ampex model 601 - Steam Powered Radio
ampex model 601 - Steam Powered Radio
tm i o o i I ^ AMI EX Operation ^MiDEL601 Maintenance ^Mannal AiMPEX CORPORATION .•14 CHARTER STREET BEWOOD CITY • CALm>BMA TM lOOl AMI >EX Operation M O D E L 601 Viaintenance Manual ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AMPEX CORPORATION 934 CHARTER STREET REDWOOD CITY - CALIFORNIA Table of Contents Page I - l 1-1 1-2 I. DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS n. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION THEORY 2-1 2-1 HI. I N S T A L L A T I O N AND O P E R A T I O N GENERAL POWER LINE INPUT MICROPHONE I N P U T REPRODUCE O U T P U T INTERCONNECTING CONNECTORS STUDIO I N S T A L L A T I O N TAPE THREADING R E C O R D I N G W I T H H A L F T R A C K MACHINES REPRODUCING W I T H H A L F T R A C K M A C H I N E S RECORDING REPRODUCING REWIND AND FAST FORWARD ERASING MIXING SYNTHETIC REVERBERATIONS 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-2 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-6 IV. T A P E TRANSPORT ASSEMBLY GENERAL S T A N D - B Y OPERATION P L A Y MODE REWIND MODE FAST FORWARD MODE ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-3 4-3 4-4 V. E L E C T R O N I C ASSEMBLY GENERAL RECORD C H A N N E L REPRODUCE C H A N N E L BIAS AND ERASE O S C I L L A T O R ELECTRONIC A L I G N M E N T A L I G N M E N T A N D TEST E Q U I P M E N T REQUIREMENTS 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-2 VI. PARTS L I S T 6-1, 3rd E D I T I O N O C T O B E R 1958 List of Illustrations F i g . No. Caption Page FRONTISPIECE 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2- 5 3- 1 3- 2 4- 1 4-2 4-3 4 -4 5- 1 5-2 5-3 TAPE MAGNETIZATION RECORDING H E A D M A G N E T I Z A T I O N CURVE O U T P U T VS. FREQUENCY A C H I E V I N G F L A T RESPONSE SPACE REQUIREMENTS T A P E T H R E A D I N G AND N O M E N C L A T U R E M E C H A N I C A L OPERATION S I M P L I F I E D ROUTINE L U B R I C A T I O N T A P E TENSION MEASUREMENTS T A P E TRANSPORT E X P L O D E D V I E W REPRODUCE A M P L I F I E R RESPONSE RECORD A M P L I F I E R RESPONSE SCHEMATIC D I A G R A M 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 3-2 3-3 4-2 4-3 4-5 5-4 5-7 I. Description & Specifications The AMPEX Model 601 is a lightweight, portable, magnetic tape recorder designed for professional use, and is available in any combination of these versions: Power Input 117 volts, 50 or 60 cycles per second (cps) Tape Speed IY2 or 3 -M inches per seconds (ips) Head Assembly full or half track An accessory transformer (Catalog N o . 17331-1) featuring convenient, quick plug-in change from high to low impedance microphone input is available for use with this model. The machine can be operated in the horizontal or vertical position. It is packaged in a durable, luggage-type, saddle-tan Samsonite case, or is obtainable uncased for custom installation. TABLE 1-1 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED UNIT Complete Equipment (in carrying Case) Tape Transport TAPE SPEED (ips) 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 3-3/4 3-3/4 3-3/4 3-3/4 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 3-3/4 3-3/4 3-3/4 3-3/4 7-1/2 3-3/4 Electronic Assembly Power Cord Mating Connector, Microphone Input TRACK WIDTH Half Full Half Full Half Full Half Full Half Full Half Full Half Full Half Full LINE FREQ AMPEX (CPS) CAT. NO. 60 60 50 50 60 60 50 50 60 60 50 50 60 60 50 50 7948-1 7948-2 7948-5 7948-6 7948-101 7948-102 7948-105 7958-106 6200-14 6200-10 6200-15 6200-11 6200-121 6200-122 6200-123 6200-124 17416-1 17416-101 CS-5 DIMENSIONS (Ins.) 16-1/2x13-3/4x8. 16-1/2x13-3/4x8. 16-1/2x13-3/4x8. 16-1/2x13-3/4x8. 16-1/2x13-3/4x8. 16-1/2x13-3/4x8. 16-1/2x13-3/4x8. 16-1/2x13-3/4x8. 9-5/16x12-1/2x5. 9-5/16x12-1/2x5. 9-5/16x12-1/2x5. 9-5/16x12-1/2x5. 9-5/16x12-1/2x5. 9-5/16x12-1/2x5. 9-5/16x12-1/2x5. 9-5/16x12-1/2x5. 6-1/8x12-1/2x5. 6-1/8x12-1/2x5. 96. PL-33P Miniature Phone Plug, Line Input PL-450 Mating Plug, Output PL-445 Notes: 1. All mating connectors are supplied without wiring as a convenience for diversified installation. 2. Hardware kits are available to facilitate maintenance. (See Section VI.) GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Tape Width Reel Size Tape Speed Playing Time Reproduce Timing Accuracy Flutter and Wow Starting Time Stopping Time Fast Forward Time Rewind Time Frequency Response Signal-to-Noise Record Ratio Inputs VA inch. 7 inch, R E T M A reel ( m a x i m u m ) . IV2 ips, l u l l track. IVj ips, half track. 3M ips, full track. .3M ips, half track. Full Track—32 minutes w i t i i 7 inch reel, IV2 ips, 1200 feet. H a l f Track—64 minutes w i t h 7 inch reel, 71/2 ips, 1200 feet. ± 0 . 2 % , or an accuracy of ± 3 . 6 seconds in a 30-rninute recording. 71/2 ips—Below 0.17% rms. ips—Below 0.3% rms. The tape attains f u l l speed i n less than onefifth second i n either the play or record mode. Less than one second. 90 seconds for f u l l 1200 foot reel. 90 seconds for f u l l 1200 foot reel. 71/2 ips—40 to 15,000 cps ± 2 db 50 to 10,000 cps down no more than 4 db at 15,000 cps. 3 M i p s — ± 2 db 50 to 7500 cps. Full Track—over 55 db below peak record level. Peak record level is defined as the point of 3 % total rms iiarmonic distortion, measured while using a 400 cps tone; and peak record level includes bias, erase and reproduce amplifier noise. H a l f Track—50 db below peak record level. M I C R O P H O N E : Accommodates any high impedance microphone, and can be quickly converted for a low impedance microphone w i t h the plug-in accessory transformer (Catalog N o . 17331-1). Reproduce Operating Output Controls Miscellaneous The safety button, a flat topped neon lamp, remains lighted while the machine is in the record mode. REWIND—FAST FWD: This selector switch is mechanically interlocked w i t h the P L A Y — R E C switch. 1-2 SPECIFICATIONS The M O N I T O R SELECTOR switch is used for monitoring as described in the following paragraphs; but it functions also as an operating control. I n the P L A Y mode, the M O N I T O R selector switch must be i n the T A P E position i n order to bring the reproduce head signal to the O U T P U T . A toggle O N — O F F switch, located on the control panel, turns power on or off. W h e n placed i n the O N position, this toggle switch w i l l cause the capstan to rotate; but the tape w i l l not move until one of the two operating switches is turned from its neutral position. The M I C R O P H O N E input, a three circuit connector, is conveniently located on the control panel. The L I N E I N P U T connector is a two circuit jack recessed into the right side of the equipment. The O U T P U T connector is a three circuit jack also recessed into the right side of the equipment. M a t i n g connectors are supplied (see 1-1). Monitoring 1.23 volts rms into 600 ohms at program level. P L A Y — R E C : The play mode is selected by placing the switch i n P L A Y position. The record mode can be selected only by depressing the safety button at the same time the selector switch is placed in REC position. LEVEL The P H O N E S output is a two circuit jack, located on the front panel. L I N E : 0.5 volt required for normal program level. Reproduce Output Operating Controls M I C REC LEVEL, and L I N E REC are separate m i x i n g controls. Head Assembly Power Requirements Accessories Table The M O N I T O R SELECTOR switch allows monitoring of program input, or reproduce output. A phone jack and illuminated v-u meter are on the front panel. W h e n the T A P E position is selected, the reproduce output can be monitored. W h e n the I N P U T position is selected, the headphones and meter report program signal level. Separate erase, record, and reproduce heads are contained in a single housing. 117 volts, 50 or 60 cps; 0.52 watts. Maintenance K i t : Speed Conversion Kits to: 3 M ips, 60 cps 71/2 ips, 60 cps 3 % ips, 50 cps 71/2 ips, 50 cps ampere, 61 6392-1 7556-0 7556-1 7556-2 7556-3 1-3 SPECIFICATIONS Accessories Conversion K i t to: 50 cps operation, 714 ips 60 cps operation, 71/2 ips 50 cp"s operation, 354 ips 60 cps operation, 354 ips Adaptor for rack mounting 9738 9739 9740 9741 9684-1 Spare parrs kits for: 714 ips, 60 cps machine 7V2 ips, 50 cps machine 354 ips, 60 cps machine 354 ips, 50 cps machine Minor hardware Kits: 9742-1 9742-2 9742-3 9742-4 7802 See Section V I for a complete parts list. II. Principles of Operation If a material capable of being magnetized is placed in the proximity of a magnetic field, the molecules of the material will be oriented according to the direction of the field. Any of several methods can be used to produce the magnetic field, but of most interest in magnetic recording is that field produced when a current flows through a coil of wire. The current may be derived from a transducer—for example, a microphone converting audio sound waves to electric current. Magnetic Tape Magnetic recording tape consists of finely divided iron-oxide particles deposited upon a plastic backing. This tape is moved through a magnetic field in which the magnetizing force is alternating, and the iron oxide particles are aligned according to the instantaneous direction and magnitude of the field (See Fig. 2-1). Fig. 2-1. Tape Magnetization 2-1 Magnetic Head The magnetic field is produced in the gap of a recording head, over which the recording tape passes. The recording head is a ringshaped electromagnet (See Fig. 2-2). It consists of an incomplete ring of highly permeable material inserted in a coil of wire. The discontinuity i n the r i n g forms the gap, and the ring is the core of the electromagnet. GAP TAPE e Fig. Magnetization Curve Bias 2-2. Recording Head The magnetization curve of the iron oxide utilized as the recording medium is similar to that shown as the heavy line in Fig. 2-3. A t points near the origin, the curve is extremely non-linear, and the signal recorded on the tape would not be directly proportional to the signal applied to the head. This would result i n a high degree of distortion upon reproduction. This distortion is greatly reduced by the application of a high-frequency constant amplitude bias signal which is mixed w i t h the signal being recorded. The frequency of this bias is generally selected to be five times the upper frequency l i m i t of the recorder to prevent beating between the bias and harmonics of the recorded signal. W h i l e the tape is in the recording gap, the bias causes the magnetization