Pointes of Interest - Pointe Tapatio HOA
Pointes of Interest - Pointe Tapatio HOA
Pointe Our The Pointe Tapatio Community Association www.pointe-tapatio-hoa.org Pointes of Interest BOARD MEETINGS The PTCA Board meetings are held at the Tapatio Village Clubhouse on the fourth Thursday of the month at 6 pm., except for August and November. NEW PTCA BOARD MEMBERS Preston McMurry, left, and Alexandra Kidd, right are joined by Virginia Counts at a gathering to informally discuss the years upcoming issues. VICE PRESIDENTS CONFER...Former PTCA Board Vice President Tom Haladyna and current Board Vice President Wendy D’Ulisse chat during an open house event hosted by D’Ulisse. NEXT OPEN FORUM An Open Homeowners’ Forum is held at the beginning of each Board meeting. FOR THE FOLLOWING MONTHS: •May 22 •June 26 •July 24 Our website: www.pointe-tapatio-hoa.org May-June 2014 Inside this Issue… From the President.............3 Pool News...........................6 Landscape Committee........7 Tapatio Village News..........8 Treasurer’s Report............12 Parking Committee..........15 Water Conservation.......... 17 Hospitality Committee..... 19 Design Review..................20 Block Watch......................22 RETIRING BOARD MEMBER Clarence Bruce with Joan Kidd discuss issues at Tapatio Village. COUNTING THE VOTES…clockwise, from left, Dorothy Wilson, Marion Schatell, Carla Schwarte and Sharon Daggett. FIVE NEW MEMBERS JOIN PTCA BOARD With the results of the 2014 PTCA election completed, five new members will join the existing three Board members. One seat remains open. The Board is seeking applicants to fill this one-year post. See story on this page. Two hundred and fifty-two ballots were submitted. Candidates receiving threeyear terms include Kerry Brough, Steven Hoffman and Alexandra Kidd. Candidates receiving two-year terms were Preston McMurry and Serena Stout. One other candidate was disqualified for not being on the title deed to her residence. New officers were announced at the April Board meeting and include; Dorothy Wilson, president, Wendy D’Ulisse, vice president and Kerry Brough, treasurer. PTCA SEEKING APPLICANT TO FILL BOARD OPENING Despite recent Board elections, the PTCA is still one member short of its total capacity of 9 seats. Any resident interested in filling the vacant two-year term post needs to be a homeowner, current on PTCA dues and assessments, and must submit a statement of 150 words regarding why they wish to serve on the Board. Submissions should be sent via email to PTCA President Dorothy Wilson at [email protected], or mailed to the office of the property manager Howard Flisser at The Osselaer Company, 532 E. Maryland Ave, Suite F, Phoenix, AZ 85012. The Board will make their selection at the May 22 meeting. At this time one candidate has submitted papers. For further information contact Wilson by calling (602) 332-1844 or via email at [email protected]. Board of Directors Committees and Property Management When communicating via email, be sure to use subject title “PTCA Issues” President / Hospitality DOROTHY WILSON ('15) 332-1844 [email protected] Vice President / Design Review WENDY D’ULISSE (‘16) 354-5717 [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer KERRY BROUGH (‘17) 818-7924 [email protected] – OTHER BOARD MEMBERS – VIRGINIA COUNTS (‘15) (480) 241-0101 [email protected] W WELCOME TO THE POINTE… e welcome the following new residents to our community. Please join us at our hospitality events including the Fall and Spring Wine and Cheese gatherings and the traditional Holiday Party. Also enjoy the outdoor hiking opportunities as well as the use of our four community pools located at 7th Place and Peoria Street, 11th and Peoria Streets, Desert Cove, located east of Desert Cove and 9th Street, and the Tapatio Village pool located in the center of the community at Clinton and 9th Streets. Other activities available include art classes, contact Sue Dolan for information, 678-5514 or [email protected]; the book club, contact Peg Adams for more information, at 997-9859, or [email protected], and Mah Jongg, contact Marion Schatell for more information 944-7540 or email [email protected]. The Pointe Tapatio Board of Directors (PTCA) encourages residents to volunteer on the many community committees. For further information on this aspect, please contact PTCA President Dorothy Wilson at 332-1844 or via mail at [email protected]. Robert & Mirela Lawry Frederick & Marilyn Wilson Paula Duistermars Clinton Sharp Michael & Karen Jessen Jacqueline Mullen William Maynard Mansour H. Gebara Sandra & Steven M. Gonzales Anne L. Saletta James & Sharon Croft Michael & Terri Mesquita Sharon Stimson Frank & Constance Robinson Frank & Paula Kay Cappelletti STEVEN HOFFMAN ('17) 434-2379 [email protected] ALEXANDRA KIDD ('17) [email protected] PRESTON MCMURRY (‘16) [email protected] SERENA STOUT (‘16) 819-5914 [email protected] Block Watch MARY SCANLON 943-4130 [email protected] – PROPERTY MANAGEMENT – The Osselaer Company 532 East Maryland Ave., Suite “F” Phoenix, AZ 85012 (602) 277-4418 or by email to HOWARD FLISSER Property Manager [email protected] Off-Duty Police Coordinator [email protected] Emergencies - 911 Crime Stop - 262-6151 – NEWSLETTER STAFF – Editor DENISE O’CONNOR 944-4143 [email protected] Advertising OLIE BALL 870-9787 Page 2 MAY IS NATIONAL BEER MONTH We offer Kobe-style hamburgers, Pizza, Steak & Chicken sandwiches. Also salads & Vegan specialties. Live Music on Tuesdays through Saturday’s Football Nights - Sunday, Monday & Thursday Summer Hours: Monday through Wednesday 3 pm. to 10 pm. Thursday, Friday & Saturday 11 am. to 11 pm. Sunday 11 am. to 9 pm. Parking: Use 7th St. or 5th St. Parking North of the Location off Eva Street. Check out our website @ www.NorthMountainBrewing.com for a current list of our craft beers. Also follow us on Facebook for our “Current Happenings” Our Pointe –– a Newsletter for Pointe Tapatio Homeowners and Residents From the President... A new Pointe Tapatio Community Association Board of Directors was seated at the April meeting. We are still short one person to make up a full nine-member board, but that issue will be handled at the May meeting. Five out of the eight members are serving their very first term. What these members may lack in experience they certainly make up for in enthusiasm and a passion for the life-style found here at Pointe Tapatio. We are a diverse group that includes the business community, an artist, a medical doctor, and a realtor. I am thrilled that we have representation from all three property segments; the Single-family homes, Courthomes, and Tapatio Village. With such diversity, I expect this Board will have fresh and different points of view. I plan to foster a culture of mutual respect where all thoughts and opinions will be heard and considered. The previous boards have assured