Megamind Readers:


Megamind Readers:
Megamind Readers:
Monitoring the brain into the future.
Hamish Gray
Canterbury District Health Board
NZATS 2014
y Should all patients have a “megamind” reader as part of their anaesthetic?
1. Does depth of anaesthesia (DOA) monitoring reduce the chance of awareness?
2. Can DOA monitoring affect outcome (morbidity & mortality) after
3. Is there a role for brain O2 monitoring in “at risk” surgery?
What is anaesthesia?
y Traditionally envisaged as a balanced triad:
y Amnesia
y Analgesia
y Muscle relaxation
y We have assumed that:
y Still patient
y Stable autonomic signs (HR/BP/RR)
y =“Anaesthesied”
y Does: unresponsiveness = unconscious?
The fact that the body is lying down is no reason for supposing that the
mind is at peace……..Rest is far from restful” Seneca 60AD
Awareness with recall
Dreaming under anaesthesia
Dr Jamie Sleigh Waikato Clinical School University of Auckland
y Suppressing connected consciousness
y +analgesia
y +blocking CVS responses
y +immobility
y Aims:
y Prevent connected consciousness (ie. just amnesia isn’t enough)
y Prevent the experience of surgery
1. Preventing awareness
2. Balancing “depth of anaesthesia”
Are we any good at this?
If you look for the problem you will
find it………
y Awareness: defined?
y “Memories of events that could only have occurred in the operating room”
y Brice interview
y Only 35% reported in PACU
y About 1/3rd are “neutral events”
y For many “the worst ever hospital experience”
y 1st report “Insufficient Anaesthesia” 1950
y ?0.8-1.2% 1960’s-1970’s
y ?0.1-0.2% 2000’s
y NAP 5 (2014) 1:20,000
y Muscle relaxant 1:8,000
y No relaxant 1:136,000
y C/section 1:670
So here’s the answer……..?
Are depth of anaesthesia monitors any good?
y No?
y 34 women
y BIS guided 55-60
y Isolated forearm technique
y 11 women responded on 32 occasions
y BIS detected about 50% (“toss a coin”)
y Suggesting:
y Consciousness
y Connected to the environment (“respond to command”)
IF Russell Hull UK Anaesthesia 2013
Are depth of anaesthesia monitors any good?
y No?
y 34 women
y BIS guided 55-60
y Isolated forearm technique
y 11 women responded on 32 occasions
y BIS detected about 50% (“toss a coin”)
y Suggesting:
y Consciousness
y Connected to the environment (“respond to command”)
y But no “awareness”
IF Russell Hull UK Anaesthesia 2013
B-Aware trial
Paul Myles (Alfred, Melbourne) Lancet 2004
B-Unaware trial
Michael Avidan (Washington) NEJM 2008
Michael Avidan (Washington) NEJM 2008
Michigan Awareness Control trial
George Mashour (Ann Arbour) NEJM 2012
?BIS reduces awareness compared to clinical
signs alone
y NICE 2012
y BIS is an option in high risk patients:
y Awareness
y XS anaesthesia
y Recommended in TIVA
y Recommended in patients at risk of
“adverse outcomes”
What about BIS & outcome?
y Decline in cognitive function after
y “Grandad wasn’t quite the same after
his operation”
y Could close titration of anaesthetic
agents reduce POCD?
y Time BIS <45
y Cumulative deep hypnotic time
y Are anaesthetic agents neurotoxic?
y Children <2
y Elderly
“Triple Low”
Daniel Sessler (Cleveland Clinic) Anesthesiology 2012
How does it work?
y 2 wavelengths (shallow & deep) of
near-infrared light via transcutaneous
y Oxy & deoxy Hb in venous (75%) and
arterial (25%) blood
y Capillary bed O2 saturation
y Venous O2 reserve/O2 extraction
Cerebral oximetry
y Estimates regional oxygenation in the frontal cortex
y “Early warning” of decreased O2 delivery to the brain
y ?relationship between rSO2 and POCD/neurological injury
y Allows institution of a strategy to improve blood flow/O2 delivery…………
y BP
y FiO2
y Hb
Cerebral Autoregulation
y Maintains adequate blood flow despite
changes in BP
y CBF is constant between ?MAP 60140mmHg
y Regulation based on small (100250um) arterioles changing diameter
to alter vascular resistance
y Blood flow is closely related to
What is the “correct” BP?
y Can we rely on knowing the cerebral autoregulation curve?
y What effect does sitting have on cerebral perfusion?
y Does BP have to be “corrected” to take account of the high difference
between the brain and the arm (BP cuff)?
1. Open model: Waterfall concept
Blood “falls” onto the venous side
2. Closed model: Siphon concept
Continuous column of blood
Do you really know your patient?
y Cardiovascular disease
Can cerebral oximetry help?
y Studies have shown:
1. Approx 10% of patients will have cerebral desaturation
2. Associated with:
Cerebrovascular disease
3. ?May indicate pressure-passive CBF in beach chair position
Supports the idea that we need to “correct” BP for height
Ie. The “waterfall” concept
y Currently the data is too unreliable to
allow definitive management
y Sensitivity 60%
y Specificity 25%
y BIS (Awareness)
y Maybe?
y BIS (Outcome)
y Possibly?
y Cerebral oximetry
y The future?

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