January-Feb 2014 - Grimston, West Norfolk
January-Feb 2014 - Grimston, West Norfolk
Village Link January 2014 Roydon, Grimston, Congham and Pott Row Comment for the month. Chris Spragg Leziate Drove Garage Ltd 01553-630999 Specialising in Service and Maintenance of Most types of Motor Vehicle • MOT Testing While You Wait By Appointment • Servicing Most Types of Petrol & Diesel Vehicles • Air Conditioning Leak Test & Re-Gas (Year Round) • Fault Code Reading Most Makes Catered for • Tyres. Batteries. Wheel Balance Puncture Repairs Your Local M.O.T. Testing Station Warm Friendly Waiting Area Easy Parking. Open Monday to Friday 8.00am-6.00pm Sat 9.00am-12 noon 83, LEZIATE DROVE, POTT ROW, KING’S LYNN, NORFOLK. PE32 1DD 100’s of Carpet, Vinyl, Karndean, Altro & Laminate samples brought direct to you... - Free estimates and planning - Full service from measuring through to fitting - Competitive pricing to suit all tastes and budgets - Over 10 years experience, expert advice and knowledge - Domestic or Commercial work carried out - Additional Services available, including moving furniture, door trimming, uplift and disposal of previous flooring Email: [email protected] Web: www.iperrinflooring.co.uk Tel: 01485 601360 Mob: 07872 558163 15 Stebbings Close, Grimston, King’s Lynn, Norfolk PE32 1DJ January 2014. Traditional 4 star Holiday Cottage, Grimston I was in France some years ago on If we hope for a happier year ahead garden Sleeps 5, own parking New Year’s Eve and we celebrated it mightfor be2 cars, wise private to have a more with eating snails, lashed with balanced view from the Christian Cottage available throughout the year, minimum stay 7 garlic, and an unusual outbreak of perspective of what God is doing nights. Longer term lets possible if you are having “cooing” at midnight. The building world work done across the world at home etc. Pleasetoday. enquireThis for is the over peoples, following theiravailability. own news that doesn’t often reach the traditions, celebrate the coming of media, but gives a message of hope Welcome tray for guests the New Year by partying and with for the future. For example, the Clean homemillions with log burner, a sense of fresh hope for theand comfortable news that today crowd in future. But, like New Year to churches the length and breadth Linen provided, BBQ, broadband. resolutions, deep down we suspect of the Peoples Republic of China, Children unsuitableplanes for younger it won’t last. Nothing changes by over 7 welcome, or thatbutCessna fly into the turning of the calendar Guests unless South Sudan bringing medical we can see what is to be done assistance andplease. relief, whose Pets to by arrangement. No smoking make the future brighter and schedules you will not find on any Forfor further details visitwebsite. It is news that is better. This is where we look travel wisdom and find out whetherwww.latchcottage.com as an available but you need to look for individual weTcan get involved in know the to elephone Sue 07895 028 14it1 orand Freya 07903 335resources 327 something that is not self-serving access it. It will balance out your but genuinely for the benefit of the view of what is the bigger picture There is room for some more colour advertising: community. I recall President John of life in the global village we now Kennedy’s famous challenge from all inhabit. It continues the story contact [email protected] his inaugural address: “ask not that the Bible does not hide, by what your country can do for you reporting much wickedness but – ask what you can do for your also much goodness and mercy country.” overcoming evil to bring us nearer Of course, it is very easy to lose towards a world of peace and heart when the media brings us righteousness. There is always a more bad news than ever before, message of good news and hope to since we now live in the global hear as it becomes clear from village and are as aware of the jihad reports of divine intervention that in Peshawar as we are in while we work on the daily Woolwich. While the good news is assumption that everything is not neglected, it is too often within our control, that privilege passed over under the pressure of thankfully is in the hands of the one the raw news of human failure and who made us in the first place. corruption, which can lead to a rather jaundiced view of the state John Wallis of the nation. 3 Diary for January – February 2014 For All Church Services see separate lists. January Mon. 13th Mobile Library visits Grimston & Pott Row Mon. 20th W.I. meeting 7.30pm Pott Row Village Hall Alzheimer’s Society. Competition – A Memory Jogger Fri. 24th 7.30pm Fourville players Prize Bingo, Pott Row Village Hall Mon. 27th Mobile Library visits Grimston & Pott Row ABACUS QUALIFIED MAINTENANCE SERVICES For all your domestic and industrial maintenance requirements including OIL BOILER SERVICING Bathroom/kitchen fitting, tiling, plumbing. All general maintenance or repairs undertaken Emergency call out available For further information on services provided Please contact MICK BONE Tel: 01553 841342 mob: 07960 170826 Support for computers running Microsoft Windows · Advice · Troubleshooting · Disaster Recovery · Networks · Training 20 yrs commercial experience Michael de Whalley BA Tel: 01485 600391 Email: m_de_whalley @hotmail.com February Mon. 10th Mobile Library visits Grimston & Pott Row Mon. 17th W.I. Bingo Evening 7.30pm Pott Row Village Hall Competition – A Lucky Charm Fri. 21st 7.30pm Fourville Players Quiz Night, Pott Row Village Hall. Mon 24th Mobile Library visits Grimston & Pott Row Fri. 28th 7.30pm Annual Grimston W.I. Quiz Pott Row VH. Mobile Library visits Roydon & Congham Deadline for March Village Link – February18th. Please Do Not Be Late!! A NEW YEAR’S PRAYER Lord, You make all things new, You bring hope alive in our hearts and cause our spirits to be born again. Thank you for this new year, for all the potential it holds. Come and kindle in us a mighty flame so that in our time, many will see the wonders of God and live forever to praise Your glorious name. Amen 4 5 ANDREW W WRIGHT LTD Landscape and Gardening Services SEASONED FIREWOOD Tel. 01485 570159 Mobile 07791 539280 CHRIS CASELEY DOMESTIC OIL FIRED BOILER ENGINEER COMMISSION, SERVICE, REPAIR OFTEC REGISTERED Central Heating Systems Power Flushed WORK GUARANTEED COMPETITIVE PRICES TEL: 01553-828148 MOBILE 079313 55595 OVEN CLEANING Have your oven professionally cleaned. 