community - Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation


community - Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
—Mahatma Gandhi
There is a power in each of us to create change.
To make the place we live better. To inspire, educate, engage and include.
To unleash opportunity and create possibility. To share. To give.
To change lives forever.
Message from the
chair and the president
Friends of the Community Foundation:
The Duluth Superior Area Community
Foundation provides meaningful opportunities
for philanthropy, addresses the changing
needs of our communities, builds permanent
charitable capital and engages in community
leadership activities that support a vibrant and
healthy region. These are the commitments
we made in our current strategic plan.
The incredible and inspiring stores that
appear in our 2014 Annual Report
demonstrate these important commitments.
Dan and Cathy Mundt’s creation of
the Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Scholarship Fund for Late Bloomers has
provided scholarship opportunities for
students because someone believed in them
Claudia Scott Welty
Chair, Board of Trustees
and in their ability to succeed. CHUM’s
Family Coaches Program at the Steve O’Neil
Apartments brings innovation to breaking
the cycle of homelessness for families. Kelly
Stark, one of our many scholarship recipients,
will be using her degree to make a difference
with marginalized populations. And the
Mentor Superior program is providing
positive adult role models for deserving
children and young people.
All of these stories document the compelling
ability in each of us to make a difference.
And what a difference these individuals
have made through permanent,
meaningful philanthropy.
in Dr. Robert D. Putnam’s new book,
Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis. We
were pleased to bring Dr. Putnam back to
our Annual Celebration to inform us about
his new research. We share his concerns
about the troubling opportunity gap and look
forward to working with donors and nonprofit
organizations who are interested in tackling
this critical need.
As we work toward our next strategic plan
during the coming year, we hope to hear from
you. We would like to engage with you as we
work together to make this an even better
place to live for all of our kids. Thank you for
creating change in our region.
These stories also address the diminishing
opportunities for young people as captured
Holly C. Sampson
Changing the path of
young lives by ending
family homelessness
Imagine you’re six years old. You don’t
know when you will eat next, where you
will sleep tonight, or if you will be able
to make it to school tomorrow. You and
your family are homeless. All you can
think about is surviving from day to
day. Your life has been this way for as
long as you can remember.
Now imagine a place specifically
created to end family homelessness.
It’s the Steve O’Neil Apartments
in Duluth. It’s a safe, warm place
designed around your well-being. You
move in. You’re no longer homeless.
But how do you act? How do you and
your family relate to other people?
What is possible for you now?
“To end family homelessness we
not only have to provide permanent,
supportive housing,” says Lee Stuart,
executive director of Churches United
in Ministry (CHUM). “We must give
each member of the family the skills
and resources they need to move
beyond the traumatizing experience
of being homeless, to a place of
possibility and self-actualization.”
The Family Coaches Program at the
Steve O’Neil Apartments was created
to help families stabilize their lives.
The Duluth Superior Area Community
Foundation’s Fair Chance Fund is
helping fund the program. The Fair
Chance Fund challenges leaders in
education and human services to think
in fresh ways about the nature and
delivery of services to low-income
people, and to support innovative and
collaborative projects that
empower families in our region
to overcome poverty.
“Thanks to the Community
Foundation, Family Coaches at the
Steve O’Neil Apartments are creating
an environment of security, warmth,
friendship and support,” says Lee.
“They are actively listening, helping
families dream and set goals, holding
them accountable for taking steps to
achieve those goals, never giving up on
them, sustaining possibility, building
community within families, between
families and between the families and
the community. It is a big job with the
potential to create incredible change.”
Creating change by
being a mentor
You would be amazed at what spending
an afternoon at the park, baking cookies
or going to a ball game can do for a child
in need of an adult role model. Having an
adult listen and show interest in who you
are can raise your self-confidence, improve
your outlook on life and even make you
more likely to do better in school. That kind
of friendship is what Mentor Superior is
providing for over 40 children in Superior
right now.
“Mentor Superior is unique because it was
started in 2011 by a group of community
leaders attending a Leadership Superior
program,” says Callie Ronstrom, the
Duluth Area Family YMCA’s Mentor
Duluth director. “The group was working
on a project to improve the community and
decided that starting with its young people
was vital.”
Research by the SEARCH Institute reveals
that one of the most important indicators as
to whether a child will succeed in life is the
number of positive adult role models they
have as they are growing up. The young
people served by Mentor Superior are
between 5–17. They come from single parent
families. Most are living in poverty. Having a
positive adult outside their family who cares
for them is crucial for their psychological
development and can lead to creating options
for them that can break the cycle of poverty
in their family.
Salisa Hochstetler, Mentor Superior
program coordinator is that full-time person.
According to her and board member
Melissa Brown, the Duluth Superior Area
Community Foundation’s Community
Opportunity Fund is helping provide the
much needed funding to ensure Mentor
Superior is able to serve as many children
waiting for a mentor as possible. One of the
purposes of the Community Opportunity
Fund is to strengthen the organizational
capacity of grantees to sustainably and
effectively fulfill their mission.
“Mentor Superior uses the same model
as Mentor Duluth,” says Callie. “Since its
creation Mentor Superior has been kept alive
by a strong, active and committed board.
However, in order to grow and serve more
children a full-time staff person was needed
to take care of the day-to-day operation of
the program.”
“It is amazing what simply spending time
with a child can do,” says Callie. “We
couldn’t sustain this program without the
help of the Community Foundation.”
Getting an education
to change the world
Kelly Stark has had her share of
setbacks. They include a divorce
that left her a single parent and a
fire that resulted in losing everything
she owned.
Through it all, Kelly has found a way
to keep positive and keep going.
“After my divorce I realized that I
couldn’t provide enough income for
my son and me to live independently,”
says Kelly. “I knew I had to get at least
a four-year degree.”
Two scholarships from the Duluth
Superior Area Community Foundation
designed for primary caregivers of
one or more children, plus a job on
campus, are helping Kelly pursue a
degree in psychology from The College
of St. Scholastica.
“After the fire, I realized what
community means. I had only been
going to my church for about three
weeks when church members collected
donations to completely supply my
kitchen. Friends, family and neighbors
also came to my rescue,” says Kelly.
“I feel such a part of this community.”
Kelly plans to use her education to
evoke positive change.
“I plan to use my degree to work with
populations that are marginalized,”
says Kelly. “In our society there is
such stigma around mental health
and homelessness. I want to start a
conversation about the issues these
populations are facing. Without
conversation there cannot be
education. Without education there
cannot be collaboration and without
collaboration there cannot be change.”
At an annual Duluth Superior Area
Community Foundation dinner for
scholarship recipients, Kelly met
some of the other students who
are benefiting from Community
Foundation scholarships.
“They give opportunities to many
different people,” says Kelly. “I met
a woman who is going to become a
science teacher. Think of how many
little girls she can affect. I met so many
people at the dinner from so many
life situations. They were all treated
with respect and dignity. Community
Foundation donors are making a
positive change in the lives of many
who otherwise couldn’t afford to go
back to school.”
Passionate about
creating change for
tomorrow’s children
If you spend any amount of time with
attorney Dan Mundt, you’ll soon realize
he’s a man who has left very little on the
table during his eighty-seven years. His life
has taken him from the farms and mills of
northern Wisconsin in the 1930s, to the
Philippine islands of the South Pacific in
World War II as Commander of Battery
“B” 24th Battalion, 12th Infantry Division,
Philippine Scouts to representing American
business icons.
Dan’s professional life has been rich and
varied and has included many undertakings
outside of his thriving legal practice. For
over eighteen years, he taught Business Law
and created and taught an advanced class
in Government Regulation of Business
at the University of Minnesota, Duluth.
For 23 years, he was a speaker on Pension
and Health Funds at annual meetings
(5,000–6,000 attendees) for the nonprofit
International Foundation of Employee Benefit
Plans. Also, as requested, he developed a
code of ethics for the administration of all
employee benefit plans. For 35 years, he was
Chairman of the Legacy & Endowment
Fund Committee at Glen Avon Presbyterian
Church. The fund created and administered
five programs including a scholarship
program for Late Bloomers.
What’s even more impressive is the amount
of meaning Dan has packed into his life
between those historic milestones—64 years
of marriage, five children, volunteerism,
advocacy and leadership roles too numerous
to name here. Through it all, Dan has
worked to create positive change for all he
has touched.
“I couldn’t do it all without my wife, Cathy,”
says Dan. “She helped me through law school
while teaching elementary school, fourth
grade, for the Minneapolis School District.
She has been and continues to be a tireless
community advocate with me. I always say
that she raised six kids—our five children,
plus me.”
Dan and Cathy’s philosophy has been to
give their children both “roots” and “wings.”
That philosophy has formed their passion
for creating change for young people who
may not have the same opportunities as
others. In 2003, they worked with the Duluth
Superior Area Community Foundation to
create the Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Scholarship Fund for Late Bloomers—
similar in nature to the Glen Avon Legacy &
Endowment Fund Late Bloomers Scholarship
program. As the name implies, the Late
Bloomers scholarship is for high school
seniors who have not yet realized their full
potential. It seeks to balance some of the
inequality of opportunities among children.
Since its creation many Duluth high school
seniors who may not have considered
postsecondary education have had a chance
to realize that someone believed that they
could succeed.
Dan is a man of deep faith and is devoted to
the practice of EMPATHY.
“I believe that spending time with a child,
listening and just being with them is more
important than anything else,” says Dan.
“I owe much to those who have mentored,
shared, taught and guided me along the way.
Helping a child to realize his or her potential
by showing EMPATHY is essential.”
Dan and Cathy have been described as
“two of the most kind-hearted and generous
humanitarians I know.” Besides their donations
to the Community Foundation through
the Late Bloomers Fund, they have also
contributed to multiple Duluth organizations
through their other Community Foundation
Funds. Individually they remain extremely
active and generous to the community.
Dan is currently working on a project
called Gender Matters, which involves
IMMERSING children in nature without
using a set classroom curriculum. Gender
Matters is designed to encourage children to
make nature and school an essential part of
their life. The program seeks to help children
develop self-esteem, self-confidence, selfassurance and self-acceptance through their
experience with nature and education.
“We have had a good life with many
experiences and opportunities,” says Dan.
“We are blessed, thankful and always ready
to give back.”
New Funds in 2014
Toby and Sharon Marcovich Charitable
Fund supports a nonprofit organization
designated by the donor.
PPREP Operating Fund supports the efforts
of Philanthropic Preparedness, Resiliency,
Emergency Partnership (PPREP) and the
Community Foundation’s work toward
disaster recovery.
Alexandra Smith Fund - In Support of
Native American Treaty Rights, part of the
Apostle Islands Area Community Fund
family of funds, supports programs that
create understanding, appreciation and
promotion of Native American/Indigenous
People treaty rights and programs that
support leadership opportunities.
Disaster Recovery and Resilience Fund
responds to unmet community needs,
short-term, medium-term and long-term;
recovery plans which improve quality of
life; and efforts to make communities more
resilient to disaster stresses.
West Wind Fund, part of the Apostle
Islands Area Community Fund family
of funds, encourages preservation in
Bayfield, Wisconsin by providing grants for
preservation projects particularly relating to
building or rebuilding/reimagining historic
sites and/or protecting historic places on
public lands.
Lakewood Elementary School Foundation
Fund supports the foundation’s mission
to enhance the quality of educational
opportunities for Lakewood Elementary
School and Lakewood Montessori Preschool
West Wisconsin Land Trust Stewardship and
Defense Fund supports stewardship and
legal defense of conservation easements
and fee title properties held by the West
Wisconsin Land Trust.
Frank L. Barrows II Memorial Scholarship
Fund, part of the Eveleth Area Community
Foundation Fund family of funds, honors
the memory of Frank L. Barrows II by
awarding a college scholarship to a student
from Eveleth-Gilbert Senior High School.
Peter Bye Family Scholarship Fund will
provide scholarships for medical school
students attending the University of
Minnesota Medical School - Duluth, who
are pursuing Family Practice. Priority shall
be given to those students demonstrating a
commitment to serve rural/small towns in
the region for a minimum of five years upon
completion of their medical degree.
Jean Hustad Scholarship Fund recognizes
the academic achievements of female high
school students who have lived in Duluth
for three or more years and attend school
(including home schools) in the city of
Duluth. Applicants must plan to attend
a 2 or 4 year college or university upon
completion of high school.
Harold and Laura Jorgenson Memorial
Scholarship Fund honors Harold and Laura
Jorgenson by helping to fund the college
education of graduates of Duluth public
schools and/or Ely Memorial High School
who intend to major in Environmental
Science or Social Work, with particular
emphasis on students who would be the
first of their family to attend college.
Scott Scholarship Fund, part of the Cook
County Community Fund family of funds,
benefits graduates of ISD#166 - Cook
County High School who are named as
valedictorian or salutatorian each year.
Duluth Airmen Scholarship Fund provides
financial assistance to the children of
current or former 148th Fighter Wing
personnel who are attending institutions
of higher education.
Previously Created Funds
Business Leaders Fund maximizes the
impact of the charitable contributions
of businesses in the area by building a
philanthropic bridge between our business
community and the many nonprofit
organizations that provide vital programs
for our area. Members of the Business
Leaders Fund are:
BMO Harris Bank (in memory of Robert D. Banks);
CLM Corporation;
Capstan Corporation;
Duluth News Tribune;
Duluth Winnipeg and Pacific Railway Company;
Enbridge Energy Partners;
Essentia Health;
Evening Telegram/Morgan Murphy Media;
Hanft Fride, A Professional Association;
Minnesota Power;
Moline Machinery LLC;
National Bank of Commerce;
North Shore Bank of Commerce;
St. Mary Land & Exploration Company;
United General Constructors, Inc.
(in memory of Herbert Klippen);
U.S. Bank;
W.P. & R.S. Mars Company;
Wells Fargo Bank. 1988
Leaders Fund are:
Martha B. Alworth;
Abbot G. Apter;
Barker’s Island Marina;
Richard R. Burns;
Mark Danielson and Theresa Smith;
Essentia Health;
Karen and John Fillenworth;
Anne and Jon Holy;
Helena Jackson;
Howard and Barb Klatzky;
Frances and Joseph Leek;
Ilene Levin and Steve Goldfine;
Blair and Anna Mahan;
Ann and Bob Mars;
Mary E. Millard;
PLB Properties;
Fariba Pendleton;
Arend J. and Verna Sandbulte;
James H. Stewart;
Donald L. and Susan C. Wallgren;
Thomas B. Wheeler;
Jim and Mary Zastrow. 2000
Community Foundation Services Fund
provides direct support for the operating
costs of the Community Foundation. Gifts to
this fund maximize the dollars available for
grant making. 1984
A vital part of the resources of the
Community Foundation, unrestricted funds
provide flexible earnings which can adapt
to the needs of the community as it evolves
over time.
Alberta Fund 2007
Anonymous Friend Fund 2005
Barnum Fund 1993
Dr. and Mrs. Bernhard Boecker
Charitable Fund 1996
Community Leaders Fund recognizes
businesses and individuals that have
provided outstanding resources to address
our region’s charitable needs, now and in
the future. Members of the Community
Community Opportunity Fund was created
by the gifts of many generous donors
wishing to benefit the community as a
whole. People from all walks of life have
pooled contributions into this fund, creating
a permanent legacy for our community.
William, Florence and Dorothy Burns
Family Fund 1996
Campbell Family Charitable Fund 1984
Cleveland Family Fund 2003
Family Service Sharing Fund 1989
Todd, Susan, Matthew and Hilary Johnson 2007 Charitable Fund 2007
Levin/Goldfine Fund 2008
Wildey H. Mitchell Family Fund 1991
Moline Family Fund 1993
Hazel B. and A. Wallace Niss
Charitable Fund 2009
P.L.B. Memorial Fund 2008
Erick Peter Person Memorial Fund 2003
Ruth H. Richards Fund 2004
Carolyn Joy Seitz Family Fund 1996
Dr. William and Kay Slack Family Fund 2011
William G. Strobel, M.D., Family Fund 1991
Weckwerth-Sampson Family Fund 1991
Johns S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Fund assists a wide variety of communitybased projects and nonprofit organizations
that would not normally receive Knight
Foundation support. 1993
Living Legacy Fund is an excellent option
for donors wishing to honor loved ones and
friends forever, either as a memorial or on
occasions of celebration. 1983
Second Chance Endowment Fund takes a
creative twist by making grants to qualified
applicants who previously applied for,
but did not receive grants, due to limited
Community Foundation resources. 2006
Young Leaders Fund recognizes young
adults and their efforts to assist in making
the Duluth/Superior community an exciting
place to live. 2007
John T. and Elizabeth C. Adams Arts Fund
is designed to attract programs of artistic
quality to the Duluth/Superior area. 1984
Scott D. Anderson Leadership Foundation
Fund sponsors high quality, value-based
leadership training and/or scholarships
recognizing leadership accomplishments for
youth. 1999
2012 Flood Immediate Response Fund
responds to the harm caused by the historic
flood of June 20, 2012 focusing on shortand medium-term needs. 2012
Scott D. Anderson Leadership Foundation
Operating Fund supports the operating
activities of the Scott D. Anderson
Leadership Foundation Fund. 1999
Fund for the Environment reflects growing
community concern and awareness of our
interdependency with our environment.
Samuel F. Atkins and Barbara H. Atkins
Memorial Fund helps low-income,
disadvantaged people meet their basic
human needs and enables projects which
involve animals. 1992
Fair Chance Fund encourages innovative
projects to reduce long-term dependency on
public assistance programs, decrease the
effects of poverty on children, and provide
opportunities for economic self-sufficiency.
Central Mesabi Fund for Human Services
assists agencies that directly help lowincome people cope with their basic needs
and problems from Coleraine to Mountain
Iron. 1989
Community Parks and Recreation Program
Fund provides funding for neighborhoodbased enhancements and recreation
services in Duluth’s parks, recreation and
trails system. The program is funded by
the City of Duluth Parks Fund approved by
voters in 2011. 2012
Community Parks and Recreation Program
Operating Fund supports the work of the
Community Parks and Recreation Program
Fund. 2012
Douglas County Disaster and Welfare Fund
was created in 1919 by the Superior Chapter of
the Red Cross and residual gifts to the Superior
Fire Relief Committee and later transferred to
the Community Foundation. 1984
2012 Flood Early Recovery Fund responds to
unmet community needs and assists in the
development and implementation of flood
recovery plans in cooperation with other
local grant making organizations. 2012
Four Cedars Environmental Fund supports
programs and organizations that are
involved in the protection, preservation and
education of the unique natural resources
found primarily within the western Lake
Superior watershed. 2006
C.E. Fuller, Jr. and M.K. Fuller Fund,
created in 1963 and later transferred to the
Community Foundation, supports human
service programs in the region. 1997
Arthur and Winnie Gurovitsch Children’s
Fund, in honor of Arthur Gurovitsch’s
kindness towards children, creates
opportunities for less fortunate children.
