Jefferson United Church of Christ
Jefferson United Church of Christ
Je f f e r s o n U n i t e d C h u r c h o f C h r i s t ...sharing the light of God P as tor s J o hn & R eb ec c a Sh il li ngb ur g From the Pastors’ Desk Upcoming Events May 24th Pentecost June 7th Worship in the Park June 13th 8:00 am Weekend Food for Children Food Pickup June 20th JUCC Car Show June 22nd through June 26th JEM Vacation Bible School Sunday Worship The 8:38 8:38 am Faith Formation 9:30 am Worship 10:30 am Communion 1st Sunday of the Month What Does It Mean to be Church? Meriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary gives the following definitions for church: a building that is used for Christian religious services; religious services held in a church; a particular Christian group. When capitalized, Church refers to all of Christianity together, often called the Church Universal. In 1 Corinthians 12:13, Paul wrote, “For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.” Even in those early days, Paul was urging the followers of Christ to remain unified, a unity he pictured as the body of Christ. The church as the body of Christ— Paul used this image to urge unity, not uniformity. As he argued, the body’s parts could not all be the same; their differences allow the body to function when they work together. As Christianity grew and changed, Christians allowed differences to shatter the unity of the Church. The Eastern and Western traditions split in the 11th century. In the 16th century the Reformed tradition, among whose descendants is the UCC, split from the Western (Roman Catholic) tradition over differences in what constituted faithful practices. In fact, the Reformed tradition recognized that the Church must continually reexamine itself in light of new understandings of how God is at work in the world—we are Reformed but always reforming. When the United Church of Christ was formed in 1957, Christians in this country were searching for ways to recreate the unity that had been lost. The UCC came together from diverse backgrounds: the German Reformed, Congregational, German Evangelical, and Christian denominations. As these traditions joined together, they discovered some of the challenges of becoming one church. In particular, they recognized that faithful Christians must embrace our diversity rather than forcing conformity. The goal of the UCC has been—and still is—to become a united and uniting church. Our mottos reflect this goal: "That they T h e R e fo r m e r M ay 2 01 5 Page 2 may all be one" (John 17:21) and "In essentials–unity, in nonessentials–diversity, in all things–charity," (The comma after charity reflects our belief that God is still speaking today: “Never place a period where God has placed a comma,”). Why does this matter at Jefferson UCC? Like every congregation, we face the continual challenge of creating unity while celebrating the diversity of our members. We can be tempted to think we are unified in what we believe; yet the reality is that we are unified in the One whom we follow. By embracing our differences and finding unity in essentials, we can be a bold testimony of God’s grace to the world. What are the essentials that unify us? What is essential to being Christian? The earliest confession of faith was “Jesus is Lord.” Profound in its simplicity, even this three-word confession can embrace many different understandings of what it means to confess that Jesus is Lord. For some, it means faithfully attending church every Sunday and giving 10% of our income to the church. For others, it means how we define God. And yet, our unity isn’t based on practices or beliefs. Our unity comes from our common confession that we follow Jesus and that we live in the way of Jesus. As your Pastors, we celebrate that unity comes not in our beliefs or how we worship, but in joining our lives together in worship, prayer, learning, fellowship, and service. God is still speaking today, and as a church community let us continue to ask, “What is God calling us to do today?” Blessings, John & Rebecca Upcoming Events May 24 (Sun) Pentecost 6:00 pm June 7 (Sun) Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group Meeting @ Ruritan Center Worship in the Park with Christ Reformed UCC June 13 (Sat) 8:00 am Weekend