1 Ashwicken Road, Pott Row 6 9.00am 10.30am Holy Communion Holy Communion th Sunday 12 January Methodist Chapel, Pott Row 10.30am United Service th Sunday 19 January St Botolph, Grimston 8.00am Holy Communion St Andrew, Congham 9.00am Holy Communion St Botolph, Grimston 10.30am Morning Prayer th 10.30am Grimston Group Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion Sunday 9 February All Saints, Roydon 8.30am Holy Communion St Botolph, Grimston 10.30am Morning Worship Sunday 16 February St Botolph, Grimston 10.30am Holy Communion nd Sunday 2 February St Botolph, Grimston Cash, Cheque & Card payments welcome. Phone Colin on 01553 -630678 or 07931-873290 th Sunday 5 January St Andrew, Congham St Botolph, Grimston Sunday 26 January St Botolph, Grimston 01485 609223. All Types of Doors Supplied and Fitted, Laminate Flooring, All Carpentry Work Done Fully Insured for January and February 2013 St Botolph, Grimston 4.00pm Licensing of the Reverend Jane Holmes as ‘Priest in Charge’ of Grimston, Congham and Roydon. The service will be conducted by the Bishop of Lynn, The Right Reverend Jonathon Meyrick. Call Mike at Clean Tech Oven Cleaning COLIN THE CARPENTER CONGHAM, GRIMSTON & ROYDON Church Service Diary th Crazy Bananas Clown & Entertainer For the very best …………entertainment for your …………………party . or event www.crazybananas.upweb.co.uk 01485 600794 07932 236173 th Thursday 20 February St Mary, Gayton Thorpe 7.00pm Evening Service + social time rd Sunday 23 February St Andrew, Congham St Botolph, Grimston 8.30am Holy Communion 10.30am Family Service 10.30am Holy Communion nd Sunday 2 March St Botolph, Grimston 7 A service will be held at St Botolph’s Church, Grimston On Sunday 19th January 2014 at 4pm At which the Reverend Jane Holmes will be licensed as ‘Priest in Charge’ of Grimston, Congham and Roydon. The service will be conducted by the Bishop of Lynn, The Right Reverend Jonathon Meyrick. Refreshments will be served after the service as we welcome Jane and celebrate the beginning of her ministry here. Parishioners from all three parishes are cordially invited to join us for this very special occasion. SHEDS FENCING HEDGE TRIMMING Phone Eric on 01553-630208 Mobile 07867860820 Free Estimates AA COKER CHIMNEY SWEEP Complete Brush and Vacuum Cowls and Bird Guards fitted Friendly and Reliable Service King’s Lynn and surrounding areas 01553 810114 07706 828791 www.chimneysweepkingslynn.co.uk Methodist Mardle I’m also a handyman, with a van, and garden clearance service G.W.LAKE S OLID FUEL MERCHANT Wide range of House Coal and Smokeless Fuels Collections 25kg bags c at Yard HILL FARM, POTT ROW, GRIMSTON HILLINGTON 600540 JJ’s Flowers Arrangements & Bouquets Funeral Tributes Helium Balloons The Birches, St.Andrew’s Lane Congham KL PE32 1DY 01485-609125 / 07884 238438 JUST INHERITANCE Kathy McIntyre LLB Home Visits Mon-Sat up to 6pm Affordable Fixed Fees NO Hidden Extras Single Will - £120 Couple - £180 Lasting Powers of Attorney - £250 Fixed Price Assistance with Admin/Probate on Bereavement FREEPHONE 0800 0435542 www.justinheritance.co.uk JANUARY 2014, .all at 10.30 am. 5th Jan. Mrs Cathy Fielding. 12th Jan. United Covenant Service, Rev. Catherine Dixon. 19th Jan. Mr David Smith. 26th Jan. Rev. Marie Whitcombe. Coffee morning will be Thursday 9th January at 10.30 am. FEBRUARY 2014 all at 10.30 am. 2nd Feb. To be arranged by local Methodists. 9th Feb. Rev. Catherine Dixon, Holy Communion. 16th Feb. Mr Bob Smith. 23rd Feb. Mrs Shiela Johnson. Coffee morning will be Thursday 13th February at 10.30 am at 32 8 Chapel Road. King’s Lynn Wedding Cars Punctual, Professional, Reliable Classic Wedding Car Service Beautiful Bentley Mulsanne and Jaguar S Type available for hire A Special Car for a Special Day… To discuss your requirements please call us on 07950 020933 www.kingslynnweddingcars.co.uk K.L.R. SERVICES Roofing & Flat Roofing Building Maintenance (All Trades) Handy Man Services Cleaning & Grounds Maintenance (Domestic & Commercial) 01553 676592 07770 744744 Mole Control and Pest Services Ltd Alan V. Barlow 3 The Grove, Pott Row Mobile 07789 758741 Home 01485 600178 9 Bantoft & Co Ltd GREENFINGERS REPORT Chartered Certified Accountants Proprietor: Nickie Bantoft, FCCA Personal Tax Retired Persons Partners & Directors Limited Companies Business Advice New Start-ups Payroll & Book-keeping Self Assessment 01485 525880 Please contact Nickie Bantoft, FCCA to discuss the nature of services our firm can offer you. [email protected] or Bob Jolly FMAAT (Consultant) [email protected] Initial discussions and consultations are free of charge. NOVEMBER.. Established Family Business for over 100 Years Pott Row, PE32 1BY Purveyors of Quality fresh meats, Pork Sausages, Burgers, Pork Cheese, Home Cooked Pies, Pasties and Cakes (all made to our own family recipes) Organic and Free Range Poultry Telephone Daytime 600222 Evening 600127 CARLTON’S SOLID FUEL APPROVED COAL MERCHANT GREAT MASSINGHAM SMOKELESS & OPEN FIRE FUELS QUALITY FUELS AT VERY COMPETITIVE PRICES DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE ON 500 KG OR MORE FOR AN ORDER OR QUOTE TEL: 01485-520637 DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS Washing Machines Tumble Dryers Cookers Fridges and Freezers DK APPLIANCES Shop 01553 768557 Mobile 07775 858255 97 Norfolk Street 10 Of 07780-776576 Charles held the Annual General Meeting, mapping out what had been another outstanding year for the club. He read out 'thank you' letters received from the Cycling Response Unit and also from Morley House, both of whom received cheques for £350 from the annual show. Thanks were expressed to club members and village supporters without whose contributions the show would not proceed. Charles Fosgate offered to continue as Chairman and was unanimously returned, as was the rest of the committee. Mr Graham Benefer then gave an A to Z talk on bonsai, bringing exquisite specimens for us to enjoy. The talk was outstanding and very well received, the members bombarding Mr Benefer with questions at the end of the evening. Plant of the month winners were 1st: Barbara Wrout and 2nd: Eileen Godsall. DECEMBER. The meeting was a celebration of the club's 25th anniversary, Jenny Lyne produced a magnificent birthday cake, enjoyed with small savoury snacks and a glass of wine. Janet Brittain’s demonstration of Christmas Floral Decorations was inspirational and greatly appreciated. The arrangements were raffled at the end of the meeting accepted by grateful members. Plant of the month winner was Margaret Gladman. The annual subscription is due, the fee is £10. Members received the programme for 2014. JANUARY No meeting. FEBRUARY Trevor Harrison of Creake plant centre will speak on unusual plants and shrubs. The junior trophy for Photography was won by Jenson Fox, has not been collected, could his parents please contact Charles on 01553 636963 or Jenny Haywood on 01553 630301. Horses: We are getting a lot of complaints about horses using public footpaths and even village greens. Just a reminder that horses are not allowed to use public footpaths nor village greens, either for access or grazing. Many thanks . Grimston Clerk. 