Lakeview Arts Fund supports local arts
organizations and other local organizations
which undertake art projects. 2006
Emile H. Mathis II Fund supports Douglas
County programs which help low income,
disadvantaged people meet their basic
needs and encourages projects which
involve animals, attend to the welfare of
animals, or which alleviate the suffering of
animals. 2012
Morgan Fund highlights projects that foster
community pride or economically impact
the Twin Ports in general, with a goal of
making grants equally to Superior and
Duluth. 1984
Riverfront Community Fund supports
nonprofit organizations serving the
Riverfront communities of Riverside,
Smithville, Morgan Park, Gary-New Duluth
and Fond du Lac. 1991
Silver Bay Charitable Fund provides
financial assistance to projects and
programs that aid and support low-income
residents of Silver Bay and its vicinity. 2001
G. Kendall Smith Fund for the Physically
Disabled and Visually Impaired supports
organizations whose main purpose is
servicing people with physical disabilities or
visual impairments. 1990
Jane S. Smith Memorial Fund encourages
and enables organizations which provide
artistic and cultural traditions in the Duluth
area. 1992
Superior-Douglas County Arts Fund
supports projects and programs which help
people develop an appreciation for the arts
and to make a variety of multicultural arts
experiences accessible to everyone. 2006
Laurie A. Wermter Library Fund aids libraries
and archives in northwest Wisconsin,
primarily Douglas County, in achieving
outstanding library service and preserving
the history of the area. 2003
Wetherby Fund helps children with their
educational and basic material needs, as
well as helps them appreciate nature. 1997
Esperanza Fund allows the donor to
participate actively in the grant making
process. 2007
Red Oak Fund allows the donor to
participate actively in the grant making
process. 2000
Dale Heimbach Wheeler Memorial Fund
assists projects that address children’s
education, chemical dependency services,
family counseling, and women and
violence. 1995
Global Awareness Fund assists projects
that increase community awareness of our
global interdependence and promote citizen
participation in global issues. 1983
Elva B. and Mitchell J. Sill Family Fund
allows the donor to participate actively in
the grant making process. 2003
Henry and Sarah Wheeler Historical
Awareness Fund supports projects that
promote awareness of our region’s rich,
untapped historical legacy and inspire
others to participate in preserving and
promoting the region’s history. 2005
Wisconsin Arts Board Fund supports arts
activities in Douglas County. 2003
A&A Enterprises Charitable Fund allows
donors to participate actively in the grant
making process. 2007
Anishinabe Fund fosters cultural awareness
of Ojibwe traditions while encouraging
the migration of ideas and promoting the
respect for the Ojibwe culture. 1991
Apter Family Fund allows the donor to
participate actively in the grant making
process. 1998
Aspen Fund II allows donors to participate
actively in the grantmaking process. 2009
Biodiversity Fund supports efforts to
maintain, strengthen, preserve, and restore
biodiversity habitats in the Duluth/Superior
region. 2010
Michael Adam Carroll Memorial
Fund provides financial resources to
organizations that provide services to
disabled youth and their families. 2005
Knight Fund supports a variety of
community, cultural, and civic projects and
nonprofit organizations. 2002
John Allan Kunz Fund for Reminiscence and
Life Review provides grants to nonprofit
organizations and educational institutions
that promote the use of reminiscence and
life review through research, practice and
volunteer work. 2011
LHB Foundation Fund allows the donor
to participate actively in the grant making
process. 2012
Ilene Levin and Steven Goldfine Charitable
Fund allows the donor to participate actively
in the grant making process. 2012
Lone Wolf Fund creates the opportunity
to promote environmental education; to
advance medical science through research;
and to increase educational opportunities
for international students attending postsecondary institutions. 1999
E. C. Mason Fund allows the donor to
participate actively in the grantmaking
process. 2009
Moline Family Donor Advised Fund allows
the donor to participate actively in the grant
making process. 2003
Nordling Family Fund allows the donor
to participate actively in the grant making
process. 2007
Philip H. and Barbara Strom Family
Charitable Fund allows the donor to
participate actively in the grant making
process. 2008
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund allows the donor
to actively participate in the grant making
process. 2013
Wells Fargo Bank Fund allows the donor
to participate actively in the grant making
process. 2004
Wirtanen Family Fund, in memory of Sylvia
Wirtanen, encourages progressive social
change, broadens participation in our
democratic society, and promotes justice.
Anonymous I Charitable Fund supports two
nonprofit organizations in the Duluth area.
Anonymous Friend Designated Fund
supports nonprofit organizations designed
by the donor. 2005
Attracting and Maintaining Young People
Fund supports the efforts of the Attracting
and Maintaining Young People Initiative of
the DSACF. 2006
Attracting and Maintaining Young People
One Stop Shop Fund supports the efforts of
the Attracting and Maintaining Young People
Initiative by creating a website. 2007
Duluth Edison Charter School Legacy
Endowment Fund was established
to enhance the scope and quality of
educational opportunities at Duluth Edison
Charter Schools. 2013
Duluth Legacy Operating Fund supports the
activities of the Duluth Legacy Endowment
Fund. 2008
Duluth Public Schools Temporary Fund
supports activities of the Duluth Public
Schools. 1996
Duluth-Superior Sharing Fund enables
human service agencies to provide small
cash grants to vendors on behalf of lowincome clients at times of critical need.
Manley and Lillian Goldfine Gold Star
Teacher Award Fund recognizes and rewards
outstanding educators of ISD#709 - Duluth
Public Schools. 2006
Manley and Lillian Goldfine Gold Star
Temporary Fund supports the operations
related to the Manley and Lillian Goldfine
Gold Star Teacher Award Fund. 2006
Howard J. and Barb Ignatius Fund provides
funding to support technology at Denfeld
High School and the Proctor High School
English Department. 2006
Initiatives General Operating Fund
supports the activities of the Community
Foundation’s Initiatives. 2008
Edna M. & H. Anna Jenks’ Charitable Fund
was originally created in 1956 to support
twelve nonprofit organizations designated
by the donor. The Fund was later transferred
to the Community Foundation. 1985
Knight Creative Communities Initiative
Fund helps support the activities of the KCCI
project in the Duluth/Superior area. 2007
Levin-Goldfine Twin Ports Jewish
Community Fund supports Temple Israel
and/or other mainstream, progressive
Jewish houses of worship and/or
progressive Jewish educational programs
located in Duluth or Superior. 2013
Douglas H. and Judith H. Lewis Memorial
Fund supports two nonprofit organizations
in the Duluth area. 1994
Lorntson Family Fund supports five
nonprofit organizations designated by the
donor. 2006
Mattson Family Education Fund provides
support to the nursing and theatre
departments of three universities. 2012
Millennium Group Speak Your Peace Fund
supports the ongoing efforts of the Speak
Your Peace Civility Project and the nine
tools of civility. 2003
Gregory S. and Barbara J. Miller Charitable
Lead Trust supports land and water
conservation by the West Wisconsin Land
Trust in the St. Croix and Lake Superior
watersheds. 2007
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt Charitable
Fund supports fifteen nonprofit programs
in the Duluth area and provides scholarship
support through the Daniel H. and Catherine
L. Mundt Scholarship Fund for Late
Bloomers. 1994
Hazel B. and A. Wallace Niss/Human
Development Center Endowment Fund
supports the Human Development Center’s
ongoing operations. 2009
Nordling Family Designated Fund I supports
two nonprofit organizations in Duluth. 2007
Northeast Minnesota Sharing Fund enables
human service agencies to provide small
cash grants to vendors on behalf of lowincome clients at times of critical need.
Northern Bible Society - Daniel H. and
Catherine L. Mundt Charitable Fund was
established to continue in perpetuity the
work of the Northern Bible Society. 2006
Rauha Fund supports four nonprofit
organizations in Minnesota. 2012
Kenneth and Concetta Schoen Duluth
Public Schools Fund provides supplemental
funding to enrich the academic, cultural,
athletic, and overall experience of students
and staff, and to encourage and reward
creativity and innovation in the pursuit of
excellence in education in the Duluth Public
Schools. 2013
Slonim Temporary Fund provides the donor
the opportunity to participate in the grant
making process as they see an apparent
need. 1995
G. Kendall Smith Fund supports two
nonprofit organizations in the Duluth area.
Social Capital Benchmark Survey Fund
supports the efforts of the Social Capital
Benchmark Survey first conducted during
2006 in the Duluth/Superior area. 2006
Superior-Douglas County Arts Operating
Fund supports the activities of the SuperiorDouglas County Arts Fund. 2006
Henry E. Walter/Cloquet Rotary Club
Fund supports the Cloquet Rotary Club’s
scholarship program. 1998
Courage Center Duluth Fund supports
recreational programs for youth and
families with disabilities. 2007
White Pine Fund supports four nonprofit
organizations designated by the donor.
Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund provides
support to the City of Duluth for public
projects. 2005
Young Leaders Operating Fund supports the
activities of the Young Leaders Fund. 2007
Duluth Playhouse Endowment Fund
supports the continued operations of the
Duluth Playhouse. 1996
Aitkin Education Foundation Fund was
established to enhance the scope and
quality of educational opportunities in the
Aitkin Public Schools. 2011
Animal Allies Endowment Fund supports
the organization’s mission to ensure a
lifetime of loving care for every pet by
reducing overpopulation, increasing
adoption and fostering humane values.
Building for Women Fund supports the
charitable purposes of the Building for
Women, located in Duluth. 2000
Mike Colalillo Medal of Honor Scholarship
Fund provides greater visibility and support
for the St. Louis County Historical Society
and its Veterans’ Memorial Hall program.
Carlton County Historical Society
Foundation Fund supports the Carlton
County Historical Society’s efforts to collect,
preserve and disseminate the history of
Carlton County. 1999
Center on Alcohol and Drug Problems Fund
was created to support, in perpetuity, the
Center on Alcohol and Drug Problems. 1987
Cloquet Educational Foundation Fund
is dedicated to the youth of the Cloquet
community. 1994
Duluth Public Schools Fund was established
to gain greater visibility and support for
Duluth Public Schools by supporting
innovative and creative educational
projects. 1984
Girl Scouts - Northern Pine Council
Endowment Fund ensures funds for the
future of Girl Scouting. 1986
Goodwill Future Fund was created to realize
the advantages of broader investment
management and gain greater visibility for
Goodwill Industries. 1995
Greater Proctor Area Scholarship
Foundation Fund provides greater visibility
and support for the foundation and its many
scholarships. 2004
Hartley Nature Center Endowment
Fund provides a resource to further the
environmental education programs and
stewardship activities of the Hartley Nature
Center. 2008
Lake Superior Chamber Orchestra
Endowment Fund supports the continued
growth of the LSCO summer concert series.
Lakeview Christian Academy Fund provides
a solid financial foundation for the Academy
so that its families and the community
benefit from its vision of providing
academic excellence in a Christ-centered
educational environment. 2009
Lighthouse for the Blind Endowment Fund
was established to realize the advantages
of broader investment management and
to gain greater visibility for the Duluth
Lighthouse for the Blind. 1998
Lutheran Social Service Endowment Fund
supports services provided by Lutheran
Social Service of Minnesota in its northeast
region. 1999
Marshall School Endowment Fund was
established to gain greater visibility for
Marshall School in partnership with other
community organizations. 1996
Minnesota Academic Excellence Foundation
Fund was established to gain greater
visibility for the nonprofit organization.
Minnesota Ballet Endowment Fund
supports the artistic and educational
activities of the Minnesota Ballet. 2003
Minnesota Ballet and Duluth News Tribune
Performing Arts Fund for Kids was created
to enhance the artistic development of
young people. 2000
North Shore Community School
Endowment Fund supports communitybased elementary education through a
public charter school. 2001
Rails Endowment for Academic Art Athletic
Development, REA3D, was created to
receive, manage and disburse resources for
the lifelong learning experiences of Proctor
school district residents. 1997
Ralph S. Knowlton Lake Superior Marine
Museum Endowment Fund was established
to realize the advantages of broader
investment management and to gain
greater visibility. 1992
RSI Margaret Moser Memorial Fund
supports Residential Services, Inc. of
Northeastern Minnesota in its mission to
provide innovative services to support the
lives of people with disabilities. 2000
Second Harvest Michael E. Miner Hunger
Endowment Fund ensures food resources
for in-need residents in the service area of
the Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food
Bank. 2005
Spirit Mountain Recreation Area Authority
Fund provides greater visibility and support
for the organization. 2008
Superior Hiking Trail Association
Endowment Fund supports efforts to build,
promote, maintain, protect and preserve
a hiking trail along the ridgeline of Lake
Superior’s North Shore. 2000
United Way of Greater Duluth Endowment
Fund provides greater visibility and support
for the organization. 1984
Weisberg Memorial Fund was created to
support the School District of Superior.
West Wisconsin Land Trust Fund supports
the stewardship of permanently conserved
forests, lakes, rivers, farms, and open
spaces in the Lake Superior watershed.
YMCA of Superior-Douglas County
Endowment Fund was established to
gain greater visibility for the nonprofit
organization. 1987
YWCA Fund was established to gain greater
visibility and to realize the advantages of
broader investment management. 1985
Anderson Niskanen Scholarship Fund
provides assistance for seniors from Duluth
public high schools who are in financial
need for higher education at UMD or the
U of MN-Twin Cities. 1998
Paul Antonich Scholarship Fund honors
Paul’s spirit by providing a scholarship to
an ISD#709 senior boy on his school’s track
or cross-country team who encourages
others, demonstrates dedication and good
citizenship, and promotes team unity. 2000
Darrell and Palchie Asselin Scholarship Fund
provides needed financial assistance to the
non-traditional student at UMD, CSS or
UWS. 1993
William E. Barto Scholarship Fund provides
scholarships to high school seniors of
Duluth and Superior who plan to major in
the arts and attend UMD or UWS. 1995
Bernard B. Brusin and Mary L. Brusin
Scholarship Fund provides renewable
scholarships to Jewish and Roman Catholic
students for college or vocational training.
Riley Burnell Criminal Justice Memorial
Scholarship Fund awards a college
scholarship to a student from Koochiching
County who is interested in pursuing a
career in the criminal justice system. 2013
Allen Butler Minority Law Enforcement
Scholarship Fund provides financial
assistance to people of color to begin or
continue law enforcement training at a postsecondary institution. 1996
Chester Bowl Temporary Scholarship
Fund for Inclusivity and Diversity provides
financial assistance for families wishing
to participate in the Chester Bowl ski
program who would otherwise be unable to
participate for financial reasons. 2013
Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial
Scholarship Fund provides financial
assistance to students of the Duluth/
Superior area so that they can pursue their
goals in higher education. 2009
Duluth Building & Construction Trades
Council Operating Scholarship Fund
supports the operations of the Duluth
Building & Construction Trades Council
Scholarship Fund. 2005
Duluth Building & Construction Trades
Council Scholarship Fund provides
scholarships to children of members of
unions affiliated with the Duluth Building
Trades Council. 2000
Duluth Central High School Alumni
Scholarship Fund, originally established
by the Central Class of 1944, provides
assistance for post-secondary education to
seniors who once attended Duluth Central
High School. 1999
Duluth Central Sports Association Legacy
Scholarship Fund provides awards to
graduating athletes of Duluth public high
schools who reside in the geographic area
originally served by Duluth Central High
School. 2010
Julie Enberg Memorial Scholarship Fund,
honoring Julie’s dedication to sports and
her community, provides assistance to
female undergraduate athletes at UMD.
Peter M. Gargano Operating Scholarship
Fund supports the operations of the Peter
M. Gargano Scholarship Fund. 2003
Peter M. Gargano Scholarship Fund
provides financial assistance to the children
of the employees of Ulland Brothers for
post-secondary education. 1992
Gernander Scholarship Fund provides
assistance for post-secondary education
to seniors of Denfeld High School with
good character who combine athletic and
academic accomplishments. 1998
Colonel Lawrence H. Golberg Aviation
Scholarship Fund honors the memory
of Vietnam pilot, Lawrence Golberg, by
providing scholarships for post-secondary
pilot training in the Duluth area. 2003
Patricia S. Gustafson ‘56 Memorial
Scholarship Fund awards a renewable
scholarship to a graduating female senior
from Denfeld or Marshall School who
exemplifies the life of Patricia Gustafson.
Jeanne H. Hemmingway Scholarship Fund
provides assistance to high school seniors
in Lake, Cook and St. Louis counties to
attend the University of Minnesota Duluth.
Gus and Henrietta Hill Scholarship Fund,
created by Henrietta Hill in memory of
her grandson, Roger C. Hill, Jr., provides
assistance for higher education to East High
School graduates. 2000
Greg Irons Award Fund honors the tenets
and beliefs of Greg Irons by rewarding the
efforts of Duluth Public Schools’ students
and the teachers who help them succeed.
Cory Jam Memorial Award Fund, created
with gifts from family and friends, provides
a scholarship for a Duluth East High School
graduate. 1988
Lake Superior Medical Society Tilderquist
Scholarship Fund provides scholarships
for students attending the University of
Minnesota Duluth medical school. 2005
Fred C. and Mary H. Lewis Scholarship
Fund provides assistance for deserving
students who could not otherwise afford to
attend Marshall School, a private college
preparatory school in Duluth. 1999
Fred C. and Mary H. Lewis UMD MBA
Scholarship Fund provides assistance
to students from the Duluth/Superior
area to attend UMD’s Master of Business
Administration (MBA) program. 2008
Emile H. Mathis II Scholarship Fund
supports students majoring in art at the
University of Wisconsin - Superior. 2012
Ronald Joseph Mathis Scholarship Fund
supports students majoring in art at the
University of Wisconsin - Superior. 2012
Minnesota Power Community Involvement
Operating Scholarship Fund supports
the operations of the Minnesota Power
Community Involvement Scholarship Fund.
Minnesota Power Community Involvement
Scholarship Fund provides assistance
for high school seniors within Minnesota
Power’s service area who are active
volunteers in their communities. 1998
Minnesota Power New Generation
Scholarship Fund provides assistance to
full-time college students who attend school
in Minnesota Power’s service area and
major in a qualifying field of study. 2007
Minnesota Section, Society of Mining
Metallurgy and Exploration Scholarship
Fund provides assistance for the
undergraduate study of engineering or
geology, with priority to those interested
in working in Minnesota’s mining industry.
Modern Woodmen of America Scholarship
Fund, established by the Duluth Camp
No. 2341 Modern Woodmen of America,
provides assistance to the non-traditional
student in financial need. 1988
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Scholarship Fund for Late Bloomers
provides financial assistance for students
with potential from Duluth’s public high
schools. 1999
Hubert A. Nelson Scholarship Fund provides
scholarships for Duluth and Superior high
school seniors who intend to major in
business or accounting at UMD or UWS.
Amelia and Emanuel Nessell Family
Scholarship Fund, established as a
memorial, provides assistance for students
in financial need, with priority consideration
to Jewish applicants. 1997
Pay It Forward Scholarship Fund provides
the nearly 2700 recipients of DSACF
scholarships with an opportunity to return
gifts to the community. 2008
Minnesota Power New Generation
Operating Scholarship Fund supports the
operations of the Minnesota Power New
Generation Scholarship Fund. 2007
Richard B. Pearson Memorial Scholarship
Fund provides financial assistance to
students graduating from the Duluth Public
Schools who are pursuing an elementary or
secondary education degree. 2006
G. Scott Ransom Scholarship Fund of the
Duluth/Superior Alpine Club provides
financial awards for expenses associated
with pursuing a competitive ski experience.