characteristics of the iron oxide to follow the dashed line loops shown i n Fig. 2-3, known as the M I N O R HYSTERESIS LOOPS. As the tape leaves the gap, the influence of the magnetic field created by the bias is reduced to zero, and the tape assumes a permanent magnetization, k n o w n as R E M A N E N T I N D U C T I O N , determined by the gap flux at the time the tape leaves the gap. After the recording process, there exists on the tape a flux pattern which is proportional i n magnitude and direction to the signal recorded on i t . I f the tape is then moved past the gap of a reproduce head— which is similar in construction to the record head—the magnetic flux of the m o v i n g tape w i l l induce a voltage in the coil of the reproduce 2-2 Fig. 2-3. Magnetization Curve head. This induced voltage is proportional to the number of turns of wire on the head, and the rate of change of flux, expressed i n the following equation: E = N(d0at) Where E is the induced voltage N is the number of turns of wire d0tlt is the rate of change of flux It is desirable that the gap i n the reproduce head be as small as possible, so that the gap w i l l intercept less than one wave length of the signal on the tape at the highest frequency to be reproduced. However, as the gap is made smaller the induced voltage decreases, so there is a practical l i m i t in decreasing the gap and still maintaining an adequate signal-to-noise ratio. Induced Voltage in Head Induced Voltage in Head The voltage induced across rhe head is computed by the following equation; E = B m TTcj/ V sin /x Where E is the induced voltage B is the maximum flux density of the recording material V is the velocity of the tape over the head w is the gap width X is the wavelength of the signal on the tape. In order to provide an overall frequency response that is flat (see Fig. 2-5) an equalization circuit consisting of a series resistance and capacitance is inserted in one of the early stages of the reproduce amplifier. This equalizer has a high-frequency droop characteristic (curve B, Fig. 2-5) which is the inverse of the r e p r o d u c e h e a d characteristic (curve A , Fig. 2-5). In order to extend the high-frequency response, additional equalization is included i n the record amplifier in the form of a high-frequency boost circuit, designed to compensate for the droop in reproduce head characteristics caused by head core losses, gap losses and recording losses. Frequency Response From this expression it can be seen that the voltage across the coil increases directly as the velocity increases and as the wave-length decreases (frequency increases). I f rhe tape velocity and gap w i d t h are assumed to be constant, the output voltage f r o m the head is directly proportional to the frequency, as long as the wave length on the tape is large compared to the gap w i d t h . This results in an output vs. frequency characteristic such as shown in curve A of Fig. 2-4. The voltage does not continue to rise indefinitely. As electrical losses in the core material increase, and as the wave-length on the tape approaches the same dimensions as the reproduce head gap, rhe actual output resembles curve B of Fig. 2-4. OUTPUT (db) 1 ( 1 J ^ _ _ . 1 1 1 1 + 25 + 20 Fig. 2-5. Achieving Flat Response A !/ 1- + + 15 1 +10 t +5 1 B 0 — -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 10 100 1000 lOKC FREQUENCY Vig. 2-4. Output vs. Frequency 2-5 2-4 III. Installation a n d Operation This machine can be operated i n either the horizontal or vertical position. I n the carrying case, installation consists only of making up and connecting the required cables (See "Connector" in this section). For studio installations, an adaptor (Catalog N o . 9684-1) is available which permits mounting i n a standard 19-inch relay rack. GENERAL The power requirements are 117 volt a-c, 50 or 60 cps, 0.52 ampere, 61 watts. A name plate on the bottom of the case adjacent to the aperture for O U T P U T , L I N E I N P U T and 117 v. a-c indicates the proper line frequency. POWER The line input is an unbalanced bridging input of 100,000 ohms. Any unit connected to the L I N E I N P U T connector should deliver a signal of at least 0.5 volt when recording f r o m consolettes, mixers or other tape recorders. LINE INPUT The recorder is wired for a high impedance microphone, but provision for internal mounting of an accessory plug-in transformer immediately changes the machine for use w i t h low impedance microphones. T o make this conversion, remove the four screws on the panel of the electronics assembly. The panel and assembly can then be removed. MICROPHONE A. B. C. INPUT High Impedance- -a dummy plug J107P shown on the schematic diagram (Fig. 5..5) must be plugged into socket J106S for high impedance operation. Low Impedance — remove the dummy plug J107P. Accessory transformer A M P E X catalog number 173.51-1 (shown as T103 on schematic diagram Fig. 5.3) is then plugged into J106S for impedance i n the range of 150 ohms to 250 ohms. 30 o h m to 50 ohm — Install transformer T103 as shown on the schematic diagram ( F i g . 5.3) by plugg i n g the transformer into socket J106, and removing the jumper as shown i n Note 7 on the schematic. The output of the machine should be connected to a unit having 600 ohms input impedance. I n a situation wherein the recorder w i l l work into a high impedance line, physically terminate the O U T P U T connector w i t h a 600 o h m resistor and bridge this resistor w i t h the high i m pedance circuit. A three circuit O U T P U T plug is supplied. A t w o circuit plug can be used, and w i l l w o r k ; but it automatically makes an unbalanced line. I f an A M P E X amplifier loudspeaker is used p l u g i t into the M O N I T O R jack only. REPRODUCE OUTPUT INTERCONNECTING Regardless of application observe the requirements under "Line I n p u t " and "Reproduce O u t p u t " when interconnecting the machine w i t h any other piece of equipment. CONNECTORS A power cable and matching plugs for the M I C R O P H O N E ( J I O I S ) , L I N E I N P U T (J102S), and O U T P U T (J104S) connectors are supplied w i t h the equipment. Shielded, low-capacity cable is recommended for making up input and output cables. Make such cables as short as possible for interconnecting units in audio systems. Refer to the schematic diagram (Fig. 5.3), to determine correct p i n connection for all plugs. The tape threading path described below is the same for all modes of operation; but special attention is called to the notes dealing w i t h half track heads. Step 1 : Place a reel of tape on the left-hand turntable, and an empty reel on the right-hand turntable, making certain that the pins around the base of each spindle engage corresponding slots on the reel hubs. Step 2: Press a reel hold-down knob i n place on each spindle. Step 3: Thread the tape as indicated i n the frontispiece. Make sure the oxide or dull surface is against the heads. Step 4 : Anchor the tape in the slot on the empty reel hub if desired, but a f u l l tape turn counterclockwise around the reel hub is usually sufficient. REEL HOLD-DOWN SUPPLY STUDIO INSTALLATION •' TAKEUP The reproduce head cable is double shielded, insuring against r-f pickup. Cable capacity and length have been minimized to avoid high frequency loss. I n general, mount the electronic assembly and tape transport no more than one foot apart. I f the reproduce head cable is lengthened for greater separation of the components, high frequency response w i l l be affected. In the event an installation absolutely demands lengthening this cable, a very low capacity type (RG-62/U) is indicated, plus the addition of an outer shield. H i g h frequency losses cannot be kept to a m i n i m u m i f the cable length exceeds three feet. Space requirements for custom installation are given in the accompanying illustration ( F i g . 3-1). A l l o w sufficient clearance at the right side of the electronics chassis for easy access to L I N E I N P U T and O U T P U T connectors. I f desired, these connectors can be brought to a patch panel mounted at some more convenient point i n the installation to provide ready accessibility. MICROPHONL RECORD LEVEL Fig. 3-2. MnNllLP SELECTOR LINE RECORD LEVEL Tape Threading MICROPHONE INPUT and Nomenclature NOTE Fig. 3-1. 3-2 Space Requirements Because machines using half track heads record or reproduce only half the tape w i d t h , the tape supply must be so oriented that the half to be recorded is farthest from the tape transport surface. A f t e r the entire tape has been wound onto the take-up reel f r o m a recording run, for instance, the take-up reel must be turned over and the second half recorded—or indentified for a later run. For example: TAPE THREADING , RECORDING HALF TRACK Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Thread a tape as directed under "Tape Threading." Set the machine as indicated in "Recording," immediately following. The entire tape must be reeled onto the take-up reel, regardless of whether or not the recording is completed. F A S T — F W D can be used if program material does not use the entire tape. Remove the take-up reel f r o m the machine and turn it over. Remove the turntable reel which is now free of tape. Place the take-up reel on the turntable side. Reversing the take-up reel after a recording run, places the tape in the only position for proper threading from the turntable side; and also orients the still unrecorded half of the tape so that it is farthest from the tape transport. If the tape had been rewound, the second run would have erased the previous recording. REPRODUCING UAic TDArir HALF TRACK Refer to the steps in "Reproduce," following. The half track tape w i l l reproduce correctly only if oriented so that the half of the tape desired • r i r i c IS farthest from the tape transport surface. In reproduce mode, after the entire tape has been reeled onto the take-up reel, reverse the reel and place it on the turntable side. RECORDING Previously recorded tapes are erased automatically as new recordings are made, eliminating the need for an erasure run because the tapes first pass over the erase head whenever the machine is recording; but for the finest recording, it is recommended that the tapes be tank erased. Connect the program source equipment (microphone, mixers, etc.) to the appropriate input. Step 2: Place the M O N I T O R SELECTOR switch on the I N P U T function. Step 3: Place the