Elderly couple is refunded thousands on tax exemptions


Elderly couple is refunded thousands on tax exemptions
13 de marzo de 2016
Morgan’s Wonderland unveils ‘Whirling Wonder’
By Christina Acosta
[email protected]
One of San Antonio’s most beloved parks will enable individuals with special needs to achieve
new heights.
Morgan’s Wonderland added
their fourth wheelchair-accessible
ride on Friday called the “Whirling Wonder,” a new attraction
just in time for spring break. The
new attraction, built in Italy, is
five and a half stories tall and has
12 gondolas.
Children have the privilege of
enjoying their time in the gondolas with three adults or four
friends on each gondola. The
“Whirling Wonder” will also
feature 1,860 lights so many can
see a light show at night along
the shoreline of the unique theme
park’s lake.
The idea to bring “Whirling
Wonder” to the park grounds began in November, as plans were
discussed in a meeting by word
of mouth.
“We have not been working on
this idea for very long. It came up
Morgan’s Wonderland opened their doors to their new attraction “Whirling Wonder,” a five and a half story tall ferris wheel that at a meeting by accident. I said,
will carry around 40-50 guests in one sitting. (Photo, Christina Acosta)
‘How about a ferris wheel?’ Luck-
Quedan cinco semanas
para presentar sus
impuestos y lo puede
hacer gratis
Por Adda Montalvo
[email protected]
¿Tiene un ingreso anual
menor de $60.000? ¿No domina
bien el inglés? ¿Necesita ayuda
para preparar su declaración de
Además de las compañías en
Internet y regulares que ofrecen
sus servicios para preparar la declaración de impuestos, también
existe una opción de hacerlo
gratis, si llena los requisitos
mencionados al principio de
esta nota.
El Programa de Ayuda Volun­
taria a los Contribuyentes
(VITA, por sus siglas en inglés)
tiene abiertos, actualmente, 19
centros de atención tributaria en
la ciudad de San Antonio hasta
el 18 de abril, último día de presentación de la declaración de
Vea Impuestos en la pág. 4-A
ily, we found one because they are
hard to find, and we started to do a
lot of hard work on the ‘Whirling
Wonder,”’ said Gordon Hartman,
chairman of The Gordon Hartman
Family Foundation. “We brought
the idea to life quickly so that
many people can enjoy a unique
ride on spring break. We want the
community of children, whether
with special needs or not, to come
together and enjoy the Morgan’s
Wonderland experience with the
‘Whirling Wonder.”’
Since their opening in 2010,
Morgan’s Wonderland has welcomed more than a million guests
from all 50 states and 65 other
countries. Today, the park offers
wheelchair-accessibility with
more than 25 attractions, including rides, playgrounds, gardens,
an 8-acre catch and release fishing lake, a 575 seat amphitheater,
picnic area and rest zones.
“Morgan’s Wonderland was
originally a 36 million dollar park.
Today, we have over a 50 million
dollar investment because people
have come together locally, nationally and internationally…We
are more than just a park, we are
See Whirling Wonder
on page 4-A
Tres consejos para lograr el
bienestar financiero en la jubilación
Según un estudio reciente reali­
zado por Massachusetts Mutual
Por Stephen K. Collins
Agente General, MassMutual Life Insurane Company (MassMutual), la mitad de los latinos
South Texas
en los Estados Unidos planean
El bienestar financiero es fun- depender más de sus ahorros
damental para la planificación de que de los ingresos del Seguro
Social después de la jubilación.
la jubilación.
El equilibrio de las prioridades Aunque el Seguro Social desemfinancieras es como mantener una peña un rol en la planificación de
dieta balanceada. Al prepararse la jubilación, hay muchas otras
para la jubilación, es importante opciones de financiación a conhacer un compromiso con su bie­ siderar. La clave para alcanzar el
nestar financiero como lo haría bienestar financiero después de la
con su salud personal. El revisar jubilación es tomar las decisiones
sus finanzas y establecer hábitos correctas desde el principio.
saludables desde temprano lo preAquí hay tres consejos para El revisar sus finanzas y establecer hábitos saludables desde
parará mejor para la vida después ayudarle a asegurar un futuro temprano lo preparará mejor para la vida después de la
de la jubilación.
Vea Jubilación en la pág. 2-A jubilación. (Foto, cortesía)
Elderly couple is refunded
thousands on tax exemptions
By Christina Acosta
[email protected]
It is officially that time of year
De acuerdo a la situación de cada contribuyente así es el formulario
que deberá llenar o recibir. El último día de presentación de la when people file their taxes to pay
declaración de impuestos de 2015 es el 18 de abril. (Foto, cortesía) the government or get a refund
that will allow them to carry extra
money in the bank.
For Rogelio and Rachel Chapa,
this was a refund that came unexpected. Bexar County Tax
Assessor-Collector, Albert Uresti,
presented a property tax refund
check totaling $4,000 earlier this
week to the Chapa couple who
have been married for 58 years.
These refunds are a result of
the efforts to reinstate Chapa’s
65 and over exemption plus the
residential homestead exemption
that had been mistakenly removed
from their account by the Bexar Albert Uresti (right) presents a $4,000 tax exemption check to Rogelio and Rachel Chapa on
Appraisal District due to no one Wednesday morning after the couple had paid their property taxes two years without exemption.
See Tax exemptions on page 2-A (Photo, Christina Acosta)
Don’t forget to set your clocks
1 hour
night before
you go to bed
Tax exemptions...
confirming an address. The Chapa
family had paid their property
taxes for two years without exemption.
“I wasn’t that familiar with tax
information because my husband
took care of it. As we got older,
my daughter started taking care of
it. Then, she started telling us that
we needed to pay a certain amount
of taxes, and I did not know what
I could do. I told her if the taxes
needed to be paid, then to go ahead
and pay them,” explained Rachel.
The couple did not understand
where their hard earned money
was going until Uresti walked
up to the Chapa home one day in
January while campaigning in the
neighborhood and saw Rogelio
picking up his mail.
Uresti sensed that he needed to
help Rogelio and once he introduced himself, Uresti noticed that
his mail included an envelope from
the tax assessor’s office. Uresti
informed the couple that he would
have their account researched to
see why they did not have any
“Apparently, their mailing address was sent to their daughter
from what we had configured. So
we decided to change the address.
When they see an address change,
they will send a letter. Since they
did not respond, they assumed they
had moved and they forwarded the
exemption. But the new state law
requires them to send a certified
letter which can go in long ways,”
explained Uresti.
Uresti and his staff contacted the
appraisal district who worked with
the tax office to reinstate the lost
exemptions. Once the account was
corrected at the appraisal office,
Uresti began the process to have
financiero saludable:
Determine cuánto necesitará
Para crear un plan de jubilación
sólido es importante entender su
situación financiera actual y determinar cuánto necesitará para la
jubilación. Conozca sus ingresos
y gastos y el valor de sus ahorros
e inversiones. Luego determine
sus metas, tanto para la actualidad
como para la jubilación.
Tal vez quiere ahorrar para
viajar al extranjero o para la educación universitaria de sus hijos,
mientras que otros prefieren tener
un trabajo de tiempo parcial o
estar involucrados con la empresa
que construyen. Considerando
estos factores, asegúrese de calcular conservadoramente para sus
Conozca el rol del Seguro
El determinar cuánto dinero
necesitará después de la jubilación es el primer paso para saber
el rol del Seguro Social en su plan
de jubilación. Al igual que con
una alimentación saludable, planificar para la jubilación es como
(continued from page 1-A)
their refund issued for the previous
two years, which totaled to $4,000.
Now that the Chapa’s taxes
have been reimbursed, the elderly
couple plans to spend their funds
on bills, something that the elderly
couple obviously does not leave
behind. Mrs. Chapa would also
like to inform others to keep an
eye on their taxes and mail.
“Be more careful and take care
of your own,” advised Mrs. Chapa.
Uresti added that he hopes those
learning about the story, check to
see if they have tax exemptions of
their own.
“They can call our office to
check or go to appraisal district,”
said Uresti. “If they call our office,
we will check for them.”
Taxpayers can learn about property tax exemptions online at
www.bexar.org/tax or by calling
the tax office at (210) 335-2251.
13 de marzo de 2016
SXSW attendees can use SATX NEXT
app to navigate Casa San Antonio
Special to La Prensa
Full service software development firm Grok Interactive
LLC is a proud sponsor of
Choose San Antonio and the
South by Southwest initiative.
They have developed an app
that features the unique local
branding and programming
of Casa San Antonio, a three
day exhibit packed with official programming and special
events showcasing all that San
Antonio has to offer at SXSW
Interactive in Austin.
“Choose San Antonio has
a mission that aligns strongly
with the needs of the business
community of San Antonio,
and that is to attract top tal-
ent to our beautiful city,” said
Jason Straughan, CEO of Grok
Together with co-founding
organization Lightning Jar, they
have produced a free mobile
application for iOS that features the programming, special
events and speakers that will
be present at Casa San Antonio
at South by Southwest, March
11-16. The application SATX
NEXT is now available via the
Apple App Store app.choosesa.
org. Grok Interactive will also
be hosting a Web Developer
meet up at Casa San Antonio
at SXSW on March 12 at 3 p.m.
“Technology and business are
symbiotic, and both rely heavily
on a skilled, diverse workforce
in an environment that inspires
creativity. San Antonio is the
best city I’ve found to meet
these needs, and our community
and business leaders understand
how to execute this vision,”
said Straughan.
As the Choose San Antonio
team prepares for their excursion to Austin, partners like
Grok are vital to their success.
Showcasing local companies is
one of the angles of taking San
Antonio to SXSW. With record
attendance of over 100,000 in
2015, there are over 100,000
opportunities for people to
download the app and visit Casa
San Antonio this year.
Straughan continued to discuss how technology companies
considere sus opciones para pagar
por el cuidado de la salud en su
jubilación, que puede incluir pero
no limitarse a Medicare, Medicaid
y otras formas de seguro.
Para mantener un bienestar
financiero después de la jubilación, hay que mantener un buen
equilibrio y conocer las diferentes
opciones disponibles para los
ahorros e ingresos. Al final, el
beneficio más grande será la tranquilidad mental y una jubilación
cómoda que cumpla con sus
necesidades y sus expectativas.
Un profesional de finanzas puede
trabajar con usted para crear un
camino saludable para sus finanzas. Para más información, visite
See “SATX NEXT” app
on page 4-A
(viene de la página 1-A)
encontrar el equilibrio ade­cuado
para usted.
Esto significa preguntarse
¿cómo encajará el Seguro Social dentro de su jubilación en
general? La respuesta: debería
ser solamente una parte de su
plan. Aunque el Seguro Social
es un gran suplemento para sus
ingresos, probablemente no será
suficiente por sí solo. Así es que
asegúrese de llenar su plato con
todo tipo de opciones saludables
para una jubilación bien equilibrada.
Para poder cerrar la brecha entre los ahorros y el Seguro Social,
considere otras fuentes de ingreso
como las contribuciones regulares
a las cuentas de jubilación de su
empresa (asegurándose de maximizar cualquier contribución del
empleador), inversiones externas
y anualidades.
Planifique para el cuidado de
la salud
Un estudio realizado por MassMutual encontró que el 73 por
ciento de los jubilados con buena
salud, dicen que se sienten segu-
ros financieramente en comparación del 51 por ciento de jubilados
con salud más delicada, y pla­
nificar para lo inesperado puede
ayudar a mantener la paz mental.
Una de las sorpresas más
grandes de la jubilación puede
estar relacionada con el costo del
cuidado de la salud. Asegúrese
de pensarlo cuidadosamente y
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13 de marzo de 2016
Productos frescos
cerca de casa.
Si no te gustan nuestras frutas y
verduras frescas, trae tu recibo para
un reembolso completo.
©2016 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
6938 Walzem Road • San Antonio, TX 78239
impuestos del año fiscal 2015.
En el lugar, los voluntarios
de VITA le atenderán ya sea en
inglés u español para preparar
su declaración de impuestos
completamente gratis.
Los 19 sitios, ubicados en centros comunitarios y bibliotecas,
están abiertos de lunes a viernes
(y algunos sábados y domingos),
usualmente de 10:00 a.m. a 5:00
p.m. y algunos hasta las 7:00 o
9:00 p.m.
Por ejemplo, los sitios VITA
en el North Side están ubicados
en: Ed Cody Library, Goodwill
San Pedro, Thousand Oaks Library y Westfall Library.
En el East Side: Ella Austin
Community Center, St. Philip’s
College y Claude Black Community Center.
En el South Side: Miller´s
Pond Community Center, Mission Library, Palo Alto College
(viene de la página 1-A)
y Presa Community Center.
En el West Side: Bazan Library, Forest Hills Library,
Frank Garrett Community Center, Guadalupe Community Center, Henry A. Guerra Library,
The Neighborhood Place, St.
Mary´s University y YMCA.
Para información detallada de
los horarios de cada sitio VITA
en San Antonio puede llamar al
211 o visitar www.vita.org
Para que el trámite de la declaración de impuestos sea más
rápido en los sitios de VITA es
recomendable llegar mucho más
temprano, antes de la hora de
apertura del sitio, puesto que los
voluntarios le atenderán según
orden de llegada. En algunos
lugares podría registrarse en
una lista.
Inmediatamente, se le entregará un formulario a llenar
que pide datos personales e información sobre si recibe ayuda
del gobierno para cobertura
médica u otra información.
Asimismo, debe tener a la
mano diversos documentos,
según sea su caso (soltero o con
• Identificación válida con
• Tarjeta de Seguro Social o
Número de Identificación Personal de Contribuyente (ITIN)
para cada miembro de la familia
• Formas W-2, W-2G, 1099R, 1099-Misc, de todos los
empleadores y terceros.
• Si va a hacer una declaración
conjunta con el cónyuge, este
debe estar presente
• Copia de la declaración de
impuestos federales y estatales
del año anterior (si aplica).
• Declaraciones de intereses
y dividendos de bancos (formu-
Whirling Wonder...
a community that has a passion
to allow the park to come alive,”
expressed Hartman.
Now that the “Whirling Wonder” is open, Morgan’s Wonderland plans to bring in acrobatic
dogs, puppet shows and several activities throughout spring
break. As for the future, Hartman
expressed that the possibilities
are endless with the help of the
community that constantly visits
and supports the cause behind
Morgan’s Wonderland.
“There will be a lot of things to
enjoy here at Morgan’s Wonderland,” informed Hartman. “Every
year, we continue to grow. We
are getting ready for ‘Morgan’s
Inspiration Island’ that is coming
in 2017. I would like to express
my gratitude to the community
for getting us to the place where
we want to be.”
Construction charity organization AGC Charities, Inc. is
partnering with local construction
firms to help build “Morgan’s Inspiration Island,” a new handicapaccessible water park addition to
Morgan’s Wonderland. As part
of the charitable organization’s
annual Operation Opening Doors
effort, many construction firms
will be donating time, expertise
and money to build the water park
in San Antonio.
“We want to help build a special place where every child is
free to splash around and have
fun,” said Scott Williams, president of Springfield, Ore.-based
Hamilton Construction Company
and the chairman of AGC Charities. “It isn’t every day we get
to use our skills to build a world
of limitless fun for all children,
which is what makes this project
(continued from page 1-A)
so important.”
Morgan’s Wonderland is the
world’s first theme park designed
with special-needs individuals
in mind and built for everyone’s
enjoyment. The new expansion
to Morgan’s Wonderland, “Morgan’s Inspiration Island,” will
serve as the world’s first-ever
fully-accessible water park when
it opens in spring next year. The
park addition will include five
new water play areas and a riverboat ride.
Keep in mind that Morgan’s
Wonderland will be open daily
for spring break, from March 1120, so now is the time for kids to
come out and enjoy what the park
has to offer. For more information, hours of operation, admission and special events, please
visit www.MorgansWonderland.
com for details.
Pet of the week
No, there isn’t a dog missing from the kennel; that ball of
warmth lying cozy underneath the covers is Mouse! Mouse is
a 10-year-old Chihuahua mix and she’s quite a fan about burrowing herself into a snug spot-whether it’s that spot beneath
the blanket or that vacancy spot within your heart! She’s a
loveable lil’ thing and she’s definitely worth a visit. Come
by the San Antonio Humane Society and persuade Mouse to
come out for a visit! She’s sure to keep her new forever family
comfy underneath the covers.