Dr. Mark Rathke Family Scholarship Fund
provides a scholarship to a Marshall School
senior who has demonstrated school and/
or community involvement, leadership
qualities and hard-working behavior. 1999
Steve Rolland Youth Peacemaker Award
Fund honors youth who undertake
community peacemaking activities. 1996
Jack and Mary Rowe Memorial Scholarship
Fund rewards the academic excellence of
Duluth, Hermantown, and Proctor public
high school students who will pursue a
career in engineering. 2007
Lawrence E. and Mabel Jackson Rudberg
Scholarship Fund provides financial
assistance for post-secondary education
to Two Harbors and Duluth high schools
seniors. 1998
Saturn Systems Scholarship Fund awards
scholarships to outstanding seniors
from high schools located in seventeen
surrounding counties who intend to pursue
a degree in computer science at UMD. 2010
Saturn Systems Scholarship Operating
Fund supports the operations of the Saturn
Systems Scholarship Fund. 2010
Kenneth and Concetta Schoen Scholarship
Fund provides financial assistance for
students with potential from the public high
schools in Duluth. 2008
Phil Shykes Memorial Scholarship Fund
provides a scholarship to a Hermantown
High School senior. The recipient is chosen
on the basis of financial need, community
service and determination to pursue a
higher education. 1999
Small Business Education Fund encourages
the creation and retention of jobs in the
DSACF service area through a scholarship
program geared to strengthen the
management skills of those in small
business. 1987
Walter and Anna Soneson Scholarship Fund
provides scholarships for Duluth public high
school graduates of the Protestant faith.
Scholarships are granted on the basis of
academic merit, character and reasonable
need. 2013
Jean Quinn Sullivan Scholarship Fund
provides financial assistance to students
majoring in education at UWS, with priority
given to those who express an interest in
elementary education. 1997
John A. Sullivan Scholarship Fund provides
financial assistance for students majoring
in education at the University of WisconsinSuperior. 1996
Charlotte Ulland Scholarship Fund for
Girls provides assistance for girls who will
graduate from public high schools on Lake
Superior’s North Shore and continue their
studies at a public college or university in
Minnesota. 2009
Charlotte Ulland Scholarship for Girls
Operating Fund supports the activities of
the Charlotte Ulland Scholarship Fund for
Girls. 2009
Richard “Rick” Roy Washburn Memorial
Scholarship Fund provides financial
assistance to the children of Ulland
Brothers, Inc. employees who will attend
institutions of higher education. 2009
Richard “Rick” Roy Washburn Memorial
Scholarship Operating Fund supports
the activities of the Richard “Rick” Roy
Washburn Scholarship Fund. 2009
Robert B. and Sophia Whiteside Scholarship
Fund awards scholarships to seniors of
Duluth high schools who give evidence
of academic excellence, high character,
demonstrated leadership, and promise of
contributing to the betterment of society.
Kate Zinn Memorial Scholarship Fund
provides financial assistance to students
from St. Croix and Northwestern High
Schools in Douglas County for careers
working with children and/or teenagers.
Superior East High All-Class Reunion
Scholarship Fund provides a scholarship to
the descendant of a graduate of Superior
East High School. 1985
Affiliate Funds
Apostle Islands Area
Community Fund
Apostle Islands Area Community Fund
actively promotes private giving for the
public good of the Apostle Islands area.
The following funds, part of the Apostle
Islands area family of funds, address the
changing needs of the region served by the
Apostle Islands Area Community Fund:
Albrecht-Vogt Family Fund
Bodin Family Fund
Helen DeHaven Bush Family Fund
Hartnett-Helm Family Fund
Kierland-Henry Family Fund
Ann and Dave Locey Family Fund - 2000
Dr. Michael and Deanna Asbell Family Fund
Cleveland Family Fund
Joanne B. Hadland Family Fund
Bill and Marilyn Larson Family Fund
John S. Meier Family Fund
Edward and Dawn Michael Family Fund - 2001
Jerry and Mary Phillips Family Fund
Gene and Carole Qualle Family Fund - 2002
Bell Southmayd Lamont Family Fund
Collins Family Fund
Tom and Roxanne Frizzell Family Fund
Ole J. and Ingeborg Hadland Family Fund
Walt and Lin Pomeroy Family Fund
Tom and Liz Purcell Family Fund
Larry A. Reiten Family Fund
Robert and Carolyn Sneed Family Fund - 2003
Homeward Bound Fund - 2006
G.R.A.C.E. Fund - 2007
Eric and Laurel Lein Family Fund
Robert Tucker Family Fund – 2008
Apostle Islands Area Community Impact
Fund, created by an Otto Bremer Foundation
matching challenge, is used for operations
and/or grantmaking. 2009
Peter M. and Betty W. Rogers Fund allows
the donor to participate actively in the grant
making process. 2007
Grutzner Madeline Island Fund supports
nonprofit organizations serving Madeline
Island and its residents. 2006
Apostle Islands Area Community Operating
Fund supports activities of the Apostle
Islands Area Community Fund. 2000
Human Rights Fund supports projects that
promote tolerance and combat bigotry,
racism and discrimination in the Apostle
Islands area. 2000
Apostle Islands Area Community Fund
Program Services Fund provides direct
support for the operating costs of the
Community Foundation. 2002
Human Rights Temporary Fund supports
human rights projects in the BayfieldLaPointe-Red Cliff area. 2004
Apostle Islands Bremer Operating Fund
supports activities of the Apostle Islands
Area Community Fund. 2009
Michael Madeline Island Fund was
established to sustain the quality of life
on Madeline Island through its support of
nonprofit organizations located in or serving
Madeline Island. 2013
Martin Hanson Conservation Endowment
Fund supports the Friends of the Apostle
Islands National Lakeshore, Inc. 2008
Miskwaabikaang Fund (Red Cliff Fund)
grants to Red Cliff nonprofits which serve
that community with programs and services
that contribute to the traditional values
of the Ojibwe way of life through its arts,
language, medicinal foods and ceremonies.
Animal-Assisted Therapy Fund allows the
donor to participate actively in the grant
making process with a focus on animalassisted therapy for people of all ages
with mental, emotion, developmental and
psychological challenges, all in the memory
of Cordelia Anne Brinton. 2013
Ashwabay Outdoor Educational Foundation
Fund supports the foundation’s mission
to provide a quality, affordable outdoor
recreation experience that renews and
enhances the lives of people in the
Chequamegan Bay area. 2007
Bayfield Community Education Foundation
Fund supports the agency’s mission to
facilitate achievement of educational
excellence by students attending schools
located within the Bayfield School District.
Bayfield Heritage Association Fund supports
the agency’s mission to promote awareness,
appreciation and preservation of Bayfield’s
distinctive history. 2001
CORE Endowment Fund supports
the organization in bringing together
community and families to meet the needs
of seniors in the northern communities of
the Bayfield Peninsula. 2007
Madeline Island/LaPointe Community Clinic
Fund provides assistance to the clinic for
their daily operations. 2011
Madeline Island Public Library Fund was
established to assist the Library in their
services to Madeline Island residents. 2011
Chequamegon Bay Area
Community Fund
Chequamegon Bay Area Community
Fund actively promotes private giving for
the public good in the Ashland region.
Through its local advisory board, the Fund
works to attract and manage a permanent
endowment to address the area’s changing
needs. 2012
Chequamegon Bay Area Program Services
Endowment Fund was created to benefit the
operations of the Chequamegon Bay Area
Community Fund now and in the future.
Chequamegon Bay Bremer Operating Fund
supports the activities of the Chequamegon
Bay Area Community Fund. 2011
Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua Blue
Canvas Fund provides funds for the periodic
replacement of the Lake Superior Big Top
Chautauqua tent. 2001
Washburn Community Education
Foundation Fund supports the agency’s
mission to facilitate achievement of
educational excellence by students
attending schools located within the
Washburn School District. 2012
Cook County Community Fund
Cook County Community Fund actively
promotes private giving for the public good
of the Cook County area. 2003
The following funds, part of the Cook
County area family of funds, address the
changing needs of the region served by the
Cook County Community Fund:
Mike and Nancy Carlson Family Fund - 2010
Surbaugh Family Fund - 2012
Scott Hawkins Fund allows the donor to
participate actively in the grant making
process. 2006
Cook County Community Temporary Fund
will support the activities of the Cook
County Community Fund. 2004
Cook County Food Shelf Endowment
Fund ensures food resources for in-need
residents of Cook County. 2013
Frank G. DiMaio Fund will enable three
schools in Cook County to provide
instruction of Less Commonly Taught
Languages. 2007
Harris Family Fund provides support to nine
nonprofit organizations designated by the
donors. 2006
Beverly R. Uhrhammer Memorial Library
Fund provides funds to the Grand Marais
Public Library for purchasing high quality
children’s printed books to
add to circulation. 2005
Birch Grove Foundation Fund supports
programs and services to the west end of
the Cook County community in the areas of
training, education, recreation, health, and
wellness for all ages. 2005
Cook County Higher Education Fund
supports the programs of Cook County
Higher Education. 2006
Grand Marais Public Library Fund supports
the continued operations of the Grand
Marais Public Library. 2006
North House Folk School Endowment Fund
makes the campus an ever more dynamic
place to learn. 2006
Tofte Historical Society Fund supports the
continued operations of the Tofte Historical
Society. 2006
Violence Prevention Center Fund supports the
Center’s mission of eliminating domestic and
sexual violence against women, men, children
and their families in Cook County. 2004
WTIP Community Radio Fund fosters and
builds community connections, educates
and informs the public, and provides
entertainment through its broadcasts. 2004
Daniel Patrick Riley Memorial Scholarship
Fund provides scholarships to high school
graduates of Cook County High School who
wish to pursue a liberal arts education. 2010
Eveleth Area Community
Foundation Fund
Community Fund
Eveleth Area Community Foundation Fund
seeks to enhance and improve the quality
of life in the Eveleth area and encourages
others to do the same. 2008
Hermantown Community Fund actively
promotes private giving for the public good
in the Hermantown area. 2005
Eveleth 4th of July Fund supports the
Eveleth 4th of July Committee and its ability
to continue to provide 4th of July events in
the City of Eveleth. 2010
John and Carol Mayasich and Family Fund
allows the donor to participate actively in
the grant making process. 2012
Eveleth Area Community Foundation
Operating Fund supports the operations of
the Eveleth Area Community Foundation
Fund. 2008
Hermantown Community Operating Fund
supports the activities of the Hermantown
Community Fund. 2005
Kathryn A. Bullyan Scholarship Fund
provides recognition for volunteerism on
the part of graduating high school seniors
from Hermantown High School. 2010
Kathryn A. Bullyan Scholarship Operating
Fund supports the operations of the Kathryn
A. Bullyan Scholarship Fund. 2010
Jackson Club Scholarship Fund provides
awards for post-secondary education,
including college and vocational training,
to seniors from Hermantown High School.
Two Harbors Area Fund
Two Harbors Area Fund enhances the
quality of life of Two Harbors’ area
residents. 1998
The following fund, part of the Two Harbors
area family of funds, addresses the
changing needs of the region served by the
Two Harbors Area Community Fund:
Lyle and Trish Northey Family Fund – 1999
Two Harbors Major Project Fund provides
support to the Two Harbors Area Fund in
implementing a major project that promotes
“Quality of Life” for Two Harbors residents.
LaBounty Family Fund provides assistance
to projects which promote economic
development in the Two Harbors area. 2001
Ruth E. Ferguson Charitable Fund supports
the operation and purchase of books for the
Two Harbors Public Library. 2006
Two Harbors Area Operating Fund supports
the activities of the Two Harbors Area Fund.
Superior Shores Resort Scholarship Fund
provides financial assistance to students
from the Lake Superior School District who
are pursuing a career in the hospitality
industry. 2008
2014 Community Foundation Accomplishments
• We recognized leading nonprofits in the region: During our four year tradition of recognizing nonprofit
programs and projects that exemplify leadership in fostering the values of generosity, civic engagement and
inclusiveness, we recognized three forward-thinking organizations with our annual Touchstone Award.
Generosity: Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, Northland Flash Flood Disaster Response
Civic Engagement: Men as Peacemakers, Duluth Champion’s Initiative: Using Sports to Help Children Succeed
Inclusiveness: A Natural Branch of Learning, Sun on Everyone: Equity, Diversity & Accessibility
• We served donors through the establishment
of the following thirteen new funds:
• We built on our efforts to attract and
retain young adults in this region:
Frank L. Barrows II Memorial Scholarship Fund
• Exceeded the Young Leaders Fund goal of $370,000.00
by $30,350.00
Peter Bye Family Scholarship Fund
Disaster Recovery and Resilience Fund
Duluth Airmen Scholarship Fund
Jean Hustad Scholarship Fund
Harold and Laura Jorgenson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Lakewood Elementary School Foundation Fund
• Partnered with the Duluth News Tribune and maurices to
present the 20 Under 40 Awards
Toby and Sharon Marcovich Charitable Fund
• Sponsored FUSE Duluth
Philanthropic Preparedness, Resiliency, Emergency Partnership Operating Fund
• Supported TwinPortsConnex and NORTHFORCE: A Project to
Retain Young Adults in the Twin Ports Area
Scott Scholarship Fund
Alexandra Smith Fund - In Support of
Native American Treaty Rights
West Wind Fund
West Wisconsin Land Trust Stewardship and Defense Fund
• Responded to the Knight Foundation’s Give to the Max Day
Challenge of $32,000, for the second year in a row, raising
$33,530 together with finishing the ALLETE Chairman’s
Circle Challenge two years ahead of schedule
2014 Distribution of Duluth
Superior Area Community
Foundation Grants
• We are expanding our ability to implement a
philanthropic response to disasters: Because of
our philanthropic leadership in addressing the 2012
flash flood, we were selected as one of 17 community
foundations from across the Midwest to participate in a
new philanthropic-based disaster-preparedness, response,
and recovery program known as the Philanthropic
Preparedness, Resiliency, and Emergency Partnership
(PPREP). Designed to help community foundations
implement a philanthropic response to disasters, both in
the immediate aftermath and during long-term community
rebuilding and resiliency.
• We collaborated with multiple communities
throughout the United States to improve
public discourse through our Speak Your Peace:
The Civility Project initiative.
• We continued to be the largest grant maker
in the area by providing an integrated online
grant application process to benefit our
nonprofit grantees.
6% Arts
8% Community and
Economic Development
16% Education
8% Environment
25% Human Services
2% Other
35% Scholarship
• We were a catalyst for giving, distributing over
2.5 million dollars, in grants, affiliated grants,
scholarships and affiliated trust scholarships.
Legacy Circle
The Legacy Circle recognizes and embraces those generous individuals who have made
a planned gift to the Community Foundation to help their community in perpetuity.
Don and Lois Albrecht
Abbot G. Apter
Bernhard and Jean Boecker
Peter Boman
Henrietta M. Brewer
Elizabeth Murphy Burns and
Richard Burns
Kevin J. Buzicky and
Beth Meyers
Caroline C. Bye
Jennifer L. Carey
Richard L. Carver
Thomas R. Duffus
Ruth E. Ferguson
John and Karen Fillenworth
Margie Fredrickson
Lillian and Manley Goldfine
James F. Gustafson
David and Virginia Hahn
Vernon A. Harrington
Edward Walker Hartley
Tim and Catherine Hartnett
Scott Hawkins
Bill and Sally Hennessy
Dona Wirtanen Holloway
Lori Halgren Johnson
Patra Holter
Katie Kelly
John A. Kunz
Ilene Levin and Steve Goldfine
Dale S. Lewis
Fred C. and Mary H. Lewis
Martin and Patricia Lorntson
Claudia A. Lundquist
Jason Maloney and Cindy
Emile H. Mathis II
Donald V. and Nancy J. Moline
Ethel V. Nordling
May and Vern Nordling
% G. Northey
Lyle W. and Patricia
Ed and Jane Ryan
Holly C. Sampson
Verna and Arend Sandbulte
Doug and Mary Sanders
Kenneth F. and
Concetta I. Schoen
Herman and Esther Schroeder
Robert and Marree Seitz
Dale and Elizabeth George Sola
Bruce and Kaye Stender
Thomas and Lavetta Torke
Judy Trolander
Emily W. Ulhorn
Mary C. Van Evera
John Voorhis
Donald L. and Susan C. Wallgren
Laurie Wermter
% Wheeler
Jim and Ann
Thomas B. Wheeler
David and Kimberley Whittaker
Donald G. Wirtanen
Ilona D. Wirtanen
Anonymous (5)
President’s Circle
The President’s Circle is comprised of a special group of donors who have, over their lifetime,
given a total of $100,000 or more in endowed gifts to the Community Foundation.
Animal Allies Humane Society
Abbot G. Apter
Allan L. Apter
Bayfield Community
Education Foundation
Bernhard Boecker
Pete and Sue Boman
Otto Bremer Foundation
Richard R. and
Elizabeth M. Burns
Bush Foundation
Debora and David Carroll
Cloquet Educational Foundation
Four Cedars Foundation
Lillian and Monnie Goldfine
Janice and Fritz Grutzner
Peter and Carol Harris
Edward Walker Hartley
Howard J. and Barb Ignatius
Mark S. Johnson
Todd and Susan Johnson
Thomas F. Jordan
Harold and Laura Jorgenson
John S. and James L.
Knight Foundation
Roy E. LaBounty
Florence Draper Lachmund
Fred and Mary Lewis
Lighthouse Center for
Vision Loss
Toby and Sharon Marcovich
Don and Nancy Moline
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Mundt
Ethel V. Nordling
May and Vern Nordling
North House Folk School
North Shore Bank of Commerce
Northern Bible Society
Terry Roberts
Jack & Mary Rowe
Charitable Lead Trust
Ken and Connie Schoen
Mitchell and Elva Sill
Dr. Wm and Kay Slack
Phil and Babs Strom
John Ivey and
Mary Rees Thomas
Virginia Keeler Townley
U.S. Bank
Richard Uihlein
United Way of Greater Duluth
Mary Van Evera
West Wisconsin Land Trust
Thomas B. Wheeler
Donald Wirtanen
Anonymous (11)
Board of Trustees
Claudia Scott Welty, Chair
Retired Senior Vice
President of Business
Support and Chief
Administrative Officer
Ryan Boman
PLB Properties
Philip D. Rolle
Retired Executive
Wells Fargo Diversified
Products Group
Amy Kuronen, Vice Chair
Law Office of Amy
Kuronen, PLLC
Marlene David
Community Volunteer
Arend J. Sandbulte
Retired Chairman,
President and CEO
Minnesota Power
Bethany M. Owen, Treasurer
Superior Water, Light &
Power Company
David A. Kropid
Marcovich, Cochrane,
Milliken, Swanson &
Kropid, LLP
Mia E. Thibodeau
Fryberger, Buchanan,
Smith & Frederick, P.A.
