June 2012 - Dartmouth Class of 1983
June 2012 - Dartmouth Class of 1983
foreverGREEN notes JUNE 2012 Class Officers Co-Presidents Mac Gardner Andre Hunter Class Head Agents Beth Winnick Falcone Kathy Bachelder Coster Treasurer Jim Gregg Communications Becky Wolcott Ankeny Class Project Manager Peter Kilmarx DAM Secretary Maren Christensen Reunion Co-Chairs Sarah Reynolds Walton Bill Huber Alumni Council Maren Christensen Webmaster Mac Gardner Greetings ’83s! With commencement and reunions having just come and gone, we’ve now reached the end of another academic year at the College. For our class, this included a number of mini-reunions, including a wonderful get together in Hanover during Homecoming, and then others in San Francisco, Seattle, Minneapolis and New York. For our European classmates, and any of you who may be going to London for the Olympics, please keep your ear out (or better yet check the website – http:www.dartmouth.org/classes/83/, as we hope to have a gathering in London during the games. Please note that there are certain to be a number of recent grads (and even some current students) representing Dartmouth at the Olympics, and I’m sure that they’ll very much appreciate encouragement from the stands. Hopefully many of you will be able to return to Hanover this fall over Homecoming, and that you’ll all be back on campus June 13-16, 2013 as we celebrate our 30th reunion. You’ll be hearing a lot more about these 4 fun-packed days in the months to come, but it’s never too soon to block the dates on your calendar, and reach out to your friends, to make sure that as many of us are back in Hanover to celebrate. For those of you who may not know, the Hop is also celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, and there will be special events going on throughout the year – just one more great reason to try and get back to the Hanover Plain. Celebration is the theme of this newsletter, as we recognize classmates who have watched their offspring graduate from colleges across the country, local high schools, middle schools, and even elementary schools. There are even a few classmateswhosekidsarestillindiapers–goodluck! A quick reminder that the presidential search is in full swing, and the committee will appreciate any and all suggestions for candidates. Please go to www. dartmouth.edu/presidentsearch for more information. Finally, as you’ll see in a few pages, we’re hoping to get feedback from as many of you as possible with regard to our upcoming reunion, including making sure that we can contact you to keep you abreast of all that is planned. But more importantly, we want to hear from you as to what is important to you about reunions, what have you liked, and what not. While a number of classmates have volunteered to help out, we can always use more – so if there’s something that you’d really like to be involved with, now’s the time to let us know, and please feel free to contact either of us, or anyone on the Executive Committee. Please note the survey is very short, and is completely non binding. We’re hoping to get as many of you to fill it out, as that will greatly assist us in planning for the reunion. We wish all of you an enjoyable summer, where hopefully you’ll find some time to relax, and enjoy time with family and friends. Please remember to “like” the class page on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/ Dartmouth-Class-of-1983/169355291062, especially as this will be an increasingly important channel of communicating with you in the time leading up to and, during reunions. Best, Andre and Mac Class Notes Maren Christensen and Becky Wolcott Ankeny Dan Gelb’s daughter, Samara, graduated from University of Tennessee, where she was a varsity swimmer for 4 years. She is on her way to Olympic trials at the end of June! Her mother, brother Aiden and Dan are all very proud of her. Belle McDougall sent this picture of her and several 1983 teammates celebrating 40 years of women’s lacrosse at Dartmouth. From left to right: Eliza Deery, Tracey Nickerson Herbert, Belle and Betsy Evans Bodner. Barb Tormondsen reported, “Completed my diakonia studies! Here I am with our Metro-NY synod bishop, Bishop Rimbo. Not yet “Deacon Barb.” Need to complete a one-year internship.” Deborah Ellsworth and her son Andrew Dewhurst, who graduated from TC Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia. Andrew will also be joining the Class of 2016 in Hanover in the fall. Class Notes Maren Christensen and Becky Wolcott Ankeny Julie Keegan Reed’s daughter Alyssa completed her Bachelor of Education this year at Queen’s University, having received her Bachelor of Science in Math last year. Queen’s reminds Julie a lot of Dartmouth, as it is a school steeped in history and tradition and a strong, spirited alumni community. Alyssa and Julie will be travelling to Sweden at the end of July, where Alyssa will be starting her teaching career in Karlstad. Exciting times! Brad Mont’s son, Ari, recently graduated from high school. Pictured is Ari, Brad Mont, and Brad’s parents, and his mother in law. Ari will be attending the University of Miami in the fall where both of Brad’s parents went. Davies Beller’s son Austin graduated from Mira Costa High School in Manhattan Beach, California. Austin will be attending TCU in the fall. Class Notes Maren Christensen and Becky Wolcott Ankeny Nancy Bick is celebrating her son Cody’s graduation from Lake Washington High School in Kirkland, Washington. He’s off to Carleton College in MN in the fall. Pictured are Dwight Krossa, Nancy Bick, kids Ellie and Cody Krossa, and the Krossa grandparents (Ken and Joie Krossa). The Jim Gregg family: Jim, Chandler, and Connie, at Chandler’s high school graduation from Lexington High. He will be a member of the Dartmouth Class of 2016 starting this fall. Bill Scoville and his wife Susan will be celebrating 25 years of wedded bliss in September. This picture is from Dubrovnik last summer. Who knows how they’ll celebrate this year?? Peter Ankeny and Will Hart graduated from Dartmouth College and Thayer Engineering School in June. Will was part of the Dartmouth Aires on NBC’s Sing Off