The Kindergarten Family Mailer - St Francis of Assisi K


The Kindergarten Family Mailer - St Francis of Assisi K
The Kindergarten Family Mailer
October 26th-30th, 2015
By Mrs. Chien and Mrs. Lizarralde
Phonics instruction must be systematic and sequential. In other words, letters and sounds
are taught first. Then letters are combined to make words and finally words are used to
construct sentences.
Each week a new letter will be introduced. The children should know that the alphabet
is made up of two types of letters, 5 vowels and 21 consonants and that there are 26 in
all. Letters Ll, Oo, Gg, Hh, Tt, Pp, Aa, Nn and Mm are the letters we have discussed and
worked with in class.
Rhyming words; if you want your child to be a successful reader (and of course you do!), it’s so important that
you know how to teach your child to rhyme.
Did you know that one of the best predictors of how well a kindergartner will learn to read is if they know
their nursery rhymes?
-Jack and Jill went up the hill.
-Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
-Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool?
-Jack Sprat would eat no fat. His wife would eat no lean.
All those nonsensical verses from your childhood really DO matter. They matter, because they
rhyme. Rhyming is fun. And it’s a very important part of reading success.
Why Is Rhyming Important?
1. Rhyming teaches children how language works. It helps them notice and work with the sounds within words.
2. Rhymes help children experience the rhythm of language. As they recite nursery rhymes they learn to speak
with animated voices. Someday they’ll read with expression, too.
3. When children are familiar with a nursery rhyme or rhyming book, they learn to anticipate the rhyming word.
This prepares them to make predictions when they read, another important reading skill.
4. Rhyming is important for writing, too. It can help children understand that words that share common sounds
often share common letters. For example, the rhyming words cat and bat both end with –at.
5. When listening to rhyming songs and poems children create a mental picture, expanding the imagination.
6. Because rhyming is fun, it adds joy to the sometimes daunting task of learning to read.
Borrowed with gratitude from:
Reading: We used the Comprehension Strategy: Analyze Character. We are
practicing the Metacognitive Strategy: Visualizing. The students are learning to connect
their thinking, speaking and writing.
Happy Halloween by Johnny Kunin Children's Audio Book
The Berenstain Bears - Trick or Treat
As Brother and Sister Bear don their costumes to go trick-or-treating by themselves
for the first time, they plan to avoid Miz McGrizz's spooky home. But during their
Halloween outing, the cubs discover that appearances can be deceiving.
The Berenstain Bears and the Prize Pumpkin
Stan and Jan
Big Pumpkin by Erica Silverman
Once there was a witch who longed for pumpkin pie. Unfortunately, the pumpkin she had grown
from a seed became so big she simply couldn't get it off the vine. Although "she pulled and she
tugged and she pulled...that pumpkin just sat." Along came a ghost. "I am bigger than you and
stronger, too," said he. "Let me try." Well, the witch wanted that whole pumpkin for herself. But
she needed help — Halloween was just hours away...
Froggy's Halloween by Jonathan London, Frank Remkiewicz
Froggy tries to find just the right costume for Halloween and although his trick-ortreating does not go as he had planned, he manages to enjoy himself anyway.
In Spanish with Señora Seay we continue to learn greetings; hello, “Hola!” “Buenos días” Good day; Buenas Tardes - Good afternoon/evening is; Buenas noches - good night.
Siéntense = sit down) and párense = stand up. Reviewed color words: azul — blue, blanco
— white, negro — black, rojo — red, rosado — pink, verde — green, naranja — orange,
amarillo — yellow, anaranjado — orange.
Introduced fruit and if they was a like or dislike. Te gusta … ? Sí, me gusta or no, no me
Health: Amazing Bones!
The children watched Schoolhouse Rock- Them Not-So-Dry Bones.
Season 3, Episode 7.
Today the children made a paper skeleton to go along with the unit about the skeleton.
played Halloween tag.
Fire Drill:
On Monday we had a fire drill.
Kindergarten did an outstanding job!!!
Social Studies Brain POP Jr provides educational movies for K-3 students.
Winter days are short and dry. Many plants stop making food in the fall. The chlorophyll
goes away. Then we can see orange and yellow colors. These colors were in the leaves all
summer, but the green covered them up.
Some leaves turn red. This color is made in the fall, from food trapped in the leaves.
Brown colors are also made in the fall. They come from wastes left in the leaves.
MATHEMATICS - The textbook we use in kindergarten is entitled Progress in
Chapter 3 Positions:
 Above, Below
 Top, Middle, Bottom
 Over, On, Under
 Inside, Outside
 Inside, Outside, Beside
 In Front, Behind
 In Front, Behind, Next To
 Left, Right
 Left, Between, Right
 Before, Between, After
God Gives Us the animals.
As we continue our lessons on the Story of Creation this week we learn that God Gives Us the Animals to fill the beautiful earth.
At the beginning of Creation we already learned that God created The World, The Sun, Moon
& Stars and also divided the world into Land & Sea. This week we learn that God gave us
Animals. Animals can be soft, furry, tall, short, fat or skinny. Some animals are our pets at
home or we go to visit them at the zoo, beach, farm or other fun places.
God gave us animals to teach us how to LOVE!
The Catholic Church offers us November, which begins with All Saints Day and All Souls
Day, as the Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory—those who have died in grace, yet who
failed in this life to make satisfaction for all of their sins.
Purgatory is not, as many people think, one last trial; all of those who make it to Purgatory
will one day be in Heaven. Purgatory is where those who have died in grace, but who
have not fully atoned for the temporal punishments resulting from their sins, go to finish
their atonement before entering Heaven. A soul in Purgatory may suffer, but he has the
assurance that he will ultimately enter Heaven when his punishment is complete.
