St. Teresa of Avila Church - St.Teresa of Avila
St. Teresa of Avila Church - St.Teresa of Avila
Pastor: Fr. Michael Carroll Pastoral Associate: Sr. Anita Minihane, RSM Deacon Dave Ford ([email protected]) Deacon Ed Morgado ([email protected]) St. Teresa of Avila Church Our Lord Jesus Christ The King November 21, 2010 MISSION STATEMENT “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in My Love. ”In Christ’s Love the Eucharistic community of St. Teresa of Avila, Auburn, embraces and welcomes all as part of God’s family. We value every parishioner and strive to reflect the forgiveness and healing of the Gospels. Sunday Masses Saturday Vigil………………………………………………...5:00pm Sunday……………………………………………8:00am, 10:30am, ………………………………………3:30pm (Spanish), & 5:30pm Daily Masses Monday - Saturday.………………….….…………………..8:30am Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday, 3:00pm – 4:30pm The priests are honored to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance at any time; please call for an appointment with the priest of your choice. Eucharistic Adoration Saturdays..………………………………………9:00am—12:00pm Baptisms: For the celebration of Baptism, please call the Parish Office, for information. Marriage: If you are a member of our parish, please contact a priest or deacon of your choice at least six months in advance of your desired wedding in order to participate in a process of marriage preparation. Confirmation: For teens, the Sacrament of Confirmation is a two-year preparation process; please contact our coordinator of religious education; for adults not yet confirmed, please call the parish office. Ministry to the Sick: Please call parish office (530) 889-2254 Bulletin Submissions: e-mail to [email protected]. All bulletin articles are due in the parish office no later than 12:00pm on Mondays. Parish Office: 11600 Atwood Rd., Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 889-2254, fax (530) 889-2643 Business Manager, Jo Anne Drummond (530)-889-2254 ext. 11 e-mail: [email protected] Religious Education Program Judy Jones (Coordinator) (530) 823-7122 e-mail: [email protected] Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Deacon David Ford (530) 889-2254 Adult Faith Formation, Sr. Anita Minihane, RSM (530) 889-2254 ext. 13 e-mail: [email protected] Ministry to Seniors, Bereaved & Homebound Barbara Freuler (Minister) – (530) 889-2254 ext. 10 e-mail: [email protected] St. Joseph School 11610 Atwood Rd., Auburn (530) 885-4490 fax (530) 885-0182 Sr. Anne Marie Miller, RSM (Principal) e-mail: [email protected] St. Joseph Preschool/Day Care Center Jaime Anderson, (Director) — (530) 823-1822 e-mail: [email protected] Music Ministry: Jean Sawyer, (Music & Liturgy Director) – (530) 885-2958 e-mail: [email protected] Youth Group: Brenda Fischer, (Youth Director) - (530) 305-9919 e-mail: [email protected] November 21, 2010 Page 2 Our Lord Jesus Christ the King November 21, 2010 I rejoiced because they said to me, “We will go up to the house of the LORD.” — Psalm 122:1 “YES” TO THE KING The Church crowns the year of grace, its liturgical year, with the solemnity of Christ the King. We could assume that a celebration of this magnitude would provide us with an easy, clear presentation of who Christ is and who he calls us to be. But this feast flings the paradoxes of Christ’s kingship in our face. Is Christ all-powerful? Is he the Messiah, the Anointed of God? Is he a victim, powerless in the hands of mortal rulers? Is he dead on the cross? Is he alive in the splendor of eternal light? Is the inscription above his head true? Is he Shepherd or slaughtered lamb? The answer is “Yes.” What may be even more difficult is that we have also answered “Yes” to following this complex, paradoxical King who reigns from the cross of death, who upsets our expectations and challenges us to upset many of the expectations of the world around us. But before we despair of being able to sustain the difficulty of this mission, we are also strengthened by Paul’s words to the Colossians. We are reminded that if we keep our eyes fixed on the cross, the throne of Christ, we will also find and know the source of our reconciliation, our peace, and our hope to join him, sharing the inheritance of the holy ones in light everlasting. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. Mass Intentions for: November 2010 ALL SOULS MONTH Let us pray for the sick in our parish, may their faith give them comfort and hope: Dominic Ramos, Michelle Coakley, Anna Manzinali, Mary Jane Morgan, Bea Sheffield, David Davidson, Beverly Pando, Bobby Brown, Marissa Lopez, Bob Hayes, Ken Campbell, Mary Dent, Kristen Romburg & Lori Ford. Average Sunday Collection (Based on 20 Weeks) $11,317 Our weekly goal is $12,000 Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 25th Mass will be at 10:00am The Parish Office will be closed on Thursday November 24th & Friday November 25th for Thanksgiving. Fr. Mike and all of the parish staff wish all of our parishioners a blessed and safe Thanksgiving. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — David is anointed king of Israel (2 Samuel 5:1-3). Psalm — Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord (Psalm 122). Second Reading — The Father delivered us to the kingdom of his beloved Son (Colossians 1:12-20). Gospel — The repentant criminal receives Jesus’ promise of Paradise (Luke 23:35-43). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday: Rv 14:14-19; Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday: Rv 15:1-4; Lk 21:12-19 Thursday: Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Lk 21:20-28 Thanksgiving Day, Suggested: Sir 50:22-24; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19 Friday: Rv 20:1-4, 11 — 21:2; Lk 21:29-33 Saturday: Rv 22:1-7; Lk 21:34-36 Sunday: Is 2:1-5; Ps 122; Rom 13:11-14; Mt 24:37-44 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Our Lord Jesus Christ the King Monday: St. Cecilia; Thirty-fourth or Last Week in Ordinary Time Tuesday: St. Clement I; St. Columban; Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro Wednesday: St. Andrew Dung-Lac and His Companions Thursday: St. Catherine of Alexandria; Thanksgiving Day Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary November 21, 2010 Page 3 LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Week of November 28, 2010 Altar Servers Saturday, 11/27/10, 5:00pm Michael Crouch, Duncan Osgood, Alicia Gutierrez Sunday , 11/28/10, 8:00am John Remington, Kristen & Owen Kopp Sunday, 11/28/10, 10:30am Lacey McCormick, Stephen Gerlach, Alijah Woo Sunday, 11/28/10, 3:30pm ,Anita, Victoria & Veronica Alonzo Sunday, 11/28/10, 5:30pm Katie Gubler, Stanley Brown, Kyle Sundquist 9:30am 3:15pm 4:00pm 7:15pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 7:00pm Eucharistic Ministers Saturday, 11/271/10, 5:00pm Claudia & Gary Beckwith, Laurie Ells, Craig Pierce, Joyce Swartz, Rene’ & Chuck Mercer Sunday, 11/28/10, 8:00am Corrine Bowen, Jim & Sallie Chapman, Georgia Stempel, Bob & Fran Sypnieski, Deborah Buresh Sunday, 11/28/10, 10:30am Nina Ashford, Nancy Brown, Tom Huckins, Dick Juliano, Susan Money, Nati McGowan, Rhemee Brockway Sunday, 11/28/10, 3:30pm David & Martina Santana Sunday 11/28/10, 5:30pm Michelle Broussard, Emily & Joanie Tristant, John Wiebelhaus, Marianne Ellner Lectors Saturday, 11/27/10, 5:00pm Mary & Jim Brady Sunday, 11/28/10, 8:00am Sandy Amara, Trish Jensen Sunday 11/28/10, 10:30am Lori Grasberger, Victor Monjares Sunday, 11/28/10, 3:30pm Not Filled Sunday, 11/28/10, 5:30pm John Bianchi, Tara McCullough Greeters Saturday 11/27/10, 5:00pm Bob & Carol Thomas, Sharon Dunkel, Pete Leash Sunday, 11/28/10, 8:00am Joan Thompson, Velma Minter, Marcia Kitchell Sharon Hane, Betty Mathews, Kathryne Giles Sunday, 11/28/10, 10:30am John, Lucas, Morgan & Stacy Yanni, Katherine Trout, Mark ChamplinSunday, 11/28/10, 3:30pm Not Filled Sunday, 11/28/10, 5:30pm Andrew Zehm Ushers Saturday, 11/27/10, 5:00pm: Not Filled Sunday, 11/28/10, 8:00am Bill Fixmer, Pete Ivovic, Ron Malinowski, Jim Morgan Sunday, 11/28/10, 10:30am Paul Law, Bill Stirman, Gary Crockett Sunday 11/28/10, 3:30pm: Not Filled Sunday, 11/28/10, 5:30pm: Not Filled Sacristan Saturday, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday Sunday, 11/27/10 11/28/10 11/28/10 11/28/10 11/28/10 5:00pm 8:00am 