Players Pack - MindGame Productions


Players Pack - MindGame Productions
November 14, 2015
Waynes World of Paintball, Ocala, FL
$35 advance Registration / $40 onsite
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
The Wasteland 7 is the next installment of MGP‘s successful Wasteland event series. The Wasteland is an
alternate reality event based on the world of the FallOut computer games. We continue to explore the Florida
Wasteland, two hundred years after a devastating nuclear war.
The FallOut world is not quite our own. It is an alternate reality that diverged from ours at some point after the
second World War. The base concept for the setting is the World of Tomorrow as imagined in the Golden Age
of Science Fiction. This means that before the Great War, the FallOut world was more or less what the people
of the 1940s and 1950s thought things would be like in 2077—the wonders of Atomic Age technology. The
most important event in the FallOut setting was the Great War which happened on October 23, 2077. Our game
continues in the central Florida Wasteland of 2285.
Prior to the Great War, the sunny climate of Florida,
coupled with fears of a Chinese invasion of
California, pushed a significant part of the American
film industry from Hollywood to studios in Florida.
As the home of stars and starlets, Florida became a
cultural center; movies were filmed, music made, and
scandals created. The Nelson Animation Company,
with its iconic Bearded Yak mascot, built an elaborate
theme park in central Florida, along with a unique
community known as the Trial Experiment Dome of
Proper Society. TEDOPS, as it was sometimes
known, was George Nelson‘s idea of an American
utopia. Built in conjunction with Vault-Tec, it
attracted many wealthy and influential residents who
rode out the war deep within Vault 22 while the world
around them burned.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
2282 – 2283 – The TEDOPS Wars
Fast-forwarding a little over two-hundred years, the central Florida
Wasteland had been dominated by the Yak Pack, an elitist society
descended from the survivors of Vault 22, with a large force of
well-armed security personnel to safeguard TEDOPS. The Yak
Pack came into direct contact with a group of nomads calling
themselves the Treeminders, who had journeyed south from the
Capitol Wasteland. The Treeminders were formerly followers of a
sentient tree/FEV mutant they called Harold, and had journeyed
south in search of a fertile promised land in which they would be
planting ―Charles‖, a sapling seeded from Harold. Their battle over
TEDOPS ended through an unexpected outcome when a group of
Rastafarian Raiders captured and smoked Charles.
Reaching a truce, the Treeminders and Yak Pack realized they could achieve more by working together, using
the Treeminder‘s knowledge of agriculture and the clean soil of TEDOPS. The partnership lasted about a year
before the Rasta Raiders returned. Bolstered in power by an alliance with the struggling Gator Caravan
company, the Rasta Raiders dominated the drug trade in the Florida Wastes. The Rastas wanted the agricultural
opportunities of TEDOPS, and had heard of the cultivation of Karl, a sentient cactus growing from the shoulder
of the mercenary O‘Neill, who threatened to rally the Treeminders in a campaign against the Rastas. The Rasta
horde managed to take TEDOPS, massacring the Treeminders and Yak Pack. In the fighting, the TEDOPS
agricultural fields were irradiated and lost.
The Rasta Raiders withdrew to the east, committing themselves to establishing the New Zion and took up
residence in the remains of Vault 47. The ruins of TEDOPS were occupied briefly by feral ghouls and gangs of
raiders, but a few entrepreneurial waste-landers fought a slow, but successful campaign to clear TEDOPS of the
worst elements and established a new ―free-city‖ for trade and commerce in the Florida wastes.
Paladin Virgil Elliot‘s personal battle against his estranged daughter, May Misfit, ultimately cost both of their
lives and seriously degraded the capabilities of Florida‘s Brotherhood of Steel detachment, Sunshine Steel.
Seeking to rebuild its numbers, Sunshine Steel worked to bring in new recruits and supported the Free City of
TEDOPS (commonly known as ―Freedom City‖) as a center to which technological relics could be brought for
sale from across the Florida Wastes. After May‘s death, Talon of the Black Hand struggled for new leadership
and direction, before returning to its Talon Company roots as a hardened mercenary force.
2284 -2285–Rise and Decline of the Crimson Star
The midsummer of 2284 saw a grim new presence in
the Florida wastes. A rusting hulk of a freighter,
belching smoke from rebuilt engines running crudely
refined petroleum, ran aground near the RepConn
Aerospace facility near Canaveral. A few bold raider
gangs moving to loot the wreckage were promptly
vaporized as the freighter disgorged a contingent of
military troops wearing power armor and uniforms of
a foreign design. The new arrivals scoured RepConn
Canaveral and moved inland, methodically searching
ruins for relics and pre-war technology.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
The Sons of the Crimson Star hailed from the remnants of the north-western Soviet Union and parts of
Scandinavia-- descendants of gopnik dwelling in the metros when the bombs went off. Over two centuries of
scavenging and survival, they built a rough military order from weapons and technology recovered in the
remains of St. Petersburg, Murmansk and Moscow. Using technology without fully understanding it, they
worship technology as a mystic gift left upon the field of Ragnorak by ancient, fallen gods. Guided by their
techpriests, channeling the will of the great Machine spirit and the trash-dog ―Potat‖, the Sons of the Crimson
Star travel like locusts across the wastelands, snatching up weapons, armor and technology where they find it.
The Crimson Star and Sunshine Steel battled fiercely across the central Florida wastes, both searching for a
series of gold keys that would be used to unlock a pre-war military armory below Ludwig field. While these two
military orders fought a brutal war of attrition, raider gangs discovered the keys and unlocked the armory. These
newly recovered weapons found their way into the hands of many wastelanders, but perhaps the greatest
weapon of all was scattered across the central Florida wastes as scrap... the pieces of a General Atomics and
RobCo combat robot... Valiant Six.
Fame, fortune and relics of pre-war technology await! Welcome to the Florida Wasteland!
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Important Registration Notes
Cost for advance, online registration is $35.
Sign up in advance to lock in your team and
save money! Onsite registration is $40. Pay
attention to uniform requirements! They will
be enforced! Players should be 16 years of age
or older by November 14, 2015.
Read this Survival Guide
This survival guide, specially developed by
Vault Tec and MindGame Productions,
contains key information to help keep you
alive in the Florida Wasteland. Please take the
time to read the entire guide as some special
rules, factions and quests will be in play during this event. Be sure every one of your team mates receives a
copy. Don‘t go aboveground without this!
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Mindgame Productions wants to create a unique atmosphere and dynamic for the Wasteland. Ensure you and
your teammates are in the correct uniform. Several factions have a maximum capacity of players. Be sure you
register and pay in advance to secure your place in a specific faction. Wasteland is a chance to dump all that
milsim pretension for a change and just have some fun as a post-apocalyptic survivor. Those who do an
especially good job of capturing the spirit of the game in their costumes and gear will be a bonus at the start of
the game to apply to equipment upgrades!
Restricted Factions
Several factions in the game are already assigned to specific airsoft teams or have very particular costume
requirements. In many cases, larger airsoft teams are already making plans to form the core of specific factions.
If you don‘t have a specific faction in mind, we recommend teams of approximately six or more players
consider running as their own Raider gang or partner with other teams for a larger Raider faction. Solo players
or very small teams should consider running as Wastelanders, working to survive on their own and partnering
with different factions for different missions during the day.
These are the independent, ragged survivors living within
the Wastelands. Some Wastelanders are fundamentally
good folk, if a bit hardened by the realities of the Florida
Wastes. Some manage to survive by dirt farming, trade or
their wits alone. Others form informal militias to help
defend their villages and homesteads, others may hire
themselves out as guards for travelling merchants or
simply wander the wastes in search of fortune. The
Wastelander role is recommended for solo players or small
groups of friends who want to have more flexibility to do
their own thing on the field and don‘t have the numbers to
form a Raider gang.