11 A Very Special Thank You To – Beverly and the two young people who stopped and helped Peggy Barlow and Enid Driver back on their feet, after a fall in Lynn Road, Grimston on Saturday December 7th, between 9 – 9.30am. (No the pubs are not open at that time!) Thank you all, Enid Nar Valley Ornithological Society (NarVOS) Tuesday 28th January 2014, 7.30pm at the Barn Theatre, Sacred Heart DOMESTIC PLUMBING SERVICES Repair or replacement of Leaking Taps, Ball valves, pipes etc. Washing machine, dishwasher and bathroom installation. Blocked drains. Call JOHN on 01553 631792 evenings Convent School, Swaffham. Access and parking from Sporle Road. Please come along to this illustrated talk by Sue Bryan, entitled: Birding a Dream Sue Bryan and Paul Jeffery, well-known local birdwatchers and NarVOS members, took a year out from work in 2010 to fulfil a life’s dream, namely to have a year-long birding adventure around the world. Wow! Sue’s talk will include many of the ups and downs of this challenging experience. Visitors most welcome. Admission £2 on the night if you are not a NarVOS member. For more information about this meeting or NarVOS call Ian Black on 01760 724092. Tuesday 25th February 2014, 7.30pm at the Barn Theatre, Sacred Heart Convent School, Swaffham. Access and parking from Sporle Road. Please come along to this illustrated talk by: Chris Knights Chris Knights is well known to many as a Breckland farmer, conservationist, award winning photographer, film maker – and a member of NarVOS. This talk by Chris is as yet untitled as was his talk to NarVOS last year, for which we had a record attendance. This one is bound to be just as enthralling - entertaining and informative with superb photography. Visitors most welcome. Admission £2 on the night if you are not a NarVOS member. For more information about this meeting or NarVOS call Ian Black on 01760 724092. 12 ROBERT BRAMHAM Your LOCAL Carpenter/Handyman Call for friendly advice or a no-obligation estimate Tel – 01485 601329 Mobile – 07771 984360 Email [email protected] 37 Church Lane, Roydon Look me up on Facebook! Rachael Spooner MCFHP MAFHP Foot health professional FOR ADVICE OR AN APPOINTMENT 01485 601128 Caring for your feet in the comfort of your own home THORNALLEY FUNERAL SERVICES LTD Holding the traditions of a family owned and managed business Providing a personal, caring and complete Funeral Service • Pre-Paid Funeral Plans • Private Chapels of Rest • Memorials Telephone: (01553) 771399 Austin Street King’s Lynn PE30 1QH Website - www.thornalleyfs.co.uk R&B TURF & GROUNDCARE MACHINERY SPECIALISTS Servicing and Repairs to all makes of Lawnmowers ~ Ride-ons ~ Garden Machinery Tel: 01485 540645 www.RandBmowermend.co.uk Service agents for: Kubota MTD Lawnflite Echo Stihl Countax efco 13 THE FOURVILLE PLAYERS JOHN WICKS CARAVANS Tel. 01485 601212 Over 40 used caravans in stock www.johnwickscaravans.co.uk 2,4,5 & 6 Berth * Single & twin axle Accessory shop now open Servicing & repairs welcomed Lynn Road Garage, Lynn Road, Grimston, PE32 1AG We also buy used caravans Proud sponsors of Holly Meadows School footballers The Fourville Players would like to thank everybody who came along to support the pantomime last month. We really enjoyed performing it and hope you enjoyed the show. We are always looking for more people to join our group both on stage and behind the scenes. If you are interested in helping in any way please call Emma on (01485)609036. 2014 is a busy year for The Fourville Players we have a play in the spring called 'A fete worse than death', a youth show in the summer and a panto next December. As always we will be fundraising hard to help pay production costs so why not join us for a fun evening out? On Friday 24th January we will be having a prize bingo at Pott Row Village Hall. Eyes down at 7.30 and as usual there will be a free children's game and a chance to try your luck at our cash game where for the price of a single ticket you could win £25!!! Come along, bring your own drinks and nibbles for an evening of fun to chase those winter blues away. On Friday 21st February we will be having a quiz night at 7.30pm Pott Row Village hall. Teams of up to 4 people costs £5 and you can book your team by calling Emma on (01485)609036. As always bring your own refreshments and come along for an evening of fun...who knows you may learn something new! The Fourville Players would like to wish everybody a very happy new year and we look forward to welcoming you to one of our fundraising evenings or shows in 2014. The Crafty Villagers is official. The new craft club held its first two meetings recently in Pott Row Methodist Chapel. There are currently twelve members who are all keen to socialise while knitting, crocheting, spinning, rug making etc and to share those skills with others. We shall be meeting 14 regularly on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 7pm9pm at a cost of £1 a week. If you would like to join us you can be assured of a very warm welcome. Just pop along to a meeting or contact Theresa George on 01553 630538 or email [email protected] 15 Robert Fox Renovation Your Complete Service Tel. 01485 601246 Mob. 07745 677674 robertfoxrenovation@ hotmail.co.uk Fully Insured A modern and well-equipped practice staffed by friendly qualified people, with your pet’s best interest at heart Hall Farm, Church Lane Roydon, King’s Lynn PE32 1AR Consultations by appointment 1914 – 2014 YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU We need your ideas and help to put together an exhibition and commemoration event to mark the passing of 100 years since the outbreak of the First World War. There are names of men on the war memorial in the churchyard at Grimston whose families may still live locally, we would like to hear from you if you have memories or photographs to share. It would be brilliant to borrow any artifacts, newspaper cuttings etc., indeed anything which connects our area in 2014 with the way life was lived in 1914. Let’s try to make this really special. Any thoughts or ideas would be most gratefully received by any member of the Grimston Parochial Church Council – telephone numbers can be found at the back of this magazine. 01485 600022 Weekdays 09.00 – 12.00, 15.00 – 18.00 Saturday 09.00 – 12.00 24 hour emergency service www.sunnysidevets.co.uk Richard Lamb BSc, Lic.Ac, M.B.Ac.C. Traditional Chinese Acupuncture Grimston Medical Centre 600341 Telephone 01263823724 evenings PHIL HURR ROOFING For all your roofing needs – New roofs, Re-roofs, Tiled & slate, Repairs and Leaks, Lead work, Fascias and guttering, Competitive Prices Phone - 01485 609133 / 07881905067 32 Station Road, Roydon, KL, PE32 1AW Home visits available 16 17 NEVILLE GODFREY LTD For all your asphalt and tarmac Driveways, footpaths, forecourts and tennis courts etc Please phone for free estimate and advice 01553 771406 07909 905456 C. P. COOPER PLUMBING & HEATING Accommodation Tel. 01485 601090 50 Gayton Road, Grimston En Suite Rooms Full Disabled Facilities Off Road Parking for all you plumbing 13, High Cottages Congham and heating needs Jayne & Rob 01485 601358 Established 1973 1 Charity No. 1039558 WAYNE TUFFS Bricklayer and General Builder All building work undertaken, including new