Picture the Family - Interfaith Hospitality Network


Picture the Family - Interfaith Hospitality Network
I N T E R FA I T H H O S P I TA L I T Y N E T W O R K O F E S S E X C O U N T Y 2 0 1 0 A N N U A L R E P O R T
Picture the Family
One look
at Hailey.
That’s all it takes..
e work with homeless families because there are
children like Hailey without a home. We each felt
called, in different times and places, to respond to
family homelessness by making a commitment to Interfaith
Hospitality Network. We are but two of the hundreds of
people from congregations all over the county who have
responded to this crisis by providing hospitality to families.
Between the two of us, we have worked with homeless
families for over 30 years. Our personal roles have changed
and our commitment to Interfaith Hospitality Network
has grown. We are fortunate to be surrounded by an ever
expanding number of volunteers and donors. Thank you.
We are pleased to report that the year was a strong one
for the organization. We saw unprecedented growth in
the breadth of services offered and in funding to support
those services. A summary of these achievements is
included in this report.
When we picture Hailey’s family, safe and secure in their
new home we are inspired to thank you for making it
possible. The work of sheltering the neediest is only
possible because of the Interfaith Hospitality Network
congregations and volunteers. Thanks for being there
in the congregations and at our November breakfast.
Thanks for caring, thanks for giving. Together, as we
Picture the Family, we see a picture of hope and promise.
Tia Aery
Merle Benny
Tia Aery
Merle Benny
Executive Director
Board President
PS~The journey of Hailey’s family in 2010 beautifully illustrates our
year. We share it with you here so that you can share our vision.
ailey’s mom, Yairis, and dad, Yennier, worked
developer SEED Corp. we would have a home in Orange for four
for the same company. When the economy
families. It was an easy decision for Brenda Myrick, our Director
faltered there were layoffs. They both lost their
of Housing & Social Services; this wonderful family would move
jobs. They struggled, selling possessions – first to cover
into one of the apartments in this newly renovated house.
the rent and then just to feed their three
children. They were evicted. With no
family in the area they had no place to go.
Newark Emergency Services referred the
family to IHN. They entered the Network,
moving weekly from one congregation to
the next. In their own quiet way, they
won the hearts of volunteers throughout
the county and the staff at IHN. During
the day Yairis and Yennier looked for work
and spent time with Hailey, 3 and Yennier, 2.
We danced
around the
sharing the
and hope.
With the prospect of four new apartments, added
to the four we had in Montclair, we quickly got
to work on securing funding to make it possible
for us to provide the highest level of support
services to all eight families. To do this we
created Home for Good TM, a program in support
of permanent housing for formerly homeless
families. With contributions from individuals,
foundations, corporations, and government we
will be able to provide the services that will help
move families like this toward self-sufficiency.
The older boy, 9–year–old Leo, was in Virginia with
While Yairis and Yennier were awaiting their move there
relatives; although they felt that was best, it added to the
was another reason to rejoice. Yairis found a job! We truly
tension and dismay of being without a job and a home.
danced around the Resource Center, sharing the family’s
happiness and hope. In October, we again celebrated as the
Fortunately, while the family was part of the network, IHN
family became the first tenants in the new house. Reunited
was offered a new opportunity. By partnering with housing
with Leo, this family of five was home. Home for Good!
2010 Highlights
IHN realized the following 2010 accomplishments
thanks to an unprecedented expansion and
diversification of funding sources across five
of six income lines in 2009 and 2010.
• The renovation and expansion of our Family
Service and Resource Center, celebrated at our
Grand Opening Event in June.
• Introduction of new services for families including
Children’s Enrichment Program, Mental Health,
Wellness & Nutrition, and Parenting Workshops.
• Expansion from two to eight homes for families
leaving shelter.
• Full occupancy at four apartments in Montclair.
• A partnership with SEED Corp (now New Bridge),
for the four apartments in Orange.
• Introduction of Home for Good, a program
of ongoing support for families in housing.
• The hiring of a part-time Case Manager to help
with families in housing.
• Expanded services to the community—food
and rental assistance, made possible through
a grant from FEMA.
