John Marshall High School - John Marshall Alumni Association Los


John Marshall High School - John Marshall Alumni Association Los
John Marshall High School
Alumni Association Newsletter
3939 Tracy Street, Los Angeles, California 90027
Fall 2014
Volume 34 • Issue 2
2014 Distinguished Alumna
Joanna Erdos Speaks To Graduates
When I was asked in 1979 to help organize the newly formed Alumni
Association and the school’s 50th anniversary celebration, little did I
know that 35 years later I would still be deeply involved with the alumni
association and the students of John Marshall High School.
People ask me why I devote so much time to our historic and
wonderful school. I tell them PASSION and COMMITMENT. I am
passionate about helping others and committed to helping our
school, our students, and our alumni.
When my parents came to this country from Hungary, they were
passionate about embracing the American Way. But they never forgot
the family they left behind and were committed to assisting them however they could. I helped Dad put together Care packages of items not
available in Hungary but necessary for a decent quality of life. I went
with Mom as she joined community groups such as the PTA, and the
March of Dimes, and, when she became a Girl Scout leader so my
older sisters could be Brownies, I got to tag along, too. When I got old
enough to join, I did!
So the idea of helping people was bred in me. We were taught that Joanna Erdos (center) was presented her award at
you always help others when you can. And I LOVE helping the schools graduation by outgoing Principal Daniel Harrison (left)
that gave me so much when I was a student. While in school, I also and Assistant Principal Robin Lee-Ramirez.
saw the commitment of my teachers. At Logan Street School, Franklin continued on page 2...
Marshall Gets a New Principal!
The tradition of excellence at John Marshall High is due in part to
the stability of the administration. In its 83 years, the school has only
had ten principals – a record unheard of
elsewhere in the school district. As of July
1, 2014, we add one more name to that
exclusive list: Patricia Heideman.
With the retirement of Daniel Harrison,
Ms Heideman moves into the Principal’s
Office. She comes to Marshall from
Nightingale Middle School, where she was
principal. Prior to that, she was principal at
Sal Castro Middle School. She also has
held positions as Assistant Principal at
Fairfax and Wilson high schools.
Ms Heideman began her teaching
career in North Salem, New York, where she taught Spanish.
continued on page 5...
Annual General Meeting
The John Marshall High School Alumni
Association Inc. (1979) will conduct its
annual General Meeting for all members
on Tuesday, January 16, 2014, at 6:30pm
in room 504 on campus at John Marshall
High School. Elections will be held for
Board members and for officers. For more
information, please call the Alumni office at
323-953-6542 or you may email us at
[email protected]
Page 1
Joanna’s Speech
continued from page 1...
Avenue, King Junior High, and, of course,
Marshall. I especially loved my Marshall Drama
teacher, Jerry Winesburg, and we sort of adopted
each other. His three daughters still call me his
FOURTH daughter.
From an early age, I was passionate about
Drama and the theatre. I made the commitment
to study and read and learn and I was a Theatre
major at LACC and at UCLA. I was so passionate
about theatre that I became a Drama teacher so
I could share my enthusiasm with my students.
When I became a teacher, I was thrilled to be
able to join the faculty of my alma mater. I taught
at Marshall for more than 30 years, and during
that time, my fellow staff members and I worked
to give our students a full and comprehensive
education. The bond that existed between us only
strengthened our commitment. We were, and still
are, a family, and family helps each other.
Even though I have been retired for five years,
I am still fully committed and passionate about
helping at school and in the community
When I was a student, I could hardly wait for
summer vacation to end so I could go back to
school to learn new things. So it is no wonder
that, since I loved school, I would focus on it as
my vocation and my avocation! I am grateful to
Marshall for my education and for all the friends
I made here.
Everyone needs to find something to be enthusiastic about. Life will be more fulfilling when you
find something to which you can be dedicated.
To our new alumni: I invite you to be passionate about John Marshall High School and join me
and the alumni association in our commitment to
excellence for our beautiful historic school. The
mem’ries here will last forever!
Robin Lee-Ramirez introduced Joanna Erdos
as the 2014 Distinguished Alumna. She gave
a list of 10 facts about Joanna:
1. Joanna is the only person from the original
organizing group in 1979 who is still an active
Alumni Association Board member.
