please note!
please note!
CALEDONIA RECYCLE GAIDE & OTHER INFORMATION RECYCLING BINS Bins are to be placedat curb nrior to 7:00 a.m. ** on the scheduledday of collections.In caseswhere people if you movefrom a Caledoniaresidence,the containersmust staywith the residence.For specialoccasions, havemore materialthan your containerscanhandle,you may usea transparentbag. A bin may containmultiple items,but cardboard& newspapers/magazines may not be mixed or layeredin the bins. The contractorwill not aremixedtogetherwith cansandbottles. Additionalbinsareavailabie emptythebinsif paperitemsor magazines at the CaledoniaVillageHal1at a costof $7.50ea. **Bins maybe emptiedaslateas6:00p.m. CARDBOARI) Cardboard is not allowedin landfrlls. Comrgated& ContainerBoard(suchascerealboxesandsodacases)areto be recycledandpreparedaslistedin the RecyclingGuide. YARDWASTE areencouraged to leavegrassclippings Yardwasteincludesleaves,brush,branchesandgrassclippings.Residents on their lawns.Yardwastemustbekeptout ofrefuse.Theyardwastedrop-offsiteis locatedbehindthe Safety Buildingat 6900NichoisonRoad. This siteis seasonal.Pleasecall the Villagehall for daysandhours. Tree branchesareto be cut to a maximumdiameterof 20" anda maximumlengthof 6'. This site is openfor Caledoniaresidentsonly. PLEASENOTE! NO CONTRACTORS! ONLY YARD WASTE IS ACCEPTED AT THE DROP-OF'F'SITE! WASTE OIL Wasteoil maybetakento theVillage'swasteoil drop-offsitelocateddirectlybehindthe SafetyBuildingat 6900 NicholsonRoad. Pick up thekey for the siteat the PoliceDispatchwindow. A driver'slicenseor other appropriate identificationis required.You will not be allowedto dropoff wasteoil after5:00p.m. (duringwinter 4:00p.m.). BATTERIES AND TIRES that sellbatteriesandtires. Leadacidbatteriesandtiresshouldbe takento thosebusinesses PAINT CANS Paintcanswith paintstill in themshouldhavethe lids removedandallowedto standuntil all contentsbecome hard. Add catlitter or sandto paintinsideplasticbagJinedbox in orderto solidifj/thepaint. Thecansmay then beplacedin thenormalrefuseafterdrying. CONCRETE AND ASPHALT Payne& Dolanwill acceptold chunksof asphaltandconcrete.AzarianWreckingwill acceptconcreteonly. Residents shouldcall aheadto makearrangements to drop-offmaterial.Do not mix thetwo materials. USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS Caledonia VillageHail- 835-4451 - 1-800-640-5571 WasteManagement AzaianWrecking- 637-4153 Payne& Dolan- 884-9644 VeoliaEnvironmental Services 1-800-232-0860 Any residents who have any questions are welcome to call the Caledonia Village Hall, Monday through Friday, between8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CURBSIDESERVICE WIIAT TO RECYCLE HOWTOPREPARE CORRUGATEDCARDBOARI) -ALL Cardboard -corrugated caxdboard -container boa.rd -cerealboxes -sodaor beer containers -Fold or cut to form piecesno largertha.n 3' x 3' andlay piecestogether -Tie in bundles10" thick or less OR -Placein a brownpaperbag -Placebag,&undle on lop or nextto recyclebin -Placedneatlyinto anotherbox no biggerthan3'x 3' {aundry soapboxes NEWSPAPERS -Newsprintincludinginserts -Magazines,phonebooks& catalogs -Junkmail & envelopes -Office paper (Any color) -No PackagingMaterial -FoamPolysty,rene (Popcom,Sq.Tofoam, etc.) -No tissue,papertowelingor papercontaminated with foodresidueor otherdebris,frozenfoodboxes or dairy cartonboxes -Tie in bundles8" thick or less OR -Placein brownpaperbag -Placebagor bundleon top ofrecyclingbin GLASS CONTAINERS -Jars & BottlesOnly -No light bulbs -No dishes -No windowglassor autoglass -No brokenglass - Any Color (clear, green,brown, etc.) - Lightly rinse -No needto remove labels -Remove lid & place in regular refuse PLASTIC CONTAINERS -Containersmarked#1-7(PETE or HDPE, etc.) - soda,liquorbottles,milk, detergent, juice, gasoline,etc. water,shampoo, -No radiatoror anti-freeze bottles -No motoroil bottles -Lightly rinse -Do not place plastic bags in recycling bin -No need to remove labels -Suggestthat containersbe crushed -Remove lid & place in regular refuse STEEL OR TIN CANS -Food cans only -No cars for paints or chemicals .