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B S e ct io n • Th u r s d ay, M a rch 19, 2 015 FEATURES CRIME SOCIALS OBITUARIES EDITORIAL Regional News News from Bradford County, Union County and the Lake Region Graham, Wilkins show fair’s top pigs Sierra Graham and Randa Wilkins exhibited the grand champion and reserve grand champion, respectively, in this year’s swine show at the Bradford County Fair. The grand championship trophy was sponsored by Odom, Moses and Company, while the reserve grand championship trophy was sponsored by Roberts Land and Timber. Award belt buckles were sponsored by Chuck and Brenda Parrish. Graham also earned the homegrown grand championship trophy, sponsored by Carlton and Nadine Faulk. Hunter Merritt was awarded the homegrown reserve grand championship trophy, sponsored by Danny and Debbie Thomas. Hailey McElhenny placed first in senior showmanship, Nathan Boone exhibited the grand champion steer, which was also the homegrown grand champion. It sold for $5.60 per pound to Thompson’s Garage, AAA Hay Farms, Roberts Insurance, M&R Construction, Kite Timber and Bennett Farms. with Wilkins and Chelsea Thomas placing second and third, respectively. The firstplace trophy and $100 cash prize were sponsored by Cook and Associates Insurance Agency, while Sporting Chance sponsored the prize belt buckle. Spires IGA and Mike Spires sponsored the second-place trophy and $50 cash prize, while Clyatt Well Drilling and Kenneth Clyatt sponsored the third-place trophy and $25 cash prize. Graham placed first in intermediate showmanship, with Blake McKenzie and Hunter Thomas placing second and third, respectively. Community State Bank sponsored the first-place trophy and cash prize, while Bivins Ole Fashion Sausage and Wild Game sponsored the belt Fair’s top steers are exhibited by Boone, Griffis Nathan Boone and Kaitlin Griffis exhibited the top two steers at the Bradford County Fair, while Griffis and Walker Thompson exhibited the top two heifers. Boone received the grand championship trophy in the steer show, while also earning the homegrown grand championship. Griffis was awarded reserve grand championship. Jencie Hardee exhibited the homegrown reserve grand champion. Bradford County Sheriff Gordon Smith sponsored the grand championship rosette, belt buckle and $150 prize, while Ward Wiggins Farm sponsored the reserve grand championship rosette, buckle and $125 prize. Hardee’s steer was third overall, earning her a $100 prize sponsored by Sal Perez Calves. Taylor Crawford and Walker Thompson had the fourth and fifth overall steers, respectively, with Robert Worrell Construction sponsoring the fourth-place $75 prize and Boone Septic sponsoring the fifth-place $50 prize. Farm Credit Services and Gordon Smith sponsored the $300 and $150 prizes, respectively, for first and second place in the homegrown steer contest. Griffis earned the grand championship for her heifer, receiving a certificate sponsored by the Bradford-Union Cattlemen’s Association and a $150 prize sponsored by Badcock Furniture of Starke and Lake Butler ($75), Bradford Septic ($50) and Robert Worrell Construction ($25). For showing the reserve grand champion heifer, Thompson received a certificate from the Bradford-Union Cattlemen’s Association and a $125 prize sponsored by M & R Construction ($100) and Boone Acres’ Cattle ($25). Charli Morrow exhibited the homegrown grand champion heifer, while Harley Seay exhibited the homegrown reserve grand champion. They received certificates from the BradfordUnion Cattlemen’s Association, with the first-place $200 prize sponsored by the Tallman family and the second-place $100 prize sponsored by Union County Sheriff Brad Whitehead. Morrow had the third overall best heifer and received an additional $100 from North Florida Cattlemen’s Association. See SWINE, 5B Sierra Graham exhibited the grand champion and homegrown grand champion pig. It sold for $16.50 per pound to First Class Air Repair, Fort White Farm and Feed, Nettles Sausage, Ho-Bo Tractor, Thomas Hardware Farm and Lumber, Williams Show Pigs, Ray’s Metal Works, Williams International, Circle G Cattle Company, W.W. Gay and C and C Power Line. Randa Wilkins exhibited the reserve grand champion pig. It sold for $10 per pound to Elixson Wood Products, Dale Mosley Trucking, Mosley Tire, Prestige Electric, Community State Bank, Roberts Insurance, Sheffield Pest Control, R&R Hauling, Phillip Contracting, M&R Construction and Jones Field Services. See STEER, 5B Florida Twin Theatre Kaitlin Griffis’ reserve grand champion steer sold for $5 per pound Ricky Griffis, Thompson’s Garage, BRM Harvesting, CDM Contracting and Boone Septic. Griffis also exhibited the grand champion heifer. 1 $ 99 FRESH SMOKED PICNIC All Seats $6.00 Before 6 p.m. • 964-5451 * CLOSED MON – TUES * Visit us on-line at SCREEN 1 SCREEN 2 STARTS FRIDAY NOW SHOWING Shailene Woodley Walt Disney’s Fri 7:00, 9:20 Sat 4:45, 7:00, 9:20 Sun 4:45, 7:00 Wed–Thur 7:15 Fri 7:05, 9:15 Sat 4:50, 7:05, 9:15 Sun 4:50, 7:05 Wed–Thur 7:30 Fr Sat 5 Su CLOSED SAUSAGE Amazing quality. Fantastic prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed PRICES AVAILABLE MAR 18 — MAR 24 3 $ 49 5 $ 99 SHRIMP COOKED LB 1 lb $ 09 3 LB BAG ¢ 20¢ XTRA SLICED 1 lb $ 49 lb “LEAN & TENDER” 4 lb $ 49 IDAHO 2 $ 99 4 lb $ 99 1 lb $ 39 THIGHS or PAN STYLE SAUSAGE 2 lb $ 79 BACON 10 LB Open 7 Days a Week 8am to 8pm 2 $ 99 10 LB BAG STRAWBERRIES 1 $ 49 LB 12 OZ 1371 South Walnut St. (Hwy 301) • Starke • (904) 368-9188 Y M Y M C K C K 2B Telegraph, Times and Monitor B Section • Thursday, March 19, 2015 . Socials , Our doctors are here for you until p.m. Gabriella, Grady Pauley celebrate 50th anniversary Grady Macel Pauley and Gabriella Molin Poldedana Pauley-wish to thank all of their friends and relatives who gathered at the Western Steer Steakhouse on March 8 to honor the occasion of their “Golden Wedding Anniversary”. They also wish to thank all those who have expressed their well wishes who, for whatever reason, could not attend the celebration. The Anniversary Celebration was hosted by their son, Stuart Pauley and their sister, Donna Solze. Grady and Gabriella feel very blessed that their mother, Mrs. Margaret Pauley, was among those who attended and participated in the Jubilee Celebration. Grady and Gabriella met in 1963 while he was stationed in Germany with the US Army and she was employed there from Italy working at an Italian Ice Cream Café in Shonau. It took approximately eight months for their Application for Marriage to be approved by the three countries involved, Germany, Italy, and the United States. After gaining this approval, Grady and Gabriella were first wed on March 5, 1965 by an official in the Registrar’s Office in Sandhofen, Germany and secondly on April 6, 1965 by Father Don Antonio Mattalia of the Roman Catholic Church in Mannheim, Germany. Two marriage ceremonies were required because the United States would not legally recognize a marriage ceremony that was performed in a foreign country unless it was conducted by the equivalent of a Justice of the Peace, and the Italian Government would not 4 have bestoverall 4-H projects at fair Ella Dinkins had two projects earn best-overall awards in the intermediate division, while Kaitlin Griffis, Hannah Nistler and Bailey Nelson each had one best-overall project in the 4-H exhibit room at the Bradford County Fair. Dinkins’ awards were in the areas of clothing and textiles for a tote bag and in cake decorating for cupcakes. Including those projects, Dinkins earned eight best-in-area awards, with the other awards in the areas of photography, woodworking, food and nutrition, decorated items, creative arts and table setting. Ella Dinkins earned two best-overall awards in the intermediate division for cake decorating and clothing and textiles. 7 Grady M. and Gabriella Pauley celebrated their 50th anniversary with friends and family on March 8. They met in Germany in 1963. Grady was in the U.S. Army and stationed there, while Gabriella was employed there in an Italian icecream cafe. recognize a ceremony, unless it was performed by a Priest of the Roman Catholic Church. Gabriella was born and reared in Auronzo, Di Cadore, Italy, which is located in the beautiful Italian Alps (Dolomites) of Northern Italy. She is the daughter of Pietro Molin Poldedana and Otelia Monti Fabbro. Grady is the son of Obed Macel Pauley and Margaret Futch Pauley of Lawtey. Grady and Gabriella have one son, Stuart Pauley; two grandchildren, Matthew Pauley and Jillian Pauley; and one great grandchild, Kyleigh Mychelle Pauley, Stuart, his wife Janice, and Jillian reside in Julington Creek, Matthew, his fiancee Jennifer Leigh Robbins, and their daughter Kyleigh, reside in Starke. Grady is retired from the Florida Department of Corrections and he and Gabriella live in Lawtey. In further celebration of the occasion, the couple are planning a trip approximating the anniversary date of their April marriage ceremony. RIGHT: Kaitlin Griffis earned a best-overall award in the senior division for photography. BELOW RIGHT: Hannah Nistler earned a bestoverall award in the senior division for cake decorating. She also earned two additional blue ribbons each in creative arts and clothing and textiles, while earning an additional blue ribbon in decorated items. Dinkins also earned blue ribbons in educational posters (2), wearable art (3) and paintings and drawings (1). She earned one red ribbon each in decorated items and food and nutrition. The senior division had two participants awarded best-overall awards: Griffis and Nistler. Griffis earned her award in photography, an area in which she earned a total of three blue ribbons. She also earned a best-in-area award in paintings and drawings, while earning an additional blue ribbon in paintings and drawings. Nistler earned best in area for cake decorating. She earned one additional blue ribbon in cake decorating, while earning another two blue ribbons in photography. In the junior division, Nelson earned best in area in photography, an area that earned her an additional three blue ribbons as well. The junior division featured three additional participants that earned multiple blue ribbons: Clay Fulgham, Maren Lane and Amanda Zink. Fulgham had five blue ribbons, with two of those projects also earning best in area. He earned three red ribbons. Lane and Zink each earned three blue ribbons, with Zink also earning two best-in-area awards. Earning one blue ribbon each in the junior division were Karlie Chandler, Lacey Hall, Trinity Hall, Joey Kirkland, Makenzie Kirkland, Jessica Padgett, Brett See 4-H, 3B From soccer practice and working late to running errands and homework, your family never slows down. That’s why Shands Starke Medical Group is proud to introduce Sierra Hobbs, PA-C. She is here to provide convenient, quality medical care for patients of all ages, Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. With eight medical professionals in one location, walkins are welcome and same-day appointments are often available. And, we are now accepting new patients. To make an appointment, call 904-368-2480. 