Revolutionising University Safety Training through Activity
Revolutionising University Safety Training through Activity
Understanding thought processing Hayman, J.W. (2015) Hayman, J.W. (2015) Instructional Information Transfer Aims: • Basic information transfer • Transfer regulatory/Compliance requirements • Inform users of procedural requirements Activity based cognitive interaction Aims: • Put theory into practice • Reference appropriate resources • Allow the user to experience real events/practices Scenario Based Learning Simulations • Branched learning – “Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy” learning experience • Customising the learning environment • Large expenses with large payoffs Investigative Scenarios • Immersing the learner into reality • Higher cognitive thinking Scoping a project • Whom do you involve considering complexity of organisations? • 2 sets of sponsors with potentially differing interests; project delays more probable • Logistics • Collaboration = increased capacity to produce a quality learning experience • Synergy around intention and quality is critical. Intention Reality Clearly communicate your message • • • • Contracts Issue resolution Performance review Time Share the Vision – Gain Synergy Developers Core Team John, Matt, Anne Subject Expert Stakeholders Describe “The Vision” Often – Welcome ideas Everyone has a different understanding of the Vision Especially with new and innovative concepts: Listen • Learning cohort • Laboratory and Workshop Streams • Degree of difficulty of activities Build Safety Capability • Do away with the “tick and flick” training • Real examples to workers: Example Advantages of eLearning • Flexible, own time, portable What Captured my Imagination • Respects the learning cohort – challenging activities • Provides opportunities to learn independently • Uses gamification and competitiveness • Allows for range of pre knowledge Internal review cycles Expect 3 to 4 All Aspects Structure & Learning Design Content Storyboard Where to from now? • Dangerous Goods (MUVU) – underway – Poisons and Cytotoxics/Carcinogens (MUVU) future plan • • • • Risk Management (MUVU) – Proposal Ergonomics (MUVU) - Proposal Contractor Management (MU) Gas Cylinder Safety (MU) Complete (VU) – Almost complete • HSW Awareness (VU) – Almost complete Acknowledgements Norman Kuttner, Debra Bartolo, Peter Sofos, Derrota Ferres , Liam Powles, Dr. Craig Forsythe Matthew Perry, Janine Webb, Carol Gurney, Tracy Murray, Samantha Cassar F I L M S Solicitors Office 1. Be pragmatic and allow contingencies for time and rework 1. Be pragmatic and allow contingencies for time and rework 2. Quality control associated with storyboarding and linking story boarding to original proposal document 3. Mapping is just the start ! Collaborate 1. Be pragmatic and allow contingencies for time and rework 2. Quality control associated with storyboarding and linking story boarding to original proposal document 3. Mapping is just the start ! Collaborate 4. Be creative & push boundaries representing reality: eLearning developers can make it happen “Creative collaboration has proven to produce better concepts that any of us would have achieved alone” 1. Be pragmatic and allow contingencies for time and rework 2. Quality control associated with storyboarding and linking story boarding to original proposal document 3. Mapping is just the start ! Collaborate 4. Be creative & push boundaries representing reality: eLearning developers can make it happen 5. Identify key concepts 6. Include staged brainstorming sessions with key development team to start each unit. 5-6 people. Document actions and responsibilities 7. Requires good listening and flexible thinking. 1. Be pragmatic and allow contingencies for time and rework 2. Quality control associated with storyboarding and linking story boarding to original proposal document 3. Mapping is just the start ! Collaborate 4. Be creative & push boundaries representing reality: eLearning developers can make it happen 5. Identify key concepts 6. Include staged brainstorming sessions with key development team to start each unit. 5-6 people. Document actions and responsibilities 7. Requires good listening and flexible thinking. 8. Building Safety Capability is the end goal. 1. Be pragmatic and allow contingencies for time and rework 2. Quality control associated with storyboarding and linking story boarding to original proposal document 3. Mapping is just the start ! Collaborate 4. Be creative & push boundaries representing reality: eLearning developers can make it happen 5. Identify key concepts 6. Include staged brainstorming sessions with key development team to start each unit. 5-6 people. Document actions and responsibilities 7. Requires good listening and flexible thinking. 8. Building Safety Capability is the end goal. 9. Track all versions of document reviews 10. Learning Design, Structure & Storyboard sign offs are critical 11. Carefully review tone and look to be internally consistent. 1. Be pragmatic and allow contingencies for time and rework 2. Quality control associated with storyboarding and linking story boarding to original proposal document 3. Mapping is just the start ! Collaborate 4. Be creative & push boundaries representing reality: eLearning developers can make it happen 5. Include staged brainstorming sessions with key development team to start each unit. 5 max. Document actions and responsibilities 7. Identify key concepts 8. Use your key people 9. Track all versions of document reviews 10. Learning Design, Structure & Storyboard sign offs are critical 11. Carefully review tone and look to be internally consistent. eLearning modeling strategies Traditional Modeling Instructional Module Instructional Module Activity based Instructional Module Interactive Activity Instructional Module Instructional Module Instructional Module Interactive Activity Competency Competency Scenario Activity based competency Instructional Module Instructional Module Interactive Activity Scenario Scenario Basic Activity RPL Activity based Competency Interactive Activity Instructional Module Basic Activity Instructional Module Scenario Interactive Activity Interactive Activity Scenario Scenario Example Gas Cylinder Safety Exposure Controls - Engineering Carbon Bakes Cooler, Scrubber and Waste Gas System. Remotely operated Green Anode Stacker Crane Dust collector on carbon fines Fully Enclosed Dense Phase system Conveying System