John Marshall High School - John Marshall Alumni Association Los


John Marshall High School - John Marshall Alumni Association Los
John Marshall High School
Alumni Association Newsletter
3939 Tracy Street, Los Angeles, California 90027
Spring 2014
Volume 34 • Issue 1
Joanna Erdos Selected As Our
2014 Distinguished Alumna
e are pleased to announce that this year’s Distinguished Alumna is John
Marshall High Alumni Association Board Member, former teacher, and
dedicated supporter of students, Joanna Erdos S’70.
Growing up in Echo Park, Joanna attended Logan Street School until her
family moved to Los Feliz, where she attended Franklin Avenue Elementary
School. She went to Thomas Starr King Junior High School before Marshall just
like her two sisters Rosanna and Susanna before her. Joanna then went on to
obtain degrees in Theater from Los Angeles City College and the University of
California, Los Angeles. She began teaching in 1976 as a substitute teacher for
the Los Angeles Unified School District. She began teaching full time at Marshall
in 1977 and taught drama, speech, theater arts, English, reading, English as a
Second Language, Journalism, Education/Career Planning, and SAT Preparation during her tenure. During that time, she received her Master of Sciences
in Counseling and Guidance as well as her Pupil Personnel Services Credential
from California Lutheran University.
Joanna has been a Lead Teacher for the Artistic Visions Academy at Marshall,
an English Learners and a GEAR UP Counselor, a Mentor Teacher, a Speech
and Debate Team Coach, and an Academic Decathlon Assistant Coach and
Chaperone (including two national championships!). All the while, she also
participated in professional organizations and activities such as the California High School Speech Association, the National
Forensic League and the Drama Teachers of Southern California. She has been a member of the John Marshall High School
Parent Teacher Association, the president of the Marshall Faculty Association, the president of the Marshall Retirees
Association, a member of four Marshall Anniversary organizing committees, and, of course, she is the current Vice
President/Faculty Liaison of the Alumni Association. There seem to be few areas of Marshall High School that Joanna
hasn’t worked in, worked with, represented, or improved by her dedicated participation. Marshall’s principal, Dan
Harrison, says that Joanna is “Marshall’s most loyal alumna who has continued to cheer on the Barristers from her
continued on page 5...
Marshall Academic Decathlon Team Wins 1st Place In The City!
The John Marshall High School Academic Decathlon Team won 1st Place in the 2014 Los Angeles Unified School
District’s competition. With a final score of 55,785.7 of a possible 65,400, the Barristers edged out second place Granada
Hills Charter and third place El Camino Real Charter high schools. A total of fifty-nine LAUSD teams competed in the twoday event held on Saturday, January 25 and Saturday, February 1 at Roybal Learning Center. Results were announced in
a ceremony held at Hollywood High School on Friday, February 7.
Coach Larry Welch and the nine members of the team were ecstatic! The team members are Aninda Bhowmick, Kimiyo
Bremer, Alexander Guillen, Kenneth Huh, Ha Min Ko, John Lascano, Wen Lee, Alayna Myrick, and Marvin Paparisto. The
administrator in charge of the program is our 2013 Distinguished Alumna, Assistant Principal Robin Lee-Ramirez.
Marshall last won the City Championship in 2010 when they also won 1st place in the Super Quiz. The Barristers won the
National title in 1987 and 1995, and also won the State Large School and National On-line championships in 2010 and 2011.
continued on page 4...
Page 1
As we prepared this
issue of the Alumni
Newsletter, I thought about
the 12,000 alumni who would receive a copy
soon, keeping them connected with our historic
school and with each other. Out of curiosity, I
checked our data base to see how many of us
actually pay dues to our organization. It turned
out that only 964 people are current in their
The newsletter is funded through the dues paid
by our members. We made a decision a long
time ago to send the newsletter to everyone on
our list, rather than just the paying members
like other alumni groups do. We want to reach
as many alumni as possible, and we have been
aggressive in our search to add alumni to our
list. We want you to know about your class
reunions and about your classmates. We want
you to know about special achievements by
the present Barristers and about alumni who
have accomplished great things.
But we need your help to continue this policy.