that Pointe Tapatio remains a very desirable community and we are committed to continue that effort. We are fiscally in better shape than many other HOA’s in the Valley, but as our community ages, we are faced with increased issues of maintenance and upkeep. The Landscaping and Water Conservation committees that has accomplished so much in the past few years will remain in place. Block Watch continues to strive to keep our community safe. Other committees may be formed or disbanded in the process. We come with fresh faces and new ideas, but we have inherited a strong foundation. All of us are committed to making our community the best that it can be. Our Board meetings are held on the fourth Thursday monthly, except for August and November. We meet at 6 pm., in the Tapatio Village Clubhouse, and I encourage residents to attend and participate in the governing process of our Pointe community. May-June 2014 Edition Page 3 T Board Tackles the Issue Of More or Less Speed Bumps in the Community he often contentious issue of the quantity and effectiveness of the community’s street speed bumps came under review at the April PTCA Board meeting. Board member Virginia Counts who questioned the amount and severity of many of the speed bumps brought the issue forward. Discussion ensued regarding modification of the bumps into the more gradual rolling speed “humps.” At the suggestion of Property Manager Howard Flisser, the Board accepted a modified speed bump as an alternative. Two specific sites were identified for modification. On a motion by Vice President Wendy D’Ulisse, it was agreed to spend no more than $1200 for two bump modifications. Both sites are located on Sahuaro, one west of Tapatio Drive, the second west of 10th Place. JULY HOLIDAY SCHEDULE FOR TRASH & RECYCLING… Due to the July 4th holiday, Recycling pick-up has been re-scheduled for Thursday, July 3. Regular trash pick-up will remain the same, on Wednesday July 2. Please mark your calendar. The clear plastic recycling bags provided free of charge to Pointe residents are to be used ONLY for recyclable items. Please do not use them for food, landscaping materials or other trash. If you need bags, please call Helen Tinsley, Recycling Committee Chair, at (602) 992-9132, or via e-mail [email protected] and a roll of 100 bags will be delivered to you. In a dissenting vote, Board member Steven Hoffman stated he personally had encountered car damage by speeding through the bumps, and thought it reinforced the goal of the discouraging speeding traffic. Board member Alexandra Kidd noted that driving over the bumps at an angle minimizes the impact on vehicles on the more severe bumps. Page 4 Our Pointe –– a Newsletter for Pointe Tapatio Homeowners and Residents caution advised on purchasing water/sewer insurance H BY PRESTON MCMURRY, PTCA BOARD MEMBER ave you received an apparently official letter on City of Phoenix letterhead offering water & sewer line insurance? Say hello to Service Line Warranties of America (SLWA). It appears governmental, but is not. Our PTCA owns the sewage lines, and the water lines from the meter to the street. These connection lines are covered by the HOA and basic homeowners insurance. The street water lines are owned and maintained by the City of Phoenix. Also, SLWA only covers water/sewer lines between your house and the street, not within your house. You’d still be on the hook for that. While water/sewer line repairs can easily run into thousands of dollars, they are relatively rare. Several local consumer reporters -- “CBS 5” and “3 On Your Side” -- have looked into SLWA: The City of Phoenix was paid $216 thousand by Service Line Warranties of America. The City will also get 12% of the revenue generated from homeowners who buy into the program for which the City has no responsibility or liability for the warranty program ... The company has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. (“3 On Your Side.”) A similar company, “HomeServe,” was investigated by “Call 12 For Action,” which at the time of reporting had been given a “D” rating by the Better Business Bureau. Finally, a personal story from Pointe neighbor who signed up for SLWA’s water and sewer coverage, but when she received her documentation, it only mentioned water coverage. Could be an honest mistake. I, on the other hand, tossed my letter straight in the trash. You will need to make your own risk assessment. As always, use such on-line sources as Google for more information. RESULTS OF THE HAZARDOUS WASTE PICK-UP Howard Flisser, the Pointe property manager reported the results of the 2014 Hazardous Waste Pick-up. The ecletic mix of disposables included; approximately 235 one gallon paint containers, 48 quart cans of paint, 5 quart cans of stain. Also, 20 5-gallon cans with material inside, 10 empty 5-gallon cans, 8 containers of wall board compound or stucco patch, 2 pipe cement containers, 30 plus spray cans and one muriatic acid container. Electronics included 8 televisions/monitors, telephones, and computer printers. Otherwise included were; 30 or more fluorescent tubes, a car battery, CFL bulbs, Alkaline batteries too numerous to count and propane tanks. Hard to classify items included electric can openers, oxygen bottle cart and a lighted make-up mirror. May-June 2014 Edition Page 5 POOL NEWS… A s the traditional Spring Break descended on us, our pools once again were filled with winter visitors, and with summer approaching, more usage is expected. Residents should remind their guests of a few basic pool usage guidelines. Children need to be accompanied by an adult at all times. Teens should be cautioned about diving in our very shallow pools as well as being courteous to other guests. Alcoholic beverages are also prohibited. All beverages need to be in plastic containers. No glass is permitted around the pools. The Maricopa County Department of Health & Environmental Service regularly monitors our pools and if glass containers are found, even in the trash bins, the pools will be shut down. All pool areas are “Smoke-Free” zones. During April the chairs at all of the pools have been repaired, and a table at the Desert Cove pool was retopped. A clock was replaced at the 7th Place pool and a bathroom sink repaired after it was reported that there was no water coming from a faucet, according to Property Manager, Howard Flisser. There have been no recent vandalism reports, but residents are urged to be vigilant. Do not to let anyone into the pool areas who does not have a pool access key. Alert Crime Stop at (602) 262-6151, or our community liaison, Officer Dawn Vaughn at (602) 571-3374 or if it is an emergency, please call 911 if suspicious activity occurs. Large “floaties” or pool toys are not allowed. These are relatively small recreational pools and space precludes enormous pool toys. Page 6 Our Pointe –– a