James E. Zastrow,
North Region Business
Banking Manager
BMO Harris Bank
Daniel Nikcevich
President and Chief
Medical Officer
Essentia Health
Renee M. Wachter
University of Wisconsin –
Branden H. Robinson
General Manager
South Pier Inn
Anthony C. Yung
Wealth Management Advisor
Sieh Yung Group
Merrill Lynch Global
Wealth Management
Committees and Staff
Board Committees
Claudia Scott Welty, Chair
Amy Kuronen, Vice Chair
Bethany M. Owen, Treasurer
James E. Zastrow, Secretary
Amy Kuronen, Chair
Bethany M. Owen
Arend J. Sandbulte
Board Leadership
Claudia Scott Welty, Chair
Abbot G. Apter
Howard T. Klatzky
Amy Kuronen
Lyle W. Northey
Thomas B. Wheeler
James E. Zastrow
Claudia Scott Welty, Chair
Abbot G. Apter
Paul R. Buckley
Branden H. Robinson
Philip D. Rolle
James H. Stewart
Grants and Community Leadership
James E. Zastrow, Chair
Ryan Boman
Marlene David
Amy Kuronen
Bethany M. Owen
Branden H. Robinson
Mia Thibodeau
Arend J. Sandbulte, Chair
Abbot G. Apter
Richard R. Burns
Marlene David
Mark Myles
Philip D. Rolle
Donald L. Wallgren
Public Relations
Branden H. Robinson, Chair
Lyle W. Northey
Renee M. Wachter
Thomas B. Wheeler
Anthony C. Yung
James E. Zastrow
Advisory Committees
John T. and Elizabeth C. Adams Arts
Elizabeth Burns, Chair
Robert A. DeArmond
Karen Fillenworth
Ruth Frederick
Beverly Goldfine
Amy Kuronen
Scott D. Anderson Leadership
Gary D. Black, Chair
Curt Grayson
Bill King
Bethany M. Owen
Dan Westholm
William L. Westholm
Michael Spencer, Co-Chair
Patricia Lenz, Co-Chair
Bethany M. Owen
Rick Smith
Marlene Wisuri
Tom Jordan, Chair
Janet Green
Glenn Guntenspergen
Kris Larson
John Pastor
Claudia Scott Welty
David Zentner
Global Awareness
Mary Van Evera, Chair
Helena E. Jackson
Koresh Lakhan
Thomas Morgan
Fariba Pendleton
Mia Thibodeau
Donald L. Wallgren
Mavis Whiteman
Lillian and Manley Goldfine Gold
Star Teacher Award
Andy Goldfine, Chair
Harold Frederick
Kenneth Goldfine
William Gronseth
Shirah Kushner
Mark Myles
Ken Risdon
Pam Roth
Arend J. Sandbulte
Diane Skomars
Ellen Troeltzsch
Renee M. Wachter
Greg Irons Award
Dan Holm
Willis Irons
Laura LaFontaine
Jill Lofald
Jason Michalicek
Shelley Michalicek
Ann Wasson
William L. Westholm
Jackson Club Scholarship
Lois Fichtner
Steve Overom
Sandi Peterson
David Thompson
Anthony C. Yung
Knight Foundation
Xavier Bell
Fariba Pendleton
Branden H. Robinson
Minnesota Section, Society of
Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration
Dennis Murr, Chair
Sarah Blust
Peter Clevenstine
Duane Kokkinen
Julie Marinucci
Sarrah Mattila
Tony Perpich
Minorities in Law Enforcement
Archie Davis
Earl Ellis
Marion Grant
Calvin Harris
Boissey Johnson
Claudie Washington
Robin Washington
Dr. Mark Rathke Family Scholarship
Margo Rathke, Chair
Marlene David
Melanie Hannan
Faris Keeling
Derek Mann
Katie Rathke Mann
Molly Rathke
Karen Snyder
Georgia Swing
Jack and Mary Rowe Memorial
Peter Cook
Christian Lawien
Corbin Lawien
Lizette Lawien
Roger Pellett
Philip D. Rolle
David Saftner
Mark Myles, Chair
Marlene David
Sharon Kaner
James A. Laumeyer
Terry Lundberg
Lisa Mitchell-Krocak
Bethany M. Owen
David Vose
Robert B. and Sophia Whiteside
Tom Boman, Chair
Ann Glumac
Mike Miernicki
Marjory Ryan
Larry Scanlon
Daphne Steele
Charlotte Taylor, Trust Officer
Silver Bay Charitable
Lana Fralich, Chair
Donna Blomberg
Joanne Johnson
Lucy Ludolph
Susan Michels
Vickie Thompson
Nancy Viola
Claudia Scott Welty
Wirtanen Family
Dona Holloway, Co-Chair
Ilona Wirtanen, Co-Chair
Brooks Anderson
Lisa Holloway Klyce
Rachael Martin
Irene Holloway Thomas
Mary Van Evera
Claudia Scott Welty
Small Business Education
Paul R. Buckley, Chair
Abbot G. Apter
Ryan Boman
Branden H. Robinson
Heidi Timm-Bijold
Renee M. Wachter
Young Leaders
Branden H. Robinson, Co-Chair
Mia Thibodeau, Co-Chair
Meagan Campbell
Andy Edmunds
Don Ness
Taylor Pedersen
Andy Solin
Lynne Williams
Walter and Anna Soneson
Scholarship Fund
Michael Cuzzo
John Lawien
Cheryl Prince
Melissa Swor
James Vizanko
Juhl Halvorson, Managing Director
Lake Superior Medical Society
Tilderquist Scholarship
Audrey M. Park-Skinner, MD
Timothy S. LaMaster, MD
Cynthia Weaver, MD
Dina Flaherty
Heather L. Opsahl
Anthony C. Yung
Designated Committees
Duluth Legacy Endowment
Nick Lansing, Co-Chair
Jennifer Ryan, Co-Chair
Michael A. Cowles
Mark Emmel
Edwin King Hall
Lindsay Kern
Dan Markham
Andrew Reierson
Branden H. Robinson
Jessica Stauber
Todd Wentworth
Duluth Public Schools
Scott Fisher, Chair
Karen Alfonsi
Karen Andresen
Mark Boben
Mary Ann Harala
Ken Jensen
Mike Miernicki
Shari Rud
Kenneth Schoen
Judy Seliga Punyko
William Gronseth, Ex Officio
Affiliate Funds
Apostle Islands Area
Community Fund
Eric Grutzner, Vice Chair
Barb McCann, Leadership Chair
Betsy Albert-Peacock
Glenn Carlson
Tim Faust
Chere Gibson
Dee Johnson
John Murphy
Sara C. Richter
Chequamegon Bay Area
Community Fund
Karen Crowell, Chair
Irene Blakely, Vice Chair
Susan Anderson
Rick Geisen
Ruth Goetz
Leslie Hamp
Cheryl Hicks
Jeff Muse
Shari Nelson
Mary Trettin
Cook County Community Fund
Tracy Benson, Chair
Michael Carlson, Vice Chair
Ann Possis, Co-Secretary
Ruthanne Hedstrom Vos, CoSecretary
Howard Hedstrom
Karen Halbersleben
Bruce Kerfoot
Richard J. Olson
Amber Pratt
Sue Riley
Eveleth Area Community
Foundation Fund
Ryan L. Turner, Chair
Jon Marcaccini, Vice Chair
Louise Bonach, Secretary
Georgia Day
Jeff Green
Richard Harvey
Girard Hoel
Jane Kingston
Fritz Kvaternik
John Mayasich
Hermantown Community Fund
Steve Overom, Chair
Sandi Peterson, Vice Chair
Mary Johnson, Secretary/Treasurer
Lois Fichtner
Sandy Monson
Two Harbors Area Fund
Bob Larkin, Chair
Randy D. Willert, Vice Chair
Gordy Anderson
Russell H. Conrow
Kate Ferrari
Barbara Hamilton
Jennifer Hansen
Janelle Jones
Steve McLachlan
Bob Olund
Scott T. Seagren
Holly C. Sampson, President
Keri Cavitt, Director of Community
Mark C. Danielson, Development
John Foschi, Director of Finance
David Hammer, Scholarship Officer
Madelaine Herder, Affiliate Officer
Polly John, Financial Assistant
Nancy Petrasek, Administrative
Duluth Superior Area Community
Foundation Financial Status
Public Support and Revenue
Donated services
Interest and dividends
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) less
investment management fees
Refunds of grants
Miscellaneous Total Public Support and Revenue
Grants, Fees, and Operating Expenses
Grants and scholarships*
Functional expenses
Public education
Management and general
Total functional expenses
Total Grants, Fees, and Operating Expenses
$60,958,937 2013
2,902,025 22,093 1,434,641 998,324 2,875,287
8,903 5,369,964
20,039 4,654
1,833,391 14,555
2,142,021 9,183 332,865 200,983 326,282 176,503 1,036,633
2,884,579 281,949 183,109
293,741 199,782 958,581 3,109,785 2,485,385
4,848,773 Change in net assets
Agency contributions/change of value
(980,654) (332,970)
Agency grants
178,861 283,657 53,296,918 48,497,458 Net Assets, beginning of year
Net Assets, end of year
$54,980,510 $53,296,918
2013 Net Assets are restated.
2014 financial statements are unaudited.
Audited financial statements are available at the Community Foundation office.
The IRS Form 990 is available for review at the Community Foundation office.
*Affiliated trust scholarships provided an additional $577,350 in 2014 and $595,250 in 2013.
*Affiliated trust grants provided an additional $99,450 in 2014 and $135,880 in 2013.
Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
Holly C. Sampson, President
Zeitgeist Arts Building
222 East Superior Street, Suite 302
Duluth, MN 55802
Telephone: 218.726.0232
Fax: 218.726.0257
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:
This Annual Report was printed by
Arrowhead Printing in Superior, WI.
Grants, Scholarships,
Contributors, Honor
and Memorial Gifts
2014 Grants
Arts Related
American Heritage Productions
Take Me To The Islands
- Apostle Islands Historic Musical
Anishinabe Fund...............................$3,000.00
Aqueous Magazine
Program Support
Apostle Islands Area
Community Fund............................. $694.00
Apostle Islands Area Community
Impact Fund....................................$2,267.00
AIACF - Albrecht-Vogt Family Fund.... $515.00
AIACF - Bodin Family Fund................. $310.00
AIACF - Ann and Dave Locey
Family Fund...................................... $214.00
Armory Arts and Music Center
Music Resource Center
LHB Foundation Fund..........................$500.00
Arrowhead Chorale
St. Matthew Passion
John T. & Elizabeth C. Adams
Arts Fund.......................................$2,000.00
Arts on Superior
Fridays in the Park
Two Harbors Area Fund...................$2,000.00
ArtSpace Projects, Inc.
Preliminary Feasibility Study - Bayfield
Knight Foundation Fund..................$5,000.00
Program Support
LHB Foundation Fund.......................... $250.00
Ashland Chamber Music Society
Chamber Music at Bayfield High School
Apostle Islands Area Community
Fund.................................................... $96.00
AIACF - Cleveland Family Fund.......... $125.00
AIACF - Collins Family Fund................$347.00
AIACF - Bill and Marilyn Larson
Family Fund........................................ $82.00
Bayfield Heritage Association, Inc.
Program Support
Bayfield Heritage Association
Fund............................................... $2,163.00
Carlton County Historical Society
Program Support
Carlton County Historical Society
Foundation Fund.......................... $1,233.00
Cook County Historical Society
Chippewa City Church
Scott Hawkins Fund............................. $100.00
Duluth Art Institute
Plein Air Duluth: Paint du Nord
Lakeview Arts Fund............................. $725.00
Program Support
Apter Family Fund............................... $100.00
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund................ $150.00
Duluth Children’s Museum, Inc.
Dinosaurs Unearthed
Jane S. Smith Memorial Fund.........$3,000.00
Program Support
Edna M. and H. Anna Jenks’
Charitable Fund............................ $2,646.54
Duluth Playhouse, Inc.
Play Sponsorship
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................... $254.81
Program Support
Apter Family Fund............................... $100.00
Duluth Playhouse Endowment
Fund............................................... $5,426.00
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund.............$1,000.00
Resident Company Program
Anonymous Friend Fund................$10,000.00
Community Opportunity Fund.........$5,000.00
Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra
Carmen Performance
Jane S. Smith Memorial Fund.........$5,000.00
Chair Support Program
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................... $254.81
Forte! Young Professionals of DSSO
Young Leaders Fund.........................$2,000.00
Program Support
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund................$500.00
Duluth-Superior Area Educational TV
Corporation - WDSE
Native Report
Campbell Family
Charitable Fund............................. $8,946.00
Community Opportunity Fund...............$37.00
Living Legacy Fund........................... $5,180.00
Moline Family Fund..............................$837.00
Program Support
Harris Family Fund............................... $441.20
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................... $254.81
Underwriting 2014
Community Opportunity Fund......... $2,100.00
Esko Historical Society
Program Support
Rauha Fund.......................................... $152.25
Friends of B’nai Abraham
Program Support
Apter Family Fund...............................$200.00
Grand Marais Arts Inc
Grand Marais Art Festival
Anonymous Friend Fund...................$1,557.00
Community Opportunity Fund......... $1,193.00
Grand Marais Playhouse
Program Support
Harris Family Fund............................... $441.20
Historic Union Depot
506 Fund Drive
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................... $254.81
Iron Range Historical Society
Iron Range Ghost Locations
Eveleth Area Community Foundation
Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua
Native American Community Connections
Apostle Islands Area Community
Fund............................................... $2,584.00
AIACF - Helen DeHaven Bush
Family Fund.......................................$267.00
AIACF - Hartnett-Helm Family Fund... $742.00
AIACF - Homeward Bound Fund.........$407.00
Tent Replacement
Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua
Blue Canvas Fund ......................$13,201.00
Lake Superior Chamber Orchestra
Ellery Klein Appearance
John T. & Elizabeth C. Adams
Arts Fund.......................................$2,000.00
Program Support
Lake Superior Chamber Orchestra
Endowment Fund........................ $2,210.00
Lyric Opera of the North
John T. & Elizabeth C. Adams Arts
Matinee Musicale
SYBARITES Outreach Activities
John T. & Elizabeth C. Adams Arts
Minnesota Ballet
Attending Dance/USA Conference
Jane S. Smith Memorial Fund..........$1,027.00
Minnesota Ballet Historic Display
Henry and Sarah Wheeler Historical
Awareness Fund........................... $2,460.00
Scheherazade Guest Costumer
John T. & Elizabeth C. Adams
Arts Fund.......................................$2,000.00
Native American Educational
Technologies, Inc.
Expanding the Niijii Circle/Protecting
Lake Superior Water with Treaty Rights
Alexandra Smith Temporary Fund
– In Support of Native American
Treaty Rights...............................$10,000.00
Native Expressions Drum and Dance Troupe
Bayfield Apple Festival
Anishinabe Fund...............................$1,000.00
Dance Instruction
Apostle Islands Area Community
Fund............................................... $1,441.00
AIACF - Bell Southmayd Lamont Family
Fund.................................................. $386.00
AIACF - Kierland - Henry Family Fund.... $423.00
AIACF - Loon Commons........................ $85.00
Human Rights Fund............................... $65.00
Anishinabe Fund...............................$3,000.00
North Shore Music Association
Borealis Chorale and Orchestra Winter Concert
Cook County Community Fund.......$2,500.00
North Shore Players
Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre Residency
Two Harbors Area Fund......................$500.00
Northern Lake County Arts Board
Masterpiece Art Program
Silver Bay Charitable Fund..............$1,500.00
Superior Interaction
Superior Interaction
Young Leaders Fund.........................$2,000.00
Twin Ports Stage
Downtown Project
Morgan Fund..................................... $3,186.50
Twin Ports Wind Orchestra
Tim Mahr Composition
John T. & Elizabeth C. Adams Arts
Two Harbors Community Radio
Low Power Community Radio Equipment
LaBounty Family Fund..................... $4,985.00
Community and
Economic Development
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency
Community Offender Re-entry Program
Central Mesabi Fund for Human
Attracting and Retaining Young Adults
Program Support
Community Opportunity Fund......... $6,550.00
City of Bayfield
BVFD - Regional Search and
Rescue Safety Device
Apostle Islands Area Community
Fund............................................... $1,178.00
AIACF - Tom and Roxanne Frizzell...... $133.00
AIACF - Eric and Laurel Lein Family
Fund.................................................. $434.00
AIACF - Edward and Dawn Michael
Family Fund..................................... $455.00
City of Duluth
Clean and Green 2014
Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund....$1,000.00
Duluth Police Activities League
- Community Basketball League
Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund....$2,500.00
North Country Trail Association
MN Hiking Celebration
Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund.......$500.00
Washington Community Center Refrigerator
Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund....$2,500.00
City of Silver Bay
Prairie Fire Theatre - “Jack in the Beanstalk”
Wildey H. Mitchell Family Fund....... $1,950.00
City of Two Harbors
2014 Heritage Days Project
Two Harbors Area Fund...................$1,000.00
Stage Tent Project
Two Harbors Area Fund....................$6,077.00
Spirit Mountain Recreation Area
Authority Fund
Program Support
Philip H. and Barbara Strom Family
Charitable Fund............................$5,000.00
Community Foundation of Collier County
Laws of Life
Elva B. and Mitchell J. Sill Family
Fund.................................................. $100.00
Two Harbors Winter Frolic Committee
Two Harbors Winter Frolic
Two Harbors Area Fund...................$1,000.00
Fayal Township
Fayal Township Little League Ballfield
Eveleth Area Community Foundation
Friends of the Finland Community
Youth Program the Clair Nelson Center
Silver Bay Charitable Fund..............$8,000.00
Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
Core Operations Support
Community Opportunity Fund.......$20,000.00
Program Support
Apter Family Fund...............................$400.00
LHB Foundation Fund.......................$1,000.00
Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
(Nonprofit Capacity Building)
Second Chance Endowment Fund.....$5,000.00
One Roof Community Housing
Affordable Rehabilitation Lending Program
Community Opportunity Fund.......$20,000.00
Program Support
Apter Family Fund...............................$300.00
Recreation and Fitness Resources
Services and Facilities Expansion
Apostle Islands Area Community
Fund.................................................... $41.00
AIACF - Larry A. Reiten Family
Fund............................................... $1,459.00
Martial Arts on Madeline Island
Grutzner Madeline Island Fund..........$700.00
Youth Programming
Peter M. and Betty W. Rogers Fund....$900.00
A Natural Branch of Learning
2014 Touchstone Award - Inclusiveness
Community Opportunity Fund.........$2,500.00
American Indian Science and
Engineering Society
Twin Ports Round Dance Jam
Anishinabe Fund...............................$2,000.00
Bayfield Carnegie Library
Planning for Future Services
Business Leaders Fund.................... $3,985.00
Moline Family Fund.......................... $1,015.00
Bayfield Community Education
Foundation Fund
Program Support
Bayfield Community Education
Foundation Fund.......................... $8,688.00
Peter M. and Betty W. Rogers Fund....$900.00
Berea College
Program Support
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................... $254.81
Birch Grove Foundation
Program Support
Birch Grove Foundation Fund.......... $1,065.00
Cloquet Educational Foundation
Program Support
Cloquet Educational Foundation
College of St. Scholastica
Is Religion a Force for Good or for Ill?
