VISION S U M M E R 2 0 1 6 COMMENCEMEN T 2016 CL A S S OF 2016 Dr. J. David Arnett and Northpoint Bible College were pleased to award Mrs. Barbara Green an honorary doctorate during the 2016 Commencement exercises. Dr. Green delivered the Commencement address. Eva Sitinjak Valedictorian, Kenneth McQuiller Salutatorian NORTHPOINT Bible College and Graduate School Three Northpoint Presidents: NPBC President, Dr. J. David Arnett Chancellor Emeritus, Dr. N. Benjamin Crandall Chancellor, Dr. Charles T. Crabtree 2 PR E SIDEN T J. DAVID AR NE T T NORTHPOINT Bible College and Graduate School The first time it happened, I was caught off guard. I was teaching theology to college students when one asked to see the relevance of Pentecostal teaching and experiences for a world in great need. Simply put, he asked, ‘Is Pentecostalism simply emotional hype, or does it really make a difference for hurting humanity?’ If young adults are cynical, it is understandable. They grew up in an era characterized by financial and sexual scandals from the church house to the White House. Idiosyncratic evangelists filled the world’s television screens. Divorce rates, even among Christians, skyrocketed during their lifetime. They were educated in a pluralistic, postmodern, deconstructionist, amoral matrix. Sadly, they have seen preachers, teachers, and politicians who were filled with bigotry, avarice, megalomania, and neuroses. liberating those in bondage (Luke 4:18-19). In the worst homes, in the worst neighborhoods, in the worst cities, in the worst countries, the Holy Spirit is transforming ‘pathos’ (the emotions of suffering and despair) into hope and wholeness. He brings joy and peace that transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:7). In concrete jungles that are filled with gangs, drugs, prostitution, violence, murder, suicide, and suffering, Pentecostal churches are singing songs of joy—the songs of Zion. Does Pentecostal spirituality involve emotionalism? Yes, of course. If one understands that emotive responses are normal expressions of an inward joy that flows from a supernatural, wholistic liberation (through the work of the Holy Spirit) then tears, laughter, raised hands, and other demonstrations are not bizarre. I am happy to report that when their questions are answered honestly and with transparency, young people respond to the love and call of God. When they experience the radical, life-transforming power of the Holy Spirit, their cynicism evaporates. They fall in love with God and feel love and compassion for their dysfunctional families, friends, communities, and world. They begin praying for Holy Spirit filling, anointing, gifts, and fruit. They beg for opportunities to make a real difference in the world. That’s why I’m at Northpoint Bible College--to help young adults experience Pentecostal power and help equip them to change the world. Dr. J. David Arnett, President P RE SIDEN T ’S T R AV EL S CHEDUL E JUNE 25: Faith Christian Academy Graduation - Poughkeepsie, NY, 11:00am 26: Faith AG - Poughkeepsie, NY, 9:00am & 11:00am (2 services) AUGU S T Recovering from my stunned silence, I was able to say, ‘Yes, indeed, the power of Pentecost makes a difference.’ I was able to recount the stories of abusers, addicts, alcoholics, and hypocrites whose lives were miraculously transformed. 