Introduction to your Top Notch ActiveTeach
Introduction to your Top Notch ActiveTeach
Introduction to your Top Notch ActiveTeach This Introduction shows you the digital features and resources available on your ActiveTeach. The Introduction uses examples from Top Notch 1, but all of the features and resources described here are available in all levels. Click on any thumbnail to open a two-page lesson. Access a range of digital or printable materials. Page 1 Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Choose any unit from the contents menu. Go up a level to return to the main menu page, navigate to any page, go back a page, or go forward a page. Open the digital Vocabulary Flash Card Player. Click to open this lesson’s Grammar Booster page. You can also access the Writing Booster this way and, in Top Notch Fundamentals, the Vocabulary Booster. Open the interactive Extra Grammar Exercises, or the Extra Reading Comprehension Exercises. Play the Conversation Activator Video. Play the Pronunciation Coach Video. Open the Lesson Plans for the page from the Teacher’s Edition and Lesson Planner. Open the digital Games. Play the audio. Use built-in interactive whiteboard tools to zoom in, write, highlight, erase, create notes, and more. Play the Top Notch Pop song video. Page 2 Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Play the Top Notch Pop karaoke video. New digital Vocabulary Flash Cards are available for Vocabulary presentations in the Student’s Book. Two types of digital games are available for each unit for review and practice of unit vocabulary and grammar. Name UNIT 1 Date Sitcom: Nice to m eet you. A. Chec k❏ ✓ the occu pations ❏ chef you hear in the vid ❏ nu rse ❏ architect eo episo ❏ doctor de. ❏ pilot ❏ athlete ❏ engineer ❏ B. Write student ❏ teacher a short answer ❏ writer to each qu ❏ singer ❏ actor estion. 1. Is he the presiden t? 2. Is he a tou ission gran ted to repr oduce for classroom use. r guide? 4. Is he the C. Match the mailman ? name wi 5. Is she the th the co office ma rrect oc 1. Mr. Eva ns 2. Marie 6. Is he the receptio nis t? presiden t? cupatio a. recep tionist b. tour gu ide c. presid ent d. office manage r 3. Paul 4. Chery l nager? 3. Is she the n. Copyright © 201 1 by Pearson Education, Inc. Perm Access the full Top Notch TV video program along with Teaching Notes and printable Activity Worksheets. Click the “Top Notch TV” tab at the bottom of the ActiveTeach screen. Top Not ch TV Note: If you’d prefer to view Top Notch TV as a DVD, insert the ActiveTeach disc into a DVD player instead. Fundam entals, Sec ond Edi tion Activity Page 3 Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Workshee t1 Top Notch Third Edition introduces two new video features that build conversation and pronunciation skills. The videos are accessible by clicking on . A Conversation Activator Video dramatically demonstrates how to change, personalize, and extend the Conversation Model in the Conversation Activator exercise. Click on this icon to show the transcript. This feature is also available on the audio player for listening activities. A Pronunciation Coach Video provides further animated guidance and additional practice of each pronunciation point. Page 4 Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Choose a variety of Teacher Resources to aid in lesson planning, organization, and evaluation: Conversation Activator Video Script • Audio and Video scripts • Answer Keys • A detailed Methods Handbook • Professional Development articles by Joan Saslow and Allen Ascher • “Great Ideas for Teaching with ActiveTeach” • Oral Progress Assessment Charts • Printable Extension Activities ○ Extra Grammar Exercises ○ Extra Reading Comprehension Exercises ○ “Find Someone Who...” Activities ○ Conversation Activator Pair Work Cards ○ Graphic Organizers ○ Inductive Grammar Charts ○ Just for Fun (levels 1, 2, 3) ○ Learning Strategies Worksheets ○ Pronunciation Activities ○ Supplementary Pronunciation Lessons ○ Speaking Activities ○ Unit Study Guides ○ Writing Process Worksheets TOP NOTCH PROFESSIONAL DEVELOP Scene 2 M: Hey. Who’s that? F: You don’t know? For real? M: No. Is she famous? Issue 1 F: She sure is. That’s Adele. She’s a singer. And she’s fantastic. M: Really? Where’s she from? F: She’s from the U.K. M: She’s beautiful. What’s her family name? Scene 2 F: I don’t know! ______ F1: Who’s that? ______ ______ M: Over there? I think she’s new. ______ ATE: 1 D Unit 2, Lesson F1: Well, let’s say hi. _____ ____ M: Good evening. I’m__ Mark Banner, and Joan Saslow and Allen Scene 1, Part 1 ______ Ascher __is__ (Acceptxe therc invitation) ises ____ this Laura Gordon. ar E NAME: ramm F: Are you free on Friday? Red Sunset F2: Hi. My name’s Abigail Peters. ExtraButG ) 33 ge at the