Global Awareness Fund...................$2,000.00
Ojibwe Curriculum for Immersion
School Teachers
Anishinabe Fund...............................$4,000.00
School of Nursing Scholarship
Mattson Family Education Fund...... $1,902.00
Tower Fund Scholarship
Moline Family Donor Advised
Concordia Language Villages
Finnish Language Study
Rauha Fund.......................................... $152.25
Cook County Higher Education
Dressed UP with Someplace to Work
Cook County Community Fund.......$2,500.00
Program Support
Cook County Higher Education
Fund............................................... $1,283.00
Dana Hall School
Program Support
E. C. Mason Fund..............................$2,500.00
Denfeld High School
Howard J. and Barb Ignatius Fund..... $1,849.00
Duluth Central High Alumni
Scholarship Fund
Program Support
Moline Family Donor Advised Fund....$1,000.00
Duluth Library Foundation
Library Teen Space
Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund....$2,500.00
Program Support
E. C. Mason Fund..............................$5,000.00
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................... $254.81
Duluth Public Library
Program Support
Anonymous Friend Designated Fund......$4,606.06
Duluth Public Library - Mount Royal Branch
Program Support
Edna M. and H. Anna Jenks’
Charitable Fund............................ $2,646.54
E. W. Bohannon Scholarship Fund
Program Support
Edna M. and H. Anna Jenks’
Charitable Fund............................ $2,646.54
Friends of the Center Alliance
An Eye for the Outdoors
Community Opportunity Fund.............. $75.00
Four Cedars Environmental Fund...$3,000.00
Grand Marais Public Library
Program Support
Grand Marais Public Library Fund...$1,417.00
Harris Family Fund............................ $1,323.60
Beverly R. Uhrhammer Memorial
Library Fund.................................$1,004.00
Greater Proctor Area Scholarship
Program Support
Greater Proctor Area Scholarship
Foundation Fund.......................... $5,804.00
Hamline University
Clara B. Congdon Scholarship
E. C. Mason Fund............................$10,000.00
Hermantown All Night Graduation Party
All Night Graduation Party
Hermantown Community Fund..........$600.00
ISD#381 Lake Superior Public Schools
Healthy Eating Active Living Network
Anonymous Friend Fund..................... $609.00
Business Leaders Fund.................... $3,066.00
Wildey H. Mitchell Family Fund.......... $638.00
Weckwerth-Sampson Family Fund......$687.00
Silver Bay Community Education
Preschool Scholarships
Silver Bay Charitable Fund.............. $6,415.00
Two Harbors Community Education
Preschool Scholarships
Two Harbors Area Fund...................$1,500.00
Marshall School
Big Circle
Moline Family Donor Advised Fund....$2,000.00
Program Support
Marshall School Endowment Fund.....$1,127.00
Moline Family Donor Advised Fund.... $500.00
ISD#709 - Duluth Public Schools
Program Support
Duluth Public Schools Fund........... $14,239.00
Scott Anderson Leadership Forum
Scott D. Anderson Leadership
Foundation Fund........................ $22,179.00
Minnesota Private College Fund
Gallileo Fund - STEM
LHB Foundation Fund..........................$500.00
Lake Superior College Foundation
Program Support
E. C. Mason Fund..............................$2,500.00
Scholarship - Machine Tool Student
Moline Family Donor Advised
Lake Superior Railroad Museum
ADA Accessibility Project
Two Harbors Area Fund................... $2,038.00
THAF - Wallace and Ellen Johnson
Family Fund..................................... $205.00
THAF - The Lake Bank Fund................ $126.00
Program Support
A&A Enterprises Charitable Fund......$200.00
Apter Family Fund............................... $100.00
Lake Superior Rose Society
Rose Education
G. Kendall Smith Fund..................... $3,150.00
Lakeview Christian Academy
Program Support
Lakeview Christian Academy
Fund............................................... $6,030.00
Madeline Island Public Library
Program Support
Madeline Island Public Library
Fund............................................... $2,324.00
Daniel H. & Catherine L. Mundt Scholarship
for Late Bloomers
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................ $2,718.00
North House Folk School
Program Support
Harris Family Fund............................ $1,323.60
North House Folk School Endowment
Fund............................................... $4,214.00
North Shore Community School
Program Support
North Shore Community School
Endowment Fund........................ $3,333.00
Gifted and Talented Initiative
Philip H. and Barbara Strom Family
Charitable Fund............................$3,000.00
Northland College
Lake Superior Wilderness Conference
Anonymous Friend Fund.................. $2,149.00
Erick Peter Person Memorial Fund..... $312.00
Carolyn Joy Seitz Family Fund........... $368.00
William G. Strobel, M.D., Family
Fund.................................................. $171.00
Program Support
White Pine Fund................................ $1,488.40
Northland Foundation
Kids Plus Twin Ports Youth
Leadership Academy
A&A Enterprises Charitable Fund......$500.00
Program Support
Apter Family Fund............................... $100.00
Attracting and Maintaining Young Adults
One Stop Shop Fund.................$65,000.00
Northwest Wisconsin CEP, Inc.
Crex Meadows Youth Conservation Camp
Fair Chance Fund..............................$4,000.00
The Career Closet
Anonymous Friend Fund..................$5,000.00
Old School Lives
MDS Housing Project
2012 Flood Immediate Response
Oshki Ogimaag Community School
Grand Portage Summer Camp
Cook County Community Fund....... $2,180.57
Patricia S. Gustafson ‘56 Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Support
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund................$500.00
Proctor Senior High School
English Department
Howard J. and Barb Ignatius
Fund............................................... $1,849.00
Rails Endowment for Academic, Art &
Athletic Development, Inc.
Program Support
Rails Endowment for Academic Art
Athletic Development, REA3D,
Fund............................................... $6,598.00
Matthew “Phil” Rannila
Gold Star Teacher Award
Manley and Lillian Goldfine Gold Star
Teacher Award Fund.....................$5,000.00
St. Catherine University
Nursing Scholarship Fund
Mattson Family Education Fund...... $2,043.00
School District of Bayfield
Superior-Baikal: The Lakes and Their Cultures
Apostle Islands Area Community
Fund............................................... $1,454.00
AIACF - Dr. Michael and Deanna Asbell
Family Fund....................................... $79.00
AIACF - Ole J. and Ingeborg Hadland
Family Fund..................................... $292.00
AIACF - McCormick-Morin Family
Fund.................................................. $219.00
School District of Superior
Program Support
Weisberg Memorial Fund................. $2,785.00
Silver Bay Parent Teacher Student
William Kelley Elementary After School Program
Silver Bay Charitable Fund..............$5,500.00
Smith College
Botanic Garden
E. C. Mason Fund..............................$2,500.00
Town of La Pointe
Bi-Lingual Ojibwe Cultural Signage
Program - Phase I
Apostle Islands Area Community
Fund.................................................. $236.00
AIACF - Walt and Lin Pomeroy Family
Fund............................................... $1,213.00
AIACF - Tom and Liz Purcell Family
Fund.................................................. $152.00
AIACF - Robert and Carolyn Sneed
Family Fund..................................... $149.00
Two Harbors Public Library
Program Support
Ruth E. Ferguson Charitable Fund...... $968.00
Books for Children
Lawrence E. and Mabel Jackson Rudberg
Scholarship Fund.........................$2,000.00
U of MN Duluth - Excellence Fund
Program Support
Edna M. and H. Anna Jenks’
Charitable Fund............................ $5,293.16
University of Minnesota Duluth
Alworth Institute: Planning for a Creative
Urban Economy
Global Awareness Fund...................$3,000.00
Boulder Lake Environmental
Learning Center
Business Leaders Fund.................... $8,864.00
University of Minnesota Foundation
Engineering Scholarship
LHB Foundation Fund.......................$3,600.00
Patricia Streitz Scholarship Fund
E. C. Mason Fund..............................$5,000.00
University of Wisconsin - Superior
Global Advocacy & Citizen Engagement
Global Awareness Fund...................$1,500.00
Healthy Minds & Healthy Bodies Conference
John Allan Kunz Fund for Reminiscence
and Life Review................................ $750.00
International Institute for Reminiscence
and Life Review
John Allan Kunz Fund for Reminiscence
and Life Review.............................$1,500.00
University of Wisconsin - Superior Foundation
Program Support
LHB Foundation Fund.......................$1,000.00
Washburn Community Education Foundation
Program Support
Washburn Community Education
Foundation Fund.......................... $1,365.00
A.H. Zeppa Family Foundation
Atrium Programming & Service Expansion
Morgan Fund..................................... $9,560.00
Bridging Divides: Mobilizing Community
Issues through Tactical Urbanism &
Creative Placemaking
Knight Foundation Fund................$25,000.00
Animal Allies Humane Society
Program Support
Animal Allies Endowment Fund...... $3,918.00
Apter Family Fund............................... $100.00
Red Oak Fund....................................... $250.00
Ashwabay Outdoor Educational
Foundation, Inc.
Program Support
Ashwabay Outdoor Educational
Foundation Fund............................. $795.00
Youth Programming
Peter M. and Betty W. Rogers Fund....$900.00
Bad River Watershed Association
Water Quality Monitoring
Biodiversity Fund..............................$3,200.00
Cable Community Farm
Growing Together Project
Wildey H. Mitchell Family Fund..... $19,016.00
Chester Bowl Improvement Club
Operational and Transitional Support
Community Opportunity Fund.......$10,000.00
Ecolibrium 3
Giving Comfort at Home
Anonymous Friend Fund................ $10,992.00
Barnum Fund.................................... $2,192.00
Dr. and Mrs. Bernhard Boecker
Charitable Fund............................ $3,681.00
Dr. William and Kay Slack Family
Fund............................................... $3,135.00
Friends of the Apostle Islands National
Program Support
Martin Hanson Conservation
Endowment Fund........................ $5,246.00
Hartley Nature Center
Field Trip Curriculum
Lone Wolf Fund..................................$4,947.50
Operating Support
Hartley Nature Center Endowment
Fund.................................................. $124.00
Program Support
Apter Family Fund...............................$200.00
Hartley Nature Center Endowment
Fund............................................... $2,073.00
Ski Rental Upgrades
Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund....$2,000.00
Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory, Inc.
Program Support
Red Oak Fund....................................... $250.00
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund................ $250.00
Lake Superior Botanical Gardens
Protecting Our Pollinators
Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund....$2,500.00
Lake Superior Zoological Society
Conservation Education Programs
Cleveland Family Fund..................... $8,679.00
Community Opportunity Fund........$11,321.00
Program Support
A&A Enterprises Charitable Fund......$200.00
Nordling Family Fund..........................$500.00
Veterinary Equipment
Samuel F. Atkins and Barbara H. Atkins
Memorial Fund.............................$4,000.00
Madeline Island Community Gardening
Project, Inc.
Garden Intern
Apostle Islands Area Community
Fund............................................... $3,096.00
AIACF - Joanne B. Hadland Family
AIACF - John S. Meier Family
Fund.................................................. $312.00
AIACF - Jerry and Mary Phillips Family
Fund.................................................. $505.00
Minnesota Land Trust
Transforming Duluth’s Trail System
Anonymous Friend Fund................ $19,454.00
John C. and Margaret B. Hunner
Memorial Fund.................................. $25.00
Levin/Goldfine Fund............................ $356.00
Walter and Irene Lundquist Family
Fund.................................................. $165.00
Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin
Handbook for Monitoring Migratory Birds
Along the Lake Superior Shore
Biodiversity Fund..............................$6,300.00
SOAR Career Solutions
Cognitive Behavior Curriculum
Community Opportunity Fund....... $19,412.00
Robert, Gwen, Blake and Conner Erickson
Family Fund...................................... $180.00
St. Louis River Alliance
Capacity for Community Leadership
Community Opportunity Fund......... $7,000.00
Program Support
LHB Foundation Fund..........................$500.00
Sugarloaf: The North Shore Stewardship
Naturally Superior - Reaching Out to
Our Neighbors
Cook County Community Fund.......$1,000.00
Program Support
Apter Family Fund............................... $100.00
Superior Hiking Trail Association
Program Support
Apter Family Fund............................... $100.00
Harris Family Fund............................ $1,323.60
Voyageur Snowmobile Club
Remote Radio Project
LaBounty Family Fund..................... $4,658.00
West Wisconsin Land Trust, Inc.
Migratory Bird Habitat Protection
Four Cedars Environmental Fund...$5,900.00
Strategic Conservation Planning - Brule
Biodiversity Fund..............................$3,000.00
WTIP North Shore Radio
Environmental Stewardship Project
Global Awareness Fund................... $1,696.00
Wirtanen Family Fund......................$2,000.00
Human Services
Adults & Childrens Alliance Inc.
St Louis & Itasca County Program
Community Opportunity Fund.......$10,000.00
American Red Cross-Northland Chapter
Disaster Services
Wildey H. Mitchell Family Fund.....$20,000.00
Emergency Response
Scott Hawkins Fund.............................$200.00
Program Support
Apter Family Fund............................... $100.00
Edna M. and H. Anna Jenks’
Charitable Fund............................ $5,293.16
Anu Family Services
Healing Trauma for Youth
Douglas County Disaster and Welfare
Fund............................................... $1,972.00
C.E., Jr. and M.K. Fuller Fund............. $994.00
Dale Heimbach Wheeler Memorial
Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Tribal Youth Media Initiative
Alexandra Smith Temporary Fund
- In Support of Native American
Treaty Rights............................... $10,338.00
Boy Scouts of America-Voyageurs Area
Aviation Careers Explorer Post
Hermantown Community Fund.......$1,000.00
Operating Support
Wetherby Fund..................................$1,000.00
Program Support
A&A Enterprises Charitable Fund......$200.00
Apter Family Fund...............................$200.00
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Northland
Program Support
Apter Family Fund...............................$300.00
Moline Family Donor Advised Fund...... $750.00
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund................$500.00
Building for Women Limited Partnership
Program Support
Building for Women Fund................... $966.00
Cook County Council on Aging
Program Support
Scott Hawkins Fund.............................$200.00
Care Partners
Financial Assistance Program
Eveleth Area Community Foundation
Cook County Foodshelf
Program Support
Cook County Food Shelf Endowment
Fund............................................... $1,243.00
Children’s Dental Services
Dental Care for At-risk Youth
Wetherby Fund...................................$3,247.00
CORE Community Resources, Inc.
Fair Weather Friends
Apostle Islands Area Community
Fund.................................................. $458.00
AIACF - G.R.A.C.E. Fund...................... $288.00
AIACF - Gene and Carole Qualle Family
Fund.................................................. $254.00
Churches United in Ministry (CHUM)
Family and Children’s Programs
at Steve O’Neil Apartments
Community Opportunity Fund.......$20,000.00
Family Coaches at Steve O’Neil Apartments
Fair Chance Fund.............................. $9,138.00
Food Shelves
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................... $254.81
Program Support
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund.............$1,000.00
Services at CHUM’s Emergency
Family Shelter
Samuel F. Atkins and Barbara H. Atkins
Memorial Fund.............................$3,000.00
Colville Area Volunteer Fire Department Inc
Vaccum Splint
Scott Hawkins Fund............................. $491.00
Community Action Duluth
Circles of Support - Staying Ahead
Knight Foundation Fund................$30,000.00
JumpStart Duluth - Transportation Plus
Anonymous Friend Fund................$10,000.00
Community Opportunity Fund.......$10,000.00
Community Partners, Two Harbors Living At
Home/Block Nurse Program
Healthy Eating, Active Living for Seniors
Two Harbors Area Fund...................$2,000.00
Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute
Program Support
A&A Enterprises Charitable Fund......$200.00
Apter Family Fund...............................$200.00
Courage Center Duluth Fund........... $2,034.00
Covenant Enabling Residences of
Minnesota, Inc
Program Support
Nordling Family Designated Fund.....$1,933.20
Damiano of Duluth, Inc.
Back to School Clothing
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................... $254.81
Program Support
Anonymous Friend Designated
Fund............................................... $4,606.06
Nordling Family Fund.......................... $250.00
Rauha Fund.......................................... $355.25
Soup Kitchen
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................... $254.81
Doctors Without Borders, USA
Program Support
Harris Family Fund............................... $882.40
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund................$200.00
Anonymous Friend Fund................ $19,242.00
William, Florence and Dorothy Burns
Family Fund..................................... $172.00
Program Support
Apter Family Fund............................... $100.00
Duluth-Superior Sharing Fund
Assist Individuals in Critial Need
Community Opportunity Fund......... $8,839.00
Douglas County Disaster and Welfare
Family Service Sharing Fund........... $1,161.00
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin
Lakes and Pines Council
Program Support
Girl Scouts - Northern Pines Council
Fund............................................... $2,536.00
Edna M. and H. Anna Jenks’
Charitable Fund............................ $5,293.16
Duluth Lighthouse for the Blind
Program Support
Edna M. and H. Anna Jenks’
Charitable Fund............................ $2,646.54
Lighthouse for the Blind Endowment
Fund............................................. $33,659.00
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................... $254.81
Safe at Home
Community Opportunity Fund......... $1,366.00
Todd, Susan, Matthew and Hilary Johnson
2007 Charitable Fund.................$13,116.00
Ruth H. Richards Fund...................... $5,518.00
G. Kendall Smith Fund for the Physically
Disabled and Visually Impaired...$5,000.00
Essentia Health Foundation
Children’s Hospital Solarium
Elva B. and Mitchell J. Sill Family
Family Alternatives Inc.
STEM Proposal
Philip H. and Barbara Strom Family
Charitable Fund............................$5,000.00
Feed My Starving Children
Duluth MobilePack
Global Awareness Fund................... $1,196.00
First Witness Child Abuse Resource Center
Advocacy Training
Alberta Fund..........................................$311.00
Anonymous Charitable Fund.............. $275.00
Glen Avon Presbyterian Church
– Boy Scout Troop #9
Program Support
Cory Jam Memorial Award................. $225.00
Habitat for Humanity of Collier County
Program Support in Honor of Jo Huntting
Elva B. and Mitchell J. Sill Family
Harbor House Crisis Shelters
Transitional Living Supportive Services
Douglas County Disaster and Welfare
Dale Heimbach Wheeler Memorial
Trauma Informed Care Agency
Business Leaders Fund....................$4,500.00
Healthy Duluth Area Coalition
Tactical Urbanism Project
Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund....$2,500.00
Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota
Prison Puppy Training Program
Animal-Assisted Therapy Fund........$2,000.00
Human Development Center
Program Support
A&A Enterprises Charitable Fund......$200.00
Apter Family Fund...............................$200.00
Just Kids Dental
Healthy Teeth, Healthy Kids
Silver Bay Charitable Fund..............$5,000.00
Two Harbors Area Fund...................... $980.00
THAF - Lyle and Trish Northey Family
Fund.................................................. $254.00
Kids Closet of Duluth
Clothing for Low Income Duluth Students
Wetherby Fund..................................$5,000.00
Program Support
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................... $254.81
Winter Outerwear for Low Income
Stowe Students
Riverfront Community Fund............$1,000.00
La Pointe Community Clinic, Inc.
Program Support
Madeline Island/LaPointe
Community Clinic Fund............... $2,070.00
La Pointe Volunteer Fire Department
Self Contained Breathing
Apparatus Replacement
Apostle Islands Area Community
Fund.................................................. $923.00
AIACF - Robert Tucker Family Fund.... $326.00
Grutzner Madeline Island Fund....... $3,751.00
Lake View Memorial Hospital
Rehabilitation Pediatrics Therapy Program
Two Harbors Area Fund...................$3,000.00
Life House, Inc.
