Leighton`s Levity - First United Methodist Church
Leighton`s Levity - First United Methodist Church
1 May 2015 Celebration Times Contemporary 8:00 AM Sundays 9:15 AM Bible Study Worship— Sunday School for all ages – Sept. - May Traditional 10:30 AM Sundays “We are God’s People Sharing the Love of Christ!” Website: www.fumcgreeley.org Email: [email protected] Leighton’s Levity "The best way to garden is to put on a wide-brimmed straw hat and some old clothes. And with a hoe in one hand and a cold drink in the other, tell somebody else where to dig."- Texas Bix Bender, Don't Throw in the Trowel. This was one of the great philosophies my Dad used to practice with great regularity. He would supervise all gardening that we three kids would do while reclined in a lounge chair in our backyard. His other great requirement in the spring and summer was to have us pick a bucket full of dandelions before we headed out for any adventures. We are heading into one of the best times of the year. May is the traditional time here in Colorado that we can start to get or hands dirty. As Christians, there should be no one more thankful than us for creation. What a gift, and we have been charged with its care for a very long time. Remember Adam and Eve? “God said, See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree… And every beast of the earth and to every bird of the air…God saw everything that he made, and indeed, it was very good.” (Gen.1: 29-31). How are we doing? I pose the question not to go through the endless debate about what we are or aren’t doing to the planet, but to remind us of the amazing gift God gave us in creation. One of the easiest ways to remind ourselves is to plant something. Take the time to care for something and see what comes up? We might say; it is very good! Enjoy your Spring. Happy Easter! Grace and Peace, Leighton 2 Rev. Leighton Mekeal Senior Pastor Debbie Hull Minister of Congregational Care and Development Greetings, T. J. Jackson Music Director Kathy Trevino Director of Operations Nathan Fry Organist Ginny Gingrich Pianist Erik Elliott JP Trevino Sound Technicians Marilyn Morgan Savannah Womer Nursery Staff Ray Garcia Custodian Travis Andersen Security Ginger Jansson Newsletter Editor [email protected] Lydia Pyle Parish Nurse I can't believe it is already May. It's funny how time goes so quickly the older I get. I remember looking forward to May 1st. I would spend the day with my sisters and the neighborhood kids making construction paper baskets. Then we would go around the neighborhood picking flowers for the baskets. And then of course we would sneak up onto the porch, set the basket down, ring the doorbell and run to hide. We weren't good at hiding because we wanted to see the smile on the faces of those receiving the flowers. I think May Day was the beginning of "Random Acts of Kindness." At least it was for me. I just found out there is a Random Acts of Kindness week in February. I wonder what it would be like if we declared a year or more for Acts of Kindness. News stations would have to start and end their broadcasts showing someone doing an act of kindness. Each day each person would be asked to perform an act of kindness. Maybe we could begin to change our world for the better. So for the month of May I'm asking you to help me make my dream into a reality. Oh, I know we can't change the news broadcast but each of us can do at least one act of kindness each day. Maybe it will be helping someone you meet on the streets or in a store, or maybe it will be as simple as calling someone you haven't talked to in a while. Or maybe you will find your inner child and deliver a May basket to a neighbor. You decide. But be sure to look for the opportunities each and every day for the month of May. Let’s start changing our world together! Shalom, Rev. Deb When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3 News from the Giftz Clinic I am sitting here typing the newsletter with my foot elevated, ice applied, and realizing how falls can be serious problems as we get a little older. I felt this an appropriate subject, as I have a fractured foot due to a fall. A fall can be life changing. If you're elderly, it can lead to disability and a loss of independence. If your bones are fragile from osteoporosis, you could break a bone, often a hip. Aging alone doesn't make people fall. Diabetes and heart