Easter speaks life`s ultimate vic- tory over death…. not just one day
Easter speaks life`s ultimate vic- tory over death…. not just one day
MAY 2014 Volume 59 Issue 4 Celebrating 5 Decades of ministry and mission moving forward in faith PASTOR’S MESSAGE “Christ Is Risen! Christ Is Risen Indeed!” “...Easter speaks life’s ultimate victory over death…. not just one day or one season, but each and every day here and into the life beyond what we know here…” Several Points of Interest in this issue: Dear Friends – With that shout of Good News we entered into this season of Easter living the resurrection life each day. But before that joyous declaration… came what precedes resurrection….death. No, do not stop reading here. Stay with me through this. I am not putting the parade of Resurrection People into reverse and dragging us back into Lent. I want to share a story with you that happened this Good Friday just past…and for that, we do need to make that necessary connection between death and life…crucifixion and resurrection. There can be a lot of resistance to making that connection. Many times I have heard people say that they really don’t like to pay attention to what happened to Jesus between the happy entrance into Jerusalem - when the crowd was cheering and thought he was all that and a bag of chips – and the joy of Easter. When things got ugly…when the leaders of church and state decided he was just too dangerous to them to have around…when his closest friends and followers betrayed and deserted him in the time he needed them most…and when he was brutally put to death….well, for some, that’s just too much…all that human suffering….and death…so let’s skip over those parts, and go instead from that happy entrance to his joyous resurrection, minus the human suffering. Well, the human suffering part is precisely the point here….the reason it makes a difference to us what happened to this obscure carpenter and traveling religious teacher 2,000 years ago: he entered into our lives and deaths so we could enter into his life and resurrection. * Sunday School * WELCA Events * Congregational Meting * Youth Events And so the story I promised: We had just ended the gathering in light and shadows of our Good Friday worship based in the seven words of Jesus Christ from the cross of crucifixion. We had spoken together prayers of our deepest needs and hurts and desires for our own and the world’s redemption. We had sung songs whose words and music wove God’s divine St. Michael’s Trumpet Pastor’s Message continued story together with our human stories in and around Jesus Christ’s sacrificing love for us. The mood was somber. I had only moments before loudly slammed shut the big pulpit Bible symbolizing the shutting of Jesus’ tomb with a large stone. We had, in the dark of this unlighted sanctuary, quietly prayer together the Lord’s Prayer. Everyone else had left in silence and I was sitting there in an empty pew, pondering and praying in the darkness… And then I heard a low, rolling murmur sounding like a group of human voices speaking quietly and in cadence together…. coming out of my own thoughts, I realized this was coming from below me, in the lower level, in the Fellowship Hall….. and that the muffled voices were those of our Friday evening Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon and Ala-Teen groups that meet each week in our Fellowship Hall and Educational Wing….the mood was sober…and they were doing what they do to get through their suffering in this life…encouraging one another in their lives, together and individually, in the addiction recovery program’s 12 Steps…praying together the Serenity Prayer… reiterating to each other “One day at a time” as they support one another through life… realizing their need for living in the light of the Higher Power to bring them out of their personal darkness … coming through their Good Fridays of crucifying addictions to the Easters of lives reclaimed and renewed… being church by another name… In that moment, again I came to understand more profoundly: in life there is always death; in death there is always pain and loss and grief; in God there is always and eternally resurrection from such deaths and Death itself… in lives shared believing and