Loyola University Rome Center 2001-2002


Loyola University Rome Center 2001-2002
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Loyola University Rome Center 2001-2002
Loyola University Rome Center
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Lago Bracciano
Katie Schmit., Deanna Wruskyj, Kristen Witkowski, and
Jafle 'Zander are lost ats~a.
Around the L.V.R.C.
Sara Franzese, Sarah Frink, and Rita Hudetz dance away exam blues.
Vince Spina, John Sullivan, and Mike McNulty love to potty.
It's always a party in Ruth Asl~ren' s room - - just ask her mom!
Matt Reilly, Catt Thorp, Sarah Feder, S.L.A. Evan Caliento, and
Shahrnaz Shifteh about to partal~e in the BP's goodness .
Just an ordinary night out in Rome for these fun-lovin g students .
Elizabeth Simon
Marilyn Vitale and her very popular step-aerobics class.
Carla Romansckyi and Carrie Gianotti pose with L.V .R.C.guest
Cardinal Francis George.
Out on the Town
(Clocl~wise from top left) Tony FJice, John Welsh, Michael Ferry, Melissa Muntz,
Kathleen Manning, S.L.A. Gino Dini, and Chaplin Bridget
Grady pose at the Pantheon.
Ladies ight!! Dru Dence, Tina Stertz, Carrie Gianotti, Katie Scllmit,
Deanna Wruskyj, Jen Howard, Jane Zander, Katy Culkin, and
Kristin Witkowski.
Evan Caliento, Tom Sullivan, S.L.A. Nikki Caso, Mike McNulty, Hayden
Prescott, S.L.A. Molly Houlihan, and John Sullivan listen to a Dave Matthews
cover band in Trastevere.
Claire Mudd, Kristin Noriega, Mil~e DiNatale, Luke Buikema, Kelly Fox,
Evan Caliento, and Jay Navar chill at Elliot Pub .
Marria Bayour, Katy Guzder, Eric Karl~hecl~, and Jen Howard get cozy in Campo .
Lex Banaszak, Giacinta Berta, Katie Fitzgerald, Allison Smith,
Beth Foster, Jackie Nussbaum, and Erin Cannon enjoy some wine
at an enoteca.
Jon DoutJ.lit and Katy Guzder go for a midnight ride.
Bp, where everybody lmows yo ur name ... if your name is grande.
Nick Ferrario, Damon Marano, Soraya Aghai, Felicia Hereau, Jim McHugh, Jenny Aulisio,
Virginia Meiners, Ryan Cassidy, Dan Campbell, Clayton Graham, and Corinne Mah pose at
Elliot's Pub.
DeeAnna Meade, Gosia Glowacka, Jay Eyer, Jamie Ward,
and Yelena Dolgosheeva bond during the scavenger hunt.
Carla Romansckyi, Shahrnaz Shifteh, and Sarah Feder get carried away
at the Colosseum.
Maggie Cuilerton, Juleigh Nowinski, Brian McGinnis, Maureen Grady, Vince Spina,
Marria Bayour, Rachel Lionberg, Lindsey Koberg, Kristin Noriega,
Hana-Lee Sedgwick, and Kristi pfotenhauer at the BP.
Papal Audience
Kristin Noriega, Hana-Lee Sedgwicl<, Lindsey Koberg and Juleigh Nowinski
are excited to see His Holiness.
Above: Emily Abbott, Connie Sepe,
John Sullivan, Kirsten Wilson and
Sasha Sulkosky.
Right: Julie Cosden, Beth Wright, and
Jamie N uzbach.
Carla Romansckyi, Gina Nardone, Beth Foster, Jackie Nussbaum, Felicia Hereau, and
Nick Ferrario take a cruise.
Left: Catt Thorp, Beth Foster, Matt Reilly, Lex Banaszak, Vince Spina and Katie Fitzgerald
relax at the Rastafarian bar.
