STS APP GUIDE – IOS DEVICE STEP 1 Select “Register” to register your child (only for the first time). STEP 2 Please enter RMN (primary mobile number. i.e. printed on the student ID card) Student ID (enter 14 digit student ID or ‘tap to scan’ barcode on ID card) STEP 3 STEP 4 An OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number. Successful entry of OTP will automatically populate the below details. Parent Name Child Name School Name Email ID Create your own Password. Minimum 6 characters & maximum 10 characters. Confirm Password Terms & Conditions (please read and agree to Terms & Conditions). Tap “Register” to complete the APP Registration. STEP 5 STEP 6 Enter your registered email address & password to login. STS-App Home page launched Below options are provided in STS app Locate child – Go to “Step 7” STS Alert – Go to “Step 9” Personal pickup/Drop – Go to “Step 10” Account Summary – Go to “Step 12” Add Another Child – Go to “Step 13” Settings– Go to “Step 15” STEP 7 STEP 8 LOCATE CHILD: Select ‘track’ for Step-8. LOCATE CHILD – Track: It will show the last two scans of the child with GOOGLE locations, time and date of the scan. STEP 9 STEP 10 STS Alerts: When connected to internet, parents will receive alerts and messages sent by STS. Personal Pickup/Drop: This feature allows you to communicate with the STS Representative regarding personal pick-up of the student from the school. The request should be submitted before 10:00 AM. STEP 11 Account Summary: Select “Account Summary” icon for your outstanding and last paid amount. For payment please visit or school STS counter. STEP 12 Add Another Child: Select the ‘Add another Child’ icon and fill in the required details. Please enter RMN (primary mobile number. i.e. printed on the student ID card) Student ID (enter 14 digit student id or tap to scan barcode on ID card) STEP 13 An OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number. Successful entry of OTP will automatically populate the below details. Parent Name Child Name School Name Email ID Password (re-enter password for confirmation) Click “Save” Note: When trying to register a child who is already registered on the App – “child already added” message generated. STEP 14 Settings: Setting will allow you to do changes within App. STEP 15 Add / Remove Child: Select the “add / remove Child”. This will show; name of child, school and bus number To remove a child, select the children you want to remove from the list of siblings (if any) mentioned and click on the “delete” icon. This will prompt you for confirmation – “do you really want to remove the child (name)? If yes, click on “Ok”. This will remove child permanently from the App. To add another child / sibling, Select the “+” icon on the top right corner of the screen. This will re direct you to the “Add Another child” screen. INSTALLATION SETUP – IOS DEVICE 1. OPEN APP STORE 2. TYPE ‘STSS’ & SEARCH 3. SELECT ‘GET’ TO CONTINUE 4. SELECT ‘INSTALL’ & PROVIDE ‘iTunes’ PASSWORD AND THEN TAP ‘OK’ TO CONFIRM 5. SELECT ‘OPEN’ TO LAUNCH APP 6. LAUNCHING APP 7. TAP ‘OK’ TO RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS FROM STS 8. STS APP LAUNCHED