@ .@ -Lightlyrinse -No needto removelabels -Suggest thatcontainers be crushed -Removelid andplacein regulaxrefuse ALUMINUM CANS -Cansonly -No foil, pie platesor caps -No carparts,nails,screws, medicalsupplies,pots& pans, gasolinecans& scrapmetal -Lightly rinse -Suggestthat containersbe crushed DO NOT DROP OFF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AT THE YARD WASTE SITE: your localtire storeor cardealership, KestralHawksLandfill (OakesRoad)884-7097. Rubber Tires-Contact etc. Recycling Recyclables-Putitemsin bluerecyclebins. Itemsinciudeglass,metal,paper,cardboard, ( 1-800-232-0860). Service is Veolia Environmental Contractor Garbage- materials (garbagecontractor)regardingdisposalofnon-recyclable ContactWasteManagement (1-800-640-5s71). Sod/Soil- (a feewill be charged)for iandfill disposal. or WasteManagement Contacta locallandscaper, Concrete/Asphalt- Payne& Dolan(884-9644),AzananWrecking(637-4153). Batteries- Contacta localbatterystoreregardingtrade-insor disposal- (BatteriesPlus). ( 1-800-640-5571). Mattresses/Large Furniture - Put out with normaltrashon hashdayper WasteManagement (1-800-640Railroad Ties{fi to 2Yz'or iessandPutout with normaltrashon trashdayper WasteManagement 5s71). Lawn Mowers - Empty out oiligas andput out with normaltrashon trashday per WasteManagement(1-800- 640-s57r). Large Appliances- Contractors listedon thebackofRecyclingGuide. Building Materials- ContactWasteManagementfor disposalor Kestrai Hawk Landfill (884-7097). for disposalandcurrentfeeor taketo the Hazardous FlorescentLight Bulbs - ContactVansElectric(632-'1241) dav. Collectionsiteon desisnated - Pricesfor VansElectric F Up to 4' : .50sea. F 5'to 8' : .65(ea. F U-shaped& : 85sea. Round-shaoed Any questions- pleasecall the generalofficeat 835-4451. ****Please note that the items listed below are no longer allowed in the landfill. Vendors listed will have a cost associatedwith pick-up. It is recommended you call for the most current prices. Larse Annliance Tvpe Refrigerators Stoves/Ranges Freezers Washers Dryers WindowAir Cond. Dishwashers Dehumidifiers Microwaves Hot WaterHeaters Vendor's and Numbers WestAppliances A-1 Appliances AppliancePickupService& Sales RefrigerantRecovery 634-6919 636-9002 636-9320 414-643-7740 r' ltest Appliancesprefersthe customerdrop off small items. The chargeis more for pickup of large items. r' WasteManagementis required to provide the servicefor a fee of $25per item. Currently WasteManagementhas subcontractedthis pick up to Refrigerant Recovery.P/easebe sure to tell Refrigerant Recoverythdt you are a Caledonia residentto ensurethe $25price. ***Currently Computer Systems(keyboard,consumermonitor,consumercomputer,andconsumer printers)& televisionsare not allowedin the garbage.Listed beloware somecontractorsthat will take them. It is recommendedyou call for updatedprices.*** ***Beginning September1,2010,Computer Systemsfteyboard,consumermonitor,consumercomputer,and printers),Fax Machines,DVD Players,Video Recorders,Cell Phones,Telephonesw/Video Display, consumer VCRs, Televisions,Cameras,& Copierswill not be allowedin the landfill. Listed beloware some contractorsthat will take them. It is recommendedyou call for updatedprices.*** F ContactKestralHawk Landfill f884-7091for hours& mostcmrentfees. Fees: 1-3items: 1 Bulk Yard ($28) 4 & more= Bulk Yard x how manymore** **If itemsaremixeddgarbage: 1 Ton Limit - ($44.75Min. + Tax) F LampRecycle- 1-800-558-1166 (computers) D WasteManagement RecyclableAmerica- 2101W. Morgan,Milwaukee(414-281-8900) Fee- $.35per lb for disposal. D TechCorp****- 2051LathropAvenue(comerof 21't& Lathrop- behindFamilyVideo)-(619-0931) Fees:Monitoronly $10 ****Computers Tower $5 Ink Printer- $5 LaserPrinter- $10 jso AmericanTV & Appliance- (seewebsite) GreenerRacineRecycling,LLC - 2333NorthwestemAvenue,Racine(262) 898-8070 Fees:Monitors$10 > SEWI ComputerRecycling- 23026W. OversonRoad,UnionGrove(262)498-1356 Revised:5/13/10