Jackie Nussbawn, Beth Foster, Carla Romansckyi, Mike DiNatale,
Elizabeth Cairo, and Luke Buikema get down and boogie.
The student s t our the abandoned island prison which once was the "Alcatraz" of Italy.
Dean SheJa Curlin, Stacia CardJle, Allison S mith, Ryan Vaughan, N ikki Caso,
S usan Gibson, Beth Foster, and Gina Nardone swim with the fishes and scuba dive.
Alex Diversiev, Justin Kosta, Katy Guzder, Mike Di Natale, and JJlAnnitto enjoy a
tour around the islands.
Right: King and Queen
Sam Miller and Stacia Cardille
Hayden Prescott, Nikki Caso and Tom Sullivan take a break from
dancing for a picture.
Tim Harrison gives everybody Disco Fever!
John Sullivan, Emily Abbott, Molly Houlihan, and Connie Sepe
Dr. N icholson's Trips
Sara Franzese and Rita Hudetz hang out in Ostia.
Jessica Thatch and Soraya Aghai pose for Archeology
Digest in Ostia.
Dan Lavelle, Lorena Guzman, Tim Harrison, Alicia Gallegos, Ryan Vaughan, and
Denise Galiano take in the sights.
Yes, all this does belong to none other than Mike Ferry.
The Mural
S upervised by hea d adist Jamie N lI zbach, tl,e mural 's painters work dJigently.
Katie Fitzgerald puts som e finishing touches on t h e mural.
Colleen Lepper adds h er own u n ique t ou ch.
Fall Breal~ Mediterranean Cruise
Beth Wright, Ryan Vaughan, Joe Michael, Jackie Nussbaum, Dan Lavelle, and
Carla Romansckyi in Palermo, SicJy.
Vince Spina, Brian
McGinnis, and Ryan
Vaughan "aren't afraid t o
say" they're having fun .
S howing the guys what they missed on Fall Break!
Rome Center students get a backstage tour after a spectacular show.
Some students go ashore for a night on the town in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Dan Lavelle, Dru Dence, Deanna wruskyj, Eric Goodwin, and Ryan Vaughan enjoy dinner on the ship.
Molly Houlihan, Brian McGinnis, and
Katie Kempner in Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia.
Hollywood Squares
Nick Ferrario, Katie Fitzgerald, Michael Hayes, Luke Buikema,
Beth Foster, and Ryan Vaughan are ready to compete.
Who's ready to play Hollywood Squares? The Rome Center is!
Vince "alla" Spina and Matt Reilly try and figure out the S ullivans . Nobody did all semester.
Enjoying the barbeque after th e intense game was easy for this group.
Rome Center students dig the show.
Answering the tough questions made some of the players a little tense. L-R: Dan Campbell,
Damon Marano, Ryan Cassidy, Hayden Prescott, phJ Stec, and Dave Bock.
Rob Perea, Sasha Sulkowsky,
Jackie Finnecke and Maggie Cul.\erton
make an impression.
Calcio is Italian for
• • •
Champion Team Blue: Luke Buil~ema, Katy Culkin, Katy Guzder, Gosia Glowacka,
Lex Banaszak, EmJy Abbott, Sasha Sulkowsky, Eddie Frindt, Job.n Sullivan, and
Matt ReJly
Team Red: Eric Karkheck, Jamie Waldron, Stacia Cardile, Dan Campbell,
Dan Lavelle, Scott Dafflitto, Alex Diversiev, and Rachel Lionberg
Team Light Blue : Tim Harrison, Kristi Pfotenhauer, Colleen Lepper, Dave Bock,
Claire Mudd, Nikki Caso, p hil Stec, and Michael H ayes
Team Orange: Jay Navar, Maggie Cullerton, Katie Kempner, Catt Thorp,
Tom Sullivan, Julie Nowinski, Corinne Mah, Clayton Graham, Evan Caliento,
and Shahrnaz Shifteh.
Team Green players Jenny Aulisio, Katie Fitzgerald, and Brian McGinnis
confer with Team Yellow player Dave Meyers about a controversial goal.
