T1 Newsletter 2015
T1 Newsletter 2015
TERM 1 2015 Toy Library of Kilmore NEWSLETTER IN THIS ISSUE OPENING DATES WELCOME BACK STUCK ON YOU LABELS -Fundraising for the TLOK THIS TERM WE ARE OPEN: Thurs 12th Feb Natasha Ituarte Sat 14th Feb Wayne Howat COMMITTEE NEWS Sat 21st Feb NEW TOYS purchased Jo Hellings BENDIGO BANK—Changeover soon Thurs 26th Feb TOY REVIEWS– Costumes and Little People About Town WELCOME BACK ALL MEMBERS We hope you had a nice, long break, and were able to keep the kids entertained and happy for the duration! Now that we are back in action, please come in soon and borrow our toys– we have over 400 on the shelves. Throughout the year, as always, we encourage and appreciate any suggestions or feedback you may have for the committee. You can make contact via email, Facebook, or in person. We also welcome anyone who may be interested in joining our committee, and attending our monthly meetings on Monday nights. These are casual and non-intimidating. On a final and very important note, thank you members for supporting our wonderful Toy Library. We exist because of you. Tanya Peel Sat 28th Feb Zoe Grey Sat 7th March Natalie Montey Thurs 12th March Carley Alchin Sat 14th March Ruza Montgomery Sat 21st March Natalia Flores Thurs 26th March Katrina Adams Sat 28th March ‘STUCK ON YOU’ NAMING LABELS- FUNDRAISING Martine Hadden Please support us if you need to purchase name labels for clothing, lunch boxes or almost anything else! Simply go to www.stuckonyou.com.au, create an account, make your purchases and type in THETOYLIBRARYOFKILMORE as the fundraiser code at the checkout. You can place an order anytime throughout the year. [email protected] PAGE 1 TERM 1 2014 Toy Toy Library of Kilmore Library of Kilmore NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE NEWS CONGRATULATIONS to the Wagner family– Margaux, husband Andy, and children Hugo and Spencer are expecting a new family member in June! Wishing you all the best with your new arrival, who will no doubt join up at the TLOK in the near future! Ride on Trike– Spotty We would also like to welcome Tegan Nedelkos who has recently joined our committee. You may meet Tegan (& son Henry) on duty in the near future. NEW TOYS! Don’t forget that we will happily reserve toys if they are unavailable when you visit us. Chef, Pilot and Doctor costumes Baby doll (boy) Magna-Tiles Magnetix MOVING TO BENDIGO BANK, KILMORE We are in the process of changing our bank account to Bendigo Bank (Kilmore branch). You will be notified via email and on Facebook once this happens, so that future payments are transferred to the correct, new account. Payments can still be made in cash to the Toy Library when we are open. WHEN YOU ARE ROSTERED ON FOR DUTY... Please simply let us know by email if you cannot make your assigned date and we will happily arrange an alternative date. The levy fee is $10 per term, and $40 per year in total. Payments can be made online, or simply come in and pay (with cash only please) when we are open. [email protected] PAGE 2 TERM 1, 2014 Toy Library of Kilmore NEWSLETTER TOY REVIEW– LITTLE PEOPLE LEARN ABOUT TOWN My children (2 and 3 years old) are big fans of this toy. We have borrowed it many times, and to my surprise they continue to explore it. It comes with 10 round circles/apples, which can be slotted into a tree. With the sound turned on, a voice counts each one in. Children can explore the ‘town’, which includes a doctor and dentist office with a weight scale and dentist chair, a pizza shop, and a home. There’s also a mini magna-doodle, 2 people characters, and spinning coloured tile pictures. I recommend this fun one for toddlers. Julia TOY LIBRARY COSTUMES We have found that many of our kids love to dress up, so in recent months we have purchased some new costumes to add to our collection. This includes: A Ballerina, Fairy Dress, Iggle Piggle, Snow White, Vet , Pilot, Chef, Doctor, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Fireman, Superman, Pirate, Nurse, Princess, Clown, Magician and an Astronaut. From an early age, play is important to a child's development and learning. It isn't just physical. It can involve cognitive, imaginative, creative, emotional and social aspects. It is the main way most children express their impulse to explore, experiment and understand. Children of all ages play. Dobson, Open University FOOD FOR THOUGHT 5 LESSONS IN LIFE, BY DR SEUSS 1 Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You. 2 Why fit in when you were born to stand out? 3 You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. 4 Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. 5 – Today I shall behave as if this is the day I will be remembered. [email protected] PAGE 3