May 2007 Bugle - Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club


May 2007 Bugle - Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club
Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club
May 2007
Hi all,
One of the more difficult tasks besetting the Board of any recreational
organisation is that of informing the membership as to the costs involved in
providing the services offered. This Club is no exception. Your Board members,
who are naturally more cognisant of the expenses to be incurred, are vested
with the authority to spend monies on that which the Club seems to need.
It quite often happens that complaints are heard that this, or that, event is
too expensive. Sometimes the person has not thought through that which is
involved, and usually has no idea of the financial and time investment made
by others, who are effectively subsidising these gatherings. There is often no
appreciation for the mounting expenses and other pressures being brought to
bear on event planning of all kinds, especially due to increases in legal liabilities
and responsibilities. Also, too many people take the view that THE CLUB puts
on these events, not caring to remember that THE CLUB is made up of other
individuals sacrificing their own experience to the betterment of others.
THE CLUB is you. Member participation is what distinguishes a great club from
a mediocre one ... please, become involved, and if you are tempted to concern
yourself with the extra costs, try to think of it as partly a donation to the Club
and by extension, to the Breeds future.
An Irish Wolfhound has always been an expensive creature to own. We must
all resist the urge to short-change our hounds experience by limiting, more
severely than necessary, their interaction with their own kind. To the extent
you can give it, they deserve your unmitigated commitment - in ALL spheres of
their existence!
This is the last of my Presidential lectures, at least for the foreseeable future
(grin), so be well and hug your hounds long and hard from me ...
Chris Thompson
and the Hounds of Eirinn
The Hounds’ Bugle
May 2007
Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club
Vice President
Chris Thompson
Robin Burchett
Lori Finucane
Jane Schluter
Board Of Directors
Carol Gabriel Ann Gould Karen LoPresti
Maxine Levy
Marcia Walsh
Chris Thompson
Club Librarian
(707) 965-1531
Bugle Editors
Robin Burchett - 2213 Greenbrier Street, Concord, CA. 94520-1441 [email protected]
Karen Corriea - 3506 Cardinal Drive, Concord, CA. 94520-1504 [email protected]
Web Site
The Hounds’ Bugle is a bi-monthly publication. The deadline for each issue is the 1st
of each odd numbered month. Articles submitted are welcome. The editors reserve
the right to print or not print all submitted material and to edit in the interest of
and readability. Articles appearing in The Bugle are for the information and
entertainment of our readers and do not necessarily represent the views of the Club or
any of
its members.
Permission is given to reprint if credit is given to NCIWC HOUNDS’ BUGLE.
Subscriptions are $15.00 a year or free with membership.
Advertising rates: Full page with photo
Full page without photo
Half page without photo
Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club Meeting Minutes
April 21, 2007
Vallejo Fairgrounds
President called the meeting to order at 11:15 a.m. Officers and Board members
present: C. Thompson, L. Finucane, J. Schluter, Maxine Levy, Ann Gould.
Informed absence: Karen LoPresti, Robin Burchett. Members present: Megan
Thompson, Alan Schluter, Mary Sharkey, Carol Jones, Jackie & Gary Barnett,
Karen Corriea.
President’s Report (Chris Thompson):New IWCA Board; new emphasis on
regional club involvement. Carol Gabriel is now a senior vice-president of
IWCA. Congratulations Carol!
Secretary’s Report (Lori Finucane): AKC approved Specialty, Sweeps
and Obedience for 2007. NCIWC declined invitation to hold International
Obedience trials due to lack of interest.
Treasurer’s Report (Jane Schluter): Club received $3596.50 from various
activities: Fun Match $811 before expenses, with the Boutique contributing
$1450 addn’l monies as well as the Boutique at St. Patrick’s Day Parade
contributing $160. Checks were written for $4618.65 including $1783 for
restocking the Boutique, $371 Annual Insurance premium, Ribbons $238,
miscellaneous Lure trial expenses, $540/issue for the Bugle. Bank funds
currently $3052. Payments due for the fairgrounds $1700 (1st) and again midAugust. Trophy restocking fees expected in June approx. $2000. Boutique
restocking for Specialty due as well. Fundraising committee needed.
Minutes and Treasurer reports m/s, Carol Gabriel/Ann Gould, passed.
2007 Specialty (C. Thompson): Three year contract option to retain Fairground
site. Motion: m/s L.Finucane/C.Gabriel/ passed.
Trophies (M. Thompson): Need to restock, $2000, in the summer after dues
received. $285 for engraving on permanent trophies done. Folks retiring
trophies have not been replacing them and this financial duty falls back on the
club. Policy needed to rectify.
Boutique (M. Levy/M. Thompson): Requires $ 600-800 for restocking of
t-shirts and other items. Prices should be raised to reflect increased expenses.
No Specialty t shirt this year. M. Sharkey rec’d handmade IW t-shirts at the
National to offer for auction.
Field & Grounds (Frank Christian): Many volunteers still needed.
Obedience (L. Rosebrock): local Obedience Judge difficult to find. May have
to use last year’s judge if other not found.
NCIWC Lure Coursing (M. Sharkey): ASFA lure trial July 14 in Oakley. July
15 Greyhound club proposes an AKC trial and share port a potty costs, but
needs equipment and an operator. Does our club wish to supply an operator
and equipment? What would the charge be to the Greyhound Club? Costs are
$50/day to rent field and $150/weekend for potty. If Greyhound Club is not
using the field shall we have an AKC fun match, or an “any breed fun coursing
day for $5/dog?”
ASFA rep. suggests fee increase from $16 to $18 first entry, $15 2nd entry vs.
$13 then $10 for add’nl entries. Some fields cost $250-300 to rent. M. Sharkey
is considering obtaining AKC license as it would attract entries and provide for
dual titles. First step is to hold an AKC Lure Fun Match. Other: Fundraising
event could be to charge local residents $5 per dog to run the lure. Advertise
ahead of time.
Open Field (C. Thompson): May be further anti hunt activity in the future.
Activities (F.Christian): Suggest a small fee, currently no money generated for
club coffers. This idea readily accepted by the Board.
Bugle (R. Burchett): J. Schluter: Each mailing costs $541 or $3250/year.
Postal fees are going up, dues need to increase. Discussion: reduce number of
issues vs. the reason folks join is to receive the Bugle, could lose members with
a decrease in issues. Motion: Increase single membership to $30/yr and family
membership to $35/yr; maintain current six issues per year. m/s J. Schluter/A.
Gould / passed.
Fun Match 2007 (Carol Jones): Created check list and description of duties for
future chairs of the Fun Match. Cashier needed with float money in future. C.
Jones volunteers to be second chair next year. It was suggested to add a Breed
Standard event with a non entered dog for illustration purposes. Day of Entry is
a hardship. To discourage this fees will be raised to twice that of a pre-entry.
Website (M. Levy, J. Quevedo): Web traffic is 200-230 hits/day. Current
bandwidth is $25/yr. Motion: Propose expanding bandwidth to provide better
service, cost may not exceed $100/yr. m/s M. Levy/C. Gabriel / passed.
Policies (R. Burchett): Separation of Membership chair from VP position.
Motion: Duties of the Vice-President shall no longer include Membership
chair. m/s C. Gabriel/A. Gould/passed.
Require replacement of Trophy trays in future. Motion: Those
who choose to keep trophies being retired shall replace the item with a similar
quality trophy of equal size. m/s C. Gabriel / J. Schluter / passed.
New Members (R. Burchett): Election of 4 new members. Welcome! m/s C.
Gabriel / C. Jones /passed.
Old Business:
St. Patrick’s Day Parade: NCIWC rec’d 2nd place in the novelty group and
won $135. 39 wolfhounds attended.
Cu- IWAC holding their meeting today to discuss bi yearly sponsorship.
President will inform Board of result.
Decade Book – M. Levy asks if there is any interest in producing a Calendar
fundraiser again whilst the decade book is also in production. Discussion:
not this year. C. Thompson urges especially all Board members to submit
their photos and $68 fees for the Decade book as an incentive to the general
membership – Let’s all do it now!
