canada - IPA FRANCE


canada - IPA FRANCE
International Police Association
National Newsletter
Journal National
Volume 2014/1
Legislature Buildings and Butchart Gardens
Victoria B.C., Region 13, home of the 2014 AGM.
Édifices de l'Assemblée législative et des jardins Butchart
Victoria C.- B., Région 13, maison du 2014 AGM.
V OL.2014/1
[email protected]
Secretary General / Past
[email protected]
National Treasurer / National I.P.A. Canada Founder:
Rev. Charles WRIGHT
Supply Officer:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Vice Pres. - West / Editor
Barry BOS
[email protected]
Vice Pres. - Central:
[email protected]
Vice Pres. - East
Christian PARENT
[email protected]
Member International
Internal Commission:
[email protected]
Region 1
[email protected]
Region 2
Pres: Chris BARRATT
[email protected]
Region 3
Pres: Graham LENTON
[email protected]
Region 4
Pres: Steve SMEDLEY
[email protected]
Region 5
[email protected]
Region 8
Region 7
Pres: Gaston ALLICIE
Pres: Gilles THÉBERGE
[email protected] [email protected]
Region 10
[email protected]
Region 11
[email protected]
Region 9
Pres: Jack RAE
[email protected]
Region 14
Region 13
Pres: John REGIER
Pres: Kevin Worth
[email protected] [email protected]
Region 16
Region 15
Interim Pres:
Pres: Christian PARENT
[email protected] Bernie Bergevin
[email protected]
National Travel
[email protected]
National Recruiting
Project Coordinator:
[email protected]
National Historian:
[email protected]
National Webmaster:
[email protected].
National Webmaster
[email protected]
National Travel
Secretary Assistant:
[email protected]
Aide traduction en français : Claudia COUTURE et Christine Marie GLADU, membres de la région 15.
Current National and Regional Information is maintained on the
I.P.A. Canada Homepage:
L'information nationale et régionale
se retrouve sur la page d'accueil
d'I.P.A. Canada:
Visit our website:
This newsletter may not be linked to any other
web site without the expressed permission of I.P.A.
Please contact: [email protected] for information.
Ce bulletin ne pourrait pas être relié au Website
sans la permission exprimée d'IPA Canada.
S'il vous plaît contacter: [email protected] pour les infor-
Visitez-nous sur le web
V OL.2014/1
I.P.A. Canada
President’s Message
Official address Adresse officielle
Secretary General:
Secrétaire Général:
A new year has arrived, again I want to wish you all a
great year, in health with good moments and memories with
family and friends. I hope IPA will be included in your circle of
friends wherever you may be.
Larry Sheppard
179 Great Oak Trail
Binbrook, ON L0R 1C0
Ph: (289) 286-0141
[email protected]
National Editor- Éditeur National:
Barry Bos
[email protected]
In this edition:
Dans cette édition:
IPA Canada National Executives
IPA Canada Exécutifs National
President Message
Message du Président
Message International President
Message du Président à l’international
Arthur Troop Scholarships 2014
Blue Knights / IPA Liason
News from the Regions
Les Nouvelles des Régions
8, 9
Message from/ de Jimmy Albrecht
IPA New York
IPA Canada Photo Competition 20,21
IPA Canadienne Concours de Photos
IPA Region 5 leadership award
Prix du Leadership de la Région 5 22
Report on new plastic IPA
membership card
23, 24
1st International Multisport I.P.A. 25
1er Championnat International multisports I.P.A.
History of IPA Canada National
Executive Bureau
26, 27
Information 2014 AGM
IPA Travel Information
IPA Information de Voyage
29, 30
We have a challenge ahead of us. I hope to make IPA Canada a more visible
and interesting organisation to our members while attracting new members. I hope to
see each and every one of our members become a voice, an ambassador for IPA. With
over 413,000 members spread over 63 Sections (countries), we are the largest police
association in the world but in Canada, IPA is not so well known. We have many good
reasons to attract new members to join IPA but it is important we learn ourselves
what IPA is all about and what it has to offer if we want to be able to describe our organisation.
We are not only about travel assistance and possibilities for lodging at a reasonable cost overseas in the 63 IPA houses in 21 countries, we have a lot more to offer. Each year, there are many Friendship weeks organized to celebrate different
events within the IPA family, all are available on the International IPA website which can
be accessed through (international links). We have a vacation and exchange
program for our kids and grand-kids somewhat like the Rotary International have for
their members. IPA puts on an International Young Officers’ Seminar every two years.
This event is real popular in Europe but we hope to bring this seminar to Canada in
2017. We also organize an annual International Youth Gathering (IYG), this coming
summer some 60 kids will meet and spend about 10 days in France under the supervision of IPA France. Every year a different and motivating theme brings IPA kids or
grand-kids together for memorable immersion into a new culture and language. Ms.
Caleigh Cameron from London ON and Emerson Maher from Bracebridge ON will
represent us in Paris in July 2014. Every Section is allowed two candidates (2) per
We also have the Arthur Troop Scholarship Fund which awards ten (10)
scholarships every year, two (2) per continent, to young IPA members still active as
policemen/women. In fact, one of our own young members from Regina (region 4),
Mrs. Nicole Grandmont was just chosen and will receive a purse of 3,000 (CHF) as one
of the two recipients from the Americas, the other being from Brazil. Congratulations
Nicole, we are proud of you and wish you luck in your studies. IPA also organizes different competitions such as the Photo Competition which is being sponsored for a first
time by Toronto Region 2 President Chris Barratt. Thanks Chris for taking on this
project for our members. Last year we had a Short Essay Writing Competition where
one of our own from Halifax (region 16), Mr. Jean Michel Blais placed in the top three
across the IPA world. .
Jean Michel is retired from the RCMP and is now the Chief of Police for the
City of Halifax. Jean Michel won first place a few years ago, we can be proud of him
and we wish him well for future endeavours. The Gimborn Castle in Germany, about
60 kilometers from Cologne, is a very active police school for IPA members, one can
also stay at the Castle where some rooms are available for travelling members. Think
of it, where can one stay in a Castle for a cheap price if not through IPA?
IPA also offers friends and contacts in sixty-three (63) countries called Sections
which are formed of regions. Canada has fourteen (14) regions from coast to coast.
We or someone knows someone that can assist you in many ways somewhere. It is
difficult to list all the different requests we get throughout the year, from locating an
old policeman friend with whom we lost contact years ago to helping an IPA visitor
who forgot his prescription medicine at home and needs to see a doctor here in
V OL.2014/1
Canada, to assisting young students who want to come to our country to learn French or English, the list goes
on and we are there for our members. IPA at $30.00 a year has to be the best deal on the market for such a
circle of friends/assistance. Remember we are all volunteers.
I recommend to all members to take a few minutes and visit the IPA Canada website and click on the
International links to see what is out there for us. Do not hesitate to ask questions to your regional or National executive.
IPA Canada will hold its annual general meeting (AGM) in Victoria BC in May 2014. I invite you to
come forward with constructive ideas through your regional executive to assist us in being there for you and to
help us be more attractive to membership. A friendship week is also organized to celebrate Region 13-Victoria
celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2014. Check it out on our website or on region 13’s.
Finally, I know that most regions have had their regional AGM and elections since November. I want to
thank those who leave office and express my gratitude for the many volunteer hours spent for the better of our
organization and our members at home or from abroad. Welcome to the new members taking a position on
these regional executive committees. Thank you as well to the presidents and their executive members for our
14 regions that form IPA Canada. They are all there for you.
At the national level, I want to thank all those who help me with the task at hand. Our Webmaster,
Mr. Boyd Brown, our Newsletter editor, Mr. Barry Bos, our travel officers Harry Summerton and Guy Babin,
our translators Ms. Claudia Couture and Christine Marie Gladu, our historian, Mrs. Linda Birtwistle, our founder and leader, Rev. Charles Wright, the other five (5) members of the National Executive Bureau (NEB), Mr.
Larry Sheppard our Secretary General, Mr. Ernie Derry our treasurer, and the three (3) Vice Presidents, Mr.
Christian Parent in the East, Allen Welke for Central Canada and Barry Bos for the West. Thank you all for all
you do for IPA Canada. You make up a great team.
Servo per Amikeco!
Denis Nadeau
National President
IPA Canada
January 2014
Message du Président
Le temps passé vite, encore une fois je veux vous souhaiter une bonne année, en santé dans la joie et le succès
en famille et avec vos amis. J’espère qu’IPA fera partie de votre cercle social en 2014 où que vous soyez.
Nous avons un beau défi devant nous. J’espère rendre IPA plus visible et intéressante pour nos membres et
futures membres. J’aimerais voir chacun de nos membres devenir des ambassadeurs pour IPA. Pour ce, nous
devons découvrir notre association et ce qu’elle a à offrir. Nous sommes forts de 413,000 membres répartis
dans 63 pays appelés Sections au sein d’IPA soit la plus grande association de policiers au monde. Au Canada,
nous comptons 14 régions à travers le territoire où nous ne sommes pas assez connus. Nous avons plusieurs
atouts qui pourraient attirer de nouveaux membres, il n’en tient qu’à nous de connaitre l’organisation pour pouvoir la ‘vendre’ à chaque occasion que nous avons de le faire et ce dans le but de recruter de nouveaux
Nous ne sommes pas seulement là pour l’assistance voyage ou pour du logement à l’étranger dans les 63 maisons IPA localisées dans 21 pays, nous avons beaucoup plus à offrir. Chaque année, des Semaines de l’Amitié
sont organisées pour célébrer différents événements marquants au sein de la famille IPA. Ces voyages organisés
sont affichés sur le site IPA en cliquant sur le lien international. Nous avons aussi un programme de
vacances et d’échange pour les jeunes (fils/filles et petits-fils/filles) semblable au programme de nos amis du Club
Rotary International. IPA organise aux deux ans une conférence destinée aux jeunes officiers de police Cet
événement est très populaire en Europe, nous tentons de l’organiser au Canada en 2017. Un autre attrait important a lieu annuellement pendant l’été soit le Rassemblement international des Jeunes (RIJ). Comme exemple,
IPA France recevra quelques 60 jeunes de 15 à 17 ans en juillet 2014. Ces jeunes sont réunis sous un thème
commun et sous la supervision de membres IPA du pays hôte. Cette immersion totale dans une nouvelle culture et langue marque nos jeunes de façon très positive. Cette année, Mlle Caleigh Cameron de London On et
Emerson Maher de Bracebrige On nous représenteront à ce rassemblement culturel. Chaque Section IPA peut
envoyer deux jeunes aux RIJ.