• Three undergraduate students from Rutgers
University Social Work program were Interns at IHN.
ts in
Three families
a renovated
• Network congregations provided 50 weeks of shelter
• Volunteers served 12,298 meals
• 63 people were given emergency shelter and
meals, 59% were children
• 71% moved from shelter into housing
• 21 people lived in IHN transitional or serviceenriched permanent housing, 57% were children
• 43 people received rental assistance
• 75 people received food assistance
Families needing emergency shelter
enter the Congregational Network; volunteers
provide a comfortable temporary home.
Ahead in 2011
We anticipate a full year as we add services for
families and make new community connections:
• An after-school tutoring program created
by Montclair High School teacher, Dr. Pamela
Joyce, for children in IHN programs.
• Regional Anti-Poverty Network Conference
will be hosted by IHN in April.
• Our annual fundraising breakfast will be
held in November.
Four formerly homeless families are living
in IHN-leased apartments in Montclair.
support and
services help
families gain
2010 IHN Funders
IHN Dream Team
Linda & Gerry Blume
Karen & David Mandelbaum
Mary & Timothy Brown
Lianne & Richard Mandelbaum
Clawson Architects
Lori & Terry Martin
Michelle Dice
Millie Viqueira & Steve Miller
Noushin & Gregory Framke
Lauren Rutkin &
Rabbi Matthew D. Gewirtz
Joe Palumbo
Terri & Michael Goldberg
Lyne Pitts
Susan Waters & Stuart Schulman
Lois Goldring
Jackie Seugling
Tanya Helfand
Amy & George South
Janet & Allan Hillman
Kathy Stine
Katherine & Richard Innis
Deb Ellis & Hal Strelnick
Lori & Alan Jacobs
Judith & Charles Thompson
Mary & Michael Johnson
Julie & David Warren
Kim Jones
Sharon & Joshua Weintraub
Kim & Robert Krauss
Barbara & Eric Weston
Jennifer & Tony Leitner
Wilf Family Foundation
Linda & John Levi
Above and Beyond, Inc.
C. Zimmerman Oil
Christine Coster Insurance
Investors Savings Bank
Spector & Ehrenworth, P.C.
The United Way of North Essex
African American Fund of New Jersey
Catholic Human Services Foundation
Hudson City Savings Charitable Foundation
Investors Savings Bank Foundation
Montclair Fund For Women
Orange Orphan Society
Prudential Foundation Matching Gift
The Hyde & Watson Foundation
The Montclair Foundation
The Provident Bank Foundation
The Schumann Fund
Turrell Fund
Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green
Brookdale Reformed Church
Caldwell United Methodist Church
Christ Church in Short Hills
Church of Our Savior Newark
Church of Saint Andrew and Holy Communion
Congregation B’nai Jeshurun
Congregation Beth El
First Presbyterian Church in Orange
First Presbyterian Church of Verona
Glen Ridge Congregational Church
Grace Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church of Livingston
Priscilla Guild Zion Lutheran Church
Prospect Presbyterian Church
Ridgeview Presbyterian Church
St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church of Livingston
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Temple Emanu-El