7-12: Asbury Grove Camp Meeting - Hamilton, MA, 7:30pm 21: Northpoint Bible College Freshman Chapel - Haverhill, MA, 10:00am 24: Northpoint Bible College Convocation - Haverhill, MA, 10:30am And the Holy Spirit is still healing the brokenhearted, delivering the captives, restoring sight to the blind, and NOV EMBER SEP T EMBER 23: Brockton Teen Challenge - Brockton MA, 7:00pm 6: New Life Christian Center - Westfield, MA, 10:30am BECOME A WORLD CHANGER A P P LY T O D AY ! Ask if you qualify for a $5,000 tuition discount. For more information go to: or contact the Enrollment Office at [email protected], or call 800-356-4014. #WORLDCHANGERSSCHOLARSHIP D E V E L O P ME N T OFFICE K AT H Y A R N E T T DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT At Northpoint Bible College there are so many wonderful young men and women who have the call of God on their lives. We want to do everything we can to help them succeed. One of the challenges these young people face is to keep school bills low so they are able to enter ministry as soon as they graduate. One way to help them is to provide scholarships. Most of the Zion/Northpoint Alumni had help along the way from someone. A great way to invest in your school, as well as in the next generation, is to provide scholarships. If you would like to establish a new scholarship of at least $500 (or more) contact me at [email protected] or call 978-478-3402. This year we have some wonderful international students who are in desperate need of financial help to return to Northpoint this fall. International students cannot receive federal aid and cannot work while they are in the U.S. These restrictions make it difficult for them to secure enough funds to continue their studies. Please consider giving to the “Making a Difference Scholarship,” to help these young people continue their preparation for ministry! We have three scholarship funds that accept gifts of any size. Please prayerfully consider helping. M A K ING A DIF F ER ENCE S CHOL A R SHIP This is a fund that allows Northpoint Bible College to financially assist students who are facing extraordinary challenges in life. Without this help these students may not be able to continue preparing for ministry. Both American and International students may receive this scholarship. A L UMNI S CHOL A R SHIP The Alumni Scholarship is generally funded by Alumni to help students offset the cost of tuition. This scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate financial need and who clearly articulate a call to ministry. P R E SIDEN T I A L S CHOL A R SHIP Northpoint Bible College receives applications from prospective students who cannot afford to attend the college. They apply in faith that God will provide. The Presidential Scholarship was established to help that student who would not otherwise be able to afford to attend Bible college. T O GI V E please mail your check to Northpoint Bible College, 320 S. Main St., Haverhill, MA 01835, and include the name of the scholarship on the memo line. You can also give online at Here are a few words of thanks from our students for previously awarded scholarships: “To say that I am grateful just seems to fall short of my true feelings. It is with great humility and honor that I accept and will use this scholarship to the glory of God. Thank you again, and God bless.” ~ Paul “I write this letter to express the joy of my heart that now I am able to attend Northpoint Bible College. As a matter of fact, it was not possible for me to come here if not for this amazing scholarship.” ~ Thiery “With your donation I have peace while learning and being inspired by God. I thank you not only on behalf of myself, but because of your support for the kingdom of God.” ~ Samuel 3 4 EDUCATION WITH U IN MIND PROGRAMS OFFERED AT NORTHPOINT 33 Credits 60 Credits ONE-YEAR CERTIFICATE IN BIBLICAL STUDIES ASSOCIATE IN ARTS DEGREE Northpoint Bible College’s One-Year Certificate program is primarily for those who desire personal enrichment in Bible, Theology, and Christian service. The curriculum is arranged to expand an individual’s knowledge of the Bible, deepen his/her theological framework, and broaden his/her practical skills for the local church. The purpose of the AA program is to provide students with a basic foundation in the humanities, the Bible, Theology, and with ministry training. Students in this program will receive their AA degree in Bible and Theology with a concentration in church ministry, and will be prepared to minister in a Pentecostal context. 