CERL TR N-98, Blast Noise Prediction Volume I: Data Bases and
CERL TR N-98, Blast Noise Prediction Volume I: Data Bases and
construction . . enqmeermq research laboratory TECHNICAL REPORT N-98 March 1981 Refined and Validated Noise Contour System BLAST NOISE PREDICTION VOLUME I: DATA BASES AND COMPUTATIONAL PROCEDURES For R~} Not to be taken from this room by Paul D. Schomer Lincoln L. Little David L. Effland Violet 1. Pawlowska Steven G. Roubik •••••• ~WM II••'· Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official indorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products. The findings of this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position, unless so designated by other authorized documents. DESTROY THIS REPORT WHEN IT IS NO LONGER NEEDED DO NOT RETURN IT TO THE ORIGINA TOR uNC L ASSlfIED n euRITV CLU " " CH 'ON ... " 0 < "",... ~"" ~ ..... ,.,.4' II P AD rNn Rl,lCnOllS REPOR T DOCUMENTATION PAGE • • Po" NU • • • • , . <>OU T oce... IO N N" CERl·TR. N·98 • ....<,--".j BLAST NO ISE PRED ICT ION VOLUME I , • .... h O....) PolU1 D. DATA BASES AN D CO....UTATIONAL PROCEDU IU s<_, Yio l t' t I. P<l.. IOlol ~~ a U"coln l. lit tle [Uv id l. Effl and St l"vl"n • U.S.ARM Y CON STRUCTla~ . " ' ' ' -•• 0 OOO U "IZ " P.O. 80~ 4005 Ch.-.paign . n " COOO ....LL' . OO •• _ • _ G. • ...... o ' ••..,.......00 co v••• o • • • • • 0 ....· N<lON.. • c"" ' ..e f iNAL _ •• " _ _ • • •• ENGI NEERI NG RESEARCH LAB . _. .... H U . h ••u • ..,... . . .."""C •. TO'" U N" . U . ... ... "HI " "."".T fllarch 1981 '. 0 0 0 0 .... 'fw _, _ c_ m •• om ••, " . u.. . .. " ........ . cu n. ,....... _ " '.cu." Unc lass if ied . " ° r e l ea ~ e; " O'''_'. UlOO'' n AT' ... .., /0' _ di strib uti on un l i mi t e d ..._ ... _ ,_ " . ,.., H. ".""_, __.....J ........... ... ",. ..... " c U ' Copies a re ob t ai nable f l"Oll t he Na li o'lal recent ce t In fo rmation Se r vic e Sl' ri nqfi el d . VA nl~l " .' . r, .0_ ,,,-_ ______ "_.._ _ _ ..... _ _• - ._..... c ' ~ "". _ _ _ _ .. _ .__..... .-.- ComlnlCl,on Enl\,in«l1 l15 Re'll:...:11 ,to pas seve••1 yeal1. Laboralory lias pi llered dall from various w ur«s dealing w'lli blul noi'll: leno eulltm I nd prOJlolplion and II"" pelfo. "",d ""ver.l :leI, of field ""'...... .emcnl. des'l ncd 10 enllance llli. dala lNw. These shldies lIa,-e been perfo.med as • ....1 of effo.l; aimed al improvinl ""' Iliods of >"ed icling Ihe noi..c ,m\l<l< l of m,lila.y inslallalions Spc<;ifi<:.I1~ iocluded . 'e measurements of lhe d"etlivily plUern of major A.my weapons and the ' illistical propagation of bt.... l ooi..e in the almosphe.e, Volume I of III ,s re port develop§ and explains the .elations 0_n l m DD ' 'J_ "" . Dfno.. ... ''''' .... .. c ...... n . > " " .."I 'C AT IC"''''' _" C_' C'" C KH~ ""n,auIIc.. ,'oll"' ..I '0' "',. "...." Approved f oe publ i c .. "",.. "" "'., 4A76270A896. A-OIZ • .,.., " .., . .. AO' NCN N ' '' • • • DO. . ... " . . • " .. .""... ... ... . .. kuubt k 6 1820 'c........ .u...." • IlItI'<>HP COMf'L Kn " c; FoR" ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' . '". ~ . , . ' 0 0 UNCLASSI fIED UN CLASSHlEO Item 20 contin ued. among the various data bases which have been developed to predict blast noi'lC impact of Army facilities. From the~e ~tudjes. dala bases and compUlatiooal procedures which are u~ed within the BIn I Noise Prediction compuler program (BN01SE 3.2) are developed , User instructions and a system descript ion for the Rlast Noise Predict ion computer program. RN01SE 3.2, are given in Volume II Also ind uded is the procedure for using the program to obta in a noise contour for. specitic set of data: how subrout ines are invoked in a modutar fashion : a descripl ion of module functions; modu le calling procedure: algorithms used by the program : and a summa')' of erro r messages . UN Cl ASSI FJED roarwoan lh" fe'..C<t'c h .. " m nd.....ed rew Ihe [>"«l"'.'e " f \t lhl.ll" I'It'¥' . m,,0 11..c , ~ lite CIl,,,,r or I::n[!.i n<:<: ,. OOC El , "o,k·, Prujttl 4.\ 7t> 21llt\ R% . •...n ' ''''nmemal OU" h l ~' r", Con ,......·U" n a'ld (Ir":lOt"'fl " I M,hl ,II~' bnhl 'es", f a, . 1\, - I nv ,o""'c'm;<1 Imp""1 M"n""f1"~ ~Li n ;, ~ " n ,,' m A" c"n,,'m "ntl l'l"n· nll1 ~ " ; W,,,. I I,,,, fl1 2, "ll d in,'U "",I V ;, hd,,'~u N,,,,,, ( ''' nlo u, Sl','~ m ' l llc (){ It nu", h<' . " .1 01 ,W I/> M r. I I' 11e,-k, 1l ,\ I'I' ·MI'I ·I, " In" ' )('1 I'c,-nn;",,1 Mn n,l'" l ite " " ' k "' a~ J"'.l'" "r>ed l>l' Ihe En,-i",omen ul n " -i.. ,,,n ' t~ l. U,S Army ('oo,c.ocli"o 1'0' 10""" "1 II",,,,..,,-h lah....IOfI ICI:: RU. n. R K lain i.. nuef of EN ("0 1 Lo.." J e ".,,", 1~ ("omm. nlkt 100 n " ""' 01 01' CFRL. I nd Il. L II Sll a ller;~ Techn".-. ' U " ","'I OI s ) CO NH NTS 0 0 .OMM 147.1 LIST OF T,"'UHS 11.:'111 FlfalR rS I ., 5 INTROllllCTlON ,........... .. ... ...... ... ... ... ....... ......... ............. ... . 9 H I R n~"tJRlJ Ila c k ~ ro u n ,j I'u tp",~ Oullln ~ of R"porl M"d. of T..chn"I,,~ y z l· r. r,,'~r IlLII.ST PIIO PA( ;ATlO N ST,... TlST ICS ... ... ............................. II (:~n~ral A mpillud~ J 4 Slaii,lic, IMPLEI\H: NT .... T IO'\ { U" A II Ir;U -A\lI' LlT lllU: IIEQI '[ R .~ Mr. .. T .. ...................... ..... ............... ............... .... H rl~: I't:I" II .:Nn: OF 1'1I 0l'AG AT ION STAT[S l"lCS ON U)(", l. ('Ll MAn' .H s IIL ... ST{:E ... ~: R A T [ () ... -- 1; )(0 111" 11 nnTTS ........................ .IS 6 W. ,,\ I'O N [H R.:CTI VIT Y I· ,... TT ER...S.. ..................... ............. 36 7 CO:'lT I.IJS IONS ......... ....................... .......... .. ................. ... ... . 43 ,... P P E...IlI X ,~ : \1E,"' S IIRF.I\-I EN T A...1l R[ [)lICl"l O... { U" ( 'I.WH: · I"· Il,U" AT . 'OR T LH INA RIl WOOll APpDmrx II : A.\ lI' UTlIIn: OI ST RIRL:TION S Al'pE"'lI X C': U' nTT OF IlI STANC r.. WIN Il [lI RH·T10 v . A NI) T I \1 F.O F IlA \ ' ,\ P P E... m x n, 1\ \1f.TIHJ II WH ICH FO II ~:CA S TS Sf.AS Or>; ,\ I. fll\1N 1111 11 [(·TlON AI. SOLIN[H:XPOS I IRf. I." "U.S l 'SIN (; I\-H:n:OR O LO(;] CAL ( 'O-';IllTIO NS Il IST RIRL:TlON , 44 4~ !\.1 3S H.IlI.ES Nllm ~. , j SlalOSllo;<S of II1ll'11 Propagation _ Pea k Sou nd· P.n"'.e Level ll o ne 've.",e~l and rreq""nq of Occu.. elll~ OJ (~ H. In h_ .... e._... ( '",, 'en od r",m Pe" (>a, a I<onr:> 1 .• 1* 1 , CS lc L ManJe lIoun..... ""' ., 1000 and 2"00 fl and I M'1e 1 Peak l.e,...l l(ange " " unda " "" al 2. 5. 10. and I ~ M,I..... " Itc"II ' "rcsu . " vc,.~i n~ hl ent " r K "n ~cs Method , I)"C~ ltOn .\{~Jfh '\l-.:um ul.o lonn " f "" und Vel"" ilYProtile r~ p,,, , , J , " " " " n ", Id!P u, '" " " s '" OJ p""'cnl4C " , O':''',,"CIllC of Type< of P,,, tiln ('"'' 1 Idll l 1>,slf''''' ""n " f Re<..-' vod • )a, • •, 20l1O .... " " " " OJ '" '" " l'I(;lIRlS ('"nl'd ) ""u ", h,,r 7 P . K~ Peak ~ound- Pre"ure Le ," el vs Il is la,,... 1,\11"Ene rgy" D" I" i\ "" "'~_cd Togethor ) 12 n "JO "r a IJimi hutinn Range h~- a S i n~ te C"n" ant II Appro,inlali on 12 '\ r p""ima tion of a 11is trihution Range by Two ('on.<lan 1< 14 Pos ilion " I Stal ion s lJ, 14, . mll5 Me", ure me nl, I5 Il,, ""ti ,-,Iy P"l lern of " rowed 155-m", II" witl er 16 CS EL vs (, · 4 C ha'8e Weight 11 Pred id cd and Mea<urcd ('S EL Cor rection Factm , v, We ,ghl " f E~ rl ",ive BI 1110l!·f't l'\;~htl ime Sound-Pre'l ure Level Di,lribu tion 112 2nnO· Ft "'~h lt i me Sound -Pre'\ure Lc.-cI lJ" lributi" n 10 I M,ic Nighlt ime Sound-l're.<sure Le vcl lJim ibu lion 114 IIMM)·Ftll"ytime Sound-l' re osure Lcvcl lli'l ribu tion 11 5 2I M ~)- FI Ill> I Mile Daytime Sound-P ress ure L.e vel Il i, tr iouti" n (' 1 Pe. k Snund- Prc- , ure l.e vcI IJepc nde n,.. on Surface Wind Direction . Tim e of Ila y, ami D istan ce II I "Purc" Bla, 1 I' rc.-ure Fluc tu.l i"n , D1 Zero (; ' a<lie nl C lln,lil;" n P"-.h, 1>3 l'\ e~.ti\' . G ,. d ie nt Snund Velo"ty Prolile and ('or re' lxm,!ing Ray P. lhs () 4 P"'1li ' e Uradient Sou nd Velocity P,ofi le and ('o rres lxmding K.y P. lh, R." Durin~ h>rl Silt Ilaytime Sound· Pre,ISur. Le vel Di,l flbut ion ~odet "nd Cnrr esponding JI Jl '" " '" " " " '" " 'in 51 " " ", . . ., , Pal e ,"umlk"r '" l)"eo. lIu nal Wind AnJ Ray Pa,h, [ff~IS · · Sound Velocity Prolilr: ss '" '" '" "'\C ".. und Vdocll}' I' rnlilc 'ih.~ ('.'ego n..,; PI"" Wc,~ h un~ " 'I' II I (I "',u l ~ Tnt.1 F".r~y Adual ami P,edi cted ('u ,"c' III I n il ( 'ombioalion o f "Mcan: - Mean ± Sland. rJ 1)" . ,.1Ion" WC'llhl;n, l ":lor. , "n IU.AST ~OJS~: P R t: D1CTlON v OLl'ME I: n AT A R A S~: S A-.-n CO\lPUTATlO :'li AL l'ROCEJ)lIRE S I 1NT ROl)lICT ION R.d,~r"u lld Over the pa.'1 ,eve-al lea,", lhe U,S Afm~' Con'TruC1i on Engin eering Resear ch L~bor.lOr~' WE Rt) ha, gathered dal a fro m variou , so urces dealing with blast noise gen e, alion a nd propagation and has I'Crformcd ,everal sets of fi eld exercises designed 10 furlhe, de velop infor matinn regarding biosl nOI'" ,o urecs ;rnd Ihe prOF"galLon of blast no ise in lh e alm o.ph ere. The.e CER L , tudies include mca, urc m" nt, of lhc prnpal\<ltilln or us live -pou nd charges sel olf at a central locatinn at Fnrt Leo nard Wood . MO,' mea , ure me n l' at fon Sill o n lh e directi,irl pallern of all of the ." rmy" s major wea pon. ,' and sma ll-scale ' ludie, al Fort Sill, O K and fort leonard Wood (App endi ,'es A an d RJ de.igned 10 exam ine th e weight relati cn I>o tv,'cen blas t ,'harge .;le and hla" amplitude and d urO I;on. These studies we re p,er form ed as a part of elforts aimed al developing approved metho ds of pred icling th e impact of blast no i", al mili lary inslallation " O"l a ge ne ta ted by the.e slud ie. are u. ed in th e CE Rl-de'elopcd IIla. 1 Noise I'redi ,'lioll co mpu ler program lBNOISE 3,2 ), dc.igned 10 predicr Ihe noio;c impact of mililary ;n"alilitio", re,ulling fro m lhe bla.'I-producing operatio n. of armor. artille ry. and dc molition Pu rpose Th e purpo se of Ihis ' ero't i, 10 dev elop and e w lain lhe relal;on , between and am ong vario us dara deve loped 10 predi,-Ithe blast noise impact or Arm~' facililies. and fro m Ihese datli base., to deve lop the eo mputal;on al p",.:cdures used withi n Ihe lila" !'Ioiso Prediction compule r pro~r am This volum e de.ni bes d,na b>Ises lind ,·" mpulational procedures. Oullill~ nf F1 epo r1 T he present Fliasl Noise Predi ction com pute r p ro~ ra m implem em s , e veral technical procedure. and uses seve ral dala b>I,,' s. e.g.• lable s c oma i n i n ~ the expecled magni tUde dis tribution of bla,ls propagated in Ihe alnlO.pher e . Thi s re pon devoles .eparatc chaple rs 10 each of the separ. le data ba",. or proce dures, arm nged So Ib" M er .:har ters hu,ld o n ,lal3 ,!evclopcd in carlier cha pters, " • Cha pler 2 desnihe. and explain, the hlast a mpl;tude "al i. ties de rived from the lirs l FOri Leona rd Wood measu rem ents: Append .. A descr ibe. Ihe te.t ilself and Appendi, FI coma ",s inle rnled iate rcsuus. C hapter 3 Cl plalns lhe pro.:cdure s by which Ihe present Depart men l of Defen se I[JO lll cu t·o ff 11\5 dcclbels Idlil C- wc i ~ h led s" u nd-e w osure level [CSELII is implemenled , Cha ple r 4 e >plalM the method de ve loped 10 Irlin, lalc Ihe data hase deve lopcd in Chapl er 2 from one ge,,~r aph ,c loclltron In anOlher Appendix C <"Oma ins ;r n "nalysJS or Ihe e lfect, or wind on blast pro pa ~al", n, and Appendi> D cun lain s a fonher ana lysis of me l eoro l(l~i ca l elfe..-ts a nd su g~esl' P'Ossible imp rovemen ts to the pred"'l lon meth "d "'" ForI o lf- al I\rrlu nd ground lev el de,'el opcd al I' Il "r l e on ard Wnod , rhe ' Iand ard signal "(lUrce was a 5-lb cha r~e C-4 plaslic explosive set level ; at F<w. Sill, the s tandard '''Url'e WliS " S-Ih tharge or C· 4 , e l "ff J n (0.9 m I above Chliple! 