subject selection booklet 2016


subject selection booklet 2016
This booklet is a valuable tool in helping students make wise decisions when planning their future pathways.
ALLOW IT. Where a subject is oversubscribed and there are insufficient numbers or resources to create an extra
class, a ballot system may be applied. Some subjects are also available via The Correspondence School. Please
see Mr Ashworth or Mrs Cook for further details.
Please use this booklet to discuss options and bring it to the Subject Information Evening on Tuesday 25th
August from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Parents/Caregivers are encouraged to come to this evening where Mr
Ashworth, the Careers Advisor, the Heads of Faculty and Teachers in Charge of subjects will be available to
discuss options.
This booklet is designed to clearly show the progression of a subject and subject options within each faculty. It
also indicates the minimum requirement to gain entry to a course. It is important to consider the next step for you
and your study when making your choices.
Remember your teachers know you and your ability in their subject area and can provide good information as to
how you will manage the courses in their subject.
How to get-it-right!
This booklet is to help you ‘get-it-right’ when you are choosing subjects for next year.
There is a lot of material in this booklet, so please spend time reading it and becoming familiar with the many
options you have. You will ‘get-it-right’ if you choose subjects that you enjoy, which challenge you and which
prepare you for what you will do when you leave school. Some subjects are needed for certain careers or other
training. Please consult Mr Ashworth if you are unsure. Be realistic! Choose the course appropriate for you and
your ability. Your subject teachers can help you with this.
If I choose a subject will I be able to take it? That depends. You will be guided into the best course for your
ability in the three compulsory subjects at Level 1, English, Mathematics and Science. In Years 12 and 13 you
may need to reach certain standards or prerequisites to enter some subjects. The requirements are noted in the
course descriptions.
The Ministry of Education Operations Grant is designed to fund schools for delivery of the NZ curriculum. The
reality is that the Kaiapoi High School community desires additional resources that enhance the learning
experiences of our students.
Most subjects or courses include additional costs resulting from our desire to provide quality education over
and above that which is covered by MOE funding. We try to keep these extra costs as low as possible.
Charges may apply where a student has chosen to buy and take home an item, or chosen to participate in an
activity additional to the delivery of the curriculum.
Kaiapoi High School seeks voluntary general donations (guideline of $85 per child or $124 for 2 or more) and
contributions for specific purposes, such as library books, sports equipment etc. Kaiapoi High School
appreciates the high level of financial support that our families give to the school.
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
What type of programme will I take?
All Year 11 students take six subjects. An English, a Mathematics and a Science course are compulsory. You
then choose three other subjects from the options. All subjects at Year 11 will allow you to gain credits towards
National Certificates, including NCEA Level 1. In some subjects you will gain credits by passing Achievement
Standards. In some subjects you will gain credits by passing Unit Standards. Some subjects will offer both
Achievement Standards and Unit Standards.
Achievement Standards can be gained by Internal Assessment and External Assessment. The end-of-year
exams are all External Assessments. Unit Standards are all Internal Assessments. All credits from Unit
Standards and Achievement Standards can be credited towards the National Certificate of Educational
Achievement Level 1.
How will I gain these qualifications?
Every Achievement Standard and Unit Standard is worth a number of credits.
Credits are like points and you collect these from all your subjects to put towards your qualification.
You collect credits when you achieve the standard set.
Unit Standards are awarded as an Achieved or Not Achieved.
Achievement Standards are awarded as Not Achieved, Achieved, Merit or Excellence.
NCEA Level 1
When you have a minimum total of 80 Level 1 credits, or higher, and you have achieved the Literacy and
Numeracy requirements you will be awarded the National Certificate of Educational Achievement Level 1.
You can achieve Literacy or Numeracy in two ways. You can achieve Literacy and Numeracy by achieving 10
credits from specified Achievement Standards across subjects. Your subject teachers will advise you what
standards can be counted towards Literacy and Numeracy. If you achieve Literacy and Numeracy in this way
your certificate will show, “Literacy achieved through Achievement Standards” and/or “Numeracy achieved
through Achievement Standards”. The second pathway involves achieving 10 credits of Literacy and/or 10 credits
of Numeracy from work you do in class. If you achieve Literacy and/or Numeracy in this way your certificate will
show, “Literacy achieved through Unit Standards” and/or “Numeracy achieved through Unit Standards”. You
cannot mix the two methods of attaining either Literacy or Numeracy but you could achieve one through Unit
Standards (eg. Literacy) and the other (eg. Numeracy) through Achievement Standards. When you have these in
your 80 credits, you will receive your National Certificate of Educational Achievement Level 1.
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
NCEA Level 2
At this level of study no course is compulsory, but you need to look carefully at what course of study will best suit
your future needs. You will choose six subjects to study and you will have an allocated study period. NCEA Level
2 is to be achieved by using 20 credits gained at Level 1 and achieving a minimum of 60 Level 2 credits or higher.
A National Certificate will be awarded when 80 credits are gained in total.
University Entrance
Please note University Entrance requires a minimum standard of Literacy and Numeracy. 10 credits at Level 1
Numeracy and 10 credits at Level 2 Literacy are required (five reading and five writing).
When constructing your programme of study, please check that you have chosen courses that will enable you to
achieve entrance to university.
Some students will study a multi-level course to complete their Level 1 certificate requirements and /or meet the
prerequisite requirements for a Level 2 and above course.
NCEA Level 3
At this level of study no course is compulsory, but you need to look carefully at what course of study will best suit
your future needs.
You will choose five subjects to study and you will have up to five allocated study periods.
Please check the requirements for University Entrance (Degree) and ensure your course of study will allow you
the opportunity to gain entrance. You must ensure you have met the Literacy and Numeracy requirements, which
are critical as part of the entry requirement for further study.
Study for scholarship is available in some subjects. Please discuss with your subject teachers if you are
interested in this option.
NCEA – Endorsement of Certificates
Endorsement of Certificates is a way of reflecting the Merit and Excellence credits shown on the Record of
Merit and Excellence can only be gained in Achievement Standards. Students will require 50 credits at Excellence
to receive a certificate endorsed with Excellence and 50 credits of either Excellence and/or Merit to receive a
certificate endorsed with Merit.
Can credits gained in one year be used to gain endorsement of certificates in another year?
Yes. As has always been the case, credits gained in different years, and at different levels, can count towards
NCEA. For endorsement, the credits gained must be gained at the level of the certificate being awarded, or
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
NCEA – Course Endorsement
Students can gain a course endorsement with Merit or Excellence.
Students will receive an Excellence endorsement for a course if they gain 14 credits at Excellence level. This
must include at least three credits at Excellence from internally assessed standards and at least three credits at
Excellence from externally assessed standards (unless your subject is an exception eg. Art, Physical Education,
etc). Please check this booklet and your teacher to see if your course meets the course endorsement
Students can gain a Merit endorsement for a course if they gain 14 credits at Merit level or above. This must
include at least three credits at Merit level or above from internally assessed standards and at least three credits
at Merit level or above from externally assessed standards.
Can credits gained in one year be used to gain course endorsement in another year?
No. Credits must be obtained from one calendar year and cannot be the result of accumulation over more than
one year.
NZQA Fees – what will it cost to enter?
NZQA fees for NCEA are a compulsory cost specified under The Education Act 1989. The school collects these
fees on behalf of NZQA. Payments must be made to the school by the deadline shown on your Request for
Contribution/Tax Invoice (usually end of August). After that date, payment must be made directly to NZQA and a
penalty fee applies to late payments.
Registration on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), including NCEA, costs $76.70 per student per year.
This is the current cost and may be subject to change by NZQA.
Scholarship entry will incur an additional cost. This has been set at $30.00 per subject by NZQA.
Community Service Cardholders are eligible for a discounted rate upon receipt of a completed application form
(available from the school office or download from the school website
Please note that all NZQA fees must be paid by a deadline date, which is usually late August of each year.
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Arts Faculty
Media Studies
Music / Sound & Recording
Visual Art
Art Design
Wearable Arts
Health & Physical Education Faculty
Food & Nutrition
Health Science
Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education Leadership
Physical Education & Sports Science
Sport Coaching
English Faculty
English / Literacy
English for Speakers of Other Languages
Te Reo Maori
Mathematics Faculty
Mathematics / Numeracy
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Science Faculty
Social Sciences Faculty
Business Studies
Classical Studies
Legal Studies
Tikanga Maori
Technology Faculty
Digital Technologies
Hospitality & Catering
Tools 4 Work
Hard Materials Technology
Other Courses
Automotive Introductory Skills
Skills for Living
STAR Funded Courses
Secondary Tertiary Programmes
Correspondence Courses
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
The Arts
CAREERS: Any of the Arts subjects are recommended as subjects that encourage creative and flexible thinking
Music is a helpful subject in careers such as: a disc jockey, sound engineer, music and instrument retailer,
musician, teacher, film & television industry worker, etc.
Visual Art can be useful in careers such as: a photographer, photojournalist, artist, designer, logo and graphic
designer, illustrator, special effects artist, advertiser, marketer, tattoo artist, set designer, teacher, museum or
gallery worker, printer, industry, film/television/animation/video technician, signwriter, website designer and any
other field which requires creative thinking.
Drama and Dance are subjects that are helpful in career choices involving: youth work, teaching, journalism,
sales and marketing and any communication-based career. For talented students there are growing opportunities
in the film industry for actors, writers, dancers, choreographers, designers and technical fields, such as costume,
set, lighting design and production.
Media Studies is ideal for students wishing to enter careers such as: film production and the film industry,
journalism, law, teaching, marketing, publishing, television, to name a just a few. Students who do well, often go
on to study Media at tertiary institutions, such as Broadcasting School, Film Studies at Canterbury University or
Yoobee School of Design.
** For all Visual Art subjects we recommend parents/caregivers set up an automatic payment at the start
of the year, so the contribution is paid by the end of term two. This enables commencement of the exam
portfolio at the start of term two.
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Dance
Level 1 Dance is designed to expose students to a variety of genres, dance performances and choreographic
processes. Students have the opportunity to gain a total of 24 credits through internal performance based
assessments and an end-of-year external written exam. Dance is a lot of fun and very hands-on. It demands
much creative thinking, physical endurance and time spent, both in and out of class, creating and rehearsing for
Level 1 Dance involves:
1. Composing movements in pairs and groups to choreograph three original dance sequences, each focusing
on different dance elements.
2. Learning and performing three dance sequences in a variety of dance genres (Jazz, African or Samoan and
Hip Hop or contemporary dance).
3. Learning and performing a group dance on stage to demonstrate ensemble skills.
4. Dance elements written assessment (optional).
5. Sitting an external exam to show their understanding of a dance performance they have studied as a class.
Students will also have the opportunity of viewing a live performance and develop their ability to analyse and
interpret a professional dance performance.
Prerequisites for this course:
Year 10 Dance, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
$30 ($15 trip to see professional live
performance & $15 for two hour
workshop with the NZ Dance Co.)