Halloween Party
Jon Douthit is a "Girl Gone wJd" and Rob Perea is his/her pimp. Yikes.
Colleen Lepper and Claire Mudd make a
beautiful genie and angel.
Jamie Ward, Yelena Dolgosheeva, and Melissa Muntz are in the spirit.
Katie Kempner, Jackie Finnecl~e, Jill Annitto as Magnum P.I., Fr. Costigan,
Jessica Thatch as Tinkerbell, and Michael Ferry as Dr. Miller.
Melissa Manuselis takes her partying
Liz Hoffman, Nick Ferrario, Kathleen Manning, and Jeremiah Miller
show off their creative costumes .
John Sullivan, Katie Fitzgerald, Lex Banasak, and Tom Sullivan aren't in Bedrock
Eric Goodwin and Joe Michael enjoy the party.
Lorena Guzman, Scott Dafflitto, Denise Galiano and Corinne Mah.
Kirsten Wilson and Beth Wright
Katie Kempner, Lindsey Koberg, Maureen Grady, Maggie Cullerton, Jackie Finnecke,
and Justin Kosta won 't stop 'til the beat drops.
Ryan Vaughan and Carolyn Rosenberger are
accidental tourists.
Dr. Miller approves of h is imperso nator, M ich ael Ferry.
Marria Bayour, Hana-Lee Sedgwick, and
Brian M cGinnis can't decide who's l1.aving more fun!
Mike DiNatale, Lul~e Buikema, and Jay Navar -- who let the dogs out?
Carrie Gianotti and Jamie Waldron go commando.
Lauren HandzlJ~, Shahrnaz S hifteh, phil S tec, and Maureen Grady tal~e a time out
for a picture.
S LAs Molly "Bumblebee" HoulJ1an, G ino "Cher" Dini, Nikki "Moth er ature" Caso
and Evan Caliento and Dean Sh eila C urtin as Gomez and Morticia Adams.
Michael Hayes gets points for originality as a Roman wall.
Valerie Coleman, Erin Cannon (Sherpa Guide),
and Giacinta Berta enjoy the evening.
Tuscan Weel~end
M ichael Hayes, Fr. Costigan, Bridget Grady, Matt ReJly, Gino Dini,
EmJy Herman, and Katy Culkin take in the gorgeo us Tuscan countryside.
Deanna Wrllskyj and fen Howard relax in tbe th ermal bath.
Alicia Gallegos, Emily Abbott, Connie Sepe, and Sasha Sullwsl~y sh op
' tJ they drop.
Everybody into the pool! Those swimcaps are very styli sh.
Winery Tour
Genevieve Harrison, Ryan Vaugllan, Alicia Gallegos, Lauren Anderson, and Erin Cannon feast on wine and sausage .
S u san Gibson, Allison Smith, ancl Yelena Dolgosheeva
Beth Wright, Luke Buikema, MJ~e DiNatale, and Lex Banaszak pose with vineyard
owner, Giorgio.
Hunger Weel~ Auction &.
• •
Dave Meyers, Jay Navar, Marri Bayour, and Rachel Lionberg can't
believe how high the bidding went.
Heather Johnson explains her Chinese massage donation.
Organizers Gosha Glowacka, Deanna Meade, Jon Douthit, Nikki Caso, and Kristen Witkowski
Katy Schmidt and Katie Baxtrom have a laugh watching the bids.
Rappers Carla Romanscl~yi, Tina Stertz, and S hahmaz Shifteh
Hosts Jessica Thatch and Vince Spina
Tom S ullivan, Rita Hudetz, Melissa Manuselis, and MJ~e McNulty
perform "Rocky Racoon."
Belly dancers (clockwise): Denise Galiano, Katie
Tuttle, Melissa Muntz, Denise, Kathleen
Manning, Liz Hoffman, and Yelena Dolgosheeva
Carla Romansckyi picks up some good
lucl< in the Cathedral.