V OL.2014/1
Dix (10) bourses d’étude ‘Arthur Troop’ (en l’honneur du fondateur) de 3,000 CHF sont distribuées à raison de
deux (2) par continent à chaque année à de jeunes policiers/ères membres IPA qui veulent parfaire leur formation policière. Cette année, Mme Nicole Grandmont de Régina (région 4) s’est méritée une des ces bourses,
l’autre bourse destinée au continent américain allant à un membre du Brésil. Félicitations à Nicole, nous lui souhaitons bonne chance dans ses études.
IPA organise différentes compétitions annuelles ou biannuelles, cette année une compétition de photographie
est en marche. Merci a M. Chris Barratt, président de la région 2 Toronto, d’avoir relevé le défi d’organiser
cette compétition pour les membres au Canada. L’an passé, nous avons eu un gagnant dans une compétition
internationale d’écriture, en effet M. Jean Michel Blais de la région 16, chef de police d’Halifax et retraité de la
GRC, s’est classé dans les top trois au monde. Félicitations Jean Michel qui avait déjà gagné cette compétition il
y a quelques années, bonne chance dans tes nouveaux défis. Le Château de Gimborn en Allemagne, soit à
quelques 60 kilomètres de Cologne, est aussi au attrait important pour les membres IPA. En effet, des conférences et formations policières y sont données tout au long de l’année aux membres IPA qui sont intéressés a
participer, voir l’information pertinente sur le site web d’IPA. Les membres IPA peuvent aussi loger à ce Château Gimborn, dites-moi où peut-on loger dans un château à prix modique sauf via IPA.
IPA rassemble des amis et contacts dans 63 pays/Sections lesquels sont divisés en régions. Au Canada nous
comptons 1,500 membres dans 14 régions qui couvrent le territoire d’un océan a l’autre. Il y a toujours quelqu’un quelque part qui vous aidera d’une façon ou d’une autre dans un domaine quelconque. Il est difficile de
vous décrire les différentes requêtes que nous recevons dans une année, de la recherche d’ancien ami policier/
ère de qui on a perdu la trace depuis longtemps à l’assistance médicale pour une membre qui a oublié ses médicaments chez lui au Pérou, en assistant de parents qui veulent envoyer leurs jeunes au Canada ou ailleurs pour
parfaire leurs connaissances linguistiques. Tout ça pour $30.00 par année, pensez-y, où peut-on obtenir un tel
support dans notre monde d’aujourd’hui à un tel prix d’aubaine. Il faut aussi se rappeler que nous sommes tous
des bénévoles.
Je recommande donc à tous de prendre quelques minutes sur le site internet et de visiter les possibilités au niveau national et international. N’hésitez pas à poser des questions à vos membres exécutifs régionaux ou nationaux. Nous sommes là pour vous.
IPA Canada tiendra son assemblée annuelle générale (AGA) à Victoria C.B. en mai 2014. Je vous invite à soumettre vos questions et sujets qui pourraient être discutés lors de cette réunion qui se veut une chance d’améliorer nos services aux membres. Toute soumission constructive via votre région sera bienvenue avant le 9
mars afin que notre ordre du jour soit préparé dans les délais prescrits Nous voulons devenir encore plus attrayants pour les membres et futures membres, votre aide sera appréciée. De plus, la région 13 (Victoria) organise un tour de l’amitié du 7 au 11 mai afin de célébrer son 25ième anniversaire au sein d’IPA. Vérifiez leur site
web afin d’en connaitre les festivités prévues au programme.
Finalement, presque toutes les régions ont eu leur assemblée annuelle et élections depuis le mois de novembre.
Je veux remercier ceux qui ont œuvré au sein des comités exécutifs au sein des régions et qui ont cédé leur
poste à de nouveaux leaders. Merci pour votre coopération et apport précieux au bien d’IPA et de ses
membres tant canadiens qu’étrangers. Bienvenue et bonne chance aux nouveaux élus. N’hésitez pas à poser
des questions pour parfaire vos connaissances d’IPA et de nos capacités d’entraide. Je veux remercier tous les
présidents et les membres des exécutifs des quatorze (14) régions du Canada. Ils sont tous là pour vous, les
autres membres de l’exécutif national M. Larry Sheppard le secrétaire général, Ernie Derry notre trésorier, les
trois vice-présidents Christian Parent dans l’Est, Allen Welke au Centre et Barry Bos à l’Ouest canadien. Merci
pour tout ce que vous faites pour IPA Canada. Vous faites une très bonne équipe.
Servo per Amikeco!
Denis Nadeau
Président national
IPA Canada
(Janvier 2014)
V OL.2014/1
New Year’s Message from our International President
2014! We have ongoing projects, those that are already part of the programme, planned get-togethers and all
kinds of things or events we are aware of; without a doubt a rather busy agenda since our daily life seems to
turn more and more into a race!
There will, however, also be the ‘unknown’: happy moments, success, new friendships, but also worries, sorrow
and maybe painful separations.
First and foremost, I would like to wish all of us health, strength and courage to face the new days ahead, so
that we emerge stronger, no matter what challenges we face.
To the IPA, I wish Peace. May our motto and common sense guide us. The conflicts that create division will
then fade away and we will be able to utilize the positive energy of our combined strengths to lift the Association and bring it forward.
I recently presented the project “IPA Tomorrow” to my colleagues on the international board. This project
consists of the first installment of changes aimed at renovating the supporting columns of the IPA house in
order to turn it into a more solid, but also more attractive and modern structure. We started to work
on these ideas, and I will inform all national presidents on the current status of the project during the
month of January. I hope that the project “IPA Tomorrow” will be well received and will lead to good
decisions during the conference in Germany in
September, keeping in mind that the only objective is to serve the interests of our Association and its
development, while respecting its fundamental principles. These are my wishes for the New Year. I am
looking forward to meeting as many IPA members as I
can. I know, however, that the time will pass very
quickly@ so let’s not waste a minute!
A Happy New Year to all of you.
Message de la Nouvelle année du Président à l’international
2014 ! Nous avons beaucoup de projets en marche dont ceux qui font partie de notre programme habituel: les rencontres et les événements à venir dont on nous a fait part. L’agenda sera
certainement bien rempli et notre vie quotidienne devient de plus en plus une course effrénée. Il y
aura certainement plusieurs événements imprévus, de joyeux moments, des succès, de nouvelles
amitiés, mais aussi des soucis, des peines voire, des séparations difficiles.
Avant tout, je désire souhaiter à tous et chacun la santé, la force et le courage pour faire face à cette
nouvelle année de manière à en ressortir grandis, peu importe le défi à relever.
À l’IPA, je souhaite la Paix. Que notre devise et les valeurs qui nous rassemblent nous guident. Les
conflits qui créent de la division s’estomperont et nous pourrons ainsi utiliser notre énergie positive
et nos forces réunies afin de dynamiser l’organisation, peu importe les défis qui se présentent.
J’ai récemment présenté le projet « l’IPA de demain » à mes collègues siégeant au conseil international. Il consiste à initier des changements visant à mettre en ordre les piliers de l’IPA afin d’en faire une
structure davantage solide, attrayante et moderne. Nous avons déjà commencé à y travailler et je
tiendrai les Président nationaux au courant de l’évolution du dossier au cours du mois de janvier.
J’ose espérer que ce projet, l’IPA de demain » sera bien reçu et permettra de prendre de bonnes décisions lors de la Conférence en Allemagne en septembre prochain, tout en gardant en mémoire que
son seul objectif est de conserver intacts les intérêts de notre Association et son développement,
tout en respectant ses principes de base.
V OL.2014/1
Ce sont là, mes souhaits pour l’année qui vient. J’anticipe avec plaisir de rencontrer le plus grand
nombre de membre IPA possible. Je sais que le temps passe très vite alors, alors, ne perdons pas de
Bonne et heureuse année à tous,
Arthur Troop Scholarship 2014:
Dear friends,
It is with great pleasure to announce that the PEB has awarded the following scholarships for 2014 to:
Sri Lanka
Nataša MOŽO
John Ross Goddard
Kashif Zulfiqar
Mark Hutcheon
Nicole Grandmont
Langa Mhlabane
Juan de Dios Pardo Perez
Waruna Jayasundara
Ivair Cantelli
Mick Walsh
North America
South America
It goes without saying that out of 32 applicants it always is an important and serious task when assessing and
surveying them. My thanks, in particular go out to the members of the IPC, that have been involved in the selection process and the final recommendation to the PEB for a decision.
We wish all awardees a fruitful and successful Seminar/course.
On behalf of the PEB,
Kees Sal
Chair International Professional Commission.
[email protected]
To ALL members: ……... just a reminder for you……….. Find us on:
The latest edition of the IPA Canada Constitution is made available at
La dernière édition de l'IPA Canada Constitution est mis à disposition sur le site
V OL.2014/1
Blue Knights/ IPA liaison
Hello, my name is Cory Freadling, Blue Knight Ohio Chapter XIII, International Police Association National 3rd Vice-President, and Region 21 Ohio/Indiana President.
When the opportunity arose to be the IPA liaison to the Blue Knights, I jumped at the opportunity
to bolster the relationship. With the help and support of newly elected President D.J. Alvarez and
Vice President Jerry Bryan, we hope to build a lasting relationship. We are beginning by sharing
articles and thoughts in the Sword and Shield and also in the IPA National Reporter. Hopefully, everyone enjoys and benefits from what we are attempting to accomplish.
Just before the elections, I was involved with discussions in the Blue Knights Facebook page and
also with D.J. by phone on the issues with the recruitment and retention of younger officers. At
38, I hear a lot of the “that will be great when I retire” type of mentality regarding both these great
organizations. Many younger officers see the face of both the Blue Knights and the International
Police Association for what they currently are, great organizations with a high population of retired
police officers. Some of these younger officers feel out of place, intimidated, or feel they don’t belong because of this age gap. I have personally loved the interaction, stories, and advice of my elders in Ohio XIII, much as I have enjoyed many of the same things within the IPA.
The major question for both organizations, we have agreed, is how do we bring in our younger officers and retain those officers to preserve the growth and history of our organizations. D.J. and I
have discussed the topic, but have realized there are no clear cut answers. We have agreed that a
large issue is providing benefit for our younger officers now, not after they retire. The question is
how do we do that? As a younger officer I wanted to test those waters in the IPA and see what
we could do to bring in our younger members. What I came up with was the Active Officer Training program.
The Active Officer Training program, set for Jan 21-23 at the American Police Hall of Fame and
Museum in Titusville, Florida, is geared towards currently Active Officers. I am opening this up to
the entire police community, not just the IPA, with the hopes that we bring those younger officers
in, provide them some great instruction, great friendship, and some great information on our great
organizations. I wanted to put together instruction that people may not find elsewhere on a regular basis. Our currently planned classes will be inhalant abuse, Pain behind the Badge, terrorism,
fitness and nutrition for cops, and crisis intervention stress management. My hopes are to evolve
this program into an every year event, providing much needed training and using small blocks to
market our organizations along the way.
