ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH May 1, 2016—6th Sunday of Easter ALL ARE WELCOMED TO OUR PARISH! We are so pleased that you chose to celebrate with us this weekend. We warmly invite you to active participation in our liturgical celebration. Please feel free to approach one of our Ministers of Hospitality if you are in need of any assistance. No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, your current family or marital situation, your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, sexual orientation, gender, race, or color; no matter what your self-image or self-esteem: YOU are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved, and respected at St. Catherine of Siena Church in Ithaca, New York. MERCY IN OUR CITY This year our parish Christmas gift was Mercy in the City by Kerry Weber. In the book, the author chronicles her attempt to carry out all seven corporal works of mercy in one Lenten season. As Weber discovers, the works of mercy are not acts to be completed but a process to get started: The thing is, it’s easy to imagine yourself doing great works of mercy. It’s easy to have good intentions. What’s difficult is that follow-through, because God didn’t challenge us to commit to the Corporal Works of Mercy for forty days. God challenges us to commit to a lifestyle—and a lifetime—of mercy. And that’s not easy, because maybe in the end, the Works of Mercy aren’t things that can be completed the way one can finish playing a board game or painting a picture. Each act is not an isolated incident, but a part of a process, akin to sweeping the floor. You have to do it regularly or things begin to get messy. (p. 12) Over the next few months, we would like to point you to some ways that you can begin to commit to a lifestyle of mercy, right here in our own city. This week we will begin with ways to help feed the hungry. Loaves and Fishes at St. John’s Episcopal Church in downtown Ithaca provides free hot nutritious meals and hospitality each weekday, as well as referrals for basic services such as housing, medical, food, and clothing. They need volunteers for food preparation, serving, and especially cleanup on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and Tuesdays and Thursdays between 2:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. They are also in need of on-call volunteers. To volunteer, call 272-5457 or email [email protected]. For more information, see The Ithaca Kitchen Cupboard is a food pantry located in the Ithaca Corps Center of the Salvation Army on N. Albany Street run by Area Congregations Together (ACT), a group of local faith communities. The food pantry is open five days a week from 1:30–3 p.m. Volunteers from ACT member congregations take turns handing out a week’s supply of food to eligible families; as a member of ACT, St. Catherine’s is responsible for staffing the food pantry on the second and fourth Monday of each month. Volunteers are also needed to deliver the food collected in the baskets at the Church doors to the food pantry weekly. To volunteer or for more information, contact Maria Negley at [email protected]. In addition to these opportunities for regular volunteer work, there are also some yearly opportunities. Later in the summer, our Peace & Justice Committee coordinates a meal for migrant farm workers in King Ferry; and the Feed My Starving Children Ithaca MobilePack will take place in September. Look for more information about both events this summer. Let’s get started on this process of mercy together. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT The mission of St. Catherine of Siena Parish is to inspire, engage, and nurture our community through worship, witness, and service. La misión de la parroquia de Sta. Catalina es inspirar, cuidar y motivar la participación de nuestra comunidad a través del culto, testimonio y servicio. St. Catherine of Siena Church is a Tompkins County Living Wage Employer St. Catherine of Siena Parish 302 St. Catherine Circle, Ithaca, New York 14850 607-257-2493 / www.facebook/stcatherinesithaca Office Hours: Mon.–Fri. 9 a.m.