Union Congregational Church
United Methodist Women of Caldwell
Vincent United Methodist Church
Wyoming Presbyterian Church
Essex County Division of Community Action
Social Service for the Homeless Grant
Essex County Division of Housing & Community Development
Montclair Community Development Block Grant
Emergency Shelter Grant
FEMA Emergency Food and Shelter Program
$10,000 + up
Fedex Foundation
Karen & David Mandelbaum
Lianne & Richard Mandelbaum
Michael & Elin Nierenberg
Kathy Stine
Sharon & Joshua Weintraub
$5,000 - 9,999
Nathan Mandelbaum Trust
Prospect Presbyterian Church
Randy Reiff Family Foundation
Wilf Family Foundation
Wyoming Presbyterian Church
$1,000 - 4,999
Jill Altmark
Trust of John G. Areson
Linda & Gerry Blume
Christ Church in Short Hills
Laura & Kevin Curtin
Miriam Chilton & Joel Dorow
Andy Dwyer
Arden & Alan Epstein
Noushin & Gregory Framke
Sandra & Robert French
Lauren Rutkin & Rabbi Matthew Gewirtz
Girl Scout Troop 1283
Glen Ridge Congregational Church
Terri & Michael Goldberg
Shirley & David Grill
Tanya Helfand
Janet & Allan Hillman
Katherine & Richard Innis
Lori & Alan Jacobs
Mary Johnson
Kim & Robert Krauss
Jennifer & Tony Leitner
Linda & John Levi
Lori & Terry Martin
Clare Neary
Joseph Palumbo
Lyne Pitts
Saint Joseph's R.C.Church Maplewood
Jackie Seugling
Deborah A. Ellis & Hal Strelnick
Judith & Charles Thompson
Union Congregational Church
United Way of North Essex
United Way of NYC
Vincent United Methodist Church
Millie Viqueira
Julie & David Warren
Barbara & Eric Weston
Maria Witt
$500 - 999
Archie & Linda Abrams
David & Linda Berry
Elizabeth & Tim Bozik
Kanani Briggs
Kay & William Britton
Renee Alsarraf & Michael Brown
Owen Brown
Sally & Steve Chew
Congregation B'nai Jeshurun
Brian J. Davenport
First Presbyterian Church in Orange
Anna Fisch
Beth & Steven Flyer
Grace Presbyterian Church
Margo & Daniel Greenfield
Susan Guerin
Debbie Hebron
Sharon Hersch
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Humphrey, Jr.
Nancy Isaacson
John J. Giblin Association
Julia Kau
Stacey Novich
James Ooi
Laura & John Otchy
Shelley Phillips
Presbyterian Church of Livingston
Barbara Winson Riedel
Dale Russakoff
Saint Stephen's Church
June Schechner
Margo Bloom & Mark Seal
Syracuse University Alumni Club
of Northern NJ
Mary & Michael Szumski
Temple Emanu-El
Pat Cotter & Frank Turner
$100 - 499
Barbara & Burton Aaronoff
Gina & David Abrams
Tia Aery
AIG Matching Grants Program
Joan & Joe Aronson
Ray Artis
Francine Aster
Melanie & Paul Axel-Lute
Anna & Peter Barrett
Rene Bertrand
Millie Biggins
Bloomfield Presbyterian Church On The Green
Diane & John Blume
Brookdale Reformed Church
Nancy Busby
C. Zimmerman Oil, LLC
Caldwell United Methodist Church
Silvia Caruso
Mike Casaren
Laurie & Robert Chefitz
Jennie Cherry
Christine Coster Insurance Agency
Janet Christmann
Church of Our Savior Newark
Church of Saint Andrew & Holy
Carolyn & Scot Cohen
Liz & Richard Cohen
Sylvia & Albert Cohn
Alexandra & Richard Cole
