Virgo - UNOL
Virgo - UNOL
cycles A service project of The School of Ageless Wisdom Cycles is a monthly publication of The School of Ageless Wisdom. The members of the School are experimenting with rejoining astrology and astronomy. The experiment is called Astrochemistry and involves astronomical calculation to determine cyclic energy patterns and the works of the Masters D.K., M., and R. as aids in determining the meaning and significance of these cycles. This information is intended to be useful in daily life. Disciple/Initiate: Virgo – The Christ activity. The Light. The sign Virgo is one of the most significant in the zodiac for its symbology concerns the whole goal of the evolutionary process which is to shield, nurture and finally reveal the hidden spiritual reality. This every form veils, but the human form is equipped and fitted to manifest it in a manner different to any other expression of divinity and so make tangible and objective that for which the whole creative process was intended. Gemini and Virgo are closely related but Gemini presents the pairs of opposites– soul and body–as two separate entities whereas in Virgo, they are blended and of great and supreme importance to each other; the mother protects the germ of the Christ life; matter guards, cherishes and nurtures the hidden soul. The keynote which embodies the truth as to the mission of Virgo most accurately is “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” There is no clearer or more adequate definition of this sign than that; I would have you Festival in Virgo f bear it in mind throughout our discussion upon this sixth sign of the zodiac (or the seventh if one is not considering the reversed wheel). In all the great world religions, the Virgin Mother appears and this a study of any book upon comparative religion would prove. I cannot trace for you at length this universal recognition of the task of Virgo; it is needless for me to do so as it has been adequately done by many research scholars. I would, however, point out that four of the names whereby the Virgin is called are familiar to all of us, and tell us much as a whole concerning the form nature of which the Virgin is the symbol. The word Virgo itself is a descendant of and a corruption of an ancient Atlantean root name which was applied to the mother principle in those far off times. This Virgin was the founder of the matriarchate which then dominated civilisation and to Full Sun Meditation At the time of the full moon, the moon is completely out of the way of the Sun’s radiation to the Earth. This is the time of highest spiritual potential and the time that the school holds a public meditation. All are welcome to this planetary service. Wed 22 Sept. 2010 7:30 PM (map on last page) Key Word for the Disciple: “I am the mother and the child. I, God, I, matter am.” Soul-Light of Leo : The blended dual Light. Two lights are seen–bright and strong, the light of form; one faint and dim, the light of God. This light is distinguished by a waxing of one and the waning of the other. It differs from the light in Gemini. 1 which various myths and legends bear place of incarnation, the physical plane, of the two ways of proceeding around evidence and which have come down and there gives birth to the Christ child. the zodiac:–the ordinary way from Aries to us concerning Lilith, the last of the In these three Virgins and these three to Taurus, via Pisces, and the esoteric Virgin Goddesses of Atlantean times; Mothers of the Christ, you have the his- way from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus. the same thought is also to be found tory of the formation and the function These refer to human evolution, which in the traditionary accounts of the an- of the three aspects of the personality is the only one which we are considercient Amazons, whose queen Hercules through which the Christ must find ex- ing in this treatise. But in the major defeated, wresting from her what he pression. The sign of Virgo itself stands involutionary cycle which concerns the sought. This is an allegory, teaching the for a synthesis of these three feminine mass movement of spirit-matter, and not emergence of the spiritual man from the aspects–Eve, Isis and Mary. She is the the individualised progress of man, the control of matter. Three of these god- Virgin Mother, providing that which is movement is from Aries to Pisces, via desses are Eve, Isis, and Mary. They are needed for the mental, emotional and Taurus. The secret of the original sin of of peculiar and significant importance physical expression of the hidden but man is hidden in this truth, for a wrong where our civilisation is concerned for ever present divinity. These three ex- orientation took place at one stage in they embody in themselves human history and the the symbology of the entire human family went–as form nature, which, when a whole–against the norintegrated and functioning mal zodiacal