O N - O F F toggle in the O N position. Step 4: Adjust either the M I C REC LEVEL or the L I N E REC LEVEL control, depending on whether the M I C R O P H O N E input or the L I N E I N P U T is being used, so that on the most intense volume peaks of the program to be recorded, the v-u meter needle swings to approximately zero on the v-u scale. I t is unnecessary to start the tape motion i n order to set the program level. I f only one input is being used, turn the other REC LEVEL to zero. Step 5: Place the P L A Y - R E C control in the REC position by depressing the safety button at the same time the record position is selected. The transparent plastic button glows while the machine is in the record mode. This record safety feature prevents accidental erasure of previously recorded tapes. W h e n returning to the P L A Y or the neutral position at the dot, the safety button is not used. W h i l e recording, a continuous comparison of the incoming program and the reproduction on the tape can be effected by turning the M O N I T O R SELECTOR switch back and forth between the I N P U T and T A P E positions and observing the v-u meter, or using headphones. Step 1: 3-4 T o stop recording, return the P L A Y — R E C control to neutral, marked by a dot. Step Step Step Step 1: 2: 3: 4: Step 5: Thread a previously recorded tape on the machine. Place the O N — O F F toggle i n the O N position. Place the P L A Y — R E C control i n the P L A Y position. Place the M O N I T O R SELECTOR switch i n the T A P E position. Adjust the reproduce level through the volume control of the program source. If there is no output, check the M O N I T O R SELECTOR switch position. W h e n the machine is i n the play mode, the M O N I T O R SELECTOR switch must be i n the T A P E position. O U T P U T can be monitored w i t h the headphones plugged into the jack on the front panel. T o rewind or move tape forward rapidly, place R E W I N D — FAST F W D switch in the position desired. The tape moves at 800 feet per minute in either direction, and can be shuttled back and forth between R E W I N D and FAST F W D positions without waiting for the tape to decelerate or stop. Thus, cueing and editing can be accomplished at high speed w i t h no danger of tape breakage. RECORDING REPRODUCING REWIND A N D FAST FORWARD The R E W I N D — F A S T F W D and P L A Y - R E C controls are mechanically interlocked, making impossible the switching of either control unless the other is i n neutral. This safety feature guards against tape breakage which would occur if the machine were switched directly f r o m either of the high speed modes to P L A Y or REC position. CAUTION Always return R E W I N D — F A S T E W D control to neutral position, and wait til tape motion stops before switching to P L A Y or REC. Placing selector controls on P L A Y or REC while tape is in motion w i l l cause stretched or broken tape. T o erase a previously recorded tape when no new reproduction is desired, t u r n both of the REC LEVEL controls to zero and r u n the tape in the record mode. ERASE Because microphone and line recording channels are independent, each governed by its own level control, simultaneous recording f r o m two sources can be made without an external mixer. MIXING For example, singing, voice announcements or instrumental accompaniment can be dubbed into a program being recorded f r o m a consolette or other tape recorder. T o effect this, connect the program source equipment to the L I N E I N P U T connector and a microphone to the M I C R O P H O N E connector. Adjust both the M I C R O P H O N E REC L E V E L and L I N E REC L E V E L controls for desired balance between the t w o programs. 3-5 SYNTHETIC REVERBERATION Special effects, similar to those obtained through the use o f an echo chamber can be created easily. Connect a microphone and set the program level as usual; then connect the O U T P U T connector to the L I N E I N P U T connector, t u r n the M O N I T O R SELECTOR switch to T A P E , and start recording. The reverberation decay rate, which is the time required for the echo to die away, can be varied w i t h the L I N E REC L E V E L control. The Control value chosen w i l l depend entirely on the effect desired. I f the control is set too high, continuous oscillation w i l l result, and the v-u meter needle w i l l swing to m a x i m u m and remain there. I f this happens, adjust to a lower setting. IV. Tape Transport Assembly The tape transport mechanism incorporates a single-speed synchronous motor and a system of pulleys, belts, and clutches to drive the capstan and the turntables. Three modes of tape motion ( P L A Y , R E W I N D , and EAST F O R W A R D ) are determined by t w o controls located o n the top panel of the tape transport. (The neutral position for each control is marked by a dot.) The bracketed numbers i n this section refer to parts shown i n Fig. 4-1, Fig. 4-4, and i n the parts list at the end of this manual. For greatest facility i n following the discussion below, i t is suggested that Fig. 4-4 be opened fully for ready reference. GENERAL Power is applied to the drivemotor ( 6 3 ) when the P O W E R switch on the front panel of the electronic assembly is turned to the O N position. The capstan ( 4 2 ) begins to rotate immediately, being driven by a nylon belt ( 6 8 ) which runs between the motor pulley ( 6 1 ) and the capstan flywheel. A second belt ( 6 9 ) running i n a groove in the capstan flywheel drives the play takeup pulley ( 4 0 ) . The shock relief brake rollers ( 2 ) are engaged against the rubber-tired fast forward and rewind clutches ( 1 6 and 3 1 ) . Both turntables are motionless, and the machine is i n standby condition. STANDBY OPERATIC Since the capstan is i n motion when the machine is in the standby condition, the tape w i l l accelerate to full play speed almost instantly when the P L A Y switch is operated, thus producing a wow-free start. W h e n the P L A Y control is energized the following mechanical sequence occurs: 1) The play takeup pulley ( 4 0 ) and belt ( 6 9 ) are brought to bear on the play takeup clutch ( 1 9 ) . 2 ) The shock relief brake roller ( 2 ) on the play takeup side is released from the fast forward clutch tire ( 1 6 ) . 3) The capstan idler ( 7 9 ) engages the capstan ( 4 2 ) , which drives the tape, pulling i t from the tape supply turntable (i.e. the rewind turntable) and feeding i t to the takeup turntable, which now begins to rotate. I t is especially important to understand that when the machine is operating normally in the play mode, i n which the tape is clamped against the capstan by the capstan idler, the turntables are effectively isolated from each other. The takeup turntable, as its name implies, does nothing more than take up the tape fed to i t by the capstan. I t does not p u l l the tape from the tape supply turntable. 4 ) The shock relief brake roller ( 2 ) on the rewind side remains engaged against the rewind clutch tire ( 3 1 ) , and slippage occurs between the clutch and disc assembly ( 3 0 ) . The friction produced i n this slippage, and the friction produced by the rewind holdback brake ( 3 7 ) operating o n the bakelite drum ( 3 5 ) provide the required holdback tension. 3-6 PLAY MODE 4-1 The R E W I N D - F A S T F O R W A R D control cannot be operated unless the P L A Y control is in neutral. W h e n the R E W I N D - F A S T FORW A R D control is turned to R E W I N D : 1) Both shock relief brake rollers (2 ) are released. 2) The rewind idler ( 7 ) is clamped between the motor pulley ( 6 1 ) and the rewind clutch tire ( 3 1 ) and the rewind turntable is driven. 3) Holdback tension is provided by the holdback brake ( 2 5 ) on the takeup assembly as tape is pulled from the takeup turntable. REWIND MODE W h e n the R E W I N D - F A S T F O R W A R D control is turned to FASTFORWARD: 1) Both shock relief brake rollers ( 2 ) are released. 2) The rubber-tired fast forward clutch ( I 6 ) is brought to bear on the motor pulley ( 6 1 ) and drives the takeup turntable. 3) Holdback tension is produced by the holdback brake ( 3 7 ) on the rewind assembly. FAST FORWARD OBIVEMOTOR © 0 © © @ © ® SHOCK R E L I E F BRAKE REWIND IDLER FAST FORWARD PLAY TAKEUP HOLDBACK REWIND , CLUTCH CLUTCH BRAKE CLUTCH HOLDBACK BRAKE DRUM © © © © © © Fig. 4-1. Mechanical Operation (0 PPER RE ARING ) HOLDBACK BRAKE PLAY TAKEUP P U L L E Y CAPSTAN FLYWHEEL MOTOR P U L L E Y NYLON DRIVE BELT TAKEUP CAPSTAN BELT IDLER Simplified Vig. 4-2. Routine 4-2 Lubrication MODE ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Cleaning Lubrication Routine maintenance of the tape transport mechanism marily of periodic cleaning and lubrication. consists p r i - Cleanliness of all parts of the tape drive mechanism is required for consistent o p t i m u m performance. Most tape manufacturers lubricate their tapes; this lubricant w i l l gradually f o r m a coating on the head assembly and the idler wheels and may cause loss of positive drive at the capstan. Therefore, periodic cleaning of both the head assembly and all parts of the tape drive mechanism is particularly important. The recommended agent for cleaning Ampex Head Assemblies is a mixture of Xylene and 0 . 