Cine Lux. Would you“thr likeee R’s” These please call me Gail. pais 4, t ni (U I studied it for ten ensure memorab to go? years and I can’t M: Nice to meet you, Gail. Where are lility speak a word! in M: Red Sunset? I’d love tothe go. EFL setting : you from? are. Such is the self-c ow old ritical lament heard d time? is or H everywhere peop ow olWhat F2: I’m from Boston. d outside of the Engli H ol R ELEV le study English ith ANC w sh-speaking world E ith How w (the ting “EFL F: es At 7:00. ns itself estions settin M: Are you ae: newqu student? interf Adult EFL learn tio g”). Is the setering with the learn ers need English B e qu er’s ability to “rem 3 I am. language well enou ONYes, to communicate ember” ns. Writ M: Great! See you there. Today’s my sa firsttio day. gh to use it comp with both LESSF2: etently and confi why should this nver native and non-n dently? If so, be? What can be the co ative speakers M: pl That’s Welcome! (?). ete great. done about it? And, hard to learn, why of English. Conte if English is so mark does everyone keep 1 Com n nt of lesso tio Scene 1, Part 2 ns F2: Thanks. es trying? and materials shoul Mindy? Use a qu d reflect Today’s adult learn w old is (Decline the invitation) that realit Hoteacher? F1: Who’s your er knows that in y. ur. virtually any profe is an essential skill. enty-fo ssion, English F1: Are you free on Thursday? Romeo World economies 1.F2:A:It’s Mr. Murphy. She’s tw and cultures are interconnected and Mindy? increasingly R interdependent— B: E ENT and Juliet is at the Bridge Theater. RY d! politically, socia F1: Mr. Murphy? He’s our logically. Multinatio ry ol lly, and technonal companies consi Adult EFL learn ey’re ve Would you like to go? ers lack st of confederations offices in numerous teacher, too! dparents? Th 2. A: of coun expos tries, and English d.buture an repeated English s ol ient lingua franc arto has thus become F2: Sorry. I’dye love go, I’mtobusy B: My gr n a. Indeed, accor a conveninput outside the ding to Ricardo He’s te classroom, of all internation Schutz’s study, 75% young. on Thursday. al communication so lessons and mate UnitA: 1, Lesson 2 in writing, 80% e’s very rials must in the world’s comp H 3. r? of all information serve other uters, and 90% othe F1: Too bad. Maybe some time. as delive ry vehicles of realof Internet conte Scene B:1My br four. nt are in English. world language More than ten years input. This is r son is ago, the British F: Hey. Who’s Gael García Bernal? and ou key to avoiding fossil Council reported, main language of ization. er is six, 4. A: “English is the books, newspape M: You don’t know? For real? daught rs, airports and ur intern O ation air-traffic control, B: al business and acade REINFORCEMENT mic conferences, o. F: No. Is he famous? diplomacy, sport science, technology , international comp s forty-tw , Adult EFL learn etitions, pop musi your r? She’ tising.” And we 5. A: ers need to c, and adverknow that the impo ’s mothe feel they are maki rtance of English name increased since then. B: Beth ng progress. has only As (Use one exam Ensu ple ring that students of the primacy of a title.) international busin y-ve. view English in irt ess, th in fiscal LOSE s A: tangi e’ 2002TURN ble progress on 6. the global Japan Matsushita empl a daily ss? Sh ese company oyed 245,922 peop g. reinforces unbasis B: My bo le worldwide, only whom were Japan their enthusiasm very yo his/h 28% of ese. “We er name for learning Engli ’re not need English-speakin can explain Mats (Use a title. sh. g managers who RK ues? They ) ushita’s corpo A: P WO Conversation Activator Video Script 1 7. rate philosophy GROU 2 colleag y and train employees ivit k’s to Act overs g an eas affiliates there,” said Shige Speakin B: Fr ru Mizuno of the development team management . (the / has. person ©2005 Joan Saslow veAllen thirty. haand 2 A: to your left) Ascher of be or UNIT 2 LESSON 8. B: I’m twenty. Sam e a form ve, and ther ts. Writ your twenty- d my fa sstatemen an erial s, Mat e er last ete th reg two sist game copy Compl Target Language 2 name oneot heofrsthe. G needs:br And I ve grouptwocoin other for tossing); four haEach sixteen. . My m board; a die (or etc.) fty chips, 1. I r. rs (coins, poker s place marke ave Titles and name e brothe s D on . ROLL nt his/her d re en te t the ghabou er an eince 2. My pa name a sente AGAIN two. one sist player shou c ld make her right. (Use a title.) seventyhers. Vi r sitting to his or r two brot splaye he tes) on ot d. minu mati (5 ol infor dm the an ar notdknow PREPARATION my gror 3. I enty ye • If the player does may tw an she er (the person to ht eighty, nce, then he make the name, and your right) ne daug his/her to make the sente ning of title, first last name hters. O ) on ren. [name]? and