Newsletter for Pointe Tapatio Homeowners and Residents Landscaping Committee Report By Virginia Counts, Chair H opefully you have noticed some of the areas in our community that have been revised to a lower water use landscaping. Some of our neighbors have taken some excellent pictures of the new landscaping; we hope you are enjoying the new scene! We are continuing to work to develop a new contract for landscaping and would gladly take assistance from community members that are interested in helping update our month-to-month landscaping maintenance contract. conservation committee, I urge all of us to test-run our home watering systems to look for leaks. I know I’ve got one in my front yard. Many of our systems are nearing the end of life and need some attention. Please consider checking yours to make sure there are no leaks. We will be seal-coating the roads soon, so you can help avoid stains on the new, clean, shiny roads we all pay for by avoiding water leaks. At this time of growth in spring, please consider looking over your property for trees that might need to be trimmed or in some cases removed. Many of us have beautiful Ficus trees that cause a lot of damage to house foundations, sewer lines, and fences. Take a look around and make sure your trees are in shape to make it through the summer storm season. While a new board member is taking over the water Letter to the Editor: La Paloma Flowers The Neighborhood Florist 13240 N 7th St St. Phoenix P www.lapalomaflowers.com 602-863-1515 Friday Flower Happy Hour Fridays from 2-5:30. 50% off cash & carry flowers. Holidays are excluded from Promotion. I am so excited the see the massive upgrades with all the work being done along the exterior perimeter along 7th street. It is so nice to see that aspect of our property getting a much-needed face-lift. I wanted to thank the Committee and Board for deploying resources and attention to the raised planter at the far southeast corner of our property on 7th street. I noticed quite some time ago that it has been cleaned out, cleaned up, filled with soil and for the first time in many years, fully landscaped with beautiful flowers. I appreciate these efforts to improve the appearance of our entire property very much. It looks great! With much appreciation, Michael Broadhead May-June 2014 Edition Page 7 NEWS FROM TAPATIO VILLAGE... BY CLARENCE BRUCE • TAPATIO VILLAGE ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT W ith the assistance of our management company, Tapatio Village has made several revisions to our window washing, extinguishing termites and maintaining and improving our landscaping. The landscaping is in its second year and it appears to continue to thrive. It’s spring, and we are once again cursed with an invasion of pigeons who I am told will usually return to where they were born which is a good reason to re-locate the present group. 602-717-8725 We are having some problems with 2 or 3 habitual overnight parkers. We will issue the stern warnings and hope we don’t have to pursue it further. It is getting warm in Phoenix and we must once again bid farewell to our Snowbirds until the fall. They are a good group and will be missed until fall. Page 8 Our Pointe –– a Newsletter for Pointe Tapatio Homeowners and Residents [email protected] www.maxpattersontravel.com I Water Conserving Landscape Designs Installed n October of 2012, the PTCA Board requested resident participation in planning a review of landscaping services and water usage aimed at cutting the spiraling usage and resultant cost to the Pointe HOA. The effort was spearheaded by then-Board Vice President Tom Haladyna. He organized three work groups, each charged with a different aspect of the effort: a water usage and conservation sub-committee, a committee to develop a Request for Proposals (RFP) for landscaping and water conservation services, and a subcommittee to suggest areas in the community where water conservation could be accomplished by renovating the landscaping. Ann Carroll chairs this latter group, with members Jim Adams, Joan Kidd and Denise O’Connor. Former Pointe resident Ron Tatsciore also provided assistance. Both Kidd and Tatasciore have extensive backgrounds in landscape design. The group was intent on maintaining the Mediterranean landscape appearance of the Pointe, and prioritized five projects for renovation. These were the perimeter of the property on 12th Street from Sahuaro south to Peoria. Water overrun in this area had long been discussed. A spray irrigation system was replaced with a more efficient drip system. Turf was removed and replaced with a grave ground cover, Riprap rock and low water use plantings installed. LANDSCAPE DESIGNER Joan Kidd, stands amid her completed water conservation designed kiosk on 10th Street. It includes a thornless Palo Verde tree and retention of an existing Olive tree for shade. A resident of Tapatio Village, Kidd also designed the renovations to the 9th Place kiosk. Unique use of pavers for walkways to the mailboxes, and dry pebble creeks are an important aspect of her designs. Tackling the 7th Street property boundary was more of a challenge. There was strong support from the committee as a whole to retain the grass in the area. The decision was made to retain the grass areas at the entrances to the community at Clinton and Peoria. Changes to the irrigation system, installation of low water usage plants, and a gravel ground cover were decided upon. RON TATASCIORE…an internationally known landscape architect re-designed the 8th Street kiosk on the street where he resided. The project required the removal of excessive water consuming plants, a re-design of pathways, and a small grass area to allow for the dog owners and residents on the street to gather. He holds his original detailed design for the project. Three kiosk areas were also prioritized. Specifically, two, one located on 9th Place and the other on 10th Street, just north of Sahuaro which had fallen in disrepair. Again, new drip irrigation systems were installed, as well as pavers, river rock design accents and low water usage plants. The largest of the kiosks located on 8th Street, south of Clinton, posed a unique problem in that maintaining the existing appearance required an overuse of water. Two large Pampas grass clusters coupled with an expanse of grass provided an excellent opportunity for water conservation. The Pampas grass was removed, as was most of the turf with an exception of a center “oasis” area. A drip irrigation system was installed as were low water use plants, gravel ground cover and paved pathways. TOM HALADYNA, the PTCA director who initiated the overall water conservation project stands at the recently converted 9th Place kiosk, one of the remaining three in the community to be converted to Xeriscaping. The committee appreciates the assistance of Matt Osselaer