builds, extensions, garden walls, patios, tiling, alterations, repairs, and more 01485 601152 07879 476127 EASYBUILD GENERAL BUILDERS All Aspects of Building Work Undertaken & Guaranteed. Free Quotations. References Available. For a Local, Friendly and Professional Service, call 07724300040 or 07979864828 The Coppice Bed and Breakfast Fakenham Road, Hillington, PE31 6DJ In the grounds of Gayton Primary School, Lynn Road, Gayton FULL DAY CARE. 8.00AM – 6.00PM ( from 2 years old ) BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS QUALIFIED STAFF PREPARE YOUR CHILD FOR SCHOOL IN A SAFE AND FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY (51 weeks) OFSTED graded OUTSTANDING 2 year funding available subject to entitlement CONTACT ALISON JONES ON : Telephone 01485 600413 www.thecoppicehillington.co.uk 01553 636606 CARPET & RUG CLEANING 3pc SUITES – SINGLE CHAIRS LEATHER FURNITURE CURTAIN CLEANING ALL SAFELY & PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED In YOUR Home, Caravan Holiday Homes, Shops, Offices, Restaurants, Pubs, Anything, Anywhere, Any time! Call Mike Barrett at Clean Tech for a FREE no obligation quotation 01485 609223 18 Frank and Wendy Woo NEVILLE’S Mini Digger Walnuts (for hire with driver) also PVC Welding repairs, trailer covers, waterproof covers, curtains, lorry sheets Phone 01553 766039 Mobile 07946 311650 Cattery TUESDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS SATURDAY MORNING TO FIND US PLEASE CALL ON 07769 580 758 BOARDING Weekly or Weekends Pauline Suckling 22 The Walnuts, Grimston 01485 600845 07887 982887 19 AFFORDABLE HOUSING QUESTIONNAIRE The Parish Councils are still fighting to get our village some affordable homes. You may recall the survey done in 2005 – which identified 24 households in need of affordable housing over the following 5 years or so. Only 3 of these were actually on the Borough’s Housing List at the time. From that survey it was decided that the village needed 10 Affordable Homes. The Authorities failed to deliver. We have to try to get across to the Borough Council that there is still a demand in our village. Apparently there is only 1 person in the 4 villages on the Borough’s Housing List now. As you can see from above, that doesn’t mean there is not a need. We need to know how many families have a need for affordable housing over the next 2-5 years or more, teenagers still at school, young couples, single people, elderly needing old people’s accommodation and any members of your family who have had to move out of the village and would like to move back to be near their family. The following questionnaire may help us to put some figures to the Borough’s Housing Department. AGE WHEN NEEDED up to 2 years 2-5 years 5 or more years TYPE OF DWELLING 1 bed house 1 bed bungalow 1 bed flat 2bed house 2 bed bungalow 3 bed house REASON FOR NEED PREFERRED TENURE Rent Shared Ownership AFFORD Rent per month Mortgage per month £££ Name & Address, if you wish (It may help our case), as will asking Borough Housing to put your name on their Housing List. 16-34 35-65 65 + Please tick or fill in relevant boxes & return to The Clerk, 11 Back Lane, Pott Row, PE32 1BT SINGLE COUPLE 20 21 R.G.Electrics Ltd Part P Registered NIC EIC. & J.I.B. approved Electrician Domestic, Commercial, Testing & Inspection, Storage Heating, Showers etc Free Visual Wiring Inspections Fully Guaranteed and Insured Over 25 years experience within the Electricity Supply Industry Telephone Ray Galea on 01485 601037 or 07767 304685 www.rgelectrics.co.uk Online Services Ltd For all your accountancy needs AN ONLINE OR ON SITE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE BY A CERTIFIED CHARTERED ACCOUNT • Self assessment Tax Returns • CIS • VAT Returns • Payroll Services • Capital Gains Tax • Rental Accounts • Limited Company Returns Call Karen Butler FCCA 01485 601499 R.J. STAFF Garden Maintenance & Landscape Contractors Grass Mowing Turfing Border Maintenance Seeding Fencing Paving Tree Cutting Pruning Garden Waste Removal Sand, Shingle, Topsoil, Cement delivered We will treat your garden as if it’s our own! Tel. 01485-600753 Mobile 07860-217764 4 Hazel Close, The Meadows, Grimston e-mail: [email protected] established 1983 22 QEH MATTERS By the time you read this, the road works at Gayton Road roundabout should be complete. Let us hope it has had a significant effect on the traffic flow during the late afternoon when school, work and hospital traffic are at their peak. The hospital will also be experiencing winter pressures on both the A&E department and emergency admissions. There is extra funding to help cope with the workload over the winter plus alterations to the A&E department, but much depends on the weather. The hospital trust will be holding elections for new governors at the end of January. There are 5 vacancies for public governors in West Norfolk. If you are a Foundation Trust member you will automatically receive voting papers in the New Year. With the QEH having been put on ’special measures’ by the regulator Monitor, there has never been a more important time for the Trust to have a strong Governor’s Council in place to represent the views of the community. The governors have a key role in the Trust and will make sure the Trust is accountable to the community they serve. The full council meets 4 times a year plus other committee meetings throughout the year. I would encourage all who have an interest in local healthcare to use their vote in the election. It is not too late to join – just look at the QEH website and go to the ‘Get Involved’ section. May I wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year. Pat Watts. Grimston & District WI ANNUAL VILLAGE QUIZ Friday 28th February 2014 7.30pm at Grimston Village Hall, Cliffe-En-Howe Road, Pott Row with quizmaster Stephen Hayter £2 per person for teams up to 4 people plus raffle and refreshments To book a table phone 01485 609052 23 Incinerator update How much does it have to cost before the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) investigate? Detailed concerns regarding the incinerator were recently sent in a letter to the SFO in the hope that a thorough investigation can be launched. Some of the concerns and known facts are outlined below: Norfolk County Council signed a contract making Norfolk’s taxpayers liable for approximately £596 million if it proceeds and £26million if it does not. Independent reports show the incinerator costing around £30 extra per tonne to treat Norfolk’s waste compared to existing facilities offered by competitors. Alternative proposals could save substantially more. Before the contract was awarded a cheaper competitor was recommended to win the contract. However, just 2.5hours before the Waste Project Board met to decide the winning bid, a Council officer switched the recommendation to Cory Wheelabrator’s £46million more expensive bid. If the board had been given time to read the new recommendation they might have noticed it contradicted itself. At the next board meeting unelected officers voted to recommend Cabinet award the contract. 