Master, I want to see
Master, I want to see
VOLUME 44, NUMBER 43 October 25, 2015 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time CATHOLIC CHURCH CHURCH THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF ST. THOMAS MORE CATHOLIC Master, I want to see Mark 10:51 STEWARDSHIP OF FINANCE Page 3 NOVEMBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS Page 5 SCRIPTURE RESOURCE OFFERED Page 6 Brian Jekel October 25, 2015 Page 2 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH STAFF Your prayerful support of the BAA meets personal needs Thirty years of faithful devotion to the work of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal is a lasting measure of a diocesan commitment to our friends and neighbors throughout the Diocese of Baton Rouge. It involves significant engagement on the part of Catholic parishioners like you, as you help meet the needs of people all across the capital region. You may know someone whose life has been personally touched through the BAA because of support for Catholic Charities, the Sanctuary for Life, Catholic Life TV, or the outreach and fellowship celebrated at St. Thomas More Parish. Ultimately, impact is widespread and annual contributions benefit us all. Because you understand that commitment, you may have already contributed to this effort. If so, we again express our thanks. If not, then please take advantage of the opportunity to participate with your fellow parishioners, as we look forward to the upcoming Commitment Weekend. Together, we Glorify God and Serve Others, this year’s timeless theme and a reminder that the work continues because needs persist. There are many ways to engage. If you’ve yet to do so, please read through the packet of material Bishop Muench recently sent to you. You’ll note the many ministries you support through the BAA and will find many ways to conveniently make your commitment: complete the form and mail it in the envelope provided, join The Crosier Society or The Bishop Stanley Ott Society, log in and make your donation online through, or simply utilize one of the offering envelopes provided to you at the upcoming Commitment Weekend. Your personal commitment will matter to many. “Great is the Lord… One generation praises your deeds to the next…” (Ps. 145:3-4). SACRAMENTAL LIFE Weekend Mass Sat., 4:30 p.m.; Sun., 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 p.m., 5 p.m. Weekday Mass Mon., Wed. and Fri.: 6 a.m.; Tues., Thurs. and 1st Sat.: 8:45 a.m. Communion Service Saturday, 8:45 a.m. Reconciliation Thurs., 8-8:30 a.m.; Sat., 3:15-4:15 p.m.; and by appt. Baptism Call the parish office in the early stages of pregnancy. Marriages Call the parish office at least six months before the wedding date to make arrangements. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT In a caring environment dedicated to celebrating the Catholic faith and modeling the life of Jesus Christ, St. Thomas More Church provides worship, education, ministerial and social opportunities for the spiritual growth of the parish family. Pastor Fr. Tom Duhé Parochial Vicar Fr. Matthew McCaughey Permanent Deacon Rev. Dr. Clayton Hollier Permanent Deacon Rev. Mr. Joe Scimeca Director of Pastoral Services Ms. Dina D. Martinez Director of Administration Mrs. Melanie Johnson Director of Liturgy Mr. Jacques Pourciau Elementary Formation/RCIA Ms. Sarah Neau Administrative Assistant/Tower Mrs. Ellen Guidry Bookkeeper Mrs. Ima Garland Receptionist Mrs. Melissa Godso Office Assistant Mrs. Ashla Buchanan Evening Receptionist Ms. Josie Rando Director of Music Mrs. Mary Bresowar Sacristan