5 develop s the means to rctere the ", dala to on e anolh er, The weapo n comou," FOri Sill are ad;rpled for use b~' Ihe co mpuler p rn~ ,"m descril>od in C hapler 6, Chap te r 7 'rh"",fr, " J (",II "" I I \1 I ",I<, I ... ,\'d""" I., bo """t , 1<l' R\.I , """,,n,bor I~'~) " IJ ';',h"n,er . L. \t f>(J! "l)A ' ~ ",l 1J LeUk'_ , n" ~ WI RL. '>':t"OoI I"7~' H '1',"1, oj .'''''''If''''' """ .''''''' "'' "I /II"", "'''1",,",-.11" II. ' ~"n"",Iw,,_ R' '''' '''h ,"<1 ~ 1 ) A" )J .,,, II" A tm, <"ml,"""n ~."s"><'''n . .<'0''''.' /J"",,,,,,, I',,,",,",, .!,,, A,"" H,~",,"., I"" ,,", R" .." \,,, ,u", ," I ,oci II , T<r hn,,'" R, p< '" IIR'" I J/~ I),\IIjjJ", '1M' N ~um,"e. me K' '''''h funt:lron of Yaro"u< hla" ",,'ame,e~ ...... f" nClion of , he ,"",ISh' " f ( h.., ... Vo lume II " f Ihl' rep.'" dcO(fll:Je, lhe Rias l !'i0l"C PredlCiion romp"l..,. p,,,,,am, "lod~ of T..... n.l... ' r un ,fn n.e l'f"IUm 1';""... and dol<umental ron rOf lhe !lIN Pred ict"'" <nm pul er .y<lem _ Ill be ..11L.1>Ie A",,\~oed R...,.... ",1>Ie '"''''' ''''-'' (1ilKI l. fm m lhe 1>O:""....... nl ,,1 11M: Ar m ) 10 f ;.... ~' .l 111" ,harle. ~ummd"/e< lhe , all ~. <Iu",... the", " ' C,,,urem, nl, tcsulr". .. r ITIC.s" ,cmcms pt"l f"'meJ al Fon l~na"l 'A 00<l a.,.,. 7 .1 ~ Ih e 'l"MJ nd ,-ha,ges " . C· ~ pLosh': e 'l'''",~e " Cfe "". oil at Il",un\l Ic>d .ll d <colla l I, .. ..,,,,,, 'i, mull.n('1 'us '<'1;0,<1",.., ....~re mM al 10Il0 amI 1000 f. 0 05 anI! 1>1 0 ml "",1.1 L 1. '. 10. Ill" 1~ mile, 12. .1. K. It>. and H km l C'oncurr"nl "itll l!>t: .,·,.... to'.II"' I' and meiL, urc mc nt'." ' l"'< j,,1 l 'cde,,,1 A,-j"l;oo Adm,n"nat",n (I-AA ) oll rr l. ne mu",t"T"d a nd recorded ren i n" " 1 rude",,, l".. ,,'' ! ,1.'1.' in, ludi ng "'m el ' I",cd Lind lI ifel'l inn . Icm l>cr.turc. and humidtly f ill " " I dlu ''',He' Ihc Icsl ""lUI' Tiler. ,,-Cre I" " .'-0,,'11,-.1 d_I' collc,' I,on '.'-ste mS , " " re Al 1000 "~fIll !lM ~ n .nd I m Ile 005 and 1010 m ,' OIl 2 km l , unmanne d lra" S<!u,.." ,calion, T tw.-", dni,,,, , II ",m Ihe lr d. la hoo.' ~ 10" ernl,al m nlrol van • Ia land ... bl ~, u~ d I~ m, I~, lJ . 11. lb. and 24 km l. m. nA<'<l mc......f~mcn. sl.U"n, "' C' C u,;cd ,1,"("" ronl.,no:d ," I ...·n >.J'C1·;"IIo...··f' t<lucncy ' el" >l <k, 1 " ~ "' fl'mCn ' ., the ",.nned .t.I1>Onlo lI. d uded • I·,n . m,..:rophc_ .nd .,nd ...... e-en • • I'd I 'iOllr>d. "' .d mele, "",d ,,'~ l'l'ak amph llJdc" . nd .o, • pte -.mpl,I"'r for lh~ Io...·frcqucr.q lOl'l' , . o,:Ullk' h l" 'fl'mCnl al ."" u nma nned sl."'"n, ".d"d...-! • , emolcl, adjU\L11>k prc·.mph lit, "'hom l'lJ" e,"" ,I> ",. n 11l·,n m" ,, 'f'''''"'' An F \I-I~l'l' lape 'C('OIde, .. £O u...d al Ih. ,,,nn,,1 Vln 2 Elo<' 11 " f '<1 2.,_ W. • nd I~ '0 «, ,n.....,.... ( 1.11. 1. Tcdln ",,1 lI. p"'l If il l N. IJ . .\ w,,,,~'. "l Amp/""" , ",.,j S"","",m lOr 814." . ' 't'.,.../tIltnl '" IIIr ""J , he . nal)', ,, . nd reduct ,,,,, "I' mct c"",I"llic" Peak "alue' we'" d"IC'''H''C<l 1<11 tllc"", ",'''ust;,'"' d.l. ""d "" c·'h,,d. "" ave '111" '1'" we'c ,,1>1;""".1 U",nll 'l'Ccial Mk"a l"'~ ,n ,lrum ~ nl " 'I "n rnC'lly-w"ill hlc<l mc., u,c, ,,'Cre Ih"" d"v elo'red rrom Ihe " ·' e·lhitd·'....t.ve dl"a Apre ndi, II de",·.ihe, Ihc tc","dmll "n,l ,tn"ly", 01' Ihc d"",·tn . I'on l.e" n;",1 \'i n,,,l ,lal;l. i.e .• d.l. fwm 1 1~ ~ 1 . nd 21H~l h and 1 mile no~ .nd f- 1Il m and 2 ~m ' I he..: ,1",. Wc'" 'w ""'cd "" pe"k Ic,·c!,. nd va'ious r.~ u c "q - ..c;'hlcd c nc rgy Icvd, ...n h" ut ,be ,o,,,, med,,'e \l c' P or dC\'c1npintt ' hc on"- I h "d -,"'I~'c hond, Th,s d,,~·, anal l-~i, .. .. ....Je I'M'oi hlc h) m.a.... nf Il>e C FR L-«' c1nped c'n,' ""n mc nt~l n, ~ ... m,,,,; ''''. dCSl.""hcd ,n (" ~. IIL I II N.41 . Trur · /"""lIT"'''. 1''' '"11""_ ",,,1,,.,,,... " ...,,"" alld .\"'/IIJ-I' 'f'V'U'" I~"" .It'·IN. \ .' ~\l"""" 1 th,ou,h 1\' , 4Im",""'·"" Jeta;!, Ille anal)", and ,cd ,..-tk' n " I' J.al. f,,,m Ihe ma"ned ' "all"n, <I.,;, ......,plill,oIIr ..tui"k\, In ( ' I' RL III 1'.1 J . <Loll ~.c d,~ Kk d .. c.o<h d,slanee ,nfOd, lIcre nl , mp luudc 'an.... Ih .. d"m bUll"n , dn nc on Ih~ b,,,,, " r Ih~ peak .. ' und Ir. d. Ihc data h"m I R '-;·13 ;, .,, 'cd ,n Tahlc I The 1m d" ......""1 wcr~ p'e", n,"" ,n lhe I" , m "I' . di,ml> u."",_ nal"ral b,eak"",... ", " ,,' c Ihcn ch,,,,,,n l o Je \CI"p , mn .>!h d l.' " 'OO ,;o" lun"'''", , . m lnn, pcll\lr ""I ~',,, III , hcsc MU kp"'n" we"", ...., Ieucd IT ~" " "leC" " mn, e (ully Je'....iMocd tn ("1'1.1'10' 4 orlR N. 1.11 ,,,,,wi , V"'u" II" 'h~ ,.mc r""'." h,IS hecn ,,,cd In , his c h" ple r ,n ,l i", de ,'1"",·", ,I..., ' nlll ;lml'h'u,k ,,,,<I f" ·4"e n,·,," nl ,,,·,·uffenec . !lowc,cr. ""e" u'" lhe CS I-.l is "u"eo lly 'hc re~u"cd me" ,,,,o lor en ,,,,, n,,,e nt . I. ,,,, ,, ,,,, ol': ,hc Til N·I .1 dal. h.ve Moccn ,li,i,krl .n,1 ,,,,,,I y,e,;,n 'h .. "h"ple' " n 'nc ha", ,,( . he ("S!-l , olhc, .han I"'OI k lc,ei " PPC " "" FI wn l",n. 11it"" nc... amphlLfClc """,bulloo , olo"J ...·uh ~n '....lIe3ho n , I Ihc , n' hal and hn~1 ",ea~I'0; nl', I ;~u,c 1 ,IIU'IIa'''' ~ tn "e.' ("·...""hle'<l aml'... ....x d" ln " u'k 'n I . blc 1 m n..;n, { "!iH 'lall.,,,:. for ,he ' ·.. ...e·'n <Loll' In ,.. de . 10 rouplc.he r"n~e, , , . , _.. <'l at ' I \I ' , . ....., ••, • MI ,."" 1 ,_,_ 11I \I. ,I. .,.._".. ;,.,....... , "'_ _ . .... I,~' I.·.. M ,_ .. ~~...,; I " "".11" (, I IlI' . r'O... "" , ,'"'f.''~'.''' ., II ~ " • _ ..... ' _ ... I~ _ _ ..._ 1 .",_ . I ..... ' h , p,.,,, I .,,", ""'" , f ' ,f.·._ 'I I' ,,,,, _ \ " ,,, , ..~ . ...... ~, ..... ,_ I ...J \, Iv_, \t ' _ ,1 U,_ ...,....... \ D'~ Til .. ..... .l ! '1'1 III ~_ 'b "I '" . " " .! , .. , ..., " ...... ' " . " ", " ~ ,,,,, ....,,,,. ,, n.. ' " I ." " , ' '1m ."". '~, '< ., " , _ '''' 11 '" 1 ,..... ,,,. / ..... '.' , 1M ' " . " '" " ",, . ,,, ,,, 0", 1 ,.",.. .... '~. ".,..,,,., N, ,', "''''r ,."' " ,. '<" .... n, N. .., ,, . ...""" • , ,,,n,,u.·,' ,., 11, .•", .. ",,,,.""'k' "." .... ""11, ..,, " ~ " n'" "" '< ., " ""•• ,•." " " ' " " "",., .. , ,... , .., . II '.''''M•• ,.., ,_, ,..._'". "I ,,, ,,,,. _, .1 , ,,,' "" " I ... ,." ,.. ,."" " do"- cscse-m .nd lhe bH'"' frl>m lhe I:or ' lwlWl'd Wood 1e\l5. pea~ dall hom me rlr·ou, IoIll l<>f1S hlw been convened .0 {"SEb lhhle l l. f or <~'m ple le nC\,. pe. ' le"el <1al" .re l"'esemed 1'01 Ihe SlIme ~'''upinll' .' ,'hosen f"r ("-we,ghted . d osc·in dal" T..hle 4 "''''1'''0' pe"k Ie'e l le nergyl " '.r....e' ...hi,'h have !>ceo m lllllute,1 fOT d"' . grouped a' ocr T"hl c 2 Figure, ,I "od 4 w nl. in C· ...ci¥hled aml"lt 'ude informal;on from r . hles 2 .nd l , t>y (l .)' "nd by nigh. Fi~ < re~ 5 "nd t> •." m.in lh e pe,,~ In ti Im pli. l!de d;"lfLbu lion. from lhoe d. l. <Of1 ...,ned ,n hhle' 1 Hnd 4. b)' dill' Hnd t>,- n" h ~ Se"e'.' flKI• • ,e ool.lIle the curve< ' 1" h~u "l:' J Ihroo"" (I 1 h" lhe Io .. e,. Ie'el .....e • • h r d'''''nees. 'hoe cu,ve;, 'end ' 0 ll.m e n ou,~ • d,"""" hOC' 5h",,, Ihe " ue drre",ion of ' he... do'•. The n..llen, ,,, no; u" ...hoen Ie'els . re .... en(JtJ~h be ,n the not'" Iloor of the m~t ru me m.ll" n .0<11", . m b,eOl, .bou, '0 2 I he lowe" ,ond h,ghest amplitude r,'nge d. t. lend 10 di,a ppea, at 'hnn di"a n,e'_ Thi~ i,., e, pe<'led As the mU1l1e of lhe guo or the ,,,urce of "n e.p l",i"n ;. appro...·he-I, Ihe "mplllUde le, .1 hewmn m"re e"", l.m and ,,,,k pende", of leorM;n o r we.lhe, e" n<l'lOon~_ lleyo",1 lhe poinl whe' e mc.""cd da" e ~ ,'>l. lhese cune' h..e been e Xlen<!e4 .nd \110"'1" itS hed " ne. (On,er."... . , o r ...... lhe ... um: Thel Me dd....., line. btt.u1oC . • Ilhuud! Ihe1 )' indeed e U'I. lheir likelihood of eccerreece i' <00 10... lhal lhe )' "'C'fe not n",..""rod dur;,. the hlfl ~ ...d ..... eed ~I, Thus. T.r.le 11",,, lllne ,'.Iues " ll h . percen'",e of 0 t he poin . of enn ver,.nce i, eh, ~n from ' he solid hne on Ihe f'll"re-s T~ ...ltd lin... are de'el.'(>C'd and shown '1" Fi ~u ..... 7 . 00 8 f.. r lIta~ and C . ... ,~h l1n • . ,...peet,..e1t· T ~y re pre"' ~ 1 a >!ralgAl Itoc hI Heast ""Iu.re,1 In lAc h)l.al ( cne r ~~ ... e"~e<l) d..· o~,l nrght dala J I II. I"-I J ' , l. bli, hcd lbar lhe ' M "" '''010 CUl\e c"rr.~p"nd, mosl ~edrl~ In ."u nd I'fGpll~'led unde r . "."wud 1)'1It nl • •molliphc.e II CS i~le .e:<li n~ .t> ~o-Ie Ih.l • ~,. - hl , Ir hl It"" 10 lhe... <u.ve• • ptlroa<h<:. rhe ""me urue fOI the d," . b) ,u)' and by n,.h., furlhe r ....ppo'h he .u,,,;epl lh.l. al ,he muuk ,,{ ••un Of AI lhoe 'IOU' ~ of. bla\•. 11", .mpl,.lMIc\ Ne i~dependem 0( "'ea'hc-r Of I.,..i~ .- The fan ...., .he <u,.e-. ' 1" F,~ ufeO, J . .-, 5.•nd"''''''"' nO ..... d...... n""u, .... ,nd'ClIles ,h.l rhe•• are nn sylolema." d, ff.rences e nher be''''..,n . ho da•• lIlIlh•• ed al . ho unma nned Of ma~ned .... . lJ<lns Of bet lOc-cn . n ~ " f Ihe ntI,v,dll. 1 u" mon ned or manned ~"l'nces They lhu.< -e r"e .~ • , nod ,he," . on Ihe o.-er. rr ... ltd'ly " I 'he d.ta ~ Whe n Ih. d,lle,. oce, bet .... cn pc• • levels ",e r~cd on an e~crn ha. is we re "" 01 O" r. d to ('S H _ !cvd' " vef&~ed un "n en.'1Il ba..is. il "'.s fou nd . ha' me d.lfe.e o<'Cs (hy da) .nd try n;,hl ~ fn. rhe fou' amphlude " ou pmp &,0'" lo d a 25·d8 Iom,l <I" I. o<'C deer e. mu h.""I"" ee."" ••• nis. bur shock ....... rem.,n•. ,ndoc-a',,,, I ~"",ally h" her frellUency enn.enl IT.hIe 51. """""1" .... - 1. S. lO lnd 15 m,le, O. 8. 1(1•• nd 24 km l u Tabl. I Slati, tics of 111'''1 l>w l'a gaho" """~ Sound ,Pm,s,,'" le.<! Ilo". ,~ .era~,,» and Fr~qo .nc y or 0 <'<0 " .0<0 (S Ib 0 " (;wo "d ) "",,",., {.,,"" I ' I Cl " "J. O of< 1\ n fI,,"J to moo ho"" j CI .n, , ; ,,"" 2· 1..".. , ' "" , '4 .• dk ".J "k .\1 1'.1 HfI.O of< h ,~ m~ ... km' lorn. , 0 \ .I N. 5';! 7' .X ok n .'" I " , It,l l 1B Jr. 4 7.'1'1 ~ .' 8 ,l~ ,10'1, 1."14 .1 , , I._ 'fl ,} <I '" J1 ' .I . l.~ m,w"" ' j .1 l n1 J .1 • ~ III "/ ,,"' '",J",,>" ',, ( e " ,. J ~ ,(f;, l1. J'k 'I ., l O.lf; "" nl,'" 1&.7'.' , ,'" ' 21.9 "" 6 .1% no.o ;H 7.6 % If',' ., "" '" 7, \1> 105. ) U 1> 114J ! O.6% rn.c 101.11 ,If< l S .'r\ , I I I df< 96% d f< 1 .J ~ 0(1.11 dH ) y ".', 1 1 .1 2\ ' '-;' n l 11.0'; " \.0 <I~ J 1.8" IOJ.) '9 .1 J 4.n 1 9 . ~ ,I~ 91 .& ,If< 11)2. ) dH J1 ,11< )H. ())( '" "" "" '" , j I l4.10 "" " l ".j'l. 15." ]( 1 r 16.1 , 1~, ' <11.9 J9.({.' '" )7 ,~~ , H 1.,m. 4 ' ""'" l. I" " ," oJ "" " 'its' ",,,ril, .... ~ . I ' " ' ' No",i" ~ . N,,,,,,,, lL ~ lL. " I"h,, ", T3bl. 2 ('sF:L 10". A".l3~" a nd F,"l "."'·y " f 0..'.0' ''''''' . (S Ib o n (; ,m l" d I lli,"",', ft lml T'm. m oo I15<H' 1( , ""W'I,,,.,, oJl\4 I 1 1 ~~J <t, I(II l l~" d. 1H, "',,' '" 11I)(1 h"" ,, 111" on., 2 01~ 1 , 61 1J1 ' 1."" h<- .d i n~, , 1.<", . I" h"< 111 ).4 " Il'l " 4..\ " In, 11S.l llU I l 1.3 'l-M% 17.JH ,, >I , 04 1 1" , 114 I 4H7'; II I .: 111 I .j 1m .' O.''-!- n.".' 14 J H 0 ,< "& ~ 1.04" ,.. J-" l.l.% \14 I 71.6<>' I l , ., l l.ON '19 ." 1J .w, 1" ).3 J 9 .2N I IH I lO.9 0 .('" "l.~ ' .J4 " 5l ~" ~H 94. 2 (i 6 lUl 16 I J ~ 64.8~ ~ lOf" ' 0 tho "'"00 "Iocit, r, ,,fLie; II , ~ ." " ~ , ~' " ... < /,,,., 4· 7. 1 ~ "- 1'>>;. b",. ",""'''' "< . , / 0"" J " 'If) , 7" .\ , 10m, 2' , ", ,' . ' IJ J14'~ , 1" 2.1 1~ . j ) ~ , 110.2 11.4_ % Tanl• .1 I,,,,•. ~ ,.,"~ ., CS f L Nigh, " lIl"",... lun. I ' """"I 2 r1. 21 , l,,", ) ' 70\.1 ~H .2,2 98 .) I ,,", l ' .'.,> onil.. Okm l 011 100 ,,, 1l7IXJ C o n w rl «! fro m P. iIk O,lla ruo.. in To n i. I ( 5 In o n (;", ,, ndj \ {~m " I"ne 4' > '" 111.J ~I " HIIHdl 16. ' " 65. J 11.7 ""' I.\ r14.1 , .\4.• ' · 6 ) .• nu as.s "4. 9 U,," 1 n Il 14.n " 1.' " 1.3 99 .4 J lH 10 .1 'H I " <I ".1 J 1].9 " 66 .) 10.6 "" 11 , 24 1J 13.1" 61,J 72.7 ~ I ." 1"7 00 " , I I'"' ' ''"''J , ~ III ' Z" n" h<. u,,,>,, " ,,, " , ti>< " '" " " I-' .~ ~ . ~" ' '', H ' H"e ,,,.ti<, .. · 1.,,"" '4 .' '~'o<j, y P'''''~ ... . h"'" ••']'",. " ,"". '''"<\ ~,. ' he con, I" " '" ~'i ' "'t; 10 U.,'; III ." ' 16 I 51 .0, 11 ,24. 1 4 "-5 ' 6 I ''"I _ 51.1 . 