Aug 9 - St. Edna Catholic Church
Aug 9 - St. Edna Catholic Church
Saint Edna Catholic Community Saint Edna Catholic Community desires to live as a reflection of who Christ calls us to be by welcoming all in Charity, Justice, and Hope Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday evening - 5:00pm Sunday - 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am 5:30pm Weekday Masses Monday - Thursday 8:00am Communion Service Monday - Friday: 6:45am Friday - Morning Prayer & Communion Service: 8:00am Eucharistic Adoration First Friday of the Month 8:30-9:30am Benediction First Friday of the Month 9:30-10:30am Office Hours Mon-Thurs: 8:30am - 8:00pm Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm (closed 12 - 1pm weekdays) Sat: 9:00am - 5:00pm Sun: 9:00am - 1:00pm INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Pastor’s Desk.....2 Highlights.........................5 Worship……..……....…...6 Faith Formation................8 Parish Life.......................10 50th Anniversary............13 Administration................14 Stewardship.....................15 Human Concerns............16 Music Ministry Alive!....18 Furthering Our Faith.......19 Kids Page........................20 August 9, 2015 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time From the Pastors Desk... As we celebrate the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary time this weekend, I am very much aware that life here at St. Edna is anything but ordinary. For this reason, I’d like to give everyone in our parish an update and progress report on where we are at with regard to our Parish Life Center and our other construction/renovation projects. I would also ask that you to please mark your calendars for a very important all-parish Town Hall Meeting that will be held on Wednesday, September 23rd, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting will offer very specific details on these projects. Depending upon the size of the crowd, it will either be held in the Doherty Center or the Church. First of all, our parish Building Committee, architects, Parish Manager and I have been meeting regularly, as we have re-looked at and re-envisioned the utilization and spacial needs of the proposed Parish Life Center. After careful analysis, and after meeting once again with all of our parish leadership bodies to receive their final input and ideas with regard to its final design, we have met with our contractor and requested of them to price out this project again for us, as there have been many revisions. Costs may have also risen over the past couple of years since this project was put on hold from the Archdiocese. These costs will be shared at the September 23rd Town Hall Meeting. We have also decided that it would be in the best interest of all our parishioners to present our future plans to our community in the form of a Master Plan. In other words, we would like to lay out, in a very clear and concise way, all that we are hoping to accomplish with regard to our future building/construction and renovation plans. I and our planning committees are certainly aware of the fact that many of our parishioners have been here long enough to have been asked to support the building of our original church, Doherty Center and the Hurley Center, not to mention the most recent addition of the Narthex, Community Room and church renovation. We are also aware that what we are proposing will be the last construction projects that we will be doing for a very, very long time. For this reason, we are going to need everyone’s spiritual and financial assistance and support to get it all done. We also realize that these projects will more than likely not be able to be done all at once, but rather, over many years. That is the rationale and wisdom of having a Master Plan. The projects we are currently working on are: 1) The Parish Life Center 2) The updating and renovation of the Doherty Center 3) The renovation and re-imagining of the Youth Center 4) The addition of a chapel to the west side of our church. Each of these will be explained in great detail at the September 23rd Town Hall Meeting. In an effort to keep everyone informed with regard to the future plans of our parish, we hope that you will make every effort to join us for this important gathering and discussion. As you also know, in preparation and to make room for the new Parish Life Center, the old priests’ residence was demolished. I know that there is still a lot of emotion that surrounds that decision; however, it is now gone, and quite frankly, it needed to be removed in order for us to move forward with these exciting new plans for our future. Although the house on Haddow was a quick solution with regard to housing for our priests, you really need to 2 August 9, 2015 From the Pastors Desk... understand that this is a single-family home and not set up as a typical residence for priests. (There is a big difference between the two.) Nor does this house provide the personal space that all priests are accustomed to having. By personal space, I simply mean that a priest, minimally, has a right to his own bedroom, sitting area, bathroom, and closet. I don’t think that anyone in our parish would disagree, disapprove, or argue with these basic needs for adult males who are required to live under the same roof with one another. As you know, the former residence provided these individual spaces for four priests. For this reason, if approved by the Village, we have also been looking at the possibility of building a new priests’ residence on our property. If not, then somewhere in our community within close proximity to the church. Currently the house we are living in has no more space for a much-needed third priest/resident assistant as well as an extra bedroom for family, friends, guests, etc. We