24 Factually incorrect/misleading information about a telephone survey formed part of the Willows’ planning application, this was also used to help persuade Caroline Spleman (Environment Secretary at the time) to release DEFRA grant funding and ignore the official West Norfolk ballot outcome. NCC only signed the contract when they thought they had the grant. Signing it made Norfolk’s taxpayers liable to pay out many millions of pounds whatever the outcome. It is doubtful Norfolk’s taxpayers would be in this situation if flawed information had not been provided to key decision makers during the procurement process. There remain many unanswered questions that warrant investigation. At the time of writing the final planning decision is still not known; when it comes it will provide a clear indicator as to the health of our democracy. Fund Raising Event. Indoor Car boot sale 25th Jan 2014Fairgreen Farms, Hill Road, Middleton, PE32 1RN. Doors open 9 till 12:30. Sellers £5 set up from 8am. Tel 01553 840640 for more details. Mike KnightsFairgreen Farms, [email protected] Dog Groomer fully qualified To discuss your grooming needs and requirements call 01485 600957 07523-177802 Tree surgery & hedge maintenance JOHN MINDHAM (Professionally Insured) Tel. 01760-755423 (Westacre); 07770 488788 VERY REASONABLE RATES Grimston Village Hall CLIFFE-EN-HOWE ROAD POTT ROW Telephone Hillington 60 0440 Registered Charity 303963 From Repairs, Alteration & Decorating, to Fitted Bedroom, Kitchens, Carpentry Work & Tiling. Professional, reliable & fully insured. Phone Gary for your free quotation: Tel: 07947 640 740 01485 601335 (evenings) www. norfolkproperty maintenance.com MOBILE HAIRDRESSING Helen DAVID CRAVEN 2 Bedroom Holiday Bungalow for rent in Snettisham Only one Mile from the Beach Tel. 01285 670187 Tel. 01485 600901 www,norfolkcoastal holidayhomes.co.uk or 0777 5514 572 10% discount given to Village Link readers ACIOB Architectural Services For all Residential Planning and Building Regulation Applications Also Project Management Services offered Tel 07585 442550 email [email protected] 25 Congham Parish Council GRIMSTON MEDICAL CENTRE 01485 600341 Book your next appointment online You can now view, book and cancel your appointments by logging on to a new service on the Internet. Manage your appointments quickly and easily wherever you are 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Avoid the queue By booking your appointment online you can avoid queuing at reception and can avoid telephoning the Medical Centre at busy times. Even if you don’t have an Internet connection, you will benefit from other people using the service: getting through to the Medical Centre by telephone will become easier. A secure service SystmOnline is a secure service accredited by Connecting for Health. A free service There is no charge for using SystmOnline. Get your user name and password Ask at reception for your user name and password. You should change this password when you first use SystmOnline. How to use the service Once you have your user name and password, go to http://www.grimstonmedicalcentre.co.uk/ and click on Appointments. 26 I would like to wish everyone a Very Happy 2014!!! The Next Parish Council meeting will take place on the 27th January 2104 at Congham Hall in the Writing Room. I would like to thank all those landowners who have cut their hedges back. especially along Broadgate Lane and St Andrews Lane. It is much appreciated, allowing road users a greater amount of safety along the narrow lanes. Highway Rangers visit Congham four times a year to rectify drains and other small jobs.If there is anything that you would like us to ask Highways to deal with please contact the Clerk. There is concern regarding the ditch alongside the Cricket Field and I understand that Highways have contacted the owner to ensure that it is cleaned out. The Rangers will next visit the village at the beginning of February if there is anything urgent that needs to be done. A reminder that Congham has its own website http://congham-parishcouncil.norfolkparishes.gov.uk/wplogin.php Any suggestions would be welcome. Congham Clerk Kate Sayer 01485 600825 [email protected] Happy New Year!!! William and Margaret Howard send greetings to everyone in the village for 2014. We have been in Wellesbourne for nearly four months now, but we still think of you often. Thank you once again for all your kind and generous good wishes, gifts and cards, a great comfort on moving to a new house. When we gave you our new address, 21 Daniell Road, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9UD, we didn't have a telephone number. It's 01789 508 831. If you're passing this way and have time to drop in on us, we'd love to see you. (Email address [email protected]) Cover Photograph – The Cast of The Fourville Players RAPUNZEL 2 – BACK TO THE TOWER PANTO. 27 GRIMSTON & DISTRICT GOOD COMPANIONS At the meeting on Saturday, 18th November, Club members Christine Brook and Barbara Andrews helped members to make Christmas and Birthday cards. Christine and Barbara had made sample cards to show them, but everyone quickly decided what they wanted and made some very pretty cards. Making cards was something many had not done before and it was agreed that it was a nice change from having speakers and they all went home delighted with their work. The Bring & Buy consisted of tins and packets of food. Beryl and Stephen Watts made a commendable £16.40 for Club Funds. Any tins/packets not sold were taken to the Food Bank. The Raffle raised £20 and £17 was taken on the door. The W.I. provided a really lovely tea, which was much appreciated. Margaret was on holiday, but Ann was there with her willing help. We are looking forward to the Christmas Party on Saturday. 21st December, when members are asked to bring a single Christmas card and a wrapped Christmas gift. There will be carol singing and a buffet tea provided by the Committee. The Annual Lunch will be at the Anvil on Saturday, 15th February. It will surely be as good as on previous occasions. The meeting on Saturday, 18th January will be a Games and Chat afternoon, with no speaker. There are very many residents in the four villages who are Senior Citizens and could benefit from joining the Club. We are a friendly bunch and meet once a month. We try to make the meeting interesting and we enjoy a tasty tea in good company. There’s no need to worry about transport, as members with cars will provide a door-to-door service. The January meeting would be a great opportunity for you to come for a “taster”, before deciding if you would like to join the Club. Please contact Nick Smith on 01485-600769 or Shirley Hone on 01485-600750 if you need transport. CAROLINE’S BINGO At The Anvil, Congham on Thursday, February 20th Eyes down at 7.30pm Charity to be announced on the night. 