1 % Aerosol. This agent is available i n 2 0 2 . bottles. ( A m p e x Catalog N o . FP-7.) T o clean any head assembly simply w i n d a clean, lintless cloth on a swab-stick and moisten w i t h this mixture. Swab the heads periodically to remove all dirt and oxide which may have accumulated f r o m the tape. Clean all parts except the head assembly w i t h a clean, lintless cloth moistened w i t h denatured alcohol. CAUTION D o not use any other solvents as there are some which may damage the adhesive used to hold the head laminations together. The o i l hole is located in the bearing housing as shown in Fig. 4-2. Use exactly four drops of oil—no more. D o not o i l any other parts of the tape transport mechanism. A l l other bearings and moving parts are lubricated for life. It may be said in general, that most of the difficulties that w i l l normally be encountered in the Model 601 tape transport mechanism w i l l be traceable to contamination of belts, pulleys, bearings, and other friction surfaces, whether due to carelessness in routine lubrication, or to the gradual accumulation of dirt and other foreign material to be expected over a reasonable length of time. Correction of these difficulties w i l l usually be a matter of careful disas.sembly and cleaning, rather than readjustment of the mechanism. The normal torques (and hence, tape tension) i n this mechanism are, in fact, fixed w i t h i n strict design specifications, and are not adjustable. The measurement of these torques w i l l frequently provide a rapid means for isolating the source of mechanical troubles. I The recommended standard lubricant for the four places which require periodic lubrication (motor and capstan) is Caloil N o . OC-11. This lubricant is available f r o m A M P E X as Stock No. 70-9 (V2 oz. oiler) or FP-5 ( 4 0 2 . ) Z"W—SEE I Mechanical Troubleshooting NOTE NOTE The proper lubricant is available f r o m A M P E X as Stock No. 70-9 (1/2 oz. oiler) or PP-5 ( 4 o z . ) . The upper and lower bearings of the drive motor should be lubricated after every 500 hours of operation. The upper o i l hole of the motor is accessible through a hole i n the tape transport grille slightly above and to the left of the takeup turntable. For access to the lower o i l hole, located i n the side of the motor end bell, remove the tape transport f r o m the case (See Fig. 4 - 2 ) . Four or five drops of one of the recommended lubricants is sufficient. Care should be taken to avoid over-oiling or spills. A n y such excess should be wiped away w i t h solvent. The capstan may require oiling about once for every four oilings of the drive motor. For access to the upper bearing, the capstan idler must first be removed (See Fig. 4-2). Remove the rubber cap on the idler. Remove the hairpin retainer and l i f t the idler off its shaft, taking care not to lose the washers associated w i t h i t . The aluminum plug-bottom over the capstan shaft may now be pried off and the felt washer beneath it removed to expose the upper capstan bearing. Use as much of one of the recommended lubricants as the bearing w i l l accept, wipe away any excess, and reassemble. CAU7I0N D o not o i l the felt washer which serves only as a dust protector and to keep o i l from working its way up the capstan. For access to the lower bearing, remove the tape transport f r o m the case. 4-4 HOLDBACK 5 3/4- B 3/4 HOLOaACK 2 - 3 OZ,-IN. 1/2 OZTIN, 5 - 7 OZ.- IH. V4-[ 1/4 OZ.-IPt. TAKEUP 3 / 4 - 1 1/4 O Z - I N 5 - 7 F A S T 02.- IN. FOHWARD NOTES: 1. I F REEL SPRING 2. PULL ALLOW TAKE HUB DIAMETER SCALE SCALE SCALE WITH TO LARGER BY STEADY MOVE ALL READINGS Fig. IS BEADING 4-3. IN WHILE HUB OR SMALLER RADIUS TO THAN OBTAIN MOTION WHEN TOWARD REEL WHEN SCALE IS MOTION. IN Tape Tension MEASURING 2 INCHES, OZ.—IN. HOLDBACK MEASURtNS MUUTIPLY READING , rENStONS. TAKEOP TENSIONS. Measurements 4-5 Torques a n d Tape Tension The measurement of torques on the Model 601 requires the following equipment: 1) A light-movement spring scale (e.g. Post-A-Let, 0 to 8 oz,, Exact W e i g h t Scale Co., Columbus, Ohio. 2 ) A measuring hub. A standard R E T M A plastic reel may be used. I f the hub diameter is exactly 2 inches, the spring scale w i l l read directly i n ounce-inches. Reels w i t h smaller hubs can be brought up to 2-inch diameter by w i n d i n g on sufficient tape. I f a reel of greater than 2-inch hub diameter is used, multiply the spring scale reading by the hub radius to obtain the ounce-inch reading. 3) A piece of string, approximately 30 inches long, w i t h a small loop tied at one end. Torques measured on the driven turntable in any mode, (i.e. the turntable on which the tape is being wound) are a measure of takeup tension. Torques measured on the turntable f r o m which the tape is pulled in any mode are a measure of holdback tension (See Fig. 4 - 3 ) . • Takeup Tension Step Step Step Holdback Tension Malfunctions in Play Mode 4-6 Place the measuring hub on the driven turntable. W i n d a few turns of string around the hub in the direction of normal tape wrap, and attacli the spring scale to the loop at the end. 3: Start the machine in the appropriate mode and, as the string ,is wound on the hub, allow the scale to move in w i t h it, tak„ing the reading while the scale is in motion. Normal torques are as follows: Fast Forward 5 to 7 oz-in. Rewind 5 to 7 oz-in. Play 2 to 3V2 oz-in. 1: 2: Place the measuring hub on the turntable from which the tape is pulled in the mode in operation. Step 2: W i n d the string on fully in the direction of normal tape wrap, and attach the spring scale. Step 3: Start the machine in the oppropriate mode, and pull the scale slowly i n the direction in which tape is normally pulled from this reel, taking the reading while the scale is in steady motion. N o r m a l torques are as follows: Fast Forward ->4 to U/i oz-in. Rewind % to 1(4 oz-in. Play 5 % to 8 4 oz-in. These values listed above for both takeup and holdback tensions may be close to the lower l i m i t when the machine is new, and w i l l usually move up toward tlie upper limit after the first 10 or 12 hours of operation. The word "contaminated," as used here, may indicate either the presence of o i l where it is not wanted, or accumulations of dirt and other foreign matter on pulleys and belt. In either case, carbon tetrachloride is recommended as the cleaning agent. After cleaning a contaminated part, clean any other part w i t h which it normally comes into contact whether or not that part shows any immediate evidence of contamination. Bracketed numbers refer to parts shown in the exploded view of the mechanical assembly. Fig. 4-4, which should serve as a guide for any necessary disa.ssembly and reassembly. Rewind and fast forward malfunctions w i l l usually be reflected as an apparent loss of power in those modes, loose tape w i n d , erratic tape motion or slippage, and, possibly no rewind or fast forward at all. The first step is to make a quick check of rewind or fast forward takeup and holdback tensions as described previously. The malfunctions discussed below apply to either mode, the turntables, associated components, and tape directions being opposite of each other. Starting, stopping, and shuttling malfunctions w i l l be evidenced by the throwing of tape loops and, in extreme cases, by tape breakage. These troubles are usually associated w i t h low takeup tension of brake malfunctions produced primarily by tampering or misassembly, or contamination due to careless oiling or accumulation of dirt. The following section covers some adjustments, critical clearances, and alignment which must be maintained in reassembling parts of the tape transport mechanism that may have been disassembled for servicing. T w o general precautions should be observed i n any required disassembly: 1) Step 1: Nearly all malfunctions in the play mode w i l l be reflected as flutter and wow in excess of specifications. A quick check of takeup and holdback tensions, discus.sed in the previous section, may lead directly to the source of trouble. Possible causes of flutter and wow are suggested in the following check list. 2) Malfunctions in Play Mode Malfunctions in Rewind or Fast Forward Mode Starting, Stopping a n d Shuttling Malfunctions Assembly and Construction Notes Always note the number, type, and location of washers i n an assembly very carefully. Should washers, retainers or other small hardware be lost or damaged i n servicing, a k i t containing an assortment of such hardware ( A m p e x Catalog N o . 7802) is available through your dealer. T o remove the sub-plate ( 1 ) , a preliminary to any further disassembly of parts under the top plate casting, remove only the three elastic stop-nuts that hold i t , and clevis p i n that links the slide lever ( 1 3 ) to the lower yoke of the rewind/fast forward actuator ( 4 8 ) . It is unnecessary to remove the adjustment screws (70 and 71) for the capstan thrust and the motor thrust. I f the settings of these screws are changed, they must be carefully readjusted as described in the following subsections. The thrust discs ( 6 5 ) beneath these screws, being coated w i t h grease, w i l l usually stay in place when the sub-plate is removed. It is advisable, however, to be sure that they do not fall out. I t w i l l generally be found easiest to re-install the sub-plate after servicing, if the P L A Y control is energized. The tape transport incorporates rubber shock mounts on the screws retaining the motor mounting plate to the top plate casting. These shock mounts provide automatic centering of the drivemotor and no adjustments are necessary. The drivemotor thrust is a hardened steel ball ( 6 0 ) against a nylon Drivemotor Thrust 4-7 Drivemotor Thrust disc ( 6 5 ) . The capstan thrust is adjusted by a set-screw ( 7 0 ) . End play of .010 in. to .015 in. is required, and is obtained as follows: Step 1: Coat the nylon thrust disc liberally w i t h wheel bearing grease and drop it through the threaded hole i n the sub-plate ( 1 ) over the capstan shaft. Step 2: Insert the set-screw, and tighten down until it is felt to bottom on the thrust disc. Step 3: Grasp the capstan flywheel ( 4 2 ) between the thumb and i n dex finger. Step 4: Step 5: 4-8 W h i l e maintaining a slight downward pressure on the head of the set-screw w i t h the screwdriver ( t o simulate the pressure that w i l l later be applied by the locking screw) start backing the screw off slowly, and work the capstan flywheel up and down u n t i l an audible click at the ends of its travel indicates the presence of end play. This w i l l usually occur when the setscrew has been backed off approximately 14 of a turn. A t this point, end play should be in the required range. Tighten the locking nut on the set screw, then recheck end play. Turntable Height Turntable height (the distance measured f r o m rhe top surface of the turntable ( 7 8 ) to the perforated metal g r i l l e ) should be .125 in., ± . 