August-07-2016 - St. Boniface Church
August-07-2016 - St. Boniface Church
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 7, 2016 501 Main Street | Cold Spring, MN 56320 Phone: 320.685.3280 • Fax: 320.685.7792 Church Website: Diocese of Saint Cloud: Saint John’s Abbey: Pastor Father Matthew Luft, OSB Trustee Kay Coapstick KC Marrin Pastoral Associate Deacon Larry Sell [email protected] ext. 601 685-4520 685-8201 [email protected] ext. 605 School Principal Sr. Sharon Waldoch, SSND [email protected] Discipleship Formation Sherry Braegelmann [email protected] Latino Ministries Maria Dominguez Liturgical Ministries Julie Ludwig Principal Organist and Pianist Lisa Drontle Stewardship & Finance Merrilee Stang Youth Ministries Sandee Kremers Director of Maintenance Jim Erkens Parish Administrative Assistant Andrea Heinen ext. 701 ext. 604 [email protected] ext. 608 [email protected] ext. 603 250-5846 [email protected] ext. 606 [email protected] ext. 602 [email protected] ext. 600 [email protected] ext. 600 School Administrative Assistant [email protected] Denise Scepaniak ext. 700 Parish Council Lori Mueller 685-8300 Finance Council Amy Fredin 685-4073 School Board Jason Wesenberg 685-8488 Prayer Line Renee Buerman 685-4335 Boni-‐Fest 2016 Schedule of Events Mark your calendars! Saturday, August 20 5:00 PM Bluegrass Mass with the “Boni Bluegrass Band” 6:00 PM Food and Beverage Stands Open 6:00 PM Kids Games/InClatables Open until Dusk 7:00 PM Free Dance with Music by Anthony Olsem with Amped Entertainment 10:00 PM Fireworks Display Sunday, August 21 10:00 AM Parade (new route due to construction, check out our website) 11:00 AM Chicken and Dressing Dinner in the Parish Center 11:00 AM Food Stands Open & Kids Games/InClatables Open 12:00 PM Music by “Ray Drontle Band” 1:30 PM Chicken and Dressing Dinner Closes 2:00 PM Quilt Auction in the Parish Center -‐ Preview Quilts 2:00 PM Music by “Max and Deb” 4:00 PM Kids Games/InClatables Close 4:30 PM RafCle Drawings and Car RafCle! If you are interested in donating a quilt for the quilt auction, please call Ann Harren at 250-‐3039. We will have a different quilt hanging in the Narthex each week. Also, you can check out all the quilts for this year’s auction on the Saint Boniface web site‐auction.php. 2 Church of Saint Boniface Nineteenth Sunday of the Year Pastor Boni-‐Fest 2016 Father Matthew Luft, OSB Sandee Kremers Nineteenth Sunday of the Year: At the close of today’s Gospel Reading from Saint Luke, Jesus makes a statement that will echo forever to those who seek to practice stewardship: “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” Jesus is speaking of His expectations of us and His faith in us. We often speak about how important faith in the Lord is, but we also need to understand that He has a strong element of faith and trust in us as well. It may not seem fair that expectations are connected to the gifts we have received, but that is in fact reality. A popular stewardship saying is “not equal giving but equal sacriCice.” That goes hand in hand with what the Lord is trying to teach us in the Parable of the Faithful Servant in today’s Gospel. First, of course, we must recognize our gifts and that we are gifted. Then God’s expectations of us are tied to how we use our gifts. If we receive more, we need to share more and give more of our time, our talent, and our treasure. Also in the Gospel of Luke in an earlier chapter we learn from the Lord what the rewards are for using God’s plentiful gifts as good stewards. Jesus says in Luke 6:38 “Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overClowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.” (From Catholic Stewardship Consultants) Retreat week: I realize that you may have the impression that I am not home much, so I hesitate to tell you this. This coming week I am going to make a retreat. Saint John’s schedules the community’s annual retreat during the last week of May, which is also the last week of the school year that is a fairly busy time at Saint Boniface. As such, I do not get the opportunity to spend a week in prayer and meditation. So, I am going to do it this week before going to my high school reunion