Uniforms – Wasteland Survivor, Mixed Civilian and
Paramilitary. No full uniforms!
Particularly anti-social Wastelanders, Raiders have formed gangs
who pillage, plunder, murder, or otherwise ruin the day of anyone
unfortunate enough to not be one of them. While it's much easier to
just shoot people for their money, food, and other valuables than to
earn an honest living, when doing all of those things becomes an
honest living, there‘s nothing to lose! Raiders typically prey upon
travelers and very small towns. To identify themselves, most raider
gangs have adopted some sort of recognition feature such as a
colored strip of cloth as an arm or headband. Others may all wear
hockey masks, dye their hair bright colors or have some other
identifiable feature identifying their Raider gang affiliation.
Uniforms – Wasteland Survivor, Mixed Civilian and
Paramilitary. No full uniforms! If you and your buddies plan to
run a gang of raiders, decide on your own recognition item.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Talon of the Black Hand
Also known as Talon Company, this group is part of a
mercenary organization active up and down the east coast.
Even as far as mercenaries go, these men and women are
known as vicious killers. They are known to take contracts
with little moral compunction about who they are hired to
kill. They have rebuilt their numbers during the past year
and are a feared, if not uncommon sight, in the Florida
Uniform – Black
Sons of the Crimson Star
A military order / technology cult from the Soviet
Wastelands, the Sons of the Crimson Star worship
pre-war technology as mystical gifts left by fallen
gods. Led by a small caste of techpriests, who repair
these relics to operational condition and push the
knights to great feats on the field of battle, the SOCS
roam the wasteland, seizing technology and
weapons where ever the find them. Woe to any
faction or waste-landers that stand between them
and their sacred quest to recover the relics of the
fallen gods. Members of the faction include Crimson
Star Knights (bogatyr) in power armor, and rank and
file comrades.
Uniform – Power Armor (bogatyr), Woodland
patterns (comrades)
Sunshine Steel (Brotherhood of Steel)
A new founding of the Eastern branch of the Brotherhood, the Sunshine
Steel focus on not only recovering and safeguarding pre-war knowledge
and technology, but have become involved in rebuilding the community of
the Florida Wastes. While this is a rare choice for the Brotherhood, the
presence of fertile soil necessitated a major change, which is why they have
even begun inducting locals into their fold, albeit as non-armored Initiates.
These trainees face the renewed threat of the Talon of the Black hand, as
well as the new, uncertain threat of the Sons of the Crimson Star.
Uniform – Power Armor (knights), Multicam (squires)
With roots set firmly in New Vegas, The Royales gang have set their eyes
East to Florida, a sunny climate offering a pleasant back drop to expand
their growing Empire. With their primary function of Casino running and
gambling management, The Royales have swiftly swept over Freedom and
in less than a year, have managed to put their fingers into the pots of every
business within city limits.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
While their business is very forthcoming, with their casino
offering everything from card games to dice, they have also
managed to get in to other realms of gambling. The slave pits
have become an attraction for anyone able to stomach the
blood, and rumor has it that The Royales have been dipping
in to Slave Trading to keep their stock fresh. One of the ways
they've managed to keep an influx of slaves is the Bounty
They've been known to follow the caps, and even deal in Prewar currency. From the merchants to the Pits, from the Doctors to the Casino, The Royales have their fingers in
every pot, because after all, everyone has a price. (NOTE: Special “Closed Faction” for a specific team request.
Royales team members should sign up as “Raiders” and type “Royales” in the team affiliation field)
Uniform –pre-war business attire
Hard, weathered gunslingers who‘ve sworn to bring law to the
Wasteland. Although few in numbers, they uphold their oath
with ruthless determination; protecting the weak and bringing
evil-doers the only justice the Wasteland understands.
Uniform – Brown/Black Duster coats, Cowboy Hats
Super Mutants
Descended from humans mutated by the FEV (Forced
Evolutionary Virus) released after the Great War, Super
Mutants are powerful, brutish man-eaters. Tough and very
difficult to kill, they pose a significant threat to human
survivors in the Wasteland. While not particularly smart, they
possess a dangerous, low-cunning. They feel pain from injuries
but are notoriously difficult to put down. To simulate the
toughness of SuperMutants, they will be
allowed to use ―kill plates‖ in the same manner
as players wearing power armor. When a
SuperMutant is hit on the kill plate, it will drop
incapacitated for approximately 60 seconds. A
―knife kill‖ on an incapacited SuperMutant
sends it to respawn, others it slowly gets back
on its feet and resumes the fight. (NOTE:
Special “Closed Faction” for a specific team
request. SuperMutant team members should
sign up as “Raiders” and type “SuperMutant”
in the team affiliation field)
Uniform – Ragged odds and ends. Green
Skin Paint. 8 inch (minimum) metal “kill
plates” worn on center of chest and back.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Life in the Wasteland
In the Wasteland, one finds pockets of human settlements and camps
wherever radiation levels allow. Many different factions coexist, not always
peaceably as water and resources to support life are scarce. Besides the
human factions, ghouls, mutants, mutated beasts and other unsavory things
that roam the Wasteland, Raiders are a constant threat to travelers and small
Slaver gangs are known to be active, seeking to subdue, capture and sell the
unwary into miserable lives of slavery. Brave independent merchants travel
the Florida Wastes, trading valuable supplies and pre-war relics. The
Brotherhood of Steel largely ignores the suffering of the small human
settlements, focused on their search for pre-war technology secret agendas.
Merchants wander the Wasteland, trading in various pre-war relics and weapons. They are a critical source for
weapon upgrades and are valuable as buyers of pre-war relics. Merchants usually hire guards from among the
Wastelanders to keep them safe. Merchants may be attacked and looted like other players, but anyone doing so
is likely to have a high bounty put on their heads for violating an unspoken rule in the Wasteland of allowing
the merchants to operate unmolested.
The Wasteland‘s economic system is largely one of trade and barter. While scraps of pre-war currency can be
found in the wastes, bottle-caps are the commonly accepted currency outside of bartered goods. Players are
welcome to barter and sell pre-war relics to other players and merchants to accumulate bottle caps and acquire
items required for their personal quests. Bottle caps may also be used to hire mercenaries, pay bribes, upgrade
weapons and other transactions during the game.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Bottle-Caps and Jobs
Metal bottle-caps are the primary currency in the Florida
Wastes. Players may find caches of caps hidden in ruins
or earn caps by selling pre-war relics to merchants and
doing jobs for merchants and other non-player
characters. Talk to merchants and NPCs you encounter
to see if they have jobs for you. Roaming merchants
often hire security guards to protect them in their travels.
As some factions become more successful, they may be
looking for hired guns or may post bounties on players
that cross them.
Basic metal beer and soda caps are the common currency, but Nuka-Cola caps are especially prized. Nuka-Cola
caps may also be found in the Wasteland or converted with some merchants. The going conversion rate of
regular caps to Nuka-Cola caps is approximately 10:1. Converting up to Nuka-Caps helps make carrying large
sums of loot much easier. Some high demand items may only be purchased with Nuka-Cola caps, so try not to
antagonize every merchant on the field!
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Looting and Capture
Raiders frequently loot travelers and lightly defended settlements. Sometimes
players may need to acquire items in the possession of another player who
refuses to trade or sell. If a player is shot, they must lay or sit down on the
ground until they have ―bled out‖, been dragged to safety or given first aid. If a
player reaches a downed enemy, the player may loot one pre-war relic from the
wounded enemy‘s inventory or take a fistful of bottle caps (looter‘s choice). A
wounded player may only be looted once! The worst he or she risks is the loss
of a single item and not their whole relic inventory.