had two chances to get the extra priest we need over the past few months, but unfortunately, we were not able to get them because we had no living quarters to offer them. More information about this issue will be forthcoming. In the meantime, our parish community will come together on Wednesday night, September 23rd, at 7:00 p.m. for what will be a very informative meeting. At this time, our future plans will be laid out and all will have the opportunity to offer their input and ask any questions. If there is anything that I feel is extremely important as we move forward with our future construction plans it is that all in our parish have the opportunity to know the who, what, where, and why every step of the way as we watch our future dreams become a reality. By now you may be asking how all of this is going to come about? Currently we have 3,884,286.00 pledged toward these projects, with 2,637,782.00 already collected. Obviously, this is nowhere near what we will need to accomplish all that is part of our Master Plan. Our only hope (other than one of our parishioners winning a multi-million dollar lottery) will be through an effort that the Archdiocese is requiring all parishes to participate in called, “To Teach Who Christ Is”- A Campaign for Parishes, Catholic Education and Faith Formation. You will be hearing a great deal more about this campaign in the near future. Through this Campaign, each parish is assessed 130% of their most recent prior year’s contributions. For us here at St. Edna, this amount equates to approximately $2,060,000.00. Of this total goal, 40% is given to the Campaign and the remaining 60% is able to be kept by our parish. Obviously, there is much more that needs to be shared about this Campaign. I only share this information with you now to give all in our parish a heads up with regard to what lies ahead for us all. Having been through many successful building campaigns in former parishes, I am confident that we here at St. Edna will rise to the occasion and accomplish whatever it is that we set our sights on. I have great faith in all of you. Always have and always will. Ultimately, though, if it be God’s will that these projects come about they will. God will work through us all to accomplish his plans (as He always does) – in this reality I place my faith and trust. I hope you do, too. I, along with the many dedicated parishioners who have been working for years on these projects, look forward to sharing our most up-to-date news with all of you on September 23rd. Please make every effort to attend. *************** This coming Saturday, August 15th, is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Under normal circumstances this would be a Holy Day of Obligation; however, because it falls on a Saturday this year, the Bishops Conference here in the United States have lifted the obligation to attend Mass on this day. I 3 From the Pastors Desk... share this information with you because there will be many who might question why we do not have a morning Mass this day and might appreciate knowing why. *************** One of the great joys of being a parish priest, especially in parishes I have served that had schools, has been watching many of these young children grow up and eventually find themselves a life-long partner to spend the rest of their lives with in marriage. Next weekend I will celebrating the wedding of a young lady who entered kindergarten when I became pastor at my last parish, a sure sign that I’m really getting old! I have been blessed to get to know her and her family over those many years and am very much looking forward to sharing in their daughter’s wedding day with them. The wedding is taking place in the Basilica of St. Lawrence in Asheville, North Carolina. So, if you don’t see me around next weekend that’s where I’ll be. Enjoy the last few weeks of summer! Fr. Rich Attention Parishioners On the morning of Thursday, August 13th, we need about 40 VOLUNTEERS to help the St. James SVdP distribute about 12,500 pounds of free fresh fruit and vegetables to the needy. We can use anyone’s help – teens, young adults, adults, and seniors. We will meet at St. Edna’s parking lot at 8:30 a.m. The distribution is from 9:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. We will help unload the truck, repackage the produce, and assist those who attend to select their produce. Everything, including clean up, will be done by noon. We also need 2 people with pickup trucks to pick up 15 – 20 grocery carts from the Jewel on Rand Road and to return them when we are done. We could also use a volunteer to help the driver load and unload the carts. To volunteer, please call Marybeth or Mike at (847) 392-5506, or email them at [email protected] CENSUS INFORMATION UPDATES Recently we began the process of updating our parish census information. Many of you may have already received information in the mail asking for information so that we may update and correct our database. It is extremely important to have accurate contact and sacramental information for all of our parishioners! If you have not yet had an opportunity to do so, please return the form that you received so that we can update our records accurately. We will be sending out information to all registered parishioners in the next few months. Thank you to those who have taken the time to return their corrected registration form! We truly appreciate your cooperation! Laura Kniskern Office Manager 4 August 9, 2015 This Week At St. Edna Bulletin Deadline: Articles for the Sunday, August 23 bulletin may be dropped off in the Parish Office or e-mailed to [email protected] no later than Tuesday, August 11. 