New Business:
Specialty Fairgrounds: Three year contract option available to lock in costs
and reserve Specialty site. m/s: L. Finucane / C. Gabriel / passed.
Fundraisers needed: Who can put on a golf tournament, sponsor a bingo game
night, suggest other ideas and put them into practice?
ASFA representative: Mo Aiken resigning after many dedicated years.
Motion: to appoint Karen LoPresti as ASFA representative and pay $50 fee. m/s
A.Gould / C.Jones / passed.
IW National Specialty in California: Jamie Souza has volunteered to be
the Sponsor for an IW National Specialty in California, bidding for 2010 or
2011. Commitment is for 1 year at a time, not two as in the past. The national
club provides expenses. Initial site proposed is Gibson Ranch in Sacramento
for April/May date, so as to be close to an all breed show at that site. Many
expressions of support and offers of help from members present.
Service Award: Engraved Tray presented to C. Wright for his dedication and
years of service to the club. Thank you Chris!
Adjourned 1:20 p.m.
Next meeting date: Annual Dinner day of the Antioch Show June 9, 2007.
Respectfully submitted,
Lori Finucane. NCIWC Secretary
Caren Carney
4168 Cadle Creek Road
Edgewater, MD 21037
(301) 261-4681
[email protected]
Sponsers: Chris & Megan Thompson
Dogs – Hogan, Molly, Beauty, George & Martha
Betty Fisher
304 W. Alisal Court
Salinas, CA 93901
(831) 757-4191
[email protected]
Sponsers: Chris Thompson & Robin Burchett
Dogs: Keepher
Maureen McKee Eidson
500 Zinfandel Drive
Ukiah, CA 95482
(707) 462-3538
[email protected]
Sponsers: Janet Souza & Robin Burchett
Dogs: Tibitan Spaniesl, Weimaraner & Murray
Randall Taylor (Reverend)
1201 Saint Elizabeth Court
Concord, CA 94518
(925) 286-4834
[email protected]
Sponsers: Mandy Tyler & Robin Burchett
Dogs: Doxie – Max & IW – Aengus
New Addresses:
Greg & Marilyn Shaw
Patricia Kuhar
143 Auxier Drive
1071 E. 18th Street
Jacksboro, TN 37757
La Center, WA 98629
(423) 566-3809
(360) 263-5869
[email protected]
New Emails:
Laura Harris [email protected]
Gerard Rose [email protected]
Chuck Stockham [email protected]
We have begun the planning phase of our 1998- 2007 Decade Book,
so please dust off your picture albums and submit your layouts as
soon as is possible ...(for those unclear on the concept, NCIWC will
produce a high-quality, hard-back and photograph-filled compendium
of all that the club and its members have achieved over the last
ten years - in this case between 1998 and 2007 - for sale to the
membership and beyond). A previously published Decade Book can
be reviewed at Club events.
Basic Guidelines:
1. Members may display up to three pages of their own material
(from 1998 to 2007 inclusive), as personal pages. The quality will be
extremely high, so please include as many pictures as you want per
page, as is consistent with clarity.
2. Any member submitting personal pages for the Decade Book
is required to purchase at least one Decade Book at the time of
submitting the artwork. Each book will cost $ 68.00, plus p & p.
3. Members purchasing a book agree to allow the use of these funds
prior to receiving the book. In this way the monies collected will go
towards financing much of the expense.
4. The Editor prefers to scan the images himself, from your own
good quality photographs. However, if a club member so desires,
they may scan their own images. When supplying written material,
all text should be in a typed form, so as to avoid errors. As an
indication, you may sketch the layout and submit it with the pictures
and text material. The final page layout is reserved to the editor’s
5. All scanned images must be scanned at a resolution of 300 dpi. Image format can be JPG with the compression set near or at zero.
6. Artwork will be returned provided that a suitable stamped,
addressed envelope is enclosed.
7. One proof of each page will be supplied for review and corrections. Any proof changes must be clearly marked with typed labels affixed
to the proof, along with a typed description of those changes.
8. If you have pictures, stories, candid shots, or other material
please submit these with your personal pages material and it will be
considered for the rest of the book. On the candid shots, if you have
a funny line or text to go with the picture please submit this with the
picture - remember, typed only.
9. On all personal pages the primary guideline or theme is
“The Celebration of Life”. Tell us about your hounds and what makes
them special. Please do not memorialize your hounds, as such
10. It is recommended that all material submitted has
personal identification included on the back side. Do not use ink or
permanent markers as they tend to mark the adjacent surface.
11. The members section of the Decade Book is to be laid
out alphabetically, using surnames.
12. Separate advertisements will be accepted from any source, for
a fee, which is intended to help defray the extremely high costs
involved. The editor reserves the right to adjust content as is
necessary. Please contact Maxine Levy for rates and to submit the
initial copy.
13. Final submissions must be in the Editors possession by midnight
on December 1st, 2007.
Editor: Frank Christian, Po Box 12, Richvale, CA 95974
(925) 437-3422 [email protected]
Advertising: Maxine Levy, 165 Old Ranch Road, Woodside, CA 94062
(650) 851-2142 [email protected]
Committee members: Carol Jones, Carol Gabriel, Chris Thompson,
Robin Burchett
MARCH 31, 2007 Judge: Jeffrey G. Pepper
2-4 Month Puppy Dog
37 Destiny Harrison McSpencer, HP244122, 01/14/07
Breeder: Suzanne McCombs
1st Sire: Destiny Spencer McEgan
Dam: Destiny Salute To Siobhan
Owners: Bill & Lynne Gowdy
4-6 Month Puppy Dog
6-9 Month Puppy Dog
11. Eirinn’s Liam of Limerick, HP224842/03, 07/19/06
Breeder: Christopher & Megan Thompson
4th Sire: Ch. Taryn Tate of Limerick SC
Dam: Ch. Eirinn’s ‘Or of Kaelyn JC
Name of Owner: Christopher & Megan Thompson
15. Gentors Duchas The Patriot, Hp23574201, 09/30/06
Breeder: Eva Harris
3 Sire: Ch. Brolie Duchas of Limerick
Dam: Ch. Carroy’s Let Freedom Ring
Name of Owner: Marcia & Mike Walsh
Rogan Mahon Eirinn Limerick, HP224842/04. 07/19/06
Breeder: Christopher & Megan Thompson
Sire: Ch. Taryn Tate of Limerick SC
Dam: Ch. Eirinn’s ‘Or of Kaelyn JC
Name of Owner: Tom Birse & Ann Gould
Cely’s Dew Faro, I.O.S.H. 1006775, 08-14-06
Breeder: Mark & Annick Rozez-De-Smedt
Sire: Ch. L. BL. FR. B. Ned Easy Runner’s Badger
Dam: Ch. Lux. BL. Ficely Of Beltine
Owner: Mandy Tyler, Carson Collier & Chandler Tyler
9-12 Month Puppy Dog
Applearbor Kyle O’Tara, H21193201, 05/26/06
Breeder: Mike Luba & AgnesTara-Curtis
Sire: Destiny Shamus O’Tara
Dam: Applearbor Colleen O’Tara
Name of Owner: Mike Luba & Agnes Curtis
Aragorn Shire’s Son Brogan, HP21733902, 05/12/06
Breeder: Paul & Leanne Howard
Sire: Ch. Barra Gwynn Gabriels Argus
Dam: Ch Gabriels Heureka of Aragorn
Name of Owner: Kathleen Bowler
Triple E Murray of Limerick, HP2179105, 06/22/06
Breeder: Linda Souza & Jamie Souza-Bartlett
Sire: Ch. Taryn Tate of Limerick SC
Dam: Ch. Halle of Limerick
Name of Owner: Maureen McKee-Eidson
Mysham Edoc’sil of Redwall, HP22418201, 06/28/06
Breeder: Carson S. Collins & Mandy R. Tyler
Sire: Winterdream Montana
Dam: Ch. Kerryarc Karat of Eagle
Name of Owner: Gail Hawksworth, & Carson S. Collier
29. Applearbor Bronntanas O’Tara, HP211932031, 05/26/06
Breeder: Mike Luba & AgnesTara-Curtis
Sire: Destiny Shamus O’Tara
Dam: Applearbor Colleen O’Tara
Name of Owner: Kathy Derby
Vintage Cadus Of Kerryarc, HP006423/01, 06/28/06
Breeder: Carson Collier & Mandy Tyler
Sire: Winterdream Montana
Dam: Ch. Kerryarc Karat Of Eagle
Name of Owner: Michael Weiss & Brian Ness
2-4 Month Puppy Bitch
Destiny Heather McSpencer, HP244122, 01/14/07
Breeder: Suzanne McCombs
Sire: Destiny Spencer McEgan
Dam: Destiny Salute To Siobhan
Owners: Bill & Lynne Gowdy
4-6 Month Puppy Bitch
10. 2nd
12. 1st
Cabells Morgandy O’Fionnmacain, HP23773002, 10/30/06
Breeder: Lori Finucane
Sire: Ch. Barra Gwynn Gabriels Argus
Dam: Ch. Gabriels Iona of Fionnmacain
Name of Owner: Lori Finucane
Cabells Gabriela of Folkloire, HP23773004, 10/30/06
Breeder: Lori Finucane
Sire: Ch. Barra Gwynn Gabriels Argus
Dam: Ch. Gabriels Iona of Fionnmacain
Name of Owner: Alan & Jane Schluter
6-9 Month Puppy Bitch
Eirinn’s Arwen of Limerick, HP224842/08, 07/19/06
Breeder: Christopher & Megan Thompson
Sire: Ch. Taryn Tate of Limerick SC
Dam: Ch. Eirinn’s ‘Or of Kaelyn JC
Name of Owner: Cecilia Vasquez & Don Darosa Jr.