Mrs. Kay Fetterman Youth Ministry Miss Lauren Gunn (6th—8th grades) Miss Rosie Vutera (9th—12th grades) Maintenance Mr. Alex Ho Activity Center Custodian Mr. Roosevelt Hamilton STM School Principal Dr. Judy Armstrong STM Preschool Principal Mrs. Pam Faciane READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon.: Rom 8:12-17; Ps 68:2, 4, 6-7ab, 20-21; Lk 13:10-17 Tues.: Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 13:18-21 Wed.: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Thurs.: Rom 8:31b-39; Ps 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31; Lk 13:31-35 Fri.: Rom 9:1-5; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 14:1-6 Sat.: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Ps 94:12-13a, 14-15, 17-18; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Sun.: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a October 25, 2015 Page 3 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time TRUE BLINDNESS Bartimaeus caused a stir. Normally he sat by the side of the road being a "good blind beggar." But one day Jesus passed nearby. Bartimaeus jumped up and called out to Jesus. We can imagine him turning toward the direction of the commotion and noise. Bartimaeus probably had his arms outstretched as he shouted out to the son of David. The people who knew him were embarrassed by his outburst. They tried to hush him up and get him to sit back down by the roadside. Their actions spoke volumes: "Bartimaeus, you're not fit for Jesus." But it was okay for them and other "sighted" people to follow Jesus. In today's readings, we learn that true blindness is not a condition of our eyes but of our hearts. STM Parish Stewardship of Finance / Nov. 14-15 By Maria Smith, STM Parish Stewardship Committee In the next few weeks we will focus on the Stewardship of Finance. Just as financial planning is important in our own household or business, the wisdom of planning is also in the finances of our church parish. To quote Mother Theresa, "To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.” To keep our parish financially sound, the council must monetarily plan for both the current and projected future needs of the many ministries, the facility and parish life. As parishioners our financial support to our parish is returning a portion of our gifts to God. As good stewards we no longer base our giving on what others are giving, and we no longer excuse ourselves from giving because we do not see others giving. Rather we give in proportion to all that God has given to us. We return these gifts not because God or our Church needs them, but because we feel an overwhelming need to show our love and gratitude to God. Aware of our tremendous financial blessings, we strive to give generously to support the building up of God's kingdom. We recognize the 10% tithe as an important sacrificial goal. Although this level of giving may not be immediately possible, we are aware of what percentage we are giving back. We regularly strive to increase our generosity, taking small incremental steps toward giving a full tithe. Faithful stewards understand that giving is a matter of prayerful planning, consistency and gifts are given in proportion to all that God has given to us. Please prayerfully consider your financial contribution to St. Thomas More and make it a regular, consistent practice. Mass of Remembrance The annual Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated at the 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday, Nov. 1, Feast of All Saints. All parish members are invited to attend this Mass and the fellowship