proclaiming - in word and deed, thoughts and actions, head and heart and hands – with this unending love of God, and life in God, we indeed are Resurrection People. What happened upstairs and downstairs this Good Friday made Easter dawn all the more joyous…hope renewed, life restored indeed…and in deed. In the church gathered in worship…in the solitude of a dark, candleless sanctuary… in the bright fluorescent light of the church basement…. in our homes… in our schools… in our workplaces…on our streets…in our world… in all spaces and places of our lives, Easter speaks life’s ultimate victory over death…. not just one day or one season, but each and every day here and into the life beyond what we know here…. Christ Is Risen ! Christ is Risen Indeed! Christ Is Risen In Deed! Alleluia and Amen ! In Christ – St. Michael’s Trumpet Christian Outreach Christian Outreach Ministry will continue to gather pet bedding through spring to take to the Humane Association. While you are doing your spring cleaning keep us in mind. Also, the Humane Association can also use cat litter. There are many beautiful kittens that are looking for a good home. Keep adoption in mind! Lillian Murray (487-3704) Councilperson and Christian Outreach Ministry Music Notes Thank you to the choir and soloists for the Lenten and Easter music. Special thanks to soloists Steve Carlic, Jane and John Woodman and Ann Givens and Lucille and George Teufel for the instrumental accompaniment for the Easter worship services. Allison Evens Henry Organist and Choir Director CINEMA AND SANDWICH MONDAY, MAY 12 NOON Bring a bag lunch and join us in the Fellowship Hall at Noon. Then we will view: A MOVIE in the Library. All are welcome! St. Michael’s Trumpet Christian Education Sunday School CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Congratulations to our First Holy Communion class receiving communion on Maundy Thursday, April 17. We hope this Holy Meal always nurtures them in their faith as they grow in grace. They are Alex Derrick, Lawrence Hulbert, Victoria Hulbert, Amelia Jaworski, Garrett Pierpoint, Elyse Ryder, Sam Snyder, Ryan Stratton, and Joshua Walz. Also, a big “thank you” to Betty Rising for teaching the class. On April 27 during coffee hour we shared a special cake and celebration for this First Holy Communion class. On June 8, Pentecost Day, we will have the Rite of Confirmation during the 10:30 a.m. worship service, with cake celebration during coffee hour afterward. It is also the last day of Sunday School, the “God’s Story-Our Story” time held during 10:30 a.m. worship. Sunday School ELCA World Hunger Project We were very successful with receiving $110.20 to send to the ELCA World Hunger “Bucka-Chick” program to help families in need produce eggs to eat and sell. All the Sunday School children who were in church on Easter Sunday brought the money up to be blessed as their offering as part of the Children's Message. St. Michael’s Trumpet Refugee Sunday-June 22, 2014 PRAYER REQUESTS Your prayers are requested for the seriously and/or chronically ill and for our homebound and adult care residence members, and relatives and friends: Ruth Coe Hilda Dinger Anne Gavurnik Ed Haven Linda Hoyt Marge Hoyt Doris Keane Paul/Virginia Nelk Anita Pichaske Cliff Rode Mary Smith Pastor K. Heuermann Ida Tuite Betty Rising Monday June 16, 2014 1:30 - 6:30 p.m. St. Michael’s Fellowship Hall Please call 1-800-448-3543 to schedule an appointment. St. Michael’s Trumpet Confirmation and Youth Ministries On April 5, 8 young people from our Youth Group and Confirmation Ministry attended the Ga-Ga Event. (“Ga-Ga” is an Israeli game, a variation of dodge ball, with Ga-Ga translating to “Touch-Touch” in English. It is a game learned and made popular at Confirmation Camp.). This was put on by our Cooperative Youth Ministry group of youth leaders from the Central Crossroads Conference of our Lutheran churches. There were a total of 60 kids from 11 churches. Caren Paventi, Jeff Till, Jan Kunkle and Pastor Janet attended as adult planners and advisors. It was held at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Fayetteville. A great time was had by all– and what a great turn out! Learning at the Crossroads Learning at the Crossroads A program of the Central Crossroads Conference of the Upstate New York Synod, ELCA PRAYER RETREAT AT VANDERKAMP, Cleveland, NY Sat., May 10, 2014 9:30 a.m.