128 Credits 48 Credits NEW! Choose One of 4 Concentrations! BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE MASTER OF ARTS DEGREE Students enrolled in this program will graduate with a degree in Biblical Studies and complete a second major in Christian Education (Church Ministries, Children & Family Ministry, or Youth Ministry), Music and Worship, Pastoral Ministry, or World Missions. Fifty-two of the 128 required credit hours focus on biblical and theological studies. The program is designed to develop the student for Christian service and prepare him/her for lifelong learning. The graduate program is devoted to the centrality of Scripture, the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and a Pentecostal viewpoint in theology, ministry, and life. There are four concentrations in the M.A. program: Church Planting/Revitalization, Preaching, Pastoral Leadership, and Spiritual Formation/Discipleship. Positive and encouraging interaction among peers and mentors creates an environment conducive to transformation, thus enabling leaders to engage in effective Pentecostal ministry. 2016/2017 ACADEMIC CALENDAR FALL 2016 SEMESTER Prayer & Fasting, 9 am to Noon: Sep 13, Oct 13, Nov 10 Aug 20-23 Freshmen Registration/Orientation Aug 22 Upperclassmen Registration Aug 23 Orientation (all students) Aug 24 Classes Begin Sep 5 Labor Day (no classes) Sep 19 Constitution Day Celebration Sep 22-23 Alumni Homecoming Oct 7-11 Fall Break (after classes Fri - 9 pm Tue) Oct 20-22 Campus Experience Nov 18-27 Thanksgiving Vacation (after classes Fri - 9 pm Sun) Dec 2 School Christmas Party Dec 7 Study Day Dec 8-14 Final Exams Dec 14 Christmas Vacation (after last scheduled exams) SPRING 2017 SEMESTER Prayer & Fasting, 9 am - Noon: Jan 24, Feb 15, Mar 16 Jan 17 Registration/Orientation Jan 18 Classes Begin Mar 3-12 Spring Break (after classes Fri - 9 pm Sun) Apr 6-8 Campus Experience Apr 13 Good Friday Service (8-9:30 am) Apr 13-17 Easter Break (5:30 pm Thu - 9 pm Mon) Apr 25 Senior Banquet Apr 26 Study Day Apr 27 – May 3 Final Exams May 5 Baccalaureate (10 am) Alumni Luncheon May 6 Graduation (10:30 am) EARN YOUR ASSOCIATE’S DEGREE IN 3 YEARS! Classes start August 2016 at South Attleboro AG, 1052 Newport Avenue in South Attleboro, MA. Begin your journey as part of a cohort designed for adult learners who will complete a fully-accredited A.A. in Biblical Studies in three years. The site director is Dr. Andrew Sargent (’92). First semester courses include Old Testament Survey, English Composition, and Spiritual Formation. For information about tuition, fees, and schedule, please contact Admissions: 978-478-3453, [email protected] SPRING 2016 MASTERS, ONLINE & WEEKEND COURSES MASTER’S DEGREE ONLINE COURSES MODULAR ONE: SEPTEMBER 12 - SEPTEMBER 16 • Acts • American History • Bible Study Methodology • Biology • Church History • Cultural Anthropology • Discipleship in the Church • English Composition • Ethics • Freshman Seminar • General Psychology • Homiletics I • Intro to Biblical Studies • Intro to Literature SPIRITUAL FORMATION: Dr. Dan Howell Mon & Tue, 9/12 & 9/13 – 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Wed, 9/14 – 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM INTRODUCTION TO HERMENEUTICS: Dr. Joe Ford Wed, 9/14 - 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Thu & Fri, 9/15 & 9/16 – 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM MODULAR TWO: SEPTEMBER 26 - OCTOBER 5 THEOLOGICAL THINKING, RESEARCH, & WRITING: Professor Kate DeMello Mon & Tue, 9/26 & 9/27 – 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Wed, 9/28 – 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM UNITY OF THE BIBLE: Dr. Joe Ford Wed, 9/28 – 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Thu & Fri, 9/29 & 9/30 – 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM OLD TESTAMENT THEOLOGY: Professor David Ricci Mon & Tue, 10/3 & 10/4 - 8 AM to 5 PM Wed, 10/5 - 8 AM to 12 PM MODULAR THREE: OCTOBER 17 - OCTOBER 21 LEADERSHIP DISCOVERY: Professor David Munley Mon & Tue, 10/17 & 10/18 – 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Wed, 10/19 – 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM EXEGETICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR PREACHING: Dr. Dan Crabtree Wed, 10/19 – 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Thu & Fri, 10/20 & 10/21 – 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM MODULAR FOUR: OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 2 FOUNDATIONS FOR SPIRITUAL FORMATION: Dr. Dan Howell Mon & Tue, 10/24 & 10/25 – 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Wed, 10/26 – 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM A BIBLICAL THEOLOGY OF CHURCH PLANTING & HEALTHY CHURCHES: Dr. Paul Drost Wed, 10/26 – 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Thu & Fri, 10/27 & 10/28 – 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM THEOLOGY, HISTORY & PRACTICE OF PREACHING: Dr. Dan Crabtree Mon & Tue, 10/31 & 11/1 – 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Wed, 11/2 – 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM • OT History & Literature • Pentateuch • Philosophy • Poetical Books • Principles & Methods of Teaching • Prison Epistles • Prophetical Books • Romans & Galatians • Speech • Spiritual Formation • Synoptic Gospels • Teacher & the Teaching Task • Theology I • Theology II • Theology III B.A. WEEKEND COLLEGE Abundant Life AG | 135 New Meadow Road, Swansea, MA “EXPLORING THE WISDOM OF THE AGES” Dr. Patrick Gallagher, Professor Sep 10, Oct 1, Oct 29, Dec 3 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Intro. to Philosophy, 3 Credits This introductory course addresses methods and issues related to philosophical thought. It includes a review of worldviews, as well as philosophies and the philosophers who introduced them. Biblical and non-biblical systems are considered in an effort to facilitate one’s ability to understand and communicate philosophical concepts. The course considers the development of a worldview from non-biblical and biblical philosophical perspectives. “YES, NO, MAYBE – NAVIGATING MORALITY IN THE 21ST CENTURY” Ms. Rosalie LoPinto, Adjunct Professor Aug 27, Sep 17, Oct 15, Nov 19 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Ethics, 3 Credits This course is an introduction to ethical systems from a Christian perspective. Philosophies emphasized by prominent Christian and non-Christian leaders are examined. Various decision making models are discussed and applied to contemporary moral and social issues for which speculative and conjectural philosophy cannot provide resolution. These Weekend College classes are offered at a considerable saving. Contact Admissions: 978-478-3453. 5 6 TRAVEL TEAM SCHEDULE DWELLING PLACE June 12-17: Potomac District Youth Camp, Gore, VA June 20-24: Kentucky District Youth Camp, Crestwood, KY June 26 - July 1: Ohio District Sr. High Camp, Marengo, OH July 4 - July 8: SMEMN Jr. High Camp, Rumney, NH July 10: First AG, Auburn, NH July 11 - 15: SNEMN Sr. High Camp, Rumney, NH July 17 - 22: Whited Bible Camp, Bridgewater, ME Churches or ministries interested in booking either group can contact [email protected] or call (978) 478-3489. APPOINTED June 6-10: Arkansas District Camp, Hot Springs, AR June 12: First AG, El Dorado, AR June 12 - 17: Arkansas District Camp, Hot Springs, AR June 20 - 24: Penn-Del District Youth Camp - Carlisle, PA June 27 - July 1: Penn-Del District Youth Camp - Carlisle, PA July 1: Powerline Youth Ministry, Newark, DE July 4 - July 8: SMEMN Jr. High Camp, Rumney, NH July 11 - 15: SNEMN