July-31-2016 - St. Boniface Church
July-31-2016 - St. Boniface Church
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 31, 2016 501 Main Street | Cold Spring, MN 56320 Phone: 320.685.3280 • Fax: 320.685.7792 Church Website: www.stboniface.com Diocese of Saint Cloud: www.stcdio.org Saint John’s Abbey: ww.saintjohnsabbey.org Pastor Father Matthew Luft, OSB Trustee Kay Coapstick KC Marrin Pastoral Associate Deacon Larry Sell [email protected] ext. 601 685-4520 685-8201 [email protected] ext. 605 School Principal Sr. Sharon Waldoch, SSND [email protected] Discipleship Formation Sherry Braegelmann [email protected] Latino Ministries Maria Dominguez Liturgical Ministries Julie Ludwig Principal Organist and Pianist Lisa Drontle Stewardship & Finance Merrilee Stang Youth Ministries Sandee Kremers Director of Maintenance Jim Erkens Parish Administrative Assistant Andrea Heinen ext. 701 ext. 604 [email protected] ext. 608 [email protected] ext. 603 250-5846 [email protected] ext. 606 [email protected] ext. 602 [email protected] ext. 600 [email protected] ext. 600 School Administrative Assistant [email protected] Denise Scepaniak ext. 700 Parish Council Lori Mueller 685-8300 Finance Council Amy Fredin 685-4073 School Board Jason Wesenberg 685-8488 Prayer Line Renee Buerman 685-4335 Boni-‐Fest 2016 Schedule of Events Mark your calendars! Saturday, August 20 5:00 PM Bluegrass Mass with the “Boni Bluegrass Band” 6:00 PM Food and Beverage Stands Open 6:00 PM Kids Games/InClatables Open until Dusk 7:00 PM Free Dance with Music by Anthony Olsem with Amped Entertainment 10:00 PM Fireworks Display Sunday, August 21 10:00 AM Parade (new route due to construction, check out our website) 11:00 AM Chicken and Dressing Dinner in the Parish Center 11:00 AM Food Stands Open & Kids Games/InClatables Open 12:00 PM Music by “Ray Drontle Band” 1:30 PM Chicken and Dressing Dinner Closes 2:00 PM Quilt Auction in the Parish Center -‐ Preview Quilts 2:00 PM Music by “Max and Deb” 4:00 PM Kids Games/InClatables Close 4:30 PM RafCle Drawings and Car RafCle! Be sure to preview the 2016 Quilts online at stboniface.com/church/quilt-‐auction.php. or view them on display on the wall in the Narthex after all of the Masses. 2 Church of Saint Boniface Pastor Father Matthew Luft, OSB Eighteenth Sunday of the Year: Jesus invites us to consider how we view the things that we have. Pay attention this week what language you use when speaking about things—on a most basic level, do you say “my” and “mine” a lot? Do you talk about owning stuff? Jesus invites us to change our perspective and see that everything, and everyone, is a gift from God and God loans to us all that is in our life. Nothing is earned or owned, but is free gift from a Father who loves us. Please welcome Father Nickolas Becker, OSB. Father Nickolas Becker, OSB, will be regularly helping out on Sunday mornings in the coming year. He just Cinished his doctorate in Moral Theology at the Alphonsianum in Rome. He will be teaching at Saint John’s University, and presiding at one weekend Mass here. Boni-‐Fest: Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help us with Boni-‐Fest this year. As one of the major events that we do together, it truly takes the entire community to pull it off. One of the challenges that we have is to invite folks to join us since we often assume that everyone knows what Boni-‐Fest is and when it is. Please take the opportunity to invite family and friends, co-‐workers and other folks, to join us the weekend of August 20 and 21. The schedule of events is on the front of the bulletin. Boni-‐Fest proceeds this year will go towards our Endowment Fund, which has been set up so that future generations may become followers of Jesus through our church community, and also for our Building and Maintenance Fund. VBS: This is one of the best weeks of the summer because it is Vacation Bible School Week. Sandee, Molly Oliver and a whole cadre