Sparbankens youth app


Sparbankens youth app
Sparbankens youth app
Flows and functions of the youth app
© Sparbanken
Sparbanken’s mobile app for youth customers
© Sparbanken
Sparbanken’s app for youth customers is
available for customers under the age of 18.
Main functionality in the app is
Financial overview – see balance on accounts
Transfers - Allows the user to make a transfer
between the user’s own accounts.
Load phone card – Allows the user to top-up
phone cards.
Calculators - The calculators allows the user to
make simple calculations on spendings and
Wordlist & Tips – Gives the user help on
economical terms and private economy tips
especially for youth.
Find us – Contains phone numbers to the bank,
possibility to search for ATM’s and branches and
access to Sparbanken’s Facebook customer
service wall
Settings – Contains settings for the app.
Help – Gives the user help around the usage of
the app (FAQ and tutorial).
Select bank
This page shows how the user chooses bank the first time
the user opens the app.
1. The first time the app
opens, the user is prompted
to a list with available
banks. The user can search
for banks in the search field,
or scroll in the list.
© Sparbanken
2. User searches for the
bank he/she is a customer
3. When the user has chosen
the right bank, the choice is
confirmed. The user is then
prompted to the startpage.
Log in with personal pin code
Log in is possible with personal pin code and Mobile
BankID. This page shows login with personal pin code.
1. Icons with a pad lock icon requires
log in. Click on an icon with pad lock to
start log in flow.
© Sparbanken
2. User enters personal ID number.
3. User chooses
personal pin code as
login method.
4. User enter his/her
six digit pin code and
press ”Fortsätt” to log
5. User is logged in.
Click on the Logga
ut button in the
bottom bar in order
to log out. The
bottom bar is
available on all
screens by scroll.
Login with Mobile BankID
Log in is possible with personal pin code and Mobile
BankID. This page shows login with Mobile BankID.
1. Icons with a pad lock icon requires
log in. Click on an icon with pad lock to
start log in flow.
© Sparbanken
2. User enters
his/her personal ID
2. User chooses
”Mobilt BankID” as
log in method.
3. Press ”Fortsätt”
to continue.
4. The Mobile
BankID security
application starts
automatically. The
user enters his/her
BankID pin code in
the BankID security
5. User is logged in.
Click on the Logga
ut button in the
bottom bar in order
to log out. The
bottom bar is
available on all
screens by scroll.
Financial overview
This page shows the function of Ekonomisk översikt
(Financial overview).
The user can access his/her
financial overview by
selecting the icon Ekonomisk
översikt on the start page.
© Sparbanken
Financial overview shows
the user’s accounts and
balances on each account.
The user can click on
accounts to see a detailed
transaction history
Detailed transaction
history view showing
balance, and details about
transactions on the
This page shows
the drag’n’drop
function on the
overview page
Drag n’ drop: 1.
Begin drag n’ drop by
pressing the icon for
drag n’ drop.
© Sparbanken
5. Enter amount
2. Visual clues are
displayed to the left of
the accounts.
6. Press Godkänn to
3. User selects a
from account
7. Done
4. User drops
chosen account on
desired recipient
This page explains the function of the icon
Överföra (Transfer)
1. The icon Överföra is
found on the startpage
of the app.
© Sparbanken
2. The menus under
Överföra allows the
user to make a new
transfer or see or edit
registered transfers.
Make a transfer (slide 1/2)
This and next page shows how the user makes a
transfer between his/her own accounts.
1. Select the icon Överföra
© Sparbanken
2. Select new transfer
3. Select from and to account by selecting an account in
the drop down menu.
4. Enter amount and transfer
date in the input fields
Belopp (Amount) and
Överföringsdatum (trasfer
Make a transfer (slide 1/2)
This and previous page shows how the user
makes a transfer between his/her own accounts.
5. User can leave a
message for the
recipient in the
Meddelande till
mottagaren field. Press
Lägg till to continue.
© Sparbanken
6. Press ”Godkänn” to
confirm the transfer. Press
Lägg till ny överföring to
make another transfer.
7. This page is the
confirmation page.
See or edit transfers
This page shows how the user sees or edits a
registered transfer
1. Select the icon
Överföra (Transfer)
© Sparbanken
2. Select the menu
överföringar to see
or edit a registered
3. User can see all
registered transfers
from all his/her
accounts which are
still editable. When
clicking a transfer
the user can edit it.
4. In edit mode.
(same as when
making a new
5. The user clicks
Godkänn to confirm
the change.
6. This page is the
confirmation page.
Load phone card (page 1/2)
This and next page shows how the user
tops up his/her phone card.
1. Select the icon
Ladda kontantkort
(Load phone card)
2. Choose a from
account and
recipient in drop
down menus.
3. From account list
4. Choose recipient,
either a new or
5. If ”Ny mottagare
(new recipient) is
chosen in step 4, input
fields for phonenumber
and operator are
displayed. The user
may choose to save
recipient (Spara
6. Enter number
and choose
operator (7)
© Sparbanken
7. Operator list
Load phone card (page 2/2)
Maria Andersson
8. If the user
mottagare” to on, an
input field for name is
9. Enter the name of the
10. Choose amount
12 . Control and confirm.