If a player surrenders or is wounded and
healed by a rival faction, he may become a
prisoner, hostage or slave depending on the
nature of his captors. Captured players sling or
holster their weapons and are considered to be
disarmed until released or freed. Please don‘t
play games with ―hidden‖ pistols or knives
you later turn on your captors. There aren‘t
any personal rights in the Wasteland and we‘re
sparing players the discomfort of being
searched as thoroughly as you‘d probably be if
captured by real Raiders or Slavers!
Weapon Restrictions
Advanced weapons are not common in the Wasteland and
a few special weapon restrictions are in play. Players may
physically enter the field with AEGs (and gas rifles), but
keep them slung until an automatic weapon is purchased
from a merchant or built by a special gunsmith. Players
start the game with any combination of boffer weapons,
gas pistols, springer shotguns, pistols and rifles to include
sniper rifles.
As players accomplish missions, find and sell pre-war
artifacts they accumulate bottle caps to ―buy‖ an automatic
weapon from a merchant. The merchant wraps a special
colored band around ONE AEG magazine, noting it as approved for play. Only these banded magazines may be
used in the field, limiting firepower until the players can earn caps to buy more magazines. These banded
magazines may be reloaded with BBs at any time in the game, but ONLY the approved, banded magazines may
be used in AEGs. Each "gun purchase" from a merchant buys one additional approved magazine, keeping
bottle-caps and earning money a worthwhile pursuit throughout the game.
If a player is killed and must go to respawn, a team member is permit to take his weapon and continue to fight
on (taking the banded magazine and putting it into his own weapon until the original owner returns). Enemy
teams and players may NOT take personal, banded magazines from dead players.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
A LIMITED number of MGP magazines, specially marked and
banded differently from approved, personal magazines will be in
play. These are essentially "free weapons" and may be found in
hidden stashes on the field, or earned for completing very difficult
missions. These magazines MAY be looted from dead enemy
players as they are considered MGP props for the game. Please be
sure to return these magazines to MGP staff at the end of the game!
Since they have a much higher ammo capacity, SAWs and similar
support weapons will be more expensive to purchase than regular
AEGs/Magazines. Players should consider whether they want to
bring SAWs to the event, knowing it will take some serious work
to earn them! Teams which have established a homestead, a
permanent and personally propped out base-camp in the wasteland
will be granted a free SAW for homestead defense. The weapon
cannot be moved more than five yards from the homestead,
however and is NOT meant to be a roaming field weapon. If your
team is interested in establishing a homestead on the field, contact
Mac prior to the game to discuss details. ([email protected]). Homesteads are really intended for the largest
groups on the field should be coordinated in advance!
We‘re going to try a selected number of ―skill upgrades‖ at Wasteland 7. You‘ll have the opportunity to
purchase these ―skills‖ from merchants in game as pre-game upgrades. Some sort of special token will be
provided with the skill purchase that is used to perform the skill. Currently planned skills include:
High Tech Wizardry – Required to reactivate Valiant Six and perform some other special tasks.
Demolitions Man – Required to demo special target objectives.
Intel Operator – Periodically may ask admin staff for rumors or intel of what is going on elsewhere around the
field (situation summary drawn from admin internal situation updates)
Moxie – Able to shrug off a hit. Will likely be a special wrist-band placed on the player. When shot in combat,
player yells ―I‘VE GOT MOXIE!‖, rips off the wristband and continues until taking another hit.
Lucky Son-of-a-Bitch – Able to draw an extra card, throw the dice again, spin the wheel again or otherwise get a
Mulligan in the Casino.
Boffer Weapons
Foam boffer weapons will see some limited use on the field. Some factions may
use boffer weapons as secondary or even primary weapons at the start of the
game, until they can afford to buy AEGs. Of course any players unfortunate
enough to be taken as slaves may find themselves in a Combat Arena, forced to
do battle with other slaves or wastelanders desperate to earn caps, while
onlookers bet bottle caps on the outcome.
In the field, a hit from a boffer weapon, anywhere on the body, is considered a
―kill‖, just like a BB hit or a rubber knife kill. During arena combat, to make the
fight more interesting, limb hits disable the limb but only a hit to the body counts
as a kill. Please avoid hits to the head or neck and remember that only a light tap
is needed to constitute a hit. No home-run swings.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Boffer weapons need to be approved by staff for use in the game. Molded foam weapons for most LARPs are
permissible. If you build your own weapon, here is a suggested construction model.
Sharp break-away-blade knife.
Ruler or tape-measure.
Double sided carpet tape.
Duct tape in silver and black.
PVC core of the appropriate diameter.
Closed cell foam pipe insulation of the
appropriate diameter and thickness.
Tennis racket or hockey stick grip tape
1: Cut the core to length. Put duct tape over the ends.
2: Tape down a small (½ in. thick) chunk of closed-cell (pipe insulation) foam onto each end.
3: Mark where you want the grip on the core.
4: Cut your pipe insulation to length. It should extend about ½" beyond the end of the core for both the pommel
and the blade.
5: Put double-sided carpet tape along where the blade and pommel are going to go. Take off the backing and put
the pipe insulation on.
6: Lay a strip of duct tape along the blade, extending 1.5-2" past the ends.
7: Cut the bits of tape that extend past the end into 3 or 4 strips, and stick them down.
8: Repeat until the blade is covered, then repeat again for the pommel.
9: Cut cylinders of open-cell (sofa cushion) foam that are 2-2.5" thick.
10: Attach the open cell foam to the end of the blade and the pommel using duct tape.
11: Wrap the grip with grip tape.
If you're making a mace, axe, hammer, or polearm blade from foam, add it after you've done all the above. Try
to avoid sharp points or backwards curves that could trap opponent's weapons.
Dressing for Wasteland
Few factions wear anything resembling
traditional uniforms. The Wasteland is a fun
and out of the mil-sim box experience.
Players familiar with the FallOut games
may already have good clothing ideas for
Wastelanders, Raiders and others. Those
unfamiliar with Fallout need only consider
films like The Road Warrior series,
Doomsday, The Book of Eli, Escape from
New York and others.
Wastelanders and Raiders should have a
Wasteland Punk look. Uniform pieces may
be used, such as uniform trousers of any
pattern or a set of load bearing equipment.
No complete uniforms should be worn and the clothing should be mixed with
civilian attire and various odds and ends of Wasteland savagery. Here are a few
ideas and suggestions.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Look for an old set of football or hockey shoulder pads at a
used sporting goods store. Paint them black, brown, silver,
red, olive drab or whatever color you like as a set of
Wasteland armor. If you‘re running with a few friends, saw
an old tire into quarters and secure the pieces with ropes or
other straps for some real apocalyptic looking shoulder pads.
MGP scheduled the Wasteland to fall right after Halloween.
Costume shops will be full of hockey masks, spiked
armbands and gloves, wigs and spray on hair-color. Have
some fun assembling your own vision of a post-apocalyptic
savage. Do a good job and you‘ll be given some extra bottle
caps to start the game, getting you that much closer to
―buying‖ your automatic weapon.
Be sure to have empty pouches to store bottle caps. Consider a small backpack or sling bag to carry pre-war
relics you may find in the Florida Wasteland. Load-bearing harnesses would look better than contemporary
tactical vests. Although if you have a MOLLE plate carrier, one fun trick is removing all pouches from the chest
and threading black plastic spoons or sporks through the straps to build a set of ―spork scale armor‖.