0 0 8 in. This height is determined by the replacement of lamicoid washers betwen the bottom of the turntable pivot (24 or 36) and the hairpin retainer on the shaft through the pivot. Difficulties in tape tracking traced to improper turntable height may be corrected by increasing or decreasing rhe number or thickness of these washers. Play Takeup Clutch The play takeup clutch assembly consists of a felt-lined aluminum disc ( 1 8 ) , and a bakelite clutch (19) which is spring-loaded to the disc. W h e n the machine is in the play mode, the clutch is driven by the rubber belt (69) on the play takeup pulley ( 4 0 ) . Location of the felt-lined aluminum disc is critical—a clearance of .015 in. being required between the end of the oilite bearing ( 2 1 ) which goes through the bakelite clutch ( 1 9 ) , and the bottom of the aluminum disc ( 1 8 ) . This clearance, which cannot be measured directly w i t h a gauge because of the physical arrangement can be set quite accurately by the f o l l o w i n g i n d i r e a method: Step 1: Insert a removable .015 in. shim or feeler gauge between the thrust washer that rides on the inner race of the lower ball bearing ( 2 2 ) of the takeup turntable pivot ( 2 4 ) and oilite bushing ( 2 1 ) . Step 2: Assemble the conical spring ( 2 0 ) , the bakelite clutch ( 1 9 ) , and the felt-lined aluminum disc ( 1 8 ) ( i n that order) on the turntable shaft ( 2 9 ) . Step 3: Guide the end of the oilite bushing through the hole in the center of the bakelite clutch, and press the aluminum disc down u n t i l it bottoms firmly on the end of the bushing. Step 4: H o l d i n g the disc plate in place, tighten the set screw in its hub. Step 5: Remove the shim or gauge. The expansion of the conical spring w i l l then force the oilite bushing back oflf the aluminum disc, thus creating the required .015 in. clearance. The rubber-tired bakelite rewind ( 3 1 ) and fast forward clutches must line up w i t h the shock relief brake rollers ( 5) so that the rollers engage the f u l l w i d t h of the tires. I n addition, the rewind clutch ( 3 1 ) should be aligned for f u l l - w i d t h contact w i t h the rewind idler ( 7 ) and the fast forward clutch ( 1 6 ) for full w i d t h contact w i t h the motor pulley ( 6 1 ) . The capstan speed w i l l not vary, since the capstan is driven by a nonslipping nylon belt and synchronous motor. N o adjustment of the capstan speed w i l l be necessary. I f it is desired to check the capstan speed, use a pre-recorded 5000 cycle tape, that has been recorded on a machine of known accuracy, and an electronic frequency counter. Troubleshooting Trouble EXCESSIVE HOLDBACK EXCESSIVE TENSION OR ERRATIC TENSION TAKEUP DRIVEMOTOR OUT OE SYNCHRONISM Rewind and Fast Forward Clutch Alignment Capstan Speed TABLE PLAY 4-1 Model Malfunctions Probable Cause 1. Contaminated rewind clutch felt (.30). 2. Contaminated rewind clutch tire (31). too 3. Rewind clutch spring ( 3 2 ) stiff. This actually indicates tampering or carelessness in reasembly. It is advisable to replace the spring rather than to attempt makeshift readjustment. 1. Contaminated play takeup clutch felt ( 1 8 ) . 2. Oilite bearing ( 2 1 ) bottoming on aluminum clutch disc ( 1 8 ) . M i n i m u m clearance should be .015". See sub-paragraph 8.4 below for adjustment procedure. 3. Takeup clutch spring (20) too stiff. 1. Line voltage below 105 volts a-c. 2. Excessive play takeup tension. See trouble above. 3. N y l o n drive belt ( 6 8 ) tension excessive. See sub-paragraph 8.1 below. 4. Belt tensioning idler ( 5 5 ) dragging. 5. Drivemotor thrust misadjusted. See subparagraph 8.2 below. 6. Defective drivemotor starting capacitor. 7. D r y bearings in drivemotor ( 6 3 ) , capstan ( 4 2 ) , or capstan idler (79). See lubrication instructions. 8. Defective drivemotor ( 6 3 ) . 4-9 FLATTED CAPSTAN OR DENTED IDLER TIRE DEFECTIVE OR IMPROPERLY INSTALLED NYLON DRIVE BELT (68) If the capstan idler (79) is left engaged over an extended period when the machine is not operating, the idler tire may become dented. If running the machine in the play mode for several hours does not restore the tire to normal, the idler must be replaced. Belt spliced improperly. Belt installed with splice joint toward pulley. Belt worn because misaligned motor pulley (61) causes the belt to track against one of the capstan pulley flanges (42). 1, Contaminated rewind idler guide (8). TABLE Troubleshooting Starting, Stopping, and Shuttling Malfunctions Trouble TAPE LOOP THROWN ON STARTING IN PLAY MODE (LOW PLAY TAKEUP TENSION) REWIND IDLER (7) NOT DISENGAGING FROM MOTOR PULLEY (61) REELS MISALIGNED WITH 1. This will usually cause tape scrape which may or may not be audible RESPECT TO TAPE GUIDES but will generally appear as flutter. See subparagraph 8.4 below. TABLE Troubleshooting REWIND Trouble TAKEUP TENSION LOW EXCESSIVE HOLDBACK TENSION 4-2 and FAST FORWARD Mode Malfunctions Probable Cause Clutch leaf spring (17 and 32) too weak, usually caused by tampering. Replace. Never attempt to increase rewind takeup tension to offset other problems. 1. Contaminated holdback wipes (25 or 37). 2. Bakelite drum (23 or 35) on which wipe operates has been roughened. Evidence of bent or misassembled parts. Check exploded view, Fig. 4-4. BRAKE SHOCK RELIEF ROLLER (2) NOT RELEASING FROM FAST FORWARD CLUTCH (16) Bind in idler guide (8) caused by conREWIND IDLER (7) NOT tamination. ENGAGING MOTOR PULLEY (61) BIND IN REWIND IDLER BEARING (PART OF 7) MALFUNCTIONING Bind in turntable centering detent TURNTABLE PIVOTS (77). (24 or 36) 4-3 TAPE LOOP THROWN ON STOPPING OR SHUTTLING Probable Cause Play takeup belt (69) contaminated. Nylon drive belt (68) contaminated. If either the play takeup belt or the nylon drive belt is contaminated with oil, an overoiled motor or capstan is indicated. Clean all affected parts thoroughly with carbon tetrachloride. Slippage between play takeup belt (69) and clutch (19) due either to weak play takeup arm spring (41) or bind in play takeup pulley bearing (part of 40). Bind in turntable shaft bearings (22 or 24) due to contamination. Clean and lubricate with two or three drops of medium weight oil. Play takeup brake release (14) inoperative due to bind, weak or unattached spring (11) causing shock relief roller (2) to drag on fast forward clutch tire (16). One or both brake shock relief actuators (2) binding. One or both brake shock relief springs (12) off. End loops on these springs must be fully closed to prevent their becoming disconnected. 3. Bind in turntable centering detent (77). V. Electronic Assembly The electronic assembly consists of a record channel, a reproduce channel, a bias and erase oscillator, and a power supply, mounted on a single chassis. The record channel consists of a two-stage microphone preamplifier V l O l and V 1 0 2 A and a three-stage amplifier, V102B, V103A, V 1 0 3 B (Fig. 5.3). GENERAL RECORD CHANNEL W h e n dummy plug J107P is inserted in receptacle J106S i n the microphone preamplifier, the microphone input matches a high impedance microphone. A plug-in transformer, available as accessory equipment, w i l l provide the proper match for a low impedance microphone. The M I C R O P H O N E input JIOIS and L I N E I N P U T J102S have separate controls R106 and R125 respectively. Both inputs can be used simultaneously. M i x i n g takes place in the first stage of the record amplifier, V102B. Signals i n the record channel are picked off the RECO R D C A L I B R A T I O N potentiometer R114 at the output of this stage, and can be switched to the output amplifier through the M O N I T O R SELECTOR switch SI02, for monitoring. Record equalization, accomplished i n the g r i d circuit of V103A, and the cathode circuit of V103B, is adjusted by trimmer C107. Plate voltage is supplied to the last stage of the record amplifier, V103B only when switch S201 on the tape transport is in the REC position. The reproduce channel consists of a two-stage reproduce amplifier, V104, V105 and a two-stage output amplifier V 1 0 6 A and V106B. The signal from the reproduce head appears at connector PIOIP. Reproduce equalization is provided by C I 16 and R130. Level is adjusted by potentiometer R137. REPRODUCE C H A N N E The reproduce signal is fed to the output amplifier through the M O N I T O R SELECTOR switch when it is in tape position. The output amplifier consists of one voltage amplification stage V 1 0 6 A , and a cathode follower output stage V106B, which is transformer-coupled to O U T P U T connector J104S. A v-u meter and resistor shunt this connector. The bias and erase oscillator is an LC push-pull oscillator operating at approximately 100 kc. The NOISE B A L A N C E potentiometer R147 common to both grids of the oscillator is adjusted to eliminate any asymmetry in wave f o r m . Lack of wave symmetry would introduce a d-c current in the record head, causing permanent magnetization and a resultant distorted signal. Bias level is adjusted by trimmer C113. The oscillator, dependent on plate voltage, operates only when switch S201 is i n the REC position. BIAS AND ERASE OSCILLATOR 5-1 BIAS AND ERASE OSCILLATOR ELECTRONIC ALIGNMENT ALIGNMENT AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS Head Demagnetization Demagnetization Alignment consists i n making all necessary adjustments for proper electronic performance. A recorder out of alignment may be characterized by poor frequency response, high noise, low output, high distortion, or a combination of these faults. A l l Ampex recorders are completely aligned at the factory, and no adjustments should be necessary. The overall performance checks outlined i n Section 3 w i l l generally serve to determine i f realignment is necessary at any time. Alignment can be accomplished without removing the electronic assembly f r o m the case. I f desired the electronic assembly can be w i t h drawn by removing the four screws on the front panel. Stand the case in a vertical position and pull the electronic assembly forward. The interconnecting cables between the electronic assembly and the tape transport are sufficiently long for access to all adjustments while the units are connected. The following equipment is required for proper alignment and testing: A. Audio Oscillator—Hewlett-Packard Model 200C or equivalent. B. Vacuum Tube Voltmeter—Hewlett-Packard Model 400C or equivalent. C. Ampex Alignment Tape—Catalog N o . 5563. This tape is recorded at IV2 ips 10 db below normal operating level as defined i n Section 3. The tape contains voice announcements of the following tone sequence: reproduce head alignment tone, reference tone for reproduce level adjustment, tone series for reproduce response check. D . Ampex Head Demagnetizer—Catalog N o . 