The group explores the chapel in the Wieliczl<a salt mine.
Jamie Waldron, Carla Romanscl<yi, S arah Feder, Shahrna z S hifteh,
Lauren H andzlik, and Carrie G ianotti at Wawel Castle.
Alicia Gallegos, Lauren H andzlik, Dean S heila Cudin, Jackie Nussbaum, Katy G uzdel;
and Marria Bayo ur enj oy a traditional Polish dinner.
Sarah Feder, Shahrnaz Shifteh (we think), Alicia Gallegos,
Marri Bayour enjoy Poland's hospitable weather.
Gino Dini, Lex Banaszak, CaU Thorp, and Evan Caliento at dinner in Krakow.
L.U.C.R. students gather for a picture before their tour of Wawel Castle.
Students listen to their guide at Auschwitz .
Student Trips
Beth Foster, Catt Thorp, and Lex Banaszak enjoy a wee bit of cold inScotland.
Colleen Lepper, Matt Reilly, Maureen Grady,
Carolyn Rosenberger, Kristi pfotenhauer, and
Hana-Lee Sedgwicl" tal"e time to share a drink in Cinque Terre.
Rachel Lionberg, Gina Nardone, Brian McGinnis, Lindsey Koberg, Jenny Aulisio, Kristen Noriega, Lul"e
Buil~ema, Carolyn Rosenberger, Juleigh Nowinski, and Mike DiNatale pose in Cinque Terre.
Deanna Wruskyj and Lauren Anderson hike in the beautiful Swiss Alps.
Ummm ... Maybe it would be better if Ryan Cassidy
explained this one himself.
Katie Tuttle, Tony Filice, Jim McHugh and Valerie Coleman chillin' in Paris.
Vince Spina, Catt Thorp, Brian McGinnis, Matt Reilly and Evan
Caliento living the good life in their Sicilian house.
Denise Galiano, Lorena Guzman, Justin West, Susan Gibson, Virginia Meiners, and Dan LaVelle
admire the scenery in SicJy.
A group of Rome Center student s take part in the wonderful Italian tradition of drinking wine.
Tom Sullivan and Rob Perea embark the ferry to Finland.
Would you let them on board?
Lex Banaszak and Nikl~i Caso share a piece of pizza in Cinque Terre.
Meredith Box, Giacinta Berta, Kathleen Manning, and
Valerie Coleman scouting out the Eiffel Tower.
Kristen WJson, Sasha Sulkowsky, and EmJy Abbott pose outside the Louvre in Paris.
Administration, Staff & Faculty
Dr. Ann Bugliani, Director
Sheila Curlin, Dean of Students
Christine Marciasini, Assistant Director and Registrar
Giorgio Trancalini, Business Office Manager
Fausto Fecchio, Head of Maintenance
Marilyn Vitale, Administrative Assistant
Maurizio Moretti, Business Office
Beatrice Ghislandi, Library Services Coordinator
Evan Caliento, Nikki Caso, Gino Dini and Molly Houlihan,
Student Life Assistants
Rinaldo and Nella Fiorini
Bridget Grady, Chaplain
Dr. Ettore Lollini
Angelo Cammerinesi, Porter
Mario Catini, Porter
Simone Cocciante, Porter
Di Rodi, Porter
Mauro Stella, Chef
Paola Mattia
Anna Quadrana
Giorgio Mandala
Dr. Giovanni ScichJone; Anthropology,
Classical Studies
Dr. Grazia Sotis; Italian Language
and Literature
Dr. Maria M. Palladino; Italian Language
Thomas Reddy, S.J.; Theology
Dr. Giacomo DeVoto; Classical Studies
Mark Lewis, S.].; History
Dr. John Nicholson; Fine Arts & Art History
Dr. Bruna Capitini; Italian Language
Richard Costigan, S.J.; Theology
Dr. Zouhair Ghazzal; History
Dr. Flaminio Di Biagi; Italian Language
& Literature
Dr. Sarah Maclaren; Rome Studies & Sociology
Dr. C laudio L odici; Political Science
Dr. Monica Auteri; Economics
Dr. Cristina Lombardi-Diop; Italian Language
Dr. Giovanni Ferroni; Fine Arts
Dr. Leila Zammar; Italian Language, Music
Dr. Gail Tavani; Philosophy
Dr. Hugh Miller; Philosophy
Sergio Balanzino; Political Science
Denise, Gwen, Rosanna, Michelle, Nicole, and Sinead; English Language School
rientation Dinner in Tivoli
Erin Koehler, Heather Friedman, Erin Taylor, PJ. Mikol, Alyssa Pagano and Elizabeth Stein get
to know each other.
