund ....................................................................................9 SEBA Board Minutes ..................................................................................10 Scholarship Winners For 2007 ....................................................................14 Ticket Prices ..............................................................................................14 Memorial ....................................................................................................15 Promotions & Transfers ..............................................................................16 Fishing For A Good Cause ...........................................................................17 Medical Emergency Leave Donation Requests ............................................20 Association Financials ................................................................................23 Know Your Legislators ................................................................................23 CALENDAR MAY Wednesday SEBA Board Meeting 9 Monday Memorial Day (SEBA Office Closed) 28 JUNE Thurs. Mother’s Day 13 Thursday 17 • Inland Chapter PORAC Mtg 6 p.m., Castaways, San Bernardino • Footprinters Meeting, Noon, Shandin Hills Saturday Armed Forces Day Wednesday SEBA Board Meeting 6 Thursday Flag Day 14 Sunday Father’s Day 17 Thursday Summer Begins 21 19 The Star and Shield is the official publication of the Safety Employees’ Benefit Association published under the supervision of its Board of Directors. Opinions expressed by writers do not necessarily reflect those of SEBA or any members of the Board of Directors. The presence of paid advertising in this publication does not represent a guarantee, express or implied, by the Association, regarding the merchants or service providers advertising herein. Subscriptions for non-members are $6.00 per year. Entered as third class bulk mail, postage paid San Bernardino, CA usps 529. SEBA Mission Statement SEBA is dedicated to protect and promote the well-being and image of its members in the areas of: Collective bargaining; Protection of member rights; Political action to promote the goals of the Association; Services of benefit to the member; and Community involvement PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE By Bill Abernathie PORAC Symposium Update he annual PORAC Symposium was held during the week of March 26th, 2007, at the Pechanga Resort & Casino. This is an annual event that has several different areas of instruction to help familiarize PORAC members with some of the more critical issues facing law enforcement now and in the future. During the first day of instruction, several members of the newly formed Governor’s Commission on Public Employee Pensions and Retiree Health Care spoke. This commission was formed by the Governor appointing several members to the commission. The President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Don Perata and the Speaker of the Assembly, Fabian Nunez were also able to appoint several members to the commission. Two note worthy individuals who were appointed to the commission are T Captain Paul Cappitelli from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department and Ron Cottingham, President of the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC). An overview of what was expected of the commissions was given. The commission will be presenting a report to the Governor and the Legislature by January 1, 2008. Another area of instruction was early warning signs for suicide prevention. There has been a recognized increase in members of the law enforcement community committing suicide. There are many things that can be done to help prevent this tragedy, but the most important one is for all of us to take the time out of our busy schedules to be aware of changes with individuals we work with on a daily basis. We all need to be ready to step in and help if needed. Other areas of instruction dealt with Workers Compensation and an overview of how the process is currently working or not working. There was discussion about HR 218, which gave law enforcement officers the right to carry firearms almost anywhere in the United States. SEBA is on the move! Our new office address and phone numbers are: 735 E. Carnegie Drive, Suite 125, 92408 1- 800-655-7322 909-885-6074 The symposium was completed with instruction about Social Security benefits and issues surrounding GASB 45 and its accounting requirements. Overall, it was a very informative time for everyone in attendance. Look for the next symposium around the same time next year. COLLECTIVE BARGINING TRAINING I am continuing to move forward with trying to get all members of our bargaining teams Please see President, p. 22 PEACE OFFICER’S MEMORIAL CEREMONY The 2007 Peace officers’ memorial Ceremony will be held on May 9, 2007, at 1400 hours at the San Bernardino County Government Center located at 385 North Arrowhead Avenue, in San Bernardino. Peace Officers’ memorial Day began in 1962, when President John F. Kennedy proclaimed May 15th the first such day. In 1999, the Peace Officers’ Memorial statue was unveiled in the lobby of the County Government Center. All Department personnel are invited to attend the ceremony. Uniforms for the ceremony are: Class A, long sleeves, black tie with Sheriff’s badge tie tack, no hats. SEBA STAR &SHIELD 3 CHIEF OF LABOR RELATIONS CORNER Change to the Medical Benefit Plan By Michael Eagleson n this upcoming open enrollment period for medical benefits you need to be aware that the County will no longer have Blue Cross as one of the options. The reason for this change is Blue Cross only agreed to bid on providing health care to the County if they were the only provider the County contracted with. After reviewing their proposed increase as well as the large number of County Employees who do not have Blue Cross as their provider, the Employee Benefit Activities Committee thought it was best to look elsewhere for medical providers. The plans the County will be offering during open enrollment are Kaiser, Health Net HMO, and Health Net PPO. For those employees who had I 4 SEBA STAR &SHIELD Blue Cross as their health care provider, you will need to switch to one of these plans. For our members in Needles, Trona, Baker, and Ridgecrest you will be able to enroll in Health Net PPO and will maintain the “Needles Subsidy.” Furthermore you should not have to change your doctor. Health Net has committed to signing up the doctors who were with Blue Cross. I have been informed that they are having great success. But to be certain check with your doctor. SEBA FIELD REPRESENTATIVE ASSIGNMENTS Your Association has instituted a procedure of dividing up representation based upon your duty station. Should the need arise for representation, or if you have any questions regarding your MOU or any other issues, please call the Association office at (909)885-6074 or (800)655-7322 and ask for your Field Representative listed below. Please note: If you have a legal emergency after hours or on weekends, call the Association office and you will be connected with our answering service. They will contact the on-call Field Representative immediately. MARY BLANCO NANCY TATE Adelanto Detention Center Adelanto Apple Valley Apple Valley Fire Barstow Chino Hills Communications – Desert Coroner Court Services – Victorville Court Services – Rancho District Attorney Hesperia PCO – HJDAC PCO – West Valley Probation – Victorville Probation – Rancho/West Rancho Cucamonga Transportation Victor Valley Victorville WVDC Academy Aviation Big Bear Big Bear Fire Central Station CDC Colorado River/Needles Communications – Valley Court Services – Central Court Services – Redlands Fontana GHRC HAZMAT Highland IRNET Morongo Narcotics PCO – Central Probation – Central/East Scientific Investigations Specialized Detectives Twin Peaks Welfare Fraud Yucaipa LABOR RELATIONS Sick Leave By Nancy Tate ick Leave is not a right, although a negotiated item in the MOU. It is different from Vacation Leave, which is considered “earned right” under California law. This is why an employer has the right to look over your shoulder when you use up a considerable amount of your sick leave every year. However, the employer does not have the right to have a diagnosis of your personal health issues. They are entitled to a note from a doctor indicating that you are under his or her professional care, that you were too ill or incapacitated to work on a particular day, and that you are well enough to return to work on a