22 Eirinn’s Abigail of Limerick, HP224842/01, 07/19/06
Breeder: Christopher & Megan Thompson
Exc Sire: Ch. Taryn Tate of Limerick SC
Dam: Ch. Eirinn’s ‘Or of Kaelyn JC
Name of Owner: Wendy & Michael Jepson
Eirinn’s Rafiki of Limerick, HP224842/07, 07/19/06
Breeder: Christopher & Megan Thompson
Sire: Ch. Taryn Tate of Limerick SC
Dam: Ch. Eirinn’s ‘Or of Kaelyn JC
Name of Owner: Christopher & Megan Thompson
Eirinn’s Bryne McTate of Tory, 224842/02, 07/19/06
Breeder: Christopher & Megan Thompson
Sire: Ch. Taryn Tate of Limerick SC
Dam: Ch. Eirinn’s ‘Or of Kaelyn JC
Name of Owner: Terry & Robin Burchett
9-12 Month Puppy Bitch
30. Horizons Serena of Limerick, HP2179110, 06/22/06
Breeder: Linda Souza & Jamie Souza-Bartlett
3rd Sire: Ch. Taryn Tate of Limerick SC
Dam: Ch. Halle of Limerick
Name of Owner: Jenny Clark & Linda Souza
Applearbor Chloe O’Tara, HP21193205, 05/26/06
Breeder: Mike Luba & AgnesTara-Curtis
Sire: Destiny Shamus O’Tara
Dam: Applearbor Colleen O’Tara
Name of Owner: Mike Luba & Agnes Curtis
Redwall Wildlough Of Kerryarc, HP224182/05, 06/28/06
Breeder: Carson Collier & Mandy Tyler
Sire: Winterdream Montana
Dam: Ch. Kerryarc Karat Of Eagle
Name of Owner: Carson Collier & Mandy Tyler
Best Puppy (86) Redwall Wildlough Of Kerryarc
Best of Opposite Sex Puppy (47) Cely’s Dew Faro
Best Puppy Redwall Wildlough Of Kerryarc
Best of Opposite Sex Puppy Cely’s Dew Faro
12-18 Month Dog
Novice Dog
61. Destiny Murphy, HP06185708, 07/13/03
Breeder: Kitty Kenyan
1 Sire: Destiny Kenyan Ruane McRick
Dam: Destiny Kenyan Talshayamchart
Name of Owner: Lois Polson
63. Applearbor Chuck, HP04276504, 01/31/03
Breeder: Mike Luba & Agnes Tara-Curtis
Exc Sire: Applearbor Ryan
Dam: Applearbor Boo
Name of Owner: Mike Luba & Agnes Tara-Curtis
Bred by Exhibitor Dog
Applearbor Devlin O’Tara, HP21193204, 05/26/06
Breeder: Mike Luba & Agnes Tara-Curtis
Sire: Destiny Shamus O’Tara
Dam: Applearbor Colleen O’Tara
Name of Owner: Mike Luba, Tammy Tillotsin & Agnes Curtis
Gabriels Konan, HP16437901, 05/31/05
Breeder: Carol Gabriel
1st Sire: Ch. Gabriels Ian of Hounds Reach
Dam: Ch. Gabriels Greta of Oxmoon
Name of Owner: Carol Gabriel
Open Dog
Destiny Masten McRion, HP09241406, 02/01/04
Breeder: Suzanne McCombs
Sire: Ch. Destiny Rion McRick
Dam: Ch. Destiny Sierra McNoll
Name of Owners: Deanne Evans & Craig McCombs
Horizons Declan Of Winchester, 06/07/05
Breeder: Jenny Clark
Sire: Ch. Legacy’s Winchester
Dam: Ch. Horizons Darcy Rose, CD, SC
Name of Owner: Chris & Megan Thompson
Winterdream Montana, Hp150144/03, 03-17-05
Breeder: Martha Ryan & Ken Surdal
Sire: Ch. Kerryarc Bodhran of kerryarc
Dam: Ch. Liebestraum Von Der Oelmuhle
Name of Owner: Mandy Tyler, Carson Collier & Chandler Tyler
12-18 Month Bitch
Destiny Ruby May McMann, HP20438503, 01/17/06
Breeder: McCombs, Suzanne & Destiny Irish Wolfhounds
Sire: Destiny Manning McRion
Dam: Destiny Raina McRick
Name of Owner: Deanne Evans & Craig McCombs
Novice Bitch
Bred By Exhibitor Bitch
Applearbor Siobhan O’Tara, HP21132002, 05/26/06
Breeder: Luba, Mike & Tara-Curtis, Agnes
Sire: Destiny Shamus O’Tara
Dam: Applearbor Colleen O’Tara
Name of Owner: Luba, Mike & Curtis, Agnes
Tintern’s Copar, HP14373201, 03/04/05
Breeder: Barnett, Jackie & Shaw, Marilyn
Sire: Ch. Castlemaine’s Paso Doble
Dam: Castlemaine’s Milis of Tintern
Name of Owner: Barnett, Jackie & Gary
4. Gabriels Kelly, HP16437902, 05/31/05
Breeder: Gabriel, Carol
2nd Sire: Ch. Gabriels Ian of Hounds Reach
Dam: Ch. Gabriels Greta of Oxmoon
Name of Owner: Gabriel, Carol
Open Bitch
Gabriels Kiera of Hounds Reach, HP16437903, 05/31/05
Breeder: Carol Gabriel
Sire: Ch. Gabriels Ian of Hounds Reach
Dam: Ch. Gabriels Greta of Oxmoon
Name of Owner: Christina Strelova & CraigRasmussen
Gabriels Kaitlin Mericlare, HP3017394, 05/31/05
Breeder: Carol Gabriel
Sire: Ch. Gabriels Ian of Hounds Reach
Dam: Ch. Gabriels Greta of Oxmoon
Name of Owner: Phillip & Kim Morris
Steppin’wolf’s Aideen Rose, HP18943902, 07/01/05
Breeder: Jonette Jones & Anne Spalding
Sire: Ch. Lochbay Jordan of Sedgemoor
Dam: Ch. Kellcastle Pink Champagne JC
Name of Owner: Carol Jones & Jonette Jones
Castlemaine’s Milis of Tintern, HP00330303, 01/30/02
Breeder: Greg & Marilyn Shaw
Sire: Ch. Molachi of Castlemaine
Dam: Castlemaine’s Ruadgan
Name of Owner: Jackie & Gary Barnett
Castlemaine’s Mrs Jones, HP14771606, 02/17/05
Breeder: Greg & Marilyn Shaw
Sire: Castlemaine Moscail C McAfee
Dam: Ch. Castlemaine’s Flamenco
Name of Owner: Alan & Jane Schluter
Kerryarc Folkloire of Aerie, HP10955105, 06/02/04
Breeder: Doug Marx, Amy Benjamin Mandy Tyler
Sire: Ch. Bodhran of Eagle
Dam: Wolftone Flemish Beauty
Name of Owner: Alan & Jane Schluter
102. Kerryarc Bourree Of Eagle, HP041711/02, 12-10-04
Breeder: Mandy Tyler & S. E. Ewing, III
1 Sire: Ch, Kerryarc San Juan Capistrano
Dam: Ch. Kerryarc Bacall Of Eagle
Name of Owner: Mandy Tyler
Best Adult (71) Winterdream Montana
Best of Opposite Sex Adult
(102) Kerryarc Bourree Of Eagle
Our Match Chairman
Carol Jones
Best Adult Winterdream Montana
Best of Opp Sex Adult Kerryarc Bourree Of Eagle
Our Match Trophies
by Carol Gabriel
Our Match grooming and handling classes by Frank Christian
Photos by Jane Schluter
Canine Good Citizen Test
Evaluator – Gail Hawksworth C G C - 5 Irish Wolfhounds tested and 2 passed:
Horizons Sydney McWin C.G.C Jenny Clark Ch. Quest Kings Ransom of Tory, C.G.C. T. & R.Burchett
Two German Shephards and one Kuvasz also rec. their C.G.G Plus a
WONDERFUL Scottish Deerhound - Wicked Heavenly Blue C.G.C Nancy Szakacs, and one Lab mix - Arthur C.G.C. - Leslie Werner
There was a total of 11 who took the test. 7 passed. One person with
the GSD came from AZ. just to take the test. I felt we had a very good
turn out for the number of dogs and the different breeds.
