the most prominent management problems in the national park
the most prominent management problems in the national park
THE MOST PROMINENT MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS IN THE NATIONAL PARK KOPAONIK Šumarac Predrag and Saković Biljana Abstract: Protected areas present “islands of wilderness” that are in theory protected from all type of negative impact originate from human activity. This tool for nature protection and biodiversity conservation is facing with constantly growing threats which jeopardize its very existence. Variety of issues that are threatening the nature of protected areas influence that management in them more or less effectively conduct different measures with mitigating consequence towards these negative impacts. This paper deals with problems of financing aspect of management, waste disposal and illegal construction in the National park Kopaonik. Over the years these unsolved problems (especially in the field of financing) culminated and seriously undermine management efforts in relation to nature protection and biodiversity conservation. Total budget amount and related financing structure are not optimally correlated with prescribed role of national park and necessary management activities. Illegal and to landscape inadaptable construction followed by undeveloped infrastructure lead together to more negative impact towards national parks nature. Key words: financing, nature protection, management, national park, illegal construction 634 1. Introduction Industrials revolution in 19 century provided precondition for rapid change of nature and environment bringing adverse impact towards it. Since that period human kind strive to find best possible solution for nature protection and preservation of biodiversity. At this time protected areas present the best possible tools for nature and biodiversity protection that human civilization have on its disposal. National Park Kopaonik is among five national parks in Serbia and encompasses territory of around 12 000 ha. Territory of mountain Kopaonik rich in unique natural features and beauties was key factor in the process of proclamation this territory1 in 1981 as national park. Since foundation National park in couple occasions change its organizational structure. At the moment NP Kopaonik, like all national parks in Serbia, is organized as Public enterprises under direct state authority. Like most protected areas in the world National park Kopaonik or its management are facing problems which seriously undermine non only its functioning but at the end and its very existence as protected area. This paper will provide information about most important problems in the National park Kopaonik. 2. Materials and methods Nature protection and biodiversity conservation are activities from global importance which should provide basic precondition for sustainable development not only for the present generation but also and generation to come. This research is oriented towards the most prominent problems in the National park Kopaonik. First problem elaborated in this paper will be related with financing issues in the national park. Steady and reliable financing of protected areas is one of the basic preconditions for fulfillment of goals related to biodiversity protection. Fact that tourism development took place on the mountain before foundation of National park Kopaonik contributed in great deal that tourism related activities haven't been conducted in the manner that should support nature conservation and biodiversity protection. Tourism related problems in National park Kopaonik can be divided in two group: bad or poor waste disposal management and illegal construction. Aim of this research is to provide thorough description of management problems followed by reasons that caused present situation and their consequence to proper functioning of national park. Purpose of this research is to point out to possible solution and activities whit mitigation effects. 1 Only 4.3 %of mountain Kopaonik territory is designated as national park. This part of mountain is known as Flat Kopaonik 635 This research fits into the applied research group because the audience and consumers of the inquiry are going to be practitioners of different kinds and all interested stakeholders. Descriptive research should paint the picture of current situation in the national park related to management and most prominent management problems, legislative and institutional framework. The research will be conducted as a case study because it offers possibilities to scrutinize one or few cases for one period or across multiple periods of time2. The logic of the case study is to demonstrate a causal argument how general social forces shape and produce results in particular settings (Walton, 1992:122).The case in this research is national park Kopaonik. Qualitative inquiry processes or methodology with both primary and secondary data will be used in this research. Non probability criteria or non random sampling with judgmental attribute will be used for interviews. Interviews will be semi structured with a set of predefined open ended questions which will follow the line of investigation and provide an opportunity for additional clarifications. 