Congregation Beth El
Alfred H. Connellee
Jodi & Wayne Cooperman
Deborah & Edward Coury
Kevin Crews
Katrina & Dickinson Debevoise
Ellen Donker & Robert Depue
Sara Ruth & T. Felder Dorn
Christine Ehrenbard
Carey Elias
Barbara Elshaer
Virginia & Brian Falconer
Natalie Farrell
Susan Fine
Robert Finkel
Joanne Fisher
Rita Forlenza
Andrea & Fred Fraenkel
Pam & Robert Friedman
Susan Guthrie Fu
Tara Galatt
Sayydah Garrett
Jeanne Ginsberg
Kerry & Neil Glass
Stuart Gold
Risa Goldberg
Franny & Nick Van Gombos
Lori Goodian
Alexander Graziano
Jennifer & Stuart Green
David Greenstein
Stefanie Greer
Cynthia & Richard Gross
Judy & Byrd Hahn
Cheryl D. Hall
Alma Healy
Janice Heider
John Helm
Monique & Frank Hendricks
Claire & David Hogenauer
Drina Holden
George Holland
Jill Holtz
Diane Hooper
Mary Libassi & Steven Hornstein
Deborah & Christopher Houlihan
Joanne Hutnik
Emily Hyans
IBM Employee Contribution
Allene Johnson
Amanda Jones
Junior League of Oranges & Short Hills
Peggy Jurow
Steven Kamen
John Lavalle & Mitchell Kass
Barbara T. Keller
Eileen & James Kelly
Victoria King
Gail Kingsley
Susan Krcmar
Paula Krysa
Marilyn & Richard LaFlamme
Cindy Larson
Christine Leiter
Stuart & Laurie Leitner
Gregory Lotz
Patty Lowry
Jorge Madrazo
Blair Majtyka
Naomi Mandel
Frances & Arcangelo Maritato
Ellen C. Marshall
Joseph Mason
Kathleen McClearn
Erin McKinney-Prupis
Terry & Lee McQuillin
Carmen & Alan Meades
Art Meisler
Gerda Meisterfeld
Donna Miller
Sally & John Morris
Delia Murphy
Heidi Naranjo
Jodi Nussbaum
Cheryl O'Brien
Sylvia & Jehiel Orenstein
Debra & Marc Paley
Bonnie Park
Craig Parker
Kathleen Parsons
John D. Pearson
Bethany & Duncan Pettigrew
Laura & John Phillips
Judith Archer & Rick Piloco
Pat Pistolas
Robin & Nicholas Politan
Priscilla Guild
Mindy Propper
Cora Pulley
Kathleen Rabiecki
Jonathan Rabinowitz
Ann Rasmussen
Wendy Renshaw-Lewis
Ridgeview Presbyterian Church
Alicia Robinson-Riche
Mary L. Robinson
Virginia Roriston
Howard Russell
Saint Peter's Episcopal Livingston
Andrew Schattner
Mary Beth & John Scherer
Susan Schulman
Janet Schwamm
Shelley Levine & Larry Schwartz
Karen Seidmon
Ceola Shelton
Ruth & John Shiever
Dale Shuster
Merrill & Andrew Silver
Elsa De Souza
P.C. Spector & Ehrenworth
Julie & Raymond Spellman
Dean Squires
Lawrence Stauffer
Bonnie & Barry Tanis
Margaret H. Thompson
Kathi Blatt Thonet
Lynne Toye
Lynn Riker & Stuart Turnbull
United Methodist Women of Caldwell
Upper Montclair Dental Associates
Gerard Valk
Mary Veltre
Joan F. Walsh
Terri & Alan Walter
Robin & Ira Weidhorn
Josh & Judy Weston
Maria Wilms
Women's Association B'nai Jeshurun
Women's Club of Caldwell
Deborah & Foster Wright
Judy Wukitsch
Kim Rosen & Andy Yonteff
Effie Yuen
Robert Zinn
Mary Beth Zurat
Toni & Roosevelt Abrams
Robert Adler
Kristen Ambrosi
Liza & Benjamin Asher
Laura Astuto
Howard L. Attermann
Esther & Gerhard Bader
Pamela Bakal
Roni & Brian Bamforth
Catherine & Gregg Bangs
Lisa Baranker
Margaret E. Becker
Janice & Jeffrey Beckmen
Joseph D. Bell, Jr.