Omar Barragan, Anthony Carson,
and Dan Lavelle.
Mooks Grish, Brittany'Heidenreich,
and Julie Santangelo.
Erin Stephens, Dayna Flores, Pedro Mota-Cabral, Stacie Piccinich, Abby
Cleghorn, and Sarah Schumacher.
Around L.D.R.C.
Dr. Maria Palladino's Italian class.
The cast of the Vagina Monologues .
Angie Skonicki, Jen Brister, and Sarah Henry love the high-speed
internet connections in the computer lab.
Anthony Cohen, Carla Ursetta, and Nate Rarnin jam in a dorm room.
Lisa Uzzardo, I\ari Laskowski, Jamie Simon, Ryan Vaughan, Lisa Spella,
Michelle Pelc, Mariel Dwyer, Lauren Ferrara, and Mary Noonan party in
Campo di Fiori.
Sarah Smith, Angie Skonicki, Bridget Miller, Alison Smith,
Kathleen Dunne, Jen Brister, and Catlin Jacob at Grottapinta.
Bridget VanCleave, Kari Laskowski, Colleen DeSutter, and Lisa Spella enjoy
the Roman nightlife.
Shannon Evans, Erin Stephens, Giovanna Babbo, Genevieve Harrison, Neil Kelley,
and LaJa Leigh hang out near the Vatican.
Donna Berletich, Michelle Pelc, Lisa Uzzardo, Julie Santangelo, and
Marisela Marquez have a drink at O'Connor 's.
Mike Codella takes an unconventional ride on a Smart Car.
Dan Scott and Jon LaDuca check out Kristen Gordon, Carly Ward,
Liz Varones, and Julie Splendoria at Rock Castle.
Katie Sylvester, Kate Ciecholewski, Marusz Borowitz, Barbara Maresca, friend,
Sam Wilberding, Laura Herring, and Gina Stilp on a pub crawl.
Ryan Vaughan, Lauren Ferrara, Lisa Spella, Colleen Picchietti, Mark Runyon, Patrick Hughes,
and Mary Noonan go for some Americana at the Hard Rock Cafe.
Alexis Fink enjoys an Italian treat - gelato.
Ryan Britton, Dan Scott, Dan Gibbons, and Colleen Picchetti "study " at the BP.
Jamie Simon, Abby Parsons, Julie O'Donnell, Brittany Heidenreich,
Danielle Machnowski, Allison Lexow, and John Henry Bourdreaux
John Henry Bourdreaux, Kate Ciecholewski, P.I. Mikol, Marusz BOrowitz,
Marla Kaluza, and Abby Parsons on the slopes.
Abby Parsons, P.J. Mikol, Mike Codella, Ryan Britton, Patrick Hughes,
and Mark Runyon at the summit in Cervinia.
Rome Center students enjoy ice skating at a nearby rink.
Sam Wilberding, Marusz Borowitz, Marla Kaluza, Colleen Picchetti,
Mark Runyon, Jamie Simon, Barbara Maresca, Molly Houlihan, Jessie Spahn,
Kate Ciecholewski, and John Sullivan relax after a day of skiing.
C arnevale
Izabella Cioch, Barbara Rodecki, Anna Krolikowska, Omar Barragan, and
Anthony Carson.
