Tim Miller - Ashtanga Yoga OBX


Tim Miller - Ashtanga Yoga OBX
Ashtanga Yoga Center of
the Outer Banks
Tim Miller
October 1113, 2 013
Tim Miller teaches workshops and retreats throughout the United States and abroad. He has been
studying and teaching Ashtanga Yoga for over thirty years and was the first American certified to
teach by Pattabhi Jois at the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in Mysore, India. Tim has a
thorough knowledge of this ancient system, which he imparts in a dynamic, yet compassionate and
playful manner.
“My goal as a teacher is to
Schedule of classes:
inspire a passion for practice.
Fri , 6 -8: 30 p m: T a ming the Min d
The practice itself, done
An introduction to the first chapter of the Yoga Sutras,
consistently and accurately, is
"Samadhi Pada”. Includes an in depth examination of how the
the real teacher.”
methodology of the Ashtanga Yoga system supports the
philosophical principles presented by Patanjali and a light 35 to 45
min practice focused on the central role of the breath to quiet the
mind. Unit a rian Uni ve rsa lis t Cong rega t ion
Sat , 10- 12: 30 p m: The P ri ma ry Se ries as an Arche type o f
Sadh ana
A brief look at "Sadhana Pada," chapter two of the Yoga Sutras,
followed by Yoga Chikitsa, the Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga,
presented as an archetype of intelligent Sadhana. This will be a
strong practice focusing on the first goal of Sadhana--purifying the
body and bringing clarity to the sense organs. Uni ta rian
Uni ve rs alist Con gre gati on
Sat , 2 -4: 30 p m: The As ana Do ct o r & H a nu man Cha lisa
An opportunity for students to ask practice related questions and
receive guidance regarding the biomechanics of troublesome
asanas, techniques for addressing particularly dense areas of the
body, and new strategies to work intelligently and therapeutically
to support the healing of old injuries. As hta nga Y og a Cente r
Sun , 1 0a m-12: 30 p m: T he Art of Breath i ng
An introduction to Pranayama; Pranayama is an important link
between the external practice of Yoga and the internal experience
of Yoga, achieved when we can focus our attention inward. This
class will provide step by step instructions on how to develop a
personal pranayama practice that is safe, progressive and
intelligent. As htang a Yog a Cen te r
Sun , 2 -4: 30 p m: N adi Sh od ana and the S ubt le B od y
An introduction to Nadi Shodana, the Intermediate Series of
Ashtanga Yoga, including an explanation of the Pranamaya
Kosha, the subtle body that contains nadis (energy channels) and
chakras (the elemental centres). A strong practice will focus on the
first half of the intermediate series, backbends and twists.
Uni ta ri an Uni ve rsalist Con gregat ion
Uni ta ri an Uni ve rsalist
Cong rega ti on
84 3 He rbert Pe rry Roa d
Kit ty Ha w k, N C 2 79 49
Ash tang a Yog a Cen te r
2910 S. Croata n H wy
Nags Head , N C 27 959
w w w.as htang ay oga obx. com
$225 Entire Workshop
$50 perSession
Ques ti ons o r Reg ist rati on
Cont act: Miche lle Dore r
inf o@as htan gay oga obx .c o m
252-202 -0 34 5
www.uucob.org http://ashtangayogaobx.com/event-workshops/