next weekend. Monks from Saint John’s will be covering the Masses while I am away this coming week. School Board News: Sister Sharon and I joined Saint Boniface School Board members Jason Wesenberg, chair, and Sunny Hesse at a District 750 School Board meeting a week ago Wednesday. We were joined by other SBS parents, concerned residents of the District and Rep. Jeff Howe to discuss a policy under consideration by the District School Board. The members of the District School Board listened to the concerns of our School Board and the other people present regarding the ability for our students to participate in activities that we cannot offer through the Parochial Athletic Association (PAA) and other associations. We are most grateful to the District School Board for listening to our concerns on this matter, and for the partnership that we have enjoyed in the past 49 years since the District was organized. VBS: Thank you to everyone who made our Vacation Bible School so successful this year. Thanks to Sandee Kremers and the team of wonderful volunteer leaders who engaged our youngest parishioners in their faith, to Deacon Larry and Lisa Lichy who helped put on a great meal for the kids, and for the parents and children who grew in the faith through the CAVE QUEST. I cannot wait for next year! Two weeks to Boni-‐Fest! Homemade pies, desserts, & cabbage are needed for the Boni-‐Fest Chicken Dinner & Ice Cream Stand. Please bring cabbage by 9:00 AM on Saturday, August 20, 2016. All your donations are greatly appreciated! Calling All Green Thumbs! The plant stand will be selling donated plants again at Boni-‐Fest. As you are splitting and saving your Clowers and perennials, don’t forget to support our parish festival. The co-‐chairs of the plant stand will be available on Saturday, August 20, 2016 to collect donated plants. Food Shelf Collection -‐ again this year the youth of Saint Boniface will be collecting food and donations at the beginning of the Boni-‐Fest parade. Please be ready when we walk by! Thank you so much for supporting our local food shelf. The Stand Chairs (Paula and Jim Conrad and Mary and Mark Moraczewski) of the Attic and Antique Stand are excited about all the donations they will receive this year. However, the following items cannot be accepted: plastic food and beverage containers, cosmetics, computers, exercise equipment, kitchen sinks, toilets and other such items, and large furniture. If you bring tables and chairs, please bring these items directly to the Attic and Antique Booth on Sunday morning by 8:00 AM. If they do not sell by 3:00 PM on Sunday, it will be your responsibility to pick them up by 3:30 PM. THANK YOU FOR YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR THE CHURCH OF SAINT BONIFACE Weekly Readings Monday: Ezek 1:2-‐5, 24-‐28c; Friday: Ezek 16:1-‐15, 60, 63 Ps 148:1-‐2, 11-‐12, 13, 14; or 16:59-‐63; Isa 12:2-‐3, 4bcd, Thess 2:14; Matt 17:22-‐27 5-‐6; See 1 Thess 2:13; Matt Tuesday: Ezek 2:8-‐3:4; Ps 19;3-‐12 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Saturday: Ezek 18:1-‐10, 13b, Matt 11:29ab; Matt 18: 1-‐5, 10, 30-‐32; Ps 51;12-‐13, 14-‐15, 12-‐14 18-‐19; See Matt 11:25, Matt Wednesday: Ezek 9: 1-‐7; 19:13-‐15 10:18-‐22; Ps 113:1-‐2, 3-‐4, 5-‐6; Sunday: Wis 18:6-‐9; Ps 2 Cor 5:19; Matt 18: 15-‐20 33:1+12, 18-‐19, 20-‐22; Heb 11: Thursday: Ezek 12: 1-‐12; Ps 1-‐2, 8-‐19 or 11: 1-‐2, 8-‐12; Matt 78: 56-‐57, 58-‐59, 61-‐62; Ps 24: 42a+44; Luke 12:32-‐48 pr 119:135; Matt 18:21-‐19:1 12:35-‐40 Welcome to our Parish Latino Ministries Church of Saint Boniface 3 Children’s Ministry Maria Dominguez and Blanca Garcia Sandee Kremers La fe de nuestros padres en Dios todopoderoso es también la fe de los apóstoles, la que hemos recibido y la que debemos de transmitir a las nuevas generaciones. La fe es un don que recibimos en el bautismo, es una de las tres virtudes teologales, (Fe, Esperanza y Caridad). Nuestro padre Abrahán manifestó su fe creyendo y aceptando lo que Dios le decía, a pesar de que no entendía. El pueblo de Israel creyó y tuvo fe en Dios a pesar de todas las diCicultades. Los apóstoles creyeron en Jesús, porque veían en él, la verdad. Nuestra fe esta cimentada en la experiencia