1550 S. Water Street, Starke Sierra Hobbs, PA-C 83420_SHSTA_SH_5_75_21bw.indd 1 Member of the Allied Health Staff of Shands Starke Regional Medical Center 3/10/15 9:34 AM Thursday, March 19, 2015 • Telegraph, Times and Monitor B Section Atwood, Arnette show top poultry Naomi Atwood and Kali Arnette had the top two poultry exhibits at the Bradford County Fair. Atwood was awarded the grand championship trophy with a silver-laced Polish hen. She also exhibited a sliver-laced polish rooster, which earned a blue ribbon. Arnette earned the reserve grand championship trophy for a barred-rock hen. She also earned blue ribbons for another barredrock hen and for a barred-rock rooster. The Bradford Soil and Water Commission presented Walmart giftcards in the amounts of $25 and $10 to Atwood and Arnette. Trevor Holtzendorf and Audyn Woodington earned four blue ribbons each—Holtzendorf for a female Peking duck, Brahma hen, Guinea rooster and Ameraucana hen, and Woodington for a blue Cochin rooster, blue Cochin hen, black frizzle rooster and black frizzle hen. Earning two blue ribbons each were: Tiffany Atwood (Cochin hen and rooster), Katie 4-H Continued from 2B Redding and Kody Stalnaker. The junior division also featured a group entry by the Lawtey 4-H club of 65 plants in decorated pots that earned red ribbons. Six participants besides Dinkins earned multiple blue ribbons in the intermediate division: Madison Bennett, Katie Caren, Abigail Ripplinger, Sierra Graham, Tara Holtzendorf and Allyson McElhenny. Bennett and Caren earned 11 and 10 blue ribbons, respectively, with Caren earning two best-inarea awards and Bennett earning one. Caren also earned two red ribbons, while Bennett earned one. Ripplinger earned three blue ribbons, while Graham, Holtzendorf and McElhenny each earned two. Graham and Holtzendorf each earned one best-in-area award, with Graham also earning two red ribbons. McElhenny earned two red ribbons as well. Josie Glisson and Jillian Kirkland each earned one blue ribbon, while Lane Kirkland, Makayla Kirkland and Preston Tyre each earned one red ribbon. Three participants besides Griffis and Nistler earned multiple blue ribbons in the senior division: Amanda Bertine, Courtney Paul and Hailey McElhenny. Bertine and Paul each earned three blue ribbons, with Paul also Correction In reporting the theft of the Bradford High School junior varsity baseball team’s equipment and belongings from a bus, the March 12 issue of the Telegraph-Times-Monitor mistakenly referred to the act as a robbery. By definition, a robbery is the taking of something from someone by force or threat, which was not the case in this instance. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. Correction In coverage of the 4-H tablesetting contest in the March 12 issue of the Telegraph-TimesMonitor, the intermediatedivision participants were mistakenly identified as juniorlevel participants. We apologize of the error. Want to reach people? Now’s the perfect time to see just how well our classifieds can work for you. Whether you’re looking for a great buy or a great place to sell, call our classified department today. 904-964-6305 Ask for Classified Ads earning a best-in-area award. Bertin earned one white ribbon as well. McElhenny earned two blue ribbons and two red ribbons. One of her blue-ribbon projects also earned best in area. Maggie Glisson earned one white ribbon. Cloverbuds—the youngest group of 4-H participants—who earned participation ribbons were George Folsom with five projects, Isaac Lane with three projects and Shayna Durrance and Aubrey Nelson with two projects each. LEFT: Naomi Atwood received the poultry grand championship trophy. BELOW LEFT: Kali Arnette received the reserve grand championship trophy. Caren (black Australorp rooster, golden-laced Wyandotte hen), Ella Dinkins (Rhode Island hen, black Australorp hen), Ashley Harris (black Cochin hen, whitelegged rooster), Lake Harris (black frizzle hen and rooster), Glorida Raulerson (golden-laced Polish hen and rooster), Rileigh Rhoden (blue silkie hen, red frizzle hen), Eli Rimes (Plymouth Rock rooster and hen), Falyn Rimes (Plymouth Rock hen, black Cochin hen) and Kendal Stalnaker (blue Ameraucana hen See POULTRY, 6B Bailey Nelson shows off a photograph that earned her the best-overall award in the junior division of 4-H. Top rabbits belong to Caren, Holtzendorf Katie Caren and Tara Holtzendorf earned the grand championship and reserve grand championship trophies, respectively, for their rabbits at the Bradford County Fair. Caren took the top trophy with a blue Dutch doe. She also earned a blue ribbon for a Florida white doe and red ribbons for a Dutch black doe, steel Dutch buck and Florida white doe. Holtzendorf’s Holland Lop doe earned the reserve grand championship trophy. She also earned a blue ribbon for a dwarf buck. The Bradford Soil and Water Commission presented Walmart giftcards in the amounts of $25 and $10 to Caren and Holtzendorf. The following also earned blue ribbons: Shayna Durrance (Dutch buck), Alaina Wright 3B (New Zealand cross doe), Georgia Wilson (Polish buck), Waylon Robinson (lion’s head buck) and Layla Robinson (lion’s head doe). Earning white ribbons were Hannah Perron (black Dutch doe), Emma Jenkins (mixed buck), Ryder Thompson (lion’s head doe) and Payton Thompson (mini Rex doe). ABOVE LEFT: Katie Caren’s rabbit earned the grand championship. LEFT: Tara Holtzendorf had the reserve grand champion. Back & Neck Pain Clinic “Modern methods with old-fashioned concern.” • Auto Accidents • Work Injuries • Headaches • Neck and Back Pain Dr. Virgil A. Berry CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Serving the area for 25 years. THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE AVAILABLE 4B Letters Telegraph, Times and Monitor B Section • Thursday, March 19, 2015 [email protected] Monitor should cover more in the community Dear Editor: In my opinion The Lake Region Monitor seems to consistently avoid reporting community events that are scheduled in the Keystone Heights area. The city has a number of events that occur on a regular basis that would be of interest to the residents if they were reported. Examples are, but not inclusive, the Wings of Dreams Star Parties, the last one on 2/28, and the Fly in breakfast held on 3/7. In addition, The City Council meeting and agenda held on 3/5 with agenda items like the Keystone Heights Volunteer Fire Dept., the proposal for a Keystone Splash Park, The Clay County Fair Assoc., and Trauma Center Information. This particular meeting was attended by over 90 people who were only informed by word of mouth in and around the Keystone area. These items of interest plus others should be published regularly in the Monitor for the benefit of the citizens of the City. I commend the paper for all the notices regarding Church, Club, Library, and Sports events, but a three-page report and pictures relating to Miss KHHS seemed to be excessive. I would like to see more Local, Civic Events, and Educational Events reported for the benefit and information of the residents and to assist in the Growth and Development of The Lake Region. Howard Lingg Keystone Heights Thanks for successful Trail Ridge Festival elected officials, program participants and volunteers all worked together and provided an enjoyable experience for the families that were in attendance. A special thank you to the Bradford County Tourist Development Council, Sheriff Gordon Smith and Chief Shane Bennett for their assistance. Also, thanks to the Telegraph and WEAG for your continued support. We received many compliments about the atmosphere of the Festival and that makes all the hard work worthwhile. Each year we strive to provide a day of “Fun with Family and Friends” at the Trail Ridge Festival. 65 years of age or older. Damage to the fence and backflow pipe at the school was estimated to be approximately $5,000. The $200 was returned to the victim from Lawtey. Bond was set at $200,000 for all of the charges against Parrish. at $94, went to the Jackson Hewitt area and placed them in a shopping bag he had picked up at a cash register. Sanford then left the store, but returned and removed the items from the bag and their packaging before placing them in a Walmart trash bag. He then attempted to leave the store with the items, but was detained by the loss-prevention employee. Police were called, and Sanford and Sanders were both arrested, with their bond set at $1,000 each for the charges. report, Wood was arguing with her grown daughter when she pushed her into a wall, grabbed her throat and threatened to beat and kill her. When law enforcement arrived, Wood admitted to pushing her daughter and was still visibly angry at her, according to the deputies’ report. She was arrested and transported to jail. Dear Editor: We, the members of the Lawtey Trail Ridge Organization, send a GREAT big thank you to all of the folks that made our 11th Annual Trail Ridge Festival, on Saturday, March 14, a success. Our sponsors, vendors, entertainers, Sincerely, Jimmie L. Scott Lamar Priest Olivia T. Scott Wayne Massey Abbie H. Massey Leslie Becker Mary J. Brown t Crime t Recent arrests in Bradford and Clay The following individuals were arrested recently by local law enforcement officers in Bradford and Clay (Keystone Heights area) counties: Bradford Marsha Cole Allender, 41, of Lake Butler was arrested March 12 by Bradford deputies on two out-of-county warrants from Citrus. Bond was set at $2,620 for the charges. Jack Christian Bernson, 22, of Naples was arrested March 15 by Starke police during a traffic stop for possession of marijuana and possession of drug equipment. Patricia Denise Bradley, 31, of Starke was arrested March 16 by Bradford deputies for failure to appear. Bond was set at $10,000 for the charge. Allen Brent Carlisle, 24, of Lake Butler was arrested March 15 by Bradford deputies during a traffic stop for possession of drugs, possession of drug equipment and resisting an officer. According to the arrest report, Carlisle gave the deputy a false name during the traffic stop before eventually revealing his true identification. Bond was set at $22,500 for the charges. Kyle Matthew Cole, 22, of Starke was arrested March 11 by Starke police during a traffic stop for possession of marijuana. Bond was set at $1,000 for the charge. Sandra Elizabeth Covington, 57, of Starke was arrested March 13 by Bradford deputies for battery. According to the arrest report, Covington, her brother and others were at a locale when her brother’s girlfriend arrived looking for him. Covington started hitting the woman and wrestling with her when the two fell to the ground. Covington’s brother then hit the victim in the face while Covington held her down. When deputies arrived, Covington was arrested, but the brother was nowhere to be found. A warrant affidavit will be filed with the state attorney’s office for the charge of battery against the brother. Bond was set at $5,000 for Covington’s charge. Debra Ann Crawford, 47, of Lake Butler was arrested March 15 during a traffic stop for driving while license suspended or revoked. Bond was set at $500 for the charge. cannabis. No bond was allowed marijuana in the truck, and a search revealed seven pre-rolled for the charge. marijuana blunts, along with Tyrise D. Jackson, 20, of numerous cell phones and $106 Lawtey was arrested March 10 by in cash in the truck. Middleton Bradford deputies for burglary, also had over $650 in cash on two charges of trespassing and his person when searched. He resisting an officer. According was arrested, with bond set at to the arrest report, Jackson had $30,000 for the charges. been trespassed from several Levi Zachary Parrish, 26, of residences in the Lawtey area in February and December of Middleburg was arrested March last year. The owner of one of 13 by Bradford deputies for the vacant residences called robbery and resisting an officer deputies the day before Jackson’s and by Starke police for hit arrest, asking them to check and run with property damage, out the home, as there was a fleeing and eluding police, broken window in the back. reckless driving, resisting an A check of the home revealed officer, possession of a weapon evidence someone had been by a convicted felon, possession possibly staying there, so the of drugs, possession of drug owner boarded everything up, equipment and driving while and deputies went by the house license suspended or revoked. the next evening. Jackson was in According to the arrest reports, the home and ran out the