which follows in the activity center. The Mass will serve as a time for remembrance of all who where were buried from STM Church this past year. Alan Ames returns to STM Come and listen to Alan’s amazing story of God’s love. From a v i ol e n t m an Alan’s heart was transformed to a humble loving servant of God. Alan Ames lives a deeply mystical prayer life and has been graced with the gift of healing. Alan travels throughout the world to evangelize and heal those in need. We are blessed to have him back at STM! Please invite your family, friends and neighbors to come. Alan Ames, an internationally known evangelist, visionary and mystic, will be praying over each individual who attends the healing services. Join us! Tuesday, November 10 Holy Mass & Healing Service 6:30 p.m. St. Thomas More Church Confession offered during healing service 40 Days for Life Please sign up for 2 ½ days of peaceful prayer vigil across the street from the Delta abortion facility, located at 756 Colonial Drive. All parishioners are encouraged to sign up for an hour of prayer on one of our host days: Wednesday, Oct. 28 (7A-7P), Thursday, Oct. 29 (7A -12P), Friday, Oct. 30 (7A-7P). For details contact Shelly Romero [email protected] or by call the parish office at (225)275-3940. Stand for life! Sunday, November 1 turn clocks back one hour @ 2 a.m. October 25, 2015 Page 4 MASS INTENTIONS SANCTUARY LIGHT The sanctuary light in the church will burn in the memory of Louis H. Fougerousse the week of Oct. 25 as requested by the Fougerousse family. The sanctuary light in the chapel will burn in the memory of Joseph Delaune the week of Oct. 25 as requested by Giselle Guiberteau. MASS INTENTIONS Monday, Oct. 26 – 6 a.m.: Lee Morrison; Tuesday, Oct. 27 – 8:45 a.m.: Josephine Kamerer, Leven LeJeune, Frank and Maria Serio and Family, Ricky Metz; Wednesday, Oct. 28 – 6 a.m.: Virginia Powers, M. B. Norris, T. J. Norris and Family, Souls in Purgatory; Thursday, Oct. 29 – 8:45 a.m.: Sue Learn; Friday, Oct. 30 – 6 a.m.: Pattie and Addison Mone; Saturday, Oct. 31 – 8:45 a.m.: Communion Service; 4:30 p.m.: All Deceased Loved Ones of St. Thomas More Parish; Sunday, Nov. 1 – 8 a.m.: All Deceased Loved Ones of St. Thomas More Parish; 10 a.m.: All Deceased Loved Ones of St. Thomas More Parish; 12 p.m.: All Deceased Loved Ones of St. Thomas More Parish; 5 p.m.: All Deceased Loved Ones of St. Thomas More Parish THE WEEK AHEAD AT ST. THOMAS MORE Monday, Oct. 26 – Men’s Club Golf Tournament at Greystone Country Club; Legion of Mary, 10 a.m.; Choice Wine Series, 6:30 p.m.; Contemporary Choir, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 27 – RCIA 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 28 – Youth Chorus, 2:45 p.m.; Gambling Support, 7 p.m.; Wednesday Night Rosary, 7 p.m.; Choir Practice, 7:15 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29 – Confessions, 8 a.m.; Men’s Ultreya, 7 p.m.; Financial Peace Program, 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 31 – Confession, 3:15 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 1 – Mass of Remembrance and Fellowship, 10 a.m.; Sunday Nursery, 10 a.m.; PSR Grade Pre-K- 5th Grade, 11 a.m.; JH Edge, 6 p.m. ST. THOMAS MORE CATHOLIC CHURCH Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time PRAYER LIST Please remember in your prayers these seriously ill persons: Donald Allen, Phill and Emily Alley, Pat Bailey, Ken Beadle, Kelli Bevans, Whitey Bordelon, Eugene Brady, Gene Broussard, Phil Brown, Susan Cason, Kayla Deroche, Deanna Ducote, Mary and Ray DeLaune, Cooper Doucet, Peppy Doughty, Glynn Esteves, Donna