Credits on offer for this course:
20 internal and 4 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
8 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Dance
Level 2 Dance continues to develop students’ ability as performers, as well as strengthen their ability to select
and integrate appropriate dance elements and choreographic devices into performance. The year is achievement
standard based, with a total of 26 credits on offer. Level 2 Dance makes a logical progression from Level 1 Dance,
extending students dance skills and their ability to communicate an idea, mood, emotion or story through dance.
Level 2 Dance involves:
1. Choreographing a group dance to show an idea developed from a Maori, Pasifika or European Myth 2.
2. Choreographing a solo dance, showing an idea developed from a social issue related to youth culture today
3. Performance of an ethnic or social dance from a particular culture or era, eg. African, Flamenco or Charleston.
4. Performance of a theatre dance ‘in character’ for public entertainment.
5. Performing a repertoire of three contemporary dances at a public event.
6. Sitting an external exam, analysing and discussing a dance performance they have studied as a class.
Students will again enjoy the opportunity of viewing a live performance and continue to develop their ability to
analyse and interpret a professional dance performance.
Prerequisites for this course:
14 credits for Level 1 Dance,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
$30 ($15 trip to see professional live
performance & $15 for two hour
workshop with the NZ Dance Co.)
Credits on offer for this course:
22 internal and 4 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 3 Dance
Level 3 Dance explores dance performance and choreography in further depth, focusing on preparing them for a
higher technical level of dance. The year is achievement standard based, with a total of 22 credits on offer. 18
credits can be gained internally and four externally. Level 3 Dance moves on to a more professional level of
dance, extending students’ dance technique and expression, and their ability to create, teach and prepare dances,
including design aspects, for public performance.
Level 3 Dance involves:
1. Preparing, choreographing, teaching and designing a group dance for public performance, showing a concept
developed from a dance quote.
Performing a solo dance with a prop, or a duet showing a connection or relationship, or performing a
of three contemporary dances at a public event.
3. Performing a group dance based on a concept developed from a New Zealand short story or tale.
4. Sitting an external exam, analysing and evaluating a dance performance they have studied as a class.
5. Students also have the opportunity to enter Scholarship in Dance.
Students will again enjoy the opportunity of viewing a live performance and continue to develop their ability to
analyse and interpret a professional dance performance.
Depending on class numbers, two or all of these courses may be combined into one timetabled class.
Prerequisites for this course:
14 credits for Level 2 Dance,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
$30 ($15 trip to see professional live
performance & $15 for two hour
workshop with the NZ Dance Co.)
Credits on offer for this course:
18 internal and 4 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 1 Drama
Level 1 Drama is a lot of fun and very hands-on. It demands much creative thinking and plenty of time spent, both
in and out of class, practising for performances.
The Level 1 Drama course will cover:
1. Working in pairs with a script using drama techniques.
2. The performance and study of Melodrama (Villains, Heroine/Hero, Goofy Sidekick).
3. Working in a small group with your friends, devising a play that you will perform to family and friends.
4. Trips away to study the Elements and Conventions of Theatre (for the external exams).
There will be at least two trips away to view live productions. These are likely to incur a small expense.
Prerequisites for this course:
Year 10 Drama, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
None. Small charges may occur
throughout the year for attending
Credits on offer for this course:
13 internal and 8 external
Achievement Standard credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
21 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 2 Drama
Level 2 Drama continues to develop students’ ability as performers, as well as strengthen their ability to select
and integrate appropriate drama techniques, elements and conventions, into performance. The year is
achievement standard based with a total of 22 credits on offer. Level 2 Drama makes a logical progression from
Level 1, but has an increased focus on students’ ability to identify performance concepts and script-work.
The Level 2 Drama course will cover:
1. Interpreting an open script in pairs and applying drama techniques to show this in performance.
2. Devising a modernised performance of a fairy tale in small groups.
3. The study of the Elizabethan Theatre Form and performance of a Shakespearean comic or tragic scene.
4. Students will perform in the Level 2 class production (performance of a play) for an invited audience.
5. Students will sit an external exam based on the live performances they see throughout the year.
There will be at least two trips away to view a live production. These are likely to incur a small expense.
Any student taking two or more courses that require time away from school (such as ODED, OELS or Gateway)
will need to be responsible for keeping up with the demands of this course.
This course leads to an approved course for University Entrance.
Prerequisites for this course:
Level 1 Drama preferred, or
HOF approval.
Course contribution:
None. Small charges may occur
throughout the year for attending
Credits on offer for this course:
18 internal and 4 external credits
(8 if optional external studied).
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Drama
Level 3 Drama explores the artistry of performance and theatre in greater depth. The course includes three large
internal projects and one external exam, with a total of 18 credits on offer. The year involves solo, paired and
group performances, with an emphasis on developing students to a professional standard.
The Level 3 Drama course will cover:
1. Students performing a monologue, or in small groups an extract from a play.
2. Students will devise a performance piece in small groups.
3. Students will perform in the Level 3 class production, to an invited audience of family and friends.
4. Students sit an external exam based on the live performances they have seen throughout the year.
There will be at least two trips away to view live productions. These are likely to incur a small expense.
Prerequisites for this course:
12 or more credits in Level 2
Drama, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
None. Small charges may occur
throughout the year for attending
Credits on offer for this course:
14 internal and 4 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Media Studies and Film Production
Why study Media Studies?
The media is everywhere, feeding us fact and fantasy, ideas and information, truth and lies. Its influence is
profound. Media Studies is the study of both the ‘traditional’ media (such as film, television, and magazines) and
the ‘newer’ media (such as the internet and electronic games). Media Studies seeks to develop an informed and
critical understanding of the ways in which the media influence social, political and economic areas of life, as well
as the way they shape our perceptions, attitudes, desires and behaviour.
This Level 1 course will cover:
1. Writing a film review.
2. Designing and making your own film trailer. (Horror, Thriller, Crime, Fantasy).
3. Studying a scene in depth from one of your favourite films and writing about it.
4. A study of a film genre, for the external exam (Coming of Age films).
If you want a career in journalism, TV, radio, film, magazine publishing, marketing, design, radio, editing,
production or you simply have an interest on the influence that media has on our world today, then Media Studies
is for you.
Prerequisites for this course:
Strong writing skills.
Course contribution:
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
Is Subject Endorsement possible
credits for this course:
for this course?
7 Literacy and 3 Numeracy credits. Yes
Credits on offer for this course:
15 internal and 4 external
Achievement Standard credits.
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Media Studies and Film Production
Why study Media Studies?
The media is everywhere, feeding us fact and fantasy, ideas and information, truth and lies. Its influence is
profound. Media Studies is the study of both the ‘traditional’ media (such as film, television, and magazines) and
the ‘newer’ media (such as the internet and electronic games). Media Studies seeks to develop an informed and
critical understanding of the ways in which the media influence social, political and economic areas of life, as well
as the way they shape our perceptions, attitudes, desires and behaviour.
This Level 2 course will cover:
1. Different film techniques and how they are used (Study of Short Films).
2. Looking at teenage girls and how they are represented in Music Videos and Magazines.
3. A study of a film genre (Dystopian/End of the World Films).
4. Designing and producing a short film (Film/Edit/Dub Music/Special Effects).
Level 2 Media Studies is an ideal subject for those students wanting to pursue a career in film, television, radio,
advertising, production, design and journalism. Also, Media Studies is relevant to students who simply have an
interest in the influence media has on our world today.
Prerequisites for this course:
15 credits from Level 1 Media
Studies or 14 credits from Level 1
English, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
17 internal and 4 external
Achievement Standard credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 3 Media Studies and Film Production
This Media/Film Production course focuses on the designing and making of short films. It is a hands-on course
with a heavy practical element. There is also an external exam at the end of the year, so reasonable English
skills are required.
This Level 3 course will cover:
1. Students will compete in the V48Hours Film Festival. Their film will be shown at a cinema in Christchurch.
2. They will design a plan/concept for a short film.
3. Students will produce a short film to enter in various National competitions to gain experience (and prizes).
4. We will look at product placement in Hollywood films for an external exam.
Level 3 Media Studies is an ideal subject for those students wanting to pursue a career in film, television, radio,
advertising, production, design and journalism. Also, Media Studies is relevant to students who simply have an
interest in the influence media has on our world today.
Prerequisites for this course:
A minimum of 9 credits from
Level 2 Media Studies or Level 2
English, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
13 internal and 4 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Yes but sits in the same domain
as Media Studies/Journalism.
Level 3 Media Studies/Journalism
Why study Media Studies?
The media is everywhere, feeding us fact and fantasy, ideas and information, truth and lies. Its influence is
profound. Media Studies is the study of both the “traditional” media (such as film, television and magazines) and
the “newer” media (such as the internet and electronic games). Media Studies seeks to develop an informed and
critical understanding of the ways in which the media influence social, political and economic areas of life, as well
as how our perceptions, attitudes, desires and behaviour are shaped.
This Level 3 course will cover:
1. Understanding the way people/audience view films from a different perspective.
2. How certain groups are represented in the media. Topics such as: Male drinking culture in NZ or how women
are given media coverage in NZ sports are studied.
3. We will look at a significant development in the media. Topics such as: The rise of social media (Facebook,
Snapchat, Twitter, etc) or the rise of online shopping (music, clothing, films, etc).
4. You will write a text for a school magazine or local newspaper on the topic of your choice.
5. We will look at the relationship between a media genre and a society.
Level 3 Media Studies is an ideal subject for those students wanting to pursue a career in film, television, radio,
advertising, production, design and journalism. Also, Media Studies is relevant to students who simply have an
interest in the influence media has on our world today.
Prerequisites for this course:
A minimum of 14 credits from
Level 2 Media Studies or 14 from
Level 2 English. Students must
also have passed at least one
external standard in either of these
two subjects, or HOF approval.
Kaiapoi High School
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
12-15 internal and 4 external
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Yes but sits in the same domain
as Media Studies/Film Production.
Level 1 Music
This course is designed to give students who can play an instrument, the opportunity to develop their
performance and composition skills. Performances both solo and group are organised throughout the year to
allow students to demonstrate their skills in front of a panel of judges. Students will also have the opportunity to
write their own music and record it, develop their aural (ear training) and sight reading skills.
Students who do Level 1 Music will also cover digital recording as part of the course.
It is recommended that students wishing to take Level 1 Music have completed the Year 10 Full Year Music
course or have had lessons on an instrument for a minimum of two years. Students who have not completed the
Year 10 Full Year Music course should contact the Head of Music before opting into this course.
Prerequisites for this course:
Ability to play an instrument.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
26 internal and 4 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
6 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Music
This course is designed to follow on from the Level 1 Music course. The course is based around solo and group
performances. Students can then choose from a range of Achievement Standards, which includes Composition,
Research on a New Zealand Music, and Music Technology to round out their course.
Prerequisites for this course:
A minimum of 13 credits from
Level 1 Music, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
27 internal and 4 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2/3 Sound Recording and Production
This course will offer a mixture of Levels 2 & 3 achievement and unit standards in recording, midi, public address
systems, mixers and understanding and using a wide range of microphones. Digital editing and live sound mixing
is also covered. This course would ideally suit somebody who is interested in Music and Technology. No
previous previous musical knowledge is required, but an interest in Music, Sound and Computers is essential.