Suzanne & Gadi Ben-Menachem
Agnes Bess
Lois Bhatt
Theresa Blaesser
Kimberly Bloom
Ilse & Stephen Blythe
Suzanne Bowles
Robert G Bressler
Leslie Brown
Elizabeth Bryant
Miller Burns
Ben Campbell
Marjorie Cariello
Christine Caruso
Dana Cavanaugh
Kelli Cerniglia
Frederick Chichester
Paula Chmiel
A.W. Christopher
Barbara Churchill
Marlene Civil-Etienne
Jennifer Clarke
Clare & Paul Cohen
Treasure & Richard Cohen
Kelli Copeland
Kimberly Cox
Judy Cronin
Anne & Richard Cummings
Joan & Albert Daly
Carolyn Dancy
Harold Dancy
Jessica de Koninck
Dana DiGiacomo
Dina Dolan
Thomas J. Dolan
Sue Donney
Karen & William Donovan
Michael Dowd
Natalie Dowd
Jennifer Duckworth
Jeanne Duffy
Patricia & David Duleba
Fern & Bruce Eatroff
Claas Ehlers
Elfriede R. Ehricke
Sandra & Roy Eismann
Judy Erlandsen
Gloria Essoka
John Fallivene
Kirsten Fallon
Baya Faris
Susan & Robert Feinberg
Cari Feldman
First Presbyterian Church of Verona
Sandra Coppola & Douglas Flaum
Robin & John Florin
Caren Ford
Alice & Patrick Forsyth
Patricia Friend
Elizabeth Fudge
Jody Gardner
Douglas Garno
Tony Gazzillo
Anne & Heeger Gelman
Marian & Martin Golan
Rebecca Goldburg & William Goodman
Robin Gordon
Mary Gorman
Valerie Grant
Patricia & Jack Green
Mrs. Albert Guidotti
Julie Hack
Elizabeth Hanley
Darlene Harris
Alison Headley
Betty & Werner Heck
Jennifer & Matthew Higgins
Paul Hindes
Alice Muisikar Hirsh
Amy-Marie Hohn
Mary Rose Holland
Jacqueline F. Hume
Angelique Iriarte
Lynn Jemmott
Jill & Thomas Jeszeck
Jody Leight & Anthony Johnson
Betsy Joseph
Tana Kamine
Molly Kaufman
Jacqueline & James Keating
Elizabeth Kelley
Elizabeth Kennedy
Heather King
Peggy Koon-Oliver
Michele Kroeze
Jill Kuczek
Anthony LaMort
Jean M. Lancaster
Edward Lazarchak
Nancy & Robert Lee
John Levy
Judith Hinds & Starks Lewis
Diana Lipps
Nancy Lynn
Lucas Mannello
Patricia & W. Andrew Manning
Marie D. Manno
Jane Marcus
Cleofe Martin
Joyce Martinsen
Sharon McCaffrey
Jerry McKenzie
Naomi Mendelsohn
Diana Mendheim
Lesley Miller
Regina Mincey-Garlin
Carolyn & George Mittl
Montclair Orthodontics
Marilyn Harris & Mark Moskovitz
Mount Hermon Baptist Church
Charity Musielak
Network For Good
Frederick Nilsson
Jane Nilsson
Terri Nitti
Carol Nussbaum
Josie O'Brien
Holly Pappas
Katherine Paredes
Gaye Pecker
Robert Penza
Patricia Perlmutter
Miriam Pester
Laura Racioppi
Michele Racioppi
Vivian Racioppi
Celia Radek
Gregg Ramirez
Anthony Randazzo
Nancy & Philip Read
Henrietta & John Rice
Beverly Riddick
Janice & Mark Rosenman
Elizabeth K Rosenstein
Suzanne Ryan
Elissa Sanders
Lynn Sands
Jane Saylor
Phyllis Scalera
Rochelle Schait
Roberta & Leonard Schoenberg
Gilda Schwartz
Joy Schwartzman
Ann Schwarz
Kathleen A. Shaugnessy-Conway
Nancy Sieffert
Antoinette Simpson
Donna Sims
Parinaz Souresrafil
Catherine & Michael Spinella
Jodi & William Squires
Lauren Stadtmauer
Nancy & Howard Stahl
Liga Stam
Shari Stark
Marjorie & Greg Steffe
Rosemary & Robert Steinbaum
Jennifer Stemmermann
Fidelia Sturdivant
Lorelee Syal
Nancy-Jo Taiani
Camilla Teitelman
Maggie Thompson
Arielle Miller Timen
Nina Turton
Donna Vaicels
Debra Smith Vasfailo
Marietta Visicaro
Katie Volz
Allison Walker
Charlotte Walker
Ronita & Jeff Weinstein
Eileen Weiss
Meredith Sue Willis
Words Bookstore
Catherine & Ian Wright
Mary Ann & Fred Zagar
Eleanor Zaros
Jennifer & Daniel Zinman
Statement of Activities
Year ended December 31, 2010
Religious organizations
Business and industry
Community groups
Program Service Revenue
Gifts in-kind
Investment income
Loss on disposal of fixed assets
Total support and revenue
Program services
Supporting services:
Management and general
Total supporting services
Total expenses
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets at Beginning of Year
Net Assets at End of Year
2010 Revenue
Community Groups
Year Ended December 31, 2010
Liabilities: Accounts payable & accrued expenses
Total current liabilities
Net Assets:
Temporarily restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
Religious Groups
2010 Expenses
Statement of Financial Position
Cash and cash equivalents
Pledges & grants receivable less allowance of $10,183
Prepaid expenses
Fixed assets, net accumulated depreciation
of $33,647 (2010) and $22,161 (2009)
Security deposit
Total assets
Note: A complete set of audited financial statements is available upon request.