back several people were outside of of the yard, but he was tracked a residence in Lawtey when to another nearby residence Parrish pulled up in a vehicle by a K-9 and apprehended. He asking for someone who didn’t had been trespassed from that reside at the house. Parrish then residence also and was arrested asked if anyone wanted to buy a and transported to jail after EMS rifle, saying he had the papers on medically cleared him from the weapon and that he wanted the K-9 dog bite on his arm. $200 for it. When one of the Bond was set at $35,000 for the men pulled $200 out his wallet, Parrish snatched the money and charges. got back into his vehicle with Karl Anthony Leschanz, 44, of the money and the rifle and Keystone Heights was arrested sped away. Several people from March 13 by Bradford deputies the residence tried to follow during a traffic stop for driving Parrish in their vehicles, but he while license suspended or evaded them, so they continued into Starke while contacting law revoked. enforcement about the robbery. Camille Michelle Loose, 30, While they were at the In & of Ocala was arrested March 14 Out store at the corner of S.R. by Lawtey police during a traffic 16 and U.S. 301 speaking with a stop for possession of heroin, deputy and a police officer about two charges of possession of the incident, they saw Parrish drugs and possession of drug drive by the store. The deputy equipment. Bond was set at and the officer gave chase, following Parrish to Pratt Street, $152,500 for the charges. where he turned and continued Jason Nicholas Meyer, 43, at a high rate of speed before of Starke was arrested March turning on Lake Street toward 15 by Starke police for larceny. the high school. The officer and According to the arrest report, the deputy blocked Parrish in, Meyer was observed concealing but he attempted to go around a flashlight and earphones in a one of the patrol cars, hitting a pocket by a Walmart employee large backflow water pipe above and then leaving the store ground and a fence with his without paying for the items. A vehicle and damaging the front battery pack and a package of end. Parrish left the vehicle a ballpoint pens were also found few seconds later and started on Meyer by the employee, who running toward Broadway Street called police to the store after through several residential yards. detaining Meyer. Bond was set at Eventually, the deputy trapped Parrish by a fence and had to $1,000 for the charge. use a Taser on him after he Damion Joel Middleton, 31, refused to get to the ground to of Jacksonville was arrested be handcuffed. During a search March 14 by Bradford deputies of Parrish’s vehicle, the $200 in for possession of marijuana and cash was recovered along with possession of drug equipment. the rifle, which had a bayonet on According to the arrest report, it. Also found in the vehicle were controlled-substance Middleton was entering the several fairgrounds in Starke with his pills and a pipe with marijuana windows halfway down in his residue. A background check truck when a deputy on site on Parrish revealed him to be smelled marijuana coming from a convicted felon that had been the truck. When questioned, released from prison in 2014 for Middleton admitted to having aggravated battery on a person Sharon Marie Ellison, 57, of Starke was arrested March 13 by Bradford deputies for failure to appear. Warren Lee Puckett, 21, of Old Town was arrested March 16 by Bradford deputies on a warrant for two charges of failure to appear. Bond was set at $200,000 for the charges. Lester Wayne Ruis, 34, of Starke was arrested March 14 by Starke police for battery and for larceny–theft of a controlled substance. According to the arrest report, the female victim went to a residence in Starke to get some of her belongings so she and her children could stay at a friend’s home. When she entered the home, Ruis started yelling at the victim and then pushed her in the chest, causing her to fall backward. When police arrived, the victim said Ruis had also been taking some of her prescription medications without her permission. He was arrested, with bond set at $10,000 for the charges. Eric Murray Sindall, 20, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, was arrested March 10 by Starke police during a traffic stop for possession of marijuana, possession of drugs and possession drug equipment. Amy L. Sanders, 39, of Bond was set at $7,000 for the Interlachen and Fredrick E. charges. Sanford, 45, of Interlachen were Jeremie David Smith, 37, of arrested March 16 by Starke police for shoplifting. According Keystone Heights was arrested to the arrest report, Sanders March 14 by Starke police during and Sanford both worked for a traffic stop for driving under the Jackson Hewitt tax service the influence. Bond was set at located inside Walmart in Starke. $10,000 for the charge. A Walmart loss-prevention Justin Dean Thomas, 21, of employee reported that on March 12, Sanford selected a vacuum Hampton was arrested March cleaner and a bottle of cologne 11 by Starke police during a from the store shelves and took traffic stop for driving under the them to Sanders at the Jackson influence. Bond was set at $1,000 Hewitt area. A short time later, for the charge. Sanders went and took a pair Bobby Ihan Williams, 37, of of sunglasses from a display, removed the tag and put them Starke was arrested March 13 by on her head. A few minutes Bradford deputies for probation later, Sanders then left the store violation. without paying for the items, Ruby Osteen Wood, 51, of valued at $97, with the incident recorded on surveillance video. Melrose was arrested March On March 16, Sanford took 14 by Bradford deputies for four items from the store valued battery. According to the arrest George Michael Hammontree, 54, of Starke was arrested March 16 by Bradford deputies during a traffic stop for driving while license suspended or revoked. Bond was set at $10,000 for the charge. Terrence Lynn Heath, 24, of Ocala was arrested March 10 by Bradford deputies on an outof-county warrant from Marion on original charge of possession of cocaine and possession of Keith Griffis, 35 of Keystone Heights was arrested March 13 by Clay deputies for aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and resisting, obstructing or opposing a law enforcement officer. According to an arrest report, Griffis stabbed an acquaintance in the face with a pair of scissors. He then fled into a wooded area, where deputies later found him. Griffis refused to obey deputies’ orders and was forced into handcuffs before being transported to jail. Ronald Miller, 24, of Keystone Heights was arrested March 12 by Clay deputies for petit theft. Sheena Mosley, 30, of Lawtey was arrested March 16 by Clay deputies for two probation violations. Michael Dewayne Paschen, 43, of Melrose was arrested March 11 by Putnam deputies for a probation violation. Christopher Powers, 25, of Keystone Heights was arrested March 16 by Clay deputies for child abuse. According to an arrest report, school officials alerted deputies after the victim came to school with bruises on his face and what appeared to be a broken blood vessel in one eye. The victim told a guidance counselor that Powers slapped him in the face and spanked him with a belt the previous day. George Williams, 41, of Keystone Heights was arrested March 12 by Clay deputies for contempt of court. Without Pain Relief at the End of Life, There is No Quality of Life. At Haven, we believe no one should suffer. Percent of patients reporting pain relief that meets or exceeds the state of florida department of elder affairs benchmark of 50% (reduction from a self-reported pain score of 7 or above at admission to 5 or below by the fourth day of care [on a scale of 0-10 where 10 is the highest level of pain].) John Henry Fieseler, 32, of Melrose was arrested March 16 by Bradford deputies on an outof-county warrant from Putnam for cruelty toward a child. Bond was set at $10,004 for the charge. Shannon Sherrell Ford, 36, of Interlachen was arrested March 12 by Bradford deputies on a warrant for four charges of willfull and reckless driving with serious bodily injury. (See the Telegraph A-section for more details.) Bond was set at $2,000,000 for the charges. David Eric Silcox, 43, of Hampton was arrested March 10 by Bradford deputies on warrants for possession of opium or derivative, selling opium or derivative, for two charges of possession of drugs, for two charges of selling drugs and for probation violation. Bond was set at $475,000 for the drug charges, while no bond was allowed for the probation violation charge. Keystone/Melrose Service & Supplies, LLC • Servicing the Surrounding Areas Since 2006 POOL CLEANING SERVICE... We Offer: • Above Ground Pool Installation • Weekly Pool Maintenance • Repair of Automatic Vacuum Systems • Service, Repairs & Supplies • Pool Recreation Equipment & Toys Cheaper than you think! DON’T WAIT til the Hot Summer to get your pool back in shape! Mon 9AM – 5:30PM • Wed 9AM – 3PM • Fri 9AM – 5:30PM For Pool Repair or Emergencies Call Carol at 352-745-2831 386-496-1057 220 West Main Street Lake Butler Haven Hospice 2013 Haven Hospice 2014 94% 96% State Benchmark: 50% Florida Department of Elder Affairs Acceptable Benchmark For Patient-Reported Pain Reduction - 2013/2014 Ask for Haven Hospice. 800-HOSPICE (467-7423) | Serving North Florida since 1979. Licensed as a not-for-profit hospice since 1980. Thursday, March 19, 2015 • Telegraph, Times and Monitor B Section 33 steers sell for more than $128K at Bradford Fair This year’s Bradford-Union Cattleman’s Association steer sale consisted of 33 animals that brought an average ring price of $3,906.43 ($3.30 per pound) and totaled $128,912.40 collectively without add-ons. Nathan Boone’s grand champion, which weighed 1,275 pounds, sold for $7,140 to Thompson’s Garage, AAA Hay Farms, Roberts Insurance, M&R Construction, Kite Timber and STEER Continued from 1B Boone and Seay had the fourth and fifth overall heifers, with Whitehead Cattle sponsoring the fourth-place $75 prize and Farm Credit Services sponsoring the fifth-place $50 prize. Sal Perez and Rodney Griffis placed first and second, respectively, in the homegrown breeder (steer) contest, while Griffis and Whitehead Cattle placed first and second, respectively, in the homegrown breeder (breed) contest. All received certificates from the Bradford-Union Cattlemen’s Association. In the steer weight-gain contest, Riggs Davis placed first, receiving $100 from sponsor Gator II Farm Supply and Ken Mueller. Jordan Davis and Kaitlin Griffis placed second and third, respectively, with Whitehead Cattle sponsoring the $75 second-place prize and Brad Whitehead sponsoring the $50 Bennett Farms. This year’s reserve champion was shown by Kaitlin Griffis. The 1,315-pound animal fetched $6,706.50 from buyers Ricky Griffis, Thompson’s Garage, BRM Harvesting, CDM Contracting and Boone Septic. The remaining sale results (exhibitor, weight of animal, total sale price and buyers) were as follows: Jencie Hardee, 1,259, $4,658.30, Michael Hardee Timber, Cutt’n Up Salon; Taylor Crawford, 1,163, $3,023.80, Liberty Trucking; Walker Thompson, 1,284, $4,879.20, Thompson’s Garage, Teal Tile and Carpet, Roberts Insurance, Boone Farms; Ethan Box, 1,073, $3,111.70, Liberty Trucking; Bailee Sheppard, 1,158, $4,632, third-place prize. In the 4-H record-book contest (steer), Kaitlin Griffis and Courtney Paul placed first and second, respectively, in the senior division, with Morrow Enterprises sponsoring the $50 first-place prize and Kyle and Teresa Jerrels sponsoring the $30 second-place prize. Katie Caren and Lauren Cromwell were first and second, respectively, in the intermediate division, with Lee and Kim Nichols sponsoring the first-place award and Julie Morrow sponsoring the secondplace award. Walker Thompson and Trevor Holtzendorf were first and second, respectively, in the junior division, with New River Fire Department sponsoring both prizes. Case Emerson and Kelsey Thornton were first and second, respectively, in the Sr. FFA record-book contest (steer), with Patrick Hartley Welding and Fabrication sponsoring the $50 first-place prize and Randy Conner sponsoring the $30 second-place prize. Madison Bennett and Bailee Sheppard Starke Chiropractic proudly announces the addition of Massage Therapy by Brandi Smith, LMT Brandi will be offering Massage Therapy at a Great Price! our In fact, we are already great price of $59 for a one-hour massage to only $49 per hour for all of March! Brandi Smith, LMT MA 68226 MM 24866 Call Today! 