Fontenot, Helen Fox, Douglas Fredette, Todd Frugé, Robert Fuhrman, Allen Gautreau, Irene and Joe Gyan, Sheran Huhner, Betty Jackson, Sylvia Jeansonne, Eileen Jorgensen, Lorena Ledoux, Nahn Lee, Joan Lemke, Colleen Magee, Nick Matassa, Charlote Mathes, Jimmy Mathes, Genevieve Mayeux-Bogan, Colleen McNamara, Alex Messerli, Sylvia Middlebrook, Mae Mollere, Marie Noto, Loressa Pecoraro, Sandra Porter, Troy Pourciau, Libby Quintano, Lise Richard, Beth Ross, Pat Ruckstuhl, Cali Sabolik, Bobby Sellers, Rita Sellers, Howard States, Preston Stephens, Anne Stewart, Midge Sutherland, Carolyn Talbot, Gertrude and Warren Thomasson, Terry Tridico, Jr., Jimmy Turner, Peggy Vernice, Lee White, Jerry Wickline, and Beverly York. PRAYER CHAIN: For serious or urgent prayer requests, call Sharon Hebert at 978-1246. If no answer, please leave your name and phone number for a callback. STM Men’s Club Golf Tournament Monday, Oct. 26 Greystone Country Club Registration form can be found at Anointing of the Sick Parishioners in need of healing are invited to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick after the 4:30 p.m. Vigil Mass on Saturday, Nov. 7. The sacrament is offered to the frail, elderly, those seriously ill with a major physical or mental condition and those who are facing major surgery. Homebound parishioners may request anointing and reception of the Eucharist by calling the parish office (275-3940) during regular office hours. 11441 Goodwood Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70815 Parish Stewardship Summary Office Phone: 225-275-3940 Office Fax: 225-275-1407 Parish Office Hours Collections for the week of October 4, 2015 (Closed during the lunch hour, 12—1 p.m.) Monday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday; 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. - 12 noon Fiscal Year 07/01/15—06/30/16 Offertory $ 24,287.11 Maintenance $ 983.00 Building Fund $ 425.00 Sun. 1 All Saints Daylight Saving Time Ends-2 am-Fall Back Masses: 8, 10, 12, 5 10 AM-Nursery 10 AM Mass of Remembrance & Fellowship (C, AC) 11 AM-PSR (YH) 2 PM Band Practice 6 PM-JH Edge (YH) 8 32nd Sun. Ord. Time Masses: 8, 10, 12, 5 10 AM-Nursery 10 AM-Veterans Day Mass & Fellowship 10 AM-Children’s Liturgy (CS) 2 PM Band Practice 6 PM-Life Teen (YH) Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. 2 6 AM Mass 10 AM-Legion of Mary (Rm. 3) 6:30 PM-Choice Wine (AC) 7 PM-Military Rosary (C) 3 8:45 AM-Mass 3 PM-RCIC (Rm.3) 6 PM-Catholics Q&A (Rm.5) 6:30 PM-RCIA (CO) 7 PM-Baptism Seminar (C) 7 PM-Stewardship Committee (Rm.4) 4 6 AM-Mass 7:30 AM-Pastoral Council Exec (CO) 2:45 PM-Youth Chorus (C) 4 PM Bible Study (Rm. 4) 7 PM-Gambling Support (Rm.5) 7 PM Rosary, (A) 7:15 PM-Choir (C) 5 8 AM-Confessions 8:45 AM-Mass 10:30 AM-Silver Fellowship (AC) 6:30 PM S.F. Crime Cmte. (Rm. 1) 7 PM-Ultreya (CS) 7 PM-Financial Peace Univ. (AC) 9 6 AM Mass 10 AM-Legion of Mary (Rm. 3) 6:30 PM-Choice Wine (AC) 7 PM Contemporary Choir (C) 10 8:45 AM-Mass 3 PM-RCIC (Rm.3) 6 PM-Catholics Q&A (Rm.5) 6:30 PM-Alan Ames Healing Mass 6:30 PM-RCIA (CO) 11 6 AM-Mass 6:30 AM-Youth Java & Jesus (CS) 2:45 PM-Youth Chorus (C) 4 PM Bible Study (Rm. 4) 6 PM-Patriotic Rosary for Veterans Day (CO) 6:30 PM-Pastoral Council (CO) 6:30 PM-Forever Young Cards (CS) 7 PM-Gambling Support (Rm.5) 7 PM Rosary, (A) 7:15 PM-Choir (C) 12 13 8 AM-Confessions 6 AM-Mass 8:45 AM-Mass 6:30 PM-Men’s Club Mtg. (Rm. 2) 6:30 PM-Liturgical Training. (C) 7PM-Ultreya (Rm. 4) 7 PM-Financial Peace Univ. (AC) C = Church CO = Church Office A = Adoration Chapel AC = Activity Center Fri. 6 6 AMCommunion Service 