current, so as a whole person, we to speak, and it is only call the personality. This upon the path of disciplepersonality is (as far as ship that right orientation humanity is concerned) the is achieved and humandeveloped and qualified exity swings into the corpression of the third aspect rect rhythm of progress. of divinity, that of God the I would ask you, thereHoly Spirit, the active intellifore, to differentiate begent and nurturing principle tween the involutionary of the universe. This aspect process which affects we shall study in Leo and the great Creative Hiersee there the unfoldment archies and the evoluof that self-conscious entity tionary processes which and personality which in affect the fourth Creative Black Hole Blows Bubbles from Galaxy NGC 4438 Virgo becomes the mother Hierarchy, the human. of the Christ child. Eve is These NASA Hubble Space Telescope images clearly show one This, however, we are the symbol of the mental of the bubbles rising from a dark band of dust. The other bubble, not really in a position nature, and of the mind of emanating from below the dust band, is barely visible, appearing to study, because when man attracted by the lure as dim red blobs in the close-up picture of the galaxy’s hub. the evolutionary cycle is of knowledge to be gained These extremely hot bubbles are caused by the black hole’s vora- upon us, we ourselves through the experience of cious eating machine, engorging itself with a banquet of material are too closely identiincarnation. Eve, therefore, swirling around it in an accretion disk (the white region below the fied with the process to took the apple of knowl- bright bubble). Some of this material is spewed from the disk in be able to distinguish edge from the serpent of opposite directions. clearly between the cosmatter and started the long Credits: NASA and Jeffrey Kenney and Elizabeth Yale (Yale) mic Self and Not-self; we human undertaking of exare only as yet learning periment, experience and expression pressions are brought to the needed to distinguish the Self and the Not-self which was initiated–from the mental perfection in Leo, the sign of the indi- on a tiny scale in connection with our angle–in our Aryan times. Isis stands vidual, developed self-consciousness own unfoldment. It is only when we are for this same expression down on to the and personality unfoldment. identified with the Hierarchy of our planet emotional or astral plane. Eve has no and with that centre of spiritual force child in her arms; the germ of the Christ Virgo is, therefore, the opposite pole which it is the immediate objective of life is as yet too small to make its pres- of spirit and stands for the relation of those upon the path of discipleship to ence felt; the involutionary process is yet these two after they have been brought contact that it becomes possible for us too close; but in Isis the midway point is together originally in Aries and have pro- to grasp–on the evolutionary arc–those reached; the quickening of that which is duced a recognised duality in Gemini. broad outlines and those major sweeps desired (the Desire of all nations, as it is of divine energy which are present upon called in the Bible) has taken place and I would here remind you of something the involutionary arc. It is for this reason Isis consequently stands in the ancient which may at first serve to add to the that a study of the zodiac in connection zodiacs for fertility, for motherhood and possible confusion already existing in with the subhuman kingdoms of nature as the guardian of the child. Mary car- your minds but which lies behind all is not as yet possible. ries the process down to the plane or that I have given you. We have talked (Esoteric Astrology pp 251-255) 2 Discipleship Virgo: Ruler–The Moon, Ray–4th KEYNOTE: Let sustained effort be the seed of synthesis, the force which binds together that which has been separated. Keynote: “I am the mother and the child. I God, I matter, am.” As we study or accept the fact that we are both God and Matter, it is useful to distinguish the differences between the two as detailed in “Esoteric Psychology, Vol. II.” beginning on Page 284: tial structure upon which esotericism is built. I have stated it purely in terms of energy, and not of principles or bodies, so as to bring the Ageless Wisdom into line with modern truth and scientific conclusions. We therefore have: The Personality. 1. The energy of Mind. The force of manas. The reflection of divine will and purpose. Motivation. The impulse to plan, under the Law of Synthesis. force of desire. The impulse to aspire. The divine evolutionary urge. The tendency to attract, to be magnetic, under the Law of Attraction. 3. The energy of life. The capacity to integrate, to coordinate. The force of the vital or etheric body. The reflection of intelligent activity or divine movement. The impulse to act, to be energetic, under the Law of Economy. 