of teens have been working hard to get everything ready for this week of fun and growing as followers of Jesus. Please keep in prayer our young people who will be coming to plumb the depths of Christ. Just because: Some classic blunders heard as priests proclaim the Gospel that I thought you’d enjoy. Matthew 5: "A hill set on a city cannot be hid." Matthew 12: "as Jonah was in the welly of the bell." Matthew 2: "they offered unto him gifts, gold, and Frankenstein." And, once while a priest in his homily was explaining the intricate dress of the priests in the Old Testament, he described how the priests put bells on the bottom of their robes. He asked, "Why do you suppose the priests had to tinkle?" After a second of silence, the assembly broke out with laughter, and the homily came to an abrupt end. School Piano for the taking. Call Jim Erkens at 309-‐8989 for more information. Eighteenth Sunday of the Year We welcome the newest disciples of Christ through the Sacrament of Baptism on July 23, 2016 Raina Rose Barin daughter of Youssef & Kirsten Barin July 24, 2016 James Daniel Grif2ith son of Chuck & Laura Grif2ith Banns of Marriage on August 13, 2016 Kaly Mueller & Jason Bloch Boni-‐Fest 2016 Sandee Kremers Food Shelf Collection -‐ again this year the youth of Saint Boniface will be collecting food and donations at the beginning of the Boni-‐Fest parade. Please be ready when we walk by! Thank you so much for supporting our local food shelf. The Stand Chairs (Paula and Jim Conrad and Mary and Mark Moraczewski) of the Attic and Antique Stand are excited about all the donations they will receive this year. However, the following items cannot be accepted, plastic food and beverage containers, cosmetics, computers, exercise equipment, kitchen sinks, toilets and other such items, and large furniture. If you bring tables and chairs, please bring these items directly to the Attic and Antique Booth on Sunday morning by 8:00 AM. If they do not sell by 3:00 PM on Sunday, it will be your responsibility to pick them up by 3:30 PM. THANK YOU FOR YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR THE CHURCH OF SAINT BONIFACE Weekly Readings Monday: Jer 13:1-‐11; Deut 32: Saturday: Jer 26: 11-‐16, 24; Ps 18-‐19, 20, 21; James 1:18, Matt 69: 15-‐16, 30-‐31, 33-‐34: Matt 13:31-‐35 5:10, Matt 14: 1-‐12 Tuesday: Jer 14:17-‐22; Ps 79: Sunday: Wis 18: 6-‐9; Ps 33: 8, 9, 11+13; Matt 13: 36-‐43 1+12, 18-‐19, 20-‐22, Heb 11: Wednesday: Jer 15:10, 16-‐21; 1-‐2, 8-‐19, or 11: 1-‐2, 8-‐12; Matt Ps 59: 2-‐3, 4, 10-‐11, 17,18; John 24: 42a-‐44; Luke 12:32-‐48 or 12:35-‐40 15:15b; Matt 13: 44-‐46 Thursday: Jer 18: 1-‐6; Ps 146: 1b-‐2, 3-‐4, 5-‐6ab; Acts 16:14b; Matt 13:47-‐53 Friday: Jer 26: 1-‐9: Ps 69: 5, 8-‐10, 14; 1 Pet 1:25, Matt 13: 54-‐58 Welcome to our Parish Church of Saint Boniface 3 Liturgical Ministries Julie Ludwig Have you ever wanted to learn to play the Handbells? A hands-‐on workshop will be held on Wednesday, August 31 from 6:00-‐7:15 PM in the Choir Room. Please register with me by August 24. New players are welcome!! Boni Bluegrass Band Rehearsals will be held on Wednesday, August 10 and 17 from 7:00 PM-‐8:45 PM in the Choir Room. If you are interested in joining the band, call me for more information! Latino Ministries Saint Boniface School Sister Sharon Waldoch, SSND, Principal We are accepting registrations in each grade until we reach the maximum number. If you are interested in registering your children, please contact Denise or Sister Sharon at 685-‐3541. School ofYice hours for August will be from 9:00 AM– 2:00 PM. The school ofCice will be closed in July. Do not hesitate to contact Sister Sharon at 309-‐5565 at any time if you have questions or need assistance with school matters. Discipleship Formation Sherry Braegelmann Maria Dominguez and Blanca Garcia Assumption (Grasshopper) Chapel Hill 9 Day Rosary Novena: “Vanidad de vanidades, todo es vanidad” (Ecl 1); El pecado en