This course will be timetabled to run at the same time as Level 3 Music and will be limited to eight students.
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Prerequisites for this course:
Level 1 NCEA an advantage.
No previous music experience is
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
Basic course: 12 internal L2
credits & 6 internal L3 credits
Advanced course: 12 internal L2
credits & 14 internal L3 credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Music
This course is designed to carry on from the Level 2 Music course.
This course is based around Performance and/or Composition. Students can then choose from a range of
Achievement Standards, which include Arranging, Group Work and a Technology standard to round out their
Prerequisites for this course:
A minimum of 14 credits from
Level 2 Music with passes in either
solo performance and/or
composition, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
28 internal and 4 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 1 Visual Art
This course is about discovering and making art to form an individual programme. Students may explore
combinations of art areas that could include design, painting, drawing, digital photography, photoshop, and threedimensional work. It enables classroom, situation, and computer-based learning. Students are encouraged to be
innovative, and explore art making which is relevant to their own interests. You will follow a programme but
essentially create your own focus.
There are two internal assessments worth 10 credits and a two-panel external exam art folio worth 12 credits.
This art folio exam is completed in class over three terms. The course contribution covers folio exam presentation
This course enables you to go on with further study in any of the Visual Arts.
Prerequisites for this course:
It is recommended that you have
undertaken art study at Year 10.
Course contribution:
$50, plus your own loaded printing
Credits on offer for this course:
10 internal and 12 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
4 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 2 Art Design
Level 2 Design extends and expands on skills learned in Level 1 Art.
Art Design is about imagery that is all around us. It involves drawing and computer based learning, and leads to a
career in the Art design industry. Art Design involves creating scenarios and developing image solutions. Graphic
Design can be logos, posters, packaging, and more.
The programme for this course is devised by the student, in collaboration with the teacher, around a
theme/subject. Students are encouraged to be innovative, and explore art making which is relevant to their own
interests. Existing skills are developed and enhanced, by looking at contemporary and traditional artist role
models. The 12 credit exam is created during class, and is a cumulative display of their year’s work. The course
contribution covers folio exam presentation materials.
This is an exciting course that prepares students to go on with further Art study in design.
Prerequisites for this course:
Minimum of 14 credits from Level
1 Visual Art, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
$35, plus your own loaded printing
Credits on offer for this course:
8 internal and 12 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Art Design
Level 3 Art Design extends and expands on skills learned in Level 2 Design.
Students are required to develop their own ideas and themes over the year in consultation with the teacher.
Students must utilise and develop their own interests in their work. Students are encouraged to explore, research,
and be influenced by established artist models, but create their own design style. Students learn further digital
and hand rendered techniques. Opportunities arise each year for students to publicly exhibit their work and enter
competitions. The 14 credit exam is created during class time, and is a cumulative display of their year’s work.
The course contribution covers folio exam presentation materials.
This is an exciting course that prepares students to go on with further Art study in design.
Prerequisites for this course:
14 credits in a Level 2 Art Design
course, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
$40, plus your own loaded printing
Credits on offer for this course:
8 internal and 14 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 2 Painting
Level 2 Painting extends and expands on skills learned in Level 1 Visual Art.
Painting is about surface, risk-taking and possibilities. It can pour from the canvas, or surprise you with colour
and texture. Students are required to develop ideas and themes over the year in consultation with the teacher.
These are based around the student’s own interests. Students take inspiration from established artists ideas,
methods and techniques. Painting can utilise drawing, collage, three dimensions, photography, computers,
printing, found materials, and installation work.
Students are encouraged to be innovative, and will learn a variety of techniques including paint effects,
transparency, transfer processes, and furthering their drawing, collage, printing, and layering skills. Opportunities
arise each year for students to publicly exhibit their work and enter competitions. The 12 credit exam is created
during class time, and is a cumulative display of their year’s work. The course contribution covers folio exam
presentation materials.
This is an exciting course that prepares students to go on with further Art study in Painting.
Prerequisites for this course:
Minimum of 14 credits from Level
1 Visual Art, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
$65, plus your own loaded printing
Credits on offer for this course:
8 internal and 14 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Painting
Level 3 Painting extends and expands on skills learned in Level 2 Painting.
Painting is about surface, risk-taking and possibilities. It can pour from the canvas, or surprise you with colour
and texture. Students are required to develop ideas and themes over the year in consultation with the teacher.
Students must utilise and develop their own interests in their artwork.
Students are encouraged to explore, research, and be influenced by established artists, but create their own
painting style. Students learn further transfer techniques, oil or acrylic painting, how to utilise risk, change and
chance their art, and use layering and mixed mediums. Opportunities arise each year for students to publicly
exhibit their work and enter competitions. The 14 credit exam is created during class time, and is a cumulative
display of their year’s work. The course contribution covers folio exam presentation materials.
This is an exciting course that prepares students to go on with further Art study.
Prerequisites for this course:
14 credits in a Level 2 Painting
course, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
$70, plus your own loaded printing
Credits on offer for this course:
8 internal and 14 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 2 Photography
Level 2 Photography extends and expands on skills learned in Level 1 Visual Art.
Photography can utilise digital processes, collage, photoshop, installation, and projection techniques. Students
are encouraged to be innovative, and will learn a variety of techniques, including furthering their aperture,
shutterspeed, depth of field, lighting, and situation specific photography skills.
Students are required to develop ideas and themes over the year in consultation with the teacher. These are
based around the student’s own interests. Students take inspiration from established artists’ ideas, methods and
techniques. Opportunities arise each year for students to publicly exhibit their work and to enter competitions The
12 credit exam is created during class time, and is a cumulative display of their year’s work.
The course contribution covers folio exam presentation materials, and use of our high quality Nikon cameras. The
exam folio boards can also be professionally printed. This is a high quality printing option, but is an added
expense of about $23 per board. There is also an option to present your folio digitally.
This is an exciting course that prepares students to go on with further study in Photography.
Prerequisites for this course:
Minimum of 14 credits from Level
1 Visual Art, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
$65, plus your own loaded printing
Credits on offer for this course:
8 internal and 12 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Photography
Level 3 Photography extends and expands on skills learned in Level 2 Photography.
Students are required to develop their own ideas and themes over the year in consultation with the teacher.
Students must utilise and develop their own interests in their artwork. Students are encouraged to explore,
research, and be influenced by established photographers, but create their own photographic style.
Students learn studio lighting techniques, and situation photography, along with extending their photoshop skills.
Opportunities arise each year for students to publicly exhibit their work and enter competitions. The 14 credit
exam is created during class time, and is a cumulative display of their year’s work.
The course contribution covers folio exam presentation materials, and use of our high quality Nikon cameras. The
exam folio boards can also be professionally printed. This is a high quality printing option, but is an added
expense of about $23 per board. There is also an option to present your folio digitally.
This is an exciting course that prepares students to go on with further photographic study.
Prerequisites for this course:
Minimum of 14 credits from Level 2
Photography, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
$65, plus your own loaded printing
Credits on offer for this course:
8 internal and 14 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Wearable Arts (Costuming and Special Effects)
This is a course for students who want a creative and innovative approach to designing garments or wearable
art for the human form.
Students will start with an introduction exploring unusual materials, problem solving, design, and pattern
drafting. They will then develop and research their own ideas, inspiration and theme. Students learn a variety
of base skills from machine sewing to wire bending. Students will then take their ideas through a development
and prototype phase to create a finished wearable art garment. Students will create their own stage makeup/
special effects application for their garment and have everything displayed during a performance.
This course will hopefully involve a trip to see “WOW” (The World of Wearable Art Show) and Weta workshop
in Wellington. This will be an extra expense. Students may also want to enter their designs in the Shakespeare
Costume Design Competition, and their garments in the Bernina Young Fashion Awards.
This is an exciting course that prepares students to go on with further study at Level 2, or in other creative
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
16 internal & 3 external
Achievement standard credits &
3 Unit standard credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
4 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Wearable Arts (Costuming and Special Effects)
This is a course for students who want to design garments with a difference, for the human body.
Initial projects to explore unusual materials will enable you to think more creatively about designing and
drafting. At this level you will show further skill and complexity in making your garments. Students will develop
and research their own ideas, inspiration and theme with a particular environment in mind. Students will take
their ideas through a development and prototype phase to create a finished wearable art garment.
Students will create their own stage makeup/ special effects application for their garment.
This course will hopefully involve a trip to see “WOW” (The World of Wearable Art Show) and Weta workshop
in Wellington. This will be an extra expense. Students may also want to enter their designs in the Shakespeare
Costume Design Competition, and their garments in the Bernina Young Fashion Awards.
This is an exciting course that prepares students to go on with further study in the creative industries.
Prerequisites for this course:
13 credits from Level 1 Wearable
Arts, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
16 internal & 3 external
Achievement standard credits &
3 Unit standard credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 3 Wearable Arts (Costuming and Special Effects)
This is a course for students who want to design inspiring garments for the human body.
Initial projects to explore unusual materials will enable you to think more creatively about designing and
drafting. Students at this level are to produce informed selections, and implement complex garments with
further control and skill in their work. Students will develop and research their own ideas, inspiration and theme
with a particular environment in mind. Students will take their ideas through a development and prototype
phase to create a finished wearable art garment.
Students will create their own stage makeup/ special effects application for their garment.
This course will hopefully involve a trip to see “WOW” (The World of Wearable Art Show) and Weta workshop
in Wellington. This will be an extra expense. Students may also want to enter their designs in the Shakespeare
Costume Design Competition, and their garments in the Bernina Young Fashion Awards.
This is an exciting course that prepares students to go on with further study in the creative industries.
Prerequisites for this course:
13 credits from Level 2 Wearable
Arts, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
16 internal & 3 external
Achievement standard credits &
6 Unit standard credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Health & Physical Education
Physical Education and Health are helpful in careers such as: Armed services, nursing, event organisation,
human resources, police, fire service, P.E. teaching, primary school teaching, recreation/fitness instructing,
medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, research (fitness, health & recreation), managing
community sports and recreation, professional sport or coaching, sport psychology, etc.
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Food & Nutrition (Taumata 1 Kai totika)
Students will investigate various food-related topics including food hygiene/safety, nutritional needs of specific
population groups, nutritional information on labels and food and culture, in order to develop ‘health enhancing’
attitudes, knowledge and understanding. Students will plan strategies and demonstrate skills to respond to
challenging situations. Students in this course are working at Level 6 of the Health & Physical Education
curriculum. It provides knowledge and practice in safe food handling strategies. It also explores the effect of
promotional material on food choices in New Zealand.