3. Results 3.1. Institutional and legal framework One of the primary goals of Serbian foreign policy is process of obtaining the full membership in European Union. In line whit that orientation and based whit all precondition stated in “acquis communautairi” Serbian parliament adopted in 2009 set of "green" laws which incorporated critical substance of the EU Nature directives. All activities that management, as well as other users of national park, conducts on national park territory are regulated with the following set of laws3: - Constitution of Republic of Serbia(“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 83/06 ) Law on environmental protection (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 135/04, 39/09) Law on nature protection(“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 36/09) Law on National Parks (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 39/93, 44/93, 53/93, 67/93, 48/94) Law on Public enterprise and fulfillment of function of public interest (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 25/00, 25/02, 107/05, 108/05) Law on forestry(“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 30/10) Law on tourism (“Official Gazette of RS”, No.36/09) 2 Handouts from Social research course-Karl Hogl, Michael Pregering and Peter Glück Sarajevo, 2007 3 Legal framework presented in this paper comprise only from the most important ones 636 For National park Kopaonik beside this legal framework the foundation for proper management practice in the field of their responsibilities are based on the following strategic planning documents: - Program for protection and development of National park Kopaonik Forest management plan for state forest for 2004-2013 period Forest management plan for private forest Annual program for protection and development Annual business program and following financial plan When institutional framework is in question directly responsible ministry for the all national park in Serbia is Ministry for nature protection and spatial planning. Other responsible ministries for National Park Kopaonik and its activities are presented below: Figure 1 - Institutional framework for National Park Kopaonik Source: Authors 3.2. Natural features and management responsibilities Total protection area of national park Kopaonik is divided in tree zones: - 4 First zone of protection include most valuable natural features (13 natural reserves) and individual natural and stationary cultural welfare in total amount of 1459.05 ha. This zone has highest level of protection and it is divided in two sub zones: Ia4 (only scientific activity and strictly controlled First zone is strictly conservation zone 637 - - education) and IIb (all like Ia and whit activities directed towards maintenance and improvement of present ecosystem condition5 Second zone of protection include surface of 3941.46 ha whit active protection status. In this zone certain management activities are allowed but only if these activities have no consequences on primary natural values (habitats, population and ecosystems) A third zone of protection is the larges one whit 6691.2 ha. In this zone is possible to use natural values but in accordance whit principles of sustainable usage and sustainable development. Around national park borders "Spatial plan of area whit specific purpose National Park Kopaonik6" predict buffer or general protection zone whit area of 20000 ha whit preprotection purpose. At the moment National park Kopaonik is organized as Public enterprise7 and management have following responsibilities: - prevention of activities which might deteriorate basic features and other properties of the national park - protection, preservation and improvement of specific natural, cultural and historical features that can be found within the national park territory - development of activities such as scientific research activities, culture and education activities, activities in presentation and popularization of the natural and cultural values, development of tourism, recreational and other activities with utilization functions of the natural and cultural values of the national park........ PE ‘National park Kopaonik’ is also authorized for conducting others activities: - forest management (planning, silvicultural work ,protection and utilization) protection, improvement and usage of game and fishing organization of research activity in the field of protection and development of National park 3.3. Financing situation In order to meet foreseeable needs and challenges in forthcoming period management of each company should develop a financial plan in which costs and revenues of different activities (prescribed by a business plan or other strategic planning documents) will be matched. 