904-368-0011 • Email: [email protected] 225 South Orange Street • Starke, Florida Our office policy is the patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for free or reduced fee services, examination or treatment. Xrays are only taken if medically necessary. Due to federal regulations this may not apply to Medicare/Medicaid or other federal insurances. Len Schlofman, Handy Man Fence Company, Bostick Tree Service; Payton Thompson, 1,217, $4,381.20, Thompson’s Auto Sales, Boone Septic, Cornerstone Construction; Randa Goodwin, 1,099, $3,297, CDM Contracting, Roberts Land and Timber, HoBo Tractor Company, PMI Construction, Brad Whitehead; Tara Holtzendorf, 1,134, $2,402, Winn-Dixie; Jordan Cazee, 1,168, $2,920, Hillandale, Furst McNess; Courtney Paul, 1,192, $3,695.20, RAS Land Management; Colton Cromwell, 1,297, $3,372.20, Hillandale, Western Steer; Clay Fulgham, 1,068, $2,776.80, Nettles Beef Processors; Lake Butler Sr. FFA, 1,106, $3,871, Union County officials (Judge Bo Bayer, Clerk of Courts Kellie Connell, commissioners Karen Cossey, Willie Croft, Woody Kitler and Jimmy Tallman, Property Appraiser Bruce Dukes, Superintendent of Schools Carlton Faulk, Sheriff Brad Whitehead); Trevor Holtzendorf, 1,162, $3,486, Hamilton Farms, Ward Timber, MSO Tech; Lauren Cromwell, 1,218, $2,923.20, Hillandale; Katie Caren, 1,302, $3,124.80, Boone Septic; Hunter Williams, 1,068, $3,738, CDM Contracting, Serenity Enterprises; Whip Davis, 1,114, $3,564.80, Roberts Land and Timber, Shadd Trucking, Pritchett Trucking; Madison Bennett, 1,167, $3,501, Community State Bank, Roberts 5B Insurance, Union LaSteel, Dr. Talisha Cunningham Dentistry; Case Emerson, 1,205, $4,338, Ho-Bo Tractor Company, C.J. Spiller, Santa Fe Ford, Donnie Odom; Jenna Ritch, 1,284, $4,622.40, Roberts Insurance, Ritch Farms, Community State Bank, Brad Whitehead, Hillandale; Riggs Davis, 1,319, $4,748.40, M&S Fertilizer, HoBo Tractor Company; Savannah Douglas, 1,088, $3,264, Hamilton Farms, Teal Tile and Carpet, MSO Tech, Ward Timber; Bradford FFA, 1,121, $2,914.60, Kristie Baggerly, State Farm Insurance; Tanner Connell, 1,163, $3,721.60, Publix; Maci Whitehead, 1,197, $3,591, Ocala Stockyard; Jordan Davis, 1,242, $4,222.80, M&H Farms, Walker Thompson exhibited the reserve grand champion heifer. placed first and second, respectively, in the middle school division, with Kite Timber Inc. sponsoring both prizes. In the 4-H record-book contest (breed), Kaitlin Griffis and Courtney Paul placed first and second, respectively, in the senior division, while Katie Caren and Tara Holtzendorf placed first and second, respectively, in the intermediate division. Walker Thompson and Trevor Holtzendorf placed first and second, respectively, in the junior division. New River Ranch sponsored the $50 first-place and $30 second-place awards in the senior division. Emerson Nursery and Plant Rentals sponsored the intermediate awards, while Brad Whitehead and Union Power Equipment sponsored the first- and secondplace awards, respectively, in the junior division. Case Emerson and Nathan Boone placed first and second, SWINE Continued from 1B buckle. M & R Construction and Mark and Karla Williams sponsored the second-place prizes, while Gold Key and John Smith sponsored the third-place prizes. Kody Stalnaker and Eli Rimes placed first and second, respectively, in junior showmanship, with Cassidy Spratlin placing third. Mosley Tire and Russ Miscally sponsored the first-place prizes, respectively, in the Sr. FFA record-book contest (breed), with Brad Whitehead sponsoring the $50 first-place prize and Talisha Cunningham sponsoring the $30 second-place prize. Madison Bennett and Payton Thompson placed first and second, respectively, in the middle school division, with Malcolm Hill sponsoring both prizes. In the Bradford-Union Cattlemen’s Association showmanship contest, Kaitlin Griffis placed first in the senior division, followed by Courtney Paul, Colton Cromwell, Ethan Box and Case Emerson. Cash prizes were sponsored by West Side Feed of Jacksonville (first, $300), Hendricks Farms (second, $200), Muse Show Cattle (third, $150) and the Bradford Soil and Water Commission (fourth, $100; fifth, $75). Charli Morrow placed first in the intermediate division, followed by Nathan Boone, Bailee while Sheffield Pest Control and Frank Sheffield sponsored the second-place prizes. Curtis Clyatt of District 3 of the Union County School Board sponsored the third-place prizes. Wilkins earned the first-place senior 4-H record-book award, while Amberlie Roach and Carissa Griffis placed second and third, respectively. Reed Thames was the intermediate 4-H record-book winner, followed by Graham and Shelbey Spratlin. Merritt received the first-place junior 4-H record-book award, with Karly Shatto and Reagan Robinson placing second and third, respectively. Bailey Griffis earned first place in the Bradford Sr. FFA record-book awards, followed by Bailey Riggs and Paxson Wise. The competition was sponsored by Cowgirls Cuts. Svannah Woodall received the first-place Union Sr. FFA recordbook award, with Lane Griffis and Taylor Crosby placing Harley Seay exhibited the reserve homegrown champion heifer. Charli Morrow exhibited the homegrown grand champion heifer. Jencie Hardee exhibited the homegrown reserve champion steer. It sold for $3.70 per pound to Michael Hardee Timber and Cutt’n Up Salon. Hillandale, Colson Farms; Cassie Tomlinson, 919, $2,848.90, Roberts Land and Timber, CDM Contracting, Coxwell Construction, PMI Construction; John Grant Tallman, 1,152, $3,571.20, Pritchett Trucking; Kendal Stalnaker, 1,180, $4,484, Community State Bank, Roberts Insurance, North Florida Equipment Rental; Kayla Whitehead, 1,184, $4,380.80, Teal Tile and Carpet. The breed sale consisted of two animals exhibited by Gracie Dukes and Jencie Hardee. The total sale price was $4,800, with Columbia Livestock Market/ John Willis and AAA Hay Farms/ Alan Holtzendorf as the buyers. Sheppard, Kaylie Whitehead and Madison Bennett. Prizes were sponsored by Badcock Furniture of Starke and Lake Butler (first), Emerson Nursery and Plant Rentals (second), West Side Feed II of Lake Butler (third) and the Bradford Soil and Water Commission (fourth and fifth). Walker Thompson was first in the junior division, followed by Katie Caren, Hunter Thomas, Maci Whitehead and Clay Fulgham. Prizes were sponsored by Teal Tile Carpet (first), Swift Creek Realty (second), AAA Hay (third) and New River Ranch (fourth and fifth). Bradford-Union Cattlemen’s Association Herdsman Award winners were Courtney Paul (senior), Kaylie Whitehead (intermediate) and Katie Caren (junior). Their $125 prizes were sponsored by Thompson’s Garage (senior), Thompson’s Auto Sales (intermediate) and the Kiwanis Club of Starke (junior). Case Emerson and Kelsey Thornton placed second and third, respectively, in the senior division, with Western Steer sponsoring the $100 secondplace and $75 third-place awards. Cassie Tomlinson placed second in the intermediate division, followed by Maci Whitehead. Their awards were sponsored by Whitehead Cattle (second) and the Bradford Soil and Water Commission (third). In the junior division, Kendal Stalnaker was second, followed by Hunter Williams. The Kiwanis Club of Starke sponsored the second-place award, with Clyatt Well Drilling sponsoring third place. The Zedra Hamilton family sponsored two overallperformance awards, with Kaitlin Griffis earning the steer award and Courtney Paul earning the breed award. Case Emerson received the Citizenship Award, receiving $200 from sponsors Donna and Lynn Waters. Hunter Merritt of Union County exhibited the homegrown reserve champion pig. His animal sold for $7 per pound to SMG Inc. second and third, respectively. Shatto Heating and Air Inc. sponsored the awards. In the middle school competitions, Bailey Bishop placed first in Bradford, followed by Jordan Marshall and Camee Morrow, while Luke Griffis placed first in Union, followed by Skyler Shatto and Kaley Thornton. Patrick Hartley Welding and Fabrication sponsored the Bradford awards, while Shatto Heating and Air Inc. sponsored the Union awards. Swine auction results will be published when they are received by the Telegraph-Times-Monitor 230 South Temple Ave. Starke, FL 32091 904.964.8840 6B Telegraph, Times and Monitor B Section • Thursday, March 19, 2015 Yvette Lee earned a bestoverall rosette for brown yeast bread. In all, she won six blue ribbons and two red ribbons. Jenna Thornton’s almond pound cake earned her a best-overall rosette. She was one of 19 exhibitors in this year’s home division. Fair home division awards 8 rosettes Six adults and two youths were awarded best-overall rosettes for their home-division entries at the Bradford County Fair. Yvette Lee earned a total of six blue ribbons in the adult division, ABOVE LEFT: Kaitlin Griffis earned a rosette for peach jelly. Griffis earned four blue ribbons and one red ribbon in the youth division. LEFT: Joyce Whidden earned a rosette for a quilt. She earned a total of two blue ribbons. POULTRY Continued from 3B and rooster). Caren also earned a white ribbon for a buff Orpington hen. Exhibitors earning one blue ribbon each were Isaac Lane (Khaki Campbell drake), Logan Griffis (black Cochin rooster), Amanda Bertine (naked-neck hen), Kelly Denson (silver-laced Wyandotte hen), Cason Denson (silver-laced Cochin hen), Kody Stalnaker (Splash Ameraucana rooster), Gabe Tallman (red sex-link hen), Tucker Dortch (barred-rock rooster), Bradford Transition Academy (red sexlink hen), Case Emerson (buff Orpington hen), Layla Robinson (buff Orpington hen), Waylon Robinson (Rhode Island red hen), Brooklyn Wiggins (blue Orpington hen), Connie Wiggins (black Australorp hen), Kadynce Brown (Rhode Island hen) and Ashley Brewer (Rhode Island hen). Red ribbons were awarded to Shane Griffis (game rooster, barred-rock rooster), Connie Wiggins (white Cochn rooster), Kayla Andrews (barred-rock rooster), Eva Tallman (Rhode Island red hen), Noah Tallman (Cornish bantam hen), Austin Parrish (barred-rock hen), Katie Tomlinson (Rhode Island rooster), Taylor Rhoden (two Serama frizzle hens), Kody Stalnaker (Splash Ameraucana hen), Cotton Wood (buff Orpington rooster), Maren Lane (two silkie hens, silkie rooster), Jamie Mosley (game rooster), Zander Van Zant (game rooster) and Aiden Caren (Rhode Island red hen). The following earned white Debra Hirsch was one of eight participants to earn a bestoverall rosette in the home division at the Bradford County Fair. She earned hers for this dress. She was awarded two blue ribbons in all. with her brown yeast bred earning a rosette. She also earned blue ribbons for yeast bread, grape jelly, muscadine jelly, blackberry jelly and strawberry jelly. Lee earned two red ribbons for apples and apple butter. Norma Lyon earned three blue ribbons, with a blanket also earning her a rosette in the adult division. She also earned blue ribbons for a vest and a child’s sweater. Lyon earned one red ribbon for a woman’s sweater. Bob Lawry also earned three blue ribbons as an adult, with his pickled garlic also earning a rosette. Pickled