Talon Company is a little more professional in appearance than the average Raider gang. Besides their black
uniforms, they commonly wear combat armor. Many wear combat helmets. If you can find a 17th Airborne
Division Patch, the eagle claw device looks very much like the Talon Company logo.
SuperMutant players should consider wearing long-sleeved green shirts or sweatshirts for padding (you‘ll be
taking a LOT of incoming rounds) and use green make-up or green camo paint to cover faces and hands.
They‘ll have rough, wasteland garb and will have kill plates mounted on their chest and back.
Knights in the Brotherhood of Steel and Bogatyrs in the SOSC are asked to build simulated power armor. Some
have used motocross armor and other sporting equipment. Others have crafted power armor from sheets of
close-cell foam, cutting to shape and forming with a heat gun. Visit the MindGame Productions website and the
Wasteland forums for links to a video and more photos of this technique!
We ask that a simulated suit of power
armor consist of ―three out of four‖
armored zones (body, head, arms,
legs). All power armor must have
chest, back and shoulder plates, and
coverage of at least two of the
following zones: legs, arms, helmet.
As a final element, an 8‖ minimum
metal pie or casserole pan should be
secured on the center of chest and
center of the back. This ―kill plate‖
creates a loud, recognizable sound
when hit with a BB and represents the
toughness of an opponent in power
armor. Armored fighters must keep
their kill plates exposed during
firefights (not bunker down behind
walls and hide the plate).
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Larger teams have the opportunity to ―homestead‖ at a particular location on the
field if coordinated in advance. They can then build this homestead up as a
dedicated base camp, with additional comforts, character and even special
features if desired. Teams have set up homesteads, with generators, Christmas
lights, flood lights, disco balls, chairs, tables, cots and music. Slavers often run
combat arenas with captured slaves for their own amusement, or for gambling
purposes with other players. Other groups have set up bars, gambling dens, and
even banking facilities to start Wasteland businesses and earn caps.
If a team is interested in a homestead, we ask that the team consists of at least
10-12 players. You‘ll want to leave at least a small group defending your
homestead at any given time while others are scavenging or out on missions. If
assigned a homestead location, the team will be asked to really build it up. Bring
out a generator and lights. Bring a camping cot, chairs, tables and other things to
build up your base camp. Consider if your team wants to offer a special attraction
to possibly earn bottle-caps (or even ―pre-war currency‖). A good option is
bringing out a cooler with ice, water and Gatorade and running a ―bar‖ for
Wastelanders. Drinks can be sold for a combination of both bottle-caps and real
currency, and you can offer a safe-haven (at least most of the time) for factions
to meet and negotiate or for Wastelanders to seek employment.
Homesteads will be given one free SAW or AEG (if the team doesn't own a
SAW) at the start of the game for ***homestead defense***. This weapon will
be marked with a different color band to show it as a homestead defense weapon
and it should NOT be moved more than five yards from the homestead.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
If a homestead is captured by an enemy team, that should be a worthwhile accomplishment. Occupy and hold
the base for about ten minutes and make sure one of the Admins knows about it and confirms your capture of
the homestead. Take some triumphant pictures, whoop and yell, but please vacate the homestead after about ten
minutes to allow the original team to return. They will have brought personal gear and props into the homestead
and will want to reoccupy it as soon as the conquering heroes have moved on. In most cases, an Admin will
reward your team with a free AEG/Magazine as a reward for
capturing a homestead. Of course you've likely made a sworn
enemy at that point and better watch out for payback!
Just be sure to bring trash bags and keep your homestead area
clean. Don‘t damage the good relationship the Florida airsoft
community has with Wayne‘s World by littering the field.
(This is serious guys… we caught heat from trash left out on
the field after a previous Wasteland game. Do NOT LEAVE
Respawns and Spawn Points
When a player is ""killed" in the game, he or she will need to move to a designated
spawn point before re-entering game-play. Drink some water, reload, adjust your
gear and come on back into the game after resting a couple minutes. There are three
main locations on the field that will be "free" spawn points available at any time for
any players. These include the two central field entrances on the west side of the
field (map locations B11 and B14). There will be a third "free" spawn location on the
east side of the field, north of the Checkpoint and likely in the vicinity of N14 (the
exact spot will be marked with a visible flag). Please be good sports around the
spawn points. Don't camp them, shooting players as soon as they re-enter game play.
Be the same token, if a fierce battle is raging near a spawn point, a respawning player
may consider going to another spawn point or moving quickly away from the fight
after coming back into the game.
Other than these free spawn points, teams which have established formal, approved
homesteads may respawn at their homestead **provided that their base is NOT under
attack or threatened by immediate attack**. Please be good sports about this guys so
Admins won't need to always step in. When your base in under attack or enemies are
obviously closing in around it, go somewhere else to respawn until the threat is
Teams with homestead *may* allow allied or neutral players to respawn at their homestead for a small fee.
Note that even allied teams must pay a fee, only the homestead's own team members may spawn there for free.
The spawn fee for allied or neutral players should be no less than ten caps and no more than twenty caps. It is
up to the homestead team to decide if players are allowed to respawn at their homestead or not. Allies generally
won't have a problem, until the alliance inevitably falls apart as it always seems to do in the wasteland. Neutral
players may ask permission to spawn at the homestead for a fee, offering a team a potential source of additional
revenue. However this does introduce a risk as the respawned "neutrals" might try to suddenly attack and
capture the base from within. Watch everyone carefully and think twice about who you trust in the wasteland.
Nevertheless, many teams may allow neutrals to respawn at their base for a fee to earn additional caps.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Note that a team which has captured a homestead does not acquire the homestead defense SAW, nor is it
allowed to use the captured base as a spawn point. Only the designated owners of a homestead are allowed to
spawn there, when the base is safe and not under threat of attack.
Reporting Onsite
When reporting to the registration table, you will be asked
to present the following items:
1. Waynes World of Paintball General Release
and Waiver
2. National Sports Entertainment & Recreation
Association Release and Waiver
3. MindGame Productions Release and Waiver
4. Drivers License or other form of photo ID
5. Payment for walk-in players
All three waivers are included in this player‘s packet. Please complete them and bring them to the event.
Additional copies will be available onsite but completing this information in advance will speed the process.
Please be sure your paper work is complete before coming to the registration desk. If you have attended an
MGP event since March 2014, we should have your waivers on file. You will still need to check in, however.
New waivers will be required in March 2015 for all players.
Chrono Procedures
You will need to take all of your weapons, INCLUDING back up weapons or ‗emergency‘ weapons, to the
Chrono station. We recommend going through chrono and registration as early as possible to give you ample
time to prepare you gear and link up with your squad mates and faction leaders.
The chrono station is a short distance from the main staging area, near the trash receptacles. There will be at
least three chronographs being used to check the weapons. We will provide 0.25 gram BBs for the test. Several
different types of magazines are available at the chrono station, but players are asked to bring one empty low or
mid-cap magazine with you for each weapon you need to chrono.
For field games, such as Waynes World of Paintball, all non-sniper weapons will be chronographed using bio
.25 gram BBs.
OK < 366 fps
SAW (50 foot minimum engagement, no SAW firing indoors)
OK < 390 fps
SNIPER WEAPONS (100 Foot minimum engagement - chronographed using .36 gram BBs)
OK < 436 fps
Players caught with hot guns or guns that were not chronographed prior to the game will be removed from the
game with no refund given. Please note that any weapon may be subject to a spot chrono test throughout the
day, even if it is banded from the morning chrono test. This is all to help protect players on the field.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
0700 - Gates open.
0730 – Chrono and Registration desk open.
0945 – GAME & SAFETY BRIEFING will be held.
