
1974 Holt Rams
2 0 1 4
AUGUST 22—24, 2014
The 40 year reunion of the
graduating class from
HOLT High School has
been set for the weekend
of Aug 22-24, 2014. The
goal is be in Holt during
Holt Homecoming days.
No specific “events” have
been planned. There are a
number of questions that
the reunion committee is
dealing with and will be
seeking your input into the
planning of the reunion
We are also asking that
you send us any photos
that you might have or
want to share. These can
be new photos, old photos, teacher photos or
group photos. These can
be photos with your kids,
or grandkids. We just ask
that someone from our
class be in the photo. You
can email them to Mike
Thornton at
[email protected] or mail
then to 7745 Kelbran lane
Wellington, Co 80549. If
they are mailed, I will bring
them back at the reunion.
Reunion Survey !
In a few days after you get
this newsletter, you should
be getting a survey in your
email. We have elected to
put out a quick survey reference the 40 year reunion. Please complete it as
soon as you can so we can
tally the result and use the
information to complete
the planning of the reunion. The survey will be
from Survey monkey, that
the reunion committee has
set up a free account with
to conduct short and limited surveys.
Our Missing Classmates
Below is a chart of “missing” classmates. We have address information on some of the classmates
below, but need email addresses. I am continuing attempting to locate people and get their information and emails. Some of the missing, we had email addresses on, but those are now bouncing
back. If you are on this list, or know someone on the list, have them email Mike Thornton
([email protected]) or call/text him at 970-581-9041. We would like to have your email address, address and phone information. This is for notifications of reunions, sending newsletters and keeping
you updated. If you are on this list, it is because of one of the below items:
No email - Outdated email
- Unable to contact
No information at all
Unable to verify information
Abernathy, Lori
Barron, Eugenia (Riesco)
Bullion, Mike
Chapman, Debra
Cooper, Patricia
Cushion, Greg
Dowell, Spencer
Fay, Steve
Fuller, Renne (Gall)
Girth, Rick
Hartig, Dave
Jackson, Kathy (Woodman)
Kiersey, Terry
Acker, rick
Bender, Stewart
Bullion, Dave
Church, Mark
Copeland, Neil
Cushman, Greg
Duperow, Doug
Finley, Gordon
Gardner, Glen
Gross, Dyanna
Hayden, Todd
Jefcoat III, William
Kirby, Don
Andrease, Vevi
Bennett, Daniel
Carpenter, Chad
Cokonougher, Sheri (Yohe)
Crisler, Peggy (Smith)
Deshong, Cheryl (Marshal)
Elbers, Carol (Ray)
Fox, Jon
Ghastin, Richard
Haring, Glen
Hummel, Jodi (Morrison)
Johnson, Sharon
Knuth, Bill
Andrus, Randy
Brown, Stacy
Cary, Tim
Compton, Tim
Curnow, Marjorie (Davis)
DeYoung, James
Erbele, Paul
Fredline, Laura
Giar, Evelyn (Heald)
Harris, Fred
Imig, Pamela
Keyes, Diana
Koehler Jr, Art
Kowalk, Kathy (Moore)
Kretzinger, Melody (Spicer)
Landis, Cheryl (Nichols)
Larner, Kathy (Fajardo)
Liles, Tommy
Martin, John
McCabe, Rita
Montgomery, R. Michael
North, Brian
Patterson, Rhonda (Colby)
Richardson, Doug
Rogers, Dave
Salazar Jr, Ed
Sigman, Jim
Smith, Richard
Stockel, James
Swix, Randy
Ulch, Norman
Walton, Tina
Wise, James
Lindsay, Shannon
Marusich, Jim
McCaffrey, Vicky
Montgomery, Mickey
Ochs-Wilcome, Rhonda
Polhamus, Dave
Rivera, Steve
Rowell, Mike
Sanchez, Alicia
Smith, Heather(Deladurantaye)
Spinner, Harold
Sudberry, Mike
Symons, Connie
VanValkenburg, Renee (Stevenson)
Weitzel, Leslie(Whitaker)
Wolfe, Randy
Long, Brenda (Hayes)
Marusich, Steve
McClain, Rick
Musloff, Marla (Donovan)
Ortiz, Maria (Laredo)
Poufcas, Tom
Robedueau, Steve
Sablain, MaryJane (Sherwood)
Seidell, Robert
Smith, Brenda
Spitler, Jim
Sweet, Randall
Thomas, Susan (Bates)
Verburg, Ken
Welty, Tamara (Kinne)
Woodworth, Carol(Maritn)
Loomis, William
Maxey, Bob
Mickle, Tim
Nelson, Jackie
Parks, Steve
Remington, Chris
Robinson, Tom
Salazar, Rosie (Slater)
Sharp, tom
Smith, Connie (Burns)
Stevenson, Richard
Swindlehurst, Karen (Mock)
Thompson, Debra
Voss, Sheree
Wilkinson, Linda (Spice)
Wyman, Bruce
I have always enjoyed the
reunions and before the 35
year class reunion, I wondered what I could do to
help out. I offered to try
and build a web page for the
35th reunion and after the
reunion, decided to try and
keep it going. Well, its been
about 5 years now, and our
web page is still here. At
times, we have had as few as
200 hits a month, and have
been over 1,000 hits month.