Allison Lexow, Heather Friedman, Lisa Spella, Kristen Gordon, and Kari
Laskowski take a time out from Carnevale to grab some food.
Sarah Frink, Rob Perea, Tim Love, Nina Esposito, and Kelly Fox at
the Bridge of Sighs.
oh My God! Sarah Frink and Rita Hudetz found Cartman and Kenny!
LaJa Leigh, Jesse Hintz, and Shannon Evans boogie at Loyola's own Carnevale party!
Bridget Hayes, Mariel Dwyer, and Lauren Ferrara - guess who is wearing a wig?
Even Father Costigan got into the act!
Julie Santangelo, Sarah Schumacher, and Bonnie Essner in Piazza San Marco.
Sarah Henry, Ryan Gibb, Abby Parsons, and Jamie Ward.
Annie LaGrassa and Stacie Piccinich with a Carnevale tradition - confetti!
Recognize these Loyolans? It's Beatrice
and SheJa!
Elizabeth Stein and Sarah Byrnes show off their pretty painted faces.
Dr. Nicholson In Ostia Antica
Colleen DeSutter, Bridget VanCleave, and Mariel Dwyer
Are those Roman statues? No, it's
Barbara Rodecki and Izabella Cioch!
Kathleen Dunne, Bridget Miller, Jen Brister, and
Sarah Smith find a picturesque spot.
Dr. Nicholson informs the students about the
ancient city of Ostia.
wednesday Night Calcio!
Team Banane: Ryan Britton, Dan Campbell, Shannon Fitzgerald,
Sarah Byrnes, Dan Lavelle, Julie Santangelo, Ray Mueller, Sarah Henry,
and Heather Thomas
Team Azzuri: Barbara Maresca, Kelly Fox, Mike Codella, Rob Perea,
Justin West, and Sarah Frink
Team Sole: Deanna Trejo, Meg Sweeney, Kate Ciecholewski,
Sam Wilberding, Lisa Uzzardo, John Sullivan,
Tony Schuering, Dan Scott, and Ryan Nolan
Team Delfini: Pedro Mota-Cabral, Colleen DeSutter, Paul Bissler,
Michelle Pelc, Michael Hayes, Katie Sylvester, and Marusz Borowitz
Team Fantasmi: Dan Gibbons, Jamie Simon, Mooks Grish, Jay Navar,
Bonnie Essner, Elizabeth Stein, Ryan Gibb, Jamie Waldron, Abby Parsons,
and Emily Wofford
Team Giungla: PJ. Mikol, Sarah O'Connor, Michael Ferry,
Donna Berletich, Nate Ramin, Melissa Manuselis,
Tim Harrison, and Nikki Caso
Team Tenebra: Alexis Fink, Jon LoDuca, Tim Love, Jesse Hintz,
Erin Stephens, Elizabeth Groeschen, and Mark Runyon
Team Sangue (back row) Evan Caliento, John Henry Bourdreaux,
NeJ Kelly. (Front Row) Laura Herring, Alyssa Pagano, Annie LaGrassa,
Kari Laskowski, Bridget VanCleave, and Stacie Piccinich.
Chinese Spring Breal~
Beatrice Ghislandi and our tour guide, Eric.
Spring Breakers at the Great Wall.
Rob Perea and Kelly Fox delight in the art of pouring tea.
Jamie Simon makes himself at home.
Ryan Vaughan, Nina Esposito, Jay Navar, Jesse Hintz, John Sullivan,
and PJ. Mikol take a break along the Sacred Road.
Danielle Machnowski, C~rly Ward, and Nina Monroe get a
Reflexology foot massage in Beijing.
"Hey! There's room for one more!" on the Great Wall .
Nikki Caso, Bonnie Essner, Dan Lavelle, Kelly Fox, Michael Ferry, and
Julie Santangelo in Tienamen Square, Beijing .
Bonnie Essner, Nikki Caso, Julie Santangelo, Dan Lavelle, Jay Navar,
and Kim Thornton at the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.