6:30 AM-First Fri. Fellowship (CS) Sat. 7 7:30 AM-Padre Pio Prayer Grp (C) 8:45 AM-Mass & Benediction 3:15 PMConfessions 4:30 PM-Mass Anointing of the Sick after Mass 14 Stewardship of Finance 8:45 AM Comm. Service 9 AM-RCIA Reflection (CO) 3:15 PM Confessions 4:30 PM-Mass CS = Coffee Shop Rm.1-5 = AC Meeting Rooms YH = Youth House 15 33rd Sun. Ord. Time Masses: 8, 10, 12, 5 Stewardship of Finance KC BBQ Chicken Fundraiser Food for the Poor 7:30 AM-Holy Name (AC) 10 AM-Nursery 11 AM-PSR (YH) 2 PM Band Practice 4:30 PM-Single Seniors Social (AC) 6 PM-JH Edge (YH) 16 6 AM-Mass 10 AM-Legion of Mary (Rm. 3) 3 PM-SVDP (CO) 7 PM-Respect Life Mtg (Rm.5) 17 STM School Grandparents Day 8:45 AM-Mass 10 AM-Gr.Day Mass 3 PM-RCIC (Rm.3) 6 PM-Catholics Q&A (Rm.5) 6:30 PM-RCIA (CO) 7 PM-Stewardship Cmte (Rm.4) 18 STM School Grandparents Day 6 AM-Mass 10 AM-Gr.Day Mass 2:45 PM-Youth Chorus (C) 4 PM Bible Study (Rm. 4) 7 PM-Gambling Support (Rm.5) 7 PM Rosary, (A) 7 PM-First Reconciliation (C) 19 STM School Grandparents Day 8 AM-Confessions 8:45 AM-Mass 10 AM-Gr. Day Mass 6:30 PM-SFCA (Rm.1) 7 PM-Men’s Ultreya (Rm.4) 20 6 AM-Mass STM Preschool Grandparents Day 21 7:30 AM Men’s Club Prayer Breakfast (YH) 8:45 AM Communion Service (C) 3:15 PM Confessions 4:30 PM-Mass 22 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Masses: 8, 10, 12, 5 10 AM-Nursery 10:30 AM-RCIA (CO) 2 PM Band Practice 23 6 AM-Mass 10 AM-Legion of Mary (Rm. 3) 7 PM Contemporary Choir (C) 24 8:45 AM-Mass 5:30 PM-Finance Council (Rm.1) 6 PM-Catholics Q&A (Rm.5) 6:30 PM-RCIA (CO) 25 6 AM-Mass 7 PM-Gambling Support (Rm.5) 7 PM Rosary (A) 7:15 PM-Choir (C) 26 Office Closed 8 AM-Confessions 8:45 AM-Mass 27 Office Closed 6 AM-Mass 28 Office Closed 8:45 AM Communion Service (C) Angel Tree (C) 3:15 PM Confessions 4:30 PM-Mass 29 1st Sunday Advent Angel Tree (C) Masses: 8, 10, 12, 5 10 AM-Nursery 10 AM-Child.Lit. (C) 10:30 AM-RCIA (CO) 2 PM Band Practice 30 6 AM-Mass 10 AM-Legion of Mary (Rm. 3) 2015 October 25, 2015 Page 6 Scripture resource offered Father Tom has been challenging us for a while now to prepare for Mass by studying the readings before Sunday. By cultivating the soil prior to the proclamation of the Word at Mass, children and adults are enabled to acquire a deeper meaning of the Word and focus on the center of our faith – our Lord Jesus Christ. Collectively this enables us to actively participate in liturgy as one family in communion with our Lord. Once again, St. Thomas More is offering a resource to assist in individuals, families, and prayer groups to prepare for each Sunday Mass by breaking open the lectionary readings. At Home with the Word, provides the weekly Scripture readings, offers insights into the history and meaning of the Word, places the passages in context so we have a clearer understanding of the scripture, and suggests practical ways to live a faith-filled life. New this year, St. Thomas More will be offering the ability to take your order and payment online and the option to order both the regular and large-print editions. Copies of At Home With the Word will also be available for preview and preorder after the Masses on the weekend of Nov. 7 and 8. The cost is only $8 for the regular print and $12 for the large-print each. Books will be available for pickup on the weekend of Nov. 21 and 22 after Masses or in the parish office after that. Make it your resolution as we begin the new liturgical cycle, and discover how a little preparation can deepen and enrich your faith life in the coming year. Honor loved ones during the Month of Remembrance The Book of Remembrance