Please remember to spay/neuter your pets to help ensure every dog and cat born has
a home waiting for them. San Antonio Humane Society: Connecting Friends for Life.
Adoption fees for Cats:
Less than 5 Months - $65
Over 5 months of age - $30
*Adoption fees may vary
This adoption fee includes: spay/neuter surgery, first set of vaccinations, microchip,
de-wormer, flea and heartworm prevention, collar, tag, complimentary wellness exam
within the first 5 days of adoption, 14 day complimentary follow up care at any VCA
animal hospital, 30 days 24PetWatch Pet Insurance, and a starter bag of Hill’s Science
Diet pet food. For more information, visit the San Antonio Humane Society at 4804
Fredericksburg Rd., visit SAhumane.org, or call (210) 226-7461.
Mortenson Construction is holding a JOB FAIR
to fill positions at the following Texas projects:
Mortenson is hiring the following project-based positions:
13 de marzo de 2016
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Alamo Workforce Career Center
1499 Hillcrest Drive, Ste 104 • San Antonio, TX 78228
Pay rates and benefits package available
Mortenson is an EOE/Affirmative Action/M/F/Disabled/Veteran Employer
larios 1099).
• Pruebas de cuentas banca­
rias, como un cheque en blanco
con el número de ruta y cuenta
para el depósito directo.
• Cantidad total pagada por
los servicios de guardería y el
número de identificación de la
persona que le cuidó los hijos,
tal como el Seguro Social o el
número de identificación del
empleador (EIN).
• Certificado de Exención de
Seguro Médico si recibió uno.
• Copias de transcripciones de
ingresos del IRS y del estado si
• Formulariois 1095-A, 1095B y 1095-C, Declaraciones del
Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio.
Si recibe ayuda para cobertura médica
El IRS informó que este año
los contribuyentes puede que
reciban uno o más formularios
que proporcionan información
sobre la cobertura de cuidado
médico que tuvo en el 2015.
Esta información estará en los
formularios 1095-A, 1095-B y
El formulario 1095-B proporciona información sobre la
cobertura de cuidado de salud si
el contribuyente, su cónyuge o
dependientes se inscribieron en
el 2015 en cobertura por medio
de un proveedor de seguros
(compañías de seguro, agencias
gubernamentales que ofrecen
Medicare, Medicaid o CHIP) o
un empleador que ofrece seguro
por cuenta propia.
El proveedor de seguros, no el
IRS, le enviará al contribuyen­
te el Formulario 1095-B y es
probable que reciba más de un
formulario si: tuvo cobertura de
más un proveedor, cambio de
cobertura o de empleador duran-
SATX NEXT app...
and their support systems now
have heavy influence in the San
Antonio area, thus allowing
more startups and small businesses to thrive. “San Antonio
provides an exceptional ecosystem for entrepreneurship and
technology, with world-class
Lic. #B12044
te el año, diferentes miembros
de su familia recibieron cobertura de distintos proveedores.
El IRS sugiere no añadir el
Formulario 1095-B a su declaración de impuestos, sino mante­
nerlo en sus archivos tributarios.
Dependiendo a las circunstancias del contribuyente podría
recibir los Formularios 1095-A
y 1095-C.
El E-File gratis
También los contribuyentes
que quieren pueden presentar
sus declaraciones de impuestos
electrónicamente utilizando el
Free File del IRS.
El Free File de IRS ofrece programa de impuestos de marca a
los contribuyentes que ganaron
$62.000 o menos en el 2015 para
presentar la declaración gratis.
Free File de IRS solo está
disponible en el sitio web IRS.
(continued from page 1-A)
support from organizations
like Geekdom, Techstars, Cafe
Commerce, Rackspace and Codeup providing a foundation for
unparalleled access to startups,
investors, technology and men-
toring resources.”
For more information on
these two great companies,
please visit www.grok-interactive.com and www.choosesa.
13 de marzo de 2016
Comentarios... Bienvenidos a Miami
Políticos, sus
periodistas y
el circo han
Jorge Ramos
Miami será,
por unos días, el ombligo de Estados Unidos. Y con razón. Aquí
en la Florida podría definirse, de
una vez por todas, quienes serán
los nominados de ambos partidos
a la presidencia del país.
Desde el 2000, Miami ha cambiado mucho. Esta es una ciudad
cada vez más diversa y tolerante.
O sea, Miami es el futuro. Los
latinos pasamos de ser el 17 Por
ciento de la población en 1960
a más del 70 por ciento ahora,
según las cifras del último censo.
No es extraño ver tiendas con letreros que dicen: “English Spoken
Miami, junto con Los Ángeles
y Nueva York, está al frente de
la revolución demográfica que
transforma a Estados Unidos. En
el 2055 los blancos (no hispanos)
se convertirán en una minoría en
este país. Bueno, en Miami hace
mucho que lo son. Nos hemos
adelantado unas décadas a la
Esto, sin duda, tiene sus ventajas. Miami es la única ciudad
del país donde los hispanos son
tratados como ciudadanos de
primera clase, me decía mi buen
amigo, Joaquín Blaya, visionario
ejecutivo de la televisión. Tiene
razón. Aquí no tenemos que probarle a nadie lo que valemos, las
principales estaciones de radio
y televisión son en español, y
nuestros votos cuentan.
Ya nos estamos acostumbrando
a definir elecciones. George
W. Bush me dijo en una vieja
entrevis­ta que los 537 votos
con los que ganó la Florida (y
la Casa Blanca) en el 2000 más
una pequeña ayuda de la Corte
Suprema de Justicia vinieron
posiblemente de votantes cubanoamericanos. En este 2016 existe
la misma angustia y ansiedad que
a principios de siglo; muchos
tenemos la convicción de que el
futuro de Estados Unidos está
en juego. Hoy la pregunta es:
¿Trump o no Trump?
Si Estados Unidos fuera como
Miami, el candidato republicano
Donald Trump jamás podría ganar una elección, ni siquiera como
alcalde o miembro del concejo
municipal. Ocho de cada 10 hispanos a nivel nacional tienen una
imagen negativa de él, según la
última encuesta de Univisión y el
Washington Post. Y sin el apoyo
de los hispanos, no se pueden
ganar elecciones en Miami.
Miami no es una ciudad que
apoye muros ni deportaciones
masivas. Esta es una ciudad de
inclusión integra, no separa.
Aquí venimos de todos lados y lo
normal es ser inmigrante. La comunidad cubanoamericana, gene­
rosamente, ha ido recibiendo a
centroamericanos, colombianos,
venezolanos y a cualquiera que
huya de la violencia o represión
en su país de origen. Alguien,
siempre, te ayuda al llegar.
Miami, como todo ser vivien­
te, crece para los lados, la zona
metropolitana tiene más de 5 mi­
llones de habitantes y para arriba.
Antes solo teníamos un montón
de edificios, me describió alguna
vez el constructor y empresario
Jorge Pérez. Ahora todo tiene
un sentido, hay un plan: centros
comerciales, oficinas, cultura.
Por fin ya no estamos hablando
sobre una gran ciudad sino que
estamos haciendo una gran ciudad (incluyen­do un museo de arte
moderno que lleva su nombre).
Pero, hay una tormenta en el
horizonte. El verdiazul mar que
nos rodea podría ahogarnos. Las
playas a las que solía ir tienen
cada vez menos arena. Las inundaciones son frecuentes cerca de
los restaurantes de Miami Beach
y espero con horror la próxima
temporada de huracanes. El hermoso canal que hay cerca de casa
podría terminar en mi sala. Si
no logramos contener el cambio
climático, mis hijos y sus hijos
tendrán que lidiar con un Miami...
bajo el agua.
Pero, para fortuna de nuestros
visitantes, eso no pasará en los
próximos días. Aquí hace semanas que llegó la primavera. Van
a sudar, bailar salsa y tomar café
cubano (que los dejará despiertos
por días). Dejen sus abrigos en
casa, pónganse sus lentes de sol
y abran bien los ojos para ver lo
que logra una ciudad que extiende
sus brazos a los extranjeros y,
luego, los hace parte integral de la
comunidad. Nuestra comunidad.
Miami es el lugar donde
muchos de nosotros construimos
nuestra segunda casa y donde obtuvimos esa segunda oportunidad
que tanto necesitábamos. Es, en
otras palabras, un lugar donde se
lucha y donde uno se puede reinventar. Y eso lo saben también
los candidatos. Por eso estamos
todos aquí.
Bienvenidos a Miami.
(¿Tiene algún comentario o
pregunta para Jorge Ramos?
Envíe un correo electrónico a
[email protected]. Por
favor incluya su nombre, ciudad
y país).
Just a Thought: Oscar Zaldivar
Last week,
I wrote that I
was accepted
in 1960 to attend Central
Catholic High
School. I also
Steve Walker mentioned that
I had just graduated from St. Gregory’s Catholic School in Balcones Heights
from eighth grade. Besides my
attending Central Catholic, many
of my classmates from St. Gregory’s would also be attending as
well. We looked forward to being
reunited once again and continue
our relationship throughout high
I was deeply saddened to
learn that was not meant to be. I
was uprooted two weeks before
school started, along with my parents and five younger brothers,
and moved to Massachusetts over
a thousand miles away to what I
considered to be a foreign land! I
did attend a catholic high school
for two years before moving two
more times before college.
Ironically, moving back to
San Antonio in 1972 after a stint
in Vietnam and college in Fort
Worth at Texas Wesleyan College (now Texas Wesleyan University), I was able to meet many
graduates who would have been
my classmates at Central Catholic
over the years had I stayed.
Besides former HUD Secretary
and San Antonio Mayor Henry
Cisneros, radio personality and
motivational speaker Sonny Melendrez and former Congressman
Charlie Gonzalez, there was my
longtime buddy, Oscar Zaldivar
who passed away two weeks ago,
a month shy of his 70th birthday.
I met Oscar when I joined the
San Antonio Chamber of Commerce aka San Antonio Jaycees
in the late 70s. For those who
might remember, the Jaycees
were a nonprofit organization of
young men who sponsored La Semana Allegre, the Annual Orphan
Shopping Tour and numerous of
other community projects to help
the community. Years later, they
changed the by-laws to accept
women as members and not just
Oscar and I, along with 600+
members at any given time,
participated in those events for
over seven years since there was
an age limit of 35 to be an active
member. We called it aging out.
That is why we were called Junior
Chamber which was created in
the 1920s.
Both Oscar and I served as
the president of the organization
back to back. He was the first
Hispanic in the organization to
be elected as president in 198081. I followed him as president
in 1981-82. As immediate past
president during my year as president, we hosted the National Jaycee Convention attracting 10,000
delegates from the 50 states.
As the outgoing president, he
was technically the host as we
had many various discussions as
to who was the official host of the
convention since it was approved
under his watch. President Ronald Reagan was the guest speaker
months after the John Hinckley
assassination attempt on his life.
San Antonio was abuzz during
that visit by the president of the
United States!
Over the years, Oscar and I
stayed in touch along with other
Jaycees. Some years ago, he lost
a leg due to a viral infection. During his last 10 years, he moved
around in a wheel chair. Still
smiling and upbeat, he accepted
his condition and moved on.
When I was still a justice of
the peace a few years ago, he
invited me to speak to his defensive driving class talking about
traffic tickets. Ironically after
I left the bench, I was issued a
speeding ticket and had to sign up
for defensive driving. Guess who
my defensive driving instructor
turned out to be? Oscar!
While in his class, I thought he
would be easy on me. Wrong! He
told me that when I was in court,
I was bound to follow the law
and since I was in his class, I had
to follow his protocol. I did and
passed the class as he hovered
over me to ensure I did what was
expected by the law.
Back in the day, we were also
roommates for a few months
which was really interesting. But
we survived it graciously. I won’t
divulge which one of us was the
messy one.
I was thankful I talked to Oscar
the day before he died. As previously stated, he was one month
shy of his 70th, April 2. He was
going to have a birthday party
at his house with family and a
few friends, and I was looking
forward to seeing him on his
At the rosary, I was able to say
a few words and pay homage to
my good friend Oscar Zaldivar.
I am sad I lost a longtime friend
who could have been my classmate back in 1960-64, had I not
moved. Adieu good friend.
Anyway, as always, what I
write is “Just a Thought.”
Steve Walker is a Vietnam
Veteran, former Journalist and
Justice of the Peace.
Repercusiones de Michigan
Por Humberto Caspa
Lo inesperado es el común
denominador en las actuales
elecciones primarias. Hillary
Rodham Clinton podía haber estampado la candidatura oficial de
su partido político en las primarias de Michigan; sin embargo, el
electorado de este estado se paró,
cuestionó el tenor de su campaña
y le dijo: no tan rápido; falta
mucho antes de cantar victoria.
Así es. La victoria de Bernie Sanders en Michigan hace
notar algunos problemas que
no contemplaron en campaña
política de Hillary Clinton. Recientemente se percataron que
la clase trabajadora en los sectores industriales sindicalizados
del país –la mayoría de etnia
euro-estadounidense— no está
de acuerdo con los tratados de
libre comercio.
De acuerdo a lo manifestado en
el debate de Michigan por la ex
Secretaria de Estado, los tratados
internacionales de comercio son
esencialmente buenos para la
economía nacional, pero hay que
saber controlarlos. Recordemos
que en la presidencia de su esposo
promovió la firma del Tratado de
Libre Comercio de América del
Norte. Además impulsó lo que
hoy se conoce como el Acuerdo
Transpacífico de Cooperación
Económica cuando trabajaba
como Secretaria de Estado en el
gobierno de Obama.
Los grupos sindicales, particularmente del sector manufacturero de automóviles, y los
trabajadores de la gran industria,
piensan totalmente diferente.
Para esta gente, estos tratados
sirven para dispersar (outsource)
trabajos a otros países. Los empresarios abusan de la flexibilidad
de los acuerdos internacionales y
se llevan sus plantas industriales
–hay veces todo— a países donde
los salarios son extremadamente
En torno a esta problemática,
Tanisha Motron, una de las personas que preguntó en el debate
de Michigan, se dirigió a Hillary
Clinton con la siguiente pregunta:
“Si usted fuera elegida presidente
¿qué es lo que va a hacer en el
gobierno para que las empresas
no se vayan al extranjero?”.
Hillary Clinton respondió con
una política de incentivos y de
coerción (carrots and sticks) a
través del cual el gobierno propondría a las empresas un plan
de estímulos económicos que les
permitiera mantener sus plantas
productivas en el país. Y si las
empresas gigantes, como la abastecedora de repuestos de autos
Johnson Controls Inc. insisten
en buscar asentarse en Europa
o en otros continentes, el plan
de Hilla­ry Clinton pretende sancionar con multas por abandonar
tierras norteamericanas.
Al parecer la respuesta no
satisfizo a una gran parte de los
votantes de Michigan. Por eso, el
día de las elecciones primarias,
muchos apoyaron la propuesta
de Sanders, quién se mostró totalmente en contra de cualquier
tipo de tratado de libre comercio.
A pesar de ser criticado, el plan
de Hillary Clinton es coherente
y está muy bien balanceado. Por
un lado, protege los puestos de
trabajo de los estadounidenses
y elabora un plan de sanciones
para los empresarios, por el
otro. Empero, en un periodo de
radicalización y de nacionalismo
extremo, cualquier propuesta
moderada es un pecado mortal
para cualquier candidato.
Este forma de pensamiento
pue­de tener repercusiones negativas en las primarias del próximo
15 de marzo, fecha en que el
electorado de Missouri, Illinois
y Ohio, estará decidiendo la
dirigencia de su partido político.
Existe una vasta población de
trabajadores industriales en estos
En consecuencia, Hillary Clinton tiene que cambiar su estrategia política si no quiere tener otra
sorpresa amarga. No es necesario
que se oponga totalmente a los
tratados de libre comercio, sino
que haga más énfasis en los
castigos que se le impondría a
las empresas que pretenden abandonar el mercado estadounidense
en busca de salarios bajos.
Humberto Caspa, Ph.D. es
profesor e investigador de Economics On The Move.
Calendario de la comunidad
JULIE SPEED: UNDERTOAD— Ruiz-Healy Art is pleased to
present Julie Speed: Undertoad, an exhibition of paintings, prints and
collages spanning two cities. Utilizing her keen sense of the absurd,
Speed ponders the big questions—the role of religion, isolation and
longing—with a sly, sometimes dark sense of humor and a steadfast
refusal to offer the viewer any tidy resolutions. It is the emphatically
open-ended and omnivorous nature of her work that puts Speed in
the vanguard of a return to figurative painting in contemporary art.
