Årsberetning 2011
Årsberetning 2011
Årsberetning 2011 Samarbeid om grunnforskning mellom Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi og Statoil 2 3 Bakgrunn VISTA er et grunnforskningsprogram finansiert av Statoil som gjennomføres i samarbeid med Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi. VISTA-programmet ble startet 1985 og deler for tiden ut 18,75 millioner kroner årlig i forskningsstøtte. VISTAs mål er å utvikle et godt faglig og gjensidig samarbeid mellom Statoil og norske grunnforskningsmiljøer ved: - gjennom Akademiet, å sikre effektiv, tverrfaglig kommunikasjon mellom Statoil og norske grunnforskningsmiljøer - å stimulere og støtte norske forskere og grunnforskningsmiljøer innenfor prioriterte områder - å sikre effektiv organisering og kvalifisert bemanning av grunnforskningsprosjekter Gode miljøer ved universitetene i Norge kan to ganger i året søke om prosjektstøtte til doktorgrads-studier eller postdoc kandidater. Gjennom VISTAs postdoc-program søker en å knytte gode norske og utenlandske forskningsmiljø tettere sammen ved utveksling av forskere. VISTA støtter også professorater. Satsingsområder VISTA spenner over følgende fem programområdene: - Leting etter petroleumsressurser - Økt olje- og gassutvinning - Olje- og gassprosessering - Miljøaspekter relatert til olje- og gassutvinning - Bioteknologi i petroleumssammenheng VISTA Drammensveien 78, NO-0271 OSLO Tlf: 22 12 10 93 E-post: [email protected] Nettsted: www.vista.no 4 Innhold Styrets beretning s. 6 Nøkkeltall s. 9 Hovedtall s. 10 Omtale av satsningsområdene: Leting/Exploration s. 11 Økt utvinning/Improved recovery s. 13 Olje- og gassprosessering/Oil- and gas processing s. 15 Miljø/Environment s. 16 Bioteknologi/Biotechnology s. 18 Organisasjons- og styringsstruktur s. 22 Årsrapporter fra VISTA prosjektene kan fås i eget vedlegg. Kontakt [email protected] 5 VISTA Akademiets samarbeid med Statoil i form av VISTA-programmet startet i 1985. VISTA-modellen har høstet anerkjennelse nasjonalt og internasjonalt og omfatter grunnforskningsprosjekter på områder som er sentrale i sammenheng med oljevirksomhet: som leting, olje- og gassprosessering, økt utvinning, miljø og bioteknologi. I november 2008 ble en ny samarbeidsavtale mellom Statoil og Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi inngått for 5 år. Kontraktsbeløpet er nå NOK 18,75 mill pr år og gjelder til 31. desember 2013. Styrets beretning Statoils styremedlemmer i 2011 har vært Tor Ulleberg (leder) og Leif Lømo. Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi har vært representert i styret ved professorene Nils Chr. Stenseth (UiO), Bjørn Jamtveit (UiO), Tore Vorren (UiT), Reidun Sirevåg (UiO), Helge Holden (NTNU) og Odd Stokke Gabrielsen (UiO). VISTA programleder har vært rådgiver Cato Wille fra Statoil. Halvor Kjørholt tok over programlederrollen i november 2011. VISTA-samarbeidet hadde i 2011 fem programområder: • Leting (områdeleder Lasse Amundsen, Statoil) • Økt utvinning (områdeleder Øivind Fevang, Statoil) • Olje- og gassprosessering (områdeleder Dag Schanke, Statoil) • Miljø (områdeleder Christian Collin-Hansen, Statoil) • Bioteknologi (områdeleder Hans Kristian Kotlar, Statoil) VISTA styrets årlige styretur ble avviklet 22.- 24. august og gikk til Svalbard. Styret besøkte relevante forskningsmiljøer i Longyearbyen på UNIS, Longyearbyen CO2 Lab, Eiscat, og i Ny-Ålesund og Kings Bay AS, AWIPEV, Norsk Polar Institutt, og Statens Kartverk. Styret besøkte også Frøvelvet i Longyearbyen. Styret vedtok i 2011 nye søknadsprosedyrer med åpen utlysning av VISTA-midler. Søknadsfrist settes to ganger i året, ca en måned i forkant av styremøte. Seminarer Stipendiatdagen i 2011 ble avholdt 12.- 13. oktober på Statoil sitt forskningssenter på Rotvoll i Trondheim. Dr. Alice Bell holdt hovedforedrag om sosiale medier til bruk i forskningsformidling, og det var parallelle sesjoner innen de fem fagområdene der stipendiater og postdoc kandidater presenterte sine prosjekter. Det var i alt over 50 deltakere på arrangementet inkludert stipendiater, prosjektledere, administrasjon, representanter fra VISTA-styret og Statoil. Årets VISTA-dag ble arrangert 21. november 2011 i Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi. Tema for dagen var Grunnforskning eller anvendt forskning: Ja takk, begge deler. Nils Chr. Stenseth, styremedlem i VISTA og visepreses i Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, ønsket velkommen. Per Arne Bjørkum, Senior Advisor Geology, Statoil, og forfatter av boken Annerledestenkerne (2009) trakk opp de store linjene i sitt foredrag Grunnforskning – et historisk perspektiv. 