subsequent day. Any other information that is requested would be a violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Under this act you are not required to provide your employer any other personal medical information. There is a caveat to this. The employer, with good cause, has a right to send an employee to see the County doctor for an examination for fitness for duty. Each job classification has specification’s that indicate what you must be able to perform in order to stay employed. So if you have an off-work order, your doctor must indicate what it is that you cannot do at work, not what is wrong with you. California Labor Code Sections 233 & 234 state: 233. (a) Any employer who provides sick leave for employees shall permit an employee to use in any calendar year the employee’s accrued and available sick leave entitlement, in an amount not less than the sick leave that would be accrued during six months at the employee’s then current rate of entitlement, to attend to an illness of a child, parent, spouse, or domestic partner of the employee. All conditions and restrictions placed by the employer upon the use by an employee of sick leave also shall apply to the use by an employee of sick leave to attend to an illness of his or her child, parent, spouse, S or domestic partner. 234. An employer absence control policy that counts sick leave taken pursuant to Section 233 as an absence that may lead to or result in discipline, discharge, demotion, or suspension is a per se violation of Section 233. An employee working under this policy is entitled to appropriate legal and equitable relief pursuant to Section 233. Please note: if the time you took off qualifies under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and/or California Family Rights Act (CFRA) and you code it as such, there can be no adverse consequences or adverse comments based upon the amount of time you were on FMLA and/or CFRA leave. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact your field representative. SEBA ADVERTISE IN THE HIELD TAR CALL (951) 686-7575 S &S The Official Publication of the Safety Employees’ Benefit Association SEBA STAR &SHIELD 5 LABOR RELATIONS Labor/Employee Relations Resources By Mary Blanco s a Senior Field Representative for the Association, I receive numerous telephone calls from members regarding employment-related questions. The Association will assist you in representation at investigative interviews, the appeal process for proposed disciplinary actions resulting from the information obtained at the interviews, violations of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) provisions or issues addressed in the San Bernardino County Personnel Rules. Some members I am able to help because his or her issue is specifically mentioned in an MOU article or Personnel Rule. I may not be able to assist others because there is no language in either document that addresses his or her issue. For example, I A often receive telephone calls from probation correction officers (PCOs) raising the issue that he/she applied for a position/reassignment to another PCO position, but was not selected. The PCO is usually upset claiming that he or she has more seniority than the person selected. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything I can do to change this decision other than to inquire of management why the member was not selected for the position. There is no provision in the Specialized Peace Officer Unit MOU that allows for reassignment based on seniority. Another complaint that I often receive is from probation officers who are being reassigned. The Probation Officer will usually tell me that there are other officers who have been in the unit longer. So why weren’t they selected for the reassignment? The same answer as mentioned above for the PCOs Please see Resources, p. 18 Promote your company and logo Corporate Apparel, Mugs, Pens, Awards Manufacturer Direct Phone: 909-862-6606 Fax: 909-862-6636 Family Vision Care Latest Contact Lens Technology • Laser Vision Consultant Large Selection of Eyewear • Sunglasses and Designer Most Insurances Accepted Including EYEMED 1887 Business Center Dr., Suite A (Hospitality Lane Area of San Bernardino) PAUL A. KIYAN, O.D. • (909) 383 - 1053 • TODD A. KELSCH, O.D. 6 SEBA STAR &SHIELD FEATURES They died helping others By Craig W. Floyd Reprinted with permission of the author and AMERICAN POLICE BEAT, April 2007 everal years ago, I remember sitting on the couch at the home of a woman named Arlene Lewis. She was on oxygen and only had a matter of weeks to live. Cancer had taken its deadly hold. Yet, friends and family had gathered at her home and Arlene was in her usual good spirits. After all, everyone was there to remember and honor her son, Scot S. Lewis, a Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Officer who was shot and killed in October 1995. Earlier in the day a memorial service was held at the cemetery where Scot was buried. Scot’s partner, Keith DeVille, had spoken about his friend and colleague. He told of how they were just seven minutes from going off duty when they were flagged down by a motorist who needed help. According to Keith, the situation was right up Scot’s alley— he loved to help people. The man, it turned out could neither speak, nor hear. Later, it was learned that the man wanted to report that his home had been burglarized. But Scot would never know. As they waited for an interpreter to arrive, another motorist drove up and pretended to know the deaf man. His name was Melvin Darnell Pate. He engaged in some friendly conversation, then got out of his car, walked up to Scot, pulled out a S gun and without any provocation whatsoever, shot him in the head at point-blank range. Pate had been on a three-day drug binge and simply decided to go out and kill a cop. He tried to escape after grabbing Scot’s gun, but Officer DeVille fatally shot him as he was attempting to get away. Like Scot Lewis, so many of the officers honored at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C. were simply offering a helping hand when they were tragically taken from us. On May 11, 1924, Wilmington (DE) Police Matron Mary T. Davis was all alone on the second floor of the Wilmington jailhouse with the only female prisoner, a woman named Annie Lewis who had threatened her husband with a pistol. When Matron Davis noticed water coming out of Lewis’s cell, she unlocked the door and went in to help. It was all a ruse, though. Lewis had broken the water pipe leading to the sink and used it to break pieces of concrete from the cell wall. As soon as Davis entered, Lewis used one of the chunks of concrete to launch a vicious and fatal attack against the 67-year-old police matron. The funeral procession for Matron Davis was the largest Wilmington had ever seen. The inscription on her gravestone explains why. It reads, “Mary T. Davis – A Friend to All.” Charlie Barton was a 35-year law enforcement veteran who served with the Loudoun County (VA) Sheriff’s Department. He had a way of lifting the spirits of those around him, usually with a joke, but his friend and colleague, Tod Thompson, said, “When the bell rang, Charlie went to work.” On August 21, 1995, Deputies Barton and Thompson were on a flight to Mississippi to bring a wanted felon back to Virginia when their plane experienced engine trouble and crashed. The two deputies survived the crash, but were unwilling to leave the plane until they helped the other passengers out first. As he was offering assistance, Deputy Barton was hit hard by a flash of fire when the plane exploded. He clung to life for another 14 hours before he succumbed to his severe burns. Jimmy O’Connor seemed to be living a life of destiny. Twentyseven years earlier he was born at home on the bathroom floor, delivered by two policemen. It only made sense that Jimmy would go on to become a Chicago police officer. On September 16, 1995, Jimmy was off duty and sitting in his truck talking to two female friends standing alongside when another car pulled up and a man reached out and snatched one of the women’s purses. Jimmy immediately gave chase and after managing to overtake the other vehicle and blocking its path, he got out with gun drawn and identified himself as a police officer. Shots were exchanged and both Please see Helping, p. 11 SEBA STAR &SHIELD 7 MILITARY MATTERS Members on Military Leave Geffrey Cooper, Deputy Sheriff Jason Frey, Deputy Sheriff Edgar Plasencia, Probation Officer Benjamin Pedroza, Deputy Sheriff Family Pride Staff Sergeant Stephen C. Swerline, Jr. U.S. Air Force. Son of Retired Deputy Stephen C. Swerline Sergeant Valerie Everhart CA Army National Guard, daughter of Victoria Everhart SPC James L. Turton U.S. Army In Uzbekistan. Son-in-Law of Jim Dawson, Needles Station. Staff Sergeant Robert Simendich U.S. AF Elmondorf, AL Son of retired Lt. Robert Simendich, CDC. SPC. Anthony Alonzo U.S. Army, First Cavalry, stationed in Iraq, son of Deputy Daniel Alonzo, West Valley Detention Center. Ensign Daniel James Breeden U.S. Navy, USS Decatur DDG73 Son of Lester Breeden, Retired, Sheriff’s Dept. Michelle Gaul, Builder 3rd Class U.S. Navy Seebees. Daughter of Shelby Gaul, Detective Brenda Gaul, Dental Technician 2nd Class U.S. Navy. Daughter of Shelby Gaul, Detective Lance Corporal Joseph A. Wood, US Marine Corps Grandson of John J. Quinn, Coroner/retired. MK1-lst Class Petty Officer Eugene R. Cavenaugh Coast Guard, San Diego Fleet Training Group, San Diego. Son of Sgt. Patrick Cavenaugh, Detectives AAE2 Chris Thomas U.S. Navy, USS Kitty Hawk Son of Mike Martinez, Probation Officer, West Valley Juvenile Hall Richard R. Jones III 1st Lt. U.S. Air Force, fighter pilot Son of retired Sheriff’s Sergeant Richard R. Jones. 