of our management company for his and his vendors’ assistance in making these water saving changes. RETAINING turf at community entrances while integrating water conserving landscaping was the goal of Ann Carroll, chair of the Landscape Design Sub-committee. The result of this effort on 7th Street are turf areas in the background, a gravel pathway with low water usage plants, and replacing sprinklers with a drip irrigation system to accommodate existing trees. PERIMETER PROPERTY on 12th Street, from Sahuaro south to Peoria has been long been considered a prime example of community water misuse. Committee member Jim Adams is seen with recently completed renovations that include low water use plants, a drip irrigation system rather than sprinklers, and the removal of grass replaced by gravel and Riprap rock. May-June 2014 Edition Page 9 Remembering Beth Shebek… A compassionate, always caring and gracious member of the Pointe community passed away in March. She and her husband, Tom Haladyna met and married in 1994. Following Tom’s sabbatical leave at Princeton, the couple moved to the Pointe. Seeking a stronger community here, they both became involved in Pointe activities. She served as the PTCA Website manager, on the Hospitality Committee, the “Welcome to the Pointe,” committee, and the Pointe Book Club. Prior to retiring, she worked at ASU-West. Aside from her many community activities she was an avid outdoors person enjoying walking, hiking and biking. Her creative sewing and quilting projects are legendary, as well as her collection of more than 1,000 pictures of cloud formations that she accumulated, a unique interest she enjoyed. Born in Riverside, Iowa, following college, she moved to Denver, CO. and then to Moon Valley in the 1970’s with her four children, Chris, Denise, Pat and Yolanda. She remained very close to her children and five grandchildren. Beth will be greatly missed by her husband, Tom, a former PTCA Board member, family and so many friends here at the Pointe. Trust. O U R M I S S I O N Family-owned and operated since 2007, we uphold the highest standards of commitment to compassionate pet care. Owner Barbie Baugh proudly supports the U.S. Humane Society. When you need pet care in your home, there’s nothing more important. We know your pets are family. When you need to be away, trust your Pointe neighbor Barbie Baugh and the professionals at Pawsitively Perfect Pet Care to bring you peace of mind. S E R V I C E S 602.525.2687 [email protected] U N D I V I D E D AT T E N T I O N T O YO U R P ET • DA I LY V I S I TS • WA L K S • OV E R N I G H T S E RV I C E S I N YO U R H O M E F E E D I N G • P L AY T I M E • A D M I N I S T R AT I O N O F M E D I CAT I O N S • P L A N T CA R E • N E WS PA P E R & M A I L P I C K U P • LOTS O F LOV E ! Page 10 Our Pointe –– a Newsletter for Pointe Tapatio Homeowners and Residents T CITY BUDGET CUTS MAY CLOSE SUNNYSLOPE COMMUNITY CENTER he draft budget for the City of Phoenix recommends the closing of the Sunnyslope Community Center. This is a facility that many Pointe residents utilize for Yoga, Tai Chi, and Zumba classes as well as walking and exercise facilities. It also provides educational and sports activities in the summer months for the youth in the Sunnyslope community. Our City Councilman, Bill Gates, has stated, “While community centers, senior centers, and programs have The next meeting of the Pointe Tapatio Book Club is on June 19 to discuss the selection “Stiff” by Mary Roach. On July 17, the Club will discuss “The AllGirl Filling Station’s Last Reunion” by Fannie Flagg, and on August 21, the selection is “The Maid’s Version” by Daniel Woodrell. The book club meets at 7 pm. Please contact Peg Adams at [email protected] or by calling (602) 997-9859 for information regarding meeting locations and any date or book selection changes. been suggested as potential cuts in the City Manager’s Trial Budget, I have heard the requests from the community to keep these services open and am working diligently to consider other options without also increasing taxes. “Most importantly, I am confident this Council can balance the budget without breaking its promise and continuing the food tax and without closing community and senior centers and reducing other vital city services,” he concluded. The Councilman will need Pointe community in-put to support his efforts to keep the Sunnyslope Community Center open. Final City budget adoption is on May 20. Support for the non-closure of the Sunnyslope Center should be sent as soon as possible via email to, [email protected] or by calling Councilman Gates office at (602) 262-7441. JENSEN’S PAINTING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING STUCCO REPAIR • DRYWALL REPAIR WOODWORK REFINISHING HAVE WORKED AROUND TAPATIO SINCE 1992 I DO ALL MY OWN WORK WITH DETAIL AND LEAVE A JOB CLEAN 25+ YRS. EXPERIENCE HAVE REFERENCES JOEL JENSEN CELL (602) 327-8897 HOME/OFFICE (602) 268-9709 May-June 2014 Edition Page 11 Treasurer’s Report The following is a report on the Association’s unaudited finances as of March 31, 2014. The table below is a summary of the Association’s monthly financial statements followed by brief commentary. as of 03/31/2014 (un-audited) Common Area YTD Net Income/(Loss) YTD Operating Income Courthomes Tapatio Village $25,890 $18,199 $5,258 $137,766 $10,114 $4,736 $52,398 $35,206 $1,520 (see note 1) $173,286 YTD Operating Expenses YTD Reserve Income $13,078 YTD Reserve Expenses $5,591 $30,193 the month ($1,036 variance); there is $99,672 in pre-paid assessments. Administrative expenses were $6,642 BELOW budget – largely the result of how expenses are forecast in the budget (i.e. audit fees). Service expenses were $1,214 BELOW budget – the result of a mix of lower costs (cable TV, landscape extras, pest control) off-set by higher costs (minor electrical repairs and patrol service costs). Pool expenses were $707 BELOW budget – the result of minor repair costs. Utilities were $7,047 BELOW budget as we continue to see reduced water costs as a result of the new sewer use fees. All operating expenses were $15,977 BELOW budget for the month. $2,135 $2,195 NOTES: CA Reserves expenses were $52,398 for the month. Expenses included asphalt work on the streets ($29,186), tree removal ($883), and the recently completed common area landscape upgrades ($22,330). 