FRIDAY - St Mark Catholic Church
FRIDAY - St Mark Catholic Church
St. Mark Catholic Church 643 St. Mark Place ~ Boynton Beach, FL 33435 561-734-9330 ~ Fax: 561-735-3463 Friar Priests: Fr. Dan G. Fink, OFM Conv. Pastor Fr. Germain Kopaczynski, OFM Conv. Parochial Vicar Fr. Richard Florek, OFM Conv. Parochial Vicar Fr. Samuel Zebron, OFM Conv. Priest in Residence Deacon: Mark Lizardi Secretary: Mrs. Janet Eleshewich Bookkeeper: Mrs. Patty Schultz Bereavement Ministry & Ministry to the Sick: Sr. Mary Joan Millecan, OSF, Pastoral Minister (561) 735-3530 Parish Catechetical Leader/ Youth Minister: Mrs. Margaret Castor, PCL (561)734-9330 Faith Formation for Children & Teens: Please contact Mrs. Margaret Castor in the Parish Office Baptism : Contact Mrs. Margaret Castor in the Parish Office to register. Parents must be registered parishioners and attend our baptismal instruction. The sooner you call the better, even during your pregnancy. Please do not make travel plans for your family until your baptism date is confirmed! Rite of Christian Initiation Music Ministry: Dr. Ronald F. Albano, Director for Adults: of Music Anyone who is interested in becoming a Catholic or completing his/her Christian Marriage: Initiation as a Catholic, Contact the Parish Office at least four months in advance. should call the Parish Office. Are you a registered parishioner? Please do not take for granted that you are registered in the parish just because you attend mass and/or had your sacraments here as a child. If we have no record of your parish membership it could be quite embarrassing to us, or to you or your family, when someone wishes to make wedding plans, have a baby baptized, or if you have been asked to act as a sponsor for baptism or confirmation. Please fill out a census form, located in the narthex, in the Parish office or online at Once you have filled the form out please mail or bring it to the Parish Office. THANK YOU! 2 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:00PM Closed Noon - 1:00PM (Lunch) Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil: 4:00PM & 5:45PM Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:15AM, 11:00AM, 12:30PM & 6:00PM Misa en Español: Domingo / Sunday: 4:00PM Daily Mass 8:00AM & 5:00PM Morning Prayer 7:40AM Evening Prayer 5:30PM Confession Saturdays: 8:30AM- 9:00AM & 3:00PM - 3:45PM and by appointment Vocation Chalice Each week at Mass, a family will accept the responsibility of praying for vocations. The family is called up to the altar after communion to receive a Chalice, which has been set aside for this purpose. Perpetual Novena to St. Anthony Every Tuesday after the 8:00AM Mass Perpetual Novena to St. Joseph Every Wednesday after the 8:00AM Mass First Friday Holy Hour Every First Friday of the Month from 7:00PM - 8:00PM Exposition & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament & Quiet Time for Prayer Parish Holy Hour for LIFE Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month 11:00AM—Noon in the Chapel. Bring your Rosary Beads Liturgy Schedule Theresa O’Connor Kathy White Robert Ralston Thomas Cappello Stephen Cappello & Family Hope O’Reilly Fern Trepanier Michelle Carmela & Joe SantaLucia Al Armento Diane Kerski Lillian Grace Piasecki Barbara Coffee Jenny Sciametta David G. Leo Battaglia Lisa Lombardi Priscilla Noonan Eileen Barrett Clay Gilberg Dennis Singleton MaryAnn Shortley MaryRose Scalzo Carol Gallagher Peggy Grealish Barbara Bregoli Tracy F. Eileen Skocik Saturday: 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 3:00 PM March 28th Lenten Weekday +Kevin Grealish by Dad & Mom Sacrament of Reconciliation Sacrament of Reconciliation Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 4:00 PM +Robert E. Curtis by his wife, Carmelita & Daughters 4:00 PM Fr. Sam’s Intention for +Natalie Marcon by Fred Marcon 5:45 PM +Louis Bazzicalupo by Mary T. Bazzicalupo & Frank Bazzicalupo The Mastrofilippo Family Dale Surnick Todd Edward Logan Williams Fran & Maria Welsh Dorothy Morrissey Rita Desnoyers Marie Danielle Leblanc Isabel Suss Lori L. William Denning Dave Schweihofer Mary Theibert Peter Aldridge Sunday: March 29th 7:30 AM +Vera Burke by Dick Gross 9:15 AM +Deceased Members of the Spatafora Family by Tom & Jo Spatafora 11:00 AM All Parishioners of St. Mark Parish, Living & Deceased 12:30 PM +John Procaccino by his wife, Edith & Family 4:00 PM Misa en Español 6:00 PM Special Intentions for Randall Fine by John Names are on