Program Support
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund................$300.00
Lifetrack Resources
Minnesota Hands and Voices
G. Kendall Smith Fund for the
Physically Disabled and Visually
Impaired......................................... $2,384.00
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota
2014 Touchstone Award - Generosity
Community Opportunity Fund.........$2,500.00
Family Resource Center
Central Mesabi Fund for Human
Central Mesabi Fund for Human
Services.......................................... $4,785.00
From Here On: Campaign for the Center for
Changing Lives
Business Leaders Fund..................$10,000.00
Homeless Children Housing
Philip H. and Barbara Strom Family
Charitable Fund............................... $750.00
Mayo Foundation
Alzheimers Research
Scott Hawkins Fund..........................$1,000.00
Pediatrics Cancer
Scott Hawkins Fund..........................$5,000.00
Men as Peacemakers
2014 Touchstone Award - Civic Engagement
Community Opportunity Fund.........$2,500.00
Program Support
Nordling Family Fund.......................... $250.00
Mesabi Family YMCA
Youth Soccer
Eveleth Area Community Foundation
Millennium Group Speak Your Peace
Speak Your Peace
Community Opportunity Fund......... $9,450.00
Miller-Dwan Foundation
Adolescent Cancer
Scott Hawkins Fund..........................$3,000.00
A&A Enterprises Charitable Fund......$200.00
Apter Family Fund...............................$200.00
Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Scott Hawkins Fund..........................$3,000.00
Innovation Fund - In memory of
Bill Hedenberg
Elva B. and Mitchell J. Sill Family
Pediatric Burn Care
Scott Hawkins Fund..........................$3,000.00
Program Support
Philip H. and Barbara Strom Family
Charitable Fund............................... $350.00
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund.............$1,000.00
Solvay Hospice House
A&A Enterprises Charitable Fund......$200.00
Apter Family Fund...............................$200.00
Philip H. and Barbara Strom Family
Charitable Fund............................$2,500.00
Minnesota Dental Foundation
Minnesota Mission of Mercy
Community Opportunity Fund.........$8,000.00
Minnesota Housing Partnership
Bronze Level (Private Sector)
LHB Foundation Fund.......................$1,000.00
Myers-Wilkins Community School
Nurturing Ojibwe Tradition
Anishinabe Fund...............................$3,000.00
Northeast Minnesota Sharing Fund
Assist Individuals in Critial Need
Central Mesabi Fund for Human
Community Opportunity Fund....... $11,000.00
North Shore Collaborative
LOTS (Learning Opportunities Through Stories)
Silver Bay Charitable Fund..............$1,000.00
Two Harbors Area Fund......................$500.00
North Shore Health Care Foundation
Care Partners Senior Rides
Cook County Community Fund.......$1,000.00
Hospice / Care Partners
Scott Hawkins Fund..........................$3,000.00
Office and Database Upgrades
Scott Hawkins Fund.......................... $2,645.32
Oral Health Task Force
Cook County Community Fund.......$2,500.00
Program Support
Harris Family Fund............................ $1,323.60
North Shore Horizons
Capacity Building and Crisis Services
Silver Bay Charitable Fund..............$4,500.00
Housing Supportive Services
Community Opportunity Fund.........$6,000.00
Dale Heimbach Wheeler Memorial
Northern Bible Society
Program Support
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................... $254.81
Northern Bible Society-Daniel H.
and Catherine L. Mundt Fund......$7,753.00
Northshore Area Partners
2015 Dinner Theatre Collaborative
Two Harbors Area Fund...................$1,000.00
Northwood Children’s Services
Program Support
Anonymous Friend Designated
Fund............................................... $9,209.03
Edna M. and H. Anna Jenks’
Charitable Fund............................ $2,646.54
Northwoods Women, Inc.
Expect Respect: Changing Attitudes
About Sexual Assault
Human Rights Fund..........................$3,000.00
OutFront Minnesota Community Services
Safe Schools
Wirtanen Family Fund......................$2,000.00
Ronald McDonald House of Rochester MN, Inc.
Program Support
Scott Hawkins Fund..........................$5,000.00
St. Luke’s Foundation
Program Support
Anonymous Friend Designated
Edna M. and H. Anna Jenks’
Charitable Fund............................ $2,646.54
Douglas H. and Judith H. Lewis
Memorial Fund............................. $2,066.14
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund.............$1,000.00
The Salvation Army - Duluth
Program Support
Anonymous 1 Charitable Fund........ $2,596.50
Apter Family Fund............................... $100.00
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................... $254.81
Nordling Family Fund.......................$1,000.00
Red Oak Fund....................................... $100.00
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund................$300.00
Western Lake Superior Habitat for Humanity
A Brush With Kindness
Fair Chance Fund..............................$4,000.00
Construction Manager
Community Opportunity Fund.......$20,000.00
St. Raphael’s Health and
Rehabilitation Center
Purchase of AED Machine
Eveleth Area Community Foundation
True Friends
Program Fee Assistance
Michael Adam Carroll Memorial
C.E., Jr. and M.K. Fuller Fund..........$1,000.00
Lone Wolf Fund..................................$1,947.50
Woodland Hills
Berringer Awards Event
Philip H. and Barbara Strom Family
Charitable Fund............................$1,000.00
Jim Gustafson Fitness Center
Elva B. and Mitchell J. Sill Family
Program Support
A&A Enterprises Charitable Fund......$200.00
Apter Family Fund...............................$300.00
Red Oak Fund.......................................$500.00
Philip H. and Barbara Strom Family
Charitable Fund...............................$500.00
Youth Services
Moline Family Donor Advised Fund.... $750.00
Scottish Rite Foundation of Duluth
Program Support
Anonymous Friend Designated
Fund............................................... $4,606.05
Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank
Program Support
Nordling Family Fund.......................... $250.00
Rauha Fund.......................................... $355.25
Smile Train, Inc.
Program Support
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund................ $150.00
Special Olympics Minnesota
Program Support
Apter Family Fund............................... $100.00
The Brick Ministries Inc.
Benevolence Program
Samuel F. Atkins and Barbara H. Atkins
Memorial Fund............................. $2,360.00
The Carter Center
Program Support
Harris Family Fund............................... $882.40
UDAC, Inc.
Program Support
Nordling Family Designated
Fund 1............................................ $1,288.80
Union Gospel Mission
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................... $254.81
Program Support
Anonymous 1 Charitable Fund........ $2,596.50
Nordling Family Fund..........................$500.00
Red Oak Fund....................................... $100.00
United Way of Greater Duluth
Program Support
Anonymous Friend Designated
Fund............................................... $3,220.85
Edna M. and H. Anna Jenks’
Charitable Fund.............................$7,939.68
United Way of Greater Duluth
Endowment Fund...................... $51,732.00
White Pine Fund................................... $744.20
The Sieur Du Luth Society
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund............. $1,650.00
Women’s Health Center of Duluth, P.A.
Program Support
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund................ $100.00
Wounded Warrior Project
Program Support
Scott Hawkins Fund............................. $100.00
YMCA of Duluth
Camp Miller
A&A Enterprises Charitable Fund......$200.00
Mentor Superior
Community Opportunity Fund.......$10,000.00
Partner With Youth
Apter Family Fund...............................$200.00
Moline Family Donor Advised
Fund.................................................. $750.00
YMCA of Superior-Douglas County
Program Support
YMCA of Superior-Douglas County
Endowment Fund.........................$1,211.00
YMCA World Fellowship Fund
Program Support
Edna M. and H. Anna Jenks’
Charitable Fund............................ $2,646.54
YWCA of Duluth
Kids Corner
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................... $254.81
Program Support
YWCA Fund..................................... $13,274.00
Arrowhead Interfaith Council
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund............................... $254.81
Cook County Community Fund
Program Support
Harris Family Fund............................... $882.40
Duluth Superior Area Community
Program Support
Moline Family Fund..........................$1,000.00
Eveleth 4th of July Fund
Program Support
John and Carol Mayasich and
Family Fund...................................$1,000.00
GND Veterans Memorial
Gary New Duluth Recreation Area
Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund....$2,500.00
Great Lakes Aquarium & Freshwater
Discovery Center
Program Support
A&A Enterprises Charitable Fund......$200.00
Kitchi Gammi Club Foundation
Program Support
Anonymous Friend Designated
Fund............................................... $1,841.80
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund.............$1,000.00
Maple Hill Fire Department
Gear for Traffic Control
Scott Hawkins Fund............................. $420.00
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Program Support
Edna M. and H. Anna Jenks’
Charitable Fund.......................... $10,586.22
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund................$500.00
White Pine Fund................................ $1,488.40
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Program Support
Elva B. and Mitchell J. Sill Family
Trinity-by-the-Cove Episcopal Church
Program Support
Elva B. and Mitchell J. Sill Family
Two Harbors Area Fund
Program Support
Two Harbors Area Fund Matching
Account........................................ $19,989.87
Young Leaders Fund
Program Support
Moline Family Donor Advised
Annual Membershp
Council on Foundations
Annual Membership Dues
Community Opportunity Fund......... $4,640.00
Donors Forum of Wisconsin
Annual Membership Dues
Community Opportunity Fund.........$4,000.00
Minnesota Council on Foundations
Annual Membership
Community Opportunity Fund......... $5,350.00
Total Grants................................ $1,530,969.54
2014 Affiliated Grants
Community Parks and
Recreation Program
Chester Bowl Improvement Club
Chairlift Seat Replacement..............$4,400.00
Cyclists of Gitchee Gummee Shores
Duluth Traverse Trail Construction.... $2,500.00
Trail Maintenance and
Trail Signage.....................................$5,000.00
Trail Signage for
New Multi-use Trails......................$5,000.00
Duluth Community Garden Program
Let’s Grow Edible Duluth.................. $3,350.00
Duluth Cross-Country Ski Club
Lester-Amity Chalet Heating
Spirit Mountain Cross-Country Ski System
Duluth Sister Cities International
Summer Celebration........................$5,000.00
Friends of Dog Parks
Observation Park Dog Park..............$5,000.00
Welch Center
Memorial Park Ice Rink.....................$5,000.00
GND Development Alliance
GND Recreation Area
Community Center Siding............$5,000.00
Wheels on Trails Organization
Experiencing Duluth Outside...........$4,000.00
Grassy Point Boardwalk...................$4,400.00
Goodwill Industries Vocational Enterprises, Inc.
Summer Youth Employment
Woodland Amateur Hockey Association
Woodland Community
Center Rink....................................$5,000.00
Lake Superior Zoological Society
Tractor Snowblower Attachment.....$5,000.00
Volunteer Docent Program..............$5,000.00
Woodland Hills
Summer Explorers Club...................$5,000.00
Total Affiliated Grants..................... $99,450.00
Neighbors of Lower Chester Park
Central Hillside Park Revitalization... $5,000.00
Basketball Hoops and
Trash/Recycling Bins.....................$1,800.00
Total Grants................................ $1,630,419.54
The Salvation Army - Duluth
Dunkin’ in Duluth
Basketball Tournament..................$4,000.00
2014 Scholarships
Anderson Niskanen Scholarship Fund
Connor Behm
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,000.00
Peggy J. Campbell
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$2,000.00
Gina M. Constantini
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,000.00
Amber L. Lindholm
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$2,000.00
Paul Antonich Scholarship Fund
Connor Behm
University of Minnesota Duluth......$1,000.00
Darrell and Palchie Asselin Scholarship Fund
Christopher J. Hanson
College of St. Scholastica.................$1,000.00
Kelly L. Stark
College of St. Scholastica.................$2,000.00
Johanna Wilson
College of St. Scholastica.................$1,000.00
William E. Barto Scholarship Fund
Falyn McCotter
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,000.00
Timothy P. Sandwick
University of Minnesota Duluth......$1,000.00
Bernard B. and Mary L. Brusin
Scholarship Fund
Carrie R. Gabrielson
St. Mary’s University........................$4,000.00
Melissa E. Jarvi
University of Minnesota Duluth......$4,000.00
Olivia A. Johansen
University of North Dakota..............$5,000.00
Ashley N. Moisio
College of St. Scholastica.................$4,000.00
Christine E. Thomas
Iowa State University.......................$4,000.00
Catherine C. Vaught
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$4,000.00
Kathryn A. Bullyan Scholarship Fund
Samuel B. Belden
Massachusetts Institute
of Technology....................................$500.00
Riley Burnell Criminal Justice Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Maria Shermoen
Minnesota State
University - Moorhead..................$2,500.00
Allen Butler Minority Law Enforcement
Scholarship Temporary Fund
Andrew F. Larson
University of Minnesota Duluth.........$500.00
Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Taneasha Muonio
Augsburg College.............................$1,000.00
Duluth Building & Construction Trades
Council Scholarship Fund
Cory Erickson
Drake University...............................$2,500.00
Jake Serre
College of St. Scholastica.................$2,500.00
Duluth Central High School Alumni
Scholarship Fund
Haley M. Brown
University of Minnesota Duluth......$1,000.00
Jasmin K. Farmakes
University of Wisconsin - Superior....$1,000.00
Joy B. Gilmer
Lake Superior College......................$1,000.00
Duluth Central Sports Association Legacy
Scholarship Fund
Kelcy Huston
University of Minnesota Duluth.........$500.00
Julie Enberg Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jessica Newman
University of Minnesota Duluth......$1,000.00
Peter M. Gargano Scholarship Fund
Jasmine Kruschek
St. Cloud State University................$2,000.00
Gernander Scholarship Fund
Jack Monson
University of St. Thomas.................. $1,250.00
Patricia S. Gustafson ‘56 Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Emily R. Fleissner
University of Minnesota Duluth.........$800.00
Meghan E. Safstrom
University of Minnesota Duluth.........$800.00
Jeanne H. Hemmingway Scholarship Fund
Matthew J. Dexter
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,500.00
Anna Frink
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,500.00
Danica C. Grover
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,500.00
Alexis D. Houle
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,500.00
Autumn F. Soli
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,500.00
Sean T. Zakrajsek
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,500.00
Brianna P. Zunich
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,500.00
Gus and Henrietta Hill Scholarship Fund
Lisliet Hernandez
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$3,000.00
Seth J. Loeffler-Kemp
Macalester College...........................$3,000.00
Elizabeth Torma
University of Wisconsin - Madison....$2,500.00
Greg Irons Award
Katelyn Ball
University of Minnesota Duluth......$1,000.00
Aurora W. Vautrin
Gustavus Adolphus College.............$1,000.00
Bill Zwak
East High School..................................$500.00
Jackson Club Scholarship Fund
Cade Botten
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$1,000.00
Olivia A. Johansen
University of North Dakota..............$1,000.00
Danielle A. Luke
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$1,000.00
Alexander W. Schmies
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$1,000.00
Cory Jam Memorial Award
Mariah J. Berner
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.... $800.00
Fred C. and Mary H. Lewis Scholarship Fund
Several Upper Class Students
Marshall School.............................. $24,122.00
Lake Superior Medical Society Tilderquist
Scholarship Fund
Robin A. Sautter
University of Minnesota Duluth......$1,000.00
Sarah J. Virnig
University of Minnesota Duluth......$1,000.00
Modern Woodmen of America
Scholarship Fund
Kelly L. Stark
College of St. Scholastica.................$1,000.00
Minnesota Power Community Involvement
Scholarship Fund
Annika E. Beaupre
University of MinnesotaTwin Cities.......$2,500.00
Billy D. Critchley-Menor
Saint John’s University....................$2,500.00
Nicholas M. Engen
University of Wisconsin - Madison.... $2,500.00
Alyssa M. Envall
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$2,500.00
Michelle L. Feyder
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,500.00
Abigail J. Fischer
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,500.00
Emily R. Fleissner
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,500.00
Gabriel B. Graves
College of St. Scholastica.................$2,500.00
Kaity K. Hagen
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$2,500.00
Nicole J. Hanson
Winona State University..................$2,500.00
Claire Hoffert
Washington & Lee University..........$2,500.00
Carley R. Hoffman
Winona State University..................$2,500.00
Adam C. Kneepkens
St. Louis University..........................$2,500.00
Katlin D. Koskela
College of St. Scholastica.................$2,500.00
Megan M. Norby
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,500.00
Caitlin J. Rudd
College of St. Benedict.....................$2,500.00
Rachel J. Stoddard
Luther College...................................$2,500.00
Josephine A. Stracek
North Park University.......................$2,500.00
Matthew J. Thibodeau
Carleton College...............................$2,500.00
Chandra L. Wiley
University of Wisconsin - Stout.......$2,500.00
Minnesota Power New Generation
Scholarship Fund
Ryan T. Aili
Wisconsin Indianhead
Technical College..............................$500.00
Matthew G. Beaulieu
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,500.00
Amy N. Blakeslee
College of St. Scholastica.................$2,500.00
Eric Fryc
College of St. Scholastica.................$2,500.00
Christopher O. Gradin
University of North Dakota..............$2,500.00
Matthew P. Helm
Minnesota State University
Samuel W. Holden
University of Wisconsin - Superior.... $2,500.00
Ariel D. Johnson
University of Wisconsin - Superior....$2,500.00
Joseph B. Lofgren
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,500.00
Bennett J. Maki
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,500.00
Brandy R. Maki
Minnesota State University
Stephanie Manning
Itasca Community College...............$1,000.00
Michael A. Mortenson
University of Mary............................$2,500.00
Kailee M. Ogden
College of St. Scholastica.................$2,500.00
Collin A. Pedersen
Wisconsin Indianhead
Technical College...........................$1,000.00
Tyler D. Przybylski
University of North Dakota..............$2,500.00
Katherine J. Rasley
Minnesota State University
Nathan A. Renner
Itasca Community College...............$1,000.00
Katelyn M. Schirado
University of Mary............................ $1,250.00
Claire Schumacher
Minnesota State University
Courtney R. Wirtanen
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,500.00
Chelsey M. Zimmerman
University of Mary............................$2,500.00
Jordan C. Zunker
Lake Superior College......................$1,000.00
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Scholarship Fund for Late Bloomers
Kelsey Bock
University of Mary............................... $750.00
Benjamin Johnson
North Dakota State University.........$1,500.00
Kelly Lind
Lake Superior College......................$1,500.00
Karli Peterson
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire....$1,500.00
Travis Wigstrom
Michigan Technological
Hubert A. Nelson Scholarship Fund
Sean M. Chevalier
University of Wisconsin - Superior....$2,000.00
Jessie A. Graves
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,000.00