Sr. High Camp, Rumney, NH July 18 - 22: N. Carolina District Youth Camp, Lake Junaluska, NC DWELLING PL ACE CD ORDERS Dwelling Place Live Worship is NOW AVAILABLE ON iTUNES! Download it now, or go to to order a CD. CLASS OF 2016, NORTHPOINT GRAND RAPIDS Congratulations to the Northpoint Bible College Grand Rapids Class of 2016. On May 20th they celebrated their accomplishment during commencement exercises on the Grand Rapids campus. For more information about this extension site visit: CA MP US & A L UMNI NE WS Kate and Alan Bailey welcomed their first child, Simon Francis. Rachel and Jake McDonald welcomed their second child, Micaiah Ryan. WELCOME Northpoint is pleased to welcome our new Faculty and Staff: Danny Burke (‘10) Tanya McMillen Burke ( ‘10) Danielle Impellizeri Dahlstrom (‘06) Jen Kinnamon Ken Kinnamon Emily Majsak (‘12) Jaime Ragsdale Jonathan Ragsdale Angela Fuoco Thomas (‘12) FAREWELL We thank the following people for their faithful service to Northpoint, and pray for God’s blessing in their new endeavors: Helen Brouillette (‘89) Amber Cleveland Chris Cleveland Carl Hosch Terry Hosch Jonathan Martell (‘09) Tina Oliveira (‘15) Melissa Salinardi (‘11) TRANSITIONS RUTH CHRISTOPHER In February, Sister Ruth Christopher entered the presence of the Lord at the age of 88 following a brief hospital stay. She went peacefully in her sleep not long after a young Alumnus stopped in to see her. She would have been very pleased to know that, having given nearly 50 years of her life serving the Lord and students at Zion, first in East Providence and later in Barrington. Up until this past year, Sister Ruthie was a faithful attendee at special events like Homecoming and graduation, and students and Alumni were always happy to see her and to shower her with love. Dr. Patrick Gallagher looked after Sister Ruthie over the years, making sure she was well taken care of. Alumni Charles and Rhoda Pierce (both Class of 1972) and their daughter Jenny embraced her as a part of their family. Sister Ruthie also appreciated the loving care of her pastor, Rev. Randal Ackland of South Attleboro Assembly of God. She will be missed! After 25 years of service as Dean of Academics, and 33 years at Northpoint, Dr. Patrick G. Gallagher (’80) returns to the classroom full-time beginning in the fall. Dr. Dan Howell was named Chief Academic Officer and will be formally installed during the fall convocation which will take place on August 24, 2016 at 10:30 AM. Left to Right: Amy Maranville was named Registrar. Dr. Paul Conway (‘92) has accepted a position as lead pastor at Lowell Assembly of God in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. David Hodge (’95/’96) and Ben Phillips (’04) transitioned from Adjunct to full-time Faculty. WITH JESUS Helen Porter Campbell Bellinger (‘42) Joy Becker Brown (‘68) Wallace Virgil Boyd (‘55) Ruth Christopher (‘59) Louise Twist Church (‘45) Laurie Delaney Jayne (‘93/’95) Rosemary McGregor Jensen (‘84) Ezekiel Jittu (‘57) Harry Rideout (‘62) Mia Waddell (’86) Jeanne Blair Wyns (‘65) 7 8 MISSIONARY NEWS Northpoint continues to be the “Joy of the Whole Earth!” Kevin Ross (‘82) has been privileged to lead over 92,000 people to Christ in the past 24 years, ministering in the churches and streets of Ethiopia, Jamaica, Mexico, England, Wales, France, Germany, Canada, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Malawi. This unique evangelistic missionary endeavor features Kevin in full clown regalia. Kevin also conducts seminars teaching others how to minister to children in particular, though the fruit of his ministry has included the salvation of people of all ages. The vision of Ross Family Ministries, which Kevin founded with his wife Elaine, is to “reach the little lambs before they become lost sheep.” The following alumni have been commissioned as fulltime missionaries with Assemblies of