V OL.2014/1
You can find out more at :
Cory Freadling
[email protected]
Article submitted by Herby LANG, member IPA Region 15 and Blue Knight member
Blue Knights --Liaison IPA
Bonjour, mon nom est Cory Freadling , du Chapitre Blue Knight, Ohio XIII, je suis aussi le 3ième viceprésident nationale de l’International Police Association (IPA) aux États Unies et président de la région 21
(Ohio / Indiana). Lorsque l'occasion s'est présentée de faire la liaison entre l’IPA et les Blue Knights , j'ai sauté
sur l' occasion afin de renforcer la relation entre ces deux organisations. Avec l'aide et le soutien du Président
International des Blue Knights nouvellement élu, DJ Alvarez et du vice-président Jerry Bryan , nous espérons
construire une relation durable . Nous souhaitons partager des articles et nos pensées qui paraîtront dans la
revue officielle des Blue Knights soit le « Sword and Shield » (Traduction : l'épée et le bouclier) et aussi dans le
« IPA National Reporter » des États-Unis. Nous souhaitons que tout le monde aimera et profitera de ce que
nous tentons d'accomplir.
Juste avant les élections, j'ai participé à des discussions dans la page Facebook des Blue Knights et aussi avec DJ
Alvarez par téléphone sur les sujets du recrutement et de la rétention des jeunes officiers. À 38 ans, j'entends
déjà beaucoup de commentaires à l’effet " que ce sera super à la retraite ou que j’ai dont hâte de prendre ma
retraite’ et ce au sein de nos deux grandes organisations . Plusieurs jeunes officiers considèrent les Blue Knights
et l'IPA comme de grandes organisations majoritairement composés d’agents de police retraités. Certains de
ces jeunes officiers ne s’y sentent pas à leur place, ils sont intimidés et ne croient pas y appartenir à cause de
cette différence d'âge. J'ai personnellement aimé l'interaction, les histoires et les conseils reçus de mes aînés du
Chapitre Blue Knights, Ohio XIII, et j’ai apprécié les mêmes choses au sein de l'IPA.
DJ et moi avons convenu que le grand défi pour les deux organisations est de savoir comment nous recrutons
nos jeunes officiers et comment faire pour les retenir pour assurer la croissance et protéger l'histoire de nos
organisations. Après discussion, DJ Alvarez et moi en sommes venus à la conclusion qu’il n’existe aucune solution claire ou facile. Nous croyons que nous devons offrir des avantages aux jeunes membres maintenant, pas
seulement à leur retraite. Comment et quoi faire? Comme jeune officier, je voulu moi-même tester ceci au sein
de l’IPA et voir ce que nous pourrions faire pour recruter nos jeunes membres. J’ai eu l’idée du « Programme
de Formation des Officiers Actifs.> (Traduction: Active Officer Training Program).
Le Programme de Formation des Officiers Actifs (AOTP), prévu du 21 au 23 janvier2014 à ‘ l’American Police
Hall of Fame and Museum’ ( Temple de la renommée et musée de la police américaine) à Titusville , en Floride,
est orientée vers les agents encore en devoir. Cette offre est ouverte à toute la communauté policière et non
seulement aux membres IPA avec l'espoir que nous recruterons plus de jeunes policiers en leur fournissant une
certaine instruction, une grande amitié et des les informer sur nos grandes organisations . Je voulais rassembler
un curriculum que les gens ne peuvent trouver facilement ailleurs sur une base régulière. Nos formations prévues couvriront des sujets tels les abus de substances inhalées, la douleur derrière l'insigne (badge), le terrorisme, la condition physique et la nutrition pour les flics, la gestion de l’intervention en situation de crise dû au
Finalement, mon souhait est d’en faire un événement annuel en donnant une formation appréciée qui aidera aussi à publiciser nos deux organisations d’une façon positive.
Vous pouvez en savoir plus en consultant le site suivant ;
Cory Freadling
[email protected]
Traduction: Herby Lang, membre IPA Canada région 15 et membre Blue Knight avec l’approbation de l’auteur
et du magazine’ Sword and Shield’ des Blus Knights.
V OL.2014/1
Paul SCHMITT ( region 1) visiting Praque.
A short story about our experience in Prague, with the IPA.
Our group of six started our riverboat cruise adventure, through Germany, in Prague, where we were met on
our first full day, by IPA members, Vladimir Macek, (still active) and Jeromir (Jerry) Rada, (retired), who promised to show us around the city. Prague certainly lived up to its billing as being one of the most beautiful cities
in Europe, if not the world. These two gentlemen witnessed the Czech revolution in the 1980’s, and who better to show and explain the history of this great city. Their knowledge of the city was second to none.
And show us around they did, not by car, but on foot, with a six hour walking tour on cobble stoned streets &
sidewalks. It was long, but fascinating, as we often ventured onto side streets, able to stop at century old cafes
and pubs, for a coffee, wine, or a pint or two. (Prague also boasts to have some the finest beer in Europe.)
We invited them to dinner the next evening, along with their wives, and when we met at the restaurant, Vladimir introduced me to his wife, a lady barely half his age, which was fine, but they began laughing, admitting that
this lady was an IPA member from New York, who had just arrived that morning. Not wanting to be out done,
I approached the head waiter, on the side, and asked him to prepare a fake meal check, but at an overly inflated
price, which he did. When presented the bill, the look on their faces was priceless, captured on film, of
course. (We paid the real bill.)
Their beer was very good, but Jerry ordered liquors, better known as bitters, which he claimed would help your
stomach. It was awful stuff, the worst I’ve ever tasted, but I was polite, and after the third one, I swear I could
feel my stomach slowly sliding through my colon. But we survived and it was a great way to start a two week
adventure through Europe. So a big “thank you” again, to our new IPA friends, Vladimir and Jerry, for their
wonderful hospitality.
Memories, that will last a lifetime.
Paul SCHMITT (région 1) en visite à
Petite histoire de notre visite à Prague avec IPA .
Notre groupe de six se mit en route, par bateau,
dans ce qui allait être une petite aventure depuis
l’Allemagne vers Prague où nous avaient rejoints à
notre arrivée quelques membres IPA locaux : Vladimir Macek (toujours en service) et Jeromir (Jerry)
Rada, (retraité) qui nous avaient promis de nous faire visiter la ville. Prague est certainement une des plus belles
villes d’Europe, si ce n’est de toute la planète. Ces deux amis furent témoins de la révolution Tchèque dans les
années 1980 et personne d’autre qu’eux ne pouvaient mieux nous expliquer l’histoire de cette ville. Leurs connaissances sur Prague étaient approfondies.
Nous n’aurions pas pu voir mieux la ville. En voiture ? Non! À pied, prenant avec eux une petite marche de six
heures dans les rues de pavé et de pierre. Ce fut long, mais fascinant, alors que nous nous sommes engagés
parfois dans des rues latérales, nous arrêtant dans des cafés et des pubs centenaires, pour prendre un café, un
verre de vin ou une pinte de bière (ou deux!) Prague se targue d’offrir la meilleure bière d’Europe.
Nous avons invité nos deux amis pour le souper du lendemain, accompagnés de leurs épouses et lorsque nous
nous sommes rencontrés au restaurant, Vladimir nous a présenté sa femme qui faisait la moitié de son âge, ce
qui ne faisait pas de problème mais lorsqu’ils ont éclaté de rire, ils nous ont expliqué que cette dame était en
fait une membre IPA de New York, arrivée à Prague depuis le matin. Ne voulant pas être en reste, j’ai demandé
au garçon de table de préparer l’addition en gonflant grandement le prix total, ce qu’il fit. Lorsqu’il présenta
cette facture, nos amis tchèques furent estomaqués, ce que nous avons capté sur film, il va sans dire. Bien sûr,
nous avons payé la vraie facture.
La bière était en effet très savoureuse mais Jerry commanda des liqueurs qu’on appelle là-bas « bitters » et qui
devaient nous aider à digérer notre repas. Ce breuvage était épouvantable mais je voulais être poli. Après un
troisième verre, j’ai bien senti mon estomac me descendre dans les talons. Nous y avons tous survécu et c’était
là une excellente façon de commencer un beau séjour en Europe. Un grand merci encore à nos amis d’IPA,
Vladimir et Jerry pour leur formidable hospitalité. Nous en garderons un souvenir impérissable.
V OL.2014/1
Region 1 Members host IPA Collegue from Bremen, Germany
In October, 2013 IPA colleague Lukas Schnurr from Bremen,
Germany visited personal friends in London, Ontario, and
while doing so, also had occasion to meet Region 1 members Bill Mate, Kim Stinson and Karen Osterwald. Lukas enjoyed several tours / visits of many wonderful sites of London
over the next few days and was treated to a few lunches by his
new IPA friends.
Pictured left, Lukas stands in front of the old Middlesex jail and
court house, holding a reprinted shot from the now famous
jailbreak back in the '60s. Lukas posed close to the very spot
where that photo was taken over 50 years
ago! (Lukas wasn't born when the jailbreak occurred, but certainly appreciated this
touch of history!)
Tours of London Police, London OPP and RCMP
HQ / Detachment followed, where Lukas had the
opportunity to liaise with several Canadian law enforcement officers involved in both tactical and ERT
emergency response teams. The boys (and
gal!) chatted at length about tactical response techniques
and came away from the conversation richer by having shared
best practices and personal insights in their respective countries.
Note: Lukas Schnurr is currently engaged as a riot police / tactical response officer in the City of Bremen, where soccer riots
are all too common occurrences at European stadiums. Following a hard day of touring, Kim Stinson took Lukas
to the German Canadian Club of London, where the finer of
art of "European beer brewing and consumption" were discussed! From London, Lukas set his sights on Toronto (part of
Region 2) to meet IPA president, Chris Barratt and his colleagues, before returning to Germany. (All the best to you,
'Lukas' ...and safe travels!)
Servo per Amikeco,
As shared by Region 1
Bill Mate / Kim Stinson /
Karen Osterwald
V OL.2014/1
20th Anniversary I.P.A. Bielsko Biala, Poland
It’s September 2013 and once again, I find myself traveling to Europe for a special IPA event. Last year
(2012) I had the pleasure of joining Wolfsburg
(Germany) IPA celebrate their 25th Anniversary. A
year later almost to the day, I am sitting in an SUV
with good IPA friends from Wolfsburg and headed on
a “9 hour” journey to Bielsko Biala, Poland, where we
will join our IPA colleagues / friends celebrate their
20th Anniversary in the IPA.
Our drive to get to Bielsko Biala was long, but well
worth the journey!
