John Cocker - Ric Mazereeuw
John Cocker - Ric Mazereeuw
John Cocker Photo . Susan Dohson F youR DocroR chuckledthroughyour last checkup, John Cocker might have had something to do with it. Two-and-a-half years agothe Newmarket, Ont., physician lirunched Punch Digestfor Canadian Doctors, and the medical world has been tittering ever since. The collection of humorous medicalanecdotes and cartoons, modelled loosely on the British Punch magazine, has already outlived ils namesake and now boasts the fastest growing read- "lt'sthe ership of medicaljournals in Canada. one they read in the bathroom, " says Cocker. ) And read it they do. While many magazines have shrunk or folded during the recession, Punch Digestis growing, and has started turn- ing a tidy profit, times. > a rarity even in the best of Apart from penning a regular column called."Proctalgia"-Greek ass"-the 58-year-old a John Cocker, m6decin de Newmarket (Ontario) a lanc6 le or "pain in the similar magazine for the lucrative and L Y A DEUX ANs ET DEMI, has f just launched Stitches, sion. is US market, gauging the potential for a British ver- ) The transition {rom family physician to magazine Punch Digestfor Canadian Doctors. Ce recueil d'anecdotes et de bandes dessin6es entrepreneur came i n 1 984 after humoristiques sur le monde m6dical, inspi16 vaguement du magazine anglais Punch, survit sabbatical with his wife, crossing the Atlantic d6jA i ce dernier et connait,actuellement I'augmentation du nombre de lecteurs la plus a th ree-year and winding through Europe's waterways on a rapide de toutes les revues m6dicales du Canada. Tandis que de nombreux magazines ont, 39-ft- sailboat, ln the mid-'80s he opened pendant la r6cession, perdu du volume ou cess6 de publier, Punch Digest n'a pas cess6 de string of walk-in medical clinics and started croitre et il est devenu pas mal rentable, un fait rare pour un nouveau magazine, m6me -mot grec qui veut dire <6pine au pied>-le m6decin de 58 ans vient de lancer sur le lucratif what he says was the f irst phone-in medical info line in Canada. ) Surely one ofthe few publishers qualified to drive a tank (from his march6 am6ricain un magazine semblable qu'il.a intitul6 Stitches. ll 6tudie 69alerhent la days possibilit6 d'en lancer une version britannique. avid pilot who just built dans des conditions trds favorables. > Outre sa chronique reguliere intitulee < Proctalgia> > C'est en 1984 due ce m6decin de devenu entrepreneur, aprds un cong6 de trois ans. Au milieu des ann6es 80, i I a famille est ouvert une s6rie de cliniques de consultation sans rendez-vous et inaugur6 ce qu'il dit avoir 6t6 la pre- with the Canadian army), Cocker a is also an two-seat ull.ralight from a kit in record time. "lt was my Valium," says Cocker. "But I still did it like a workaholic." mi€re ligne t6l6phonique d'information m6dicale au Canada. ) Certainement I'un des rares €diteurs qualifi6s pour conduiie un char d'assaut (il a d6jd fait partie des Forces arm6es canadiennes), Cocker est 4galement un pilote enthousiaste qui vient d'achever en un temps record la construction, d partir d'un pr6t'ir-monter, d'un ultral6ger d deux places- <Je l'ai pour me d6tendre, dit-il, 20 ce qui ne m'a pas emp6ch6 de travailler comme un forcen6.o a fait BY. PAR RIC MAZEREEUW enRoute