28 Sid George SAND, GRAVEL, CARRSTONE, WOODCHIP, DECORATIVE STONE & ROCKERY PIECES ALL MATERIALS DELIVERED OR COLLECTED LOOSE OR BULK BAGS FAST RELIABLE SERVICE COMPETITIVE PRICES Tel: 01553 840321 * Tired * No Time * Need Help? Don’t Worry be Happy :)) Tuesday to Saturday 9.30 – 5 Telephone for appointment 01553-630086 83 Leziate Drove (by Chris Spragg’s Garage) The Birches Hotel & Conference Centre The perfect place for Weddings, Parties, Conferencing, Coach Party Bookings in fact, The Birches is the perfect place for any occasion. Set in the heart of the Norfolk countryside and boasting 53 en-suite bedrooms, licensed to carry out civil wedding ceremonies, 7 fully AV equipped conference rooms and friendly professional staff who are always on hand to make your arrangements perfect. For more information contact us on: 0800 2800 343 Email: [email protected] www.thebirches.org.uk Jean Goodison Light Touch Reflexologist Indian Head Massage – head, neck and shoulders Ear Candling, Reiki For further information, or to book an Appointment, please Telephone 01485 600551, evenings. J & J TREE SERVICES LTD Commercial & Private Tree Contractors Tree Surgery Stump Grinding/Removal Maintenance & Felling Hedge Management Site Clearance Free Quotations Tel. 01485 – 600647 Mobile 07930 718183 29 Blissful Beauty Qualified Mobile Beauty Therapist A wide range of treatments in your own home Shellac, Facials & more Mondays & Tuesdays Salon Opium West Lynn Wednesday to Saturday www.blissful.me.uk Mobile 07972 185798 Salon 01553 777050 CRAVEN HOLMES Design & Build Ltd For quality new build, extensions and barn conversion Specialising in traditional stonework ‘Just Design’ or ‘Just build’ options are available too! Providing professional services for more than 20 years 07585442550 / david [email protected] CARPENTRY & JOINERY Brian R Goodison & Son Associate of The Chartered Institute of Building Windows – U.P.V.C. & Wood Kitchens . Doors . Stairs Bespoke Joinery, Restoration & Repairs Carpentry, Joinery, Plumbing, Building Maintenance JON SAUNDERS “NO JOB’S TOO SMALL – I DO THEM ALL” 203 Wootton Road, King's Lynn TEL: 01553 673885 MOBILE: 07887 771063 Tel : 01485 600551 Mob: 07949 301512 Email: BGoodison730@ BTinternet.com No Job too Small Midnight Motors Vehicle Technicians Services, mot’s, diagnostic Breakdown, any car, any age James Parker 82 Chapel Road, Pott Row 01485 601133 or 07788 136155 30 New powers for PCSOs to tackle dog fouling. Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) across West Norfolk will be teaming up with the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk in a bid to crack down on persistent dog fouling. PCSOs across the district now have additional powers which enable them to issue fixed penalty notices on behalf of the Borough Council, the aim being to tackle the specific problem of irresponsible dog owners who do not pick up after their dog. The fixed penalty notice carries a fine of £75 and can also be used for those picking up and then throwing the bag of dog faeces in the vicinity as a littering offence. The new powers came into force as a result of feedback from the Safer Neighbourhood Action Panels (SNAPs) which are held across the district. Dog fouling was an issue that was raised by residents in many areas as a key issue where they live. Inspector Paul Garrard, from the Operational Partnerships Team, Explained: “Dog fouling is an issue we have raised with us both via SNAP meetings and our conversations with residents. These additional powers are an example of partnership working at its best. PCSOs spend the majority of their working time within our local communities and therefore are able enforce this section of the Environment Act effectively.” “These new enforcement rules will also allow us to target hotspot areas for dog fouling, ensuring that these areas are regularly patrolled to target persistent offenders.” Cllr Brian Long, Cabinet Member for Environment, said: “Dog fouling is an issue that we repeatedly get reports about. This partnership with the police and the PCSOs means that they are our eyes and are more likely to catch the worst offenders in the act. If they witness a dog owner not clearing up their dog’s mess, then they will issue a fixed penalty notice, something they weren’t previously able to do. We are hoping that the increased possibility of receiving a fine will reduce the problem and the increased physical presence of the PCSOs will encourage irresponsible dog owners to start taking their responsibilities seriously.” Safer Neighbourhood Action Panels (SNAPs) are public meetings where local people can raise any concerns about their community. Any member of the public living or working in the neighbourhood is welcome to attend and we also encourage organised community groups and Parish Councils to attend. SNAPs are chaired by a local councillor and there is panel of officers from the Borough Council, Police, and other key local agencies such as Housing Associations. The meetings are held every two months, at a community venue within the neighbourhood. To find out more information about the SNAP meeting in your local area visit www.norfolk.police.uk. 31 Holly Meadows School - 2013 2013, The Chinese Year of the Snake ... and Ofsted visits! This, the Chinese Year of the Snake, started with a slithering success with our whole school study of China. The Confucius Classroom Scholars, based in our county, joined us from KES sharing and celebrating learning all about China which the children really loved. The international-links we form help the children to understand that the world is much greater than just our county of Norfolk, an important realisation, not to drive them out of the county but to let them make informed choices to stay or to return once they have realised the quality of what we have on offer. As we moved through the year we had lots to keep us busy and by the end, Ofsted could not wait any longer to come and join the fun! The inspection team found that there was a lot we were getting started well on as a new school but, they asked for more and that shaped the start of the Autumn Term with drive for better teaching, higher standards of achievement and better data analysis. Her Majesty’s Inspectorate came to see how we were getting on in November and Ms Marianick EllenderGele, confirmed that we were doing well, encouraging us to keep going and 32 to continue to offer the range of activities and opportunities to learn, as they are valuable, important and exciting. The end of the year gathered speed with Christmas plays, meals and parties to fill our days, not forgetting that we had to keep our foot to the floor in order to keep standards continuing to rise. The teachers are talented operators who manage to find ways of hooking in the interest of the children, teaching them new things and turning learning experiences into opportunities to show off what they have learnt and