Our journey started in Wolfsburg, Germany where
we got into cars /and SUVs, to begin our trek down
Bielsko Biala Hunting Lodge Sept 2013
highways, passing the Czech Republic and Slovakia
along the way, before arriving at our final destination IPA Canada Region 1 colleague: Karen M. Osterwald
in Bielsko, Biala. The 9 hour journey was soon forgot- (RCMP) at a Mountain Hunting Lodge in Bielsko Biala, Poland with IPA friends colleagues from Poland, Germany and
ten, as we were greeted by the smiling faces of our
IPA hosts at our hotel. Hand shakes and ‘bear hugs’
were soon exchanged all round. We settled into our
hotel and within an hour, good friends / our designated IPA hosts: “Jacek and his lovely wife, Jolanta (Jola)” were
downstairs to meet us by car, along with 2 new IPA friends, Steve and his wife from Peterborough, England!
Despite a bit of a language barrier, animated hand gestures and basic sentences in one’s respective languages of
Polish, German or English were soon understood! From the hotel, Jacek and Jola whisked us off to a mountain
side hunting lodge, where we joined a group of 25 IPA friends and colleagues over a wonderful dinner, prepared
by the wives of our IPA hosts. It was here, that I met Steve (#2) and his wife Rebecca, serving police officers/IPA
members from Peterborough, England. As the evening quickly evolved, we laughed, we shared stories with IPA
friends (old and new) and we enjoyed trying a regionally brewed beer called “Zywiec”. It soon became a new
favorite foreign beer for attending IPA guests! The warmth and charm of this mountainside hunting lodge was a
perfect venue for our group.
On Day #2 we gathered for a foot patrol in ceremonial
police uniform / some in civilian attire through the
beautiful old market square in Bielsko Biala, where we
took in the sights and sounds of this beautiful old city.
We meandered through the city streets, winding up at
Police Headquarters, where the Chief of Police provided our group with a warm welcome and a tour of his
police headquarters. Our next stop was City Hall,
where we were greeted by the “President of Bielsko
Biala” and enjoyed a delicious multi-course luncheon in
an old restaurant/pub inside Old City Hall. A further
tour that afternoon took us to a newly built police station In Bielsko Biala, where we were greeted by the
detachment commander. We were pleasantly surprised
Bielsko Biala Sept 2013
to find emblazoned on the outer front wall, next to the
IPA Canada Region 1 colleague: Karen M. Osterwald
(RCMP) on foot patrol in Bielsko Biala, Poland with IPA Bielsko Biala Police sign was the …IPA world globe/
friends/colleagues from Poland and Germany during for symbol! (I must admit, I was impressed).
20th IPA Anniversary Celebrations in Bielsko Biala.
Naturally photos followed at all venues, as the colour
and charm of four (4) international police uniforms (Polish – German - British Bobby uniform, and a Canadian
RCMP officer in Red Serge) made a very favourable impression amongst local residents and media, alike. The
evening was divided between a mountain climb (albeit by land rover!) with the “Mountain Alpine Rescue” team,
who took great pride in delivering us safely up the steep mountain paths to a beautiful old heated ski lodge in
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I mention “heated” as it was sure cold on that
mountain top! The remainder of the evening was
spent with “ Jacek and Jola”, who opened both
their hearts and their home to the entire group, as
we were surprised with a multi-course, traditional,
home cooked meal! With a belly full of delicious
food, we thought we could eat no more… that is
until our IPA hosts began arriving with ‘platter after platter’ of home baked cakes, squares and delicious desserts! It was a wonderful day, capped by
an even more amazing evening - filled with the
warmth and wonderful hospitality from our Polish
IPA hosts.
On Day #3, Jacek, Jola, their son Darek and his
wife: Alicja and our IPA hosts provided a tour of
Bielsko Biala City Hall Sept 2013
the beautiful mountainous countryside, where we
IPA Canada Region 1 colleague: Karen M. Osterwald (RCMP)
enjoyed the beauty and charm of many small villagat a Bielsko Biala City Hall in Poland with the "City President
es; viewed the Presidential summer palace; attendof Bielsko Biala"; Bielsko Biala - Chief of Police, and many IPA
ed an ancient church constructed from wooden
timbers (hundreds of years old!) which had been friends/ colleague from across Poland; Wolfsburg - Germany, and Peterborough - England.
relocated to it’s current mountainside location;
lunched at a country chalet where we tried…”hot
herbed beer”! (No kidding, it was extremely good!); toured a year round / world renowned ski jump, where
local youths happened to be competing in a ski jumping competition … “without snow”! It appeared to be some
sort of rubber pellets the skiers landed on and the end of this ski runway crossed OVER TOP of the main highway; and we enjoyed specialty smoked cheeses unique to this Region. They were simply mouth watering! (We
won’t discuss calories consumed at this point.) That evening we joined our IPA hosts for another wonderfully
prepared traditional meal, catered once again by IPA family and friends at a local restaurant/ hall. Gifts were later presented /exchanged with our IPA hosts, and attending guests alike.
When the 20th Anniversary celebrations of IPA Bielsko Biala wound down that night, our IPA colleagues from
Peterborough, England had an announcement…they will be hosting an IPA Friendship Week in Peterborough in
September, 2014. (You’ll be sure to see many of us there!)
On behalf of IPA Canada, I would like to extend a
special “thank you” to IPA Bielsko Biala host/
president: Mirek and his wife for hosting this IPA
event; Jacek (Jola) and their son Darek (also a police officer/IPA member) and his wife, Alicja for
translating and the wonderful home cooked meals
and tours, as well as, Anjay and his wife for their
warm hospitality.
We shared laughter, we shared friendship, but
above all, we shared “international” camaraderie
with our IPA colleagues.
Auf Wiedersehen (…until we meet again!)
Servo per Amikeco,
IPA Canada Region 1, Karen Osterwald presents IPA Bielsko
Biala President, Miroslaw Kolek with a collection of RCMP
historical cap badges in recognition of their 20th Anniversary
within the International Police Association
Karen M. Osterwald
IPA Canada – Region 1
V OL.2014/1
Update on Region 3 executive :
Sunday, December 15, 2013 Region 3 had a Christmas get together and meeting at the Christie residence.
Result of our executive election is:
President / Travel: Graham Lenton: [email protected]
Tom Christie [email protected]
2nd Vice
Mike Oleynick [email protected]
Treasurer/Member John Bayliss [email protected]
Jim Golbourn [email protected]
Red Deer Liaison
Frank Yakimchuk [email protected]
Please note mailing address change, due to Calgary Police Association losing their home to floods
240 Citadel Meadow Bay NW,
Calgary, Alberta, T3G 4Z4
403 280 5822
Guests were Stu and Rachelle Black, from Sussex England
On Thursday 19 December 2013 Region 3 attended the Annual Christmas event at the Christine Meikle School
for Special needs students.
Nouvelles de l’Exécutif de la Région 3.
Le dimanche 15 décembre, s’est tenue une réunion dans le cadre de Noël chez les Christie.
Nos administrateurs sont:
Président / Voyages
Graham Lenton: [email protected]
1er Vice-président
Tom Christie : [email protected]
2e Vice-président
Mike Oleynick : [email protected]
John Bayliss : [email protected]
Jim Golbourn: [email protected]
Liaison Red Deer
Frank Yakimchuk: [email protected]
Prenez note du changement d’adresse de Calgary Police Association dû aux inondations. C’est aussi mon
adresse personnelle.
240 Citadel Meadow Bay NW,
Calgary, Alberta, T3G 4Z4
403 280 5822
Invités: Stu et Rachelle Black, de Sussex, Angleterre
Le 19 décembre nous avons participé à la fête de Noël à l’école Christine Meikle pour élèves ayant des besoins
In Friendship, Amicalement,
Calgary police add trauma dog Hawk
to force to aid Victim Assistance Unit
He may be called Hawk, but the newest member of the Calgary Police Service is
calm and charming — characteristics that earned him the job of a trauma dog.
The three-year-old black Labrador retriever is the force’s newest member after
he received his badge from Chief Rick Hanson Monday.
The trained pooch’s main duty is helping the Calgary Police Victim Assistance
Unit in support of witnesses and victims of crime and trauma, especially those who are young.
Sgt. Brent Hutt, the trauma dogs’ main handler, said his new partner is adorable.
“If you love dogs, you’ll love Hawk — if you’re not sure about dogs, you’ll probably love him.”
“He helps people calm down and lower their anxiety.” “If you love dogs, you’ll love Hawk — if you’re not sure
about dogs, you’ll probably love him.” “He helps people calm down and lower their anxiety.”
Hutt said the pooch’s comforting presence makes him an excellent support system to those who have witnessed or experienced traumatic incidents. Since joining the force in October 2013, Hawk has already provided
support to victims of various ages, including high-risk youth, helping to calm and encourage them to open up to
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Hawk, the third trauma dog of his kind in Canada, was raised, trained and provided to CPS by the Pacific Assistance Dog Society (PADS).
Two other trauma dogs are currently serving the Delta Police Department and the Camrose Police Service.
Laura Watamanuk, PADS executive director, said the process of selecting dogs to be trained as a hearing, service, trauma or K9 dog, starts with the breeding program.
The puppies go through a socialization program and they’re raised by volunteers until they’re 18 months old,
after which they come to the organization’s training facility.
“The most important segment is the beginning years, because the better socialized the dogs, the better chance
they have for success,” Watamanuk said.
Hawk went through about two years of training before he was donated to CPS
Watamanuk said the pooch has a very calm disposition.
“He’s the perfect type of dog to bring into any traumatic situation because he will not assume the energy,” she
said. “He stays very calm and he doesn’t get stressed when people around him are stressed.”
Currently, 21 puppies are in various stages of training in Calgary and
the organization is about to start another group in Cochrane AB.
Le Labrador Hawk, spécialisé en traumatologie, joint
les rangs du corps de police de Calgary
Il peut bien se nommer Hawk (aigle), mais le nouveau membre du service de police de Calgary est calme et charmant; des traits de caractère qui lui ont mérité ce travail.
Ce Labrador de trois ans, le plus récent membre du corps de police
de Calgary, a reçu son badge des mains du responsable des services de
la protection de la jeunesse (CPS), le Chef de police Rick Hanson, Le
chien est spécialement dressé pour intervenir auprès de témoins ou
de victimes de crime, tout particulièrement les jeunes.
Le Sergent Brent Hutt, maître-chien, affirme que son partenaire est
tout simplement adorable. « Si vous aimez les chiens, vous aimerez
Hawk, mais si vous les craignez, vous l’aimerez tout autant. » Il calme
et aide à diminuer l’anxiété et le stress post-traumatique chez les personnes.