I would like to thank the people who helped me out in taking part of the
testing for with out them it would not have been possible to do.
New to the Irish Wolfhound breed with their new IW ( but shows in other
breeds) our Brian Ness and Michael Weiss , you both where a great
The Tyler Family, who helped in all areas including the friendly dog with
their dog named — BEAR C.G.C
Robin & Terry Burchett with their friendly dog—— Fable, C.G.C.
Nancy Szakacs with her friendly dog and NEW C G C Wicked
Heavenly Blue — i.e.. ZORRO !!! (dress as at the costume competition)
And to my mom who is always my helper ( smile ) It was a pleasure in doing the testing and hope to see more getting their
Canine Good Citizen .
Thank you,
Gail Hawksworth
C.G.C & T.D.I. evaluator
Irish Wolfhounds make WONDERFUL Therapy dogs ! So after you get
your C G C next could be a T D I !!!!!!!!
Hey Carol and Gail,
Thank you for the friendly, comfortable atmosphere in which you and your
fellow club members conducted the CGC test and the Irish Wolfhound
Specialty Match. I’m sorry I couldn’t stay to watch the rally and various other
events — I had a German Shepherd Rescue foster dog waiting at home, a sweet
senior girl 10 yrs old, and I wanted to get back to give her some attention and
let her out of her run.
Fortunately, I did get to watch some of the conformation match before the
CGC, and it was fun seeing all those beautiful Irish Wolfhounds and Scottish
Deerhounds preparing for their show careers. I imagine I’ll see many of them
again at shows in the future.
Overall, it was a pleasure visiting your club’s match and doing the CGC test
with my Kuvasz pup, Attila (CH Double Ring Barbarian). My compliments to
your organization, people, and dogs!
Thanks again!
Best wishes,
Steve Oppenheimer
Chief of Staff for Attila the Hun
The Couch Potatoe Class
Ch Tory Fable of Legend, CGC, CD, RN
Fable is almost seven. Just recently she achieved her Rally title. She
is always with me, no matter what I am doing. As I do my morning
chores, she follows me from room to room, often giving a big sigh
because she has to move yet again.
Cheers to Fable - our very special girl.
Loved and living with Terry & Robin Burchett
The Couch Potatoe Class
Eirinn’s Abigail of Limerick
Abigail is a wonderful puppy. We are lucky to have her in our life. Her
favorite thing to do is crawl into our lap first thing in the morning and
shower us with kisses.
She always has a special happy bark to welcome us home in the evening. She loves hiking in the snow and long walks on the beach. Abigail has three cats and loves to supervise their movements around the
house. She also has her special buddy, Riker, her Austrailian Shepherd
who she plays with for hours and simply adores.
She is a very special addition to our family.
Loved and living with Mike & Wendy Jepson
The Couch Potatoe Class
Kayleen, otherwise known as “The Jumping Bean” from her jumping up
and down at the front gate when I come home, is the definitive Irish
Wolfhound. Her birthday is on St. Patrick’s Day and she is now four
years old. She still enjoys playing games with her adopted deerhound
brother, Ian, taking long walks foraging for deer, and going for long
rides in her van.
The Bean has her heart problems, but recently impressed the cardiologists at Davis, and now her prognosis is good, with a positive outlook
for the rest of the year.
Happy Birthday Jumping Bean !
Loved and living with Chris Wright
The Costume Party
Rally Practice with Jenny Clark
Lure Practice - it’s not
just for the dogs !
Time to Brush, Flossie !
Clean teeth and healthy gums are critical for your dog’s
overall health.
BY Nancy Kerns
Some dogs have sparkling white teeth (or at least, whitish teeth that are
free of tartar) throughout their lifetimes, with absolutely no thought or
effort required of their owners. Those are the lucky ones — the owners,
I mean — because more than 80 percent of dogs develop gum disease by
the age of just three years, according to the American Veterinary Dental
Society. The owners of those dogs — that is, most of us — should be
brushing our dogs’ teeth regularly to prevent the accumulation of plaque
and tartar that precipitates gum disease.
Proponents of raw diets for dogs believe that the mechanical action
of chewing raw meat and bones and the superior nutrition provided by
the diets help maintain healthy teeth. That may be true, but for dogs on
more conventional diets, regular brushing is the most effective method
of keeping a dog’s teeth free of tartar and plaque. It’s also far less costly
than semiannual trips to the vet for professional cleaning, and poses none
of the risks of the general anesthesia required for the veterinary dental
hygienist to do a thorough job.
The procedure isn’t fun; that’s true. It’s not particularly comfortable for
you or your dog. But it doesn’t have to be torturous, either, especially if
you use the positive behavior modification methods you are familiar with
from WDJ’s training articles.
Daily habits
If every puppy had her teeth brushed every day, from the time she had
teeth, the job would be far simpler. The fact is, most of us aren’t aware
that we should be brushing Flossie’s teeth until that “well dog” visit
when our vet gives us a $500 estimate for Flossie’s appointment with the
aforementioned hygienist. The earlier you start paying attention to and
messing around with your dog’s mouth, the easier it will be — and you
may even prevent that $500 vet bill.
Introduce your dog to the concept gradually. Start by lifting her lips at
least a few times a day, and visually examining her teeth for gradually
increasingly longer moments. Keep some yummy treats on hand. Use
something really scrumptious, like meat or cheese. Reward her richly
for sessions in which she cooperates, even if her compliance is fleeting
at first. If the experience is consistently rewarding, and not fraught with
physical “corrections”, forcible restraint, or verbal warnings, she’ll
participate more and more willingly. Remember, dogs do what works
for them. If the discomfort of the exercise outweighs weighs the value
— to the dog — of the reward, she’s quite reasonably going to vote
against. Keep the sessions short and rewarding, and give her plenty of
verbal encouragement.