Kathleen Manning and Dan Lavelle take comfort in an old friend.
The group stares in wonder at the 2,000 year old life-size Terracotta Warriors in Xi' an.
Soraya Aghai and Genevieve Harrison hang with Xi' an locals.
Bonnie Essner, Julie Santangelo, and Laura Carfang pose in front of the Empress
CiXi's boat at the Summer Palace in Beijing.
Erin Finlay, Abby Parsons, Sarah Henry, and
Jen Brister at the Master of Nets garden in Suzhou.
Jen Brister, Caitlin Jacob, and Sarah Smith love shopping in the chaotic markets.
Bridget LaPorte and Nina Monroe admire scenic
Cesky Krumlov.
Abby Cleghorn, Kim Thornton, Annie LaGrassa, Meg Sweeny, Sarah Smith,
Caitlin Jacob, and Alyssa Pagano pose with Prague castle in the background.
Meg Sweeny, Alyssa Pagano, Gino Dini, Abby Cleghorn, Evan Caliento, and
Annie LaGrassa take a break in Cesky Krumlov.
Caitlin Jacob, Megan Crosby, and Sarah Smith hanging
out in Cesky Krumlov.
The group gets togeth er for a picture in Prague.
Annie LaGrassa, Julie Splendoria, and Alyssa Pagano enjoy the view
from the river in Cesky Ktumlov.
Dayna F lores, Brianna Murlowski, Evan CaUento Gia G ullo Gino Dini
and adia pflaum cruise down the Vltava River i~ Pragu e. '
Hotne Sweet Rotne
MarJyn Vitale and the step-aerobics class.
Erin Finlay, Megan Crosby, Laure Madison, Evelyn Schober, Michelle Pelc, and
Julie Santangelo relax at a Roman pub.
The girls celebrate Sarah Smith's birthday in the L.U.R.C. Lounge.
Nate Ramin, Kate Ciecholewski, Jessica Spahn, Genevieve Harrison, Jesse
Hintz, and Valerie Coleman out on the town.
Student Trips
Erin Finlay, Sarah Henry, Jamie Ward, Laure Madison, and Evelyn Schober
are on the move in Venice.
Katie Sylvester, Barbara Maresca, Laura Herring, and Nadia pflaum stop to enjoy the view at Lake
Shannon Fitzgerald makes a new friend in
Fink and Karen Gargamelli catch a 3D flick in Amsterdam.
Jesse Hintz, Nate Ramin, Mooks Grish, Carla Ursetta, Anthony Cohen,
and Neal Kelley pose in front of the Ponte Vecchio.
Sarah Henry and Abby Parsons take a break from the hike in
Cinque Terre.
Annie LaGrassa and Jon LoDuca at the Boboli Gardens.
Bill Wilkie, Mark Runyon, Pedro Mota-Cabral, Ryan Britton, and Patrick Hughes
Colleen Picchietti and Ryan Vaughan paraglide in Interlaken .
Dan Lavelle, Shannon Evans, Julie Santangelo, Bonnie Essner, and Sarah Schumacher
chill out in Venice.
Dorothy Schardt, Deanna Trejo, Jen Brister, Angie Skonicki,
Megan Crosby, and Sarah Smith catch some rays in Nice .
Sarah Slakey in Assisi.
Sarah Joyce
Rita Hudetz and Lauren Fihe
Kristen Gordon, Danielle Machnowski, Carly Ward, Brittany Heidenreich,
Sarah O'Connor, Julie Splendoria, and Julie O'Donnell take in easy in
Jane Gruning
Mdw H app (friend), Ryan Vaughan, Soraya Aghai, and
Nick Ferrario in Pompeii.
who's the man with the chiseled physique?
It's Ray Mueller!
Katy Downes takes in the view along the Tiber.
Brenda Lomeli
Michelle Pelc, Donna Berletich, Paul Bissler, and
Elizabeth Stein in Florence.