8 SEBA STAR &SHIELD Specialist Ryan Cardwell U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division – in Iraq Son of Kimberly Cardwell, Supervising Probation Officer. Lance Corporal Christopher Martin U.S. Marine Corps, serving in Iraq, son of Detective Wayne Martin, SBSD Criminal Intelligence. Master Sergeant Damon D. Mann, USAF Son of David Mann, Probation Officer. Senior Airman First Class Leann Bauer USAF deployed in Afghanistan Daughter of Dave Bauer, deputy at Adelanto Detention Center Dominic Buscemi AFG 82nd Airborne, Bravo Company, 504th Son of Deputy of Tony Buscemi, Hesperia Station. Staff Sgt. Anthony Crismon USMC 2/1, 13th MEU. Son-in-law of Sgt. Craig Edmunds, C/S Victorville. Cpl Azarial Rainey US Marine Corps (In Iraq) Son of Vicki Rainey-Aubry Probation Officer Airman First Class AF U.S. Eduardo Narvarte Son of Robin Real Sheriff’s Deputy, Spec. Inv. Sgt. Valerie Everhart Co.C 297th BN, Serving in Iraq Daughter of Deputy Steven Everhart, USMC Retired SBSD - Morongo Station Lt. Col. Robert T. Ault Army/Aviation - Baghdad Son of Robert E. Ault, Retired, Sheriff’s Dept. Richard E. Blanchard Airman 1st Class USAF, Anderson AFB, Guam Son-in-Law of Deputy John Smith, Twin Peaks Station MASN Troy Atkinson U.S. Navy Quantanamo Bay, Cuba son of Sgt. Don Atkinson/WVDC Donald Potts, Deputy Sheriff Richard Farrow Deputy Sheriff Join SEBA’s “Family Pride” Air Force Lt. Col. Richard Wickum Son of Tom Wickum, Assistant Sheriff, Retired o you have family members or loved ones serving in the War on Terrorism? If so, and you would like to recognize them in the Star and Shield, please fill out the questionnaire below and return it to SEBA. We will recognize your family member in the “Family Pride” section of the Star and Shield. PFC Jay Spear U.S. Army 101st Airborne, Baghdad Son of Sergeant Steve Spear Court Services Joshua Tree Service Person’s Name Honoring the military members of our extended SEBA family Mark W. McDonald U.S. Army. Son of John McDonald, Welfare Fraud Stephen Hughes, Deputy Sheriff Staff Sergeant Mike Spear U.S. Army, 25th Infantry Division Son of Sergeant Steve Spear Court Services Joshua Tree Spc. James Barnett US Army, 3rd Infantry Division Son of Helen Winters, Deputy Sheriff, Retired PFC Jay Spear U.S. Army 101st Airborne, Baghdad Son of Sergeant Steve Spear Court Services Joshua Tree Staff Sergeant Mike Spear U.S. Army, 25th Infantry Division Son of Sergeant Steve Spear Court Services Joshua Tree Captain Jacques Wilson USAF Brother of Chantae Williams, Coroner's Office Chief Warrant Officer II Chris McConnell U.S. Army, 25th Infantry Division, In Mosul, Iraq Son of Deputy Craig McConnell, Aviation Department Airman Trevor Beck US Air Force Son of Greg Beck, HSS Program Integrity, Welfare Fraud USMC Cpl. Bradley Ivey Son-In-Law of Roger Meyer, Deputy Sheriff, Morongo Station Nicole Beckum PFC US Army 1st Cavalry Camp Warhorse Araq Daughter of Deputy Zach Beckum, Public Affairs Division Daniel James Breeden Lt. J.G. U.S. Navy USS George Washington Son of Retired Lt. Lester Breeden D Service Person’s Rank Branch of Service Your Name Your Department Your relationship to the Service Person Your daytime phone number (this will be kept confidential) Fax to SEBA at (909)381-9364, or email this information to [email protected]. Free Dues While You Are Deployed! If you have orders for deployment in the fight against terrorism, please contact the Association office. With a copy of your orders, you may be eligible to have your basic Association dues waived during the time you are away. Just our way of saying “thank you” for taking the next step in defending our national freedoms. Care packages for members serving in the military Do you want to get involved in sending care packages to SEBA members who are currently serving our country in the military? Well, YOU CAN! Every other month, SEBA will be sending care packages directly to our members who are deployed either overseas or in the United States. You can get involved by bringing to SEBA or giving to your Station Director any of the following items: 1. Personal care/sundries 2. AT&T calling cards (MCI doesn’t work in some places) 3. Gift cards for WalMart, Sam’s Club or Costco 4. Disposable cameras 5. A letter from you! GOD BLESS AMERICA! SEBA STAR &SHIELD 9 SEBA BOARD MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, April 4, 2007 CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order by President Abernathie at 1205 hours. Pledge of Allegiance Moment of Silence SECRETARY OF THE BOARD - K. RIEGEL Recognize alternates – No alternates to be recognized. Approve Minutes –March 7, 2007 - Motion by Andy Avery, second by Robert Hards, to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of March 7, 2007, as submitted. Motion carries. Motion 200704M-01 PRESIDENT’S REPORT -W. ABERNATHIE Financial Report – Grace Clark, from Smith Marion & Co., addressed the Board to give a report on the recent audit completed. The audit went well; no surprises were discovered as a result of the audit. The I Found Mayberry in Show Low, Arizona!!! • Experience all 4 seasons • Enjoy the many lakes, whispering pines and views at 6500 ft. • Plenty of fishing, hunting, snow skiing, hiking and mountain biking Contact Vince Thomas (ret. LASD) (928) 242-3838 or (800) 237-6230 [email protected] • Peace, simplicity and people who still wave. “A Tradition of Trust” Active brother Dane Thomas (SBSD) Active brother Neil Thomas (LASD) Ret. father (FBI) Real Estate audit included pulling random members files to determine if the correct paperwork was contained in the file. Collective Bargaining Training – Bill Abernathie, Mike Eagleson, and Kristen Riegel attended the Collective Bargaining Training at PORAC in Sacramento during March. The training was very good. Hazmat will be the next unit to begin negotiations in early fall. All members of future negation teams will be given the opportunity to take this training. By-Law Review for 6th Annual Board of Directors Conference – Conference will be September 6th & 7th at Pechanga Resort & Casino this year. President Abernathie appointed Ken Lutz to chair a committee to review the current By-Laws. The following were appointed to the committee: Lauren Leichliter for Safety; Bill Forester for Probation Corrections; Monica Yanez for Probation; Harry McLelland for Welfare Fraud; Paul Amicone for District Attorney; and Mike Eagleson. Motion by Harry McLelland, second by Robert Johnston, to approve the President’s appointments to the By-Law Review Committee. Motion carries. Motion 2007-04M-11 Scholarship Committee Meeting – Committee was appointed at the March Board Meeting. Packets will be given to committee members after this meeting. Meeting to review scholarship applications will be arranged at a later date. 2007-2008 Operating Budget – Enclosed is the proposed 2007-2008 Operating Budget. The budget will be voted on at the June Board Meeting. TREASURER’S REPORT - W. ABERNATHIE Fund Balance Report Total Fund Balance -$3,710,101.60 Budget Report Current Budget Target 70.83% Current Revenue Percent 55.90% Current Expense Percent 61.40% Motion by Jeri Caperton, second by DJ McCarty, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Motion 2007-04M-02 Please see Minutes, p. 12 10SSEBA TAR &SHIELD Helping Continued from p. 7 Jimmy and the other shooter were killed. Texas State Trooper