Prerequisites for this course:
Year 10 Food & Nutrition, or
HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
15 internal and 4 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
14 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Food & Nutrition (Taumata 2 Kai totika)
This course will develop students’ ability to evaluate information, make informed decisions and use interpersonal
skills effectively. Students will evaluate school and community initiatives that promote wellbeing and develop an
action plan to instigate or support these. Students will also analyse ways in which the environment and the
wellbeing of an individual and community are affected by changing values, attitudes, beliefs and technological
innovation. This course has used Level 7 achievement objectives of the Health and Physical Education
curriculum. There is a practical component to this course that allows students to practise skills and experiment
with various ingredients in order to secure a variety of safe, affordable and nutritious meals.
Prerequisites for this course:
14 or more credits in Level 1 Food
& Nutrition or Level 1 English,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
15 internal and 4 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Food & Nutrition (Taumata 3 Kai totika)
This course will develop students’ ability to critically analyse societal attitudes, practices and legislation to make
informed decisions and to act in ways that contribute to their personal wellbeing, the wellbeing of other people,
and that of society as a whole. Students will build upon their practical based skills in order to creatively,
appropriately and thoroughly plan, prepare and present food for both individuals and groups in various scenarios.
This course has used Level 8 achievement objectives of the Health and Physical Education curriculum.
Prerequisites for this course:
14 or more credits in Level 2 Food
& Nutrition or Level 2 English,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
16 internal and 4 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Health Science
This course focuses on Level 6 of the Health and Physical Education Curriculum. It will offer you the opportunity
to build on your knowledge gained in Years 9 & 10 Health Education and to work towards NCEA credits.
Students will have the opportunity to be assessed against Achievement Standards, which will involve four
different standards.
Take action to enhance an aspect of wellbeing.
Demonstrate understanding of interpersonal skills used to enhance relationships.
Demonstrate understanding of strategies for promoting positive sexuality.
Demonstrate understanding of ways in which wellbeing can change and strategies to support wellbeing.
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
16 internal and 4 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
20 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 1 Outdoor Education (Matauranga Ki Waho)
This course gives students the opportunity to utilize the outdoors to learn practical skills that will assist them in
developing themselves personally and socially. It will also help them to become positively contributing community
The course offers opportunities for students to gain both Achievement Standards and Unit Standards.
They will use the bush, rivers, rock, ocean and mountains to learn skills. The main aspects of this course are:
Rock climbing
Flat water kayaking
First Aid
Bush craft, survival and tramping
Mountain biking and maintenance
Adventure-based learning (ABL)
Principles of ‘leave no trace’
These pursuits and topics are subject to change depending on the needs of the students, teacher expertise and
environmental conditions.
The course is delivered through theory, practical sessions after school and multi-day trips. Students are given
study time to catch up with work missed in other subjects after being away on trips.
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
20 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
3 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 2 Outdoor Education (Matauranga Ki Waho)
This course is designed to follow on from the Level 1 Outdoor Education course and serve as a platform for Level
3 Outdoor Education entry. This course provides opportunities for adventure and challenge through a supportive
group environment whilst developing an appreciation of the natural environment. This course will be delivered in
the classroom, local community and further afield in areas such as the Southern Alps and the Hurunui District.
The major components/ modules of this course are:
Rock climbing
Bush craft, survival and tramping
These pursuits are subject to change, depending on student needs, teacher expertise and environmental
conditions. The assessment methods for this course have theory and practical components, which are based
around unit standards. Students are required to attend afternoon practical sessions and multi-day trips, which
prove popular with our students. Study time is allocated to students back at school to keep up-to-date with their
other subjects.
Prerequisites for this course:
Level 1 Outdoor Education, or
HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
22 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Outdoor Education (Matauranga Ki Waho)
This course builds on the skills learnt in Levels 1 and 2 Outdoor Education. A significant part of this course
focuses on wilderness journeys and the students can expect to be responsible for the planning and conduct of
these journeys. An underlying theme throughout the course is developing a connection, and therefore
responsibility, for the students’ local environment and community.
The course offers opportunities for students to gain both Achievement Standards and Unit Standards.
They will use the bush, rivers, rock, mountains and ocean to learn skills. The main aspects of this course are:
White water kayaking
First Aid
Connections to local outdoor environments 
Final journey
These pursuits and topics are subject to change, depending on the needs of the students, teacher expertise and
environmental conditions.
The course is delivered through theory, practical sessions after school and multi-day trips. Students are given a
time allowance to assist them in keeping up-to-date with their other studies after being away on trips.
This course includes a minimum of 8 Level 3 credits towards P.E. or Education for Sustainability University
Prerequisites for this course:
Level 2 Outdoor Education, or
HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
18 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 2 Outdoor Education Leadership (Matauranga Ki Waho Kaiarahi)
This course offers both practical and theoretical training in leadership. Many students take this course to develop
their skill set, in the hope of being school leaders, sports leaders, and to open up job opportunities. Students are
introduced to how to teach, manage and lead, with theories and practice to support their learning. Students
attend a five-day leadership camp at Boyle River that aims to develop individuals, both personally and socially.
Students will also have leadership opportunities within school and with students from local primary schools. The
course offers opportunities for students to gain both Achievement Standards and Unit Standards.
The main aspects of this course are:
 Personal awareness and self-leadership
 Social development through adventure-based learning, low and high ropes
 Leadership camp
 Communication styles
 First Aid
 Risk Management
The course is delivered through theory-based classroom work and some practicals during class. Students are
given a time allowance to assist them in keeping up-to-date with their other studies after being away on trips.
Prerequisites for this course:
NCEA Level 1, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
24 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Outdoor Education Leadership (Matauranga Ki Waho Kaiarahi)
This course is a progression from Level 2 Outdoor Leadership. The course is designed to develop students’ skills
in leadership and their confidence to lead. Students are encouraged to explore and develop their understanding
of leadership theories, group needs, teamwork, personal responsibility and goal setting through adventure-based
learning. This course is unique as it offers the students the opportunity to plan and run (with support) the school’s
Year 9 camps.
Study time is allocated to students back at school to keep up-to-date with their other subjects.
This course includes 3 Level 3 credits towards P.E. University Entrance.
Prerequisites for this course:
NCEA Level 2, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
23 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Physical Education & Sports Science (Tinana Whakakori)
The Level 1 Physical Education & Sports Science course will offer you the opportunity to experience and
participate in a wide range of physical activities in a variety of contexts. You will study how the body moves and
responds to physical activity, as well as be able to develop your interpersonal skills in a variety of settings. The
main focus of this course is to equip you with the necessary skills to maintain and develop your personal
wellbeing, both now and in the future, as well as prepare you for future academic and job opportunities.
This course covers five units of work. These are Fitness Concepts, Sports Education, Generation Z games, SelfManagement strategies & 5-star Athletics. The sports used in the units include: Athletics, Korfball, Basketball, La
crosse, & Xbox Kinect.
This course leads on to Level 2 and Level 3 Physical Education & Sports Science and is a prerequisite for Level 2
Physical Education & Sports Science. This course is likely to incur the expense of a Level 1 PE booklet and the
regulation PE uniform (House-coloured polo shirt and blue shorts or trackpants).
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
22 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
14 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Physical Education & Sports Science (Tinana Whakakori)
This theoretical and practical course provides background knowledge for all aspects of health and physical
wellbeing. Within the four hours per week there is at least two hours of classroom theory covering the following
Relate Biophysical principles to the learning of physical skills (Human Anatomy, Biomechanics, Motor skill
learning, Sport psychology)
Examine societal influences of a sporting event/festival
Demonstrate social responsibility in physical activity
Plan a sporting event/opportunity
Learning and performing the practical skills of Volleyball
This leads to an approved course for University Entrance.
Prerequisites for this course:
A minimum of 10 credits from
Level 1 Physical Education &
Sports Science course.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
19 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 3 Physical Education & Sports Science (Tinana Whakakori)
This course provides learning experiences that promote an understanding of the need for a physically active and
healthy lifestyle. Each module includes both theory and practical work.
The following topics are covered:
 Evaluating prior physical activity to devise strategies for life-long wellbeing
 Experiencing investigation and analysis of a current issue in Physical Education
 Learning and performing the practical skills of Squash
 Applying biomechanical analysis principles to Squash
This course includes 4 reading credits towards University Entrance Literacy.
Prerequisites for this course:
8 or more credits from Level 2
Physical Education & Sports
Science course, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
19 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Sport Coaching (Takaro Kaiwhakaako)
This course aims to provide participants with the leadership training appropriate for the role of a coach of a sports
Assessment is co-constructed with students at the beginning of the year. In 2015 the course covered coaching
skills and tactics, communication, planning and implementing a sports practice, First Aid, planning and
implementation of a physical activity event - KHS swimming sports. Students are required to coach a winter
sports team at primary or secondary level.
Prerequisites for this course:
HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
18 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
CAREERS: English is of particular value in people-related jobs: social worker, health worker, journalist,
television or radio worker, teacher, etc. It is a useful, often necessary, prerequisite for many other courses, both in
school and beyond.
Foreign Languages can be useful in the following careers: teaching foreign languages, tourism, flight attending,
foreign affairs, translating, etc.
Level 1 English
Level 1 English covers a range of learning activities, including writing in different genres, exploring language and
thinking critically about language, speaking with confidence and completing research, theme and reading projects.
Up to four internal and three external Achievement standards are offered in this course, allowing students ample
opportunity to gain credits. Learning is assessed in class time and for homework, as well as in the examination in
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
14 internal and 8 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
22 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 1 Literacy
This course is focussed on achieving the three Literacy unit standards available at Level 1. To gain Level 1 NCEA
every student must achieve 10 Literacy credits. Unit standard 26625: Actively participate in spoken interactions, 3
credits. Unit standard 26622: Write to communicate ideas for a purpose and audience, 4 credits. Unit standard
26624: Read text with understanding, 3 credits. These credits are obtained by gathering evidence from students
and their work across classes and from work completed in the Literacy class.
The aim of this class is to provide opportunites for those students who find assessment by achievement
standards difficult. This class would be a substitute for the compulsory English course required at Level 1.
Students would be able to gain other credits during the year as they work towards their Literacy credits.
Prerequisites for this course:
Entry via recommendation of
HOF/SLT only.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
18 credits, including the
10 Literacy unit standard credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
10 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 2 English
Level 2 English requires students to write in a range of genres, to explore language and think critically about a
range of texts, including film; to speak with confidence, to make connections between texts, and to complete a
reading/viewing assessment.
Learning is assessed with up to four internal standards during class time and for homework, as well as two
external standards that are practised throughout the year in preparation for the examination in November.
This course provides opportunity to meet the literacy requirements for University Entrance.
This course includes 8 reading credits and 10 writing credits towards University Entrance Literacy.
Prerequisites for this course:
13 credits from Level 1 English.
Students must also have passed
at least one external standard,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
17 internal and 8 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 English – 202
Level 2 English – 202 covers a range of learning activities, including writing in different genres, exploring
language and thinking critically about language, making connections between texts and completing a
reading/viewing assessment.
Assessments are taken at a slower pace than in Level 2 English. All assessments are internal; therefore there is
no end-of-year examination. Level 2 credits will be offered in this course and students will still have the
opportunity to gain some of their Level 2 Literacy requirements.
This course provides some opportunity to meet the literacy requirements for University Entrance.