By paying your dues, you can ensure that the
newsletter will continue to be published and
will continue to be sent to everyone. Start your
subscription today! Annual memberships start
at $25 per year. Please see the inside back
page of this newsletter for the membership
All donations are tax-deductible. Your help is
of Events
Board Meetings & Important Dates In 2014
All Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the
month at 6:30pm in room 504 unless otherwise noted.
*Monday, March 31
Ceasar Chavez Day (no school)
Tuesday, April 1
Board Meeting
*Monday, April 14 - Friday, April 18 Spring Recess
Tuesday, May 6
Board Meeting
*Monday, May 26
Memorial Day (no school)
Tuesday, June 3
Board Meeting
*Wednesday, June 4 Semester ends/Graduation at the
Greek Theatre, Distinguished Alumni Luncheon 11:30am
*Tuesday, July 8
Board Meeting (off campus)
*Tuesday, August 5
Board Meeting (off campus)
*Monday, August 11
New School Year begins
*Friday, August 29
Admissions Day Holiday (no school)
*Monday, September 1 Labor Day Holiday (no school)
Tuesday, September 2 Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 7
Board Meeting
*Friday, October 17
Athletic Hall of Fame Ceremony
*Friday, October 24, 31, or Nov. 7 Homecoming (tentative)
Tuesday, November 4 Board Meeting
*Tuesday, November 11Veterans Day Holiday (no school)
*Thursday & Friday, November 20-21 Alumni Basketball
Tuesday, December 2 Board Meeting (off campus)
*Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Annual General Meeting
*Denotes special event or date change.
All dates subject to change.
Please contact us by e-mail at [email protected]
or call 323-953-6542 to
confirm dates and locations.
Ynez Reinschmidt • S’59
A Message From Alumnus Mike Gale...
As you may know, I have been involved in setting up a scholarship fund in memory of Coach Dean Dill at Marshall. I am
pleased to report that we have raised a little over $1700 so far. It is not much in today's economy, but it will enable us to
cover the first year’s awards of two $500 grants. The grants will go to two graduating seniors, one boy and one girl, selected
by the Marshall coaching staff, for excellence in both academics and athletics.
Coach Dill meant a lot to me, and not only through coaching. He was a role model for all of us who competed under him
and his guidance and wise counsel helped me several times over the years. I know that many of you feel the same way,
and by supporting this fund you will be helping to perpetuate his name and guidance to a new generation. Tax-deductible
donations in any amount are welcome. I would hope that at least $25 is within your budget.
The check should be made out to: JMHS Alumni Assn., with a note in the memo section: Dill Scholarship. Please send
the contribution to: John Marshall High Alumni Association, PO Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039.
Thank you.
Mike Gale S'59
Page 2
JMHS Alumni Keepsakes Available For Order!
The Alumni Association is offering some very special keepsakes for JMHS grads. For a specified donation, you can
order an Alumni polo shirt, baseball cap, or any of three ornaments now available in a series. You can order one or all of
them using the form below. Caps are one-size fits all. Short-sleeved polo shirts are 100% preshrunk cotton. All Keepsake
Ornaments are made of real pewter and weigh less than 3 oz. each.
You may now order your merchandise with Pay-Pal at [email protected].
Be sure to list your order in the comment box.
80th Anniversary
Polo Shirt:
Johnny Barrister
For a donation of $25 per shirt
Polo Shirt
($27 for 2X, 3X, or 4X) Choice of Royal or Navy Blue
Small (34-36) #____
Medium (38-40) #____
Large (42-44) #____
(2X) #____
(3X) #____
(4X) #____
X-large (46-48) #____
For a donation of $18 per ornament
80th Anniversary #____
Johnny Barrister #____
Baseball Cap: (one size fits all)
“M” #____
For a donation of $16.50 per cap. # of caps _____
(Shipping And Handling Included In All Donations)
Total donation for Shirts $ ____________ + Caps $ ____________ + Ornaments $ _________
Total donation enclosed $ ____________
Make check out to: John Marshall High Alumni Association, P.O. Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039
Name __________________________________________________________________ Class of ________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ___________________________________________________________________________________
Phone # _____________________________ E-mail address _____________________________________________
Page 3
Decathlon Teams Wins City
...continued from page 1
The theme this year is World War I and includes the history, music, art, and literature of that era. Our Barrister
Decathletes won a number of individual and team awards
in the eleven events of the contest.