then Review the mea titlesat her es (with hit’sldyour Wha askdc tw].o daug some nam his/her [Mr. Jones to six gran y grandf last name. Write nce: His name is his/her 4. ,M ren. etc.) Ask students correct sente Ben Starr ree child first name ct. She on first name name. th the board. (Mr. ey stays ite last r and Th playe ch e, the first nam ur. correct, an Ifar (the person the sentence is fonce is incorrect, then identify each title, . They of 2 pher to your right) e space. If the sente the board: onse ra ui on tions e og d Lo Page 1 (the ques that wher ot person e an 5. wing spac ph to e? a to the six, back Write the follo last nam your left) (the person thedplayer moves name? What’s your the teacher’s turn. an to your right) What’s your first the last name r’s husb he or she began that e? (Use a title.) Ask ache _ What’s your nam tethat students or rolls the die Note LOSE TURN ______ Our stud 6.ents. tosses the coin ______ or a title questions of a few The next player isition in the EF END for classroom use. e. and plays as abov to help them ents are playing Circulate as stud nces. ctness of their sente judge the corre . wins to reach END The first player (15 minutes) ition ROLL AGAIN Unit 4 ROLL AGAIN . oom use for classr Ed uce groups of four. to reprod ls, Third Put students in granted his/her (20 minutes) ES s the amenta rmission player tosse LOSE TURN last name Fund tion. Pe S / ALTERNATIV e: The first on EducaOPTION nate Notch ars desig Explain the gam Top using a coin, 15 by Pe , have die. (Ifright ©20 with the alphabet coin or rolls the Copyspac other as tice the prac l and e g tiona to sayin one For addi name in addition one side as move students spell each Rodriguez. It’s (the person move two spaces.) His last name is to your left) the it. For example: er the Students must make es his or her mark The player mov R-O-D-R-I-G-U-E-Z. spell the name correctly es. He or she spac of and ber nce indicated num correct sente e. spac the the on teacher’s plays as follows: in order to stay the die name spell The player rolls n’t know how to (Use a title.) the • ROLL AGAIN: ask How If the player does again and moves e, he or she can nam or tosses the coin else’s ent one stud r your some othe of spaces. [last name]? The indicated number first do you spell your is finished. piece of scrap her name on a name ROLL AGAIN The player’s turn can write his or • LOSE TURN: letters aloud. sa r then says the re: The player make last paper. The playe e, • Any other squa nam first n’s a perso on in sentence about mati infor the on d name, or title base ple, if the player lands exam the square. For My first 4 e, he or she says: UNIT 2, SPEAKING on your first nam ACTIVITY 2 name is [Jen]. should that the player ates indic sign • The ☞ r sitting to about the playe nce sente a that the make ☞ sign indicates his or her left. The tion, Inc. START Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Educa Copyright © 2015 le le an artic been de u read rts have When yo rtant pa unimpo e article. th low, the in be le ds tic or fewer w In the ar tand with unders LESSON PLAN mentals, Third Top Notch Funda _____ ____ _____ _____ Part 1 6 ten Unit L is Copyrig classroo roduce for to the _____ mentals, Third Editio n 3 rs Food ht 2 Exam _____ ___ ple: 1. Page 5 2. . __ ______ ______ e ____ m a n Assessment folder The contains tests for each __ _____ _____review tests and a final unit, as well as ___two _ _ _ _ _____ ____Each exam. unit’s test also contains optional _____ _____ _____ _ _ _ _ ___ _ speaking and writing tests. _ _ _ _ od is. _____ Then ation. conve m use. Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Top Notch Funda Edition est T l a r e Gen 0 1 t i n U rep on nted to ission gra ird Editi n. Perm ch 1, Th Educatio Top Not 015 by Pearson ” Board game PROCEDURE ils. ing for deta : skimm you read ATEGY n before G STR h you ca eas first id uc n m ai READIN w ice ho r the m ted. Not , skim fo L Setting “English? granted to reproduce egy ng Strat Learni ng) , Readi 70 ge pa (Unit 6, MAKING EN LISH UNFORGETTGA BLE Enhancing Acqu last name (Mr. Park) can use a title and John Park). and full name (Mr. ____ MENT SERIES tion, Inc. Permission ____ NAME: M: He sure is. He’s a very good actor. F: Where’s he from? M: Mexico. by Pearson Educa ____ DATE: __ ______ ______ Unit 1, Lesson 1 Scene 1 M1: Who’s that? F: Over there? I think he’s new. M1: Well, let’s say hello. F: Good afternoon. I’m Laura, and this is Mark. M2: Hi. My name’s Alexander. But everyone calls me Alex. F: Great to meet you, Alex. Where are you from? M2: Miami. listen In the fridge again ck ( d che an on the shelf In the et cabin ch fo ere ea ✓ ) wh on the table on the r counte on the stove ✓
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