the prayer list for approximately one month. Please call the Parish Office to add or delete a name from the list. Monday : March 30th Monday of the Holy Week 7:40 AM Morning Prayer 8:00 AM +Edmund O’Dea by Bea O’Dea 5:00 PM +George Kingston by Patrick & Joan Breheny 5:30 PM Evening Prayer We Will Say a Special Prayer for these men and women serving our country - Especially: Pvt. 1st Lt. Timothy R. Fitzgerald US Navy; Christopher Gibb; Lt. Geoffrey Davis; Sgt. Jason N. Brown, who is currently serving in the U.S. Army Cpl. Toni Diesel; EMFR Michael D. Katte ENG/EE US Navy; Lt. Kenneth Doyle, USN; Sr. Airman Michael Marshall, USAF; Staff Sgt. Anthony Sadolfo; AW/SW James Paino; Capt. David Liberti, USAF; Gy Sgt. Charles F. Heck IV, USMC; US Navy Seal Michael Fink; Lt. Thomas R. Weadon; Pvt. Chris Rodriguez; Capt. Christopher Seamans, USAF; Captain John D. O’Connell USMC; YN2 James Paino (SW/ AW); Col. Dr. William Venanzi; Pvt. Joseph Neceda Jr.; Col. Andrew Torelli USAF; Patrick R. Neenan US Navy, Pvt. 1st Class US Army Christopher McCarty, Chief Warrant Officer 4 Douglas R. Sanders; Robbie Josef Army; Ranger/Special Forces Lt. Godney Pulin; Christopher Lester US Army and Damian Vaudo Specialist in the US Army. Tuesday : March 31st Tuesday of the Holy Week 7:40 AM Morning Prayer 8:00 AM +Desmond & James McAree by Pat & Maureen McAree 5:00 PM +Dennis Dougherty by his Family 5:30 PM Evening Prayer Wednesday: April 1st Wednesday of the Holy Week 7:40 AM Morning Prayer 8:00 AM +Patrick Foley by Ed & Gerrie Cook 5:00 PM +Larry Donovan by Janet Donovan 5:30PM Evening Prayer Thursday: April 2nd Thursday of the Holy Week (Holy Thursday) 9:00 AM Morning Prayer Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 PM Pastor’s Mass for all Parishioners of St. Mark Parish, Living & +Deceased 8:00 PM-Midnight Adoration Friday: April 3rd Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday) 9:00 AM Morning Prayer 3:00 PM Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 4:30 PM Living Stations of the Cross The Altar Bread & Wine For the week of March 28th-April 3rd Is In Memory of Thomas & Kathleen Corr & The McGovern Family by Mary & Alo Conlon Saturday: April 4th Holy Saturday 9:00 AM Morning Prayer 12:00 PM Blessing of the Easter Foods The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night 8:00 PM Pastor’s Mass for all Parishioners of St. Mark Parish, Living & +Deceased The Sanctuary Candle For the week of March 28th-April 3rd Is For All Our Special Intentions If you would like to offer the altar flowers, bread & wine or the sanctuary candle for the week, please come to the Parish Office to make arrangements. Recent Deaths Our condolences are extended to the families of those who recently passed away, especially Allen Pickering, Pietro Montagano & Richard Cousineau. May the Lord bless them and keep them. May he turn his face toward them and give them peace. 3 Sunday: April 5th Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord 6:00 AM +Martin E. Holman III by his wife, Robbin 7:30 AM +Deceased Members of the Raab-Rieder & Mysiuk Families by Lydia Mysiuk 9:15 AM Living & +Deceased Members of the Raimondi Family by Mr. & Mrs. James Bruzzese 11:00 AM +Deceased Members of the Garetano, Tacti & Castor Families 12:30 PM +Thomas P. Kelly by Joan & Maureen 4:00 PM Misa en Español HOLY THURSDAY 9am (Morning Prayer) 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8pm-Midnight (Adoration) Knights of Columbus St. Mark Council No. 12414 Grand Knight - Howard Solomon 561-704-3961 Meetings Every First Thursday of the Month at 7:00PM in the St. Francis Center GOOD FRIDAY 9am (Morning Prayer) 3pm (Lord’s Passion) 4:30 pm (Living Stations) The St. Mark Council of Catholic Women meets the second Saturday of each month at 10:00AM in the Parish Center cafeteria. New members are always welcome. Please come and try us out! For more information, call Maureen Fulop at 704-8771 or Marge LaViola at 329-4667. EASTER 6am(Outdoor Sunrise Mass) 7:30am, 9:15am, 11am, 12:30pm 4pm (Spanish) No 6:00pm Mass HOLY SATURDAY 9am (Morning Prayer) Noon (Blessing of Easter food) The Legion of Mary meets on Wednesday mornings after the 8:00AM Mass in the Chapel where we recite the Rosary and have a short meeting. The Legion offers an opportunity for both spiritual and active enrichment. We invite our auxiliary members to join us and always welcome new members. Please Note!! On Holy Saturday there will be NO 4:00PM or 