some common complications - South African Family Practice
some common complications - South African Family Practice
:,.g,,,;,iiril[$ $i,,,,,,ri'* $'.$qpmpffi*mffiW By Dr David McCoy BM, DA(UK) On behaff of the Rural Health Task Group of the Academy of Fami\y Practice/Primaty Care. This series i,s also bei,ngproduced as a booklet,for the use of doctors i,n raral hospitak and wi,Il be obtai,nablefrom SA Family Practice in 1997. SOMECOMMONCOMPLICATIONS ff DI.JRNGAIAF'STHESIA ff Fi*. The series will have the following sections: 1. Introduction to anaestheticsand anaestheticsafety checHist 2. Anaesthesia,intubation and extubation 3. The preoperative assessment 4. Aruesthetic drugs I 5. Anaestheticdrugs tr 6. Spinal anaesthesia 7. CaesareanSections 8. Paediatricanaesthesia 9. Complicationsduring anaestlesia 10. local and regional anaesthesia 11. Ventilation and breathing systems 12.Blood transfusion INTRODUCTION Despite careful preparation, complications during anaesthesia occur fairly commonly.It is therefore important that you are capable of respondingto a problem quickly and effectively.Below is a list of some of the complications that occur in anaesthesia,and how they can be preventedor managed. This is not an exhaustivelist, and guidelineson the managementof cardiac arrhythmias, air emboli, hypothermia and malignant hyperpyrexia should be obtainedfrom a standardtextbook. A future chapter will deal specifically with the complications of blood transfusion and cardiac arrest. Respiratory obstruction Respiratoryobstruction can lead to hypoxia, hypercapnia,coughing, w F Blockage with secretions and blood can usuallybe remediedby inserting a suction catheter down the tube, and if obstruction is causedby blockage at the end of the tube by the wall of the trachea, gently pull the tube back by about a centimetre to relieve this. awakening of the patient, and regurgitation. The signs of obstruction are snoring, a paradoxical chest movement (a see-sawmotion between the chest and abdomen), stridor and little movement of the Bronchial intubation reservoir/inflation bag. If the endotrachealtube is pushed too far down the trachea, it will Often the obstruction is causedby enter the right bronchus (especially the tongue falling back and blockin The left lung will then children). ing the larynx (especially in overbe unventilated, and will eventually weight and short-neckedpatients). collapse. This will causehypoxia The remedy for this is to lift the post-operaangle of the mandible forward and and increasethe risk of tive infection. Therefore,when you up, or to insert a Guedel'sairway. intubate, insert the tube up to the point where the top of the cufflbalEven with an endotrachealtube, loon lies just beyondthe vocal obstruction may occur if the tube cords. b e c o m e sk i n k e d , i f i t b e c o m e s blocked by blood and secretions, Laryngeal spasm or if the end is blocked off by the wall of the trachea or bronchus. This complication has been disBlockage of the tube will also be cussedpreviously under the seca c c o m p a n i e d b y e x c e s s i v e i n - tion on extubation. However, be flation pressuresbeing required to aware that Iaryngealspasm can inflate the patient's lung. also occur at induction or intraoperatively.The following are situTo prevent the tube from being ations that predisposeto laryngeal kinked it is advisableto cut it to spasm: the correct length so that there is less chanceof it bending over the premature insertion of the itself. Many endotrachealtubes are Iar5mgoscop e without paralysis; d e s i g n e dt o b e l o n g e n o u g hf o r the presenceof secretionsand both nasal and oral intubation, so vomit in the larynx; for oral intubation, you need to cut surgical and laryngeal stimuseveral centimetres off the tube lation in a lightly anaesthetised (look for the mark on the tube). patient;and S A F A M T L yp R A c r r c E 4 1 6 s E p T E M B E1R9 9 6 Fr'" f ffi F* f- ru l h$c:twp$*m$s fu*- ffinxx-xa$ &rxmww*fuw{*$m ffi sx$d*x$$rx*s cervical dilatation and anal stretching,especiallyin a lightly anaesthetisedpatient. Gastric aspiration Severegastric aspiration can be