2. Joanna knew 8 of the 10 principals.
3. Joanna loves to keep people connected.
4. In addition to the Marshall Alumni, she sits on
the boards of five other non-profit organizations:
The Culinary Historians of Southern California,
the Marshall Retirees Assn.; the LACC Theatre
Alumni & Associates; the Institute of the American
Musical and the L.A. Heritage Alliance. She is
on the Schools and History committees of the
Los Feliz Improvement Association.
Page 2
of Events
Board Meetings & Important Dates In 2014
All Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the
month at 6:30pm in room 504 unless otherwise noted.
Tuesday, October 7
Board Meeting
*Friday, October 17
Athletic Hall of Fame Ceremony
*Friday, October 24
Homecoming 3pm/6pm Boyd Field
*Saturday, November 1 2pm-4pm LFIA Photo Day
Los Feliz Library
Tuesday, November 4 Board Meeting
*Tuesday, November 11Veterans Day Holiday (no school)
*Wednesday & Friday, November 19-21 Alumni Basketball
Tuesday, December 2 Board Meeting (off campus)
*Monday, January 12 New Semester Begins
*Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Annual General Meeting
*Monday, January 19 Martin Luther King Day (no school)
*Monday, January 26 JMHS 84th Anniversary
*Saturday, January31 8am-3pm LAUSD Academic
Decathlon Part 1 (Roybal High School)
Tuesday, February 3 Board Meeting
*Saturday, February 7 4pm LAUSD Academic Decathlon Super Quiz (Roybal High School)
*Friday, February 13 6pm LAUSD Acadenic Decathlon Awards (Hollywood High School)
Tuesday, March 3
Board Meeting *Denotes special event or date change.
All dates subject to change.
Please contact us by e-mail at [email protected]
or call 323-953-6542 to
confirm dates and locations.
5. She is the chief fundraiser and chaperone of the Academic Decathlon.
She has been involved with the Academic Decathlon since its first year
at Marshall in 1981.
6. While a teacher at Marshall, she also held the positions of
counselor, ESL Coordinator, testing coordinator, Mentor teacher,
master teacher, Speech and Debate Coach, co-chair of the Performing
Arts Dept. and Lead Teacher of her Small Learning Community –
the Artistic Visions Academy.
7. She was president of the Faculty Association.
8. She has a BA in Theatre (UCLA) and an MS in Counseling and
Guidance (California Lutheran University).
9. 80% of the clothes in her closet are Marshall Blue!
10. She has traveled to 19 countries and 27 states.
Order Your Alumni Keepsakes For Holiday Gifts!
The Alumni Association is offering some very special keepsakes for JMHS grads just in time for the holidays! For a specified
donation, you can order an Alumni polo shirt, baseball cap, or any of three ornaments now available in a series. You can order
one or all of them using the form below. Caps are one-size fits all. Short-sleeved polo shirts are 100% preshrunk cotton. All
Keepsake Ornaments are made of real pewter and weigh less than 3 oz. each. Any of these will make a great gift for a fellow
classmate or alum from any year!
You may now order your merchandise with Pay-Pal at [email protected]
Be sure to list your order in the comment box.
80th Anniversary
Polo Shirt:
Johnny Barrister
For a donation of $25 per shirt
Polo Shirt
($27 for 2X, 3X, or 4X) Choice of Royal or Navy Blue
Small (34-36) #____
Medium (38-40) #____
Large (42-44) #____
(2X) #____
(3X) #____
(4X) #____
X-large (46-48) #____
For a donation of $18 per ornament
80th Anniversary #____
Johnny Barrister #____
Baseball Cap: (one size fits all)
“M” #____
For a donation of $16.50 per cap. # of caps _____
(Shipping And Handling Included In All Donations)
Total donation for Shirts $ ____________ + Caps $ ____________ + Ornaments $ _________
Total donation enclosed $ ____________
Make check out to: John Marshall High Alumni Association, P.O. Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039
Name __________________________________________________________________ Class of ________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ___________________________________________________________________________________
Phone # _____________________________ E-mail address _____________________________________________
Page 3
A Message From College Path LA
The new school year began in August at Marshall High School. We at CollegePath LA (CPLA) will soon meet a fresh crop
of seniors, anxiously mulling their college choices and applications. For most seniors, these essays are the highest hurdle
they face in applying to college.
That is why we need your help. Over the past two years CPLA has
organized dozens of people from the community, including many alumni, to
work with students one-on-one to support them as they develop their essays.
We have found that coaching and encouragement are so meaningful.