perform. Thank you to the staff for their continued hard work and support this year. This Christmas we have taken the skills and talents of the visiting Springwood Performing Arts staff to new heights with inviting them to incorporate learning about Victorian England with writing by Dickens and inspiration from the Muppets! The children have learnt so much and are keen to share their performance with their family and friends. The youngest children in our school have been delighted to “tread the boards” too, singing their hearts out and Holly Meadows cont. tell the tale of the King, born in the stable. We were disappointed to run out of time to visit Grimston Church this year but we became fully aware of trying to pack in too much into a short space of time at the risk of our health and safety. Holly Meadows School now has 131 pupils and we are delighted to share with you what a wonderful bunch of children they are... hard working, curious and polite; they have been working on independent learning and they are getting better and better at that! They work together well too, showing that they have learnt how to play an effective part in our complicated world where getting on with people is so important. Thank you to the Ambassadors, Team Captains and School Council in particular. Thank you to all those people from the “outside world” who have worked with us, particularly those giving their time voluntarily. The reward of a child’s smile or the “light bulb” moment when they realise just what it is you were trying to teach them IS enough but, we realise, that does not pay the bills, so we appreciate the challenge of fitting in our pupils as well in to your busy lives. A special boy to remember... Benjamin Page, a Year 5 pupil, needs a well-earned mention for being awarded a much coveted Blue Peter badge for remaining calm when his brother was choking and being able to call 999 for an ambulance! It is wonderful that he has been rewarded for such an act of maturity well done, Benjamin! A Happy New Year from each and every one of us. With very best wishes from me and the school, Rachael Williams, Headteacher, Holly Meadows School. THANK YOU Hudson Fen Leisure Ltd would like to thank all the people who have supported the car boots over the summer and we hope to see you all next year. Hudson Fen Leisure Ltd are funding the construction of a petanque court on the playing field at Pott Row in the New Year. Works should be complete by the end of January. We have had a meeting with Norfolk FA with a view to obtaining grants for improvement to the playing field. The new committee would appreciate any assistance in fund raising if you would like to take part please contact Claire Cook at [email protected] or contact details in Village Link. 33 Friends of St. Botolph’s, Grimston. This is a charitable trust which raises funds from membership subscriptions, donations, sponsorships, legacies and a diverse range of activities which are open to everyone. Money raised is used solely to keep this iconic building in good condition for the enjoyment and appreciation of everyone, whether church goer or not, and for those who might need it to mark special occasions in their lives. Friends are people who choose to support the work of preserving and maintaining the church and its surrounds There are currently about 120 Friends drawn from a wide cross section of the community TO BECOME A FRIEND: You can join for as little as £5 per person per year (more if you wish!) using the form below which should be sent to Christine Moore, Field House, Gayton Road, Grimston, King’s Lynn PE32 1BG. As a Friend, you will receive regular Newsletters and discounts to events you choose to attend. There are no other commitments. .…………………………………………………………………………… I/We wish to join Friends of St. Botolph’s, Grimston subscribing the sum of £…… and have completed the Standing Order form below/enclosed a cheque/cash. FULL NAME(S) Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss………………………………………………... ADDRESS…………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………. POST CODE……………… SIGNATURE………………………………………...DATE……………………… EMAIL ADDRESS…………………………………..PHONE…………………… STANDING ORDER TO……………………………………Bank plc BRANCH……………………………………………..SORT CODE……………… Please pay to Barclay’s Bank, PO Box 15, King’s Lynn, PE30 1JX (20 46 65) for the credit of Friends of St. Botolph’s, Grimston, Account Number 70328707 the sum of £……../in words…………………………………from this date and annually until further notice. SIGNATURE……………………………………………DATE…………………… ACCOUNT NUMBER………………………………… ACCOUNT HOLDER’S NAME……………………………………………… …. A Warm Welcome to the Grimston area if you have WEST NORFOLK WINDOWS AND CONSERVATORIES LTD ************************************************************************* * WINDOWS * DOORS * CONSERVATORIES * FASCIAS * recently moved in! Phone (01485 -) 600336 for your FREE *SOFFITS * GUTTERING * GARAGE DOORS * INSTALLATION AND REPAIRS FULLY INSURED AND GUARANTEED OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE ************************************************************* TEL: 01553 768061 OR 07818 112185 EMAIL: [email protected] FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE WELCOME PACK THE ANVIL INN St Andrew’s Lane, Congham, King’s Lynn, PE32 1DU 01485 600625 Email: [email protected] Home Made Food served daily. Please drop in and collect a menu or give us a call. Friday Night is Live Music Night……monthly! Karaoke with WAYNE … normally first Friday of the month WEDNESDAY 1ST JANUARY - OPEN FOR FOOD Live Music Friday 17th January Gin House 9pm Live Music Friday 24th January Silvest Pete Cutter & Trilight Boggers 9pm. Friday 31st. January Charity Quiz for Air Aumbulance 7.30pm . A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS A warm welcome from Karl, Kath and the team. Find us on Facebook…Anvilcongham At Grimston Village Hall, Pott Row Mon – Fri 9am – 3pm term time OFSTED Registered Gov’t funding accepted ‘Fun, Play and Learn together’ From 2 years old GIFT AID ( I am a UK tax payer and am aware I must pay sufficient UK Income Tax to cover all my charity donations). I wish Friends to treat my subscription and any donations I make from this date until I notify you otherwise as Gift Aid. SIGNED…………………………………………..DATE……………………….. FULL NAME & ADDRESS………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………… OTHER WAYS TO SUPPORT FRIENDS; You do not need to be a member to make a donation, sponsor an event or leave a legacy.To enquire about these options, ‘phone Roger Haywood on 01553 630301, email [email protected] 34 Ring for Availability on 01485 601596 PRE -School Registered Charity No. 1127638 27638 Email: [email protected] www.littlesunshines.co.uk 35 NEWS IN GRIMSTON, POTT ROW, ROYDON, AND CONGHAM Published on the last Saturday of every month (except August and February) Rector: (until the next rector is appointed, all enquiries to the churchwardens) VILLAGE LINK is edited by Rick Aldous [email protected] 