quail eggs and pepper jelly earned him his other blue ribbons. Debra Hirsch and Joyce Whidden each earned two blue ribbons and one rosette. A dress earned Hirsch her rosette, while a jacket earned her another blue ribbon. Whiden earned a rosette for a quilt, while another quilt ABOVE RIGHT: Bob Lawry earned a rosette for pickled garlic. He earned blue ribbons on all three of his submissions. RIGHT: Norma Lyon earned a rosette for a blanket. She had four submissions in all, earning three blue ribbons and one red ribbon. Ronald Goodman (pictured with granddaughter Samantha) earned a best-overall rosette in arts and crafts for his wooden house that is also a jewelry box. 5 awarded rosettes in arts and crafts at the fair also earned a blue ribbon. Cana Rensberger earned a blue ribbon and rosette for an afghan. In the youth division, Kaitlin Griffis and Jenna Thornton each earned a rosette, with Griffis Best-overall rosettes were earning four blue ribbons overall. Griffis was awarded a rosette for awarded for five projects in arts peach jelly, while also earning and crafts at the Bradford County blue ribbons for peaches, grape Fair. Adult participants Dawn See HOME, 8B Flournoy, Ronald Goodman and Jeff Morgan earned rosettes— Flournoy for a wood-burning picture of an owl, Goodman for a wooden-house jewelry box and Morgan for a wood-carved bust. Goodman also earned a blue ribbon in woodwork, while Morgan earned a blue ribbon in folk art. In the youth division, Isaac Davis earned a rosette for a pencil drawing of his mother, while Kyle Toombs earned a rosette for a wood box with lid. Adult participant Carol James earned the most blue ribbons overall with six in the areas of acrylic painting, folk art, strawberry theme, miscellaneious, extra and jewelry. Leroyal Stoutamire earned two blue ribbons in woodwork and pen or pencil. Adults earning one blue ribbon each were Kellie Clark in color photo, Daniel Baldwin, Nick Hernandez, Rashay Hampton and Debbie Boone in woodwork, Debra Hirsch in recycled and Ann Davis and Butch Patterson in miscellaneous. Boone also earned a red ribbon in wreaths, while Hernandez earned a red ribbon in pen or pencil. Also earning red ribbons were Kristin Griffis in acrylic painting and Rosie Ivey in miscellaneous. Madison Garber earned two blue ribbons in the youth division See JUMP, 2A Isaac Davis earned a rosette for a pencil drawing. Let the Professionals at get the refund you deserve FAST! ribbons: Krista Atwood (silver Sebright hen and rooster), Albany Mosley (red Cochin rooster), Brady Nettles (game rooster), Bradford Transition Academy (mixed rooster), Randa Goodwin (mixed rooster), Cassie Tomlinson (game rooster), Debbie Allen (mixed rooster), Brooklyn Wiggins (black Jersey rooster), Addison Wright (mixed rooster), Emma Jeffers (mixed rooster and hen) and Witt Thomas (mixed rooster). Joe’s Tires Cars • Marine Light Trucks TRAILER ALIGNMENTS TIRES Now Doing 59 9999 $$ in Stock! starting at: (8473) • Corporate and Individual Income Tax Services • Full Bookkeeping & Payroll Services • Audit & Accounting Services • Business Consulting including Quickbooks & Accounting • Set up new Corporations, LLC’s and Partnerships (904) 964-7555 Customer Satisfaction Makes Us # 13761 South US 301 • Starke (1/2 mile south of walmart) 134 East Call Street Starke, FL LAKE AREA SMALL ENGINE 7333 Kyle Street Keystone Heights EBZ8500 Blowers Come by and check out ALL of our SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Commerical • Residential • Vinyl • Carpet Visit • Ceramic Tile Our • Hardwood & Showroo m! Laminate Floors products including: Trimmers, Hedgeclippers, Pole Saws & Edgers Rental Equipment Your Flooring Specialist by the Day • Weekend • Week • Month Contact us about our great rental rates Mon – Fri 8:30 am – 5:30 pm Sat 9 am – Noon “Se Habla Español” BUYING POWER OF OVER 1400 STORES 131 N. Cherry St. Starke, FL 32091 Thursday, March 19, 2015 • Telegraph, Times and Monitor B Section d 7B Obituaries d Louis Atchison, Jr. Louis Atchison, Jr. KINGSLEY LAKE— Louis Edward Atchison, Jr., age 84, passed away in his Kingsley Lake home on Friday, March 13, 2015. He was born to the Late Louis and Louise Atchison in Flushing, New York, on Dec. 14, 1930. Louis married Fay Dolores Alvarez on Nov. 2, 1949 in Macon, Georgia. Louis worked most of his life, owning his own business manufacturing windows. He was actively involved in his children and grandchildren’s lives and his love of animals was abundantly clear. Louis is survived by seven children, Louis Atchison, III of Orlando, Fay Lambert of Orange Park, James Atchison of Orange Park, Jody Lockamy of Marietta, Georgia, Sherry Williams of Jacksonville, George Atchison of Jacksonville, and Dawn Strickland of Starke. He is also survived by 18 grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren. There will be a private service for the immediate family at Kingsley Lake, Florida. Arrangements are under the care and direction of Archie Tanner Funeral Services, Starke. 904-964-5757. Visit www. to sign the family’s guest book. Margie Brinn KEYSTONE HEIGHTS— Margie Glynn Brinn, 93, of Keystone Heights died in Orange Park on Monday, March 9, 2015. She was born in Willacoochee, Georgia on Oct. 29, 1921 to the late Sherrod and Blanche (Puckett) Corbitt. She was a homemaker and a former resident of Park of the Palms. She was preceded in death by her husband Paul T. Brinn and one grandson. Her survivors are: her caregivers and niece and nephews, Jennifer (Shane) Corbett and Stevan Corbett, five grandsons, and one daughter. Graveside services will be 4:00 p.m., Friday, March 20 at the Keystone Heights Cemetery. In lieu of flowers the family has requested donations to be made to the Senior Citizens Organization, 125 NE Commercial Circle, Keystone Heights, FL 32656. Arrangements are under the care of Jones-Gallagher Funeral Home of Keystone Heights. STUMP GRINDING & TREE SERVICE No Job Too Big or Too Small 904.964.7906 Fully Insured 6416 NW 229A • Starke, FL 32091 VeRonica R. Owens Attorney at Law • Last Will and Testament • Power of Attorney & Living Wills • Living Trusts • Probate Administration • Real Estate and Closings • Deed Preparation • Contracts • Family and Juvenile Law • Criminal and Traffic Matters James 4:12 — There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save. [email protected] 189 S. Lawrence Blvd. Keystone Heights, FL Teresa DeGraff Teresa DeGraff PACE—Teresa Ann DeGraff, 57, of Pace departed from this earth on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at the Santa Rosa Medical Center. A native of Lawtey, Teresa was born on May 8, 1957 to the parents of Otis & Clara Brewer. Teresa is survived by: her loving husband of 25 years, Stephen (Buddy) Edward DeGraff Senior; three children, Christy Hayes, Matthew Wood and Stacy Bachman; her three step-children, Deborah Russell, Stephen DeGraff Junior and Jennifer Moses. Teresa had fifteen grandchildren- all of whom she adored. Teresa is also survived by one brother, Gary Brewer; three sisters, Marsha Norman, Denise Moore and Kim Markham, along with a host of nieces and nephews. Teresa had a lifelong love for helping others and always relied on her Christian faith. A celebration of her life will be held at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday March 21 at Evergreen Baptist Church 8025 Northwest County Road 125 Lawtey. In Lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made in Teresa’s name to the Foundation for Depression @ https://bbrfoundation. org PAID OBITUARY Serving Families in North Florida since 1973 The area’s largest supplier of Colored Granite When Quality Counts, You Can Count On Us STARKE OFFICE OPEN 8:30 to 5:00 MON-FRI Hwy 301 North, Starke • 904-964-2010 Charles Giles PAID OBITUARY Charles Forrester Charles Forrester STARKE— Charles Gregory “Greg” Forrester, 53, of Starke died on Sunday, March 15, 2015 at Select Specialty Hospital in Gainesville. He was born in Greenville, South Carolina on Dec. 19, 1961 to Donnie Jewell Clements Forrester and the late Eddie Norman Forrester, Sr. He has been a resident of Starke for the past 30 years. He retired after 18 years as a forklift operator at Gilman Building Products in Maxville. He is survived by: his wife, Keri Ann Forrester of Starke; mother, Donnie Forrester of Middleburg; brothers, Allen (Amy) Edward Forrester of Fleming Island, and Eddie Norman Forrester, Jr. of Middleburg; sister, Stephanie Angela Forrester of Orange Park. A Celebration Gathering will be held on Sunday, April 12 at 3:00 pm at Whiskey River Saloon in Starke. Arrangements are under the care and direction of Archie Tanner Funeral Services of Starke. Robert Francis HAMPTON—Robert “Bob” Lee Francis, 86, of Hampton died at his home on Saturday, Feb. 14, 2015. He retired from Greyhound Bus Lines with 26 years of service and then went to work for the L.A. Dodgers baseball team for 6 years. He served in the United States Army for four years. Survivors include: his wife of 65 years, Carolyn (Davis) Francis; son, Thomas Francis; daughters, Cindy (Tommy) Norman, and Martha Lasseter; four grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. A celebration of life will take place at the First Presbyterian Church of Starke on Saturday, March 28 at 11 a.m. Interment will be on Monday, March 30 at 11:00 a.m. at Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell. In lieu of Flowers contributions may be made to the American Heart Association, 3324 W. University Ave., # 128, Gainesville, FL 32607 or the American Diabetes Association, 7825 Baymeadows Way, Suite 104A, Jacksonville, FL 32256. Arrangements are by JonesGallagher Funeral Home of Starke. ARTS each in the youth division were Trent Foreman in pen or pencil, Terry Stiers in color pen/pencil, Continued from 6B Angela Flournoy in watercolor, Noah Green, Morgan Stemer in the areas of color photo and and Zak Windle in woodwork, color pen/pencil. She also earned Jacob Brown, Kaitlin Griffis and a red ribbon in pen or pencil. Hadley Woodall in miscellaneous Earning one blue ribbon and Grace Sulliavn in extra. Jadie Clark earned four red ribbons in acrylic painting, color pen/pencil, oil/pastel and watercolor, while Thelma Tenly earned two red ribbons in pen or pencil and miscellaneous. Other red ribbons were earned by Jerimyah Horton, Ian (last name not available) and Craig (last name not available) in color pen/pencil, Kale Waters, (Next to Best Western) Primary Location in Lake City at 561 NW Hilton Ave. Member of Better Business Bureau Monument Builders of North America Florida Monument Builders FL Lic. # F037700 Turn your ideas into income! Robbie Hines GRAHAM—Robbie Lee Hines, 62, of Graham died Saturday, March 14, 2015 after a boating accident at Lockloosa Lake in Alachua County. He was born on May 28, 1952 in Hampton to the late Robert Hines and Leila Gore Hines. He served in the National Guard for many years and was a member of the New River Baptist Church in Brooker. He was an employee with the Gainesville Regional Utilities for 29 years. He is preceded in death by: sisters, Dorothy Deaver, Betty Bryant, and Joann Paulling. He is survived by: his wife of 38 years, Naomi Hines; daughter, Audrey (Brandon) Cason of Jacksonville; son, Hollis (Melissa) Hines of Starke; sister, Eloise (Carlos) Moss of Starke; and one granddaughter. Funeral services will be held Friday, March 20 at 2:00 pm at Archer Memorial Chapel with Rev. Zeb Cook officiating. Burial will take place following services at Dedan Cemetery. Family invites friends for a visitation Thursday, March 19 6-8 p.m. at Archer Funeral Home. The arrangements are under the care of Archer Funeral Home of Lake Butler. Ronald Tomlinson STARKE— Ronald “Ronnie” Eugene Tomlinson, 66, of Starke, died on Saturday, March 13, 2015. He was born in Starke on March 19, 1948 to the late Roy Tomlinson and Annie Sweat Tomlinson. He worked for Southern Railroad, was a Correctional Officer, and also owned Surface Transport Systems. He was a member of the First Christian Church in Starke, and served in the Vietnam War in the Army. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by: daughter, Jaclyn Tomlinson; and brothers, Leroy Tomlinson and Walter Tomlinson. Survivors include: his wife, Stephanie Tomlinson; sons, Chris (Suzanne) Tomlinson and Billy McKay; daughter, Crystal (Greg) Moss; brother, Winfred (Geraldine) Tomlinson; sisters, Margaret Arland Woodham, Sr. JACKSONVILLE— Arland “Woody” Woodham, Sr., 97, of Jacksonville died on Saturday, March 14, 2015. He was born in Frost Proof on Oct. 1, 1917 to the late Arland and Lillian Woodham. He owned the company Handi Buildings, Inc., was a branch manager for SnapOn-Tools, and served in the United States Army. He was a member of Terry Parker Baptist Church in Jacksonville. He was preceded in death by: parents, Arland and Lillian Woodham; brothers, Keith Woodham and Harold Woodham; and sister, Sue Bailey. Survivors include: his wife of 76 years, Mildred “Lawson” Woodham; son, Arland (Gerri) Woodham; daughter, Gail (Tom) Keisler; seven grandchildren; and 20 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held in the DeWitt C. Jones Chapel on March 18 officiated by Pastor Tom Keisler. A burial followed at Crosby Lake Cemetery with Army Military Honors following the service. Arrangements are by JonesGallagher Funeral Home of Starke. In Memory 406 Gone but not forgotten March 18, 1993 A Fireman’s Prayer When I am called to duty, God, wherever flame may rage, give me strength to save some life, whatever be its age. Help me embrace a little child, before it is too late, or save an older person from, the horror of that fate. Enable me to be alert and hear the weakest shout, and quickly and efficiently, to put the fire out. I want to fill my calling, and to give the best in me, to guard my every neighbor, and protect his property. And if according to my fate, I am to lose my life, please bless with your protecting hand, my children and my wife. RIGHT: Dawn Flournoy earned a rosette for this wood-burning project. BELOW RIGHT: Jeff Morgan earned a rosette for this wooden bust. Not pictured: Kyle Toombs. Julia (last name not available), Noah Green, Zane (last name Archer Funeral Home “Within Your Means Now, Peace of Mind Always” Funeral with Burial 20 Ga. Metal Casket (4 colors) - Vault, Open & Closing Grave, $5,595 Graveside or Chapel Service with one night visitation............. Funeral with Cremation (Rental Casket with Visitation prior to Services)................................. Direct Cremation with Memorial Service Services held at Archer Memorial Chapel............................................ Business Plan Workshop Offered at no cost to you! Clarifying Your Concept • Branding For Success Industry Research • Identifying Your Target Customer & more! RAIFORD— Charles Howard Giles, 73, of Raiford died Thursday, March 12, 2015 at his home surrounded by his family. He was born on Sept. 2, 1941 in Hahira, Georgia to the late Charles Giles and Froncie Howard. He has lived in Raiford for 40 years. He was a member of Fellowship Baptist Church. He is survived by: brother, Colon Killabrew of Chiefland; sister, Nancy McKoy of Jacksonville; caregivers, Ted (Debbie) Foray of Raiford, Gerald (Joann) Griffis, and Dean (Deborah) Harden of Raiford. Funeral services were held March 16 at Fellowship Baptist Church in Raiford with Rev. Harold Hudson and Bro. Emory Eunice officiating. The arrangements are under the care of Archer Funeral Home, Lake Butler. Williams and Martell Jackson; and five grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the First Christian Church on March 17 and officiated by Pastor Jim Chandler. Burial followed at the Jacksonville National Cemetery on March 18 with Army Military Honors. In lieu of flowers please send donations to the American Diabetes Association or the First Christian Church Building Fund. Arrangements are by JonesGallagher Funeral Home of Starke. $2,895 $1,895 Pre-payment accepted 55 North Lake Avenue • Lake Butler, Florida 32054 Thursday, March 26 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. not available) and Kanann (last name not available) in oil/pastel, Grace Sullivan and Abby Horton in miscellaneous, and Kacen Thomassen in extra. White ribbons were earned by Waters and Ella (last name not available) in pen or pencil and Carolyn (last name not available) in color pen/pencil. 201 E Call St. Starke, FL 32091 Reserve your spot by March 20! 904.701.8121 or [email protected] Equal opportunity employers/programs. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice telephone numbers may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711. Licensed Funeral Directo V. Todd Ferreira Ashley Steele Miller TRADITIONAL SERVICES STARTING AT $5,195 8B Telegraph, Times and Monitor B Section • Thursday, March 19, 2015 Douglas: love for helping people with their financial goals BY TRACY LEE TATE Telegraph Staff Writer Helping people achieve their financial goals – whether they are preparing for retirement or working toward financing their children’s education – is the favorite part of the investment business for Edward Jones financial advisor Courtnie Douglas. Douglas is a lifelong Union County resident; daughter of Larry and Paulette Davison, granddaughter of Mary Alice and the late Harlis Ellington. She graduated from Union County High School, and then went on to the University of Florida, where she graduated with a degree in agricultural education and communication in 2005. After college, Douglas worked for five years as a unit director and then director of income development for the American Cancer Society, giving her a sound basis in business management. With the ACS, she worked with major gifts and estate planning and became familiar with financial planning. During this period, she also became an Edward Jones client and was very impressed with the firm’s services. Douglas decided she would like to work for the company she patronized and admired, so she returned to school, this time to Kaplan University to gain the training she would need to be certified as an investment advisor. She now holds series Indians shut out Tornadoes to stay perfect in District 5-4A BY CLIFF SMELLEY Staff Writer Kyle Hix gave up one hit and struck out 13 to help lead the Keystone Heights High School baseball team to a 4-0 District 5-4A win over Bradford on March 13 in Starke. Hix gave up no walks in a complete-game effort as the Indians improved to 5-0 in the district. At the plate, Hix hit a double and drove in a run. Wyatt Harvin and Tyler Ricketts each went 2-for-4, with Ricketts driving in a run. Gage Hall drove in a run also. Bradford (2-11 overall) fell to 2-3 in the district. Prior to playing Bradford, Keystone was held to four hits in a 6-1 loss to Buchholz on March 10 in Gainesville. Bryce Plummer drove in the lone run with a single in the top of the first. On March 16, the Indians improved to 7-3 overall with a 10-3 win over host Ridgeview. Pierson Lewis drove in three runs, while Hix and Tyler Keaton—who had a home run— each drove in one. Plummer and Jarrett Fowler went 2-for-3 and 3-for-4, respectively. Hall hit a double. Starting pitcher Ricketts gave up three runs on two hits and three walks in four innings. Dean Dukes pitched the final three innings, giving up two hits and one walk. Keystone played district opponent Santa Fe this past Tuesday and St. Augustine on Wednesday, March 18. The Indians host Middleburg on Tuesday, March 24, at 7 p.m. before traveling to play district opponent P.K. Yonge on Wednesday, March 25, at 7 p.m. Bradford played district opponent Interlachen this past Tuesday and will host Westside Courtnie Douglas seven and 63 certification with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). She applied to Edward Jones and was hired, setting up her first office in her home in Lake Butler in 2013. As a company, Edward Jones is dedicated to both their clients and their advisors, encouraging growth and improvement in both groups. Douglas said that from the start she had wanted to open an office in Starke. She said she had to work to prove the viability of an office in the city, that the community could and would support such an undertaking. She went out and talked to people, knocking on doors and explaining the services she could offer them to improve their financial heath. “I already had clients from Bradford County who would Christian on Thursday, March 19, at 6 p.m. before hosting Santa Fe on Friday, March 20, at 7 p.m. The Tornadoes travel to play Baldwin on Tuesday, March 24, at 7 p.m. Polk’s 4 RBI not enough in 14-10 BHS loss BY CLIFF SMELLEY Staff Writer Caleb Polk hit a double and drove in four runs, but the Bradford High School baseball team lost 14-10 at Westside Christian on March 11. Polk, Danny Clarke and Jameaze McNeal each finished 2-for-3. On March 10, the Tornadoes hosted Palatka and lost 6-2. Polk and Jacob Luke had all but one of Bradford’s hits, with Polk going 2-for-4 with a double and Luke going 2-for-2. Austin Benczak had an RBI. In three innings of relief, pitcher Tucker Stack gave up two runs on two hits and one walk. He had four strikeouts. Shealey, Cruce homer in BHS win BY CLIFF SMELLEY Staff Writer Savana Shealey hit a three-run home run as part of a seven-run third inning in the Bradford High School softball team’s 9-0 win at come to Lake Butler to see me,” Douglas said. “I just felt that Starke would be a more central and convenient location. I will still be serving my Union County clients as well and they can still make appointments to see me in Lake Butler if they wish to. But I was able to show that moving my primary office here was a sound business move and the company agreed.” Edward Jones arranged and paid for the renovations necessary to turn an old dog-grooming parlor on Walnut St. (across the street from the current home of Badcock Furniture), which had been empty for about two years, into a modern, professional office space. “They basically gutted the whole building, tearing out almost everything except the brick and block walls,” Douglas said. “Even the interior walls were removed, although they left two studs in place which are now part of one of the walls of my office. The wiring and plumbing were updated as well as the structural components. It looks and feels like a new building now.” The refurbished building offers a comfortable reception area, a conference room, two private offices and a small kitchen. Right now the office is basically a one-woman show but in the future, as the office shows growth, Douglas will be allowed drawing and auction items up for bid, plus cash drawings using the event tickets. Tickets are $35 each and can be purchased from any Rotarian or at the Bradford County Telegraph. For more information, call Jessie Myers at 352-258-5292, John Smith at 904-964-7871 or Kevin Miller at the Telegraph at 904-964-6305. Crosshorn Ministries will be hosting a program on spring gobbler hunting and calling with special guest Lamar Williams on Cana Thursday, March 19, at 7 p.m. Rensberger—a at the Starke Golf and Country proud Gator Club. mom—earned This will be a great evening for a best-overall the novice or experienced turkey rosette for an hunter. Learn the rules, regulaorange and blue tions and many other aspects of afghan. turkey hunting, including how to pattern your shotgun, set up decoys, call in a bird and set up a proper blind. As usual, there will be a snack break, time for fellowship and an outdoors-themed devotional. sauce); Kacen Thomassen, one Admission is free. white (pound cake); Madison For more information on Garber, one blue (lemon pound Crosshorn Ministries, please vis- Continued from 6B cake); Ella