5:45PM Vigil Mass! Also there will be NO 6:00PM on Easter Sunday! Caregivers, Christ and Chocolate (A Support Group for Adult Caregivers ) You are invited to be an integral part of this new ministry which meets Wednesdays from 2:00PM 3:30PM in the St. Clare Room. Contact Sister Mary Joan (561-735-3530) to register or for further information. Blessing of Easter Food The blessing of food is a tradition celebrated by many Eastern Europeans, but many Americans have adopted this custom to enhance their Easter celebration. Families fill a wicker basket with the food that will be eaten on Easter Sunday. Some of the items that can be included in the Easter basket are as follows: Easter Bread (Babka) symbolizing the staff of life. Colored Eggs - indicate hope, new life and Resurrection. Ham or Lamb - symbols of great joy and abundance. Sausage (Kielbasa) symbolic of God’s favor and generosity. Butter (often shaped into a lamb) - symbolizing the richness of salvation. Horseradish - symbolic of the Passion of Christ. Salt - wisdom and preservation. Baked goods/ candy - the end of Lent. A candle - to symbolize Jesus, the Life and Light of the world. Saint Mark Orchestra meets Sundays at 1:30PM in the St. Francis Center. For information call Suzanne Knox 561-267-1884 or Ron Albano 561274-9553. All Ages Invited!! Bible Study All Parishioners and their guests are invited to join us on Tuesday evenings from 7-8 PM in the St. Clare Room of the St. Francis Center. We will be studying the Book of Acts which tells the story of the spread of the Gospel and the growth of the early church from its beginnings at Pentecost, following the Ascension of Jesus. We will learn how the Holy Spirit empowerd the preaching of Peter, Paul, and the other disciples to take the faith from Jerusalem, to Judea, throughout Samaria and ultimately to the ends of the earth. Please call Vic Coppola, 561-736-7812. A free will offering of $15.00 is requested for the study guides. EASTER VIGIL 8:00pm 4 The filled basket is then covered with white linen cloth and brought to the church for blessing. If you would like to start a new meaningful tradition in your family, St. Mark’s will be blessing Easter baskets on Saturday April 4th, at 12:00 noon. FYI: March 29, 2015 This weekend’s Liturgy of Palm Sunday begins the most Solemn Week of the Church’s Year. Throughout the centuries the Church has looked upon Holy Week as that week to meditate carefully on the salvific actions of Our Lord. Today there are two words or phrases that specifically address the conflict of the week: Hosanna versus Crucify. Often in our lives we have had friends, relatives, celebrities or politicians whom we have held up in honor and esteem only to be let down by their behavior or agenda. The hosanna can quickly turn to crucify when we feel or think, that we have been betrayed or left out to dry. What do we do? How do we react? Where do I go? These are the questions most often asked. These same questions were asked by Jesus’ followers as this week progressed so many years ago. Some went into hiding. Others denied him. Still others like Our Blessed Mother, St. Mary Magdalene and St. John stood vigil with Him knowing that something good was about to happen. Walking the way of the cross whether one is a participant or a spectator is never easy. It takes faith and trust to make a Good Friday into an Easter Sunday. It takes God to make the cross, not a symbol of defeat and humiliation, but a sign of victory or sin and death. My brothers and sisters, while we have time, let us do good! ~ Fr. Dan Invitation to Attend the Chrism Mass As part of Holy Week, on March 31 at 11 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens, the Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of the Diocese of Palm Beach, will celebrate the traditional Catholic Chrism Mass with priests from the Catholic Diocese of Palm Beach. During the Chrism Mass, Bishop Barbarito will bless the three oils* that will be used for sacramental purposes during the next year throughout all of the diocese’s 53 churches and missions. In addition to the blessing, the priests will renew their vows and those with significant ordination anniversaries will be recognized. For questions please contact: [email protected] or 561-775-9529. HUNGER WALK RESULTS Thanks to all of you who sponsored Fr. Dan, Fr. Richard, and Sr. Mary Joan and to the parishioners who participated in the 2015 Hunger Walk! St. Mark Catholic Church won the Top Team award again this year, with donations totaling $2,709. Fr. Richard won the Top Walker award, with a total of $773 in donations. With your donations, sponsorships from local businesses, organizations, and congregations, and donations received from other participants in the walk, CCC raised $24,870. It was a beautiful day for a walk – come and join us next year! Lenten Rice Bowls will be collected Palm Sunday at all the masses. Coffee & Donuts are sponsored by: Scobee-Combs-Bowden The second collection is for the Students of St. Mark Parish Who attend Catholic Schools. 