Food for Children food pickup June 20 (Sat) 9:00 am 18th Annual Car & Truck Show June 22—26 Vacation Bible School @ UMC July 11 (Sat) 8:00 am Weekend Food for Children food pickup August 8 (Sat) 8:00 am Weekend Food for Children food pickup Sharing the Light of God Through Ministry to Others Page 3 Help the Weekend Food for Children Backpack Ministry by bringing: 5-7 ounce cans of tuna or chicken School Supplies This summer we will have another opportunity to help children in our community who are in need: the three churches of Jefferson Ecumenical Ministries will work with Valley Elementary to provide those children with backpacks and school supplies at the beginning of the next school year. Watch for more information on how you can participate! You Can Help! Our church has been designated as a summer pickup location for the Weekend Food for Children Ministry. Pickup dates will be on Saturday, June 13, Saturday, July 11 and Saturday, August 8 from 8:00 am—12:00 pm. Volunteers will be needed to help distribute the food. If you would like to help, contact the church office at 301-473-8262. Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group A support group for caregivers of people with Alzheimer's Disease or other memory-loss disorders has been started in the Jefferson area. The group meets on the fourth Sunday of each month at the Ruritan Center from 6-7 pm. There is no charge to participate and the sessions are confidential. Pastor John is one of the facilitators for the group. Page 4 April Consistory Highlights New hearing impaired receivers have been purchased and are working well. The new Pastor’s microphones are also working well. The Little Free Library has been installed on the front lawn. Congratulations and a big thank you to Andrew Burke for all his hard work on this project. A new Worship Committee is being formed. If anyone is interested in participating, please contact the Church Office, (301-473-8262). The Consistory approved a motion to accept a proposal to lease a new copier. The new proposal will save approximately $100 per month. It was noted that nursery workers are needed. Support The Cemetery Another year has rolled around and the Cemetery Board needs your support for the grass-mowing and maintenance for the coming year. Help us keep the cemetery in a clean condition. Mowing is expensive and repairing the stones is a project that takes a lot of time, as well. Any amount that you can contribute will be greatly appreciated! Make checks payable to “Jefferson Reformed Cemetery, Inc.” The Cemetery Board We need your support! Whether it’s paying the church’s electric bill or teaching our children, without your contributions, we would close our doors! Our fundraisers help, but most of what we do comes from the generous giving within our community! Please consider ways to help our community of faith grow. Give $5 more a week; invite a neighbor; teach a class. All of these are ways to give faithfully of our time, talent, and tithes. Whatever we do, we can do it a community of faith! The annual Mother-Daughter Banquet will be held on Wednesday, May 6th at 7:00 pm at the Jefferson Ruritan Center. A turkey dinner will be served. The cost of the banquet is $9.00 for Adults, $4.00 for Children ages 5-10, and under age five is free. Contact Jane Smith or Anna Mae Zecher for tickets. Page 5 Sharing the Light of God Take a look under the hood…and join us! 18th Annual Jefferson UCC Car & Truck Show June 20, 2015 Sponsored by JUCC’s Outreach Committee. For additional information contact John Edwards (301) 991-1033 George Klouda (301) 473-4905 Vickie Bell (301) 473-787 [email protected] Flyers will be at the church or online Jefferson Community Yoga Join Us! Open to anyone 18 & over Instructor: Jan Faulkner Cost: $5.00 per class; no commitment. Web site: 5/2 Saturday UCC 5/6 Wednesday UCC 5/9 Saturday UCC 5/13 Wednesday St Paul 5/16 Saturday UCC 5/20 Wednesday St Paul 5/23 Saturday St Paul 5/27 Wednesday St Paul 5/30 Saturday St Paul Page 6 th DATE June 7 at 11:00 AM PLACE Catoctin Creek Nature Center 2929 Sumantown Road Middletown, MD WHAT Worship & Fellowship Great food, Activities & More Hope You Can Join Us! DIRECTIONS FROM CHURCH: Left onto Jefferson Pike/Route 180. Right onto Old Middletown Road. Continue for approx. 