5 Law on nature protection (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 36/09) (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 95/2009 7 Law on Public enterprise and fulfilment of function of public interest (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 25/00, 25/02, 107/05, 108/05) 6 638 Working in accordance with strict law regulation in regards to financial discipline of company and having in mind difficulties in business performance of long term partners caused by world economic crisis as well as transition process in a country and changes in the company the following financial plan has been made and it is presented along with achieved financial results in 2009: Table 1-Revenus and cost in 2009(in thousands RSD) Planed Achieved Total revenues 105 061,6 91 748 Total cost 103 261,3 90 822,3 Income8 1 800,3 925,7 Source: Izveštaj o radu JP" Nacionalni park Kopaonik" za 2009.godinu (Report about National park Kopaonik business performance and activities for 2009) All planned values from table 1 are realized in lower amount. Total amount of revenues (achieved) for 2009 is, comparing to planned figure, lower for almost 13 % or 14 million RSD. Costs are also notably lower - 12% or 13 million RSD less comparing to planned amount. Total income followed the downward trend of revenues and cost. National park Kopaonik by the Law on nature protections9 has on it disposal following sources of financing: - State budget allocation - Nature protection fund - Revenue from own activities - Project funding - Donation, gift and aid - Other sources 8 9 Total income-before tax deduction Law on nature protection (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 36/09) 639 Total amount of revenue for 2009 presented above is consisted from subsequent revenue sources: Table number 2- Structure of revenues for 2009(in thousand of RSD) Revenue from forest wood product Planed Achieved 62 831.6 57 225.1 Revenues from charges for commercial 24 056 activities in NP Cash inflow from state budget 8 500 13 940.4 Transferred revenues 5 500 7 292.5 Forest value adjustment 3 700 4 311.3 Other revenues 480 2 085.9 6 892.9 Source: Izveštaj o radu JP" Nacionalni park Kopaonik" za 2009.godinu (Report about National park Kopaonik business performance and activities for 2009) Protection, maintenance and sustainable management of forest within national park present, among others, the most important goal of management. Due to this fact wood based product from National park forests have a major share and provided from wood sales present 62% of the total annual budget. This revenue is achieved in 91%.Main reason for this level performance of main revenue source lies in the fact that plan for trees marking and cutting wasn't completely fulfilled. Revenues from charges for commercial usage of national park (tourist based commercial activity prevailing in this item10) present a source of revenue with high potential for future development which is as such recognized from NP management. This revenue consists of charges from tourist based activities such as from restaurants and hotels, and charges from renting land which is under the authority of the national park. In 2009 this item presented 15% of total available budget. Like in previous years the base for these charges is adopted from the Administrative board meeting decision held in January 2002. Budget allocation from Serbian Government as the revenue source has reached the figure of 6.9 million RSD11 or 7.5% of total revenue. This modest state contribution to overall financing of National Park Kopaonik, note decrease from 19% in comparing to planned amount. Transferred cash in flow from 2009 beside money for forest regeneration consists from blocked and unused money which was out of financial flow of national park for several years and which is now at the management disposal thanks to a court process that had a positive outcome for National Park Kopaonik. Forest increment for 2009 is presented in monetary values (forest value adjustment) and because of this fact (it is presented as revenue) this item is taxable. 10 11 Indirect tourist charges National currency 640 Other revenues are made by selling old equipment, fines collecting, and interest from internal credit lines then throughout traditional manifestation of national park annual assembly etc. Also in this item certain amount of money is earned from non-timber forest product (mushrooms, blueberries) and guided tourist tours. Graph 1-Revenue from wood products Graph 2 -Revenue from charges for charges commercial activities in NP Percentages per years Source: Master thesis- Improvement of Financing Aspects of Management in the National Park Kopaonik (modified by authors) Based on the financial results(revenue section) it is obvious that National Park Kopaonik has two dominant sources of revenue which are forest wood products (whit share in total revenue structure from 62%) and charges for commercial activities in national park (whit 15% of share in total revenue structure). If we take in consideration financial situation from 2006, 2007, 2008 years (graph 1 and 2) we can notice that these two dominant revenue sources from 2009 observed of course in relative shares follow the general trend or revenue sources for 2006-2008 period. Based on observed years at least 85% of total annual revenue comes from this these two sources. This percentage will be even higher if all the receivables from previous year or years have been collected in accordance with signed agreements. A financing situation like this implies that forestry is the main management activity in National Park Kopaonik although the main purpose of the national park is nature protection and biodiversity conservation. For the period 2006-2009 (graph 3) state budget allocation notes slight increase. 