The exhibition will be on display until Saturday, March 19 at RuizHealy Art, 201-A E. Olmos Dr.
community-wide effort for the San Pedro Creek public improvements, the San Antonio River Authority has commissioned the
creation of a new River Improvement Overlay zoning district to
ensure compatible and high-quality development along the creek and
its adjacent corridors. Call (210) -302-3257 or visit SApreservation.
org. Admission is free and open to the public. The event will take
place until March 29 from 5 to 6 p.m. at 1901 S. Alamo St., 2nd
floor training rooms.
PAELLA CHALLENGE— Over 30 top chefs, including Cured’s
Steve McHugh, Boiler House’s Jeff White and Southerleigh’s Jeff
Balfour, will converge at Pearl for this seventh annual festival celebrating the traditional Spanish paella dish. In addition to professional
chefs, high school teams from area culinary programs will compete
with their own renditions of paella. The event will be hosted by Chef
Johnny Hernandez. Live music is planned throughout the day and
proceeds from the event will benefit the Culinary Institute of America
at San Antonio. For more information, visit paellachallenge.com.
Sunday, March 13 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Pearl, 303 Pearl Pwky.
for a pizza is usually $7.99, but on March 14, Urban Bricks Pizza
Co. will be selling their 11 inch personal pizzas for $3.14 from open
to close at all locations in celebration of Pi Day. “We like to shake
things up around here,” says Sammy Aldeeb, founder of Urban
Bricks Pizza Co. “We’ve created a fun and fresh atmosphere and
design events to match.” Urban Bricks Pizza Co. was founded in San
Antonio and opened its doors at The RIM in May 2015. Not even a
year later, they celebrated the grand opening of the third location at
1604 and Culebra (the second location is a non-traditional store in
the Stephen F. Austin Dining Hall in Nacogdoches, TX). Monday,
March 14 all day at participating locations.
during spring break 2016, Morgan’s Wonderland will treat guests to
“Music, Mutts, Magic and More,” special entertainment that’s free
with park admission on March 14-19. This will include a new puppet show, musical performances, exhibitions, acrobatic dogs, feats
of magic and appearances by The Wonder Squad, four Morgan’s
Wonderland super heroes who will interact with guests and pose
for photos, along with butterfly costumed-character Joy, the theme
park’s mascot. The latest information on operating days and hours
of operation, admissions and special activities can be found at www.
MorgansWonderland.com. Monday, March 14 to Saturday March
19 at Morgan’s Wonderland, 5223 David Edwards Dr.
San Antonio Museum of Art knows it can be tough to pull the kids
away from their Xbox during spring break. To help, they’re inviting
families to celebrate by visiting the Corita Kent and the Language
of Pop Art exhibit during a free family day that includes hands-on
activities, music and more. Tuesday, March 15 from 10 a.m. to 11
a.m. at San Antonio Museum of Art, 200 W. Jones Ave.
in luck this St. Patrick’s Day as Travis Park hosts its ever-popular
Food Truck Throwdown. Enjoy $8 food truck menus, let us know
who is your favorite and take part in games, fun, food and more!
Enjoy eight different food trucks, live entertainment and St. Paddy’s
games for everyone. Participating food trucks include Cheesy Jane’s,
Bustro Bistro, Rock on Wheels, Big Mike’s, Fajita Rita’s, Black
Knights, Mi Taquito and Drake’s Fun Foods. Thursday, March 17
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Travis Park, 301 E. Travis St.
looking for a fun way to shake up your fitness routine and get social
at the same time? Windflower – The Hill Country Spa has the perfect
blend of fitness and relaxation called “UnWINEd” Yoga Happy
Hour. The happy hour is returning for another season with outdoor
yoga classes served alongside a terrific selection of Texas wines and
a fabulous view of the setting sun over the rolling hills. Come out
to join us for a peaceful, love and mingling time. Thursday, March
17 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Windflower – The Hill Country Spa at
Hyatt Regency, 9800 Hyatt Resort Dr.
REASONS TO BE PRETTY— Communication is key in this hardhitting comedy of Neil LaBute. When Greg accidentally insults his
girlfriend about her looks, it sets off a chain reaction in their lives
and their neighbors’ with no guarantee that the lovers who started
together will stay together. Tickets are on sale now at www.apps.
vendini.com. Friday March 18 at 8 p.m. at the Playhouse, 800 W
Ashby Pl.
ZUMBA PARTY IN THE PARK— Join us for a free and open
to the public Zumba party in Travis Park! This first-ever event in
the park is hosted by the City of San Antonio and Gold’s Gym.
Participants will be surrounded by high energy music, incredible
Gold’s Gym instructors and amazing giveaways. We will dance
all morning and then enjoy healthy food trucks, health and fitness
vendors as well as giveaways - including Gold’s Gym memberships!
Parking is available at parking lots surrounding the park or at the
City of San Antonio parking garage on the corner of Travis and St.
Mary’s Street. Saturday, March 19 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Travis
Park, 301 E. Travis St.
A Division of Duran Duran Industries, Inc.
Production Manager
Spanish Copy Editor
Production Assistants
Sports Editor
Staff Photographers
Advertising Director
Sales Representative
Circulation Manager
Contributing Writers
News Services
La Prensa de San Antonio is published two times a week by Duran Duran Industries, Inc., at
816 Camaron St. Suite 104, San Antonio, Texas 78212 (210) 242-7900. Subscription price
in the U.S.A. $125.00 per year (52 issues). The opinions expressed in the editorials of this
publication represent the positions and ideology of this newspaper; the opinions expressed
by writers and guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions of the management staff or
ownership of this newspaper; the contents of which they are solely and exclusively responsible
for. Letters from our readers are welcome and will be published, subject to space availability so
long as they are signed and have a proper return address. All letters will be reviewed and edited
for offensive language, libel, slander, defamation, proper grammar, spelling, and accuracy, according to our style. La Prensa de San Antonio is not responsible for advertisements that may
be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not guarantee in any way the products or services offered,
of which only the advertiser is responsible. All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the
United States of America.
Need a baker specializing in Mexican bread & cookies. Good working
environment. Please
call (210) 226-2979
or apply in person at
2200 W. Martin.
----------------------Se solicita señoras
para cortar trapo industrial, dispuestos
a entrenar, aplicar
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----------------------Drivers: CO & O\
Op’s: Earn great
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time and Benefits.
Monthly Bonuses.
Drive Newer Equipment! 855-582-2265
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en efectivo diariamente. Aplique
Looking for experienced line-server and
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----------------------EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT
Prepare and edit correspondence, communications, manage
and maintain executives’ schedules, appointments and travel
arrangements, arrange and coordinate
meetings and events.
Email resumé and
The Alamo Colleges is receiving sealed proposals prior to 2:00
PM Local Time, unless otherwise indicated, on the dates shown.
Request for Competitive Sealed Proposal for
Purchase of Professional Truck Driving
Instruction & Training Services Program / CDL
CSP 16A-009
Deadline: 4/5/2016
For more information, contact Terry Loomis at 210/485-0056.
Request for Competitive Sealed Proposal for
Purchase of Marketing/Advertising Campaign Services with
Media Buying Service
CSP 16A-014
Deadline: 4/8/2016
For more information, contact Terry Loomis at 210/485-0056.
Request for Proposal for
Purchase of Construction Manager-At-Risk Services for
The Victory Center at San Antonio College
RFP 16C-017
Deadline: 4/12/2016
salary expectations
to: hiedacava@aol.
----------------------Need women to cut
industrial rag, willing
to train, 207 Roosevelt (210) 532-4439
----------------------BAKERY/TAQUERÍA NEEDS
WITH EXPERIENCE (210) 4168985
Solicito yarderos, mecánicos, de
México. Rento departamento. Compro
madera (210) 3620875.
----------------------OFFICE STAFF
for experience in different areas, minimum experience of
one year preparatory
study, good presentation, English and
Spanish, IMPORTANT required. For
an interview, send resumé via FAX (210)
733-1400. Once sent,
the appointment will
be with Attorney
Johnny Rodriguez
(210) 823-6068
13 de marzo de 2016
Small chihuahuas for
Se renta cuarto priva- sale $125 each (210)
do con biles incluidos 848-4217.
(210) 449-0544.
Vendo lavadoras ca- A D O M I C I L I O ,
pacidad grande $100 REFRIGERADOsecadora capacidad RAS, LAVADORgrande $95 refrigera- AS, SECADORAS
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Freezer $100. Todo AÑO GARANTÍA.
en excelente condi- LLAME A (210)
ciones y garantizado. 291-5431.
Puedo entregar a do(03/30/16)
micilio (210) 3249821.
(03/13/16) AND BATHROOM
Vendo Viagra genéri- MODEL, FREE ESESCALERAS.
co 100mg. $10 pas- TIMATES, CALL
tilla. Llame (210) OR TEXT (210)
834-8180 OWNER
(03/20/16) JESSE SANCHEZ.
R E M O D E L I N G ----------------------(214) 957-7739
SALE: Air condition Mecánica automotriz:
(03/13/15) CASH for HOUSES unit Doors, Blinds, Arreglamos transmisFAST. Any condi- Wall Mirrors, Win- iones automáticas,
¿Prisionero detrás tions, any area, we d o w s , S h u t t e r s , trabajos eléctricos
de un escritorio? buy all types of real Kitchen Cabinets, c o n c o m p u t a d o ¿Cansado de vivir estate, 25 yrs. exp., K i t c h e n C o u n t e r ra. ¿Automóvil no
cheque a cheque? close quick (210) Tops, Kitchen Sink, prende? ¡Llámenos!
Llame (210) 264- 300-4000 sellmypla- Disposal, Chandelier, (210) 721-9978.
Lot Price for every(03/27/16)
(03/30/17) thing $1,300.00 OBO ------------------------------------------------------------------- Call 210-452-7282. Reparación de lavaEntrevistando niñera REPO, ¼ acre with Joe
doras, secadoras y
para tiempo comple- utilities installed, 23k
(03/13/16) refrigeradores. Estito, un bebé y un niño. READY TO GO, FI- ----------------------- mado gratis, trabajo
Preferible bilingüe. NANCING AVAIL- I-Phone 4s, for sale rápido a domicilio,
Llame a Amanda ABLE, BANDERA unlocked $120 (210) garantizado. También
(210) 334-5977.
(956) 263-9838
los compro y vendo
(03/13/16) (210) 324-9821.
----------------------Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Pintura, tile moBeverage Commission for a Wine and Beer Retailer’s saico, cerámica,
Permit by Marlenn Guerra DBA Lupitas Authentic Mexi- plomería, cercas de
can Café, LLC, to be located at 4950 FM 78, Kirby, Bexar, madera, alambre,
Texas. Officer of said corporation Marlenn Guerra is the t e x t u r a , s h o w e r
Limited Liability Corporation officer and member.
reparación, sheetrock, carpintería,
pongo puertas y
ventanas reparación. Habla con
Jesús Villa. Llame a
(210) 254-4502.
Miraculous Prayer
Dear Heart of jesus, in
the past I have asked for
many favours, this time
I ask for a special one
(mention favour). Take
it dear Heart of Jesus and
place it within your own
broken heart where your
Father sees it. Then in
his merciful eyes it will
become your favour not
mine. Amen.
Say this prayer for 3 days
and promise publication
and your favour will be
granted no matter how
Novena To St. Jude
Most holy Apostle, St.
Jude, faithful servant
and friend of Jesus, the
Church honors and invokes you universally,
as the patron of difficult
cases, of things almost
despaired of, Pray for
me, I am so helpless
and alone.
Intercede with God for
me that He brings visible and speedy help
where help is almost
despaired of. Come to
my assistance in this
great need that I may
receive the consolation
and help of heaven in all
my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings,
particularly - (make
your request here) - and
that I may praise God
with you and all the
saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude,
to be ever mindful of
this great favor granted
me by God and to al-
A Pre-Proposal meeting is scheduled on March 29, 2016.
The meeting will begin at 2:00 p.m. in the Visual Arts Technology Center at
1819 N. Main Ave., Room 120, San Antonio, TX 78212.
For more information, contact Tina Farias at 210/485-0115.
If You are Looking for Immediate
Work, We are Looking for Regional
Drivers. Weekly Hometime! Detention
Pay after 1 HR! No East Coast; Top
Proposals to be delivered as follows:
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Pay, Benefits; Monthly Bonuses &
More! CDL-A, 6 mos Exp. req’d EEOE/
AAP 1-800-395-3331 ext. 4904 www.
Alamo Colleges
Purchasing and Contract Administration Department
1819 N. Main Ave., Box 693
San Antonio, TX 78212
ways honor you as my
special and powerful
patron, and to gratefully
encourage devotion to
you. Amen.
Para los casos más
Ante ti vengo con la fe
de mi alma, a buscar
tu sagrado consuelo
en mi difícil situación,
no me desampares de
las puertas que se me
deben de abrir en mi
camino, sea tu Brazo
Poderoso el que las abra
para darme la tranquilidad que ansío (tres
peticiones difíciles).
Súplica que te hace un
corazón afligido por
los duros golpes del
cruel destino que lo han
vencido siempre en la
lucha humana, ya que
sin tu poder divino no
intercede en mi favor
sucumbiré por falta de
ayuda. Brazo poderoso,
asísteme, ampárame y
condúceme a la gloria
celestial. Gracias dulce
Jesús (rezar quince días
empezando viernes).
Publicar antes de los
ocho. Confío en Dios
Padre y en su misericordia divina, por eso pido
a Él que ilumine mi
camino y me otorgue
la gracia que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por
oírme. Mande publicar
y observe lo que ocurrirá el cuarto día.
Prayer to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus
O most holy heart of
Jesus, fountain of every
blessing, I adore you,
I love you, and with
lively sorrow for my
sins I offer you this poor
heart of mine. Make
me humble, patient,
pure and wholly obedient to your will. Grant,
Good Jesus, that I may
live in you and for you.
Protect me in the midst
of danger. Comfort me
in my afflictions. Give
me health of body, assistance in my temporal
needs, your blessing
on all that I do, and the
grace of a holy death.
By hand delivery or courier service:
Alamo Colleges
Purchasing and Contract Administration Department
1743 N. Main Ave, Bldg. 41, Room 101
San Antonio, TX 78212
Proposals received will be publicly acknowledged in the Conference Room #401 at the hand delivery address. Specifications are
available by visiting Alamo College’s website www.alamo.edu/
¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante
cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su
carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara
es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283
Me gustaría conocer a un hombre que sea
detallista que crea en Dios, que le guste
vivir una vida sana sin problemas familiares
ni económicos, que sea trabajador, fiel,
amoroso, cariñoso, divorciado, soltero
o viudo, que quiera una relación sana
y estable. Soy ciudadana, pero nací en
México. Me gusta leer, viajar, soy fiel,
muy cariñosa, me gusta caminar. Me
gustaría que nos entendiéramos. Yo estaré
esperando tu amor. Llámame, escríbeme.
Te espero. Manda tu foto y número de
teléfono. Te espero con mucho amor.
----------------------------¡Hola! Me llamo H. Soy algo alto, cuerpo
normal, un poco blanco, trabajador, sin
vicios. Me gusta divertirme sanamente,
vivo solo. Tengo dos hijos que viven
en mi país. Busco una mujer seria,
trabajadora, noble y con deseos de amar y
ser amada. Interesada mandar su número
para empezar a conocernos sin juegos, ni
mentiras. Te espero.
Caballero jubilado sin vicios, de buen
carácter, de mente moral y espiritual de
EUA, en busca de una damita que sea
seria, de carácter humilde, hogareña, sin
vicios, que sea de estatura y peso regular.
Que sea cariñosa, sin problemas familiares,
que sea honesta. Para una amistad seria, no
importa origen ni estado migratorio. Con
fines matrimoniales.
----------------------------Dama de 46 años desea conocer un gran
caballero que sea fiel, amable, detallista,
romántico, trabajador, sin problemas
económicos ni familiares. Soy divorciada.
Me gusta una vida sana, no tomo, no
fumo, no tengo vicios, me considero que
soy muy romántica y quiero una relación
seria para fines serios y estable. Quiero
que nos conozcamos y si se llega a un
compromiso está bien. Espero tu llamada,
foto y dirección. Tengo una hija y un hijo
grandes, viven aparte.
