June 2016 - Spirit Wings Nation
June 2016 - Spirit Wings Nation
June Newsletter with May Recognition JUMP INTO JUNE! What are you waiting for? June and Summer is the perfect time to meet people to share Arbonne's Product & Business Opportunity. Treat your Arbonne like a Business, and you'll receive a professional income, treat it like a hobby, and you'll earn a little extra spending money. The choice is yours, and how do you make choices? With your Activity. Take a look at your calendar, if it's bare, you are a hobbyist, if it's full, you are a professional. The person that determines how full your calendar is…is YOU! Pick up the phone, and Dial for Dollars. You'll feel so good when you are busy sharing Arbonne every week at one on one's and Group Presentations, Telling the Story & Finding the Fit. All Existing PC's can take advantage of Arbonne's FREE GIFT w/Jump Into June special, and Each of You in our Nation can take advantage of my Spirit Wings Nation Challenge: Jump Into June: All LEADERS earn an extra $100 when you earn your $200 DM Bonus for a Total of $300! And if you are a Consultant, not only can you Earn 6% and Bonuses While you are in Qualifictions for DM, you can also earn a $100 Cash Bonus from me when you have $5,000 + 5 during June. So what are you waiting for? JUMP INTO JUNE! Donna Johnson Contact Info: Pat Diermeier- Spirit Wings Nat'l Assistant/Office Manager- 920-886-2980– [email protected] MaySuper Stars TOP AREAS TOP REGION ERIKA MAY 1) SARA (PRIVETT) VANDERHEYDEN 2) Becky Schmalz 3) Kelly Kiefert 4) Lisa Konshak 5) Erika May TOP DISTRICTS 1) BECKY SCHMALZ 2) Sara (Privett) VanderHeyden 3) Lisa Konshak 4) Patra Model 5) Michelle Barfield 6) Karen Porter 7) Linda Harvot 8) Jessica Przulj 9) Donna Johnson 10) Claudia Helm 11) Kelly Kiefert 12) Tracy Germer 13) Erika May 14) Jacque Carlson 15) Jana Ortiz 16) Kathryn Schmidt 17) Sarah Peterson 18) Robin Burford 19) Soonhwa Cha 20) Dawn Kertesz 21) Mary Gilson 22) Denise Butler TOP MANAGERS & CONSULTANTS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) MICHELLE BARFIELD Lisa Konshak Becky Schmalz Claudia Helm Karen Porter Tracy Germer Robin Burford Sarah Peterson Leslie Schultzel MD Patra Model Briana Jankowski Erin Pongratz Maggie Van Deurzen Bobbie Sawyer Allyson MacLean Jana Ortiz Deborah Welch Linda Harvot Perwin Norman Lori Smits 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) Kehi Tayar Kelsey Hulet Michele Bradford Laurie Verheyden Kelly Kiefert Milissa Pederson Karmen Haldiman Tiffany McCarty Chong Cha Terri Trimbell Kris Fields Sara (Privett) VanderHeyden Amber Schmalz Heather Hecker Araceli Hernandez Jessica Przulj Stacie Dudley Britney Stobbe Casey Eis 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) 51) 52) 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) 58) 59) It always seems impossible until its done. ~Nelson Mandela Erika May Donna Johnson Vicky Vechart Debbie Durand Shelly Tauber Susan Sullivan Kathryn Schmidt Sharon Madsen Linda White Renee Venner Jennifer Bryan Nancy Masada-Okawa Janet Wanamaker Courtney Krabbe Aimee Garcia Eileen Thibault Connie Brao Kim Johnson Jessi Joanis Barbara Wussow Super Stars GOOD LUCK TO THE FOLLOWING CONSULTANTS IN-QUALIFICATIONS FOR DISTRICT: Dawn Beeson Michele Bradford Stacy Brodjeski Sue Cho Karen Dalton Stacie Dudley Jorene Gordon Karmen Haldiman Heather Hecker Araceli Hernandez Jacki Higgins Nicole Hodgson Kelsey Hulet Ann Jochimsen Mark Johnson Kirsten Lasee Teresa Neal Perwin Noman Shinhwa Park Cheryl Purvis Bobbie Sawyer Amber Schmalz Lori Smits Britney Stobbe Danielle Stoffel Susan Sullivan Lannaya Swisher Shelly Tauber Kehi Tayar Molly Vechart Linda White CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW DISTRICT MANAGERS CHONG CHA LaCrescenta, CA promoted by Soonhwa Cha LESLIE SCHULTZEL MD Naples, FL promoted by Karen Porter TIFFANY McCARTY Murfreesboro, TN promoted by Jessica Przulj MAGGIE VAN DEURZEN DePere, WI promoted by Sara Privett GOOD LUCK TO THE FOLLOWING AM IN QUALIFICATION FOR REGION CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW AREA MANAGER Becky Schmalz MICHELLE BARFIELD Green Bay, WI promoted by Kelly Kiefert CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING MANAGERS THAT EARNED THEIR DM BONUS Becky Schmalz Lisa Konshak Sara (Privett) VanderHeyden Michelle Barfield Karen Porter Linda Harvot Jessica Przulj Tracy Germer CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING MANAGERS THAT EARNED THEIR AM BONUS Sara (Privett) VanderHeyden Becky Schmalz Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. ~Arthur Ashe What are the Odds by Coach Ann Vertel Building a business is more exciting than I ever thought it would be. It's also harder than I ever thought it would be as well. On a day when it all seems to be crashing in, it can feel utterly overwhelming, especially when trying to dig yourself out of debt or support your family. It's hard to keep going especially when it seems hopeless. Of course, if it were easy to build a financially successful business everyone would be doing it. The statistics tell us that a very small percentage