641 Graph 3 -State budget allocation (in percentages of total revenue) Source: Master thesis- Improvement of Financing Aspects of Management in the National Park Kopaonik (modified by authors) Different management activities related to nature protection and biodiversity conservation, negative effect mitigation from diverse activities within the national park borders, research and education activities followed by managing of state and private forest stipulated the following costs: Table number 3-Structure of cost for 2009 Cost of materials Salaries, related taxes and personal cost Depreciation and reserve cost Other business cost Planned 5 850 41 306.3 Achieved 5 356.6 37 403.3 9 175 7 135.7 46 930 40 926.7 Source: Izveštaj o radu JP" Nacionalni park Kopaonik" za 2009.godinu (Report about National park Kopaonik business performance and activities for 2009) Item cost of material include office materials, outdoors uniforms, electric power and cost of fuels, gear and car parts. Salaries and related taxes item include above all compensation for members of the administrative and regulatory board with an amount of almost 2 million RSD per year.. National Park Kopaonik have 39 employees with average salary of 39000 RSD. Third item in the cost table is consisted from depreciation cost and from reserve costs. Reserve costs present an amount of money spent for regeneration of forest12, seed 12 Forest regeneration can be simple or extended. In the case of National park Kopaonik forest regeneration is classified as simple 642 stands and other related activity. In respectable year 5.7 million RSD have been spent for this purpose. 3.4. Problems derived from tourism activity Mountain Kopaonik is site with extraordinary natural beauties, various ecosystems rich in biodiversity, important historical and national cultural legacy. These prerequisites influenced that mountain Kopaonik, especially part of the mountain which is proclaimed as national park, become site whit numerous tourist visits. This one of the biggest center of tourism activity in Serbia especially for winter tourism have about 250 000 visits per year. Tourism in the national park has distinctively seasonal characteristic. During the winter almost all capacities in the hotels are full in contrast to the rest of the year. Due to seasonality attribute, annual accommodation usage of tourist facilities is very modest 25-30%13. Most important center of tourism in the National park Kopaonik is without any doubt complex of hotels followed by tourist supra - and infrastructure called Suvo Rudiste. Several environmental and nature related problems are directly or indirectly connected whit intensive tourism activities: 1. Problems of solid waste management - inadequate disposal, collection and removal of solid waste (garbage) - inadequate disposal of construction waste (concrete, packages, metals and other construction materials) 2. Lack of sewage infrastructure 3. Illegal construction Waste collection and waste removal from tourist centre Suvo Rudiste is responsibility of Raska municipality or more precisely PE Raska. In the winter, during the most frequent tourist activity collection and removal of waste from predetermined places is on very unsatisfactory level. Discharge cycles of garbage cans are irregular causing garbage deposition. Waste problem is additionally supported by irresponsible visitors which dispose different kind of garbage on and beside ski tracts. When tourist season is over and snow finally gone unpleasant picture of tourist activity and bad waste management is revealed. Different sized dunghills can be noticed close to ski tracks, bellow line of ski lifts, close to tourist facilities usually on the side oriented towards forest, close to place where garbage can are located. 13 Spatial plan of area whit specific purpose National Park Kopaonik(“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 95/2009) 643 Every year after winter, personal from national park collects between 2000-3000 black bags for garbage which presents additional financial burden for national park management. 14 In 2008 following the general process of transition in the country all the biggest hotels in the mountain have been privatized. Private capital introduced new business behavior in order to attract new visitors and to remain leading regional position as winter destination. Reconstruction of interior and exterior of hotels produced huge amount of construction waste. Reconstruction contractors have been obliged to properly dispose waste produced in the process. Instead of waste removal to the local landfill, huge amount of different construction materials have been disposed just bellow the mountain highest peak, near to entrance of former mine on the altitude of 1600 m. Beside this evidently huge violation of Np Kopaonik internal order regulation whenever reconstruction of cottages or lodges takes place all construction waste is disposed close to the regional roads usually beside the roads, in the forest. It is important to mention that the same pattern of behavior present wide spread manners of owners close to the borders of national park in the buffer zone (ex. cottage and lodge settlement Lisina-Cajetina with 10000 beds). Another problem related with tourist