4:00pm Sunday, August 9 SNL Rehearsal - Church 8:30am 9:30am Monday, August 10 RE Summer Session Classes - Doherty & Hurley Centers Prayer Shawl Ministry - Community Room 8:30am 8:30am 7:30pm Tuesday, August 11 RE Summer Session Classes - Doherty & Hurley Centers Grandparents Prayer Time - Community Room Rosary Group - Church 8:30am Wednesday, August 12 RE Summer Session Classes - Doherty & Hurley Centers 8:30am 9:30am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Thursday, August 13 RE Summer Session Classes - Doherty & Hurley Centers Produce Mobile - Parking Lot Peer Ministry Team - Teen Center Training for new Eucharistic Ministers - Doherty Center & Church Pre-Baptism Class - Community Room 8:30am Friday, August 14 RE Summer Session Classes - Doherty & Hurley Centers 9:00am Saturday, August 15 Confirmation Retreat - Doherty Center 10:30am 1:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 6:30pm Please indicate the topic in the subject line. Sunday, August 16 Sharing Coffee, after all morning Masses - Doherty Center Welcoming Session for Newcomers - Doherty Center Baptisms - Church St. Edna Community Table Teens - Doherty Center Kitchen SNL Rehearsal - Church St. Edna Community Table - Doherty Center 5 Worship Commission Worship Commission cultivates the liturgical life of the parish by fostering full, active and conscious participation of the community. Co-Chairs: Gary Daigle Lisa Oslovich Members: Phil Bares Peg Connolly Lorie Crepeau Evelyn Getty Lara Lynch Anne Mura Camille Murray Deacon Jim Pauwels Therese Pauwels Paula Pollman (rec.) Fr. Rodolfo Ramirez Ann Rymsza Mary Salm Marie Schalke Frank Starshak Brian Watkins ST. EDNA CHURCH PRE-MARRIAGE PROGRAM Our next Pre-Marriage Program will consist of three sessions. Each couple is asked to attend all three sessions. First Session: Second Session: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 7:00—9:30 p.m. Thursday, October 1, 2015 7:00—9:30 p.m. Meet at the home of Greg and Linda Willard Third Session: Saturday, October 3, 2015 4:00 p.m. Meet at St. Edna Church Followed by participation in the 5:00 p.m. Mass (Families of the Engaged Couples are invited to the Mass) The program cost is $100.00 per couple, payable to St. Edna Church. Space is limited. To register, please call Laura Kniskern at 847-398-3362 by August 25th. Mass Intentions for the week of August 9, 2015 Weekend of August 8-9 5:00pm—Marv Brenner, Frank Lescher, Anne Snow, Robert Walsh 7:30am—George Tokarczyk, Frank O’Kane, Natalie Arendt, Lee Klekamp (A) 9:30am—Alice Ross, Mary Belmonte, Thomas Weiler, Gloria Richardson 11:30am—Marv Brenner, Roy Matusiewicz, Helena Korytkowska (A), Jane Sevinsky (A) 5:30pm—Ruth Traub Monday, August 10 6:45am—Communion Service 8:00am—Thyra Pictor Tuesday, August 11 6:45am—Communion Service 8:00am—John Reynolds, The O’Neill Family, For the Parishioners of St. Edna, Ann Simek (A) Wednesday, August 12 6:45am—Communion Service 8:00am—The Souls of the Faithful Departed of St. Edna, Marilyn Walker (A) Thursday, August 13 6:45am—Communion Service 8:00am—Anna Maria Herman, Laszlo Pavel (A) Friday, August 14 6:45am—Communion Service 8:00am—Morning Prayer with Communion Service Saturday, August 15 8:00am—Confessions 6 August 9, 2015 Worship Commission Mass Celebrants August 15-16 5:00pm— Rev. Rodolfo Ramirez & Deacon Jim Gaughan 7:30am— Rev. Rodolfo Ramirez & Deacon Jim Gaughan Worship Commission cultivates the liturgical life of the parish by fostering full, active and conscious participation of the community. 9:30am— Rev. John Canary & Deacon Joe Yannotta 11:30am— Rev. John Canary & Deacon Joe Yannotta 5:30pm— Rev. Douglas Greer & Deacon Greg Beeber With Sympathy LaVerne Kaczynski, mother of Denise Powers Just Married Mary Prior & Michael Larson Patricia Veronica Naples, mother of Jody Hullfish Robert L. Becker, husband of Roberta Scott Apel, husband of Kathie Wedding Banns Monica Tabor & Christopher Heftka Altar bread and wine will be offered in memory of Patricia Probst donated by Nancy Kamps during the week of August 9, 2015 ROSARY GROUP Meets: Monday – Thursday 7:20am in the church and Tuesday at 7:30pm All are invited to join us to pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and the Rosary. MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITY If you would like to remember a deceased relative or friend in a special way, here is your opportunity. We are accepting donations for the altar breads and wine that are used at Mass for that week. Every week in the bulletin we will post who the bread and wine was donated in memory of. Suggested donation is $25. You can drop off or mail your donation to the Parish Office, marked “Altar Bread Memorial.” Make sure to include your name and the name/s of whom you would like to be remembered. Requests are published in the bulletin in the order that they are received. Baptisms Celebrated the 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of the month at 1:00 pm. Parent preparation class: 2nd Thursday of each month, 7:30 pm. Please call to register. Marriages Arrangements for celebration of marriage should be made at the Parish Office at least six months in advance. Reconciliation/Confession Available first and third Saturdays of each month 8:00-9:00am or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick Please call the Parish Office to have a family member who is seriously ill or elderly receive the Sacrament of Anointing. 