There will be two sessions, both on Tuesdays, 2pm – 4:30pm, October 14
and 28. Please attend as many sessions as you wish, but we are hoping you
will RSVP for both dates. There are many students who want our help.
The workshops, “Finding Your Story,” aim to help students find a topic. The
sessions will include a formal presentation to students and coaches, followed
by one-on-one meetings. Volunteers will meet with two students in shifts of
about 45 minutes each. The October workshops will be more free form—
welcoming students at any stage in their process.
We would appreciate your RSVP to the dates above as soon as possible
Marshall Alumni Speakers at College Path L.A.
so we can get a count of volunteers. Once we have more logistics nailed down, Careers in the Arts Workshops on April 1, 2014:
including our campus meeting room, we will contact you again in October. In the Row 1: Faculty Liaison Joanna Erdos, Maria
meantime, please feel free to call or email with any questions or concerns. Agudelo Luna, Row 2: Carlos Nieto, Bruce Jay,
Pablo Marz (aka John Lopez)
Susan can be reached at 323-660-4799, or [email protected].
Academic Decathlon Ends the Year with Another National Title!
The Marshall Academic Decathlon Team of 20132014 continued the school’s tradition of excellence as
they competed throughout the year, eventually bringing
home their fifth national title! After winning the LAUSD
City Championship in February with a score of 55, 785.5
(of a possible 65,400), the team traveled to Sacramento in
March for the State Finals. Vying for one of two spots at
the National Finals in Honolulu, the team went up against
longtime rivals El Camino Real and Granada Hills charter
high schools. For the first time in the 33-year history of
the Decathlon, these three teams eclipsed the 52,000
point mark! Amazingly, even with these astronomical
scores, the two teams going to Honolulu were El Camino
and Granada, where they eventually took first and second
place at Nationals. However, Marshall’s third place score
at State qualified the team for the National Online competition, held in April. In that contest, our Barristers blew away
the competition with a final score of 39,461 of a possible
48,000 points, nearly 10,000 points more than the second
place team.
Coach Larry Welch and the nine members of the team were ecstatic! The team members are Aninda Bhowmick, Kimiyo
Bremer, Alexander Guillen, Kenneth Huh, Ha Min Ko, John Lascano, Wen Lee, Alayna Myrick, and Marvin Paparisto. They
were feted by the LAUSD Board of Education and by the California State Senate for their National Championship win. They
were also recognized by the Los Angeles Dodgers in an exciting ceremony held on the field before the Dodger game on
June 30.
Coach Welch is preparing a new team for the 2014-2015 competition, and we wish them success. To support our students as
they begin their championship journey, you can send your tax-deductible donation to: John Marshall High Alumni Association,
PO Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039. Please mark “AcaDeca” in the memo section. You may donate online using
PayPal if you have an account. Go to and send your payment to [email protected]. Please
note in the comment box “Academic Decathlon.”
Page 4
New Principal...
continued from page one...
She moved to Los Angeles in 1997 and taught at Burroughs
Middle School. She served for two years as a Teacher
Adviser for Local District F in the LAUSD before returning to
the school site as an administrator.
She holds a B.A. in Spanish Education, a Masters in
Bilingual/Bicultural Education, and a Masters in School
Administration and Supervision.
Ms Heideman’s vision statement for her tenure as principal
is to “provide a robust learning environment so that all
children can realize their true potential and thrive.”
The Alumni Association welcomes Ms Heideman to Marshall
and looks forward to working with her to enhance the
educational environment and strengthen the bond of Marshall
students and alumni.
We also welcome two new Assistant Principals, Henry Flores
and Barry Allwright, who came to Marshall with Ms Heideman
from Nightingale. More on them in the next issue.
Thank You, Nora Wejbe
Mosqueda S’69!
Board Member Nora Wejbe Mosqueda again donated
$1000 this year to the Alumni Association which was
given to her from the Walt Disney Company. Nora earned
the money as a grant which is given as a reward for her
many hours of volunteer service!
Would You Prefer An Electronic
PDF Copy Of The Newsletter?
If you would prefer to receive your newsletter by e-mail
(PDF) format, please send your name (at graduation), year
you graduated, and your e-mail address to Joe Buford ‘74
at [email protected] and we will send it to you
through cyberspace instead of your mailbox!