----------------------------Deseo conocer un gran caballero que
sea trabajador, detallista, amoroso,
cariñoso, que no tenga vicios, de buen
carácter, humilde de corazón, estabilidad
económica, que sea muy romántico. Me
considero ser una dama romántica, fiel,
soy divorciada, amorosa y cariñosa, me
gusta la estabilidad y ser fiel. Quiero
una relación estable para fines serios, sin
problemas familiares. Hay que conocernos
y te aseguro no te arrepentirás. Espero tu
llamada, dirección y foto. Te espero con
mucho amor.
----------------------------¡Hola! Soy un hombre soltero. Tengo 56
años. 5’10’’, 220, ojos azules y calvo.
Me gustan los libros, música, películas
y ejercicio. He aprendido español. Estoy
buscando una mujer simpática, de 45 a 60
años. Bonita, fiel, con intereses similares.
----------------------------Soy puertorriqueña. Mido 5’6’’. Peso
195. Tengo 62 años, soy viuda y busco
un amigo con quien compartir un buen
rato. Soy hogareña, me gusta la cocina,
me gusta hacer chistes. Soy muy alegre.
Si hay alguien de 62 a 68 años que quiera
ser amigo o algo más, estoy libre y en
Texas. Llámame.
----------------------------Señor retirado. En mis sesenta años, joven
bien parecido, bien vestido. Busco una
muchacha o señora joven, de los 30 a 60
años de edad, que no tenga compromisos,
sea cristiana y que no sea mentirosa, que
sea trabajadora, limpia y romántica. Seria
con otra gente, pero alegre conmigo.
----------------------------Soy un hombre católico, divorciado,
de buen corazón. Soy de San Antonio,
vivo en un rancho. Estoy de buena salud,
gracias a nuestro Dios. Estoy en mis 70´s,
pero no los muestro. Me gusta la música
norteña. Toco guitarra. Voy a San Antonio
cada año al Conjunto Festival. Busco una
mujer sincera, hogareña, que le guste el
rancho, los animales, caballos. Que no sepa
mentir ni jugar juegos. Para una relación
seria. De 35 a 55 años, piel blanca, ojos
claros o de color, no más de 5’7 y 135
-140 libras. Yo tengo 5´7. Peso 170 libras.
¡También tengo una Harley Davison! Me
gustaría que toque el acordeón o que quiera
aprender. También que no fume, pero en
todo Cristo es el primero, porque sin él no
tenemos nada! Llámame para platicar y si
no se puede podemos ser amigos, porque
todos necesitamos una linda amistad.
----------------------------Hello to whoever reads this serious message. I need a man that has a clean pure
heart and is not ashamed to be a child of
God like me. I am hoping to meet the man
that has a strong foundation to stand on
with faith and believes in God and has a
relationship with Jesus. A friend that I can
have a conversation with that has to do
with all goodness and will say to me that
everything will be alright. I ask to please
speak clear English. Age 55-60, ht. 5’10
-5’12, weight average. Hope to hear from
someone that is a Christian Brother. God
Bless and God be with you.
----------------------------Hola, soy viudo mexicano-americano,
militar retirado de 82 años, de 5’4” de
altura, 139 lbs. (delgado). Me gusta el
baile, ir de paseo a pueblos cercanos, ir a
las pulgas, parques, salir a comer y más.
Sin vicios, educado. Busco señora/amiga
que tenga tiempo para salir de casa. Prefiero señora sola de 55 a 65 años, de 4’5”,
de no más de 135 libras. (delgada). Me
gustaría conocerla y hablar socialmente
con usted. Vivo en San Antonio. Disculpe
mi español, si gusta, llámeme para hablar.
----------------------------Hola, soy un caballero de 57 años. Soy
alto, buena onda, pelo negro, no gordo,
guapo, muy decente, muy cariñoso, me
gusta el cine. Busco una dama de 45 a 55
años sin niños, por favor. Que sea cariñosa
y romántica y se valore. Quiero lo mejor
para ti. Señora de México, físico mediano
o regular, buen cuerpo. Que sea confiable,
para una relación seria. Amén. Sin bromas.
13 de marzo de 2016
La salud en la mujer es lo más importante en el mundo
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
¿A quién no le va a importar
que la mujer siempre esté en
óptima condición de salud?.
Todos dependemos de la inmensa ayuda que la mujer aporta
en el seno del hogar, en el sector privado, los deportes, la
educación, sector gobierno, la
industria gastronómica y turística, ciencia médica, religión y
agencias de seguridad pública.
En este testimonio haré paten­
te un bien merecido reconocimiento a mujeres sobresalientes en sus respectivas carreras o
posiciones de elección popular.
Indicaré con todo respeto
sobre las responsabilidades de
algunas de ellas, como ejemplo
a seguir en sus respectivos quehaceres y obligaciones.
Imaginemos un mundo con
escasez de mujeres. No creo
que pudiéramos salir adelante
como habitualmente lo hacemos.
Recien­temente, surfeando por
el Internet, me enteré que en
mi lugar de nacimiento, una
ranchería en el estado de Durango (México), la mujer supera
la natalidad. Ahí existen dos
mujeres por un hombre.
Recuerdo que en mitad de la
década de los 70’s por decreto
presidencial se había instaurado
programa del control de la nata­
lidad en la República Mexicana.
En una de mis primeras asignaciones (trabajando para el
Diario El Informador del Mayo),
durante la cobertura de una reunión con líderes comunitarios
(en la ciudad de Navojoa, estado
de Sonora), con el tema se trataba de concientizar a la mujer
para que no tuviera muchos
En cuanto había comenzado
la sesión una dama de edad
avanzada tomó de repente el
micrófono para hacer una clara
protesta diciendo en alto tono:
“Si el gobierno quiere que
nuestras mujeres dejen de tener
muchos hijos, en caso de que se
nos venga una guerra ¿quiénes
serán los soldados que nos defiendan? Nosotras no estamos
para tomar las armas, nuestra
misión es darle soldados a la
Bueno a esa protesta nacieron
otras oposiciones y el gobierno
poco a poco tuvo que cambiar
de parecer y dejar todo en paz.
Recientemente en China se dio
luz verde para que los matrimonios puedan procrear dos hijos,
ya que existía una ley que los
obligaba a tener solo un hijo.
¿Qué fue lo que obligó a dicha
nación dar más libertades a sus
habitantes? ¿Será porque necesitan más soldados o para que los
padres de familia gasten más en
sus respectivos presupuestos de
alimentación y vestido? Para
no meterme en profundidades
al respecto, mejor aquí le paro
y regreso a tema local: honrar a
damas que por sus respectivas
cualidades se merecen nuestro
reconocimiento y agradecimientos.
La primera en reconocer es a
mi patrona la señora Amelia J.
Durán, quien ha logrado vivir
su sueño por mantener desde
1989 (año en que compró los
derechos para revivir La Prensa)
este rotativo en operación. Ha
sido demasiado el trabajo y res­
ponsabilidad que le ha llevado
ejercer durante dos décadas y
media de continua publicación,
dos veces por semana. Ella se ha
destacado porque la comunidad
hispanoamericana residente en
el condado de Bexar cuente
con La Prensa de San Antonio
como vocera de los sucesos que
acontecen. Su interés por que La
Prensa se siga publicando con
notas de contenido positivo (en
inglés y español) ha sido la clave
para que anunciantes y lectores
la sigan apoyando.
En el concilio de la ciudad (San Antonio) tenemos la
presen­c ia de la alcaldesa Ivy
Taylor, quien de forma interina
y electa por el voto popular, se
convirtió en la primera mujer
de ascendencia afroamericana
que preside uno de los más
grandes municipios de la unión
La alcaldesa Taylor es la segunda mujer al frente del gobier­
no de San Antonio. La primera
fue la gran dama y leyenda
vivien­te Lila Crockell. Taylor
en su agenda tiene diversos programas de beneficio a la salud de
nuestra comunidad.
En seguridad pública cabe
destacar el efectivo trabajo que
ha venido realizando la Sheriff
Susan L. Pamerleau, quien, tras
su jubilación de la Fuerza Aérea
de los Estados Unidos con grado
de Major General, decidió aden­
trarse en la política postulándose
por el partido republicano como
candidata a titular de la Bexar
County Sheriff’s Office. Su
triunfo fue arrollador y ya en
cumplimiento de su deber se
pronunció con su agenda de
darle prioridad a la seguridad
de la ciudadanía y programas
de prevención en la violencia
En el deporte profesional,
San Antonio se encuentra bien
representado en el mejor baloncesto del mundo en la NBA con
la ex guardia Becky Hammon,
quien está por cumplir dos temporadas completas en el cargo
de asistente de entrenador del
pentacampeón Spurs.
Hammon es entrenadora de
tiempo completo y, recientemente en el partido contra Kings
de Sacramento, puso su granito
de arena en la estrategia para
superar al legendario entrenador
George Karl, quien tuvo a bien
contratar los valiosos servicios
de la ex basquetbolista Nancy
Lieberman, quien con su arribo
a la franquicia de Sacramento se
convirtió en la segunda mujer
entrenadora de tiempo completo
en la NBA.
Aquí en nuestra redacción
tenemos a una joven periodista,
Lucy Almanza, quien funge
como editora, trabajo que ha
venido realizando al pie de la
letra, respondiendo de frente a
la línea periodística que nuestra
jefa Amelia J. Durán ha conservado desde la primera edición.
Para cerrar con broche de oro
esta publicación La Prensa y su
sección de Salud honra a todas
las mujeres, amas de casa y profesionistas, con especial tributo
al sector educativo donde las profesoras cada día cumplen doble
tarea, en su hogar y educando a
las nuevas generaciones.
El Creador Divino las siga
bendiciendo con salud y mucha
Hasta la próxima D.M.
American Cancer Society provides funding to promote health equity in S.A.
By American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society
will provide another year of funding in 2016 to support increased
access to colorectal cancer education and screening resources
in underserved communities
Thanks to support from Walgreens, CommuniCare Health
Centers will receive a $50,000
grant award to provide cancer
education and access to screening
for individuals in San Antonio,
San Marcos, Kyle, Wimberley
and Boerne.
The American Cancer Society’s Community Health Advocates implementing Nationwide
Grants for Empowerment and
Equity (CHANGE) Grant Program builds community and system capacity to promote health
equity, access and navigation
to screening resources within
underserved communities.
Funding for CHANGE grants
comes from Walgreens customers nationwide, who choose to
donate to the American Cancer
Society as they pay for their
purchases at checkout. CHANGE
grant recipients utilize funds
to reach underserved individuals with potentially life-saving
cancer education and implement strategies to reduce cancer
screening disparities.
“CommuniCare is proud to
continue a strong partnership with
the American Cancer Society to
promote lifesaving preventive
health measures such as cancer
screenings in our communities. I
want to thank the American Cancer Society staff for all of their
hard work, and most importantly,
Walgreens for funding to support
this much needed program,” said
Paul Nguyen, president and CEO
of CommuniCare Health Centers.
In an effort to increase the
percentage of colorectal cancer screening rates and stress
the importance of preventative
measures, the grant will allow
CommuniCare to offer colorectal cancer screenings to eligible
adults, age 50 and older, with a
focus on low-income, uninsured
and underinsured patients.
Patients will receive navigation services through a Colorectal
Navigator who will not only
help them navigate the healthcare system; but also, assist
with scheduling appointments
and reminding them of upcoming appointments and screenings. Screening navigation is
an evidence-based intervention
that reduces patient barriers to
screening and is recommended
by the Community Preventatives
Services Task Force and the
American Cancer Society.
According to the American
Cancer Society, disparities predominantly arise from inequities in work, wealth, income,
education, housing and overall
standard of living, as well as
social barriers to high-quality
cancer prevention, early detection and treatment services. Additionally, persons with lower
socioeconomic status are more
likely to experience increased
cancer risks due to tobacco use,
physical inactivity and poor diet
due to environmental or community barriers that provide
fewer opportunities for physical
activity and less access to fruits
and vegetables.
Since 2011, more than 370
grants have been provided
through the CHANGE Grant Program. As a result, grant recipients
have reached underserved men
and women through over 1.6
million reminders, education
and navigation engagements,
and provided more than 560,000
breast, cervical and colorectal low or no cost screenings.
This success was made possible
through donor support from all of
the CHANGE Program corporate
partners, including Walgreens.
The Walgreens Way to Well
Commitment program, which
focuses on improving everyday
health through the prevention
and early detection of leading
diseases, has been a supporter
of the CHANGE Grant Program
since 2012. The company’s overall support of the Society spans
two decades and contributions to
CHANGE have totaled $14 million to fund grants in local communities throughout the country
in partnership.
In addition to funding
CHANGE grants, Walgreens
served as a corporate enrollment
site for the Society’s Cancer
Prevention Study 3 (CPS-3), the
historic research study that will
help cancer researchers discover
more ways to prevent, detect and
treat cancer and save more lives.
For more information, to get
help, or to join the fight, visit
Beginning at Age 50, men and women at average risk for developing
colorectal cancer should have a colonoscopy every 10 years.
Make sure you stay healthy for your Valentine.
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Other Services:
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Dr. Maria Palafox is dedicated to serving surgery patients on San
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surgery experience, and is adroit with the latest advances in genetic
Dr. Palafox habla español con elocuencia.
8019 S. New Braunfels Ave, Ste. 101
San Antonio, TX 78235
Week In
Manning retires after 18 seasons
“There’s something about 18 years, 18 is a good
number, and today I retire from professional
football,” said Denver Broncos quarterback
Peyton Manning earlier this week. Fresh off
winning the Super Bowl, Manning, 39, will retire from the NFL. He was a Super Bowl MVP,
a 14-time Pro Bowl selection and a seven-time
first-team All-Pro. His teams made the playoffs
in 15 of his 18 seasons, and he reached the
4,000-yard passing mark in 14 seasons.
13 de marzo de 2016
Cleveland Browns release Manziel
After two rocky seasons, the Cleveland Browns
have decided to waive quarterback Johnny
Manziel. The troubled 2012 Heisman Trophy
winner was investigated for allegedly striking
ex-girlfriend Colleen Crowley in January, but
no charges were filed. Manziel was originally
drafted 22nd overall by the Browns in the 2014
NFL Draft. In two seasons, Manziel played 14
games, threw for 1,675 yards, had seven touchdowns and threw seven interceptions.
Julianna Hawn Holt named San Antonio Spurs chairman and CEO
Special to La Prensa
Spurs Sports & Entertainment
announced that Peter M. Holt
has retired as the organization’s
chairman and CEO and that Julianna Hawn Holt will assume
both roles.
Peter has held the position since
1996 when the Holts became the
largest shareholders in San Antonio Spurs, LLC. Peter will remain
on the organization’s board of
managers and continue as part
of the ownership group while
Julianna will become the team’s
governor on the NBA’s board of
“I’m proud of what we’ve
achieved over the last two decades,” said Peter. “The championships are wonderful, bringing
new sports franchises to San
Antonio is important but the biggest accomplishment for me will
always be the impact we’ve had
in our community. The pride,
support and love that our city has
for the Spurs is truly amazing.”
Under the Holts’ leadership,
the team has become one of
the premier franchises in North
American sports. The Spurs have
captured five NBA titles (1999,
2003, 2005, 2007 and 2014)
while qualifying for the playoffs
19 straight seasons. The 2015-16
Spurs have a 54-10 record, the
best mark to start a season in
franchise history, and are a perfect
30-0 at home, which is the third
best home record to start a season
in NBA history.
“Our ownership in the Spurs
has always been a family affair,”
said Julianna. “For many years
I’ve had the desire to take a more
active role with Spurs Sports &
Entertainment. We felt this was
the right time to make this transition. We are very excited about
the current Spurs season and the
future of the organization.”
Spurs Sports & Entertainment
owns five sports franchises, the
San Antonio Spurs, the San
Antonio Rampage (AHL), the
San Antonio Stars (WNBA),
San Antonio FC (USL) and the
Austin Spurs (NBA Development
League). In addition, SS&E manages the day-to-day operations
of the AT&T Center and Toyota
Field. Under the Holts’ watch, the
organization has grown to over
350 full-time and almost 1,000
part-time employees.
“We’ve been fortunate to have
a wonderful ownership group
for the last two decades,” said
Rick Pych, president of business
operations for SS&E. “Peter has
provided great leadership. His
dedication, vision and management style have allowed all of us
to develop, grow and succeed.