fatal, and all precautions should be routinely taken to prevent it from Usually, laryngeal spasm is selfhappening(see earlier chapters).If limiting, and requires time and it does occur, the two main factors 100%oxygen before it resolves. that determine its severity are the However, on rare occasions you PH of the gastric contents, and the will need to abolish the spasmby volume of the material aspirated.If paralysing the patient with suxama patient vomits during an anaesethonium, and then intubating thetic without the airway being him/her. protected, you must react quickly and do the following: Bronchospasm are tachycardia,hypotension,bronchospasm,cyanosis,hypoxaemia and surgical emphysema.If the patient is being ventilated, the risk of a tension pneumothoraxis high and you will have to act quickly. First of all, if you think there is a t e n s i o n p n e u m o t h o r a x ,s t i c k a needle(16G)into the secondintercostal space along the mid-clavicular line, turn off the N2O (which will worsen the pneumothorax) and give 100%oxygen. You may want to turn off the ventilator and bag the patient manually to give yourself more control while the patient settles down, and preparations are made to insert an intercostal drain. First of all turn the patient over to his/her side (you may have to disrupt whatever surgery is going on), place the patient head down and suck out as much of the vomit as you can. Turn the oxygen to 100%, ventilate gently, and treat any Hypotension bronchospasmas above. Hypotensionis a frequentcomplicaNert, intubate the patient, and tion of anaesthesia,and is usually Bronchospasmmay also be trigonce this has been done, place a gered in both asthmatic and nondue to multiple causes.The preurinary catheter to the end of the vention asthmatic patients by irritation of of hypotensionis through suction apparatus and gently pass carefiil patient preparation, and safe the larynx and airways with sethis down the tube to try and suck anaestheticpractice. cretiors, by laryngoscopy,and by the out remaining gastric contents. endohachealtube itself (especiallyif Immediately start the patient on The managementof hypotensionis the carina is irritated). Other triggers Flagyl and ampicillin, and continue related to the cause(s) of it. Hypoof bronchospasminclude surgical with standard asthma therapy for volaemia may suddenly manifest stimulation in a lightly anaesthetised bronchospasm.In severecases,the patient, drug-inducedanaphylactic itself with crashing hypotension patient may need to remain ventiafter the administration of anaesreactions,and gastric aspAation.If a lated in an intensive care unit until patient suddenlydevelopsthe signs the following day. What to do when oxygen of bronchospasm during anaessaturation drops thesi4 rememberthat a pneumothoPneumothorax . Exclude airway obstruction (see rax can cause this, and must be This may occur during any anaesexcluded. above). . Look at the patient's chest and thesia, but especially if there is The severity of bronchospasm can mechanical ventilation, and if the make sure it is moving air in and vary from a mild wheezeto severe patient has suffered a chest injury out. obstruction with stiff lungs, hypox- or is undergoingthoracic or cervi- . Check that everything is connectaemia and death. In moderate to cal surgery.Patients with chest ed up from machine to patient, and that there are no leaks in the severecases,the patient should be injuries may already have a small breathing system. intubated, paralysed and venti- undetectedpneumothoraxpresent . Check that there is oxygen availlated. Use high concentrations of which would become severe durable and being delivered to the halothane (a potent broncho- ing anaesthesia.These patients patient. dilator) combined with 100%oxy- require the insertion of an intero Listen to the chest on both sides, gen. Ketamine is also a good costal drain before anaesthesiaand and exclude bronchial intubation, bronchodilator which can be used. surgery. Therefore, some patients bronchospasm,blockage of the You can then continue to treat the may need a pre-operative X-ray to tube, aspiration or pneumothorax. patient