Prerequisites for this course:
HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
14 internal and 4 external credits students have the option of sitting
one external exam.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 3 English
Level 3 English requires students to explore language and think critically about a range of texts. At this level, in
many cases, students are able to choose assessment modes according to their strengths, whether that be written,
visual or oral. Learning is assessed with a range of internal standards (14 credits) during class time and for
homework, as well as up to two external standards, which are practised throughout the year in preparation for the
examination in November.
This course includes 8 reading credits and 10 writing credits towards University Entrance Literacy.
This course meets the literacy requirements for University Entrance.
Prerequisites for this course:
Level 2 Literacy, and a minimum
of 14 credits in Level 2 English.
Students must also have passed
at least one external standard,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
14 internal and 8 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 English - 302
Level 3 English - 302 requires students to explore language and think critically about a range of texts. At this level,
in many cases, students are able to choose assessment modes according to their strengths, whether that be
written, visual or oral.
Assessments are taken at a slower pace than in Level 3 English. Learning is assessed with up to four internal
standards (10 credits) during class time and for homework. Students in this course will also sit one external
examination in November.
This course includes 4 writing credits towards University Entrance Literacy. 6 more U.E. Literacy credits may be
offered but it will be at the discretion of the teacher if students have the level of literacy required.
Prerequisites for this course:
Level 2 Literacy and a minimum
of 10 credits in Level 2 English,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
10 internal and 4 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 English for Speakers of Other Languages
ESOL Level 1 is taken on the basis of staff recommendation following assessment for proficiency in the English
language. There are three levels of ESOL at KHS and students entering the programme will be assigned to the
appropriate level. The programme consists of units of basic English, English for Academic Purposes, study for
international qualifications in ESOL, and study support for NCEA and other qualifications.
Prerequisites for this course:
Recommendation of ESOL
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
18 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 English for Speakers of Other Languages
ESOL Level 2 is taken on the basis of staff recommendation following assessment for proficiency in the English
language. There are three levels of ESOL at KHS and students entering the programme will be assigned to the
appropriate level. The programme consists of units of basic English, English for Academic Purposes, study for
international qualifications in ESOL, and study support for NCEA.
Prerequisites for this course:
Recommendation of ESOL
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
18 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 English for Speakers of Other Languages
ESOL Level 3 is taken on the basis of staff recommendation following assessment for proficiency in the English
language. There are three levels of ESOL at KHS and students entering the programme will be assigned to the
appropriate level. The programme consists of units of basic English, English for Academic Purposes, study for
international qualifications in ESOL, and study support for NCEA.
Prerequisites for this course:
Recommendation by ESOL
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
18 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Te Reo Māori
Level 1 Te Reo Māori is an all-encompassing course expanding on Te Reo Māori - Whakarongo, Pānui,
Mātakitaki, Kōrero, Tuhituhi and Whakaatu me ona tikanga, with emphasis on the four components of
Whakarongo, Kōrero, Pānui and Tuhituhi.
This course includes 6 reading credits and 12 writing credits towards University Entrance Literacy.
This course meets the literacy requirements for University Entrance.
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
12 internal and 18 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
30 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Te Reo Māori
The Level 2 course objectives are to extend the student so they are able to achieve social competence in the key
skills of Whakarongo, Pānui, Mātakitaki, Kōrero, Tuhituhi and Whakaatu. Tikanga will be integrated into all
components of this Te Reo course.
Students will be internally assessed on Whakarongo, Kōrero and Hangatuhinga. Pānui and Tuhituhi will be
externally assessed.
This course includes 6 reading credits and 12 writing credits towards University Entrance Literacy.
This course meets the literacy requirements for University Entrance.
Prerequisites for this course:
12 credits from Level 1 Te Reo,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
14 internal and 12 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Te Reo Māori
The Level 3 course objectives are to further extend the student so they are capable of achieving personal
independence in the key skills of Whakarongo, Pānui, Mātakitaki, Kōrero, Tuhituhi and Whakaatu. Tikanga will be
integrated into all components of this Te Reo course.
Students will be internally assessed on Whakarongo, Kōrero and Hangatuhinga. Pānui and Tuhituhi will be
externally assessed.
This course includes 6 reading credits and 12 writing credits towards University Entrance Literacy.
This course meets the literacy requirements for University Entrance.
Prerequisites for this course:
16 credits from Level 2 Te Reo,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
14 internal and 12 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
CAREERS: An understanding of Mathematics is important in business, commerce and industry. Most
employers regard Mathematics as an essential skill for employees to have. In tertiary education, Mathematics is a
prerequisite of entry to most of the courses being offered. The following courses provide for the development of
these essential skills in preparing students for their future beyond school.
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Mathematics
This course is designed to meet the needs of students who are working at or above Curriculum Level 5 at the end
of Year 10. Students have the opportunity to gain a number of credits towards Level 1 NCEA from a selection of
internal and external achievement standards. Level 1 Mathematics prepares students for Level 2 Mathematics
courses, and other subjects that require good mathematical skills. It is widely recognised that a good grasp of
Mathematics is necessary to cope in our rapidly changing world and many careers require students to have
gained success in the Achievement Standards on offer in this course. 10 Numeracy credits are required to be
awarded NCEA Level 1 and University Entrance. A scientific calculator is essential, a graphics calculator an
advantage (refer stationery list for details).
Prerequisites for this course:
Recommendation of Year 10
Mathematics Teacher, or HOF
Course contribution:
Workbook approx. $25
Credits on offer for this course:
Up to 14 internal and 16 external
Achievement Standard credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Up to 30 Numeracy credits and
up to 4 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 1 Numeracy
This course is designed to meet the needs of students who are working below Curriculum Level 5 at the end of
Year 10. Students will develop understandings and skills in the three curriculum areas of number, measurement,
and statistics at levels appropriate to their needs. Students will be given opportunities to gain the numeracy
requirements for NCEA Level 1. They will be able to gain credits towards both the National Certificate of
Mathematics and Level 1 NCEA by attempting internal Level 1 Achievement Standards, as well as Numeracy Unit
Standards. A scientific calculator is essential (refer stationery list for details).
Prerequisites for this course:
Recommendation of Year 10
Mathematics Teacher, or HOF
Course contribution:
Workbook approx. $25
Credits on offer for this course:
Up to 10 Unit Standard credits or
up to 14 internal Achievement
Standard credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Up to 14 Numeracy credits and
up to 4 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 2 Mathematics with Calculus
This course is designed to meet the needs of students who have achieved at least 14 Achievement Standard
credits from Level 1 Mathematics Achievement Standards, including a Merit or Excellence in Algebra 90127. It
extends work done in Level 1 Mathematics in topics such as algebra, probability and geometry, but also
introduces calculus for the first time. It aims to prepare pupils for the study of Mathematics with Calculus at NCEA
Level 3 and equip them with the skills to tackle a wider variety of problems in a number of subject areas. A
graphics calculator is essential (refer stationery list for details).
Prerequisites for this course:
At least 14 credits from Level 1
Mathematics Achievement
Standards, including at least a
Merit for Algebra 90127, or HOF
Course contribution:
Workbook approx. $30
Credits on offer for this course:
Up to 11 internal and 13 external
Achievement Standard credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Mathematics with Statistics
This course is designed to meet the needs of students who have achieved at least 14 Achievement Standard
credits from any of the Level 1 Mathematics courses. It extends work done in Level 1 Mathematics in topics such
as number, algebra, measurement, geometry and has a special focus on statistics and probability.
It aims to prepare pupils for the study of Mathematics with Statistics at NCEA Level 3 and equip them with the
skills to tackle a wider variety of problems in a number of subject areas. A graphics calculator is essential (refer
stationery list for details).
Prerequisites for this course:
At least 14 Level 1 Mathematics
Achievement Standard credits,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Workbook approx. $30
Credits on offer for this course:
Up to 20 internal and 4 external
Achievement Standard credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Numeracy
This course is designed to meet the needs of students who have gained 10 or more Level 1 Achievement
Standard credits. Each student will be on an individualized programme and be able to gain credits towards the
National Certificate of Mathematics, Level 1 NCEA and Level 2 NCEA. Level 1 Mathematics credits are offered to
those who still require some for University Entrance before attempting Level 2 Achievement Standards. A
scientific calculator is essential (refer stationery list for details).
Prerequisites for this course:
At least 10 Level 1 Mathematics
Achievement Standard credits,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Workbook approx. $30
Credits on offer for this course:
Up to 22 internal Level 1
Achievement Standard credits and
up to 14 internal Level 2
Achievement Standard credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus
This course further develops calculus and its applications, together with algebra, trigonometry and geometry.
Pupils continuing on to University should note that Stage 1 Mathematics papers assume students have reached a
competency level in Mathematics with Calculus. Any pupil considering majoring in any of the subjects
Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Engineering, Economics or Management Science at University or who will need
Mathematics as part of a Chemistry or Computer Science course are recommended to take Mathematics with
Calculus. A graphics calculator is essential (refer stationery list for details).
NOTE: Pupils may do one or both of Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus and Level 3 Statistics and Mathematical
Modeling. Those planning on doing any Mathematics, Science, Operations Research, or Economics at University
are encouraged to take both. There is now an extra advantage to taking both courses. If all offered credits are
achieved in both courses then three courses can be gained, 14 credits for Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus, 14
credits for Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics and 14 credits for Level 3 Mathematics.
Prerequisites for this course:
At least 14 Level 2 Mathematics
credits, including 91261 (Algebra)
and/or 91262 (Calculus), or HOF
Course contribution:
Workbooks approx. $30
Credits on offer for this course:
Up to 13 internal and 17 external
Achievement Standard credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics
This course provides a sound basis in Statistical theory. Content consists of probability theory, data analysis and
organisation, probability distributions, time series and statistical estimation, computational methods and
mathematical modelling. Calculators and computers are used extensively. Statistics is a recommended subject
for a wide range of Arts and Science courses at tertiary level. A graphics calculator is essential (refer stationery
list for details).
NOTE: Pupils may do one or both of Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus and Level 3 Statistics and Mathematical
Modeling. Those planning on doing any Mathematics, Science, Operations Research, or Economics at University
are encouraged to take both. There is now an extra advantage to taking both courses. If all offered credits are
achieved in both courses then three courses can be gained, 14 credits for Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus, 14
credits for Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics and 14 credits for Level 3 Mathematics.
Prerequisites for this course:
At least 14 Level 2 Mathematics
credits, including 91269 (Systems
of Equations) and/or 91267
(Probability), or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Workbooks approx. $30
Credits on offer for this course:
Up to 14 internal and 8 external
Achievement Standard credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
NEW FOR 2016 for some Levels 2 & 3 Mathematics Courses:
Write-on Digital Workbooks for iPads (i-Rite)
The i-Rite app is available free from the app store. Digital Nulake Workbooks (priced from $3.95) are available
using this app. Check the stationery list for ISBN numbers to ensure you download the correct workbook for your
Maths course. This requires the use of a stylus pen. An acrylic palm rest may also be useful. See for product details and pricing.