We thank him for his service to
the Spurs and the San Antonio
community. All of us are excited
about the future of SS&E under
the guidance and leadership of
The board of managers of San
Antonio Spurs, LLC, per the request of Julianna, has appointed
Pych as co-CEO.
With most of her work taking
place behind the scenes, Julianna
has become the true matriarch of
the Holt and Hawn family businesses, as a partner in: American
Bank, Hawn Brothers Production,
Hewit & Dougherty, Hawn Holt
Interests, HOLT CAT, Hawn Holt
Cross Triangle Ranch and Prade
Growing up along the Texas
Gulf Coast in Corpus Christi,
Julianna developed a love for the
arts, education and agriculture
while cutting her teeth in the
Hawn family’s businesses. She
graduated from W.B. Ray High
School and moved to upstate New
York to study at Bennett College,
before two years later transferring
to Texas Tech University.
After graduation, Julianna’s
love for agriculture drew her to
the Hawn family ranch east of
Gonzales, Texas, where for 13
years she learned the practical,
day-to-day part of ranching. After
that time she moved back to Corpus Christi to work in a different
segment of the family businesses
at American Bank. In each of the
Hawn family’s ventures in banking, real estate and oil, Julianna
developed a simple leadership
motto: build skill and character,
keep a sense of humor and always
be yourself.
An avid patron and supporter
of the arts, Julianna was instrumental in the development of the
AT&T Center in 2002 and the
building’s $110 million renovation in the summer of 2015 as
she collaborated with a large
group, including the architects
and contractors, to create a premier entertainment destination
in South Texas that portrays the
unique history and culture of the
Julianna Hawn Holt was named chairman and CEO of Spurs
Sports & Entertainment on Wednesday. She and her husband,
Peter Holt, have worked together since they joined the Spurs
ownership group in 1996. (Courtesy photo)
region while highlighting a wide
array of regional artists.
Julianna is committed to supporting organizations that help
children, education - both academic and vocational, the arts,
and the state of Texas and its
way of life.
San Antonio FC jugó doble Los Spurs se vengaron de Bulls
partido de pretemporada
Por Sendero Deportivo
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
El nuevo equipo de fútbol
soccer San Antonio FC (SAFC),
afiliado a la United Soccer
League (USL) y propiedad de
la empresa Spurs Sports & Entertainment (SS&E), tras dos
semanas de entrenamientos en
el STAR Soccer Complex, con
el éxito deseado, el sábado 5
de marzo sostuvo un par de
partidos de pretemporada bajo
la observación de Tim Holt,
gerente, y Darren Powell, entrenador técnico, los jugadores ya
fichados y los que se encuentran
en calidad de invitados.
En estadio cerrado (Toyota
Field) se enfrentaron a los equipos universitarios St. Edward’s
University, dirigido por Brian
Young, con el que empataron
En su segundo partido con el
arquero Matt Cardone, nativo
de San Antonio de 22 años de
edad, SAFC, bajo la cabaña,
blanquearon 2-0 al duro rival
St. Mary’s University, dirigido
por el timonel en jefe Michael
Durante el partido, el entrenador Powell estuvo activo
animando a sus jugadores, indicándoles a grito abierto que
moviesen el balón por los
“Pongan la pelota en movi­
miento. Todos al ataque no
cedan terreno. ¡Vamos! ¡Sigan
combinándose el balón!”, expresaba Powell cuando faltaban
minutos para que se diera el
silbatazo final ante la gente comandada por el director técnico
El mediocampista angelino
Carlos Álvarez, quien fue el
primero en fichar con SAFC,
dejó ver sus cualidades sobre
la grama acoplándose con sus
compañeros y el arquero Cardone.
Álvarez llegó a SAFC con experiencia de dos años jugando
para los equipos Chivas USA y
Colorado Rapids, ambos afiliados a la Major League Soccer
(MLS), y con el club Charlotte
Independence, que es sucursal
del equipo Colorado Rapids.
Álvarez cursó estudios superiores en University of Connecticut, donde jugó a nivel
colegial obteniendo diploma
en español.
Fue elegido por Chivas USA
durante el 2013 MLS SuperDraft, marcando su debut profesional en su misma tierra ante
el Galaxy de Los Ángeles.
“El campo de entrenamiento
ha sido bueno para todos, ya
nos estamos acoplando y ello
es bueno para estar en óptima
condición, ya que se acerca
la fecha de la inauguración
en la primera temporada de
SAFC. Me siento contento de
pertenecer a esta franquicia.
Todos estamos con mentalidad
ganadora, como se vio en los
partidos de pretemporada”,
expresó Álvarez.
La decisión de Carlos Álvarez por firmar con SAFC fue
porque gusta de comenzar con
equipos que tienen futuro. A
principios de su llegada a SAFC
enfatiza la importancia de haber
sido convocado por SS&E, pues
bien pudo haber firmado con
equipos ya establecidos en la
MLSM; sin embargo, decidió
embarcarse en una nueva etapa
de su carrera siendo bienvenido
por la familia de los Spurs.
El gerente Holt, en breve
charla con La Prensa, dijo que
a paso firme se están realizando
trabajos de remodelación del
estadio Toyota Field, que ya
luce en el exterior cambios visuales con el nombre y logotipo
del plantel.
“Poco a poco hemos venido
realizando cambios en la fachada del estadio. Pronto comenzaremos a cambiar las butacas
y los colores alrededor del
interior del estadio con los que
se identifica nuestra empresa
(Los Spurs). Los muchachos
se vieron bien jugando durante
ambos partidos”, apuntó Holt.
SAFC este sábado continua­
rá con sus partidos de preparación; jugará un encuentro
amistoso contra el visitante
Dallas City FC, que milita en
el fútbol elite amateur en la
liga National Premier Soccer
League (NPSL). Su cita es a
las 2 p.m. a puerta cerrada en
el Toyota Field.
Entre semana SAFC, el miércoles 16 de marzo a las 2
p.m., recibirá al equipo local
Corinthians FC SA, que juega
en NPSL –South Central Conference of The South Region,
propiedad del magnate Pete
Veras, y dirigido por Benjamín
Galindo “El Maestro”, ex jugador de Chivas de Guadalajara y
Selección Nacional de México.
El boletaje de admisión y
reservados se encuentra a la
venta para los 15 partidos de
temporada regular que SAFC
sostendrá en el Toyota Field.
Los fanáticos interesados en
asistir a los partidos pueden
obtener información llamando
a un representante de ventas al
teléfono (210) 444-5657 o en
las taquillas del AT&T Center
de lunes a viernes de 10 a.m. a
5:30 p.m. y online en el sitio
La estafa que hice ante Gasol faltando dos minutos para concluir
el partido fue de repente. Estuve
cerca de él cuando iba rumbo a
la canasta y entonces pensé: ‘este
balón es mío y así fue como pude
concretar la jugada’”, dijo Martin
a La Prensa.
En relación a la hazaña del
capitán Duncan por haber logrado
la marca de los 15 mil rebotes
Popovich afirmó: “Al parecer
en cada partido Timmy estará
sumando marcas a su foja. Esta
noche pudimos verlo llegar a los
15 mil rebotes, lo cual nos tiene
orgullosos de él. Duncan es único
en su estilo de juego”.
“El ver mi nombre al lado de
otros grandes basquetbolistas
es para mí algo impresionante.
Durante ese lapso he tenido mucha diversión, ver sumar marcas
a mi récord. Pero sobre todo es
que tras lograr dicha marca pude
colaborar con mis compañeros
en la victoria obtenida esta noche
contra un gran rival como lo son
los Bulls de Chicago. Otra victoria más en casa, la cual nos sigue
ubicando por buen camino previo
a la recta final de la temporada”,
apuntó Duncan.
La empresa Spurs Sports &
Entertainment (SS&E) anunció
que el magnate Peter M. Holt se
ha jubilado de la organización
para la cual fungía como presidente y jefe ejecutivo oficial del
consejo directivo. Dicho cargo
será ocupado por su esposa, la
señora Julianna Hawn Holt, quien
asumirá ambos puestos.
Durante la presidencia del
señor Holt, SS&E (1996-2016)
logró la celebración de cinco
campeonatos de la NBA en los
años 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007
y 2014, así como la propiedad
de las franquicias Spurs de San
Antonio, San Antonio Rampage (AHL), San Antonio Stars
(WNBA), San Antonio FC (USL)
y Austin Spurs (NBA Development League).
El señor Holt seguirá siendo
miembro del consejo de mana­
gers y copropietario, mientras
que su esposa Julianna será la
gobernadora de la franquicia en
el consejo directivo NBA Board
of Governors.
El pentacampeón Spurs de
San Antonio, en el AT&T Center ante 18,418 espectadores en
partido con audiencia nacional
(transmitido por la cadena TNT),
derrotaron al visitante Bulls de
Este encuentro tuvo una duración de 2 horas con 13 minutos,
lapso en el que brillaron los astros locales LaMarcus Aldridge,
Kawhi Leonard, Danny Green,
Tony Parker, Manu Ginóbili y
el capitán Tim Duncan, quien en
la atrapada de su segundo rebote
logró acumular 15,000 rebotes
en su carrera de 19 temporadas
vistiendo el uniforme Silver &
Black con el legendario número
Fanáticos de los Bulls fueron
complacidos por los astros, el
guardia estelar Derrick Rose y
el alero y poste español Pau Gasol. Por la quinteta de los Spurs,
Leonard, Aldridge y Parker se
combinaron anotando 75 de los
109 puntos. Mientras que por
Bulls, Gasol aportaba 21 unidades, seguido por Rose con 21 y
el veloz escolta E’Twaun Moore
20 puntos.
El timonel Gregg Popovich,
que recientemente reforzó la
rotación con los guardias Andre
Miller y Kevin Martin (ambos
provenientes de los Timbewolves
de Minnesota), volvió a sorprender a la audiencia cuando envió
a la duela a Martin. Con Miller,
Popovich hizo lo mismo. A los
dos días de haber sido firmado (29
de febrero) lo asignó ante Pistons
de Detroit. Martin tuvo acción durante 7:42 minutos con trabajo de
1 enceste en dos intentos de tiro
libre, y un robo de balón contra
el espigado íbero Gasol.
“Estoy contento porque no
Dos astros del mejor baloncesto mundial. El capitán y alero estelar
esperaba que fuese a ser llamado
Tim Duncan, enfrentándose al poste y alero ibérico Pau Gasol, en
para entrar en acción, en tan popartido de revancha ganado por Spurs con pizarra de 109-101 en
cos días que tengo con los Spurs.
el AT&T Center. (Foto, Franco)
13 de marzo de 2016
St. Mary’s Kling-Cavazos inducted into
Heartland Conference Hall of Fame
By Chad Peters
Kymberly Kling-Cavazos’
name now sits next to Buddy
Meyer’s in the Heartland Conference Hall of Fame.
One St. Mary’s legend joined
another, as the softball icon KlingCavazos joined the one-of-a-kind
Basketball Coach Meyer in earning the conference’s highest honor. Kling-Cavazos was inducted
during a ceremony at halftime
of the Heartland Conference
Women’s Basketball Tournament at the Union Multipurpose
Activity Center in Tulsa (Sunday,
March 6).
The Rattler legend was inducted
alongside former Texas A&M
International baseball player Ryan
Flynn and Heartland Conference
commissioner Tony Stigliano,
joining Meyer and another in the
five-member Hall of Fame.
“During my time as a player
and a coach at St. Mary’s, Buddy
Meyer was certainly a Rattler
icon,” Kling-Cavazos said. “To
be forever linked with him in this
Hall of Fame is truly a blessing.”
Kling-Cavazos continued: “It
is a privilege to be recognized
not only by my St. Mary’s family
but by the conference as a whole.
I would like to thank my family,
friends, coaches and teammates
for their continued support, and
I would also like to thank the
Heartland Conference for this
tremendous honor.”
Few have accomplished what
Kling-Cavazos achieved while
wearing the Gold and Blue from
2002 through 2004, as the pitcher
was a three-time All-American,
three-time Heartland Conference
Player of the Year, was named
the 2003 National Softball Player
of the Year and was chosen as a
Top 25 Athlete of the Decade in
NCAA Division II for the 2000’s.
And she achieved all that while
leading Rattler Softball to its
second national championship –
and the softball team’s first as a
member of the NCAA – back in
2002 during St. Mary’s infancy in
the Heartland Conference.
“I played for the Heartland
Conference in its early years and
it has been exciting to watch the
league’s continued growth under
Tony Stigliano,” said KlingCavazos, who last month had her
jersey number 17 retired by St.
Mary’s University Athletics. “I’m
excited for the future of the league
and honored for my continued association with it moving forward.”
For her career, Kling-Cavazos
For her brilliant career while wearing the Gold and Blue, Kymberly Kling-Cavazos, was inducted
into the Heartland Conference Hall of Fame. (Courtesy photo)
graduated as the all-time Heartland Conference leader in countless hitting and pitching categories, including shutouts, strikeouts, wins, batting average, RBI,
doubles and on-base percentage.
And to this day, her career ERA of
1.11 still stands atop the Heartland
Conference record book.
In all, the St. Mary’s Hall of
Famer graduated with 506 strikeouts in 645.2 innings pitched,
totaling 88 victories, 29 shutouts
and four no-hitters in 103 games
started – not to mention the 159
RBI, 60 doubles and career batting
average of .407 that she produced
at the plate.
In 2002, she led the NCAA in
hits with 92, led the nation in doubles with 24 and led the country
in RBI with 69. She also tied for
the nation’s lead in victories that
season, winning 35 games in the
circle. Kling-Cavazos graduated
with a career record of 88 victories
and 12 losses.
Piratas vs. Rieleros en la final
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
En la serie semifinal de los
playoffs, en Torneo Liga Dominical Potranco III, los Piratas de
Sabinas con pizarra de 4 a 2
carreras eliminaron al duro rival
Bravos (campeón de temporada
El lanzador abridor derecho
de Piratas, Víctor “Picho” Velázquez, lanzó cinco episodios
dejando el marcador a favor 3-2.
El timonel Sergio de Luna y
el coordinador general Daniel
Guerrero optaron por darle la
responsabilidad del resto del
partido al relevista Joe Gonzales,
quien cerró efectivamente sin
ceder terreno ante los bateadores
rivales, siendo ayudado por sus
compañeros en la producción de
la cuarta anotación.
La derrota fue para el abridor
Renee Martin, quien tuvo el
respaldo del manager Francisco
“Damos gracias porque se
cumplió el objetivo de ganar el
partido de semifinal. Ahora nos
estaremos enfocando en salir
adelante en la gran final del playoff. Vamos por nuestro segundo
El pequeño Jordán Maldonado felicitó a su abuelo, el lanzador
Víctor Velázquez, acompañado por el relevista Joe Gonzales.
Ambos con su picheo dieron el pase a Piratas para la final vs.
Rieleros. (Fotos, Franco)
campeonato en esta liga. Nuestras
derrotas en los últimos partidos
fueron con pizarra cerrada. Se
perdió por la mínima diferencia.
Ahora fue todo lo contrario, por
lo que estamos confiados de
poder continuar jugando mejor
ofensiva y defensiva”, dijo Guer-
Piratas eliminaron a Bravos para ahora disputarle el campeonato a los Rieleros.
En el segundo partido de semifinal, los Rieleros, dirigidos
por JP Reza y Francisco Cano,
con pizarra de 7-5 eliminaron
al sublíder Diablos del jugador
y manager Jesús Ramírez y
su coach José Villalobos. Por
Diablos (campeón invicto de la
temporada de verano) comenzó
y cerró el lanzador zurdo Chris
Pacheco, quien se enfrentó en
duelo ante el potente derecho
Juan Francisco Cadena, quien
en el noveno episodio con un
out en la pizarra fue relevado por
Miguel García, que exitosamente
salvó el partido dominando a los
dos últimos bateadores rivales
para consumar el out número 27.
El jardinero derecho Freddy
Rodríguez, en la sexta entrada
con toque de bola, impulsó la
sexta carrera, yéndose a la tercera
base en error.
El tercera base Óscar Márquez
remolcó a Rodríguez para un
marcador de 7-4, con lo que armaron la victoria.
Por Diablos pegó cuadrangular
Jesús Ramírez Jr.
Por Rieleros, el campo corto
Marcos García, con vuelacerca
productor de tres anotaciones fue
el MVP del partido.