When you can lift her lips and visually examine her teeth without
muss or fuss, start rubbing her gums and touching her teeth with a wet
forefinger. Again, keep it short and positive, and make sure she associates
this experience with something extra delicious afterward, whether it’s
some fresh roast beef or a session with her favorite toy.
When you can reliably and comfortably examine and touch your
dog’s teeth and gums with your wet fingers, start using a bit of clean,
wet gauze wrapped around your finger to perform rudimentary tooth
brushing. ­As before, keep these sessions short, happy, and frequent. As
with all training, more frequently you practice, the more quickly your
dog will progress.
The first few times you introduce your dog to a soft-bristled
toothbrush, put something yummy on the bristles and let her lick it off.
Then perform your usual exam, gum rubbing, and tooth touching, with
a bit of brushing with the brush added in. Lavishly reward your dog’s
Special gear?
There are a number of toothpastes made especially for dogs on the
market; you’ll find a variety in any pet supply store. It’s not critical that
you use one, but it is important that you don ‘t use human tooth­paste, even
one intended for babies. Most human toothpastes contain xylitol, which is
toxic to dogs. Plus, human toothpastes are invariably mint-flavored, which
dogs don’t generally enjoy. Pet toothpastes, in contrast, come in flavors like
“poultry” and “filet mignon” - yum!
The truth is, you don’t actually need to use toothpaste at all. Many dogs
object more to the introduction of a new taste in their mouths than to the
brush, anyway. Just keep the bristles wet, perhaps by swishing the brush
in a cup of water every half-minute or so as you work.
As you progress, gradually replace more and more of the gum rubbing
and tooth touching with more and more brushing. Always use a wet,
soft-bristled brush gently in small circles, with the bristles angled toward
the gums. If you have any questions about brushing technique, ask your
veterinarian or the vet’s staff to demonstrate.
The long-handled brush will permit you to reach farther and farther back
in your dog’s mouth. Take care to ensure you don’t poke her gums or gag
her as you work toward the molars, but do try to reach all the back teeth.
This is the most common site of tartar accumulation and periodontal disease,
as well as the site of the teeth dogs use most for chewing their food.
Your dog’s gums may bleed a little bit when you first start getting in the
habit of brushing them. This should cease with regular brushing, but consult
your veterinarian if it persists.
Things to look for
Make sure that you visually inspect your dog’s gums and teeth as you
work. Keep an eye out for swollen or reddened gums; broken, fractured or
loose teeth; particularly sensitive areas; and especially foul breath. Any of
these should be investigated by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Untreated,
dental problems can quickly lead to systemic infection and even serious heart
disease, as the oral bacteria enter the blood stream via the blood vessels in
the gums. In fact, many chronic (and seemly unrelated) health problems
are due to periodontal disease.
If your dog’s teeth and gums are already in bad shape, see your
veterinarian right away. It’s much easier to maintain healthy teeth after a
professional cleaning.
What you can do...
• Brush your clog’s teeth frequently.
• Keep the sessions short and positive. Quit when your dog has complied
for even just a fewmoments, and slowly increase the length of your sessions.
Reward her richly for her cooperation!
• Press a canine toothpaste (never a human product) into the bristles
of the brush.
Nancy Kerns is Editor of Whole Dog Journal, April 2007.
Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club
Activities 2007
Come on Wolfhounds bring your friends and humans and lets go!
September 1 – 4, 2007
Labor Day Holiday Four Day Backpacking Sat.-Tues.
In a small bowl canyon lies three lakes, set apart by high rimed mountains on
three sides. These lakes are accessed by a well maintained trail. The hike in
is about two miles with only about 400 feet change in elevation. We will set
up camp at one of the lakes and stay put for the next two days before hiking
back to the cars on the same trail. The lakes have meadows and shallow places
for the wolfhounds to play and warm spots to sun bath. Of course there will
be the normal games and fire side story telling. This remote setting is located
south of Lake Almanor and east of Butte Meadows. For those who want to eat
normal food and hike a shorter distance this is for you. The club will provide
the kitchen and guidelines on your equipment. Each person will share the cost
of the food, provide for your wolfhounds, and transportation to the trail head
staging area.
Contact me for more information, and if your going request an information
package that will contain the information of, what to bring, how to get there,
how to take care of dog, what the cost are, what you can expect, and help or
advice on the camping trip.
Frank W Christian
PO Box 12
Richvale, CA. 95974
E-Mail [email protected]
Kern County Kennel Club
Judge: Mrs. Patricia Ellis
Ballymacmoy’s Hon. Thomas Burke - P. & B. Pearson
Ellis Soilse Of Cu Fein - S. Kocsis & D. Fife
Carroy Kaly Lighthunter - Ilona Yaeger
Ch. Tara Hills Justin Of Limerick - B. Call & L. Souza
Kern County Kennel Club
Judge: Mrs. Gloria Reese
March 31, 2007
1 Dog / 4 Bitches / 1 Dog Special
April 1, 2007
1 Dog / 3 Bitches / 1 Dog Special
Ballymacmoy’s Hon. Thomas Burke - P. & B. Pearson
Carroy’s So Easy To Love - Eva Harris
Carroy Kaly Lighthunter - Ilona Yaeger
Ch. Tara Hills Justin Of Limerick - B. Call & L. Souza
Yosemite Kennel Club
Judge: Mrs. Donelle Richards
April 6, 2007
4 Dogs / 1 Bitch
WD/BOW/BOBCash Of Limerick - L. Souza & J. Souza-Bartlett
Bailebrae Curragh Custom Crom - L. Stuart & M. T. Grotano
Ballymacmoy Oh Gee! Katy - Pat Pearson
Yosemite Kennel Club
Judge: Mr. Frank Sabella
April 7, 2007
6 Dogs / 5 Bitches
Cash Of Limerick - L. Souza & J. Souza-Bartlett
Ballymacmoy’s Hon. Thomas Burke - P. & B. Pearson
WB/BOW/BOBQuest Sea Raider’s Alvida - E. Powers & C. Lursen
Quest Sea Raider’s Mist - E. Powers & C. Lursen
Sierra-tuolumne Kennel Club
Judge: Mr. David Hiltz
April 8, 2007
4 Dogs / 4 Bitches
WD/BOW/BOBCarroy Fergus McTate - Lynne & Dick Rosebrock
Bailebrae Curragh Custom Crom - L. Stuart & M. T. Grotano
Quest Sea Raider’s Mist - E. Powers & C. Lursen
Quest Sea Raider’s Alvida - E. Powers & C. Lursen
Sierra-tuolumne Kennel Club
Judge: Mrs. Francine Schwartz
April 9, 2007
3 Dogs / 4 Bitches
Carroy Fergus McTate - Lynne & Dick Rosebrock
Int’l Mysham Fireloard Of Kerryarc - G. Hawksworth & L. Deck
WB/BOW/BOBQuest Sea Raider’s Mist - E. Powers & C. Lursen
Quest Sea Raider’s Alvida - E. Powers & C. Lursen
Sacramento Kennel Club
Judge: Mr. Donovan Thompson
April 14, 2007
1 Bitch Special
Ch. Kerryarc Vaquera - Chandler & Mandy Tyler
Sacramento Kennel Club
Judge: Dr. Robert Smith
April 15, 2007
2 Dogs / 1 Bitch Special
Bailebrae Curragh Custom Crom - L. Stuart & M. T. Grotano
Aragorn Shire’s Son Brogan - Kathleen Bowler
Ch. Kerryarc Vaquera - Chandler & Mandy Tyler
Chief Solano Kennel Club
Judge: Mrs. Jacqueline Stacy
April 21, 2007
4 Dogs / 9 Bitches / 1 Dog & 1 Bitch Sp
Applearbor Devlin O’Tara - M. Luba & T. Tillotsin
Gabriels Konan - Carol Gabriel
WB/BOW/BOB Gabriel’s Kaitlin Mericlare - Phil & Kim Morris
Eirinn’s Bryne McTate Of Tory - T. & R. Burchett
Chief Solano Kennel Club
Judge: Mr. Joe Tacker
April 22, 2007
4 Dogs / 6 Bitches / 1 Dog & 1 Bitch Sp
WD/BOW/BOB Applearbor Devlin O’Tara - M. Luba & T. Tillotsin
Gabriels Konan - Carol Gabriel
Gabriel’s Kaitlin Mericlare - Phil & Kim Morris
Steppin’wolf’s Aideen Rose - Carol & Jonette Jones
Ch. Eirinn’s Or Of Kaelyn - C. & M. Thompson
Gavilan Kennel Club
Judge: Mr. Del Richards
April 28, 2007
3 Dogs / 3 Bitches
Bailebrae Curragh Custom Crom - L. Stuart & M. T. Carroy Fergus McTate - Lynne & Dick Rosebrock
Carroy Fiona McJames - Lynne & Dick Rosebrock
Limerick Garson Of Eagle - L. Souza & J. SouzaBartlett
Gavilan Kennel Club
Judge: Dr. Francis Broadway
April 29, 2007
2 Dogs / 2 Bitches
Carroy Fergus McTate - Lynne & Dick Rosebrock
Bailebrae Curragh Custom Crom - L. Stuart & M. T. Grotano
WB/BOW/BOB Carroy Fiona McJames - Lynne & Dick Rosebrock
Absolut Meritage Of Manasota - J, & K, Paz & M.