1. Common Area refers to all Common Area assets, income, and expenses. The CA assessment is uniform for all unit types EXCEPT for water and sewer which are allocated based on estimated use by unit type (refer to the budget summary for the allocations). Courthomes: Courthome operating income exceeded operating expenses by $4,523 for the month, the result of an insurance premium payment ($9,984). Reserve expenses were Common Area: CA Income was slightly above budget for $35,206 for the month – these costs were for PTCA 2014 Assessment Breakdown tile roof and flat roof replacement ($14,157 and $14,471 respectively) and front door replacement Total Per Door Monthly Rate ($6,579). Amount Percent SF CH TV Common Area Expenses Property Management Office Supplies, Newsletter Legal Insurance Common Area Taxes 461 $ $ $ $ $ 109,148 20,700 25,200 13,000 100 5.37% 1.02% 1.24% 0.64% 0.00% $ $ $ $ $ 11.12 2.11 2.57 1.32 0.01 279 $ $ $ $ $ 78 11.12 2.11 2.57 1.32 0.01 $ $ $ $ $ 11.12 2.11 2.57 1.32 0.01 Other Costs $ 21,250 1.05% $ 2.16 $ 2.16 $ 2.16 Monthly Landscaping Contract (Basic) $ 171,150 8.43% $ 17.44 $ 17.44 $ 17.44 Landscaping Extras (As-Needed) Patrol Services (incl. vehicle and enforcem'nt) $ $ 40,000 47,700 1.97% $ 2.35% $ 4.07 4.86 $ $ 4.07 4.86 $ $ 4.07 4.86 Water & Sewer - total 57.37 $ 920,033 45.30% $ 104.18 $ 86.63 $ Per capita use: SF=2.6, CH=2.0, TV=1.0 $ 644,023 $ 76.06 $ 58.51 $ 29.25 Common Area Irrigation (30% of total) $ 276,010 $ 28.12 $ 28.12 $ 28.12 Pools (including electricity and gas) Cable TV $ $ 86,500 388,381 4.26% $ 19.12% $ 8.81 39.57 $ $ 8.81 39.57 $ $ 8.81 39.57 Refuse Collection On-site maintenance $ $ 98,340 27,000 4.84% $ 1.33% $ 10.02 2.75 $ $ 10.02 2.75 $ $ 10.02 2.75 Sub-total, M&O Expenses: $ 1,968,503 $ 210.99 $ 193.44 $ 164.18 $ $ 2,000 60,273 0.10% $ 2.97% $ 0.20 6.14 $ $ 0.20 6.14 $ $ 0.20 6.14 Sub-total, Common Area Expenses: $ 2,030,776 100.00% $ 217.33 $ 199.78 $ 170.53 Add, Contingencies Add, Bad Debt and Delinquencies: Less, Other Common Area Income: $ (48,000) $ (4.89) $ (4.89) Common Area M&O Assessment: $ 1,982,776 $ 212.44 $ 194.89 $ Common Area Reserve Assessment: $ 157,056 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 228.44 $ 210.89 $ 181.64 $ $ 15.26 112.00 Total Common Area Assessment: $ 2,139,832 Courthome M&O Assessment Courthome Reserves $ $ 51,100 374,976 N/A N/A Tapatio Village M&O Assessment Tapatio Village Reserves $ $ 27,450 22,464 N/A N/A TV Sub Association Reserve $ 1,872 Total Expenses & Reserve Allocations: $ 2,617,694 N/A 165.64 N/A N/A N/A N/A $ $ 29.33 24.00 N/A $ 2.00 $ 338.15 $ 236.97 236.00 $ 338.00 $ 257.00 236.00 0.0% $ $ 332.00 6.00 1.8% $ $ 257.00 0.0% $ 228.44 FY-2014 Assessments, rounded $ FY-2013 Assessments Increase, $/month Increase, percent $ $ Monthly Assessments: Page 12 (4.89) $ SF CH Tapatio Village: Tapatio Village operating expenses exceeded operating income by $2,601 for the month, the result of an insurance premium payment ($2,771) and income taxes ($1,750); reserve income exceeded reserves expenses by $675 for the month – largely the result of window cleaning ($1,500). Other: Delinquencies are $42,575. The delinquency breakdown is: single family homes - $17,604 (34 units), Courthomes - $20,337 (44 units), and Tapatio Village - $4,634 (3 units) – each expressed as total delinquency. The 2014 budget included an allowance of $50,000 in delinquencies – let’s keep our fingers crossed! Our independent CPA, Mike Ginsburg, completed our 2013 audits. They are available for review. Mike will be completing the 2013 income tax returns for the Association. We pay taxes on our interest earnings despite being a private nonprofit corporation. The Association’s financial reports are available for member review in The Osselaer Management offices during normal business hours, Monday thru Friday. Please call ahead – 602-277-4418. TV (former) PTCA Treasurer Our Pointe –– a Newsletter for Pointe Tapatio Homeowners and Residents 13236 N. 7th Street, Suite 4 In the Shaw Butte Center Remember Mom & Dad Phone: 602-942-0122 FAX: 602-942-0130 A TANGO OR JUST MATING? Carla Schwarte photographed this pair of Rattlers on upper 9th Street, near the trail crossing from the Promintory Pointe Apartments in the latter part of March. This is early in the season for the emergence of reptiles though our mild winter may be the cause. M-F: 8:30 to 5:30 Sat: 9:00 to 1:00 Brian & Staff TAX PREPARATION Additional Services: OWE BACK TAXES, UNFILED TAX RETURNS, AUDIT, LEVIES, LIENS, WAGE GARNISHMENTS, OFFERS IN COMPROMISE CALL: EDWARD OSINSKI, CPA, EA Enrolled Agent admitted to practice before the IRS 717 WEST DUNLAP, SUITE 110 602-944-5458 www.irsremedy.com Point Tapatio Resident - 20 Years Experience May-June 2014 Edition Page 13 Treasurer’s Annual Meeting Comments O utgoing PTCA Board member and Treasurer, “My challenge to the new Board is to preserve our reserve Roger Palmenberg, delivered a short pre- accounts and build them by careful stewardship. Avoid sentation at the March 27 Annual meet- the urge to spend these funds on non-reserve study ing. Joining him was Mark Christiansen of Ginsburg budgeted items,” he cautioned noting the Common & Dwaileebe CPAs. Christensen stated that the Area line graph showing a dramatic decrease in its fund results of the FY2013 audits performed by his firm balance from its peak several years ago. indicated that “In our opinion, the financial state- “We finished 2013 with a surplus, the first time in ments…present fairseveral years. This surly, in all material replus was the result of lower spects, the financial 2014 CA M&O Assessment Breakdown water costs brought about 5.4% 3.0% 5.4% position of the PTCA 10.4% by a reduction in sewer fees 4.8% as of December 31, and reduced delinquen2.4% Property Management 2013 and the results 19.1% cies. The surplus was, by Landscaping of its operations for Patrol Services Board vote, allocated to Water & Sewer the year then ended pre-funding the Common Pools in conformity with Area Reserve account and Cable TV an other compreTrash for certain landscape projDelinquencies hensive basis of acects recommended by the Other counting…” Three 4.3% Landscape Committee,” he 45.3% audit reports were said. presented: PTCA – “Our 2013 Common Area Common Area (modioperating and maintenance budget was $1,966,391. We fied cash basis), PTCA – Courthomes (cash basis), and finished the year with a total M&O expense of $1,983,087 PTCA – Tapatio Village (modified cash basis). The – a variance of less than 1% in this, by far, our largest acdifference between modified cash basis and cash basis count. Delinquencies were less than 3%, well below the relates to accounting for pre-paid assessments and delingenerally accepted norm of 5%, reflecting recovery in the quencies. Copies of these audit reports are available from The Osselaer Company upon request by calling (602) 277- housing market and aggressive collection policies,” he stated. 