5 Calling All High School Teens! SAVE THE DATE!! September 11 - 13 2015 $125 per person Disney’s Annual Youth Ministry Gathering For the First time we will be joining other Youth of The Diocese for a fun weekend! Friday 4:00 Gathering “Lock in” Dinner - Games - Midnight Mass & Adoration Saturday - boarding a Charter Bus to go up to Orlando and Night of Joy Sunday - Mass at Mary Queen of the Universe Shrine in Orlando then Home. Please Call Margaret in the Parish Office if you are interested asap! Tickets go quick!! Families invited Young Adult Retreat Youth Ministry 2nd Annual Egg-Stravaganza! Open to ages 18-35 Married Couples Welcome THIS Sunday - March 29th 3:30PM - 5:30PM In the Parish Center We will be stuffing Easter eggs for our Easter Sunday egg dash. Service Hours Prizes Refreshments FUN July 10 - 12, 2015 Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center Please call Margaret in the Parish Office to register and for prices Sponsorships Available! 6 FRIDAY ~ April 10th St. Mark Parish Center Doors Open at 6:00PM Races Start at 7:00PM $10 Entry Includes 2 hot dogs and 1 Race Cash Bar $10 Adults $5 Children 7 March 18, 2015 Winning Number 0-0-5 No Winner The CCW Meeting Saturday April 11 will be a combination Membership Appreciation Tea and a Baby Shower for Birthline. Members are invited, and the event will be open to all the women of the parish. $15 donation for nonmembers. For more information, call Maureen Fulop 561-704-8771. There will be a playpen for accepting gifts in the Narthex on Palm Sunday and Easter. Please consider extending your Lenten almsgiving to include these women and children. Thank you for your generosity. ish il r Pa unc er Co orn C Recently a few individuals asked about the Parish Council. They had no idea what it is. For those of you who don’t know, I would like to explain. It is a group of parishioners who meet with Father Dan monthly. We are the liaisons between the parish and the pastor. You might have read in Father Dan’s different items pertaining to the church, for example a book store in the church or why we don’t rent out the school building, etc. These and other suggestions, questions and comments came from parishioners like you. We welcome your input. At mass look for council members wearing their badge. Say hello and if you have any questions or suggestions, please let them know. If we are not present at your Mass, please feel free to use the Suggestion Box located in the narthex. In future columns we will have parish council member’s contact information. Looking to become involved in our church? Consider becoming a member. We have openings for those members whose terms are up. We also have an opening in September for a secretary to take the minutes. Please let Father Dan or any parish council member know. Howard Solomon Parish Council President 561-704-3961 8 Women’s Circle Concert Series Presents Music from “Les Misérables” Broadway Review by St. Mark Choir & Dinner St. Mark Catholic Church ~ Parish Center Friday, April 24, 2015 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Tickets will be on sale in the Narthex in April and currently are on sale in the Parish Office and at the Women’s Circle 912 SE 4th Street Boynton Beach 561-244-7627 $30 per person Public Welcome Please complete the information and tickets will be mailed/given to you prior to the event. If you book together, you will sit together Please reserve _________ tickets (tables are tables of 10 only) $30 Per Ticket Please write additional guest names and orders on a sheet of paper and include with this form Name: _________________________________________ Name: _________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________Phone#: ____________________________ Menu - Select 1 Entrée & 1 Dessert per person Chicken ________ Cake ________ Fish _________ Fruit Cup __________ 9