6 Bernt Øksendal, professor ved Universitetet i Oslo og tidligere VISTA-professor, fulgte opp med å vise konkrete eksempler på hvordan grunnforskningen kommer til anvendelse blant annen innen finansnæringen. Hans foredrag hadde tittelen: Matematikk anvendt i næringslivets problemstillinger: En introduksjon til moderne matematisk finans. Bjørn Ursin, VISTA-professor og professor ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, gav en innsiktsfull og underholdende tale over temaet Hva gjør en VISTA-professor? Ståle Johansen, Vestfonna Geophysical AS, grunnlegger av Trondheimsbedriften EMGS, fortalte om forskningshistorien bak Electro Magnetic Geo Services (EMGS). Berit Johne, spesialrådgiver i Norges forskningsråd, snakket om Norsk forskning, sett utenfra. Miljøforskningens plass i olje- og gassvirksomheten var tema for foredraget til Salve Dahle, direktør i Akvaplan-NIVA. Dag Hjermann, CEES og VISTA postdoc, snakket om Marinbiologiske data, kunnskap og modeller - for både petroleums- og fiskenæring. Anne Kjersti Fahlvik, innovasjonsdirektør i Norges forskningsråd, tok for seg Nasjonal strategi for bioteknologi, hva kan den brukes til?. Odd Stokke Gabrielsen, professor ved Universitetet i Oslo og styremedlem VISTA, belyste temaene i et VISTA-perspektiv. VISTA-dagen ble avsluttet med en paneldebatt der temaet var: Hva er forskningens viktigste resultat, publiserte artikler eller intellektuelle rettigheter? Det ble holdt to innledningsforedrag: • Intellektuelle rettigheter, fremmer det forskningen? Inger Sandlie, professor, Institutt for molekylær biovitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo • Hva trenger næringslivet mest, intellektuelle rettigheter eller kunnskap? Karl Johnny Hersvik, forskningsdirektør, Statoil Paneldeltagere: Inger Sandlie, professor, Institutt for molekylær biovitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo Karl Johnny Hersvik, forskningsdirektør, Statoil Johan E. Hustad, Prorektor, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet Knut Bjørlykke, professor, Institutt for Geofag, Universitetet i Oslo Olav Steinnes CEO, Inven2 Ordstyrer Nils Chr. Stenseth oppsummerte debatten. Møteleder for dagen: Leif Lømo, VISTA-styret Prosjekter I VISTA-programmet er Akademiet gjennom sine medlemmer i VISTA-styret med på å identifisere relevante grunnforskningsmiljøer samtidig som det deltar i den overordnete faglige styringen. Akademiet har arbeidsgiveransvar og forestår regnskap, regnskapskontroll, lønnsutbetaling og forsikring for VISTA-tilknyttet personale, herunder stipendiater på PhD- og Postdoc-nivå. Akademiets sekretariat bidrar med administrativ assistanse og koordinerer VISTA-programmet. VISTA støttet til sammen 26 PhD og Postdoc prosjekter per 31. desember 2011. Som VISTA professor er Bjørn Ursin engasjert. Han er tilknyttet NTNU, Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics. Ursins engasjement løper til 31. desember 2012. 7 8 Nøkkeltall 2008 - 2011 (regnskapstall MNOK) INNSATSOMRÅDER Prosentvis fordeling 2011 2010 2009 2008 Leting ( 11,9 % ) 2.254 2.649 4.408 2.355 Økt utvinning ( 27,0 % ) 5.104 5.641 5.193 5.707 Olje- og gassforedling ( 18,3 % ) 3.459 3.492 867 Miljø ( 10,7 % ) 2.011 4.310 6.634 4.099 Professorater ( 6,9 % ) 1.302 1.752 1.101 1.194 Bioteknologi ( 25,1 % ) 4.744 4.305 1.784 1.701 1.701 2.073 1.537 617 544 235 250 21.192 24.394 22.295 16.075 18.750 15.000 15.000 13.500 0 3.750 7.125 3.375 Diverse inntekter 101 5 140 Renteinntekter 311 933 100,00 % ADMINISTRASJON Akademiets adm. kostnader VISTA seminarer/møter/reiser Total FINANSIERT VED Årlig bevilgning fra Statoil Gaveforsterkningsmidler Overført til/fra reserver -2.030 -5.639 -30 799 TOTAL 21.192 24.394 22.295 16.075 9 Hovedtall Prosentvisfordeling av budsjettmidler pr innsatsområde 2011 Leting Økt utvinning Olje- og gassforedling Miljø Bioteknologi Professorater 12 27 18 11 25 7 % % % % % % 79 17 4 % % % Fordeling av prosjektkostnader 2011 Lønn: Drift: Møter/Representasjon/Reiser: Stipendiater/post.docs 1985 – 2011 Avlagte dr.grader, fullfinansiert Avlagte dr.grader, delfinansiert Avlagte dr.grader, ekstern lønnsfinans. støttet med driftsmidler Avlagte post.docs. Stipendiater i gang pr 31.12.2011 Post.docs i gang i pr 31.12.2011 79 12 63 SUM 237 59 10 14 VISTA Professorater: 6 Publikasjoner 1985 – 2011 Publikasjoner antatt i internasjonale tidsskrifter 886 Publikasjoner 2004 – 2011 2004: 7 2005: 13 2006: 29 2007: 27 2008: 33 2009: 15 2010: 22 2011: 27 10 Exploration by division head Lasse Amundsen New discoveries of hydrocarbon reserves are of great national and international economic importance to fulfil rising global energy demand and to maintain production levels. This is particularly the case on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS), where the average time from award of exploration licence to field development traditionally is 10-15 years - It is clear that a significant exploration effort on the NCS is needed to maintain national production levels before existing producing fields are decommissioned. The ultimate goal of the VISTA-exploration programme is to provide new knowledge and technology that will reduce the economical risk related to exploration of petroleum, both on the NCS and globally. Five projects were supported during 2011, of which two successfully completed and one started. The scholars published four papers during 2011. One VISTA professorship has been supported in 2011 – Professor Bjørn Ursin, and specific results in his work are described in the annual reports. In 2011, Ursin has published seven papers and extended abstracts. Four papers have been accepted for publication in 2012, and four papers have been submitted. 