disease affect balance. So do problems with circulation, thyroid or nervous systems. Some medicines make people dizzy. Eye problems or alcohol can be factors. Any of these things can make a fall more likely. Babies and young children are also at risk of falling - off of furniture and down stairs, for example. Falls and accidents seldom "just happen." Taking care of your health by exercising and getting regular eye exams and physicals may help reduce your chance of falling. Getting rid of tripping hazards in your home and wearing nonskid shoes may also help. To reduce the chances of breaking a bone if you do fall, make sure that you get enough calcium and Vitamin D. A simple thing can change your life—like tripping on a rug or slipping on a wet floor. If you fall, you could break a bone, like thousands of older men and women do each year. A broken bone might not sound awful. But, for older people, a break can be the start of more serious problems. Many things can cause a fall as previously mentioned, but don’t let a fear of falling keep you from being active. It is important to remain active with activities such as gardening, getting together with friends, or walking. You can take steps to prevent and lower your risks of falls. Here are a few hints to help you avoid falls: Stay physically active. Plan an exercise program that is right for you. Regular exercise improves muscles and makes you stronger. It also helps keep your joints, tendons, and ligaments flexible. Mild weight-bearing activities, such as walking or climbing stairs, may slow bone loss from osteoporosis. Have your eyes and hearing tested. Even small changes in sight and hearing may cause you to fall. When you get new eyeglasses, take time to get used to them. Always wear your glasses when you need them. If you have a hearing aid, be sure it fits well, and wear it. Find out about the side effects of any medicine you take. If a drug makes you sleepy or dizzy, tell your doctor or pharmacist. Get enough sleep. If you are sleepy, you are more likely to fall. Limit the amount of alcohol you drink. Even a small amount of alcohol can affect your balance and reflexes. Stand up slowly. Getting up too quickly can cause your blood pressure to drop. That can make you feel wobbly. Use a walking stick if you need help feeling steady when you walk. If your doctor tells you to use a cane or walker, make sure it is the right size for you and the wheels roll smoothly. This is very important when you're walking in areas you don't know well or in places where the walkways are uneven. Be very careful when walking on wet or icy surfaces. They can be very slippery! Try to have sand or salt spread on icy areas by your front or back door. Wear non-skid, rubber-soled, low-heeled shoes, or lace-up shoes with non-skid soles that fully support your feet. It is important that the soles are not too thin or too thick. Don't walk around on stairs or floors in socks or in shoes and slippers with smooth soles. There are many changes you can make to your home that will help you avoid falls and ensure your safety. Hallways, stairways, and pathways: Have handrails on both sides of the stairs, and make sure they are tightly fastened. Hold the handrails when you use the stairs, going up or down. If you must carry something while you're on the stairs, hold it in one hand and use the handrail with the other. Don't let what you're carrying block your view of the steps. Make sure there is good lighting with light switches at the top and bottom of stairs and on each end of a long hallway. Remember to use the lights! 4 Keep areas where you walk tidy. Don't leave books, papers, clothes, and shoes on the floor or stairs. Check that all carpets are fixed firmly to the floor so they won't slip. Put no-slip strips on tile and wooden floors. You can buy these strips at the hardware store. Don't use throw rugs or small area rugs. In Bathrooms and Powder Rooms: Mount grab bars near toilets and on both the inside and outside of your tub and shower. Place non-skid mats, strips, or carpet on all surfaces that may get wet. Remember to turn on night lights. In Your Bedroom: Put night lights and light switches close to your bed. Keep your telephone near your bed. In Other Living Areas Keep electric cords and telephone wires near walls and away from walking paths. Tack down all carpets and large area rugs firmly to