Jireh Mabamba
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,000.00
Amelia and Emanuel Nessell Family
Scholarship Fund
Scottie E. Deming
College of St. Scholastica....................$600.00
Liesa C. Erickson
Luther College......................................$500.00
Richard B. Pearson Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Megan A. Allen
Gustavus Adolphus College.............$1,000.00
G. Scott Ransom Scholarship Fund of the
Duluth/Superior Alpine Club
Anonymous Athlete #1
Duluth/Superior Alpine Club............... $475.00
Anonymous Athlete #2
Duluth/Superior Alpine Club............... $475.00
Anonymous Athlete #3
Duluth/Superior Alpine Club............... $475.00
Dr. Mark Rathke Family Scholarship Fund
Erin Paul
College of St. Benedict.....................$1,000.00
Daniel Patrick Riley
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Audrey L. Summers
Beloit College....................................$2,000.00
Steve Rolland Youth Peacemaker Award Fund
Billy D. Critchley-Menor
Saint John’s University....................$1,000.00
Jack and Mary Rowe Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Bailee R. Coughlin
University of Minnesota Duluth......$4,500.00
Lawrence E. and Mabel Jackson Rudberg
Scholarship Fund
Katelyn M. Adams
University of Wisconsin - Superior....$5,000.00
Emma J. Burton
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$5,000.00
Sasha R. Fjeran
University of Wisconsin - Superior....$5,000.00
Breanna M. Hess
Bethel University..............................$5,000.00
Connor W. Lehto
College of St. Scholastica.................$5,000.00
Holly A. Nowacki
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$5,000.00
Saturn Systems Scholarship Fund
Jonathan Beaulieu
University of Minnesota Duluth......$1,000.00
Joshua N. Muhich
University of Minnesota Duluth......$1,000.00
Danielle Patterson
University of Minnesota Duluth......$1,000.00
Kenneth and Concetta Schoen
Scholarship Fund
Ryan Michalicek
College of St. Scholastica.................$2,000.00
Victoria Nugent
Hamline University...........................$2,000.00
Rieger Viche’
University of Minnesota Duluth......$2,000.00
Scott Scholarship Fund
Anna Carman
St. Catherine University................... $2,100.00
Audrey L. Summers
Beloit College....................................$1,400.00
Superior East All-Class Reunion
Scholarship Fund
Paige Barnard
Lake Superior College.........................$700.00
Phil Shykes Memorial Scholarship Fund
Abigail C. Gilbert
North Dakota State University............ $850.00
Jamie M. Siemsen
College of St. Scholastica.................... $750.00
Small Business Education Scholarship Fund
David J. Alaspa
Entrepreneur Fund...............................$400.00
Sharon M. Bock
Cook County Higher Education.......... $240.00
Cindy L. Carpenter Straub
Cook County Higher Education.......... $240.00
Melissa C. Dressely
Cook County Higher Education.......... $240.00
Stephanie J. Heinle
Entrepreneur Fund............................... $396.00
Shannon Holmied
Entrepreneur Fund............................... $396.00
Marcy J. Kernez
Entrepreneur Fund............................... $396.00
Dennelle L. Mehle
Entrepreneur Fund............................... $396.00
Rebecca K. Noble
Cook County Higher Education.......... $240.00
Angela E. Sipila
Entrepreneur Fund...............................$400.00
Rebecca Stoner
Cook County Higher Education.......... $240.00
Rob M. Wells
Cook County Higher Education.......... $240.00
Jean Quinn Sullivan Scholarship Fund
Alison A. Bergstrom
University of Wisconsin - Superior....$1,000.00
John A. Sullivan Scholarship Fund
Amanda M. Doolittle
University of Wisconsin - Superior....$1,000.00
Katie J. Lach
University of Wisconsin - Superior....$1,000.00
Sarah J. Nestrud
University of Wisconsin - Superior....$1,000.00
Charlotte Ulland Scholarship Fund for Girls
Grace L. Hoeft
University of Minnesota Crookston.....$1,000.00
Josie A. Strom
University of Minnesota Duluth.........$500.00
Molly A. Zafft
Winona State University..................$1,000.00
Richard “Rick” Roy Washburn Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Kelsey Behnke
Iowa State University.......................$1,000.00
Salena S. Gahler
University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse......$1,000.00
Alyssa J. Sager
Allen College.....................................$1,000.00
Justin Wilton
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$1,000.00
Total Scholarship ......................... $302,421.00
2014 Affiliated Trust Scholarships
Walter and Anna Soneson Scholarship Fund
Maia N. Dalager
University of Minnesota Morris.......... $3,250.00
Karly J. Howg
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$3,500.00
Amber M. Kling
St. Cloud State University...................$3,500.00
Brianna L. Krause
University of Minnesota Duluth.........$3,500.00
Elizabeth R. Madole
University of Minnesota Duluth......... $3,250.00
Erin E. Monroe
University of Wisconsin - Madison.... $3,500.00
Adrianna Olson
Trinity Christian College.......................$3,500.00
Jonathan Opacich
University of Minnesota Duluth......... $3,250.00
Elizabeth Torma
University of Wisconsin - Madison.... $3,500.00
Robert B. and Sophia Whiteside
Scholarship Fund
Sarah M. al’Absi
University of Toronto............................$6,000.00
Katherine A. Allen
Gustavus Adolphus College................$6,000.00
David J. Anderson
Carleton College...................................$6,000.00
Ellen M. Badger
Luther College.......................................$6,000.00
Cadence J. Bambenek
University of Wisconsin - Madison....$6,000.00
Joseph S. Barnes
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Darian Bergerson
Milwaukee School of Engineering......$6,000.00
Mariah J. Berner
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Sydoney B. Blackmore
University of Montana - Missoula......$6,000.00
Miranda Boen
University of Minnesota Twin Cities...$6,000.00
Anna L. Bolgrien
Lawrence University............................$6,000.00
Signe M. Braafladt
St. Olaf College.....................................$6,000.00
Claire R. Bransky
St. Olaf College.....................................$6,000.00
Charles Bray
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Eric Brekke
Illinois Institute of Technology.............$6,000.00
Madeline N. Carpenter
Beloit College........................................$3,000.00
Katelyn K. Caskey
Simmons College.................................$6,000.00
Breyen A. Coffin
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Richard Coffin
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Anthony M. Cotter
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Brenton Decker
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Caden DeRoche
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Eric DeWitte
United States Naval Academy............... $300.00
Daniel S. Erickson
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Kaarin K. Evens
Macalester College...............................$6,000.00
Laurel M. Eyer
University of St. Thomas.....................$6,000.00
Samuel Fehringer
North Dakota State University............$6,000.00
Andrew T. Florestano
University of Minnesota Duluth.........$6,000.00
Madeline Fontaine
University of Wisconsin - Madison....$6,000.00
Ella M. Fox
Carleton College...................................$6,000.00
Jonathan S. Gessert
University of Wisconsin - Madison....$6,000.00
Berit H. Goodge
Carleton College...................................$6,000.00
Aaron M. Grossman
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Kali A. Gustafson
St. Olaf College.....................................$6,000.00
Laura J. Halvorsen
University of Wisconsin - Superior....$3,000.00
Delaney E. Hart
University of Minnesota Twin Cities...$6,000.00
Katherine G. Harvey
University of Rochester........................$6,000.00
Annie C. Harvieux
Harvard University...............................$6,000.00
Alyssa K. Hess
University of St. Thomas.....................$6,000.00
Danish Imtiaz
George Washington University..........$6,000.00
Elizabeth A. Jacobson
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Christine M. Karas
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Julia C. Klein
University of Minnesota Duluth.........$6,000.00
Claire E. Kleinschmidt
Providence College...............................$6,000.00
Calvin Kosmatka
University of Wisconsin - Madison....$6,000.00
Nathaniel D. LaFond
St. Olaf College.....................................$6,000.00
Jacqueline E. LaLiberte
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Brianna J. Lally
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Bauer L. LeSavage
Boston University.................................$6,000.00
Yiming Liu
St. Olaf College.....................................$6,000.00
Kelly Lorenz
Andrews University..............................$6,000.00
Garrett R. Maron
Harvard University...............................$6,000.00
Alisha Martin
United States Air Force Academy.......... $300.00
Anna M. Menzel
Harvard University...............................$6,000.00
Ethan B. Meyers
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Benjamin Michalicek
Gustavus Adolphus College................$6,000.00
Ean S. Mullins
Gordon College.....................................$6,000.00
Peder Norr
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Weston N. Norris
University of Minnesota Duluth.........$6,000.00
Kayla Olson
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Danielle Patterson
University of Minnesota Duluth.........$6,000.00
Ian Peters
Carleton College...................................$6,000.00
Mathew C. Peterson
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Mya R. Peterson
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Anne N. Plachta
University of Notre Dame...................$6,000.00
Joshua C. Plys
University of Minnesota Duluth.........$6,000.00
Claira M. Poirier
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.........$6,000.00
Kelly L. Popham
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Sarah Reichhoff
University of St. Thomas.....................$6,000.00
Gunnar Roadfeldt
Texas Christian University...................$6,000.00
Nicole M. Sannes
University of Wisconsin - Madison....$6,000.00
Mara E. Sauve
University of Minnesota Duluth.........$6,000.00
Madeline Schenk
New York University.............................$6,000.00
Sophia Schuder
University of San Diego.......................$6,000.00
McKinley Sconiers-Hasan
University of Wisconsin - Madison....$6,000.00
Patrick J. Sheedy
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Hans Slade
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Regina A. Sternberg
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Sarah R. Stevens
Adelphi University................................$6,000.00
Kyle L. Stupca
University of Kansas............................$6,000.00
Isak E. Swanson
Luther College.......................................$6,000.00
Stephen C. Sweeney
St. Olaf College.....................................$6,000.00
Blake Tapa
University of Minnesota Duluth.........$6,000.00
Lindsey Taylor
Gustavus Adolphus College................$6,000.00
Erik Thibault
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Jon R. Tiburzi
St. Olaf College.....................................$6,000.00
Anthony P. Vecchi
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Joseph T. Vecchi
University of Wisconsin - Madison....$6,000.00
Samuel J. Wattrus
Harvard University...............................$6,000.00
Mary Kate Wheeler
University of Wisconsin - Madison....$6,000.00
Bailey Widstrom
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.....$6,000.00
Sophie C. Wilkowske
Columbia University............................$6,000.00
Amity K. Wipson
University of Notre Dame...................$6,000.00
Erik W. Zimmerman
University of Wisconsin - Madison....$6,000.00
Total Affiliated Trust Scholarships....$577,350.00
Total Scholarships............................ $879,771.00
2014 Contributors
The following individuals, families, companies and organizations contributed to the
Community Foundation between January 1 and December 31, 2014. Gifts were gratefully
received through establishment of a new fund, contributing to an unrestricted fund,
adding to an existing fund, or making an in-kind donation, and are listed as requested.
ABC Healthy Families, Inc.
Afton Press
Emily Ahachich
Rodney and Linda Aho
Terry, Shawna, Tristan, and Tripp Albert
Don and Lois Albrecht
Jennifer E. Albrecht
Nicholas Alworth
American Family Mutual Insurance Company
American Legion Post 109
American Peat Technology, LLC
Bonnie and Gordy Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Brad E. Anderson
Gerald R. and Patricia Anderson
Ginnoda and Marcilyn Nesgoda Anderson
Jon and Deborah Anderson
LuAnne Laiti Anderson
Mark and Donna Anderson
Shar and Jim Anderson
Susan Anderson
Huck and Karen Andresen
Nancy Andrews
Andy’s IGA
Angry Trout Cafe
Paulette Anholm
Apostle Highland Golf Course
Apostle Island Booksellers
Apostle Island Cruises
Apostle Island Relay Swim
Apostle Islands Realty - Kathleen C. Russell
Scott Armstrong and Kathy Gang
Arrowhead D.A.R.E.
David and Judith Arvold
Mrs. Arthur Aufderheide
Carol and Richard Avol
Mame Babineau
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Backlund
Ina Backman
Mike and Jo Bailey
Ballavance Consulting
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Linda Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Barnes
Frank and Joanne Barrows
C. Barton and D. Doering
Tony and Marg Bartovich
John and Sue Bathke
Bayfield Ace Hardware
Bayfield Community Education Foundation, Inc.
Bayfield Wine and Spirits
Robert and Maureen Bazzett
Mike and Dar Beard
Julie Beauregard
Thomas G. and Mary M. Bell, III
Bell Street Gallery
Benna Ford Superior
Tracy Benson and Peter Kavanaugh
Thomas and Sally Berg
Jan Hassel Bergman
Tammie L. Bernd
Eurgel and Denise Berry
David Saetre and Janet Bewley
Michael and Catherine Bianchet
Tony and Kathy Biebl
Big Top Chatauqua
Jan Biga
Kay Biga and Patrick Spott
Ann V. Biron
Blackbear Casino
Irene H. Blakely
Aaron Blevins
Blueridge Forest Products
BMO Harris Bank
Bodin’s Inc.
Dr. Bernhard Boecker
John and Jo Boll
Pete and Sue Boman
Ryan and Amy Boman
Tom and Mary Boman
Joe and Louise Bonach
James C. Booth
Kristina Bourne and Tim Valentine
Bruce Bowers and Ric Gilman
Charlotte A. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bozich
Philip G. Bradley Family Trust
Allan and Roberta Brandt
Peter and Carla Bremner
Colleen Brennan
Lynn M. Brice
Brickyard Creek LLC
Demaris Brinton and Theron O’Connor
Edie Bristol
Kenneth M. Bro and Becky J. Brown
Ward and Linda Brown
Brownstone Center
Bob Bruce
Holly A. Bruce
Julie M. Brunner
Paul and Vikki Buckley
Buck’s Hardware Hank
Laura S. Budd
Buffalo Bay Store
Henry and Mary Jo Buffalo
Buhl Water Company
Building Clay Studio North
Wayne and Linda Burggraaff
Burlington Northern Spill Trust Fund
Richard R. and Elizabeth M. Burns
Tim and Kathy Burns
Myron Bursheim
Marilyn Buscher
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Bushey
Bye Family Scholarship Trust
Calumet Superior, LLC
Patricia Campanaro
Meagan Campbell
Charles and Dawn Campion
The Candy Shoppe
Jennifer L. Carey
Glenn Carlson
Jessica Carlson
Lars and Mary Carlson
Mike Carlson
Kerry and Nicole Carpenter
Helen and Bob Carter
June C. Carter
Arnie and Patty Carver
Richard L. Carver
Mei Castor and Dan Bryant
Curt and Christina Cavallin
Keri and Ryan Cavitt
Central Area Sports Association
Central Mesabi Fund for Human Services
Frank and Cindy (Imsdahl) Ceo
Daniel and Suzanne Cervin
Paul Chapman
Chana and Al Chechik
Joel and Marc Chechik and Families
Karen D. Cheetham
Dr. Diane Christel
Pat and Betty Christel
Ann and Donn Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Christianson
City of Duluth
City of Grand Marais
Dr. Terrence C. Clark
Alison J. Clarke
Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial, Inc.
Gerald L. Cleveland and Marjorie Anderson
Cliffs Foundation
Jim and B. J. Collier
Community Opportunity Fund
John P. and JoAnn G. Congdon
Marian Congdon
Cook County Higher Education
Sam D. and Phyllis L. Cook
Cooperative Light & Power
John and Linda Cory
Ethel M. Costello
Kyle Costley and Jennifer Miller
Gene and Ruth Cotton
Sheila Coyle
J. M. Crace
Marlis Cran
Hubert Craw
Joe Crawford
Dean T. and Pamela J. Croft
John and Sarah Cron
William J. Cronon
Michael Crowell and Karen Ruedi Crowell
Daniel and Kirsten Cruikshank
Daniel Crusan
Gerald Cubbin and Diane Gibson
Larry and Lisa Cumpston
Dr. Lauren M. Curtis
Mortimer W. Cushman
Doug and Joan Cybela
Alice L. Dahlberg
Nancy Daley
Colleen Daly and Nathan Meyer
Mark Danielson and Theresa Smith
Thomas and Dorothy Danielson
Marlene David
Thomas Davies
Malcolm B. Davy
Dwight and Georgia Day
Mr. and Mrs. John DeCaro
Linda and Sandy Dee
David Delich
Gregory Delich
Robert and Madeline Delich
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Denniston
Denny Maryl Buddy
Sharon Denson
Beverly Denyes
Gerald and Susan DePerry
Patt Kenute DePerry
Julie A. Dickson
Dignity Memorial - Wichita Kansas locations
Cindy Dillenschneider and Jason Maloney
Bill and Connie Dinan
Mark and Janet Ditmanson
Marlene Diver
Richard and Cynthia Donek
Tom and Mary Dougherty
Douglas County Disaster and Welfare Fund
Lawrence and Ann Downing
Eva Downs
Sara and Joe Drobnick, Adam Dawson,
Rilee Dawson
Joan Drury
Duluth Building and Construction
Trades Council
Duluth Central Class of 1948
Duluth Kidney Services, LLC
Duluth News Tribune
Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
Robert J. Dunne Jr.
Bob Durfey and Ann Barthelemy
Eckels Pottery
Mark Eckman
Ed Uihlien Family Foundation
Andrew and Jebeh Edmunds
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Edwards
Walter Egeland
Mark and Shari Eggleson
Joseph Ehlers and Sarah Nelson
Marie Eide
The Electric Shop Inc
Kelly and Sarah Elson
Don and C. Joyce Elvestrom
Employees of St. Luke’s
Mental Health Services
Enbridge Energy Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Engle
Victoria A. Erhart
Cathy Erickson
Paul R. and Irene D. Erickson
PollyAnn Erickson
Dr. Robert and Gwen Erickson
Eveleth Clown Band
Eveleth 4th of July Committee
Eveleth-Gilbert All Class Reunion
Fabiola Club
Josef S. Fairbanks
Rudd Falconer and Jill Lorenz
David and Kathy Falk
Family Service Sharing Fund
Tim Faust
Bill and Claudia Ferraro
Zack Filipovich
Mike Fiorio
Beth Fischlowitz
Darrel and Orlene Fisher
Flamingos Up North
Suzanne K. Flotten
Joe and Elaine Floyd
Jane Flueckiger
Glenn and Celeste Forbes
Dick Forbort Trojan Legacy Golf Scramble
Rick and Kathryn Forsman
John M. and Susan F. Foschi
Four Cedars Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Frankson
Fryberger, Buchanan, Smith & Frederick, P.A.
Funders’ Network for Smart Growth
and Livable Communities, Inc
Chuck and Sue Futterer
Dr. Matthew A. Gahn O.D.
Judy Galbraith
Warren and Beth Gall
Dick and Peggy Gastler
Rick and Colleen Geisen
Terry and Chere Gibson
Gary J. Gilbertson
Julie and Craig Gilbertson
Christine Gildersleeve and Erik Berry
Gary and Marilyn Gilmore
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Gilyard
Regis C. Glumac
Janna Goerdt
Dr. Richard Goese
Ruth Goetz
George and Liz Goldfarb
Beverly B. Goldfine
Melanie Goldish
Gournet Garage
Walter and Ellen Gower
Grace Hogan Jewelry
Grand Marais Family Dentistry
Grand Marais State Bank
Grand Portage Resort
Grandma’s Restaurant Company
Corporate Office
Grandpa Tony’s
Richard and Diana Granger
Donald C. and Germaine E. Grant
William and Dorothy Gray
Great! Lakes Candy Kitchen
Great Lakes Indian Fish and
Wildlife Commission
Greater Downtown Council
Green Bay Packers
Charles A. Greenman
Harold Greenwood
Drs. Lucy Grina and Michael Overend
Michael P. Grossman
Linda Grover
Grunkies and Sgt. Pepperoni
Dr. Eric and Barbara Grutzner
Janice and Fritz Grutzner
Mark J. Guisfredi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gustin
Solveig R. Hadland
David and Virginia Hahn
Karen Halbersleben and Jack Miller
Ed and Sherry Hall
Gary and Barbara Hamilton
David Hammer and Miaki Habuka
James and Leslie Hamp
Keith A. and Lynne J. Hamre
Hanft Fride, A Professional Association
Bill and Cindy Hansen - Sawbill Outfitters
Greg and Rebecca Hansen
Karl Hansen and Kathleen Stewart
Susan L. Hansen
Al and Sally Hanser
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Hanson
Harbor Wear of Bayfield
Muffy and Henry Harmon
Mary Harrington and Jesse Okie
Harris Family Fund
Peter and Carol Harris
Judith L. Harrison
Cathy and Jayme Hartman
Richard H. and Nancy Harvey
Duane Hasegawa and Barb Heideman
Heck of the North
Hedstrom Lumber Co.
Edward and Kristine Hedstrom
Howard and Bonnie Gay Hedstrom
Anne and Peter Heegaard
Tom and Janine Heffelfinger
Pat and Carrie Heffernan
Hegardt Foundation
Texas Hemmaplardh
Adam and Bethany Hendrickson
Marcia and Burke Henry
Mary Hepner
Herbert H. Kohl Charities, Inc.