Hutt déclare que la présence rassurante de son animal en font un exNew Calgary Police Service dog Hawk with cellent système de soutien pour ceux et celles qui vivent des incidents
his partner Sgt. Brent Hutt at a badge
presentation at police headquarters in Cal- Depuis qu’il a rejoint les rangs de la police en octobre dernier, Hawk
gary, Alta., on Monday November 18, 2013.
est déjà intervenu auprès de personnes de tous âges, dont des adolesHawk is a trauma dog, his friendliness used
cents à risque, en les calmant et les encourageant à se confier aux ento calm people down, especially children.
quêteurs. Hawk est le troisième chien spécialisé en traumatisme au
Canada après les services de police de Delta (C-B) et Camrose. (AB). Il fut élevé et entraîner par la Pacific Assistance Dog society (PADS)
Laura Watamanuk, directrice de PADS, affirme que le processus de sélection des chiens dédiés aux sourds, au
service et aux traumatisés, ou l’escouade canine de la police K9, débute avec le programme d’accouplement.
Les chiots passent par un processus de socialisation et ils sont élevés par des bénévoles jusqu’à l’âge de 18 mois
après quoi, ils rejoignent l’organisme pour l’entrainement. « Les premières années sont les plus importantes, car
plus le chien est socialisé, meilleures sont ses chances de succès. »Avant d’être remis entre les mains du CPS,
Hawk a dû subir un entrainement de deux ans. « C’est le chien idéal pour les situations post-traumatique parce
qu’il n’assumera pas l’énergie », ajoute-t-elle.« Il reste calme en tout temps et ne s’énerve pas lorsque des gens
autour de lui sont stressés.
Présentement, 21 chiots sont à différents stage d’entrainement à Calgary et l’organisme est en voie d’instaurer
un nouveau groupe à Cochrane, AB
V OL.2014/1
This saga was quite recent; but that of one of the main players, began in 2012.
Rod McNEILL is the Chairman of the Lothian and Borders branch of IPA, itself a part of No.1 Region, Scotland,
a part of the British Section. He and his Wife Irene, dwell on the Scottish mainland. They came to Canada last
year, were hosted by Region 2 member Stan STEINWELL and his wife Dolores, and since then, Rod and I have
maintained an excellent exchange of emails. I must also mention that during that visit, Neil STEPHENSON, President of our Region 10, took them to Niagara Falls.
During this past week or so, Rod sent me a video; It showed members of Rod’s section travelling by jet from
Aberdeen to the Faroe Islands; about a 90 minute flight. I learnt from Rod, that the IPA in Faroe, had rented the
plane, filled it with paying passengers, (IPA and non member), after which they flew to Aberdeen to do some
Christmas shopping. Since the plane was due to return to the Faroe Islands empty, it was arranged that some of
Rod’s Section members would visit their IPA friends there.
Here is how all this began.
While this does not of course, strictly involve Region 2, or indeed, the Canadian Section, me thinks it is a truly
excellent example of what IPA can do and has done to strengthen relationships between different Sections.
During April 2013, IPA Lothian and Borders branch of the Scottish Section, hosted a long week end visit to Edinburgh of some 41 IPA members from the Faroe Islands. They are located in the Atlantic Ocean, to the West
of the Scottish mainland. All were either serving or retired Police Officers from the Faroese .They are part of
the Danish Police Force, constituting an independent Police Force, headed by a Chief Superintendent of Police.
There are a total of 170 employees, 110 of which are Police Officers. There is a population of some 47,000 people, over half of which live in the capital, Torshaven.
In order to join the Police Force there, one has to be at least 21 years of age, and serve for 37 years before becoming eligible to receive a Police pension. All members are armed; any citizen over 18 years of age may purchase a shotgun, which many do. However; there is never any gun related crime. Their way of life is very laid
back, there is a low crime rate, and no one locks their doors. Police do at times detain the odd person, mostly
for their personal safety, before releasing them the following morning!! Naturally, they know just about everyone in the community, and are very much liked by the population. As about 40% of the entire Force was visiting
Edinburgh that night, we joked that it would have been a good time for a Faroese person to commence a life of
They being an island race, we wondered if they would sail to Edinburgh, but then learned that not only were
they flying in, but they had chartered their own aircraft, and sold off the extra seats to fare paying tourists!!
Very clever, and we decided they deserved to become honorary Scots!!
Branch Chairman Rod McNEILL gave a short welcoming speech, including three sentences in Danish. In the
words of the late British comic Eric MORECAMBE, “They were all the right words but not necessarily in the
right order”. At that point, they were each given a “See you Jimmy” tartan hat as an ice breaker. They were also
given a signed copy of Branch Vice Chairman Tom McINALLY’S award winning photograph of the Forth Bridge,
from the IPA calendar, along with other IPA goodies.
A Scottish themed meal was arranged at the Mercat bar in Edinburgh, owned by the son of long standing Scottish IPA member, Stuart BLAIKIE.
It was for our visitors, a first hand experience of meeting, greeting and dining on haggis as a starter, with a
choice of cullen skink, (A fish soup), followed by their choice of roast venison, beef or salmon served with cranachan and delicious cheeses for dessert. Cranachan is a traditional Scottish dessert; made from a mixture of
whipped cream, whisky, honey, fresh raspberries, with toasted oatmeal, soaked overnight in a little whiskey!!
It is safe to say that the Chef excelled in her preparations. Our IPA Branch piper, John MacINTOSH, in full regalia, played our visitors into the premises, and later, “addressed the haggis”, thereafter plunging his dirk,
V OL.2014/1
(A small dagger like weapon), into the haggis which was then served to our visitors. We were delighted to see
the No.1 Region Scotland, Chairman, Andy WRIGHT, and his wife Shirley, plus 15 of our local Branch members
present to host our guests. As the Mercat Bar boasted a stock of some 120 different brands of whiskey, everyone had a good try at tasting them all.
The next day, a group of 8 interested Faroese visitors, themselves a mix of their Traffic, Beat Officers, and CID
members, enjoyed a tour of the St. Leonard’s Police Station in Edinburgh. Thanks must go to Chief Superintendent Mark WILLIAMS who authorized the visit on fairly short notice, and to PC Neil WILSON who escorted
them. This was the very first visit of any foreign Police Force to the newly formed, Police Scotland.
They were impressed with the volume of custodies dealt with, and the care extended to our prisoners. They
also learned that there over 800 events, all needing to be policed each year in Edinburgh, including the famous
Hogmany celebrations, when in excess of 250,00 people participate. Their admiration was expressed of the enquiry officers they met dealing with all aspects of sudden death and missing persons. Were it possible, they
would have taken home with them the Edinburgh Live Scan system, which identifies a person instantly after digitally recording their fingerprints. Another item of interest for them was the electronic PDA units, carried by
our Officers, replacing the paper notebooks, which the Faroese Officers still use. The tour ended with their
being shown and trying out, the personal safety equipment issued to Scottish Police members, and saw the
equipment carried in our patrol vehicles.
The rest of their visit was taken up with sightseeing in Edinburgh; including a walk to the top of Arthur’s Seat, an
extinct volcano in the centre of the city, with breathtaking views. Not an easy climb for any person with a hangover!!
Our Faroes visitors returned home on Sunday, April 28th, having enjoyed a great visit to Edinburgh. Friendships
were formed, plus invitations given and accepted.
Without a doubt; Arthur TROOPS original intention, to extend the bonds of friendship amongst Police Officers
throughout the world has been met by this visit. None of this would have been possible without the hard work
of our secretary, John QUINN, who works away in the background. So thanks to him also.
If any branch of IPA anywhere wants to visit Edinburgh, a warm welcome awaits.
IPA Lothian and Borders Branch Chairman.
PS. Rod advised that if any Canadian IPA member
intends to visit Scotland, a warm and friendly welcome awaits. Email address [email protected]
will result in their hearing from either Rod or
V OL.2014/1
À Québec, est décédé subitement le 25 décembre 2013
à l'âge de 56 ans,
Serge Lefrançois.
Serge a servi comme agent de la paix en tant que constable
spéciale pour le ministère de la sécurité publique du Québec
pour plus de 33 ans dans les fonctions de garde rapproché de
ministres et en tant que sergent responsable de la sécurité du
palais de justice de Québec.
Il s'était joint à la région 08 Québec en septembre 1992 pour par
la suite être élu dans la position de secrétaire à deux reprises: la
première de décembre 2002 à décembre 2005 et la deuxième de
décembre 2011 à décembre 2013.
Il sera regretté par nous tous; nos pensées et nos sympathies se joignent à celles de la famille et de ses amis.
Gaston Allicie
Président de la région 08 Québec.
Serge Lefrançois, passed away suddenly on December 25, 2013 at the age of 56 years in the city of Quebec.
Serge served for over 33 years as a Special Constable (sworn peace officer) with the Sécurité Publique du
Québec as 'as Provincial Government Ministers' body guard and as a sergeant responsible for the Quebec
courthouse security.
He was a member of Region 8 Québec since September 1992.
Serge served this region as a dedicated secretary twice: from December 2002 till December 2005 and from
December 2011 till December 2013.
He will be missed; our thoughts and sympathy are with the family and friends.
Gaston Allicie
President of Region 8.
News from Region 10
Region 10 President Neil Stephenson and IPA Canada Secretary General
Larry Sheppard attended the Hamilton Police Service Ceremony on Tuesday, January 7, 2014, for New Hires and Promotions.
Neil Stephenson had the honor to present the R-10 IPA Canada Award to a
recruit, selected by his/her peers to be the most cordial in the class of
2014. There were 21 recruits sworn in and the Award recipient was Justin
Woods. In the photo you will see Neil Stephenson (left), Justin Woods
(centre), and Chief Glenn DeCaire (right).
Justin Woods received a keeper plaque and a one year membership into
IPA Canada. A name plate (with his name on it) will be placed on a large
plaque hanging on the wall at the Hamilton Police Service.
Nouvelles de la Région 10
Le mardi 7 janvier 2014, le Président de la région 10, Neil Stephenson, accompagné du Secrétaire général pour IPA Canada Larry Sheppard ont assisté à la cérémonie d'accueil des recrues et des nouvelles promotions du
service de police de Hamilton.Neil Stephenson eut l'honneur de remettre le
prix IPA Région 10 à une recrue, choisie par ses pairs. Ce prix salue la recrue la plus sympathique de la promotion parmi les 21 candidats.
Il s'agit de Justin Woods, apparaissant ici au centre sur la photographie en
compagnie de Neil Stephenson (à gauche) et du chef de police Glenn DeCaire ( (à droite). Justin Woods s'est vu
remettre une plaque commémorative ainsi qu'une adhésion d'un an à IPA Canada. Son nom restera gravé sur
une plaque commémorative plus grande, installée au mur du service de police de Hamilton.