We won team awards in every event:
1st Place in the Super Quiz (tied with El Camino Real)
1st Place in Economics (8 of the 9 students won awards
in this event)
1st Place in Math (all nine students won awards in this
1st Place in Speech (all nine students won awards in this
2nd Place in Interview
2nd Place in Language and Literature
2nd Place in Essay
2nd Place in Social Science, 3rd Place in Art, 3rd Place in Music, and 3rd Place in Science.
Individual awards included forty-four medals and fourteen Honorable Mentions.
The highest scoring student in the District, with 9154.3 of a possible 10,000 was Marshall’s Marvin Paparisto, who also
won this title last year. Additionally, Marvin won the Perryman Award as the highest scoring student in the Economics event.
Three of our students had perfect scores in the Super Quiz, the only public event: Marvin, Aninda, and Ha Min.
The Academic Decathlon has been an important part of Marshall High School since the first team competed in 1981. Since
then the program has grown in scope and in reputation. From the initial six students over thirty years ago, the program has
expanded and now attracts approximately 200 students each year who hunger to take on the challenge. Through a long
process of studying, testing and interviewing, these potential decathletes all prepare to be chosen for the actual 9-member
competition team. According to the Decathlon guidelines, the teams consist of three A students, three B students, and three
C students. Nine more will compete on the “B” Team, and nine additional decathletes will make the JV team.
The next step for our champions is the State Decathlon to
be held March 20 through 23 in Sacramento. The winning
team goes on to the National contest, to be held in Honolulu
this year.
Should you wish to support our amazing students as they
continue their championship journey, you can send your
tax-deductible donation to the John Marshall High Alumni
Association, PO Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039. You
may donate online using PayPal if you have an account.
Just go to and send your payment to:
[email protected] with a note in the comment
box that the payment is for the Academic Decathlon.
So Proud to Be a Barrister!
Ponce Income Tax
“Class of 1980”
[email protected]
1477 W. Colorado Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
Page 4
(323) 446-2780
Cell (323) 400-8980
Joanna Erdos - Distinguished Alumna 2014
...continued from page 1
years on-campus as a student to the present, while always
sporting the blue on blue!”
Just like her activities, the list of honors and awards that
Joanna has received and/or won is long and varied
spanning almost forty years. Somehow Joanna manages
to have free time during which she enjoys word games
such as Scrabble and doing crossword puzzles as well as
attending the theater, especially musical theater. She loves
the musical She Loves Me because it takes place in
Budapest, the city in which her mother was born. Joanna’s
parents have been very influential in her life; she attributes
her commitment to volunteerism to them. As a child, she
helped her father assemble “care packages” to send to
friends and family “behind the Iron Curtain” in Hungary
and attended volunteer meetings with her involved mother.
“They taught my sisters and me that it was important to help
others when we could” she says.
We are grateful that Joanna continues to dedicate her
time to Marshall in her retirement. She continues to be an
ambassador of Marshall to community organizations such
as the Los Feliz Improvement Association and the Franklin
Hills Residents Association. But her favorite retirement
activities still involve the students – giving out Alumni scholarships
at Senior Awards Night and helping with graduation to see
all of the happy new Marshall alumni!
The Alumni Association congratulates Joanna on this long
overdue recognition!
Distinguished Alumni Luncheon RSVP • Joanna Erdos
Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 11:30am • Les Freres Taix Restaurant
1911 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90026
$30 per person / no host bar
For more information, please e-mail [email protected] or call the Alumni Office at 323-953-6542
RSVP by May 30th by sending tear-off to: JMHS Alumni Assn, P.O. Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039
You may pay by check or online using PayPal if you have an account. Go to and send your payment to
[email protected] with a note in the comment box that the payment is for the Distinguished Alumni
Luncheon – please also send the tear-off indicating choice of entrée
Name and year of graduation: _______________________________________________________________________
Name of additional guests:__________________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number:____________________________E-Mail Address:_______________________________________
Please indicate choice of entree: Chicken ______ Fish _____ Vegetarian _____
Make checks payable to: John Marshall High Alumni Assn. Mark “DAL” in memo section # of tickets_____
Amount enclosed $_______ or Payment by PayPal $_______
Page 5
Culinary Arts Program Eliminated
Lucila Flores, a senior, won $12,500 in scholarships in May at the Careers through the Culinary Arts Program (C-CAP), a
national organization that prepares high school students for culinary school and to enter the work force. Lucila had participated
in Culinary Arts at Marshall for four years, guided by her enthusiastic teacher, Andi Phillips.