4. The energy of dense matter. Externalized activity. The automatic reactions of the outer sheath. The densest point of unity. The lowest aspect of synthesis. The Soul. 5. The energy of buddhi. The force of divine, reasoning love. The intuition. This is part of the flower of attractive energy and focusses itself in the “love petals of the egoic lotus.” Its reflection is found in the astral, emotional, sentient consciousness of the personality. 6. The energy of atma. The force of the divine will. The embodiment of divine purpose. This focusses itself in the “sacrifice petals of the egoic lotus.” Its reflection is found in the mind nature of the personality. “Three types of energy, as has been said, meet and blend in the personality, finding their expression through the medium of an outer tangible form which is itself colored, motivated and conditioned by a fourth type of energy -- the energy of basic matter. This basic matter is the product of the first solar system, and the The Spirit. energy of which it is composed does not, therefore, belong 7. The energy of life itself. to our solar system at all, except through an act of apThese energies constitute propriation, performed by our the human being, a unit of planetary Logos at the dawn energy. They make him esof the creative activity of God. sentially an active, intelligent, Seeking to impress, impel loving, living, human being. and motivate this group of They are unfolded sequentialInteracting Galaxy NGC 5331 four energies is the energy ly in time and space and, as a NGC 5331 is a pair of interacting galaxies beginning to of the informing, indwelling result of the great experiment hold their arms . There is a blue trail which appears in soul. This fifth type of energy of evolution, bring him eventuthe image flowing to the right of the system. NGC 5331 is itself dual in nature, being ally to the full flowering of his is very bright in the infrared, with about a hundred bilthe transcendent archetype nature, and to a full expression lion times the luminosity of the Sun. It is located in the of both mind and emotion, or of the seven types of energy constellation Virgo, the Maiden, about 450 million lightwill and love. These six enerwhich condition him. years away from Earth. gies in their turn are animated Credit: NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/ or impelled by the life of God The question arises as Hubble Collaboration, and A. Evans (University of Virginia, Himself, thus making the sevto when man can become Charlottesville/NRAO/Stony Brook University) en energies now in manifestaaware in his own personal and tion. This is, of course, well separated consciousness (as known, as the theory constitutes the very 2. The energy of sentiency. The capacity registered in the waking brain) of the to respond. Emotional feeling, astral truth of the existence of this septenate bones of the occult body of truth, and in energy. The reflection of love. The of energies. I would reply as follows: this statement is formulated the essen3 These three aspects of mind energy are thus blended and are a synthesis of the intelligent force of deity. They embody as much of the mind of God as a human being can embrace in time and space, for they are 1. Unevolved man, and low grade human beings are aware of the urges of the automatic physical nature and the impulses of the vital or etheric body. 2. Awakening human beings are coordinating and becoming aware of both these primitive urges and impulses, plus the sentient and emotional reactions of the emotional or astral body. 3. Intelligent humanity is, in due time, conditioned by the urges, impulses and sentiency of the three lower types of energy, plus the energy of the mind. When this has really been achieved, the man is then definitely an aspirant upon the probationary path. 4. Aspirants are now becoming aware of the fifth type of basic energy–that of the soul. This response to soul energy, and the blended activity of the soul energies (buddhi-atma) produce the unfolding of the outer layer of petals, the knowledge petals, which are formed of three types of force. have a dual activity--they attract upward the planetary energies and bring downward the energies of the Spiritual Triad, the expression of the Monad. 