Camellia Capital Kennel Club
May 12, 2007
Judge: Mr. Gary Newton
8 Dogs / 10 Bitches / 1 Dog & 1 Bitch Sp
Kerryarc Burning Man - Mandy Tyler
Gabriels Konan - Carol Gabriel
Horizons Serena of Limerick - Jenny Clark
Kerryarc’s Bodacious Quest - Ed Powers & Cathy
Lursen Powers
Ch Kerryarc Vaquera - Chandler & Mandy Tyler
Ch Horizons Sweet Donnegan - Jenny Clark
Camellia Capital Kennel Club
May 13, 2007
Judge: Dr. Judith Newton
4 Dogs / 9 Bitches / 1 Dog & 1 Bitch Sp
Triple E Murray of Limerick - M. McKee-Eidson
Rogan Mohan Cu Mora Of Eirinn Limerick - Ann
Gould & Tom Birse
Kerryarc Jukka Of Redwall - Carson Collier &
Mandy Tyler
Steppin’Wolf’s Aideen Rose - Carol Jones &
Jonette Jones
Ch Horizons Sweet Donnegan - Jenny Clark
*** Hound Group Three ***
Coyote Hills Kennel Club
May 19, 2007
Judge: Diane Young McCormack 5 Dogs / 7 Bitches / 1 Dog 1 Bitch
Mysham Edoc’sil of Redwall - Gail Hawksworth &
Carson Collier
Castlebrae Agassi of limerick - Hilary & Sarah
Quest Sea Raider’s Alvida - E. Powers & C. Lursen
**** New Champion ****
Int’l Kerryarc Gael Aerie Of Mysham - Gail
Ch Horizons Sweet Donnegan - Jenny Clark
Coyote Hills Kennel Club
Judge: Mr. David Miller
May 20, 2007
5 Dogs / 5 Bitches / 1 Dog 1 Bitch Sp
Castlebrae Agassi of limerick - Hilary & Sarah
Applearbor Bronntanas O’Tara - Kathy Derby &
Mike Luba
Kerryarc’s Bodacious Quest, RN, JC - Ed Powers &
Cathy Lursen-Powers
Eirinn’s Bryne McTate of Tory - T. & R. Burchett
Ch Horizons Sweet Donnegan - Jenny Clark
Hangtown Kennel Club
Judge: Dorothy Macdonald
May 26, 2007
1 Dog / 3 Bitches / 1 Dog Special
Apollo II - Samantha & Laurel Consalvo
Castlemaine’s Mrs. Jones - Alan & Jane Schluter &
Greg & Marilyn Shaw
Horizons Sydney McWin - Jenny Clark
Ch Horizons Sweet Donnegan - Jenny Clark
Hangtown Kennel Club
Judge: Mr. Lester Mapes
May 27, 2007
1 Dog / 3 Bitches / 1 Dog Special
Apollo II - Samantha & Laurel Consalvo
Horizons Sydney McWin - Jenny Clark
Kerryarc Bad Girl Of Eagle - Alan & Jane Schluter
Ch Horizons Sweet Donnegan - Jenny Clark
**** Hound Group Two ****
Irish Wolfhound Club Of America
National Specialty Results
April 9 - 13, 2007
Parker, Texas
Sweepstakes Judge: Ellen Kroll
Best In Sweepstakes - Castlemaine Jemimah - Marilyn & Greg Shaw
Best of Opposite Sex in Sweeps - Starkeeper McEnroe of Limerick Jocelyne Gagne
Regular Classes Judge: Gretchen Bernardi
WD - Pinehurst Mason - Susan Curtis & Karen Catov-Goodell
RWD - Lonnkyle Pathos - Lloyd Simmons
WB/BOW/BOB - Erinwood Mueslix - Pam & James Paloma
RWB - Riversong’s Ragged Glory - Cynthia & Dave Patterson
BOS - Ch. Wolf Tone Mike - Maura High
Best Puppy - Gordon Of Aerie - Doug Marx & Amy Benjamin
Obedience High In Trial - Horizons Sydney McWin, JC - Jenny Clark
BOB ASFA Lure Trial - Winterdream Maxim
Versitality Awards (All Northern California Dogs !):
VC Excellent - DC Castlemaine’s Pirate Queen, LCM, RN, SC, CGC Ed Powers & Cathy Lursen
VC - Ch. Tory Ganger Rolf, CD, RN, FCh, CGC
- Ed Powers &Cathy Lursen
VC - Ch. Tory Irish Song of Limerick, CD, RN, SC, FCh, CGC
- Terry & Robin Burchett
Tales from the Trail
(to Dallas and back)
Ken, Caoilainn and I met up with Jane and Alan Schluter and
their 3 girls for the trip to Dallas.
The drive down I-5 in the Central Valley of California is
BORING!!! Really, it is. The cross over to 58W to the high
desert of CA. is just as bad. Winds were gusty, it was hot and
dry. There’s no interesting scenery to speak of either. Caoilainn
wasn’t used to being on her own with Reilly and Sandy or to long
drives and stood alot. Her iron bladder was in play. She rarely
pottied at any of our stops during the day. We stopped for the
night in Needles which is just about at the CA/AZ border. We
met up with Robin & Terry Burchett, Mary Sharkey and Jackie
& Gary Barnett at the Denney’s for dinner. That group was
planning to go on a bit further to Kingman, AZ for the night. 4/7-Saturday
Started out in the morning and our first tourist stop was south
of Flagstaff, AZ. Destination: Montezuma’s Castle. The wrong
exit was taken Ken and which sent us to Montezuma’s Well
instead. Luckily, it was free and we got correct directions to
the castle. I would have liked to have spent more time there,
looking at the displays in the museum. And it was only a $5.00
entry fee!! Montezuma’s Castle is a cliff dwelling. Up until the
‘50’s, the ladders the Indians used to ascend to the castle were
available and folks used to be able to climb up and go into the
“castle”. This caused too much wear and tear on the monument
over time so that was stopped back then. I would have loved to
go inside!! We had great weather! The dogs brought as much attention
as the site and probably had their photos taken as much too!
One thing I had done beforehand was research which places of
interest we wanted to go to would let dogs in as well. We did
not want to leave them in the cars alone for a minute. Yes, the
dogs were allowed in (free <g>) they just had to be on leashes
(obviously) and stay on the main trails & paths. We left the
castle and only drove a bit further and stayed in Winslow, AZ
for the night. UGH!!! The whole exit ramp and streets on both
sides of the interstate were torn up for construction. It was
noisy, dirty and confusing to drive through. The neighborhood
the motel was located in was......well, questionable. The pillows
were hard and flat (I will bring my own from home from now
on!). The mattress was hard! 4/8 - Sunday, not just any Sunday but Easter Sunday.