7 Faith Formation Commission Our Faith Formation Commission fosters the life-long growth, of all, in the Catholic Faith. Chair: Heather Daudelin Members: Elena Grzenia Cynthia Jochum Matt Marcheschi Suzie Matusiewicz Katie Stuercke Michelle Stuercke Ann Marie Thomas Registration for fall of 2015-2016 has been extended to Aug 24th. Please stop by the Parish Office or go online to to get your forms! Baptized Unto the Lord... David James Son of Juli (Burda) & David Gustafson 8 August 9, 2015 Abigail Marie Daughter of Alison (Romanello) & Richard Kuebler Faith Formation Commission Special Religious Development—(SPRED) Premise: The fundamental pr emise of the pr ogr am is that the Chur ch, the Sacr aments, and the Love of God are here for all of us. Every man, woman and child has a right to come into the Church and live her liturgy, experience her rich history and traditions, and feel the presence of God in their lives. It is our obligation as Christians to help as we can to make that right a reality for those with physical, mental, emotional, and intellectual challenges. Our Faith Formation Commission fosters the life-long growth, of all, in the Catholic Faith. Mission: The mission of the St. Edna SPRED Pr ogr am is to shar e the Wor d and the Love of God with people who have developmental disabilities. Age Group: the SPRED Pr ogr am at St. Edna minister s to childr en ages 6-10. Meeting: SPRED meets monthly on Satur day mor ning fr om 9:30-11:15 If you have a child with special challenges who would benefit from the SPRED Program please contact the Parish Office at 847-398-3362. Volunteers are also needed. Special training is provided through the Archdiocese of Chicago. If interested please contact the Parish Office at the above number. The Book of Leviticus Mondays: Sept. 14, 21, 28; Oct. 5 and 12 7:00-8:30pm Wednesdays: Sept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 7 and 14 7:00-8:30pm Fridays: Sept. 18, 25; Oct. 2, 9 and 16 10:00-11:30am Facilitator: Lorie Crepeau Cost: $10.00/person Registration Deadline: August 21, 2015 Registration Form (please print) Name: ____________________ Phone/Cell: ____________________ E-Mail: ___________________________________________________ Day attending: _____ Mondays ______ Wednesdays _____ Fridays Checks payable to St. Edna Parish Return this portion to Parish Office. Books are available now! 9 Parish Life Commission Parish Life Commission fosters a sense of parish unity by organizing and welcoming all to community-building events UPCOMING EVENTS Chair: Diane Thomason September 17 Women of St. Edna Bunco Night September 26 Trivia Night October 24 Members: Christine Desmond Jackie Lapetino Kathy Pellettieri Gloria Vosburgh Theresa Watkins Tom Wuich St. Edna Craft & Vendor Fair Grandparents! SAVE THE DATE! All Grandparents are welcome to gather for prayerful support for your families: St. Edna Craft & Vendor Fair GRANDPARENTS’ PRAYER TIME 9:00am - 3:00pm Saturday, October 24 Tuesday Mornings 8:30-9:00 in the Hurley Center St. Edna Moms Plus Welcomes You! We meet on Mondays from 9:30-11:00am in the Hurley Center at St. Edna (and other locations). We hope you’ll join us! August 2015 Schedule Aug 10 Lake Arlington Park 1900 E Rosehill Drive If you are interested in becoming a member of St. Edna Parish, please join us in the Doherty Center on: Aug 17 End of Summer Concert St. Edna’s Meeting Rooms All are invited! Please visit our St. Edna website,, for an up-to-date schedule and more information. You can also find us under Parish Life / Ministries. August 16, 2015 after the 9:30am Mass during Sharing Coffee Registration will take place at this time. Registration can also be completed in the Parish Office during Office Hours. We look forward to meeting you! 10 Questions? Please contact: Marina Pavlik: [email protected] ***Note about our babysitting: Babies are always welcome to stay with their moms or moms can take advantage of our wonderful sitters who watch our children in the St. Edna Nursery.*** August 9, 2015 Parish Life Commission BOWLERS WANTED! Come join the fun and bowl with some of your fellow parishioners on Wednesday a ernoons at 12:30pm at the Arlington Heights Lanes, located at Kennico and Dundee Roads. We are looking for the young and the old, friends, rela ves, seniors, and couples. The start date for the League is August 26. Parish Life Commission fosters a sense of parish unity by organizing and welcoming all to community-building events To join or for more informa on, please contact Ann Berry at 847-398-6885 or Toni Reinhart at 847-843-3306. Looking forward to hearing from you! St. Edna Warmly Welcomes the Following New Parishioners! Kurt & Patricia Peterson (Dominic & Kurt Jr.) David & Juli Gustafson (David) Richard & Alison Kuebler (A bigail) Sandeep & Neha Parmar Carl & Rosemary Pallasch Thomas Kopec Anthony Aufmann & Elyse Olsen (Rylee) Laura Kee John Rivera & Taylor Ashley Barkley Christopher & Erin Haltek (A melia) Christopher & Kathryn Rhodes (Alexandria) Brian & Sarah Burke (Cullen & Coraline) Ronald & Josephine Lenore Manuel (Vittorio Jose) Sylvia Perez Miles Sean & Michelle Beaudry (A udrianne) Leona Sullo Jennifer Witek & Daniel Westlund Mark & Melissa Joniak Rafael & Natalia Czechowski (Emily & Abigail) 11 Parish Life Commission Parish Life Commission fosters a sense of parish unity by organizing and welcoming all to community-building events St. Edna's Young Adult Ministry welcomes Fr. Ed Shea O.F.M. for our next meeting to discuss the topic: "Bless me father for I have sinned, it has been a loooooong time since my last confession." The event will be: Friday, August 21st at 7:00PM Fr. Ed Shea is part of the Franciscan Friar Staff at St. Peter's in the Loop and is also on the Board of Directors for the the Franciscan Outreach Ministry. Babysitting will be provided, so please RSVP as soon as possible to [email protected] with number of kids and adults so we are able to get the right amount of babysitters. As usual, we can always use volunteers! The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women VICARIATE 1 Cordially Invites Women of your Parish to “BREAKFAST with the BISHOP” - Bishop George J. Rassas Golden Rose Service Award Honoring Mother-Daughter Grandmother-Granddaughter & Spiritual Advisors Saturday, September 19, 2015 9:00 am - 12:00 noon The Devonshire