Faculty Retirements For 2014
A significant number of faculty members retired in June of 2014. Thirteen teachers and administrators said good bye to
Marshall and the LAUSD at a reception hosted by the alumni association on the last day of the semester.
Among the retirees were three administrators: Daniel Harrison, principal; Robin Lee-Ramirez, assistant principal; and
Gerald Devries, assistant principal in charge of counseling. This is the first time in recent history that three administrators
have retired at the same time! Together, these educators represent 413 years of experience! The Alumni Association wishes
them well in their retirement.
The list of retirees: (The years noted are the year they began in the district and the year they began at Marshall.)
GeraldDevries, Assistant Principal, Secondary Counseling
Services: 1979-1980
Bohdan Futala, Teacher, Social Studies: 1985-1991
Jose Galdos, Teacher, Computers: 1979-1994
Martha Garate, Counselor/former Spanish teacher:
Daniel Harrison, Principal: 1979-2007
Sue Kaiser, Teacher, Math: 1984-1984
Robin Lee-Ramirez, Assistant Principal/former counselor
and Leadership Advisor: 1974-1982
Julie Villarreal Mack, Counselor/former Math teacher:
Rey Munda, Teacher, Math: 1987-1996
Lina Navarro, Teacher, English 1985-2009
Wanda Fuhrman Penner, Special Ed (VH): 1980-1981
Marcia Slaten, Teacher, Social Studies:1999-1999
Glynis Walsh, Teacher, Spanish/Latin: 1976-1993
Page 5
Pete Arbogast S’72 To Be Inducted Into Southern
California Sports Broadcaster’s Hall Of Fame
The Southern California Sports Broadcasters have selected the long time Voice of the USC
Trojans, Pete Arbogast, for enshrinement into its Hall of Fame, with induction ceremonies
scheduled as part of the annual awards luncheon on Monday, January 26, 2015.
Arbogast, son of the late and long time local DJ and funny man Bob, grew up in and
around radio stations and was a sports fan from an early age, when he decided to put the
two loves together. He has been in the business since leaving USC in 1978, with stops in
Twin Falls, Idaho, along with Victorville, Visalia, Porterville and Riverside before returning
home to Los Angeles in 1984, landing a job at KNX as a sports update anchor, a job he held
there until1995.
When his predecessor, Tom Kelly (another SCSB Hall of Famer) left, Arbogast took over the reigns for USC in 1989. It's
the job he had always dreamed of having when he began practicing as a youngster, turning down the sound of televised
Trojans games and practicing his early play-by-play skills.
He has also served as a play-by-play voice for the Clippers of the NBA and the Cincinnati Bengals of the NFL, has called
play-by-play for two different professional hockey teams based in Southern California and was public address announcer for
the Clippers, Dodgers and World Cup soccer. He has covered two Olympic games (Los Angeles and Seoul, South Korea).
He is a five time Associated Press Best Play-by-Play winner in Califiornia, and two-time winner for Best Newscast. He has
appeared in numerous movies and commercials.
He has won a Golden Mike and Greater L.A. Press Club award, was the Marshall’s Distinguished Alumnus for 1998. He
still does public address announcing and is the school's sports historian, a job for which he has been honored with entry
into that school's athletic Hall of Fame.
He is a 14-time finalist for the SCSB Best Radio Play-by-Play award and a 5-time finalist as part of the Best Radio Sports
Anchor Team, and was a news and sports broadcaster at KNX, KFWB, KFI, KMPC, K-News, K-Earth, KHJ, and KDAY. He
had a major hand in the creation of the very first sports radio talk format in 1984 with Sports Radio Network, which ultimately
tested and sold its ideas to the first all sports station in the country.
Arbogast and his wife Jennifer Swan live in Venice Beach with her two children, Leo and Holly. He has three children from
a previous marriage, Stephanie, K.C., and Veronica, and is a grandfather of one.
Outside of his duties with USC, he is the youth sports director and a mountain camp director for the Santa Monica YMCA
and volunteers at St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica in its landmark No One Dies Alone program.
Page 6
JMHS Athletic Hall Of Fame’s Second Induction Ceremony Set
For Friday, October 17, In The Sniffen Auditorium
The second class of honorees will be inducted into the John Marshall High School Athletic Hall of Fame on Friday,
October 17, 2014. Those who will be honored are long time coaches Dean Dill [deceased] and Marji Donatella (Meritorious
Service), Sharon Finneran and Carolyn House (Pillars of Achievement-women’s swimming), Andre Young and John Woolley
(deceased) (Boys Track and Field), David “Chito” Reyes (Pillar of Achievement-Men’s basketball), Janet Honda and
Debbie Lucero (Girls’ Basketball) and Yvette Maufas (Girls Track/Overall Excellence).