God World Missions (AGWM): Brittany (Vajda ’09) and Doug Favuzza, Enghe (’06) and Jason (’06) Fuentes, and Jeff Zito (‘12); those commissioned as Missionary Associates with AGWM include Lauren (Wallace ‘10) and Max (‘12) Brockmeyer, and Jacqueline Doucette (‘03). Michelle Stoddard (‘16) has accepted a position in the Northern Mariana Islands (Micronesia) where she will be teaching third and fourth graders in a Christian school and serving in the local church. Congratulations to John Paul Mansour (’03) who was named Paramedic of the Year by the New York City Fire Department! He is pictured here with his wife, Jowita (Dabrowska ’03), and eldest son, Noah, following the award ceremony. John Paul serves on the Zion/ Northpoint Alumni Association board. In 2015, alumnus Joe SantaMaria enjoyed an exhilarating ministry trip to Zimbabwe, Africa, where his host was Titus Murefu ‘96. “An alumni mailing prompted me to attend Homecoming 2014, and the Lord impressed on my heart that it would be a life-changing experience. I was not let down! During a special communion presentation, when President Arnett asked if everyone had been served, a man stood up in the audience and said, “We have not been served.” He, along with others representing other continents and nations, explained that their homelands had not been adequately served with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Tears streamed down my face. I had never thought of ministering in Africa; after all, I’m from Brooklyn, New York, and we have the United Nations of ethnicity right in our own backyard. After the service, I was greeted by Bro. Titus Murefu. We had never met before, but in the Lord’s providence, he invited me to Zimbabwe to minister with him. By the summer I was in Harare, Zimbabwe where I had the privilege of ministering for five straight days. I am so thankful to Titus and his lovely wife, Winnie, and especially to the Lord, for this opportunity. Once a Zionian, always a Zionian!” Tina (’15) and Lucas (’16) Oliveira have been appointed as Missionary Associates to the Netherlands. Both Tina and Lucas were excellent students and much appreciated for their work in the offices of the Academic Dean and the Alumni Office. Following their itineration, they plan to join other Zion/Northpoint Alumni who are currently serving in that nation: Jan (’97) and Alla (Azarova ’96) Barendse, Stephan Barendse (‘04), Eric (’02) and Reina (van den Hoed ’05) Cappelli, Adrian La Torre Pastorkamp, Rebecca (Loiacono) and Chris Green (both Class of 2008), and Judy Mensch (’78). The light of the gospel is so desperately needed in what was once a devout nation. Today, sadly, atheists outnumber Christians. Fittingly, as the Oliveiras begin a coffee house ministry, their theme is, “Sharing the love of Christ one cup at a time.” BLESSED EVENTS! 7 HAPPILY EVER AFTER! 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 21 22 25 1) Jennifer and John Cavaleri (‘15) 2) Zoraima (Landrau ‘77) and Tom (‘76) Ciccarella 3) Jade (Jitchaku ’13) and Micah (’13) Cockett 4) Vanessa (Schmidt ’16) and Thomas (’16) Correa 26 5) Jyoti Hiwale and John Donnelly (‘03) 6) Jessica and Daniel DuVall 7) Nathalia and Brian Faria (’15) 8) Megan (McCleod) and Lukas Griffin 9) Maritza and Joel (‘14) Grover 10) Michele (Gustave ’14) and Nate (‘15) Haskiell 11) Eunice Lee and Stanley (’07) John 12) Sharae (Ichinose ‘14) and Manny (’13) Quezada 13) Kerry (Da Paz) and T.J. (’14) Malcagni 14) Rachel (Primus ’16) and Josh (BA ‘14/MA ’16) Mancini 15) Ashley (Shirk ’14) and Eddie (’13) McCray 16) Peniel (Muteba ‘15) and Lionel Mulumba 17) Holly and Joshua John Luke Pereira 18) Sherley (Nozil ‘08) and Frantz Pierre 19) Anna and John (’14) Proske 20) Katrina (Weaver ‘11) and Clifford Purk 21) Kari and Joey Simon 22) Liz and Nick (’15) Slye 23) Staci (McCune ’16) and Ian (’16) Tajon 24) Shalen (Ichinose ’13) and