Room, Chevy Chase Country Club, 1000 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Wheeling, Illinois $25.00 per Person due September 9 Mail Checks & registration to Mary Pat Leahy 31 Lancaster Ct. Gurnee, IL Questions email [email protected] 12 August 9, 2015 50th Anniversary Celebration SAVE THE DATE: TRIVIA NIGHT! S D ,S C 26 Doors open at 5:30pm Game starts promptly at 7:00pm Question: Name the Stanley Kubrick film in which the following characters play a role: A. Alex DeLarge B. The Chevalier de Balibari C. Dr. Heywood R. Floyd D. Humbert Humbert E. Animal Mother F. Crassus G. Bat Guano H. Jack Torrance Look for the answer in next week’s bulletin! Last week’s answer: Sonny Bono! Steering Committee Co-Chairs: Camille Murray Gloria Vosburgh Members: Christine Desmond George Eggert Pat Freeman Evelyn Getty Randy Gross Sue Jackson Jackie Lapetino Judy McAvoy Anne Mura Lisa Oslovich Kathy Pellettieri Kathy Romza Ann Rymsza Marie Schalke Theresa Stoklosa Michelle Stuerke Ann Marie Thomas Fr. Rich Yanos TRIVIA NIGHT STILL NEEDS VOLUNTEERS! We could really use your help in making this night a success. If you want to par cipate in the event, that’s okay - there are plenty of volunteer posi ons both before and a er the event. We even have posi ons available right up un l start me! If you are interested in volunteering and want more informa on, please contact Chris ne Desmond in the Parish Office 847-398-3362 x321 and [email protected], or go to 13 Parish Administration As stewards of the St. Edna Parish Vision, the Pastoral Council acts in an advisory capacity to our Pastor, assists in prioritizing needs, and provides leadership. Pastoral Council Co-Chairs: Daryn Waite Tom Wuich Members: Robert Berhinig Kevin Ellis Kelly Fagan Jani Graziano Mike Lilly Kathy Mannard Matthew Marcheschi Christine McNicholas Paula Pollman (Rec.) Marie Schalke Denise Swanson Ann Marie Thomas Deacon Joe Yannotta The Finance Council stewards the assets of the parish and, as a consultative body, advises the Pastor on the appropriate allocation of funds. ALMS Our Alms this weekend will benefit St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly Our Alms on August 16 will benefit St. Edna Community Table Thank you for your generosity! Finance Council Co-Chairs: Jean Justie Mary O’Brien Members: David Diol Pat Freeman Wayne Fritz William Lyne John Pelican Theresa Stoklosa (Rec.) Jim Williams Moderator of Councils Deacon Jim Gaughan 14 August 9, 2015 Stewardship Council Stewardship Bulletin Reflection August 9, 2015 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time The city of Ephesus was one of St. Paul’s major centers of operation. Although his letter to the Ephesians is not lengthy (it is about one-third the size of his letters to the Corinthians), many scholars consider it to be the most theologically sound of all his letters. One of Paul’s major purposes in writing it was to make clear to the Gentiles that they have been brought together with the Jews in the Body of Christ. Unity is important, as much now as in the early Church. Furthermore, Ephesians is one of Paul’s most encouraging letters. In the interest of Christian unity Paul includes an important piece of advice in today’s Second Reading: “All bitterness, fury, anger, shouting, and reviling must be removed from you, along with all malice. And be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ.” The idea of forgiveness is so important to us if we truly wish to be Christians and good stewards. Most of us understand that we need to be forgiven, but that does not make it any easier for us to forgive. Yet, that is at the basis of our ability to be unified and loving in the way Paul advises. When we learn to forgive, we take a large step toward holiness, as indicated by the famous quote from Alexander Pope, “To err is human, to forgive, divine.” Stewardship Council strives to inspire our community to express gratitude for God’s many gifts through service to God and one another. Co-Chairs: Brent Johnson Deacon Greg Beeber Members: Bob Amend Vince Caffarello David Clark Nancy Holpuch Karen Janisch (rec.) Contact: [email protected] 15 Human Concerns Commission Human Concerns Commission will witness efforts in the areas of care ministry and social outreach. Chair: Diane Yannotta Members: Bob Amend Paquita Bares Evelyn Getty Mark Rymsza Ann Rymsza Bob Rokos Joseph Yannotta “Pray for Our Sick” As members of St. Edna’s parish faith community, it is our responsibility to remember both in concrete and spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate mass with us each week because they are ill. Those who are sick, in turn, remember all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings. We experience many blessings because of their remembering us. And so, please remember in your prayers the people listed on the “Pray for Our Sick”. Marie Acorda John Altmeyer Debra Arend Rosalie Ball Theresa Barrett Robert Basse Geri Boness Ginny Boss William Brill Sean Brown Sebastian Buemi Martin Caraway Jane Carpenter Dolores Castro Robert Clark Sandra Clark John Clancy Tony Conway Ken Cybul Marilyn Desens Marge Devereux Aura Diaz Antoinette Diliberto Craig Doner Pattie Dorner Anna Duski Holly Ebner Javier Elias John Ellis Veronica Ellis Amelia Erickson Albert Evans Dolores Falato-Funk Carl Farinella Jane Femal Richard Ferguson Regina Fizier Virginia Foley Rudolf Frank Donna Freiberger Dick Freund Evelyn Friese Liliana Gagliano Barbara Gamble Seth Gamblin Joann Garcia John F. Gaughan John Gembra Robert Glen Michael Angelo Go Mary Ann Graham Salvador Gutierrez Pat Hansen Robert Hawkins, Jr. Father Phil Hensler Loretta Herrmann Walter Herrmann Kaylin Grace Hodgdon James Hrovatin Fr. Willard Jabusch Lorraine Jassak Jim Jeffer Bob Kilbourne Robert Kirsh Donna Klegier Rich Kozik Jordan