704. E. High Impedance Headphones F. Small Screwdriver Demagnetize the record and reproduce heads before aligning the machine. The erase head requires no demagnetization. Magnetized heads w i l l generally produce an increase of 5 to 10 db in noise level, distortion of the recorded signal, and w i l l gradually erase the high frequencies on any tape passed over them. Step 1: Remove both the head cover and the mu metal shield over the Step 2: Step 3: Place the O N — O F F switch i n the OFF position. Cover the tips of the demagnetizer w i t h scotch tape or masking tape. This prevents scratching the heads. Plug the demagnetizer into a source of 117-volt a-c power. The head sequence f r o m left to right when facing the machine, is erase head, record head, reproduce head. B r i n g the tips of the demagnetizer into contact w i t h the record head stack. The Step 5: Repeat step 4 on the reproduce head. I t is not necessary to Step 6: Replace the head shield, but do not replace the head cover i f alignment w i l l follow. Demagnetization Procedure demagnetize the erase head. The following steps constitute the complete alignment of the reproduce channel. A. Reproduce Head A z i m u t h Adjustment B. Reproduce Level Setting Reproduce Channel Alignment C. Reproduce Response Check D. Reproduce Equalization E. H u m Balance Adjustment Step 1: Thread the alignment tape on the machine. Terminate the O U T P U T connector w i t h a 600 ohm resistor and connect the v t v m across this load. Plug a set of high impedance head phones into the phones jack so that voice announcements on the tape can be heard. I f not already done, remove the head assembly cover, but not the m u metal shield beneath it. Place the M O N I T O R SELECTOR switch i n T A P E position, and start the machine i n the reproduce mode. The head alignment tone w i l l be announced first. Step 2: Insert a small screwdriver through the access hole nearest the right hand edge of the head shield, and adjust the azimuth screw for maximum output observed on the vtvm. // the head is far out of alignment, several minor peaks occurring on either side of a maximum may he observed. Make certain that the m a x i m u m is clearly 15 to 20 db greater than any of these minor peaks. Reproduce Head Azimuth Adjustment The next tone on the tape is for reproduce level setting. Adjust the R E P R O D U C E LEVEL (P.B. L E V E L ) potentiometer R137 for a v t v m reading 10 db below normal operating level, which is approximately 0.4 volts rms. Reproduce The next series of tones is for the reproduce response check. Observe the response indicated on the vtvm, and check i t against specifications. If reproduce response fails to meet specifications, the trouble may be a worn or otherwise faulty reproduce head, a partially erased alignment tape, due to head magnetization, or improper equalization of the reproduce amplifier. Equalization can be checked and adjusted as indicated below. Reproduce Response Check Level Setting head assembly. Procedure Step 4: 5-2 tips should straddle the gap in the center of the stack. Run the tips slowly up and down the stack several times, and then withdraw the demagnetizer very slowly. Slow withdrawal is required for thorough demagnetization. The d-c plate supply consists of a f u l l wave rectifier V108, and a capacitor-input L-C filter. A 6.3 volt secondary winding on the power transformer furnishes a-c power to all heaters. Potentiometer R150 H U M B A L is adjusted for m i n i m u m hum. 5-3 Reproduce equalization (P.B. E Q U A L ) is a bench procedure. The required test setup and the reproduce amplifier response curve are given in Fig. 5-1. Set the oscillator at 500 cps, and adjust its output for a vtvm reading 10 db below normal operating level, approximately 0.4 volts rms to establish a reference. Increase the oscillator frequency to 8000 cps and adjust the reproduce equalizer R130 to set reproduce response on the curve at that point. Sweep the oscillator through the specified frequency range. Response should follow the curve w i t h i n ± f 4 db. Be sure that the oscillator output remains constant over this range. Reproduce Equalization Equalization procedures are similar for all machines. The only difference in the procedures is i n the audio oscillator settings for 3 % ips operation. For 3 % ips reproduce eqtialization, (P.B. E Q U A L ) connect a test set-up as shown i n Fig. 5.1. Set the oscillator at 250 cycles, and adjust its output for a v t v m reading 10 db below normal operating level. Increase the oscillator frequency to 4000 cycles and adjust the resistance R130 (P.B. E Q U A L ) to set reproduce response on curve at that point. Response should follow the curve w i t h i n ±1/2 db. After completing stetps A through D adjusr the H U M B A L A N C E ( H U M B A L ) potentiometer R150 for m i n i m u m hum as seen on a vtvm connected across the O U T P U T w i t h the M O N I T O R SELECTOR in T A P E position. H u m Balance Adjustment The steps i n record channel alignment are as follows: A . Bias Adjustment ( B I A S ) . B. Record Level Meter Calibration ( R E C . C A E ) . C. Record Head A z i m u t h D . Record Equalization & Response Adjustment (REC. E Q U A L ) . E. Noise Balance Adjustment ( N O I S E B A L ) . F. Final Bias Adjustment ( B I A S ) . Record C h a n n e l Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Thread a tape on the machine. Terminate the O U T P U T i n 600 ohms and connect a v t v m across this load. Connect an audio oscillator ser to 500 cycles to the L I N E I N P U T connector and start the machine i n the record mode. Place the M O N I T O R SELECTOR i n T A P E position and ad-^ just the L I N E REC LEVEL control for a normal operating level v t v m reading (1.23 volts, or plus 4 d b m ) . Adjust the BIAS trimmer to peak this output. Make this adjustment carefully because bias w i l l affect the high frequency response. 3 M ips—For bias adjustment, ( B I A S ) use procedure for lYi ips machine but with the audio oscillator set at 250 cycles. After peaking the bias as described i n Step 3 above, and w i t h the M O N I T O R SELECTOR still i n T A P E position, readjust the L I N E REC LEVEL control to bring the vtvm reading back to normal operating level. Switch the M O N I T O R SELECTOR to I N P U T position and 5-4 Alignment Bias A d j u s t m e n t Record Level Meter Calibration 5-5 Record level Meter Calibration Record Head Azimuth Adjustment adjust the REC. C A E potentiometer R114 u n t i l normal operating level vtvm. The v-u meter is now calibrated, and should read zero v-u ± 1 / 2 db w i t h the M O N I T O R SELECTOR switch placed on the I N P U T or T A P E position. '^^^'^ Step 1: Step 2: Record Equalization Adjustment (Alternate Procedure) Step J: Step 2; Step 3: 5-6 in o CM CM 10 + S Thread a tape on the machine. Terminate the O U T P U T in 600 ohms and connect a vtvm across this load. Connect an audio oscillator set at 250 cps to the L I N E I N P U T . Place the M O N I T O R SELECTOR switch on T A P E position. Start the machine in the record mode, and adjust the L I N E REC LEVEL control for a vtvm reading 20 db below normal operating level. \ 0 \ m 1 CO NOTE W i t h the REC LEVEL controls at m i n i m u m , the bias pickup as measured on the vtvm should be 30 db below normal operating level. I f difficulty is experienced because of bias, connect a wave trap in parallel w i t h the 600 ohm terminating resistance. This trap can be a series LC circuit resonant at approximately 100 kc. Increase the oscillator setting to 10,000 cycles. Insert a small screwdriver through the access hole nearest the center of the head shield and adjust the record head azimuth screw for maximum output. Be sure to set at the correct peak as described under reproduce head azimuth adjustment step 2. (REC. E Q U A L ) . Record eqtialization can be accomplished without disconnecting the electronic assembly from the tape transport. The reproduce channel must be properly aligned and the record head in good condition. I f these requirements are satisfied, thread a tape on the machine. Terminate the O U T P U T in 600 ohms and connect the v t v m across this load. Set an audio oscillator to 250 cycles and connect it to the L I N E I N P U T connector. Place the M O N I T O R SELECTOR switch in T A P E position, and start the machine in the record mode. Adjust the L I N E REC L E V E L control for a v t v m reading 20 db below normal operating level. Increase the oscillator setting to 8000 cps and adjust the REC. E Q U A L capacitor C107 for a v t v m reading 20 db below normal operating level. Frequency response can now be checked by sweeping the oscillator through the range given in the specifications. The bench procedure for record equalization given i n Step 3 below is independent of the reproduce amplifier and is therefore preferred to the procedure outlined i n Step I above. The record response curve and test setup are shown i n Fig. 5.2. Disconnect the electronic assembly from the tape transport. Disconnect the a-c power plug. Connect a 1000-ohm resistor between pins 1 and 2 of the Jones Plug P102S, and connect a vtvm across this load. Strap pins 5 and 6 of P102S together. Remove the bias and erase oscillator tube V I 0 2 . Reconnect the a-c power and place the ON-OEF switch i n the O N posi- 10 r-l rH o 00 CM 1-4 0 0 0 GO DV H O i O W t- +a 00 i-t ONIIOHD CO •OH asvaa V 1\ r-l *r •OH 1 'oaa co in •* CO eq r-l D J a, •4 c IN O o v. r" PI 5 8 o El > PL| CO 00 O CO |H o 1 r-l o pci ->1 §O o CM H u H 00 o r-l O CM O CM / 10 eq -I- o 10 CM r-l -H + o r-l -I- m 3^ B rJ -I- 5-7 tion. Connect an audio oscillator to the L I N E I N P U T connector J102S, set it to 250 cps and adjust tlie L I N E REC LEVEL control for a vtvm reading of approximately .4 volts. Increase the oscillator setting to 8000 cps and adjust the REC. E Q U A L capacitor C I 0 7 to set the response on curve at this point as shown in Fig. 5.2. N o w sweep the oscillator slowly through the specified frequency range and check to see that response follows the curve throughout. Be sure the oscillator output remains constant over the range. 