Kathleen A. Hern
Andy and Kitty Herriott
Kelvin R. Herstad
Edwina Hertzberg
Jon Heyesen
Tim and Cheryl Hicks
Hillhaven LLC
Karen W. Hites
Cathy and Brian Hiti
Charles and Lynn Hiti
Alan and Erika Hodnik
Jerry and Chris Hoel
Deel Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Hoge
Barbara Holaday
Elizabeth Holliday
Patricia Holliday
Cherie and Jerald Holm
Jim and Nancy Holmgren
Margaret Reed Holmgren
Shannon Holmied
Janis Hooey
Jan and Katherine Horak
Bill and Sue Horoshak
Brenda Hoshaw
Jerry and Sandie Hostetter
J.J. and Kelly Hraban
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Huff
Gerald and Carole Huhn
Mary and Stan Hunter
Patricia Hvidston and Roger Opp
Dan and Mary Hymans
Inn on Madeline Island
Willis and Betty Irons
Mary Lou and Pat Irvine
Island Carvers
Paul Iversen
Ann Jackson
Helena Jackson and Douglas Dunham
Joel and Linda Jackson
Jocelyn Jacobs
M. Kaye Jacobs
Lanette Jacoby
The Jamar Company
Sylvia B. Jamar
Douglas S. Janzig
Joseph and Elizabeth Jauquet
Geraldine L. Jensen
Kathryn Jensen and Robert C. Bloecher
Sheryl and Ken Jensen
Pete and Mary Jeronimus
Jim Forsman Accounting CPA
Joanne’s Scandinavian Gifts
John S. & James L. Knight Foundation
Pauline L. John
Adler and Phlaine Johnson
Brian and Jan Johnson
Casey R. Johnson
David A. Johnson
Don and Laviere Johnson
Judie M. Johnson
Julius and Darlene Johnson
Johnson, Killen & Seiler, P.A.
Lori Halgren Johnson and
Daniel A. Johnson, Sr.
Mr. Mark S. Johnson
Steven R. and Kathy Johnson
Wallace and Ellen Johnson
Brad and Janelle Jones
Brent and Brenna Jordan
Thomas F. Jordan
Bonnie Jorgenson and Chris Correia
Linda A. Jorgenson
Art and Martha Kaemmer
Julie M. Kapke
Karpen Family
Robert D. Karwath Jr.
Michael and Nancy Kearney
Lori Keeler
Faris and Bonnie Keeling
Keenan Consulting, LLC
Keeper of the Light
William R. Kehtel
Suzanne K. Kelley
Peter and Shelly Kemp
Beth and Tim Kennedy
Kelsey Kennedy
Bruce and Sue Kerfoot
Carl and Laurie Kerschen
Joyce and Rolland Kiel
Peter and Lisa Kierland
Elaine Killen
Marian M. King
Rebecca King
Jane Hartley Kingston
Katie Klessig
Knights of Columbus Council 2583
Gary and Mae Patrice Knowles
Roger Kochevar
Dr. A. A. Koeller
Keith Koenning and Patricia Murphy
John and B. J. Kohlstedt
Tim, Ashley, Aaron Koivunen
Mr. and Mrs. Jay T. Kolquist
Korkki Nordic Ski Club
Paul and Kim Kosmatka
Kraus Anderson Construction Company
Karen C. Kritta
Caleb Krochalk
Thomas and Kathryn Kromroy
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kropid
Jonathan M. Kuchera
Jason and Jacqi Kuettel
Joyce R. Kunz
Kurhajetz Family
Amy Kuronen
Kwik Trip, Inc
Marina Lachecki and James Kasperson
The Lake Bank
Lake of the Torches Resort
Lakewood Elementary
School Foundation, Inc
Lakewood Montessori Preschool, Inc
Linda and H. A. Lamb
Rosemary Lamson
Daral Lange
Nick Lansing
Bob and Doris Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Larson
Milt and Sharon Larson
Greg Lavato
Stacy LaVres and Mary Tennis
Sarah Lawrence and Cal Metts
William and Julia Leakey
Mark and Donna Leese
Legendary Waters
Ethel S. Leng
Ross and Diane LeRoy
Drs. Sidney and Lynne Levitsky
G. S. Lewis and Rondi C. Erickson
Liberty Wealth Management
of Raymond James & Associates, Inc.
Shirley Lindgren
Rolf and Layne Lindquist
Cathy and Greg Lindsey
Christine Lindsey
Tom and Peggy Lipinski
Liscomb Hood Mason Co,
A Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC
Living Advenure
Leslie Livingston and David Miller
Gina Lott
Kristi and Travis Lounsberry
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lovato
Rev. and Mrs. Roderick G. Luebchow
Lundgren Motors Inc.
Claudia A. Lundquist
Bill Lurton
Lutsen Resort Company
Maypakou Ly
Randi Lyders and Scott Kindrick
Richard and Jean Lynch
Jacob Lyons
Madeline Island Ferry Line
Madeline Island Golf Club
Helen and Bob Mairs
Maki & Overom
Ralph and Barb Maki
Judy and Tom Manley
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Marcaccini
Toby and Sharon Marcovich
Joseph J. Markovich
Ann Mars
Mary H. Rice Foundation
Ted May
James Mayasich
Joe M. and Sally Mayasich
John and Carol Mayasich and Family Fund
Timothy and Jennifer Mayasich
Keith and Darcy McAuliffe
Barbara and Dennis McCann
Michael and Kay McCarthy
Kathleen McCartin
Jean McCurdy
Seth and Carrieann McDonald
Patrick McGranahan
Mike and Alie McInerney
Steve and Cheryl McLachlan
Paul and Barbara McLeod
Juday Meath
Val and Jean Melgeorge
Edward and Dawn Michael
Donald W. and Alice M. Michels
George and Carolyn Milkovich
Gregory S. and Barbara J. Miller
Charitable Lead Trust
Warren F. Miller
Miners National Bank
Minnesota Power
Minnesota Power Employees Credit Union
Minnesota Power Foundation
Lin and Pat Moe
Geraldine Karakas Moen
Morris Moen and Elaine Melby-Moen
Moline Family Donor Advised Fund
Moline Family Fund
Don and Nancy Moline
Dr. and Mrs. Victor Morcos
Thomas and Sally Morin
Jan and David Morris
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund
Bob Murphy and Ellen Cooke
Mary Murphy
William A. Myers
Napa Auto Parts
Hyla Napadensky
Nancy M. Nason
National Bank of Commerce
Native Spirits
Karl and Shari Nelson
Diane M. Nemec
George Newago
Joanne M. Nichols
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Nikcevich
May and Vern Nordling
Lorraine Norgaard
Karin Norlen
North House Folk School
North Shore Community School
North Shore Federal Credit Union
Northern State Bank
Lyle and Trish Northey
Northwest Beverage Inc
Paul and Dianne Nussbaum
Elizabeth R. O’Brien
The Office Shop
Nancy and Rich Ojard
Karen M. Olesen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Olson
Susan G. Olson
Helen Olsvik
Bob and Susan Olund
Don and Carlene Omtvedt
148th FW Bulldog Enlisted Council
Michael and Maureen O’Phelan
Orchard Edge Quilt Shop
Barry and Sue Osell
Otto Bremer Foundation
Oulu Glass
Bethany and Christopher Owen
Laura M. Owen
Sara Owen
Bob and Mary Ellen Owens
Pace Woods Foundation
Bob and Ginny Padzieski
Michael P. Palermo
Howard Papp
Rebecca B. Patton
Margaret E. Paulson
Thomas Peacock and
Elizabeth Albert-Peacock
Taylor Pedersen
Alyssa M. Peoples
Jim Pete
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Peterlin
Petersons Store
Craig A. and Dianne K. Peterson
Luke Peterson
Ben and Mary Petz
Phillips-Smith Investment Co.
- Margot H. Phillips/Mary H. Smith
Pier Plaza
Herb and Alvera Pierson
Louis and Inger Pignolet
PLB Properties
Marcia A. Podratz
Scott Polzin
Ann Possis
Mary Lou Pouti
Bob Pranis and Veronica Weadock
Janet J. Presley
Margi Preus and Arno Kahn
Beth and Steve Probst
Pugsley Fund of HRK Foundation
Jake Putzel
David Quick and Helen Muth
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Rabold
Nancy Radomski
Thomas and Kristen Radtke
Dean Rau and Sarah Lund
Lee J. Regas
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Reinhardt
Colleen M. Renier
Republic Bank, Inc.
Sara Richter
Tom and Ann Rider
Gary H. Rieman
Sue Riley
Rittenhouse Inn
Michelle M. Robbie
Louise S. Robbins
Steven L. Robertson
Branden Hunner Robinson
Mary Jo Roche
John and Barbara Rodberg
Gary and Kay Roffers
Mark and Nancy Rogers
Peter M. and Betty W. Rogers Fund
Rena Rogers
David and Anne Rogotzke
Christopher and Helen Roland
David and Stephanie Rolland
Linda J. Rolland
Phil Rolle
Thomas and Catherine Rootness
Steven and Nora Rosemore
Sarah Ross
David and Jo-Ann Rossetter
Andrine Rozinka
Mark S. and Nancy L. Rubin
Shari and Jay Rud
Doreen Ruhanen
Hung Q. Russell and Catherine A. Liska
Barbara and Joe Russell
Larry Ryden
George Saari
Donna and Paul Sadar
Maureen Sadar
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Sager
Jetty St. John and Jim Boyd
St. Luke’s Hospital & Regional Trauma Center
Dorothy Salcedo
Salmela Architect
Holly C. Sampson
Hans and Marie Sandbo
Mark and Jeanne Sandbo
Arend J. and Verna Sandbulte
Doug and Mary Sanders
Kenneth A. Sandvik
Saturn Systems, Inc.
Chris N. Saur
Larry and Colleen Saur
Milan and Carolyn Schmidt
Kenneth F. and Concetta I. Schoen
Scott Scholarship Trust
Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank
Margaret Seely
Thomas and Julie Seidelmann
Judy Seitz
Robert and Margaret Seitz
Jack E. Shapiro
Jane E. Shaw
The Shea Family
Suzanne B. Sherman and
Mary Ellen Ashcroft
Don and Pat Shippar
Ruth B. Sickel
Tamara Siebert
Judith and Glen Siegle
Gary and Kathleen Siesennop
Carl and Elizabeth Silverman
Charles and Arlene Simonian Family Trust
Mollie Siskar
Sivertson Gallery
Liz Sivertson
Charles and Mie Skinner
Jean Skinner
Dr. Wm and Kay Slack
Dorothy Slonim
Alexandra Smith Endowment Fund
of the Seattle Foundation
Daniel Smith
Janet and Jerry Smith
Margorie Smith
Steve and Elizabeth Smith
Virginia M. and John W. Soetebier
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Solin
Walter and Anna Soneson Scholarship Trust
Harriet N. Sorensen
Sonya R. Sorensen
Spedco Economic Development Foundation
Marcie A. Speer
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Spehar
Spirit Bay
Spirit Mountain Recreation Area
Jessica and Bill Stauber
Bruce and Kayelee Stender
Leo and Chris Stern
Janet Sternat
John and Sharon Stewart
Stone’s Throw
Virginia L. Storlie
Rabbett Strickland
Joe and Joan Strlekar
Karl and Christine Strom
Phil and Babs Strom
Philip H. and Barbara Strom Family Charitable Fund
Tim and Julie Strom
Ellen Stubbs
Nan Stubenvoll
Stanley and Sally Suck
Sugar Shack
Kathleen M. Sullivan
George and Judee Sundstrom
Superior Choice Credit Union
Mary Kay Svedberg
Ronald M. Svee
Jade Swanson
Richard and Bonnie Swanson
Shawn and Kelly Swearingen
Gordon D. Swenson
Thomas and Kathleen Sykes
Tom Szendrey
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Teague
John Tevik
The Saint Paul Hotel
Matt and Mia Thibodeau
David and Maggie Thickens
John Ivey Thomas and Mary Rees Thomas
Family Foundation Fund
L. H. Thorleifson
Joseph and Roberta Tietge
Virginia K. Townley Charitable
Remainder Unitrust
Mary Trettin and Michael A. Miller
Peter Tropman and Virginia Graves
Timothy and Gretchen Tuttle
Two Harbors Area Fund Matching Account
Two Harbors Federal Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Udd
Ulland Brothers, Inc.
U. S. Steel Corporation
U.S. Bank
U.S. Bank Foundation
Mary Van Evera
Ivy Vanio
Violence Prevention Center
Steven and Nami Vizanko
Vladimir and Geraldine Vlaisavljevich
Jane Vogt
Jeff and Kris Von Holzen
Ruthanne Vos
David and Bobbi Vose
W.A. Fisher Advertising and Printing
W M Foundation
Walker Giroux & Hahne, LLC
Linda and J.T Walker
Washburn Chamber of Commerce
Chequamegon Bay Turkey Trot
Timothy Weiske
Kate Welch
Wells Fargo Bank - The Private Bank
Wells Fargo Foundation Educational
Matching Gift Program
Claudia Scott Welty
Donald and Deborah Jo Wendling
Laurie Wermter
West Wisconsin Land Trust, Inc.
Kimberly West
Western Bank
Phil Westine
Wheeler Associates
Jim and Ann Wheeler
Thomas B. Wheeler
White Pine North/Photo Art Shop
Richard and Mavis Whiteman
Robert & Sophia Whiteside Scholarship
Wild by Nature
Gary and Ihleen Williams
Winfield Garden Emporium
Lois Witzig
Paula Sundet Wolf
Mitch and Darlene Wolfe
Susan L. Wolterstorff
Donna W. Woods
Fritz and Debbie Wrazidlo
Young & Associates Insurance Inc.
Timothy J. Young
Elwood and Carol Youngberg
Sharon and Tony Yung
Bob and Ruby Zallar
Ann Zastera
Jim and Mary Zastrow
Renee Zurn
2014 Honor and Memorial Gifts
Gifts to honor or remember loved ones, friends, or special occasions benefit our Community
Foundation’s charitable purposes. Gifts may be made to any established fund, or, a special
fund may be established to reflect the honored person’s life. The Community Foundation’s
Book of Honor, on display in our office, lists those honored or memorialized since our
inception. Memorials and Honorariums made to the following Community Foundation
funds between January 1 and December 31, 2014 include:
John T. & Elizabeth C. Adams Arts Fund
In honor of
Janet Sklaris
Albrecht-Vogt Family Fund
In honor of
Lois Albrecht
Apostle Islands Area Community Fund
In honor of
Myron Smith
In memory of
Lee Branch
Mervin E. Hites
Soren Kasperson
Jim Marshall
Betty Rogers
Apostle Islands Area Community
Operating Fund
In honor of
Madelaine Herder
In memory of
Bryce and Virginia Vance
Animal Allies Endowment Fund
In honor of
Abbot and Pascha Apter
Frank L. Barrows II Memorial
Scholarship Fund
In honor of
Ruth Carlson
Apostle Islands Area Program Services
Endowment Fund
In memory of
Alan Fischlowitz
Birch Grove Foundation Fund
In memory of
Lucretia M. Levy
Aitkin Education Foundation Fund
In memory of
Gordy Root
Peter Bye Family Scholarship Fund
In memory of
Caroline Bye
In memory of
Lyndon Hasskamp
Chequamegon Bay Area Community Fund
In honor of
Dick Bodin
In memory of
Adam S. Holman
Chequamegon Bay Area Program Services
Endowment Fund
In honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Trumper
In memory of
Adam S. Holman
Community Opportunity Fund
In honor of
Norma I. Danielson
Duluth Superior Area
Community Foundation
Cook County Community Fund
In honor of
the beauty of the North Shore and its people
In memory of
Eileen Imsdahl
Walt McCarthy
Courage Center Duluth Fund
In memory of
Timothy Walsh
Duluth Central Sports Association
Legacy Scholarship Fund
In memory of
Dick Forbort
Duluth Edison Charter School Legacy
Endowment Fund
In honor of
Stacy Sosniecki
Jayme Thorson
Duluth Public Schools Fund
In honor of
Marian M. King
In memory of
Betty Lou Hren
Irene Lampi
Lou Ann Nylen
Raymond Stapleton
Sharon Strum
Millicent Lurye Weinberg
Eveleth Area Community Foundation Fund
In memory of
Louis A. Braga
Sally A. Jackson Carlson
Viola and John Casper
Julia M. Celley
William Chapman
Michael L. Karpen
Harry Keenan
Elton Kuderer
Richard K. Lenci
Mary Annette (Ercegovich) Maki
Geno Marcaccini
Lillian A. Mourin
Arthur Nichols
Richard “Dick” Okerstrom
Sig Rimestad
Frank R. Rozinka
Rose and George Sadar
Joseph Siskar
Eveleth Area Community Foundation
Operating Fund
In memory of
Angie Bonach
Irene Grace Walz Paulson
Eveleth 4th of July Fund
In memory of
Julia M. Celley
Colonel Lawrence H. Golberg Aviation
In honor of
Michael Altman
Sandra Ettestad
Mark Marino
In memory of
Arnold “Arnie” Odegaard
Manley and Lillian Goldfine Gold Star
Teacher Award Fund
In honor of
Lillian Goldfine
G.R.A.C.E. Fund
In honor of
Al and Chana Chechik
Grutzner Madeline Island Fund
In honor of
Patty Knutson
In memory of
Lee Branch
Michal Bristol
Mike O’Brien
Ham Ross
Patricia S. Gustafson ‘56 Memorial
Scholarship Fund
In memory of
James F. Gustafson
Hermantown Community Fund
In honor of
Mary Johnson
Greg Irons Award
In memory of
Deloris Andermann
Cory Jam Memorial Award
In memory of
Cory Jam
Kierland - Henry Family Fund
In honor of
Marcia and Burke Henry
In memory of
Margaret Lytle Kierland
Fred C. and Mary H. Lewis Scholarship Fund
In honor of
Mary H. Lewis
Living Legacy Fund
In honor of
Sam Cook
Russ Doty
Mary Moyer Dougherty
In memory of
Charles M. Bell
James F. Gustafson
Helmi Sisko Sivea Lepisto Hammer
Donald Kolquist
Max Ramsland
Madeline Island Public Library Fund
In memory of
Mary Stryker Lewandowski
John and Carol Mayasich and Family Fund
In honor of
John Mayasich
North Shore Community School
Endowment Fund
In memory of
Gilman D. Veith
G. Scott Ransom Scholarship Fund
of the Duluth/Superior Alpine Club
In honor of
Greg Borash
Scott Ransom
Red Cliff Fund
In honor of
Todd and Antonietta Albert
Troy and Caryn Albert
Elizabeth Albert-Peacock
Terry Allen and Shawna Albert
In memory of
Lavern R. Basina
Jean Buffalo
Daniel Patrick Riley Memorial
Scholarship Fund
In memory of
Daniel P. Riley
Spirit Mountain Recreation Area
Authority Fund
In honor of
Renee A. Mattson
Two Harbors Area Fund
In honor of
Gordy Anderson
Bob Olund
Evelyn Tietsort
In memory of
Iver Amundsen
John Brandt
Barbara “Tewsie” Budd
John Downs
Lylia Egeland
Scott Jackson
Herman Johnson
Weldon Johnson
John Norlen
John “Red” Olsvik
Al Ruberg
Carola L. Russell
Joe Zastera
Dale Heimbach Wheeler Memorial Fund
In honor of
Tom Wheeler
Robert B. and Sophia Whiteside
Scholarship Fund
In memory of
Charles M. Bell
Young Leaders Fund
In honor of
All Young Leaders at Republic Bank
Mae, Bert and Bob Halgren
and Deb Lee and Herb Johnson
Steve O’Neil
Nancy Petrasek
Branden Hunner Robinson
Mia Thibodeau
Beverly R. Uhrhammer Memorial
Library Fund
In honor of
Alan R. and Sandra Taenzer
Charlotte Ulland Scholarship Fund for Girls
In honor of
Stephen Kay and Piper Perabo
United Way of Greater Duluth
Endowment Fund
In memory of
James F. Gustafson
Weckwerth-Sampson Family Fund
In honor of
Richard E. Sampson
In memory of
Frances W. Sampson
The Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
will be the leading force for improving our region
by fostering generosity, civic engagement and inclusiveness.
The Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
promotes private giving for the public good.
Confirmed in Compliance
with National Standards for
U.S. Community Foundations