Dinkins, one blue it, or contact jelly and cookies. She earned a (cupcakes), two red (brownies, John Whitfield at 352-468-3595 red ribbon for pears. cookies); Avery Woodall, one red or [email protected]. Thornton’s almond pound (cookies); Ben Woodall, one red (brownies); Emily Woodall, one cake earned a rosette. Other entries and the ribbons red (peanut butter fudge); Kacee they earned were: Gertrude Horton, one white (pillow); Ann Griffis, one blue (salsa), four red Davis, two blue (hat, quilt), (fig jam, pepper relish, tomatoes, two red (hat, scarf); and Connie afghan), one white (okra); Janet Dennison, one blue (bookmark), Flythe, two blue (blackberry one red (blanket), one white jam, grape jelly), two red (afghan). cake, vegetable Starke Rotary Club’s eighth (chocolate annual Beast Feast will be held Saturday, March 21, at the Bradford County Fair horticulture results to appear Bradford Sportsmen’s Farm in next week, along with a photo of the 4-H strawberry Graham, starting at 6 p.m. There will a live band, prize See DOUGLAS, 10B pie participants Interlachen on March 16. Taylor Cruce also homered as the Tornadoes (11-0) improved to 5-0 in District 5-4A. Shealey and Cruce—sho also had a double—went 3-for-4 and 2-for-4, respectively, with each batter driving in three runs. Annie Luke, Harli Phillips and Lainie Rodgers each had one RBI, while Jordan Davis went 2-for-4 with a double. Shelby Wilkison (11-0) gave up one hit in five innings, striking out seven. Phillips allowed two hits and no walks in two innings of relief. She had four strikeouts. Bradford, which is ranked third in the state in Class 4A, played Interlachen again this past Tuesday and will host district opponent P.K. Yonge on Thursday, March 19, at 7 p.m. On Monday, March 23, the Tornadoes will host Providence at 6 p.m. Keystone drops 18-7 game to Gainesville BY CLIFF SMELLEY Staff Writer Pitchers Megan Moncrief and Brittany Schellpeper gave up six earned runs, but visiting Gainesville pushed 18 across overall in defeating the Keystone Heights High School softball team 18-7 on March 16. The Indians, who committed 10 errors, got two RBI from Household Clearance & Estate Sale Saturday, March 21st Topic is turkeys at March 19 Crosshorn meeting & Sunday, March 22nd 8 AM til ?? Hosted By: KEYSTONE HEIGHTS INSURANCE & TOSHA FERNANDEZ, ESQ 7388 SR 21 • Keystone Heights, FL 32656 DON’T MISS OUT! Several local residents are cleaning out their closets, garages and storage sheds and putting their treasures out for sale to you! Paintings, Collectible Books (Zane Grey, Harry Potter, etc), University Barbies, Snow Babies, Lots of Cross Stitch Patterns, Disney Items, Furniture, Clothing and much, much more! Y HOME Starke Rotary Beast Feast is March 21 Breanna Wells, who was 2-for- district opponent Interlachen on Tuesday, March 24, at 6:30 p.m. 3 with a triple. Tylyn Davis was 2-for-4 with an RBI, while Mckenzie Crawford and Taylor Morris each had an RBI. On March 10, Davis hit a double and a home run, finishing with eight RBI in a 17-3, fiveinning win over visiting Palatka. Davis finished 3-for-4, while Wells was 2-for-2 with a double and an RBI. Ashleigh Jennings and Cheyenne Helton were 2-for-3 and 2-for-4, respectively, with each batting in a run. Molly Crawford and Marissa Eaton each had an RBI as well. Schellpeper pitched the first three innings, giving up four hits and one walk. Skylar Rollins gave up two hits and one walk in two innings. Keystone improved to 4-3 in District 5-4A when Wells hit a solo home run in the bottom of the seventh for a 3-2 win over visiting Fort White on March 13. Bailey Story hit a double and drove in the Indians’ other two runs. Mckenzie Crawford was 2-for-3, while Molly Crawford and Jennings were each 2-for-4. Helton hit a double. Rollins threw a complete game, giving up one earned run on five hits and two walks. Keystone (10-7) played district opponent Santa Fe this past Tuesday and will travel to play Does your business have a story to tell? A product or service to sell? Advertorial Advertising Works! The Bradford County Telegraph Advertising Department can provide you with the in depth coverage you desire... Call 904-964-6305 or email us at Darlene Douglass [email protected] or Kevin Miller [email protected] Thursday, March 19, 2015 • Telegraph, Times and Monitor B Section Classified Ads - (904) 964-6305 (352) 473-2210 (386) 496-2261 50 For Rent Bradford • Union • Clay 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Notices Auctions Motor Vehicles & Accessories RVs & Campers Boats &ATVs Land for Sale Real Estate Out of Area Commercial Property (Rent, Lease, Sale) 48 Homes for Sale 49 Mobile Homes for Sale 50 For Rent 51 Lost/Found 52 Animals & Pets 53A Yard Sales 53B Keystone Yard Sales 53C Lake Butler Yard Sales 54 Produce 55 Wanted 56 Antiques 57 For Sale 58 Child/Adult Home Care 59 Personal Services 60 Home Improvement 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Scriptures Vacation/Travel Love Lines Business Opportunities Help Wanted Investment Opportunities Hunting Land for Rent Carpet Cleaning Food Supplements Money to Lend Farm Equipment Computers &Accessories Word Ad Classified Tuesday, 12:00 noon Classified Display Tuesday, 12:00 noon TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED USE YOUR PHONE 964-6305 • 473-2210 • 496-2261 Classified Advertising should be paid in advance unless credit has already been established with the newspaper. A $3.00 service charge will be added to all billing to cover postage and handling. All ads placed by phone are read back to the advertiser at the time of placement. However, the classified staff cannot be held responsible for mistakes in classified advertising taken by phone. The newspaper reserves the right to correctly classify and edit all copy or to reject or cancel any advertisements at any time. Only standard abbrevations will be accepted. 40 Notices EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777, the tollfree telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. For further information call Florida Commission on Human Relations, Lisa Sutherland 850-488-7082 ext #1005 47 Commercial Property (Rent, Lease, Sale) DOWNTOWN STARKE Professional Offices for rent, $315 per month. Conference room, kitchen, utilities and more provided. 904-364-8395. PRIME OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. 1,000 sqft up to 9,000 sq.ft. Contiguously at $8 per sq.ft. annually. Smith & Smith Realty 904-964-9222. 48 Homes For Sale S TA R K E - S O U T H G AT E DRIVE. Brick 3br/2ba. 1,075 sqft. Carport. Lease program call for details. 855-671-5659 BY OWNER. 3BR/2BA,on 1/2-acre lot. Crystal Lake Home Sites. 3 years old, $149,000.00, call 352-603-2202. 49 Mobile Homes For Sale KEYSTONE HEIGHTS FL. Large DWMH ON 2/3 acres. Excellent condition, metal roof, a/c with heat. Large kitchen with d i s h w a s h e r, e l e c t r i c stove, refrigerator, tile and breakfast bar. Close to town. Owner financing. Must see. Call Bill at 352745-0094 Keenan WE HAVE 2 OR 3 bedroom MH, clean, close to prison. Call 352-468-1323 NICE MOBILE HOMES in Lake Butler & Starke 2 & 3 BR single wides, fenced. DW in Lake Butler. Deposit required. Call 678-438-6828. MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT starting at $525 per month. Hidden Oaks, Lake Butler. Call 386496-8111. PERMANENT ROOMS for rent at the Magnolia Hotel. Both refrigerator and microwave. Special rates, by the month. Call 904-964-4303 for more information. BLOCK OF OFFICES. Reception area, 3 separate offices, kitchen & 2 restrooms. All carpet. $600/ month. 129 W Call Street. 904-364-9022 AVAILABLE MARCH 23 DOWNTOWN. Upstairs 2BR/1BA apartment. $500/month plus deposit and security. 904-3649022 LAWN MOWER REPAIR SHOP for rent. $350/ month. Building fenced in work area. Corner of Washington Street by railroad tracks. 904-3649022 3BR/1BA COTTAGE off Walnut St. on Washington, new appliances. $575/ mo.1st, last, security. Call 904-533-2210 or 904613-6871. 3BR/2BA BRICK HOME. With in-ground pool, large bonus room/fl room, lg. master bedroom, includes 3 closets, ceiling fans throughout. W/D, fenced yard, 2 outdoor sheds, carport. Pets negotiable. Walking distance to A+ schools. 1 and 1/2 miles from Santa Fe College. $1110/mo. plus utilities. Application and proof of employment required. First month rent plus $500/deposit moves you in. Call 307-6909509 K E Y S TO N E H E I G H T S 2BR/2BA Duplex. Nice residential area. Walk to schools & town. Freshly painted and new flooring. $650/mo. plus deposit and garbage fee. 352475-6260 2BR/2BA DWMH on beautiful Kingsley Lake. Private dock. $800/mo. 386-6232848 KEYSTONE 3/2 MH on private lot; fenced; near downtown and schools; 5 persons max; small pet possible, under 10 pounds; $600/mo., 1st, last, security; yearly lease; $25 background check, non-refundable. Call Ace 727-544-5054 or 352-235-2107 641 EAST STREET in Keystone, 3BR/2BA MH on private lot. Fenced, one pet possible small; $600/ mo. 1st, last, security. Call Ace 727-544-5054 or 352-235-2107 3B R /2BA D W. Outsi de Starke city limits. Ch/a. $700/mo. $700/deposit. 352-235-6319 3 B R / 2 B A D W. O u t side Starke city limits, very nice. Newly remodeled. Ch/a. $800/ mo. $800/depost. Call 352-235-6319 53 A Yard Sales KOA CAMPGROUNDS 1475 S Walnut Street. Saturday 8am-12pm. Assorted items. YARD SALE: FRI. & SAT. 8am-12pm. Household items & clothes. Shands take Bessent to 368 East Mimosa. YARD SALE: Sat. & Sun. 9am-until? In Hampton on CR 18 E, follow sign for directions. YARD SALE: Fri. & Sat. 8am-4pm. 415 West Utha Street, Starke. Children and adult clothing, some scrubs. RUMMAGE SALE. Fri. 8am3pm & Sat. 8am-12pm. First United Methodist Church N Walnut Street, Starke. Clothing for men, women, children, household goods, linens, toys, books, decorations, misc. Sat. $1 for bag full. Trimming & Removal Insured FREE Estimates Home: 352-473-4420 Cell: 352-603-3318 or 904-540-1437 57 For Sale ANTIQUE ENGLISH made bamboo double bed. 1/2 canopy. Reduced size and price as asked. 5/6 pcs. Starke area. 904964-8394 KARMA-MVP-502 Series manual ergonomic reclining wheelchair: This is one of the most comfortable wheelchairs available with swing away elevated footrests with calf pads, padded headrest, height adjustable armrests, reclining backrest, padded tray with drink holder, backpack with pockets for storage, instruction manual and adjustment tools. Like new, used for only 8 months. Weight capacity 250 lbs, seat 16” wide x 16” deep, backrest height 16”, seat to floor height 20”. Overall height 38”, folded width 12”. Compact fold up weights 29 lbs without footrests. To view this chair go to karma-wheelchairs/mvp502-ms/ $800 OBO cash only (original cost $1900 with padded tray) Contact 954-257-1729 Starke area. BEAUTIFUL PROM DRESS, size medium, $100. Call 386-431-1314 FOR SALE, due to illness, all good condition. 1989 Jeep Sahara. 1992 38’ class A Fleetwood American Coach diesel pusher very good condt. 1996 Hallmark 8x16x8 ft. heavy duty enclosed trailer. Equipment trailer. Table saw, Wurlitzer-MelvilleClark spinet piano, Hammond spinet organ L-133 has LES LER speakers. Call 386-496-0683 58 Child/Adult Home Care HOME DAYCARE all hours. Great rates. 