4418. In his concluding remarks, Palmenberg said “As I leave Palmenberg presented line graphs showing fund balances the Board, I do so with a good feeling about the financial – the sum of reserve account balances and operating health of our HOA. This is the result of careful oversight account balances from the CPA reports dating back to of operations and the dedication and competence of the 1997. The 2013 year end reserve account balances indicate Osselaer management team – a team that has been servthat the Common Area is 60% funded, the Courthome ing the community for more than a decade.” reserve account is 65% funded, and the Tapatio Village Reserve account is 56% funded. These balances are within acceptable ranges. Roger reminded those in attendance that the Courthome balance was reduced by about $400,000 after completion of the new painting and awning replacements. The same comment applied to Tapatio Village where about $100,000 was spent on painting and certain repair work in the past few years. He offered written responses for inclusion in future newsletters to several questions raised by members at the annual meeting. These questions included sub-metering to reduce water costs, City-provided services vs. HOAprovided services and the rationale for each, historical information on assessments and fund balances, and 2014 budget details. PTCA Monthly Assessment History Single Family Courthomes Tapatio Village 1992 1993 1997 1998 1999 2000 $ 96.00 $ 96.00 $ 135.00 $ 135.00 $ 135.00 $ 135.00 $ 137.00 $ 137.00 $ 180.00 $ 180.00 $ 180.00 $ 180.00 Tapatio Village did not exist in this period of time. Single Family Courthomes Tapatio Village 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 $ 160.00 $ 167.35 $ 176.40 $ 189.00 $ 198.00 $ 218.00 $ 218.00 $ 236.00 $ 236.00 $ 250.00 $ 262.45 $ 290.45 $ 326.00 $ 326.00 $ 326.00 $ 326.00 $ 332.00 $ 338.00 $ 235.00 $ 234.14 $ 238.35 $ 246.00 $ 252.00 $ 255.00 $ 255.00 $ 257.00 $ 257.00 Page 14 Our Pointe –– a Newsletter for Pointe Tapatio Homeowners and Residents 2001 $ 155.00 $ 200.00 2002 2003 $ 155.00 $ 155.00 $ 200.00 $ 220.00 Developer-‐paid 2004 $ 155.00 $ 224.00 PARKING COMMITTEE BY CLARENCE BRUCE, CHAIR I n our Pointe community we have 818 residences, and those residents I would estimate probably own at least 1,000 vehicles in total. We have a set of rules and regulations to ensure the firstclass, curbside appearance of our community. Fortunately, the majority of the population obeys the regulations, leaving only a few who do things that are considered to be detrimental to our overall appearance. As a result, we are always on the lookout for rule violators. At present we are doing this with a small force that consists of one person from The Osselaer Management Company, our property manager, for overall coverage. In addition, one volunteer covers only his particular residential area. dress of vehicle’s owner and any other information which would allow a quick response for follow-up with the offender. Without this, we cannot adequately enforce the community parking regulations. The present system is slim on personnel, and improvements can be made by such means as more owners volunteering for patrol work, or hiring more patrol people. I am hoping that the new PTCA Board will address this ongoing under-staffing issue that prevents the committee from adequately enforcing our parking rules. We also have backup from residents who report violations, which is greatly appreciated. To be useful, these reports from concerned residents should contain details that are as complete as possible, such as identifying the location, license plate information, description of the vehicle, ad- May-June 2014 Edition Page 15 PTCA Board Member Steve Hofmann Continues Pledge to Improve Peoria Avenue I have been making contact with Phoenix city officials to address the problems on Peoria Avenue, including the decaying road conditions, speeding, and cut-though traffic issues. This is a follow-up on the commitment I made when running for the Board, Hofmann said. I want to provide homeowners with a structured menu of services provided by our vendors along with guidelines of who to contact for what services and expected response times, he added. To enhance the appearance of our own neighborhood, I plan to begin working on sign violations nearby. Temporary banners and signs are not permitted by the City of Phoenix, but unless reported, no action is taken. To make the area look better will just require a photo and e-mail, which I am happy to do. Residents may contact me at [email protected], or by calling (602) 434-2379. A PASTICHE OF DESIGNS resulting from the decaying roadPreliminary bed on Peoria Avenue between 7th Street and 12th research for STREET DECOMPOSITION art project by Steven Hofmann. Peoria as Avenue 7th Street to 12th Street. Jan recently 2014 [email protected] 602.434.2379 Street, photographed by elected PTCA Board member Steven Hofmann. Hofmann is continuing his pledge to address this issue with the City of Phoenix. ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS! Pointe Resident Reference Available [email protected] Residential • Commerical Licensed • Bonded • Insured ROC 246965 Live it, Love it, Plumb it Family Owned And Operated 602-413-9161 House Repipes • Gas Piping Slab Leaks • Fixture Repair Replacement New Tubs And Valves • Water Service Repair Water Heater Replacement • Instant Hot Water Systems Hose Bib Drips • Ro and Soft Water Systems Irrigation Systems • New Service Valves And Repair Installation of Dishwashers Page 16 Our Pointe –– a Newsletter for Pointe Tapatio Homeowners and Residents Water Conservation Committee Report BY KERRY BROUGH, CHAIR A t the PTCA Annual Meeting, Water Conservation Committee issues and goals for the coming year were identified. They are summarized as follows: Audit and improvement plan for common area irrigation systems: We will propose conducting an audit of the irrigation systems which will identify deficiencies and a plan for improvements. The estimated cost for the audit is around $10,000. The improvements may include replacing irrigation controllers, irrigation spray heads, and irrigation piping, which would cost an additional $20,000 to $30,000, but could be implemented in phases. We believe we can achieve savings of at least $30,000 per year with these improvements. Sharing individual water use information: The committee is considering methods to make usage information available to homeowners. This could range from making bills available on the website to sending out monthly notices. The committee is also discussing how we can identify and advise homeowners who have much higher usage and costs than the average. This may include sudden changes in use indicating a leak. Additional sewer fee waivers: We had previously prepared and submitted sewer fee waivers for the 6 largest common areas which resulted in about $30,000 reduction in annual sewer fees. There are numerous smaller areas that can add up to additional significant savings. Water conservation incentive: The committee is considering and discussing more tangible ways to encourage residents to conserve water. Ideas include providing a rebate check for installing water saving plumbing devices, smart irrigation controllers, or conversion from turf to Xeriscaping. Other