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Junior Science
Year 9 and Year 10
focusing on Levels
3, 4 and 5 of the NZ
Science Curriculum
At the end of Year
10, working mostly
at Level 5 or above
Level 2
and Physics
Level 1
Level 3
and Physics
CAREERS: At Year 11 the Science courses offered set the foundation for the specialist courses offered in Years
12 and 13 (Biology, Chemistry and Physics). It is important to check which course links through to courses in the
senior school.
Biology is useful in careers such as nursing, physiotherapy, farm management, dentistry, horticulture, medicine,
Chemistry is helpful if you wish to become a pharmacist, agricultural scientist, dietician, physiotherapist, forester,
food technologist, etc.
Physics is helpful in careers such as optometry, engineering, physiotherapy, geology, surveying, etc.
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Science
Science is about people exploring and investigating their biological, chemical, physical and technological worlds
and making sense of them in logical and creative ways.
This course will enable students to get a good grounding for the study of Science subjects at Level 2 & Level 3
(Physics, Chemistry and Biology). Topics include Genetics, Health and Disease, Physics, Electricity and
Chemistry. Within each topic opportunities exist to build the skills of Information Gathering, Processing &
Interpreting and Reporting.
There is a write-on booklet, which covers work for the external exams, which can be purchased for approximately
$16 for the set of two. These booklets can be purchased once classes are finalised.
This course leads to Level 2 Chemistry, Physics and Biology, providing the required credits are met, i.e. 12
credits from internal and external Science standards.
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Write-on booklets approx. $16
Credits on offer for this course:
12 internal and 8 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
4 Literacy and 8 Numeracy
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 2 Biology
The traditional view of Biology is that it studies the structure of plants and animals through observation of
individual organisms and dissections. However, modern Biology is also concerned with:
a) Ecology – the relationship of organisms to the things around them
b) Behaviour of these organisms
c) Genetics and Evolution
d) Cell Biology including microscope assessment and some introductory Biochemistry.
The course includes experiments and there is at least one field trip per year.
The field trips and the write-on workbook are likely to incur some expenses. The workbook covers each of the
topics taught and gives good practice questions for the Achievement Standards. This will be on the stationery list.
Any student taking two or more courses that require significant time away from school (such as ODED, OELS or
Gateway) may find it difficult to cope with the demands of this course. In this case entry will be subject to an
interview with the HOF of Science.
This course provides the opportunity to gain 22 credits towards NCEA Level 2 and leads on to Level 3 Biology.
This leads to an approved course for University Entrance.
Prerequisites for this course:
12 Level 1 Science credits,
including a Biology standard,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Cost of field trips.
Write-on workbook approx. $25
Credits on offer for this course:
14 internal and 8 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Biology
Biology is helpful for many careers including medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy, forestry, horticulture, agriculture,
nursing, food technology and nutrition science. This course will cover:
How animals and plants respond to changes in their environment.
Investigating a biological issue that affects New Zealand society.
Evidence of biological and cultural changes to humans over time.
How humans maintain constant internal conditions such as body temperature.
A practical investigation on how plants are affected by changes to their environment.
The field trip and the write-on workbook are likely to incur some expenses. The workbook covers each of the
topics taught and gives good practice questions for the Achievement Standards. This will be on the stationery list.
Any student taking two or more courses that require significant time away from school (such as ODED, OELS or
Gateway) may find it difficult to cope with the demands of this course. In this case entry will be subject to an
interview with the HOF of Science.
Prerequisites for this course:
12 or more credits in Level 2
Biology, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Cost of field trip.
Write-on workbook approx. $25
Credits on offer for this course:
10 internal and 9 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 2 Chemistry
Chemistry is the study of matter; what substances are made of and how they react with each other. It is a body of
knowledge and also an activity. Chemistry is what Chemists do.
In deciding whether to take Chemistry or not the question you should ask is not "What jobs could I do if I take
Chemistry?" but "What jobs would I not be able to do if I don't take Chemistry?" Some career areas that require
Chemistry are Nursing, Forestry, Engineering, Food Science, Horticulture, Medicine, Technicians, and Agriculture.
This course is the first serious study of Chemistry. Examples of the topics covered are:
 inorganic and organic substances and their reactions
 atomic structure and bonding analysis - ways of finding what is present and how much is present, types
of reactions, properties of reactions; how fast, energy changes, completeness of reactions.
There is likely to be some expense involved in the purchase of a write-on workbook, which covers the topics
taught. This will be on the stationery list.
Any student taking two or more courses that require significant time away from school (such as ODED, OELS or
Gateway) may find it difficult to cope with the demands of this course. In this case entry will be subject to an
interview with the HOF of Science.
This course provides the opportunity to gain 19 credits towards NCEA Level 2 and leads on to Level 3 Chemistry.
This leads to an approved course for University Entrance.
Prerequisites for this course:
12 Level 1 Science credits, one
of these must be a Chemistry
standard, preferably Science
AS 90944 or Rates of Reaction
AS90930, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Write-on workbook approx. $40
Credits on offer for this course:
10 internal and 9 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Chemistry
This course builds on Level 2 work to the extent that it is difficult to make good progress at Level 3 if you have not
taken Level 2 Chemistry. Topics of Level 2 are extended with an emphasis on energy changes, aqueous (water)
solution chemistry, types of reactions, atomic structure and bonding, organic and inorganic substances.
There is likely to be some expense involved in the purchase of a write-on workbook, which covers the topics
taught. This will be on the stationery list.
Any student taking two or more courses that require significant time away from school (such as ODED, OELS or
Gateway) may find it difficult to cope with the demands of this course. In this case entry will be subject to an
interview with the HOF of Science.
Prerequisites for this course:
12 or more credits in Level 2
Chemistry, preferably including
Chemistry 2.4 Bonding, Structure,
Properties & Energy Changes
AS 91164, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Write-on workbook approx. $40
Credits on offer for this course:
10 internal and 10 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 2 Physics
Topics include:
Mechanics - Measuring forces and vehicle motion. Navigation of aircraft. Calculating Energy and power.
Static Electricity - How objects can be charged up electrically - the application in photocopying machines.
Lightning. Forces between charged particles.
Electricity - Wiring up circuits, measuring voltage and current. Basic understanding of how a television works.
Electromagnetism - Electric motors, generators and transformers - how they work. Basic theory of how radio
waves are generated.
There is likely to be some expense involved in the purchase of a course manual and this will be on the stationery
This course provides the opportunity to gain 22 credits towards NCEA Level 2 and leads on to Level 3 Physics.
This leads to an approved course for University Entrance.
Prerequisites for this course:
12 Level 1 Science credits, one of
these must be a Physics standard,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Course Manual approx. $40
Credits on offer for this course:
10 internal and 12 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Physics
Topics include:
Mechanics - The analysis of motion, cars on banked corners, satellites, dancing, vibrational motion of swings and
singers breaking glasses.
Wave Motion - Musical Instruments, compact disc optics, blooming of lenses.
Electromagnetism - Tuning circuits for radios. Generation of high voltages for spark plugs and shocking coils.
There is likely to be some expense involved in the purchase of a course manual and this will be on the stationery
Prerequisites for this course:
At least 8 credits from Level 2
Physics, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Course Manual approx. $45
Credits on offer for this course:
10 internal and 16 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Social Sciences
Soc. Stud.
Soc. Stud.
Bus. Stud.
Bus. Stud.
Bus. Stud.
Bus. Stud.
Legal Stud.
Legal Stud.
CAREERS: The Social Sciences offer a wide variety of career options.
Business Studies and Accounting are courses that can lead on to careers such as business management,
journalism, politics, banking, valuation, accountancy, law, etc.
Geography is a course that is helpful in careers such as a town planner, meteorologist, geo-scientist, surveyor,
parks ranger, pilot, conservator, resource manager, teacher, forester, etc.
History and Classical Studies are helpful in careers such as a journalist, lawyer, teacher, museum curator,
archaeologist, archivist, writer, librarian, tour guide, travel agent, etc.
Legal Studies is helpful for careers such as a police officer, prison warden, lawyer, legal clerk, etc.
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Business Studies
Business Studies is all about how businesses interact with their customers and government, as well as how to
record monetary dealings. This course combines the two disciplines of Business Studies and Accounting into one
course. The course is designed as an introductory course, which can then lead on to Level 2 Accounting,
Business Studies, Economics or Legal Studies as specialised areas.
The Business Studies component focuses on features of a small business (up to 20 employees) and how it
makes the best decisions to achieve its goals within the constraints of the market, government and personal
beliefs. It also looks at entrepreneurship and innovation as a contribution to business practice. This part of the
course combines theory and practice.
The Accounting component focuses on the processing of financial information for sole trader businesses.
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
13 internal and 8 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
10 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Business Studies
This course will introduce students to entrepreneurship and will develop their knowledge and skill in running a
business and in financial management. The course enables students to gain an appreciation of the issues that
challenge businesses and will give students an opportunity to explore the enterprise culture and to gain
knowledge and understanding of good business practice. The development of problem solving, decision-making,
communication and co-operation skills are a main focus of this course.
Prerequisites for this course:
NCEA Level 1 including a minimum
of 10 credits from Level 1 English,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
15 internal and 8 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Business Studies
Business Studies at this level deals with the interactions and complexities of a global business. Students will
develop an understanding of the issues this type of business may face, the ideas of sustainability, and innovation.
Students planning on working in a business at a management level are encouraged to take this course, as well as
anyone interested in the commercial world as a whole. Working as part of a team is a large component of this
course, so regular attendance is vital. This course aligns with the Young Enterprise Scheme.
Prerequisites for this course:
NCEA Level 2 with at least 4
credits from Level 2 English, or
HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
15 internal and 4 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 2 Accounting
At this level we look at the Accounting System from the point of view of small business and we develop a method
of collecting information from everyday business activities and recording it in such a way that is useful. When the
recording process is complete we present the information in a form that is easily understood by those that need it,
whether it be the owners of the business or any other interested party. This course is aimed at providing skills in
accounting that can be applied to a large number of personal and business activities.
Prerequisites for this course:
5 credits from Level 1 Accounting
Achievement Standards, or
HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
18 internal and 4 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Classical Studies
This course combines the study of ancient history, literature, art, architecture and drama through the eyes of the
Greeks and Romans. This year will include topics like Greek Mythology and History, Pompeian Art and
Architecture, Greek Tragedy, Roman Social Life (with a focus on gladiatorial combats) and Roman History (with a
focus on the Roman Emperor, Commodus). This course requires the ability to read and write well, and students
should be also taking an English or History Achievement Standards course.
This course leads into Level 3 Classical Studies, which is a U.E. approved subject.
This course includes 18 reading credits and 8 writing credits towards University Entrance Literacy.
Prerequisites for this course:
14 or more credits in Level 1
English, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
10 internal and 8 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Classical Studies
Classics is the study of life in ancient Greece and ancient Rome. We look at ancient mythology, literature, art,
religion, social life and philosophy in this course. It is possible to pick up this subject without having done Level 2
Classics. Topics covered would include Greek vase painting, Virgil’s “The Aeneid”, Socrates and Greek
philosophy. We also do an in-depth study into how the ancient world has influenced the modern world. For
students who would like to push themselves, the Classical Studies Scholarship tutorials will commence at the
beginning of Term 2.