TBA – Lunch (teams rotated through meal breaks)
TBA – ENDEX (currently planned for approx. 2000hrs)
As of now the game in planned to wrap up Saturday night. We
have run 24 hour Wasteland games in the past but most players
have left the field late at night. ** IF ** we get the
commitment of more teams to establish 24 hour homesteads (sleeping in the field!) and a large commitment
from registered players that they WILL stick it out until Sunday morning, we **may** consider making this a
24 hour game. If this happens, game-play will continue through the night. Players would be encouraged to bring
sleeping bags onto the field for setting up campsites. Guards should be posted and missions and raids continue
through the night-time hours! A 24 game is **unlikely** at this time unless we see a huge response to do so, as
this is an exhausting proposition and can be very disappointing for players roaming an empty field at 3am with
no-one to shoot at,
Radio Channels are:
Radio Net
Talon Company
Brotherhood of Steel
Sons of the Crimson Star
Contact Admin
Several channels are still unassigned as of this players pack version. Other private team assignments for private
groups will likely be made prior to the event.
Programming information listed for FRS/UHF compatibility for programmable radios which is also available
with common radio programming software such as CHIRP. Players are expected to comply with FCC radio
power guidelines.
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Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Waynes World of Paintball
4841 S. Pine Street
Ocala, Florida 34480
Field Location
Wayne's World of Paintball is located just south
of Ocala. As you can see from the map, the field
is easily accessible from Interstate 75.
From the south - Exit 341 (Old 67) - make a
right turn and travel east approx. 5 miles until
you reach Hwys. 441/301/27, turn left (we are
located about 10 miles north).
From the north - Exit 350 (Old 68) - make a left
turn onto Hwy. 200. Travel east until you reach
441/301/27. Turn right, and travel about 3 miles
south. (If you turn right at the Walgreen's/Target
Stores YOU ARE NOT ON Hwys. 441/301/27.
You must turn right again when you reach the
Popeye's Restaurant - Pine Street.)
The entrance to the field is located at 4841 S. Pine
Street, directly across the street from the Ocala
Drive-In Movie Theater screen. Located between
Factory Direct Mobile Homes and Raintree Mobile
Homes the entrance drive will be clearly marked.
Follow the entrance drive through the gate at the
top of the hill. You will be in the camping and
parking area.
I-75 Exit #350
3720 S.W. College Road (352) 237-0715
Motor Inn
3601 West Silver Springs Blvd. (352) 629-6902
ask for Lahni or Kay
Royal Inn
2900 S. Pine (352) 732-3575
Holiday Inn and Suites
3600 SW 38th Avenue (352) 629-9500
Holiday Inn Express
1212 S. Pine (352) 629-7300
*** Camping Onsite is Available ***
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Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Additional Event Notes
To maintain ongoing event play, we will rotate teams out for lunch breaks on a pre-arranged schedule. This will
be developed in early November as we near the event weekend. Hotdogs, chips and sodas for lunch are included
with your admission fee and may be obtained at lunch by presenting your lunch ticket to the attendant at the
refreshment stand. Players are also recommended to bring powers bars, trail mix, MREs or other fast and easy
Please remember to PACK OUT EVERYTHING YOU PACK IN. In other words, DO NOT LEAVE TRASH
ON THE FIELD. Put all trash in your pocket, pouches or trash bags and throw away your trash … IN THE
A water station is located at the entrance to the field along with a misting system if you need to cool down. Do
not allow yourself to become dehydrated on the field. When your squad leader or an admin tells you to drink
water, then drink water. Even if you are not particularly thirsty, drink water. If you need water but have an
empty canteen or hydration pack, do not hesitate to ask a squad mate or admin for water.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
BBs and Weapons Magazines
Waynes World of Paintball requires the use of
bio-degradable or earth-friendly BBs. There are
numerous brands now available on the market
and most Florida players have now become
familiar with the brands. Excel Bio BBs, Biotech,
Bioval, BioTech, Eco BBs, Earth Friendly Killer
Beez are all among the acceptable BBs. Bio-BBs
will be available for sale onsite. Note that clear
BioVals are not allowed!
Please remember that only Support Weapons will
be allowed to use high-cap or box magazines.
Support weapons should be proper SAWs and
LMGs such as a M249, RPK, M60, etc. Riflemen
are restricted to non-winding low and mid-cap
magazines only.
Check list for the Wasteland
Airsoft AEG & magazines
Spare AEG & magazines
Gas pistol and magazines
Springer Weapon
Boffer Weapon
Airsoft gas
Batteries for AEGs
Bio-degradable / Earth Friendly BB‘s
Correct uniform for your team
Battle rig, LBE, Wasteland Armor
Optional gas mask or respirator
Backpack for pre-war relics
White flag for approaching unknown factions
Socks and extra socks
Knee pads
Cover (hat, boonie)
Foot powder and additional foot care products
Sleeping Bag
Radio w/ spare batteries
Spare radio w/ more spare batteries
Weapons sling
Snack food or power bar
WATER in a Hydrapak, canteen or similar
Red Dead rag
Red Chem/Flashlight for dead signal at night
Speed loader
GUN BAG – don‘t carry your weapon out in
the open
Wasteland Map
MGP Waiver
Waynes World of Paintball Waiver
NSERA Waiver
Admission fee
WATER... again... it‘s important
―OFF‖… or other bug repellant
Allergy medication
General medication
WATER... still important
Camera or disposable camera
This is a generic list including some of the ‗basics‘.
You may find that you need more than the items listed,
or less. Be sure to plan for any possible outcome,
good or bad and be prepared. Don‘t expect someone
else to have the items you need. Get your gear in
order so that you are a self-contained entity. GATHER
and begin preparation of ALL YOUR GEAR no later
than Wednesday night. This will allow for any last
minute items to be found in time.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
MindGame Productions 2015
*NOTE - We reserve the right to revoke play from any player who breaks our stated and in-game rules
during the event. We also reserve the right to DENY any application from players we deem unfit to
participate in our event. Rules and Regulations All players participating in the event must be 16 years or
older. ID's will be checked during registration onsite. Players under 18 must have waivers co-signed by a legal
guardian. Airsoft is meant to be a fun game. Rules are designed not to restrict but protect the safety of its
participants and ensure each player has a good time. In developing these rules, we tried to cover realism, game
play and safety.
Event Registration
Most events will offer online event registration three weeks or more prior to the event. Online registration may
be completed through the MGP online store, accessible through the MGP website and linked from forum and
email event announcements. Typically players who register online in advance and pre-pay for the event will
receive a price discount below what players paying at the event will be charged. Please note that sending an
email to say that you‘re coming does not qualify as online registration and pre-payment for a reduced price. It is
a very nice courtesy to help us build player rosters, but we extend the discounted price to players who pre-pay
to reserve their space at the game. We encourage players to pre-register to save money and make advance
planning and on-site check-in easier for all concerned.
Players Packs
A PDF players pack will be produced for most large games,
posted online for download around the time registration goes
live. The players packs may be downloaded from the MGP
website. Please be sure to download and read the players pack
as it contains both general game rules and special rules
specific for the event. The pack includes information on the
game scenario, teams, radio frequencies, maps, directions to
the site and waivers that players may print and fill out prior to
the game to speed onsite check-in. Please note that many
questions asked in the forums about an event may be
answered in the players pack, and ask that players not take
offense if a forum question is sometimes answered only by
―check the players pack.‖
Weapon Velocity Limits
Velocity reducers are NOT allowed. MGP will have preloaded
testing magazines for a variety of weapons but do not have
every weapon magazine available. Players should report to the
chrono station with an empty mag for each weapon in case the
MGP staff member needs to insert the testing BBs in the
empty mag. Players caught with hot guns or guns that were
not chronographed prior to the game will be removed from the
game with no refund given. Please note that any weapon may
be subject to a spot chrono test throughout the day, even if it is
banded from the morning chrono test. This is all in the interest
of helping to protect players on the field
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
MGP will classify events as FIELD/MOUT or CQB games with specific requirements for each. Excortech
Chronos are our standard chrono devices and have proven to be trusted and reliable by major event organizers.