– 4 p.m. (closed for lunch at 1 p.m.) MINISTRY TEAM Pastor Rev. Joseph Marcoux, [email protected] Pastoral Associate Ann Marie Eckert, [email protected] Director of Liturgical Music Sherry Scanza, [email protected] Coordinator of Faith Formation Ashley Blank, [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: 5 p.m. Sunday: 9 & 11:30 a.m. Mass in Spanish: 4th Sunday of the month, 5:30 p.m. Daily Mass Schedule Monday: 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9 a.m. Brookdale Senior Living: 4th Tuesday of the month, 10:15 a.m. Coordinator of Volunteer Ministry Patricia Sipple, [email protected] Accommodations: Gluten-reduced hosts are available; notify a staff member. Personal listening receivers are available from the Sacristy. Communications Coordinator Jane Bonassar, [email protected] SACRAMENTS Director of Finance & Administration Lawrence Wasser, [email protected] Bookkeeper Susan Dean, [email protected] Organist Mary Holzhauer Administrative Assistant June Haynor, [email protected] Maintenance Technician Craig Murray Housekeeper Diane Tordel TRUSTEES Frank Fetsko, Kristin Campagnolo COUNCIL CHAIRS Pastoral Council: Colleen Perkins and Joseph Babcock Finance Council: Joe Kiely NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome to our parish community! Registration packets are available at all Church entrances and at the office. STEWARDSHIP Our Sister Parish We enjoy an ongoing exchange of people and prayer with St. Anthony’s in the Dominican Republic. Donations to the “loose change bowls” located at each Church entrance provide meals and education for over 200 children at the parish daycare center. Almsgiving 10% or more of all donations we receive go to the poor and needy. Clothing for the Needy Clean used clothing in good condition accepted 24/7 at the shed adjacent to the parking lot. Reconciliation Saturday at 4 p.m. or by appointment Infant Baptisms We’re so happy about the new addition to your family. Parents participate in a preparation program prior to baptism. Please contact the office three months prior to the baptism. Marriage Congratulations on your engagement! As with the other sacraments, prior preparation is necessary. Please contact the office at least six months before the wedding. Anointing of the Sick/Visitation Please contact the office for arrangements for individual anointing or for a visitation to someone who is sick or homebound. For emergencies after hours, please call Fr. Joe at 585-747-3649. Families should alert the Parish Office when family members are in the hospital. Hospitals are no longer able to provide parishes with this information. If you would like to have someone prayed for at Mass and/or added to the Prayer Corner in the bulletin, we invite you to call the Parish Office at 257-2493. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.) For information on becoming Catholic, or questions about the Catholic faith, contact Ann Marie Eckert. Holy Orders For information about vocations, contact Carol Dady with the Diocesan Office of Vocation Awareness at 585-461-2890 or [email protected]. PRAYER OPPORTUNITIES Eucharistic Adoration Wednesdays at 7 p.m. & Fridays at 9:30 a.m. in the Church Rosary Fridays at 5 p.m. in the Church Prayer Groups Centering Prayer and Ignatian Prayer Groups meet throughout the month. Small Christian Communities also meet weekly. For more information, call Ann Marie Eckert. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church May 1, 2016 SCRIPTURE READINGS STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Today Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Rev 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29 OFFERTORY INCOME, April 24, 2015 Collection: $5,236 Next Sunday Acts 7:55-60; Ps 97:1-2, 6-7, 9; Rev 22:12-14, 16-17, 20; Jn 17:20-26 EFT Donations: $806 Mailed-in Donations: $875 TOTAL: $6,917 “‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.’” (Jn 14:27) WEEKLY BUDGET: $10,577 VARIANCE: - ($3,660) Home Missions Appeal: $1,588 PRAYER CORNER Spanish Mass: $62 Dominican Republic Bowls: $189 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL We’ve raised $30,129 toward our goal of $46,165. If you have not yet done so, please prayerfully consider giving to the CMA. Please hold in prayer those who are sick: Amber Moriarty, Barbara Houman, Maeneen Hendrick, Marilyn Pollutro, Diane Eckert, Dixie Varga, Benn Campbell, Patricia King, Bob Orange, Joel Wasser, Jossie Brissee, Margy Dillon, Colin Hayward-Toland, David Hyatt, Gianna Lesselroth, and Gail Cooney. Please hold in prayer those who have died in the peace of Christ: Katharine LaLonde (mother of Mary Kay LaLonde); Patricia Driscoll WHAT’S HAPPENING—MAY 2–8 Monday, May 2 5:30 p.m. MASS: Lars Kallstrom by Chris & Mike Kimball Tuesday, May 3 9:00 a.m. COMMUNION SERVICE 4:00 p.m. Youth Choir 5:30 p.m. Boy Scouts Pack 55 Tiger Den 7:00 p.m. Liturgy Committee 7:30 p.m. Book Club Wednesday, May 4 Office Closed for Ministerium 5:30 p.m. Girl Scout Leaders Meeting 7:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Thursday, May 5—Feast of the Ascension 9:30 a.m. Meeting Christ in Prayer 5:45 p.m. MASS: Thomas C. Bailey by Mary Lou BaileySmith 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Friday, May 6 9:30 a.m. Strength Training 5:00 p.m. Praying the Rosary 7:00 p.m. Festival Planning Committee Saturday, May 7 9:00 a.m. AA 4:00 p.m. Reconciliation 5:00 p.m. MASS: Peg Moy by Ed Moy & Family 6:00 p.m. Birthright Flower Sale Sunday, May 8—Mother’s Day 9:00 a.m. MASS: Joseph Barnaba & Jean Hope by Jeannie Barnaba and Our Parishioners 10:15 a.m. Birthright Flower Sale 10:15 a.m. May Crowning of Mary 11:30 a.m. MASS: Marjorie C. Hagin by the Hagin Family 12:30 p.m. Birthright Flower Sale A vibrant Catholic Community where all are welcomed, challenged, and supported in their life’s journey. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church Parish-Wide Opportunities ASCENSION THURSDAY May 5 is Ascension Thursday, the celebration of Jesus’ ascension into heaven, forty days after his resurrection. We will celebrate this Holy Day with a Mass at 5:45 p.m. BIRTHRIGHT FLOWER SALE Next Saturday and Sunday, St. Catherine’s will be selling carnations to help support the work of Birthright in Ithaca. Birthright provides assistance to women who are navigating an unplanned pregnancy. Their offer love, friendship, and support to pregnant woman and new mothers. Flowers are $1 each, or 6 for $5. Your generous support of this flower sale helps to raise over $300 for Birthright each year. Donations are also gratefully accepted. (Checks should be made out to Birthright.) LANGUAGES NEEDED FOR PENTECOST If you speak a language other than English (nativeborn or through study) and are willing to read the second reading or a petition during Mass on Pentecost Sunday (May 14– 15), please let Ann Marie know at 257-2493 or [email protected]. We would love to have a variety of languages and readers for each of the Masses that weekend. You will need to translate the petition from English into the language you speak. ST. CATHERINE’S NEEDS YOU! This year, two members of our Pastoral Council will be stepping down after serving two three-year terms. I want to publicly thank Mary Lee Noden and Colleen Perkins for their tireless service to our community and for sharing their amazing wisdom with me in guiding our community. I cannot lead this community without the assistance of the Pastoral Council. The primary role of the Council is to share with me what the pastoral priorities ought to be for our community. If the Holy Spirit has gifted you with wisdom, knowledge of our community, the skill of listening, the gift of communication, and prophetic vision, then this is the job for you. I ask each member of our community to prayerfully discern whether you can submit your name as a member of the council. Please keep our community ever in your prayers. —Fr. Joe May 1, 2016 FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN YARD SALE Once again this year, the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS) will be hosting a community-wide yard sale to support the Feed My Starving Children Ithaca MobilePack. There are three ways you can help: Come and shop at the yard sale! It is held on Saturday, June 18, from 9 a.m.–2 p.m. There are great deals to be had and you are supporting a great cause! Put aside things to donate to the yard sale. They accept clothing, furniture (not mattresses), household goods, tools, jewelry and scarves, and almost anything else you might have. St. Catherine’s will have a few dropoff times at the beginning of June, or (even better) you can drop things off directly at the LDS Church on June 16 (evening) or June 17 (morning). Help get ready for the yard sale on Friday, June 17. We want a whole team from St. Catherine’s that is willing to sort and price the goods. St. Catherine’s will be hosting the Ithaca MobilePack in 2017 and 2018, so we are building relationships with all the key stakeholders in this wonderful community-wide event. Thanks for any help you can give to the yard sale—and save some time on September 22, 23, or 24, 2016, to participate in this year’s MobilePack! PIANO CONCERT—SAVE THE DATE Mark your calendar! On Sunday, May 15, at 3 p.m., we will hold a benefit piano concert by Nancy Radloff featuring works by famous teachers, including Franz Joseph Haydn, Muzio Clementi, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Liszt, and Edward MacDowell. Dr. Radloff will be joined by Adelaide Tracey on trumpet. Dr. Radloff has an earned doctorate in performance from the Peabody Conservatory of Music, Johns Hopkins University. She has performed throughout the Midwest and Eastern states on piano and pipe organ. NEWLY BAPTIZED We welcome with joy Evan Levi Perkins, son of James & Erin Perkins; Benjamin Chique Loustalet, son of Leandro Chique Canache & Cintia Lopez Aranguren; Christian Joseph Parsons, son of Daniel & Robin Parsons; and Catherine Elise Plundo, daughter of Jonathan & Camille Plundo, who were baptized in April. A vibrant Catholic Community where all are welcomed, challenged, and supported in their life’s journey. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church May 1, 2016 NEW PARISHIONERS Please join us in welcoming our newly registered parishioners: Rosa Rivas & Juan Beltrain and their daughter, Daniela; and Paul VanDuzer. ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE RELIC TOUR To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the martyrdom of S t. M a x i m il i an Kolbe, Immaculate Conception Church is sponsoring a pilgrimage tour of first degree relics (fragments of his beard) on Saturday, June 4. The bus will leave Ithaca at 8:30 a.m. and visit St. Marianne Cope Shrine and Museum before arriving at Assumption Parish in Syracuse for 11 a.m. Mass and veneration of the relics. There will be a stop for lunch on the way home, and the bus will return to Ithaca at 5 p.m. The cost is $28 per seat. For information and to make reservations, contact Carolann Darling at 351-6668. Please make reservations by May 2. EXPLORING MERCY THE MEANING AND NEED FOR During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Fr. Jeff Tunnicliff is holding a series of presentations on the meaning of mercy in our lives. On May 12 at 7 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Church in Ithaca, Fr. Jeff will explore such topics as sins of omission and how we celebrate mercy. Light refreshments will be provided. CATHOLIC UPDATE The May issue—Gospel Values in an Election Year… and Beyond: The Challenge of Discipleship—is available at all Church entrances. Children’s/Youth Ministry NO FAITH FORMATION SESSIONS MAY 1 AND MAY 8 The only program that will gather on May 1 will be Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW). All other faith formation programs, including Children’s Faith Formation (CFF), Middle School Youth Ministry (MSYM), and High School Youth Ministry (HSYM), will not be gathering on May 1 due to spring break. In addition, faith formation programs will not meet the following Sunday, May 8, so families can celebrate Mother’s Day and the May Crowning of Mary. All sessions will resume on May 15, with the exception of High School Youth Ministry. MAY CROWNING—MAY 8 You are invited to join us for our May Crowning of Mary after the 9 a.m. Mass on Sunday, May 8. The ceremony will take place in front of the Church, weather permitting, or inside the Church if necessary. Families are invited to bring flowers to contribute in honor of Mary. There will be no Faith Formation sessions on this day so that all of our children can attend and participate in this ceremony honoring Mary. This is the same day as Mother’s Day! What a lovely day to celebrate Mary and all of our mothers. We hope to see you there! HANDS OF CHRIST AWARD HONOREES This Sunday, May 1, at the 11:30 am Mass we will honor our high school seniors who received the Hands of Christ award from the Diocese of Rochester. This award is given to seniors in high school who have been the “hands of Christ” for their community, school, and parish. These individuals are leaders in the community and role models for their peers, younger children, and adults. We want to congratulate these seniors for receiving the 2016 Hands of Christ award: Amy DeGaetano, Bridget Fetsko, Elizabeth Jesch, Cali Michele Johnson, Aidan Mackenzie, Yaateh Richardson, Francis Schickel, and Leah Walker. We are incredibly proud of all of them and their accomplishments and will continue to pray for them as they transition into the college phase of their lives! Stewardship Opportunities CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME DURING THE JUBILEE OF MERCY While Jesus was on earth he modeled a life based on simplicity and love of God and neighbor. Jesus entrusted us, his followers, to carry on his work. “Purchasing is always a moral—and not simply economic—act. Today, in a word, the issue of environmental degradation challenges us to examine our lifestyle.” (Pope Francis, Laudato Si, section 206.) We who live in the United States use a far greater share of the earth’s resources than others. Are we willing to buy smaller, more fuel-efficient cars and homes, trade in our electronics less frequently, shop less, and eat sustainably? Choose one change and try to make it a new habit. A vibrant Catholic Community where all are welcomed, challenged, and supported in their life’s journey. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church May 1, 2016 From the Book of Ashley Dear Parish Family, This weekend at the 11:30 a.m. Mass we will be celebrating eight high school seniors who received the Diocese of Rochester’s Hands of Christ award for their service and leadership in their school, church, and community. I want to take this chance to tell you about them. Cali Michele Johnson will continue to attend Tompkins County Community College in the fall with a focus on nursing. Cali has a great love for her family, friends, and animals. She has never been afraid to step up if she sees injustice. I saw all of this while traveling to the D.R. with her. Although her heart was in the right place, I had to tell her many times not to touch the malnourished dogs in Monte Plata! Cali comes alive when she gets to help those around her. Francis Schickel exudes leadership. He is completely in his element when he is in a leadership position, whether as part of the Youth Ministry Advisory Board or helping to coordinate the Easter Egg Hunt. You can’t help but be intrigued with what he has to say. He has this unique ability to know when he needs to step up and when he can hang out and joke around with friends. Francis will be attending Notre Dame in the fall with a focus on economics. Amy DeGaetano has a gentle, quiet spirit. Over the years Amy has been a sponsor for R.C.I.A. and our trainer for new altar servers, and she is currently a Eucharistic Minister. St. Catherine’s has been a huge part of her life and she has had a lasting impact on our community. Amy has not quite decided whether she will be attending Cornell or Geneseo next year, but does plan on studying to be a surgical physician’s assistant. You might not know that we have Aidan Mackenzie to thank for our parish garden. The garden was his Eagle Scout project, and last summer it produced hundreds of pounds of produce for Loaves and Fishes. Aidan has an amazing drive to achieve and asks the really hard questions about life, religion, and justice issues. He has the perfect amount of perseverance and determination to make a difference. Aidan will attend the College of Wooster to study philosophy. Elizabeth Jesch has a genuine, sincere, and pure soul. The depth of love she feels for her family, especially her younger brother, Peter, is truly incredible. Elizabeth loves being of service to others and has been a consistent part of youth ministry and liturgy here at St. Catherine’s. Ithaca College is receiving a beautiful gift next year, as Elizabeth plans to study health sciences with a focus in global and public health there. Yaateh Richardson has been the social butterfly of HSYM. He knew how to liven up the gatherings and how to make us laugh. I enjoyed watching Yaateh while attending NCYC, where he initiated the dancing, singing, laughing, and comradery of our NCYC participants. I know that Yaateh will make friends as soon as he steps onto the campus of MIT, where he will be studying science. I am truly excited to see what Leah Walker will achieve during her life. She is intelligent, driven, and focused. I am amazed by her knowledge of language and the world around her. I will never forget the moment I was able to see Leah let loose at NCYC; one moment, she was sitting and listening to the music while taking in the scene, and the next moment, she was on her feet dancing and smiling from ear to ear! Leah will be studying international relations at Michigan State University. I am in awe of Bridget Fetsko. Her love of service, especially when it involves children, is inspiring. For the last couple of years, Bridget has coordinated the children’s games at the International Peace Festival. While traveling to the D.R., we would quite often lose Bridget at the Portal, only to find her in the baby room holding a sleeping baby. Bridget will head to the Rochester Institute of Technology next year to study photojournalism with a possible double major in international and global studies. These students truly exemplify what it means to put your faith into action. We wish them all the blessings of a successful first year at college and look forward to their visits home. God bless, A vibrant Catholic Community where all are welcomed, challenged, and supported in their life’s journey. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church School News May 1, 2016 Diocesan News IMMACULATE CONCEPTION DIOCESAN SOCIAL MINISTRY CONFERENCE Immaculate Conception School is now accepting registrations for all of our academic programs, pre-k through sixth grade, for the 2016–2017 school year. Our three-year-old and four-year-old prekindergarten programs are filling up quickly. Tuition assistance and parish subsidy are available. Call the school at 273-2707 or visit for more information about Ithaca’s Catholic school. Catholic Charities invites all parish staff, parish council members, religious education instructors, and social ministry committee members to the annual Diocesan Social Ministry Conference. In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the conference will focus on mercy for the poor and vulnerable and for the Earth. The program will include informative speakers and workshops on ways to activate your parish on a variety of social concerns. Please join us on Saturday, May 7, from 9:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. at Notre Dame Retreat House in Canandaigua. Carpooling from Tompkins County is available. The $15 registration fee includes lunch and materials. To register, contact Laurie Konwinski at 272-5062, ext. 12, or [email protected]. We are always in need of donations to our scholarship fund. We always have a far greater need than we have funds for. Any donation, no matter how small or large, will help a student to attend Ithaca’s Catholic school. Donate online at alumni-donate.html or through the school office. Are you an ICS alum? Check out the Alumni Associations Facebook page: groups/32585129571. Don’t forget to register as an alum at Boxtops for Education help the school to obtain equipment at no cost, but it takes a lot of Boxtops. We would appreciate it if you would give us your Boxtops, which are found on many of the products you normally purchase. Boxtops can be dropped off or mailed to the school office or sent in with an Immaculate Conception School student. Every Boxtop helps! MOTHER’S DAY BRUNCH AT NOTRE DAME On Sunday, May 8, from 10 a.m.–1 p.m., Notre Dame High School in Elmira is holding a Mother’s Day gourmet brunch honoring all mothers in support of the Notre Dame High School Mission Trip to Puerto Rico. Tickets are currently on sale for $10 per person ($5 for ages 12 and under), and may be purchased or by contacting Marge McKinery at Notre Dame High School at 734-2267. Notre Dame High School is located at 1400 Maple Avenue, Elmira. DATES TO REMEMBER May 5 May 8 May 8/9 May 15 Ascension Thursday May Crowning of Mary Birthright Flower Sale Dr. Nancy Radloff Piano Concert NOTRE DAME RETREAT HOUSE Notre Dame Retreat House (5151 Foster Rd., Canandaigua) will hold a day retreat on “Poetry and Prayer: Praying with the Psalms and Other Poems” on Tuesday, May 10. Fr. Frank Jones, C.Ss.R., will facilitate this day retreat. Registration begins at 9 a.m. and the conference begins at 9:30 a.m. The day also includes lunch, reconciliation, and Mass. The cost is $25. Please call 585-394-5700 to register. Local News RABBI SCOTT GLASS ANNIVERSARY Temple Beth-El in Ithaca is marking the 40th anniversary of their Rabbi Scott Glass’s service to the community with a series of lectures in his honor. On Monday, May 16, at 7:30 p.m., Rabbi Jack Moline, president of the Interfaith Alliance in Washington, D.C., and former director of public policy for the Rabbinical Assembly, will speak on “Adventures in the First Amendment,” about interfaith relations. On Tuesday, May 17, at 7:30 p.m., Rabbi Moline will speak on “A Guide to Political Values—from the Mishnah!” about the 2016 presidential election. Both talks are open to the public and will be followed by refreshments in the social hall. Wedding Banns: Cassie Dobbins and Bryce Moore May God bless your marriage! A vibrant Catholic Community where all are welcomed, challenged, and supported in their life’s journey. LITURGICAL MINISTERS: MAY 7/8 5:00 P.M. Music Mary Martin Lector Bill Perkins Randy Reed Minister of Communion Terry Gifford - Host Ann Gifford - Host Tanya Petrich - Host Steve Moolin - Cup Janet Strebel - Cup Gregory Menzenski - Cup Mary Hutchens - Cup Gail Carruth - Cup Altar Server Corinna Petrich - Cross Ben Petrich - Book Minister of Hospitality Cathy Buttner - 1 Bob Pochily - 2 Michael Petrich - 3 John Sipple - 4 9:00 A.M. Music Brookdale Lector Ellen Garcia Madeline LaRocca Bob Talda Pierre Gremaud