y en la verdad. Jesús nos ha dicho que vendrá de nuevo y será el juez de las naciones. Si tenemos fe, debemos ser previsivos, y mantener la lámpara encendida; esto quiere decir, estar en continua vigilancia, en oración y perseverar hasta el Cinal. No permitir que las diCicultades nos venzan, animar a los que están decaídos, acompañar a los que se sienten solos y dar ejemplo como lo han dado nuestros padres. María santísima es ejemplo de persona que ha creído y ha aceptado la voluntad de Dios, sigamos ese ejemplo y digámosle a Dios, aquí estoy Señor, para seguir tu voluntad. Hoy, mañana y siempre. -‐Padre Oswaldo Roche A GREAT BIG “THANK YOU” to all the participated in Vacation Bible School this year. It was an amazing experience for ALL who participated. Thank you to Molly Olivier and Faith and the entire cave creative crew who made the hallway and the choir room look like a cave. To all the youth and our other great adult helpers -‐ Tracy, Sarah, Amanda, Nicole, Morgan, Kennedy, Lauren K, Maddie, Abby, Sam, Joel, Greta, Tyler, Megan, Elly, Erin, Anne, Hannah, Edith, Alena, Lauren D, Erin S, Andrea and Dean-‐ thank you! They were all amazing Cave Crew and Station Leaders. Elementary Faith Formation Catechists needed, please contact me for more information. Discipleship Formation Sherry Braegelmann Assumption Chapel 9 Day Rosary Novena will be held at 7:00 PM beginning August 7 until August 15, the Assumption of Mary. All are welcome. The group leader schedule: Sunday, August 7: Assumption Chapel Committee Monday, August 8: Catholic United Financial Tuesday, August 9: Catholic Order of Foresters Wednesday, August 10: Mary’s Cenacle Youth Ministry Thursday, August 11: Christian Women Sandee Kremers Friday, August 12: Discipleship Formation Committee Saint Julian’s Mission Group Volunteers needed for Boni-‐Fest -‐ please contact me if you Saturday, August 13: Sunday, August 14: Little Rock Bible Study Group are willing to help. These volunteers hours will go towards Monday, August 15: The Knights of Columbus #5344, Mass at next year’s service hours. 7:30 PM with Fr. Matthew Luft, OSB presiding; Fr. Pierz Assembly Boni-‐Fest Parade -‐ would you like to be in the of Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus as Honor Guard. parade and help collect food, school supplies and cash for the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held at food shelf? Please contact me. Assumption Chapel on Monday, August 15. All are invited to stop SOS (Summer of Service) will be held on Wednesday, in and pray with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at your August 10 beginning at 1:30 PM at the Cold Spring Lanes. We convenience between 10:30 AM-‐7:00PM. All regular adorers will return to the Parish OfCice parking lot at 4:00 PM. Next please mark your calendars to be at Assumption Chapel for your SOS will be held on Wednesday, August 17 beginning at 1:30 scheduled time of Adoration. Adoration will NOT be in the Marian PM at Marnanteli’s for a pizza party. Come hungry. We Chapel for this special feast day. will return to the Parish OfCice parking lot by 4:00 PM for pick Pedal Pilgrimage will be held on August 15 for the Feast of the up. Assumption of the Blessed Mother. Begining at the base of Assumption Chapel at 4:00 PM for prayer. The 23-‐mile bike ride combines spiritual and physical exercise on the beautiful country Liturgical Ministries roads and trails stopping in Richmond, Jacobs Prairie, and Julie Ludwig Rockville returning to Assumption Chapel for Mass at 7:30 PM. Boni Bluegrass Band Rehearsals will be held on Registration is $10.00 contact [email protected] for more Wednesday, August 10 and 17 from 7:00 PM-‐8:45 PM in the information. All are welcome. Choir Room. If you are interested in joining the band, call me for more information! Saint Boniface School Youth Choir will be singing for the 5:00 PM Mass on Saturday, Sister Sharon Waldoch, SSND, Principal August 13. Any youth who are interested in joining the Choir We are accepting registrations in each grade until we reach the can contact me for more information. maximum number. If you are interested in registering your children, please contact Denise or