Jordan Takaaze 25) Angela (Fuoco ’12) and Aaron (’14) Thomas 26) Kelly (Madden ’15) and Craig (’14) Zecchino 1) Diana and Estevan Arce - Sofia Alicia 2) Jacquey and David (‘09) Blake - Esther Melody 3) Courtney (Browning ‘06) and Caleb Brown - Esther 4) Helen-Rose (Spencer ‘10) and Garrett (‘10) Cooke - Jeremiah 5) Hilary (Hazelton) and Jesse Comrie - Ellianna Grace 6) Shelly (Estes ’08) and Matthew Costa - Noah Matthew 7) Katie and Adam (’14) Cote - Juliana 8) Kristie (Sousa ’04) and Joe D’Averso - Olivia 9) Rachel (Dieckhoff ’05) and Vin DiPippo - Sophia 10) Stephanie and Jeffrey (’06) Farnsworth - Maybelle 11) Emily (Ford ‘10) and Joe Barney - Selah Joy 12) Abbie (Munroe ‘07) and James (‘07) Hauptman - Finley (Finn) Jude 13) Holly and Jordan (‘15) Hilkey - Chase Patrick 14) Lyndsey (Jones ’12) and Dan (‘15) Johnson - Ezra Emmanuel 15) Allison (Lovenburg ’09) and Joshua Kollar - Emery 16) Darcie (Wiezorek ’10) and E.J (’09) Martone - Titus Stone 17) Morgan (Roncone) and Caleb McNaughton - Micah James 18) Laura and Daniel (‘10) Miller - Aniston Hope 19) Britney (Dee ’12) and Brian (’15) Noel - Beckham Matthew 20) Cherina (Webb ’13) and Dante Perez - Sarai Breetel 21) Emily (Johnson ‘13) and Gabe (‘13) Rodriguez - Judah Avery 22) Kristie and Drew (’11) Saccenti - Georgia 9 10 ALUMNI AWARDS 2015 2 1 HOMECOMING 2016 3 4 5 6 7 1) ALUMNUS OF THE YEAR Ron Domina (’65) 2) LEGACY AWARD John (’74) and Ruth (Richardson ’75) Puleo 3) ALUMNI MISSIONARY OF THE YEAR Ray (’74) and Margi (Catchpole ’76) Bradbury 4) LIFE IMPACT AWARD Dan Lehning (’92) 5) OUTSTANDING YOUNG ALUMNI Chris (‘08) and Rebecca (Loiacono ’08) Green 6) SERVICE AWARD Amy Maranville 7) SPECIAL RECOGNITION Donald (‘72) and Cynthia (‘72) McFarren 2015 SPECIAL GUESTS Clockwise from top left: Lisa Sfameni (Baillergeon ‘86), Danny Vincent (‘11), Daniel Bonin (‘15), James Seymour (‘75) GREETINGS ALUMNI AND FRIENDS, It has been an exciting first year serving as Alumni president. I again want to thank Brother Pat Gallagher (’80), Dean Gallagher, for his years of hard work and passion on behalf of the Alumni Association. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to honor him at the banquet during last year’s Homecoming. He has left his mark on each of our lives; we love you, Brother Pat! Brother Nat Saginario (‘63) and Brother Joe Ford (’78) have stepped down from the Alumni Board. We are thankful for the years of service and wisdom that they gave to the Association. I have a deep love for Northpoint as it has deposited some valuable lessons of faith in my own life. One part of the Association’s vision is to reconnect Alumni from all over the world to the school and to each other. I am asking each Alumnus/Alumna to play a small part in reaching this goal. Northpoint has always been about relationships. Let’s network together to ensure that no one is “MIA.” I have connected with several of my classmates over the past year. I am asking for your partnership in doing some work to strengthen the Alumni link by reconnecting with those in your sphere of influence. I appreciate the dedication of our Association’s vice president, Joseph Arnold ’00. Please join me in congratulating him on his graduation from the Northpoint Master’s Degree program! Joseph and his wife, Jessica (Tyrrell ’01), pastor in Proctorsville, Vermont. Their faithfulness to Northpoint and to our Association has been consistent since graduating more than 15 years ago. This past year we again had a great time in Lakeland, Florida; York, Pennsylvania; and in the church I am privileged to pastor, North Providence Assembly of God in Rhode Island. Stay tuned, and please make every effort to join us when we are in your area. I am looking forward to connecting with you at this year’s Homecoming. Please pen the dates in your calendar, and get ready for an inspirational weekend as we make “An Appeal to