6. Initiates are becoming conscious of the sixth type of energy, that of atma, the will aspect of Spirit. This causes them to work with the Plan and through the lotus petals of sacrifice to bring the service of the Plan into being. This is ever the aim of the initiate members of the Hierarchy. They understand, express and work with the Plan. 7. After the third initiation, the disciple begins to work with, and to understand the significance of Spirit and his consciousness shifts gradually out of the Soul into that of the Monad in the same way as the consciousness of the personality shifted out of the lower awareness into that of the soul. a. The energy of intelligent life, coming from God the Father. b. The energy of intelligent soul or consciousness, coming from God the Son. c. The energy of intelligent matter coming from God the Holy Spirit. This is the second panel, if one might so express it, of the picture here being drawn, of the divine life as it manifests through the Sombrero Galaxy in Infrared Light consciousness of humana. Manasic energy. The en- Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech & Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) ity. I am seeking to give it ergy of the abstract levin such terms that compreels of the mental plane, 5. The disciples of the world are oc- hension may ensue. The first panel gave inherent in the soul. cupied with the integration of the some of the universal implications. This b. Mental energy. This is the energy personality with the soul, or with the was elaborated in A Treatise on Cosmic of the concrete levels of the mental synthesis of the first five aspects of Fire. The second panel, contained in plane, and is definitely a contribution energy as the lotus petals of love this Treatise on the Seven Rays, gives of the human being himself. come into conscious recognition, and a general view of the synthetic unfoldc. The energy of the mind found in matthe intuition begins faintly to function. ment of man. The third panel entered ter itself. This is inherent mind, and is These petals of love, which are only the realm of synthetic work and was inherited from an earlier solar system. symbolic forms of expressing energy, embodied in A Treatise of White Magic. Mar Jan Feb Nov Dec j l k Astrological Signs Sep Oct i h g Jul Aug f e d Virgo Libra Capricorn j Sagitarius i h Scorpio The bar at the top of this chart represents the distribution of the astrological signs throughout the year. Each sign is one twelfth of the year. Below it is a map of the zodiacal constellations as they c Apr b Mar a l Ecliptic Ophiuchus k Aquarius May Jun g Leo f e d Cancer c Gemini Map of the Astronomical Constellations appear in the sky. The straight line through them represents the ecliptic, the apparent path of the sun through the sky. Note that the signs and the constellations do not match in time any longer, and that the Sun appears 4 Taurus aAries l Pisces b Orion to be in some constellations longer than others (44 days for Virgo and only 8 days for Scorpio). Also that the ecliptic passes through a 13th constellation, Ophiuchus. GLOBAL MEDITATION VIGIL FOR UN INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE Please register Please consider registering your participation in the global Meditation Vigil for UN Peace Day on Tuesday, September 21st. This will be part of a wider Vigil for the Day involving many different spiritual and religious groups from around the world. Register at: More Information: Using the Great Invocation Every 15 minutes When you register you will be asked to choose a time for meditation (a minimum of 15 minutes). During the selected time please use the Great Invocation (or a world prayer of your choice) every quarter hour – at the start and end of each 15-minute period. You can register for 15, 30, 45 minutes, and an hour or as long a period as you like. You can also register for as many different periods as you like. A Pulse of Invocative Energy From every part of the planet there will be a pulse of invocative energy from meditators, a rhythmic call to divinity for the light, the love and the spiritual will needed to enable humanity to bring to birth a culture of peace. Remember this initiative will be just one small part of a much wider concentration of prayers and meditations for peace from spiritual and faith based groups in all parts of the world. 24 Hours The Vigil begins at midnight on the morning of Tuesday September 21st in whatever time zone you live and ends at midnight your time Tuesday night. Wherever you live on the planet you, your coworkers and your groups are invited to link in with the fifteen-minute rhythm. For information and to register your participation for specific times visit the web at: You can see a list of everybody who has registered (translated into your own time zone) so that you can link more consciously with others joining you in meditation during the same 15-minute period. You can also register by sending an email to: [email protected] with your name; nearest large city; country; date and time you will start the meditation and end. Please, in addition to anything else you may be doing to observe International Day of Peace, do consider registering for this special meditation Vigil for a Culture of Peace, and please encourage your friends to register. Steve Nation UN Days & Years Meditation Initiative & Intuition in Service [email protected] 5 The Great Invocation From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth. From the centre where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men -The purpose which the Masters know and serve. From the centre which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out. And may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth. 6 Astrochemistry Hierarchy: 35. How do men understand the law of Hierarchy? How do they fulfill all the laws of life? How do they intensify in themselves the best strivings? Verily, the law of Hierarchy is understood as one’s own right; it is forgotten that a Hierarch is a link of a chain and One who fulfills the Will of a Higher One. Only thus can one respond to the higher assignment. Only thus can one fulfill the trust and accumulate the fires in the Chalice. 