-3:00 pm Cost: $35 (includes lunch) A series of Bible stories and prayer experiences will guide you through a variety of prayer styles and experiences and provide a base for a journey with God. Questions: Call retreat leader Rev. Wheatley at 315-243-7121. Registration must be received by Wednesday, May 7. Write check to Central Crossroads Conference and mail to “Luther Memorial Conference” 435 South Main St., North Syracuse, 13212 or http://Learningatthecrossroads.googlepages.com Registration sheets are also available on the Narthex table. St. Michael’s Trumpet Congregational Meeting Ingathering 2014 Women of the ELCA Upstate NY Synod 2014 Ingathering Special Congregational Meeting Sunday, May 4 Noon St. Michael's Fellowship Hall The one item on the agenda is to meet with Merle Whitehead and Mark Re of Realty USA to discuss their proposal for acquiring St. Michael's 110 Hinsdale Rd. property as part of the plan to renovate the Realty USA building on the corner of Hinsdale and West Genesee to be their new corporate office headquarters. Updated details about this proposal have been sent to each household. If you haven’t received it, please call the Church Office and it can be sent to you. No vote will be taken at this meeting-it is for the congregation to hear the plans from Realty USA and to have the opportunity to ask questions of their representatives to inform our discussion and decisionmaking. The date for the meeting to vote will be firmly set pending the outcome of the May 4 discussions. Coffee, juice and bagels will be served before the meeting. Church World Service Baby Care Kit 6 cloth diapers 2 Wash Cloths 2 t-shirts or undershirts (no onesies) 2 gowns or sleepers-NEEDED 2 diaper pins 1 sweater or sweatshirt (may be hand knit or crocheted) 2 receiving blankets (one may be hand knit or crocheted) Wrap items inside one of the receiving blankets and secure with both diaper pins. Items must be under 12 month in size. Place all donations in marked bin in Fellowship Hall. Donations accepted for shipping and handling: Checks made out to: Women of the ELCA or give them to Nancy Kemp (320-4400); the Church Office; or through the offering plate. Thank you! St. Michael’s Trumpet Women of the ELCA (WELCA) Karen Settembre-488-0537 WELCA President e-mail: Settembre. [email protected] Upcoming Events: Central Crossroads Conference, Spring Assembly – Saturday, May 3, 2014. Our next Dinner Meeting 9;30 a.m. at St. Peter’s is Thursday, June 12, Lutheran Church, Verona. 6:30 p.m. It will be pot Call Karen Settembre for luck with Altar Guild carpooling information. Hosting. We can look (315-488-0537) forward to a very informative program from Amy Bobbette, Associate Regional Director of Church World Service (CWS). CWS is so much Karen Settembre more than collecting and sending health kits. Amy will tell us of her travels and the many programs that CWS supports. We are still collecting materials for baby care kits. At this time we have three completed kits. We will be collecting items for these kits through September of this year. At this time we need undershirts, sweaters or sweatshirts and receiving blankets. Upcoming Guild Events: Altar Guild Plans to be announced. Ruth McConnelee (488-3078) Mary Circle Mary Circle will meet on Wednesday, May 7, at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Sue Schiller will be our Hostess. We will write notes to our special needs members. If time allows, we will conclude our Bible Study on Abigail of the Hebrew Scriptures, with a brief look at Mary, of Mary and Martha, in the Gospels. We invite you to join us for coffee and cake and fellowship as we do God’s work and study God’s Word. Emily Zieres (422-7873) Service Guild Service Guild will be meeting on May 13 in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. LaVerne Powell will be making dessert and Linda Seeland will be giving devotions. Come join us. On May 17, we will be serving lunch for the Spring Clean Up at St. Michael’s. Ann Maxfield (487-1413) St. Michael’s St. Michael’s Trum- Trumpet pet St. Michael’s Lutheran Church