Will be held at 7:00 PM beginning August 7 until August 15: Feast of The Assumption of Our Blessed Mother Mary. All are el mundo, ha hecho que nuestra existencia tenga un límite y welcome. que por más que queramos tiene un Cin natural. El tiempo The group leader schedule: pasa y no tiene una vuelta atrás. Por eso, el que se aferra a Sunday, August 7: Assumption Chapel Committee mundo y a las cosas naturales tiende a vivir o usar su tiempo Monday, A ugust 8 : Catholic United Financial ahorrando dinero, acumulando propiedades, procurando Tuesday, A ugust 9 : Catholic Order of Foresters riquezas. En muchos casos justiCicando su conducta con una Wednesday, A ugust 1 0: Mary’s C enacle mentalidad atea, es decir creando teorías sobre la no Thursday, August 11: Christian Women existencia de Dios, sobre el Cin del hombre, como el Cin de Friday, August 12: Discipleship Formation Committee todo. Haciendo del hombre el principio, el medio y el Cin. Saturday, A ugust 1 3: Saint Julian’s Mission Group Centrando su proyecto vital solo en lo que puede pasar por los Sunday, A ugust 1 4: Little Rock Bible Study Group sentidos, en lo cientíCicamente comprobable. Esto hace que el Monday, A ugust 1 5: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will concepto de trascendencia, la fe, el alma, el bien y la eternidad begin a t 1 0:30 A M. T he K nights o f C olumbus #5344 will lead the queden fuera. Cristo nos da el ejemplo del rico, de los que rosary a t 7 :00 P M. M ass w ill b e a t 7 :30 PM with Fr. Matthew Luft, deben algún préstamo y la necedad de acumular riquezas si en OSB p residing; F r. P ierz A ssembly o f F ourth Degree Knights of cualquier momento saldremos de este mundo material y Columbus a s t he H onor G uard. pasaremos a nuestro verdadero estado, que es el espiritual. Nosotros creemos en la teoría creacionista, en nuestra Pedal Pilgrimage for the Assumption of the Blessed Mother composición cuerpo alma, en que el límite de nuestra vida will be held on August 15. Pilgrimage will begin in Forest City to está en las manos de Dios. Nuestro proyecto es acumular Watkins and Saint Nicholas, then gathering at the base of riquezas en el cielo, porque es el lugar a donde iremos Assumption Chapel at 4:00 PM; bike tour continues to Richmond, después de esta vida. Saber que lo que tenemos es para Jacobs Prairie, Rockville and returning to Assumption Chapel for compartirlo, que todo lo que podamos hacer para nuestro bien Mass at 7:30 PM. Contact [email protected] for more espiritual es bueno. Practicar las obras de misericordia hacen information and start times. All are welcome. que nuestra vida tenga sentido y trascendencia, apreciar y Divorced/Separated Support Group will be held on Sunday, cuidar la creación, trabajar por la salvación de las almas e August 28 from 9:30-‐10:30 AM in the Discipleship Formation invitar a todos los que podamos a vivir el evangelio, cumplir Room. con los mandamientos y recibir los sacramentos. ¿qué estoy haciendo con mi tiempo, dónde estoy acumulando mis tesoros Peace House is a drop-‐in center for the homeless in Minneapolis. materiales y espirituales?. No perdamos el tiempo, pidámosle Join the volunteer opportunity on Monday, September 12 a María madre de la misericordia, que nos enseñe a decir que departing at 8:00 AM and returning by 6:00 PM. Contact me to si a la invitación que nos hace Dios, de llevar a Jesús en RSVP or with questions for any of the above opportunities. nuestras vidas, hoy, mañana y siempre. -‐Padre Oswaldo Roche Youth Ministry Children’s Ministry Sandee Kremers Please pray this week for all those attending and those volunteering for Vacation Bible School this week. Pray they grow in their faith and know that JESUS IS THE LIGHT OF OUR WORLD. Thank you Molly Olivier and crew for creating a super cool cave in the basement. Sandee Kremers Parade Volunteers -‐ would you like to be in the parade and help collect food, school supplies and cash