36. Thus the appointment of a Hierarch is the appointment of One who fulfills Non-discriminatory Policy The School of Ageless Wisdom admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate as to race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school administered programs. the Higher Will. When the spirit assigns to himself the affirmed right, he can achieve only through the fulfillment of the Higher Command. 52. Do not accustom the young ones to expect great manifestations according to their human measure. Such an outworn measure does not correspond to reality, for even in a physical sense people have greatly distorted the concept of immensity. The mind cannot comprehend that only the result defines the true grandeur. Each action can be measured only in accordance with its relation to Hierarchy and Infinity. Thus, these concepts will be like signs leading to reality. Hence, teach the young ones to think first of Infinity, remembering, moreover, that no one should compare himself to a minute grain of sand as is usually the way of hypocrites. Our measure is guaranteed by an immense responsibility. We shall not err in measuring according to responsibility. 53. During the construction of the designated undertakings it should be remembered that construction always progresses onward. During a construction in the name of the Lord there is only one way that brings us the Creative Source-the way of the mighty Hierarchy, the path of the powerful guidance of the Great Service. Therefore, adhering to the creative principle impels the spirit to the affirmed law of Hierarchy. Each construction requires the realization of upward striving. Hence, only the law of obedience to Hierarchy can give a legitimate tensity. Only thus can one realize the path leading to the mighty Infinity. Key to Symbols a b c d e f g h i j k l Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Ophiuchus Sagitarius Capricorn Aquarius A v C O B E F D G H I J Sun Vulcan Mercury Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Venus Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Pisces Astrochemical Pattern August 27, 2010 to September 28, 2010 NOTE: Days shaded in box A mark the Five-day Opportunity at the time of the Full Moon for Penetration, Polarization, and Precipitation. A Wed, 8th 5:29 am CDT 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 C D Thu, 23rd 4:18 am CDT • Jupiter at 12-year best with Uranus within a degree. (Sept. 21 biggest and brightest.) • Fall or autumn equinox Wednesday, 22nd 10:13 pm CDT. E (Ortho A, II) 2 F F, II Key: A=Lunar cycle e I, V (Eso A, II) (Hier A,II) f II, VI (Ortho C, IV) (Eso B, IV) (Hier F, II) 3 1 D, V C, IV CST or CDT. B=Day. C=Month. D=Astronomical Info. E=Constellation/Ruler/Ray F=Decanate/Planet/Ray 7 Sharing Light Each month a co-worker shares insight on a particular subject related to discipleship. TO TEENAGE MOTHERS DURING PREGNANCY by Gloria Crook You already know you have a little life growing inside you. There is some interesting information to help you establish a close relationship with your son or daughter between now and the time of birth. If you do not intend to keep your baby, the baby will have a relationship with you, nevertheless, and it should be one of caring. First, your baby is much more aware of what you are doing than you might imagine. The baby knows when you are speaking to anyone and also the “quality” of the speech. To get an idea, put your ear on the shoulder of any friend and have them say a few words in a normal sentence. You will hear through the bones and flesh, the speech. Your Baby listens to everything you say. Babies have an ability to sense when you are happy or sad. They respond likewise. A happy mother makes a baby contented within the womb. This is determined by the amount of rampant, reactive activity as opposed to gentle, peaceful movements of the mother. Until you are beginning the seventh month of your pregnancy, your main concern is for the baby’s health. You must have a nourishing diet, with no alcohol or stimulants which will definitely affect the baby. Vegetables, fruit, nuts, berries and whole grains should be your staples for health. Little or no sugar is the best, but try and not have too much in your daily diet. At the beginning of the seventh month an amazing phenomenon begins to