3 % ips—For REC. E Q U A L use procedure outlined for record equalization on 7 Vj ips machine but w i t h the REC. E Q U A L capacitor C107 adjustment made w i t h the audio oscillator set at 4000 cycles instead of 8000 cycles. Record Equalization Adjustment (Alternate Procedure) Noise Balance Adjustment Thread a tape on the machine. Connect a 0.1 m f d capacitor and a sensitive vtvm across the O U T P U T connector. Step 3: Plug a set of head phones into the PHONES jack. Step 4: Disconnect all inputs. Step •): Turn the L I N E REC LEVEL and M I C REC LEVEL controls to zero. Step 6: Start the machine in the record mode. Step 7: Adjust the noise balance ( N O I S E B A L . ) potentiometer R147 for a m i n i m u m reading on the vtvm or a m i n i m u m popping noise in the headphones. TAPE TRAVEL -C203 ' 2 20VAC GIIAA ; 20 450V . Step 1: Step 2: S E E NOTE 10 06A !2AU7 VI06B l72 12AU7 ^]_CI24 •-T--.001 V 5% \SU 5 0 0 V CI25 3 5 0 ppfd. 5 % , 5 00V ALL CAPACITORS IN MICROFARADS, OTHERWISE 4 0 0 VOLTS UNLESS NOTED. A L L RESISTORS IN OHMS , t i O % , 1/2 WATT U N L E S S OTHERWISE DC MEASURED VOLTAGES RESPECT TO NEUTRAL!, WITH 20,000 A/V METER CHASSIS PLAY 2, RECORDS. SEE D-171116 FOR ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLY. Fig. 5-3. Schematic 5-8 WITH NOTED jiorp TAPE ""RAVEL OUMWV PL UC V101 6267/EF86 V I 03 I2AU7 VI02 I2AY7 TI03 PLUG IN INPUT 0 iu,) > VI05 6267/EF36 VIOL 6F5 - - t RI24 + CI14A lOK - : 20 • iW - 450V,. _ vio6 I2AU7 _ _ 0.9 TRANSFORMER ^^^AAv 278 ( 2 3 7 ) 7)83 (76) V106A 1/2 I2AU7 " RED _ ^ J g > J i 8 (80) NM VI08 5Y5 e. FOR HIGH IMPEDENCT INPUT, INSTALL DU'-IMY PLUG J107P 7. FOR 150 OHM TO ?.E0 CHM INPUT IMPEDENCE,INSTALL INPUT TRANSFORMER TI03 IN J I 0 6 S e. FOR 30 OHM TO 50 OHM INPUT IMPEDENCE, INSTALL TRANSFORMER T l 0 3 IN J106S AND REMOVE JUMPER FROM 6 TO 7 AND CONNECT TO A ON II 06S . s OUTPUT 1 \ J20IS PLAYBACK HEAD CII6 :.039 5% P8 EOUALi Si>RI30 T 3>A 10. |3,0K Rise aEK CI24 .001 5% 500V 3 CI25 3 5 0 ppftl 5%.5 00V i' 7 2 - J "151 T ' V T ^ 560 .;, W8v\2.^ PHONES ORCUir OUTPUT 1 ADD C-130 FOR 17418-07 vloe 5Y3 1)., T102 TAPE FOCt" FYiODCl. taOa OHit-V 1. "AL SI02 INPUT (0.83) 2. 5. TIQA B L U E A L L R E A D I N G S M E A S U R E D TO GROUND W I T H 2 0 , 0 0 0 OHM PER V O L T M E T E R . INPUT VOLTAGE I I 7 V A C . UPPER R E A D I N G S V O L T A G E , F I R S T R E A D I N G REPRODUCE M O D E , SECOND R E A D I N G RECORD M O D E , NM MEANS NOT M E A S U R E D . NC MEANS NOT C O N N E C T E D . 41045 +309V|—VV\rLI02 5.5 hy + ~^Cll4B + —^riirt,- + + , 0.1030 —'—010'*' ALL CAPACITORS IN MICROFARADS, 4 0 0 VOLTS OTHERWISE NOTED. UNLESS A L L RESISTORS IN OHMS , ± 1 0 % , 1/2 WATT U N L E S S OTHERWISE NOTED. DC VOLTAGES RESPECT NEUTRAL!, A (set MOTES'] MEASURED WITH 2 0 , 0 0 0 A / V METER TO CHASSIS. PLAY 2 , RECORDS. SEE 0 - 1 7 4 1 6 FOR ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLY. A t Fig. 5-3. Schematic WITH VI. Parts List The following parts list provides ail information necessary for ordering replacement parts. Always use Ampex Catalog numbers when ordering parts. To expedite processing, always include the following information in placing parts orders: A. B. C. D. Model Number Serial Number Ampex Catalog Number of Part Part Description EXAMPLE: Spring, Clutch "U". No. 6246, for Model 601. Serial No. 6D0042. Reference Symbol 83 85 84 78 78 79 80 75 10 11 1 13 14 2 Ampex Catalog Number Description Tape Guide Assembly Bar, Tape Guide Cap, Tape Guide Ball Bearing Machine Screw, Phillips Hd., 6-32 x 3/4 Shim Washer, . 149 ID x 5/16 OD x . 025 thk, brass Shim Washer, . 149 ID x 5/16 OD x . 031 thk, brass 6201 6202-1 421-029 MS-24-6-12N * PW-4B-25-149X PW-4B-31-4 * Turntable Machine Screw, Flat Head, 4-40 x 1/4 Capstan Idler Assembly, with Oilite bearing Cap, Capstan Idler Cambric Washer, . 24 ID x 7/16 OD x . 010 thk Hairpin Retainer for 1/4" shaft 6205 MS-34-4-4N 6211-1 6203 9482 431-006i Link, Turntable Pivot Cotter Pin, 1/16 x 1/2" Clevis Pin, 1/8 x 11/32" 6221 401-005 400-004 Sub-Plate Assembly Spring, Rewind Idler Spring, Release Lever Sub-Plate Casting Slide Lever, Brake Actuator Release Lever, Play Mode Brake Brake Shock Relief Assembly 6227-1 6136 6215 6275 6277 6278 6279-1 6-1 Reference Symbol 7 8 12 9 53 51 52 54 63 62 61 65 68 66 71 6-2 Description Rewind Idler Assembly Idler Wheel with Oilite bearing Guide Assembly Cambric Washer. .24 ID x 7/16 CD x .010 thk Plastic Retaining Ring Actuator Spring, 11/64 dia x 1" long Spring Washer, Clevis Pin, 3/8 x 13/16 Switch Deck Assembly Guard, Switch Top Lamicoid Washer, Side Lever, 1/8 ID x 5/8 ODxl/32 thk Lockwasher, #4 Int. tooth Screw, #4-40 x 1/2" Nut, #4-40 Hex Cotter Pin, 1/16" x 1/2" long Clevis Pin, 1/8 x 15-32" long Clevis Pin, 1/8 x 21/32" long Clevis Pin, 1/8 x 27/32" long Plain Washer, #10 Hairpin Retainer for 3/16" shaft Resistor Barrier Switch Guard, side Capstan Idler Arm Assembly Anchor Arm Sub-Assembly , Roller Spring, 21/64 x 1-27/64" long Clevis Pin, 1/8 X 15/32" long Motor Assembly Felt Washer, 15/64 ID x 3/4 CD x 1/16" thk Motor Mounting Plate , . ,. , , Pulley, 60 cps, 7-1/2 ips . . 50 cps, 7-1/2 ips 60 cps, 3-3/4 ips ; 50 cps, 3-3/4 ips Screw, 8-32 x 3/8" long Sem Fastener, 8-32 x 3/8" long Soldering Lug Thrust Disc, Nylon, . 312 dia x 1/16" thk Drive Belt, Nylon, 60 cps, 7-1/2 ips 50 cps, 7-1/2 ips 60 cps, 3-3/4 ips 50 cps, 3-3/4 ips Spring, Motor Thrust, 5/16 x 1-7/8" long Plunger, Motor Thrust Spacer, Motor Mounting, 1/4 CD x . 531 long Ampex Catalog Number 6284-1 6285 6288 9482-1 430-095 9368 6314 9064-1-C 9728 6318 LW-21-4C MS-12-4-8C NU-1-4C 401 -00.5 400-007 X C t./<J 400-010 400-011 PW-l-lOC 431-002 9726 9727 6235-1 6224 6236-1 6237 6910 400-007 6219 6239 6240 6241-0 6241-1 6241-2 6241-3 MS-12-8-6C SF-2X-8-6C SL-1 6934 2871-3 2871-6 2871-7 2871-14 7531 7532 7582 Reference Symbol 60 * * * * * * * * * * 20 26 24 29 17 19 18 15 16 28 27 23 25 21 22 * * * * * + * 36 38 32 30 31 35 33 37 Description Rubber Shockmount Ball, 1/4" dia. Motor Mount Washer, C. R. S. 13/64 ID x 5/8 CD Motor Mount Screw, Binder Hd., 10-24 x 7/8" long Socket Hd. Set Screw, 8-32 x 1/8 long, cup point Ampex Catalog Number 7922 420-006 2431 MS-12-10-14C SS-2-8-2Y Takeup Arm Assembly Spring, Conical, 1" dia. x 31/32" long Control Spring, 17/32 x 13/16" long Thrust Washer, .015 spring steel, 1/4 ID x 3/8 CD Pivot Arm Hub, with Shaft Spring, Clutch "U" Clutch, Play Takeup Disc Assembly, with small felt Disc Assembly, with large felt Clutch Assembly, fast forward, with Oilite bearing Link, Turntable Control Washer, Spring Retaining, Cup Collar, Drum Brake Assembly, Holdback Use Replacement Holdback Brake Assembly Kit (Each ket contains two Brake Assemblies) Lamicoid Washer, 1/4 ID x 1/32" thk Oilite Bearing Ball Bearing Cotter Pin, 1/16 x 1/2" long #4 Lockwasher, int. teeth Binding Hd. Machine Screw, 4-40 x 5/16" long Hex Nut, 4-40 Socket Hd. Set Screw, 6-32 x 1/8" long 6242-1 6137 6218 6223-1 6243 6244 6246 6247 6248-1 6248-2 6251 6253 6254 6293 Spring, Turntable Height 11/32 x 9/32" long 6217 Rewind Arm Assembly Thrust Washer, .015 spring steel, 1/4 ID X 3/8 OD Pivot Arm Hub, with shaft Spring, Clutch "U" Disc Assembly,^ with large felt Clutch Assembly, rewind, with Oilite bearing Collar, "Drum" Collar, Spacer Holdback Brake Assembly Use Replacement Holdback Brake Assembly Kit (Each kit contains two #6320-1 Brake Assemblies) Lamicoid Washer, 1/4 ID x 1/32" thk 6255-1 6223-1 6243 6244 6246 6248-2 6251 6293 6316 7974 186-1 422-004 421-019 401-005 LW-21-4C MS-12-4-5C NU-1-4C SS-2-6-2Y 7974 186-1 * Items marked with the asterisk (*) are included in Kit #7802. 6-3 Ampex Reference Symbol Description Ampex Catalog Reference Number Symbol Catalog Number Description _y 34 Ball Bearing 421-019 #4 L o c k w a s h e r , Int. teeth LW-2I-4C Mi:>-i4-4—oO A^A •NTiif XXCA 64 T u r n t a b l e Height S p r i n g , Af^ shaft & b a l l 6262 if 82 Cap, 6273 65 T h r u s t D i s t , Nylon, 11/32 x 9 / 3 2 " long 6217 15/64 I D x 3/4 O D x 1/16" thk Dust Shield Cambric Washer, . 2 4 I D x 7/16 O D x . 0 1 0 thk S p e c i a l Set S c r e w , 70 /\i V^OIILI O i ,rt.etuaior, to /VSoeulDiy III Capstan Thrust, 3/8-27 x 1-1/8" xxuxx Jrixi, o / o ^ j 6257 Rewind/Fast A Actuator, 49 vj W XLX^'Xl X V X C ^ X ^ l X c X I l l o I I X 50 "Rnll P i n Rewind/Fast '\/'\9 X I X , O/O^ B a l ilV v X X^X / Xl^ fi" dia OtJ/ tlO l Xf" TX^c oJ n J^ J4 fCi X l Xcoi X n Un i XiXTlilrgr 41 T91 O T r ' T o t ' t m Y ^ JTLcLy XftAOUp Spring Assembly Forward Y "^/R" Inner A O/O XOIlg A v*Ty^ / A X 111 Y A 1 X u //1 I DA " 39 XXX 111 i X D O C l H i J l V with Oilite bearing xidixpin xveLdinei X c X A c U p ,DOXL, X yjw x r i d x c i l-iCidl GoTYi 1 lAW fxTart-W- l o i x / f snan. -fj-xv X A U O U O I S e m F a s t e n e r , 4 - 4 0 x 1/4", i n t . t e e t h SG-2I-4-4C C MS-26B-4-28N R e e l Hold Down Knob 6319 Detent S p r i n g , 6911 220V iViounLing o c r e w , Contant m i n x j i n u e r i i u , , o—o^ x 17512 Rewind Control KN-7 Tab. 17286-1 Belt Tension L a m i c o i d W a s h e r , 5/16 I D x 1/32 t h k 186-0 1/4 I D x 1/32 t h k 186-1 1/4 I D x 1/64 thk 186-2 fi994 Lamicoid Washer, 5/16 I D x 1/64 t h k 186-3 or - 4 A - b - 4 0 L a m i c o i d W a s h e r , 1/4 I D x 1/16 t h k 186-4 r'T? PORTABLE 9417-4 * * * A 14 yi o CASE ASSEMBLY, Saddle T a n 9065-1 R u b b e r S h o c k m o u n t Nut, T o p P l a t e CO-327 Plastic Foot TTD J X i r '1- l - o L / if Mb - I Z - o - l U C if X * CS-5 Cable B a r Knob, w i t h s e t s c r e w Lamicoid Washer, or' o/o 420-004 L e a f Spring, Lamicoid Washer, (4ob Lrxx-4U bearing Electrolytic, 2.5mfd, Steel B a l l , 5/16" d i a . Power * 7798-2 Plastic Reel D4oy—1 T P x rnOab fL Rewind A r m Jj—Ot) 6937-1 3/8 i n . l o n g 7666 5/8 i n . l o n g BU-3 Mounting H a r d w a r e f o r P l a s t i c F o o t : KP-1-6 6 - 3 2 K e p Nut x . tn ; Xe, s v P U lllu t dgl - ' R L ,e t a 1 1i1 n 1 1e 1 .r S-1 pL rI Ui On gX,J x J tJ' t o 16340-1 6 - 3 2 X 1/2 B i n d i n g H e a d M a c h i n e Screw MS-12-6-8 or Head Cable Harness 9068-1 6 - 3 2 X 5/8 B i n d i n g H e a d M a c h i n e Screw MS-12-6-10 or 6 - 3 2 X 3/4 B i n d i n g H e a d M a c h i n e Screw MS-12-6-12 or Screw MS-12-6-14 Assembly * * * 6283 76 J202D Jones Plug PL-8P 6 - 3 2 X 7/8 B i n d i n g H e a d M a c h i n e R202 R e s i s t o r , 20 K o h m 043-080 No. 6 P l a i n S t e e l W a s h e r S o l d e r T^ug SL-3 Hinge L e a f , no p i n Hinge L e a f , w i t h f i x e d p i n 6-4 1-3/4" if 0£^0t Q 9j o —9 O/ Snokpt if 4oZ-UiU XVlIlg Top Plate Casting, with g r i l l & Oilite v-'dpaciLoi 4-40 x 88 7" * \ J AjioiniiieL TCori X A O p "MnT XNUL, 6213 Assembly C o r k W a s h e r , 1/8 I D x 2 1 / 3 2 O D x 3 / 3 2 " t h k if 77/89 lob-i o o x x i O CJ" R X ew D LnXl IrUi Tube t\Jo—\j\jA 431-UUb G/-»T»4xiir Motor Capacitor, 6208-1 SF-2I-6-4C x / t xxj A x / o u " u i x X NTCnUnInX X C203 6207-1 Head S e m F a s t e n e r , 6 - 3 2 x 1/4", i n t . teeth Q4R9 / A o o d x i u i v TX na pntp; vriniHp jruxtxt; Tape Guide, 6206-10 Assembly ft9R1 DdOX 6268 kJJL/1 l l l g i:>idbb Head Phillips Oval Hd. Machine Screw, «970 Wdoiiei, 91 D4b/-1 Y "D y-, 4- r i 1 TX CA >-• xjcixxxicuiu. Cover, 6206-20 6258 C91 Cambric Wnahcr 24- TD x 7 / I 6 O n x (11 fl thk W d i i i f j l 1 L » VV d o l l C l , • 4 j 7 t l l _ / A . 