11 Highlights from VISTA projects within the area Exploration in 2011: • • The project “Modeling of geophysical data from the area west of Bjørnøya” has been successfully completed. In summer 2008, University of Bergen acquired two regional ocean bottom seismometer lines west of Bear Island, western Barents Sea. The data have been analyzed in order to obtain information about the structure of the crust and upper mantle west of Bear Island. The project has resulted in an increased understanding of the geology on the central parts of the western Barents Sea continental margin and adjacent oceanic crust. The study area formed on a local rifted segment of a predominantly sheared continental margin where a major step existed in the regional shear system. This rifted segment was associated with volcanism in Early Eocene. The project has documented for the first time the crustal structure below the volcanic flows in Vestbakken Volcanic Province (VVP). The project “Source to sink: Sediment volume partitioning in time and space” has been successfully completed. Interpretation of rock outcrops and subsurface sedimentary units imaged on seismic data will always be associated with many uncertainties with respect to the morphology and lateral extent of the sediment routing system at the time of deposition. In general, these uncertainties tend to increase back in time as the landscape flanking depositional basins are prone to long-term denudation and topographic degradation. Also the distal part of ancient sediment routing systems may be heavily deformed, especially in areas that have undergone post-depositional tectonic modification and erosion. The objective of the project has been to combine the use of modern analogues with forward stratigraphic modelling to get a better understanding on sediment transport and dispersal, with focus on the predictive potential in ancient source-to-sink systems. Most of the project has focused on seismic mapping of Mesozoic depocenters along the Norwegian margin, both on a local scale (the Måløy Slope and Slørebotn Subbasin) as well as on the scale of the entire south Norwegian margin. Analysis of seismic data has shown that discrete depositional units can be used to speculate on the landward extent of ancient river systems and gross palaeo-topography in this area. An additional part of the project has focused on drainage organization on modern rift basins in order to improve predictability of sediment sources in ancient settings. 12 Improved recovery by division head Øivind Fevang The ultimate goal of the VISTA-IOR programme is to provide new knowledge and technology that will increase ultimate oil and gas recovery factors as well as accelerating production. To achieve this, fundamental knowledge within mathematical flow modelling, advanced thermodynamics, new recovery methods and in understanding the link between geology, geophysics and displacement mechanisms in the reservoirs are all central. Both new discoveries of hydrocarbon reserves and increased oil recovery of existing fields are of great national and international economic importance to fulfil rising global energy demand and to maintain production levels. This is particularly the case on the NCS, where small increases in the average recovery factors will have extremely large economical effects - It is clear that a significant IOR effort on the NCS is needed to maintain national production levels before existing producing fields are decommissioned. In 2009 the area committee gave particular focus on initiating projects with challenging thermodynamics in the recovery methods, where the reservoir fluids have to be taken through a phase transition to be efficiently produced. Two specific examples are naturally occurring gas hydrates and extra heavy oil, and they were both started in 2009. This focus is expected to be strengthened further. The VISTA-strategy for improved oil recovery points on one additional area: Understanding of remaining oil distribution in 3 dimensions for water flooded reservoirs and its impact on tertiary oil recovery methods. This area