for the food shelf? Please contact me. Volunteer Hours available for youth grades 7-‐12 on Saturday, August 20 from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Please contact me if interested. Volunteer Hours available for youth grades 5 and up to help out with Children’s Games on Sunday. Please contact me. Church of Saint Boniface Liturgical Ministries for August 1-‐7 Servers M-‐F: Nathan & Sam Dingmann 5:00 PM: Ryan Rose, Evan Moscho 8:30 AM: Daniel & Dwight Kiffmeyer 10:30 AM: Matthew Weismann, David Hutar Lector M-‐F: Isabel Meyer 5:00 PM: Jerry Lahr 8:30 AM: Chris Wenner 10:30 AM: Vicki Stommes Faber EME M-‐F Tom McMahon Greeters 5:00 PM: Larry & Carol Sell, Judy Winter, Ruth Kremer 8:30 AM: Ray & JoAnn Schreiner, Matt & Carol Bicknell, Al & Shirley Neu, TBD 10:30 AM: Joe & Cherie Eickhoff, Tootz Kelley, Ray & Ardelle Schwegel, Gift-‐bearers 5:00 PM: Ed & Robbie Holen 8:30 AM: Jason & Janell Wesenberg 10:30 AM: Gary & Cindy Moser EME for August 5:00 PM: Becky Chouanard (Sacristan), Joan Moser, Jan Hanson, JoAnn Thelen, Terri Fischer, Betty Powers, Cathy Robak, Ruth Kremer, Jan Decker, Theresa Palmer 8:30 AM: Jim Peine (Sacristan), Jane Willenbring, Sarah Willenbring, Alice Schreifels, Nellie Mergen, Rose Hansen, Paula Conrad, Delores Hinkemeyer*, Ann Symalla, Donna Zierden* 10:30 AM: Chuck Kinzer (Sacristan), Jon McGee, Jeff Miller, Isabel Meyer, Marie Lego, Megan Koll, Andrea Heinen, Teri Krowka-‐Ansberry Ushers 5:00 PM: Vern Goebel, LaVern Maile, Ed Neu, Art Winter 8:30 AM: Steve Olivier, Jim Kron, Ken Nohner, Ken Viere Don Schaefer, 10:30 AM: Larry Anderson, Terry Czech, Gene Hesse, Dave Johannes, Roger Theis Church Cleaners Grace & Omar Fischbach, Clara & Alvin Fischbach, Sandi Inderrieden Area Coming Events August 5 Please join the Saint Cloud Diocese for a tour of the Divine Mercy Chapels. The Melrose/Sauk Centre Deanery Council of Catholic Women will be hosting a tour of Assumption Chapel and many other chapels. For more information and an itinerary call 290-‐1395. Eighteenth Sunday of the Year Weekly Events Monday -‐ Friday 7:30 AM Morning Prayer -‐ Marian Chapel 8:00 AM Mass Followed by the Divine Mercy Chaplet -‐ Marian Chapel Mass Intentions Monday, August 1 Tuesday, August 2 Wednesday, August 3 Thursday, August 4 Friday, August 5 Sunday, August 7 +Tony Drontle +Grace Norlin +Fr. Peter Coleman +Celestine, Marie, Gerald Pierskalla +Andrew Rothstein +Members of the Theis & Decker Families For all parishioners Monday, August 1 8:00 AM Adoration until 7:00 PM in the Marian Chapel 9:00 AM Vacation Bible School 7:00 PM Mary’s Cenacle Prayer Group Tuesday, August 2 9:00 AM Vacation Bible School Wednesday, August 3 9:00 AM Vacation Bible School 10:00 AM Latino Rosary for Women -‐ Assumption Chapel Thursday, August 4 7:30 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation 9:00 AM Vacation Bible School 10:00 AM Little Rock Bible Study 6:00 PM Grupo de Estudio de la Biblia -‐ Classroom #4 Friday, August 5 9:00 AM Vacation Bible School Saturday, August 6 4:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:00 PM Mass (+Richard PClipsen) Sunday, August 7 8:30 AM Mass 10:30 AM Mass 1:00 PM Latino Mass 7:00 PM Rosary Novena -‐ Assumption Chapel BAPTISM: Please call the ofCice to schedule the Baptism. A class is required for Cirst-‐time parents. RCIA: Each Fall the parish forms a group of adults who are interested in becoming Catholic, or in learning about the faith. Call the Parish OfCice for details. CARE OF THE SICK: Please contact the Parish OfCice to receive the Sacrament of the Sick. You may also request this Sacrament after any weekend Mass. Call the Parish OfCice if you would like a visit while in the hospital or Communion brought to your home after the 8:30 AM Sunday Mass or another scheduled time. MARRIAGE: Schedule an appointment with Deacon Larry at least six months prior to the preferred day.
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