actually make it. Never tell me the odds! There have been numerous times when just quitting and getting a "regular job" would have seemed the logical thing to do but I never did. I knew that would be the end and any dreams of extraordinary financial success would be over. We all know that what you can earn with a job is finite - no more and no less, relatively speaking. You trade your time for money in an amount determined by the employer. They tell you what you're worth. My definition of failure, since starting my own business, has always been "quitting or not learning." As long as I'm learning from my mistakes, as long as I keep moving forward, as long as I strive to be better than I was the day before, I am winning. In your business, how many make it to the top? Some might stick around for a few years and then go off and do other things. If you're not it business to "give it a try" and you're in this to establish long term financial gain, you can not quit...ever. And if you've made up your mind to never quit, then you must approach your business single mindedly - there is no "plan B" and what you do daily multiplies over the long haul. If you want a glimpse of your future, look at your daily habits. Your future is built on those. Seriously - it's not your will or desire or dream or vision that gets you there. Those are critical strategies, but they mean nothing if you don't back them up with the tactics of daily action. Your biggest clue to your future financial success is in the action steps you take today, and tomorrow, and the next day. You can do just about anything for a day. Just for today, you could approach your business as if it were the last day you had to prove that you could make a go of it. And you can wake up tomorrow and do it again, couldn't you? Each day you "win" you are building a lifelong story to the top. And that would totally defy the odds. Now go be a millionaire! There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self. ~Aldous Huxley June 1, 2016 Enhancements Preferred Client Program PRIOR TO JUNE, 2016 Registration Offer PC Free Gift Renewal ASVPs Registration fee waived with 250 QV order within Start Period EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2016 Registration fee no longer waived No free shipping Free Shipping on first order of $250 SRP or more Choice of $50 or less product with 150 QV order Choose from a list of products, some valued over $50, with $150 SRP order $15 renewal and get $15 product voucher $20 annual renewal fee, or get renewal fee waived with $600 SRP in purchases over 12 previous months Volume generated does not count toward PwPs Volume generated now counts toward PwPs Available to Preferred Clients No longer available to Preferred Clients except within Host Rewards as Presentation Host Based on SRP Based on SRP • $150–$249 = $10 off on next order • $150–$299 = free shipping on next order • $250–$349 = $20 off on next order • $300–$449 = free shipping + $10 off on next order 125/25 OR Build Your Own ASVPs Preferred Cient Rewards • $350–$449 = $30 off on next order • $450–$549 = $40 off on next order • $450–$599 = free shipping + $20 off on next order • $550+ = $50 off on next order • $600+ = free shipping + $30 off on next order Rewards can be redeemed for up to two full months after issuance Rewards can be redeemed for up to two full months after issuance Based on SRP, Preferred Client Specials • Less than $150 = $5.95 flat rate shipping on autoship order Autoship* Not Available • $150 or more = free shipping on autoship order + a free product of the month • $300 SRP or more = free shipping on autoship order + a free product of the month + $10 discount *Autoship orders are recurring orders delivered after an initial order is placed and received. PWPs PRIOR TO JUNE, 2016 Qualifiers EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2016 Preferred Clients qualify based on QV (QV qualifier remains the same for Consultants) Preferred Client qualifier is based on SRP 150 QV qualifies for multiples $300 SRP qualifies for multiples $150 SRP qualifies for multiples 300 QV qualifies for multiples IC Free Gift PRIOR TO JUNE, 2016 Reward Choice of $100 or less product with 250 QV order EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2016 Choose from a list of products, some valued over $100, with 250 QV order Host Rewards PRIOR TO JUNE, 2016 ½ Price Items Available to Host Free Product Gift EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2016 No longer available Choice of $50 value for 150 QV Presentation Choose from a list of products, some valued over $50, for 150 QV Presentation Free Shipping Clients, and Clients as Host with for Host Available to Consultants, Preferred Available only to Clients and Preferred Clients as Host with $500+ SRP; not available to Consultants 125/25 SRP of Host Rewards counts toward Host Rewards Preferred Advantage Reward vouchers Special SRP of redeemed Host Rewards are excluded from Preferred Advantage Reward vouchers $500+ SRP 2016R02 01 ©2016 ARBONNE INTERNATIONAL, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | ARBONNE.COM