and was featured in our June 2011 Class Newsletter. Class Notes Maren Christensen and Becky Wolcott Ankeny Other news: Davin McKenzie and Geoff Andrews are both closely associated with the Western Academy of Beijing, Davin as an alumni parent and former Board Chair, Geoff as a current WAB parent and Director. Geoff says “running a large international school has been a terrific experience for me this year, and my family has been very supportive. This role is substantially different than the school district superintendent role I had for the previous 6 years - no television or media at board meetings, very different labor arrangements, and no public funding (bond issues, levies, overrides, etc.), for starters. Students at international schools have many different experiences, too - meeting kids from all over the world and traveling all over Asia for student events, be they arts, athletics, or service. Our 12-team conference includes schools from 6 countries. Any 83s coming through China are welcome to visit.” Email [email protected] Geoff sent along a picture of him and Davin at a WAB function, “but it is important to note that the dazed looks in our eyes are attributable to the fact that we had both run the Great Wall race (Davin the half marathon, I ran the 10K) earlier in the day.” Sure. ========================================== Rob Hirschfield was elected New Hampshire Bishop in May. He was elected on a single ballot (the first time that had happened since 1905!) and received 145 of the 252 votes cast by the clergy and the laity. Rob previously served as a vice chaplain at St. Mark’s Chapel at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, Connecticut and was assistant priest at Christ Church in New Haven, Connecticut. Rob is married to Polly Ingraham, a teacher. They have two sons and a daughter. Rob is expected to start in August as the diocese’s “coadjutor” and learn the ropes from the present bishop, Gene Robinson. ========================================== Matt Haley says there are no celebrations, “just the normal family drama, with 3 kids in 3 schools with 3 agendas (agendae?). I do play percussion with the Worship Team at church, and my wife runs a consignment boutique in town.” Matt is the Director of Category Marketing at PartyLite Worldwide in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Dartmouth Class of 1983 30th Reunion Survey Our 30th reunion is less than a year away on June 13-16. A reunion committee is being put together and we are very excited to start planning our three great days together! In order to make the most of the weekend, we really need to know approximately how many classmates and guests will be coming to Hanover. Please help us by filling out the enclosed survey. Taking this survey, does not commit you to attending but it will help us tremendously in the planning process. Your responses will used for class communications and reunion and event planning purposes and will not be shared with the College. You can take the survey on line by going to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Dartmouth1983, emailing Becky Wolcott Ankeny at [email protected] who will send you the link or filling out the paper survey included in this newsletter and mailing it to: Becky Wolcott Ankeny, 3345 Shavers Lake Rd, Wayzata, MN, 55391. Thank you very much and we look forward to your responses! Dartmouth Class of 1983 - 30th Reunion Survey Your response to this survey is in no way committing you to attend our 30th Reunion. However, the more information that we can gather from the class at this point, will greatly help us in planning events for the reunion, and also potentially for other class events during the year. Also, your responses are for class communications and reunion and class event planning purposes and will not be shared with the College. 1. First Name (preferred) 2. Maiden Name (if applicable) 3. Last Name 4. Preferred email address. 5. Preferred phone number (indicate whether it is home, work, cell) 6. What is the likelihood of you attending the Dartmouth Class of 1983 30th Reunion weekend on June 1316, 2013? j Likely k l m n j Thinking about it k l m n j Unlikely k l m n Other (please specify) 5 6 7. If attending, how many will be attending? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Adults c d e f g c d e f g c d e f g c d e f g c d e f g c d e f g Children (12 and under) c d e f g c d e f g c d e f g c d e f g c d e f g c d e f g Comments 5 6 Page 1 Dartmouth Class of 1983 - 30th Reunion Survey 8. If attending, what is important to you? (Mark all that apply). c Being with classmates and friends d e f g c Being on campus and seeing what’s new on campus d e f g c Attending Class sponsored events d e f g c Bringing your family to campus and reunion d e f g Comment 5 6 9. If not attending, please mark all that apply: c Schedule does not permit d e f g c No interest d e f g c Other (please specify below) d e f g Comments 5 6 10. Did you attend the following reunions? Yes No Don't remember 25th Reunion j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n 20th Reunion j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n 10th Reunion j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n 5th Reunion j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n 11. What did you like most or least about our previous reunions? 5 6 12. Do you have an account with: Yes No Thinking about it Facebook j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n LinkedIn j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Twitter j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Other (please specify) Page 2 Dartmouth Class of 1983 - 30th Reunion Survey 13. Have you joined or liked the following? Dartmouth Class of 1983 Yes No Not sure j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Facebook Page Dartmouth Class of 1983 LinkedIn Group Comments 5 6 14. Would you like to see a reunion booklet that includes classmates’ contact information and updates? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n j Neutral k l m n Comments 5 6 15. Is there anything else you would like to share or comment on? 5 6 Page 3