2 miles. Turn left onto Sumantown Road. Bear left to stay on Sumantown Road. Nature Center is approx. 1/2 mile on the left. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE WILL NOT HAVE A WORSHIP SERVICE OR FAITH FORMATION CLASSES AT THE CHURCH. COST FOR LUNCH IS $3 PER PERSON/$10 PER FAMILY. CHICKEN AND DRINKS WILL BE PROVIDED. PLEASE BRING A SIDE DISH OR DESSERT TO SHARE. Please let us know if you plan to attend. There is a sign up sheet in the sanctuary or you call the church office. We need a headcount so we can order enough food. Please bring lawn chairs. Sharing the Light of God Page 7 Vacation Bible School Vacation Bible School will be held June 22nd through June 26th at the Jefferson United Methodist Church. The theme this year will be G-Force, God’s Love in Action. At G-Force VBS, kids will explore how to put their faith into action. Kids will experience God’s unstoppable love and discover how to fuel up and move in and through life with God. Little Free Library Thanks to Andrew Burke, who oversaw the building and installation of JUCC's Little Free Library for his Eagle Scout Project! What a wonderful gift to all of Jefferson! Easter 2015 Page 8 Pictures from our journey through Holy Week: our Seder Meal, Easter morning crafts, and Easter Sunday Worship. Pictures by George Klouda Page 9 Sharing the Light of God May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 9:00 am Yoga 3 4 5 6 6:00 pm Yoga 7 8 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal 9 9:00 am Yoga 7:00 pm Mother Daughter Banquet @ Ruritan Center 10 11 12 13 14 15 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal 17 18 19 20 7:00 pm Consistory Meeting 24 Pentecost Sunday 6:00 pm Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group 31 25 26 7:00 pm Outreach Committee Meeting 21 16 9:00 am Yoga 22 23 29 30 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal 27 28 Page 10 May Birthdays 2nd Emily Grove Davis Lilah Utterback 11th Logan Sandy 24th Scott Midula 14th Tommy Crutchfield 25th Donna Lakin Melody Grove 26th Christopher Smith 28th Lisa Humerick Jordan Nicholson 5th Katelyn Lakin 17th Peg Arnold 6th George Lakin 18th Cody Crowl Bryan Heath 7th Donnie Corun 20th Matthew Hainline Kay Nicholson Denny Remsburg 21st Debbie Taulton Elise Younger 22nd Michelle Gwinn 8th Tom Taulton Andrew Burke 9th Darren Remsburg Kelly Roesch Kelly 10th Pastor Rebecca Shillingburg 23rd Zachary Humerick May Anniversaries 9th Pete and Alice Drayer 10th Bryan and Natalia Heath 11th David and Cheryl Remsburg 12th Pastors John and Rebecca Shillingburg Greg and Elizabeth Nichols 16th Brick and Betty Remsburg 20th Mark and Tina Cooper Skip and Andrea Vermillion 30th Robby and Tracey Whipp 30th Ashley Corun 31st Fran Jewell Sharing the Light of God Page 11 Please Keep These Members and Friends in Your Prayers Independent Living Ruth and Merle Mayner Please Remember in Prayer: Homewood Long Term Assisted Care Patsy Cochran Homewood Jim Crampton Home Shirley Crampton Tranquility Sylvia Flook Tranquility In Military Service Drew Dunham Aaron Stauffer John K. Shillingburg A glimpse of one of our sanctuary stained glass windows courtesy of Dave Snyder Olivia Bailey Steven Liersemann Pat Blank Connie Marshburn Dianne Bowers Xia Martinez Barbara Burke Kelly & Jane Morgan Frank Cebulski Nancy Nichols James Crampton Nancy Peacock Shirley Crampton Kenny Piper Debbie Crutchfield Woody Price Lisa Dunaway Debbie Remsberg Doris Edwards Joan Remsberg Shirley Eiker Rosemary Rosensteel Charlie Hackley Barry Swartz Mary Handley John Taulton Mary Harris Family of Debbie Taylor Luther Hargett Melissa Tewes-Riley Doug Hemp Kaylynn Tobery Jenny Hemp Yvonne Tobery Chris Hoffman Jennifer Underwood Jimmy Huffer Tricia Virts Terry Ifert Ronnie Whipp Rebecca Johnson Patricia Wiles Alma Lakin Kylee Yoder Please help us keep our prayer list up to date. If you know of anyone who needs to be added or removed, please contact Debbie at the church office (301-473-8262). Thank you. NON PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID FREDERICK, MD PERMIT #2911 Je f fe r s o n U n i t e d Ch u rc h o f Ch ri s t P.O. Box 579 3837 Jefferson Pike Jefferson, MD 21755 Phone: 301-473-8262 Email: [email protected] Visit us at ...a UCC Community of Faith Address label