Success Tools Training Series Communication Style Flexing for Successful Prospecting and Team Building Building your Arbonne business is all about relationships, connections and networking. Forming new relationships starts with finding common interests or speaking together with a common frame of reference. Flexing your Arbonne approach is important to help you successfully introduce our products and opportunity to people from all generations and backgrounds. There are four different generations in the workplace for the first time in history. • • • • Traditionalists: ages 71+ Baby Boomers: ages 52–70 Generation X: ages 36–51 Generation Y/Millennials: ages 17–35 Here are some tips to help you flex your style and successfully start conversations with anyone, of any age. It’s critical that you listen closely once the conversation begins so that you know the right direction to take once you get started. TRADITIONALISTS BABY BOOMERS Values: • Want to build a legacy • Grew up in the Great Depression, WWII era • Honor and loyalty is of greatest importance • Want to help and volunteer • Want to pass along their knowledge • Still have so much to give • Like to have face-to-face meetings in their home • Low-tech generation Values: • Want to build an outstanding career • Grew up with TV, civil rights, Cold War, protests, strong opinions • Extremely ambitious and individually focused • Want personal growth, immediate fulfillment • High expectations for results • Motivated by recognition, perks, praise, making their mark • Prefers in-person communication, documentation and meetings Tips to Start the Conversation and Build Interest: What has been keeping you busy? You are needed to make a difference in the lives of so many young people and to help others. Your grandchildren can help with the computer and you can share that together. Don’t talk about money first but mention how the additional income opportunity can add to their retirement and savings. Tips to Start the Conversation and Build Interest: What have you been working on lately? I’m looking for hard workers or professionals to put into leadership positions within my organization. Talk about the big picture; paint it for them with your words describing the opportunity for success, additional income and the potential to make a difference. Communication Style Flexing for Successful Prospecting and Team Building GENERATION X GENERATION Y/MILLENNIALS Values: • Want to build a portable career • If they are not the product of divorce, someone they know and love is • Very familiar with the term “latch key” • Very familiar with personal computers and cell phones • Used to extended work hours with mobile connectivity • Cynical, reactive; feel like they were left out of the prosperity that the Baby Boomers had • Very independent, worked early in life • Comfortable learning new skills to become marketable • Family first • Technology is involved in relationships • Realistic, no hype • Seeking control of their time and longing for balance • Needs frequent feedback • Uses email for communication Values: • Wants to build a meaningful life • Grew up with technology, 24/7 lifestyle • Believes in teamwork and being part of groups • Ambitious, influential, confident, structured, and scheduled • Wants to get involved, make a difference, own something, and make money • Believes in meaningful work and social responsibility • Positive, loves praise • Utilizes instant communication through text and social media Tips to Start the Conversation and Build Interest: What career path are you pursuing? What are your most important areas of interest? Would building a parallel career while you are pursuing your dream career be of interest? Tips to Start the Conversation and Build Interest: How is the balancing act going lately? Would being around a bit more to spend time with your family be of interest? Would the opportunity to earn extra income help? Arbonne has something for everyone. Your role is to communicate with each person in a way that sparks their interest and opens their minds to want to learn more. Successful communication will empower you to teach everyone you know and interact with how they can build their Arbonne business and have the opportunity to live the lifestyle of their dreams. Arbonne makes no promises or guarantees that any Independent Consultant will be financially successful as each Independent Consultant’s results are dependent on his or her own skill and effort. You should not rely on the results of other Arbonne Independent Consultants as an indication of what you should expect to earn. Actual financial results of all Arbonne Independent Consultants for the preceding year are contained in Arbonne’s Independent Consultant Compensation Summary (ICCS). You may view the Independent Consultant Compensation Summary on Arbonne’s official website at arbonne.com > Your Opportunity > Compensation > Compensation Summary. 2016R01 01 ©2016 ARBONNE INTERNATIONAL, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | ARBONNE.COM
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