11 ," ,I., (,4 1 "onl - 4" -,' I" j ~' , ''''I _ ""k-' , Peak Lt,ol ZUlI' Tab le 4 A " "'ll" f u r in Table 1 ( S In " n Gr""n']1 lit",."" ,, ~ Ii 0500 '" 0'00 " ,," " lin) '00' OOJ I ~ r~ " ' ~ 10 1 1 1" ' '' 6 101 ll l~l ,,," ,, ' I"" It,,,., , I""" J' 1) 1.5 1) 9,7 144.1 , I ~. J 11U I J7.J 143.u ",4 , , 11.4 I lI .n 1ll.9 14',,, I n "~ , .11 " 14 '-" 1l1. 0 ])~ I l ~O " , 0· .5 1I~ I 110.11 ~ 10 1 h" d' n" "", '0 tho ' " ' " " '.',><i ty ",ofi'. E,~ ' " I I ~ ..1 1"'-' 1 L""", 00" "" ~ . ~ ·I ·, j B ' B""" F · F,,,,u, .. I,,., I,,"e ~ , h'> I ,, ", I ' Jill.. ,6 101 H~ I(I 0'1<)0 " , ".'J• ",ile, , , ----- ~. 14~ .~ I" " 1-'4.4 I • h hld 1Ya~ 1-..1 ,,"'... t Sr L by 10;. ...... .,..( ..... _ ' '''''' I " '._l" , h ,... j " ' .<_ 4 " h" lUOO n l.101 "" 11.1" 14 .0 n. .\0 " 1) .1"' l<lIIO f! .61 ,) '"' l4 I IU Illn 14 I " " I H. n. lo 11-' II.) lH , 11.4 1'.0 I,. " I>" ta "'~ 'u ,,500 O'M ...... " II m,b U O.I INn II'"' I ". ' IV ~ I" "''' 1;0\ m) 10 9 ~O 1l.' 11- _ 14.0 " loon n 1610 ..) '" 0100 ." lION) h",," 4 ", ", l _ l l , I .. . II 1 I_U .l ~ .., ' - " 1 0 1.. , I ~.S HI 139 n.1 ,,, .'". ", no l!.l ! .. ro, I ! lS.S · " 14.1 ~u roo ~I ! I O md" 1 1 6 1 ~ m ' 11.10 16 ~ ". ro, I S m " "1 ~4 1' "" 1" .(' 17.1 I ~. ~ I'Ll l.ot h' oO'''' " ,.. " Ed l " !< t· 'h, _ .... ..... ,,) I"0,a, <eo " .. ,... .. , ·f I . 10 ...""<16 .1 1." S - ' .I O I .. , . ' ''' _ ' ~ > ", .. , I_II-' ~.' 1 _ , J 1 ~. , ""' I..... .. ..... p . , _ ....... I' NORTH 15 Mi l ES (24 I( M) 10 MILES (161<I0Il1 5 MIt ES 18 11 1ll) 'UST .lFlEA ......... rs , 2 Illl.ES ( 3 1(l1li) z 2 2 , , EA ST " • SOUTH I • " - : .. .. .. .. ,, : • !, ,, ,,, •, ,,, • 1, , ,,, , • 1, , ,,, , •, , ,, , •, ,, •, , ,, , ,,, •, , ,, , ,,, •, ,,, ·,,, , .... .. ~ .. .. .. • .. ...... .. . ... · .. .... .... ·,,, ,, •, • 1, •, ,, :, g, 1 10 • i , :~ 1 •, 1, ,- . ........ ......... : $ . .. . 0 • " 0 ..• .. " 0 .. .. ouu""' ", ,,,,,,,", U "' :Il 0 .. 0 ,• • -, • " :~ •, :~ , • ,, • •• •• •• ·• , • • • • • • • • •• •• •• •• ·• •• •• •• •• •• ·• •• •• ,, •• •• •• ·• •• ·• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••• ·•• ••• ••• ••• ·•• ·•• ••• ,•• ••• ,, 0 • •• •• •• •• •· •• •,, • •• •• •• •• ·• •· •• ,, •• •• •• •• •• •• ·•• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ,, ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ·•• ••• •• •·• •• ••• ,, s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·• • , · · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,, • • • • • • • • · • ·• •• · • •• •• •• · , • • • ·•• ••• •·• ••• •,, •• •• , • • • •• •,, •• ,,, •, ,,, ,•,, i , ,, O' . ... .. ... .. _ • 0 7 .... .., =~'" .. . .. ... .. ~ • .. .. . . • .. " 140, - - - - - - - - ..,-- - - - - - - - ,-- - _ ---, 1]0 ...-, ... ...... .... ... .... , ...................... "0 ..,'" ,, ,, ,, , -... '0 - u '0 .- r ...... -, / OVERAl l AVERAGE "" " , " " -, ..J U> -, 50 - -, E.N .... -, <, I -, 400.L.' - - - - - - - --'-- - - - - - - -.l,-----!. DI STANCE ( m 1 1000 ) ~·II U"" .\ CSEL v~ dislanoe (d.y l . 'i i· " O r--------~~--------__,~---_, "ENERGY" , -, , 11 0 - -.., - 90 , -, , -, ,, -, ,,, F CD --' "''" 80 U 70 '0 - E.N <. '0 40 L- ....L L _ _----l 30 0. ' DI STA NCE ( rn )( 1000 ) - al -e -' > "' "'-' "''" ''0 " ~ ~ ."''" ." "0 0 z 0 , ~ ~ "'c, • " 6O,0.'' ;-- - - - - - -;-- - - - - - --;;-- --!, o DIST ANCE (m .iOOO) '" • ''0, - - - - - - - - - ,.-- - - - - - - - - ,-- - - ..., ''0 OVERALL "ENERGY " '.0 - AV ERAGE m u ~ '"> '" '"'"=> ~ ''0 ''0 00 00 '"c, ''0 '"c, z => C 00 F '00 ~ e; '"c, so -, ., E,N -, -, <, -, -, 'oL -- - - - - - - --L- - - - - - - - J,--- - ----,J '0 0' DIST ANCE ( m x 1000) 13":31 o ~nSS3ltd 'ONnOS )lY]d 21 o I • o • o ~ >- '" ~ 0 Z 0 • o N (ElP) 1 3$ J lJ E ~ "'u ~ Z >- - ~ 0 , "u• > "•• E , • • .a 0 "• • • ,• • ,• 0 ,• e · • ~ u ," •e •• • J IM P U: M r. ·'/T A T H ) ~ Of A HH;tt·AMPUTlIIl£ UQL'IIl.£M[ NT In (hap le. 2. d,m ibulion da1<l " e re tk~e1oped n, hle~ 2 an,l J l .. hId, Pl'0u d ed ,mplil~.nd of occue eece fo' (SE L~ ,n fou l bl"" l mattn;h1<!e n "' ..... The ,., dal a ' lone D e enoullh 10 Pl'ed,CI Ille 101.11.1 CSEL ImpIOlI"l on , ny poiol in 'JIIIU; Illey " e , 1'lO nu ....1e en ou llh 10 ind lCll le nea, ... . ..... um level' . nd 10 . 1""" fo. lhe mcl ,","n of ",me Iy,,", of "i",pul,., rn n « l,on r",lor" should Ib.1 be deemed dnln ble In Ille fu lure lt o...... vee. Curre nl procedures uw '" by UOU .nd lhe J\ . lional "'adem) of Scj.,nce requ",e llot e .clu~lon ()f all datil h,,,,n. CSE.b be lo .. , .,~ en lhr="hold.' Currently. llle I1res hold;" IS dll dU/' l1Il he da~ . nd 7S d B . I ni, hL Tile pU'POlot of lb,s c11.~ler 15 10 con .. tkr .nd de.elop mean. 10 Imple _ nl • lhre'!hoi d requi reme nl , i~cn lhe data !10K de~clopcd in Cl\.a.plt< , rre",uenc1C:~ To impleme nl • lh re'!hoid ' e</u"emenl II~en lhe dolta dc,· c lo;>cd ,n ('h.ple, 2. ' I Ii nca:'<SM)' 10 nOl on l,· loflC'C,f~ lhe me.n !IOUnd·e. pow,c Ie"cl lSE.ll , ·alue. for • ,,~e n .....nn . . '&nIe lalOlli .. illl b eq uen.., of oc<urrence l. loul ' 1.... 10 ~,be lhe e Ue nl bouoda';'" of lhe lot mllnlllldc T. ble b li~I ' lhe bl ea l poin l. '" WII(' e nd ....~n Ls ~ 10 di ~i<k Ihe C, "c 'jr,hled dOle" n d'l' mrc ILs foul lOn" T.hle 6 ind u.de<o hre.kprn nl, a nd end......nts fot ra"IC I ,nd • data (", wlll<1l lhe (feq uency or o,:curren,:e is O. le "" OIl' .re pro~IlI"" o nly (0' com ple leness . nd ron' e nience ,", llbin lhe campUlt< Pl'~r. m "' ,Ih;n whic h I he~ are uillma lely o\oed. '>ince Ihe y on:u r lin Table 21 willi ' problIbib l~' of or n""", n- ... n A, d lscu"''''' In C h,plel 2. T I( N· 1l h r,ou l w i. li,e .. wl' lllI lhered.I l. S, 10 , , n d IS m i l~ 13, ond 24 km ll " ere di. ided .nd I'<" lrl~'ed on lhe "'-" s of ""Ik . mr! 'Iud.... nl he r lMn ('S EL n .h le 7 J. Given lhe pe.k .mrl 'l ude arW lhe CSEL d,fl"eICoce 5 for lilt ~aft<'uS fl nle Impliludes <.Ie" ' ed in Chapler 2, ltle"" bl eakp", nls hl ,e been oo n ~erl ed 10 C'S ~.L on a pf(lporhonll b"'is for c ~ . m p le , for S miles (8 km l ,layllm c, lhe focus or rang e 4 p"a k ampl ilu'!c (Ta hle 1) i, 112.2 dB . n<.l Ihe base or rang e 3 . mplilll<.le i. 102.0 dB T he corre sponding mean ('SE L, are 'II O .nd n .n (T. ble 31 for peak nlinus (". we ighted d ifference. " f 21.2 on<.l 20, 0 ITablc 51. Th e peak h'e. kpoint bel"'"n these 1... 0 rang e. gi ~e n b)' T.ble 7 ..... , 10&,S d B, Thi. peak ". Iue is conv erted 10 . CSF.! . by me foll" .. ing for mula N. 11>. CSEL BOUNDAR r 1',I- ll - PtoA &.,,,,diJry l;, I- 1l - (PCb 1+ PCl I- lll/2 .. h<re pe r,) " Ihe pe.k le~ e1 mono. lhe ( 'S~_ L fOl IEq 11 me Ilh ,.nge u.... I hi~ (Olmula. lhe .....1. fro m Table 7 h,~e been COI'I~encd 10 CS H.o,oo Plewn lcd In T olole g Ao ..,Ih T I hle 6. T,ble 8 Incl"""" e OOpOlnl1 fOl n "IC 1 , nd • dal, h,Uf'" q Ind 10 co m bine .....ta from Tahleo b I nd I . plollcd aO ' (o ncl,"'" of dioun"" Th...., fi, u," , 1., Ind,Cll le Ihe mea n SEL .. ilh,n lhe de ...T,bed n nscs To im~lernc: n l' Ihrl'!Jlokl <Uloll' feq U, remenl. lhe dolu in I n, nn", mu, 1 be ana1yliclllly modeled: '.e, the frCOlYen.,- d' '''l1buuons repre>enled "" hl""",Im.a ""h II F" un: 2 mu st be l rulyli<&lly IIPPI O~ · ,m,lled W,lllln an y or lhie f<><.l' ..... n' l. . rarll" " lhe '; mp!esl , mplllutk d"l n bu uon fUD<'1\011 1Mt an be ronsitk''''' is' OOIlSUlnl Flllure 11 1Illilt ral.,. lhe dalS llllen from lhe 1>0.., day I mplmllle tnaAnllude ' "",e of Filu re 2 . p1u" ronstanl am phlude d lSUtloution U$ed 10 "'Pl""O. '..... te lhese cilia. Tlus constanl .. t1e l«led "" h W I lhe 1<'>111 nu mbe , of evenu , (prese nted by lhe rUlle re ml"" on~ananl. The 1000l ....und ""posure. E. i. " ven ",. ,.JL, J IEq 21 E- . " iL,llO ' "' here " IL ) il lhe d elllillY o f e ,·en lS .. , funcrion of SEL LEo E , 0""'_'""" ,." . , "' ,"" "< (,., ' "'" ' " ,. I" ,.",.. I... ' " I"".,.•,"" mil"" , >n Ik","! "" \,""'. 1.,...._ .... 1M <- WlJ_l. AI M 1"_101...... ..., r.. p.'" '' 01 1<....""."" ~I ,II< Il ' "nO1"''1. ,. I. ,..,.""" n"""""M' {:w I,.. -~ Jl n ~:'- ' l Jon"",, 1"')', '"' """.,,.",~I /0""'" ,·"'.· ~I.' ~<l'"'' <>4 "'m ~," , (; t"" ~ " . (Tlw ", .. ,,,,,,,1 ~<"" ..,." ("" ......._('om ~''''l<''"'''''' . on' mOl' "f lkh..·. ,"1. no ""',,,,1S,«n<·••. 1.11> """""1""." " • .. "- ..,-I£' - ell •f:, A E,C I~.q 101 (f.q II I IF... 121 ~ nd ,,- . N l I: , - AEl E, A 1i::Q 131 J:: ,C ~""'" " ...n, " , MOO " , . lhe IO•• J ""'00 u pn.tlre E~ •• bo~e .n ~ orbo l. M')i .,.hoe L , can loled 'l'fI.o>lm.nel~ o Icr . hoe rollo""ma cases be: .,.lI;u · I . Lo < • 21< Lo < b J b < l.., < c 4 L., > c In C."" I. ,r L., < ' . •hen fro - F~ In Cue 2. •r . < "0 < b. Ihen E,"· _ t _ ",f " 10' ,110dL" • ,. In " 'le 4, L" > c men EN - -"- "'-!C' OI ,;l O,/~ -, 0. as IF.q 141 IEq 151 The lotal n umber oj' eve nl. N i, given by ,.,. - f "'1 11-, )111., IEq 31 " and lhe aver age sound exposure per evenl is E- EI .'" IEq 41 N - "'I ,,( h- al ie, 51 then IEq 61 am! E,, - Ej .... IEq 71 which is no t necu.arily or generally equallu E. Eqs 2 through 7 . how thai a .i ngle co n, lanl freq uency dist ribut ion allow. lhe n umt..r of eve nlS 10 re nla Ln invariant _ bul does nOI allo w any mean. In simultaneou .ly adjuS! both the to lal sound ex posure and the n umlX' r of even :S repre,enl ed by the diSlribUlion. Thu s, a ""mewh al mor e ro mple. model i. requi red ·· a model whic'" holds both tb e number of e ve nls invarianl and keeps Ihe lolal enelllY wilhin a range inv ariaol require , a distribu lion represent ed hy two COMlants, One of tbe.., mn. tant s i. for dOla lying below the (energy) mean SEL value , and th e olh er is for dala lYIng ab<we Ihe (en ergy I mean SEL value. The lwo-con ,lan l approx imate disrnbuuon i, shown in Figure 12 for the same dala as Figure I I. If Iwn freq uency di. lrihution mnstaor. , "I and " 2' arc provid ed , oolh rhe lotal .ound eXf>O'ure and lota l nu m ber of e vents con he kept invariaor, The l 'o llov",ng eq ualions solve for "'11 and '12,In term s of ( II Ihe magni tude range and levels, (2) lhe 10101 .. lUnd expo .ure represcn led by lhe magnl1 ude range, and 0 ) lhe nLlmber of events repr esented hy lhe magnilude range Once Ihese values are oblained, il i, a , imp le matter ro del",mine Ihe tota l sound e. po, ure for e venlS lying ahove any given Ihre,ho ld, Eq, 2, 3. and 4 s how how I:, N, and E can he calculated male. 'l ILEI by '11 and " 2' Ihen one can requite thai both In Ihis case, however , if One appro.i - IEq 81 where A - b-a and C - c·b and Ihal !Eq 91 Eq s Ra nd 9 are 1\110 equ ~ti on . in 1\110 unkn own s. "I and "2 , Tabid, tSI:. L I(,,"!l" 1I,," nd.ri.,. I 1000 . nd 2000 ft . nd I mil. (S Ib " n Gruund l _ _h~ _ _ __ ' __ MI" " ~\.,'M I " M.\X,"'~ f,Im' " 50 " to 0'(1(1 hu" " N,ose 4' H, og, I ' N'''1l< I ' I~, "n" I ,m. ------ "~X .: M I ~ " '" I H(".1 1)115' lO ~ . J 1 1 8. ~ ns.s 119 U : 1100 1610' 96 .5 108 , ~ 119 .1 114 .U 12. 0 1»(,<) ,,, 1(J/H1 I IOO h", ,, O Oj ) I 83.5 [1)4 .1 201"' w.s ll H l )U U9JJ ll".) 1ll. .1 ", 0) 75 ,j J :80 , 161 0) ~S. 5 ~1,j 114 1 °R,o" h"",,,,,, '"'" ,,, ,I., "'"0" " '""'', p""'" h i. 0 I" B' I· • h m ...... . t;v. No, .. ,.. B", 1 ''', ' ' f'Oi ~ Lewl ltan~ Tahle 7 fI. ' und..i.. .. 2, S, 10, aud 15 rnil<, ' S lh un (;,,, ,,,,d, " " " M" " " I V,I , .. (" HI T im<' Ihmo," mil . ( 1m ) N'"I" · , 0 .21 50- 9 ' 10-80 10- ; 0 ~~- W9 so-ia 74 ·8) .I n _1M I rI_ RO lrJ-lJ so.iu WHO. " 1- ' 1 74- i) 1 1· SJ I (i .III I I" 16 I I ' ' ' 14 I I 11l .1) 5 ' ~. I II ](1' 16 I. 1.\ r24 II b N ' I ",." 0"' ''''' N. N,",'''" ". ","" F 'I'\ K"' """1 N ,"~" l' '" i I _~ l 71 _ R ~ Non" J. R" 'l!, 4 · 110-1 19 94_1001 89_100 S4-' ) llo- JJ I 107 -1 15 101- 111 " -1 11 1 111-11 9 "o _H'" 110_1 H 10) ·1 H ! 4 _" ' I" I _I JI '!_I l l ," "._, u" 'F! T...... H ( 'S FL Ihnlt"' U<>lIllda,.;,.. . , 1, J, 10 , and I S mit<. (S Ih 1:>""",,, "'" . H S ll3-!) ' ".Q> ." 