Heaven” and reconnect with each other. I appreciate social media, but what I appreciate more is seeing your face in person. I can’t wait to experience God’s presence together. If you are having a class reunion, be sure to connect with your classmates and make plans. Check out the bios of our guest speaker and worshippers. You will be tremendously blessed! Just a reminder - special reunion classes this year are the “1s” and the “6s”: 1941, 1946, 1951, 1956, 1961, 1966 (50th Reunion!), 1971, 1976, 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006, 2011, and celebrating their one year reunion, the Class of 2015. See you soon, Tony Palow (‘92), Alumni President HOMECOMING 2016 AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN September 22 & 23 11 GUESTS MARIE MILLER: Speaker Alumna Marie Miller is an international evangelist whose goal is to see righteousness exalted. A passion for releasing the next generation into the Kingdom of God is what drives her! PAUL DELMADGE: Praise & Worship $80.00 per person. Members of the Class of 1966, celebrating their 50th Reunion, attend free of charge! God has used Paul Delmadge (‘01) in dynamic ways to usher congregations into the presence of God and to minister in song with words of peace and encouragement. SCHEDULE REBECCA MCKINLEY MCDOWELL: Special Music A song writer who has recorded several original songs, Rebecca McDowell (‘96) currently serves as Worship Pastor and Women’s Director at Hobart AG in Indiana. THURSDAY, September 22 11:00 AM Opening Chapel Dr. J. David Arnett 1:00 PM President’s Banquet In Honor of the Class of 1966 7:00 PM Evening Service – Fine Arts Center Evangelist Marie Miller 9:00 PM Dessert Reception – Dining Commons Following Service FRIDAY, September 23 8:30 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM Prayer Breakfast – Dining Commons Rev. Iris Pelley (‘63) Alumni Chapel – Fine Arts Center Evangelist Marie Miller Reunion Banquet – Gymnasium For all Homecoming Attendees CLASS REUNIONS Reunion classes will be assigned rooms for a time of fellowship with their classmates following the Reunion Banquet. Light refreshments will be provided for reunion fellowships. There will be no evening service on Friday. ON-CAMPUS HOUSING Limited dormitory style, on-campus housing is available from Sunday through Sunday at a cost of $35 per night/per room. Bathrooms are shared; bed linens are provided. Guests are asked to bring their own towels and toiletries. Rooms are on a first come/first served basis, so please reserve early. ACCOMODATIONS Hotel Blocks for “Zion/Northpoint Homecoming” (Book through local hotel, not 800 number) Hampton Inn ($89 plus tax), 106 Bank Rd, 978-374-7755 Best Western ($82 plus tax), 401 Lowell Ave, 978-373-1511 Both hotels are in Haverhill, MA, 01832. REGISTRATION Please mail Registration form with check payable to Northpoint Bible College (add “Homecoming” on memo line) by 9/12 to: Zion/Northpoint Alumni Association 320 South Main St Haverhill, MA 01835 Or register online at (Visa & MasterCard accepted) N A M E M A I D E N N A M E YEAR OF GRAD (or attendance) STREET C I T Y ZIP S T AT E PHONE EMAIL R O O M # o f n i g h t s x $ 3 5 . 0 0 = Circle nights: Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun # o f R E G I S T R AT I O N S x $ 0 . 0 0 ( C l a s s o f ‘ 6 6 ) = # o f R E G I S T R AT I O N S x $ 8 0 . 0 0 = CHECK ENCLOSED $ V I S A o r M C N A M E O N C A R D S E C . C O D E E X P. The $80 Registration Fee is waived for members of the Class of ’66. This does not include spouses who are not part of that class. NORTHPOINT Bible College and Graduate School 320 South Main Street Haverhill, MA 01835 Return Service Requested ZION/NORTHPOINT ALUMNI HOMECOMING 2016 SAVE THE DATE See Page 11 for more details! AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN September 22 & 23 CAMPUS EXPERIENCE Oc tober 20 -22