Cocculus Indicus 2 main keynotes Motion sickness, vertigo < Night
Cocculus Indicus 2 main keynotes Motion sickness, vertigo < Night
10/3/2015 Cocculus Indicus 2 main keynotes Slowness and paralytic weakness Aversion to motion Motion sickness, vertigo < Night watching Nausea & Weakness Irritability < noise < Cold air Cares about others Loss of sleep MIND - ANXIETY - others, for abies-c. Acon. ambr. anan. androc. arg-n. Ars. Aur-m-n. Aur-s. Bar-c. calc. calc-f. calc-p. calc-s. carb-v. carc. caust. chel. chinin-s. COCC. cupr. Dulc. falco-pe. Ferr. fl-ac. germ-met. graph. hep. irid-met. Manc. merc. naja nat-c. Nux-v. perh. ph-ac. PHOS. sep. Staph. Sulph GENERALS - SLEEP - loss of sleep; from agn. ambr. ars. bry. calad. carb-v. carbn-o. Caust. chin. Cimic. COCC. Coff. Colch. cortico. crot-h. Cupr. ign. ip. kali-p. kreos. Lac-d. lach. laur. med. mygal. nat-c. nat-m. Nit-ac. NUX-V. ol-j. olnd. op. ph-ac. pic-ac. puls. ruta sabin. Sel. sep. Sulph. zinc. zincact. zinc-o. MIND - ANXIETY - sleep - loss of Calc. Carc. Cocc. Nit-ac. GENERALS - WEAKNESS - sleep - loss of; from Carc. chin. COCC. colch. cupr. glon. Hydr. Ip. Nat-m. nux-v. osm. pic-ac. Puls. SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - loss of sleep - after cocc. 1 10/3/2015 Vertigo WEAK NERVOUS SYSTEM: Paralysis, slowing down of functions, slow reaction to prick with a pin (Alum., Hell., Plb.). M.S. , A.L. S., Alzheimer. Numbness of single parts, as if gone asleep. Paralyses of parts that have been at rest. Convulsions, twitchings. Spinning in all directions. agg. WATCHING MOVING OBJECTS (Jab.). agg. RIDING IN A CAR, looking at objects outside. agg. Loss of sleep. HAS TO LIE DOWN. NAUSEA and vomiting on rising. Feels drunken. Mind STOMACH - NAUSEA - food - thought of alum-sil. androc. ant-c. ant-t. Ars. bamb-a. borx. bry. carb-v. Chin. COCC. COLCH. dios. dros. eup-per. falco-pe. graph. hist. hydrog. mag-c. melal-alt. mosch. sal-fr. Sars. Sep. sulph. thiam. Thuj. tung-met. zinc. - Mildness. Sensitive to rudeness. - CARES ABOUT OTHERS. Anxiety about health. - Ailments from nursing the sick, grief. - Sympathetic. - Serious and rather introverted. Sentimental. - Dwells on past disagreable occurences (Nat-m.). - Sensitive mood, everything worries and offends. Starting at trifles. Later: Dullness, stupefaction. Slow to answer a question (Alum., Hell., Ph-ac.). Slow thinking. Time passes too quickly. Weakness of memory for what has just thought. Loquacity, dancing, singing in state of excitement. 2