30 plus years experience. All hours, lots of TLC. HRS certified, CPR certified and First Aide certified. Call 386496-1062. Lake Butler Apartments BLING for your Prom or Wedding Dress TREE SERVICE 9B Lots of Sparkling Jewels Trinkets for Bridesmaids, Beautiful vases, candles, Crystal platters, Punch Bowls & plants to help decorate Hwy 301, Waldo • Every Sat & Sun 1, 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom apartments with rental assistance. Call 386-496-3141 TDD/TTY 711. This institution is an EOE. HUGE CROWDS!! Now Accepting Applications 1 AND 2 1&2 Bedrooms NOW AVAILABLE 607 Bradford Court ~ Starke, FL Call for more info 904-964-6216 Hearing Impaired Only call 800-955-8771 Handicapped Accessible 59 Personal Services $ EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY CLARK FOUNDATION REPAIRS, INC. - Correction of termite & water-damaged wood & sills. Leveling & raising Houses/ Bldgs. Pier Replacement & alignment. We do all types of tractor work, excavation and small demolition jobs. Free Estimates: Danny (Buddy) Clark, 904-545-5241. LOOKING FOR HOUSEKEEPING JOB. I have been a pastor’s wife for 23 years. Can start immediately. Call 904-964-5055 between 8am-8pm 65 Help Wanted LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED LPN or RN for busy medical office. Full time Position. Fax resume to 904-368-0643 or apply within 417 West Call Street, Starke. LOOKING FOR PART-TIME drivers. $10-$15hr. Apply with-in 7403 SR 21, Keystone Heights. LAND SURVEYING JOBS AVAILABLE. Party Chief, Rodman & Draftsman. Experience Needed. Call 904-964-5777 or 352473-8523 OFFICE WORK has to be good with computers. " STATE LICENSE #1305 NEED CASH FAST! 1, 2, & 3 bedroom HC & Non-HC accessible apartments. “This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.” “Equal Housing Opportunity” • Mowing • Weed Eating • Edging • Hedge Trimming FREE ESTIMATES LIC# 2199 • INSURED GUNTER’S HANDYMAN SERVICE Office: 904-964-8450 Cell: 904-966-3017 Southern Villas of Starke 2 Bedrooms - $565.00 3 Bedrooms - $580.00 4 Bedrooms - $620.00 Ask about our 1&2 BR Apartments HC & non-HC Units. Central AC/ Heat, on-site laundry, playground, private, quiet atmosphere. As low as $89 security deposit! W/D Hook-ups • Pool • Business Center Fitness Room • Kids Corner 1001 Southern Villas Dr. Starke, FL PETS WELCOME! Call 904-368-0007 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY EXPERIENCED DRIVERS NEEDED Immediately! LOCAL 460 – $505 & REGIONAL WORK Class A CDL, Minimum age 23, good MVR and job history required. Equal housing opportunity. This institution is an equal opportunity provider & employer. (800) 486-7504 " Built in 2006 and looks like new! All appliances and many upgrades! BUS DRIVERS NEEDED Union County School Board $165,000 CALL MIKE 352-665-8067 Target your audience quickly TDD/TTY 711 A P P LY O N L I N E A T with 2 car garage DURRANCE PUMP 801 South Water Street Starke, FL 32091 LAWN SERVICES FOR SALE QUALITY SERVICE SINCE 1964 work. Apply at New River Regional Landfill, 24276 NE 157th Street, Raiford, FL, 2.5 miles north of Raiford, Florida. Salary commensurate with experience. Applications should be submitted to the Finance Officer by 3:00 p.m. on Friday March 27, 2015. For further information, call 386431-1000. New River Solid Waste is a drug-free workplace and an Equal Opportunity Employer. 904-964-8596 DUMP TRUCK OPERATOR. The Bradford County Road Department is currently accepting applications for a Full-Time qualified dump truck driver at a pay rate of 11.00 per hour. Applications along with a job description may be obtained from the Bradford County Road Department, 812 B N. Grand St. in Starke. Applicants must possess a high school diploma or G.E.D. and have a valid Class B Florida Driver’s license at minimum. The deadline for accepting applications is the end of business day on Monday, March 23, 2015. Bradford County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For all inquiries, please call (904) 966-6243. FISCAL ASSISTANT. The New River Landfill is accepting applications for a Fiscal Assistant. The hours of employment will be for a minimum of 30 hours per week. Must be experienced in financial procedures, record keeping and proficient in Excel. Must be a high school graduate, preferably with two years of experience in similar “Equal Housing Opportunity” BEDROOM APARTMENTS Handicapped Accessible This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider, and Employer. Where one call does it all! 40 hour Training Class provided. CDL required to enroll. [email protected] Out of Area Classifieds all for only covering Bradford, Union & Clay Counties a in our weekly free community shopper: /wk Email your med-to-hi-resolution digital photo (150dpi+) & ad text to: by 5pm Monday or bring it to: Bradford County Telegraph • Union County Times • Lake Region Monitor (904) 964-6305 cash/check/credit cards accepted Case 13-10157, Hayes Iron & Metal, Inc. Office Bldg., Metal Frame Bldgs, Workshop, Shop Equip., Tools, Office Furnishings & Equip., Providence, NC. 3/26/15 at 10am. Auction at The Institute Conference Center Barkhouser Auditorium, Danville, VA. 800-997-2248, NCAL3936/V AAL580. www Profit All on Location in Florida Selling due to illness Call 1-866-6686629 for Details earn 50 up to 55 cpm loaded. $1000 sign on to Qualified drivers. Good home time. Call: 843266-3731 / EOE Learn to drive for CON-WAY TRUCKLOAD NO Experience Needed. to kickLocal CDL Training Apply start your new career? Today! 1-800-709-7364 Now Interviewing Accredited Truck Driving School Graduates (With CDL-A) for our Entry VIAGRA 100mg, Level Apprentice CIALIS 20mg. 40 Pills + Program. Must have 4 FREE for only $99. No Good MVR, Work history Prescription Needed! and Criminal Background history. Call Vending Discreet Shipping. Call Chris Blackwell at 843Machines .75 Vend = .65 Now 1-800-224-0305 266-3731 to discuss pay and benefits. www. EOE with JetBlue, Boeing, Delta and others- start here with hands on training for FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-3145838 - Hands on training for career opportunities in aviation, automotive, manufacturing and more. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. CALL AIM 877-206-4006 with sexy local singles! No paid operators, just real people like you. Try it FREE. 18+ Only. Call now: 1-800-931-6473 Fred McGilvray, Inc. 3 Auctions scheduled! 03/ 25 • 11am & 04/07 • 10:30am at 8690 NW 58 St, Doral, Fl 33166 04/14 • 10am at 1421 Oglethorpe Rd, Palm Beach, Fl 33480 Lg. Qty. of Vehicles, trailers, plumbing supplies, fire & sprinkler equipment/ supplies, engineering/ construction equipment, Lg. Qty. of power tools/ hand tools, press breaks, welding equipment, torch equipment, forklifts, 20’ & 44’ containers, warehouse items, scrap metal/brass/copper, acetylene tanks & much more! 15%-18%BP Live/ Online Assignment Case #2015-004902-CA http:// www.moeckerauctions.c om/ / (800) 840-BIDS AB-1098 AU-3219, Eric Rubin for $19.99/mo & $14.95/mo for Internet + $25 Visa Gift Card (with activation). Call NOW and Save: 844-5602654. Conditions apply. 10B Telegraph, Times and Monitor B Section • Thursday, March 19, 2015 Bradford, Union students compete in livestock judging at the fair The Union Sr. 4-H team of Cassie Tomlinson, Ashley Harris, Amanda Bertine and (not pictured) Noah Wright placed first. Tomlinson placed first among individuals. The Bradford Jr. 4-H team of Walker Thompson, Clay Fulgham and Trevor Holtzendorf placed first. Holtzendorf placed first in the individual awards. The Bradford Sr. 4-H team of Tara Holtzendorf, Courtney Paul and Kaylie Whitehead placed second. Paul placed second in the individual awards. The Union intermediate 4-H team of Lake Harris, Hunter Williams, Noah Tallman and Kendal Stalnaker was awarded the first-place trophy. In the individual awards, Harris placed third, Stalnaker placed second and Tallman placed first. The Lake Butler Sr. FFA team of Ty Hamilton, Katie Zipperer, Andrew Griffis and Tori Wilkins placed first. Wilkins placed second in the individual awards. The Bradford Middle School FFA team of Bailee Sheppard, Madison Bennett, Charli Morrow and (not pictured) Camee Morrow placed second. Bennett was a first-place individual. DOUGLAS Continued from 8B to hire a branch office manager to run and maintain the office and help with the paperwork. Her job will remain the same – to find new clients, whom she is actively seeking, and to take care of her existing ones. This is not to say she is now working in a vacuum. Douglas said that the company provides her with a great deal of research and support that is of great assistance in allowing her to devote more time to her clients and in meeting their needs. In working with her clients, Douglas said she takes them through a five-step assessment of their current financial condition and goals and how they can be achieved. Edward Jones offers a large array of investment types and opportunities and detailed facts and advice about the various types of investing. “I think one of the best parts of my job is helping people to understand what their investments are, how they work and how to do even better,” Douglas said. “It’s really great when I can look a client in the eye and tell them they can retire without worry whenever they are ready, or that they can send their child to college and not have to worry about where the money was going to come from.” Douglas said the company offers complimentary second opinions on a prospective client’s financial and investment portfolios and no-fee investment accounts. She said her vision in business is changing her clients’ lives and the lives of future generations, while making an impact on the community by helping people achieve their The Bradford intermediate 4-H team of Allyson McElhenny, Katie Caren, Maci Whitehead and Reed Thames earned the second-place trophy. Photos may also be viewed at BradfordTelegraph long-term goals. She said she loves working with people and helping them get where they want to be financially. “I feel like I get invested in my clients’ lives, not just their finances,” Douglas said. “I come to know them, their hopes and dreams and sometimes their fears for the future. It makes me even more dedicated to doing the best job I can for them.” Douglas said that client privacy is a “huge deal” for her and sees no reason to change. “If I run into you on the street, I will say hello, just as I would to anyone I know, but I’m not going to rush in and tell whoever you are with that I’m your financial advisor,” Douglas said. “It’s simply not anyone’s business except yours. If you want them to know, you can tell them. I keep all my business relationships completely confidential and feel like that’s how it should be.” When not helping clients, Douglas said she enjoys spending time with her husband, Todd, daughter Savannah (14) and friends. She is an animal lover and keeps dogs and horses on her property. She is an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Lake Butler, where she volunteers to work with the young women. She is a member of the Altrusa Club of America and volunteers with the ACS, as well as participating in a group she formed with several friends, after they all lost a mutual friend to cancer, to raise money for cancer research. “Hold-em for Hope” is a non-profit whose first fundraiser was, true to its name, a poker tournament. When she is able to find a little downtime, Douglas said she enjoys reading, mostly nonfiction. Douglas said she was excited about the opening of her new office on Feb. 20 and is looking forward to meeting new people and working with them to achieve their financial dreams and goals. The Union Jr. 4-H team of Noah Williams, Kody Stalnaker and Tanner Connell placed second. Stalnaker placed second in the individual awards. The Lake Butler Middle School FFA team of Braxton Dukes, Skyler Shatto, Sierra Graham and Harley Seay placed first. Shatto placed third in the individual awards. The Bradford Sr. FFA team of Maycee Barnes, Hailey McElhenny, Maudrey Tenly and Conner Coleman placed second. Coleman placed first in the individual awards. SR-230 E (2 miles east of US-301) Memberships Available Banquet Hall • Driving Range Golf Lessons by Appointment Excellent Driving Range Professionally Run Tournaments Pro Shop – Gift Certificates Home of the Strawberry Invitational Like us on facebook Check out our web page 1911 N. Temple Ave. (Hwy 301 North) Starke, FL Y M Y M C K C K
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