Mark Phebus, 23, was on his way home to Houston after a weekend visit with friends in Oklahoma when he spotted what appeared to be a two-car traffic accident along the side of the road. It was after midnight on September 17, 1990, and Trooper Phebus stopped to offer assistance. After identifying himself as a police officer to the man and woman involved, he walked back to his car to get a flashlight. Everything seemed routine up to that point. But Trooper Phebus had unknowingly placed himself in a terribly dangerous situation. The traffic accident was actually the result of a violent domestic dispute between a man and his estranged wife. When Mark went to get his flashlight, the man got a handgun from his car. As Trooper Phebus approached, the man pointed the gun at Mark’s face and pulled the trigger. At the funeral, Pastor Wayne Hicks said, “Mark chose to live a life of service to others . . . he died for what he believed in. He may have saved a woman’s life that night. Mark died a death of honor and valor.” Patrolman Thomas Strunk, a three-year veteran of the Billerica (MA) Police Department, was also off duty on March 27, 1985, when he put himself at risk. He was on his way home from the doctor’s office with his wife, Nancy, and three young sons in the car with him. They were just a few miles from home when Tom saw a car ahead of him swerving all over the road. After following the vehicle for a short distance he became convinced that the driver was probably drunk and posed a serious threat to others on the road. He decided to pull the car over. He walked to the man’s car, identified himself as a police officer, and asked the driver to please step out of his vehicle. Instead, the man immediately tried to flee. No doubt the man’s drunken state, his prior criminal record and the drugs he had in the car all contributed to that decision. Patrolman Strunk reacted quickly. He reached into the car and tried to shut the engine off and take away the keys. But the man rolled the car window up, trapping Tom’s arm. The man then sped off, dragging Tom alongside at speeds reaching 55 miles per hour. With his wife and sons watching from their car in horror, the car crashed into a pole and Tom died less than an hour later. As so often happens in drunk driving cases, the man who murdered Tom Strunk threw himself on the mercy of the court and plea bargained a light sentence. Meanwhile, Nancy and her three sons cling to the memories of a wonderful husband and father—a man who died helping others while doing the job he loved. Craig W. Floyd is Chairman of the National law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. Visit for more information about law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. SEBA Porac LDF I.A. Rules: Always consult with an association representative/lawyer before responding to any report, letter, memo and/or questions concerning an investigation which could possibly lead to punitive action. If ordered to do so ask to have it recorded and read the following: NON-WAIVER STATEMENT: “I have been refused the right to have a representative of my choice. I understand that I am being ordered to make a report or answer questions and that if I do not comply with the order, I may be disciplined for insubordination. Therefore, I have no alternative but to abide by the order. However, by so doing, I do not waive my Constitutional rights to remain silent under the 5th and 14th Amendments to the United States Constitution, under the protections afforded me under case law.” SEBA STAR &SHIELD11 Minutes Continued from p. 10 CORRESPONDENCE Thank you letter from Military Personnel Thank you letter from High Desert Community Foundation Thank you letter from National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund MEMBERSHIP REPORT - W. ABERNATHIE Membership Status: Safety – 1469; Safety Management – 191; Exempt – 15; Probation – 284; Specialized – 447; Specialized Supervisory – 104; Special Districts – 30; Associate – General – 53: Associate – Firefighter – 58; Reserve – 19; Retired – 661; Total - 3331 P.O.R.A.C. REPORT - W. ABERNATHIE Symposium Recap – E-Board meeting was held at Pechanga Resort & Casino last week. The Board will be reviewing upcoming legislation to determine if PORAC will support or oppose legislation for the 2007 legislation year. INSURANCE TRUST REPORT - K. LUTZ PORF meeting after today’s meeting. LABOR REPORT - M. EAGLESON Health care coverage for Needles area members – When open enrollment begins this year, Blue Cross will no longer be providing services for the Needles area members. Health Net will be providing the same services Blue Cross has provided in the past. Unit Modification – Still waiting for decision. FTO Grievance – No answer from the Department. Written Report – See report. 12SSEBA TAR &SHIELD OLD BUSINESS Fraternization Policy – This was discussed at the last Board meeting. The policy was forwarded to our attorney for an opinion. A copy of the opinion has been provided. The attorney believed the Department may be overstepping their boundary. This opinion has been forwarded to HR. SEBA is waiting for a response from the Department. Tattoo Policy – Copies provided. This policy was also sent to our attorneys for an opinion. The attorney believes this policy is reasonable. Sale of Building – The E Street building is still for sale. The possible sale discussed at the March Board meeting fell through. The broker will be paying for all April expenses associated with this property, as agreed to in our contract. Details to come in the next meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items will be approved at one time unless removed for discussion by a member of the Board. All removed items will be taken up under Deferred Items. Donation Request – Sheriff’s Aviation Division – Motion by Ray Santa Cruz, second by Robert Johnston, to approve a donation request of $250 to sponsor a member for the Breast Cancer 3-Day from the Charity Fund. Funds will be used for cancer research and community outreach programs, treatment, prevention, and education. Motion carries. Motion 2007-04M-03 Donation Request – President – Motion by Ray Santa Cruz, second by Robert Johnston, to approve a donation request of $600 to spon- sor a foursome for the Sheriff’s Athletic Federation 6th Annual Golf Tournament from the Charity Fund. Motion carries. Motion 2007-04M-04. Donation Request – President – Motion by Ray Santa Cruz, second by Robert Johnston, to approve a donation request of $2,500 as a Presenting Sponsor for the International Footprinter’s Blue Ribbon Breakfast from the Charity Fund. Motion carries. Motion 200704M-05 Donation Request – President – Motion by Ray Santa Cruz, second by Robert Johnston, to approve a donation request of $500 to the Sheriff’s 10th Annual Charity Motorcycle Ride and Family Picnic from the Charity Fund. Motion carries. Motion 2007-04M-06 Donation Request – President – Motion by Ray Santa Cruz, second by Robert Johnston, to approve a donation request of $1,100 for a foursome to the San Manuel 9th Annual Charity Gold Tournament from the Charity Fund. Motion carries. Motion 2007-04M-07 Donation Request – President – Motion by Ray Santa Cruz, second by Robert Johnston, to approve donation request of $2,000 as a Bronze Sponsor for a foursome and a tee sign to the Okoye Golf Classic from the Charity Fund. Motion carries. Motion 2007-04M-08 The following donation requests were denied by the Executive Board of Directors: Sheriff’s Criminal Intelligence Division – Baker to Vegas. NEW BUSINESS Motion by Ken Gopperton, second by Jeri Caperton, to ratify action taken by the Executive Board Please see Minutes, p. 13 Minutes Continued from p. 12 of Directors for donation to the trust fund of Riverside County for Deputy Sheriff Manuel Villegas from the Charity Fund. EOW 3/19/07 Motion 2007-04M-09 CLOSED SESSION Member financial hardship – Motion by Robert Hards, second by William Forester, to approve a member financial request of $1,500 loan from the General Fund. Motion carries. Motion 2007-04M-10 ADJOURN TO MEETING OF THE POLITICAL ACTON COMMITTEE RECONVENE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ANNOUNCEMENTS Next Board Meeting – Wednesday, May 9, 2007 COMMITTEES – W. ABERNATHIE Local Political Action Committee Contribution Request – 2nd District Supervisor Paul Biane – Motion by Robert Hards, second by Brian Fratt, to approve a donation request of $5,000 as a Golden Tournament Sponsor to the 4th Annual Biane Gold Classic from the Local Political Action Fund. Motion carries. Motion 2007-04P-02 Contribution Request – 4th District Supervisor Gary Ovitt – Motion by Robert Hards, second by William Forester, to approve a contribution request of $990 to 4th District Supervisor Gary Ovitt from the Local Political Action Fund. Contribution is for a “Reception Chair” sponsorship for the Third Annual “Mariachis y Margaritas” fundraiser at the Guasti Villas, Thursday, May 3rd and includes 20 tickets. Motion carries. Motion 2007-04P-03 Endorsement Request – Bob Smith – 34th Assembly District. Motion by Harry McLelland, second by DJ McCarty to endorse Bob Smith for candidate for 34th Assembly District Representative. Motion carries. Motion 2007-04P-04 ADJOURN MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Motion by William Forester, second by Ray Santa Cruz, to adjourn the meeting of Board of Directors at 1340 hrs. Motion carries. ADJOURN MEETING OF THE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE SEBA HAVE YOU TRANSFERRED TO A NEW STATION? SEBA REGULAR MEETING OF THE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE If you have transferred to a new Duty Station, please complete the information below and return to SEBA. This will help us to keep our database current. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT – W. ABERNATHIE Approve Minutes – March 7, 2007 – Motion by Ken Gopperton, second by William Forester, to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Political Action Committee Meeting of March 7, 2007, as submitted. Motion carries. Motion 2007-04P-01 Guest Speaker – Bob Smith, Candidate for 34th Assembly District. See information packet provided. New Business Meeting Rancho Cucamonga Fire President and Vice-President – Meeting was held with Rancho Cucamonga Fire President and Vice President to discuss how SEBA and the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Association can work together in the future. Meeting went well. Meeting Morongo Tribal Council Members – Meeting was held with Morongo Tribal Council Members to discuss if SEBA would support the Morongo Tribal Compact. Name: County ID#: Department: New Duty Station: New Station Telephone: ( ) Date: Signature: Fax to (909) 381-9364 or mail to SEBA, 735 E. Carnegie Dr., Suite 125 San Bernardino, CA 92408 STAR &SHIELD13 FEATURES Scholarship winners for 2007 EBA awarded $7,500 in scholarships this year to two deserving students. Claire Hurst, daughter of John Hurst, Welfare Fraud, Program Integrity Department, won the $5,000 Richard Scovel Scholarship for 2007. Joey Segura, son of Michelle and Anthony Grossi, of the Sheriff’s Department, won the $2,500 SEBA Scholarship. Claire is graduating from Redlands High School, where she is the Sports Editor of the school newspaper. She is an athlete, being a four-year member of the volleyball team, two of those on varsity. She is involved in the Young Republicans Club and the California Scholarship Foundation. In addition to her scholastic activities and achievements, Claire is very involved with her community. She volunteers for Assisteens, which performs civicminded projects. She served as the Philanthropic chair for two years and as Resource Development chair for one year. She also volunteers for the Redlands Bicycle Classic as a presenter. Clair tutored at her local church in the Mustard See Tutorial program aimed at assisting low income families. She also has volunteered at the family services carnival for homeless children and at Somerford Place, an alzheimer’s care facility. Claire is hoping to attend either UC Los Angeles, UC Santa Barbara or UC Riverside to major S 14SSEBA TAR &SHIELD Claire Hurst and Jose Segura are the recipients of SEBA’s 2007 Scholarship Awards. in broadcast journalism and minor in English. Her longterm goal is to work for CNN or Fox News. Jose Segura attends San Gorgonio High School and is hoping to attend UC Irvine or San Diego State. He is ranked 24th in his senior class, putting him in the top 5%. He has maintained a GPA of at least 4.0 and has been on the Honor Roll since his freshman year. Jose is also a Scholar Celebratin g 60 Years of Service HIELD S & STAR &SHIELD S The TAR Of ic Publ ficial ation et e Saf of th pl y Em oyee ne s’ Be Athlete Letterman and multisport Letterman, participating in football, wrestling and track. He is an active member of the Peer Leadership program, which helps to improve the community by assisting students who are adjusting the high school life and promoting a drug free attitude. Jose’s plan is to obtain an electrical engineering degree and work for a successful computer technology company. SEBA , 2006 December sso fit A ciatio The O fficia Celebrating 60 Years n of Service November, 2006 l Publ ic ation o f the S afety Emplo yees’ B enefi t Asso ci REMEMB ER TO VO NOVEMBE TE R7 Election endorsem ents on page 23 ation ADVERTISE IN THE HIELD TAR CALL (951) 686-7575 S &S The Official Publication of the Safety Employees’ Benefit Association Vote YES on Prop 83 CALIFORNIA PEACE OFFICERS MEMORIAL 2007 Honored Officers from 2006 Officer Richard May East Palo Alto Police Department EOW: January 7, 2006 Deputy David Stan Piquette Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department EOW: July 7, 2006 Officer Earl Scott CHP Modesto EOW: February 17, 2006 Officer Nick Birco San Francisco Police Department EOW: July 26, 2006 Officer Gregory J. Bailey CHP- Rancho Cucamonga EOW: February 25, 2006 Deputy Pierre W. Bain Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department EOW: March 23, 2006 Officer Brent Clearman CHP - Oakland EOW: August 6, 2006 Officer Landon Dorris Los Angeles Police Department EOW: October 22, 2006 Deputy William Hudnall Kern County Sheriff’s Department EOW: November 14, 2006 Officer Dan Bessant Oceanside Police Department EOW: December 20, 2006 Officer Bryan Tuvera San Francisco Police Department EOW: December 23, 2006 Deputy Jeffrey Mitchell Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department EOW: October 27, 2006 2007 In Memory Deputy Manuel Villegas Riverside Sheriff’s Department EOW: March 19, 2007 Honoring Our Fallen Officers • [email protected] SEBA STAR &SHIELD15 PROMOTIONS & TRANSFERS The Sheriff has approved the following Promotions and Transfers for March & April 2007. Effective March 31, 2007: Supervising Deputy Coroner Investigator Cathy Notaro Effective April 14, 2007: LIEUTENANT Sam Lucia from Internal Affairs to Scientific Investigations SERGEANT Michael Belicki from Specialized Inv. to Morongo James Bergandahl from Twin Peaks to Big Bear Kevin Jaquez from Victorville to ADC Daniel J. McCarty from Yucaipa to GHRC DETECTIVE Michelle Kopp from Public Affairs to Victor Valley James Lisner from Fontana to Yucaipa Robert Rose from Victorville to Spec. Investigations Jerry Shelton from Apple Valley to Victorville Bryan Wellott from Rancho to Twin Peaks Effective April 28, 2007: SERGEANT Tim Parnell from CDC to WVDC DETECTIVE: Ryan Collins from Highland to Victorville Effective April 14, 2007: SERGEANT Russ Wilke from Specialized Enf. to Internal Affairs Tim Kelly from ADC to Victorville Dwight Roselius from Court Services to Fontana Jeff Staggs from Yucaipa to Court Services Jeff Bohner from GHRC to Yucaipa Jeff Morgan from Court Services to Volunteer Forces Scot Corbin from Hesperia to Court Services Ken Lutz from Big Bear to Hesperia 16SSEBA TAR &SHIELD DEPUTY Mark Gordon from Hesperia to Court Services Gary McWilliams from ADC to Hesperia Shawn Hollosy from GHRC to Fontana Steven Lawyer from Hesperia to Victor Valley Richard Green from ADC to Hesperia Felix Huaman from Rancho to Central Manual Aguirre from WVDC to Rancho Shane Hollands from GHRC to Yucaipa David Briscoe from Central to Yucaipa Aaron Serrano from Court Services to Central Kenneth Hurley from CDC to Court Services Jeromy Snyder from WVDC to Hesperia Derrick Willies from Twin Peaks to Central Garry Dominguez from WVDC to Twin Peaks Adam Salsberry from CDC to Victorville Justin Snyder from WVDC to Victorville Floyd Stone from ADC to Victorville Joshua Moore from ADC to Hesperia Daniel Berumen from WVDC to Chino Hills Adam Horenburg from ADC to Barstow Phillip Alvarado from WVDC to Victorville Brian Moler from ADC to Victorville Rudy Delgado from WVDC to Rancho Andrew Antekeier from ADC to Apple Valley Joseph Garay from WVDC to Victorville James Cook from GHRC to Fontana Terry Blankenship from GHRC to Rancho Michael Catalano from ADC to Victorville Lance Beyerle from CDC to Highland Dennis McCall from Central to WVDC Effective April 28, 2007: SERGEANT Gary Somerville from Central to Victor Valley Hector