10" . I) Jc!.') J Q''''''O 1"lQ-. (;'''''00 1 " , " ... j ' __ _,_ _ _ . MA X/ItIN ItA){.. .. ' ~ L .'~ __ It 1m) ~ ,~) JB o.n '" '" ." n ., ~"Ol 10 , 10-1 ' 'S,!"', .. ""60< _ _,, P''''''' lS. 4 "D . Z.J '" ... .. ,, ...", II.J n .• n, - -'- ItAX -- ..", .., ..... ...... ... ,..••' .. AX.... '~ I OU ., 11 1 .., ., ' ~ "" , """"' r<l • ," . f " ........ ~ . ,.... ~".., ha" .- '. '30 ,,--- - - ---,c-- - - --,-- - - - ..,- - - ---, -- "0 BRE AK MEAN ' >ot- " ' 00 ~ eo - '" ~ U eo - >0 - .' <0 - 3Ol,-- - --.J- - - - -!--- - - -.L- - - --.J a 0.' DIS T ANCE ( m )( 1000 ) "0.,.-- - - - --,- - - - - ,-- - - - ...,.- - - - -, BREAK - - MEAN '0 - 70 --- 60 " -, '0 - ..• '0 - '=,- - - - -!- - - - --!-, - - - --;::--- - - -t 30 0 DISTANCE ( m . IOOO ) m .,,-- - - - - - - - - - ., • • • ... .........--.... . ........ '0 40 • n;';... .-. ........ ..... ........ ----nnri'ii'" eo ......... ..... ............... ......... . ... ............. ............. ....... " .... ............. ......... o : :: E PO ~ CS EL LE IdB I JI 60 --, •• • -- '0 ~ '7, 0 = z ~ '0 0 g "a • •,> '0 '0 z .. u ,," ........ ........ ........ ........ .......... ....... ........ .......... ........... ............ ............. ............. ............. ...... ....... '7, . . . . . . . . . . 11 •• '0 0 ,, e SEl. I I•• •• 11 ! , e L, Id81 ...l'I'ro~Jll\lli" n or . d,sl " hul ion •• Jl n,. by 1"'0 ron ~l .n l~ .. 1l U'1:I\ IU:N( I: In' 1' 1101'' ' ( ; ...110 ''1 STI\ T1 Sff l S U' UK '''-I. n. 11\H TI: In eh"ple, 2. m;,~nll u<k uo~c ~I.;I II"";" ,. e re ""'eloped fo' d,;,u Jd lhc ' ed ~I r".. I.e..n;" d ....-ood. ,n C""' JII<:" J. mea", " ere de""k'l'Cd (or '''''I;lu I'!lg a Ihre'hold ' " cUI..IT ,. ,Ihin compll1~l io",,1 I'fow du,,,,, u""'" 10 p, ed 'd eo,,,nnmenliol n",~ 'm......"! \ilKT the d.13 In ('''"'riel' 2 re",,,,,,,nl meas u'e. menl, ITl;O<k o,er 'I' ,u o " m.ld } a ~·wed I'I'noo ,n lhe , ,,, , n...., ..n.1 "" ne,..,.,_~ 1" de,elop I'f'" ,edule;; " h". e b)' ,h,:>c d.lld Cdn be ~"",.hrcd 10 " Ihe' ~e"f:"l'h..: ~,..n, and 'Ilh<', " ""'" or tho: ~e. ' ( I.It l Til N l J ""l.;Ihl"...... ,he ,lel'l'''''''....)' of the (OUI amf'l'Iu<1e 'an~ " " me'co">10".;;o1 ,...n,ll'>poc,licall~, ,I><' ,af\t.C ,,,...u rred du,,"1 "onoJll"'''' . he n lhe ...",<ld ,e""'ll, unde, .enl • llr'ul>Ic '''W'''''''. ,e '. I'h t ......e,..;al ,.,I h all,H.de. then ' ·'Cd........"" a1t ll...s.:. an<! tbe n .."..,n dtt....-ed .... Ilh 'hllUlk .~. Of ra"". 2 ,,,ndttion.' "'-"urred h(n l"cr. ""'~ . ' CI)' . "". o' undcf rend 1101" nf • "0,10: ,n 'e",,'". 'e • • ·he n .1Ie ......nd ".""'II, hi'>! ,..... "',Ih allllL>dc: .nd lhen he~n 11> d..... e....., . n h . Ihlu<!e .. "',me upp,... ~vel l he ....... , 1o:'c1 d. la Irarllles J.nd ! , "", unet! .. I.en lhe ..",nd .eloo.,')' ",,,ti~ Ik...,.ea...:d ,.uh allilude ... ,. nh,n Ihf 'e,1On r>f. f".:us I hu~. "ne ' of ,he , ,,~r •.,jlcn,, 1M u~n,l .lIng lhe ron l wn....d ""-nod d.,la 10 " Ihe. I"c-. '""" and 10 olher I,me. of Ih. )....., " l no,.lco.ltte " r lhe 1I,n,·I.rm '>!ali, " cs . cla l'", 10 Ihe 1Id ,er""'l ) .. ,ad~nl "",,·u, I"••" ,.,.'loCd f,,,,u' "'dolo.. l toe ",'und , ..I"... IV !,-riOll 'e nl "af'l'",,, m;,I.I)· "I""n a' a It""•• fun " ,n .. f ' e mpe'.' u' e aoo " '100 \·n l,,<tu nal d\·. . ,,,,1,, a '~"' I<". ' I " .h ll" ' ,,nl '" d,lf" r..ttl 1I"<"C I,,'n~ Tile " Callie , ""Ieau h. , lWl he l~.,j ul"I'C' almu'>!"toe,,, sla"""" 41 .'l' I'f" " mal.h '0 "I'" ,,,,-C ad m",c 00 Ic_, ,,'enl,' Ih",u ~h,,'-" Ih" ,·"nI ",cm . 1 l'n iled ~t ...... Tho.....: "a" , I,n ....pa'alel~· ca''' ~''''fe 'empc'"lure inv e"i" n f,e4 uem·It·, " r ",x u" . nce "nil ~,,,,I t enl s. 4nll ....·,nll ,Iu""w,n l'-, ,,dt,,m s and "e l,,,·i· tiCS. """e T hc, . " no kn ,,'~n . ,'Ie,",' ul ...,'~ of ""mhtn,n~ t h" ....calher hUl('" u ' , 1'· "' I"". lu,. and Wind d"t. ,,,I,, " ,und ve l"" 1Il' l"wlilc ' ,,'h"'h ,"In he ",cd tu form dal"-tr a", l"u.", C4I1 al" "" .-\ p !"'C ndi, Il ,,,n t,, "l~ • 11l,,,,h," "P I" " ",'h 10 11'0 " !.·om h" ,.,III ,n., I I" " hlcm . hili , . ..ui,e, ,, , i ~ " i l i",,,, I1~ I ,u ~e l d"I" hasc lULth c' ed f'o m ,c, 'c,.1 ,Hld l!i(m,,1 ~lIe, I'm " ,ltd" II" n " nd ' eILn emcnl Add 'lion ,,1 mC."u ' em en" "I' Ihc tj-!"'C "", . rlcd oul "I Fo, t l.e"nard W' Il,,1 ,.',11 he 1""I'",mcd "I " Iher I(" "t, ,, n.' ...h,,·h ...dl l'rm 'ldc Jilfc,cnt In ....' " r ' Cfla,n .nJ me tC"''' I,..." ',,1 ""'k lil,,"" I toe", ,!al" ...,11 Ic.J I" a "' '' ' e .. 'ph" I" ';llc,1 ", ,,d. 1 It e ~ul " f", m ( "l-Rl II{ N· l .! Jo, n~, k e d.a' ttoe fael ln." Ihe.e " n""n'r~ ,clal" m hel ..·... n . ·",d ,!t,c",."n " I'kl ,~,c "·!..,j ,,,u ,,,1 ma~n' h"' . \ 1'f'C nd" ( . cOllcl,ues ( 'I-: Rl lit N-ll da la .. ilh " 'Ind dll ccI,,'n..md ' h....'s 11141 ca,I)' III ltoe ,la) .1 lhe ",m. <li'lanl " allo,,,. Ih. up..·,oo dll« lion IS co n,,,l.nlljI'" loud• • d"cclioo Ldl.., In lhoc 00" a l ~hol1'" d i".nc,-",. Ihe d,, " n.. ,nd dll e., ,,,,n, e , h,bu 1'" lI. ea le. d mrlilu<k~ lk<.-dUSC of ltoe am"',u llj- rel .. ....,n Ur,., nd . nd OO"n.. ,OO ,~ ,nd" ..,n, . an d be'c. u.... ",e " d,li"," " ' Ikb "",,·.U,· < ". n~ . " h "'....n ( ~.a" v cun,,, u,, . 'e n",mall ~ thoc IU'" n ealet!I . II h.... hee" de<1<led.1 lhe: r,.",nl 1I ~' lu onl)' u..., lhe lem'..... lu.C ,"VCNI"" " .IlL' I"... 10 de'e"'r d.l"·lu n,lalion "'I.... " ,,'" nea,ly . .......n "" Ol e " ~al ned and lhe d , .. ba.... to enLafJCd. Ih...., lemre, . lu•• -b-ed " ans lal""" ,'an 1"'''''''') he """",he<.! ". belle' lhe rnnln huho"" ollhe " ',00 fal,lut "'(h, ('unen l lramJaf~'" "'''''ed~'C' ha 'e hee n de'd"ped b.o>o..,j un \enlPefal ute ,n \ eN""" $LIt"I..... .........Ihe , bu ,e,"u da l. arc Ildll1e.ed n..,.", .. ide dI ("(l(Xl and 1]0'1 li' ..... n,. rell \l ....n T,me I,. hreh lI an",.I"" ' o ~ "" and ~ 1'\1 (".n ll.•1 f)a~hJhl l ime h .. the of Ih.. ,cporl . ""I , the d u,i na .. h"h lhe r on leon....d , .,, " dal a ale uft. sinc. tIK...., ....la ""'.'I"-'nIiIO the lime Wood m. ....u'e menl•.~ ••• rclf"' med. and " nee lhoc anal)',,, ,. hleh foUo", Ind......es lh., Ih.. " Ille """I ruso.n .b~ da, a "I lhe I"" a ,.,tah'" 10 u... I: ..m ,,,,,uon < ~. Ihe la"uu' 12. ~. 10. dnd IS m,n IJ. M. II>. and 2a km l! , I"...... ' hal lhe <""U llenee u f f' leu, "I ua l ",n~ t)P'c.Jl, , .. ttl'll nu l ,n d" ldnce n . fu n"'I"" uf I,me Th" phe no menon <"",UN hee. u,"" '" Ihe n. otm"1 "'II-h'"me ,"v'e"""n "bum. "If: ,I n..." ur f"'m J "'uoo ~, el .nd d".,.,· rol'" o" ",·a" " ". I1" . ~ ,,.. d"u,1 lal'.'" (al><"c " hlch ~ sh all' le mrcn lu,e "'''' ''i''n (l.,,,u,,,l 0' ' ''''na ,. ,00 ,hCd" conslltul . " ' d"-...· l m~ Idl'C' 1I" ,,·c, c , . ,met" Ihe ea,l) m"lO ,n\l- ,nv e" ions In ' leall) , ....,1" m '1' '''-",,' .. . fU l1o.wm " I .,,,1 a,e tel "lc<1 10 Ihe n'\l-hu,,,,,, .,1<1 ca '( ~ mnr nlng ,n versions . lhc cdll) i,, 'e" ton r, c<; ue "'"I' .... ,1\ v' h"se n .. Ihe tra n,l"ti "" f;,,'IClf f'" oo\'lim,· u..... The '~SC,I",n " m"de Ihat th e proh,, "' IiIY " I. da, III"" roc u,,, rllll~"l,, 'n , 1 If' the pm hahilit/' "f "n ••,1 , "",,,,i,,,, . n' \l-hll"" " Invcr,," " rcorn. <la'. ",tI "'''''''''\1- It"''' "".ind pu,........,. T he carl;' morning nighttime inve rsion frequ ency or occurre nce Ig ro u n ~ level 10 500 n \1 52 ml) ,",'as g" l h~ ,eli from the weather bu,eau dala for the season cunng whic h th e t-ort Leonard ""OOI! mcasurem,'nI S were made rh,: ratio 01 "ny locauon a nd for an;' , ca,on lr> the'e occurrence "a lucs fm Ihe F Url Lco nard Wood "rCa i, used 10 tran,lat e Ihc d"ylim e sl"l islic's from onc l<>C'a lion and sca"," 10 am>lhe, Spec;f,,,ally, the ' ali" R" of ca, ly mm ning invc"io ns al an alt iludc of 0 10 son m 'II thc loc. · ti" n in ~ue ,l io n over Ihe enliro year <Jf sea,o n in que, lion a, eo m~arel! to these dal. al ForI Leonard W"o d I' used as" fac"" 10 mult iply the f'cquency of range 3 m range 4 dala and is given by R" - IN f'l + J,l1i V2 INVI " + n·W2" IEq lbl where INV! i, Ihe groun d level "n,II NV2 is Ihe I 10 500 m ;n"e',"'" f'ell ucncle, al the site m ques· non. I~\/I o :JIlL! 1;<; \/ 2 refer 10 Ihesc same quanlilie, al Fort Lconard Wood [or the per iod of Ihe lesr, 0 Ih e amounl by whOlh " lO ge 3 or "lOge 4 i, inercased lor dcereascd) is, on . prororlional b., i,. >u bll;ll'lcl! lTOm (m addcl! to) Ihe negalive and e~re" negali v. dala, S ightllt"c cond llin", rail into two calegorics: 1. Simple , , in~le, g,o und -Ievel le mpera ture invc"i om whi. h arC l..'pical of d ear nighls Thi s tH" or w ndilion will al'fec'l ,ound propag. lion al ,clat i_ely ,hor l di,lonccs -- per hap, 5 milc, (8 km l or Ie", 2, H I ~ hc r Inc l iove rsion s a.,d dou hlc i.,_e.. ions e , ;,l at some frcquenq of I>ccmren<'e. anl! "" II la, gc magnLI UUeS 10 be rc. e i_eu . 1 grealc r l!isl.nres ·· lypi, .II " gre ate' than 5 m iles (8 km J This lasl fa, t", i, prnbahly Ihc Ica, 1 ",ell undc"lood ca u,~ To accom modalc I h~", Iwo c'o ndilion" Iwo . o nvefslIln f""lor' wcre devcloj.. d for oighll inlC •. on e fot d ,st"n"," of 2 01,1:, (3 km ) or le« and th c nther fOf di<lance, of 10 m ilcs (I ~ km) or grealcr, 1\ linea r fum'lmo "''IS thcr iiI belw, en t hese I"'" point ' For di, lance, " r 2 mile, 1.1 km l o r Ie' s, th c r'equ enq of g rou nd- lc~el in vc" ion at Ihc sile and dming the ",',""on in quc,lion, I ~ \/Lis comra red "-' " ' . li" R, In Ihc valuc, dmi og lhe test at FOri Leonard W,x>U , This i, u'>C<1 a, a , i01p le mu lliplier , as o Ullincd for the l!'lylime mull iplie r ucscnbcd ahove. Spec- ilkll!>" ,.to" IN n " , - ' .'r'V1 .. Th. Ill-m ,lc (I~·kml mu ilip lic-'otio n f..lm i, ~I ven R,,, - II I,\ VJ - / NVJ"l!l IEQ 171 hy Ihe eQualion + IN n..l /I.NV3" IF,! I ~I whe re IN V3 I' the new I,,..,,tion inve,sinn f, equenq f",m I 10 Jooo m and 1,\' 1'3.. , .. lh ,s same fre· qu eocy fOf lhc '.i01e pemxl nf Ihe Fori I.eon .,d Woo d lesl s EQ I~ is ha",d on ;lO ;ov e"i"o frequc nq up to an . Itilul!e of 2000 f\ I~IO m J, hcc'.use of Ihe uncefla ;nty. it Indudcs a f""lm of llne·h. lf in the nluhipli e, to make Ihe r., ults Ie" ,e n, ;live 10 lo,ge chaoge, Typically, lhc var;alion, in Ihe , e inversio n frequen"i e' f",m one h",alinn toa nomer and fmm ,mc '" "'On 10 anOlhe, "ro nol very large , Thu" Ihe,,", I,.o,lali on fae'to rs d" no l play 0 ~re.1 role;n lhe overa ll no i, c pred ietel! r,,- a fa.'ilily, Fori I.eo no,d Woo d is in th e Missouri O"" k" "n a,,>. Iypical of t he Iypc "r te rrain ove' nlur h "r lhe "'lOtine n lal llnil cd StaleS. In mo un ta ino us area, or "0 ,car naSl' ,",'her e , peri al . " ndi llon, C~ i~I, Iher e is ,orne reason 10 believe thai olher f",'lor s will im'rea, e the ,n VC',i o n frcqu.m'y and mcrc-se the occurre n.'. of large am pliludc e ,ent, " vcr .... hat i, predicted by th~", tran,I "\ion facl"rs, Ilowe"cr, Ihc lc nrc no da'a tn , uh, lanli. le Ihal thcse ot hcr far lm, are p' c, en \. 5 HL AST (, EI' FR I\ f1 0N •. (i ROlIN ll [HH TS rh,' n" a, urc mn" "I Fori Leonard Woou ind icatcd a s m,,11 dc gree or dOlt " va ri ah i h t~' ,ause,l hy ,o il mO liom fro m <on,' hl;!'1 In an"iI'cr . Tu m,llga tc th j, ,.". i,, ~ i l l l\' , , uh' c~u ent mea'ur em,' nh ...ere I'Crfm mcd usmg 'i-Ih ,' h:Lr~c, III e·4 ph'li" ~ 'P l o,i vc rla "cu un " po'l rai",,j 3 ft 1(1 Q ml .,hovc ~",u n d Ic ... .., Th "s, 'o ,o mp,,'e dal a de ... e lollCd from a hnvc-grn und te," ",nh Ihe "mpl ,lude "", " 'l iC' dcv clol".ed rrom mC"' Jr c ment , TlM fc "I gro und Iew l. II i, nc,c " "" to llc ... e lop ,m _r p"' l>ria le ,·on'-.. · ,ion fa,'l'" une~ua l Ihe mt',,' urc' nlC nl,;< 1 1'0 " ~ i l l "'C dc ' mhe<lm er ll. l Til. .... MI. A,nll"1< f)'," ','IIL'Ir\' I'lill,''''-'' I'" I""" 11 ,'(/1''''' ' 1''''0 ,'on,'c nl" " r in ~ , or , cn",,, ,",'cr e u,e d l" r lhc 1'0 " ~ 01 1 mc;" m em c nls I hc,c sen · ",'e- w,"c I'b"cLl ;'fou Il,1 Ih" <,~ n lr ,, 1 h"'"li,,,, ...hc, e Ihc we" p" m "' crc lired and Icst ,' h ;u~cs 0 1' ( _4 'Cl nlr h ~"rc I.l ,1111" 0.1 1<" LI1~ le,1 , c IUI' The inn cr , i ,,~ h"d a r"diu, 01 2'11 m " nd Ihe (lule r ,in~ haoJ " " "Iou, 01 " (Kl m Ilk,'""", " I' " ,fel)' ,·,,,,,,,Ie'.I,,'n , . ",c" ,u r~m ent s ialion, "o uld n' >1 he I'K~tcd OIl thc lu ll " If,'u mll',~, ,,,e (II Ih,' (lUi ,,, ,i n~, "m'c p,,,t or I ~ " , i n~ ,ndudcd lilc imp;" t "re," '" t', om or Ihe we,'I"' ns.1 h " purposc, (II d C " el opin ~ Ihc "' In""rs ion r,,<'!o r, Iho< <, hapt" ...ill <,omp",c (hC .