The awards ceremony, which will be attended by many of those inducted in the first
ceremony in 2012, will begin at 7pm in the Sniffen Auditorium on campus. Refreshments and
food will be available before the event at 5:30 for a nominal cost.
Tickets are on sale for $20 before the event, and $25 at the door. Students of JMHS may
buy discounted tickets for $5 provided they present their valid and current Marshall student
ID cards.
Those wishing to purchase seats may do so using the form presented below, or can pay
online using PayPal.
For further information , contact Hall of Fame planning committee chair Peter Arbogast S’ 72
at [email protected].
John Marshall High School Athletic Hall of Fame
Donation/Ticket Order Form
Friday, October 17, 2014 • 7pm-9pm
Please fill in and return to: JMHS Alumni Assn, P.O. Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Name at graduation
Grad Year
City, State, Zip
Home Phone:________________Work Phone:___________________E-mail:_________________________________
Enclosed is my tax-deductible donation made out to John Marshall High Alumni Assn. for sponsorship.
Please mark “Hall of Fame” in memo section.
_____Hall of Fame Level ($1000)
_____Varsity Level ($500)
_____ JV Level ($250)
_____Frosh/Soph Level ($100)
_____Other donations: please specify $____________
Tickets will be held at Will Call at the Box Office for pick-up beginning at 5pm on October 17th.
Please reserve ________ tickets at $20 each = $ ________.
Please reserve ________ student tickets at $5 each for students with a valid and current Marshall student ID issued
by the school. Tickets at the door will be $25.
You may pay online using PayPal if you have an account. Go to and send your payment
to [email protected] with a note in the comment box that the payment is for Hall of Fame tickets
or a donation or both.
Sponsorship/Donation $_______ + Tickets $_______ = Total Amount Enclosed $__________
Page 7
2014 Alumni Basketball Games
To Benefit The Ralph Yzguerra
The Alumni Basketball games this year will feature the Women’s games on Wednesday,
November 19 at 5pm and 6:30pm.
The Mens’ games will be played on Friday, November 21 at 6pm and 7:30pm.
Admission is a $2.00 donation per person.
If you would like to sign up to play in the womens’ games, please call Coach Wendy
Triplett at 323-671-1436. To play in the Mens’ games, please email Peter Arbogast at
[email protected] or just show up. Please bring a white jersey and a blue or black
Dean Dill Scholarship
Award Winners
Mike Gale S’59 (founder of the scholarship)
with Award winners Cynthia Wong for Swimming, and Antonio Corona-Sanchez for Cross
Country and Track & Field.
The scholarship is awarded to a senior
boy and girl who demonstrate excellence in
sports, academics, and leadership in honor
of the late great coach
Anyone who would like to donate to the
Dean Dill Scholarship Fund may do so by
sending your check to the JMHS Alumni
Association at P.O. Box 39847, LA, CA
90039. Please mark: Dean Dill Scholarship
in the memo section.
Homecoming Games Set
Homecoming is just around the corner!
It will be held on Friday, October 24, 2014
when Marshall will play Eagle Rock High
School. The JV game will start at 3pm with
the Varsity game at 6pm. Come on out and
cheer us on to victory!
Check Out Our New Website!
The Alumni Association now has an official website!
Please go to
Page 8
The JMHS football team
sports a new patch on their
2014 uniforms to honor
Andrew Ciesielski, Class
of 1966, who played on the
infamous 1966 JMHS team
and later came back after
college to coach football at
Marshall. Last year, the Ciesielski Estate, along with
his longtime partner Robert
O’Conner, had generously
donated $43,000 each to
the JMHS Athletic Dept. and
to the Winesburg Theatre
Scholarship respectively.
All classes are invited to list their reunions in our newsletter. First, you should call the office at 323-953-6542 or e-mail
us at [email protected] to see whether or not someone else has already started one for your class. If they
haven't, you may request our packet on How to Organize a Reunion. Second, for a class list, please send a $25 check
to John Marshall High School Alumni Association, P.O. Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039. You will be asked to sign a
release guaranteeing the privacy of our list. Please note: we do not endorse any specific reunion companies, nor do we
plan your reunion for you. Johnny Barrister is now available to appear at your reunion! For details, please contact us.
