May Newsletter with April Recognition
May Newsletter with April Recognition
May Newsletter with April Recognition I am so proud of you! You had a record breaking month of April, and this is just the beginning of great success for you. I'm calling this "MOMENTUM MAY". You get to choose if you are on the field playing, or on the sideline and watching. You get to DECIDE. That is the theme of our 15th Annual Green Bay Leadership Retreat "I Have Decided!" Make sure you are an Area Manager by August 1st, to join world class leaders globally for the best Arbonne Event of the year! I'm cheering you on as you fill your calendar to share the story of our incredible GIFT of product and Business Opportunity. As we approach mid-year 2016, do an assessment as to where you've been, and where you want to be. PLAN/DO/CHECK/ADJUST You're an Entrepreneur, and are in the driver's seat for your future, and write your paycheck. In this world of people settling for trading hours for dollars, this Arbonne Gig is an exciting place to be. Be sure to steer your car to success, driving that White Mercedes Benz, growing your check, and sharing the same opportunities with others. What could be more fulfilling than that? Very proud to be your leader and I'm linking arms, never letting go, LET'S DO THIS! Your "BADDASS" Leader, Donna Johnson Contact Info: Pat Diermeier- Spirit Wings Nat'l Assistant/Office Manager- 920-886-2980– [email protected] April Super Stars TOP REGION ERIKA MAY TOP AREAS 1) SARA (PRIVETT) VANDERHEYDEN 2) Becky Schmalz 3) Kelly Kiefert 4) Lisa Konshak 5) Ashley Kraus 6) Donna Johnson 7) Terri Trimbell 8) Erika May 9) Jacque Carlson 10) Linda Harvot 11) Claudia Helm TOP DISTRICTS 1) BECKY SCHMALZ 2) Sara (Privett) VanderHeyden 3) Lisa Konshak 4) Michelle Barfield 5) Linda Harvot 6) Patra Model 7) Karen Porter 8) Donna Johnson 9) Ashley Kraus 10) Erika May 11) Kelly Kiefert 12) Claudia Helm 13) Ruth Sabo 14) Tracy Germer 15) Kathryn Schmidt 16) Jessica Przulj 17) Terri Trimbell 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) Sue Griz Dawn Kertesz Jacque Carlson Robin Bruford Bo Han Mary Gilson Melissa Pederson Laurie Verheyden TOP MANAGERS & CONSULTANTS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) BECKY SCHMALZ Lisa Konshak Tracy Germer Claudia Helm Sue Griz Sara (Privett) VanderHeyden Briana Jankowski Leslie Schultzel MD Ruth Sabo Terri Trimbell Robin Burford Michelle Barfield Suzanne LeFebre Britney Stobbe Maggie VanDeurzen Karen PorterMagnuson Kristina Fields Cheryl Purvis Kathryn Schmidt Linda Harvot Barbara Magnuson Melissa Pederson Erin Pongratz Jana Ortiz Roxie Leroux Casey Eis Debbie Durand George Lim 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) 51) 52) 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) Tiffany McCarty Deborah Welch Bo Han Allyson MacLean Heather Hecker Susan Guinn Kelly Schofield Shelly Tauber Donna Johnson Araceli Hernandez Anna Kim Linda White Danielle Stoffel Perwin Noman Patra Model Renee Venner Mark Johnson Kelly Kiefert Teresa Neal Nicole Hodgson Sarah Peterson Stacy Brodjeski Dawn Beeson Shinhwa Park Jacki Higgins Laurie Verheyden Amy Sue Sawyer Lori Smits Vicky Vechart 58) 59) 60) 61) 62) 63) 64) 65) 66) 67) 68) 69) 70) 71) 72) 73) 74) 75) 76) 77) 78) 79) 80) 81) 82) 83) 84) Jorene Gordon Trisha Rhodes Molly Vechart Sue Cho Suzanne Daggett Bobbie Sawyer Ann Jochimsen Chanel Oconnor Jody Jensen Young Ron Yoon Karen Dalton Khristi Otto Maureen Kubalak Dana Anderson Laura Boehm Barbara Milz Erika May Susan Brinkman Joanna Wiitanen Hyo-Jin Ha Ashley Kraus Amanda Peper Dani Martin Youngsoon Kim Mi-Ok Heo Loretta Morgan Tanya Hutchison Super Stars GOOD LUCK TO THE FOLLOWING CONSULTANTS IN-QUALIFICATIONS FOR DISTRICT: Chelsea Antone Dawn Beeson Stacy Brodjeski Chong Cha Sue Cho Karen Dalton Katie Fowler Jorene Gordon Hyo-Jin Ha Heather Hecker Araceli Hernandez Jacki Higgins Nicole Hodgson Jody Jensen Ann Jochimsen Mark Johnson Roxie Leroux George Lim Tiffany McCarty Teresa Neal Perwin Noman Chanel Oconnor Shinhwa Park Amanda Peper Cheryl Purvis Mohadeseh Sadollahi Maryam Sadollahy Bobbie Sawyer Amy Sue Sawyer Kelly Schofield Leslie Schultzel MD Lori Smits Britney Stobbe Danielle Stoffel Daniel Suh Lannaya Swisher Shelly Tauber Maggie Van Deurzen Molly Vechart Linda White Jungja Yoo Young Ran Yoon CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW DISTRICT MANAGERS SOONHWA CHA La Crescenta, CA promoted by Jae Kim ERIN PONGRATZ Rudolph, WI promoted by Ruth Sabo CASEY EIS Green Bay, WI promoted by Michelle Barfield BRIANA JANKOWSKI Kaukauna, WI promoted by Becky Schmalz SUZANNE LeFEBRE Green Bay, WI promoted by Michelle Barfield GOOD LUCK TO THE FOLLOWING DM IN QUALIFICATION FOR AREA GOOD LUCK TO THE FOLLOWING AM IN QUALIFICATION FOR REGION Michelle Barfield Becky Schmalz CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING MANAGERS THAT EARNED THEIR DM BONUS CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING MANAGERS THAT EARNED THEIR AM BONUS Becky Schmalz Lisa Konshak Sara (Privett) VanderHeyden Michelle Barfield Patra Model Karen Porter Kelly Kiefert Ruth Sabo Jessica Przulj Terri Trimbell Sara (Privett) VanderHeyden Becky Schmalz Kelly Kiefert CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING MANAGERS THAT EARNED THEIR VP BONUS Sara (Privett) VanderHeyden Linda Harvot Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. ~Norman Vincent Peale Simple strategies for getting motivated by Gavin Ingham Understanding how to motivate yourself to be proactive, positive and focused is critical if you want to be a superstar. Here are simple strategies to help you do just that… Take responsibility for your own motivation Many people treat motivation as if it is something that happens to them. They allow people, events and circumstances to effect the way that they feel and therefore their behaviours and their results. If you want to achieve true success, you need to take responsibility for your own motivation even when you face challenges. Take the 'Gavin Ingham Daily Motivational Challenge' One good way of staying motivated is to set yourself a daily challenge to keep motivated. Take your 'motivational temperature', so to speak, several times a day. Simply stop and ask yourself honestly, “How motivated am I right now? Am I at a '10'?” Just stopping momentarily to check your 'motivational temperature' will make you more aware of your habitual levels of motivation and will awaken you to the possibility of doing something about it. Remind yourself 'WHY' Many people spend their lives 'going through the motions'. They get up, they go to work, they go home, they watch the TV, they go to bed, they get up, they go to work, they go home, they watch the TV, they go to bed… Fizz it up One of the quickest ways to change your mental state is to change your physical state. Your physical state is hard wired to the way that you feel. Every physical state has an emotional state associated with it. Conversely, changing your physical state will change the way that you feel – fast. Feeling short of energy? Get some air in your lungs, punch your arms in the air, stand up straight, jump up and down, run on the spot, yell out loud, smile stupidly, breathe more quickly... Conversely, feeling too excited, likely to 'rabbit' in front of your client? Slow your breathing down, centre yourself and channel your calmer, more focused self. Control your self-talk We all talk to ourselves, the question is not whether you do or not but what you say to yourself. Many people have an inner critic who deserves shooting! Many people berate themselves in a way that they would never allow anyone else to. By taking control of our self-talk and training our inner critic to be our inner coach we can change our persistent internal dialogue from destructive to constructive and from cynic to coach. Set BIG meaningful goals and go for them 100% Demotivated people do not set ambitious goals because they think, “Well, hey, I won’t hit it anyway so why bother?” or, “I’ll set it low because I’ll manage that”. Set BIG goals to motivate, stretch and focus. People that set BIG goals knowing that even if they don’t hit them they will develop and improve along the way. Remember Pavlov and reward yourself Rewards motivate so make sure that you reward yourself for the behaviours that you want and need to do more of. Reward yourself for doing what you told yourself that you’d do. Reward yourself even when others don’t. Hang out with superstars Hang out with sales superstars. If you spend time with demotivated, uninspired losers they will suck the juice right out of you. Spend time with motivated winners and they will teach you how to be more motivated, how to stay more motivated and how to create the life that you want. Get your buddies involved Get yourself upbeat and motivated and then enroll your buddies into your 'motivated' group. Run competitions, create energy, encourage, cajole and persuade each other to go the extra mile. Share success stories. Where are you going to start? You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. ~Rabindranath Tagore Success Tools Training Series Connecting Authentically With a Virtual Audience Technology has made it possible to expand your business and your team globally, while still remaining locally based. The ability to work, collaborate and even present the Arbonne Opportunity from different locations — whether it’s across time zones, countries, or just across town — is now a reality. However, just because it’s possible, doesn’t mean it will be successful. It takes specific leadership, communication and relationship-building skills to successfully engage with virtual audiences. Virtual Presence: The ability to authentically connect with a virtual audience to ensure that each participant feels included, engaged and inspired. Use the