For field games, such as Waynes World of Paintball, all non-sniper weapons will be chronographed using bio
.25 gram BBs.
OK < 366 fps
SAW (50 foot minimum engagement, no SAW firing indoors)
OK < 390 fps
SNIPER WEAPONS (100 Foot minimum engagement - chronographed using .36 gram BBs)
OK < 436 fps
Some fields will require the use of biodegradable or
earth-friendly BBs, as designated in the Players Pack for
each specific event. Sniper rifles which fire heavier
weight BBs are exempt from this restriction. NO
METAL BB's can be used in sniper rifles or AEG's.
Anyone caught playing with metal bb's will be BANNED
from MindGame Productions events. Note that graphite
coated BBs are not metal although some players believe
them to be. Graphite BBs may be tested with a pair of
pliers to see that they crumble when put under pressure.
Glass or clear polymer BBs, such as clear Bioval BBs are
Magazine Restrictions
To promote a greater element of realism and focus on tactics,
MGP has a standard set of magazine restrictions in place. Assault
rifles and sub-machine guns are restricted to low- and midcapacity magazines only. High-capacity and box-magazines are
only permitted for legitimate support weapons such as M249s,
M60s, RPKs and similar support weapons and light-machine
guns. High-capacity magazines are here defined as using a BB
reservoir and shorter, spring loaded feeding track into the hophop that is filled from the reservoir by use of a mechanical
winding mechanism. Please understand that a MP5 with a box
magazine is NOT a support weapon, even if you want to use it in
that role. These limitations increase the importance of team
maneuver tactics, the ability to accurately engage targets and
present exciting and realistic situations in which teams may need
to contend with dwindling ammunition reserves. Importantly
these rules significantly increase the importance of team support
weapons on the field and how they are employed in conjunction
with riflemen. In rare instances, permission may be granted for a
limited number of high-cap magazines to be carried for use in a
very unusual or rare AEG design for which low and mid-capacity
magazines are not manufactured. When in doubt, please inquire.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Personal Protection Fully sealing eye protection
REQUIRED. Impact rated, fully sealed eye protection must
be worn at all times on the game fields. Mesh goggles are
only allowed with shooting glasses or prescription glasses
worn underneath. No shooting glass or mesh goggles by
themselves are allowed. Players caught in violation of this
rule on the field will be warned to correct the violation
immediately Repeat offenses are grounds for being removed
from the game with no refund given. Full face protection is
suggested but not required for field games- either a
balaclava or a full paintball mask that covers both your ears
and mouth. For CQB games, some form of full face
protection, even if a simple shemagh or balaclava, is
required for safety.
Uniforms and Personal Gear
A red kill rag is MANDATORY. While we realize it will
not stop players from getting shot after they've been
eliminated, it will reduce it. For all night games, indoor
games or games with extensive CQB elements, a red chem.-light, red LED light or flashlight with a red-lens is a
requirement as a ―low-light‖ kill rag solution. Players should be dressed appropriate to their faction‘s required
uniform load out. All players should be on the field with at least one canteen or hydration pack. FRS/GMRS
radios are recommended, as is a personal compass. A driver‘s license or other form of photo ID must be carried
on the field at all times.
Weapon Safety Weapons are to be kept on safe with magazines out while in the staging area. There should be
no shooting in the staging area except at a designated chrono area and weapons testing range. Blind firing
(sticking your gun out of an area and firing without knowing/seeing where you are aiming) around corners is
strictly prohibited! You must have EYES on target before firing. You may not use optics to see around corners
and fire. It's real easy to hit someone point blank in the face when doing this.
Minimum Shooting Distance There is a minimum 10‘ stand-off
range for engagements. Do not fire at targets within 10‘. Instead
you may call a ―Bang‖ or ―Surrender‖ to eliminate the other
player. You weapon must be at the ready and pointed at the
opponent when you call ―Bang‖ or ―Surrender.‖ No more than two
opponents can be banged out in an engagement. If you come
around a corner and see three opponents, you can kill two but then
you are a casualty as well. Players who have surrendered are
expected to sling their weapons and comply with their captors. In
the past, some players have called ―Bang‖ as a courtesy when they
are at close range but further than 10‘ away. This is a purely
optional courtesy to the target. A player is only required to accept
a ―Bang‖ kill at a range of 10‘ or less. If you elect to offer another
player a bang kill at close range but outside of 10‘, keep your
finger on the trigger and simply fire immediately if the player turns
to run or moves to return fire. Sniper weapons cannot be used to
engage targets within 100 feet. All snipers are expected to carry a
back-up weapon for close engagements.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Valid Hits and Eliminations A hit from a BB
anywhere on your body or personal gear (helmet,
vest, etc.) is a valid hit. Gun hits do not count if
just striking an exposed barrel, but weapons are
not intended to be used as ―shields‖. Ricochets
do not count. If in doubt whether or not a hit was
a ricochet or direct hit, take the most honorable
route and assume the hit. Friendly fire (hits from
teammates) DOES count. There is no such thing
as "friendly" fire! Grenade hits count the same as
a hit from a BB. If a grenade lands in your
vicinity (approximately 10 feet away) and goes
off but a bb does not hit you, you are out. In the
event of a hit, the player yells "HIT!" He
immediately raises his weapon or hands above
his head and displays his red kill rag. No false
calls. He may lie in place and call for a medic, or
he may consider himself killed and return to a
spawn point. If a player has been waiting for
several minutes with no medic reaching him, he has the option of ―bleeding out‖ and moving to the nearest
spawn point. DO NOT call for players to "call their hits". It is unsportsmanlike and rude. This is a game of
honor and should be treated that way. Remember, it's just a GAME. Sometimes your BB may not be reaching
your target. Sometimes they may be deflected by a branch or hitting gear and the player is not aware of it. Give
your opponent the benefit of the doubt and shoot him again.
Wounds, Bleed-out and Moving the Wounded If a player takes a valid hit, he immediately yells "HIT!" and
raises his weapon or hands above his head, displays their red kill rag and lays on the ground. The player "falls in
place", assuming a prone position. The player may move up to five feet in any direction if needed to place
himself closer to a wall or otherwise outside the flow of traffic. He is not allowed to "stagger" a longer distance
back to drop amidst his teammates. The downed player should consider laying on his back with his weapon
pointed in the air or held across his chest to look less like
he has merely assumed a prone firing position. Players
should display their red "wound" cloths or handkerchiefs
on their chest, heads or wrapped around their weapon so
not to be mistaken as a player still in combat. The downed
player bleeds out in three minutes unless receiving firstaid. If no aid has been received within three minutes, the
downed player is dead. He may rise and head back to the
staging area, with his weapon and hands raised above his
head. At anytime during the player's bleed out, he has the
ability to be captured by the opposing force. Until he has
been given first-aid or bleeds out, the downed player
remains where he lies. A downed player may be "carried"
by one or more active players to a safer location for
treatment. One player placing his hand on the casualty's
shoulder represents a carry. They may move at a walk but
neither player may fire. If two players put hands on a
casualty's shoulders, this represents a two-man carry. The
three players may move at a brisk jog and the carrying
players may fire one-handed.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Re-Entering Game Play When a dead player
moves to a spawn point, he will wait here to reenter the game. This is a good time to drink
more water and refill your water carriers.