happen. Your baby’s brain begins to expand in growth at a rate which, if it didn’t stop, would result in a head too huge for a person to carry on a normal body! As it is, the baby’s brain is half it’s adult weight when the baby is born, while the rest of the body is very small and grows to adulthood during a twenty-one year period, when most individuals reach the complete growth in height. You, yourself, are still growing. This brain growth is a rapid growth of brain cells. During this growth, before the baby is born, it will be very useful for you to talk to your baby. to read to your baby, to sing to your baby. This brings about a condition in the brain that will allow your baby to learn more quickly (after he/she is born) than if you ignore the possibility and have no interaction with your baby. Also, if you want your baby to have a good grasp of language, use “grown-up” talk or speech, instead of “baby-talk.” SING to you baby now, and on into the first three years of life. Rapid brain growth could be thought of as preparing the “hardware” of a computer, so that “software” could be 8 used for the rest of the baby’s life. If there are enough “connections” in the brain between brain cells, and across the central part of the brain (corpus callosum )to the other side, the “hardware” will be sufficient to use a lot of “software” efficiently. Otherwise, the child will not learn as quickly or as well, and might have difficulty learning throughout life without special remedial experience. To assure a well-equipped brain, the first three years are the years of what science calls “rapid brain growth.” After three years this rapid growth stops. The “hardware” is practically complete. There IS more growth, but it is much slower. During the first three years, the baby is learning during every single moment, even during sleep! The experiences you can provide for your baby will determine the kind of connections made in the brain (where they are, and how they might be used in life). You might have already discovered that you, yourself, learn faster in some subjects than in others. You might know that some subjects require very hard study and others are found easy to assimilate. This is because of your experience during the first three years of your life and the brain connections during that time. You will be able to create new connections, but ONLY those formed during the rapid brain growth period of your first three years produced the very easy learning areas in your consciousness. You will need to study something repeatedly and do much memorizing and regular use, to learn new subjects from now on, if you do not have the connections established in your brain. It has been discovered also, that even if you do learn a new subject, you will forget it if you do not use it. But those subjects which require use of the brain cells connected during the first three years will always be there for you. You will never forget those subjects, once learned. Science has not always known these facts, and there are new ones discovered all the time, but the ones they do know have always been there along with the ones still to discover. The experience of a newborn baby, and the first three years of life, determines whether the baby will be a fast or slow learner in today’s world. A very interesting subject for you to give attention to, is language for your baby. Babies can learn many languages if they are heard during the first three years -- regularly. If they do not hear the languages for many years again, they will still be able to learn them without an accent! So, if you know English and Spanish, use both of those languages with your baby every day. For instance, read a story in Spanish and then in English, and then in any other language you know well. Another interesting way to provide an easy life for your baby is to use a “patterning” technique while the baby is learning how to function in his/ her little body. Most babies cannot reach and pick up an object without struggling to control the use of their untrained muscles. So, you can help, by actually moving the little hand and fingers into position over and over again, so the brain makes an automatic pattern for the arm, hand and fingers to follow. (While other babies reach wildly for an object and “miss,” your baby, after patterning, will reach straight for the object and get it). This technique can be used for using utensils while eating. You “pattern” the tiny fingers, hand and arm to get the food, reach to the mouth and eat from the spoon, etc. It will save a lot of frustration in spilled food, etc. The same “patterning” can be done in sitting up, crawling, and even walking. Instead of the “trial and error” method of the usual baby, you skip the “trial” part and go straight for the proper movement to achieve the motion desired. The muscles are trained in the proper movement, and the baby is active with much more confidence. All of this is