\ I ~I m J at" g"th~ re d 'II hlel SLiI w,th Lhc 11l(¥1 n ((dO m l dala ~alh cr coJ at 1'0 ,1 Lcon,,, d WoooJ The oJ i llcr~n,·" 01 21~1 f( Ih l ml i, 'I<"'ounl cd for " n" 7 Li ll i"" d" u h li n ~ "I' d iSl"n,'C Nh i, a, "h" U( I JH Since Ihe mc", ureTlIC ,lI, ", 1-'",( Sill ,mh' '''''' u rr~ oJ Oe lwe,'n af'out ') AM Lll 4 1'\1. on ly ,1;,(" ~ "t hc 'ed OIl FOr( LconarJ """ ," ~I an" Y ,... M "w e uscd. ,\ Iso, "n,' d"y', d;l\a ;,1 r " rl I.c"n,,,d W," ,d. ;! oJ",' o n whi"h n"~me wmd s hcars ",,,"urrcd "n,L,nom"lou, propag" tim, ,'o ndillon , ensucd. a,e c >d "dc oJ rrom Ihc dala b,,,,' ... 1 r "tI I,con"r J W",~L ",casurcmems wcrc madc ,n r" " , I'C rl'Cnd ,col", u lTcr uons 1 hc dOl i. rTo'" (hc , c four d ir~<'!iom in Ihe aPr r" pri"IC lime ~"nd, havc ""en a 'C,,,~cd togClhc r on an cnC'llS has i, to dev el"p a IO lal "vc r a~c CSH of I IlX . ~ oJlI lI" wevc r, r Ol ' t ~ i11 me" ,,, ' cm cn (s dioJ mH ,'''n!' plcl cly c m:i,d~ Ihc 1>1;,,( s ite .. Figure 14 ,how< lilat ,w ions 13, 14. ,mol 15 ha... c no mirror ima~e ""uIHcrp"n whcn rcll xt "u (h"'''llh Ihc li, i"ll IW,iIH r o't un," cly. th e wea pon' "t Fm l ~ill wc' c l irc~ I" Ih ~ wc" dUTln ~ " I><:r iod whcn Ihc wind was p,ima,i ly from Ihc ,,'ulh 10 Ih,' north , "lI " wl n ~ ~,">d ;'w" H~" v;,I"," I" he ,k "c1" I'''' ~ To Ic" Ille sen, " ivLlY 01 th e ,,,'cr"~e vaillc dt',' dored 10' Ihe h,n ~ ,11 d"la W " " I'll" ""mb lna· li"n ,,1 ,,'he nles, liw .Iilk , c ," md h,,,l, werc ~h""" ,,, de te'''' If'c the " , c r "~c C~ I-I . I'm Ihe Ollie, ""~ In Ih~ li" Ln'dh"L1 , d"t" Ito '" st"tio n, t" 7, ~. II) . II . 12. 1.\. 14. a" d I ~ wcrc a" era~,' d l o~c l her In Ihc ,c", md n1 ~ l h" d , Jala f' '' n1 st" I", '" I>, 7. III. 12, "nd 14 we,c ; ,"cr,,~cd I,,~e(hc , hl appro x", ,,,' e <, ~ u.,I I(l"" l i o ns "h",,1 Ihl' gun ISI;,(,,, " 14 ,b l" werc ,"oulUcrlt,,·i,'e to approx"'1aI e Us n""ing m ume,· I'",t "a"" (he , i n~ . 1 III Ihe thi, d mClhod. dal" from 'I "( ''''' s I I. H. I J. ",,,! 15 "'c ' e ,, "c,a~e d (~ t"tion l.1 ,'m! IS ,tI (" ww c ,'" ulUcri t", i,'e 10 appr" ximalc Ihci, <,[) " n(crp"'h "c,,,,, the "n~ . 1 In Ihe rnu rlh meth od , d"la fro m , Iat,,,,,, ~, II . " ,,,! 14 wc re a,,~,a~," d lo~~lh e, wilh Ih ~ "'~W ~" or , Iatlon, I I "nll 8 ' Thc "vcr,, ~e or <I;l li" n, I I "nd H was nlC"nt (" "I'proximat e th e mi"in~ ' Ialiun Orl""ile ".Iion 14 I In th e lit'l h n"' lh, ~L st'Li" n, 6. 10. 12.7. and 14 wcre a ,,"ra ~"d w,th the ",e ra~c of ' l., inns!, "n,! 1(1 Ilh e ,,,,c,;, ~e 01 , WII"n ' ~ "n,1 10 w"s u,cd h I "pp ro."",,,t e "al i" n 14 I Tht' ,e,ult, " r Ih~"' li ,," ,,,c,a~ · i n~ mclh od, ,,'c li<lc<: ' r mhl,I,<:'ally In T"hlc ~ luhl e <j ,h"w, (hal Ihc ,'"ro"", mClh"d, "r ~"Ic'ulal in ~ Ihc a ... e ,;,~ e "",u nd lh o "ul e, "ng ,III "leI,! .,hI, lI ( , hc 'd " lt' re, u l,, ; i.e.. Ihe ,kc,t>.;1 "VC "'~C or ,hc li,·c dilrcrcn l me(h,>d s i, 11l.'! oil! I'hu" Ih~ faw fcs ullS fro m I'or! Sill are 4 I dB b'~cr Ihan The rc,uhs rrom cor l L~ o nard Woo d HOWl'''"'. ", I'", nlcd o u, .,~""e . Ihc m,' "suro m~n ' disl;,ncc at r"n Sill Wet, IX(¥I fI 151)11 m l in<lc"d ot' tho ll ~)41 II I~ I {) m l u,~u al 1 orl l-~"n ,,,d W,""I Th us, the 1:"'1 ~ill dala as mcasured arc ahl,ul I d lllar~cr Ih"" Ihey wnu ld hc J( 200ll 1'1 (h iO mi . I h" , . Ihc d ~,' ihe l f""' '' f ",hieh ,csu lt' f, o ", p l"~in g Ihe (' ·4 ,hargc "b",·c ~,ou "d Ic vel mlhe, lha n "I ~ ro u n d Icvel I"" grow,,! hea... ily pu lve,izcd by " r lo" ... e,! '~'''lT i · h"I CS 3.1 dli 10 Ihc ,<, ,'~ i " cd ('SF!.: I ".. I,'h , 'h ' '" Ih.' II,,, <""-"",,, """",.",.." "" I,w l ' I" I , ",·'~" .·n ", ,' I "" s,1I ,,,,,, I ,,,, I , ,,,,,, ,,1"" "1 ,,,.-,,,,,,,,,,, ,,",, "" ,,,,,, .,,'''1.' ''''; II,. ",II "",,,,,, ~. " .'1'1""' ''''''''''' ' ' ,,, .• , dll 11,· , Lr,' "" ,."" ,' ", ',,' ,,( I dB " L,""" ,,",' , ,, ,,,,,,, i i',' '",11 """ 'x'i ,\,1>,'''''''''' "" l ~ ,"'. , "ll' tl " ~" ,"I' ''','I; , ' ' ' ' "od ,,,,. , . ~, ,"11",,, h "" j, "" "" ""1 1,,, ", 'h' ".'" ' ,, ,1,,1' ,,' ~ "'.h .1",1':" >,.,.-' 1",,1' ."" " "'"'''''' 1'1 ,Ix' h"·! ,,, ". "' 1'''''''1.', ."'''''''',',1 "' "t"",,'. ,",, , .•. ,,,,,,.,' " ""''' ' '''''1 Co n,,<kr"llon !lo, t«n ~i'cn .n l ~ prn"l:dl"~ ch aplc " 10 lhe Slall >lKal pm pag.l1l0n 0 1 bl~l> In In., al m", pn."c AlI lh,' •• ddla . , e h.""d on ~·I h ,'h..,~cs 0 1,· 4 pla,II C.. pll",,·e '>C I off euhe, ahove '" al ~",on ,llc, el. Ho...ever, 10 uoy rcal military 'Ilu., IIIlO . a .... n el ~' "r charge ,il. e' may he SCI oIl' und er .. v.oriely or ""I1<1;lioo , hl,le ,si ves ,'(\O\aioe d io rhc p"'r""til. lired hy arl;ll cry nr armm ,'ao he Iho Oi hl of .os v,,,i,,,,, >lIe e'PI,~"es se l oil .01 or dhov e ~",o nd In c! bplO'li vu o....d 10 1'' ''1''' 1 lhe pw jech1. nla;' be ,>oy ,, '" J' Url M pa."a' .... nt..,omeot of lhc ' lIlOi u plo,,,,,,, ""I h,o lite IUO or hOl" lll e r n" "",rh alter 'I>e ~ol{ode of rml'ul"" pr...... uced lod usc. de "",nu", (rom omn><lil"C\1 iona l ch&ra<' l"..islie's ("I' ~ I Til. "-twll ",nl.llln, III lhe dola r"'lu"ed to perfor m l~ Iransl ah' >f\S hom a 5·1h charge of ("·4 pia...", nplos,ve scI .. ~ On .. 3· fl ' 0 5 mr """, t 10 aOv dw,l;C 10. "".opon A, .ndlCllcd rn (' haple' S, Ihc d"",, ",uy ",lie<" >"d ch atIC " C,ghl ",lario.... fo'ihe maJ'" A, n,~ wea poo.' ..cre SlodrC<l hy pc'l "'o"o~ <imull"o"OU' measm e, " 0 r..." ...'l\l;eolfic flOil' .01 ..d ,,,1 <I"lao",. or n o ood ~OO m CF RL T il. N (d' c"nt"", rhe ,lrre.-l "i l~· 1'>I1C!n' "I' the var",,, , ...eup" o.' rn re lol,,' lerm , Ird creol"cd r" Ihe rear " f Ihc ~uol h i m . 15 is d t,,'pi c'HIIi~me lax eo rmm lhat reporl H''',,",' (;"cn , be J"e.:I "· [{V 1'lI1 1~r n, II " lI ece,,,, r~ '" ..ansi.", l h~ "'ci ghe of elM: e h.l.~~ ."r.l "" ca pon I" lhe ,l........ 'd S-Ib cf• •1IC or ('.4 pla,toe upl...."e ~1 oil a""~ Il'ouod I~vel Fr,ure It> r .."hi,.lh show, rhe ("S U_ .., • fu""llno of c~ """ r hl (0 ' m.J o r A,m, well"""' . ..... f", C·4 c....ses ~l on.obo,,~ l""",d level N I ~~ lh., IS ".., ('-4 ch I",,' 1"1 ",hosl.OI ...II~ larse' IPwn 5 lb. lhe C· ..e'rhlllli "",, In, e.. a{{~n ...te lhc eoerlL'·. lhere'" causi"l a Jc ","" ure fr"m ..·...1 tS 011..,. ."", a ,In'lhl Iroc Th" de","" ure I, o m a '1Q.,h' line i, n..r 'eany ~v.denl ' 0 .""opo>o ,'u, yn.. "nee '''''lal nmenl of rhe c!lo'S"> bJ-' ,he ..~.....n >ppareo lh ....ecl~ lhe rrC\lue n." .h, fl frnm o,;co rrln " .01 sulr'C1COIII' low fI"'Iue ncie, ." s one tin" lle" or .he dC"c k,pe d dolH. rl '" ml ereSlIol 10 ,~, o' po 'e 'he ~r""'l h fum·tron "S "' (j l hl relalioo' for rhe (; .4 "hatie, 10 • Ih("rc"".1 l" e,lil"li,lO pcrf"rn'ed . 1 un ca t liN lIme ha""l "0 Ihe fol, I"",'io~ h~'I" 'lhc"" The pe.x of lhe .... veform ~" ,.,.·••1 2.4 J Il pcr do"l>lmJ " I' " C., hl 1. The ,,",ic '''"'u, sh,n '0' hI..1 .... " dorm " on e- lh,rd ·oct. " e per dou blrl\l. of ...elghe · h,ure 17 ,1>0'6. 11>c =ull of elle It>eorellcal cu."", when (··"""'Sltl'''I tS IwlJC<l, c..-.mparC<l 1(1 the 'e<JJlls "",as,"ed .1 ~Ofl ~r ll In !III. filure. both WI. or doIla are sIlo wn re1a",~ 10 0 d ll (or • ~·Ib ,'haTlS<' o( ( .4 pl",,"c (1pl, ..,,,e Fot ebe IheorellCil calcul.e ,,,,,s , lhe re/allve ''''''f.1I rompo"le spn:1fum Irsled rn n ' RI. f R N· l J In' .11 "'ar i"", .nr.l for . n lime-;.nd COnd,llon, " 'u' ;r'ICd . a<I.'rll"" ., '" "r ~O .. hl 1'<' "'....." . . ,... ,,,,<',,, "'_ on ,'~, I~·'" ..-"', ""', oI<fuoI""kll.I, 1'" I"" I o"'."u '" ........... " -.l '''''U'~'''~''''''''''_ ," r.at< ....' .... ""'0- h b,, 9 Il<'wIh .. f ni~ L " ~ . t \It ....... ._. (Sll. , , ID 'I" ll'l)" . ' ' ' ' h ' l.1 Il l ,9 , 1">IlH0701 ' I. I lh ' 1 . " ' l . 1J · l ' l ~ IIH • 11 , • , 10 ' , ~.! Ill.' Il l.6 31 / ( !( <, r< iI" "OSILE neu: ACOUSTICS LAS / -----......L __ - -1/ \,/( ~~HONE ~ ~_ ! __ -- --' • n....r l~ 250m RING I'"",li"n ,of ,l~llon~ 13. 14 . ..nd I S uu ron. I'u rl 'i, 11 mea....'eme nlS • Ullln' I§ . U " «"U". y pallCrn of. IO"'ed I ~ ~ ·mm It OIOUU f '" • C·4 CAL IBRATION ClC- 4 ON GROUND I C-4 AB OVE GROUND Ll.81 -mm MORTAR • 4,2 - ,n, MORTAR ~ 9O -mm RECOILLESS RIF LE 1M 671 rae 0106 -mm RECOILLESS RIFLE ( "1 40 SERIES} O I~2 ''''m Sl-1ERIDAN oGtI O~ 'mm TANI«M 60 1 • l:'i:; -mm SELF · PROPELLED (LONG TU BE ) I'OW [ M109AI] c I ~ :'i- m m TOWED HOW ( Ilol 11 4) . 15 5 · SELF- PROPELL..EO H OW (MI 091 ~-~ IlilS ·in HOW( MIlOl . 8 -In. ( MI IQAI} HOW(LO NG T U 9 105 - mm HOW 0.. ,051 '" -•• ...J to !i w • o '0 2 , 10 20 so 10 0 CHARGE WE IG HT lOZ'> - 200 '00 · CHARGE '""EIG HT IS TH E WEIGHT OF EXPL OSIVE OR PROPELLIN G ::HARG E. THERE HAS eEEN NO CORRECT ION ,,"OR EXPL OSIVE TYPE. Q o • o, 0 '" .lI'~ 0 ~ " • ,.!'"II Q (BP) l3S:l 30NWHJ o 0 • Q 0 • 0 d • " o •, ~ X J 0 ~ '"> . ~ '" 0 ~ r e '"~ j < -~ e ,< - ••"0 ,, , • • • :.,;;; ,e •e <- 0 .ltv .< • ,-. " s: '•• , • e• h;o"", and <u mpulal;ofldl pro- Th,s reporl "".., I."f'Cd ". ",mmar i,w lho: fnllO" in~ phy>ical tJaw [)-d!a N.c, u-ed in lho: 1114'11 !'II" i"" P,wi<lion romrulel prot\",m ale cedul~ CSEL amr!'h.de >lall'>l...~ "d" .......re CU f> ~ for a ' ·Ib ehafJC or ('.4 pl""IK e.pIO'J' V,"..,1 off al . " .., nd Ie>," , r IM: Iran,,", I..lA or 'lOu nd "" tl ,L1", 10 tJata p'h<:1ed d"" ",, I""" .. h",h ""I o ff lite S· lb cha,~ n( ('.4 pi..... '" c.pl<" nc J ft (0'1 m J ./>0." '0: IJfO'lnd It ve!. i.e.. l . l d O l. n.e <1"""1("111 pan el n, IOf lhe: Mmy ·s rNjor VleaI"'llS 4 The charse .. c.,hl s "'..-Ih rune' ...... cr mrulluon , I pf<l<'edur.... ale ' n.e or the .-afl<lU. ~'"I"'f\' ......... pl<Ko ...... hju.l1ion, 10 IJan\lale lhe: hl..,t P'''l'4Ilion SUl1SI ..~ h om the I'o.. t Leonar d Wood .... ta tNse 10 ,,, h,,, gCOf;.• phi< Ioca u ~n, .nd '.Iher ....-"'~ 2 TIM: alttehra,,· e...... lIon' .nd ",,,,,"Cdure> In imple men t an a, hmal}' Cui o ff or II'lreshold "-',Ih,n the wmrutu ""kulal,,'n l'IoceduJo:' IIPPf: I\ Ill X II : Im :ASl IR£ lm : NT AN [) II EIJUCTIO N OF CU IS.:-l N II.... T ... ,... T FORT U:O~ ,... Rn woon Th i< appendix de<n i!>e, ,pe,-ilic p,ocedure' used 10 t"lh er d "se-in dala rrom un manned ",n"nll 'I :llion, dun ng hb.SI no lSC n'eas uremenl at f Ori Leonard Wooo ." heh unman ned se nSing slal ion "o nsisled "I' a 112·in. 4[34Ii& K mi,-m phone 'el " n to p of . 4·1'1 2· m ) Iti['<><! "nd c-"n ne" lud Yla a Il&K 2619 c millur follower into " Il&K 14 1 lid d measurement '1mI' llher. The data <ign"1 fro m the me"'u'e ment amp lilier was tran smitted back 10 the ,'enITal mea, urcmcnt van yia lwi<lcd pair line' . (I The cenl,"1 mea,urement _an inS ltu men t"li,,,, included N e~' operalional ampli!iers u, cd a, line 'eceiY c" "nd gaLn adju"o" !>efore record ing o n an Ampe, FR 1300 [ 4·chann ul I'M re""rder Th c g" n of thc 141 held .Inlplilie" wa, co ntm lle'; remo le1y In the cenlr,,1 mea,urcmen t "an Yi" . 'econd <el nf lincs 10 ca,-h ,(al",n. ('alihmlion wa, performed scYeral lim e< a da j' using Il&K 4210 prcci,i" n aco uslie ("pi'lOnphonc" I "allh" ,to rs, Thi, ,·. lillr"l"m "tnal w.,; recorded on the m" gncllc t"pe, O"ta we re reduced bv p l a ~' i n g ha"k Ihe recorded d"ta int o" , tor" ge " s,: illos"" pe and inlo Ihe CERL-dev cloped True [ni egrating Envlw nmen lal Nois" Mumt"r "nd Sou nd- b posu re Lc vel :\-1el" ' The oS/.