A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (E.L.C.A.) Upstate New York Synod Rev. Janet L. Fechner, Pastor Home Phone: 487-2324 E-Mail: [email protected] Allison Evans Henry, Organist/Adult Choir Director Paula Hansen, Church Office Secretary Rev. Kenneth C. Heuermann, Pastor Emeritus Deacons St. Michael’s Deacons are people who have been trained at the Hartwick Seminary Theological Institute sponsored by the Foothills Conference, and are commissioned to perform specific tasks within our congregation, as extended volunteer service, without financial reimbursement. St. Michael’s Mission Statement Christine Jones: Caren Paventi: Joan Rasi: Betty Rising: Lucille Teufel: Emily Zieres: (468-5902) Liturgical Assistant, Health and Wellness Issues (484-6257) Liturgical Assistant, Christian Education,Visitation (487-0792) Caring Outreach, Wellness Issues (487-3932) Liturgical Assistant, Visitation (685-6109) Liturgical Assistant, Christian Education, Visitation (422-7873) Liturgical Assistant, Adult Christian Education Congregation Council We believe God calls St. Michael’s Lutheran Church to be a community of Christian faith for all people, to worship God together, to nurture growth in the Christian faith, and to use our God-given gifts to serve each other, our community, and our world. President: Vice-President: Jan Kunkle (468-2400) Steve Carlic (673-4398) COUNCIL MEMBERS Committees Christian Education: Jan Kunkle, Council Liaison* (468-2400) , (non-Council) Laura King, Chairperson (380-7325) Lillian Murray (487-3704) (non-Council) Emily Zieres (422-7873) (non Council) Patti Garrison (299-4279) Coordinator Jim Breault, Chairperson (468-3469) Karen Settembre (488-0537) Chuck Kemp* (320-4400) Bill Kunkle, Chairperson, (468-2400) Pending Steve Carlic (673-4398) (non Council) Christine Jones (468-5902) Jan Kunkle, Council Liaison *(468-2400) Christian Outreach: Evangelism: Fellowship: Finance: Missions: Property: Staff Support: Stewardship: Worship and Music: Youth and Family: Congregational Officers Secretary: Cathy Bauer (468-1998) Treasurer: Art Johnson- (488-4339) Financial Secretary: Gail Meyer (488-5619) *Note: Council Liaison indicates elected Council Member who serves as liaison with, but not Chairperson of, a committee. St. Michael’s St. Michael’s Trum- Trumpet pet News and Notes Thank you Traveling Parishioners Catching up on our travelers over the last several months, they have visited: Memorials Given For: Robert Keane February 18, 2014 Loretto Protestant Worship Service– Syracuse, NY St. Peter Lutheran Church— Southport, NC Christ Lutheran Church-Hilton Head Island, SC I'd like to thank everyone from Given by: St. Michael's for the cards and kind expressions of sympathy upon the passing of my brother. Your thoughtfulness was much appreciated by my family and me. Richard Rosenberger Chuck & Nancy Kemp Linda Cole Don Daily Our Sympathy Condolences to the family of Ken Barry who died on March 27, at the age of 102 at Iroquois Nursing Home. He was a charter member of St. Michael’s. Prayers for comfort and hope as well to Michael Miller whose husband died suddenly at age 34. New Address Glen & Carol Argus 4359 Cindy Lane Syracuse, NY 13215 May all who grieve the death of loved ones find solace in the resurrection promise. Thank You Dear St. Michael’s, I would like to thank the members of St. Michael’s for their many thoughts and prayers during my recent illness. The Sunday School and Confirmation class cards raised my spirit as well. I miss participating with the choir and Allison’s leadership. I’m anxious to return. Ed Haven Wedding Congratulations to Kurt and Jessica (Bartle) Settembre married on April 21, 2014. Kurt is the son of Karen Settembre. They were married in Mystic, CT. See photo at left. NON-PROFIT St. Michael’s Lutheran Church 5108 W. Genesee St., Camillus, NY 13031 Ph: 315-487-9360 F: 315-487-7623 E-mail: [email protected] U.S. POSTAGE PAID We’re on the web: www.stmichaelscamillus.org PERMIT NO. 9 CAMILLUS, NY 13031 Handicapped Accessible Address Service Requested MAY 2014 All Church Spring Clean Up Saturday May 17 9:00 a.m.-? Luncheon Provided Start with Coffee Congregational Meeting Sunday, May 4 Noon Fellowship Hall Meeting to discuss proposed real estate deal with Realty USA representatives.