Housing &
for the Homeless
of Essex County
Interfaith Hospitality Network of Essex County is a not-for-profit
organization that provides shelter, professional support services, and
housing assistance so homeless families can find and sustain a new
home. We do this with help from an extensive network of volunteers,
generous individuals and other partners throughout our community.
46 Park Street Montclair, NJ 07042 / ph. 973 746-1400 / www.ihnessexnj.org
IHN Congregations make it all possible!
Calvary Baptist Church
Congregation B’nai Jeshurun
Congregation Shomrei Emunah
First Presbyterian Church in Orange
First Seventh Day Adventist Church of Montclair
Glen Ridge Congregational Church
Grace Episcopal Church in Nutley
Grace Presbyterian Church
Morrow Memorial United Methodist Church
New Hope Baptist Church of East Orange
Notre Dame Church
Our Lady of Sorrows
Prospect Presbyterian Church
St. Cassian Parish
St. George’s Episcopal Church in Maplewood
St. Joseph Church
St. Mark AME Church
St. Matthew AME Church
St. Paul Baptist Church
St. Peter Claver Roman Catholic Church
St. Philomena’s Roman Catholic Church
St. Stephen’s Church
St. Thomas More Church
Union Congregational Church
Vincent United Methodist Church
Wyoming Presbyterian Church
Berean Seventh Day Adventist Church
Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green
B’nai Keshet Reconstructionist Synagogue
Brookdale Reformed Church
Caldwell United Methodist Church
Calvary Baptist Church of Montclair
Calvary Lutheran Church
Central Presbyterian Church
Christ Church in Short Hills
Christ Church Montclair
Christ Episcopal Church East Orange
Church of the Holy Spirit
Church Women United of the Oranges
Congregation Beth Ahm
Congregation Beth El
Congregation Oheb Shalom
Episcopal Church of St. James
First Baptist Church of Bloomfield
First Congregational Church of Montclair
First Lutheran Church
First Unitarian Universalist Church Essex County
Franklin Reformed Church
Livingston United Methodist Church
Maplewood First Baptist Church
Montclair Friends Meeting
Montclair Unity Church
Our Lady of the Lake
Pleasantdale Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church of Livingston
Redeemer Montclair
St. Andrew & Holy Communion
St. James AME Church
St. John Episcopal Church
St. Peter Episcopal Church
St. Rose of Lima
South Orange-Vailsburg United Methodist Church
Temple Emanu-El of West Essex
Temple Ner Tamid
Temple Sharey Tefilo Israel
Temple Sholom of West Essex
The Life Christian Church
Union Baptist Church
Unitarian Universalist Congregation Montclair
United Presbyterian Church of Cedar Grove
United Presbyterian Church of West Orange
Zion Lutheran Church, Priscilla Guild
Tia Aery, Executive Director
Brenda Myrick, MPA, MSW,
Director of Housing & Social Services
Janice Wilkerson, Case Manager
Ellen Donker, Development Associate
Sidney Edwards, Van Driver
Betty Promise, Administrative Assistant,
Essex Urban League Mature Worker Program
Edie Summers, Administrative Assistant,
Essex Urban League Mature Worker Program
Merle Benny, President
Elie Spiesel, Treasurer
Kathy Innis, Secretary
Elizabeth Cohen, Secretary pro tem
Lori Jacobs
Bruce Levitt
Lianne Mandelbaum
Sharon Weintraub
Contina Wright