following tips to help develop your virtual presence: Structure Virtual Meetings for Collaboration and Interaction • Utilize an agenda as a strategic tool to frame the purpose of the meeting, outline content to be covered, set expectations, and encourage participation. Include discussion topics, desired outcomes, key decisions, and a list of attendees. Send agendas out in advance of the meeting to allow time for participant preparation, contributions and updates. Take the time to get to know your audience before the meeting. • Log in early to allow time to test your technology and ensure that you’re focused and ready to start on time. A best practice is to log on 30 minutes early so that you’re available to chat with your guests as they join the meeting. • Create a visual reminder for yourself of your meeting participants. Write their names on a white board or paper, along with two points that you know about each person, so that you can keep track of and engage with everyone throughout the meeting. Whenever possible, utilize video calls, such as Zoom or Face Time, so that you and your participants can see each other to connect better throughout the meeting. • Keep your meeting invitation list to a manageable size. To allow for two-way engagement and discussion, virtual product meetings ideally should be held with no more than 5–6 participants to ensure everyone has a chance to be heard and to remain engaged in the discussion. Larger group calls or Discover Arbonne presentations should be structured more as traditional presentations rather than discussions. Meetings with more than 6 participants that need to have discussions must be well-moderated and should ideally be held on platforms that allow for chat and online questions to help keep everyone engaged and heard. Set expectations in advance that questions from larger group meetings can be answered offline by the facilitator, or whomever invited the participant. • Make sure your voice tone matches your content and your intent. Ask yourself, what do I want my audience to think and feel? Make sure your word choice and voice tone conveys this correctly. Share from your heart. It’s your story and your authenticity that your audience wants and needs to feel. Practice with a friend or family member over the phone or medium you will be using for your meeting to gain feedback on your delivery. • Slow down the pace of your speaking and use pauses to allow participants to understand, absorb and respond to what you’re saying. Don’t be afraid of silence. This is often the time when information is sinking in for the audience and engaging with their hearts. Connecting Authentically With a Virtual Audience • Hold video meetings whenever possible so that your facial expressions and body language can also be seen to help convey your message. Your physical demeanor can be heard in your voice, so remember to smile to add a measure of warmth and friendliness to your tone. • Ensure all meetings end with a summary of discussion points, expectations, responsibilities, and time lines to help keep all participants on track. Build and Nurture Your Virtual Relationships • Keep track of time zones to ensure that all team members feel respected and that their best interests are top of your mind. • Tailor your approach and style based on the group you’re connecting with. Identify any unique cultural differences and use what you learn to customize your meeting style. Know the concerns, needs and values of each person so you can focus discussions to target their needs. Have a translator join your global or multicultural meetings when needed to ensure communication and information is clearly shared with the entire audience. • Ask participants questions and openly ask for their opinions as well as suggestions. • Utilize social media to stay connected and up to date on little details as well as celebrations in everyone’s lives. Check in with virtual team members regularly to stay connected and aware of any unique challenges, successes or personal circumstances. Small regular connections can help form and maintain the foundation of a trusting relationship, which can make a huge difference during more challenging times. Arbonne makes no promises or guarantees that any Independent Consultant will be financially successful as each Independent Consultant’s results are dependent on his or her own skill and effort. You should not rely on the results of other Arbonne Independent Consultants as an indication of what you should expect to earn. Actual financial results of all Arbonne Independent Consultants for the preceding year are contained in Arbonne’s Independent Consultant Compensation Summary (ICCS). You may view the Independent Consultant Compensation Summary on Arbonne’s official website at 2016R01 01 ©2016 ARBONNE INTERNATIONAL, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | ARBONNE.COM Success Tools Training Series Being