Catholics believe Purgatory is an expression of God's love, His desire to cleanse our souls
of all that might keep us from experiencing the fullness of joy in Heaven.
More Reading:
The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything: A little old lady goes walking in the forest
until dark and then heads for home. On the way, she keeps hearing ominous sounds. She finds
herself followed by noisy clomping boots, then by wiggly pants, and more.
The Legend of Spookley, the Square Pumpkin: One day in the pumpkin patch the strangest little pumpkin hatched!
Spookley the Pumpkin was different. All the other pumpkins teased him until Spookley
proved that being different can save the day!
"The Hallo-Weiner" All the other dogs are always making fun of Oscar because he is
a wiener dog. His mother doesn’t help when she gives him a hot dog bun for a
costume for Halloween. But, when the other dogs get into trouble on Halloween, it
is Oscar who saves the day. Will he finally get some respect from his peers?
Fly Guy vs. The Flyswatter! When Fly Guy goes to school with Buzz, they learn that his class is taking a field
trip to a flyswatter factory! BAD NEWZZ! Fly Guy tries to hide in Buzz's pocket, but when the tour guide starts
insulting flies, Buzz cannot help but stick his head out. A robotic flyswatter named the Super Swatter detects Fly
Guy, and Fly Guy causes a hilarious ruckus in his efforts to escape.
At the end of this zany adventure, the flyswatter factory announces an end to its factory tours and the students use
their free flyswatters as art to celebrate the "best field trip ever!"
After searching
Fly Guy causes
At a fancy hotel dinner, Fly Guy gets into some trouble--and the restaurant's soup!
When Buzz and his family have dinner in a fancy hotel's restaurant, Fly Guy isn't allowed in.
through the hotel's trash, Fly Guy smells a wonderful aroma coming from the restaurant's
some messy mayhem in the restaurant, and in the end, everyone needs a bath!
We Watched “It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown Who can go
through Halloween without seeing this classic movie? Will this be the Halloween when the Great
Pumpkin finally makes an appearance? Longtime believer Linus thinks so – and keeps watch all
night in the pumpkin patch to welcome him.
Charlie Brown gets into the spooky spirit by dressing up as a ghost with more eyeholes than
necessary. Of course, all he gets in his trick-or-treat bag is “a rock.” World War I fighting ace
Snoopy is here to battle the Red Baron, crash Violet’s Halloween party, and interrupt Linus’
Halloween Party and Parade HUGE Success! Many children were overheard to
say, “This is the best day, EVER!” Thank you to Mrs. Dettle, Mrs. O’Brien, Mrs. Gable
and all of the parents and family members that joined us, sent items in and helped to
make the day such memorable event!
Paper plate ghosts.
Frankenstein paper stained-glass
Little Baby Mummy wants just one more game of hide-and-shriek
with Big Mama Mummy before bedtime. The night is deep and
dark, full of friendly creatures that click their clacky teeth and
whoosh past on flippy-floppy wings. But who will comfort Little
Baby Mummy if a small, scritchy-scratchy someone gives him a
scare? Big Mama Mummy, of course!
Marshmallow Mummies
Special Projects
Celebrating Our Diversity
We wish to celebrate our diversity by having family and friends
come to present information about their culture and heritage. We
would like to have one to two speakers a month who come in to
share information about where they are from (if you are from
outside the United States) or their heritage (e.g. Polish), as well as
their culture (e.g. dress, food, activities, music, housing). The
presentation, including snack, should be no more than 45 minutes.
By celebrating what is special about all of the people in the world,
we can learn to better appreciate one another. If you or another
family member is available to come in to present to Kindergarten,
please let us know so we can start scheduling these wonderful
opportunities for learning. Talk to your child about your family heritage to encourage self-knowledge and a positive self-concept.
Important Reminders From Mrs. Chien
We have several assessments you should be preparing the children to take.
1. In addition to their address, your child needs to know:
-their full name
-their parents' first and last names, (Mommy and Daddy is not enough!  )
-their phone number, the one that you want them to use (home or cell). Let us know what you are
teaching, for assessment purposes.
2. All prayers
3. Shoe Tying, by Christmas!
Important Reminders
The Apple Lady is coming to Kindergarten on Nov. 3 at 9:00. She will present information on the
many ways colonists used apples.
Saint Crowns were due last Friday. If your child has not submitted a crown, please send
it in ASAP.
Wish List
Cloth Frisbees: Neon Animal Print Flying Discs; Oriental Trading Col. IN-12/4008
Per Dozen
Upcoming Events
Winter uniform ONLY. No more shorts.
Daylight Savings Ends, set clocks BACK one hour!!!
All Saints Day
All souls Day
9:00 Apple Lady Visit
Electiion Day
Nov. 4
Picture Day Students may dress out of uniform for
picture day. Church attire please!
Nov. 6
Nov. 10
8:45 First Friday mass for Kindergarten. All are welcome!
11:30 Dismissal Conferences
Nov. 11
11:30 Dismissal Veteran’s Day! Hearing and vision
assessments. Conferences
Nov. 19
Nov. 20
Sweet Friday .50 per sweet
Dec. 8-10 Christmas Bazaar
Words of Wisdom:
General Information
Chuckles and Heart-Warmers
After passing-out the new decodable readers, one of the children declared,
“It’s like a book factory in here!”
After looking at a picture of an enlarged spider Mrs. Chien said that it gave her chicken skin. All of
the children wanted to feel the bumps and one commented, “You have skin like my grandma!”
Pennies for Peru
The St. Francis School “Pennies for Peru” program was established in September 2007. This is an on-going
monetary collection to aid the members of our Sister Parish in Peru. Thank you for supporting this very worthy
Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup Labels
We are collecting Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup Labels. Please send them in a plastic bag in the Boomerang
folder. We will be collecting these throughout the year.