This course includes 20 reading credits and 8 writing credits towards University Entrance Literacy.
Prerequisites for this course:
14 credits in Level 2 Classical
Studies, English, History or
Media Studies, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
$15 for a workbook on Greek Vase
Credits on offer for this course:
12 internal and 8 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Geography
Geography focuses on the relationship between people and the environment.
What is covered:
- Geographic Issues
- Geographic Research
- Recreation and its Environmental Impacts
- Global Geographic Issues
- Extreme Natural Events (Earthquakes)
- Geographic Skills
Field Trips:
- Day trip to Arthurs Pass
- Overnight trip to Hanmer Springs
- Canterbury Earthquakes day trip to the CBD, Red Zone and Gondola.
This is a practical, real-life course, which can lead on to Levels 2 and 3 Geography and Tourism. It is also a
subject that opens further careers beyond school as well as university study. The field trips are likely to incur
expenses, to be advised during the year.
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Cost of field trips.
Credits on offer for this course:
15 internal and 6 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
17 Literacy and 8 Numeracy
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Geography
This course expands on Level 1 Geography but remains open to those wishing to pick it up in Level 2.
What is covered:
- Natural Landscapes – South Island High Country
- Cultural Landscapes – Urban studies, including local and overseas examples
- Current New Zealand and overseas issues
Field Trips: These include day trips and an overnight field trip.
This course leads on to Level 3 Geography and Tourism. This also leads to careers beyond school and future
tertiary study. The field trips are likely to incur expenses, to be advised during the year.
This course includes 4 reading credits towards University Entrance Literacy.
Prerequisites for this course:
NCEA Level 1, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Cost of field trips.
Credits on offer for this course:
14 internal and 8 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 3 Geography
Level 3 Geography is a course that offers a variety of both human and physical fields of Geographic study. There
is a mix of five internally assessed topics and three externally assessed topics. The course offers the opportunity
for students to visit locations, such as Kaikoura and the Gold Coast as part of their study. For those looking
towards university study, Geography is an excellent choice as it provides much of the literacy component.
Internal topics – Research, Global Patterns (Tourism), Contemporary Geographic Issues, Planning, Decisionmaking and Event Analysis.
External topics – Tourism Development in New Zealand and overseas, Advanced Geographic skills and ideas
Field trips – Kaikoura Coastal Processes, Gold Coast Tourism Trip (optional) – fundraising will be expected for
this. Field trips are likely to incur expenses of approx. $200 over the year.
This course includes 6 U.E. Literacy Reading credits and 8 Both.
Prerequisites for this course:
NCEA Level 2, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Cost of field trips.
Credits on offer for this course:
16 internal and 8 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 2 Tourism
This course is designed for those students who are interested in having a career in the Tourism Industry. It is a
practical course that is linked in to real-life employment situations, ranging from the shop floor to management.
Tourism Level 2 leads to Tourism Level 3 and a range of employment and study options in New Zealand’s biggest
industry. The course is Unit Standards based and offers a chance to sit industry-based qualifications that also
count for NCEA Level 2.
What is covered:
 New Zealand Destinations
 Global Destinations
 The Tourism Industry
 The Service Industry
 Travel Options
 Tourism Support
There will be field trips to local attractions / tourist destinations. These are likely to incur expenses, to be advised
during the year.
Prerequisites for this course:
NCEA Level 1, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Cost of field trips.
Credits on offer for this course:
A minimum of 20 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Tourism
This course is Unit Standards based and offers a variety of options. It offers a chance to sit industry-based
qualifications that also count for NCEA Levels 2 and 3. As well as counting for NCEA, this course also gives
students the chance to gain the National Certificate in Tourism, which is a qualification on its own.
What is covered:
 New Zealand Destinations
 Global Destinations
 The Tourism Industry
 The Service Industry
 Travel Options
 Tourism Support
There will be field trips to local attractions / tourist destinations. These are likely to incur expenses, to be
advised during the year.
Prerequisites for this course:
NCEA Level 2, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Cost of field trips.
Credits on offer for this course:
A minimum of 18 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 History
History is the branch of knowledge that deals with past events, especially human affairs. An understanding of the
past helps us to comprehend the world we live in today and to avoid mistakes in the future. Our history gives us
identity as people. Studying History helps us to become discerning thinkers.
A wide range of resource materials are used at Level 1 History and skills are developed in many areas. There is a
full-day field trip to Lyttelton that includes a cemetery visit.
Topics for study include the origins of World War II, Stalin’s Russia and the 1960s. This course leads on to Level
2 History.
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Cost of field trip $20-$30.
Credits on offer for this course:
12 internal and 8 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
20 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 History
Level 2 History helps us to understand how the past affects today’s world. The skills developed are very
transferable and flow into many career options.
Topics for study include Ghandi and Indian Independence, the Search for Security in the Nuclear Age and the
Vietnam War. This course leads on to Level 3 History.
This course includes 23 reading credits and 9 writing credits towards University Entrance Literacy.
This leads to an approved course for University Entrance.
Prerequisites for this course:
8 credits from Level 1 History, or
HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Cost of field trip.
Credits on offer for this course:
14 internal and 9 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 History
At this advanced level of History the skills of independent historical research, communication, analysis, evaluation
and essay writing are developed. Level 3 History helps students to cope with the demands of tertiary study and
the skills practised are necessary in a wide variety of careers. The course focuses on English history including the
reign of Elizabeth I and the events that led up to the execution of Charles I. There is also a full-day field trip to
This course includes 20 reading credits and 10 writing credits towards University Entrance Literacy.
Prerequisites for this course:
12 credits from Level 1 History, or
8 credits from Level 2 History, or
HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Cost of field trip $30-$35.
Credits on offer for this course:
10 internal and 10 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 2 Legal Studies
Level 2 Legal Studies enables students to:
 understand the need for laws and recognise the constant pressure of law in their lives and an
of its role in society.
 relate and apply knowledge of the law to their own lives.
 examine the relationships between law and the values and goals of society.
 develop a knowledge of some of their rights and obligations under the criminal and civil law.
 describe the need for law to accommodate differing viewpoints.
These students will hopefully be able to visit a prison facility, a courthouse and a police station as part of their
course. This is likely to incur a small expense.
Prerequisites for this course:
NCEA Level 1.
Course contribution:
Cost of field trip.
Credits on offer for this course:
18 internal and 3 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Legal Studies
Level 3 Legal Studies enables students to:
 gain an informed respect for the law that enables them to operate as confident and responsible citizens in
a diverse society.
 sharpen their capacity to evaluate the concepts, principles, systems and processes of the New Zealand
Legal System; the history of law; and the significance of the Treaty of Waitangi.
This course will develop opinion, debate and political consciousness.
Prerequisites for this course:
NCEA Level 2.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
16 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Levels 2 and 3 Tikanga Māori
This is a course for those students wishing to develop a greater understanding of the trials and tribulations of the
Indigenous people of New Zealand. The course covers a wide range of topics from Traditional Māori Society to
Colonial New Zealand. There is also an introductory Kapahaka component to this course for those wanting to
develop specific skill sets and a chance for those adept Kapahaka students to help tutor primary school
Kapahaka groups. There will be a marae noho during the year.
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
A minimum of 18 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
CAREERS: All of the Technology subjects offer a variety of career pathways.
Digital Technologies is described as the use of digital resources effectively to find, analyse, create,
communicate and use information in a digital context. This encompasses the use of web 2.0 tools, digital media
tools, programming tools and software applications. This subject will lead to many career options.
Electronics offers a variety of career options, including an electrical engineer, broadcast technician, etc.
Graphics is a subject that lends itself to careers in architecture, draughting, building and design, planning, interior
design, etc.
Hospitality & Catering opens doors to either industry with a variety of options, including a chef, kitchen hand,
front of house worker, baker, catering assistant, product development worker, etc.
Hard Materials Technology and Building offer pathways in a variety of industry-based trades, including building,
carpentry, metal-based industry, furniture, jewellery, marine, etc.
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Digital Technologies
Digital Technologies at this level is based on Level 6 of the Technology Curriculum of the New Zealand
Framework and is a full year course. The three main areas covered are:
Digital Information - presenting information appropriately using word processing, spreadsheets and audio-visual
Digital Programming and Computer Science – having an understanding of how computers work and applying this
knowledge to creating programmes and games.
Digital Media - being able to use digital tools and techniques appropriate to the medium to create and publish a
quality media project. eg. creating movies and music.
Students will have the opportunity to gain credits towards NCEA Level 1 using Achievement and Unit Standards.
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
16 internal and 3 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
3 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Digital Technologies
This course builds on from the Level 1 Digital Technologies course and has the expectation that students already
have a high level of computer literacy and design. This course enables students to achieve credits towards NCEA
Level 2 using Achievement and Unit standards. To allow some flexibility, there is one module where students may
choose what area of Digital Technology they would like to pursue.
This course encompasses the following Digital Technology strands:
Digital Information’s focus is the use of digital technologies to support everyday life. Students will
demonstrate the application of digital tools or the management and presentation of information using
word processing, spreadsheets, database and presentations.
Digital Media covers a number of different areas of knowledge such as, web design, interactive media,
animation and graphic design. Students would follow their interest and select one media area and
produce solutions that communicate effectively through that media.
Digital Programming and Computer Science covers programming and computer science topics of data
representation and human-computer interfaces. Students will use programming skills to solve a problem
and to develop and refine a solution.
Prerequisites for this course:
A minimum of 14 credits in
Level 1 Digital Technologies,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Printing credits.
Credits on offer for this course:
A minimum of 18 internal and
external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 3 Digital Technologies
Students with a background in Digital Technologies through to university level are sought-after by employers.
This course is designed to allow students a freedom of choice in the area of Digital Technology they are
interested in. This course builds on from the Level 2 units and helps develop the Level 3 core skills. Students
select their course, in consultation with the teacher, from NCEA Level 3 Standards.
The Level 3 units all come from the perspective of the student working with a client. They not only learn more
advanced skills in the particular software they are using, but they must work with a client (stakeholder) to come up
with a solution/outcome to meet the client's requests. Students would be expected to create their own images,
take and manipulate their own photographs and film their own movies to use in their work.
Possible choices for specialisation are:
Digital Information - Relational database used with spreadsheets and word processing
Digital Media - Web data management and protection or animation
Digital Programming and Computer Science - Software development
Digital Information Management – Information systems
Students choose which external they will enter for this course, either Information Systems or Computer Science.
Both units are eligible for University Entrance Literacy in reading and writing.
Prerequisites for this course:
A minimum of 14 credits in
Level 2 Digital Technologies,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Printing credits.