10:30am 3:30pm 5:30pm Jim McKevitt Julia Eggert Joe Offer Micaela Estrada Pat Islip 4:00pm 6:30pm 10:00am 6:00pm 4:30pm Monday, November 22, 2010 Bible Study Children’s Choir Practice Jr. Cantor Practice R.C.I.A. Tuesday, November 23, 2010 Guitar Class Life Teen Core Meeting Adult Cantor Practice Wednesday, November 24, 2010 Bingo Adult Choir Practice Friday, November 26, 2010 Basketball Practice Saturday, November 27, 2010 Gathering Inn Sunday, November 28, 2010 Youth Choir Practice Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Chapel Cry Room St. Teresa Parish Hall St. Teresa Parish Hall Parish Hall St. Teresa Grocery stores are giving money to St. Joseph School. This is what happens when you buy scrip. When you buy a $100 gift card to a grocery store/ gas/restaurant, that store will give $4.00 to $6.00 back to the school. It costs you nothing and the school gets all the proceeds. Stop by after any Mass to learn more. We are averaging $3,000 each Sunday in scrip sales with about 20 families buying. Imagine what we could do if 100 families bought scrip each week. This is a great way to do your Christmas shopping. CHRISTMAS CAROLING It’s the most wonderful time of the year!! We are getting ready to go caroling spreading good cheer to the residents in the local convalescent homes. If you haven’t experienced the joy in participating with St. Teresa’s carolers why not plan to join us this year. The reward is priceless!! Next week’s bulletin will have a full schedule of events so be sure to pick one up. For further information call Barbara @ 530889-2254 ext. 10. Catholic Campaign for Human Development The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) makes a difference in low-income communities by funding programs that address the root causes of poverty. More than ever, CCHD needs your support. This weekend we will be having a second collection for the Catholic Campaign. Thanking you in advance for your generosity. Our Lord Jesus Christ The King Page 4 KINGSHIP AND MONARCY (Attitude) Since the news broke about Prince William and Kate Middleton getting married next year, it has grabbed all the headlines. The headlines for the past few months have been acrimonious with political parties and candidates attacking and vilifying each other. There is so much goodness in people, and family life is such a blessing. Yet, it takes a family, like the Royal family, to put the joy of family life before our hearts and minds. Growing up in Ireland and because of our education system and our history, I wasn’t well disposed towards the English Monarchy. One of my earliest memories on Christmas day was listening to the Papal Blessing “UBI ET ORBI”, and then at 6:00pm in the evening my Mom would listen to the Queen’s Christmas message. I enquired why she listened to the Queen? She replied, “Because I appreciate what the Queen Mother and the King did during the war (World War II), and because Queen Elizabeth has a woman’s perspective of life.” (My Mom’s answer was pre 1960). Gradually, I began to listen to the Queen and this year I heard two brilliant speeches. One was when Queen Elizabeth addressed the United Nation, and then when she welcomed the Pope to Scotland and the United Kingdom. We can all change if we give people and events a fair listening to. I know my attitude has changed towards England and the Monarchy because of my Mom, the Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth, and most of all because of my sister and her family are living happily outside London. I love visiting London and the rest of England, Scotland and Wales. As a Catholic Church one of the titles we give to Our Lord is, “Christ Our King”. It is not a kingship like any earthly kingship. Jesus did not want any personal glory, He gave the glory to the Father. Jesus did not lord it over people, His life was one of service. He did not want the acquisition of territory but the establishment in the hearts of His listeners of a way of life committed to the truth. He came to reveal the truth about God the Father, loving and merciful; the truth of our brotherhood and sisterhood in the world; the truth which like a sword