using standard asthmatic exclude the presenceof a pneuNeuer ignore a falling orAgerl satudrugs,such as intravenoussalbuta- mothorax. ration - it should alu;ays be aboae mol or aminophylline,steroids and 95o/0. adrenaline,accordingto the need. The typical signs of a pneumothorax The developmentof bronchospasm during anaesthesiamay be the consequenceof a patient's poorly controlled asthma.Asthmatic patients should never be anaesthetised unless they have had their respiratory function optimised to the maximum pre-operatively. sA FAnrLypRAcrrcE 417 : .::: l :: s E p r E r r i t B 1E9R9 6 &xixffis #dwK &mrewm&km&ffi m ffie# thesia. It is often due to poor preoperative fluid management and an underestimation of fluid loss, such as with haemorrhage in fit patients, abdominal obstruction and concealed intra-abdominal haemorrhage. Remember that the elderly, the hypertensive and the sick are especially prone to the hypotensive effects of many anaesthetic agents. Techniques for increasing the filling pressure on the right side of the heart are to infuse fluids intravenously, tilting the patient's head down, and Iifting up the legs of the patient. Other less obvious causes of hypotension include pneumothorax, bradycardia, aorto-caval compression, pulmonary embolism and cardiac arrhythmias, all of which require specific intervention. Hypertension Hypertension is best prevented by avoiding light anaesthesia,and by ensuring that normally hypertensive patients are well controlled before surgery. Both Ketamine and laryngoscopy are also potent causesof hypertension. An important complication that can manifest itself as hypertension is the 'paralysedbut awake' patient. This is a patient who is fully paralysedbut who is not fully anaesthetisedand asleep. It may occur when a patient is paralysed and ventilated, and you The SouthernTransvaalRegionof the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Carewill be holding a workshop on Women and AIDS The Familv Practitioner'sRole Date: Saturday5 October1996 Time: 2.00pm Venue: Indaba Hotel, Fourways EDITOR - SA FAIIILY PRACTICE Applications areinvited for thepostof part-time editor SA Family Practice. As partof the Publications DivisionTeam,the editorwill be responsible for: . . Maternal and child issues in HIV Psycho-social aspectsof HIV Syndromic approach to STD management Common clinical problems associated with HIV and AIDS. Speakers to include: Helen Rees, Helen Schneider, Glenda Gray, |ames Mclntyre, David Spencer, David Johnsory David Coetzee. Enquiries: Dr Tembi Maleka (011) 982-5804 Convenor Marie ]onker (011) 647-2090 Eventually, the patient will be able to respond through a massive surge of adrenaline which manifests as hypertension, tachycardia, dilated pupils and sweating. Although quickly administering a barbiturate like midazolam may help to cause some retrospective amnesia, the mainstay of management is to quickly turn up the halothane to 50/ountil the patient is anaesthetised, and to provide honest post-operative counselling afterwards. SA ACADEMY OF FAMILY PRACTICE/PRIMARY CARE to touch on: 1. 2. 3. 4. do not realise that the vaporiser is empty of halothane. The patient will eventually become awake during the operation despite being paralysed - a terrifying experience! . . Liaison with the Editorial Board in respect of the overall directionand publicationphilosophyof the journal. S o l i c i t i n g ,s e l e c t i n ga n d e d i t i n gs u i t a b l ee d i t o r i a lf o r publication. Activelyparticipatingin advancejournal planning. Maintainingan effectiveworking relationshipwith productioncontrol,advertisingand layoutpersonnel. T h e e d i t o r w i l l b e a c c o u n t a b l et o t h e M a n a g e m e n t Committeeof the PublicationsDivisionand will report to the EditorialBoard. Commencementdate and remuneration:by negotiation. Applicationdetails may be sent to: The Chairmanof the J o u r n a l M a n a g e m e n tC o m m i t t e e ,c / o P O B o x 2 7 3 1, Rivonia 2128, from whom further details may be obtained. Closingdate for applications:30 September1996. s A F A t r r r L py R A c r r c E 4 1 8 s E p T E M B E1R9 9 6