Krech Peggy Kriss William LaPlante Lou LaVaccare Susie Leach Pam LeFeber Ed LeMaster Lorraine Ligammari Michael Lilly Charlie Lodosco Johanna Loos James Luce, Jr. Suzanne Marasco Sue Martinez Bill Masloske Pat Mason Tony Mason Debra Mastran Linda Matthews Robert McCabe John Mellenthin Geraldine Mick Barbara Miller Bonnie Miresso Asha Molve Owen Moriarity Cathy Morrow Krista Motley Anthony Nalepa Shirley Newkirk Brigida Norberte Ray North Donna Novack Mary Lou O’Brien Janemarie O’Neill Mason Orchard Lorraine Penczak Guy Perna Barbara Peters Sabu Philip Peter Phillips Alma Pini John Pini Thomas Powers Mary Rice Mike Richardson Margaret Righi Dolores Rokos Simone Romanos Marie Rossetti Tom Rovito Sharon Rovito-Macklin Frank Salitore Renee Savage Bruce Schoumacher Janina Schoumacher Caroline Shepley Charlie Shorthand Martin Sliva Olivia Smiley Marilyn Smith Maryanne Soltys Ann Soulje Warren Swegle Aileen Tansey Harriet Tantillo Bob Tennessen Doug Tesnow Terese Tesnow Charlie Thill Christopher Trinko Steven Trinko Dan Tsutsumi Doreen Von Bargen Marlene Wielgos Martha Wrobel Dorothy Yacullo **** If your name or a loved one’s name is not listed but you would like it to be, please contact me via email or phone. Alternatively, if your name is listed but no longer needs to be on the list, please let me know. Due to the privacy law only names that have been given to us from an immediate family member with the permission of the person requesting prayers will be printed. It is always a privilege to support you in any way possible. Please contact the Parish Office 847-398-3362 or [email protected] 16 August 9, 2015 Human Concerns Commission Human Concerns Commission will witness efforts in the areas of care ministry and social outreach. An Unrelenting Challenge Hard times have been the norm for millions of Americans for the past several years. Even as we’ve seen significant economic recovery, hunger remains a condition far too many of our fellow citizens face today. According to the latest data, 1,833,810 Illinois residents are food insecure, meaning they are unsure of where or when they will receive their next meal. In short, 1 in 7 Illinois residents are at risk of hunger. Further, hunger disproportionately affects children. The data from Feeding America shows that 661,950 children in Illinois are food insecure—more than 1 in 5. In Cook County, 1 in 6 of our neighbors (812,100) receive food from a pantry and/or meal program. 68% of programs reported an increase in clients over the last 12 months. 69% of client households have incomes that fall at or below the federal poverty level. 54% of client households have annual incomes of $10,000 or less. Communion for Homebound Ministers of Care are available to bring Communion to the homebound. Please call the Parish Office at 847-398-3362. Clients face difficult choices. 62% chose between paying for food and paying medical bills. 73% chose between paying for food and paying their utility bills. 59% chose between paying for food and paying their rent or mortgage. On the third Sunday of each month, food is collected to help restock the food pantries at both St. Edna and St. James. The poor served by these pantries rely on your generosity for their next meal. PLEASE BRING A BAG OF FOOD WITH YOU WHEN YOU COME TO CHURCH NEXT WEEKEND, AUGUST 16. Also, please make a contribution to St James using the gold envelopes each month. Thank You, Don Kellen St. Edna Outreach Monday-Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-1:00 pm 847-398-3362 x 323 Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Please call the Parish Office to have a family member who is seriously ill or elderly receive the Anointing of the Sick 847-398-3362. Funerals Funeral arrangements can be made at the Parish Office 847-398-3362. To welcome and serve all who seek nourishment and fellowship “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me” Matthew 25:35 The SECT season is over halfway through already! We have warmly welcomed, on average, 50+ guests to each dinner held on the first and third Sunday evenings of the month. The dinners have been sponsored and hosted by a variety of different ministries, providing a wonderful service opportunity as well as a teambuilding experience for the group. The SECT Core Team would like to extend a BIG thank you to the SECT teens for preparing all the to-go bags and setting the tables for each dinner, and to the following for their involvement: Outreach Ministry Worship Commission SNL Pastoral Council Faith Formation Commission WOSE Guild 4 WOSE Guild 5 Gardening for God Choir Finance Council Watch the bulletin and website for further information on how YOU can be involved in the future of this important ministry! 17 Music Ministry Alive! is an annual five-day summer institute held at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minnesota, for youth and adult leaders who have a passion for liturgical music and the desire to serve as ministers in their parishes and schools. Each summer, about 150 youth and 50 adult leaders come together as an MMA community to celebrate their gifts, their love of liturgical music, and the power of their faith. Music Ministry Alive! was founded in 1999 by liturgical musician David Haas. ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND Sing Praise to the Lord A Music Ministry Alive! Benefit Concert Friday, September 11th, 2015 7:30pm to 9:00pm @ St. Edna Church TICKETS ON SALE SOON Featuring Composers: Lorie True, Michael Joncas, Marty Haugen, David Haas, Gary Daigle, Terry Donohoo & Rory Cooney Some of their songs we sing as a community are: Within the Reign of God, I Have Loved You, No Greater Love, On Eagle’s Wings, Take and Eat, We Come to Your Feast, Gather Us In, Canticle of the Turning, Shepherd Me O God, Blest Are They, Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled, You Are Mine, May We Be One, The Lord Is My Shepherd, We Are Called, All Things New, I am For You, Jerusalem My Destiny, Walk In the Reign Furthering Our Faith ,A 9, 2015 S O T Taking desert time The word desert often evokes images of a vast, hostile environment devoid of life. Yet the desert is a common symbol used in scripture to give context to an experience of God. It can, for example, be a symbol of quieting ourselves and finding our grounding in God, even in the busyness of everyday life. How do you enter into the desert? While we may not have a vast wilderness to retreat into, we can find small ways: plugging into our favorite reflective song, breathing in fresh air, closing our eyes and opening our heart to God. T ’ : 1 Kings 19:4-8; John 6:41-51; Ephesians 4:30-5:2 M ,A 10 F S L , , Know where your treasure lies When Saint Lawrence, a third-century deacon, was ordered by the prefect of Rome to hand over whatever wealth the early church had, Lawrence rounded up the poor and sick, presented them to the prefect, and announced, “These are the treasures of the church!” The poor and sick continue to be the church’s greatest treasure. “In the poor and outcast,” says Pope Francis, “we see Christ’s face; by loving and helping the poor, we love and serve Christ.” In your service to those in material need you will find your life’s greatest riches. T ’ : 2 Corinthians 9:6-10; John 12:24-26 T ,A 11 F C , Support your soul companions Clare of Assisi was born into a well-to-do family in 1194. By custom, she was expected to marry into a family of similar social status. After hearing Francis preach, Clare chose a very different path. Like Francis, Clare desired to follow closely the model of Jesus. Her wish for a life of prayer, simplicity, and evangelical poverty was realized in 1212 when she and Francis founded the second Franciscan order, later known as the Order of Saint Clare. The two encouraged and “supported each other for the rest of their lives. Today, say special prayers for your companions on the spiritual journey! T ’ : Deuteronomy 31:1-8; Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 W ,A 12 Let the children lead Today is International Youth Day, a good day to acknowledge that the future is present and walking among us. A day to ponder your own legacy—what can you offer the youth of today? What have you learned that you can teach? Where have you found good in the world that you can point out to those whose eyes are fresher? How has your faith helped N S in hard times and what lessons can you pass on? And what can you learn in turn from those who are more innocent and spontaneous? T ’ : Deuteronomy 34:1-12; Matthew 18:15-20 T ,A 13 Healthy hearts forgive The Mayo Clinic specializes in wellness—not just physical health but also emotional wellness. Their list of the benefits of forgiving someone include: healthier relationships; greater spiritual and psychological well-being; less anxiety, stress, and hostility; lower blood pressure; fewer symptoms of depression; a stronger immune system; improved heart health; higher self-esteem. Pretty healthy stuff, this forgiveness. Take two forgiveness pills and call an estranged loved one in the morning! T ’ : Joshua 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17; Matthew 18:21-19:1 F ,A 14 F M K , , Love like this saves the world The old Burt Bacharach song said, “What the world needs now, is love, sweet love,” and Franciscan Maximilian Kolbe showed that it is possible to give the world what it needs in Jesus’ name. Kolbe summed up a life of love and service in a simple but dramatic act. Hearing a fellow prisoner at Auschwitz cry out, “My wife! My children!” as his name was called out for execution, Kolbe volunteered to take his place. There were likely thousands of similar heroic acts of compassion in the years of the death camps—flickers of love and light—now forgotten. But Kolbe’s story has been remembered and retold just to remind you that while your act of love today probably will not cost you your life, it will go far to bring Christ’s sweet love alive. T ’ : Joshua 24:1-13; Matthew 19:3-12 Furthering Our Faith strives to post articles, ads, and reflections that will help strengthen our faith on a daily basis. For kids and adults. Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith will deepen and grow—a day at a time. ©2014 by TrueQuest Communications.; 800-942-2811; [email protected]. All rights reserved. Daily email sign-up and App available online. Noncommercial reprints permitted with the following credit: Reprinted with permission from Scripture citations from the New American Bible Revised Edition.Contributors: Alice Camille, Daniel Grippo, Father Larry Janowski, O.F.M., Sister Maxine Kollasch, I.H.M., Joel Schorn, Jennifer Tomshack, Patrice J. Tuohy, Sister Julie Vieira, I.H.M. ,A 15 A B V M Say yes to God The young woman who traveled the hill country to visit her cousin on that long ago day did not know what the future held. Pregnant, and with more questions than answers, she nonetheless had given her assent to God’s will. It was the first yes in an earthly life of total surrender. That young woman on the road to Judah would have been as stunned as anyone to know she would share in her Son’s Resurrection. She alone among humanity would one day be taken, body and soul, into heavenly glory. Ask for the grace to surrender the worries of this day to Mary’s Son. T ’ : Revelation 11:19a; 12:16a,10ab; 1 Corinthians 15:20-27; Luke 1:39-56 S S 19 Just for Kids Children’s Stewardship Corner August 2, 2015 Katie, Matt, and Mike gave thanks to God for the blessings in their lives by… I helped clean the car. I put the camping gear away. In addition to their good deeds, the children donated $2.40 to Saint Edna Parish. May God continue to bless each of you! I feel good when I thank God! 20 August 9, 2015 Player Development Coach DAVID HESS has worked with over 100 atheletes to improve their skill set in preparation for high school and college. New solo piano CD by composer Peter Kolar [email protected] PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... Beautiful, classically-inspired arrangements of Catholic hymns in the style of Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart, and Bach. 