-illoswP\' ",as uscd to vicw ca"h hlasl ind ividually and to separalely read the ['<"ilive·goin ~ pe;lk. the negati vu·golll~ f'Cak, and Ihc pe"k·t,,· pea k a mplitude, Ill' Ihis ehecking rr,...-edu,e . Ihc "ualilY and v alid il~' of these data were hoeller e ns ured Du, ing Ihe data rcdu ,-tion. a d igita l de lay line was ,,<;c d in-!>elween Ihe I'M recorde ' and Ihe C F KL noise mo" ilO r Thi' de h,y line t'il4te red the monitor sn that II onl y ,nd uded III the e ,['<>sure n,easurc Iha( I"' ri,><! " f lime aSS(l{"i aled diroclly wilh an individual evem . Sre,;ial liming e" Ulpmenl ena bled the CI'R L monilor to al'" sample Ihe ove rall hacktmun d nn ise 1C" e1 (eloxuical plus ac"u-r icall as"...-ialed wilh e , e h event When Ihe m"n ilor was inte rfaced wilh the WA~-(j comput int cakulator . II WaS !1<ossi hle 10 , ulO ma li,-ally ,,, ,,c,-I ea"h event for the hackground no i'" IcYcl and 10 flag any events whi,-h were too e1 nse to Ih" ha c k ~ro u nd noi 'iC level Th c C ERL mon ilor w"' used 10 de velop hoth FSt' L and ("SF! ,1;lta, f he, e data .- I'C'l k kvcls . I'SELs. and CSELs -- we 'e then installed in a compu ler for Iuuhcr analy,i<: Ihis ana lys is included the hisl<lgrams in Appendi' R The "" mpulc r;,ed data OO'iC wa, 31'l' u",d 10 de "e lop Ih" llm und le vel hl", t amplilude eorrcn ion fa"tor , I' i' ' ..1" ""01, ~ J. ( ;,,[1 '" ~ t ' I I " " " , JI. · \"",, '• ., .'1 1"'1"',,.. ,,1., ,,,", "" """" ,,' , ,,' ,," " " I ,,,,J II . I ~ ~ 1' 1,' 1' "", 1.\\"1 ,,,,1 \1l .\ I"'(,.1" '. t'~ 1 ~ " " ' ", ~'-" I" .'", JI',,,', JI "" " ,,, ·,, . ,, . ,,,. '"''''' '''''' ' A"l/'I.ITI .m: IHSII( I IH ITI()~ S [)"I" l'ollee·teu fro m the do'e -in 'l "l ion., at FOri Le()n"rJ W,x>t! were J iv;ued into Iwo '<It,,g,,,i,,, {I ) ,1"1,, wllLl'h We' " gLx "L ek ,,,, 'ignah anu ,'ou lu I>c " na ly?eu b~' Ihe CER L nwn il<>r, lInu {ll dala cm . rU['ICJ by " ' IIan",,,,, no ,,.. or otherwise un red uciblc f he fo l lowin~ d" lrihUl i"n, arc based on ly (In Ihe dlll" de'cril>cd in {I ) "I,nve CS[·:L u;'tr;bulLon, were ere" ted b"....<1 on Ihe three d islan,,, , : 11)00 "nd 21KKI ft U OS 'md 1>10 ml "nd 1 "'de i2 ktnl : a., d "'iO t"ne I>ct ioeh OSOO I" 0 700 h""" a.,d 07UO to l iOn ho"" . ils w"., pre,'i0,,,1~' ,Io ~e ; n C FR L T R N.1.1 "nd "'I'lained f(lr Ihe rll'- (lUI dist a" ee s. the 0700 10 11>00 bour hi"o. gram' W" re ~ivcn " one.. fourlh we ighl;ng and Ihe 07{)O 10 {)'IIKl bistogram, Wer" gi,en " Ibree-fourth' we i~bl in~ 10 beller al'['",, ;ma le a lyp;c,,1 dllY 's "' ,,"Iher '·O "<l ili"n, . Figure, III I b ro a~b 116 illu>lJalC the.,e .,i, di' l"iba l;on.,. A, Ibe"" Ii ~u re' , hnw. each Ji,lrib " li"n co uld be div ided InlO Iwo Or mor. range, u,ing on~ or rllL " e nalur,,1 brea ~,_ Tahlc II I 1" 1' the inilj,,1 llnd aJ ju' led final bl,ellkl"'im values ...hi,-h ,He indi'-llied In th" tlgure, by arro w, and dashed vef!;callines. re'I>C'-I "'c1~' . 45 lable III h.u...'R...... ldlll ,,- ~ 1("""6 11" .1 1>10""4' " I ... SJ " 4_01 110:10 11lOl l' ''' _If'' IUI _lI g 10- 0' ' l-H'. " I H...., 1" ~ ' ,",,7 M · .~ . 0_1' \11 .. >~ 0100 ,. OWO 11<.." 1<JOO<101, 0 7(. ' to 1100n"" ,, , I~~ I '''I'', .1 , ,,, , " 40 ' ·11.... lIu J'"" "',, '0 ~ '" .... " h ", I .~ z ~ z I >c o .. "". " " " , ~. " ..., II _ 8>0.. I 1'. ..... ...., ,. "_ I' , I, (_, I~" '" II . ... 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I c •-e " • ,\ P PE"' Un U: ,\ :vn: T1I( lJ) WIII ('I1 fO MfT,\STS SL\SO"',\ 1 O I\o1 N lOI RH 'T lONAL SOlI ", n-F: X PO S(IRF: u :n:l,S [ISI Ne; \I ET H lMOI.O(; IC U ( 'ONlllTl O l'lOS rh e ,lud ic, .'iled m Ihi' "ppend " hm'e e"'m ined , ound p", p~at i o n in the atm ,"ph."· " nd reponed Ihe phe OOmen(l1 of f'lC'hed awu,h,-"I ener~y al l a r~e di.tanee' from sounll ,"u,,-e, l ;l·"" •• 1 lmpu l,,' noi'" reom e , pl" , ions provilles a mea, ura ble "u"nliIY lor tc' l in~ a",i al'" repre,;ent' " IV pe nf a,'oustical e n er ~l' ..... hich i. liahle 10 l'ause str u"lu ral dama~e (0 huildin~", .,nd an extreme nUL ' , ,,n,'e 10 th e P'I'ul.t1 ion. The ~oal " I re,;e"r. h ~ roup' such a. Ihe Ih llistic. Re.e"rch l.aboratone-, "nd ~an d i a L"""r"to rll" h"s l><:en 10 de v.l op p,,".-eJ ures "'hi eh ,'an predict ,,'und propagalion pal hs and pu''ih le fo..-u",d e nergy in ,pe"ilk bl"' l·hy·bla" w ndilions \1 0 ' 1 "I Ihe,e ,lud ies include a ll p"rameter> that c" uld atfect a,'ou'ti, wave p",pagm ion I ndud ,n~ (\1 dire"l inna IiI Y of hl",1 ,"urce, 01 heighl 01 ,ou rl'e with re,ped 10 ~ rn u nd . 1.11 lermin Iypes, 141 vej!.el"lion, ( 51 humid 'ly , II» low -le vel air lurhulen,'e, (71 te mperat", e gradient ', 'md (H I wind l he theo retical re'ulls 01 the.e <Iudie' ~eneral l ;' a~'c c , I he paran lelc" ~'hi"h Ihcse 'tud.., ind lCal e play t hc majn' ro lc ,n dCle'n"rnng o;<Ju nd l'fnl"'~a· lion path, a'C lernl'C'a tu'e ~,a'lIc'nls, wmd, " nd n",jnr lerr"i n ""ri'lIi"n, Thi, "pre", '" apl' lie' temp<:ra'ur e ,md win,l I''' 'am ete " to de"dop " melh ,~l of detimn~ t<>l,,1 in four di'e"11I,"' fo' any geogral, bi" I(":al,on The' e lotal energy- ""rve, .. h,bit 'he .," 1I>uo l of e nergy lha l "i ll '" 'l''' ' "I " p"rl i" uk" di' I,,""e aW;lj' from tbc ,ou'"e o"e r wh"le ve, re'iod "f time i' de'i rcd , e . ~, a ; C"",", The IOlal cne r~;' rcpre, ent, Ihe , umm" hon of "II Ihe lyre' of cner~y th. 1 arc mrcced to 'lXoilic localion, and i' repre", nl"l i"e of the Iype of wealher co ndilion' Ih"t o".urred m" '1 ofleo du, ing the lest per iod' en er ~y " u rve ~ Tcrra ,n e1Tects are nm eo n'idere d, "nce Iher . i, cunem l,' no way 10 ddine how physi, "I "baracle ri,l i", ",,'h '" lar~e I. od forn " and wale l Nld ie' ahe r " lU od prnl"' ~a l ' On palh s The mel h,"i de"'rihed rn Ihis appe ndis i, ddined by C(}mpar i n~ me tem ologi,a l data "' ilh imp " l", noi'" dal" ",ken Slrll ull'll'eou,ly ,lu " n ~ le,;t, pe rfor med in June 1'173 at Fort Leonard Wo",:! Then, ,· 1 he p' ed iCiinn of sound P'''IMj!.a l;on path, ' eq ui'e, " Ihorou gh undc"tand i n~ " I nm ,," ly aCOu,t,,· w.tVe theory, ~ut ai'" the elfcclS (If "In",sphc ri,' ,I ru"tur e " n c"rlain properl1e, "f Ihe "c"u' li,'ol ""v c U ,i n~ .," npl"' ioo .lS " nn i'e ,,, u,,' e i' thcoreti,'ally e4 ui.."len( to " , pheri,'al ,,,u,,'e mou nted in an rntlnile m, me, which wll ,,,,Ii,,le . hemi ,p her i. al so und " '"Ve ~ n l i l atmo, phe, i•• od terr ain ,' hara,leri, lic.\ alter lhe I' rn p a~al ion , !\ S1 rnng ",plo'ion will in' li"lly e,h ibil the da",,'all'rc"U ' e-lime ,,~nal u'e , ho"n in I ',~~ re Il l , which ,'on,i,l' 01 a ' l1 arp .omprc" ion followed hy a ~f adua l pre.,"ure decal' inlo a "''' nded nClWl i..epressure ph",c "od g'.d ual remve r),'. Th is hl"-" wove .,lI enu.les 'C'y 'a pidly ," 10 " ' ound W"'C Ilhe lerm, "bl", t w"ve" " nd "'''lind "'a "c· ",ill he u<cd , yno n" mou,ly in tbi , " ppe n di ~1 [I, ing " , im ple "lr""l' here nlndel ' 0 which tem p<: ratur e i' con'lant with ,,-,,--e nd,ng "" itu Llc and wmd i' nol p'~,cnl _ the ,",,,,,1I W""e trave ls awa~' Imm Ihe sOurce in a hc",,'phe'ieal r",h ion If 'PCl'ltiC ,,'und "It' p'ith, ....cre d raw" 1m thIS mr"le1, the p..-IU' C '""ul,l l><: " ", ,1,,, 10 spo kc, aw und Ihl- hub uf" ,,"'hcel •Figure 1l2: this fig",e "ho , ho w, lhe as""'ialed so und "e1,,,"ily profile of ,eru s mdienll The d i"j!.r" nt ,ho w ' ,,~ the r.l;' path ,; in Fi ~u re 112 i' ,'ailed "ray t ra,' i n~: and w;1I be u",d 10 de, ignate m her ,, ~t" II I". "". , ,, I"", '", ..",, Ii ', I,,,,, '"~ ,,' /Ii"., p" I" \/ "1< ''''' '/'''' ,<'" '' ",,1,'11"'" '" ~ "" I .."", "''''' '1'''''' ', ~c". " ,~" III' '1'''1"", ~ e,,,,,,, t' I " ," ~." P" ", I" ''' ' Il I',',"" " , J, ". t ". I J" 'k<"" /1""11, .,, I'" 11,'.-1" ",," "I ".- H",,,.. I,,,',,,,,., ~ " I "" I.'·'" 'll, lI," " K·,·""·.,,,·h I.,,",,,, ,,,,·, , "J( ,~ ,,, ,,t , w ~ e' .' d I,,,,,,,,, ",,, ,.1''''',, I'.., 11 I'e" " '''. h . I' II I " ,,·. ' "" """ '" ,, 1',,", 1,, I",,' /I " I",""""." M ,". .lJ! " ,,,I;, t " I" ''- '' ''' '' ' , '1." t'tn·" n 'HT T OF IlI S1'." ,( 't:, WI vn III HECTJON , AN I) TI\,.: OF IlA'" H ~urc (' 1 lhl> ligure , ,he ,lI u,lr a,~, rcla,i on shlp, tlctween surfa,'c wind <l ircc'!io n, lim e of day, ami dist ance,· In ,n,o 144 c~ l ls ha,cd on , hc following ,'atcgoric< ' tI,";, arc divided F" u' h;,,,c <"und vc"",il,' profllc ,'", cgOTics (douh lc neg.tivc, d"u hlc I'" ,i, ioe, 1" "" 1" 0' "egal ivc, ,mll m'~al I'C ·I' " it,v" ~'aJ,,'n t l 2. I h r~ ~ lime [>e, i"d, IO SW ro 07(~ 1 h" u," , (I7(~1 to n'XKl hnu " , .ml ll~l ~ l to 1100 htlu,,1 J. I'ou, di,lam'c , (2, 5, Ill. 'lnd 1S m ltc, 13. 4 ~, II>. "n<l 24 ~ml l I hrce wind d irt'l·t,o n, Id"wnwimL ",,,,, wind, anll ul'''' i,''U rhe n umtlcr 01 hla" mca,urc n,,' nh ,md me " ncr g,' " ,'e"'ge level, wcre ente red in ea.;h cell, the ,·"11, we'c t hero "I'.!'rc~ "'"d in,o Ih laTgc r gT<l Up' D",cli on lhc r"m ' o und oel<,.;i ly protucs and the rour dl>tancc, V,"" hLn "a'eh ~fO " I', cach or Ihe Ihree time rcri od, were c , "mined; ,I' o ne wind diree, ,,'c wa, ,;~nilkanlly large, lhan ,he others, It was ma ,~ cd with a ' quare fo, downw;ndl ,,,'ation < and a cird e for UI'",ind I,,.;., ion, INo <",,,,,,' ind I,,,,,,llons W<" C r" und t" have the h,ghcSI level. l Th i, " n"ly", Tcv c"kd Ihat ", Ihc ,h orlc r <ii,'a nee, " nd a, later hou r< in the <1" \'. ,hc do wnwind ,,,,, ion, rel'OrJ~rl thc hil,hc," am ph, ulle 1e-'cI, AI g,c " I~' d;st,mee, and ,,' c.,lier hou r< of Ihe day, the ul'w,nd ,tat;on, re",,,de d , he highes t "ml'li lu<!e leve l, Th" ,..," , " ,"the' un<' \p<,,',ed 'C~ UII, since it " c'n" ln,,~ tn , ~su lts ~1\'e " in the I;teralure; h,,",'c,·eT, e" rl;eT ," udies <l Id not mea'UTe no ise in the e"r1~· mor mng h"" " t he fact , hal downwin<l " alions do not alw"\'s or ne.-e ,,,,, ily e xperience the highest n" i", le vels i' qU;le "g nllk"n l in I'rc<l "·IHlg ",,(11 n,,,,,, Icwl, "n(1 .-ommu nily re'l'on ",. 1'1 ,,,' ,1,,1. , I, ,,,, , ,'''C'' ''',"', ,or",."' ·' ~'." "·n" ,k",,r 1m ,I" , ,,,, ,,I ,,,, Il"~,,,,. " 'leT "nh >i""' ",,, ~,, 'o ,n ± d<-,,« , "r ,·",,," ,,,1 d ' ''.", ~ ""L ,,' " L'~ "' I ", '''' ",,'d ,,, "",,,,,' ,I", co, ,, ~,' " I ,,,,1,,,,, ., ".'. n";'.'"' """ " '"' 0'0. ,"', ,""u,,1" ,",",.., " " ~·,,,,,,,'n,," ' " ~" I "" " " I ,, '," " 5., In"" "r tu """,n l' later m th" "..pcn <l" "I In ,,,10" " ,,'u n<l ,",'d" C rWIll "nle lMI Ihe ",,,00 n .' J'lIlh' me.e!' leple",nl 1M <I ,rec:lmn 1h" ra~ tr.cl Ap: ,n Fi~u,,~ n 2 ,,""""" .. n the f.-l lMl tbere a re 110 ",,'lmelCf" .If'''' lon~ 1M arotJ,,· I" 1"""1"'''' ''' T hr refor" . lh< ""lIn<l ,p<:e<l i, "","'-"nl " v" r)"" he r" II 1llI.' be"n "'n.. n , 1 on 1111' ...m(lie .'ll'IO'>(lhe.e mndd . Ihe . mplltude ul' ""und " on~,,,,,lr pro(lOllIQMl 10 ,he d l a~ h om lhe " ", ' n 1 1111\ . ene'~y de n,,,} ,,, I~.'ersel, 1""0r.""onaI 10 1M "'I""e n r d,,'all< e 1111, le .. r~nl" lhe nn. ......l l ule or lll u mb f'" "Oun<! (\I~u 'e le.el (SPU; ' e .• SPl de<;TU>.e\ b) II <Ill .,..11 llme d,,"....."C' .. <1"11"''''' T h'" In"e"",n ..1 S"l ,Je"Tea"" .. lhe nOlfTIIIl .IlWWlh011 10 ho: e . pened .. nil 1.o1eral d ,suno: II .... ener~) den";l)· cu ....-e deliA« tho: '>PL a, oh-llru", Dr less 11lan II dB re ' ooulll'lIfl oJ di'l.l.ntt . 11 " ""med 1",", the """00 el\t"f!, .. ;os reonfn,c-W all"" POU-li1."ular dilUn<n II) ">me IOlelallon .. n il lbe ., ~ e .... hen "'lInJ CO,'fC' " l'l:,nf",,'C<l• • 'Und r.y ""Ills 00Cume lel)eu ed and I'C'fraclrd ,n lhe limn. pher e ,n .... ) .. mibr ,,, Ite elf"", ,01' a len" or pn"" on IIJh I R"surd"e.. """II " , Reed. P"'klO'• • 1l<I1lI<omP"ln. line " , pt.uned 1","1 ' he ,·.r"lion of sound ..... Ioci l~ "'i lll alliiN lhe bending of ,"un<l rl } ",,'hoi ..."".. Iion of "'lind 'el'''' I}· w,lh ..ll11 Ude is dependen l 0 .. lemperllu,e and .. in<! , ,,,"nJ"" .... h nSlAp: al!il uoJc I nd CiOn lI<' ' <'fI' h eo lN b\I "",nd .... locll~ profi ...... lIere Ihe ""'00 .elocil) ( ' 0 m/, ' i, 'eple",nled by '.u..."