Modelli litici di scale elicoidali


Modelli litici di scale elicoidali
Modelli litici di scale elicoidali Marta Salvatore Abstract Research into the roots of descriptive geometry in stereotomy has led to a return to the algorithms of construction of some lithic architecture through contemporary digital methods of representation. Works in stone are constituted by elements designed off site whose whole generates a comprehensive form deriving from the hewn stone surfaces of which they are composed. It is thus understood how the planning of works in stone requires an in‐depth knowledge of body surfaces, their flat sections and their mutual intersections. In the vast repertory described in numerous studies published by Rinascimento onwards, helical scales constantly occupy an important space. We are talking about fittings where the stairs, treated like hewn stones, are the generative elements of the form which appears as superimposition and rotation of the same. Mathematical modelling, meant as an instrument of knowledge, permits a reappraisal of some chapters of descriptive geometry updating those sciences legitimately part of its history and an exploration of some geometric properties of the solid figures in the space into which, up to now, using graphic methods of representation, it was not possible to investigate. References 1. FRÉZIER, Amédée François. La théorie et la pratique de la coupe de pierres et de bois pour la construction des voûtes, et autre parties des bâtiments civils et militaire, ou traité de stéréotomie à l’usage de l’architecture. Paris: ed. L.H. Guerin primogenito, 1737. 2. BARBÉ‐COQUELIN DE LISLE, Geneviève (a cura di). Tratado de Arquitectura de Alonso de Vandelvira. Riproduzione anastatica del manoscritto del 1575‐91. Albacete, 1997. ISBN 84‐7231‐390‐5. 3. HACHETTE, Jean Nicolas Pierre. Traité de Géométrie descriptive. Seconda edizione. Paris: Corby Libraire Éditeur, 1822. 4. SALVATORE, Marta. La stereotomia. In MIGLIARI Riccardo, “Geometria Descrittiva”, vol. II. Novara: Città Studi Edizioni, 2009. Pp. 485‐523, ISBN 978‐88‐251‐7330‐7.