Juan Francisco Cadena, lanzador estelar del equipo Rieleros, en
ocho entradas un tercio dominó a los bateadores rivales de los
“Vamos por el campeonato
contra un gran equipo (Piratas).
La serie a ganar dos de tres
partidos será el Clásico de Invierno que los fanáticos no deben
perderse de ver”, dijo JP Reza.
Este domingo 13 de marzo,
Rieleros y Piratas en el horario de
las 12 p.m. se miden en el primero
de tres partidos a jugarse en el
estadio Rusty Lyons, ubicado en
el 6400 McCullough Ave.
Rieleros con defensiva eliminaron a Diablos, se ven parejos para enfrentar a Piratas.
Broncos de Reynosa SA es líder
Por Sendero Deportivo
cos seguirán adelante en las dos
contiendas que restan del rol regular. Warriors y Cachorros tendrán
que hacer su propia hazaña, no
podemos confiarnos. Deseamos
todo lo mejor a los equipos que
siguen compitiendo por lograr
una mejor posición en standing”,
apuntó Garza.
El equipo O’s ganó sin sudar la
franela ante Warriors que perdie­
ron por defaul.
El sublíder Colt 45 (tiene marca
de 8-3) de Jaime Guerrero y José
Montes doblegó 9-5 a los Cacho­
rros de Nava.
Por los victoriosos abrió en la
lomita Jaime Guerrero, siendo
relevado por Leonard Gates.
Por los derrotados comenzó
Noé Pech, quien cedió el montí-
El trabuco fronterizo Broncos
de Reynosa SA, propiedad de los
esposos Linda y Roberto Garza
(manager), con su holgada victoria ante Mineros de Rosita de
5 a 2 carreras se posesionó del
liderato en la Colt 45 Oldtimers
Baseball League.
Broncos tienen una marca de 8
victorias por 2 derrotas. Sus dos
próximos rivales, Nairobi Wa­
rriors y Cachorros de Nava, no
son de peligro, pero pueden hacer
la hazaña, por lo que Mr. Garza
no debe confiarse ya que en el
béisbol nada está escrito.
El ex lanzador profesional fronterizo Luis Alfonso Velázquez
“Chorejas”, en plan grande, lanzó
toda la ruta aceptando las dos
anotaciones en los ganchos del
emergente Ubaldo Montelongo
y Gerardo Leija.
“La unión del equipo en la
ofensiva y defensiva fue la base Roberto Garza, timonel y dueño de Broncos de Reynosa SA, captado al frente del equipo tras
del triunfo. Con la victoria Bron- celebración de victoria que los ubicó en el primer lugar en Colt 45 Oldtimers Baseball League.
Luis Alfonso Velázquez, lanzador estelar de Broncos de Reynosa,
perdió la blanqueada ante Mineros por anotación del emergente
Ubaldo Montelongo captado al fondo. (Fotos, Sendero Deportivo)
culo al relevista Hilario Álvarez.
“Cachorros esperan ver en acción al novato importado Felipe
Picazo, quien viene a cubrir el
campo corto y a darnos muestra
de su poderío en el bateo”, dijo el
timonel Alejandro Becerra.
Este sábado 12 de marzo se
miden los equipos Cachorros
vs. Mineros. O’s vs. Red Sox.
Broncos vs. Warriors. Descansa
Colt 45.
13 de marzo de 2016
©2016 HEB, 16-0632
13 de marzo de 2016
UTSA abre ventana de la ciencia a los niños
Texto y fotos
por Roberto J. Pérez
Con invitación para los padres
de familia, maestros y el público
en general, University of Texas
San Antonio preparó el evento
anual Science Fair, a fin de que
los niños de primaria se asomaran al fascinante mundo de la
ciencia y la tecnología moderna.
El sábado 5 de marzo UTSA
instaló en La Villita múltiples es-
taciones con muestras de proyectos científicos; mostró aparatos
autómatas (robots) para que los
escolares tuvieran la oportunidad
de operarlos, en una iniciativa de
sembrar en ellos a temprana edad
el interés por el mundo maravilloso de la ciencia.
Participaron en la instalación
de las estaciones de muestra
diferentes facultades de la universidad y otras organizaciones
comerciales que dependen de la
13 de marzo de 2016
Jugadores del Rampage visitaron a estudiantes del programa Team Up Challenge
Texto y fotos
por José I. Franco
[email protected]
Estudiantes del tercero y quinto grado en Mead Elementary
School, que se encuentran participando en el programa de ciencias
del Silver & Black Give Back
Team Up Challenge, recibieron la
visita de patinadores canadienses
jugadores del club Rampage de
San Antonio, afiliado a la American Hockey League/AHL.
Los jugadores visitantes fueron
el central Troy Bourke, de 21
años de edad, nativo de Onoway,
Canadá, y el alero izquierdo Reid
Petryk, de 23 años de edad, nativo
de Edmonton, Alberta, Canadá,
ambos prospectos de la sucursal
Avalanche de Colorado, afiliado
a la National Hockey League
En el laboratorio de ciencias
Bourke y Petryk fueron presentados por Kelly Galvin, quien
representó a la empresa Spurs
Sports & Entertainment, que es la
propietaria del Rampage.
Los distinguidos visitantes, que
vistieron sus respectivas camisas
de juego con los números 11 y
48, de inmediato se dieron a la
tarea por ganarse la confianza de
los pequeños estudiantes y de sus
mentores; Benjamin Smith, Chris
Clark, Bridget Lynch, y Gabrielle
Larguza, quienes cursan estudios
de preparatoria en el Texas Military Institute (TMI) –The Episcopal School of Texas.
A ellos se unió el universitario
Tim Davison, voluntario de Trinity University.
Los talleres de ciencia se realizaron con cinco equipos (rota-
Disfrutando del ‘dominguito beisbolero’. Alejandro Becerra del club Cachorros de Nava, Manuel
Cisneros, Roberto Garza, manager y propietario del club Broncos de Reynosa SA, Linda Garza,
gerente general de Broncos, Beatrice Cisneros, Héctor Ibarra, dueño del equipo Águilas de La
Sauceda. Los esposos Manuel y Beatrice Cisneros se encuentran tomándose merecidas vacaciones
tras haber dedicado cuatro décadas en la administración de su estadio Colt 45 Baseball Field, ahora
administrado por el beisbolista Jaime Guerrero. (Foto, Franco)
tivos) bajo el tema de estudios
(experimentos) de la naturaleza
Los alumnos a la vez recibieron
reconocimiento por su dura tarea
con la que han venido cumpliendo
en proyecto de ciencia en el Silver & Black Give Back (SBGB)
Team Up Challenge.
Los estudiantes mentores del
TMI colaboran durante el año escolar con Mead Elementary promoviendo educación en ciencias
y en sus habilidades académicas
en el salón de clases.
“Cada mes tratamos de hacer
dos o tres visitas a este centro educativo, con lo que cumplimos a la
vez con nuestra clase de ciencias,
que llevamos en TMI. La visita
de los jugadores motiva a los
estudiantes y les ayuda porque se
interesen más en dicha materia”,
afirmó la preparatoriana Larguza.
Bourke y Petryk, además
de participar en los talleres,
escucharon preguntas de los
alumnos, y les dieron excelentes
respuestas motivándolos para
que continúen superándose académicamente.
“Nosotros también aprendimos
algo nuevo. Nos motiva ver que
estos alumnos se interesen por
sobresalir en una maravillosa
materia como son las ciencias
naturales”, afirmó Petryk.
Por su lado, Bourke enfatizó la
importancia de que el Rampage
apoye programas educativos en
la comunidad, indicando a la vez
que su visita los motivará para
continuar adelante en la presente
temporada en la que les resta por
jugar 14 partidos, con el último
en el AT&T Center el viernes 15
de abril contra Manitoba Moose,
de Winnipeg, Canadá (7:30 p.m.).
En el Rusty Lyons Sports Park se le festejaron sus 54 años de feliz existencia a José Villalobos,
beisbolista y coach del equipo Diablos (campeón invicto temporada 2015), afiliado al Torneo
Dominical Potranco. El feliz cumpleañero disfrutó deliciosa cena y saboreó un par de pasteles
de su preferencia. Lo felicitaron su bella esposa Elizabeth Villalobos, sus hijas Ana y Dariela, su
heredero Óscar (organizadores del inolvidable festejo), sus siete nietos, amistades y compañeros
de equipo. (Foto, Franco)
13 de marzo de 2016
Daniela, Tony, Alexandra y Connie.
Invitación especial al Ballet Folklórico Bendiciones en la Plaza de
Daniela Espinoza, una de las estrellas del Ballet Bendiciones y
La Villita que, conjuntamente, con el Arneson River Theatre son
Miss Latina San Antonio.
escenarios para la temporada de conciertos de primavera-verano.
(Fotos, R. J. Pérez)
Trabajando asiduamente en la confección de motivos decorativos,
“Splendor on The Range”, exhibición en el Museo Witte que
cientos de voluntarios, como estas personas, preparan los esceilustra cómo la introducción del caballo por los españoles en
narios de “A Night in The Old San Antonio”, que empieza el 19
tierras del Nuevo Mundo cambió la vida cotidiana de los pueblos
de marzo en La Villita.
nativos americanos.
Shenna Hyden, directora de Programas Públicos en el Witte
Museum, muestra la copia de una pluma de águila usada en vestiduras típicas de los pueblos nativos de Norteamérica en épocas
pre-coloniales. Escena en la exposición “Splendor on the Range”
en dicho museo, abierta hasta el 21 de agosto de 2016.
Diferentes grupos de raíces populares celebraron el sábado 5 de febrero en Milam Park el Día Internacional de La Mujer, que –al igual que en diferentes partes del mundo– tiene el objetivo de concientizar a la opinión pública sobre por los derechos de la mujer. (Fotos, R. J. Pérez)
13 de marzo de 2016
CIA Bakery Café reopens doors for your sweet tooth
By Christina Acosta
[email protected]
Price Range: $
The Culinary Institute of America
(CIA) is known for their savory
restaurant Nao and their occasional
Latin pop-up dinners; however, for
a limited time, you have the opportunity to taste their sweet side.
This week, the CIA was excited to
announce the return of the popular
CIA Bakery Café at the Pearl for the
next six weeks. The café was created
to invoke a uniquely exciting dining
experience for customers, while providing CIA students the knowledge
with the daily operations of a bakery.
The bakery is also used as a
capstone course for CIA baking
and pastry arts majors, who will be
graduating in April with their Associate of Applied Science (AAS)
degrees. Students will work in both
the front and back of the house at
the café under the direction of Chefs
Alain Dubernard and Patrick Clark,
as well as instructor Jenny Placette.
La Prensa recently spoke with
Chef Dubernard to discuss how
students make a bittersweet ending to their culinary education. For
students who have put their baking
skills to the table at the CIA institute
for two years, this café will bring
them the opportunity to show what
they learned.
“We are like any other bake
shop. We check to verify the skills
of the students and do a little bit of
everything from breakfast breads to
scones all the way to empanadas. It
is a variation where the instructors
teach and forecast students on what
to expect and for them to put those
skills on the table. It is basically
everything it takes to maintain a
bakery,” explained Chef Dubernard.
Once instructors and students
have tasted the final products on the
menu, Chef Dubernard revealed that
many of the items will be recognized
by regular customers.
“Expect the highest standards
at Culinary Institute of America.
People will eat delicious products,”
advised Chef Dubernard. “Students
also have the opportunity to put out
certain products that they enjoy cre-
ating and taste test the items, other
students then give their opinion,
including myself, and we decide if
it should go on the menu … I have
always worked hard to expand their
creativity, and they have made well
done, high quality pastries and provided good service to their finishing
Many pastries customer’s enjoyed include Chocolate XS Cake,
Coconut Frangipane cupcake, Cannele de Bordeaux and Cranberry
Walnut Scones.
The CIA Bakery Café will also
offer breakfast and lunch items including bagels, mac and cheese, new
salads and savory dishes. In addition
to new creations, the bakery will
also carry great coffee and signature
aguas frescas every weekday until
April 14.
“I hope that many people come
to try all the goods our CIA has to
offer and give us feedback. We are
excited to open our doors every year
when this time comes because we
want the community to approach
us, and we would like to see the
results of two years of hard work,”
expressed Chef Dubernard. “That
is our reason to be here: to educate
and be committed to our students
and with everybody here in San
CIA Bakery Café is located at
Pearl at 312 Pearl Parkway, Suite
2102, with the entrance located off
Karnes Street. CIA Bakery Café
will be open Monday to Friday for
breakfast lunch and sweets from 8
a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information and updates, please visit www.
The Culinary Institute of America at San Antonio is excited about the return of the popular CIA Bakery Café, which will open for
six weeks. The pop-up café will offer a variety of favorite sweet and savory bakery items, new creations and delicious beverages
every weekday through April 14. (Courtesy photo)
13 de marzo de 2016
Two nights with Harry Connick, Jr. at the Tobin
By Lucy Almanza
[email protected]
The Tobin Center of the Performing Arts will welcome musician, singer, composer and star
of the stage and screen, Harry
Connick, Jr. for two special nights
this spring.
The Grammy-winning recording artist and judge on “American
Idol” will perform on April 25 and
26 at 7:30 p.m. at the Tobin’s HE-B Performance Hall, in support
of his new album “That Would
Be Me.”
Tickets can be purchased online at www.tobincenter.org, via
phone (210) 223-8624 and inperson at the Tobin Center’s Box
Office located at 100 Auditorium
Circle, 78205. Tickets are $59.50,
$69.50, $89.50 and $109.50.
The New Orleans native has
felt a strong connection to music since he was five years old,
which has grown and evolved
throughout his three decade career, making him a pivotal figure
in American music. Besides being a successful musician, singer,
composer, songwriter, arranger
and bandleader, Connick’s also
managed to compile a compelling
acting and performance résumé,
going from music, to film, to TV,
to Broadway and to the concert
stage time and time again.
Most recently, Connick has
been seen as a respected judge on
the Fox TV hit show “American
Idol,” currently in its final season.
However, the 48-year-old singer
will continue his creative journey
on television. His daytime entertainment show “Harry” is slated
for a fall debut this year.
For his latest record “That
Would Be Me,” Connick took a
step outside his musical comfort
The Grammy-winning recording artist and judge on “American Idol” will perform on April 25 and 26 at 7:30 p.m. at the Tobin’s H-E-B Performance Hall, in support of his new album “That Would Be Me.” (Courtesy photo)
zone and worked with two “external” producers on this album – a
first in his career. Almost every
single project before has been
produced by him and his longtime
producer and collaborator Tracey
“Prior to this album – I’d go into
the room and write charts or songs
or what was needed, I come into
the studio whether it’s with a trio
or orchestra or funk band or whatever, and I tell them what I want
them to play how I want them to
play it, and it’s 100 percent credit
or fault on me,” Connick said.
Working with the acclaimed
Eg White (Sam Smith, Adele,
Florence and The Machine) and
Butch Walker (Taylor Swift, Katy
Perry, Pink), the singer carefully
crafted an album full of surprises
and stirring musical conjurations,
resulting in 11 new songs.
“This is brand new territory. I’m
used to jumping in head-first, but
all of a sudden I found myself not
in full control of the wheel anymore,” Connick stated in regards
to the recording process. “Butch
La Santa Cecilia presentará su
nuevo disco en San Antonio
Por Adda Montalvo
[email protected]
del Día de los Muertos. Su
colorido video destaca toda la
vistosidad gráfica y musical que
hacen de La Santa Cecilia uno de
los grupos alternativos latinos
más importantes del momento.
Y sencillo más reciente fue
“Nunca más”, una cumbia funky
que toca el tema de la búsqueda
de los emigrantes por la justicia,
de quienes huyeron de sus países
de origen por la violencia.
Para la grabación de este tema
la banda contó con la participación de David Hidalgo y Steve
Berlin de Los Lobos.
Recientemente, la banda dio
a conocer un video hecho por
estudiantes sobre “Nunca Más”.
“Escribimos esta canción inspirada por diferentes movimientos
estudiantiles del mundo que han
enfrentado la persecución mientras pelean por cambios positivos
en sus sociedades. Nos inspira
ver a los jóvenes tomar esta
canción en sus propias manos y
expresar lo que sienten a través
de este video. Esperamos que
inspire a los jóvenes de diferentes lugares a hacer lo mismo”,
expresó el grupo al respecto.