< IF.q .. he re T " Ihe le rr pc ralu,e in ou de~ , .....,. ccnli ~ ,a<k ". a ~cnCfaJ . ule . " ';nc ,pced IO,·,ea ,." and te mpe,a lufe d"':fea"", .... LIIl ~"'c",bn8 a llillJ<.1c T h" " mr le rule LS u,u ,lI, v i~uali/cd In. ",u ", l veloci l)' protile as a n e~a l i ve ~f ..d,en l The ne 8dll"e g... d ,enl profile an<l Lis fa)' tmci ,, ~ c,m he ,,,e n In h~ u re OJ . Note lhal the -;Olund fa, I'Inh on h~ur e ll J IS he nl UI'' ''."l. c.ea ll n ~ l\,e" l" r Ihan nm m,,1 lIlIe nu" li" n willi (,1I", al di,t"nre T""'llCmlur" or wind sp" ed ;nn "", ,,. .... ' Ih " llllude ca u", Ihe sound ve lo,:l1Y I'lOtile 1<> have a po..it"'e "I ad,,·n l. A "mple I"'s illve ~.",I; "n l pw lile al " n ~ ",ilh ; 1~ , a, ' Ifa(·, n ~ ;. ""e n in Fi ~ u ." fl 4 >\ 1',,,,. live 8fad ,e nl "a usc'S a ml'litln.li" n " I' ' o uoo e ne . ~~ II, bcnd in8 llle <ouoo ' ''' p"lh, hack It> the surfa,.., rhe lypcS of ..our d "el,,,:iIY pro lll" , Ihal produ ,"" ",... OO ·" no:lg,- f("' u"n~ ..Ie lh"'" Ih..l have 0 ti.asl;,· ,'h,m ge m ,k,pc ol ,..,me olliw de . h""e Ill<' 'u.f....., Meth'od<; " ffay I, ...';ng have """n e , ..lojnOO b) Pc,· k ' ,," and Thom "..on .''' I"":au"" ' I " Wf,' rare rur ' he al"" ""he.e I" he m m!,lelel" <labl". Ihe "",<1,1""" fn• • Ite falinn of ",u n<! . a) p,llhs are . I... ~s ..re..... n' The ..rollie m becomes one of de le.n,in,n.....he.e '"'uoo enef~' " ... Id foc II' unde... gi'"n ", ...nd , 'do,:il) ' (\Iulile 1 he ,....,n d velOC,ly ",,,f"e " . ,n h,m . dependeol " n .. ealhe. roOO, llnn,. The,er,n , . a d,,,'u,,,,,n of " "" Iii", aOO iI' diu'Ml ".,al,,"" " n«e>o.....-, ',CIl I h u . na l "n"uion. ,n nlCl.....fOI.. elemen....fe aousoJ ""manly"" lhe ,..n hc.ollng lhe lemI'", e..mp le. SlLrf. ... .. ,nob .., e "e..led .. hen a,l ~ to-o",d 1"" .."'.. ,01' hll hesl tielIl· pcfa ilife "'I The 'I'«d oJ , ufflOX ... nd, I IkT~ ~,IdWllly b orn sunn.... 10 ap(l({l. ,malell mld-aflernoon . ...hen lhe mULmum ai' lemrcf.IU ...... ' e.· tied 11,_e.....'. lIS Inc helm" etr u of lhe ",n d«h"" du. · '11¥ lhe lale afternoon 10 i.m oJ1Cf .un....l. lhe ..,rod -reed .. podly fall. ,n<! ~ oh-hne< on ly ",I"hlly dunnll the ........ of lhe nl~hl Of ,-uu..... It>e ...11'1OX wind q>eed rarel) af'\"<O«""'" lhe m.,.nm"loe of h,gh ·. It' lude .., mo,·erne.l. .. h",h un be COl'l..odeled , lfIlO'lt COfl ,,-anl f", .I>ofl·leffll .. lid"", of ." Whe n COll<lIUerI"i t"n'......OIu." .."auons. lhe .fOll..... t>e<:0<nC!0 .n..tlle. ,mpnn..nl par.met.... Ilum " Ihe ...., .. lte ",," h ..,:1\ IS .. t.n k " f h""'l . abooortlil1¥ the '\do ' s enerl~ T he.or ....., lhe 'lIof.ace is Ihen hea led b )' ~o""'"" on fro m Ihe ~f(", nd .. I I ", ,, ,,,., ,."" " " .. ·... " k• ., .Il,n I ) .. M «~ ,,, ...... " ~ no " " ~. /lh," 10,.. , '110 I •• ",,~ , ~ I " ~ b ,".1 1 ,.".~" ' '''''''',~ R,.,. ,,,, h 1 " 0...., I''''' '. "".I M J Ih ,."' ,". , ' ...' ' " I~, ... " I.. ) 1.. ,", ,.. 1"_-... ,, . , / .. 'h "~"' ..ul , ,"'0/0 ," , ''' Il ,••", / "",, ~~ """"I ll.",· '" "_''''''' ,,, .." ..~1 1I., I\,,~, "' ,I.- 1'-' -"" ," I,"",,,, 1....1' 111 ,,,.... I .. ~ f " M'", " h~~" 'I.. I """'." "", r'. ....... ", Mq • • 1 111' l >, .",10. I , ,.", " • •" '.. I "h ,"' M" h'" I" f~"" I, I'll I .,"" ,,". .,,,f" II 1".",.n,1 I,"" ••",", ," I..',,, ,,' '" I,. ·" t~ " ~"''''''''' ''''"'''''h ' II. , I ,,",', "".. "'ro'..·. ""1'''' ,<" III ~ ' 11.,11 " ... M,·,."" Il I .,,, ,,, ,,,,,,,, ,"" ". M 1 1",m, ..," ..""", M",·, ,,, ,.. ""'hf'''' " ~ ~ "'" I h" """,f" I "",, .""'''' . I. " ' '', I'''''' -\1 n', ~l, lhe ean"' l (Iu I!,~n, ~'al~," e vceees lhe , no..'OmI ~_ TIle.d ore . lilt <;urfat't 1ס0.o.... lhe it pilON oJun~ t~" <11.) ~nd su~aen tl~ .~1Ol, -'\s Ihe I"mperalure dlxltne\ II the ~u,f ..."'C. lhe In n~a' t ~e wrfa.:" is bt wnduClin, lis he-I. to the ~'ou nd When t~I' O....: UI';. len'l'Cfa lu, e IO"'''SI''OS a, e rm meoJ 10 " ~ ,,.~ le mllC,a lu,e ...·, w lly ioereil<e> " , Iii heighl nilS e lT",1 tends t" Ir. jl Ihe 1"""1 a" 1.1• cr. "Ii.. h " su me lime, s·",lile as for; " hen .~)nJe n ... linn Ito;(> O<1.·U" When Ihe sun ""'" ,,~."n. Ihe gtllum ! and .Ii, nea' the grounl ! I.' reheate d l~e he.lIed all I'''shes the in'e.~,un la}'er hlvher. and 'os 111" ,1<,,. I"ogre"c·'. I~e in ,,,,,,;,,,, I"yer ;, d""I',II Cll hy th e su n ,m" Iho "'IOoJ II;, ""1")[' I.m) In note Ih,11 .h,s in' c"ion layer (i" some c'."," many in"'",;on b ye,, 1 " the prtme ,.u.e of ""und e nerg) f'~'u"m~ ~Ul ". >IcoJ It i, ah" impona nl to n,~.· lhil. 1110: .... m.. can a ffen nd jlropap.~m POl h, ~ ...nd 'ek...'n,· ;, ' lre n,!hellf'tl oJo" n" iml and rela,ded lhereforc. the ,..nd ",I,,,,n} I"olile " differenl m e...-Ii oJlle<:lIun a oo m u" he """,da'ed "hen dt'ICfm,mns locallon , fm ".;>Und eroeT~ r."''''S'''8 II-"t, U'C' 1l ~1 """" nd. I ~ .d _ _' T" <!elio" h",, 1 n' • ...: ,Ln a 10 an ;,. ea slml'll' toy IOOIlII'!JI."IOg ""';' Ihe, .L,•.. ",ou'"eallli"~ '1) mu,. l>c arl'lic~1 I., Ihe ,..eat h~ f c"r1\lili,,", ;,nd tl>c Impulse n,,,...: "'>\l"'~ Th" "ill a llo'" Ih"'''elil,al hlasl '[;IlIst;,·s ( 0 he· forecast Then . hy cn m r" r i n~ the rrc.. i.'I", "" "" '~ Ihe ,,,"'I".,) ~ I.,sl d."a. ;, relal;"n c"n he dev;, ed 10 rcd uc'e ':tim '" l',e d"' I", n ,,," I tinahlc Ihe n"'lh,,,1 of obl;unm g I" ed leled hl." cn,'rgy r Ul\'CS Ikeau.e Ih" methcoJ s hou ld l>c a l' jl h.· . ~ le ", r,al't ; ,'"I1 ~ an} geogr.rh,.. 11" "II(m "nd ,hould ,,,os. nt,1 'l"'ulie ' ,"j<le-t,,,,,, e.'en ls. ""' flam " m rl, r}'io~ rejlre",", ""_,,,,,"al """'"' . ntl '>I "nd.,,, as....mpti""s c~n he made Ik'·, •• I" e"&I .....I" mel",,,,, I''It...'al e lf"" " majOl Ic-rrai n ~aJ "'.""M , an he n,·~ ...... ,-.J the ...'utkl ....." "',, ", ond"","'I,onal l.Jthou~h .he Inn Ll! r"oo....'. " f I N.r.... " a 5~" . " a' " . 11 into . <{\helical "''<>usl...' " ,,-.. eI 1 ( m ) ... ... ma l ~I"at"'ns h.'" 10 he co",,,,,Jered . SIne.", Iarg"' ,u le mel"''',Jl''\l:lcaJ eo oo" " .ns such .... f'l"'.....re "''''', and "......he, f,,,n l\ chanl!" ,I" " I}' an<.l remaIn ~u nicienll} m n.s l.nl for dhout 8 h"u" ] 'l uld.l ~· <!e le'~lU I "" IIMl a ("nn,p ila ll"I' <i. ,., TIll: a, ",,,I hbsl u...'<l tn oenve the mcth n<.i dc....'''he,1 tn Ihi, .[1)",n" " "' ere c~,mrlied 1'>1 "'; h"mer ,,, I " .. l c·"n..<I """,-.I in June 1'l7J " l'h,,'>C I..' S(, ""'''''11,<1 ,of 1H "'''''''mo",'',,,m~ triab ustrlg 'lal'''Os 1...-a lc'<J , n e..; h or 10m dU","'. "'mI 2. 5. 10. an<l I ~ mIl.... 0 .2. ItO. It>.!. ~nd 24 I kml . " a, from .110 lJl...lIoq: "Ie llun nJ alii""". an r A A f'l. nc ....leaed "nth t..mroe..."".e al'ld ,,·,ntI wla al .a, IO\J' .I Ut " ik-< Unf."IU.....d)'. the rA .'\ " e• •hef dal. roukJ ne." be ,"'" """Iely "lfiI hn-."", of ,", I"""",n t e m '" aoo • ,~"'t rn.e,,} "'h"h ...."""'<uentl~· an ....: .,...,...,.,.,nl"# lhe 'eb."" III}· ol lhe 1'.-\.-\ oJiI la It " ·... I""",,hIe. lhuu, li. h' u'"' .....:.oth'" wla re<:orokJJ h) radJ<l'll'Ode mel~oJ , •• MO""IlO: . MO ' ° T ~-....nl'iOre "'"a' her ........""'m ",u Ii liLt" .. all~lio."'. Wla " wet lhe ....me perul ol lime m,," Ix u.....'d _ Wea lher ..... ~ ,rr< make IlIej, radio"undo: obse,~alluns onl ~' I".ee a d.~ .. at 1200 Z I( ireeo" ", h \ ledn Time. h ,,:101 ('e nl,al Sla,,<I.," T,me I( 'S II I and IlOilO I I I> I' M ,S I ) ",oc..: the I:,,, t l e,,n ard Wtxld hi"" .1< ua ",c r. "nl~' ,·" llc...'IC'<.! r",m S In .1'r "' ~l n"'t el ~· 11 .... M CS t. lhe oh""u, d''-''''e or ",calh cr ,1.11.1 " ." Ihal cnllcncd at h AM Therefore. if Ih,s "h""'C 01 .. e,,, he, d"t" ;, consldc red "s Ihe .. ef"~e "" nd lllon I"r -he l'C, i,.1 " I' h to ~ AM fn, the r_n ,,,wlar dal•. lhe hk"t ,1al. Ihat , ~"u ld he u,e d Ole Ih"", lh•• "'-C..' ..·.Ihio (h., ", nle flCr"oJ Th" h . 1 l.<:o" ard \\" . '" hia'i Wli "ere ll" cd "I ea"h ' ","''''d l''l\ 'l. ,ion '0 " .. ms of the n..m""r 01 ",-..-""en"..,. " r ea,.-h Jt.-.:ihel 1e",1 1'0 I'roduo:e lhe lIet" al l,".1 ene,S) .ur ~es, all Ihe dau """e su mmed 00 an enul!Y tuslS . 1 e.,;h "'''1101'I Th.s prodt>eed l h e""rg} .... all; one f,,, ea h I' I' .... '" .., , N I ,,,.1 ".1 I " ... ,,,, /., ......".",~ '''''' ' ....... ' \ '.,I'",I \l I\l. "I.lI\1I\",l"'la",l\ ll,,,'~,.jO' '' 1 1l1 ....,.","',t·,~· • J." ",., .. :~:::: :::II" :: : ~ ::' ,':','::: " I';:,'r:';:~'~" "' ~:';"::'~'N:' In.' .",,, t,,,, ,1,,1' ''' "",- ,.'", ,,,,,,I, "'- "".I ,,, " I, ,,, "II'" ,IU"~.. . I .. ~ II n, on """'"'''" "I ~ , ,, ~•., ~, ""'~ ""lslls ., ,\~- ~,,,",,' ,~ ...... ,' ,,," ~I~,- ,''' I .., ". ," "","," •., " , " , ' . ' ''I',,, .,1,' , ,,, I ,' ", ,'U'", II "'''" ' '''''''''~ ''' " """. ~ •. ,,, ""I~"'" I~, "',,' ,," ..... " "",,1. ' "''' ,', llon Therdore . lhe '" Ihe e ne . gy ojala "e~ l he. <!Jta Iud I" he sed uced to III predic lor numher~ If II .. ~, 10 ee rdaled 'h.tM, l)a l . P.... ict'"'" or R.-! iO\(>n<k -...ea. hef ...... , ' e hSled m lel'fM ' em pe,,,u ,,, . * Ind 'PCCd. and .-i nd d,rect<on al allituOM I " ,),,"eI01' ~f'Pf'lf'I"'.le I"'ed ",..)r~. an unOcN . " dlng l"e ph, ~ ...... >OtJnd pr~ "on" . C't.lui.ed 1'l'C\ " ..... re-e..rehen h. ' e oc le rm med tho. Ihe palh 'IOu nJ ... ,.~ fol l_ 10 lhe allno· ",here i~ rd le..~ed antl 'dr'-:I-:d I' rhi, Pdlt> IS derenden l o n lhe shape. m401l ud.... of gr3dien.s . and .1t , lude~ of ,he b.o!ie . 'If IUp uf ,n\'e n;inns. cr ue ..... nd 'el. ...'ly profile Th e . "und 'dnol~ l in m/ sl al e_h all;lLKle Ca n he "..k ulaled b} lhe fo llo" in.. re lall..n or ',", If'U' 5'1' - .1,11 f,[ or I t f /2 73l' ,' ) + /)II' I~<! Ill i whe,e I i' Ihe lempe ra1LJ t'· ,n <legre e, ,,,,nl lgr.-,,le . IJW is the wil'l<! "" m lxln<'nl ,n lhe dire" lInn under Inve,tlgatinn. "nd SV i, s" u nd ve lr,,:i l~ . The II.l II " tlC lI"""'all'h Ll horJ lor i", " mpllfie:l lhls c~ ""l io n 10 ' ., ' - to fIO'lt>l r + Olt on IE" '·""tlJCS Th" ,,;ml'li t>cal lOO resull' fro m lhe f""l tlut ..... nd potM are delcnnlOed from In lhe """'00 profi le. r. l ,," lha n ' ''''I\f.M ;n lhe ... l oW """ni ludes The sc und Yri<...,l~· 'tkTCZiJC5 O, bO% mi. for a """ In lemrel~t ut" "f ICC It <3n be 'Inn tl...11 llIe 'IOund velnoty p..,file " . ffected equ'lI ~ In ",er~ d".,.,li"" ~ temre'~l u,e " f\lClu re . t>ul Ih'" Ihe o;nmr-menl I~ dJl'l"renl for dltreTeni d".,." I","s Therefor" . lhe '''und . e1....'I~ fOl e.. h d"""'I"," mu... be compu ted for earn day CO"'~ .nd al ea,:h . Im ude ron- de'ed F,gure [)to s lit..... . n " .am ple of 00 " Ihe ....und velnol ~ proflle dllfc. s for .:",h d;•ecuon , e1oo:,,~ "'nri Thc ,""und ,d""l ~' "",III"" must he c~ lcgori red ,n lo ~tandlrd 8rOUP'I\f.S ' " l he~ ca n be .....de<J I" oc _cl"!,, " 'ea, llt:r , Ial sli..~ The mrl">! . ,j, " UIJ> o:at C!t' '''1.lllion is Ihe , h~re " I' Ille "' uM vcl,xil~ "ro!i le.r h" i. an 1011""' .01 fIiI'amc lCI boc. u..c l he ' hare n f lhe pr"f,l. ocIl' rmtn~' "'helher (' ,""USlOg, . m phli,alion. o"rmal "" onu al ,,,n . or ' ileoce ",II ""~'U ' "I " n ~ gi.'en <li Sl"'><:<: . he live sha[>Cs Ihal " cr o " hose n to rc l"esen l " II I~ ""h l e o:omhin"'i"", Me . h,, " n ...nh Ihe;r ' "y I", ... n~ , II' Figu, c 1>1. T he...: ,h " I>cS " cre "I" , I""n leo.l <l UI hi Per ~ Ln s a, Ihe ",,,,I ""mm on and ;nl lx,rlanl s htl[>Cs J nHlng Ih""" Ihal ,'" n ",:o: ut" Wllh,n e....·h ca le~nr~ , th e "mean" atilluo.le "I' ,h" nge an d magntluo.lc< "r grad,,,nl •. al " n ~ " nh Ihe ir "" ndud d ~" I.I;"n •. ,ltC c. k:u l. ted . Itel . umm, ng , hc ';(lund _c1 ",,,t y prorik, hn the ir re, I'C" uve o:alCJtOfi",1 for .. llhe o.l.~'< dun n, ""h"' h ....-1""1 h"' " d.t~ .re rollecled . f it is I"",,, ble 10 del .. mLne ho,," ofle n """"h lyre o r profile ........ u.. ~' 1~II~m. Ihe pro file <:;;"CSories an d de veloping lhe pe."" nl..e " r oo:cu tJeno:c of " ....·h Ij pe " r prolile . • 1 Kr<., _ b r il l ..........1 " II I .