Credits on offer for this course:
A minimum of 14 credits internal
and external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Electronics
This is a course for students intending to pursue employment and further training in the electrical and electronics
industries. It is intended to interest students in the Technology area of electronics and control. Students will be
able to gain a fundamental knowledge of the principles of electricity and electronics, as well as some
understanding of the influence of the technology on society and the careers that technology offers.
This course leads students directly into work opportunities in electrical, electronic telecommunications, automobile,
media, and musical industries.
Prerequisites for this course:
It is recommended to have taken
Year 10 Electronics.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
17 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
6 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Electronics
This is a course for students intending to pursue employment and further training in the electrical and electronics
industries. It is intended to interest students in the Technology area of electronics and control. Students will be
able to gain a fundamental knowledge of the principles of electricity and electronics, as well as some
understanding of the influence of technology on society and the careers that technology offers.
This course leads students directly into work opportunities in electrical, electronic telecommunications, automobile,
media and musical industries.
Prerequisites for this course:
NCEA Level 1 and strength in
Mathematics and/or Science
an advantage.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
19 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Graphics
This subject will develop graphic communication skills; it will develop in students the confidence to solve problems
through freehand and instrumental drawings, colour rendering, mock-ups and computer graphics. Areas of study
include carrying out research for information and inspiration. Students will need to study an influential designer’s
work and produce a solution incorporating aspects of the chosen designer’s style. They will also produce an
architectural house alteration solution involving the generation, development and refinement of ideas, and the
production and evaluation of a final design.
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
12 internal and 9 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
6 Numeracy credits and
4 Literacy credits.
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Graphics
This course is structured to enable students to extend their understanding and skills in designing to specific needs.
This follows on from the Level 1 course, but in more depth and has one architectural project as its focus for the
year. The course develops graphic communication skills, from conceptual ideas to evaluation and presentation.
Methods of presentation can be air brushing, colour rendering, mock-ups and models, computer graphics, word
processing, marketing, just to name a few.
Prerequisites for this course:
14 credits from Level 1 Graphics
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
19 internal and 10 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Graphics
At this level students will be negotiating fully with a client or clients, including full negotiation with all key
stakeholders, eg. material suppliers, product manufacturers for costings on prototypes, etc. A huge emphasis is
placed on presentation at this level. Students will need to study how other designers have presented work. Then
they decide on the best form of presentation for their clients, eg. would a model best display the ideas or perhaps
a computer-generated drawing, etc.
Prerequisites for this course:
14 credits from Level 2 Graphics
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
12 internal and 10 external credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Hospitality & Catering
This course is designed as an introduction to working in a commercial kitchen environment. The programme will
provide you with professional training in catering. It is structured so that you learn practical skills and theory, along
with knowledge of kitchen supervision and management and develop a finer understanding of culinary theory. Our
approach in this subject is for you to be learning by planning, watching, practising and executing cookery in the
commercial environment. We combine the classroom training with live operational kitchens and real customers as
often as possible.
A successful graduate will have completed two Certificates of Achievement (Cookery Schools 1 & 3).
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
20 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Hospitality & Catering
(8 hour = 2 subject equivalent)
This course is for students who are passionate about working in the Hospitality Industry. Training will be for eight
hours per week on site. Catering for our community is a requirement in this course. Students will be expected to
work front of house for six themed cafés in term 2 and a small number of evening events during the course of the
year. In term 3 students will attend the Year 9 camp as the cooks.
One Level 3 research coffee unit, worth 3 credits, will be offered on completion of all Level 2 Hospitality credits.
Pre-employment training is not only necessary; it is essential if you are serious about entering this industry
through Polytechnics or Modern Apprenticeships. Industry visits include the National Food Show and the Bidvest
Food Show.
Successful completion of this course will see students awarded the Certificate of Achievement in Food and
Beverage (L2) Certificate of Achievement in Cookery (L2) and a Certificate in Coffee Appreciation (L2).
This course also complements other programmes, such as Gateway, students doing work experience and
students who have part time jobs in the industry.
Prerequisites for this course:
NCEA Level 1, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Optional extra:
National Food Show $20
Credits on offer for this course:
35 internal credits.
Level 2 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 3 Hospitality & Catering
(8 hour = 2 subject equivalent)
This is an opportunity to work at Level 3 in an industry-based course. This course will ideally suit students looking
for future employment opportunities in the Hospitality industry. It is expected that some of the students who
choose this subject will be Gateway students and therefore have access to work placements and employment
Emphasis in the first term is on baking techniques, food presentation, safety and hygiene in the kitchen. To
complement these subjects a research project on food contamination will be simultaneously run.
Six themed cafés will be run in term 2; where students will learn to work in a café environment with realistic time
pressures, innovative food and real customers. Learning to use the language and tools of the trade, these cafés
have been well received by students, staff and customers alike. Supplementary to the café, a research project on
culinary products and terms will be available. Students will also have the exciting opportunity to attend the
National Food Show.
Term 3 will see the students catering for sports exchanges, school camp and (subject to available spaces)
possibly going to the Year 9 school camps as the cooks. This is a term for consolidating work. Students have the
option of choosing between two research projects, coffee origin or basic nutrition in commercial catering. Our
industry visit will be the Bidvest Food Service Show.
Catering for our community is a requirement, and students will be expected to work a small number of evening
events during the course of the year.
Prerequisites for this course:
Unit Standard 167 and 50 or more
credits in Level 2 NCEA.
Unit standard 13285 is preferred,
or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Optional extra:
National Food Show $20
Credits on offer for this course:
34 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 1 Industry Training “Tools 4 Work”
This course is an engineering-based, industry standards course.
The qualification is designed to be delivered in school workshops using pre-moderated teaching and learning
materials and requires practical projects from students. The projects provide students with the opportunity to
learn a range of practical engineering skills and techniques. Each of the engineering projects encompasses the
tools, material requirements; competency and knowledge outcomes listed in the qualification unit standards and
provide a practical and stimulating experience for students.
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
24 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 1 Hard Materials Technology - BCITO
To be successful in this course, pupils will need to have a sound grasp of the Year 9 and Year 10 Hard Materials
Technology programmes and have good work habits. This course uses a selection of Building and Construction
Industry Training Organisation assessments. The students work through practical projects to gain a wide range
of skills and knowledge of processes and the safe use of equipment.
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
27 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Hard Materials Technology
In this course you will learn to solve design problems and work with a wide variety of materials to complete the
construction of your projects. You will learn the importance of meeting deadlines, plan your weekly progress, and
develop technical knowledge and communication skills.
Prerequisites for this course:
NCEA Level 1, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
23 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 3 Hard Materials Technology
This course is an extension of the skills learnt at Level 2, plus some new processes. You will be expected to solve
design problems and work with a wide variety of material. This course will be assessed using a range of Building
and Construction Industry Training Organisation theory unit standards, in conjunction with the mainly hands-on
Prerequisites for this course:
NCEA Level 2, or HOF approval.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
14 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Level 2 Building (B-Constructive)
(8 hour = 2 subject equivalent)
This course is a mainly practical hands-on programme, providing students with the skills and knowledge to
springboard into any career in the construction industry. It also builds literacy, numeracy and communication
The course will run for eight hours per week and will offer the National Certificate in Building, Construction and
Allied Trades Skills (BCATS L2).
The programme complements other schemes, such as Gateway, Careers and Skills for Living programmes, work
experience and Young Enterprise.
Prerequisites for this course:
NCEA Level 1 an advantage.
HOF approval required.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
47 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Other Courses
Level 1 Automotive Introductory Skills
This course would be suitable for students who wish to explore a career in the Automotive industry. It will focus
on theory units about the industry, including safe driving, driver licences and some basic practical skills, such as
wheel changing and pre-drive checks. Students will also complete a CV and take part in work experience
Prerequisites for this course:
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
Up to 26 internal Unit Standard
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Level 2 Skills for Living
This course would be suitable for students who may have a mixture of Levels 1 and 2 subjects. It is also suitable
for students who have achieved NCEA Level 1 but who are not quite sure of their future career direction and who
wish to clarify their career, study or work options as they prepare for their school leaving.
This course includes: career education, career direction, job-seeking skills, life skills, resumes, theoretical driving
skills and work related studies. Students will experience life beyond the classroom through a timetabled work
experience placement and possible STAR courses. A combination of Level 1 and Level 2 credits will be gained
by all students.
Prerequisites for this course:
Open Entry.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
18-30 internal credits.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
Gateway offers Years 12 and 13 students structured workplace learning across many industries and businesses
in our local communities. Students complete the core units in the first term and then start their work placement.
Gateway students spend 10 to 15 days at a work placement during the year and have individual learning
programmes, which allow them to gain new skills and knowledge relevant to their chosen career. Students are
assessed in the workplace for unit standards that contribute to the National Certificate of Educational
Achievement (NCEA), as well as industry-specific qualifications.
Gateway operates through one block of the timetable and there will be 35 placements available in 2016 for the
Gateway programme.
* If you are interested in this programme, please see the Gateway Co-ordinator, based in the Technology
building, for more information and collect an application form.
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016
Prerequisites for this course:
Completed application form and
interview with Mrs Williamson and
Mr Ashworth.
Course contribution:
Credits on offer for this course:
Core of 20+ credits, varies subject
to career choice.
Level 1 Literacy/Numeracy
credits for this course:
Is Subject Endorsement possible
for this course?
Is this a University-approved
STAR Funded Courses
A) STAR funding supports a variety of courses offered at Kaiapoi High School, including:
Outdoor Education
Skills for Living
SIT2LRN – Southern Institute of Technology distance courses
These are courses that lead to opportunities and outcomes not usually available in schools.
B) Taster Courses: STAR funding also allows some students to attend Vocational Taster Courses. These are 2-5
day courses held at various times throughout the year at training providers in the greater Christchurch area.
Students can access these by working with the Careers Advisor, Mr Ashworth, as part of their career planning.
Secondary Tertiary Programmes
There are two providers in the Canterbury region for these courses. The National Trade Academy (NTA), with a focus on Agriculture and Animal Care courses and the Canterbury Tertiary College (CTC), with a focus on vocational courses including construction, engineering, civil skills, plumbing and a
small selection of business administration and hospitality.
These courses run on a Thursday and Friday at the provider’s site. Students who are interested in joining one of
these courses will have their school programme adapted to run on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. A
course including standards in English (to complete or enhance literacy requirements), Mathematics (to complete
or enhance numeracy requirements and including Financial Literacy), Career Planning and Skills for Living will be
tailored to meet individual need. Students will not be able to choose courses in the wider timetable because of
the time commitment that a Secondary Tertiary Programme involves.
Please contact Mr Ashworth for further details and advice. Places on these courses are limited and must be
applied for through the School in Term 4.
Correspondence Courses
Some subjects do not appear as subject choices because the number of students wishing to take these courses
is small and they would not be a viable class. An example of this is Japanese. Students who wish to continue in
a subject, or are considering a subject that Kaiapoi High School does not offer, need to discuss this with their
tutor and Mrs Cook, our Correspondence School Coordinator. The Correspondence School has strict criteria for
enrolment and not all applications are accepted.
Kaiapoi High School
Subject Selection Booklet 2016