is in the back of church for parishioners to write down the names of their deceased loved ones and will remain there until the end of November. Those who are included in the Book of Remembrance will be especially remembered at Mass on Sunday, Nov. 1, the Feast of All Saints, on Monday, Nov. 2, All Souls Day, and during the Masses in November. Donations are also being accepted toward flowers on the altar during the month of November, the Month of Remembrance. Anyone who would like to honor a deceased loved one with a donation should come to the parish office before Nov. 27. The names of those being honored will appear in a future edition of the Tower. Boy Scout Troop 229 Service Project / Fundraiser In celebration of Veteran’s Day, Boy Scout Troop 229 will conduct a service project of collecting worn flags for proper retirement. All flags collected will be respectfully retired at a future Boy Scout ceremony. In conjunction with this service project, the Scouts will have a fundraiser by offering new 3’ x 5’ embroidered flags for purchase — $15. Scouts will be present at all Masses Nov. 7-8. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time OUR PARISH FAMILY IN SYMPATHY Prayers and condolences are extended to the family of Stephen “Steve” Jumonville who died on Oct. 5 Heartfelt sympathy is extended to Liz and Greg Gouner on the death of Liz’s stepfather, John H. Clinton, who died on Oct. 9. KCs CORNER The STM Parish Knights of Columbus welcome new member Eddie Merle (9/17) 11/5: Dinner & Rosary, 6:30 pm, KC Hall 11/5: Business meeting, 7:30 pm, KC Hall 11/15: BBQ Fundraiser, 8 am, AC 12/3: Dinner & Rosary, 6:30 pm, KC Hall 12/3: Business meeting, 7:30 pm, KC Hall SINGLE SENIORS Oct. 28 – Lunch at Zea Rotisserie Grill, 2380 Towne Center. Call Charles Crochet at 907-6088. YOUTH UPDATE Nov. 1: JH Edge, YH, 6 p.m. Nov. 8: HS Life Teen, YH, 6 p.m. Big event coming up this summer: H i g h S c h o o l Su m m e r F u n Trip. We will be going to Houston and Galveston, TX on July 20-24, 2016, taking the first 42 high schoolers that sign up. This includes current 9th graders through graduating seniors. A few events happening on the trip: Schlitterbahn Waterpark, Houston Astros game, NASA Space Center, Houston Zoo, and much more!! For more information, please email Rosie and Lauren. [email protected] ROOF LEAKING? ROOF REPAIRS/REPLACEMENTS FREE ESTIMATES SENIORS HELPING SENIORS PRECISION HANDYMAN, INC. HOME REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS (225) 766-3791 (225) 993-0511 TIRE COMPANY ZACHARY 658-5919 BATON ROUGE 927-2723 Helping to Make State Registered, Bonded & Insured Experienced, background Life Easier for you checked craftsmen. and your loved ones Carpentry • Painting Electrical • Kitchen 362-2007 • Bath • More ~FREE ESTIMATES~ BATON ROUGE 753-3626 Timothy A. 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Need Insurance? 11665 Sherbrook - 225-698-9975 INSURANCE ASSOCIATES $179,900 OF BATON ROUGE Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 408-3333 For further information, please call the Parish Office. 4041 G OVERNMENT S TREET Business • JERRY BOUDINOT CONSTRUCTION CO., LLC Lic. & Insured Custom Homes Remodel Renovations Repair Personal 769-8057 or 413-3426 Family Owned Since 1971 Family Dentistry STM Lifetime Parishioner 11811Coursey Blvd. 292-9700 3333 Drusilla Lane • Baton Rouge Carol A. Newman Law Firm A Professional Law Firm Practicing Law in Louisiana for Over 30 Years! WILLS | SUCCESSIONS | REAL ESTATE CLOSINGS Find yourself in our Furniture Carol A. 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