will be given focus and priority in 2011. In 2011, there has been good progress for the candidates with many interesting results within the area of Improved Oil Recovery. One project has been completed during 2011. The project was a post-doc study within reservoir monitoring and characterization using electromagnetic data. 13 One new Ph.D. project was accepted by the board in 2011. The project is within numerical modelling of shale-gas extraction processes. The Ph.D. candidate is Kjetil Thøgersen. The project will be conducted at the Center of Excellence at UIO and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural science at UIO. This project will focus on numerical modeling, but will be closely integrated with experimental and field studies. The project will address three subjects, starting from a low-risk project where we have significant experimental and observational constraints, and move towards areas where we currently have less experience. The main focus will be on: Flow, fracturing and permeability generation in tight rocks. Highlights from VISTA projects within the area Improved Oil Recovery in 2011: • Predicting hydrate stability: It is shown that mathematical models can be used to predict stability of gas hydrates. For instance the cage occupancy of methane and carbon dioxide (the loading composition) has been calculated as a function of pressure and temperature, and this can determine conditions for how methane can be exchanged with carbon dioxide. • Near-Well simulation in 3D: Three different discretization schemes for the single phase flow equation on 3D unstructured grids have been studied: The MPFA O-method, the MPFA L-method and the VAG scheme. The different schemes have been tested against analytical solutions, for different parameters: grid cell aspect ratio, permeability anisotropy and heterogeneity. Important properties of the numerical solutions are accuracy, convergence rate, and monotonicity. The MPFA-methods have shown to work well for many practical cases, even if they may fail for some difficult cases. The VAG method has a compact stencil and is unconditionally coercive for arbitrary grids and permeability tensors, hence it works well for the pressure. • Reservoir monitoring and dynamic reservoir characterization with electromagnetic data: During the final period of the project the discretization methods have been generalized to convex polytopes in 3D, and the construction of efficient preconditioners has enabled fast forward solutions of Maxwell's equations. 14 Oil and gas processing by division head Dag Schanke The Oil and gas processing division activities currently comprise 4 ongoing projects. In addition, one project has been completed according to plan and one project has been terminated. The topics are ranging from advanced materials research to gas conversion and production of bio-fuels. Furthermore, the projects involve a variety of scientific disciplines and experimental techniques, such as solid state physics, catalysis, material synthesis and advanced analytical techniques. The projects are generating high quality scientific results and are active in publication of papers and conference presentations. Highlights from VISTA projects within the area Oil and gas processing in 2011: • • • • • A project focussing on fundamental studies of Fischer-Tropsch catalyst supports has been successfully completed and has given new insight into the relation between support structure and attrition resistance. High surface area, high capacitance hybrid carbon nano-fibers have been synthesized. Work has been initiated to reveal the reaction network for conversion of lignin to bio-oil. New results suggest that the crystallization mechanism for Zirconium-containing Metal Organic Framework (MOF) is completely different from earlier assumptions. Selectivity effects in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis have for the first time been explained by thermodynamic calculations. 15 Environment by division head Christian Collin-Hansen The Environment area within VISTA aims at increasing the knowledge of the environments in which Statoil operates, or considers moving into, as well as strengthening the company’s environmental technology portfolio. These goals are being sought through applying in-depth scientific and technical knowledge to challenges of high relevance for the company’s own R&D activities. The majority of the projects included in the yearly report focus on the Arctic marine ecosystem. However, results that are applicable to other marine ecosystems will also be generated. It is an objective to utilise the results to support and strengthen other R&D activities undertaken by Statoil, other oil companies and the Norwegian Research Council. Two projects were finalized during 2011, whereas one new project was initiated late in the year. Several new projects will be proposed to the board at the meeting in February 2012. 