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Hello dear IPA Friends and Colleagues,
Happy and healthy new year greetings from the USA. I am Jimmy Albrecht of the IPA External Relations Commission and the IPA representative at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. In the January 2014
newsletter, Kees Sal, the IPA 3rd International Vice President, reported that the International Professional
Commission is supporting IPA member participation at international police conferences. In August 2012, I was
fortunate to assist with the hosting of the International Police Executive Symposium conference at the United
Nations headquarters in New York City. It was a rewarding experience and many IPA members were in attendance. More than 100 law enforcement colleagues from across the globe participated. This summer from
27th to 31st July 2014, the International Police Executive Symposium conference will be hosted
by the Bulgarian Police and take place at a resort in Sofia. There will be many informative presentations, but I have arranged one session that will highlight the benefits and successes of the International Police
It would be great if you could supply your colleagues and other IPA members with information about this conference. Detailed information is available at:
In addition to the conference in Bulgaria in July 2014, the IPES has also organized another conference in India in
March 2014. Please take the time to visit the IPES website to obtain more information about these two events
and those held in the past. I have been attending IPES conferences since the 1990s and can honestly report
that these events are not only professionally rewarding, but create great environments for networking, learning, and cultural enlightenment.
If you or your colleagues have any questions, they can contact the conference coordinator
[email protected] or they can contact me at: [email protected]
I wish you a happy, healthy, peaceful, and safe 2014,
Jimmy Albrecht
IPA New York City
IPA ERC - UN HQ representative
Bonjour chers amis et collègues IPA
Recevez nos meilleurs vœux des États-Unis. Mon nom est Jimmy Albrecht de la Commission des Relations
extérieures de l’IPA et représentant au quartier général des Nations Unies à New York. Dans le bulletin de
nouvelles de janvier 2014, Kees Sal, le troisième Vice-président international, a indiqué que la Commission professionnelle internationale endosse la participation des membres IPA aux conférences de l’Exécutif de l’international Police. Au mois d’août 2012, j’ai eu le bonheur de prêter mains fortes lors de la Conférence du Symposium de l’Exécutif de l’International Police au quartier général des Nations Unies à New York. Ce fut une
expérience gratifiante et plusieurs membres IPA y assistaient. Plus de 100 officiers de police de partout sur la
planète y ont participé. Cet été, du 27 au 31 juillet 2014, la Conférence du Symposium de l’Exécutif
de la police International sera l’hôte de la Police bulgare dans un lieu de villégiature de Sofia. Il y
aura de nombreuses présentations, et j’ai organisé une session qui mettra en lumière les avantages et les succès de l’International Police Association.
Je vous serais reconnaissant de partager cette information avec vos collègues et les membres IPA. Pour plus
de détails, visitez le plus de la conférence en Bulgarie, l’IPES a aussi organisé une autre conférence en Inde au mois de mars 2014. Prenez le temps de visiter le site du IPES pour de plus amples informations sur ces deux événements et ceux qui se sont tenus avant. Je participe à ces conférence depuis 1990 et
je peux confirmer que ces événements ne sont pas seulement gratifiants professionnellement, mais ils offrent
des occasions formidables de réseautage, d’apprentissage et d’édification culturelle.
Si vous-même ou vos collègues souhaitent davantage d’information, communiquez avec le coordonnateur de la
conférence au : [email protected] ou contactez moi directement au [email protected]
Je vous souhaite la santé, le bonheur et la paix en 2014.
Jimmy Albrecht
IPA New York City
IPA ERC - Représentant auprès des Nations Unies à New York
V OL.2014/1
IPA Canadian Section Photo Competition
A photographic subject or topic of interest:
Police at Work: (Each image should clearly identify Police at work or play - for
example a person wearing uniform or in a marked police vehicle shown within the
Overall winner
Photo-journalism award
First place in each category
Second place in each category
Third place in each category
Certificate and
Certificate and $50.00
Certificate and $50.00
A total of $250.00
NOTE: The Photo-journalism award is a photo chosen by the Judges that could be from either category. It is
something with a human element, catching a moment in time that jumps out and is different.
The Winners of the competition will be announced at the National AGM Meeting in Victoria, May 2014. The
awards for competition will be presented to Region Delegate on behalf of the winners.
These will be accredited photographers and have no entries in the competition.
The competition is open to all regular members in good standing of the Canadian Section, International Police Association.
All entries are to be submitted as a JPEG file on a thumb drive (data stick) that will not be returned. The
thumb drive will have the name and e-mail address of the author and titles of each image clearly
PRINTED on it.
All entries are to be sent to IPA Canada Section Region 2, Box 66 Sutton West, ON, L0E 1R0, at the senders expense, and must be postmarked no later than April 2, 2014.
All entries received will be sent an acknowledgement of receipt.
A maximum of 4 entries per individual.
The decision of the Judges is final.
While the International Police Association will exercise care in the handling of entries, it regrets that it can
accept no responsibility for loss or damage however caused.
All winning selections will be forwarded to the: Secretary General,
New Zealand Section for the International competition to be postmarked no later than June 1, 2014.
Winning entries will be presented to International Cultural Commission by August 1, 2014.
You must be the owner and creator of the photo
• The image must be a photograph (not digital art, painting or
• Make sure there is minimal digital alteration (colour, cropping)
• Images must be no more than
5MB in size
• Only jpegs are accepted
• No date stamps or watermarks.
V OL.2014/1
The right to reproduce photographic images for International Police Association purposes is assumed.
The copyright of any photographic imaged submitted must belong to the entrant and remains their property.
Entry form is to be attached with the JPG Thumb Drive when submitted:
E-MAIL ADDRESS; ........................................................................
IPA Region 2
Box 66, 8 West St.
Sutton West. Ontario
L0E 1R0
Un sujet photographique ou d’intérêt
Policier au travail – chaque cliché doit montrer clairement un policier au travail ou lors d’un loisir. Exemple :
un officier en uniforme ou à l’intérieur d’un véhicule identifié à un corps de police.
Grand gagnant
Certificat et 100 $
Prix photo journalistique
Certificat et 50 $
Première place dans chacune des catégories
Certificat et 50 $
Deuxième place
Troisième place
NOTE : Le prix photo journalistique est attribué par les membres du jury toutes catégories. Il est parfois déterminé par le caractère humain, ou un élément qui se démarque dans le temps.
Le nom des gagnants sera annoncé lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle qui se tiendra en mai 2014
à Victoria, C-B. Ces prix seront remis au représentant délégué de la Région.
Il sera composé de photographes professionnels qui n’ont pas le droit de participer au concours.
Le concours est ouvert à tout membre en règle de la Section canadienne de l’International Police Association.
Chaque inscription doit être soumise en format JPG sur une clé USB qui ne sera pas retournée à l’expéditeur. Sur la clé USB devra se retrouver le nom et l’adresse courriel de l’auteur ainsi que le titre de
chaque photo.
Chaque inscription devra parvenir à : IPA Canada Région 2, Case postale 66, 8 West Street, Sutton West,
Ontario L0E 1R0, aux frais de l’expéditeur avant le 2 avril 2014.
V OL.2014/1
Un accusé de réception parviendra à l’expéditeur.
Un maximum de 4 photos par personne.
La décision des juges sera finale.
L’International Police Association se dégage de toute réclamation découlant de la perte ou l’utilisation de
ma (mes) photo(s), y compris toute plainte pour diffamation ou atteinte à la vie privée.
Les clichés gagnants du concours international seront envoyés au Secrétaire général de la Section de la
Nouvelle Zélande de l’IPA au plus tard le 1er juin 2014.
Les photos primées seront présentées à la Commission culturelle au plus tard le 1er août 2014.
 Vous devez être l’auteur ou le créateur de la photo  Le cliché doit avoir été pris avec une caméra (exclus :
image digitalisée, peinture ou illustration)  Assurez-vous qu’il y ait le moins d’altération digitale possible
(couleur, découpage)  Les image ne doivent pas excéder 5MB  Seul le format JPG sera accepté  Aucune oblitération de date ou filigrane permis.
Il est entendu que l’International Police Association et ses représentants sont autorisés à utiliser, réutiliser,
créer, copier, reproduire, exposer, publier ou distribuer les images soumises dans le cadre du Concours de
photos de l’IPA Section canadienne.
NOM ………………………………………………………………….
International Police Association Région 2
Case Postale 66, 8 West Street
Sutton West, Ontario L0E 1R0
IPA Region 5 leadership award:
On January 14, 2014 Region 5 President Gerry Vercammen and Treasurer Phil Bailey were pleased to present the
IPA Leadership Award to Edmonton Police Service Recruit
Training Class 128 recipient Constable Kevin BOYCE.
Prix du Leadership de la Région 5
Le 14 Janvier 2014, le président Gerry Vercammen et le trésorier de
la Région 5, Phil Bailey ont présenté le Prix du Leadership de l’IPA au
constable Kevin BOYCE de la classe 128 du Service de recrutement
de la police d’Edmonton.
Vous avez une nouvelle?
You have some news?
Soumettez votre idée ou histoire au format MS Word et vos images (JPEG) à:
Contact me! Submit your idea or story in MS Word format and your pictures (JPEG) to:
[email protected]
V OL.2014/1
When I attended the World Congress in Israel in Sept. of 2012, a motion was put forward by the then International Treasurer (Pierre Martin Moulin) to come out with a new 5 year plastic card. It was passed and at the
same time we were told that the present blue linen passport will stop being made at the end of 2014.
On Oct. 9, 2012 I contacted the new International Treasurer (Romain Miny) with the following questions.
Are our old blue passports still accepted until they are full?
Do new members joining in 2013 have to use the new plastic cards or can we still use up the old blue passports that we still have in stock?
Can we still purchase blue linen passports from your stock?
When we switch to the new plastic cards, what do we need to purchase from International to begin the
Do we need to get a program to print the design on the blank plastic cards?
1. Yes.
2. You can use the old blue passport you still have in stock.
3. Yes, they cost .20 CHF each.
4 & 5. I cannot give you a satisfactory answer. Germany with other
Sections are working with a company who is printing the cards.
Please contact Werner Busch (Assist. Int’l. Treasurer) for more
In January 2013, I requested information on receiving the template for the new 5 year plastic card. It
wasn’t until May 13 that I received that template. It was decided by our N.E.B. to order blue linen passports
from their remaining stock. This would allow us to work on what IPA Canada would do down the road in relation to purchasing equipment and setting up a National Membership Secretary. We purchased 300 blue linen
I prepared a financial statement with comparison on costs between three companies willing to assist us
in producing the new plastic card. Our President (Denis Nadeau) decided it best if we waited until after the
2013 International Meetings. We could see what planning they have made for the future. At the present, a
large number of European Sections use the one year plastic card. Some presented with and some without photos. The U.S. Section found a company to produce, fill in, and collect the funds for their card which does not
have a photo on it.
On Sept. 19, 2013, Denis reported back from the Int’l meetings telling us to stop any planning purchasing equipment as he had news on the plans of International. We found out that Germany could produce a card
for us at a very cheap price.