For those who haven’t
looked at it, I
must admit that I have enjoyed doing the web page
and it has allowed me to
chat and converse with many
classmates over the years.
As Facebook grew in popularity, we also added a page
to that for our class. I wish
I would have more time to
spend on updating, improving and keeping current the
web site. Our website is
actually a simple thing to do
as it is a template web page
and making changes or additions is relatively easy.
I do not know how long I
will continue the web page
as I am nearing retirement
from the PD, and I have paid
the cost of the web page for
the past 5 years. I haven’t
asked for any support, nor
have I expected any. The
reunion committee is operating without ANY funds.
This is one of the reasons
we are working hard to collect emails on everyone, to
save on postage for mailings.
It is also difficult to plan a
reunion without funds to be able to reserve
rooms or locations or even buy a keg of
beer for the reunion.
I’m going to ask that each class member donate something to the kitty to help pay for
expenses of the reunions. The cost of the
web page is about $180/yr (Hosting, domain
names etc.). A single mailing is over $150.
Reserving a room for a reunion is over $100,
let alone an other events or venues. I wanted you to be aware of the costs, before asking to donate and help out. Contributions
can be sent to: Candy Watson 2291 Pine
tree lane, Holt MI 48842. I will ask Candy to
update our finances for each newsletter to
include balance and any expenditures.
Reunion Committee
A lot of work goes into planning a class reunion. Picking
dates, planning events,
choosing venues, notifying
classmates, seeking input,
keeping data current , notification of reunion and there
is more! We have had many
people over the years help
with the reunion and that
help is so very appreciated!!
We have had a core consistent group that has been
diligent about keeping information on classmates, organizing the events, publishing
information and just making
these fun events to see old
friends at. The core
group has been Candy
(Stewart) Watson, Patti
(Harte) Seehase, Laylin
Johnson, and Art Brokenshire (if I missed
someone...I’m sorry!)
Miscellaneous photos
Bonnie Bullion 1/25/2014
Paul Cole 10/6/1996
Scott Sabrosky
Leri (Covert) Mclure 2/7/2012
Jack Mathis 6/28/2011
John Canahan
Deb Fiasky 5/17/2011
Becky Barnard 2/23/2001
Larry Pincumbe
Allen Hake 9/25/2010
Guy Carlton 11/21/98
Denise (Green) Tisdale
Caron (Glisson) Barnard 11/22/2009
Melanie (Franek) Myers
H O LT R A M S !
Candy (Stewart)Watson
Mike Thornton
Laylin Johnson
Art Brokenshire
[email protected]
Primary Business Address
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dave Shewshuck
Deb (Scamarcia)Tews
Patti (Harte)Seehase
Cindy (Montague) Thayer
45 - 50 - 55 - 60 -???
This year is our 40 year reunion…..It
sure doesn’t seem like 40 years since
we graduated!! But it has been, and
before you know it, the milestones of
45-50-55 even 60 years will be here.
We all are aging, still working, having
grandkids, retiring, starting second
careers or just enjoying the things we
love to do, and some of our friends
have passed away.
Mike Thornton
The reunion committee is constantly
looking at things to do for reunions,
trying to plan events for classmates,
and just trying to make reunions the
best events that they can. With
that, we want your ideas, thoughts,
comments, and your concerns about
the reunions, newsletters and
webpage. With our kids
mostly grown, we are not as
limited to having a summer
event for a reunion.
Nor are we limited to just a milestone reunion, One of the suggestions was to pick a weekend for Vegas, get some hotel discounts and
maybe some air fare discounts and
see who wants to go or maybe do
the same thing up at the resort in Mt
Pleasant? It doesn't have to be the
whole class, just someone to organize it and we can let everyone know
about it.
So if you have ideas on future reunions, want to help put them on, or
just get togethers when back to the
Holt area, let us know.