16 Highlights from VISTA projects within the area Environment in 2011: • Using state-of-the-art DNA sequencing techniques, genetic studies of seafloor sediments influenced by natural seepage of CO2 and hydrocarbons have provided new insight into the microbial diversity and functionality of such environments. This new knowledge is relevant for understanding how microbial communities adapt to high and fluctuating concentrations of these components and how metabolism of e.g. methane by sediment-dwelling microorganisms is affecting the global climate. One particularly interesting application could be for environmental monitoring near subsea CO2 storage sites. Furthermore a better understanding of microbial breakdown of hydrocarbons could enable new exploration methods for oil and gas as well as more efficient ways of treating oil spills. • Numerical studies have provided new insight into the dissolution, transport and spreading of CO2 and methane seeps through the seafloor. They have also provided new knowledge on the rise velocities of CO2 and methane droplets and bubbles, in pure form or coated with hydrates, in a simulated oceanic environment. • A method has been developed for theoretical prediction of atmospheric lifetimes of nitrosamines and nitramines, assumed to result from atmospheric degradation of amines used in CO2 capture. Employing quantum chemistry calculations has provided novel and detailed mechanistic insight into nitrosamine and nitramine formation in and removal from the atmospheric environment. 17 Biotechnology by division head Hans Kristian Kotlar Biotechnology is now well established within the VISTA program. VISTA Biotech will support the use of biotechnology throughout the value chain of Statoil. The ambitions are to provide new solutions and new technologies in bio-based sustainable and renewable energy, biofuels, and bioconversion in increased oil recovery, exploration tools and extraction of heavy oil, using biotechnological methods. Biotechnology will give new knowledge and gain competitive advantages for Statoil in existing areas, but also in entering into new business areas. The main activities in 2011 have been focused around the following projects: 1:”Metagenomics and metaproteomics of deep arctic hydrothermal systems” involves research on revealing the biotechnological potential of microbial communities in cold methane seeps and deep arctic hydrothermal systems by using metagenomic and metaproteomics tools. This new knowledge has been used in culturing and we have succeeded in obtaining novel enrichment cultures of hydrocarbon degraders. A comprehensive reference genomic database has been generated being a good starting point for the production of new and novel biocatalysts. 2:”Developing proteomics and metaproteomics as tools for increased oil recovery”. The purpose of this study is to perform a proteomic investigation of heavy oil-degrading microorganisms in an effort to increase our understanding of microbial degradation pathways for heavy crude oil. Differences in protein accumulation profiles from the water and oil phase after incubation experiments have been analysed using DIGE followed by MALDI tof/tof identification of proteins. 18 A biosurfactant like substance (BLS), produced by two of the bacterial consortia emulsifies oil in water at very low concentrations. Two attempts have been made to identify the BLS by FTICR, but only preliminary results are available at this point. 3: “High throughput sequencing of deep sea metagenomes”. The objective is to establish high throughput sequencing as a tool for metagenome investigation. Metagenomes of Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano, Oslo fjord sediment samples, Troll oil field sediment and Coal Oil Point seep showed increased potential for hydrocarbon degradation and will give new insight to the involved metabolic processes. 4:” Subsurface metagenomics, functional microbial diversity analysis and gene discovery in deep and hot petroleum reservoirs”. Selected isolates from oil field, hot, production water are being genome sequence analysed. Sequence data will be used for elucidation of possible adaptations to extreme environments. 5: “Characterization and directed evolution of carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs) for biomass conversion.” The project focuses on so-called CBM33 proteins, which were recently shown to be oxidative enzymes that boost the enzymatic depolymerisation of chitin, a crystalline polysaccharide found in insects and crustaceans. 