On Dec. 24, 2013, Denis sent a message to the International Offices requesting answers to the following questions:
Can someone update us on the situation with the new 5 year membership card?
Do we have a decision on the 5 yr. card with photo or will it be a 1 yr. card without a photo or a mix of
the two types of cards?
Both the 5 yr. and 1 yr. cards with or without photo are valid at the
moment. However the aim is to have a 1 yr. card only within a few years
and the 5 yr. card will be phased out.
The U.K. Section outsources the job to a printing company. The German
Section has offered to have the cards printed for other Sections by a
company in their country. The cost is approx. .16 cents (Euros) per card.
V OL.2014/1
On Jan. 4, 2014, I sent a message to Werner Busch asking the following questions;
Denis at the last International Conference saw a sheet of paper being passed around with membership
cards on it that could be peeled off. Denis had to leave on an emergency at home but we wondering if this is the way the cards are distributed to other Sections?
If so, are other Sections able to fill in the cards with membership info and photos from our own printers?
What program would we use to fill out the sheet of cards?
Answers:1. We produce the membership cards on an 81/2 X 11 sheet of paper.
The card is paper with a laminate over it. You can print right on it.
sheet and it can be peeled off after printing is done.
2 All you need is a laser printer to fill in the info. on the card.
3 We use a “Word” template to print the data.
There is only one card per
In Germany all cards are sent blank (fill in data) for 16 cents or full service (incl. personalizing, folding,
envelope) at a cost 26 cents.
On January 18, 2014, I contacted the International Treasurer (Romain Miny) to get answers to the following
Do our members continue to get the stamps for the blue linen passports they presently have until their
passport is filled or do we have to immediately switch all of our members to the plastic card for 2015?
Answer: I will have to check the minutes of the last International meeting. For the moment we have three card
types. (Blue linen, 5 yr, and yearly cards). Switching to a one year card is good idea. I will get back to you.
So that is where we are at the present time, folks. I hope to have a presentation for the 2014 AGM. At that
time we will make the final decision. I am attaching a photo of what we could have for a one year plastic card.
One Year membership card with photo
Back of one year membership card
1st International Multisport I.P.A. Championship
Organized by I.P.A. Belgium under the auspices of I.P.A. International
The Championship will take place during the EPFG 2014 which will take place in
Brussels from 12 till 20 July 2014.
The Championship encompasses the following disciplines:
Doing stairs/Climbing in the Atomium (in sportswear), Saturday, July 12
Road race (10 miles = 16 km), Sunday, July 13
Cross-Country, Wednesday, July 16
FBI shooting contest, Wednesday, July 16
Mountain biking, Thursday, July 17
V OL.2014/1
Requirements for participation:
Being an I.P.A.-member with dues for 2014 fully paid at the beginning of the EPFG (July 12).
Register for participation in the EPFG (European Police & Fire Games) as well as for the selected disciplines.
Cost for participation in the EPFG: € 70
Cost per discipline: € 10
I.P.A.-members are automatically ranked in the I.P.A.-ranking, free of charge.
Each participant has to take out insurance for himself while participating in the EPFG.
[email protected]
In each discipline there will be 2 rankings, one for participants younger than 40 years of age, and one for participants older than 40. This goes for all disciplines with the exception of the shooting event, which is open to anyone without an age categorie, but has separate rankings for men and women.
The three most highly ranked participants in the separate end rankings will receive an I.P.A.-medal.
KOX Constant
Member of I.P.A. Belgium
Organiser EPFG
Member of I.P.A. Belgium
Organiser EPFG
1er Championnat International multisports I.P.A.
Organisé par l’I.P.A. Belgique sous l’égide de l’I.P.A. International.
Le championnat se déroulera lors des EPFG de 2014 à Bruxelles du 12 au 20 juillet
Le Championnat se déroulera dans les disciplines suivantes :
Cross-Country, le mercredi 16 juillet
Course sur route (10 miles = 16 kms), le dimanche 13 juillet
VTT, le jeudi 17 juillet
Escaliers/Montée de l’Atomium (en tenue de sport), le samedi 12 juillet
Tir FBI, le mercredi 16 juillet
Modalités :
Être membre de l’I.P.A. et en règle de cotisation 2014 à la date du début des EPFG (12 juillet)
S’inscrire aux EPFG (European Police &Fire Games) ainsi qu’aux disciplines choisies.
Inscription aux Games : € 70
Inscription par discipline : € 10
Les membres I.P.A. inscrits aux Games participent gratuitement au classement I.P.A.
Chaque participant s’assure personnellement pour les Games.
Renseignements :
[email protected]
Classement :
Il y aura deux classements dans chaque discipline : -40ans et + 40ans, sauf pour le tir qui est sans catégorie
d’âge, et il y a un classement séparé pour les hommes et les femmes.
Médaille :
Les trois premiers de chaque catégorie recevront une médaille I.P.A.
KOX Constant
Membre I.P.A. Belgique
Organisateur EPFG
Membre I.P.A. Belgique
Organisateur EPFG
V OL.2014/1
Charles R. Wright
President: Mervin A. Hallawell
(33 yr veteran with the C.N.R. Police)
V.P.: Lloyd McClure (Corporal with O.P.P.)
Secretary General: Charles Wright
December 29, 1960: Canada received “Provisional” Recognition
March 16, 1961: The International Police Association admitted Canada to full
Membership as a self governing Section.
Lloyd McClure
1st V.P.:
Malcolm Smith
2nd V.P.:
Colin Wackett
Sec. Gen.:
Charles Wright
Asst. Sec.Gen. John Harrison
1st V.P.:
2nd V.P.:
Sec. Gen.:
Asst. Sec. Gen.:
Colin Wackett
Herb Sanderson
Philip Crosby-Jones
John Harrison
John Morrison
Robert Engel
Colin Wackett
1st V.P.:
2nd V.P.:
Sec. Gen.:
Asst. Sec. Gen.:
I.E.C. Delegate:
Colin Wackett
Philip Crosby-Jones
Harry Wilson
John Harrison
John Morrison
Robert Engel
Charles Wright
Colin Wackett
1st V.P.:
Joe Summerlin
2nd V.P.:
Robert Cooper
Sec. Gen.:
Philip Crosby-Jones
Asst. Sec. Gen.: James Collins
Bob Engel
1st V.P.:
2nd V.P.:
Sec. Gen.:
Asst. Sec. Gen.:
I.E.C. Delegate:
Colin Wackett
Joe Summerlin
Robert Cooper
Philip Crosby-Jones
James Collins
Bob Engel
Charles Wright
V.P. East:
V.P. West:
Sec. Gen.:
Asst. Sec. Gen.:
Hobbies Secretary:
I.E.C. Delegate:
Supply Officer:
Harry Wilson
Bill Gilling
Jim Wiersma
Philip Crosby-Jones
Bill Luciuk
Nelson Jones
Nick Doran
Charles Wright
Geoffrey Redman
1968 – 1969 President:
V.P. West:
V.P. East:
Sec. Gen.:
Asst. Sec. Gen:
1970 – 1971
Philip Crosby-Jones
Jim Whiteford
Russell Taylor
Frank Sykes
Rudy Singer
Nelson Jones
Russ Taylor
V.P. West:
James Whiteford
V.P. East:
Rudy Singer
Charles Vincent
Sec. Gen.:
Harry Wilson
A/Sec. Gen. West: Bill Przeczek
A/Sec. Gen. East: Tom Sinkovich
1971 – 1974
Philip Crosby-Jones
V.P. West:
James Whiteford
V.P. East:
Russell Taylor
Sec. Gen.:
Sam Donaghey
Asst. Sec. Gen: Rudy Singer(1 year term)
I.E.C. Delegate: Murray Lee
Nelson Jones
Travel Secretary: Art Taylor
Supply Officer:
Herb Sanderson
V OL.2014/1
1974 – 1977 President:
James Whiteford
1st V.P.:
Stafford McCandless
2nd V.P.:
Jack Western
3rd V.P.:
William Phillips
Sec. Gen.:
Charles Wright
Asst. Sec. Gen. East:
Norman Bell
Asst. Sec. Gen. West: Bill Przeczek
Charles Vincent
Asst. Treasurer: Gina Bellamy
Past Pres.:
Russ Taylor
PEB Rep.:
Harry Wilson
1977 – 1980 President:
Bill Przeczek
V.P. West:
Stafford McCandless
V.P. Central:
Bob Ashby
V.P. East:
Edmond Merineau
Sec. Gen.:
Charles Wright
Asst. Sec. Gen. West: Clay McAdam
Asst. Sec. Gen. East: Michel Groulx
Charles Vincent
Asst. Treasurer;
Bob Christensen
Past President:
James Whiteford
Supply Officer:
Ted Ethier
1980 – 1983 President:
Murray Lee
V.P. West:
Ted Groenland
V.P. Central:
Harry Wilson
V.P. East:
Frances Brazeau
Sec. Gen.:
Charles Wright
Asst. Sec. Gen. West: Clay McAdam
Asst. Sec. Gen. Central: Don McKay
Asst. Sec. Gen. East:
Armand Courval
Bob Christensen
Asst. Treasurer:
Alec Neville
John Cryer
Nick Doran
Past President:
Bill Przeczek
James Whiteford
1983- 1986 President:
Murray Lee
V.P. West:
Bob Whitfield
V.P. Central:
Harry Wilson
V.P. East:
Romeo Delvecchio
Sec. Gen.:
Charles Wright
Asst. Sec. Gen. West: Gerry Vercammen
Asst. Sec. Gen. Central: Don MacKay
Asst. Sec. Gen. East: Jean-Guy Pouliot
Bob Christensen
Asst. Treasurer:
Alec Neville
I.E.C. Delegate:
Clay McAdam
Denis Thompson
Nick Doran
Past President:
Bill Przeczek
1986 – 1989
V.P. West:
V.P. Central:
V.P. East;
Sec. Gen.:
Asst. Treasurer:
I.E.C. Delegate:
Supply Officer:
Past President:
Bob Christensen
Gerry Vercammen
Harry Wilson
Donald Lavoie
Jean-Guy Pouliot
Robert Whitfield
Alec Neville
Denis Morin
Dennis Thompson
Murray Lee
1989 – 1992
V.P. West:
V.P. Central:
V.P. East:
Sec. Gen.:
Assist. Treasurer:
Bob Christenson
Phil Bailey
Harry Summerton
Donald Lavoie
Roger Tedball
Robert Whitfield
Gille Couture
1992 - 1995
V.P. West:
V.P. Central:
V.P. East:
Acting Sec. Gen.:
(1992 – 1994)
Sec. General:
Past President:
Supply Officer:
Denis Morin
Phil Bailey
Harry Summerton
Philippe Michaud
Harry Summerton
1995 - 1998
V.P. West:
V.P. Central:
V.P. East:
Sec. Gen.:
Supply Officer:
Denis Morin
Phil Bailey
Harry Summerton
Philippe Michaud
Bill Zaychuk
Gilles Couture
Gerry Vercammen
1998 - 2001
Phil Bailey
V.P. East:
Denis Nadeau
V.P. Central:
Harry Summerton
V.P. West:
Don Hunt
Sec. Gen.:
Bill Zaychuk
Treasurer/Supplies: Gille Couture
Past President:
Denis Morin
2001 – 2004
V.P. East:
V.P. Central:
V.P. West:
Sec. Gen.:
Bill Zaychuk (1995)
Gilles Couture
Bob Christensen
Gerry Vercammen
Phil Bailey
Denis Nadeau
Ernie Derry
Don Hunt
Bill Zaychuk
Marcel St.Onge
Charles Wright
V OL.2014/1
2004 – 2007
2007 – 2010
Phil Bailey
V.P. East:
Denis Nadeau
(2005 Temp. Gerry Deseve)
V.P. East:
Gerry Deseve
(2006 Bi-election)
V.P. Central:
Ernie Derry
V.P. West:
Don Hunt
Sec. Gen.:
Larry Sheppard
Marcel St.Onge
Charles Wright
Phil Bailey
V.P. East:
Gerry Deseve
V.P. Central:
Ernie Derry
V.P. West:
Don Hunt
(passed away on Aug.8)
V.P. West:
Barry Bos
(Nov ‘08 Bi-election)
Sec. Gen.:
Larry Sheppard
Marcel St.Onge
Charles Wright
2010 – 2013
Larry Sheppard
V.P. East:
Denis Nadeau
V.P. Central:
Ernie Derry
V.P. West:
Barry Bos
Sec. Gen.:
Marvin Southcott
Tim Corrin
(Temp. Oct. 2012 Larry Sheppard)
Charles Wright
2013 – 2016
V.P. East:
V.P. Central:
V.P. West:
Sec. Gen.:
Denis Nadeau
Christian Parent
Allen Welke
Barry Bos
Larry Sheppard
Ernie Derry
Charles Wright
Submitted and prepared by
National Historian:
[email protected]
A great deal for all IPA members when renting with Discount Car and Truck Rentals. In fact, this offer was concluded recently and we now have an agreement valid across Canada for local and visiting members of IPA. It is
simple, you get the best rate possible from Discount when reserving a car via . The offer
allows all members to take advantage of 10% to 15% off passenger vehicles and trucks at the time of booking
( **Details below) .