The JMHS Alumni Association would like to thank the Class of 1963 for their recent generous
donation of $1274.36! We are grateful to the organizing committee of Rod Douglass, Ron
Seban, Gary Fox, and Susan Wolfe Townsend for coordinating the reunion and for the
donation. The association depends on the generosity of our alumni to be able to continue
to fulfill our mission – to help the current students of our historic and beautiful alma mater.
1955 - A 60-year reunion for the Winter and Summer classes of 1955 has been scheduled for October 17, 2015 at Sportsmen’s
Lodge. We would also like to invite classes from 1952, 1953, 1954 and 1956 to join us. For additional information, please contact
Linda Pyle Matthies at [email protected] 310-552-0545 or Dave Klages at [email protected] 949-729-1077 with
your email or contact information.
1959 - The class of 1959 is having their 55th reunion on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at The Pickwick Gardens - 1001 W.
Riverside Drive, Burbank 91506, from noon to 5:00pm. It will be a champagne brunch. Tickets are $50.00 each. Check,
cashiers check, money order only. NO CREDIT CARDS - NO EXCEPTIONS. Please make checks out to - JMHS 1959
REUNION. and mail them to Ynez Reinschmidt (formerly Herrera) at 3760 Glenfeliz Blvd. L.A. CA 90039. Please call Ynez
at 323-662-6603 for more information.
1965 - The classes of Winter and Summer 1965 will be celebrating their 50th year reunion at Glendale Hilton Hotel on Saturday
September 26, 2015. We will be sending out more information to the graduates later in the year. Contacts are Lonnie Felker at
818-768-4368; Holly Franke at [email protected]; Barbara Berridge Kramig at 818-843-7314 [email protected];
Sam White at 323-666-8102 [email protected]
1974 - Guess what's right around the corner?...the Class of '74 Reunion Extravaganza!
A perfect time to connect with those high school friends you’ve lost track of and kept asking yourself, "Whatever happened
to...?" Well this is your opportunity to reconnect and re-live your glory days! The reunion is Saturday, October 11, 2014.
Starts at 6:00pm. Reception, dancing, gourmet buffet feast, more dancing & open bar! at The Olympic Collection, Los
Angeles' definitive party and gala center. Only $85.00. This will be a SOLD out event! Also invited: Classes of '71, '72','73
& '75 to join the FUN!!
Silver Lake History: Focus Of A New Book By Michael Locke
LFIA History Committee member Michael Locke is currently in the process
of writing a book on the history of Silver Lake for the History Press. Since
a thorough history of Silver Lake has never before been recorded, Locke is
looking for material that can be used in the book. If you or someone you
know has something they would like to contribute, please contact the author as
soon as possible. Old photos, manuscripts, letters, stories are being collected
and archived. All material donated will be scanned and returned immediately
to the provider and will be donated to an appropriate archive once the book
is finished. Michael Locke may be reached at 323-644-3338 or by email at
[email protected].
Page 9
In Memoriam
This section is dedicated to our Barristers who
have passed away. If you would like to have your
loved one remembered here, please e-mail the editor
at [email protected], or call the Association at
323-953-6542. The Alumni Association accepts no
responsibility as to the accuracy of these reports.
S’43 S’44
Robert Stengel
Elise Cooper Nybo
Ruby Baldrige Rogers
Marjorie Morris Johnston
Gloria Smith Petersen
William Louis Douthett
Howard Albert Bittner
William Ivy
R.V. Owens
Louise Zucca Ivy
Susanna Keen Owens
Marian Beach Aylesbury
Ruth Helen Johnson
Janet Kay Barbour MacDonald
Stanton F. Kahan
Lee Joseph Moser
Richard T. Boswell
Bruce Donald Ramseyer
Jack G. Gunn
Flora Cerruti Hummel
Elizabeth Bogosian Cardenas
Joyce Gade March
William Wong
Anastasia Woronzoff
Vincent Rubio
Tanya Kast
Michelle Trentham
Ponce Income Tax
“Class of 1980”
[email protected]
1477 W. Colorado Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
Page 10
(323) 446-2780
Cell (323) 400-8980
LFIA History Committee To Honor Veterans November 1, 2014
At The Los Feliz Library
The Los Feliz Public Library and the Los Feliz Improvement Association History
Committee will be honoring all veterans in November by collecting and displaying photos
of vets. We are looking for photographs of all you handsome guys and cute girls in
uniform. We want to hear your stories. The photos will be displayed in the library and
added to the History Committee’s photo archive. The event will be held on Saturday,
November 1, 2014 from 2pm - 5pm at the Los Feliz Public Library, located at 1874
Hillhurst Avenue, Los Angeles, 90027
We are looking for photos of vets from all eras – WWII to yesterday. If you’ve got one
of great-great-great-great grandpa in his Civil War uniform, we’ll take that too. The more
the merrier. But we are particularly looking for photos of Rodger Young Village, which
was a town of Quonset huts created in what is now the LA Zoo parking lot after World
War II to house returning vets and their families. If you lived in Rodger Young Village, you
attended Marshall. We have a few photos of kids on trikes and older brothers in uniform,
but we would like to have many more.