the floor. Arrange your furniture (especially low coffee tables) and other objects so they are not in your way when you walk. Make sure your sofas and chairs are the right height for you to get in and out of them easily. Don't walk on newly washed floors—they are slippery. Keep items you use often within easy reach Don't stand on a chair or table to reach something that's too high—use a "reach stick" instead or ask for help. Reach sticks are special grabbing tools that you can buy at many hardware or medical-supply stores. If you use a step stool, make sure it is steady and has a handrail on top. Have someone stand next to you. Don't let your cat or dog trip you. Know where your pet is whenever you're standing or walking. Keep emergency numbers in large print near each telephone Source: National Institute of Health, 2014 Blessings, Lydia Pyle Giftz Clinic Schedule May 17, 2015 June 7, 2015 July 5, 2015 August 2, 2015 Blood Pressure Clinic, 9-11 AM Prevnar vaccination 9-noon Blood Pressure Clinic, 9-11 AM Blood Pressure Clinic, 9-11 AM Blood Pressure Clinic, 9-11 AM 5 Happy Birthday! Mary Jo Hall Casey Tebbs Lois Curtis Betty Ault Wilda Burkhart Merle Smith Marian Voelz Ben Lawrence Gwen Quick Jody Scholfield Dee Jacoby 81 88 102 85 88 94 86 87 87 86 91 05/01 05/02 05/04 05/10 05/11 05/13 05/13 05/14 05/17 05/23 05/27 Anniversaries Gene & Joan Hammer Ken & Ruth Fischer 51 yrs. 05/16 68 yrs. 05/28 FUMC FINANCIALS COMMITTEE EXPENSES YTD THRU Mar. 2015 Conference Apportionment $ 5,980.00 Communication $ 1,791.63 Personnel $ 74,955.98 Education $ 504.99 Caring & Evangelism $ 0 Membership Activity $ 176.28 Worship $ 446.56 Board of Trustees $ 29,026.67 Administration $ 1,862.23 Finance $ 9.66 Youth/College $ 623.63 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 115,377.63 GIFTS RECEIVED YTD THRU Mar. $ 108,941.29 BALANCE $ -6,436.34 Members Visit Other Churches Jerry & Lynette Wassemiller – March 29, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Victoria, BC New Members: Joined Sunday April 19th Deaths April 17 - Gordon Sawatzky Stacey O'Rourke Marion and Virginia Gunderson LUNCH AND A MOVIE – Thursday, May 7th, Noon On Thursday, May 7th, at noon we will be watching The Imitation Game. This movie chronicles mathematical wizard Alan Turing's key role in Britain's successful effort to crack Germany's Enigma code during World War II. This historical biopic also recounts how his groundbreaking work helped launch the computer age. Based on a true story. So as always, bring your lunch and I will bring the drinks as we sit back and watch a great movie. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH AT THE ROCKIES See you there. ~ Deb 6 Youth News GRADUATION SUNDAY On Sunday May 17th we will be recognizing all of our high school and college graduates. If you know of such a graduate, please call the church office and let us know. We don't wish to leave anyone out! The Youth Group is headed to Youth 2015 – the quadrennial national Methodist Youth Conference- in Orlando, Florida in June. We greatly appreciate your support to help get us there. Please keep us in your prayers. SAVE THE DATES Mark your calendars now so you don't miss out on our exciting activities! Habitat for Humanity - May 2nd Vacation Bible School - June 15 - 19, 5:30 - 8pm All Church Picnic - Sunday, June 28th right after the 3rd service Wildlife Sanctuary - July 17th (8:00am), July 18th (5:00pm) Faith Day at the Rockies - July 26th, 11:45am For more information on any of the activities, please call Debbie 353-5522 THE VALENTINE BARBERSHOP & SWEET ADELINES CHORUS CONCERT On Friday, May 8th, at 2:00pm the Valentine Barbershop and the Sweet Adelines Chorus "The Blend" will be presenting "God and Country" concert in Loveland. The cost is free if we have 10 or more attending. Our own Gary and Maxine Bracken are in the chorus. We will meet at the church at 12:45 and leave by 1pm. Come and take a ride in the new bus and hear some wonderful music. There is a signup sheet outside the office door, or call the church office and let us know you are coming! FAITH DAY AT THE ROCKIES Sunday, July 26th is Faith Day at the Rockies. Besides watching a fantastic ballgame you will be treated to a concert by Christian artist Michael W. Smith. Cost of the tickets is $15. We will leave for the game immediately after the 3rd service (approx. 