** IPAC members reserving a vehicle in Canada will book online reservations with the
booking code: IPAC1 (For Passenger Vehicles) AND IPAC2 (For Trucks)
For support please contact your Discount Car and Truck Rentals Representative :
Patrick Charlton [email protected] 613-290-8684.
Customized rate and service plans are available on request for all members. Thanks for making this offer known
to all IPA members.
La compagnie Discount location d’autos et camions offre une super aubaine à nos membres. En fait, cette offre
fut conclue récemment et sera valide à travers le Canada pour nos membres locaux et visiteurs. C’est très
simple, vous obtenez le meilleur prix possible en réservant sur le site . Vous obtenez un
rabais supplémentaire de 10% ou 15% sur une location d’auto ou d’un camion au moment de la réservation
(**voir détails ci bas).
**Les membres d’IPA Canada pourront réserver un véhicule au Canada en ligne au en
utilisant les codes :IPAC1 (pour une automobile) et IPAC2 (pour un camion).
Pour de l’assistance, svp contactez votre représentant Discount: M. Patrick Charlton au
[email protected] ou au 613-290-8684.
Un service et des taux personnalisés sont disponibles pour tous les membres sur demande. Merci de publiciser
cette entente auprès de tous nos membres IPA.
Servo per Amikeco!
Denis Nadeau
V OL.2013/4
IPA Canadian Section
Region 13 (Vancouver Island)
2014 Annual General Meeting
and Social Week
07 - 11 May, 2014 Victoria B.C.
Host Hotel: The Harbour Towers Hotel and Suites,
345 Quebec Street, Victoria, BC
Phone:1-800-663 5896
Email: [email protected]
Preliminary Schedule:
Wednesday, May 7th, 2014: Arrival , Registration and Social in Hospitality Room
Thursday, May 8th, 2014: Coach Tour: Scenic drive to Chemainus (world famous Murals);
Quw’utsun Cultural Centre in Duncan with 45 min. walking tour;
Salmon Barbeque with live native performance;
then on to a Cowichan Winery Tour.
Downtown Chinese Smorgasbord Dinner & stroll through Historic Chinatown
Friday, May 9th, 2014: Delegates attend the AGM while we enjoy a historic Downtown Walk,
with a visit to renowned Royal BC Museum and escorted tour of BC Legislature.
Dinner at quaint Old Spaghetti Factory (in the former CP Hotels Crystal Pool Bldg.)
Saturday, May 10th, 2014: Gala Dinner, Harbour Towers Ballroom;
followed by a concert by the Greater Victoria Police Chorus;
gifts, door prizes. Hospitality Suite (& Bar) open after event.
Sunday, May 11th, 2014: Departures ( All Victoria Airport / BC Ferries Pickups & Departures are
Complete package is only $ 250.00per person
2 Coach Tours, Native Cultural Centre admissions and Barbeque,
Chinese Smorgasbord, Royal BC Museum Admission,
pre-selected Spaghetti Factory Dinner, Butchart Gardens admission,
full Gala Banquet, Free draws, doorprizes, gifts.
All Gratuities and Taxes are included.
Hotel Accommodations must be booked directly (See hotel info above).
Please inform Region 13 by email if planning to attend
For additional information please contact::
Region 13
Email: [email protected]
IPA Region 13
c/o Raymond J. Adrian
12 - 1120 Summit Avenue
Victoria B.C. V8T 2P7
Region 13 Homepage:
Butchart Gardens - Victoria BC.
V OL.2013/4
Du 7 au 11 mai, 2014 à Victoria, Colombie-Britannique
Harbour Towers Hotel and Suites
345 Quebec Street, Victoria, BC
Tél. 1-800-663 5896 - email: [email protected]
Mercredi 7 mai 2014: Arrivée et inscription à la Suite hospitalité
Jeudi 8 mai 2014: Tour de ville: route panoramique vers les célèbres murales de Chemainus; Centre culturel Quw’utsun à Duncan et randonnée pédestre de 45 minutes; BBQ de saumon et animation amérindienne; tour d’un vignoble à Cowichan, souper buffet chinois et balade dans le secteur historique chinois.
Vendredi 9 mai, 2014: Les délégués assistent à l’AGA.
Pour les invités : randonnée pédestre dans le centre historique de la ville, visite du réputé Musée Royal,
tour de la législature de la Colombie-Britannique. Souper à la Vieille fabrique de spaghetti (dans l’ancien
édifice CP Hotels Crystal Pool.)
Samedi 10 mai, 2014: Dîner de gala à la salle de Bal du Harbour Towers, suivi d’un concert par la Chorale de la police du Grand Victoria, souvenirs, prix de présence.
Suite hospitalité et bar ouverts après l’événement.
Dimanche 11 mai, 2014: Départs
Note : tous les transferts de/vers l’aéroport de Victoria et du traversier sont inclus.
COÛT DU FORFAIT : 250,00 $ par personne comprenant :
2 visites en autocar, entrée au Centre culturel amérindien et BBQ, buffet chinois, admission au Musée
Royal de la C-B, souper présélectionné à la Vieille fabrique de spaghetti, admission aux jardins Butchart,
dîner de gala, tirage, prix de présence, souvenir.
Toutes les taxes et le service sont inclus.
RÉSERVATIONS D’HÔTEL. 1-800-663 5896 ou [email protected]
Veuillez en informer Région 13 par e-mail si la planification à assister avant date ci-dessus.
Pour obtenir toute autre information, contactez:
Raymond J. Adrian, [email protected]
I.P.A. Région 13
12 - 1120 Summit Avenue
Victoria, BC V8T 2P7
V OL.2014/1
Travel Information IPA Informations de Voyage
Updated and complete information regarding the following events is available at:
Mises à jour et des informations complètes concernant les événements suivants est disponible à
l'adresse suivante :
National Travel Secretary : Harry SUMMERTON ([email protected])
National Travel Secretary Assistant: Guy BABIN ([email protected])
or by contacting your regional Travel Officer- ou en contactant votre Assistance Voyage Régionale .
IPA Events Worldwide…
IPA manifestations dans le monde
9 Febr.2014 – 3 March 2014: New Zealand, Motorcycle Tour.
26 Febr.– 4 March 2014: Germany, IPA Cologne Carnival Week
26-28 Febr. : U.S.A. , 1st World Police Soccer 7’s Championship Orlando Florida
10-22 March 2014: Poland, from Gdynia in Poland to Antwerp in Belgium. Poland Sailing Ship Cruise.
7-11 May 2014: Canada, Victoria , B.C. Vancouver Island; IPA Canada AGM 2014 and Friendship Week
29 May - June 1, 2014: Germany, 40th Anniversary IPA Coburg
Email: [email protected]
4-8 June, 2014: Bulgaria, 20th Anniversary Celebrations, Albena
5-8 June, 2014: Italy, 4th IPA Motorcycle Rallye, Predazzo.
12-15 June 2014, Spain, XII 7-a-side– International Football Championship, Tarragona (during 20th Anniversary)
26-29 June, 2014: Poland, III International Football Championships, Gdynia.
4-13 July 2014: Germany, International Friendship week. Selm-Borg
19 July-2 Aug. 2014, France, International Youth Gathering, (IYG 2014), Paris
23 Aug. 2014, Sweden, 1st IPA Sweden bicycle Tour, south of Sweden.
1 September 2014: Germany, 39th IEC Conference, Potsdam
7-13 September 2014: Germany, Potsdam; Munich. Friendship Week after the IEC.
4-11 October 2014: U.S.A., IPA Friendship Week 2014.
16-19 October 2014: Malta, 50th Anniversary Dynamic Tri-Gun Competition 2014
8-15 Aug. 2015: Scotland, Stirling: United Kingdom– Friendship week ”A taste of Scotland”
12-18 October 2015 Cyprus; XXI IPA World Congress in Limasol.
Please forward any submissions for the next IPA Canada
newsletter before April 20, 2014 in MS Word format
to the editor:
[email protected]
Till next and enjoy,
Servo Per Amikeco
Barry Bos
Please share your copy
of the IPA Canada newsletter with
friends and members of all
Law Enforcement Agencies.
Membership forms can be filled out through
the national website of
I.P.A. Canada at
Membership dues are only $30.00 per year.