El álbum “Buenaventura”
incluye también los temas “Sa-
cudo la pereza”, “Here we go
again”, “Tragos de Amargo
Licor” (con Enrique Bunbury),
“Vámonos” (en colaboración
con Fito Paez), “Caminante
Nocturno” (con Latino Arts
String Program of Milwakee,
Wisconsin), “Pa´Que trabajar”
y “Sucede” y está producido por
Sebastian Krys.
La unión de los talentos de
los integrantes de la banda: La
Marisoul Hernández (Voz), José
“Pepe” Carlos (Acordeón y Requinto), Miguel “Oso” Ramirez
(Percusión), y Alex Bendana
(Bajo) hacen que su música sea
una amalgama de sonidos que
van desde los géneros latinos,
rock, pop, norteño, salsa, caribes, R&B, jazz latino, vals y
Por esta diversidad su música
es catalogada por revistas musicales y comentaristas radiales
como “Pan-americana”.
La Santa Cecilia es una banda
formada en Los Ángeles. Toma
su nombre de Santa Cecilia,
patrona de los músicos.
En 2014 ganaron el premio
Grammy al Mejor Disco Latina,
Urbano o Alternativo con su
larga duración “Treinta Días”.
is more of a ‘let’s play the song
in the room’ kind of guy, so we
invited a couple more musicians
in; with Eg, it was a completely
different experience – it was just
the two of us in a room writing,
starting with an idea, a groove or
a chord or melody line.”
This was a contrasting experience for the performer since
he wrote the music, lyric and
arrangements for his previous album, “Every Man Should Know.”
However, he admits that even
though it was difficult at times,
it was an overall enlightening
process where he met “musical
soul mates.”
“To be able to bounce ideas
off someone and not have to do
everything at the same time – I
did benefit from that,” he said.
Overall, Connick enjoyed both
collaborative styles and had the
final say on the end result.
Released in October of last
year, “That Would Be Me” includes infectious gems like the
White-produced “(I Like It When
You) Smile,” which includes an
impromptu-hand clap and Connick serving up a one-of-a-kindscat-rap-of-a-vocal that heats up
mid-song and never lets down.
Fans will be able to enjoy this
song during the shows and many
others, including the percolating
“(I Think I) Love U A Little Bit,”
the heart-wrenching ballad “Do
You Really Need Her,” the sultry/funky “Songwriter” and the
catchy first single, “(I Do) Like
We Do.”
For tickets or more information,
please visit www.tobincenter.org.
El sonido más contemporáneo de Perú,
Chile, Colombia y España estará en el SXSW
Por Adda Montalvo
[email protected]
Si quieres escuchar un rock, un
pop, un hip hop distinto, latino,
La Santa Cecilia, la banda
joven, fresco y con propuestas
angelina ganadora de premio
musicales de otras partes del
Grammy, se presentará en San
continente y Europa, el Festival
Antonio Texas el viernes 1 de
de Música del South by Southabril en el Charline McCombs
west (SXSW) en Austin, del 15
Empire Theatre (226 N. St.
al 20 de marzo, será el escenario
Marys Street, San Antonio TX
idóneo, a solo una hora de San
78205) a las 8:00 p.m. como
parte de su gira de promoción
Este año bandas de Colombia,
de su nuevo disco titulado “BueEspaña, Chile, Perú, México y
otros países volverán a partici“Buenaventura” fue puesto
par en festival de cine, música y
a la venta el 26 de febrero y
conferencias que se desarrolla en
lanzado en el Appel Room de
la capital de Texas desde 1987.
Nueva York.
A continuación algunos de los
El primer sencillo de esta
nueva producción fue lanzado
Laguna Pai (Perú). Para
el año pasado, siendo este “I
quienes gustan del reggae rock
won´t cry for you” (No te lloro
latino con mensajes ecológicos
más), un tema con una versión
pueden acercarse el sábado 19
en inglés y otra en español en
de marzo a la Flamingo Canel cual una chica se queja de las
tina (Austin) para escuchar a la
inconsistencias amorosas de su
banda peruana Laguna Pai. Con
novio, una relación que no tiene
su tercer álbum a cuestas titufuturo, por lo cual decide que
lado “Resilencias”, el grupo de
ya es momento de decir basta y
8 integrantes, trae a Austin sus
seguir adelante.
canciones de reggae roots con
El segundo sencillo fue “Caletras que hablan de la conserlaverita”, una canción de ritmo
vación ambiental, la igualdad, la
pegajoso que celebra la tradición
inclusión social, introspección y
Miss Garrison (Chile). Un
trío chileno que ha triunfado en
su patria gracias a su sonido que
se asienta en los géneros como
electro pop, post rock y ambienta, con una atmósfera oscura.
Su más reciente trabajo es el EP
“Land of Aloha”. Debutarán en
el SXSW con una doble presentación: el miércoles 16 de marzo
en el Sledge Hammer (503 E 6th
St.) y el sábado 19 de marzo en
el Maggie’s Mae (323 E 6th St.).
Jenny and The Mexicats
(España-México). Su más reciente sencillo es “Sin tus estrellas”, que forma parte de la banda
sonora de la comedia romántica
La Santa Cecilia está de gira para promocionar su nueva producción “Buenaventura”. (Foto, mexicana “Busco Novio para mi
Mujer”. Los integrantes del grupo
Jenny and The Mexicats es una banda cuyos integrantes provienen de México, España e Inglaterra que tocan música pop con
una gran combinación de géneros musicales. Ellos son solo una
del gran número de bandas latinas que se presentarán durante
el Festival de Música del SXSW 2016 en Austin. (Foto, cortesía)
son distintas nacionalidades. Icho
(contrabajo) y Pantera (guitarra
flamenca) son mexicanos. Jenny
Ball (cantante, trompetista y
compositora) es inglesa. Y David
(cajonista) es español. Los integrantes se conocieron en Madrid
(España). Su más reciente álbum
se titula “OME” y en él mezclan
nuevos géneros y sonidos como el
veracruzano, reggae, guapango y
country. Esta banda se presentará
el 18 de marzo en el Continental
Durán (Colombia). El estilo de este cantante mezcla
ritmos electrónicos con cumbia,
champeta criolla, dance hall y
hip hop. Al combinar todos los
sonidos que escuchó mientras
crecía dio luz a un nuevo sonido
en Colombia al que se le llama
“Nü Cumbia” y una nueva estética
que él llama “chirripop”. Durán se
presentará el jueves 17 de marzo en
Speak Easy (de 10:00 a 10:40 p.m.)
y el viernes 18 de marzo en Half
Step (11:00 p.m. a 11:40 p.m.).
Pedrina y Río (Colombia).
Dúo de música alternativa de
Bogotá compuesto por Pedrina
(voz) y Río cuyo sonido es un
electro pop con toques de folclor
latinoamericano. Su álbum debut
“Canciones sin Ropa” fue lanzado en 2015. Se presentarán en el
SXSW el miércoles 16 de marzo
en el Radio Stage Day (12:00
a 12:40 p.m.) y el jueves 17 de
marzo en Speak Easy (11:00 a
11:40 p.m.).
Velo de Oza (Colombia). La
música de esta banda ha sido
descrita por la revista Billboard
como una “mezcla de carranga,
música folclórica de campo colombiano –principalmente del
estado de Boyacá– casada con
rock y pop”. Su sonido es único
gracias al uso de instrumentos
musicales tradicionales como la
guacharaca y el humor que despliegan en las grabaciones como
el escenario. Por eso se le llama a
su género “Carranga Rock”. Velo
de Oza se presentará el jueves 17
de marzo en Speak Easy (8:00
a 8:40 p.m.) y el viernes 18 de
marzo en Flamingo Cantina.
Desde España
La plataforma de España para
dar a conocer su música en el
SXSW lleva por nombre “Sounds
of Spain” y este año contará con
la presencia de 6 bandas.
Entre el 16 y 18 marzo se presentarán las bandas Agoraphobia, Juan
Zelada, Los Nastys, Sexy Zebras,
Juventud Juché y The Parrots.
Los escenarios serán el miércoles 16 de marzo de 12:00 p.m. a
4:00 p.m. en el Brush Square Park
(West Tent). Y el viernes 18 de
marzo, a partir de las 8:00 p.m. en
Lucille (77 Rainey Street).
Para más información sobre el
Festival Interactivo (11 al 15 de
marzo), Film Festival (11 al 19
de marzo) y Festival Musical (15
al 20 de marzo) visite sxsw.com
13 de marzo de 2016
President Obama and First Lady
Michelle Obama speak at SXSW 2016
San Antonio, an Irish experience
Special to La Prensa
The Irish experience in San
Antonio first began when Hugo
Oconor came to New Spain as
Governor-ad-interim serving
from 1767-1770.
Hugo Oconor was born Hugh
O’Connor in Dublin, Ireland
around 1734. He ran afoul of
English Law in Ireland and
fled to Spain where he joined
the Spanish Army. As Hugo
Oconor, he laid the cornerstone
of Mission San Jose in 1768.
In 1772, he was named Inspector General and Commandante
General of the northern province
of New Spain, whose charge was
to bring order to the far flung
colonies as well as its security.
O’Connor was not the only
one to adopt a Spanish flair to
his name. Records of Spanish
troops with Irish names also
show how they were identified in Spanish. O’Donoghue
became O’Donoju, Murphy became Morfi (Fray Juan Agustin
Morfi wrote a work on Mission
San Jose calling it the Queen of
the Missions of Texas),
O’Brien became Obregon,
Berrigan became Barragan,
Galvan and Moran remained
the same and the name Phelan
became Felan.
Where the surnames remained
the same, the first names would
change such as Bernardo
O’Higgins, Pedro O’Daly, or
Patricio Mccarthy. (In Mexico
itself, past president Vicente
Fox has roots in Ireland through
South by Southwest (SXSW) is
honored to announce First Lady
Michelle Obama will be the opening Keynote at SXSW Music on
Wednesday, March 16. President
Barack Obama appeared as part of
a Keynote Conversation at SXSW
Interactive on Friday, March 11.
This marks the first time in the
30-year history of SXSW that a
sitting President and the First Lady
have participated in the event,
which is known for showcasing the
most innovative ideas and creative
talent of our time.
Over the past 30 years, SXSW
has become the premier destination to discover game-changing
new technologies, films and artists
while networking with some of
the brightest minds where ideas
and topics converge to unite all
industries and cultures.
President Obama sat down with
Editor-in-Chief of The Texas Tribune Evan Smith for a conversation about civic engagement in the
21st century before an audience
of creators, early adopters and
entrepreneurs who are defining
the future of our connected lives.
The President called on the
audience to apply their ideas
and talents to make technology
work for us – especially when it
comes to tackling big challenges
like increasing participation in
the political process and fighting
climate change.
First Lady Michelle Obama
First Lady Michelle Obama will be the opening Keynote at SXSW
Music on Wednesday, March 16. (Courtesy photo)
comes to SXSW Music to discuss
the “Let Girls Learn” initiative,
which aims to break barriers
for the 62 million girls around
the world who are not in school
today, more than half of whom
are adolescent. The SXSW Music Conference brings the global
music industry together and offers
the perfect platform to celebrate
Women’s History Month, as the
First Lady provides her call to
action to support girls’ education.
“I can’t imagine a better way
to celebrate our event’s 30th year
than to welcome both the President and First Lady to SXSW,”
said SXSW Co-founder Roland
Swenson. “As each new generation comes up at SXSW they look
for ways they can be of service,
and it’s important to reflect and
support that message. President
and Mrs. Obama’s visit here will
inspire attendees to that purpose.”
First Lady Michelle Obama’s
event is open to all SXSW Music,
Film, Gold and Platinum registrants.
Fostering creative and professional growth, SXSW is the
premier destination for discovery.
The event is a launch pad for innovative content with new media
presentations, music showcases
and film screenings providing exposure for creators and compelling
entertainment for attendees.
SXSW 2016 takes place March
11-20 in Austin, TX. For more
information, please visit www.
Explore Storybook Houses at the
S.A. Botanical Garden this spring
Special to La Prensa
The San Antonio Botanical Garden and the American Institute of
Architects will bring storybooks to
life this spring with the interactive
display Storybook Houses, which
debuted on March 5 and will continue until July 10.
The five unique interpretations,
selected from a competitive field
of submissions, will be on display
for Garden visitors to explore inside
and out.
The Storybook Houses Exhibit is
part of an ongoing, award-winning
partnership between the San Antonio Botanical Garden and the San
Antonio chapter of The American
Institute of Architects (AIA), aimed
at showcasing both organizations’
commitment to and focus on the
environment, recycling, education
and sustainability.
Area architects and design teams
submitted entries for consideration,
utilizing a wide array of styles
and materials. A panel of judges
representing the AIA, San Antonio
Public Library and the Botanical
Garden reviewed the designs and
scored them based on a variety of
criteria such as creativity of design
and use/re-use of weather-resistant
materials; focus on recycling, reuse
or sustainability; accessibility; collaboration with others; and design
appeal for all ages of visitors.
The five entries selected for
the exhibit were constructed at
the Garden and are now ready for
exploration in March.
“This AIA partnership is a treat
for the imagination. This year’s
theme opened up so many possibilities for the creative teams
participating,” says Bob Brackman, executive director of the San
Antonio Botanical Garden. “The
By Joan Moody
his grandfather. One of Mexico’s top muralists was the artist
Juan O’Gorman.)
Early San Antonio had many
outstanding Irish personages.
Edward and Thomas Dwyer,
John Twohig come to mind as
does Bryan Callaghan Sr., a
native of Ireland, who married
into one of the families of the
Canary Islanders. The Callaghan
family gave three mayors to San
Antonio. They were Bryan Sr.,
Bryan Jr., and Alfred, who was
mayor in the 1940s. The Kildays
gave sons to church and state.
One son was congressman of
the 20th District who died in office and was replaced by Henry
B. Gonzales. Another son was
Sheriff of Bexar County and
another an Oblate Priest.
San Antonio throughout the
first part of the 20th century
had no Irish organizations because of the depression, and
World War II and the Korean
Campaign. When these conflicts
were over, people looked again
at their background and started
The Harp and Shamrock Society of Texas was started in 1966
and celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. This society has
celebrated the visits to San Antonio of consuls general, members of the Irish government and
the President of Ireland, Mary
Robinson in 1995 among other
persons seeking business ties
with San Antonio.
St. Patrick’s Day is important
for us and all people because
it talks about a history of San
Antonio that most are unaware
of and some who think the Irish
were unimportant in San Antonio’s story. Any San Antonian
of a certain age and who went
to a Catholic School might have
had Irish nuns. The history of
the Irish in San Antonio is far
more than these words of mine
and far numerous.
Join us at the Harp & Shamrock Irish Festival to be held on
the grounds of the University of
the Incarnate Word on March
19 starting at noon. There is a
nominal entry charge but children are free, as are those on
active military duty providing
they show their ID card. Visit
www.harpandshamrock.org for
more information.
Joan Moody became a member of Harp and Shamrock
Society since 1970 while she
was still in high school (IWHS);
Cusack Award Recipient in
2003; Irishman of the Year in
2007; president of Harp and
Shamrock from 2004-2006. Her
great-grandmother was born in
Ireland and came to Texas in
1865 with a sister and brotherin-law to Austin. There she met
Joan’s great-grandfather who
was stationed with the army of
occupation (reconstruction) in
1869 at St. Mary’s Cathedral in
Austin. They came to San Antonio where two daughters were
born upon his retirement from
the Army around 1893. She is
a third generation Army brat
because her mother and both
of her parents were children of
army personnel.
Palo Alto College ready
for PACfest 2016
The Storybook Houses Exhibit will be on display at the San Antonio Botanical Garden until July 10. (Courtesy photo)
designs will be fun for the entire
family to explore.”
The winning Storybook Houses
entries include: Oh! The Places
You’ll Go (Brady Renner, PBK);
San Antonio & the Beanstalk
(Lucas Mackey, Overland Partners; Esau Hernandez, Overland
Partners; Marcel Van der Maas,
Overland Partners); Diary of a
Worm (Christopher Drown, Bucrane Design Build; Lauren Drown,
Bucrane Design Build); The Little
House (James P. Beyer, RVK
Architects; Andi Galloway, Joeris
General Contractors); and Sleeping
Beauty (Ernest Guerrero, South San
Antonio High School; Angelica
Ramos, teacher).