cuts through all vain glory, injustice and falsehood; the truth which sets people free; the truth that God loves us. If we can change our attitude when we really listen to people, imagine our attitude when we listen to Christ with all our senses and with our hearts. . . . . May all of us journey with Christ to Christmas and beyond. Christ the King, pray for us, Fr. Mike ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Giggles: Johnny shouts “Mummy! Mummy! Do you know the beautiful vase in the dining room that’s been handed down from generation to generation?” “Yes”, says his mother, “What about it?” Johnny answers, “Well, the last generation just dropped it.” “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” No Respect: Rodney Dangerfield went into Macy’s and asked the attendant, “Where can I find the cheapest suit in the men’s department?” The attendant replied, “You are wearing it.” November 21, 2010 Page 5 No classes on Sunday, November 21 & 28th and Thursday, November 25th. This will allow us to travel and celebrate Thanksgiving with our families. But, if you are in town over the holidays please say HELLO to each other at Mass. May we always remember to be grateful and to give thanks to the Lord! Have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday. It is time to start preparing for the reenactment of the Nativity. Anyone interested in participating at the children’s Mass on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day, are asked to call the Religious Education office at 823-7122 to sign up. Children’s Liturgy of the Word will begin in December at the 8:00am Mass. After the opening prayers of the Mass, the priest invites the children to come forward to the front of the church to receive a blessing and then proceed to the chapel, where the program is held. The children will return to the church in time for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This program allows children (preschoolers are welcome as long as they are accompanied by an adult) of our parish the opportunity to hear and learn about the Sunday readings in an interactive setting appropriate to their attention span and comprehension level. If you are interested in helping with this ministry please call 823-7122. Life Teen Schedule Life Nights are held on Sunday after mass from 6:30 to 8:30pm unless noted otherwise. November 21 – Life Night, Word Made Flesh Enjoy dinner, charades and learn why God became man. December 5 – Christmas Caroling Meet us after mass to go caroling at the Oaks of Auburn starting at 7pm. We’ll go out to dinner afterwards. December 19 – Life Night, Christmas Potluck Life Teen is open to all high school students and those teens of the parish that were recently confirmed. For more information, contact Brenda Fischer at (530) 305-9919. Each year the Giving Tree is our way of reaching out to the community helping area programs. This year we are extending the outreach by working with St. Joseph’s School Scrip program. You can purchase gift cards to do your shopping. On Saturday, November 26th and Sunday, November 27th there will be a representative at the service window on the plaza outside of church to answer questions or explain how the program benefits the school. Your generosity through the years has touched the hearts of so many recipients. In that giving spirit, may the Lord bless the kindness of all. Visit our website at and click on the Catholic Jobs Network. Once there, bookmark the page and then register to gain access to all of the services that the website provides. This site is FREE to all members of St. Teresa’s and St. Joseph’s parishes. Check it out!! HOW TO POST A JOB Click on POST A JOB. Put in your name and other required fields marked with a red asterisk (*). Under HOW TO APPLY at the bottom, be sure to include contact information such as an e-mail or phone number. HOW TO POST A MINI-RESUME Click on POST A JOB and fill in the same fields as you would to post a job, however, with information you want a potential employer to know. For Job Type, for example, click on the circle to the left of Job Seekers. Under Position Title, enter a title for your