development and tourist activities in the national park Kopaonik is sewage infrastructure. The most representative hotels are placed in center Suvo Rudiste which is constructed in accordance with constriction planes. Among others this included constriction of all needed infrastructure (roads, telecommunication, electric lines, water and sewage system...). This work has been done properly, at least properly in relations with general constriction rules. All sewage from hotels, restaurants and shops are collected and transported whit pipes in sewage treatment facility placed about 2 km below hotel complex, within the national park borders. Sewage treatment process in this facility has been based on technology that incorporates physical treatment and microorganisms' activity for purification process. Thanks to high altitude and cold winters this sewage treatment facility haven't fulfilled its function and very soon was abandon. Today all sewage from Suvo Rudiste tourist center goes without any treatment directly in stream and forest below the sewage treatment facility. Environmental impact and related consequence on the nature, especially on the national park river system is enormous. The construction and maintenance of sewage system before privatization of hotels in 2008 was responsibility of state company Genex who was at the same time and owner of hotels in Suvo Rudiste. Now after privatization sewage infrastructure is responsibility of Raska municipality. Illegal construction, the third big problem in the NP Kopaonik, can be divided in two subcategories: 14 - exceeding of planned and prescribed caring capacities - construction of the cottages and lodges Volume of this bags is 50 liters 644 Spatial plan of area with specific purpose National Park Kopaonik from 1989 prescribed limited number of beds for each tourist site within the boarders of NPK. Actual situation, in regards to number of beds in tourist facilities, which are placed on the territory of NPK revealed huge discrepancies. Suvo Rudiste exceeded planned amount of beds for almost 2000 (prescribed number was 8000 and actual figure is 10000). Other site15 notes opposite situations in comparing to limited number of beds. So far on these sites only 4% beds from prescribed 7000 have been built. New spatial plan for area whit specific purpose National Park Kopaonik from 2009 retain limited numbers of beds for each tourist site in previous rate. In the period from 1976 to 2009 responsible authorities within the present boarders of NPK and out of prescribed construction land press 82 charges for illegal construction. 4. Discussion In most developed countries state funding for biodiversity protection is in line with the level of protection of particular protected areas. This means that if the level of protection is higher and the list of restricted activities longer then state funding is a dominant source of revenue for financing management activities. With fewer restrictions additional sources of revenues prevail in financing plans and results. In Serbia funding of biodiversity protection and in this particular sense funding of national parks is not among top government priorities. With 4.3 % average of state funding in overall revenues it is clear that NP Kopaonik does not have the importance that it deserves when state budget allocation are considered. The main revenue generating activity in the national park is wood harvesting. This is the most accessible, reliable and sustainable source of revenue at the moment. Several reasons make wood extraction the most developed and most profitable management activity at this point of time: - coniferous species as the most inherent ones in national park are a deficit commodity in Serbian wood markets - a huge wood processing capacity in nearby area - good cooperation with the forestry sector - human resource capacity with trained and educated staff for this activity. The average relative share of 62% indicates that other sources of revenue, more precisely national park services like visitor information, recreational services, and guided tours are seriously underestimated as revenue sources. Indirect tourist charges levied on restaurants, hotels and sport facilities prevail in comparing to direct ones. This fact supports the reality that National Park Kopaonik is lacking in services provided to visitors and that extractive activities draw all management attention. Information about existing guided tours organized by management is poorly 15 Srebrnac, Jaram, Rendara ,Gvozdac and Ciganska reka 645 disseminated among visitors resulting in a low financial contribution to the general financing strategy. The current combination of revenue sources is not optimal particularly in relation to investing activity and core conservation goals and further diversification is a necessity. But this cannot be accomplished without state support, good cooperation with tourist companies and without external money inflow. Recurrent costs prevail in the general cost structure of the national park. In a situation of short financial resources the prevailing recurrent cost structure leaves little or no space at all for capital new investment projects. Organized construction and development of tourist supra- and infrastructure is associated with