“AIA San Antonio is honored
to partner with the San Antonio
Botanical Garden for the fourth
time on an activity that showcases
the creativity of local architects,”
said Executive Director of AIA San
Antonio Torrey Stanley Carleton,
Hon. AIA. “The Storybook Houses
installation will draw local families
and visitors to the Garden to engage
in a healthy outdoor activity that
shows how seamlessly the built
and natural environments can be
The partnership between AIA
San Antonio and the San Antonio
Botanical Garden was awarded the
2009 Texas Society of Architects
Citation of Honor. The collaboration began in 2008 with the Terrific
Treehouses exhibit, followed by the
2010 Playhouses and Forts Exhibit,
the 2014 Birdhouses Exhibit and
now the 2015 Storybook Houses
Admission to the Storybook
Houses Exhibit is free for Garden
members, and is included in the
cost of Daily Garden admission
for non-members. Non-member
admission to the San Antonio
Botanical Garden is $10 adults; $8
students, seniors, military; $7 children age 3-13. San Antonio Public
Library cardholders will receive $1
off any non-discounted admission.
Please show your library card when
purchasing your tickets.
San Antonio Botanical Garden
is located at 555 Funston Place
at North New Braunfels. Parking
is free. The Botanical Garden is
operated under the auspices of the
City of San Antonio Department
of Parks & Recreation and is open
year-round except Thanksgiving,
Christmas and New Year’s Day.
For more information, visit www.
sabot.org or call (210) 536-1400.
Palo Alto College will host PACfest 2016, an annual official Fiesta San Antonio event, on Thursday,
April 21. (Photo, Palo Alto College)
Special to La Prensa
Palo Alto College will host
PACfest 2016, an annual official
Fiesta San Antonio event, on
Thursday, April 21, with coheadliners AJ Castillo, a Best
New Artist winner at the Tejano
Music Awards, and Los Master
Plus, a self-appointed “cumbiatronico” band.
Other entertainment includes
local favorites Chris Saucedo,
The Space Rockers and a festive
fireworks show to end the night.
PACfest will take place on
the College’s South Side campus from noon to 10 p.m. Approximately 50 food, crafts and
community vendors will be on
site. Admission is $5 per person
(children ages 12 and under
are free) or free with a current
Alamo Colleges ID. Parking is
free all day.
The family-friendly event will
feature a “Game Zone” for all
ages, indoor “chill” zone with
music and entertainment, interactive social media alley and
the third annual “Fiesta Grilldown Carne Asada Contest,” a
cookoff-style team event with a
panel of guest judges to select
the winning asada. Details on
how to enter are available at
Guest judges for the contest will
include City Councilman Rey
Saldana, San Antonio ExpressNews fashion writer Michael
Quintanilla and Noticias 41
news anchor Myrna Salas.
Main Stage Line-up:
12:30 p.m . – Space Rockers
4:30 p.m. – Chris Saucedo
6:30 p.m. – Los Master Plus
8:30 p.m. – AJ Castillo
10 p.m. – Fireworks show
An official Fiesta event since
2003, PACfest is presented by
Gonzaba Medical Group, Silver
Eagle Distributors and Frost
Palo Alto College, one of the
Alamo Colleges, is accredited
by the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges and a recipient
of the 2015 Texas Award for
Performance Excellence.
With nearly 9,000 students,
Palo Alto College is accredited
to offer associate degrees, shortterm certificates and non-credit
continuing education classes.
The campus is located at 1400
W. Villaret Blvd. at I-410 and
Texas Hwy 16. For more information, please visit alamo.
13 de marzo de 2016
‘Captain America: Civil War’
Confusion stirred as the ‘Knight
of Cups’ stalled through
By Christina Acosta
[email protected]
Many movies enjoy using a
creative side to tell the story using
a form of art to describe characters
and settings. However, for this
film, creativity was not so wonderful to sit through two hours.
“Knight of Cups” was a type
of American movie that was in
over its head to be similar to a
European film. European films
make creativity appear effortless
on screen using outer objects such
as an ocean or a painting to tell
the story without trying too hard.
Director Terrence Malick (“The
Tree of Life” and “The Thin Red
Line”) failed to create a movie
that told the audience what exactly was going on, leaving many to
figure out what direction the main
character was going to step into.
“Knight of Cups” follows writer
Rick (Christian Bale) on a journey
through the exotic playgrounds
of Los Angeles and Las Vegas
as he searches for his true love
and himself. Even as he moves
through desirable landscapes of
mansions, resorts, beaches and
clubs, Rick tackles through complicated relationships with his
crazy bad tempered brother (Wes
Bentley) and his absent father
(Brian Dennehy).
His quest to break the spell of
his dissatisfaction takes him on
a series of adventures with six
enthralling women: the rebellious Della (Imogen Poots), who
reminds him to not be a coward
and to lead a defiant life as she
does spontaneously on the streets
of L.A; his physician ex-wife
(Cate Blanchett), who loved him
and was ready to start a family,
but Rick carried a wandering eye;
Helen (Frieda Pinto), a model who
lived life in the shadows of many;
a spirited, playful dancer (Teresa
Palmer), who is an opportunist
willing to do anything to get her
way to the top; Elizabeth (Natalie Portman), a woman he has
wronged in the past; and Isabel
(Isabel Lucas), who was the right
woman to help him move forward
to adulthood.
Through his journey, Rick
moves through his bewilderment
ways of coping with stressful situations that hardly revolved around
work. The deeper he searches for
beauty, humanity and a rhythm of
life, the more his journey becomes
his destination.
Although the movie was trying to reach creativity, it felt like
one was watching a high school
student making their first independent film. Before the student
could try again, he/she needed
One of my biggest pet peeves
throughout the movie was the fact
that characters did not communicate with one another. In fact, we
only heard their conversation as
the film used overhead dialogue.
We do not know what happened
with the women who carved their
marking on him, leaving us with
many questions that include “why
did they break up?”
Through it all, the movie left
many with confusion not only
of Rick’s relationships, but also
the direction of the storyline. The
movie forgot to include what exactly Rick was trying to learn to
improve his life. We only knew
him briefly when he was with his
father or brother.
Ultimately, Malick failed to tell
the story of a man dealing with
first-world problems without using the necessities of dialogue and
storyline to tell the story. Malick
should stick to a narrow direction
to tell the story. If he wants to be
a creative/independent director,
he should take ask for help from
creative directors to learn how to
combine art with film.
“Knight of Cups” is now in
Special to La Prensa
The second trailer of “Captain
America: Civil War” was released
this week and gives more hits about
the plot that all fans are waiting for.
Marvel’s “Captain America:
Civil War” finds Steve Rogers
leading the newly formed team of
Avengers in their continued efforts
to safeguard humanity.
But after another incident involving the Avengers results in
collateral damage, political pressure mounts to install a system
of accountability, headed by a
governing body to oversee and
direct the team.
The new status quo fractures the
Avengers, resulting in two campsone led by Steve Rogers and his
desire for the Avengers to remain
free to defend humanity without
government interference, and
the other following Tony Stark’s
surprising decision to support
government oversight and accountability with help from their friendly
neighborhood Spiderman.
Marvel’s “Captain America:
Civil War” stars Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson,
Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie,
Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner,
Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany,
Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Rudd, Emily
VanCamp, Frank Grillo and Martin
Freeman, with William Hurt and
Daniel Brühl.
Anthony and Joe Russo are
directing with Kevin Feige producing. Louis D’Esposito, Victoria
Alonso, Patricia Whitcher, Nate
Moore and Stan Lee are the executive producers.
The screenplay is by Christopher
Markus and Stephen McFeely.
Marvel’s “Captain America:
Civil War” opens in U.S. theaters
on May 6, 2016.
Christian Bale stars as Rick in Terrence Malick’s drama “Knight of Cups,” a Broad Green Pictures
release. (Photo, Melinda Sue Gordon)
Instant Classic
Who would you support: Captain America or Iron Man? (Courtesy photo)
Geekdom to shuttle S.A. techies to SXSW for free
Special to La Prensa
Geekdom is offering open seating for San Antonians on buses
headed to experience Austin’s
Bus shuttles from San Antonio
to Austin for the annual SXSW
conference are being sponsored by
Geekdom, with the help of Codeup
and nonprofits 80/20 Foundation
and Choose SA.
The shuttles are first come, first
serve, to allow those interested
in going to SXSW to enjoy the
experience without having to deal
with the insanity of traffic. As San
Antonio’s tech industry continues
to expand and grow, these entities
want to support San Antonians in
being a part of interactive, impactful events like SXSW.
On Saturday, March 12, and Sunday, March 13, shuttles will depart
San Antonio at 7 a.m., 12 p.m., 4
p.m. and 9 p.m., with return shuttles
from Austin at 9:30 a.m., 4 p.m.,
6:30 p.m., and 12:30 a.m.
San Antonio shuttles will leave
from the Geekdom Event Centre
(131 Soledad St).
Austin shuttles will leave from
the side entrance to the Hilton Hotel
(south curb of the 500 Block of East
5th Street).
Interested individuals can secure
their spots by reservation on Eventbrite, keyword: SXSW Shuttle
Registration Tickets.
Founded in 2011 by Rackspace
Hosting’s Graham Weston and
CoffeeCup Software’s Founder
Nicholas Longo, Geekdom strives
to provide an inspiring environment
for bright minds to explore ideas
in entrepreneurship, technology,
leadership, and creativity, develop
talents and connect to a community
of like-minded people.
For more information on Geekdom, visit www.geekdom.com.
Eugenio Derbez ya tiene estrella en el Paseo de la Fama
Por La Prensa
El actor mexicano Eugenio Derbez recibió la estrella No. 2.576 del
célebre Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood de Los Ángeles (EE.UU.) el
jueves 10 de marzo por la mañana.
Con esta distinción, el actor y
filántropo se consagra completamente como una estrella en Estados
Unidos, donde logró el reconocimiento gracias a su película “No
se aceptan devoluciones” (“Instructions not included”) en 2013.
Durante su discurso de agradecimiento, Derbez dijo sentirse
bendecido por la oportunidad que
la vida le ha dado para alcanzar
sus sueños. Además añadió que la
estrella es el mejor reconocimiento
que ha recibido en su trayectoria y
se la dedicó a su familia y los latinos
de todo el mundo.
“La Cámara de Comercio de
Hollywood está extremadamente
orgullosa de honrar a uno de los
latinos más influyentes, Eugenio
Derbez, con una estrella en el Paseo
de la Fama”, afirmó en un comunicado días antes la productora de las
ceremonias en el Paseo de la Fama,
Ana Martínez.
El popular intérprete y productor
mexicano nació en Ciudad de México en 1962. Ha desarrollado su ca-
El actor y productor mexicano Eugenio Derbez continúa con su éxito en Estados Unidos. Ya tiene
su nombre en el Paseo de la Fama en Los Ángeles. (Foto, cortesía)
rrera principalmente en la televisión
mexicana con programas cómicos
como “Al Derecho y al Derbez” o
“La Familia P. Luche”. Asimismo,
está a unos días del lanzamiento al
público de su más reciente película
“Miracles from Heaven”, que
cuenta con la participación de Jennifer Garner en su reparto.
“Miracles from Heaven” está
basada en la historia verídica de la
familia Beam y en el libro escrito
por Christy Beam.
La historia se desarrolla cuando
Christy (Jennifer Garner) descubre
que su hija de diez años, Anna (Kylie Rogers) tiene una enfermedad
extraña e incurable y se convierte
así en una feroz defensora de la
curación de su hija en busca de una
Anna sufre un extraño accidente
y, tras su dramático rescate, ocurre
un milagro extraordinario que
desconcierta a los especialistas
médicos, alivia a la familia e inspira
a su comunidad.
Esperanza Center presents tribute to
South American folk singers and activists
Special to La Prensa
The Esperanza Peace & Justice Center will present a special
tribute “Noche Azul de Esperanza: Cantoras Del Sur” to three
women who were part of the
Nueva Canción movement.
Mercedes Sosa, Violeta Parra
and Soledad Bravo are South
American folk singers and activists and participated in the Nueva
Canción movement, which was
a political folk music movement
incorporating indigenous sounds
of South America which began
in the 1960s in Chile.
Azul Barrientos will pay tribute to these three women on
Saturday, March 19 at the Esperanza Peace & Justice Center
at 8 p.m.
About the Cantoras
Mercedes Sosa, the celebrated Argentinian folk singer and
political activist is described as
“the voice of Latin America,”
she was revered as a commen-
tator on the political and social
turmoil that afflicted the region.
She won three Latin Grammy
awards and received a huge
number of honorary titles including the UN Voluntary Fund for
Women prize from the United
Nations, in recognition of her
defense of women’s rights. “I
didn’t choose to sing for people,
life chose me to sing.”
Violeta Parra is known as
one of the famous artists of traditional Chilean folk-art (“arte
popular”). She managed to bring
folk-art of Chile to a new level
especially in the fields of art and
music. She learned how to sing
and play guitar when she was
10 and soon joined her relatives,
who had a traveling show.
In the early 1950s, she began
to research, document and record
Chilean folk songs. Many of
those songs inspired her to write
her own compositions. Parra had
a complex life. She was a sophisticated songwriter and performer
who toured Europe in the mid-
1950s. She was also a visual
artist whose work in paintings,
embroidery and sculpture was
exhibited at the Louvre in Paris.
Soledad Bravo is a Venezuelan singer whose repertoire is
a vivid mixture of fiery, vivid
Caribbean and Latin rhythms,
Sephardic elegies and heartwarming ballads. Considered
to be one of the best voices in
Latin America, one of her most
popular and best-known songs
is Hasta Siempre, a Cuban hymn
by Carlos Puebla to Ernesto
“Che” Guevara.
Azul will be accompanied by
musicians Aaron Prado, George
Prado and Nina Rodriquez.
The Esperanza Peace & Justice Center is located at 922 San
Pedro Ave. Tickets are $5 más
o menos at the door. Doors will
open at 7:15 p.m. and seating is
first come first served. Concessions will be available for sale.
For more information on the
concert, visit www.esperanzacenter.org.
Azul Barrientos will pay tribute to Mercedes Sosa, Violeta Parra and Soledad Bravo, who were
part of the Nueva Canción movement at the Esperanza Peace & Justice Center on March 19.
(Courtesy photo)
13 de marzo de 2016
Jim Gaffigan brings show ‘Fully
Dressed’ to San Antonio
Special to La Prensa
Actor, writer, producer, Grammy nominated comedian, New
York Times best-selling author,
top touring performer, and multiplatinum selling father of five
Jim Gaffigan won’t be donning
his birthday suit this summer as
he packs up the tour bus and hits
the road with his family for his
live “Fully Dressed,” arena and
theatre tour.
“I’m so thrilled to be eating my
way across America again…. Oh,
wait, I’m doing shows too?” said
a bewildered Gaffigan.
Gaffigan’s tour will kick off
on The Gexa Energy Pavilion in
Dallas, TX on July 7 and then
make its way to the Majestic
Theatre in San Antonio, TX on
July 10 at 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Tickets ($49.75 - $59.75) for
the second show are available at
all Ticketmaster outlets, including the Majestic Theatre Box
Office, online at ticketmaster.
com or charge by phone at
800.745.3000. All tickets subject
to applicable service charges
and fees.
Gaffigan’s announcement
comes on the heels of his biggest
year yet. In 2015, Jim became
one of only ten comedians in
history to sell out the famed
The comedian will make his way to the Majestic Theatre on July
10 for two shows at 7 and 9:30 p.m. (Courtesy photo)
Madison Square Garden arena
for the finale of his “Contagious”
tour. He opened for Pope Francis
in front of one million+ people in
Philadelphia and his television
show, “The Jim Gaffigan Show,”
debuted on TV Land to enormous
ratings and reviews - with season
two slated to premiere this summer. Most recently during Super
Bowl 50, it was revealed that Jim
is KFC’s new Colonel Sanders.
In 2016, Gaffigan does not
let off the gas. He will be seen
opposite Naomi Watts, Liev
Schreiber, Ron Perlman and
Elisabeth Moss in the independent drama, “The Bleeder.”
He is also in production on the
Falcon Films comedy, “Drunk
Parents,” opposite Alec Baldwin
and Salma Hayek and will lend
his voice alongside Carl Reiner
in China-based Original Force
Animation’s animated feature,
“Duck Duck Goose.”