Today was going to be an all day tourist day. The first stop
was the Petrified Forest Nat’l Park. One really nice thing, we
practically had the place to ourselves!!! Being Easter, I guess
everyone was with family or something. Only a handful of other
people and cars were on the road. It was great! The park was
not exactly what I expected but I still enjoyed it. I knew the
trees wouldn’t be standing but I guess I thought there would
be more of them, like a fallen forest. There were some really
pretty chunks of wood. Again, it would have been nice to stay
longer and really go through the museum and watch the film
in the theatre. After the Petrified Forest, we stayed on the
park road which took us to the Painted Desert. It had gotten
very windy and since the dogs had all been out at the Petrified
Forest, we didn’t take them out at the scenic viewpoints we
stopped at. Sadly, the camera really didn’t capture the colors
as well as I’d have liked. It was really breathtaking.
Other than the first night in Needles, all the rest of the motels
we stayed in were awful. Hard mattresses and flat pillows.
And the TP!! One place had TP like sand paper almost. UGH! Another item I will carry from home in the future. We also
decided that on the trip back, we’d spend a little more and stay
at some other kind of motel. Little Caoiliann was a great traveler by the end of the 2nd day.
She’d get in and settle down in the back of the cab and just
sleep until we’d stop. When we were leaving the Painted Desert
we saw a real live Roadrunner dash across in front of us. That
was neat but it went too fast to get a photo. It was there and
then gone in a flash.
4/9 - Monday I drove most the day. We didn’t make any tourist
stops in NM. It seems all the *good* stuff to see is either too
far off of I-40 or in the southern part of the state. If time
had allowed we were going to stop in Old Town Albuquerque.
Time didn’t allow. When we arrived in Texas and got onto a
smaller highway, we passed a place that had camels.
Yep, Camels wandering around. There must have been a couple
dozen of them.
Tuesday through Friday was the National. I’m leaving that
report for someone else.
4/12 - Thursday
Part of the package was a free tour of Southfork Ranch and
part of the grounds. Ken chose to take Miss Caoilainn back to
the hotel so my Dad, his lady friend, Dee and I drove over to
Southfork Ranch proper and went into the gift shop/museum for
the tour. It was pretty nice, certainly worth the time since it
was free! <g>
4/14 - Saturday
A whole slew of us were heading out Saturday morning to go
home. Four vehicles, 8 peoples and 7 or 8 hounds. Because
of some NASCAR? event, we had to go wayyyyy north before
cutting over to head west. We stopped in Quanah, TX for lunch
at the Medicine Mound Depot Restaurant. This was a fun stop.
They had peanuts on all the tables and you got to toss the
shells on the floor! I had a very hard time doing that. I kept
making tidy little plies of shells and when I wasn’t looking, Ken
would sweep them onto the floor. It’s hard to be compulsive
neatnik sometimes. <sigh>
We all continued on to Tucumcari, NM and had dinner together.
I noted a bullet hole in the window of the restaurant and
following its path across the room we found the hole in the wall
when Alan removed a picture. Nice neighborhood. Ken and I stayed in Tucumcari for the night and the others
drove on. We chose the Route 66 Motel rather than a chain
motel. It had new owners and was being remodeled. Our room
was fine,it was small, rather rustic and a little shabby around
the edges. Wood paneling (the 50’s – 60’s?) from floor to ceiling
in the room but it was very clean. It had the old 50’s? colors on
the outside.
4/15 - Sunday
The next morning we headed out and drove right through all of
New Mexico. Just before we arrived in Flagstaff, we turned off
to see Meteor Crater. This was one place that didn’t allow
dogs. I could have sworn I’d checked it on the website and it
said they did but when we got there, they wouldn’t let Kay in.
We decided it would be a really quick visit. $15.00 bucks per
person - outrageous as far as I was concerned but we paid. We
spent the least amount of time here of any stops. Probably not
more than a half an hour including going to the bathroom. It
was windy but not really warm so we knew Kay would be alright
in the car for a little bit. It was as I expected,a REALLY big
hole in the ground. We continued just past Flagstaff to Williams
and stayed at a Travelodge. It was Sunday and darn near the
entire town was shut down. I wouldn’t mind going back one day
to walk around more. It looked cute but it was getting dark so I
couldn’t take any photos of it when we walked a little to stretch
Kay’s legs.
We had breakfast the next morning at the Route 66 Diner which
was right across the street from us. It was like stepping back in
time inside. The interior was right out of the 50’s. Pretty good
food, nice friendly waitress and not expensive. After breakfast
we headed to the Grand Canyon.
The Grand Canyon pretty much speaks for itself. We arrived
around 9:30 AM and left when it began to cloud up, about noon
or so. If you’ve seen one Grand Canyon photo, you really have
seen them all. Other than Kay taking a really BIG poop while we
were there, it was just a normal sightseeing trip to the canyon.
She did garner alot of attention and had her photo taken
numerous times by other tourist.
I did the usual gift shopping and
we took our time driving to
Needles for the night.
By the end of the next day,
we were home again. It was
a really nice trip filled with
lots of first time experiences
and fun. However, there’s no
place like home…..there’s no
place like home.
Carol Jones
The Trip To Texas
Mark your calendars
Irish Wolfhound Association Of The West Coast
57th Specialty Show
July 26th - July 27th, 2007
Lompoc, California
Sweepstakes Judge - Rosemary Wortman
Conformation Judge - Gretchen Bernardi
Obedience Judge - Lawrence Libeu
Rally Judge - Vita Allison
Show Chairman - Alexis Montgomery
(951-781-7389 [email protected]
The heart study will be conducted Thursday evening, July 26th
5 pm to 8 pm on the show grounds
News Page
Irish Wolfhound Heart Study:
The heart study will be conducted Thursday evening, July 26th
5 pm to 8 pm on the show grounds at the IWAWC Specialty in
The heart study will also be conducted Saturday, September 15th
between 10am & 2pm on the show grounds at the NCIWC Speciialty in Petaluma.
For those enrolled, you should have received your paperwork from
the IW Study and please have them completed to bring with you
for the study. This study is VERY IMPORTANT, so please if your
dog is enrolled, continue to have him/her tested.
Any questions, please contact Robin Burchett (925) 689-9765 [email protected]
If anyone would like a current club membership list, please
let Robin Burchett know. The list can be sent by snail mail,
or email (excel). Robin can be reached at (925) 689-9765 or
[email protected]
The club is looking for places to take our dogs for visiting, such as
hospitals, retirement communities, day care facilities, schools If
you know of any place that would like to have Irish Wolfhounds visit,
please contact a board member. Please help – we have interested
people, happy hounds and club insurance - all we need is
a place to go.
Frank Christian
[email protected]
(925) 437-3422
Dog Behavior Answer Book
By Arden Moore
There is a well behaved pet inside every dog. Your pet can’t tlk to you, but
dog expert Arden Moore can answer your questions about canine quirks,
baffling habits, and destructive ehavior.
The Complete Home Veterinary Guide
By Chris C. Pinney
This illustrated Third Edition, A-Z quick answer quide covers it all; preventitive
health care, diet, grooming, training, diseases, traveling with pets, holistic pet
care and a directory of the most common drugs.
50 Simple Ways To Pamper Your Dog
By Arden Moore
In an easy-to-read format get creative, simple, natural, and fun ideas for
pampering your dog. This book is sure to be a hit with dog owners or anyone
seeking the perfect gift for a dog owner.
For more information, check out or call (973) 579-3760
Sydney - Horizons Sydney McWinn, SC, FCH, owned by Jenny Clark,
was High In Trial (obedience) at the National Specialty.
Deion - Ch Quests King Ransom Of Tory, RN, owned by Terry & Robin
Burchett, achieved his Novice Rally title on May 26th, 2007
Demonica - Ch Quest Sea Raiser’s Alvilda, owned by Ed Powers &
Csthy Lursen-Powers, became a Champion on May 19th, 2007
Ian - Ch Gabriel’s Ian of Hounds Reach, CD, owned by Christina Strelova & Craig Rasmussen, achieved his CD on May 19th, 2007
Rogan - Rogan Mohan Of Eirinn Limerick, owned by Ann Gould & Tom
Birse, was awarded Winners Dog in OreOregon on May 19th, 2007
Web Sites
These sites are among those offering health, behavior and medical
information that has usually been veterinarian-approved:
• behavior
from the Animal Behavior Clinic at the Cummings School.