based on well-documented science. It has been used for the years it has been known (since the 70’s) and found to have accurate results. Every parent has done some of it without realizing, but all of it can be applied when a parent knows what to do. If you ignore it, your baby will be having experience anyway, and will learn to sit up, to crawl, to walk and to talk, as time goes by. You will observe these transitions and you might wonder how it could have been easier if you had done a little patterning. Certain parts of the brain are known to be related to mathematics, while others are related to music, and others to motion. Each can be connected, through experience, to each. Strong and numerous connections in this regard might produce a natural, gracefully rhythmic dancer. (Where does she get that?) or, a musician with a genius sense of mathematical synchronicity, (How does he know that?). Other connections can be induced through experience to produce a brain that learns languages rapidly. (He speaks five languages fluently, and he’s only in High School!). Another set of connections, through experience, can bring about the ability to observe what is going on, and why -- (she/he is so understanding and patient!). This information can give you the idea about what you can provide for your baby that will make life easier for him, or her, and much more interesting for yourself as that little person’s mother! Best of good fortune to every one of you and your baby! Interacting Galaxy Pair Arp 240, in the constellation Virgo NGC 5257/8 (Arp 240) is an astonishing galaxy pair, composed of spiral galaxies of similar mass and size, NGC 5257 and NGC 5258. The galaxies are visibly interacting with each other via a bridge of dim stars connecting the two galaxies, almost like two dancers holding hands while performing a pirouette. Both galaxies harbor supermassive black holes in their centers and are actively forming new stars in their disks. Arp 240 is located in the constellation Virgo, approximately 300 million light-years away, and is the 240th galaxy in Arp’s Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies. With the exception of a few foreground stars from our own Milky Way all the objects in this image are galaxies. Credits: NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration, and A. Evans (University of Virginia, Charlottesville/NRAO/Stony Brook University) 9 The School of Ageless Wisdom (817) 654-1018 Fax: (817) 654-1028 e-mail: [email protected] School of Ageless Wisdom website: Robert Muller School website: Balanced Beginnings website: The Vision Project website: Services GEMUN (Global Elementary Model United Nations) is a service activity providing elementary and middle school children an opportunity to role-play the assemblies of the United Nations. Young people learn about international relationships, develop a global perspective, and acquire many transferable skills. ( Robert Muller Schools International Consultant to World Core Curriculum Schools. The Vision Project ( is an opportunity for visionaries from all around the world to publish their visions for the future of humanity. From I-30, exit Eastchase Parkway and go South. Eastchase turns into Green Oaks Blvd. Interstate 30 Fort Worth Publications Balanced Beginnings is an early (prenatal-3 years) development program, designed to create foundational patterns in the brain for later learning, while being sensitive to the subtle psychology of the child and family. World Core Curriculum Foundations and Resources is useful to individuals and groups implementing the World Core Curriculum. The School of Ageless Wisdom current year Calendar including information on the signs (astronomical and astrological), the energy behind the Sun for each day, the dates of public meetings for the entire year, and days of ‘renunciation and detachment’, ‘safe guarding’ and ‘distribution’ marked, plus UN Days and Years. Lake Arlington Eastchase Parkway Map to the School N W E S Arlington, Texas Arkansas Lane The School of Ageless Wisdom 6005 Royaloak Dr. Dallas Classes and Meetings Yoga Classes (free) with an introduction to the Ageless Wisdom Philosophy (Call us at 817-654-1018) Public Full Moon Meetings are held monthly at the Arlington headquarters. Green Oaks Blvd. The School of Ageless Wisdom Royaloak Dr. of cycles Other Work is written, published and mailed to those who subscribe. The School of Ageless Wisdom shoulders most of the financial responsibility. Please send your subscriptions of $12 at the first of the year. We do not send bills. Cycles downloaded from the web site is free. Interstate 20 From I-20, exit Green Oaks and go North. NOTE: All cosmic graphics in Cycles are from and astronomy information from Astronomical Calendar, by Guy Ottewell. THE SCHOOL OF AGELESS WISDOM NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID ARLINGTON, TX PERMIT NO. 320 6005 Royaloak Drive Arlington, Texas, USA 76016 10