Respawn rules may vary slightly from one
game to the next and this will be noted in the
players pack and the onsite game briefing. The
standard rule is a five-minute OR five-man
spawn rule. A player may reenter the game after
five minutes or if a total of five players from
the same team are ready to re-enter play.
Pyro/Grenades No paint grenades are allowed.
Smoke grenades may be restricted at some
fields and specific details will be found in the
players pack. BB or popcorn grenades using
small firecrackers are allowed at some fields
and this should be noted in the players pack.
CO2 and Green Gas grenades that throw BBs,
powder or just make noise are generally
acceptable for any field. All pyrotechnics are
subject to admin approval and these rules are
subject to change in the staff perceives pyro or
specific items to be too dangerous. Use of
unauthorized devices is subject to immediate
dismissal and barring from future events.
Field Admins At least three MindGame
Productions admins will be on the field at all
times during the game. Many will be identified
by red polo shirts or hunter-orange vests. Field
Admins will be on the field to help with game-flow, watch for safety violations and handle challenges or
problems as they arise. Most events will feature a number of ―embedded‖ admins running with player units in
that team‘s uniform. ―Red Shirt‖ and embedded admins alike will all carry identification cards identifying them
as official event admins. Players are expected to respect the authority of any credentialed admin.
Some photographers may be on the field in yellow vests. These are considered ―invisible‖ photographers and
should be allowed to roam the field and take pictures as they wish. They are not considered admins, and should
not be making administrative game calls. This is not necessarily due to lack of experience as some
photographers may be veteran players, but lime-green vest photographers are not necessarily read-on fully to all
event rules, regulations and mission details. Other photographers may be ―in-character‖ as embedded
journalists. They operate just like any other player in the game and may be shot or wounded by hostile or
friendly fire.
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Mindgame Productions, Inc.
Indemnity Agreement & Release Of Liability, Acknowledgment Of Risks And Hazards
This is an important legal document! By signing it, you are giving up certain rights!
Please read carefully before signing!
In consideration of MindGame Productions allowing (Print Name) _________________________ to utilize the event facilities
and participate in airsoft tactical scenarios, training and related activities, (hereinafter referred to as 'activities covered by this
Agreement), I agree that:
I understand that participating in any of the activities covered by this Agreement will expose me to the risk of personal injury,
property damage and/or death. I understand that the success and safety of my participation is dependent upon the proper
functioning of proscribed safety equipment, vehicles and airsoft training weapons; and that neither the safety equipment, vehicles
or airsoft weapons can be guaranteed to function perfectly. I understand that the safety equipment, vehicles and airsoft weapons are
subject to mechanical malfunctions as well as operator error. I freely, voluntarily and expressly choose to assume all risks
inherent in participating in the activities covered by this Agreement, including, but not limited to, risks of equipment failure,
malfunction and/or failure to function, including those which may result from some defect in design, assembly, and/or
manufacture as well as those risks arising from improper and/or negligent operation, training and/or use of the equipment. For and
in consideration of the thrill of participation in this activity, and understanding full well that those risks may include personal
injury, property damage, and/or death, I assume those risks.
(________) Please initial when read and agreed upon
I exempt and release the following persons, corporations and organizations: MindGame Productions, Inc.; Guardian Centers of
Georgia, LLC; Waynes World of Paintball; The owners and lessees, if any, of land upon and from which the airsoft event and
related training operations are conducted; and including all of each person's, corporation's, and organization's officers, agents,
servants, employees, representatives, lessors; (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Releasees"), from any and all liability,
claims, demands or actions or causes of action whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to me or my property,
or my death, while upon the premises or while participating in any of the activities covered by this Agreement, whether
resulting from the negligence and/or other fault, either active or passive, of any of Releasees, or from any other cause.
(_____________) Please initial when read and agreed upon
I agree never to institute any lawsuit or action at law or arbitration or otherwise against any of Releasees, or to initiate or assist
in the prosecution of any claim for damages or cause of action which I may have by reason of injury to my person or property,
or my death, arising from the activities covered by this Agreement, whether caused by the negligence and/or other fault, either
active or passive, of any of Releasees, or from any other cause. I further agree that my heirs, executors, administrators, personal
representatives, and/or anyone else claiming on my behalf, shall not institute any suit or action at law or otherwise against any
of Releasees, nor shall they initiate or assist the prosecution of any claim for damages or cause of action which I, my heirs,
executors, administrators, personal representatives, and/or anyone else claiming on my behalf may have by reason of injury to
my person or property, or my death, arising from activities covered by this Agreement, whether caused by any negligence
and/or other fault, either active or passive, of any of Releasees, or from any other cause. I hereby so instruct my heirs,
executors, administrators, personal representatives and/or anyone else claiming on my behalf. Should any such suit, action at law,
arbitration or otherwise be instituted against any of Releasees, Iagree that such Releasees shall be entitled to recover attorneys'
fees and costs incurred in defense of such suit or action, including any appeals therefrom.
(_____________) Please initial when read and agreed upon
As part of the consideration for my being allowed to participate in the activities covered by this Agreement, I promise not to
initiate any legal or equitable action or arbitration against any of the Releasees for any cause of action whatsoever. Furthermore,
I realized that the damages to the Releasees for my breach of this promise are uncertain and difficult to establish and that in the
event I breach this promise I agree that the liquidated damages I will be liable to pay to each of the Releasees named in a any
legal action I may bring is $100,000 for each named defendant.
(_____________) Please initial when read and agreed upon
I agree that the amount of $100,000 is not a penalty but is rather an estimate of uncertain damages. I further agree that this
provision for liquidated damages shall apply to any action in which I am required to indemnify the released parties, such as a
wrongful death action brought by my heirs. These liquidated damages shall be due and payable immediately upon filing any
legal action or demand for arbitration and irrespective of the outcome.
(_____________) Please initial when read and agreed upon
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
I will indemnify, save and hold harmless Releasees from any and all losses, claims, actions, or proceedings of every kind and
character, including attorney's fees and expenses, which may be presented or initiated by any other persons or organizations and
which arise directly or indirectly from my participation in the activities covered by this Agreement, whether resulting from the
negligence and/or other fault, either active or passive, of any of Releasees or from any other cause.
(_____________) Please initial when read and agreed upon
I further agree that in the event I or any other party have any claims whatsoever against any of the Releasees arising out of my
participation in activities covered by this agreement including an action for personal injury or wrongful death, that it shall be a
condition precedent to the filing of any legal action against any of the Releasees by myself or my heirs, that the matter first be
arbitrated by an arbitration board appointed by MindGame Productions, Inc. and that the decision and finding of that board shall
be final and binding upon all persons. MindGame Productions shall have absolute and unfettered license to choose whomsoever
they desire as arbitrators and the decision of the arbitrators shall not be set aside for any reason whatsoever. Furthermore the filing
of a demand for arbitration shall trigger the requirement for payment of liquidated damages specified in Paragraph 4.
(_____________) Please initial when read and agreed upon
I understand and agree that if I institute, or anyone on my behalf institutes, any suit or action at law or any claim for damages or
cause of action against any of Releasees because of injury to my person or property, or my death, due to the activities covered by
this Agreement, I agree that this Agreement can and will be used as evidence in court. Should a court of competent jurisdiction
rule that any of the provision(s) of this Liability Release Agreement is void or invalid, all remaining provisions hereof shall
remain in full force and effect.