The Culinary Arts curriculum at John Marshall High School has been very strong for many years. In addition to teaching
five classes a day, teacher Andi Phillips has been coaching teens for culinary
competitions since she took over the program in 2000. Every year at least one
JMHS culinary student has been awarded a scholarship. During her tenure
at Marshall the accumulated scholarship total earned by her students has
exceeded $300,000.
Among the outstanding students who have been part of this program is Nicole
Caceres, who placed 1st in the nation in 2012 in the Meatless Monday Recipe
Contest with her Black Bean Mole Stew. It was so delicious that Mary Sue
Milliken and Susan Feniger, celebrity chefs, decided to feature it on the
menu at their renowned Border Grill. Nicole also won a $5000 scholarship
to culinary school.
Following in Nicole’s footsteps in 2013 was Lucila Flores, who won the
Meatless Monday contest with her Kung Pao Chili recipe. She also received
a $5000 scholarship to culinary school. At the C-CAP competition, Lucila
won $7500 in additional scholarships bringing her total to $12,500.
Lucila and her team mates Jorge Perez and Andrew Diaz were among the finalists in the regional competition called
“Cooking Up Change,” which challenges high school culinary students to create healthy menu items that meet USDA guidelines and School Food Services programs’ budget constraints. Six teams from the 31 Los Angeles Unified School District
schools with culinary programs competed to qualify for the national contest. Our teen chefs were proud to be finalists.
Other students in the Marshall program have received scholarships to the Culinary Institute of America, the New England
Culinary Institute, and other fine schools. They have also been hired to work in the culinary industry at the Border Grill, The
Four Seasons Beverly Hills, UCLA Dining Services and USC Dining Services.
But no program, no matter how successful, is immune to the budget cuts that have plagued the LAUSD recently. Through
these cuts, declining enrollment, and changes in District policies, the Culinary Arts program was eliminated and Ms. Phillips
was displaced. The kitchen classroom, stripped of equipment, sits abandoned, waiting for its next incarnation.
Culinary Arts was one of the most popular courses offered at Marshall. Although student enrollment has increased since
the new school year began, allowing the hiring of an additional teacher, the administration made the decision to hire a new
music teacher because music fulfills a graduation requirement whereas Culinary Arts did not.
We hope that, in the future, circumstances will allow the restoration of this most valuable and practical program.
A Very Special “Thank You”
The Estate of Andrew Ciesielski, Class of ’66, & his partner of 35 years, Robert O’Connor, has generously donated
$43,000 each to the JMHS Athletic Department and Winesburg Theatre Scholarships respectively. Andy was an
important member of the infamous JMHS 1966 Football team. He went on to Tulsa University to play football. He then
became a P.E. teacher for LAUSD and returned to JMHS as a Football Coach along with his childhood friend Dan
Heim, also Class of ’66. They had the privilege of coaching fellow alum Andy Reid, Class of ’76, the NFL Coach of
the Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs fame. Andy became a member of the Gerald Winesburg family in the
1960’s and is survived by his sisters Linda, Diane, and Cathy, and nieces Jennifer and Jessica.
“Class of 1975”
Page 6
Athletic Hall Of Fame Announces Second Induction Ceremony
The second class of inductees has been announced for the John Marshall High School Athletic Hall of Fame. Those who
will be honored are long time coaches Dean Dill (deceased) and Marji Donatella (Meritorious Service). Sharon Finneran
and Carolyn House (Pillars of Achievement-women’s swimming), Andre Young and John Woolley (deceased) (Boys Track
and Field), David “Chito” Reyes (Pillar of Achievement-Men’s basketball), Janet Honda and Debbie Lucero (Girls’
Basketball) and Yvette Maufas (Girls Track/Overall Excellence).