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 800-566-6150 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal n nal Companio o s r e P r Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 000555 St Edna Church (C) 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 James C. Perkins CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TURNING 65? BEWILDERED? ACCOUNTING & TAX PREPARATION (847) 392-5675 [email protected] Parishioner “Experience Great Chiropractic Care” Medicare and Medigap Plans Made Easy 847-577-5400 Call Joseph Genarella, CDFA, ChFC, CLU 1522 E. Hintz 847-651-5532 NEW PATIENT EXAM Represents Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois and AARP FREE W/COPY OF AD! With Hearts and Voices Songs and Prayers of a Faithful People A Franciscan Community Independent Living Assisted Living More than 80 traditional Catholic songs and prayers familiar to our moms and dads. 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Palatine 847-776-0662 Family Owned & Operated A new way to do your laundry CENTRAL PLUMBING COMPANY, INC. Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING TIRE & AUTO CENTER 801 W. Dundee Road 847.481.0530 Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including 847-253-9181 a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and Tom Ryan ~ Kevin Ryan a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent IL. LIC # PL16019 LIC. # 055-012918 2.75% Credit Card Convenience Fee and Eastertime, or for any time of year! Located at Arlington Heights Ford 000555 St Edna Church (B) Since 1980 4 Generations of Plumbers Commercial & Residential Repairs & Remodeling - Water Heaters Disposals - Sump Pumps - Rodding 800-566-6150 • ASK FOR THE PARISH DISCOUNT! ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS 55 YEARS OR OLDER! For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 STEVEN’S JAROSZ & VALENTE ORTHODONTICS, P.C. Practice Limited to Orthodontics - Children & Adults Custom Upholstery 847-632-1030 Jerome A. Jarosz, D.D.S., M.S. - Parishioner Rudolfo M. Valente, D.D.S., M.S. Arlington Heights and Deerfield Palatine MARY K. ALDONIS CAREGIVER Sr. Daycare in Your Home Experienced • BA Degree References Available 847-670-7821 Parishioner PREMIER JANITORIAL SERVICE Commercial & Residential Tents • Tables • Chairs • Linens Moonwalk • Games 500 S. Hicks Road, Palatine 847-394-8213 JOHN HELMINSKI JHR Inc. ROOFING, INC. Family Owned and Arlington Heights Operated Since 1883 by the Matz Family Free Loaf of Joe Caputo 577-0606 French Bread with Steve Walczynski 847-702-7524 Parishioner Hail Damage • Insurance Claims Lic.-Ins. Leaf Defier any purchase E Roofing/Siding/Gutters MT. PROSPECT 410 E. Rand Road • 847/394-2336 CHICAGO Free Estimates • Insured • Bonded • Fine Fabric Selection • Cushions Made To Order • Repair/Buttons Replaced 3440 N. Central Ave. • 773/545-5420 Solving Restoration & Cleaning Problems for 85 Years Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 847-670-1237 Parishioner KC HALL CORPORATE EVENTS BIRTHDAY PARTIES ✸ Water & Mold Remediation HOLIDAY PARTIES 847-255-4483 ✸ FUNDRAISERS WEDDINGS Etc. ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER Mark A. Lallas, DDS Brian P. Zulawinski, DDS 120 W. Eastman Arlington Heights, IL 60004 847-253-7477 800-862-5326 for monthly Parish specials We would love to host your next event! Serving the Community for Over 50 Years! Duct Cleaning Call Vince Caffarello Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! 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Vaughn, D.D.S. 394-3070 COMPETENT CAREGIVERS “Real Estate Services You Can Trust!” 847-494-4907 marianne@ “Buying or Selling. You or a friend. I’m your resource from beginning to end.” • 10 YR. Labor Guarantee 847-255-8696 • Licensed • Bonded • Insured LAUTERBURG & OEHLER FUNERAL HOME Serving Families In Our Community Since 1917 2000 E. Northwest Hwy • Arlington Heights • (847) 253-5423 PARISHIONERS RECEIVE A 10% DISCOUNT ON FUNERAL/CREMATION PREARRANGEMENTS James R. Murray, Jr. | Michael Murray | Christina Raitano – PrePlanning Specialist 000555 St Edna Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 St. Edna Catholic Church 2525 N. Arlington Heights Road Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Pastor Rev. Richard M. Yanos Rev. Rodolfo G. Ramirez The Staff of St. Edna Pastor Associate Pastor 847-398-3362 x337 [email protected] For RCIA information For Baptismal Preparation Information [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Faith Formation Lorie Crepeau Heather Daudelin Nancy Holpuch Director of Adult Faith Formation—x325 Director of Religious Education K-7 Director of Youth Ministry—x341 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Worship Lorie Crepeau Gary Daigle Lara Lynch Coordinator of Liturgical Ministers—x325 Director of Music & Liturgy—x322 Coordinator of Children's & High School Music—x342 Parish Operations Christine Desmond Patricia Freeman Laura Kniskern Helene McNicholas Tom Panek Director of Communications—x321 Parish Manager—x314 Office Manager—x305 Bookkeeper—x310 Maintenance—x317 Permanent Deacon Couples Greg Beeber & Debbie Jim Gaughan & Sharon Jim Pauwels & Therese Joe Yannotta & Diane St. Edna Catholic Church 847-398-3362 847-394-5226 (fax) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]