11:45). The game begins at 2:10. We might even get there early enough to receive a Nolan Arenado Gold Glove bobblehead! We need to have 25 people sign up to get the $15 tickets. So bring your friends to church and then let’s head to the game. Signup sheets are outside the office door! 7 UMW Awareness Update The Leadership team for Greeley FUMC United Methodist Women would like to thank all who participated in our first fund raiser for 2015 - our Palm Sunday bake sale. Even though we have fewer women with access to ovens and supplies, we had an abundance of goodies and a goodly supply of you to purchase them and take them home for enjoyment. Thank you again for your support. We have also introduced a special fund raising opportunity - Pennies for Mission which is off to a healthy start. We have over $8.00 in just two Sunday mornings and will continue this project through the first part of December. There is plenty of time to participate and we will keep you updated with the total and with the places it will be used in future newsletter notes and in the bulletin. United Methodist Women is organized to be a community learning to serve God and be in mission around the globe. Your participation in our fund raising is helping with these goals. Forget-Me-Not Ministry The Forget-me-not Ministry is continuing the work of becoming an important part of First United Methodist Church of Greeley. Our thanks go to all who have volunteered to work with this ministry. We want to remind everyone that we are here to be a link between the members who are able to participate in the services each week and the ones who are no longer able to do so. We can also visit those who are temporarily limited in getting out to participate, but we need to know who you are and how we can help. Please call the church office to keep the staff informed so we can get you or someone you know added to our list. Thanks for all the co-operation we have been given. 8 WEAR THE FAITH – SHARE THE FAITH Wear the Faith – Share the Faith shirts and aprons can be ordered in the church office now. Stop by the office at your convenience and look through the notebook labeled Wear the Faith – Share the Faith, which shows a variety of the following: T-shirts, short and long sleeved Sweatshirts, crew, hooded, and zip front Polo shirts Twill shirts Denim shirts Fleece vests and zip jackets Aprons The fleece vests are a different style this year—no elastic around the bottom. The aprons are a new item this year. Wouldn’t it be fun to have a logo apron for when you work in the church kitchen? If you would like to purchase an item, please print your name and telephone number on the order form (found by the notebook in the church office)) and fill in the columns with the description, size, color, and price. Items should be paid for when they are ordered. A pricing sheet is provided in the notebook. Be sure to add $3.00 to the price of each item when ordering sizes 2XL or larger. The sale ends Sunday, May 17th. If you have any questions, please call Pat Pringle at 353-7984. A BIG thank you to everyone who made the sadness and beauty of Holy week and Easter Sunday possible for all of us. All our music~~the combined choir on Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday, our organist, our pianists, the bell choir, the contribution of beautiful flowers, and the tastefully decorated sanctuary for Easter. Last, but not least, the messages received during all of these services. Thank you to our staff and volunteers for making our church special. A faithful follower, Lynette 9 I Didn’t Know That! Luella and I have begun the next phase of looking and sorting the historical files after a long hiatus. We found a Sunday School book that the superintendent used to plan lessons in 1900. It is possible that the class each had their own book. Look at how tiny the print is. How many of us could read the material without our glasses. I venture to say not many. And the song books were even smaller. We'll try to show you one next time. Happy reading! In Christ, Nancy Morgan 10 You're Invited to a CELEBRATIONThe Greeley Chorale's 50th Anniversary Concert Please consider this as your personal invitation to attend one of your community's premier chorale groups-The Greeley Chorale 50th Anniversary Concert, Saturday evening, May 9th, 7:30p.m., at the Union Colony Civic Center. Tickets can be purchased at the UCCC or on-line