ideas include qualifying for a lower homeowner fee or bonuses for consistently achieving low water use. Water Conservation Open House – Save Water - Drink Wine Event: We are working on a community social event that would include water conservation experts from the City of Phoenix and other agencies. We hope to be able to share and discuss individual water bills with residents, and to provide information and demonstrations on how to adjust irrigation controllers, test for toilet leaks, etc. Water saving devices such as smart irrigation controllers would also be demonstrated. Your Pointe Tapatio Specialist Prudential Arizona Properties is now Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Arizona Properties. As one of the few firms entrusted to use the world-renowned Berkshire Hathaway name, our company will continue to redefine real estate in our region and across the country. I am proud to be their representative at Pointe Tapatio. Contact me for a complimentary property analysis. Your neighbor and PTCA Board Member Dorothy Wilson Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Arizona Properties 602.332.1844 14635 N. Kierland Blvd., Suite 160 • Scottsdale, AZ 85254 May-June 2014 Edition Page 17 SUMMER SPECIAL $ Oil*, Lube, Filter and Complete Auto Check Page 18 19 Our Pointe –– a Newsletter for Pointe Tapatio Homeowners and Residents 99 With this ad Expires 6/30/2014 *Up to 4 quarts HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE BY DOROTHY WILSON, CHAIR T he Hospitality Committee met in April to set dates for the upcoming Fall 2014 and Winter/Spring 2015 Sue Dolan has again agreed to chair this very popular Pointe event. Prizes are awarded for Chili, Cornbread and Dessert entries. There will be more details on this event; however, it is never too early to browse your cookbooks. Our first event will be the Fall Wine and Cheese party, set for Sunday October 26 from 3 to 5 pm., at the Tapatio Village Clubhouse. This event will feature artwork from Pointe residents including oils, watercolors and photography. Artisans interested in participating should contact me at [email protected] or by calling 332-1844 for more information. Our concluding event in 2015 will be the Spring Wine and Cheese party from 3 to 5 pm. at the Tapatio Village Clubhouse. Once again, we hope to have the Desert Dulcimers perform their unique Americana folk music. activities. On Sunday, December 7, from 12 noon to 3 pm., we will have the Annual Pointe Holiday Party. A buffet brunch featuring turkey and ham, salads, potatoes, vegetables, rolls and dessert will be served. Helen Tinsley, the Pointe “Cake Lady,” will provide the featured cakes. We also plan a return from last year of Guitarist Michael Salerno. Thursday, December 18 through Sunday, the 21st, the Holiday Outdoor Lighting contest will be judged. Prizes are awarded for contest winners. The 9th Annual Chili Cook-off is slated for Sunday, March 1, 2015 from 4 to 7 pm., in the Tapatio Village Clubhouse. As always, we can use volunteers for set-ups, bartending, clean up and whatever odd chores come along. If you would like to give an assist at any of these events, please contact me at 332-1844 or via email at dorwilson@gmail. com. LGBT @ Pointe Tapatio LGBT @ Pointe Tapatio a.k.a. Friends of Dorothy @ The Pointe is a group of neighbors who gather periodically for social occasions. If you are interested in being notified about these events please send an email to that effect to [email protected] The UPS Store 4210 Phone: (602) 997-7880 Fax: (602) 997-7130 Offers Valid @ Central & Dunlap Store Only Expires 5/31/14 Offers Valid at Central & Dunlap Store Only Expires 6/14/14 Offers Valid at Central & Dunlap Store Only Expires 6/14/14 Offers Valid at Central & Dunlap Store Only May-June 2014 Edition Page 19 DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE By Wendy D’Ulisse, Chair HOMEOWNER ALERT! Time is running out for those homeowners that still need to paint their homes in the new color palate by December 31st. Remember that if you do not comply by the deadline, a $250 monthly fine for failure to maintain your property will be charged. This will be billed monthly until you come into compliance. Let’s avoid this penalty and paint in time. AWNING POLICY As has been previously communicated to all homeowners, all blue and burgundy colored awnings are being phased out. All replacements must be done in the new “Silica Sesame” or “Walnut Brown Tweed” color combinations with one of the approved valance edge options. You may replace existing blue and burgundy colored awnings with the new colors at any time with prior approval. You are not permitted to replace them in the old blue or burgundy colors. NOTE: Any awnings replaced in the old colors after August 2009 will result in fines and the homeowner will be required to remove the awning structures until they are replaced with the new colors. If the original blue and burgundy awnings are in good condition with no rips, tears, frayed edges etc., they may be put back up after painting. Damaged awnings must be immediately replaced or removed altogether. All awning replacements require a request for approval be submitted prior to having work done. Approved colors and valance styles must be used. There is no deadline for awnings. I would like to emphasize that requesting approval is a fairly simple process and takes less than 5 minutes in many cases. Just go to the PTCA website at http://pointetapatio-hoa.org/ or Google Pointe Tapatio Community Association. Then click on Documents/Forms in the column on the right hand side and go to Design Review Committee Guides & Application Forms. There are four forms listed. Open the one that is appropriate for your project, and follow the instructions that are on the first page of that file. Please read all of the instructions Continued on page 21 When Experience Matters, Call Rodney Coty er Hav te Poin a Tap tio e Torr nca Bla 1309 W. Myrtle Ave. • $319,000 726 E. Peoria Ave. • $339,700 1173 E. Belmont Ave. • $109,900 3 bedrooms • 1.75 baths • 2093 SF • Pool 3 bedrooms • 2 baths • 1686 SF • Remodeled! 2 bedrooms • 1.5 baths • 1008 SF For more information about these and other properties, contact Rodney Coty, Cell: 602-570-2689 Fax: 602-749-6114 www.RodneyCoty.com PLLC Be sure to visit my real estate web site, which features my current listings and offers you the ability to search virtually every home for sale on the multiple listing service. In addition, you’ll find comprehensive community information for Arizona's cities and towns that will help guide you in selecting the right real estate or home for sale. Erich Reichenberger Vice President/Area Manager Maricopa County Sales Manager Pioneer Title Agency, Inc. 14850 N. Scottsdale Rd. Suite 160 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 480.368.1500 Office • 602.799.2345 Cell May-June 2014 Edition Page 20 Design Review Continued from page 20 carefully to make sure you understand your options for sending in the completed application. As always, if you don’t have an Internet connection you can call Osselaer Management Company at (602) 277-4418 to request a form for your project. During the months of July and August there may be a little more delay in getting approval for projects because of vacation schedules, so don’t delay in getting your applications submitted to make sure you have plenty of time for approval before your project start date. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at [email protected] or by calling 354-5717. MARY ENGSTLER Versatile Hair Stylist For Men – Barber razor styling and cuts… Specializing in Styles & Color Offering a wide range of professional hair services including: Traditional Shampoo & Sets Permanents • Color Corrections Trendy Hair Fashions • Hair Painting Hair Cuts including razor and point shaping. Utilizing highest Professional brand products, all non-Ammonia. In a sophisticated salon setting Discounts offered to Pointe Tapatio Residents For an appointment call (602)485-7605 or (480)745-6252 Excellent Prices Computer Problems? Here’s who your Tapatio Neighbors recommend… Michelle Bryant Pointe Tapatio’s Computer Doctor “Continuing the Tradition…” Don’t let computer problems ruin your whole day. Call (602) 861-1738 May-June 2014 Edition Page 21 POINTE BLOCK WATCH NEWS BY MARY SCANLON, POINTE BLOCK WATCH COMMITTEE Just a reminder…If you witness any kind of suspicious activity in our community, please contact the Phoenix Department IMMEDIATELY. A A TIME OF TRANSITION s of this month, the Pointe Block Watch has been active for four years. Our Block Watch email list is a particular success. It now has nearly 200 subscribers, representing approximately 25% of our residents. The email list has become the prime vehicle by which residents are able to communicate regarding safety-related issues. It’s been a wonderful thing to see this resource grow and gain traction. Note: All residents are encouraged to join the email list. Just send a note to [email protected]. provide a great opportunity for neighbors to meet each other, but they have not generally been particularly well-attended. The structure of the meetings could certainly change in the future, however. According to Officer Vaughn, there’s a lot of flexibility in how Block Watch meetings can be conducted. A meeting could be a breakfast, a wine and cheese event in someone’s driveway, a pot luck, or other creative options. Continued on page 23 Now that the Block Watch has become established, it’s time for me to cast a wider net. I’m seeking a volunteer to act as Co-Chair of our Block Watch group, with primary responsibility for the scheduling and planning of quarterly meetings. In order for our Block Watch to be formally recognized by the City of Phoenix, it’s necessary that we hold meetings on a quarterly basis. Unfortunately, these meetings have historically been the weak link in our Block Watch. They CUSTOM FLOOR COVERING INC. COME SEE OUR NEW LOCATION 13617 NORTH 32ND STREET PHOENIX, AZ 85032 602-971-0010 PHONE 602-943-4360 FAX FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1978 LICENSED * BONDED * INSURED SAVING YOU MONEY IS OUR GOAL, QUALITY MATERIALS AT COMPETITIVE PRICING. Page 22 Our Pointe –– a Newsletter for Pointe Tapatio Homeowners and Residents Block Watch Continued from page 22 It’s time for new ideas, for a new volunteer to inject a breath of fresh air into the meeting structure. If you’re that person, I encourage you to contact me at either [email protected] or (602) 943-4130. If no one is willing to step up and help continue the meetings, our Block Watch will likely lose its City of Phoenix certification. We could certainly still continue as a virtual group, with our email list and these newsletter updates. I will be continuing those in any case. A virtual group would not necessarily be a bad thing. But we would no longer be officially certified. So I encourage each of you to consider what you would like the future of the Block Watch to look like. NEXTDOOR.COM Those of you who attended the March Pointe Annual Meeting you may recall Officer Vaughn talking about a resource called nextdoor.com. This is a social media website similar to Facebook, where residents within a given neighborhood can communicate about all kinds of issues. As you know, our Block Watch email list is confined to safety-related issues. On nextdoor.com, however, residents can share information about all Pointe References Available kinds of resources, from items for sale and lost-andfound, to vendor recommendations and -- yes -- crime and safety. So it could become a great complement to the Block Watch email list. I encourage everyone to check it out and consider setting up an account. It’s free and easy. And according to Officer Vaughn, the Phoenix Police Department uses it too. Our Pointe A Newsletter for the Pointe Tapatio Homeowners and Residents... is published bi-monthly by a committee of volunteers, who acknowledge the advertising support of our sponsors, helping to make this publication possible. Please support our advertisers with your business whenever possible. To join their @ 870-9787. rewarding ranks, call Olie Ball Advertising Rates are: 1/8 page / Business Card.........................................$25 1/4 page (4-3/4” h x 3-1/2” w)................................ $ 4 0 1/2 page (4-3/4” h x 7-1/4” w)..................................$70 Ultra Painting Interior • Exterior Allen Bryan, Owner 602-799-9565 email: [email protected] Family Owned & Operated Licensed • Bonded • Insured ROC 250963 K34 Roof Coatings • Stucco & Drywall Repairs Epoxy Garage Floors • Popcorn Ceiling Removal Kitchen Cabinets • Wallpaper Removal Credit Cards Accepted VALLEYWIDE ALL YOUR PAINTING NEEDS May-June 2014 Edition Page 23 Our Pointe PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PHOENIX, AZ PERMIT NO. 5503 Pointe Tapatio Community Association c/o The Osselaer Company 532 E. Maryland, Suite F Phoenix, AZ 85012 480-961-7663 FREE INSPECTIONS NEW ROOFS • RESTORATIONS • REPAIRS PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE WE SOLVE LEAKS RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL 5-Time Awardee! ANGIE’S LIST SUPER SERVICE AWARD: 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2007 ROC 227592 LICENSED BONDED INSURED ‘A’ RATING ON BBB POINTE KNOWLEDGEABLE CONCRETE & CLAY TILE FLAT: FOAM, COATINGS BUILT-UP, BITUMEN TILE REPAIR & REPLACEMENT TILE UNDERLAYMENT WALK DECK REPAIR FASCIA & GUTTERS SKYLIGHT REPLACEMENT & REPAIR ASPHALT & METAL SHINGLES WOOD SHAKE INSURANCE CLAIM EXPERTS • HOA www.VIPRoofingServices.com Page 24 Our Pointe –– a Newsletter for Pointe Tapatio Homeowners and Residents
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