~ _ ' 1 .. I~ "" ..... """'I.. .. . ,_ M" , ,, " •. 111 0 .......' N ....,,,. I Io u , 1"'" K '"""~' Jo ,,"", " )""~" I~"" 1:.. . . II. I ...... . "n',I... 'J " " ~ " ,, I' . , ' « ""y l ...... "'~I" ..... , S( \ 1 '" I K ""' I.... ' I ' I , .....,...~ ... , I '1o".~ I ~ ....... '~. ~,".. " .. \ ,"" .....,"'. A ,• • """,,. , " " _.. ".~._ '- '- ""'~' " , I."" I 'd ' ~n", • •~ It.· I. n....., ,~ ~I ' ......"."" ,," A...".... ". ~ .."' " •• , ' .. '.d \"I.m<!'. ",m", " \I" 1" ' .11 11 I . ,,, II) Pt.",,· .rd l " R ,,, ~ \ 1,1<' ,~, ~·, I~ ..,,, ,,, ,,,,I.e: H"U, ' ''' ," .... ,_ " . " I~ ••••"''''.,., " .,', ,, "",.. , " \I .,, ~ I.,"" II !'c,I."" . J, ,,..1 1\ J." l " ... If."""", ", ~,, 1\ ,>11. ,.·. "/ . " HIu,' I,,,,,.,,. II ,T'"' "'" 11.0' 'II,", , ~, 1I""" " 'h I ..... , I •••• ' - - " " ~,,~", I. /f;""''''M M,,.. , '-,, "<I,, " ,II " " "" . I """ I " R, · ,'!, ". M,..,' , .. " <'.. ['<"",,.,,'" .. , \,,"_ h om Ih" I'oim . the nlellMod dC'elu po.-.J ~ I Ihe Hal l i~l oo:'\ KC'oC~r(h I"''''' '' alo'',,. Can be u""d to tra n,l o,m e",:h o f llIe Ii"" ",'u oo "'I...·Il\' I'fUl; Ie~. " 'hll'h no" "," c-enl Ihe . ' e r'[le I'rohlC' of e",:h .".t..,:' '''. inlO , lie ..,t of ;>retJ'(I"., The.e arc I...... "'·.,·Sof "",nll he ""1I" u,,," k C1ie. rch L... boralorie' mclh,od. One wa\ " 10 c~n",k' n"l ''''If the p.olhs of llIe "mean" pn,lilc hul .1"" lhe "mea n" + 'S1;II1lb'd dC'Ia Il" n" pf"tilc o f _'h cal<"l'0') 1 h~ c.n be lhoughl of a, de ,-dopon, a "",l1er of !IOund , d o, "I, I"'" hle- Thi~ mclh ..... (3n be """l'Ulcrited 10 fu n lle' I"'" Ihe d"',,:e of I'",ti,,'I•• mclhod, tile da l. wlltc1ed dunl1l lhe fOOl Leonard ~ ... od IC' t~ " efe u-.cd. The lin-o: peri"d " a' n tended 10 . 11 lTOI>fnlr"Q. J'Cf"od of each 10 11 AM I durIn~ the enille J .....' Ch of lhe e 'pef,,,,,, nl '."'N ltIr, da ta for lhe perK'" rol.....,'" ~ ... M """C foolX2V ~ on t"~1 d,umal ",.,. I".rlS ~ fr><ccNed WC.l lle. da l. " er c uloC'd 10 okod..I' an enla!J;ed..et of J'fN"'1..... fro m t~ pfCd .. I' .... lhe: lelia! enern (\Ir o", roo 8 10 II A M ~~ e.umaled and added 10 lhe 10ul ellef'l.' CU'''''' from f, 10 K AM In cklermme the PO"eoJK:ted CU,," for .11 mornn'S ~ .. l,olt"'" Who.' J1 I~ pr:t!i"ed 101.1 enerll)o ,·.I un " e re compar:t! " ',Ih lhe ;1(1",,1 ,·.luC">.• «Jl"rebtlflf1 of 0 qo " . 5 rou nd The acl....l and pred,"ed lou l enefl.o ,..... ",.. rOf e...h d""," on ore plolled In 1-" . urC"> U K IhroUl! h DI I .n day ." \I... h04 The followlnll lk'''''"hcs • ""I'" h) ·,lel' mel hod of pr""i( IIOJ 10 1. 1 e"",rn (U"'eo repo"cscnunl bIa,l r rnP.'1. h"n 'la lISl irs for anj' I. ",al,on u'olnl meh,orolOllical d. ta o M.ined . 1 a " cathe r sldlion neal ' lwl k.;au,m To p"" ide • 'Cpre",nlal"C O ot01 I'lC. b bles ot' C prese n led whi<:h li'l da t. w llC<' led du"nJ Ill<: " on Leun. ,,1 Wo..d c 'I'c'lme nt. ( je ne r. II). p'c<l '~t" ,ns shlluld "" mad e for 2· h" u' li....e hh..'ks If . mU" h la '~er pe riod Ihan 2 h"u" " [. \lui, ed, il " sugg"slc<l Ihat (11 Ihe . ne' J Y.'ur _e, 2, I" 3· h" u, PC I" >.l, be mml'uled , a nd 121 e ne [~;' " UT ' es "I' "II [hc pert,.i, tK: 'ummed IOI',,>.l Ul;e Ihe 1,,1,,1 c n.' rlW ,.,,"'• • Ihe l. rgeT lim . hi"... f", 1'", /''''/''''''JI 11',,,:11.-,,, [),,'<I If .....,.Ih" da la are .,m a,-, ," hlc lor Inc parllcu la, lim<" period ....· 'noo. •', If ",gc bloch of I,me be pred",I....1 f",m ",calhe ' , lal ion dala ro• • n"l he. I,me hj.' m nsu hmg dlu.nal a", ' '''IUlled . da la can ""ai'"'' Ch. ...':l e.I'I;"... ~ · lhe 1U ,,,,n I"ca llon 1l.... ,,dtxI welIl her da l. can be obl. med from lh c ncarc'" an, ..e-m (\cs'red. • 1 1111O and OOU(J I of eac h day I !able IlI l """'nde·""... ~a l lonal WelIlhe' 'i 1.1,00 fo. I Wealt!ef " . lio." h... alll iude d.la In ~polenllal me t."... ol'o:"e !iClI Inel Whe n de'elop,,'ll lhec da ta. alll1ude unll. m.,,;1 he ron'med In mel eTs abo"" ....rface ~\"el In lhe .. ealhe. S'lallOO 11... · '"'. lhe ~fOUnd leoc l ail iude lFOP " . nll.. 1 me1en .. bo ,'c ..... Ie"el ' IS de noted a< (j 8) delimn~ lhe ...,-.met.. r " .... a " U lher' $lauon alhtu<le and f .. Ihc .iM.l red olrllude I"led In met~. lhe: fol ..... lnJ " '...1..... can be u.....J 1<> 1'I',"'uo:e the CotTec1 he1~hl f - l O q ~ , ' 1\1-GI II-q [)-I! 1 The " ,nd (Om","'enl' (In m/s l ,n eac h 01 four d,rect,on, IN''llh - cP. I'a.... - wf'. Sou lh I IlIf', We.l _ 2ro"1 rur eac h da)' and f. Of c.,h ah ilt>dc IhmuJhoul Ihe 'IeO",n In '1"""UOn are ClIlcuLole<l ~ N' >f lh " 10<1 I·.. ... " ,nd Sou ," "',011 W~ I w", d :: - NW _ W """ l i llfr ' :: _ EW - W " n ll gO· · l _ - SW _ · NW :: .. WW _ . ~. W ,,'hcIC W ,~ I he ,. ,00 ...,ecd ,n ~'e'" 1'<" _ onoJ .noJ H " the oJU..,:IK.n of the .....nd h".cd in d"~":e< J 'ude These d.'a un "" It''ed ,n ubi.., ",hK'h ' nd ..... e lhe lempe1'a h.... . rod " 'md dal~ fOf eac h . 111' n .t>lc 1>1' .'if,.,"'" "'_ fIfl""" .Val...... y"" ,. ea l"'" d..Il. ""ed m hhk 11 2 ':<In be ro mpl.. fJf-... lop"f( II"''''' >l mpldieo.l ,. Iha' .""'" ' al...." .tI tC\l~' u,,'" ,he IIaIh",u Ilesetlfcll L~tw. ...· , .. Iocll)' ....umo........ ,.h.. "11 i., rep< e<;o:tllC\l In lhoe folk''''''13 relalion >hi", NOle n dt"pcnde nt on .Il ltu<!e S\ :"onh - S\ N - O.bO%T ... NW '> \' Usl - .'1 \' 10 - O,IIO%T + 1'.... s \ S.... lh - S\ s _ O.bO%T '" NW S\ w..", "" ObO%T + I'W II'" Dbl W-...,. _ 2 "'-""1 , 11,... ro", , rou nd ,el,,,,i!, ,·"llIn"" rep'C"'nl in~ 'he "'lIlll l 'c ll"'lI,' pr"til c s rnr e"" h d"y be .,,,,,,, ned 10 ,kl ,'r mi,," ("I the ,h"pe "I' Ihe p'o lik . ""d [hllhe "1'1""I'''"l c grad,cnl m,,~nl1ude~ "mi "111Iu,!c Ic ocl, rh c 11,'c "" I"~I" i c, ,,1' 'round 'clt,,' il)' prnlilc" .He .,h"wn in Figurc 1)7, " I"n ~ wllI'I mUSl lhe . ppro l'f,.llc pM.m "I'·" Ih.1 MC I" be d"lm~ulShcd . .-\ I.hl" " mll.r u> Ih.1 'h""'n in Tahle OJ ' hou ld he p<cp.r cd I'm eK~ dor«ti nn. 1"1"'1 e a.; h ,,",' 1.lrrence of . Pl' rt ic ~II I I""tile ,WCI the 'it",,,,n In '111"'UOfl % - fur. .. ~, R/Qt1 . n l'" I_I ''''0'''''''' '''- L ~",. /<)(a/ ,1'< ....... nu "'.. Il u 11' 1 ."">I"'n ",...1.1_ I 1lte heu n m , 'Pf'!"<>KII tNt [<>limo , u,,~ kooYr!edl.. of 'iOUnd l"'1'f'tPtion "'C(l. )' ll"..., I"" mea n ""'rod ' t h:i, ) pr"fi le & 1.;1 for ....-~ 'y 01 profile (", I, Tl ble (lJI .rod lhe e ..mple U>t."> In II.o1I,Sl"'" IlC>leOl ,h latw.'Uhll)' Report N" 1140 rell",ir"" .loat "')' f,,, ...,h type o[ pr"fil.. In ......·h dlfeClIOIl toe dn wn ,,,,,".p The ray Ir.. ',nll-~ m h~", r.. U ' ,,,n bl- u.'IIOd .~ I 'u, dcwl"pcd rrom ht .....nd "e~ "i ty ·~an· p",lIln A d.., ned to a" " ln "' c IJh u,,~ fa<; l....~ 10 lhe lay It'lICITlI-' 'ghtl n~ f",:"" I~ nece'''''Y rOf e""h d"lan~ .-\, • COmp UI. linn;,1 melhod . • " electron iC ra,' I•..,c, can hc uscd 10 ~ 'nJuee ",und pr'tp;l.ll"II" n f"' m th e ..,un.d ,'d""Il~' ~rntik' dC"f1bl-d by the mo;:ans (p. ) ""d ,lan ,I,,,,1 d."at,o", ( t ., I In L,llie III T" m" k. the,," .'" u rrt! ,c1o';"Y ~rol ilc" repre,cntat ive. ,he 1-'. II-' + "I . • nJ (p. . "I '<In<li· lin n, mll" be "",'cd flo"" r'K,,1 "rc,," "ory wilh Ihc ,h ,,1'<" "r Inc ~",li le ,',IIl then t>e oh"''''cd When cn n ,i d e ri n ~ h,,'o( I" a" i, n "'e i ,ht i n~'" 1 " ~ i, cn di'ta n,..,. a hell ,'U" " i' plon..d around the di,I"'",C at whi"h the 'mean' ~",til c <k·lin.., a [,,,,us I h.." . .., In aPf'rll ~ i m" h"n. Ihc ' I""d"rd dC"I'li n" I"" n l' on Ihe bell cu "-e ca ' toc ....... ,Jhted as the ~In w.. ,'h"n~ mmus I. r,~ u re Ill 2 " an c ," mpl.. of lhe "om· bon .. ion of I-' .nd (p. + " I """nd " .. h:n~ " ",hie . Th.. ·"",. Ied pel....,nt.t(te· "'bel l l.IlIe n4 1 ""IUlUV i"dicat.... f""I'-.n ... ~,,,h . r.. determmed trom Ihal n'~or~ in ...hld, the pen..." of ""'''line ....... of a t ~pe of profile .., i"s ... in T. h!e U ~ If the dl~.n,:..-dc pende nl ",edl<1or .. labeled as pr dl, the 'llCIIled pe.<"Cnl.., .." '( ,. lhe I) re " ClJhti", a-. Yi ' wh..... i ., I, II, Ill. 1\' . VI. arod the di..aoce ... .t. 'hen the f" llo>on/lf: e'lUltK.n .-nm. pleIn lhe pled.:1K'" melhoJ J'.~fam, """",,1Ied f'iJt - • L r , h' d l II.... Ilil " 0.1,,,.,,..... "'here P and " . ,C dcpendenl o n -,: " t.. lhal Y, rep<C\Cn l, Ihe ",e lllu nl fau ,,,, ",11""I\ . re <let,-rm ined h) .·"mparin~ lhe av",. ged ",.. nd ,'e10<11 )' profiles "' '' h tbo ........mp l..' In Fil ure 1)1 1"_' ure 1)7 5bo ....5 lh : 1)'1'<' of "CLint ,,, be "'''I nctl al d Lif ercnl <li" .n(<:" and ",u nd , 'elo<ity Iy",,, """\1$ The Plc,ll"""'. "Id l, are not the t<>1al ..nerl.\' ,,,I ..... ,-\n eq ua' ,,,n I_ needed thal rdate' the ",ed· ""lor sci 10 lhe a,'tu. 1 ,,,1.1 enC f~y set "~ u lI .l h le rel.t"m i' round b}' r"rmLn~ " hncar ' ''ll 'c,"",m llhe "' ,urn " r lhe lca.« «1u.'e<l <I,lfc ,..,,,,>: , . hel "<-'!:n the "'I 01 [If,• •h...ln" I.. und .,n d lhe -..:1 or aclWlllnl.1 c n,",,.~- ....1. -'<>, lhe f ori 1.<... ,,,,,,0.1 W, ~ 1d " ' I"'" mem The hne ,~- rq.r""" on IW' ''''''~ lhe folk ,wrn, . d aUnn IEq IWI ,.he. e I' .nd TOlall-nr IJ' a, e n, ~ o.lc"l"'nlk nl <>" d ,s1& oce "',' hoc n appl) ,"I: a 0.1"1........, CTlle1ion" lhr nor · mal all cnWlI~,n f...." .. mIn I hoc 1....' .. f""Ol O'd 1 hocn lhoc h""l "'l.... lIon ,....-1" 0.1 ,"" d ,slance de""ndence on rhoc T<>ul E".,,-! y 1,n rI..." I>o..,, ' hn-,,,,,,,, .- 1.l/<J! 11 ....,'" ' W1 1d l - 0 7hPfdi I he re.u ll •.< • + Tnul r I ncrB~ I ~ II. fll( " ....h <I."u",..., in ca:h Q~ Q - 12 J 10-", ,Id l If-'l 0101 d,reo.:l~'" R"", lh The . e, uh, ur u..~' ''l! !he rTlClh.... """"'nbetl rn lh...Pf't'ndl' On lhe I .." l.er>na. d \\ ood _.lher Uala a." Irsle<l rn Tal>le Ilb, . noJ ••" """I",C<ll<> the ilCl " . llm. 1 "roe" . <lala fur the ",, "ods in q".......... NI~" lhol l rur Ille !aIMC' l.m., po:';I.....f b In I I ;\ \1 fm lhe .\ " C'Ch in J un., IIJ73. lhe ,,' cd ICIW 'IC' ,,"-, for me<l to!' aJ<linJ <"<>I" -n,,, 2 ..... ~ . on an enern 00." (,,.,,h lnl ' ....Ull' fn' tile h '0 M AM are """",nlet! In l'iMu'" , Il ~ lh"'u~h [lll Theo;c ~" rh' ,11<".' Ihall he ,h.III:' of lhe ""111.,1 .Ind ",.dll'led eur' e, are "mil.r The v"lrd_I;" n "I' lhe ,,,",'Uf,.q nf Ih. melh, xJ de>Ctrhcd rn lh" _p[lCn,h " demonstrated bl' Ihe 'e,u ll;nMm rrel"lio n t>o,'t" een Ihe I" ",lrelm ..., 1 and Ihe . <IU.' t"I.1 " n"' MY v. lue._ It "'. s found lhal me "' I o f l"ed ;"lo,s h,," ,I cw rcl"l," r} lIf Il 'If~ . ",hi,'h state. t haI al'pm" male h' ~ 2 pe,"enl "r Ihe variab,lil y ,,1' 1111,,1energy is cau,e d hy lhe " cal her I', cdi,'t" r, -ctcctcu. 1"''''''' lli ....u~,i"" The n'elhod ,s.,S<'Ilbo:rl ln Ih" "l'l"'nd.. m. ... I'"",ilk an ,mrfO.em...m 'wer mile, methods " ....-..1 U1 fo,e'·"' 1 hI"'1 ""I"""" ,1 " .." ,u, M,~~'al'h;,,"1 a. eas Til<....., nll\c, r ro...al U '''~ "e "'""d fIn .. com!'"10trw '. lio s:. slem 10 . n ., ...ml"'" "1" .1".... ",'he. eas It"" mc 'Ik>rl " r" ,,"". a " " ""I <. kula" "n The ,,, 0' lo""" " n, sur· mClh.... """'Tlberl on lh" al'f'Cndl" ,0"'c,,f,,11I " ,al in , lhe .mo"nl "r " ... nd ""Und,,,,, a bla'''''' ...1.., The amo"nl .. f en"'l l o.leli"al ,~ a" a,cr . de"" ndenl wellhc. clLar-.1e ".· lk.... d,,"nJ the or "me .n <lu...."on Ilo" e' ..,.. '"''''' dala a.e . eq u"ed 10 "alrdale l hl~ " roced urc per"'" r.blo IH Eumplo "'~.Ihn StaTio. 0_ ,,_ ... ._...... - ... ." -, ,. ~ ,- , ,., .... , , K _ ..... C' ' 10 .0 ." '''0" . ... --, 'n ...,,, ...". ,,, .. • r IT _ _, _ O.• ~ ,,,, '" O. ll • ". ..... " , ,- , ,-'" ,ro ,, '" • '" '" " -r Tahir Il2 r U lnpl< f"n'~rlrd Wr.,h• • li Ma ~I"t"" I>"r , _ ...!lI . d.. , ....'''....'m' :U ,., ,.• " ... ..." . . ...,j , ,.' .. 6;1 1 IDS) ,~ '" , ~ ~ J!Oo ,~ I I-) ~ ~l6l '" ." .. -Q.lS uo ~ " "., '.' 'm... SI"~ ,~"s ...'., ~ " ... ,m ,,, IU S 11.23 '" .... .. II.' ) 11.~ I~ .~ 10.n "" . " "" , '" H. '" ". ". .n, ,. Ion I• • • ".S, l .ll '. 7l l.SJ li n 16 I I '" •• IH l .. IS II "•• n,, .~ H ' TaM. 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