atwww.greeleychorale.org. This concert will be the culmination of our celebratory 50thyear anniversary. We are including the The Greeley Children's chorale which we helped to form; Dr. Weng, UNC Piano Professor; Dr. Howard Skinner, UNC Professor Emeritus and founder of the Chorale; and an original arrangement by Mack Wilberg, conductor of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir will be featured, as well as a piece written for the Children's Chorale/Greeley Chorale by Nathan Howe, choral director at Fort Morgan High School, and grandson of FUMC members. Several members of FUMC sing within the Chorale. The Greeley Chorale is a group which has performed around the world. We were very honored to perform the Mozart Requiem in Rome in 2005 to a crowd of 2,000. Please allow us to share our joy of singing with you on what we believe will be a special evening of history, reflection, great singing with guest artists, and a reception for those in attendance to acknowledge our thanks to the Greeley community for 50years of support. We look forward to seeing you in the audience on May 9th. SPECIAL THANKS This year has been a different year for the Alleluia Ringers with a move from the third floor to the lower floor just outside of fellowship hall. We have also welcomed a new player-Amanda McCosh. We have been grateful for Linda Kautz jumping onboard to fill in a spot within the ranks on a fulltime basis. Our group tries to present music within our worship services once a month. We hope you will be present on Mother's Day as we play-"What A Friend We Have in Jesus" and "What Wondrous Love Is This". It is a pleasure to make music, share in joys and concerns in each other's lives, and give glory to God through sharing our talent with you as often as possible. If you would like to consider learning more about how you might participate within the bells please contact Connie Long at 970-371-5277. We are always looking to increase our players. Thanks to Kathy Trevino, Barb Wolf, Laverne Dressor, Lisa Schnelzer, Linda Kautz, Andi Arizmendi, David Pringle, Amanda McCosh, Marcia Walters, Cheryl Biwer, Erik Elliott, and subs-Don Kautz, Dee Kratochvil, Susy Mekeal, Marian Rugge, for all your dedication and commitment. 11 To the pastor and staff of the First United Methodist Church: On behalf of all the students in Level 3 at The Global Refugee Center, we thank you very much for allowing us to move to the larger room at the west end of the hallway on the third floor of your beautiful church. You have been so welcoming and helpful as we have all transitioned to your wonderful facility. The students are nicely settled in, and have adjusted well and appreciate the new location for school. The room we’ve been occupying has served us well, with the exception of days when all the students in Level 3 attend, and then we’ve found ourselves crowded, and some days without enough places at one of the tables for everyone to sit. So, we do look forward to our move to a larger room and thank you again for being so accommodating to us all. Sincerely, Mary Collins, Level 3 teacher Dear Church, Thank you for welcoming to your beautiful church. Thanks, Lubna Abdela from Ethiopia Dear Church, We are very happy because we will get bigger room we have bee very crowded in old classroom. So we are very happy to moving new classroom. Thank you for welcoming us to your beautiful church. Mohammad Faisal, from Burma Dear Church, We’re thanting you for letting us move to a bigger room. We have been very crowde in our other classroom. I’m Eveline Mengyimanyi from Cameroon Dear Church, Thank you for letting us move to a bigger room. I am happy. I like classroom. Thank you for welcoming us to your beautiful church. Nyo Nyo from Thailand Dear Church, Thank you for letting us move to a bigger room. We have been very crowded in our other classroom. Thank you for welcoming us to you beautiful church. My name is Ali Salat from Somalia Dear Church, I want thankful for to provide your installations to come to school. Tank you for us moving to a bigger room. I’m happy for coming here. I’m Veronica and I’m from Mexico 12 PREACHING SCHEDULE Sermon Series - Jesus Is The Way May 3rd - "Planting Time" - John 12:20-26 May 10th - "Who Do You Say That I Am" - Matthew 16:13-20 May 17th - "Set, Go!" - Hebrews 12:1-2 May 24th - Pentecost - Acts 2:1-11 May 31st - Stay Tuned!