© Sparbanken
11. Press ”Fortsätt” to
13. Confirmation
This and the next page shows the function of the icon Kalkyler (Calculators).
4. The user can calculate
how much to save a
month to reach a certain
2. The user can choose
1. The user selects the
icon Kalkyler to enter the between different
calculators. There are
calculators in the app.
also financial tips in the
tips box below the
© Sparbanken
3. The user can calculate
how much a monthly
saving will add up to
over time.
The user can calculate
how much a spending
can add up to over time.
The user swipes the top bar to see different types of
items, ie buns, coffee, tops, etc. By adding units user
can calculate total amount spent on item.
Calculators (Page 2/2)
This and previous page shows the function of the icon Kalkyler (Calculators).
2. The user can choose
1. The user selects the
icon Kalkyler to enter the between different
calculators. There are
calculators in the app.
also financial tips in the
tips box below the
© Sparbanken
3. The user can
calculate currency
exchange rates by
selecting Räkna in the
toggle bar and fill in the
amount from currency
and to currency.
4. Currency list
5. The user can see a list
of current exchange
rates by selecting
Valutor in the toggle bar.
Wordlist & Tips
This page explains the content of the icon Ordlista & Tips (Wordlist &
1. Select the icon Ordlista
& Tips (Wordlist & Tips)
which is found on the
© Sparbanken
2. Select the menu Ordlista
to access the wordlist.
Below is the tips-box called
”A good advice” where the
user gets general advice
on economy and savings.
3. In the wordlist, economy
words with definition are
presented in alphabetical
4. The user can search in
the list by using the top
search field, by scrolling
down the page, or by using
the standard search bar to
the right.
Wordlist & Tips
This page explains the content of the icon Ordlista & Tips (Wordlist &
Tip text
1. Select the icon Ordlista 2. Select the menu Tips to
access the tips in the app.
& Tips (Wordlist & Tips).
© Sparbanken
3. The user can swipe
between different topics,
and the press on the
picture or ingress to read
more about a certain topic.
4. The user can then
read more about the
chosen topic or use
the check list to tick
off activities related to
the topic.
Check list
This page shows the content of the icon
Inställningar (Settings)
Settings allows the user to access general settings in
the app.
Activate quick balance - By activating quick
balance the user can see balance on a selected
check account on the start page of the app without
having to log in.
Select background – The user can choose between
different pre-set backgrounds for the startpage of the
Change personal pin code – Allows the user to
change personal pin code.
Activate tips – Allows the user to activate or
deactivate tips and help boxes throughout the app.
User agreement terms – Contains user agreement
terms for the app.
© Sparbanken
Relevant phone numbers
are presented under
”Telefonboken” (Phone
Find us
This page explains the content of the icon Hjälp (Help)
By selecting the icon ”Hitta oss”
(Find us) the user is presented
with a search for bank office/ATM
and a telephone book.
1. Select the icon
Hitta oss (Find us).
© Sparbanken
2. The user can
access the phone
book (Telefonbok)
with numbers to the
bank, search for a
ATM or branch office
or access
Facebook wall by
the link Swedbank
på Facebook.
Search for bank office or
3. This is the search
field for finding an
ATM and/or branch.
The user enters an
address or location
in the search field
and clicks on Sök to
perform the search.
The result is
presented in a list.
A search
list is presented.
The result
is presented inBy
a list.
a result
to see more
map, the location is
information and find the branch/ATM
on a map.
presented on a map.
Select background
This page shows how to change background image for the app’s
1. Choose the icon
Inställningar (Settings).
© Sparbanken
2. Choose ”Välj
3. Swipe between
available background
images and select one by
pressing Välj.
4. These are examples of the
background images available.
Quick balance
Quick balance allows the user to see balance
on a chosen account without logging in.
Requires activation.
© Sparbanken
Activate quick balance
This page shows how to activate quick balance for the app’s startpage.
1. Select the icon
2. Choose ”Aktivera
snabbsaldo” (activate
quick balance)
3. Set the switch to On to
activate quick balance.
4. Confirm by
pressing ”Fortsätt”
6. On the startpage, shake
your phone and the account
balance shows up on the
start screen. Available in
both logged in and logged
out mode.
© Sparbanken
5. User selects which
account to activate.
Quick balance swipe
This page explains the function quick balance swipe on the startpage.
By swiping the quickbalance box to the right, the user is
able to see how much his/her account balance is worth in
terms of for example cinema tickets, gold and
© Sparbanken
This page explains the function of the icon Hjälp (Help) on the start
1. Select the icon Hjälp
© Sparbanken
2. The user can
choose between
reading a FAQ and a
tutorial to some of the
functions in the app.
Choose Frågor och
svar to access the
3. The user can
search for a question
in the search field or
by topic below.
4. When clicking a
topic all related
questions are shown.
Thank you!
© Sparbanken