Minister of Communion Debbie Cherney - Host Mary Crosley - Host Bob Dyer - Host Diane Childs - Cup Silvia Abbiati - Cup Jerry Cherney - Cup Jay Williamson - Cup Margaret Steinacher - Cup Altar Server Ethan Dumont - Cross Samuel Dow - Book Minister of Hospitality Kevin Mahaney - 1 Evie Doyle - 2 Ruth Doyle - 3 Ellen & Juan Pablo Garcia - 4 Kathy & Mary Griffiths - 5 Marty Whetzel - 6 11:30 A.M. Music Janet Strebel Lector Joseph Babcock Mary Kay LaLonde Minister of Communion Marie de Roos - Host Pat Wynn - Host Jim Madden - Host Robert Brown - Cup Akoko Semon - Cup Cali Michele Johnson - Cup Loisanne Thomas - Cup Deb Roe - Cup Altar Server Michael B Rutzke - Cross Tristan Babcock - Book Minister of Hospitality Jane, Maggie & Lizzie Bonassar - 1 *** - 2 *** - 3 Amanyi Richardson - 4 Chris Bates - 5 (sub req’d) Rose Blinn - 6 H ELLEN MORRIS-KNOWER Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker T H E H EIG H T S CAFÉ & GRILL 710 Hancock St., Ithaca, NY 14850 607.220.5421 607.257.0800 x421 LUNCH MONDAY-FRIDAY 11:30-2:30 DINNER MONDAY-THURSDAY 5:00-9:00 FRIDAY & SATURDAY 5:00-10:00 [email protected] 903 HANSHAW RD., ITHACA, NY 14580 Member of St. Catherine’s Parish since 1997. 607-257-4144 Richard T. Prybyl, CRPC® SPACE AVAILABLE Senior Vice President, Branch Manager, Financial Advisor Morgan Stanley Contact the Parish Office at 607-257-2493 or [email protected] Wealth Management 130 East Seneca Street, Ste 500, Ithaca Direct 607-274-8538 Fax 607-274-8555 Toll free 800-633-6336 [email protected] All Work Done On Premises Proven record of academic achievement Disciplined learning environment Educating the total child 257-1040 Triphammer Shopping Mall 320 W. Buffalo St. Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 273-2707 [email protected] Co r ner o f W. Bu ffa lo S t . and N. P la in S t . , Do wnt o wn It haca 2343 N. Triphammer Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850 607-266-9100 Across from McDonald’s in the Lama Law Building Financial Representative Robert Brown, D.C. 179 Graham Rd., Ste. D Ithaca, NY 14850 607-257-8665 607-257-1847 fax [email protected] 15 Auburn Rd. Lansing, NY 14882 Tel: (607) 533-4231 Locally Owned—Family Operated Sunday Special $3.99 Locally Owned—Family Operated One SundayDozen Special Fresh Store-Made Donuts $3.99 Show coupon at checkout One Dozen Fresh Store-Made Donuts Show coupon at checkout S an ta n a C o ns tr uc ti on C o . General home repair, small remodel, and building projects. We invite you to shop and compare our quality and price. Alejandro Santana 454 Floral Ave., Ithaca, NY 14850 Downtown on the Commons 607-379-4987 Email: 272-1810 The Elizabeth Ann Clune Montessori School of Ithaca Serving Children Ages 3 – 14 120 KING RD., ITHACA, NY 607-277-7335 Ithaca Agway Farm and Home Center Located on N. Triphammer Rd. In front of the YMCA 607-257-2233 L ANS I NG C H I RO P RA C TI C OF F I CE Jay Williamson, CLU, ChFc 607-272-1848 607-272-1706 (fax) Internal Medicine & Hypertension P RE -K ( AGES 3 AND 4) K INDERGARTEN — 6 TH G RADE A Christ-centered commitment to educational excellence. —Bulk Cleaning —Draperies —Wedding Gowns —Silks & Knits —Sat 9AM-5PM 213 S. Fulton St. Ithaca, NY 14850 Welcoming New Patients I MMACULATE C ONCEPTION S CHOOL Dry Cleaners Northeast —Dry Cleaning —Shirt Laundry —Garment Storage —Leather/Suede —Daily 7AM-6PM Radomir Radomir Stevanovic, Stevanovic, MD MD Dr. Francis T. Piliero 2826 North Triphammer Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850 607-257-3203 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery With appreciation for the weekly gift of fresh flowers for the Parish Center. 607-257-8076 RESTORATIVE & COSMETIC DENTISTRY The Village Office Campus 2333 N. Triphammer Rd., Suite 402 Ithaca, NY 14850 607-273-6363 107 W. Seneca St. • Ithaca, NY 14850 Between the Church and Clinton House Every Day You Get Our Best! Children and Adults Hanshaw Road at Pleasant Grove 607-257-5700 ESTABLISHED 1950 LUCENTE HOMES & APARTMENTS All your complete housing needs, from a 1-3 bedroom apt. or a 3-5 bedroom luxury home. 607-257-0717 103 Salem Drive Ithaca, New York 118 N. Tioga St., Suite 303 Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 272-4040 Gary A. Bucci, Owner Continuous family service since 1942 Lisa Ferguson Ithaca, NY 273-9212 Mohair – Cashmere – Alpaca Homegrown Hand dyed Handmade Roving – Yarn – Finished Goods Ithaca’s only locally owned funeral home 607-272-1922 John F. Bangs (1917-1974) - Jeffrey L. Bangs - Kevin P. Bangs
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