state company General export16 and the year 1980. Large hotels and following infrastructure have been constructed just bellow the mountain highest pick (Pancicev peak) on the territory of future National park Kopaonik17.Thanks to inefficient organization model of national park in that time, tourism prevail to impose condition for future development to the national park (Nikolic et al.,1990). This fact influenced that tourism and tourist activities have been developed and performed on the way which is mostly uncorrelated with nature protection and biodiversity conservation principle. The legacy of tourist activities which are not correlated with nature protection have been continued to the present time. Problems related with tourism activities in the national park cannot be solved only by the park management and several reasons support this fact: − national park have no authority over waste management (except in the field of situation monitoring and reporting18) − low awareness among visitors about importance of national park − sewage infrastructure is responsibility of Raska municipality − illegal construction is also out of national park authority(except in the field of situation monitoring and reporting) − national park have no additional financial sources to deal with these problems Nearest landfill which is in use for waste disposal from National park Kopaonik and Raska municipality is 40 km away from national park Kopaonik. When waste management (solid and sewage waste) problems are particularly in subject, European Unions countries practice different models of public-private partnerships. Leaving municipal authority or municipal company responsibility for deleing with waste management issues showed low effectiveness and low efficiency performance. For past 30 years in the National Park Kopaonik this argument for waste management showed its full validity. 16 General-export as company in that moment was engaged in international trade and tourism National park is founded in 1981 18 Ranger service in the National Park Kopaonik has responsibility to monitor activities on the filed and then in depends from situation to press charges against physical or juridical person which committed violation. 17 646 Strategic documentation in the filed of spatial planning so far haven't accomplished it role in preventing illegal construction. Prescribed capacities of hotel, cottages and lodges for individual tourist site as compulsory guidelines haven't been followed. Situating like this is leading to further concentration of tourist capacity and orientation to solely winter tourism. New spatial plan for this area from 200919 whit orientations and solution for future 20 years period will try to compensate mistakes from past period. 5. Conclusion Financing situation in national park Kopaonik has following characteristic: − Extractive resource activities as revenue source dominate − Only indirect tourist related charges are presently applicable − The national park services is undeveloped and not in a position to increase the rate of self-financing activities − A financial gap exists between biodiversity related requirements and investment activities Two main revenue sources are wood harvesting and charges for commercial activities in the NPK. Relative share of these two sources is 85%. Dominant role of these two sources indicates that financing strategy of National Park Kopaonik is not adaptable. Depending from small number of revenue source influence that management of national park Kopaonik have huge problem in fulfillment of its major role and responsibility which is nature protection and biodiversity conservation. Possible solution for financing problems and problems related whit financing can be found in future diversification of revenue structure and formulation of financing strategy that will recognize new source of revenue (Figure 2): 19 Spatial plan of area whit specific purpose National Park Kopaonik(“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 95/2009) 647 Figure 2 - New sources of revenue whit their relevance in time Source: Master thesis- Improvement of Financing Aspects of Management in the National Park Kopaonik Tourist activity within boarders of national park is not correlated with nature protection principle. In situation like this tourism cannot be considered as nature friendly activity. Bad waste management is threaten to heavily damaged the natural balance in the mountain especially in the filed of water ecosystems. Organization system of waste management must be changed and organized in manner which will assure high performance of conducted measures and activities. Company dealing with these problems regardless to the owner structure must be bounded with related legislative framework and clear contractual obligation. 648 References: Bruner, A.G., Gullison, R.E. and Balmford, A. (2004). Financial Costs and Shortfalls of Managing and Expanding Protected-Area Systems in Developing Countries, BioScience 54(12):1119-1126 Emerton, L., Bishop, J. and Thomas, L. (2006). Sustainable Financing of Protected Areas: A global review of challenges and options. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge: 97 ( Gutman P., Davidson S. (2007). 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