skills such as Painter for Hire or Handyman Available. Under Description, list your qualifications and/or services you can provide. HOW TO EDIT OR DELETE A POSTING All postings will be listed for 30 days and then automatically deleted. However, if you want to delete or edit your posting, sign in and click on My Dashboard on the right side. Then you will have the options of editing or deleting your posting. HOTLINE FOR questions or comments 530- 906-8311 November 21, 2010 Page 8 To the following businesses/families/individuals who have donated auction items and time for the 2010 St. Joseph Catholic School—Wild West Gold Rush Gala, we are extremely grateful for your generosity! With your exceptional contributions, this will meet the student needs and ensure the success of St. Joseph School. Father Mike Carroll St. Joseph Parent Club St. Joseph Catholic School The Mendonsa Family Valerie Jensen Eleanor Swisley Newcastle Produce St. Joseph’s Thrift Store Placer Co. Sheriff’s Office Ikeda’s Market Vina Castellano Winery The Kampp Family Robert and Barbara Russell Sizzler Joanne Neft The Brown Family Fitness By Design-Aaron Johnson The Metz Family Disneyland The Footpath The Davey Family Victory Velo Bike Shop Café Delicias The Piziali Family The Root Family Auburn Valley Golf Club La Bou Biba Salon-Danielle Caputo Sacramento Jazz Society Campus Outfitters Uncle J’s Chef’s Table La Dolce Vita –Shawna Czerwinsky Lou LaBonte’s Restaurant Crocker Art Museum Trinity Catholic Books and Gifts Auburn Breakfast Club Quiznos Christmas Tree Vineyard Lodge Argonauta Salon-Mary Rossitto Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm Max’s Restaurant Timestock Farms West Sacramento PD –Dave Stallions The Mikelionis Family The Spargo Family Ty Conners McKay Photography Auburn Toyota Magnussens Kirkwood Ski Resort Dutch Brothers Marsh Riggs Eldorado Hotel Casino Civic Theatre West Lego Land Trish and John Jensen Susan Money Todd Swiderski-Macaroni Grill Eyecenter Optometric The Coen Family Roper’s Jewelers KAHI Radio Dave Rosenthal The Wuelfing Family Auburn Ford Lincoln Mercury In-N-Out Shooting Star Limousine The Cole Family The Barrett Family Loomis Medical Clinic Heidi Harvey, FNP Dr. Gary Graham The Madison Family The Ashford Family Patty Pieropan Dong Pam Burns Carolyn Scheave Pentair Water Pool and Spa The Towne Family The Kemper Family Cruiser’s Car Wash Tango Frozen Yogurt Auburn Martial Arts Center Starbucks Barbara Araujo-Tupperware Foster’s Freeze Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum The Wax Museum Foothills Bowling Center Leslie’s Home Cleaning Services Living Green Spa-Judith Brown Ultimate Beauty Source Giovanni’s at Shady Glen Rico’s Barber Styling Depoe Bay Coffee Company D’Vine Wines The McReynolds Family The Barnes Family Helen Voges Pier 39 Aquarium of the Bay Our Ladies of Rosary Makers New Clairvaux Vineyard Punchline Comedy Club Pizza Express Sweetpea’s Resturant Incredible Pets Marilyn’s Fashion-a-tions Wordelman Family Fox Barrel Cidery Confluence Kitchen and Market Studio Blush Cookie Lee –Sheila Evancie The Musser Family Anytime Fitness Dennis Harvey-Wood Carving Blockbuster The Reyes Family Cathy Osler Molly Hills-Stella and Dot Safeway The Strasser Family Bel Air Placer County Ballet Mondavi Wine The Hernandez Family The Kauinana Family Paul Zgruggen Holiday Market Auburn Family Optometry Phyllis Ingmire-Healing Light Institute The Berry Family Chang Brothers Restaurant Old Town Pizza Avant Garden Paula’s Bakery Ti Amo Salon-Lynne Madonna The Zeller Family Jay Vanti Salon-Lourdes Hinshaw Museum of Railroad History California Musical Theatre Teeterboard Designs Wanda Miller Eisley Nursery Shiloh Tree Farm String’s Italian Cafe Gold County Mandarins Julie Merriam Woo Brother’s Electric Jeanne Russell-Healing Light Institute The Greig Family Academy Snowboard Company Jeff Baughn Latitudes Restaurant Marie Pinion Diamond Pacific River City Rentals San Francisco Giants Andregg Geomatics Baldoni Transport Diamond Pacific Nor Cal Beverage Company Papa Murphy’s of Auburn River City Rentals Printmasters of Auburn Vina Castellano-The Wilkins Family Sacramento Ballet