Gomez from WVDC to Central DETECTIVE/CORPORAL Christopher Mulligan from ASU to CDC Jeff Simonton from Specialized Inv. to ASU Rick Messersmith from Victorville to Spec. Investigations DEPUTY Keith Mulligan from WVDC to Highland FEATURES Fishing for a Good Cause here’s no such thing as a bad fishing trip, especially when you’re fishing for a good cause. SEBA once again held it’s annual “Cops and Kids Fishing Derby,” on April 21 at Guasti Park in Ontario. The derby benefits SEBA’s Children’s Charities Fund. “We had a good turnout of kids,” Danny Thomas, from Thomas & Kobler said. T & K organized the fundraiser, which drew about 100 attendees. Children were given a fishing pole, complete with tackle and bait. They each also received lunch, snacks and raffle tickets, plus an additional raffle ticket per fish caught. All the kids did well. First Place Winner: 4 ½ lb rainbow trout; 2nd Place 1 3/4 lb. trout T & K raised about $3,000 in prizes which ere awarded to the participants. The derby is a successful fundraiser for SEBA, one that will continue to grow in the future, Thomas said. “It seems like, each year, it grows a little more and more,” he said. Attending children were from San Bernardino Foster Children’s Association We would like to thank Explorer Scouts, Cadets from the Sheriff’s Academy, Deputy Sheriff’s and Probation Officer’s who helped out to make this event a success. SEBA T The proud winners of the SEBA Cops and Kids Fishing Derby. SEBA STAR &SHIELD17 Resources Continued from p. 6 applies. That is not to say that language can’t be added to the MOU to try and address these issues; it can! However, this would have to be done during the contract negotiations. Speaking of negotiations, several months before the expiration of a contract, a survey is sent out to the members requesting information on what they believe should be asked for in the upcoming contract negotiations. This is your opportunity to be heard! Please make every effort to respond as the Association uses this information to determine what bargaining proposals to submit. Many members claim they are not receiving correspondence from the As- Sellers and buyers call me for law enforcement specials. Broker Mark Averbeck Residential & Commercial Purchases Residential & Commercial Loans 22-year veteran of law enforcement $1000 loan cost if we represent your next purchase • Foreclosures available No one can beat our prices! sociation. If you are one of these members please contact the office to insure that we have your correct address on file. SEBA is not tied to the County information system, so if you update your address with the County, it is not automatically updated here. It is not unusual for me to be representing a member and review their personal data, only to find that they no longer live at the address on file, nor work in the same unit or facility. If a member calls with a question on an issue that is not addressed in the MOU, I will also refer to the Personnel Rules. The categories in the Personnel Rules address examinations, list eligibility, certification, appointments, work performance, assignments and separations, and disciplinary actions. The Civil Service Commission (CSC) consists of five members who are appointed by the Board of Supervisors and serve as a hearing body for adjudicating employee appeals on matters set forth by the Personnel Rules mentioned above. The Personnel Rules are updated annually, and the various employees associations are given an opportunity to provide their input. There are other resources that I refer to in order to answer member questions. For instance, sometimes an employee will call with a question concerning overtime or travel time. When is overtime required? When is travel time compensable when it is required to attend mandated training? These are Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) questions. The FLSA is federal law that establishes minimum wage, overtime pay and record-keeping standards affecting workers in the private sector and in the Federal, State, and local governments. The FLSA does not require an employer to pay overtime until the employee works more than 40 hours in a week. The FLSA also does not include paid leave (i.e. sick, vacation) time in the computation of overtime hours. However, our MOU’s do include paid leave time in the calculation of overtime. This is an issue that was bargained for in previous contracts. In regard to overtime, most of our members are subject to the 7 (k) partial overtime exemption which allows a public employer of law enforcement or firefighter personnel to establish a work period from seven (7) days to twenty-eight (28) days with applicable maximum hour standards. The applicable maximum hour standards differ depending on whether the employee is law enforcement or a fire fighter. (909) 478-4001 Please see Resources, p. 20 18SSEBA TAR &SHIELD FEATURES Federal Appellate Panel a Judicial Joke By Hank Hernandez Reprinted from LA Daily News, April 11, 2007 he 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals continues its quest to be the least-respected group of jurists in the United States with another decision worthy of ridicule. It recently ruled that police officers violated the Fourth Amendment (Fisher v. City of San Jose) by not getting an arrest warrant before taking into custody a heavily armed and drunk suspect following a 12-hour standoff. On Oct. 23, 1999, Steven Fisher bought two 12-packs of beer and settled in at home, cleaning his collection of 18 guns. A security guard at the apartment called police when he felt Fisher’s behavior became menacing. Officers surrounded his apartment and attempted to get Fisher to surrender. Fisher was mostly unresponsive, but did insist on talking about his Second Amendment rights. He told the negotiator he would shoot her if she came into his apartment, and he was seen pointing his rifle at surrounding officers. The apartment complex was evacuated, with one neighbor fleeing via a hole cut into her apartment wall so she wouldn’t have to come within rifle range of Fisher. An all-day effort to get Fisher to give up and come out included the throwing of tear gas and flashbang grenades into the house. None had any effect. When T Fisher finally emerged hours later, hear all other cases. he had to be subdued with rubber Hopefully, this case will be bullets. added to the long list of those Sounds like a successful and finding that the 9th Circuit got it peaceful resolution to a tense and completely wrong. dangerous situation. Well, not according to Fisher, who sued, Hank Hernandez is General Counclaiming his civil rights were vio- sel for the Los Angeles Police Prolated. tective League. After an eight-day trial, the jury wasted no time in telling Mr. About the LAPPL: Formed in Fisher to get lost, finding the offi- 1922, the Los Angeles Police Procers did nothing wrong. The trial tective League (LAPPL) represents judge, however, reversed the jury the more than 9,000 dedicated and verdict, ruling the cops violated professional sworn members of the the Fourth Amendment by not Los Angeles Police Department. getting a warrant for Fisher’s arThe LAPPL serves to advance the rest. interests of LAPD officers through Incredibly, the 9th Circuit legislative and legal advocacy, politiagreed, holding the arrest illegal. cal action and education. The In short, the 9th Circuit believes LAPPL can be found on the Web at that officers in a prolonged stand- SEBA off with a gun-toting drunk threatening to kill officers DUES ALLOCATION POLITICAL need to ask a court if there ACTION FUND is probable cause for an arThe California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has rest. established guidelines for the collection and accounting of political The U.S. Constitution funds by unions and other interest groups. That portion of your dues that is used for political purposes must be specifically identified and clearly does not require offiplaced into a separate account. The amount used for political cers to get an arrest warrant purposes is NOT deductible on your federal or state income taxes as a union expense. You may elect not to pay into the Political Action Fund. for an armed, intoxicated and barricaded suspect who Currently, the amount of dues allocated to the Political Action Fund is is threatening the lives of $20 per month. If you elect not to participate in the Political Action Fund, complete the dues allocation form and return it to the everybody within range. Association office. Your contribution will be redirected to the SEBA This