So dig out that old photo album, drag that shoebox out of the back of the closet, call your mom to get Dad’s and Grandpa’s
photos, and start locating those precious photos. Bring them to Photo Day November 1. We’ll scan them, take down your
story, and return your photos to you on the spot. And join us for some light refreshments and good conversation. While
you’re in the back of the closet, pull out the old uniform. If it still fits, congratulations! Wear it. If not, wear your cap.
If you can’t attend Photo Day or you just can’t wait and want to share now, please scan your photos and send them to
[email protected]. Please scan your photos at high resolution and include the story behind the photo – that’s the best part.
Join at the $150 level and receive a Marshall Alumni baseball cap. Join at the $250 level and receive a
Keepsake Ornament. Join at the $500 level and receive a Marshall Alumni Polo Shirt. Join at the $1000
level and receive all three plus a certificate suitable for framing confirming "Chief Justice" membership.
Please keep my gift and use my full donation where needed.
Membership Form
Please cut out or photocopy and return to: JMHS Alumni Association, PO Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039
Enclosed is my tax-deductible check made out to: John Marshall High Alumni Association, Inc. for:
Annual Member:
$50 (Advocate)
$25 (Barrister)
Life Member:
$1000 (Chief Justice)
$500 (Gold Circle)
$250 (Silver Circle)
$150 (Bronze Circle)
My membership status is up to date, but I would like to make a donation of $____________ to the Association.
Last Name
Name at Graduation
First Name
Grad Year (S/W)
Address:____________________________________________Occupation (or former):_________________________
City:___________________________________ State:________________________ Zip:________________________
Home Telephone Number:____________________________ Work Telephone Number:_________________________
Cell Phone Number:______________________________ E-Mail Address:____________________________________
Check for new address
I do not give permission to release personal information to any outside source including reunions
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John Marshall High
Alumni Association, Inc. (1979)
P.O. Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039
Phone: 323-953-6542
e-mail: [email protected]
Visit our website at:
Find us on Facebook at:
John Marshall High Los Angeles
Official Alumni Association
The JMHS Alumni Association, Inc. is a
501c3 non-profit organization.
All donations are tax-deductible.
2014 Officers and Board Members
President: Ynez Herrera Reinschmidt S’59
Vice President: George Young W’68
V.P. / Faculty Liaison: Joanna Erdos S’70
Recording Secretary: Joanna Erdos S’70
Corresponding Secretary: Judith Aszterbaum Sarup S’72
Treasurer: Joe Buford S’74
Public Relations Director: Barbara Berridge Kramig W’65
Historians: Susanna Erdos W’68, Marcia Mullins S’59
Audit and Budget Committee Chairman: Susanna Erdos W’68
Those interested in submitting information,
photos, or articles should send them to the
alumni association or e-mail them to the editor,
Scott Reinschmidt, at [email protected].
At-Large Board Members: Mary Gilks Geary S’40, Milton Lowrey
S’49, Roberta Trimlett S’52, Ed Firth S’59, Nora Wejbe Mosqueda
S’69, Laurel Moore Ho S’69, Kathy Masalcas Sullivan S’72, Gordon
Hamilton S’73, Steve Meek S’76, Conrado Guerrero S’96, Zillah
Guasch S’02
Editor of Newsletter: Scott Reinschmidt S’81
Address Service Requested
A Non-profit Corporation
P.O.Box 39847
Los Angeles, CA 90039
John Marshall High
Alumni Association
Fall 2014