• from the University of Illinois College
of Veterinary Medicine.Click on “For Animal
Owners,” then”Pet
Columns,”then “Dogs.”
• ClientED from Washington State University
College of Veterinary Medicine.
•, fee-based customized
research from Cornell University’s veterinary library.
from the Humane Society of the United States.
• PageServer?pagename= pets.dogcare
from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
•, more
than 5,000 articles written or
edited by veterinarians.
Includes a drug library.
•, an
extensive library from Drs. Foster
and Smith, the pet catalog company,
offering health, medical and behavior
articles by veterinarians.
Mark your calendars
Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club
26th Specialty Show
September 15th - 16th, 2007
Petaluma, California
Sweepstakes Judge - Herbie Myers
Conformation - Jim Behan
Obedience & Rally - TBA
ASFA Lure Trial - TBA
Show Chairman - Chris Thompson
(707) 965-1531 [email protected]
The heart study will be conducted Saturday, September 15th between
10am & 2pm on the show grounds
1 yr old: Murray McKee-Eidson (m), Serena Clark (f), Cash
Souza (m), Andre Lewis (m), Edoc’sil Hawksworth (m),
Wildlough Tyler (f) in CA, Venus Pearson (f) in New
2 yrs old: Rua Gould-Birse (f), Sydney (f), Donnie Clark (m), &
Declan Thompson (m) in CA
3 yrs old: Tin Man Hawksworth (m) in CA 4 yrs old: Liadan Coble-Clark (f), Roonagh & Ruibin Rosebrock
(f’s), Cadenze Clark (f) in CA, Torrey Thompson-Taylor
(f) in MO, Ariel & Arwen Howard (f’s) & brother Aero
King-Aiken in WA
5 yrs old: Somhairle Maichel (f) in KS
7 yrs old: Hagan O’Connor (m) in TX
8 yrs old: Gleeson Lynch (m) in New Zealand
9 yrs old: Siobhan Owen-Fugere (f) in WA
1 yr old: Bryndall Smith (f), Rosie Aiken (f), Rogan Gould-Birse
(m), Liam (m) & Rafiki (f) Thompson, Bryne Burchett (f), Arwen Vasquez-Derosa (f) & Abigail Jepson
(f) in CA
2 yrs old: Caoilainn Jones (f) & High Wide &
Handsome Grotano
(m) in CA
4 yrs old: Bruce Graham-Eaton (m) in OH, Gary Tyler (m), Maggie Shaw (f) in TN, Campbell & Loretta Schluter (f’s) in CA
5 yrs old: Priscilla McCombs (f), Pridha Obermeyer (f), Dalriada &
Dilgwyn Cobb (f’s) 6 yrs old: Shanley Kilcullen-Steiner (f) in CA & Isabelle Renee
Velasco (f) in FL
7 yrs old: Greta Gabriel (f) in CA & Connor Cavanaugh (m) in MA
8 yrs old: Krinan Watts (m) in PA
Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club
Backpacking into Emigrant wilderness
Approximate dates
End of July into August (9 days total)
Approximate mileage = 55 total miles
Once again NCIWC offers this trip for those of you who would like to go on
an extended backpacking trip. The dates above are only approximate; we will
finalize dates to accommodate the club members who want to go. The Emigrant
Wilderness is a wonderful area full of lakes and streams in high alpine granite
filled landscape. The trails are well maintained with only moderate elevation
changes. We will hike a loop route so that we finish where we start. We will
be passing a dozen lakes or more and many creeks. The high mileage days are
planned to be less than 9 miles, with most hiking days around 6.
If you like walking and camping with your hounds this is a trip to consider.
Also this trip fulfills the 30-mile requirement for the NCIWC Backpacking
Companion Dog Certificate.
Physical requirements:
Your Hound: Your Irish Wolfhound must be at least a year old. Your IW must
get along with other dogs. Your IW must tolerate strangers and livestock on
the trail. Your IW must be able to walk the mileage each day (6-9 miles). Your
hound will wear booties when hiking on this trip.
You: Must be able to walk with a backpack. Must be able to at least maintain
2 mph hiking speed. Most hikers hike from 3-4 MPH. We are not going on a
death march, but you will be expected to hike for a couple of miles between rest
So why this trip? Well….. Have you herd the line: It doesn’t get better than
this On this trip with our hounds, it truly doesn’t get better than this.
For those of you that are interested drop me a line.
Not sure if it is for you ? Give me a call, and I will try and answer your
See you on the trail.
Falkor (the luck Dragon) (My trail name)
Frank W Christian
(925) 437-3422
[email protected]
June 2, 2007
June 3, 2007
June 3, 2007
June 9, 2007
June 10, 2007
June 14, 2007
June 15, 2007
June 16, 2007
June 16, 2007
June 17, 2007
June 30, 2007
June 30, 2007
Reno Kennel Club Dog Show - Carson City, NV
Reno Kennel Club Dog Show - Carson City, NV
BCONC AKC Lure Trial - Livermore
Contra Costa Kennel Club Dog Show - Antioch
Contra Costa Kennel Club Dog Show - Antioch
Shasta Kennel Club Dog Show - Gridley
Shasta Kennel Club Dog Show - Gridley
Butte County Kennel Club Dog Show - Gridley
NCWFA AKC Lure Trial - Oakland
Butte County Kennel Club Dog Show - Gridley
Lost Coast Kennel Club Dog Show - Ferndale
Santa Cruz Kennel Club Dog Show - Watsonville
July 1, 2007
July 1, 2007
July 14, 2007
July 14, 2007
July 15, 2007
July 15, 2007
July 26th & 27th 2007
July 26, 2007
July - August 2007
August 4, 2007
August 5, 2007
August 17, 2007
August 18, 2008
August 19, 2007
Lost Coast Kennel Club Dog Show - Ferndale
Santa Cruz Kennel Club Dog Show - Watsonville
Del Monte Kennel Club Dog Show - Seaside
NCIWC ASFA All Breed Lure Trial - Livermore
Del Monte Kennel Club Dog Show - Seaside
NCIWC ASFA All Breed Lure Trial - Livermore
IWAWC Specialty - Lompoc
IW Heart Study - Lompoc
NCIWC Emigrant Wilderness Backpacking Trip
Richmond Dog Fanciers Dog Show - Vallejo
Richmond Dog Fanciers Dog Show - Vallejo
Lake County Kennel Club Dog Show - Santa Rosa
Mensona Kennel Club Dog Show - Santa Rosa
Mensona Kennel Club Dog Show - Santa Rosa
September 1, 2007
Gold Country Kennel Club Dog Show - Grass Valley
September 1st - 4th
NCIWC Mountain Camp-out
September 2, 2007
Gold Country Kennel Club Dog Show - Grass Valley
September 8, 2007
Redwood Empire Kennel Club Dog Show - Petaluma
September 9, 2007
Redwood Empire Kennel Club Dog Show - Petaluma
September 14th & 15th, 2007 - NCIWC Specialty - Petaluma
September 15, 2007
IW Heart Study - Petaluma
September 16, 2007
Sir Francis Drake kennel Club Dog Show - San Rafael
September 22, 2007
SSIH ASFA All Breed Lure Trial - Wheatland
September 23, 2007
SSIH ASFA All Breed Lure Trial - Wheatland
Septmber 29, 2007
Bonanza Kennel Club Dog Show - Carson City, NV
September 29, 2007
PHFNC AKC All Breed Lure Trial - Hollister
September 30, 2007
Bonanza Kennel Club Dog Show - Carson City, NV
September 30, 2007
BAARC ASFA All Breed Lure Trial - Hollister
Check with ChrisThompson for updated NOFCA events [email protected]
Check with Mary Sharkey for updated ASFA events [email protected]