ruling defies common Charity Fund. sense and well-established constitutional practice. PAC DUES ALLOCATION I am requesting that you do not place any portion of my monthly dues The 9th Circuit has been toward the Political Action Fund maintained by the Safety Employees' reversed so many times by Benefit Association. I understand that my dues will not be reduced and instead will be redirected into the SEBA Charity Fund. the Supreme Court that it Date:____________________________________________________ has been suggested two Member Signature:_________________________________________ ID#:____________________________________________________ Supreme Court dockets are needed: one to reverse the SEBA, 735 E. Carnegie Dr., Suite 125, CA 92408 9th Circuit, and another to SEBA STAR &SHIELD19 Resources Continued from p. 18 In order to determine if travel time is compensable, I need to know the member’s normal work schedule, his or her normal reporting location, the location of the training, the type of transportation to be used to commute to the training, etc. In most situations the travel time will be compensable. Members will also call wanting to know what their rights are in situations where extended leave time has to be taken to care for a sick child, parent, spouse or even themselves, and if called for military leave. For example, a deputy may need to take time off to care for his/her parent who has just had a stroke and lives in another state. There is no one else to care for the parent so the deputy submits a request for time off to care for and/or make arrangements for the parent to receive ongoing medical care. If the deputy is a full-time employee and has worked for the employer more than a year, this time must be granted to the employee under the California Family Rights Act (CFRA). If your request for time off is denied, your field representative will make the necessary calls to inform the decision maker that to do so would be a violation of the CFRA. These types of claims fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). However, your field representative will make the necessary calls to resolve this issue at the lowest level possible within your Department. Refer20SSEBA TAR &SHIELD ring you to one of the above-mentioned enforcement agencies is usually only done when we are unable to resolve the issue for you. The reason for that is these agencies may take several months to a year to fully investigate your claim and/or resolve your issue. I have spoken to members who are erroneously told by their attorney that the Association should be helping the member with their claim of discrimination. This is not true! Your field representative is aware of anti-discrimination laws and labor code violations. We can advise you when we believe your rights are being violated under these laws. We also try to resolve the issue with the County in an effort to save time and resolve your issue promptly so that you do not have to go to these outside agencies. However, if we are unsuccessful in resolving these types of issues then we have to refer you to the agencies that have jurisdiction over these matters. Last but not least, I have received calls from members who are being deployed for military duty or are due to return. They want to know what their rights are so they know what to expect. Their rights are protected under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USEERA). I can refer to their guidelines, or even call a toll free number when researching an issue for a member. The Association strives to be a full service organization in the representation of our members. If you have a question, don’t hesitate to contact your field representative. If we don’t have the answer, we will after conducting the necessary research. SEBA MEDICAL EMERGENCY LEAVE DONATION REQUESTS BETHARD,CHRISTIE LAND USE SERVICES CARDILLO-MOORE, LINDA SHERIFF DAVIS, BEATRICE ARMC HAZELRIGG DE VRIES, LAURI HSS-TAD HENNINGS, AIDA HSS-TAD KEMPA, FRANK HSS MCCOY, MICHELLE CHILD SUPPORT MEDEIROS, MARY SHERIFF MORALES, HERLINDA PUBLIC HEALTH RAMIREZ, KRISTEN HSS RAY, CARLA ARMC WALKER, JACQUELINE HSS-TAD YANCY, EILEEN HSS-TAD County employees wishing to donate vacation, holiday or compensatory time-off hours may do so in 8-hour increments. Please see your department payroll clerk for filling out a Medical Emergency Leave Donation Form. TICKET PRICES All Sales Final • Prices subject to change without notice • SEBA members only Aquarium of the Pacific Adult ......................................................$15.95 Child (3-11) ..........................................$9.95 Disneyland/California Adventure Adult ......................................................$59.00 Child (3-9).............................................$51.00 Disneyland Park Hopper 1 Day, 2 Parks Adult ......................................................$64.00 Child (3-9).............................................$56.00 Knott’s Berry Farm Adult ......................................................$25.45 Child (3-11) ..........................................$16.95 Legoland (Through 1/31/08) 2-Day Pass Adult/Child ............................................$40.00 Scandia Amusement Park Unlimited Passport............................................$11.00 (Includes all rides, raceway, Screamer, and golf). Sea World (Expires 6/30/07) 2 days of fun Adult ......................................................$42.75 Child (3-9).............................................$37.00 Universal Studios One Day Pass (Through 1/31/07) Adult/Child ............................................$43.00 Annual Pass...........................................$61.00 Movie Theaters CinemaStar ............................................$5.50 Six Flags Magic Mountain Adult ......................................................$28.00 Child .....................................................$15.00 (under 48” tall) San Diego Wild Animal Park Adult .....................................................$24.25 Child (3-11) ...........................................$14.50 San Diego Zoo Deluxe Adult..........................................$29.00 Deluxe Child (3-11).................................................$19 (Includes bus tour and Skyfari ride) AMC Theatre General..................................................$5.50 Premier..................................................$7.00 (Valid for opening engagements. $8 after 6pm.) Edwards, Regal, United Artist General..................................................$6.00 Premier..................................................$7.00 (Valid for opening engagements. $8 after 6pm.) Krikorian Theatres General..................................................$6.50 SEBA STAR &SHIELD21 President Continued from p. 3 training so that everyone involved with the negotiations process are operating with the same ideas in mind. I attended a Collective Bargaining class last month along with our Chief of Negotiations, Mike Eagleson and our Secretary to the Board, Kristen Riegel. It was a very informative class and will go a long way in helping with all of the upcoming negotiations, starting with the Environmental Health Unit. I will continue to keep everyone informed of our progress on this matter since it is one of our most important concerns. NEW OFFICE SIGN The office sign for our new building has now been installed. This should make it much easier to find us when you have a need to come visit. Even if you don’t have a specific reason for coming over, stop by and check it out. Everyone I have talked to about the new location is very happy with our new look and location. Again, come on over and say “Hi” to our staff. The staff and I here at SEBA continue to put the finishing touches on everything and I am glad to say we are pretty close to having everything taken care of. ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 20 I am pleased to say ACR 20 is moving ahead in a positive direction. This measure would designate the portion of State Highway Route 247 between State Highway Route 62 and the town limit of Yucca Valley, as the “Deputy Greg A. Gariepy Memorial Highway.” There will be a cost for the signs that cannot be paid for by state money. The cost of the signs will be a small price to pay for the ability to honor Greg in this manner. I am hoping this will be finalized before the California Peace Officer Memorial Ceremonies are conducted this year in Sacramento. And as always, last but not least, “Stay safe out there.” SEBA Senior District Attorney Investigator & District Attorney Investigator THE CAREER OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME Do you enjoy conducting investigations? Are you looking for a challenge that allows you to make a positive impact on the criminal justice system? Salary ranges up to $7,385/month – $88,628/year (Increasing to $93,267/year in 2008). The largest county in the contiguous United States, San Bernardino County has a wide variety of communities, affordable housing options, diverse geography, varied recreational opportunities and a growing population that exceeds two million residents. DA Investigators enjoy great benefits, 3% @ 50 (1937 Act with PERS reciprocity option) and a flexible work schedule. The San Bernardino County DA’s Office is recruiting experienced and enthusiastic law enforcement professionals for District Attorney Investigator positions, the “best career in law enforcement.” Staffing a total of 11 offices countywide, D.A. Investigators have PC § 830.1 status and investigate violations of the law, execute search warrants, serve arrest warrants, locate and interview witnesses and conduct interesting, sensitive and complex investigations. If you have an Intermediate POST Certificate (or higher), 8 years as a 830.1 peace officer with 5 years of patrol experience (for DA Investigator position) OR 2 years of 830.1 detective experience (for Senior DA Investigator position), are looking for a change in your law enforcement environment, interested in stability, desire family-friendly work hours, are tenacious in your work habits and enjoy conducting investigations, apply to join our progressive team. Call (909) 387-6570 for assistance or contact HR at (909) 387-6144. E-mail [email protected] or apply on-line at EEO/ADA Compliant Employer. 22SSEBA TAR &SHIELD Change of Address If you have moved, we want to know about it. Please fill out this form and fax it or mail it to the SEBA office. Name: County ID#: New Address: City, State and Zip: Phone: ( ) Signature: Fax to (909) 381-9364 or mail to SEBA, 735 E. Carnegie Dr., Suite 125, San Bernardino, CA 92408 ASSOCIATION FINANCIALS TREASURY (AS OF 3/31/07) Operating Accounts General Operating General Reserve Holding Accounts Insurance Clearing Pager Deposit Fund Restricted Accounts Charity Accounts Widow/Orphan Fund Legal Defense Fund Star & Shield Ticket Sales Political Accounts State Political Action Committee Independent Expenditure Committee Ballot Measure Committee Slate Mailer Organization Committee Local Political Action Committee Federal Political Action Committee Trust Accounts Insurance Trust/Peace Officer's Relief Fund Beneficiary Accounts Minor CD Funds Memorial Funds Total Treasury OPERATING BUDGET $113,716.40 $294,513.44 $29,668.62 $2,423.30 $95,026.15 $213,428.70 $509,545.41 $8,414.05 $48,610.10 $115,637.23 $1,430.92 $141.71 $1,045.16 $18,112.26 $7,342.92 $2,235,356.80 $15,688.43 $0.00 $3,710,101.60 (AS OF 3/31/07) Income Membership Income Other Income Total Income $912,737.34 $167,934.57 $1,080,671.91 Expense Professional Services Office Insurance Service Charges Office Supplies Media Relations Dues, Subscriptions, Filing Fees Postage & Delivery Magazine Production & Delivery Printing Equipment/Furniture Accounting Executive Auto Membership Expense Employee Health Benefits Employee Payroll Taxes Employee Retirement Employee Wages & Salaries Employee Auto Allowance Employer FSA Contributions Workers Comp Insurance Employer Education Assistance Disability Insurance Expense Board of Directors Executive Board Training Other President Member Services Board Conference & Workshop Donations Building Note Building Repairs & Maintenance Communication & Data Processing Utilities Property Taxes $10,283.82 $20,573.24 $2,276.67 $22,086.24 $101.76 $3,295.53 $17,842.14 $36,990.32 $6,422.98 $16,327.81 $31,647.50 $20,722.73 $11,361.31 $66,805.35 $33,788.45 $55,381.70 $411,537.78 $26,953.79 $3,303.01 $-584.00 $5,247.00 $1,418.73 $4,689.95 $4,368.13 $4,778.87 $8,154.30 $1,019.42 $4,040.24 $16,464.81 $33,472.00 $27,375.26 $9,316.43 $43,703.44 $12,882.61 $6,616.44 Total Expense $980,665.76 Net Operating Surplus KNOW YOUR LEGISLATORS FEDERAL President George W. Bush Washington DC The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington DC 20500 (202) 456-1414 Switchboard (202) 456-1111 Comments Fax (202) 456-2461 [email protected] Senator Dianne Feinstein Washington D.C. 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510-0504 (202) 224-3841 Fax: (202) 228-3954 [email protected] Senator Barbara Boxer Washington DC 112 Hart Senate Office Bldg. Washington, DC 20510-0501 (202) 224-3553 [email protected] Representative Jerry Lewis 41st Congressional District 1150 Brookside Ave. #J5 Redlands, CA 92373 (909) 862-6030 Representative David Dreier 26th Congressional District 2220 E. Rt. 66, Ste 225 Glendora, CA 91740 (626) 852-2626 Representative Gary Miller 42nd Congressional District 1800 E. Lambert Rd., Ste 150 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 257-1142 Representative Joe Baca 43rd Congressional District 201 North “E” Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 (909) 885-2222 STATE Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger State Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-2841 (909) 680-6860 Fax: (916) 445-4633 [email protected] Senator George Runner 17th Senatorial District State Capitol, Room 5082 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-6637 [email protected] Senator Bob Dutton 31st Senatorial District State Capitol, Room 305 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-3688 [email protected] Senator Gloria Negrete-McLeod 32nd Senatorial District State Capitol, Room 2059 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 651-4032 [email protected] Assemblymember Jean Fuller 32nd Assembly District State Capitol, Room 3098, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 319-2032 Assemblymember Bill Maze 34th Assembly District State Capitol, Room 2002 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 319-2034 Representing Barstow Assemblymember Sharon Runner 36th Assembly District State Capitol, Room 6031 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 319-2036 Representing Adelanto, Victorville Assemblymember Anthony Adams 59th Assembly District State Capitol, Room 3141 Sacramento, Ca 95814 (916) 319-2059 Representing Apple Valley, Hesperia, San Bernardino Assemblymember Robert Huff 60th Assembly District State Capitol, Room 5164 (916) 319-2060 Representing Chino Hills Assemblymember Nell Soto 61st Assembly District (909) 984-7741 Representing Chino, Ontario Assemblymember Wilmer Amina Carter 62nd Assembly District State Capitol, Room 2175, Sacramento, Ca 95814 Telephone (916) 319-2062 Assemblymember Bill Emmerson 63rd Assembly District State Capitol, Room 6026 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 319-2063 Representing Fontana, Grand Terrace, Highland, Loma Linda, Rancho Cucamonga, Redlands, Upland, San Bernardino Assemblymember Paul Cook 65th Assembly District 34932 Yucaipa Blvd. Yucaipa, CA 92399 (909) 790-4196 Fax: (909) 790-0479 Representing Big Bear City, Yucaipa COUNTY San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors County Government Center 385 N. Arrowhead Ave., 5th Floor, San Bernardino, CA 92415 (909) 387-4811 District 1 – Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt 385 N. Arrowhead Ave., 5th Floor San Bernardino, CA 92415-0110 (909) 387-4830 District 2 – Chairman Paul Biane (909) 387-4833 San Bernardino Fax: (909) 387-3265 Rancho Cucamonga Fax: (909) 945-4037 Wrightwood Fax: (760) 249-3149 District 3 – Supervisor Dennis Hansberger 385 N. Arrowhead Ave., 5th Floor San Bernardino, CA 92415-0110 (909) 387-4855 San Bernardino Fax: (909) 387-3018 District 4 – Vice Chairman Gary Ovitt 385 N. Arrowhead Ave., 5th Floor San Bernardino, CA 92415-0110 (909) 387-4866 District 5 - Supervisor Josie Gonzales 385 N. Arrowhead Ave., 5th Floor San Bernardino, CA 92415-0110 (909) 387-4565 $100,006.15 SEBA STAR &SHIELD23 Images of America NEW BOOK about our local history San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department by Retired Deputy M. David Desoucy $20 each All proceeds Benefit the SEBA Children’s Charity Fund Call the Safety Employees’ Benefit Association (SEBA) (909) 885-6074 555 North E Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401 Safety Employees’ Benefit Association 735 E. Carnegie Dr., Suite 125 San Bernardino, CA 92408 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 529 SAN BERNARDINO, CA
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