Sister Sharon at 685-‐3541. Mass Server Appreciation Party will be held on Sunday, September 25 from 11:30 AM-‐2:00 PM. Mark your School ofbice hours for August will be from 9:00 AM– 2:00 PM. calendars!! This is for ALL boys and girls, men and women Do not hesitate to contact Sister Sharon at 309-‐5565 at any time if who serve for Mass at Saint Boniface. More information will you have questions or need assistance with school matters. be sent. Church of Saint Boniface Liturgical Ministries for August 8-‐14 Servers M-‐F: Sam Craft, Gavin Giswold 5:00 PM: Austin Moscho, Sam Craft 8:30 AM: Wally Wenner Clare Duffy 10:30 AM: Ellen Archer, Kate McGee Lector M-‐F: Alice Schreifels 5:00 PM: Jerry Lahr 8:30 AM: Adam Brix 10:30 AM: Vicki Stommes Faber EME M-‐F John Stalboerger Greeters 5:00 PM: Jerry & Bev Lahr, Nancy Nierenhausen, Roman & Linda George, Theresa Palmer 8:30 AM: Omar & Grace Fischbach, Dee Ruegemer, Jeff & Nellie Mergen 10:30 AM: Tyler & Katie Peternell, Gloria Bagley, Del Torborg, Terry Czech Gift-‐bearers 5:00 PM: Gary & Lisa Kammers 8:30 AM: John & Ashley Douvier 10:30 AM: Mike & Amanda Henry We congratulate our newest married couples through the Sacrament of Marriage on July 23, 2016 Froylan Rodriquez Loera and Maria Teresa Puente Alejo July 30, 2016 Jose Heriberto Condova Montero and Dioselina Aviles Minguela Please pray for the following couples preparing to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage August 13, 2016 Kaly Mueller & Jason Bloch September 10, 2016 Charles Harren & Kayla Dreher September 24, 2016 Jacob Mueller & Laura Jungels Area Coming Events August 14 Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a summer breakast from 8:30 AM -‐ 12:30 PM in the Parish Center. Adults $8, students ages 6-‐12 $5, ages 5 and under are free. August 18 Great River Regional Library invites you to Movie Nights for your family. Movie Night will be held on August 18 from 5:30 -‐ 7:30 PM. Nineteenth Sunday of the Year Weekly Events Monday -‐ Friday 7:30 AM Morning Prayer -‐ Marian Chapel 8:00 AM Mass Followed by the Divine Mercy Chaplet -‐ Marian Chapel Mass Intentions Monday, August 8 +Larry & Clara Minnerath Tuesday, August 9 +Clarence & Lenore Drontle Wednesday, August 10 +Raymond & Donna Vogt Thursday, August 11 +Wally Decker Family Friday, August 12 +George, Veronica, Suzetta, Jodi Krueger Saturday, August 13 +Mary Ann Gerding Sunday, August 14 + Jerry Meyer For all parishioners Monday, August 8 8:00 AM Adoration until 7:00 PM in the Marian Chapel 6:30 PM School Board Meeting 7:00 PM Mary’s Cenacle Prayer Group 7:00 PM Rosary Novena -‐ Assumption Chapel Tuesday, August 9 7:00 PM Rosary Novena -‐ Assumption Chapel Wednesday, August 10 10:00 AM Latino Rosary for Women -‐ Assumption Chapel 1:30 PM SOS -‐ Cold Spring Lanes 7:00 PM Boni Bluegrass Rehearsal -‐ Choir Room 7:00 PM Rosary Novena -‐ Assumption Chapel Thursday, August 11 7:30 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation 10:00 AM Little Rock Bible Study 6:00 PM Grupo de Estudio de la Biblia -‐ Classroom #4 7:00 PM Rosary Novena -‐ Assumption Chapel Friday, August 12 7:00 PM Rosary Novena -‐ Assumption Chapel Saturday, August 13 2:00 PM Bloch & Mueller Marriage 4:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:00 PM Mass 7:00 PM Rosary Novena -‐ Assumption Chapel Sunday, August 14 8:30 AM Mass 8:30 AM Knights of Columbus Breakfast -‐ Parish Center 10:30 AM Mass 1:00 PM Latino Mass 7:00 PM Rosary Novena -‐ Assumption Chapel BAPTISM: Please call the ofCice to schedule the Baptism. A class is required for Cirst-‐time parents. RCIA: Each Fall the parish forms a group of adults who are interested in becoming Catholic, or in learning about the faith. Call the Parish OfCice for details. CARE OF THE SICK: Please contact the Parish OfCice to receive the Sacrament of the Sick. You may also request this Sacrament after any weekend Mass. Call the Parish OfCice if you would like a visit while in the hospital or Communion brought to your home after the 8:30 AM Sunday Mass or another scheduled time. MARRIAGE: Schedule an appointment with Deacon Larry at least six months prior to the preferred day.
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