2011 has been a breakthrough year, since the Vista scholar showed that, certain CBM33 family members boost the enzymatic conversion of cellulose. More in-depth characterization, including studies of the redox mechanism, catalytic efficiencies on various substrates and metal dependencies, as well as structural studies has been performed. 6:” Synthesis and characterization of novel nanoparticles for enhanced oil recovery; development of superabsorbent gels for adsorbing oil spills.” A series of new oil absorbing hydrophobic hybrid crosslinked polymer with/without magnetics nanoparticles (Fe3O4) were designed and synthesized. The introduction of the magnetic nanoparticles into the composite system provided an alternative method for the fast and selective removal of any hydrophobic oil/organic spill from water surface under external magnetic. Some new microgels with environmentally friendly monomers with biodegradable cross-linker have been synthesized. These new “green” materials (microgels) will then be well characterized with the aim to find out which of them that are best suited for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) applications. This year, the various groups have been working intensely and the VISTA Biotech is starting to produce important new knowledge. In the coming year we would like to see much more of application on all these sophisticated technologies, for possible use in: - Biomass to biofuels - New exploration tools in sensitive areas - Increased oil recovery by bio-inoculation - Enhanced extraction of heavy oil by bioconversion - Bioprospecting The use of marine biomass as a raw material source for various types of 2G biofuels, will be of interest. In the future, increased oil recovery will become a major concern. Biotechnology can offer new, promising solutions to this problem by application of low energy, low emission, and environmentally friendly bio-tech methods. Particularly, new enzyme biocatalyst should be focused and specialized for new EOR applications. The VISTA Biotech projects have produced 3 accepted papers, 2 papers submitted, 3 papers in preparation and the presentation of 6 conference talks in 2011. 19 Highlights from VISTA projects within the area Biotechnology in 2011: • • • • The very first publication on the whole metagenome of a hot oil reservoir has been produced by support from the VISTA Biotech. A high-coverage DNA pyrosequencing of an apparently representative and uncontaminated sample from a deep sea oil reservoir located 2.5 km subsurface, attributing a pressure and temperature of 250 bars and 85°C respectively. Bioinformatic analyses of the DNA sequences indicate that the reservoir harbours a rich microbial community dominated by a smaller number of taxa. Comparison of the metagenome with sequences in databases indicated that there may have been contact between the oil reservoir and surface communities late in the sequence of geological events. The two groups from Bergen and the CEES from Oslo also give good contributions to new insight in hydrocarbon converters and degraders found in these habitats. This gives new understanding to metabolic pathways, new biocatalyst and biosurfactants for potential use in enhanced oil recovery, EOR. 2011 has been a breakthrough year for innovative enzyme technologies for biomass processing, since the Vista scholar showed that certain CBM33 family members boost the enzymatic conversion of cellulose. Furthermore, the hydrophobic crosslinked microgels/nanogels give new incentives for possible polymer reservoir flooding with EOR effects. 20 21 ORGANISASJONS- OG STYRINGSSTRUKTUR FOR VISTA 2011 STYRET PROGRAMLEDELSE Tor Ulleberg, styreleder, Statoil Leif Lømo, Statoil Nils Chr. Stenseth, DNVA/UIO Reidun Sirevåg, DNVA/UIO Tore Vorren, DNVA/UiT Bjørn Jamtveit, DNVA/UIO Helge Holden, DNVA /NTNU Odd Stokke Gabrielsen, DNVA/UIO OMRÅDEKOMITE for Leting Cato Wille/Halvor Kjørholt, programleder, Statoil Trine Gerlyng, koordinator, DNVA Richard Kvile, regnskapsfører, DNVA OMRÅDEKOMITE for Økt utvinning Lasse Amundsen, Områdeleder, Statoil Øivind Fevang, Områdeleder, Statoil Tore Vorren, UIT Helge Holden, NTNU Bjørn Jamtveit, UIO Ole Torsæter, NTNU OMRÅDEKOMITE for Olje- og gassprosessering Dag Schanke, Områdeleder, Statoil Reidun Sirevåg, UIO OMRÅDEKOMITE for Bioteknologi OMRÅDEKOMITE for Miljø Hans Kristian Kotlar, Områdeleder, Statoil Christian Collin-Hansen Områdeleder, Statoil Odd Stokke Gabrielsen, UIO Nils Christian Stenseth, UIO PROSJEKTER • Dr.gradsstipendiater • Post.doc.stipendiater • Prosjektledere • Faglige kontaktpersoner i Statoil • Vista-professorater 22 23 24
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Årsberetning 2012
Akademiets sekretariat bidrar med administrativ assistanse og koordinerer VISTA-programmet.
VISTA støttet til sammen 23 PhD og Postdoc prosjekter per 31. desember 2012. Som VISTA
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