1 / X vX \JXJ A • V/ X U LXX A T.QminniH W p o T m r * 1 /A T P 1 / R 9 t T f > i b TTQiT»nin 86 half t r a c k full t r a c k Shield, Head 6138 Pulley Assembly, Head A s s e m b l y , 6259-1 bzbo-1 1l Onnrr Ilg A ctcj£i"»v»l^lTr /Abtjoinuiy 40 MS-32-27-1125 NU-16-616C * * * * 0 U0U4^ *4 t9 40 U — T oT V I /A oT X rUiXl O X * /AA TX* T111 A oOEtasO X vl il VUiXl Tyr 1X X1 / /(\A D T : Hi U l cQt , C lpnXnXi lnXc gr , O 406-002 long Forward Control 48 90 6261 o/o 9482 6256-1 xriay owiucn iviecnanifaui An 11 * 6219 6934 . 3 1 2 d i a . x 1/16" thk Hex J a m Nut, 3/8-27 Xriay 9353-1 F e l t W a s h e r , 1 3 / 1 6 I D x 1-1/8 O D x 3 / 3 2 " thk * long flywheel, 43 SS-2-8-3Y i/o with if 8 - 3 2 x 3 / 1 6 " long Socket Hd. Set S c r e w , x Capstan Assembly, D u s t S e a l , felt, •if o—o/s 42 81 JNU - 1 - 4 C Co o c o v bb-2-D-2Y oeu o c i e w , nu. 1 XTT T r\ t~'t\J INlXt, oueAtJL * PW-1-6 Hl-6 HI-6-1 6-5 Reference Symbol ClOl C102 C103 C104 C105, c m , Description Ampex Catalog Number C107,C113 C108 C l i o , C122 C112 C114 C115 C116 C118 C123 C124, C127 C125, C126 M l 01 V - U Meter M E T E R , glass R E T A I N I N G RING: self locking 6351 PS-4 430-039 RlOl R102,R122, R139 R103 RESISTOR, composition: 2.2 megohm 1/2 watt RESISTOR, composition: 2, 200 ohm 1/2 watt A - B L a t c h , Fastener Catch, Fastener No. 8 Oval P h i l l i p s Sheet M e t a l Screw, type Z 8-32 X 1/2 Oval P h i l l i p s Machine Screw T i n n e r m a n Nut, Electronics Handle Handle-mounting, Cap, b r a s s Mounting r a i l , r i g h t hand Mounting r a i l , left hand LO-16 LO-17 MS-21-8-10N MS-26-8-8N SN-3U-8Z-1 HA-7 CA-21 7528-1 7528-2 CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR: CAPACITOR, e l e c t r o l y t i c : 3x40 uf, 252; M a l l o r y WP 520. tubular: . 1 ufd 400 v; C-D No. ST4P1 e l e c t r o l y t i c : 4x10 ufd 450v; M a l l o r y FP-434 .047 ufd 400 v ; C-D ST4S47 tubular: .0047 ufd 400 v ± 5%; C-D ST4D47 CO-328 CO-294 CO-68 CO-347 CO-334 R104,R105, R135 R106 CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR; CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, tubular: . 1 ufd 400v; C-D ST4P1 t r i m m e r : 100 uuf; E l Menco 302 type 30 . 1 ufd 200v t 5%; C-D ST2P1 c e r a m i c disc: . 0 1 ufd; Centralab DDI03 tubular: .5 ufd 400v; Sangamo 300 405 e l e c t r o l y t i c : 3x20 ufd 450v; M a l l o r y 376.5 e l e c t r o l y t i c : 1000 ufd 6v; Spraque TVA-1104 paper: . 039 ufd 400v 5% paper: . 022 ufd 400v; C-D ST4S22 e l e c t r o l y t i c : 4 ufd 150v m i c a : .001 ufd 500v t 5%; Sangamo KR-1210 m i c a : 350 uuf 500v ± 5%; Sangamo KR CO-294 CO-92 CO-335 CO-338 CO-330 CO-236 CO-329 CO-523 CO-380 CO-53 CO-6 CO-140 R108, R123, R134 R107 C121 C106 Description Ampex Catalog Number Reference Symbol FlOl FUSE: 1 ampere 250v; Littlefuse 312001 FUSE HOLDER, w i t h Hardware 070-003 FE-5 JIOIS PL-320S J102S J103S J104S J105P J107P CONNECTOR: microphone input, 3 contact shielded; Cannon X L - 3 - 1 3 N JACK: M i n i a t u r e phone, 2-conductor; Switchcraft 41 JACK: phone; Switchcraft 11 JACK: output phone; 3 conductor , CONNECTOR, m i n i a t u r e : power 2 contact; GE 2711 PLUG, octal: dummy plug assembly CONNECTOR, tape t r a n s p o r t connector: Jones S-308-cct CONNECTOR: reproduce head cable; Jones P - 3 0 2 - c c t - L JA-28 JA-21 JA 33 PL-319P 17420-1 PL-69S PL-338P LlOl L102 CHOKE, r - f : 20 mhy; M i l l e r 691 CHOKE, 5.5 h y : M e r i t C-2975 CH-8 CH-62 R109, R l l O Rill R112, R144 R113,R117, R140 R114,R125, R137 R115,R131, R138, R141 R116 R118 R119 R120,R127 R121 R124 R128, R129 R130 R132 R133 R136 R142 R143 R145,R146, R148, R149 R147 6-6 EB-2221 RESISTOR, carbon f i l m : 82, 000 ohm 1/2 watt 350v; Sternog type A - 1 RESISTOR, carbon f i l m : 100, 000 ohm 1 watt 500v; Stemog type A-2 P O T E N T I O M E T E R , audio taper: 100, 000 ohm; A - B JA1041 SD3056 RESISTOR, carbon f i l m : 47, 000 ohm, 1/2 watt 350v; Stemog type A - 1 RESISTOR, composition: 22, 000 ohm, 1/2 watt; A - B EB-2231 RESISTOR, composition: 270,000 ohm, 1/2 watt; A - B EB-2741 RESISTOR, composition: 1, 500 ohm 1/2 watt ± 5% RESISTOR, composition: 47, 000 ohm 1/2 watt; A-B EB-4731 RESISTOR; 100, 000 ohm 1/2 watt; A - B EB-1041 P O T E N T I O M E T E R , audio taper: 250,000 ohm; Centralab BA-011-1224 RESISTOR, composition: 1 megohm 1/2 watt; A - B 041-086 041-052 042-014 042-011 044-015 042-013 041-064 041-077 041-008 041-068 041-072 044-042 EB-1051 RESISTOR, composition: 33, 000 ohm 1/2 watt i 5% RESISTOR, composition: 560 ohm 1/2 watt; A - B EB-3311 RESISTOR, composition: 47, 000 ohm 2 watt; A - B EB-4731 RESISTOR, composition: 470,000 ohm 1/2 watt; A - B EB-4741 RESISTOR, composition: 470 ohm 1/2 watt; A - B EB-4711 RESISTOR, composition: 10, 000 ohm 1 watt; A - B EB-1031 RESISTOR, composition: 1,800 ohm 1/2 watt RESISTOR, carbon f i l m : 220, 000 ohm 1 watt 500v; Stemog type A-2 P O T E N T I O M E T E R , audio taper: 10,000 ohm; IRC type Q RESISTOR, composition: 1. 2 K ± 10% , 1/2 watt RESISTOR: 15,000 ohm 1/2 watt RESISTOR: 330, 000 ohm 1/2 watt RESISTOR, composition: 820 ohm 1/2 watt; A - B EB-8211 RESISTOR: 10, 000 ohm 2 watt RESISTOR, composition: 4, 700 ohm 1/2 watt; A - B EB-4721 P O T E N T I O M E T E R , l i n e a r taper: 10,000 ohm; IRC type Q 041-031 041-017 041-045 041-220 041-080 041-044 041-158 041-051 042-012 044-039 041-049 041-062 041-078 041-047 041-213 041-056 044-050 6-7 . Reference Symbol Description Ampex Catalog Number POTENTIOMETER, linear taper: 100 obm; M a l l o r y type C-P RESISTOR: Composition 560 ohm 1/2 watt 10% RESISTOR, composition: 82 K , ±10%, 1/2 watt SWITCH, SPST toggle: 3 amp 250v; C-H 8280 K15 SWITCH, SPDT wafer: n o n - s h o r t i n g : Oak 59016-23 044-095 041-045 041-246 SW-74 SW-66 TlOl T102 T104 TRANSFORMER: power TRANSFORMER: bias and erase TRANSFORMER: output 6298 6352 17419-1 VI01,VI05 V102 V103,V106, V107 VACUUM T U B E : 6267/EF86 VACUUM T U B E : 12AY7 VACUUM T U B E : 12AU7 012-028 012-043 012-023 VACUUM T U B E : 6F5 VACUUM T U B E : 5Y3GT T U B E SHIELD 012-042 012-013 SD-13 SHIELD, choke Special Adjusting Screw w i t h Retainer Sleeve T i n n e r m a n Cable Clamp for 6-32 Screw Plastic Cable Clamp Knob, 1-1/2 i n . d i a . s k i r t No. 12 Lockwasher, I n t e r n a l Teeth 3/8 Lockwasher, Internal Teeth 3/8 Lockwasher, Internal Teeth, Fine 1/2 Lockwasher, Internal Teeth, Fine 6-32 X 1 i n . Long Bind Head Brass Machine Screw No. 12 Plain Brass Washer F i b r e Washer, 3/8 ID x 5/8 OD x 1/32 i n . thick Pan Head Sem Fastener, 6-32 x 3/8 i n . long " J " type T i n n e r m a n Nut for 6-32 screw F l a t Latch Type T i n n e r m a n Nut f o r 6Z screw 3-lug Tie Point 2-lug Terminal Strip 2-lug T e r m i n a l S t r i p , Right Lug Grounded Washer, Condenser insulating Bottom Plate 9188-1 BO-4-4 CL-72 KN-14 LW-2I-12C LW-2I-616C LW-6I-616C LW-6I-816C MS-12B-6-16C PW-1B-12C PW-3-5 SF-2I-6-6C SN-3J-632-1 SN-3L-6Z-1 TS-5-4 TS-5-3 TS-6-1 6094-1 6399-1 ACCESSORIES Head Demagnetizer Amplifier-Speaker Model 620: In portable Samsonite Case, saddle tan In " B r u n e t t e " F u r n i t u r e Cabinet In " B l o n d e " F u r n i t u r e Cabinet 6-8 704 9419-2 7950-1 7950-2 Reference Symbol Ampex Catalog Number Description 601-620 Interconneeting Cable Assembly, 8 f t . 601-620 Interconnecting Cable Assembly, 20 f t . Adaptor for Rack Mounting 9411-1 9411-2 9684-1 P l u g - i n Low Impedance Microphone Input T r a n s f o r m e r 17331-1 Tape Speed Conversion K i t s F o r f i e l d applieation, includes pulley, belt, standard alignment tape f o r new speed, and complete installation and alignment instructions f o r converting f r o m 7-1/2 in/sec. to 3-3/4 o r vice v e r s a . FOR 60 CYCLE MACHINES Change f r o m 7-1/2 ips to 3-3/4 ips, 7556-0 Change f r o m 3-3/4 ips to 7-1/2 ips, 7556-1 FOR 50 CYCLE MACHINES Change f r o m 7-1/2 ips to 3-3/4 ips, 7556-2 Change f r o m 3-3/4 ips to 7-1/2 ips, 7556-3 Power Frequency Conversion K i t s : F o r converting 7-1/2 ips machine f r o m operation c u r r e n t to operation on 50 cps c u r r e n t F o r converting 7-1/2 ips machine f r o m operation c u r r e n t to operation on 60 cps c u r r e n t F o r converting 3-3/4 ips machine f r o m operation c u r r e n t to operation on 50 cps c u r r e n t F o r converting 3-3/4 ips machine f r o m operation c u r r e n t to operation on 60 cps c u r r e n t Each k i t contains the appropriate pulley, belt and mounting i n s t i u c t i o n s . on 60 cps 9738 on 50 cps 9739 on 60 cps 9740 on 50 cps 9741 Can of O i l , C a l o i l T u r b i n e # 1 1 , 4 oz. 1/2 oz. Alignment Tape, 7-1/2 ips 3-3/4 ips FP-5 TO-9 5563 6000 Spare Parts K i t for 7-1/2 ips 60 cps Machines Contains following p a r t s : 9742-1 D r i v e Belt Capstan Idler Spring F e l t Clutch L i n i n g (Rewind) F e l t Clutch L i n i n g (Takeup) Rewmd I d l e r Reel Hold Down Knob 2871-3 6211 6246 6250 6250-1 6284 6319 Reference Symbol Description 4 Rubber Shockmount 1 Filter Capacitor - 1000 Mfd., 6 Volts 1 Fuse - 1 amp. 1 Takeup Belt 1 Potentiometer - lOOK 1 5Y3GT Vacuum Tube 1 12AU7 Vacuum Tube 1 5879 Vacuum Tube 1 6F5 Vacuum Tube 1 12AY7 Vacuum Tube Spare Parts Kit for 7-1/2 ips 50 cps Machine Contents same as 9742-1 except for belt Spare Parts Kit for 3-3/4 ips 60 cps Machine Contents same as 9742-1 except for belt Spare Parts Kit for 3-3/4 50 cps Machine Contents same as 9742-1 except for belt .-10 Ampex Catalog Number , 6937 CO-329 070-003 432-010 044-015 012-013 012-023 012-028 012-042 012-043 9742-2 2871-6 9742-3 2871-7 9742-4 2871-14 Maintenance Kit Contains following parts: 6392 Quantity 2 Control Spring 2 Spring Clutch "U" 2 Nylon Thrust Disc 4 Rubber Shock Mount 6 Cotter Pin (l/16"x 1/2" N.P.) 2 Clevis Pin (1/8 dia. x 15/32) 2 Clevis Pin (1/8 dia. x 19/32) 2 Clevis Pin (1/8 dia. x 25/32) 1 Oil Can (1/2 oz.) 4 Self Threading Screw (Electronics Chassis) 4 Phillips Head Screw (Top Plate Assembly) 2 Hairpin Retainer (For 3/16" Shaft) 2 Hairpin Retainer (For 1/4" Shaft) 2 Hairpin Retainer (For 7/32" Shaft) 2 Self-Locking Nut ("J" Tinnerman for 6/32" Screw) 1 Phillips Driver (2-3/4" Overall) 1 Flat-Bladed Screwdriver (3-1/2" Overall) 1 Allen Wrench (1/16" across flat x 1-3/4" Arm) 1 Allen Wrench (5/64" across flat x 1-3/8" Arm) Minor Hardware Kit Contains 250 small parts normally used in servicing. 6218 6246 6934 6937 401-006 400-007 400-010 400-016 TO-9 MS-21-8-8N MS-26-8-8N 431-002 431-006 431-004 SN-3J-623-1 TO-7 TO-8 TO-5 TO-6 7802 Hold-back Brakes Replacement Kit Contains two Holdback Brake Assemblies #6320-1. 7974-1 TM lOOl Operation Maintenance AMI PIfix M O D E L 601 Manual 1 AMPEX CORPORATION 934 CHARTER STREET REDWOOD CITY - CALIFORNIA i