The second awards ceremony, which will be attended by many of those inducted in the first
ceremony in 2012, will be held on Friday evening, October 17, 2014, in Sniffen Audtiorium on
campus at 7:00 p.m. Refreshments and food will be available before the event for a nominal
The show will be preceded by a home Marshall football game which begins at 3:00 p.m.
on campus at Boyd Field/Haynes Stadium. The new Hall of Famers in attendance will be
introduced to the crowd at half-time of that game.
Tickets are on sale for $25 before the event, and $35 at the door. Students of JMHS may
buy discounted tickets for $5 provided they present their valid and current Marshall student
ID cards.
Those wishing to purchase seats may do so using the form presented below, or can pay online using PayPal.
For further information , contact Hall of Fame planning committee chair Peter Arbogast S’ 72 at [email protected].
John Marshall High School Athletic Hall of Fame
Donation/Ticket Order Form
Friday, October 17, 2014
Please fill in and return to: JMHS Alumni Assn, P.O. Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Name at graduation
Grad Year
City, State, Zip
Home Phone:________________Work Phone:___________________E-mail:_________________________________
Enclosed is my tax-deductible donation made out to John Marshall High Alumni Assn. for sponsorship.
Please mark “Hall of Fame” in memo section.
_____Hall of Fame Level ($1000)
_____Varsity Level ($500)
_____ JV Level ($250)
_____Frosh/Soph Level ($100)
_____Other donations: please specify $____________
To have tickets mailed to you, please include self addressed stamped legal sized envelope; otherwise, they will be held
at Will Call at the Box Office for pick-up beginning at 5pm on October 17th.
Please send me ________ tickets at $25 each = $ ________.
Please send me ________ student tickets at $5 each for students with a valid and current Marshall student ID issued
by the school. Tickets at the door will be $35.
You may pay online using PayPal if you have an account. Go to and send your payment
to [email protected] with a note in the comment box that the payment is for Hall of Fame tickets
or a donation or both.
Sponsorship/Donation $_______ + Tickets $_______ = Total Amount Enclosed $__________
Page 7
Letters To The Editor...
Friends Forever...
Dear Editor...
My name is Christine
Brallier and I am an alumna of John Marshall High
(Christine Dollie, class
of 1986). I am a mosaic
artist living and working
in Goleta, CA, and I am
happy to announce that
my first children’s book
has just been published!
The book is the classic,
The Night Before Christmas, and is newly illustrated by
me with my stained glass mosaics. I spent four years
creating the 15 mosaics for the book, which were made
by hand cutting thousands of pieces of stained glass and
fitting them together to form the images. The book is filled
with personal touches, including my family, our cat, favorite
items in our home, and a dedication to my mother who
recently passed away, that I was able to add at the last
minute before it was sent to the printers. So the book is a
true work of love for me.
You can see more of my book by checking out my blog at and more of my artwork on
my web site,
Christine Dollie Brallier
Class of ‘86
When we were young and all lived in So. California, we
had a reunion every year. The senior years have taken
us to many of the western states. Now, we still keep in
contact by phone and mail.
Six of us have been the best of friends since elementary
school. Three more joined our group in junior high and high
school. Through the many years of school and raising our
families, we have always kept in touch.
Pictured here: Joan Wolf Gantz S’47, Ann D’ Arcey
Steven S’47, Louise Miller Mallory S’47, Jean Valentino
Wiley S’47, Arlene Lillio Vradenburg S’47, Rita Higgs
Cobb S’47, and Barbara Talbert Payson S’47.
Happy Memories!
Arlene Vradenburg
Class of S’47
We Want To Hear From You!
Attention all Barristers...We would love to hear from
you. If you or any Marshall graduates that you know of
are doing something exciting or interesting with your
lives, we want to know about it! We would love to put it
in the newsletter.Please contact the editor with your stories, memories or information. After all, this newsletter
is all about YOU! We need your help, cooperation, and
membership to keep your Association one of the largest
in the U.S.A.!!
Send your stories and/or pictures to:
[email protected].
All letters are subject to
editing due to space constraints.
Page 8
Reunion Corner
All classes are invited to list their reunions in our newsletter. First, you should call the office at 323-953-6542 or e-mail
us at [email protected] to see whether or not someone else has already started one for your class. If they
haven't, you may request our packet on How to Organize a Reunion. Second, for a class list, please send a $25 check
to John Marshall High School Alumni Association, P.O. Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039. You will be asked to sign a
release guaranteeing the privacy of our list. Please note: we do not endorse any specific reunion companies, nor do we
plan your reunion for you. Johnny Barrister is now available to appear at your reunion! For details, please contact us.