(_____________) Please initial when read and agreed upon
I represent and warrant that (a) I have read, understand and agree to fully comply with all rules, procedures, safety guidelines and standards
published online, in the players pack for this event and briefed onsite, (b) I assume fault and liability for injury of myself or other participants if
caused by my failure to comply with all rules, procedures and safety guidelines published online, in the players pack for this event and briefed
onsite, (c) I have notified the event staff of any physical afflictions, relevant past medical history details, medical treatment and medications which I
am currently undergoing or taking, (d) I have made no misrepresentations on my age, health or understanding and agreement of all event terms,
rules and conditions.
(_____________) Please initial when read and agreed upon
Any and all, included but not limited to; pictures, videos, electronic images, or drawings, regardless of origin, or author, may not be
generated, created, used, distributed, or reproduced, in/on/within, any commercial, personal, promotional, advertisement, in/on print or
electronic format, resulting in any financial, monetary, personal, promotional, or any other reason(s) unapproved by event organizers
or any other party authorized by event organizers. Any and all, included but not limited to; pictures, videos, electronic images, or
drawings, regardless of origin, or author, are the property of event organizers. Players and approved photographers may retain their
photos and video, however MindGame Productions, Inc. requests the download of all images and video for our own use prior to
leaving the event. By attending, you agree to allow us the unrestricted and uncompensated use of you, your likeness, name, voice,
photograph (s) logo or trademark in such material..
(_____________) Please initial when read and agreed upon
This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from the date and time of signing continuously for a period of 10 (ten) years.
(_____________) Please initial when read and agreed upon
Your Signature __________________________ Today‘s Date __________ Email Address __________________________________
Printed Name ___________________________ Date of Birth __________ Emergency Contact # _____________________________
Signature of Legal Guardian (if under 18 years of age)__________________________
Today's Date __________
Printed Name of Legal Guardian ___________________________________________
Witness Signature _________________________Today's Date _________ Witness Name _________________________________
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
NAME __________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________
CITY __________________________________________ STATE ______________ ZIP ________________
PHONE __________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS _______________________________________
DATE ________________________ TEAM NAME ______________________________________________
Sparr, Florida
The United States of America
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT THAT THE UNDERSIGNED, being of lawful age, for the sole consideration of being granted the
opportunity to participate in the below described event does hereby and for his/her heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives,
successors and assigns release, acquit and forever discharge in the United States of America and the Owner of any lands utilized by Wayne Dollack,
Jacqueline Dollack, Wayne Dollack 24 Hour Role-Playing Scenario Games, Inc. or Wayne's World of Paintball, Inc. in the conduct of its operations
and its or their agents, servants, successors, personal representatives, heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and all other persons, firms,
corporations, associations, or partnerships of and from any and all claims, actions, causes of action, demands, rights, damages, costs, loss of service,
expenses and compensation whatsoever, which the undersigned now has or which may hereafter accrue or result from on account of or in any
growing out of any and all known and unknown, foreseen and unforeseen, bodily and personal injuries and property damage and the consequences
thereof resulting or to result or which may result from any accident, casualty or event which may or did occur for any reason in connection with or
arising out of or on account of the undersigned's participation in simulated combat situations, whether as contestant or observer, held on the date of
execution hereof.
It is understood and agreed that this release is made in order to induce Wayne Dollack, Jacqueline Dollack, Wayne Dollack 24 Hour Role-Playing
Scenario Games, Inc. or Wayne's World of Paintball, Inc. and Scenario Directors to allow the undersigned to participate in the event herein
referenced and that such inducement is material to Wayne Dollack, Jacqueline Dollack, Wayne Dollack 24 Hour Role-Playing Scenario Games, Inc.
or Wayne's World of Paintball, Inc. decision to allow the undersigned to so participate. Furthermore, the undersigned agrees to follow and abide by
the letter and spirit of the rules of safety and play as defined by Wayne Dollack, Jacqueline Dollack, Wayne Dollack 24 Hour Role-Playing Scenario
Games, Inc. or Wayne's World of Paintball, Inc. and/or its representatives. Specifically, the undersigned agrees to wear at all times while on the
playing field eye protection approved by Wayne Dollack, Jacqueline Dollack, Wayne Dollack 24 Hour Role-Playing Scenario Games, Inc. or
Wayne's World of Paintball, Inc. and/or its representatives.
The undersigned hereby declares and represents that he/she acknowledges and understands that any injuries which may be sustained for any
reason may be permanent and progressive and that recovery therefrom is uncertain and indefinite, or may be fatal, and in making this Release it is
understood and agreed that the undersigned intends to assume any and all risks of loss, including property damage losses, and indemnifies and saves
Wayne Dollack, Jacqueline Dollack, Wayne Dollack 24 Hour Role-Playing Scenario Games, Inc. or Wayne's World of Paintball, Inc. and/or its
representatives from any damage, loss, claim, cost, and expense of any kind or nature.
The undersigned further declares and represents that no promise, inducement, or agreement not herein expressed has been made to the
undersigned, and that this Release contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto, and that the terms of this Release are contractual and not
a mere recital, and that it is made freely, knowingly and intentionally.
The foregoing Release and its conditions are understood to apply to all other individual players, as well as Wayne Dollack, Jacqueline Dollack,
Wayne Dollack 24 Hour Role-Playing Scenario Games, Inc. or Wayne's World of Paintball, Inc. and the land owners or Scenario Directors and
Promoters of events.
WILL BE HIT BY ONE OR MORE SUCH PROJECTILES. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal and delivered this Release the
day referenced above.
SIGNATURE ___________________________________________________Date ____________________
Wasteland 7 v 1.0
Industry Insurance Programs _
Wayne‘s World of Paintball, Inc.=WWP Fax: (352) 591-2210
IN CONSIDERATION of being permitted to participate in any Paintball and/or Airsoft activities
including, but not limited to, playing, using the premises of, renting and operating equipment leased,
sanctioned and/or operated by the above named vendor, I acknowledge and agree that:
I fully understand and acknowledge that; (a) risks and dangers exist in my use of Paintball
and/or Airsoft equipment and my participation in Paintball and/or Airsoft activities; (b) my
participation in such activities and/or use of such equipment may result in my injury or illness including
but not limited to bodily injury, disease strains, fractures, partial and/or total paralysis, eye injury,
blindness, heat stroke, heart attack, death or other ailments that could cause serious disability; (c)
these risks and dangers may be caused by the negligence of the owners, employees, officers or
agents of WWP; the negligence of the participants, the negligence of others, accidents, breaches of
contract, the forces of nature or other causes. These risks and dangers may arise from foreseeable or
unforeseeable causes; and (d) by my participation in these activities and/or use of equipment, I
hereby assume all risks and dangers and all responsibility for any losses and/or damages, whether
caused in whole or in part by the negligence or other conduct of the owners, agents, officers,
employees of WWP, or by any other person.
I, on behalf of myself, my personal representatives and my heirs, hereby voluntarily agree to
release, waive, discharge, hold harmless, defend and indemnify WWP and it‘s owners, agents, officers
and employees from any and all claims, actions or losses for bodily injury, property damage, wrongful
death, loss of services or otherwise which may arise out of my use of Paintball equipment or my
participation in Paintball and/or Airsoft activities. I specifically understand that I am releasing,
discharging and waiving any claims or actions that I may have presently or in the future for the
negligent acts or other conduct by the owners, agents, officers or employees of WWP. This waiver is
good through 3/1/2016.
If the participant is of minority age, the undersigned parent or guardian hereby gives
permission for WWP to authorize emergency medical treatment as may be deemed necessary for the
child named below while participating in Paintball and/or Airsoft games.
Print Name
________________ __________________
Date of Birth
_____________________________ ________________________
City, State Zip
______________________________________________ _______________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian (if less than 18 years old) E-mail
Date: ___________________________________
Wasteland 7 v 1.0