600833 Advertising & Inserts manager: Roger Haywood, [email protected] KL-630301 Contributions by e-mail should if possible be sent as plain text, or if on paper should be delivered to 27 Low Road Grimston. Distribution: George Wood (Congham), Mary Roper (Grimston), Kath Evison (Roydon), Roger Haywood (Pott Row) ST. BOTOLPH’S CHURCH, GRIMSTON www.grimston.churchnorfolk.com Wardens: Mrs Jan. Willson, 50 Chapel Road, Pott Row Mrs Ellen Scott, 18 Rectory Close Roydon P.C.C. Treas: Mr Roger Haywood, 9, Leziate Drove, Pott Row P.C.C. Sec: Mrs Jane Reeve, 22 Chapel Road, Pott Row Ca anglian link Care in your community re s e ow r vice n h s in om yo e u r Social/personal care and support Local services for local people [email protected] www.anglianlink.co.uk 601666 600612 KL-630301 600966 ST. ANDREWS CHURCH, CONGHAM www.congham.churchnorfolk.com Wardens: Mrs Hilary Scase, Little Congham House, Hillington Road Mrs Iris Baker, 5, The Walnuts, Grimston P.C.C. Treas: Mr Chris Sykes, Churchfield House, St. Andrew’s Lane P.C.C. Sec: Mrs Helen Lilley, Heath House, Hillington 600650 600355 601428 600153 ALL SAINT’S CHURCH, ROYDON www.roydon.churchnorfolk.com Wardens: Mr David Grimes, 24, Church Lane, Roydon Mr Colin Grimes, 74, Station Road, Roydon P.C.C. Treas: Mr/Mrs Martin Shackcloth, 27, Church Lane, Roydon P.C.C. Sec: Mrs Jackie Ludgater, 6, Rectory Close, Roydon 600388 600059 600586 600353 CHURCH ORGANISATIONS WAHM Club: Mrs Ellen Scott, 18, Rectory Close, Roydon Rock Solid (11+): Mr & Mrs Charles Scott, 18, Rectory Close, Roydon Child Protection Officer: Mrs Shirley Hone, 8, Lynn Road, Grimston Bell Ringers: Mr Michael Harding, 49, New Roman Bamk, Terr. St. Clement 600612 600612 600750 KL-828301 POTT ROW METHODIST CHURCH Minister: Rev. Catherine Dixon, 9, Peckover Way, South Wootton Church Mr Stephen Watts, 32 Chapel Road Steward: Mrs Janet Gunn, 98, Chapel Road Secretary: Mrs Beryl Watts, 32, Chapel Road KL-676918 600593 600274 600593 Village Website: www.grimston.org Including current and back copies of Village Link 36 37 Telephone numbers are as from Hillington exch (01485) for Kings Lynn numbers, dial 01553 Chris Spragg Art Group: Mrs Sue Willis, 3 Fen Lane, Pott Row KL-630579 Ashwicken V.A. School, Head Teacher: Mrs Susan Collison KL-630352 Baby Clinic: 1st Wednesday of the month 1-2.30pm at Pott Row Methodist Chapel 600341 Beavers, Cubs & Scouts: Mr Ian Hall, 4 The Walnuts, Grimston 600470 Bowls Club: Mrs Daphne Parsons, 3 Bracken Way, Grimston 601492 Specialising in Service and Maintenance of Most types of Motor Vehicle KL-636318 1st Brownies: Catherine Leigh, Old Forge, Church Farm Barns, Gayton Council (Borough of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk) While You Wait By Appointment KL-692722 • MOT Testing County Councillors: Congham: John Dobson, Moat Cottage, Old Hunstanton Hall 534265 • Servicing Most Types of Petrol & Diesel Vehicles Grimston & Roydon: Jason Law, 11 The Howards, North Wootton 524217 Cricket Club: Mr Tim Tilbrook, Willow Farm, Station Road, Roydon 601413 • Air Conditioning Leak Test Station & Re-Gas (Year Round) 520340 Borough Councillors: Congham, Mr Mike Tilbury, The Cottage, Road, Gt. Massingham Grimston, Pott Row, Roydon, Mr Michael Pitcher, 59, Lynn Road, Grimston 600421 Most Makes Catered for • Fault Code Reading District Nurse: Grimston Medical Centre, Congham Road 609255 Doctors’ Surgery: Drs Archer, Scott & Clifton, Medical Centre, Congham Road 600341 • Tyres. Batteries. Wheel Balance Puncture Repairs Fen & Allotment Trust: Mrs Emma Harvey, 86 Chapel Road 601307 Flitham V.P.A. School: Head Teacher: Angela Warm Eden Friendly Waiting Area Easy Parking. 600383 Your Local M.O.T. TestingMrs Station Football: Mr Allan Dungey, 8 Hawthorn Avenue, Grimston 601279 Monday to Friday 8.00am-6.00pm Sat 9.00am-12 noon Fourville Players:Open Mrs Margaret Garrod, Ivy Cottage, Cliffe-en-Howe-Road 600127 Friends of St. Botolph’s: Mr Peter Coe, Spring House, Candlestick Lane, Grimston 600337 83, LEZIATE DROVE, POTT ROW, KING’S LYNN, NORFOLK. PE32 1DD Good Companions: Mr Nick Smith Tel. 600769 or Mr/Mrs Bill Hone 600750 Greenfingers: Mr Charles Fosgate, 6 Lansdowne Close, Gayton KL-636963 Guides: Mrs Linda Watkinson, St. Winifred’s, Lynn Road, Gayton KL-636629 Health Visitor: Mrs H. Sewell, Grimston Medical Centre, Congham Road 601221 Holly Meadows School: Vong Lane, Head Teacher: Mrs Rachael Williams 600241 100’s Carpet, Vinyl, Karndean, Hudson Fen/PARC: Secretary Mrs Claire Cook 8 Bracken Way, of Grimston 600626 Altro Laminate samples brought Incy Wincy Mothers & Toddlers: Mrs Sally Panks, 6 Philip Rudd& Court 600223 Little Sunshines: Becki Lawless c/o Grimston Village Hall 601596 direct to you... Member of Parliament: Mr Henry Bellingham, Congham Manor, St. Andrew’s Lane 600559 Parish Council Clerks: - FreeMrestimates planning Grimston: John Missing,and 11 Back Lane, Pott Row, PE32 1BT 600875 - Full Mrs service from measuring through to fitting Congham: Kate Sayer, Buttermere, Lynn Road, Hillington, PE31 6BJ 600825 Roydon: Mrs Pippa Winson, 20 Temple Road, King’s Lynn, PE30 3SQ KL-674382 - Competitive pricing to suit all tastes Police: 999 for emergencies For everything else 101 or KL-691211 and budgets Community Support Team 0845-4564567 for rowdy behaviour or 01953 424242 - Over 10 years experience, expert advice Public Rights of Way Wardens: Mr David Grimes, 24 Church Lane, Roydon 600388 and Assoc.: knowledge Residents Mr Clare de Whalley, 5 Chequers Road, Grimston 600391 Roydon Common: Norfolk Wildlife Trust: Mr Bill Boyd 578745 - Domestic or Commercial work carried out Springwood Academy,Services King’s Lynnavailable, Head Teacher:including Mr Andrew Johnson KL-773393 - Additional Tree Warden (Parish of Grimston) Mr Philip Parker, 7 Leziate Drove KL-630866 moving furniture, door trimming, uplift and Women’s Institute: Mrs Sheelah Davis, 113, Lynn Road, Grimston 601081 disposal of previous flooringCliffe-en-Howe Road, Pott Row Village Hall: Mr David Giles, Brackendale, 600440 Leziate Drove Garage Ltd 01553-630999 Email:(Organisations [email protected] Web:towww. are invited to send corrections this listiperrinflooring.co.uk where appropriate) Tel: 01485 601360 Mob: 07872 558163 15 Stebbings Close, Grimston, King’s Lynn, Norfolk PE32 1DJ 38 Traditional 4 star Holiday Cottage, Grimston Sleeps 5, own parking for 2 cars, private garden Cottage available throughout the year, minimum stay 7 nights. Longer term lets possible if you are having building work done at home etc. Please enquire for availability. Welcome tray for guests Clean and comfortable home with log burner, Linen provided, BBQ, broadband. Children over 7 welcome, but unsuitable for younger Guests Pets by arrangement. No smoking please. For further details visit www.latchcottage.com Telephone Sue 07895 028 14 1 or Freya 07903 335 327 There is room for some more colour advertising: contact [email protected]
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