1957 - The classes of Winter and Summer 1957 are planning a 75th birthday bash. We are inviting the classes of 1956
to join us in celebrating our 75th birthdays. It will be held at the Gene Autry Museum on Saturday, September 13, 2014.
We will be sending out more information in June. If you are interested in attending, please call Mickey Mora Knight at
818-429-2448 or Pat Palmer Russell at 661-944-6281.
1964 - A 50-year reunion for the Class of 1964 has been scheduled for April 12, 2014 at the Beverly Hills Country Club.
Class Representative is Glenn Rosten. Please contact the Reunion Committee at or call
Friends Of Ralph Yzguerra Make Donation
The John Marshall High Alumni Association would like to thank the following people for their direct donation to
the Ralph Yzguerra Scholarship fund. They were all great friends of his. They collectively donated $440.00. The
donors are: Jim Grumbley, Michael Woods, Mark Woods, Ilene Wilson, Peter Vega, Larry Hatfield, Dawn Boyajian
DerAvanessian, George Garcia, Kathy Perkins, Bob Port, Debbie Grijalva Frame, Devon Scott Rosenheim, Mike
Torres, James Robinson and Mary Duran Furlong.
10th Annual “Endless Summer” Picnic
Saturday, June 21, 2014 • 10am-4pm • Live Steamers Railroad Museum
Plan to join us for the 2014 “Endless Summer” Picnic. It’s FREE and open to all Barristers (and their families) of any year!
Once again, it will be held at Los Angeles Live Steamers Railroad Museum located in Griffith
Park at 5202 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90027. (
NO ALCOHOL POLICY STRICTLY ENFORCED - NO alcohol or glass bottles are permitted
at Live Steamers!
If you would like a “Johnny Barrister” nametag, please contact Joe Buford by e-mail at
[email protected], or Stephanie Corrales at [email protected]
[email protected]. Stephanie
will also be coordinating the potluck. No one needs to bring anything, but if you do, please
coordinate it thru Stephanie.
For the latest information on the picnic or other activities from the JMHS Alumni Assn., or
just to reconnect with other JMHS Grads, you can join the JMHS Senior Court Yahoo site
by e-mailing Joe Buford at [email protected] or go to
and click “Join this Group!” Please include your name at graduation and year you graduated. The JMHS Senior Court is
only open to JMHS grads and friends. No Anonymous members allowed.
Page 9
In Memoriam
This section is dedicated to our Barristers who
have passed away. If you would like to have your
loved one remembered here, please e-mail the editor
at [email protected], or call the Association at
323-953-6542. The Alumni Association accepts no
responsibility as to the accuracy of these reports.
Harry Ross (retired faculty)
Ron Wenderoff (former faculty)
W’34 Mildred Saltzman Wayman
S’37 Gertrude Fisher Marks
S’39 Florence Basil Taylor
S’39 Ethel Donovan Vanderhagen
1941 William Muehlberger
S’41 Dorothy J. Meredith Van Treeze
S’41 William J. Carmichael
S’41 David Heiser
W’42 Sherry Spillum Lyen
W’43 Durian H. Stewart
W’43 Audrey Kraft Gore
W’45 Marilyn Nathanson Diamond
1946Robert Wyckoff
W’46 Robert Zimmer
W’46Roy Muehlberger
S’47Walter Nisbet
W’48Robert Spindola
W’49Joshua “Hank” Clare
W’51 Geraldine Florentine Hoefer
S’52Marion Ouzts Buckingham
W’52Phyllis Eggleston Bull
S’54 Jon “Kim” Russon
S’55Roberta Schuldenfrei
S’56Karen Erickson Wells
S’56Ernest Negrete
S’59Lynne Hornbeck
S’59Thomas Vance Baker
S’59Tom Lathrop
1959Yolanda Olivas Bribiesca
S’62 Lynn Burford
S’73Myra Shindo
S’77 Marcia Grumbly
Centipede Productions
Nyle Frank W’63
Music CD’s and books of stories $15.00 ea.
or just call to say hi. (priceless)
[email protected]
P.O Box 8363 San Jose, CA 95155
(408) 286-2257
Page 10
Advertise Your Business In
The JMHS Newsletter
Would You Prefer A PDF Copy
Of The Newsletter?