the Brand Can Help You Find Your Next Independent Consultant Every time you wear Arbonne products, network within your community and live the Arbonne lifestyle, you are making countless impressions of the brand upon everyone you interact with. You are showing what Arbonne looks like in that moment — and a great impression can go a long way toward piquing someone’s interest. Sometimes, all it takes is seeing someone looking great and enjoying their life to make you think, “I wonder if I can do that too.” Identifying these opportunities can help you maximize your network of influence and grow your business. Here are some comments or signals to be on the lookout for so you can be ready to respond with the right comment or question and help get the “opportunity conversation” started! Comment: “Wow, you are so amazing at your job! How do you like it?” or “I could never do what you do!” Possible Meaning: Could I also be good at this? Response: “Thank you! I’ve worked hard to get here and Arbonne provides me with the tools I need to learn, succeed and have fun while doing it. I love that I am helping to share our pure, safe, beneficial products while doing something that I enjoy at the same time.” Comment: “Are there any monthly minimum purchases you have to make?” or “Do you have to buy a certain amount every month?” Possible Meaning: How does this business work? Comment: “How did you find Arbonne?” or “What did you do before becoming an Arbonne Consultant?” or “Is this your fulltime job?” Response: “We don’t have a minimum monthly purchase requirement, and you don’t have to stock product because everything is shipped directly to your Clients or to you as you order it for them. A $1200 annual sales minimum applies, which can include your own purchases. That breaks down to an average of about $100 per month, which is very achievable with consistent sales activity. Arbonne and my team taught me what to do and how to make this happen.” Possible Meaning: How well-known is the brand? How big is this opportunity? What experience is needed to do this job? Comment: “Do you have to do a lot of ‘parties’ to do this?” or “Are all of these products yours?” Response: “I was invited to a presentation by some of my former co-workers and fell in love with the products and the company [personalize with your story]. I loved it so much that I decided to join Arbonne as a Consultant. I had zero sales experience prior to this and it’s been an amazing time. Our company is experiencing tremendous growth — and it’s just going to keep moving up from here.” Possible Meaning: What would I have to do to be successful? ™ Response: “You don’t have to do a lot of Group Presentations! Most Consultants have a balance in their schedule of presentations and one-on-one appointments in order to maintain a consistent business. You’ll reach more Clients at one time by holding presentations, but our compensation plan flexes around your life and schedule. Consultants earn between 15-35% commission on every sale and you can take orders in person or send your friends and family to your personal website to purchase. Consultants can also purchase products for their own use or for product displays or demonstrations with a 35% savings.” When you learn to tune in to the possible interest clues behind casual comments, you’ll start to find a whole new group to prospect from. Once you’ve identified an interest, spend some extra time getting to know the person. Schedule a one-on-one to discuss Arbonne in more detail before you walk away. There’s no time like now to maximize the opportunity, encourage interest and get your next Independent Consultant started! Arbonne makes no promises or guarantees that any Independent Consultant will be financially successful as each Independent Consultant’s results are dependent on his or her own skill and effort. You should not rely on the results of other Arbonne Independent Consultants as an indication of what you should expect to earn. Actual financial results of all Arbonne Independent Consultants for the preceding year are contained in Arbonne’s Independent Consultant Compensation Summary (ICCS). You may view the Independent Consultant Compensation Summary on Arbonne’s official website at 2016R01 02 ©2016 ARBONNE INTERNATIONAL, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | ARBONNE.CA Success Tools Training Series Communicating the Arbonne Advantage Selling the products and the business opportunity successfully requires knowing your facts and representing Arbonne with honesty, integrity and transparency. Here are some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions or concerns about joining our business. Is Arbonne a legitimate company? Arbonne is a global health and wellness company, founded in 1980. Arbonne means “beautiful tree” which is fitting because all of our products are botanically based and developed to be pure, safe, beneficial . ™ Currently Arbonne conducts business and sells products in the United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom and Poland, with continuing plans for additional global expansion. We are a member of the Direct Selling Association and abide by their strict Code of Ethics. What sets Arbonne apart from other direct sales companies? The products Arbonne creates are what set us apart from other direct sales organizations. From the beginning, Arbonne has developed products that combine the best of nature with leading science. Arbonne works to keep up with the latest advances in science and collaborates with our Scientific Advisory Board to constantly adapt to new and changing standards. Our collections include skincare, nutrition, cosmetics and personal care products to ensure that we offer a balanced assortment to meet everyone’s health, wellness and beauty needs. What is unique about Arbonne’s products? Each of our products contains carefully selected, botanically based ingredients. We uphold a standard of continuous evaluation and improvement of our ingredient policy to ensure we meet an ever-evolving standard of excellence. Each product we develop has been tested extensively and is consistently evaluated against the latest research on chemicals to ensure that we are always mindful and cautious about everything our formulas contain. Our list of no-no ingredients has continued to develop and grow over time based on our scientists’ knowledge of the industry, research substantiation and our desire to make the smartest choices possible. Our proprietary formulas are: • Vegan-formulated • Never tested on animals • Formulated without mineral oil • Formulated without dyes • Gluten-free • Dermatologist-tested • Allergy-tested • Clinically tested • pH correct We formulate without: animal products or by-products | artificial flavors | artificial sweeteners | benzene | bisphenol-a | carbon black | formaldehyde-donating preservatives | hydroquinone | mineral oil | parabens | petrolatum | phthalates | sodium laureth sulfates (SLES) | sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) | synthetic dyes | talc | triclosan | triethanolamine (TEA) 2016R02 01 ©2016 ARBONNE INTERNATIONAL, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | ARBONNE.COM We adhere to the standards of the: United States Food and Drug Administration | Health Canada | Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration | United Kingdom Food Standards Agency | European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) | Australia National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme | International Fragrance Association (IFRA) | European Commission Cosmetics Directive | European Registration, Evaluation, Authorisations and Restriction of Chemicals Agency (REACH) | Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) What is the benefit of becoming an Arbonne Consultant? Starting your own Arbonne business is a way to earn an income and change lives. The benefits of your Arbonne business include: • Opportunity to grow personally, give back, and help others while you get the opportunity to purchase the products and experience your own inner and outer beauty wellness transformation. • Minimal start-up costs (an initial starter kit and registration fee is $79 with no additional purchases required). • Flexible hours and an efficient business model to allow you to leverage your time most effectively. • Ability to determine your own worth with no income cap. As Independent Consultants, your role is to: • Recommend products to people and earn commissions when they purchase Arbonne products from you. • Highlight product benefits and share with people how to buy better, healthier, safer products. • Show other people how to recommend and sell the products in order to build their own business. • Build relationships, find common ground, and inform others about this amazing industry and why Arbonne products are second to none. Our commitment to you is to help you succeed through teaching, training, coaching and mentoring. With an amazing customer service, warehouse and corporate support team, all of the back office needs are taken care of, such as the packaging, shipping and delivery. You are in business for yourself, but never by yourself. Arbonne makes no promises or guarantees that any Independent Consultant will be financially successful as each Independent Consultant’s results are dependent on his or her own skill and effort. You should not rely on the results of other Arbonne Independent Consultants as an indication of what you should expect to earn. Actual financial results of all Arbonne Independent Consultants for the preceding year are contained in Arbonne’s Independent Consultant Compensation Summary (ICCS). You may view the Independent Consultant Compensation Summary on Arbonne’s official website at
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