By advertising in the John Marshall
If you would prefer to receive your
Alumni Association Newsletter, you
newsletter by e-mail (PDF) format,
can reach out to thousands of
please send your name (at gradDon’t toss those
Barristers for a minimal cost.
uation), year you graduated,
memories away! Do you
Rates start at just $75 for a
and your e-mail address to
have photos or other Marshall
business card size ad, $100
Joe Buford ‘74 at jmhs.
memorabilia tucked away in somefor 1/4 of a page, $150 for
[email protected] and
where your attic, basement, or garage?
half a page, and $300
we will send it to you
If you’re wondering what to do with your
for a full page ad (space
old momentos, or from your parent’s days
permitting). At the same
instead of your mailbox!
at Marshall, we can help. May we have
time you will be helping
Your treasures will be preserved in
the Alumni Association
archives. Patches, logos, sweatstay strong, continue to
ers, or letters from sweaters are accepted.
provide the newsletter to
We are also searching for yearbooks.
all alumni, and help the
Please contact the Alumni Association
current students, teams,
The Alumni Association
and clubs at Marshall.
by telephone at (323)-953-6542.
has an official website!
Please contact the editor at
Thank you for your continued
go to http://[email protected], or call
support for this
It has
the JMHS Alumni Association
tant cause.
at 323-953-6542 and let your
and it is now a reality!
business be known!
C h e ck Out
O u r New
We b site!
Join at the $150 level and receive a Marshall Alumni baseball cap. Join at the $250 level and receive a
Keepsake Ornament. Join at the $500 level and receive a Marshall Alumni Polo Shirt. Join at the $1000
level and receive all three plus a certificate suitable for framing confirming "Chief Justice" membership.
Please keep my gift and use my full donation where needed.
Membership Form
Please cut out or photocopy and return to: JMHS Alumni Association, PO Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039
Enclosed is my tax-deductible check made out to: John Marshall High Alumni Association, Inc. for:
Annual Member:
$50 (Advocate)
$25 (Barrister)
Life Member:
$1000 (Chief Justice)
$500 (Gold Circle)
$250 (Silver Circle)
$150 (Bronze Circle)
My membership status is up to date, but I would like to make a donation of $____________ to the Association.
Last Name
Name at Graduation
First Name
Grad Year (S/W)
Address:____________________________________________Occupation (or former):_________________________
City:___________________________________ State:________________________ Zip:________________________
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John Marshall High
Alumni Association, Inc. (1979)
P.O. Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039
Phone: 323-953-6542
e-mail: [email protected]
Visit our website at:
Find us on Facebook at:
John Marshall High Los Angeles
Official Alumni Association
The JMHS Alumni Association, Inc. is a
501c3 non-profit organization.
All donations are tax-deductible.
2014 Officers and Board Members
President: Ynez Herrera Reinschmidt S’59
Vice President: George Young W’68
V.P. / Faculty Liaison: Joanna Erdos S’70
Recording Secretary: Joanna Erdos S’70
Corresponding Secretary: Judith Aszterbaum Sarup S’72
Treasurer: Joe Buford S’74
Public Relations Director: Barbara Berridge Kramig W’65
Historians: Susanna Erdos W’68, Marcia Mullins S’59
Audit and Budget Committee Chairman: Susanna Erdos W’68
Those interested in submitting information,
photos, or articles should send them to the
alumni association or e-mail them to the editor,
Scott Reinschmidt, at [email protected].
At-Large Board Members: Mary Gilks Geary S’40, Milton Lowrey
S’49, Roberta Trimlett S’52, Ed Firth S’59, Nora Wejbe Mosqueda
S’69, Laurel Moore Ho S’69, Kathy Masalcas Sullivan S’72, Gordon
Hamilton S’73, Steve Meek S’76, Conrado Guerrero S’96, Zillah
Guasch S’02
Editor of Newsletter: Scott Reinschmidt S’81
Address Service Requested
A Non-profit Corporation
P.O.Box 39847
Los Angeles, CA 90039
John Marshall High
Alumni Association
Spring 2014